June 24, 1960

Page 1

Vol. XXXVUI—No. 11

Published *vcry Frldnv, nil No. Mitu Omalja. NcDrusffa, i'iione JA l»ifl

The 19G0 Philanthropies Campaign took another long stride t o w a r d success this week as the total of pledges and contributions moved past the $400,000 level. All leaders of the important Philanthropies drive, headed by General Campaign Chairman M i l t o n II. Abrahams, joined to urge workers in the


campaign to exert every effort to wind up the isolieifatioa job as quickly as possible. "We are extremely pleased with the success of our campaign performance to date," Abraham noted. "But we cannot overlook the number of contributors who will lemain to be contacted for their Rifts to the 19G0 Philanlhiopies drive.




fecund Clues I'OHtu^e I*uJd a1 Omaha- Ncbv

Single Copy 1C Ucnt» Annum lU.io 4 Dullun

A) 1



- • : • ' , • '


"Those remaining eonlribu.ions," Abrahams said, "will toll the story of the campaign . . they will determine just how high our campaign total UJII go and—as a result—how

much help our agencies will be able to give this year to the thousands of people needing help. "We are very anxious to successfully complete t h i s

drive before the summer va« cation season gets into full swing, To accomplish this, however, we must have an all-out final push by our solicitors. We urge every worker 1o wrap up his campaign job very quickly by visiting all of the remaining contributors assigned to him and securing those very important increased g i f t s , " Abrahams concluded.

Intended for Israeli Montevideo (JTA) — A bomb which exploited In a laboratory here, killing a 17-year-old member Paris (JTA)—A former Hun- Hungarian Jens would have been of an international anti-Semitic The United Jewish Appeal must garian Jew who dealt with Adolf wiped out." ;;ioup, WHS meant for the Israel help more than 60,000 Ma'abarot Kichmann, in 11)11, in the effort to The man wiio revealed EicliKmbua.iy, it was reported.' The dwellers and 30,000 other 111- exchange 10,000 trucks and medi- mnnn'& role in what he called youth bad used the laboratory to housed persons and newcomers ex- cal supplies for the lives of a mil- "that -grisly tnieUs-tor-livcs afmalte bombs for anti-Jewish ter- pected in 19C0 to obtain real fair" was Andre Hiss, former inrorist activities. Ono earlier bomb homos. dustrialist In Hungary. exploded hi a Montevideo synaThis Is Israel Law gogue. Two others were removed Mr. Blss said he became; tl\« from other synagogues before they Paragraph 1 of the Nazis and Nazi chief negotiator with Eiclim.inn ooulrt explode. Collaborators (Punishment) Law In 1911, when two Jews, who had 1950 stipulates that persons who, been trying to make the "deal" for Walls have been daubed in Bouduring the Nazi re^me, commuted saving the lives of Jews by pronds Aires with anti-Jewish slogans A Department of Hebrew Stu- crimes against the Jewish people viding trucks to the Nazis, had W and demands for the return of Nazi butcher Adolf Kichmann to Ar- dies will be established by the Uni- or against humanity during the leave Budapest. The two who got gentina Leaflets have been dis- versity of Wisconsin In Milwaukee Second World War, will be liable out weve TUitMl! Kastner, assassito the death penalty. nated in Israel, a year ago; and tributed condemning "Jewish ag- in the fall of 1961. The establishment of the degression and espionage directed A crime against the Jewish peo- Joel Brand, now an Israeli citiben. partment has been assisted by a from Israel against Argentine pledge of tiie Wisconsin Society for ple is defined as the commission Tlio "trucks lor j«%W toa\, njilii sovereignty." Jewish Learning to provide $30,000 of any ono of tjie following with Mr, Blss, was tlio Idea of Ilclti' for the project. The deportment is the Intent of destroying the Jew- rich Illmmlcr, liend of the Nazi police njHtcm. But, tlio actual noexpected to be similar to that in ish people in whole or in part: gotlatlonx bad to be conducted the .University at'Madison, which — Wiling Jews; — causing serious bodily or men- .with Kicliinnnnr fu* tlw Nazi "spo* is nt the graduate school level. A special B'nai B'rith section cl.illst" for "tlio final solution"'of tal liarm to Jews; Officials of Los Angeles, Cal., beginning on page 3 of this edi- City — placing Jews in living condi- the Jewish problem. College announced that starttion of the Jewish Press has ing next September, courses will tions calculated to bring about "In every way possible," Mr. been arranged to give Omahans be offered for credit in Hebrew. Blss assorted, "Kichmann sought their physical destruction; and their guests a complete — Imposing measures Intended to to sabotage Himmtev'S ovilots to Classes will meet five times a picture of District No. 6 condeal with us. He was obviously, prevent birth among Jews; vention news and personalities. week. Students will be enabled to — forcibly transferring Jewish coldly, happy in July, 1911, when earn four credits per semester. children to another national or he told Kastner'and me that tlio negotiations had fallen through. religious group; Kich— destroying or desecrating Jew- 'I can do 'nothing ufor you," no ish religious or cultural assets mann told us, 'y° ''ave ' d°* llvered.'" or values; — inciting to hatred against Jews. The London Daily Telegraph, The above crimes were excluded which has been critical of Israel's from the provisions of the later law handling o£ the case of Naii killer Adolf Eicbmnnn, warned ArgenNearly 450 men mid women hail self with problems affecting Jew- past 40 years. A B'nai B'rith Youth abolishing the death penalty in tina In an editorial that, if it pera role In the shaping of prepara- ish Youth, vctorans, Adult Jewish Fellowship will be established in Israel. sists in rejecting Israel's denial of tions for the 92nd annual conven- Education, Citizenship and civic his honor by the National Foundathe Israel Government's responsition of B'nal B'rith District No. affairs, aid to Israel-and its own tion of the order. lion Jews, charged here that Adolf bility in the capture of Eichmarat orEanlzatlonnl progress. 6, here, Juno 26-29. Among others to be cited during Elchmann tried to block attempts and his removal from Argentina Kuslm orm Award the convention will be Louis Pas- to save the lives of many Jews soil to Israel territory, Argentina Although the convention does not formally open until Sunday, Ono of the highlights of the ser of Council Bluffs, who will re- from the Nazi death camps. "is in danger of creating an unsome of the 1,000 anticipated dele- women's session will be the prcs- ceive for the third annual year, an "Had it been up to Elchmnnn," fortunate impression regarding it* entatlion, Tuesday, June 28, of the award for outstanding efforts In Kates from eight midwestern tho former negotiator Bald, "all own attitude and intentions. Btatcs and four western provinces aixth annual Sidney G, Kusworm the field of service committee to award to the outstanding group armed forces and veterans. of Canada, will arrive earlier, parCivic Night ticularly district officers for ad- working for tho advancement of vance planning and executive ses- the B'nal B'rith program on citi- The social schedule of the consions, Edward A. Rosen, Omaha zenship and civic affairs. vention will open Sunday evening, convention chairman and Mrs. At the June 29 men's luncheon, June 26 at 9 p. m. with Civjc special tribute will be paid to Dr. Sam Pollalt, womens convention Night, an event at the ShcratonAbe Greenberg for his continuous Fontenello planned by Mrs. Abe Washington (JTA)—Two Jew- from blocks around. A number of chairman, revealed. and dedicated uervico during the Greenberg and Morris E. Jacobs i3h organizations have protested to tourist attractions are within Elaborate Hospitality Program for both men and women. Oma- tho Federal and District of Colum- range of the loudspeaker hi-fi sys» Mr. Rosen said "we have planned nnd prepared an elaborate hospi- German Students Want hans will hear Yehoshaf at Harkabi, bia authorities against a new con- tern which Rockwell transports to formerly of the Israel Army nnd cession made to George Lincoln the rallies on a trailer truck. tality program for all delegates, . Six Men Arrested alternates and visitors, which We School, Jewish Studies now studying at Harvard Grad- Rockwell and his "American Nazi Six men were arrested during Party". believe will make the convention Bonn (JTA)—Establishment of uate School, a never-to-be-forgotten experience. a fipeclul high school for Jewish Other events planned for the en- The Jewish War Veterans of tho weekend in Nazi disturbances Members of the organization's studies, to help indoctrinate Ger- tertainment of the convention are America filed a protest with the here. Included were two Jews who girl's youth groups volunteer their man youth aguinst anti- Semitisra, listed In the special B'nal B'rith Department of Interior today voiced disagreement with nazltm services as pages for the women was demanded here by leaders of convention section beginning on .against the renewal of permission at the rally. Arthur Meyerhoff, a to Itockwcll to use powerful loud- Hyattsvllle, Md. engineer, wafl delegates whose meetings will be the German Students Organiza- page 3. speakers at his outdoor meetings. arrested for shouting at Rockwell. held' at the Paxton Hotel. The tion. The" Antl-Defamatlon League ot But Rockwell, who taunted, baited pages are Sue Herman, l/>slie The demand was voiced at the B'nal B'rith made a similar com- and defended Jews, was not arrestForbes, Deannc Shapiro, Sandy conclusion of a student seminar at ed, police said, because they bad plaint to the District police. Richards, Judy Davidson, Sharon which youths from all over West orders to preserve-.Ms "iieo BanlAfteu Colin, Sherri ICoom, Cheryl Weln- Germany heard lectures on Judaberg, Gail Render, Sherri Kraft, ism, and discussed the contribu- JERUSALEM (WNS) A group Rockwell had been temporarily speech." Helen Katz, Hclene ttuback, Joy tions made by Jews to world cul- of American Seventh Day Ad- barred from using amplification Larry Selinker, 22-year-old ProFaler, Carol Fisher, Laura Kuller, ture In general and to German ventist families that settled In apparatus because his -anti-Jewish vidence, R. I. man who recently Cheryl Taubman, Maureen Bordon, culture in particular. Israel some two years ago in the tirades Incited to riot ond evolced received a master's degree from Docrne Kraft. Mrs. Sidney Kwla"Knowledge about Judaism and belief that Messiah was coming resentment from hundreds of tour- American University here, was artck is'chairman'in charge of the Jewish history," one of the student Is to bo aided by the Jewish ists at every rally. The restriction rested after being abused by one of was lifted however for Sunday's Rockwell's' "stormtroopers." Tha .unit leaders said at the end of the sem- Agency. Nazi, also arrested, forfeited $10 Similar cervices will be per- inar, "is tho best weapon against The contingent, which left rally. formed by A2A groups for tho anti-Semitism." He called for Oregon in the conviction that it When the polico had, on previous collateral. Mr. Selinker asked for men's meetings which will bo con- courses In Judaism In all high would greet the arrival ot Mes- weeks, temporarily withheld loud- a trial and Witt appear In MvinUA. ducted at the Sheraton-Fontcnello schools and colleges, as well as for siah, settled in a collective village speaker permission, the rallies pal Court on July 10. tha creation of tho special high In Upper .Galilee, where it has.run wero smaller and more orderly'be- -In another Nazi fray, polica in Hotel. (Continued on Page 12.) cause ho did not attract crowds into economic troubles. • The convention will concern It- school for Jewish studies.

Washington' (WN.S) — If the United Jewish Appeal campaign continues at the present pace ''there in every reason to believe Dial by the year's end the 19G0 (hive will approximate the $<$,000,000 raised by the UJA In Its successful campaign of 195!'," it WHS declared by Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman, UJA executive viccclinlrman. Addressing the more than -iriO Jevvl.sh community lenders attendin ijtbo two-day UJA mid-year leadership conference here. Itabbl Friedman lauded "the maturity and deep sense of responsibility" that has been displayed by the American Jewish community In response to tho I960 campaign." He said "there were no flamlnc headlines or day-to-day newspaper reports of Jewish disasters to spur tho pace of last year's effort, yet American Jews have shown that they understand very well the great issues which underlie, the UJA mid that they are a generation which has an appointment with history to try to solve those problems."

Two Colleges Add Hebrew Courses



Jewish Groups Protest New Concessions to Nazi Party

Aid for Seventh Bay Adventisls in Israel

m It



Published Evcrj Friday by (lie Jewish Federation of Omaha.

Seccrio Class POSIGIH Paid al Omaha, fJcbf. Annual SuDscrlurlon, WOO. Adveil!i!nn Rule;, on Application. Pub-callon OUice— >01 Ho 70SH 'jiicc-1, Omoha. lubr.. JAcV.'-tn r,66.



Hadassah's Omaha Chapter And Groups Elect Officers

Mrs. Krviu Simon has bi-en elected to head O m a h a C h a p t e r of I l a Kdilor dn.viali. Mrs. J. H a r r y Kuliil-.ofsliy i«. doiioi II v pioMilt nt Otlii is vslui v ill h< n o tile di.ipt ' l m e Mis \ T ith ill'IIIXIILI, ti< asMr. nml Mrs. Harry Welnlirrj; i n o , Mni' SHIIK > .SeJii'ait/, Jo-

Omahans in News

left for Cliicaco, 111., where tin \ v,ill attend the cradualion of then tiautjlitrr, Mrs. Mai-vin Zipoijn from ihe .lolm Marshall School of Law on Juno 23. Mrs. Ziporyn oi Kvuii.ston, 111., Is tho tunwv Vh lrlutie \V( iiilx/r^. TEMl'I.K ISI£.\i;i> \ iU Kr;;u|.-ir snhbntli x hc-ltl iit Temple Isrjifl Friday at 7:30 p. m. in the Temple Ch.'iprl. The services will bo cniniiicicil hy M;ix .Sclicu'Tinann.

Friday, Juno U, IWiO


Smoofh 'n' Mellow


Mr. nml Mrs. Sam Kaplan lift hy plane last upi.-k for New Yml. - l^' City where they attended !)»• P. n Mif/vah of their Ki'iind-neplii v., Joiiutlian Howard Gilbert on Juno Mrs. Snnford Mrs. (Ills* SIIUOII 18. They lire visiting at tli« home Mra. Kat/Jii.in of MIK. Kaplan's brother-in-law seiili I!ern.sti'in mid Albert Wohl- coordinators; Mrs. Max Kaplan, BI;TH ISKAIX nnd .'isler, Mr. and Mrs. Sam ner, .secretaries; Mines. David treasurer; Mines. I/"on Alexander, Kolions Shnljljus >.er\irr-s Friday Beimel of Hayonne, N. .1. and Hroiikey, Meyer Kubin, A. C. i'Vll- Sam SlijUen, I'hilip Vox and Sol |>enin at 7:.'!0 |i. in. Shablios servCrandell, secretaries; Mines. Maurices at Sr-Ii* a. m. at r>2nd and ice Alperin nml Sam Itotho.nbere;, j1 :..'• I . ) Charles Streets an;l at '.) ;<. m. lit Mi*:; Shirley Hae Levey of Dalcooidinatoi'!;. 19th unil. Bur! Streets. Junior las, Tex., '.'-ill arrive on June '2~> to .Szold Group -Mrs. Sam KntzCongregation nt !(:!!> u. in. Rabbi spend H week with her parents. man, president; Mines. Meyer Hos(JroniT will ojii'Juft the Talmud Mr. nml Mrs. inn J. Levey. fiibauin and Henry .Stern, vicel I I " Or. (lass (it. 7 p. in. Sabbath Minclm rthrj JruKli presidents and coordinators; Mrs. nt 7:15 p. in. followed by Sholosli Mrs. Uynifin Albert fit Oindn- Cl.i.U orlim. Max Fallc, treasurer; Mines. LeonScudos and Maariv. nali, ()., a visitor at the dome of ard lienisfein, Nate Marcus, HarSunday servics at fi:"!O n, in. her children, Mr. anil Sirs. \VMli:nn A liitlilush was j'iven hy Lmris ry Mulnick and IjOiiis'Slporin, ;;ecfollowed by broaltfasl and Kabbi's Albert, came here to attend re- Kiiplan, n home resident., in memretaries; M^nies. William Kaduziner class in I/ible. cent graduation of her i;rand->on, ory of his wife, Becky. jiind I'aul Veret, cooniinators. Pajly services 7 a. :n. and 7:JO Dr. Rennett I. Albert and KrandNew resilient: Mrs. Clara I VV'tMzinann Orouj)-Mrs. Joseph p. in'. nejihcw, Dr. Stanley I.. Ma^id, son SrhnitzW. jCuss. president; Mmes. Max Hittof Mr. and Mrs. Max Ma^id, from In Mriiioriiini: Ilerlha Iticli, Max ner and H. I^ei; Gendler, vice-presBI:TH I X j the University of Nebraska School Pcllz. idents and ciJordinatoiT,; Mrs. Sam Sabbath services. h<>;;ii<niiiK' to- of Medicine. Other Riiests of tho Stern, treasurer; Mines. David night and continuing 1hvou;;h the Ally-its were Dr. Edward AH>ei1 Fredericks, J. Sokolof, A. B. (Jendtiinimer. will be hold at 7 p. m. of Cincinnati, O., Mr. and Mrs. ler and Charles Fredldn, secreSahbath morning: services at 9:.'J0 Phillip -Albert nnd son, Jay of taries; Mmes. (lerald Schwartz «. m. Minelia-Maariv, at 7:45 p.m. Kansas City, Mo. find Mr. mid and Max Granat, (-oordinators. .Sunday morning services be;-in Mi-s. William I/fvIn nnd children Dan 7.<1{, former Om'ihan, can at. 9 a. in. Services during iiie week of Rock Island, 111. t)i! heard each Friday nifiht. ii\ the ere at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. Chicago area in his hour-Ion;' Mr and Mrs. Abo N. Cohen of show husiner-s firoi;ram over B'NAI J A < 0 n ADAS I-oi An;;ejes, Cal., fonner Oma- WXI'M. The (Oio'.v, itnown as "Ow "Mogailno Specialist" JfESIItltON lians, nve picsta of their fion-inFriday, Mincha, 6:30 p. in. Sat- law nnd dauciiter, Mr. and Mrs. ovt the Ais.le" i;oes on nt 11 p.m. All Magazine Heeds—New or ReZeff, drama critic for the North n«w«li—Gift Subicriptiom — Gift urday, 8:;iO a. in.. Mincha, 6:30 Sanilor Iternstfln. Short; Life and the Waiilt<^;an Cardi for Birthdayj ond All Spep. m. followed by Sholosli Soudos. Nev;s-Snn, will prcsoirt thcat'T cial OtcMlom—Bar Mihv»li—An. Daily services at. 0:30 a, in., and Mr*. Iiln \V«lm-r anil Mrs. Sarah news, music and interviews wilh nivonariei — H o I i d a y Remem* C:30 p. m. Pol a-ill will have as their guests, .stars of fita£o, Ki:i't'riii nnd U'l~ brancei. . the latier's son mid family, Mr. vision direct from Herb Ho[;i"i-;>' Lowest Prices Avollablo Camps sponsored hy Ktniter Sea ( i n ( ] m,^ L f , j n ,. i r ( ] p o t , i s ii and their Tenlhouse Theater and Mimic Societies are especially de Money Savings Offer p --I I| children, Danny, Debbie, JJrueie Theater, both located In Highland lor chikiren with physical hamli-!; and Xancy of Palo Alto, Cal. The Pork, III. 440 No. 61st St. V/A&742 caps. j visitors will Fpend two weeks in He Is the son of Mr. ami Mrs. IOmahft. . • • )',cn M. Zeff of Oin-ih,i.


Dan Mi Featured in WXrM Theater Show

Helen A. Bernstein

John Spifzer Elected Youth Group John Spitzci, son of

"Mm. GPWJ;C Slut/' r

Dr. (ieorgf Italin '.vho h,\s been on ihf staff of hospital in Germany, is now servim; with the i uid United States military service, he i k . U d Informed his parents, Mr. mul Mrs. Joseph liitlin in u letter. Jlis ranlt is that of a captain,

vice-pre.sidcnl of Western Council —sub region of the Missouri Valley Federation of Temple Y o u t h Tliis is tlie Invest single subr e g i o n in the United S t a t e s John was eler ted at the summer c o n v e n t i o n of Spll/ir Temple Youth in Des Moines, la. lie is publicity chairman of the Temple Israel youth [jroup.

All friends and relative!) are Invited to attend wrvloe» and reception. JOHN FAIIISEB John Farbar, son of Mr. lloiner Karbar and Mrs. Gencvieve Farbcr, will observe his Bur Mttzvah this Saturday, June 25th, at Beth El Synagogue.


(GREEN Mr. and Mrs. Harry Green an nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their eon, Gary, on Monday morning, July 4th, fit Belli; Kl Synagogue.

Advertise in the Jew) \\ I'n >s.


Riders fro New York Leaving in a Now Car first Week in July. Returning Middle of Augmr. Share driving expcnsci. David H. Bouganim GL 3221—WA 2239

BBondo Barber Shop Bottle Uoqcn Complcto Barbering Sorvic* S»tiif«ct!on Auurod • Shempooi

Mr. and Mrs. Stuart L. Gottlieb announce the birth of a dauchter, Carla Harriet on June 17. They are also parents of n son, Claude.

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Murray Bclmiui, who graduated Cum I.nude from Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Mass., has been appointed a teaching fellow at the school for one year. His parents, Sir. nnd Mrs. Ilymnn iJelm.an attended the graduation exercises on June 16 and have returned home.



Dr. nnd Mrs. Earl B. Wigodsky announce the birth of a dauKhter, Janey Lynn on June C. They have three other children Steven,, Cathy Jo and Bruce.

The explorers Lewis and Claric visited the future Bite of Omahti In 3803 during their Journey up the Missouri River to scout tho I.EON SHU AGO The Bar Mitzvah of Leon Shra- newly-purchased Louisiana terrigo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry tory. Shrago will be celebrated Satur•<Jay, June 25th at Beth Israel Bynagogue. *,ARRV BKOOKSTEIN The BarMitxvah of Larry BroolcBtcin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Irving 'Brookstein will be celebrated Moniflay, July 4th at Beth Israel Syna gogue.


A monument will bo dedicated in memory of Julius Blatt on July 4 at 11 a. in. at Beth Ilainctlrosli man, A. D. Frank and JCulaliofsky, Hajjodol Cemetery, Habbl Benjacoorrtiiiiitoni. min Groner and Cantor Kit Kai;en The following ofliccis hnvc been will officiate.. Friends and rclntltctid by lla'li'-dl) j;ioups ti\es are Invited to iittcnd. Ilcr/l fiioup—Mis I n i s m l o n l , p i c i d u i l , Mines Jack Duitch mid in the Jewish Pre^n. ]{jy .Simon, \le<- pic-idcnts and





Don Bernstein

HA 2554


WA 5554



Kosher Meat Market & Delicatessen

Phoo» JA 1314 to insirl vour Want Ad in lli« Jewish Pros. Rota Ii S9 cenli lor lech thru lint mttr. f!on. The Pren reserves tht,rloht To tunlf t l u ot cacti advertlumint.

DAILY JEWISII PAI*Kn8 BAR and lias SlUzvah congratulations also for all Jewish holidays nnd special occasions. Meyers News .Stand, 1502 Dodge

Ifs Delicious

Friday, June 21, JiMSO


Klutznick Featured Conclave Speaker l'hilip M. Klutz-nick, now honor-* nry president of T'.'nai H'rith am once an Omaha lawyer and president of the Henry Monsky I,od['¥e is to be featured us the Riies speaker at the 10G0 Oninhn Convention Grand l The liniwuiet, closing event of tlic District 6 (Iruiul Lodge men'^ convention, will be held in the and women's 1(100 Omaha conven main arena at the Omaha Civil. tion formally opens Sunday eveAuditorium, Wednesday evening niriK nt tin? combined Civic Night .Tune 27, nt (WO p. in. Dress is to [ncif;iaiii, scheduled for tile Slierbe optional. aton-Foiilenelle Hotel, nt wliiei T!i«" dinner jiroi;nini, which Is to lime Genera) Yelio.sliafat Harkahi feature an Oniiiliu steal! dinner, chief o[ lntelii(;ence for the Israel will Include tlm r.Uuiux of thl» Army will .speak. ' year's convention with (he Instn! Gtiiernl chairman of the Omaha laflon of new IMstrli-t <irmnl Lodge convention, the third district Conofficers. vention hosti'il by Ouialu, are KdA United States alternate repwaid A. Iloun, clialunaii of the resentative to the 3Utli Genera) Assembly of the United Nations, Mr. Klutznick was born in Kansas City, Missouri, on July «, VM7. He studied at the University of Kansas City and nt the University of Nebraska before receiving the decree of Bachelor of I.nus a t C'rei|;hton University, Omaha, in





T»I;SI).\Y, JUNK ::«, ::


Ak-Sar-IScn I'ield Oiiialiu I'eatiirintr: It'nal It'iilli llan()ien|> Knee. Trnnsportatfon and free i»1niissinu for eonveritloii quests. Sec a full card of <liormiRlihred rael.iiK on the. tlncst mllt> (rac)c In the inldillowest.

Israeli Army intelligence chii of Intelligence for (IIB Israeli Ycliosliafiit Harltnbi will deliver Army. tlie main «<l<h<.'.ss at the opcn'ini The opening <:ivle Nlglit of tJiB (,'i\'ic Nifilit event of the ennven iuinii.il IJ'nal B'rith convention wlU tion. lie Meld In Onulm at the ShfratonIn chitrKc of the civic nifjlit uill FontewlJe Hotel «(-» p. m., Suo« he Morris Jacobs Omaha m i c day, Jiine 2fitli. A reeepllon, lion« leader, who will pieside at the fiist Hiissloii of tlie *,»..*_. ' "' orlnp; (ienerul IlatUaW and ottier .convention which j ' > _ _ -"", ' leaders and guests of tjio convene lion, Is planned following: Hnrkabl'* v. I1J b r i n e to Omalia n e a r l y s. ThVs rect-ptlon Is open t o 750 (1 e 1 e K a tes all attending flie Civic Nlfflit, Mr, ami their families I£osen slatfd. 'I'op soeial feature.of the Omaha for the annual 1900 District Number Six Men'.-; IVnal 11 ' r i t h Servin/; as co-chairman, with Mr. and Women's convention will he Jacobs, is Mrs. Abe Grccnberg, the nichlaml County Fair, .set foi General Karwife of Dr. Abo GreenheiR, Oma.. Monday evening, June 27, lit C>::iO kabi is now in ha physician and long time B'nia p. m. nt the UiEhlaml Country Club the United Slates B'rith leader. on ]i!Kth and Pacific Street. finishing work on Free transportation to Hit! Hii;h- nn advanced dc- IIAICKAHJ lnnd Ccmiitry C.'lwh will be pvoviil- Kree at Harvard Unhci.sity'h i;i""'ed for all convention Eiiests. IJu.ses nate sehool of public: administrawill he available at tlio hotels for tion. Tlie KO-yciir-oitl native of Halall who wish to vine them, Alfred fn, Israel, WHS KriulunK-cl from IIcBen Z. Glass, Executive SecreMeldler, chairman of the County hrcw University wliere ho studied tary of Disfrict G has been one ot IK'M Fair, stated. philosophy and Arabic literature. the most active B'nai IVVUYI woritMr. Klutznick h..n since received 'We don't know how IOIIR its A member of the Haf;aiiiili, he er6 in the District for over 30 lionorary degrees from Dropsie eii since you spent, a balmy .sum- served In the Brith -Army's Jewish .•ears, has served as a member of College 09511, Crelijhton Univermer evenhiK at the County fair, Brigade during World War 11 and he General Committee of the Dissity (1'Jfifi), and Hebrew Union hut it's our STICKS that such diver- as an infantry officer in J^riisixium trict for G years, was Director of College -Jewish Institute of Kcsion isn't, n roRulnr item on your riivs the Israeli War of Inde- Junior Auxiliaries (AZA) of tho men's section, and Mrs. Sam Pol- weekly schedule," Mr. Fierller pendence. District for 8 years, and is a Past Mr. IHut/Jiirlt, who u : i i Iid-liik, chairttiiin of I lie women's sec- wrote while formulating plans for <1PIKT!I1 Iliirkabt, a nwiulser ot President of GHeau Lodge In Mil. milted to tho liar-In 1030, is a tion. the oncc-in-a-lifc-time party. tlm delegation uliieli imfcotluted waukeo. He is a member of Gilead iminlier of thn Clileufjo law firm Co-chairman for tlie men's groii| an armistice vvitti ISR-.vjit, joined Ills j5df;e No. 41 and of West Rogers of Klutznlek, IJelicr and Miller. is Marvin Treller, while Mrs. Max "That's why," he continued, "ivc wriinieiit'H f*irri|;ii offie.o lifter 'ark Lod^e No, Mtt in CWcago, He wits deputy corporation counsel Sacks is co-thaisnmn for the worn- can't think of anylhinR witli the promise of lieinK more fun -thiin a tlie «:ir. In 1950 lie " u s nppolnted .vhicli lie helped to organize. of the City of Omafm fnim 1933 en's croup. {jet tfii;ether with all your Miducst- (Irjiuly elilrf of liitelll(,'eiie« and, He was graduated from MarCommittee chairmen for tlie M'li neic'ibors for a bifj country flvo years Jnter, iio u m nniiird riuctte University I/,iw School, Uelo!" men's section are: ninG tlie practice of law in 1921, CofnmlMce: Rutrtn Upptll, ctiulr"We hope you --.nil of you atHe served in the ]92"> Wisconsin mtjrl und flurry Collck, Co (jKiirmuri. Budget & Trcosurcr: Alvlti Abntmson ondtending Hie convention and all of tate Legislature as Assemblyman Harry B. Cohen, Co Chulnncn. from the 6th Milwaukee Disfrict. Civic Night Cummlltcp: Morrlt E. Jacobs, you Omnhans who are Roing to Chairman. wateh this Rrand H'nal IVrlth conHo Imi been nctlve In many comConvention Program & Printing: Lton vention—will come on out under Fronklo ond tfarold Zellnjky, Co Chulrmen, munal and philanthropic, endenvDolly Convention Bulletin: Gerald Schwurl/ tlie Bin Tent—and there will be a Cluiirmon. ora. Ho was a member of tlie Hoard Decoration! CcmmltfM,' Jamct Lips*/, MR ole' circus tent there hwultin'— of Directors of tlio Mlhruulwe Chairman. or n family-style chicken dinner, Display Cxhlblli Committee Norman Hohn, Jewl«h Volitional Service, f'edr Chairman. r with all tlio trimmings, just begfipoclnl' tribute u lll be paid to rutfd Jewish ChnTltliis,MUv;nuta» l und Raising. Committee; Marvin U. Tr&). r, Chairman. Dr. Abe GrcenberH, long time Welfare Fund, of llin 1'lun and iiK to be eaten." Hlyhlund County Fulr Cwvimltico: Altred A. Hedlcr, Chairman. Oinahans are ui'Rcd to call Syl- B'nai B'rith worker and leader, at Scope Committee of the mid-west Hospitality Commlllee: Dr. Leon E. Fellmnn mid F. Ralph llogg, Co-Cliairmen. vin Treller, at \VA 0190, for reser- the June 29th luncheon of-the Dis- region of Jewish Federation nnd Houilnp Accommodations Committee: Louts vations. B'nai IVritli members, trict No. 6 Grand 1-odec l%0 Welfare Fundu, and of Bcllefairo. Je*.i onu Joratd A. Donn, CoChalrmcn. Luncheons Conunlttco: Don Cohen, Chalr- quests, wives, and husbands, who Omaha Convention. He was elected Executive Secmun, s«nl Epstein, Co-Cttalrmon. Pag« ooyl Conimiltee: Harry Collck, Chair- are registered for the convention, Dr. Greenberg, who has given' retary of District Grand Lodge No. man. 40 years of continuous aiul dedishould have received tickets with Prcu & Publicity Commttltt: Rlchofd W. B'nai B'rith In July ot 1939. Ha Fellmort, Clialrman. their registration, Mr. Fiddler cated service to B'nai B'rith all served as District Director of Wecepflan Commltlee: Gcorn* J . Shoicr, tho way from sustained activity Uited. Cholrrnnn, Robort M. Silver, CoChalrnion. Membership Kentcntlon for 8 Kegiilrallon Commdleo: Lou Conor, Chairman. years, and {or many years Was And here's how Mr.Fiedler conKM/J'ZNICK ReUolovjf Servlcei Committee: Carl Slcocl, served nnd is still a Trustee of th» tinued, in lavish song about the Cholrmao. Slcno Pool Committee: Elliot B. drown. IliBhland County Fair:. ',eo N. Lev! Memorial Hospital. to 1934. ire served with tlio United Chairman. Ht;ite» Department of Justice from Ticket Committee: iiert R. Render, Chair"After the feast, of course, you'll man. 1983 to 11)30, and with the Nation- Transporfollon Comnilttcel Ernl« Nooo, want to stick around for some of Chairman. al Hoiittlnj; y from 1012 to V^otnen's Coopcrolion Conimiltee: Sam Pol the best entertainment hero on and David 0. Ulelcher, Co-Chalrmen. l!)l.'l. Ho was C'onnnlKsloner of tlio loKWomen'* Hospitality Commlllce: Sylvia the plains. Chairman, Frances Fcllrnnn, CoFederal 1'nMle Hoiislni; Authority Trsller, "For instance, a swinging square chairmen. "Pioneer" is the word to best from 1011 to 1010. Committee chairmen for the dance exhibition and country folk describe Brother Gottfried D. Subsequently, Mr. Klutznick en- women's section nre: singlnc and barber shop quartets Bernstein, Treasurer ol Wsirict tered the private housing indus- Mints, oavid Dlctchor, Dftlclnl hostess; Abo will bo on hand for your amuseCivic Mlflht; t o w a r d Kosen, Grand Lodge No. 0 for the past 21 try, becoming eliairman of the 'Greenberp, ment, Wiiat's more, carnival '' Cnunly Fair; M a x Sockj, banquet; jquet; years. During 48 years of B'nai board ot American Community Homey lloberman, Ak-Sar-Ben f-leld Day; c m e s , clowns and savory other B'rith membership ho has led tha Harry Sldman ond Leonard Klein, press ond Builders,., Inc. This corporation publicity; 5lonley Shapiro.and Harry Fried proprs of the proverbial midway way in constructive development. convenllon prooram; .. - . Luaman . Carl and will be provided within easy amplanned and developed the 30,000- man, Ben Blalt, dally .buKellni _ _ . Garrop, t a n Som I t was he who first opened tho resident community of Park For- quet decorations; Herbert Passman and Har- bling distance." Cooperman/ luncheon decorations; David ield of neighborhood lodges, and est, Illinois, mid Old Orchard, a old Blelchor. ho-.pltalllyi 5 ' ' " " Tlie conclusion—from all hosts personally organized several ot Jaifje-KcalG shopping center near Paul Sacks, OBG pog« u Mmes, Harry Frleilmon, SttrtO Pool; Mlllon at the convention to nil guests und them in various parts of Chicago Chicago. L0-.1 ond Benny RIIMn, youth lunclreon; Sam all Omahans interested in having Hohn, Installation luncheon; Robert silver, and its suburbs. Granting tlie need Mr. Klutznick Is Honorary Presi- dinner wllli lh« president; fAarvin Gcrbcr lively Monday evening which ond Stanley Shapiro, OHI »hop; M a x K r l e n l for lodges with I^oop headquarters, dent of B'nai B'ritb, the world's mnn and Bernard Kotman, convention fav- will not be forgotten—get going, for-the convenience of business largest Jewish service organiza- ors; David Blelcher, photoqrophy; irvlna o the Highland County Fab-, Forbes, transportation; Ralph Nona, banmen who spend most of their timo tion. He was elected to that post quet tickets; Albert Oruch, Individual tickets; Omaha's 19(50 B'nal B'rith fun Sam Pollak, Davtd plelcher and M O K SacKa, in lodge level work to Supreme downtown, he still saw U\e need Jn 1953 and re-elected to a second M e n ' l co-op<rallon; Harry Smith, Inlormatlan night. Ixidge leadership will be honored for lodges in many communities Ijoothi Bernard. GoltMrom, tjisploy exhibits; term In 1956. Aaron Cpsldln, chairman; Uoiry Friedman with the presentation of a B'nai that make up the city, so that those Ho H a\»o a vice-president ot and Nathan Ostrowr, co-chairmen on registraSam Pollok, general chairman and M a x B'rith Youth Fellowship. communities would benefit. tlio Notional Jewish Welfare Board tion, Socks, co-chairman. tuid of tlio World Federation of During 1960 I X Greenberg will Ho organized the Greater ClilMembers of tho Convention ifflUIA'a and Jewish Community Steering Committee Include: be one of six persons throughout dgo Council of AZA and ten in* Centers, n director of tlio Jewish Marvin Bolll" the world to receive this honor dividual AZA chapters. Rub«n D, nlclcher Appointed chairman of tho I960 . Kutlonnl fund, a member of the David from the B'nul B'rith Foundation Sam Pollak Slllol B. Brown Brother Bernstein was born'In Omaha convention for District No. B t r t R, Bender Canar National Council of the Boy Scouts Lou of the United Stales. V a n Rlchordi Chicago ond is a food broker. Ha Harry Collctc 6 was Normnn Berg, an investment <M America, and of the executive) Som Collck Max Socks PWIIp M. Klutzniclc, lionorary Is a past president of Adolf Kraus broker of Peoria, 111. Leon E, Fellman Den Schneider committee of tlio American Coun- Of. Carl 5lcfiel Leon Frankel Mr. Berg haa been actlva In president ot B'nai B'rith, will be Lodge and ot District Grand Lodga Edward U. Sltln cil to Improve Our NclRliborliooda. Morris Franklin Wllllom Slonn Goodnlnder B'nai B'rith slnca 1937, ond bc- tho guest speaker at the luncheon No. 6. Ho nl»o serves on tlio 17-Mcmber Harry Maynard Ttlplier It, Aba Grcenbcrg As a Director of the Men's Club foro that w«s nctlve In AZA. He when the award will be made. Harold zollniky t Commission surveying Loull Jess A plaque and other citations will o£ Sinai Temple, he started its eduthtt convention odvltorv board ore D r , is n past "president ot the Ben M. group homing under a A MMOn CCrecnMro, r e c n M o , Louis Bermfoln, mfoln Sam m CCanar, a n , Frankel Lodge of Peoria and bo presented to Dr. Greenberg. cational program. He is a past from tlio Fund for the Ito- X Chopmon/ Harry Cohen, Harry D. hopm Cohen H D C h Cohen, 3<n Genhum, David Coldmart, dmart, Ar Arthur Gold- served as president of the Central The Fellowship will furnish sup- president of Bicltur Cholom and jjmbllo. stein, Som Creenbero, Wllllom W l l l l m Grodlnsky, port for B'nai B'rith young acti- a director o£ tha Blind Service AsJacobs, Loufi Katelmai, Maurice Ulnots Council. Mr. ICIutznlck la married to the Morris M t lt i m a n , Robert R b t Koopfr, K p e J. H Ho « y K l t In 1059 he was district budget vities, notably the Hillel Founda- sociation. In various war and disformer Ethel Rleltej ol Omaha, i k y , Loutt Lipp, Mlllon J Uvinoston, sum Hyml« nMld<r, J u l i M . Nowrnon, ihalrman has been octlvo in many tions, tho Vocations Service, and aster relief programs, ho has been (limy havo four sons and one M*y*r>on, P. Ralph IID05, J o t f » a , Morton Richards, liosenblait, Harry Sldman, Jacob Sloi- and varied local Jewish and civic the ever growing youth organiza- an active leader in the foods divi•(laughter. Mr. and Mrs. Klutznick John wfB, Sam ^telnberp. Or. I; SternMH, Morry sion, j tions. activities in Peoria. rosldo nt Park Forest, Illinois. rujlln, Paul Voref onu Som V"olt.

District Convention Committees Work Hard: Rosen, Pollah

Ben Glass Continues Activity After 30 Years

Chicagoan Bernstein B'nai Wxiih 'Pioneer'

District '6'. Appoints N. Berg Chairman


. June M,


Page Poor

B'nai B'rith—A Stronghold For Fellow Jews In Israel B'nai B'rith has responded to calls for help in Palestine since the first appeal in 18G5, so too, the Order today maintains a compi-ehongive program of direct aid to the people of tlie New State of Israel. During the trying years before Statehood B'nai B'rith ilcmohtsrated its confidence in tin; efforts to •reestablish tlie Jwisli People in its historic land by contributing $200,000 to the Jewish National Fund for the purchase of land UIXMJ which were established Ramat Zvi, in memory of the lalo Henry Mcmsky of Omaha, and Ir;;un B'na! 33'rith In memory of the late Alfred M. Cohen. Tlie relationship of n'nai B'rith with the Jewish Community in Israel >and it's institutions is traditional, and lias continued uninterruptedly for these many dpcades down to our own times, only in a more intensified manner. The new Il'iiaJ B'ritli Chlldmi'ti ITorne In Israel was formerly known as the Home for Malndjustrd Children. Tills Institution wa» established In 1913 for the purpose of rehabilitating child victims of N'a&i oppression through phjnlilatrlc treatment. Many thousands of youngsters'nave "Kradus t « I " from the Home and restored to normal life In the community since the Home »ns founiled.

28th Annual Convention Il'nnl B'rith Women District 0 • * * The Women's Supreme Council SI'IXtAL EVENTS and the Women's District and SUNDAY, JUNE 26TII chapters in the America and Canada have adopted this Institution "Supper with Hie President" as one of their major and permaPAXTON HOTEL nent projects end have contributed generously toward the upkeep and 2:00 p. m.— Reception for Dvlc^att'S expansion of this home. "Hosted" by B'nai B'ritii Women of Omaha. B'naj li'rith has .sold over 11 milm.-—Opv-'iiing Dinner Session lion dollars in Ix'iids, more than 5:M p. Chairman: Mrs. Sam PollaU, Convention Chairman, Host was required to build the vitally City important pipe lino from Kloth to Beershfrba. Il'nai B'rith Martyr's 0:30 p. tn.—Official Opr-nin;; of Convention President, Mrs. Joseph H. Garland Forest memorializes the vie Urns Cireetili[;s, Rules, Itesponsibilities of Nazi persecution. Hundreds of Mrs. F. It. Solomon, Dist. Convention Chairman thousands of trees, economically President's Report valuable to Il'nai JJ'rith have been planted representing B'mii li'rith 9:00 p. m.-CIVIC NITK contributions of some 5200,000. Sheraton-FonlMielle Hotel Grand Ballroom There is the B'nai B'rith VeterJOINT KVENT- OI'KN TO ALL B'NAI B'RITII MEMans Hchabllitation Center at Tel BERS, T11K1K WIVES AND HUSBANDS Hashomir Hospital in Tel Aviv. • • • For the Israel Soldier Service MONOAV—JUNE « T I I Committee B'nai B'rith. In less than 8:30 a. m. to 12:00 Noon four months sent more than $150,Registration and Com out ion Sessions 000 in merchandise from sporting poods to station wagons and re- 1:00 p. m.—"ACCENT ON YOUTH" LUNCHEON Mrs. Iviuls L. l'crlman, Clm'umim frigerators. "Buildinfj Bridges into the Future" The Il'nai R'rlth Iilllel If.HIM- In PARTICIPANTS: Miss Sara Millrr, President B'nai a common meeting fp'oimd for B'rith Girls. Mr. William Ooldman, President, AlejiU frafjmentlzed groups coining to IsZadik Aloph. Keynolo Address: Mr. David Bliiitiherg. Narael from all over tlie world. "A tional 11'iuit B'rith Youth OiKanizatlon's Commissioner Homo Away from Home" Is the, Panel of Oinnha I5I1O and AZA Youth to assist. motto of the, HlUel IIIXIMH where a student or stranger may Ilnd SJ'KCIAI, EVENTS the comfort*, warmth and atmoMONDAY—JUNK 27TII sphere, of a traditionally Jewish Aflcnioon Session Continuing Home. PLKNARY SKR.SIO.V & WORKSHOPS 0-.30 p. m.—HIGHLAND COUNTRY FAIH Hichlanrl Coimtrv-Club JOINT .SOCIAL "KVKNT .

Dolls for Democracy New Women's Project Tlie Dolls for Democracy proBrain is one of the newer projects which the B'nai B'rith Women can claim ns theirs exclusively. It is a nsvUorml program wWdi lias grown rapidly throughout tlie country the past few years. I t is a unkjuo. public relations program, involving the services of a lar;;e committee consisting of script writers, story tellers, publicity chairman and the A.D.L. office. The most Important objective of tills prot'.vam \a inVicatton SOT dpmooracy. Through biographical stories, together with the image of the character the Btory portrays. It points up the fact that the world hns benefited through the efforts of mnny different kinds of people. 'rhe.se people, whom tho dolls portray perfectly In every detail, have come from all races, classes, religions nml nuUoiudVttas. 'i'hc Vsson taught Is development of respect for individuals without recard to human difference. Tim program also teaches that us one learns to like and rcsjM'ct nil kinds of people differences cea.se to be a renson for rejection.


l/vlaladliochi 16th and Fcrnam

Sa/ufes B'nai B'rith District 6


Patrick W . Lynch Presiding Judge Fourth Judicial District,


'A famous name you'll rccegnlzo made to tell for


Mall orders add 35c



38th and Lcavenworth Sts.

6:30 p. m.-INSTALLATION BANQUET-Ononhaavic Auditorium Joint Event Mr, Philip M. Klutznlck, Featured Speaker Omaha's outstanding medical facilities Include 15 hospital*, live schools of nursing, and the University of Nebraska nnd Creighton University Schools of Medicine.

Full cushion Insoles give heavenly comfort

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WEDNKSDAV—JUNE 29T« 8:30 a. m.-12:00—7Xo<m REGISTRATION AND CONVKNTION SESSIONS ELECTION OF OFFICERS, BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPRESENTATIVES TO B'NAI li'RITil WOMEN Resolutions 1:00 p. m.—INSTALLATION LUNCHEON Mrs. V. R. Solomon, Chairman Installation of Offieers by Mrs. Charles I>. Solovlch, Nat'l President B'nai B'rith Women

Our Price

8:30 to 12:00 Noon • . : Kcaistralion and Convention Session 2:00 p. m.—AK-SAR-BEN HACKS FKATUItE RAClv li'NAI Il'IUTH HANDICAP ' 7:00 p. m.-8:00 p. m.—HKGISTRATION 8:00 p. m.—CONVENTION SKSSION AWAKD.S NITH- -Chairman, Mrs. Leonard Sima Presentation of Awards 10:00 p. m.—PRESIDENT'S nEacVTION

Jewelers and Opticians





Preferred by Men of Pretttqe


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f Black Dafana, Mohair,,, Enter the Black Suit of Dalana® M o h a i r , . . lustrouB, elegant, dcvUisWv flattering for warmweather wear. Hand- crafted In Witty Brothers' celebrated viotkroorfts with their umial fixation for minute details.

$125 Old" Summer, Suite I42.S0 to $215

itu Clothes for I tie'en

Welcome Wmii BVifh District 66

sOmah •305J Monalr, 85% Wonted. SS% pacron Ptflyesttr


Friday, June U, 1980



eber Sparks AZA Movement

Page Omaha has five synagogues «\4 more than 220 churches and misTlie Department of Adult Jewish sions. Education of B'-iai B'rith, Hince its organization in 1915'!, has operated ns n repilar national division of the .Supreme Ixxlge, parallel with Success Ilillel, 1 Antl-Dbfiunntion I>eaijiie, and thr . other agencies which malic fo the up the D'nai B'rith family. its purpose is to stimulate and B'nai B'rith promote the study of Judiusm In U'imi B'rith Lodges and Chapters Convention! throughout the United StRtcs and abroad as well ns in the general Jewish community. Your Stay in Omaha By providing platforms for till .sicnilieaiit viewpoints in Jewish Will Be More Enjoyable life, the Doparlincnt holies to widIf Y o u . . . en nnd deepen the interest of adults in Jewish learn'mi;. Throiij;li summer Institutes of Judaism, year-round discussion r.roups, programmatic guidance, and authoritative and readable publications, it helps individuals and groups plan Ktudy proRTimw on the religions and cultural heiitiiRe of the Jewish people. Open 24 Hourt Its ultimate Roal is to encourage the development of a meaningSeven Dayi a Week ful and authentic Judaism for modern Jews. Tlie Department of Adult Jewish DSXOM'S TOdncntlon functions through its Commission on Adult Jewish Education, made up ot seven Commissioners elected in ench of the Districts, six Commissioners appointlCfii and Farnant ed by the President of the Supreme Lodge, three representatives of the B'nai H'rith Women, and an Acroii From, GroyhounJ Bui Dtpot lecited chairman.

AJE Active

The first AZA Chapter was or- tional organization to be, and they Within u your, they H ganized by Nathan Muookin in began to issue charters for new In obtaining the sponsorship of the Omaha, Nebraska In l'J23. groups. intcrntttloiial order of B'nal B'rith uml 8ft up a lirndtiuartcrH ol'fle« W)u>n Mr. Mnookln moved lo with l'litl Klut/jilclc, now thn honKansas City, Missouri, where he orary president of ll'nal B'rlth, us organized a second Group, a JOUIIJJ Ilio exceutiiK necretary. attorney by t lit? name of Sam l!eber was invited 1o tx'como the ailThe pattern of A7.A, as known visor of the Mother Chapter. today, Including structure and program was formed substantially In Mr. Belier HUH President of flie tht? early years of its existence. Old Onuihu IJ<H1K« which Is now the. present Ilnnry INIonsky I.od({<* The B'nai H'rith girls movement of Omaha. II« Is a past president hns its origin on the West Coast of District Jio. 0 and won u/'tlve lit (District No. 4). At the nnnwil Jinvlsli und ronsiinumil nrtpinlzaconvention of the Central Committloni In Uinulia. tee of Women's Auxiliaries of that district helii June 1927, the women He "practiced law for many years resolved that Hose Mauser's name here before inovini; to Chicago sevbe recorded ns founder of the Junoral years ano. He is om> of the ior Auxiliaries. The first permabuilders of l'/irk I''orc;;t, Illinois. nent chapter was organized De.Satn Belicr immerlititoly concember 3927 in San Francisco. ceived the idea of developing a IUU tlonal AZA organization under After many years of pioneering li'na! B'rith auspices.* lie lost no and hard work, the national organtime in KCttlni; up a Supreme Adization of BBC! was formed at a visory Council of Ii'nai H'rith meeting sponsored by the Womadults (with youth representation) en's Supreme Council on April, to formulate policies for the naSAM BEBKR 1944 In Chicago. November 30, 1914, the newly nationalized chapters of cirls* beHillel-Growth Without Change of Purpose came a part ot the B'nai B'rith The B'uai B'rilli Ilillel Founda- iael, England, Holland nnd South Youth Organization, with tlie B'nai B'rith Youth Commission as the tions have served for more than Africa. over-all governing body. three decades as the unique camDespite tlie treniMidout growth The first charter was Issued to pus ajioncy bringing a profession, of tlin Ilillel movement sines Its San Francisco Girls No. 3, tlie sucally directed progrnm of religious, Inception, the origlnM purpose* for cessors of the first group of ijirls educational, cultural, social and which It had been launched re- to form a permanent chapter of counseling content to Jewish stu- mains tin* same, Bllliouy-u further B'nal B'rith Rirla. dents. develoi>ed nntf Intensified—that of Founded at the University of providing n link between tho JewIllinois, in 1!C3, ii'nai H'rllh riillcl ish college student nnd the Jewish Foundations, Counselorehlps and ('hairs of Judaic Studies now exist vulun heritage and (•ducatliiK him on 219 college and university cam- (<i dm realization of tlin totality of puses in this country, Canada, Js- Um Jewish historical experience

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and Id relevance today. It Is, therefore, Ilillel's hope that the student will be stimulated to "live Jewlshly" and reject a dichotomy between "religion" and "life."

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All humanitarian problems are of concern to B'nal B'rith whether they ore better schools nnd playf;rounds, Juvenile delinquency, senior citizens, employment of the physically handicapped, education and naturalization of new citizens, the general observance of national holidays and pstriotic «venta, or active participation In various community welfcro progvams such as the March of Dimes, tlio Cancer and Heart, funds, Red Cross and the like.

Robbies Shoes, 1421 fwnsim St. Factory Outief Sho@s Do as thousands of

Welcome . . . Women's B'nai B'rith Dist. 6

ottor Omahans do, say. "Charge It"

Attend Our Summer Sale of Famous NAME SHOgS Savings From 30% to 60% Ono Block Wott From Your Hotel

No mor» waiting, no mor« <Ul»yi v/hon you u»» your handy Kilpafrick Credit Card whil* ihopping with ui. It'i the modurn, ip«Bdy, ctrtamlinod way to *hop. If you don't hav« « K(lp»tr!ck Credit Card, It'i very »a$y to opan a Kilpatrick Charge Aeeount . . . just com* to our Credit Offic* on third floor and vv»'ll \>m happy to halp you.






Fi-lclay, Jane 14, 10G0

Welcome to Southwest Region The Southwest Eej;ional Council ol District Grand Lodge No. 6 of B'nal B'ritli is proud to have had n hand in helping Omaha host the Grand Lodge Convention for 10C0. We arc indeed proud of our past record in the District. Fiona of the leaders we have produced who have served the District Grand Lodge nml Supreme Lodge. Proud of our contribution to the program of B'nal B'ritli. The Council is composed of 9 lodges ranKinj; in memberships from UO to 084. A president of this rej;ion travels m.iny miles to complete the visits to all. Despite the distance we are u compact mul closely knit Hioup. We muy have our difficulties but the solution to our problems makes us stronger in the end. Jt would not bo possible to outline the many varied programs that our lortucs use to lceop the incnihtr.ship interested and the public aware of our doKire to serve. This year has Keen our Omaha i.o<l|;<js RO all out in malting preparations for the Krealcst Grand I odge Convention in the history of the District. UaJUn We extend our hearty welcome to all of jou who have come to our lieglon. We have worked for the betterment of B'nai B'ritli willi the ulitimale goal of Service to our fellow-men, to our respective cities mid states, to our nation and the world. In KO tloing we are indeed acconipllshin;; our jjoal as "Sons of the Covenant." Marvin K. liailin

8:00-12:30 12:00- 2:30 2:30- 5:00 0:00

MONDAV, JUNK 27 Label A. Katz of New Orleans, 14th president «)t U'nal 0:00-12:00 p. TO.—Business Keshion 13'rith, J.i the youngest man ever 11:00-12:00 p. m.—Nccrolony to hold the office .since the Jew- 12:00- 2:30 p. m.—Supreme Lo«Ij:e V. P. Luncheon ish MTviee oi'Kimiiation vvas founded in 18-1.'). He was 40 when elected 2:30- 5:30 p. m.—Business .Session in May 30511 ut a triennial conven- 6:30 p. m.—Highland County Fair tion in Jerusalem, the first International convention of H'nM H'rith •TUESDAY. JUNK 28 held outside the United Stutes. 9:00-12:00 p. m.—Businrsa Session Mr. Kntz is the .second native Southerner to achieve the JVnni 12:00- C:00 p. m.—Oixm-Itiici-s, etc. D'ritii presidency (I,co N. I.evi, p. m.—Business Session Ijorn in Galve.ston, Kerved from 7:30 10(>0 to 11K)J); mul his rlcrtion us WKDNKSDAY, JUNE 29


0:00-12:30 12:30- 2:00 2:00- 6:30 6:30

Farrtam a? 38th

"Omaha's Home of Modern Jazz" Featuring . . . The John Cieslak Trio Tuesday Through Saturday

Plenty of Free Parking

Borsheim's Jewelry Co. 16fh at Harney Welcomes B'nai B'rith District 6 to Omaha Fine Jewelry Since 1870

The New and Luxurious

p. m.—Registration and Business Session p. m.—President's Luncheon p. m.—Registration nnd Convention BtiMnr*s p. m.—Civic Program anil Delegates' U<.wi>Uon

heail of «n organization with n Jorif; liberal record of advancing human and civil rights reflects Ills own forthright rtttitmies toward contemporary problems in inter-' i;roup relations. Ho uus born In Nrw Orleans, Sc|it. 22, 1919. Hi> received a H.A. find a I>X.U. dff;rrR from Tiilane I'niverMty. After M-vrriil Je:ir» of law prnctlce lie branched out Into lumslnp; rehal>ilit:itlon anil rent catato Imchtiiifiitt, anil Is nuiv onn of tlio liiidtii(f Imslnesincn In New Orleans. Mr. Kalz lias been netlvc In Jewish affairs all of hla.iulult life. He bc-f,'.'in his activities with U'nal Ii'rith nt the ny,fi of 35 as n memr of-Its youth movement (AZA). Tiventy-one years later, during which time he served In v.iried leadership roles In Ii'nnl B'rilh and showed a knowledgeable Inslcht to the problems affecting Jewish youth, he'was elected chairman of the U'nal K'rith youth movement. Mrs. Charles D. Kolovleh, National President of U'nai li'iith Women will be the installing officer nt the 'women's installation luncheon which will be held on

p. m.—Business Session p. m.—Umclxeon p. m.—Open p. m.—Final Banquet

All veterans, ns well ns all members of the Armed Forces, irrespective of race, color or creed arc served by the devoted members of SCAFV. The homesick find a home, tho friendless find n friend, the idek find forEctfuJnecs from pain, the cr,ing find companionship and new Interests. Through its participation In Civil Defense, SCAFV helps to safeguard America's future by doing Its share in alert ing nil Americans of the need for action In community preparedness.

Lerner Shops Women & Children Roady-to-Wcar 325 So. Uth St.

Welcomes Brsai B'rith


Harry's R e s t a r t t Cocktail Lounge 1815-19 FARNAM ST. (Both SMei of Wellington Hotnl) t Dloctt South of Sheraton Fonfenolle From our Charcoal Broiler in the Main Dining Room we lorve the FINEST CHARCOAL BROILED STEAKS in Omaha— Everyone It talking about 1ti«m —Jclacl your »UeVi from our gienHroeier. Foil 0 Court*/ Dlnncn . After Dinner Swek*



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Parker "International" pencil




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' • • • • .

The "First Lady" of B'nai B'rith Women has belonged to the organization since 1033 and is a practicing attorney and wife of a lawyerfurniture store owner in Detroit AH her most significant contributions to tho JmvlBh women's nervJcfl organization of B'nal B'rith, Mm'. £olovich U credited with the formation of the Greater Detroit BBW Council nnd her orfcnnlzatlbn of 12 BHW cJiapters In Detroit.; Mrs, S'olovlch while active in hbr own district affairs, has also directed her energies Into B'riai B'rith Supreme Lodge channels.!' Many honors,have been accorded her for her humanitarian efforts in Dc-half of mankind. She Is listed in the 1952 supplement of '.rWho'e Who In America" <>nd In the 1059 "Who'» Who of American Women.*' • • .• , •

Prescription Pharmacists Medical Arts Building 17th and Dodge Streets JAckson 1866 Doctors Building 44th and Farnom Streets GLendale 7200

Patronize Our, Advertisers


Friday, June it, 1060


Page Sevea

OFFICERS Sam J. Stone, president of Dis- Ervlno Lavlne was elected 2nd trict Grand Lodge No. (1 and own- Vice President of District Giant! er of an insurance agency in 1'c- Lodge No. 6 Il'nai IJ'rith at the oria, III., was born in Manchester, l!)!5!) District Convention. Mr. LaEngland, in 1506, and came to the vine has resided In Farp.o, North United States In 1010 with his par- Dakota hinco VJ42. Prior to that, ents. He attended the Washington his home was In Aberdeen, South University In St. Louis, Missouri.' Dakota. Mr. Stone's affiliation with Il'nai lie Is in the metal fabrlcatiivj; B'rith began in Wichita, Kansas, and manufacttirhiK business and In VJ'29. He has nerved as president his business interests are located cf Queen City in Mooihead, Minnesota. His acl/)d(;e in SnrinRtivities in Jewish and communal f i e l d , Mlsouri, affairs include over 25 years of and of Die Ben mi mhersliip in B'nai IJ'rith. M. V r n n It e 1 He is a Past Secretary of the I-odge in I'eoria, William Itihnick I-fldj;c, Past SrcIII. utary- and Past President o( the ;ie was chairD.il'ota Council of B'nai B'rith. man of the IlDr. Klmcr M. Imher, third vice linois Regional piiMilent of District Grand Lodge Advisory Board (>, has a long record of M.-rvici.1 to of (he Anti-DeJt'nai B'rith and the Jewish Comfamnlion Lca,pic; munity. He is a past president of of B'nai B'rith the Greater Chicago B'nai B'rith for one term mill District ADI. Council and of Hollywood Park chairman for (wo terms. Nat. H. Ilappin, first vice presiHe has served the Anti-Defamadent of District Grand Lodge 0, tion League of H'nal B'rith KIHCC has a Ion); record of service to the his first year In B'nai B'rith, and B'nai B'rith ami the Jewish com- has been u member t)f the Chicago munity as a whole. lie Is a l'ast Kxrcutive Committee- for five PMsldont of the year.1;; was the Membership ChairChicago B ' n a i man of I ho' Chicago Council for B'rith C o u n c i l two years;1 and lias been a member anil Alhany Park of the District Board of Governors for tuo consecutive years. lie is a native, I'hilip II. Mitchell, vice presof Chicago and ident Supreme Ix>ilj;e, is n attended North- nativeofof the Chicago. He has en|;ai;cd western Univer- in Hie practice sity In Evaiuiton, law since l!>a>of ' -ft-v t'-wXjllhnois. Brother Mitth/f^'Tj^X lie is the VlceNat ». Is a past prts- ( I ' Prcsldent of tho fll ldent of Dlstnct \ Ka|ipin Universal Con- Grand Lodge Ko | A v* tainer and Paper Company of Chi- ii and was foi}cir. cago, Illinois. merly a incniliei J t! of Hie Nation.ilJ , M e m b e r s h ip Commission. III! Is a p \ ' t Vlilllp president of the Mltrlirll C h i c a g o B'nai B'rith Council, .a number of the Joint Defense Appe.il, of the Chicago Executive Comnuttec of the Anti-Defamation I J ai;ue ami of the Board of Jewish l'duealion. Harry Yudkoff, past piesitlent of District Grand l/)dj;e No C, was eli eti d as a mi mher <>t the Ku24th and St. Marys pn mo I. o d K e Hoaid of Govenioii nt the VO'J convention hi Isiael. He has terved as president of I'isg.ih L o d B e, the greater Der * " " " ' > / / ' Itvoit B'nai B'lith u " * a *—'Council, and as fierictaiy of the Harry Michigan IVnai U'rith council. lie devoted n great deal of tils energy and effort to the ci cation and development of both the Detroit and

Best Gas in Town

the Michigan B'nai B'rith councils, tint) their perscnt position of Influence and leadership* in the Jewish Jife of Michigan is due largely to his personal efforts. He served as a member of the Anti-Defamation League ComnilsKion. He is one of tlu> founders of the District Finance Council, having served as its chairman for four of the first six years of Its existence. At present he serves as cochairman of the .Supreme Lodge Fund Raising Campaign Cabinet. Isaac Wagner, now a mi'mber of the Board of Governors of the Supreme Lodge, has long been ac11 v p in B'nai B'ritl], h a v i n g /"**] served as prcl- f *' '^ dent of Ramah Lodge No. 21, president of the, , Ch i ca go B'nai| C o u n c i l , pies-!1 ldent of District Grand 'Lodge No j fi, ami as an ac-(~ tivo member In Tsane countless other Jewish organizations. A graduate of Northwestern University, lit! Is a senior partner in a Chicago firm of certified public accountants. Dr. Leon E, Fellman, elected to toh Supreme Council's Board of Appeals at the lO.W International Comi ntion in Isi.it 1, Is a Ion-/ time Unal lliitli leadei fiom Onuha An Omaha dentist f-lnce I')i2, when he fiaduated fiom Cieigh-

ton University and began practicing, he has been ^"""(president of the jllenry M o n s k y 'Lodge and served a 3 general chairman for the 3!M0 Omaha District Convention. In May 3950, ho was elected third vice preslJ)r. I^eon B. d e n t of the Southwest RCKFciliuan ion of District ti. V orthc past few years he has been especially active In the Israel Program of B'nai B'rith, but his B'nai B'rith activities reach back to his own boyhood days In AZA in Omaha.

Omaha served as the capital of Nebraska territory from 1855 to J867, when the capital was nioved to Lincoln.


The Omaha Playhouse, founded in 1025, has trained such stars as Dorothy McGulrc and Henry Fonda.

kept things

going while you were in Omaha . . . VISIT THE WOMEN'S GIFT SHOP BOOTH

PAXTON HOTEL Between Convention Session*


Corcorcsn's Races Cockfail Lounge and Piano Bar




What's your current address? Champi Elyses7 Via CondoW.'tl Park Avanus? LoVevKoio DtWtl VAUMt* BNd.7 In » Louii Roth iult, * itf»nger would hav* troublo placing you, Th« lnUrna>lon«l ilyling li . unidonWmb)* •xcept (or tho Louii Roth iignatur« of progronlyo «loqanco, Tho l'cl<«t It •horler with a ilightly cutaway fronf. 5loov»i ere cuffod. Troiiort are pared to trim now dimomloni, 7ry one. You end fashion will ids re tho lame eddreu. Tailored In California, end exeluilvo In Omaha at The Nobrailia.



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and you don't have to have a fortune to afford them . . •

. . . and Nateliom optional charge accounts let yo(i • decide how and when to payl

RLO UtMDSR ONE ROOP fifteanth and Farnam Streeff( Omaha 2, Nebratlto

Jirtii THE

Pag* Eight

Omaha Enjoys 'Boom' In Its



, June 24, I960

'City of Little Men' A 'Must' for Visitors

ADL Diagnoses Bigotry Disease

One of the most unusual cities For more than 45 years Anti-De- end has brought to the American in the world lies a few miles west famation Lcuguc has hscn en- public tho picture ut thfi Amerlvan of Omaha. It Is Boys Town, the gated in a unique and constant Jew RS ho ts: u loyal, devoted citistruggle to help brine about bet- zen, proud of lib land, and grateful "city of little men." Cattle, sheep and phjs ure big tains the bomber and missile deter understanding among men andthat us an AxuMVc;ti\ tit tau c*»fense system for the entire nation. Tilts 1,500 awe village with sur- better relations among all groups frlbute to the best Interests of business in Omaha. rounding farmland is the home of Omaha is the world's largest An industrial boom since World in our land. humanity. livostoclt market, and the greatest War II has added such names us 1,000 boys. Visitors are welcome. As part of this struggle, ADL M)L ficMs disc.vlmina.tion in The late Father Edward J. meat-packing center in the world. Western Electric, Allied ChemiFlanagan founded the non-sectar fights anti-Semitism, c r u s a d e s employment, education, housing It is the liub of a fanning and cal, Continental Can and Central ian home for boys in 1917, andagainst prejudice and bigtory, car- and public and social accommodaFibre Products to the list of manranching industry extending into ries on a program to promote demufacturers with plants nt Omaha. over the years morr» than 7,000 ocratic practices, broaden civil tion. many states. boys have lived there. Omaha has 65 scenic parks, covrights. Improve relations among all An authentic record of the setIn South Omalia, livestock pens Hoys Town is on incorporated extend for iicrcs avmmd the pack- ering more than 2,300 ncres. The village, and nan Its own U.S. Post groups, advance the basic idens of tling of the West is found in the ing houses and the tall Livestock Kontenelle Forest just south of Office. The boys elect their own America's democratic philosophy. Union Pncilic Museum, Vn the headOmaha is the habitat of more Exchange Builditiji. ADL has su«;<-bfully fought de- quarters building of tho Union Paspecies of birds than any area In mayor and other city officials ev- famation and stereotyping of Jrwa cific Railroad in Onuilm. Korty U v e n t o c U commission the United States. ery two years. firms are Imsy d.-Jly buying nnd There is a crude school, high Bellini; the animals that keep A record of the settling of the school and trade school at Boys West is found in the Union Pacific America's incut locki-r filled. Town, all accredited by the state In 1959, livestock receipts at Museum, in the headquarters build- of Nebraska. Fifteen practical Omalia totaled 6.7G5,40-l head. The ing of the UP. railroad in down- trader are taught in the Trade dollar value was $080 million. On town Omaha. Art-lovers from throughout the School. the average, ove.- Sl'.n million Boys Town has an excellent worth of livestock moved through world have visited the Joslyn Art choir which has appeared in conthe Omaha market oti an average Museum in Omaha, the center of certs throughout the nation. There much of the city'i rich cultural Is also a .band and orchestra. market day. -Much of this livestock was life. Royi Town, which accepts boys slaughtered in Hie IS) packing Omaha has a colorful history without regard to creed or color plants in Omahn, providing steaks, that dates back to the exploration receives no funds from any church chops, roasts and other viands for of the Missouri Vnlley by Lewis or state or federal government. Its every part of the nation. and Clark In 1604. only revenue comes from the thouOmnha has grown In one cen- The two explorers ramped on sands and thousands of "honorary tury from a frontier village to a the banks of the Missouri near the citizens" who make voluntary concity of .morn than 300,000 popula- «H« of Omaha and held council tributions. tion, the capital of a midland em- HIIII tho Otoo and Missouri In- Father Flanagan, who died in pire. dians. 1 1048, is buried in the Boys Town For over a decade Omalia has Chapel. His successor ns director A St. Louis fur trader named been the headquarters of the StraIs Father Nicholas H. Wcgncr. tegic Air Command, which main- Manuel Lisa later established a trading post in the vicinity. In 1 IR19, the U.S. Army established Through the Service Committee fort Atkinson a few miles north for the Armed Forces and Veter>f Omaha as a juniping-off place ans, li'iini B'rith serves the pnst, — ENJOY — for scouting parties ranging across the present and the future. The past is represented by the disabled the northern plalni. THE BEST 1914 Farnam The city of Omaha had Its birth veterans; tlie present, by members n 1854, after tha Nebraska terri- ot the armed forces and the future IN FABULOUS tory was organized nnd the way by Civil Defense. was cleared for settlement of lands west of the Missouri. FLAPJACKS President A b r a h a m Lincoln No-v in hose Council ISluffa, Iowa, to be tho eastern terminus of tho first 2 Locations transcontinental railroad, liut It 3805 West Broadway actually started from Omatau It (<Iu»f A(TO«I Vrom rim limit I'utK) mis In 1800 that a golden spike uus driven In Utah to Rnk Omaha and with tho l'aclflo Coast. 6623 Center Street Omaha served a« territorial cap(Arro»» I'rom SU' Gain Ak-Sar-lirn> ital of Nebraska from 1855 to 1.807, when the capital was moved Dfllnluux Varlrtlr* to Lincoln. I'tinrakc* mid Omaha quickly became a major Watdn Krrvrd Tour fliolcn of railroad center ai tha West developed. Tha first meat-packing and plant opened In 187L A railroad "One of America's Great Transportation Systems" bridge was built across the MisThe Best Coffee in Town souri at Omaha In 1669, and 20 years later the river was spanned General Offices: with the first bridge for'pedestrians nnd other vehicles.'Thli secured Omaha's position as a crossOmaha, Nebraska roads in the American midlands.

Welcome Conventioneers to



Omaha's Finest Restaurant

and Show Lounge

Watson Bros. Importation Co., Inc.


Omaha Is th» world's largest livestock market and meat packing center. Th« Omaha Union Siockyards cover mor* than 100 acres.

16th and Douglas MONDAY June 27 6:30 P.M.

Beautiful Floors of Quality Fashions for: |

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Reservations Must Bo









In by Noon, June 27 Call: Sylvia Treller — W A 0190 Bert Render— JA 207*

Country Style Dinner

Sponsors—$5 Per Person Non-Sponsor—$6 Per Person


a*-**"1*"; 'X.**V'

Friday, Jane 21, 1960



Persona/ify Capsu/es MKS. JOSEPH K. OAKLAND Mrs. Gariiuid of Chicago, 111., Is President o£ B'nalT IVrlth Wornens District No f' 6. She is a past president of the C h i c a g o B'nai B'rith Women's Council uncl a member of ttm BUYO and ADL Executive Committees, and a trustee of the Leo N. Ixvi Memorial Hospital. She will preside at tills convention.



MKS. I/HJIS h, VKUI.MAN Mrs. Perlman is a member of the Hoard of Governors, B'nal B'rith; past national president and Past President of B'nal B'rith Women district No. 6. Mrs. Perlmrm will cliairman the "Accent on Youth" luncheon which will be held on Monday, June 27. MKS. I.I'.ONAKD SIMS Mrs. Sims of Detroit, Michigan la a I'nst President of M'nal B'rith Women District No. 6, nnd a member of the National Executive Committee, B'nai B'rith. Mrs. Sims is Chairman of Awards Nlte nnd will present Awards to the winnlni; chapters. Awards Nlte will be held Tuesday, June 28 at 8 p. in. MRS. IIAKRY YAMl'OL Mrs. Yampol of Milwaukee, Wlsrcm.sin, Is n Past President of B'nai B'rith Women District No. 6 nnd n Member of the National Executive Committee, B'nal B'rith Women. MilS. FKKDIUCK SOLOMON Mrs. Solomon is a Past President of U'nal B'rith Womcns District No. G. She 1B District Convention Chairman of this convention, Mrs. Solomon is chairman of the installation luncheon which will be held on Wednesday, June 29. MR. DAVID BLUMJIEIta Mr. Blumberg, an Insurance executive nnd communal lender of Knoxville, Tenn., find National Chairman of B'nnl B'rith Youth Commisison will be the keynote Speaker at the "Accent On Youth" luncheon on Monday, June 27. Mr. Blumberg is a past president of District No. 7 of B'nal B'rith. He haa a rich background of B'nai B'rith experience having fceen an AZA member in his youth and winning honors as a debater, orator, nnd athlete. BUSS SARA MILLER Miss Snra Miller, National President of B'nal B'rith Girl« Is a Junior at Queens College in New York And has had ninny years of leadership responsibility in B'nal B'rith Girls. She will participate In the "Accent on Youth" luncheon on Monday, June 27. -WHXIAH GOLDMAN William Goldman, National PrcsIdcnt of Altpli Zadlk Aleph Boys organization is a senior at Akron University, Akron, Ohio. He has behind him a solid background of AZA leadership and served ns representative to the recent White House Conference on Children and Youth in Washington. He will also partllcpate In the "Accent on Youth" luncheon on June 27.

© Omaha Steaks end "NASHERIES1

A mystic bond Brother!


all men one*.. (Thomas Carlyle)

Brandeis extends its warmest welcome to members of District No. 6 of B'nai B'rith, now gathering in Omaha for its 92nd Annual Convention. Devoted to brotherhood, B'nai B'rith promotes this ideal on a local, national and international level. This organization pledges itself to charity, benevolence, and better understanding among all races, creeds and colors.


We hope your 6tay in Omaha is most pleasant and your convention most rewarding. If you have time in your busy schedule, we invite you to visit us and let us help you select gifts to take home.

© AAA Approved © Open 24 Hours Wtil'S /RESTMfJIANT ' Joif Stepi From Year Hotel 1413 Douglas St. — Dewrtowl




Page Ten

Friday, Juno $4, 18G0

L>avis, President of tlie ""From lleni'.N unto lli-nry, Hint': In»in tlie friat eastern centers ot tin' Jew Mi peonle (if r.iir«|ie were was no one li!;e uiilo Henry." j JCHMI population. Hi: Has jio«r in I l»«-lii(f Iit-rdi-d. I'pun their rrlciiM American lied (Vox, declared "the The above .statement is taken i Ills youth, Orthodox und tin? son. of • from the rumps camps lie had many of Ameiiean lU'd Cross and H'nai from the National Jewish Month- ! 1'iii-shui immigrant*. Airiirltaii tlie Jupanrsv us uwsts ut his home 1 IVnth are one." The first "Henry" refers to )y. "Henry ' to J ( . x v W , u.aAetsWtt h a l i wsu:l iiy restAN the news of the whiilesalt* Henry Jones, tlie first president of ed ulth \walthler, more nssimllat- In Omalia, no wholly t<i the pleasH'nai B'rith; tlie .second to Henry i«(l descendants ot i-arlW-r luuul- urc <if Milne of lii<i neighbor* in murder u( tht* « uf Kurope that period of hitter iiiitl-,lu|m- 1 Monsky, I uritnls from Central und Western inhmly began to reach American, ncse frrling. Who was this man uho.se impact Durope. Mole and inoie, how •Vl-I , his Henry Monsliy liccanir a ninn po»upon B'na! R'rith and the entire Henry MoiisLj blitfr-d tt trail In srssfd. Ho or(;:inl7,("d a program of Jewish world was such that he lirin^liif; tlie multitude ol late nlne- ei crnies wen dil-ecH'd to thr- sorv- action; mass protest meetings, «.• Jcwish I>eo] le. l n l'X:s ic • of tl could evoke a paiaphra-.e of the iteeiilh mill early twentieth century jirofrriiins for tlie rescue of Jews traditional linkage of Musts and] Hast European liiunl|;runts mid as the p, cite -.I crisis in Jewish liis- from J'Jiropc, a tremendous new Moses Maimouidcs" ttieir descendants Into the foreprogram ot V'.uropcaii \\\A. Henry Monsky v.»> a m;m who. front of American Jewish lile. Ornalw, as host to the 1 i'f.O T)isI'ronj a conference nrraiiKcd I»y during his lifetime, became a livIn spite of those facts of hisfrlct Convention, feels justifiable him of a mmilier of Aiiierlcnii Jewing legend. background which micht ha\ pride in its li'nai l'.'iitli ac(:(>m- ish leaders ami I'resilient HOUHPHere in Omaha, the man WHS made his future career seem unvclt begun tlie invi'stlifailon ulili-Ii born, grew to adulthood, went likely, however, there are others plishments. At the risk of braj.'ninc, alt ofiiltlmntply Ifd to the NuremherB through college and became nn at- which nii[;ht have stamped him as war crimes trials. torney. Here he first plunged avid- & man to boar watching. Foremost us like to point to ttie leadership, He realized that as the Jewish ly into Jewish affairs. In-coming annul}; such jxj.sitive qualities were lxith in quantity and in quality, that began, R I W nnd flowered in people faced Its Impending crisis, President of the Jewish Welfare Ki*i>ins and a deep dedication to Omaha, Edward A. Hosen, clirdr- thp American Jewish Community Federation of Omaha mid Presi- the prophetic ideals of Israel. nian ot the C'onvei\tion. stated ns could no longer afford to remain dent o£ the Mid-western lti vision 1 Hi* n''"' ^ was rally manifest convention planniiu; moved in tobitterly divided Idealonically and of B'nai B'rith. organizationally. He, therefore, set There « » H little In the back- in his brilliant pursuit ot his chos- its last stages. We point with pride, he added, lo forth upon the enormous taslt of ground of tlii> man, however, en profecsion. Many Omahans today still s|>oal! men such ns Dr. Abo Green berg, wieldinrr all the divergent and which ivould have luggcstrd tlmt lie would become a ilton ot Jewish v-ith awe of his eloquent orntory still active on n daily basis in allsojunbblini! p'oups Jnio one organbefore jud;;c and jury", his Incisive of IVnal B'rith; Pliilip M. Klut/.- ization. Ufa. Failure in this effort was widely He came Iroin a city Jar removed power of cross-exnminatlon. his niclf, whose, acconipli.sliment'a nre ability to brine together in har- internationally recognized; to Sam predicted. The divisions were said monious cwuiiifiinipe the most di- lieljer, once of Omaha and now to be too deep, the vested Interest vergent positions in t!i<* neROlia- of Parlc J'orrest, III., uho, too, is in discord too formidable. tion of business deals and tiie most recognized not only for his leaderThen Henry Monsky prevailed antagonistic parties to litigation. ship In the foundinK of, tlie AZA however, and the result Wad the Ills dedication to tlie prophetic movement but for his leadership formation of the American Jewish Now Appearing ldraN.of Jiidiiliin properly ni:int- and continuing force in Jewish nf- inference, the first meeting of IN PERSON ! fi-strtJ Itsrlf in a profound concern falrfi; and certainly not a little which was held on August 20,19-13, not only lor the Jewish proplr, l>nt pride is recalled with the. memory with the participation of deleRates The Fabulous | also for any human liplnjjs who of tiie late Sain I.eon, Omaha at- from 01 national orRanizntloiiR, were oppressed, degraded, or con-j torney and past district president. It hus been said that it took nil deinneil to poverty and misery, At (lie "summit of local civic the skill of a Henry Monsky t o lie was a leader In Omaha Crmi- pride stands the Inle Henry Mon- make this possible. Me kept the iminlty fli'i-st cami«ilKiw. He wns sl'.y. delegates, which represented the om- ot tlie closest associates «{ Specially, for this convention entire section ot America Jewry, Father J'lainiR-an In the fuunillne edition, the follov.inc brief story from flying ut each others throats and (rroulh of I'ather Flanagan's of Henry Monsky uas prepared. umJ concentrated on the vital tasks Hoys' Home, the world-famed of a program for the restoration Hoys' Town. 1 •-•-•-•--•• — ,.......*-*,.-.•.....•....,.., . ol European Jewry nnd the t-:eeurI'ttm Su UiirliiB World War II ho lalxircd I <ory dawned, he was tmanimously inf; of a Jewish Palestine. for the rehabilitation of the West I elected President of fl'nal li'rith. Thp Conference Rnlucd an offiConst Japanese, who had been i Although tlio oldest Jewish fra- cial status ns one of the consultant herded Into rcloeatlnn cuni|i« that lernal organization, li'nai B'rilh organizations at the San Francisco to hint seemed too much HUe the then was not the mighty force it conference in J!)-15. There he obly concent ration camps Into which is today. When he beeamy presi- presented the Jewish position on dent, the membership of H'nai Palest ine. The Arab maneuvers to B'rith was sixty thousand and foreclose Jewish rights In Palestine I when his presidency was tennin- met with total defeat. | ated by death in 1S-J7, the memAfter San T'ranclico Monslcy Welcome to Omaha jbership was tliree hundred tiiou- rondnucd lo Imitlo for ZIonlMtn. |sand. Il« entered Into nn exhaustive, proWith thp ndvein of World War gram of fipenldnn before Rroiips II, he plunged B'nal B'rith into n tlirouuliout the county ,plcad!ng whirlwind of activities in aid of and cuJolliiK for recognition of the the war effort and in relief of dis- vHul necessity o! a baven In Pnli*3tress abroad, U'nnl B'rith was so fIne for tb« |illlful survivors of the diligent In its war relief worlc that concentration campi.

(he l:ut that thn previous nidefc;irea(! opposition to n .lenl'fi I'alcstlne aiilnii;; Aincrlcun JKIVS becaiuo reduced to a liny If vocal minority belon^a to him. lli.s incessant activities on behalf of thi» Jpv>isli people so sapped h'w vitality thai on May 2, 1917, he died sfill a yomiK man. He had turned his talents, uway lioux tHakinjT money nnd even away from his beloved Jci;al profession, nnd devoted his life to the service of tlio Jewish [>eople. Tliat today there exists a Stats of Israel, that today the American Jewish CoTOimroSVy \s Sar more united than could have seemed possible n few ilecades aj;o, we awe ill Ian;c measure to his efforts. Those w e bis legacies to all of us.


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