L laCO
Vol. XXXV1U- No.
Urging all campaign volunteers to visit their prospects within the next 10 days, Milton R. Abrahams, General Chairman of the Jewish Philanthropies Campaign, underscored the great nocd for funds to provide for the newcomer* in Israel. "Everyday, new Immigrants arrive in Israel, adding to the many tvho are already there, awaiting absorption Into the economy of the country. "Israel is the only spot on earth where every Jew is immediately welcome. Israel has no restrictive Immigration nets to keep out Jewish Immigrants." "The U. J. A. raises funds not for Israelis, or for Israel proper," Mr. Abrahams emphusized, "for they carry their own load through Blgh tuxes and contributions. "Tho U. J. A. funds aro used exclusively for Immigrants and refugees, distressed Jews in twenty-four overseas countries, "Israel alone struggle* with tho problem of absorbing 235,000 ^Tews, Some 60,000 of them still live In emergency-erected, miserable tent or tin-hut villages, depending upon UJA funds for minimum job Opportunities."
The Jewish Federation of Omaha has been asked by the United Jewish Appeal to renegotiate the emergenccy UJA loan, Harry Trustin, Federation President, said today. A special meeting of the Jewish Federation Board will he held, Mr. Trustin aaid, to discuss- this request. Omaha has been asked by the United Jewish Appeal, together with other cities throughout the country, to renegotiate the fiveyear bank loan made in 1958. The purpose of this request is to provide the UJA with urgently needed cash for its world-wide opera-
«1 H\j>:*<4??. h**!&*i& i'nfe \
Typical Immigrant reception camp near port of llulfn l» situated in tlio middle of open fields. Camps like this now Itoiiso KOIHO CO.OOO newcomers. The United Jewish Appeal'* objectives for 1900 Inclnilo construction of seven thousand new housing unit* and tho establishment of n«W furm scttlciiicutH to house, newcomers. Funds fur tills program are vital, Milton It. Abrahams, chairman, Jewish Plill:intliroplis Campaign, sulrt. "
Paris, (JTA)—Tlie Arali League has u $10,000,000 npparatus conducting propaganda against. Israel end against Jews in the United Stales mid other countries, particularly in Liitin America, n conference of Jewish community leaders from virtually every country in the free world was told here. NaHSRr L«tter To Rockwell A detailed report on Arab propaganda nctlvtles, especially in the
Poland to Deliver Eichmann Data Jerusalem (JTA)—Poland will send an official, five-man commission here at the end of this month, to deliver to the Israel Government documents pertaining to the mass extermination of Jews and non-Jews by the Nazis, and especially connected with the wartime activities of the Nazis' "specialist" on the murder of Jews, Adolf Eichmann. The Polish commission will include the chairman o£ the Warsaw Government's Committee for the Punishment of Nazi War Criminals/and the head of the Jewish' Historical Institute at Warsaw. It was reported hero that Poland has Indicated it would like to •end a Judge to sjt on the bench •with the Israeli jurists when Eichmann is tried. Poland argued that Eichmann' had committed most of bis crimes on Polish territory.
Western Hemisphere, was given to the conference by Arnold Forster, of New York, director of tiie civil rights division of the AntiDefamation League of Ii'nai B'rith. Mr. Forster displayed a photostatic copy of a letter from President Nasser to the United Arab Republic to George Lincoln Rockwell, leader of the American Nazi Party, in which Nasser criticized the United States for "financing Jewish emigration to Israel." The two-day conference was opened by Label A. Kn'tz, president of the B'nal B'rith, who stressed tho need to coordinate, on a worldwide basis, "the fight against antiSemitic forces and tho Importance of combating Arab efforts to create animosity, not only against Israel but also against Jews living in the United States and In other countries." I!. 3. and H'. A. Network "Millions of dollars," Mr. Forster said, was being spent in the United States alone In pushing the Arabs' ahti-Jewish campaign. He reported that the AmericanJJ2WIBII REFUGEE MAY SUCCEED SCHWEITZER New York (WNS)—Dr. Richard Friedman, a thirty-elght-old JeWlah refugee from Czechoslovakia Is considered a likoly successor to Dr. Alhert Schweitzer as head o£ the medical mission at Lambarene. Gabon Republic, pr. Frle<taann la on the staff of the Schwoltzer hospital • :•• ••• ' ;••'-. . •
Arab propaganda offices were also tied with a network of antiIsraeli ami anti-Jewish propaganda headquarters in Mexico, Panama, Cuba, Venezuela . and Uruguay.. Despite their vast efforts, Mr. Forster declared, "much of the anti-Jewish propaganda has, thus far, failed in tho United States." But both he and Mr. Katz stressed the need for combating these propaganda efforts as well as all other moves in the direction of bolstering anti-Semitism in general.
Second Class PUBIUKO Paid at Omaha, Nour.
lions and particularly foi* the unmet needs" in Israel. The Omaha loan of $375,000 executed has been reduced to a balance of $225,000. Communities are belli/? requested to renegotiate
these loans, for a five-year period, to make available substantial funds for tha XJJA.. Tlia United Jewish Appeal reports that many communities hava already responded to this appeal.
New York Bans M Nazi Rally Ben Ourfoti fleporfs New York—Mayor Robert Wagner, following numerous protests, After European Trip declared the notorious anti-Semite T«l Aviv, (JTA)—Prime MinisGeorge Lincoln Rockwell will not ter David' Ucn-Guilon TdtvmwA get a permit to speak here on the lionio after speiidiii^ two weeks fourth of July or any other time in Kurope, vvliere Jio paid State in terms of race hatred and race visits to France, JSclgiutn und Tlio extermination. The Mayor paid and told Ills connthat Information shows clearly tr.yiiK'n that "We are not isolated. that Rockwell's intent to incite Wo Imvo devoted and loyal friends, a riot, by preaching race hatred In whnHo friendship \» uneonfllHonnl." a city whore people of all races Mr. Ben-Gurion was greeted at live peacefully together. the nil-port by Acting Prime Min"IIiilMVnny Hitler" i is! eu Levi KshkoA, olhev members The mayor declared that to per- of the Cabinet and Parliament, mit Rockwell and iiLs American and by members of the diploNazi party to hold a rally would matic corps headed by the Soviet he "in invitation to riot and dis*' Ambassador, and included the Arorder from a half-penny Hitler." •entine charge d'affaires. Rockwell, who was roughed up In reference to France, which in a riotous scene in the rotunda had occupied an important place of the New York County Supreme on his itinerary, Ilie Premier said: Court building where he appeared "I had very useful talks with the on a hearing on un application for French lcmlers, \v\\n whom, 1 a permanent Injunction against found, we have a common lanthe permit, was placed on a plane ;ungo in regard to world, regional for Washington by police. He was and specific Israeli problems." scheduled to return to New "York Many questions concerning Israel, to start court proceedings to sot said the Prime Minister, had been aside Mayor Wagner's refusal. raised by French President Charles Appeal "Filed de Gaulle himself. He had had two Sen. Frank Pino and Assembly- Jong talks with Gen. de Gaulle. man Irwin Brownstoin moved The French President, said Mr. promptly after the Mayor's an- Ben-Guvlon, "Showed a Veen -unnouncement to Institute proceed- derstanding about our problems." ings to ban all activities of Rockwell and his group in New York state. They filed an appeal for a $5,000,000 Plan* permanent injunction to restrain tho Nazi group from using the Planned at Haifa name "American Nazi Party," or Jerusalem (JTA)—An agreethe swastika emblem or flow from ment for the construction by an any activities in the state. American firm of a $5,000,000 plant The Jewish Labor Committee for the manufacture oS polyethymeanwhile disclosed it had chal- lene in Haifa was signed by Pinhas lenged the federal Department of Sapir, Israel Minister for ComJustica on it's stand that the Sub- merce and Industry, and V\«?,il versive Activities Control Act ap- Stark, president of the North plied only to Communist groups American Services Construction and that the Department there Company. could not net ngainst Rockwell and Mr. Stark at tho same tima his group. signed an agreement with th« Haifa oil refineries to supply th» Israeli Products Seen new plant with theylen, A $4,000,000 plant to produce ethylene will By Million in Africa be built by the Haifa refineries. Israel — Over 1,000,000 persons Tha Government -w\\\ ta\4 \A\« visited the Israel pavilion at company half of the cost of th» African trado fairs hold In Nairobi, polyethylene plant which Is oxJohannesburg and Bulawayo dur- pected to become the nucleus of ing recent months. $50,000,000 petro-chemical IndusImporters showed a keen in- try. The two plant operation for terest in Israel-produced sun heat- the production of polyethylene, ers, women's fashions, irrigation now made in only ten countries, 1» equipment, air conditioners, tex- expected to begin in 1965. tiles and food-stuffs.
NeW York. (JTA)—nabbi Eliezor Zisu Portogal, the Skulener Rebbe, who was arrested last year by Rumanian authorities for aiding and maintaining homeless Jewish children, arrived here and will assume the post of spiritual leader of a Brooklyn congregation. The 62-year-old rabbi was released and .allowed to emigrate with his family from Rumania after the intervention o£ United Nations Undersecretary for .Special Political Affairs. The State Department, at the request of Jewish religious leaders here.had granted special immigration visas to the rabbi and his family. The United Hia» Bervice arranged for nabbl PortogaVs transportation to .tho United States from Rumania and European cities ol trfuialt.•':•;.
Blnglo Copy 1C Cent* Annual Rate 4 Dollar*
Juncau, Alaska (JTA)—Jay Haboniwitz, formerly oE Philadelphia, has been named a member of the Superior Court in Juncau by Gov. William A. Egan. The 38-year-old judge went to Alaska from Mew York as an assistant U.S. Attorney and became a deputy State Attorney General 18 months later.
Mrs. Pollak Named To District Post
Mrs. Sam Pollak was installed as Sentinel of B'nai B'rith Women, District No. 6 at the organization's convention luncheon herff. Wednesday at the Paxton Hotel, culminating four days of convention sessions. Mrs. Pollak also received a lifatinie membership to Henry Monsky Chapter No. 470. The presentation was made by Mrs. Stanley Visitors' Bay, Shapiro, a past chapter, president Installed as president of the disJay-G-e, July 10 was Mrs. Morris Tacit ol Visitors' Day will bo held at trict Chicago, III. The Installation cereCamp Jay-C-0 on Sunday, July mony was conducted by Mrs. 10 from 2:80 p. m. to 4 p. m. SoVwich ol bettoVt, Mich, Tlio camp Is located at CsuOP Charles national president; who used B» Sheldon, Columbus, JJebr. Con- her theme, the convention motto tact camp'a of/'eo, JA 1SG0 {or of "Building Bridges of Service further. Information. Through Communication." •• -
WMay, July 1, I960
AllHAHAM jT. JACOHNON Funeral tervices were held July 2.') at the Jewish Fuueral Home for Abraham J. Jnrobson, 84, who died July 22 in a local hospital. He u HB a resident of Omitha GO years. Surviving are wife, Dora; sons, Jake mid .Milton, Omaha; Ben, Kansas City, Mo. and Robert, Raleigh, N. C ; daughters, Mrs. Hen Seldin, Cou/icil Hluffs, ]».; Mrs. Vearda Venhoff mid Mrs, A. B. Wolf, Cliica»(), HI. Huiiid was in Hetli Ilamedrosli Hii):odol Cemetery,
All friends nnd relative* ar« invited to Attend ttrvlce* and reception, GAItV tiillOIJN Gary Green, ion of Mr. «nd Mrs. Hurry Green will observe his Bar Mitzvah at Beth El Synagogue on Monday morning, July •ilh BI 9 a.m.
fsreii h'uneral Ken-ice;, wvvi- held June 16 «t the Jewish Funeral Home for Mrs. Hcrllm Rich, H'>, of 1024 IlilliTest Drive, who died June 15. Burial WHS in Golden Hill Cernetery. SiirvivlnK (ire daughters, Dora, Heverly Hills, C.il.; Mrs. Anne Freshman, Omaha; soil*;. Hen, Atlanta, fin.; Dr. Hnrry, Heverly K:h::::c.>-'':^y:;::<,^.y..:Z-?j Ifillfi; brother*. Joseph and Morris Mr. and -Mr». Nalhnn Shuliert TKMPLE .ISRAEL' VISITORS: Spending u week in White, OniHlia mid six grandchiland go>», Mnrtln and .liimie left Regular iabbath lerview uill be Friday for Chicago, 111., where Omaha with hit Rrandfather, Dr. dren. held at Temple Israel* Friday at they will visit with relatives. They j Philip Sher. is Michael Sher of 7:30 p.m. in the Temple Chapel. will also vacation i at Southh H Haven, j New York City. The»eryices Will be conducted by Mich. • • '. ! J I L Y 4th I'jirl.v: The party j Wax Scheuermann. . scheduled for thin week-end will Let Us Clean and Repair Myron Milder, president of the be postponed until a new dale Is Your Ccr Radiator Now set, possibly for the next .Sunday. BETH ISRAEL Nebraska Junior Chamber of j See next week's Press. An Overfieated or Lecky Kobolas Shabbos Friday even- Commerce, was elected one of i Radiator Can Cause Ing services at Both Israel the 10 virc-presidentR at a con- | HOOKS I1ONATKI): Bofckg w«re g received from Mrs. M, Adler. Serious Danuage at 7:30 p.m. Shnbbos morning ventlon of the national organizaHKAITY SALON': An air-con•ervicos, bctfin at 8:43 a.m. at 52nd tion in St. I-ouis, Mo. ONf.DAY DEPENOADLE SERVICE ditioner has been installed in the and Charles Streets anri at 9 a.m. Dr. Benton Kutler was installed j beauty salon. The room is junt- lntp«c»ion end Estimates Am Fr«» at 19th and Burt Streets. Junior as third vice-president of the Oma-j very comfortable and enjoyed by LOU HURWI1Z, Prop. CoriKroi;ation at 9:15 a.m. Rabbi j both the men and women residents Downtown Location Groner will conduct the Talmud ia Lions Club, Tuesday. ...'. ! of the home. 1703 CASS WE 0200 class at 7:15 p.m. Sabbath Minrlia followed by Sholosh Seudos and Donald St«-rn. Sheldon Harris I HOSPITAL AUDITION: iVog( ss 1K mflll(1 »'lMaariv. "" t h e ;and Albert Keldman announce the j '« Sunday morninc services at 8:30 j formation of a partnership for the I ( ! i t i o n ff) our hospital unit and we a.m. followed by breakfast and : practice of law at their office, 924 hope to hine it ready within n few j weeks. Rabbi's class in Bible. (City National Bank Building. ELECTRIC Ali-SAIMIKN: Several of our Daily services ;<1, 7 a.m. »'»1 j Marshall BecUer is an associate HEAT residents attended the races lust I 7:50 p.m. I of the firm. week ns guests of .Mayor John I Rosenblatt nnd had a wonderful BKTII KL Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry Kiilnkof- time. I Services at Beth El Syi sliv have returned from Glencoe, j . . , , , . I ICAUIMNICAL VISITOR: Rabbi I will begin this evening al p.m. '„•• «" c r ( - ! h P y " S M "" I "avirt Kort, , of .Council Bluffs was | Sabbath morning services at 9:30. in-law and daughter, Mr. and1 M Mis. { M ,„„„,. Mincha-Maariv service at 7:45 p.m. U. E. Bolz'T tivho became parents Sunday morning .services herein of a daughter. Alisa Ann on June, NEAR a t 9. Daily .services are held at 6. 'l"he Betycrs' other children arc <L 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Avriim, Delia and Judith. : Jerusalem (JTA) The JordanThe Kulakofskys returned from ' ian delegation to the Israel-Jor[ a trip to California and Mexico ! dan Mixed Armistice Commission OMAHA'S {shortly before the birth or their j has denied reports that archaeo| eranddauKhtiT. Mrs.. Kulakofsky ; logical excavations would he carleft for Clencoc two days after | ried out in the vicinity of the WailNew York—The Zim Israel N'av-I their arrival in Omaha and was ing Wall in the Old City of Jerigation Company marked its 15th j Joined on Father's day by her hu3- j u j ^ j ^ anniversary last week with the i band. WA 55S4 inauguration of expanded cargo I «ervice. The firm's plans were an-1 Lou Jess, manager of the Comnounced by Dr. Naftali Wydra, ; modore Hotel, was named vlceDIAMOND'S Zim'n managing director in a New ! president of the Hotel Association York press conference. i of Omaha.
11AIIKV ZOOI! Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Zoob announce the liar Mitzvah of their (.on, Barry 55ool>, on Saturday norniiiK, July !'th, at Beth FA Synagogue.
FtibUebcd Every Friday by tbe Jewish Federation of Omaha. Second Class Posicq* f o l d ol Omaha, Nebr. Annual Subscription, N.CO. Advertising Ratw on Application. Publication Office—101 No. !0lfl Street, Omono, tJebr- JAckton 1544.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Turner of Philadelphia, Pa., announce the birth of a daughter, Su/atme Ellen on June 2'J. (iiiinilpiui'iits are Mr. and M r s .
Mike rioltlenberj,' of ' Philadelphia and .Mr. and Mr.v Nntlian Turner. Among the officers elected by Great grandfather is Sam Knplan. the Douglas County Chapter ol" the Nebraska Society for Crippled Children and Adults were Slirlilun A monument will be unveiled in A. Uernst<*in, treasurer, and memuiy of Heinle Deh'OKh. Sunlilcliiird Hlll<-r and Yalw TrnUhi, day, July •'( "t 11 n. in. "I Golden Hill (Vincteiy. Kalibi Benjamin trustees. t;roner and Cantor Eli Ka^iiii uill —7:41 p. in. officiate. Friends and relatives arc Jamri I.lpsi'.v and Milton YiicWI- invited to attend. B'NAI JACOB ADAS «.<IIJ have been Hi-rted to the board YKSIIl'KON of the Om.-iliH .Sales Executives Friday, Minclia, 6:30 p.m. Sat- Club. urday, 8:30 a.m.. Minclia, ,6:.')0 Henry M. <iri-cnl»r({ wns elected II I • s • • • • ^rt* V V v • li W ^m \ p.m. followed by Sholosh Seudos. Ntui Rftd hnijptnlnga at 111*llr. Chilli, Daily «erviee» «t 6:30 a.m., and president of th« -South Oimiha HUT Jrnlih II<imt for Tht Lions Club. «:30 p.m.
Omahans in News
With ftie
LAKKY HHOOKSTI'JIN The Bar Mitzvah of Larry Brooksieiii, ton of Mr. and Mm. Irving 'Brookstoin will be celebrated on Monday, July 4th nt Beth Israel Synagogue.
Smooth 'n' Mellow
"220 Volt JJoudepower
Zim Lines Announce Plans for Expansion
World Scene BURMA POLICE OFFICIAL TO STUDV ISIIAEL SYSTEM -Jerusalem (JTA)—Thein Hlaing, Depunty Inspector General of Burma's police force, accompanied by an aide, arrived here for three months of study of Israeli police administration methods. JAPANESE MUSEUM OPENED IN HAIFA Israel—A Japanese art pavilion has been opened on Mt. Carmci; The museum houses a unique collection of Japanese art from the eleventh century down, The museum with Japanese slyle paper-
covered frames, is considered an Important addition to Haifa's cultural attractions.
NEW ZIM FREIGHTER NAMED BY MRS. TSUR Bremen 'JTA)—A new freighter, built by the Vulka'n Werft West German shipyard for the Zim-Israel Navigation Company, j was launched here. The vessel was ! built under the West German-Is-! rael reparations agreement. It was named the "Gederah" by Mrs. Vera j Tfiiir, wife of Yaacov Tsur, member i of the Jewish Agency executive: and former Ambassador to France, i
Wucrzberg—Baron von Mansteln, a member of a noble German Protestant family who adopted hte Jewish faith and stuck to it throughout the Nazi regime until his death in ID-H has been rehuried in the Wuerzberg Jewish cemetery. Representatives of the local German Government, the local Jewish community, the Bavarian Union of Jewish Communities, and the Central Jewish Welfare Agency in Germany were present. A number ef the late Baron's Christian friends, including some who witnessed his burial by the Nazis at a local Christian cemetery in 1944, were also present. , Baron von Manstein is now ouried next to his wife, "Fanny" Franziska von Manstein, who was buried In the Jewish cemetery during the war. The Baron had purchased the grave-site in 1941, at which time he also ordered a gravestone with a Hebrew inscription. Herr Pavid Schuster, the Chairman of the Wuerzberg Jewish community, has disclosed that he received many letters from former German Jews now living \r\ various countries, welcoming the plans for von Manstein's reburial and paying homage to his outstanding personality and steadfastness as an Orthodox member of the Jewish community throughout the Nazi years.
Camper's Baggage to be delivered lo Jewish Com-
Openings Left for
munity Center by 8 a.m. Tuesday, July 5. Departure 9 a.m.
Return to Confer
Friday, July 15, 3 p.m.
JtsSy 5-July 15 Call Camp Office JA 1366 K
Frld»y, July 1, I960
Gail Spector, Marvin Abramson Married Sunday at Beth Israel Miss Gail Si>ector and Marvin S. Aonunson were mnrrled Sunday in a late afternoon ceremony at Beth Israel Synai;o|;ue. Kahnl Benjamin C>i oner, off ieiuted Hie bnde is the daughter of Mr
1*4 X
and re-embroidered with sequins and tee<l pearls. Her imported KnKlish Illusion three tier waist length veil was held by a queen's crown of sequins and seed pearls. attendants were Mrs. fHridnl Louis Brown, matron-of-honor und Mrs. William Abramson, bridesmaid. Willinm Ahrnmson nerved as best man for his brother. Ushers were Harold Abrsimson and Kobert AbrmiiHon. A dinner at the Town House followed the ceremony. The couple will reside in Omaha after a wedding trip.
Is V In?*
Miss Breslow Is Betrothed Announcement has been made by Mr. and Mrs. Max Breslow of the engagement of their daughter, Miss Hurrietle Lee to Arvin I, Cohen, (son of Mr. and M r s Abraham N. Cohen of Los Angeles, Cal., former OmnhaiiB. Miss Breslow is a Junior at the
Mm. Marvin K. Aliramson
«nd Mrs. Morris Spector and the bridegroom, the son of Mr, mid Mrs. LouiR J. Abrnmson. The bride was gowned In silk organza over taffeta slyled with a fitted, bodice and a portrait neckline outlined with Chantllly luce
HI;NIOIC CITIZENS LOUNGK OPEN TUES. INSTEAD OK MON. | Due to the closing of the Jewish i Community Center oti July 4, the I Senior Citizens f^ounge will be | open on Tuesday, July 5 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. instead of Monday, tin- regular meeting date. Golden Alters are invited to ollend the weekly program in the 1/Oiinge, now air-conditioned.
Plan Farewell Parly For firs. Bondarfn
Miss Rosenfhal To Be Brideof in L.Ross
I I I No, 50th
Billy Williams OUARTET
Miss Ilurrlette Ilreidon
The next Center Bridge Group will meet Thursday, July 7, at 8 p.m'. Mr. and Mrs, Ernie Winthroub and Mr. and Mrs, Phil Laser were high scorers in the last bridge session held nt the Jewish Community Center. .Shcff Kutskee, coordinator, stated that the next meeting will be held in an nir conditioned loom at the Center.
University of Nebraska School of Nursing and her fiance is attending the California State University where he is majoring in accounting. Miss Breslow Just returned from California where she was the guest of her brother-in-law nnd sister, Mr. and Mrs. Norman K. Chudaeof f in Loss Angeles nnd her uncle, Dnve Slobodlnsky nt San Pedro, Cal. The Young Judaenn girls may Mrs. Chudacoff with her son, pick up their shirts nt Barbara Lawrence Bret, joined her ulster Kimmel's home, 839 No. 68 St., ona trip to Omaha and are guests Monday and Tuesday. at the Breslow residence.
Start* of Motion I'lriiirrfl and TV FenturlnR Clara Bryant Tommy Butler Ship Cunningham The Four Dukirs Fur Ono Work Including Nundny COMIN(i ATTRACTIONS Amerlrn'N Favorite*—THK 3 SUNK KTAHTINU JULY 8TJ1
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A farewell party will be given 6 Expert Hair Styliiti Wednesday, July ti for Mrs. Marion Air-Conditioned Dryeri Bondarin, who is leaving Omaha MISS MARSH and MISS JERRY Mr. and Mrs. Abe Kosenlhal o to make her home in Ix>s Angeles, Owneu Cal. 'Die event: to be held at the •Sedulia, Mo. have announced the Fireside Restaurant at 8 p. m. is engagement of their daughter, sponsored by Farbond Poale'Zlon Patronize Hie Jewish Presi Willis Arm to Alvin L. Ross, sor Pioneer Women. of Mrs. Charles Rosa. Advertiaerg. Max Kaplan of Sioux City, lu., The betrothal was made known vice-president of District No. 7 <>! nt a recent dinner given by the Fnrhnnd, will Iw the guest upeakprospective bride's parents in Si er. dalia. (Juests at the dinner wero Featuring Reservations may l>e made by the-mother of Air. Koss and his tls- calling Joe Radlnowslii, JA 3891. CANTONESE ter, Mrs. Lawrence Kpstein. APPETIZERS Miss Rosenthal attended the University of Nebraska and was 14* graduated from Washington University in St. Louis, Mo. Slie "Mogojlne Spoclallit" Ktudying for a Master's Degree Ingonu* .Monthly the Kastman School of Music in 16 months 12.80 Rochester, N. Y. She is a member Llf. tt»w) 75 w««l( J7.00 of Sigma Delta Tau, social sorority Life Irtiwwol) t year $4.9S and Sigma Alpha Iota, profession- Ncwtwtek I K W I al music organization. 44 w«fcl ....13.37 Illuitratml Her fiance was graduated from Iporti i t wHki 16.17 the University of Omaha and in an Lowest Prices on Every Madeline honor graduate of the University Order By Phone or Mali of Nebraska College of law. He is 1914 Farnam affiliated with Zeta Beta Tau, %o- 440 No. 61 it St. WA 6742 clnl fraternity and Phi Deltn Phi, legal fraternity. Mr. Itosg resides in Hartford, Conn., where he 1B legal counselor vet* if for an insurance company. FUgiitertd Ropreaentatlv* An autumn wedding 1B planned. J. Cliff Rohol & Co. 1130 First Notional Bank Investment Bankers JA 7262
MONA LISA , Houte of Glamour
Page FOB*
Nearly Half of Jews Aided by JDC In 1959 Were in Moslem Countries .
Nearly half of the 214,000 trulia, Uruguay, Madagascar and men, women and children who India. •eceived aid from the Joint TliB annual JDO report shows >lstributton Committee in that numbers requiring assistance than In 1038, even ,959, wera in Moslem coun- wero larger 1059 vvu» "a year of no ries, principally In North Af- though great crisis and no terrible emeriJoa and Iran, Milton R. Abra- gencies. lams, General Chairman of Mr. Abrahams said: "It Is he Jewish Philanthropies, worth noting that most of those noted in a report from the or- whom JDC helped were no longer ganization. technically classified a» 'refugees,' Mr. Abrahams stated a sub- but that their needs were as great, ftantial portion of the funds or greater than tlu-y had been faised by the Jewish Philan- during the days of homeless wanthropies hero goes to support dering." Mr. Abrahams added that the the work of the JDC. overseas welfare agency's expen-
For 1960 JDC has adopted a budget of $29,142,000 for aid to mora than 250,000 needy Jews overseas. The major portion of the funds for JDC'a overseas-relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction programs, tho report notes, continued to bo provided by natlomvldo campaigns of ths United Jewish Appeal.
COUNCIL GIVES $300 TO HEBREW SCHOOL Tim Omaha section of tiio National Council of Jewish Women Others Included 54,750 Jews In ditures during 1959 totaled £28,- has announced an Initial gift of Europe, over 47,500 In Israel and .111,600 for its operations In 23 $500 for tho building of the Hobrew University model high school almost 7,000 in such areas as Aus- countries. in Jerusalem, Mrs. Stanley Heraoff, Council president, said. Tha high school will bo a laboratory for 100 practice teachers. A letter from Dr. Benjamin J.C.C. BATTINO LEADER! By Cy Seltchlck Balling Averog* ..Glmburg, 5W Mazar, president of the Hebrew CENTEfi SOFTBALL TEAM Bcul Hit! • Glnlburg, Klrke, 9 University, stated that the high Scored Paul, 6 A home run with the bases luud- Rum Runi Dotted in . . . . . K o h n , 7 school "Is a most essential part Kohn, 12 •d In tha seventh Inning gavo the Rum Produced . . . . P a u l , 5 of tho Hebrew University's teachKnfghtj of Columbus 652, an 9-8, Walkj .Kohn, 1 ers' training program and has been Doubloj Triples Kohn, 2 rtacinion over the J. C. C. at Boyd Home H R Okun, 2 Runs a vital need in improving Park on Thursday, Juno 23rd. It VOLTII COt'.NCIL SOFTBALL meeting education." Was the fourth defent in seven A. Z. A. 1, upset Raylm, 11-1, to Israel's secondary • • • league games of the Jay Varsity. into a first placo tlo with COUSINS' CLCU Ray Kirka wus [rounded for ten move tha defending champions in one Mrs, Morris Grossman will be hits and issued seven walks and of two Y o u t h Council league hostess to the Cousins' Club on Oouldn't hold onlo commanding games at Elmwood Park last Sun- Wednesday, July 6 at 12:30 p. m. leads build up by his teummatcs. at the Blackstone Hotel. Members flie Jay pounded out 13 base hits day. including two home runs by John- Freshman Larry Kirke hurled unable to attend are nsked to cnll a neat two hitter and gives prom- RE 7740. ny Okun. • • * Stuart Kahn continued his heavy iso of following his brother's footSwatting with two doubles and n steps as one of the finest young PICNIC AT KLMWOOD 'Jingle and drove in three runs. pitchers inthe city. Gary Epstein Klrmvood Park will be the scene |3ob Ginsburg and Okun also col- lilt a bases loaded homer along of tho Joint picnic o[ Pioneer Womwith two home runs by Arnie en, Poale Zion and Farband Sunlected two hits. Munvitz. day, July 3, at I p. in. J.C.C. ! K. C. 451 Pour lb-Jf Hond'n 2 b ^ Qimburg ] b pkum a Klrke p-lb Kahn c Martin cf Kcrnfy if.rf Bograd rf Comic rf Walk Ib-rl
Ob 3 4 J 3 4 { i 2 2 3 2
Friday, July I,
Miss Kosowsky f® Summer Play Cast
Mlsj Annette Kosowsky, has theater's "best supporting uctresa been named to the cast of "Sum- award" for her role in last summet' and Smoke", to be presented by the University of Omaha's mer's production of "Picnic". She Is the daughter of Mr. and Summer Theater, July 7, 8, 9 at the University. Mrs. I, L. Kosowsky and is a Miss Kosowsky received the teacher at Bellevuo High School. BETH ISKAEI, SCHOOL AWAKD Recipients of religious school awards at Beth Israel went to Laury Bloom, Bruce Poster, Ellen Zelinsky — perfect attendance; Liuiry Bloom, Bruca Poster, Loon Shrago, Jerry Smith and Ellen Zelinsky—bible contest and Laury Bloom, Allen Colin, Sidney Friedman, Alex Grossman, Roberta Meyorson, Bruco Poster, Loon Shrago, Jerry Smith, Kllen Zelinslcy and Marsha Zweibnck—I. Goldstein Awards.
Burma is to organize border settlements to bo- staffed by military personnel but to function as agricultural units. Since this same policy has been successfully Implemented here, It was natural that Isreal be selected to provide the necessary training. The present group; housed on a farm, has already had language training geared to an agricultural vocabulary. Because of the close association between the Ulpan" at Beit Berl, the Burmese were evening guests recently at Natanya. On this occasion, the colour and flavor of international elbow-rubbing was even more marked than usual. An eight-year-old Burmese girl performed a national dance, while students from the U.S., South Africa, and South America danced the hora. In the audience were to be seen a Burmese baby on the lap of n Brazilian girl (an Ulpan student who assisted the teaching staff); a Burmese soldier wearing his familiar skirt and cap; another Burmese baby—this time on the lap of an Ulpan student from Rumania who also helped with work at Belt Berl; and so on. Tho Burmese babies appeared to be more, placid than Sabras. It was pointed out that in Burma they are used to being cared for by their grandparents, and so are unaccustomed to being continually with their parents—and In particular, together with their parents In classrooms. They Included a pair of 11-month-old twin girls, s'urely tho youngest twins' ever to have graduated from an ulpan.
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Admitted to Practice Of Law in Nebraska
Burmese Ulpan
h r rblob h r rbl In tho other game. A. Z. A. I 1 0 Yoser ID 3 1 0 1 0 0 McMohon rf 2 2 1 1000. remained in contention by 1 I 1! Sweet B 2b A 2 ? 2 3 3 Ch'esa If i 0 0 romping past A. 7,. A. 100, 24-13, 2 3 0 Tilford c( 4 1 2 in another one of "those" games. ] II 3 Swpel G c 3 1 4! STANDINGS 1 0 O^Cochron 3b 4 WON LOST i D 1 0 Sweet D l i 3 1. 0 • Ro/'m ..3 II 0 0 0 Short p 4 0 0 I A. 2. A. 1 3 1 I 0 0 0 Pace p J I A. Z A. 1003 2 1 0 1, I A. Z. A. 100 0
A group of 103 Burmese—approximately 50 Army officers and men together with their families— have completed a three-week oourse In basic Hebrew at Beit Berl, Kalmania, near Kfar Saba. Th» men, hera to study" agricultural methods, constitute the Second such group to come from Burma to Israel. Tha first has already completed the year's period of training and is back in Burma applying the technical knowledge acquired here. Familiarity With Hebrew Ths purpose of this introductory oourse was to give the Burmese, Including the women and children, a basic familiarity with both the language and the country! Now they hav« been divided "among various moshavim nnd kibbutzim, a large number going to Ein Geddi. Since only 10 members of the sroup, the officers, •spoke any English, and since Burmese is scarcely known in Israel, the teaching problems were unique. The staff of instructors, under the direction , of Shulamit Katznelson of Ulpan Akiva in Natanya, wore labels with their names written in Burmese, while the students were labelled with ,their Burmese names written In Hebrew characters. A further difficulty aroso from th« fact that the various tribes in Burma speak widely differing dialects, and their members have different difficulties with Hebrew pronunciation. Some, like the Chinese, do not pronounce the "f"{ others havo trouble with "t", '"f or "v." At worst, a new Burmese Hebrew may be in the making, more exotic, perhaps, than English H e b r e w or German Hebrew, but no less painful topurlsts. The Burmese havo taken easily to Hebrew songs and dances, for most of the mars musical and blessed with a senso of rhythm. And. they ara quits happy with Israel food, although tending to supplement it with quantities of their own apices and condiments. Border Settlements ... Tlit aim of tha Government of-
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