July 8, 1960

Page 1


Vol. XXXVIII—No. 4!!


Published every Frlduy, 101 No. 2(Jtb Omttlm. Nebraska. Phone JA 13GU


Second CIUBB Postage Paid at Oinuliu. Nebr

BVnglo Copy IV Cent) Annual Hale 4 Dollar*

U.N. Appoints" Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged F D £

(The Dr. Philip Slier Home for the Aged acknowledges the following memorials and donations.) coiifirm> . ^ 1 ° ^ - DenDonor In Memory of JudRC'Ci ver as an > .number of the Factory ontt office employees of Per(ecilor> Oeor Company . , t , Mrs. Emily Be I mart United Si .-s delegation to the #Ar, and Mrs. Louis Kulofcohky Qen Luslyarlen, tAry Bertha Rich United Nations General Assembly M e i u i . and frtmev David Orfco.v, Ma* Scheuerjncm Ofto Gummers M»i5rj. and" Mmes. Fred Rosonstock, session which will begin in SepErnosl Hogg, J, Harry Kulakofjky, Max Seheuermann .......,., ,..*..>•..•» Wrs, Fannie Ucwmon tember. Mr, and Mrs, Reuben Drown Max Pcjtz In 1057, he was named by PresMrs. Ben J. Handler .........»t .Arnold Flescb ident Eisenhower to reprocsnt the Donor fn Honor of United Slates at the Intergovern§Ar and Mr% J, Harry Kulakofsky .50th wedding anniversary of Wr, and M r i . mental Committee for European Louli Hitler Migration at Geneva. JAe$*rj, and Mmci. V/itflam H. Wolfson, Somuc) Alloy, Fred Kurlimon, Oenfamln V/iesman Wr, and Mrs, Morion Dcgcn

^Oln wedding anniversary of Mr, ond M r i , Samuel V/lesmon a special occasion

Synagogue Confribulions Mr. ana Mrs, Richard Mobormcin, Mr. 5orn Fish

Fire—Unites Efforts Of Israel, Jordan

'Jews Can Give

JERUSALT'.M (WN'S) Israel ond'Jordan this week joined in a common effort against a common foe-fire. Earlier in the week'Jordanian firemen helped extinguish a blaze in •Jerusalem's no-mim's land, thus lteepiui; the fire from spreading into Israeli territory. A few days later the story was to repent itself, with Israeli firemen joining their Jordanian counterparts in extinguishing a fire in the same urea.


Washington (JTA)—The United States Government today forliade George Lincoln Rockwell, leader of the American Nazi Party, to hold any more rallies on the Mall —an area that attracted many thousands of tourists here to celeCUI/TUKAL IHJII.IHNCi brate Independence Day. Mexico City (JTA) — A new TlK! order was issued by Klnto building lo house the MexicanIsrael Cultural Institute was of- niMinott, administrative assistant to Secretary of the Inferior Fred ficially opened here. A. Soatnn. It followed a bloody 'lff! on tho MuH Kunduy, when Rockwell and 12 of Jil* cohorts

Havana (JTA)—Enrique Oltu- MUnni and was an. active figure slti, the only Jew ever to serve in in the Castro revolt against the n Cuban Cabinet, was replaced by Batista-regime. He was named to Basle (JTA)— The Jewish peothe Cnslro regime this week us ple of the world can Rive "hope to the Cabinet in January, 1959. Minister .of Communications. Oltumankind facing the terrifying pvosski's resignation was announced by peet of self-destruction," Mrs. President Dortlcos after a 13-hour Benjamin Robinson, of Montreal, cabinet session. president of the International (Washington sources said that Council of Jewish Women, told Oltusld has been removed from Officers elected io serve the the groups annual convention here. the 'Government presumably beOmaha Workmen's Loan AssociaMore than 500,000 Jewish womcause lie had not been "aggressive tion Include Isadore Abramson, enough" in application of the Cas- president; Phillip If. Miller, vice- en from 19 countries, were represented at (he convention by 130 tro revolutionary principles.) president; Harry Richlin, treasur- delegates. Yugoslavia was repreOltuski, who Is about 30, is the er, and Harry Staenberg, secre- sented at the convention for the son of tin Orthodox Jewish couple tary. first time in the organization's residing in Santa Clara where his The board of directors, consist history. Five Yugoslav- Jewish father lias a .shoe factory. He is a of Ben Lituicnbaum, Sam "Cuss, women were hore us observers. graduate of the University of Mayer Frank, Jacob Kaplan, Leo CiKNKVA, fJTAl—One hundred "As Jews," Mrs. Robinson told Fox, Milton Resnick, Arthur Mey- the delegates, "we- can tell the Mid two summer camps that will erson, Morris Fisher and Benjaprovide recreation for nearly 22.000 world to have faith because wo min Klaiman. Jewish children-in Europe, North have survived horrors and have Beginning July 11, the associa- kept alive. She paid particular Africa mid Iran, most of them tion will meet every other Mon- tribute to Israel where, she said, f r o m under-privileged h o m e s , Opened for the season. Mrs. M. A. Uercovici wns re- day evening. Anyone wishing to "Jews demonstrate to all the The crimps ate maintained I>y elected president of the Omaha take cure of any business in the world their faith in the future." local Jewish organizations with Chapter Urandels University Na- meantime is invited to call Mr. Stucnbcrj}, WA 4758. subsidies and technical assistance tional Women's Committee. 339 New Synagogues Other officers elected are Mines. from the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee which has Hyman Ferer, honorary-president; In Israel in Year Its European operating head- Myron Milder/first vice-president; Jerusalem (WNS)—Rabbi Ynuquarters here. Most of the chil- Leo Kisenstutt, second vice-presicov Toleduno, Minister for Religdren are aged six to 10 but there dent; Abe Grecnberp;, third viceore 12 camps for youths aged president; C h a r l e s Rosenstock, Jerusalem (JTA)—The Rank of ious Affairs, reported that a total fourth vice-president; E d w a r d Israel will issue the first gold coin of 339 new synagogues and 21 new 16-25. Green, treasurer; Verne Vance, re- to be lcfinl tender in Israel. It will mlkvahs (ritual -baths) Were escording secretary; Manfred Krcil- have a nominal value of 20 Israeli tablished in Israel during the past Bond Office Closed stein, corresponding secretary; Isa- pounds, will contain the same year. dore Chapman and Fred Koscn- amount of gold, as the British sovRest of Month Among the highlights of the reHenry Monsky Lodge of B'nai The Bonds lor Israel office will stock, financial secretaries; Alfred ereign, and will sell for $20. port were these fact s: More than B'rith will install its 1960-61'ofMayer, auditor. Mines. Albert 100,000 religious articles were disbe closed during the-month of ficers on, August 6 at the Town One side of the coin will show July, it was announced by Mrs. Newman, Sum Appleman, Abe the head of the late Theodor Herzl, tributed during the year by Rabbi House. 'Frances Greenherg, staff secre- Fellman, H. IT. Brown, David Fed- father of political Zionism. A men- Toledano's office among immigrant A dinner-dance is being planned er, Morion Richards unjl Allen settlement schools; some-1,000 im- in connection with the ceremonies, tary, who may be contacted at Zalkin are directors. orah will appear on the reverse. migrant boys between the ages of GL 058"i, Sidney Taren, Installation chairtwo and nineteen—nil from East mnn, said. Edward Rosen and MarEuropean countries—were circum- vin Trcllor will be honored for cised; of Israel's Christian popu- their services a^i co-chavenven ot lation ot 52,000 some 1,000 are hurt by the admitted violation of clerics; the Religious Ministry the recent district No. e convention in Omaha. ' . Israel—Developments this week with Elchmann's family and had Argentine sovereignly. maintained 80 mosques and paid Indicated that Dr. Erich Scmldt- been .asked to .undertake his de To be installed are Moo Kagan, Eichmann is officially still un- the salaries of 190 Moslem religfense. l^eichncr, prominent criminal lawder detention for interrogation, ious functionaries; some 200 Chrls- president; Sidney Taren, first vicetor, denied reports that he would and no dato has yet been fixed for tlon churches are functioning In president; Dr. Benton Kutlcr, As for the Security Council resundertake to defend Adolf Eichhis formal arraignment on the the country and, finally, that the second vice-president; Stuart Gottolution, Mr. Hammarskjold said. fnann before an Israel court in lieb, third vice-president; tAVier charges of "climes against the Jerusalem; Secretary General Dag "There is scope for differences of Jewish people" and "crimes against curent budget provides for the holders of offices and trustees. lamnmrskjold said it was up to views. My own Interpretation was humanity." Both those charges establishment of a Moslem religTickets for the affair will bo he governments of Israel and Ar- not a substantive one but pro- carry the death penalty under Is- ious library In Jaffa. available soon. :entlna to negotiate an. agreement cedural—that, when un issue has raeli law. Yesterday, a magistrate in tho form of "adequate repara- been left In this way, amblguouK, went to his Bccret place of custody ion" under U.N. Security Council it is for the two parties concerned, and extended the detention order 'esolutlon. I t was noted Argen- in the spirit indicated by their wish against the Nazi for the fourth Ina reiterates" demands for Eelch- to have friendly relations, to time. The new warrant prolongs nann's return and received a tor- thrash It out between themselves, the detention, pending a hearing, nal reply to her Juno 8th note to that is to say, to negotiate the 1s- for another 15 days. Jerusalem (JTA1 — Establish- brew Instruction. Teachers of such feraol. Tho contonts of the letter, suo and agree on what one party ment of choirs of Hebrew language high school courses will be pro8 understood to stress thQ point considers to be appropriate reparaand culture at French universities vided by the Israeli Government. hat of Israel's most Important tion and the other party considers Special Bulletin was agreed upon hore by a Franco- - Other arrangements r e c o moroign policy goals la tho preser- it reasonable to give." Wants Argcntlno Friendship Cologne, Germany (AP)—-At- Israeli commission working out mended by the joint commission latlon ot friendly relations with Strenuous efforts are being con- torney Robert Servatius said Tues- details for. Implementation of the Include cooperation between Is; Argentina. tinued hero to attempt o rap- Tuestlay he has taken on the de- cultural agreement signed recent- raeli and tho French ScieatiUc ReDefending War Criminal* 1 search Councils; translation of and fense ot AdolE Eichmann, former ly by France and Israel, ': Dr. SchiSldt-I>lchner was at- prochement with Argentina 1 tho re-establlshment of the friendHebrew chairs will ha estab- Hebrew literature into French; Nazi SS colonel accused of killing torney {or tho defenso In tho Nurlished at the University of Tou- recognition of the French languago fmberg war-orlmes trials, and Is ly relations that have existed with millions of Jews under Hitler, so and the University ot Mont- ns a first foreign tongue to b» Mr. Servatius, 65, gold that, a t Ivirrontl/ roprcscntlng Herman Argentina for 12 years. Israeli cir£rumey, who w<u an aldo of EtcH- cles here ara considering a special the Eichmann family's request, ho paller. Tho French Government taught in Israeli Jilgh schools, where previously English had that kiann's, an well as Bruno Begcr, gesture of amity toward Argln- will act with a group of othor will finance the new faculties. Tho commlssioit recommended 9taUi9i a n i exchange 'between tti» t Nazi ' raoa expert." Both are tlna, possibly the sending of a lawyers os chief, 'defender lor waiting trial In West German high-ranking personality whose Eichmann, who H in Israel nwalt- th# teaching of Hebrew in Frencli two countries of filnis, radio- pro••-'secondary schools When", enough grams, post-graduate fellowphlpt, •• burta. fiarlier report* were that task would be to toothe Argen- i n i trial.. ' • • students evidence a desire for He- and y lie attorney had been In touch tinian aenslbtlitloi that have been

Abramson Heads Loan Association

Subsidized Network Of Camps Abroad for Jewish Youngsters

irandeis Women Elect Officers




were arrested, some were bcaien, whUe fivfi anti-Nazi hecklers were also taken into police custody. All those nrre.Hted, Including Koclmell, wero released on UM. When Rockwell showed up on the fourth he was served with the order from the Department of the Interior which has jurisdiction over the area—a square flanked by the historic Archives Building, the Smithsonian InsUUitton anu the National Gallery of Art. Many of the tourists in the square at the time were lined up to view the original Declaration of Independence exhibited in the Archives Building. Rockwell was io\A that he could use one of two other locations in this city lo exercise "free speech." He chose the nearest site, JiuteU ary Square, a relatively isolated area seven blocks away from the Mall. Mr. Bennett said that the order against using the Mall without a permit is directed anyone attempting to hold a meeting U\eve. A number of I>rownslilrie«l Nazis were severely beaten at Rockwell'H Sunday rally. Kockwll himself lild uml(>r tlio speaker"* platform at tli« first sign of violence. Police were compelled to set. up riot control conditions ;\m\ separate the estimated 50 persons who were exchanging blows. Witiu-KSPs described tlie brawl us reminiscent of street fighting In Iti-rlin in the curly WSO'.s, l>ct w e n miti-NnzIs »nd adherents of Hitler. The Jew-baiting reached such a point that veteran police offlciers said it was ''absurd to considw such hateful threats and abuse" of the public to be legitimate "free speech." There was also resentment on the part oJ police to Nazi attempts to arrogate to themselves police power in a paru-military fonnatioon guarding Rockwell awl restricting the public in part of the park.

Israelfl@Issue Firs* Gold Coin

Henrjr llonsky to Hold ion, Aug. 6

German Declines Eichmann Defense

Friday, July », I860



Gunfire Dispels 'Quiet1 On Israeli-Syrian Border

re** nl I lit- Dr. I'l - Hi* 4cr<J

Published Every Friday by Iho JJm i s h Federation of Omaha.

Seccno Cla^s Pcsionc f aia al Omahu Ncbr. Annutfi subscription. U.OO. Acjvcr'ictmj Hate* on Application, Publication Office-101 No 2(/m Strfd. Omafio, Ncfcr.. JAtfctcn nc*.

United Nations, N. Y. U T A l - Syrinn t'uufin; rr-siiltini; in the The situation alomc lln .Israeli- death of one Israeli bonier pnlrol A *pll> ^liliilllailoliu-ler '.vas pre- Syrian border, where "a |>e ollieer. the pinniim-down ol olh«»r Isenleil to Hie hns]iit:il of the Dr. of l l ' l a t h v ijliiet' 1 lias existed Israelis, .ind ejinliic alludes | Philip..Slier Home lor Hie A;/ed | in memory ol Mrs, Kannie New- several months, has .'ctaill ai;ainsl I'N ohservers tryiiij; to leriuraled ' as a result ol a:?c j man by Mr. and Mrs. Calvin New-, pacify Ihc area .ire listed in Is•man and Mr. and Mrs. M. II. New- j s i " " s ''-v " " ' Armed I-'orces of the Flans for I'nited Arab Republic, Ihe Secur- r/i'Ts latest eomplaint to the .Se.IKRl'SAl.KM. 1.ITA1- 1 n!;ni rnblication id an editioni nf tbe I A M«rial Kidilush «v.s JIA.-II hy :•''>' ' ' " " ' " ' ' I I " ' " ' « ; | S warned by curity ("oiuieil. The attacks ocKoran, tbe sacred hook >l Islam. curred between June II and June ; Mr. aiirl Mrs. Mill.>n Hi .se'iithal oil " " ' I s l ; " ' 1 Government. in Israel have birii cnnipilded liv K i \ e speeifit! a l t a e l ' . s liy heavj Hie occasion of the ;tnoi\ersary the Israel .Ministry for 1 ills ; i.l' the death of bis mother. Aecr.rdini: lo Michael (.'om.'iny, AII airs. ' I'lie Worliiiiciis' Circle iin\ilinrj i Israel's permanent representative, in 1 Tlie hrsl piintni .: nl Hi' K i a u ('.ill entertain mir residents mi 111 the Cairo radio declared on June ael, v.;is pl.-iiin.-ii a l t e r nl- j Sunday, .Inly IVlli. July I?—Fust of 17tli of Tammii/ 27lh.it Ihe Firsi Syrian Amiy, of Jsiai'l's .Moslem o>m- j In the days of the Kirst Temple YAlllt/.KIT: Special memorial a lout; the Israel frontier, has been I nniiiily nl' J 75.01)1.1 complaini'il tliat I ill the year ">Nfi R. C. K. tin- liaby-i Ihe hunie j Mrs. Abe F.ear has I it notified j ordi-reii lo "first shool, then wait held liu Turki.sh iditions w i v pnoi'ly services v\ < Ionian army besirwitK Jerusalem j1]printed .Hid h.nl many errors. fii mini;, l i i e j t h a t t w o volumes of (he J u n i o r for insIructions", sylKu;o;;ue for .succeeded in inakinf; a fatal 1 death <>c- Jewish Kiie\vi<ipedi;i are helm; ' ' n , , , , , , , . I Tile plan falls lur ijiililiralioil anniversary of •JM Ihc .walls of the. l.,f.ly cily. 'As I f>, , h e K u J . . m , ) y „ „ . S u | , , , , m , culled ill Hie inoiiiii ol Tiiiiijiiiiz: i en lo the V e t e r a n s Administration a ronsirqiicnce of that .first lircach, I MOSIIMII Committee ol Israel with I 1 ' " " " 1 " ' ' 17 '.lulv VJ. Ben Milder, < hospital in her. name by the NaS. I[ tiiimil tiona! Jewish Welfare Hie ritv fell three weeks'Inter and I the .'('•M.staiifc o( Moslem reliejous | Tanimii/ IK J u l y l.'l, I.imis .S. \Vrlf:iiT Hoard. Mrs. j I.ehowit/; Taminuz 21 J u l y 22, Dear is Veterans Ilospilul chair- j I-SV C O N V E N T I O N I ' l . A N S the Temple Avail desLroyed, Hence, rtiurls. tradition set tills (lay aside as a I Sam .lose/ilison and Tammii/. 2!l- man for the l''e<|cr.ilion of Jewish I>IS<1 SSi;i> AT MKKTIN4! fast day. ' July 2-1, Mollie Tully. Women's ('lubs. Mi's. M. (lordoii and (Jordcm




Israel lo Publish Edition of Koran



Mrs. Bear's



JKA.VKTTK MAI.ASIIOCK Services were held Thursday al. Bclh Kl (Y'inelery lor .leanetle; Malashock, former Omahiin, who : died last l'niKn in \AIS An«< li s,

.Sei'vicc-s at; Beth Kl "Synagogue «ill l>e(,'iii this'veilirtB at 7 p. m. ..Sabhatliii!c>r;iiiii; services at 9;.'J0. Aliiicha-Maariv•• service at 7:45 p.m. .Sunday morning services l»j;in Ctl. /tabbi MJ<I s Knpki old-1 nt .!), Daily siTvices are held at d a t e d . 7 a. in. m'ld 7 p; in. ' ' . . Surviving .n< inothei, Mi-, I sU'NAI JVCOB - AUA'H'. 1KSIIIKON Friday. '.Miiirhaj 6:.'IO''p. in. Satiii-rlay, « : » ,i. in., Minch:i, «:W j). in. followed by -Shulosh Smirlos. Daily services at li:W a. m, 1 and •i:.'i<l p. in.

Waller (if Minnea]K)li.s, Minn. «nd Rabbi Mordoeni Simon of Walnrloo, la., met with committee chairmen lo discuss plans for the U.S.Y. Mid-wesl I!e;Monal convention to be lif Id here al Thanksojviiie, time.

Painting Given fo Home In Memory of Eliza Baer

s< oi T iroxoits If Robert Milder, son of Mr. I ind Mrs. Kdward K, Milder will he- awarded l)ai;|e Scout honors .duinn; a Hoy Seoul Troop .'158 , ('unit r>f Hnnor. July 12 ill Lulhrr Mimonal Church, lie is also working on Ner Tamid religious Scoutmi,' honors. Unlierl will ai.tcnd Ihc; National Ho\ Scout Jamhorco at Colorado Spnni'.s Inter this .month.

tiliT.Mnlnshotk, bioth i s Milton, O m a h a ; H u m , Des Momi s I i , irviilK. Kansas C i i j , Mo sistiis, Mrs. Sam I-inkli Lincoln i n d M i s H. \\, I^'lj<l\Ml/, Dill IS, I i \

A. I'. (.OI.DW \K|.

A.'I'. (iolciujic 7H foiiiu i O m c I ha grocer, d u d A i i s i t u m ( I n TOIIM.K ISItAKI/ I c;i(;o. Kimei ll M I U K S \ \ < I < In Id Services a I Temple Isiaol will in Chicat;o. Ihuisda.s. lie held in the Chapel al 7:.'iO p. in. Sui-viviiiK are ins wile. Cl.ua Jtahhi Sidney II. P.rooks will ofsons, Mever, l>a\id, Chicai'o, I I I ; ficiati nnd deliver the .sennon. Dr. Hen. Dallas. Tex.; d.nmlileis Mrs. Hess Rosenberg. Park K O H S I 11KTII ISIiAKI. III.; Mrs. Annr Yousein, Los AnKolxilas Shalihos I''riday e\eniiiL; 1,-eles, Cal.; Mrs. Kveljn Kuljpnsersices al 7:.'iO p. in. S.habbos stc-in, Clfveland, ().; sister. Mis rnorniiv^ services :it S:15 a. in. at Rebecca Kir^H, Philadel|)hi;i. J',i , .r)2nd and Charles SI reels and at brothers, .Saniiiel. . and Jacob, 9 a. in. at l!)th and Hurt Streets. O m a h a ; David. Los Angeles; 12 Junior ('on^iciraliun al 9:15 a. in. grandchildren and three fe'io.il Rabbi Groner tvill I.'OIHIUCI the grandchildren,

SKLAR RADIATOR Let Us Clean and Repair Your Car Radiator Now An Overheated or Leaky Radiator Can Causo Serious Damage ONE-DAY DEPEefdABLE SERVICE Inspection and Estimate* Arc Fie*

Talnmd Class al 7:15 ]). in. Sabb'tth Minciia. followed hy Siiolosh \ hfcne loiiKiiie; (o (In* west .Seudos and Maariv al 7:>lf> p. m. I'llll.ll* MOTZ I'liillp Slier 1111011- for Hi)' AKIII. Services uere held Tuesday Sunday nioinini,' services at H:.'!0 at + a. in. followed hy breakfast ami the Crosljy-K'iinold Morlnnry for A paintiin,' dediealed to the Or. Philip Motz, 57, owner of "the Kabhi's class in Bible Philip Slier Home, for the Afjed, in. and i 'rwnliflh Street Garage, who in memory of the artist, tile lid<" Daily services al 'died last Friday. Burial was in 7:">0 p. in.' Mrs. Kllsa Baer, Is now displayed Pleasant Hill Cemetery. in the inniii entrance of the buildSurvmnj; are brothers, Louis. ing. . Sioux City, In.; Jake, Omaha, sisMrs. I'.aer, whose death, occurred tcrs, Julia. Hannah and Bertha at the itVfi nf.Ui on April 30 of Molz, Omaha. Ihis year, painted the scene a.s it appeared lookinK west from the. Jerusalem (JTAl—The Nationhome. The landscape done in 1952 al Insurance Fund will spend MOSKS KKAS.VK nbout S4l.,(iC)7,O00 this year in Scrvims for Moses Krasne. 67, a has been exhibited in the Lincoln benefits 1o insured persons, mostly Fremont business man for many (Nebr.I Art. Gallery and the Josin old age and survivors' Ixiftcfits. years, were held Tuesday at the lyn Museum and uas'presented to The arraiiKetnent KIVCS old a(,'e. Jewish Funeral Home.'. Burial was the home by Hans Baer, Omaha musician arid son of the artist. survivor, maternity, accident, and in ririldrji Hill Cemetery. Mr. Mr. liaer said the works of his employment insurance coverage. Krasnc died Sunday. mother had been <ximpared with and family allowances to 640,000 .Surviving arc his wife, Bess, son, those of the famous "Grandma - persons. Byron, Lincoln; daughter. Syvia. Moses." ! The fund administers the family IXK AnKcles, Cal.; four grandchilMrs. Baer who arrived in thisj allowance plan under which the dren, sisler and three brothers. country at the ai,'C of 85, to join Slale pays' special allowances to her son and his wife, previously families having four or more chilspent 12 yeara in Italy as a refudren. One-eighth of the beneficgee from the Nazis. She was deiaries' of the Fund receive these voted to her paintiDK until the family allowances. Kishty percent day of her death. of the. family allowance recipients Omahan.s ejected lo office at thej are immigrants from_ Africa and recent meeting of the Cfjrnbelt lie-1 Asia, and ten percent, non-Jews Kion of AZA in Des Moincs, In. ! although non-Jews constitute only are Buddy Kpslein, Jiegional Aleph i seven percent of those employed. Godcl; Howard Hahn, secretary; ! The fund is currently paying old Mark GoldstrOm, .serKcant-at-arms : ~8Ke pensions to 46,000 men and and Walter Wise, chaplain. | women. The boys are thp sons of Messrs. •• Seb (Subtly) Pulvercnts and Mines. Jack G. Kpstein, Sam! Halm, Bernard Goltlstrom,. Harry j 25 Years' Exporicnce Wise, jr., respectively. < Wiih Jewish Lettering and Memorial*

Insurance Benefits Over $41,00Q,eiD

from Uin <1ntr.i!ir<? of the Dr. -

LOU HURWITZ, Prop. Downtown Location 1708 CASS WE 0200



Hlondo Barkr Shop

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Rollie Rogers Says . . .


Your Barber Work at Your Convenience Appointments at No Extra Charge

Save by Calling AT 4977 Corlified «nd approved by Rabbi Dr. Loon Thorn, Preiidont, American Academic Rabbi's Aiioci'atipn of New Americans, and Rabbi S. Walkin of the Orlhodox Rabbil Association of Now York City.


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3 A.M.-6 P.M.

"220 VJt JJ,oudepower I


Epstein £3eae!s Coraijelf Region

Monument Co.

Lehmans' Gift for Children's Zoo

NEW YORK <WNS> Former Senator Herbert H. Lehman and his wife have contributed $500,000 for the building of a children's zoo in Central Park. The zoo is to house peaceful animals of which all children are fond. The gift was made on the fiftieth anniversary of th? donors. ISRAEL. CAMBODIA RAISE BTATUS OF BEFBESKNTATIVE Jerusalem <JTA)—Israel and Cambodia have raised the status tl their representation from legation to embassy.


A monument will be dedicated in memory of Ben Waldrnan, Sunday, July 10 at 10:30 a. m. nt Both flatntdrosh Ilaijodol Cemetery. Rabbi Benjamin Groner and Cantor Eli Kagan will officiate.

2211 So. Off)


WA 5554


AT 2452

Phono JA 1366 to Irrarl your Wont Ad In

iewiih Press. Tile unveiling of a monument thtRote is SO centi for each Tfiree fine Imerin memory of Mrs. Bertha Passer tlon. The Press reserves the fioht to Hmll will take place Sunday, June 30, at stzo of «ach advertisement 1 p. m. at Oak Hill Cemetery in DAILY JEWISH PAPERS Council Bluffs. Rabbi David Kerb BAB and Has Mltrvaii congratuwill conduct the ceremony, All lations also for all Jewish holifriends -and, relative* are invited days and special occasions. to attend. Meyt-rs News Stand, 1502 Dodge

Lb. . ... Have a Treat



Friday, July K, IWSO

Joel Rotenstrekhs Will Live in Birmingham, Ala.

1'iigo Three


Lora Franklin's Betrothal Announced in California

Jack Epsteins Return From Wedding Trip

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kpsl.ein who were wed .June ID are making 'Mr. ami Mrs. Morris M. KrniikBelli Kl .Syii,i(:oi,'iic was the their home in Omaha following a Bccnc of the noon weildiiiK ill liil have announced tile eni;.'u;<'western trip. which Muss Anita Hue Havil/. and nii'iil of (heir daughter, Lot a to Atrs. l'.'j>steiii. the fornu'r Mrs, i Joel Roteiistrcich ucre ui)il(-ii 111 I ditli Nelson Goldberg and Mr. flerald Slewart Levin of Napa, iniirriafje- last Sunday. H;il>bi Myi'i 1 pstein, the son of Mrs. Sain KpC'al., son of Dr. and Mrs. llfiiry S. Kripke anil Cantor Aai'uii 1, slein were married in St. Joseph, Kfhrar officiated. If. I.evin of San Maleo, Cal. Mo. at the home of the bride's The hride is the daughter.of Mr. The bride's parents have remother, Mrs. Moms Nolsim in Ahe arid Mrs. Harry Kavit/. and tli<' turned from San Mateo after ;>ijiresenee of the inuiiediate famj;room the M.n of Mrs. "lsa(li>n> lendinx a family supper at Iho ilies. Kotenstrcich (if l!iriniin;liani. Al.i. I.evin residence where the beThe bride.wore ;i miwn <if blush trothal was announced. A Decempinlc ('li.'intilly );ic<" and pe.iu de ber 18 weddinj; in San Francisco, MONA LISA wiii; detained uilli lai'c sleeves Cal., is beinf; planned. House of Glamour and pearls, Circular tiered panels Miss Franklin is a music major II I Mo. 50th SL 7000 flowed over the full length lace •Jtiiin Hiadnale ol Ibe University 6 Expert Holr Stylisti skirt, anil e.Mcudcd into a catheof California at Berkeley and is Air-Conditioned Dryer* dral ir.'iin. Her tiara nf pearls and attondiiu; summer sessions there rhincstones held a fingertip veil MISS MAHSH and MISS JERRY til the present time. She is a forof blusli pink illusion and slip carOwnors mer member of the Omaha Sym"*; ried a prayer bonk with a,white) [• phony Orrlujstra and a past reorchid and slcphanotis. gional president ol-Youiu; Judaea Mrs. Robert II. Klrisher of liiimwhile in Omaha. While allendiiif,' Smooth 'n' Mellow iniiham, sister of I he j'muni, was Berkeley, she taught in the- Karl niatron of honor. ['ridcsm.'iids weie MKs I.III.I I'r.inkliri t h o Misses Nancy Kriedlander. Francisco Heth Shalom Sunday Mr*, ilon ICoteiisIretell Susan I.ipp, Frances Malcolm ami .School. Sallie Kay Mnrkovilz, the latler a (iendler. Ottuniua. la.; .Mr, and Mr. Levin is a graduate of (lie cousin of (be bride. Mrs. .lulius Ktinik, Iowa City, la.; University nf California also and Mr. Kle.isher was best man forMrs. Cicoi't-cc Selij;j ; and son,, .Ion of jc is a member of I'hi Delia Kappa, h i s brother-in-law. Crnoinsineii Alaineda. Oil;; Mrs. S'ol K. Ituvitz honorary fraternity, At present hi' were- Laurence Strauss, Chicago, „,„) i\7,ss ]>,,ula White. Los An- Mr. and Mrs. Justin K. Wolf of is touching in 1he Ki<lK<"vi<:w IIIKII 111,; James llotcnslreich, lilrmini?-|, ;| .|,. S| i-M.; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Washington, I). C, former Oma- school udere he is chairman of the ham; Ramon Somhere, and Justin : Siever, Marvin Newman, Minnenp- hans, liavc announced the mai'-Department of Kn/ilish for N/ipa C Ravilz, brother ol the hride. i,,liji, Minn.; Mr .and Mrs. Marvin riat;e of their dauchler, Miss Ju- County. Ushers were Ronald Hudwi):. j Thomas, Dcs Moines, la.; Mr. anddith White.Wolf to Paul Sherman Chicago; Richard Ilrii;ht, New Mrs. I'Mward Weiner and son, Striker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Invin York City; Lanuy Glide, Houston, Howard, Villisca, la.; Mr. and Mrs. Striker of Denver, Colo. The bride, Tex,; Robert Iwiilis, (iiild.shnro, N. I .con1 Weiiilroh. Trenton, N. .1.;is tlie Ki'iinddni!)!hle.r of the late C\, and Richard Weiner. 'Mr. and Mrs, Howard Colin, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Harry A, Wolf of "Magazine Specialist" A wedding brunch at the Black- | Sherry and Ronald < 'olui, Rock Omaha. IN , Ingenue .Monthly fctone Jfolel followed the cere- ! Island, I'll., Alan Newman, Den'Die wedding ceremony was per16 months $2.80 mony. ' vcr, Colo. formed at the Wolfs" summer Life Inew) 75 wcclea S7.0O The couple left "U a trip to f'hk'nitoans were Haron Shafton, home in Margate, N. J. on June Life (renewal) 1 year S4.95 Hennuda and will be ;il home al || u - Messrs. and Mines. Paul Shlen- 2(i. Rabbi Harry Jolt of Atlantic Newsweek (new) '2022 Sou!!: Lane, in Uirrninrfiatn sky, Robert. Goldstein. R o n a l d I City, u foi'iner •I.ineobiite, offiei44 weeks $3.37 Illustrated afler July 17. liudwii;. Miss Mari;o I.iMlercr. jatcfi. A brunch at Iho Trayniore Spurts 65 weeks 56.07 Out-ol-loun );ui'Sts includeij Mr, ']•(,,, Alabama contingent was Ilolel in Atlantic City followed. N Lowoit Price* on Every Magazine «nd Mrs. Meyer lialser and Jli.v•' composed of Messrs. and Mines, Miss Laura Wolf, sister of Hie Ordor By Phono or Moil Anne Balscr. Allanla, Ca.; Air. and j l/-vi Becker. Niilhan Rotenstieich, liriile, was maid of honor. Kalhy Mrs. .Sam lialzer, Miami, Kla.; ] .lames linlenslreich. and Dr. and 440 No. 61st St. WA 6742 and Leslie Todman of New York Mr. mid Mrs. Hiehanl nrij'ht, ,\Vw;-.\lrs. |.,. O II Weinslein and daii(;hVork City; Mr. and Mrs. lien! ters, Lynn and .lane, all of I'.irm- City were junior bridesmaids. Allen Striker of Denver was best llavitz and Mr. and Mrs. Morris I iii;-.liam. man for his brother. The couple will make their home in Denver after a wedding trip to Puerto Rico. Oinahuns who attended the weflBKTH IS)iAl:i> IIOAIII) MICKl'S •Si|;ma Delta Tall will boh! a lunch- ilini! were Mr. and Mm, Itobe.rl II, AT IIOMK OF- MKK. II. SIDMA.V eon meetinif, Tuesday, July 12, al Koopcr and son, Howard. Plans for Iho l'liiO'-fii year will J2:.'1O |i. m. at the' Old Kni;Iish he dlsciiKKcd at the annual suinim;r Inn. Reservations may he made board nioetinj: of Iho Beth Israel by calling; Mrs. Kdwin Corclick, Sisterhood, Wednesday, July l.'i, WA HTM. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Wiseman at. (he homo of Mrs. Harry .Sid1914 Farnam celebrated their twenty-fifth w-edman, 847 Pni'kwond L:iin\ Mrs DKAMATIi! V\AW\ WILL dinc anniversary on July 2 with fi Alfred Prank, sisterhood president, <:ixi;i(rsATi<j IIIKTIIDAVS announced. Tho Woilcman Circle Club, at family dinnei-. The meeting will follow a brunch a Kitlheriiu;, Saturday nii;hl. at the At'11:30 a. m. (,'o-hostesses assist- Labor I^yeeum will celebrate the ing Mrs. Sidman will l«- the sis-birthdays of Iho following: Mines. ^Svat'l'U cat.. ^JllV terhood's three vice-presidents, Max Kalz, Yetta Oronstein, Max Registered Rcproiontative a Mines. Hiuold vCcllnsky, George." Pfeffer, Sam Kndernian and R. J. Cliff Rahcl & Co. 1130 First National Bonk STARTING Silver. Schi'ipiro and Arthur Pariluian. Investment Bankers JA 7262 * * • . FRI., JULY 8th Mn;. Oreastein and Mrs. Nate CITV OF HOI'K PLANS THROUGH SAT., JULY 16TH IiOlinnan are in charge of the afIiirlilillng Sltncliiy UIVKR'IIOAT I'AKTY. fair. 'I'he Omaha Chapter of City of Hope is sponsoring a moonliKht Amorlca'f cruise on the Missouri River, SatFavorites urday, July 9 at 8;.'i() p. m. ReserAll friend* and relatives are vations arc limited to members Invited to attend ocrvle.es and RCA only. reception. Recording In char/;e of the'evenl ni'e Dr. Artists find Mrs. Sol Kutler, general chair- IIAIiKV ZOOI1 Barry Zoo!>. son of Mr. and Mrs. men; Messrs. and Mines. Saul Stars of Radio. TV Come Meet Davis, Al Neponmick, reser\-a- Seymour Zooh, will observe his and lions; Messrs. and limes. Yale Bar Milzvnh nt Beth Kl SynaTheatre Saturday morninR, July 9th. Jlielifirds and Jack Wolpa, imitations. Let Him Holp You With Your Clothing Solectiom SI»T MTWIIKON KHpoirkk's Men's Clothing — Second Floor

Judith Wolf Wed in East

Helen A. Bernstein


Wisemans Celebrate 25th Anniversary


J <?;/<vet'


Iz "Boggy" Bogdanoff

The Omaha Alumnae


Fellmans Entertain For Son and Bride

A-cocktail party wan Riven July 3 by Mr. and Mrs. Louis Follman for their son, Alvin M. Fellman and his bride, the former Donna jVoskin, who were married Juno 01 Golden Af! 's axe invited lo a 26 in Dayton, O, Mr. ami Mrs. Fellman arc en1ea on Monday, July 11 in the Senior Citizens Louise honoring roiite to California whore they Mr. and MJ-S. Abmliam Fisher ivvill make thoir home. 'flic bride, the daughter of, Mr. whoso marriage took place on and Mrs. Morris Noslun of Brook•Wednesday. Hostesses will be Mines. AJbert lyn, N. Y., chose for her wedding, Caer, Louis.CtiUcr, Stanley Her- a (,'oivn with a Chanlilly ' Jaco 8off, Joseph Horwich, Irvin liai- hodicfi and Bilk organza Eldrt. She man, J. Milton Margolin, Bolwrt carried fl while, orchid on a Bible. Silver, Hnrry Krantz, and Moe Miss Mary Rock was maid of Jionor for her niece nnd the best Vcngcr. man wos Charles H o r o w i t z , The Golden Age Club nnd Senior Citizens lounge arc sponsored firolher-in-law of the groom. Both Jointly by tho Council of jiwlsh are of Brooklyn, N. Y. A iTcrption followed' the cereWomen nnd the Jewish ycdernmony. tlon.

Tea Monday, 1 P.P. In Senior GiSizens lounge for Fishers

FOR THE FINEST . . . } IN PHOTOGRAPHY ; Portraits Weddings





Page Foor



Many, missing fact;, about one of Jewish history's most inspiring ejiisoJcs arc coming to light through current scholarship at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Noted lirclieologists, among t'.em the University's President, Prof. Benjamin Mazar, and Prof. Yigael Yadin, former Chief of Staff of Israel') armed forces, are completing their study of relic* of the Bar Kochba revolt against Rome, which occurred in 132135 C.E.

Lark Over $6,000 To Israeli Buyers

iichael N. Bleiclier To Study isi Poland

Jerusalem (JTA)—The Studcbaker custom Lark model, being nssfmblfd at the Kaiscr-Frazcr automobile assembly plant at Haifa, will cost an Israeli pur-

Michael N. ISleicher who is working on his doctorate in mathematics at Tulane University, New Orleans, La., has been selected as one of three students in the United States to receive a Polish Government study ijrant. - Mr. Bleiclier will work in tho fields of transfinile arithmetic and the a x i o m a t i c foundations of mathematics at the University of Warsaw where he will begin a year of study in September. The son of Mr. and Mrs. David B. Blcicher he received his bachelors degree from the California Institute of Technology and his mastei-s decree at Tulane.

chaser S0,J.°I4 according to a gov-

ernment ruling. The Lark is now being assembled by the Kaiser-Frazer plant at Haifa in place of the French Renault Dauphine, s in c e the French firm withdrew its Israeli franchise in deference to the Arab League's anti-Israeli e c o n o m i c boycott. Of the total retail price for the Lark to purchasers in this country, tlie seller will receive only 53,360 the remainder of 52,771 going to the government in Mr. Bleiclier and his wife, tho former Betty Isack, the daughter the form of excise taxes. of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Isack will Hamburg (JTA)—The Research visit their parents before leaving Center for the History of Na- or Poland. tional Socialism will lie reopened ind resume its activities after a Patronize Jewish Press. Adverfour-year lapse. isers.

Letters by Bar Kochba and extensive war booty, found by Prof, Yudin during a highly successful expedition to the Judeun desert caves, already prove that even after the defeat by tlio Romans, Dar Kochbfl and his follower* still kept up their lieruic struggle from the cave*. 'So reach these almo.tt-inaccc!>.iil)Is hideout*, Hebrew University scholars and students had to climb down rope ladder* attached to army trucks en the cliffs. They fought choking dust and scorpion*, and faced the threat of landslides from a drenching rainstorm. Despite these hazards, further Judean desert expeditions are planned by the Hebrew UniverHity in il» constant quest for knowledge.

Friday, July 8, 1000

i IOf: Ar.k.ologlil, ond iludmll cl lh< lltbuw UnUmlly tlfrnb dawn Into n iwdiai dtitrt cav*. RIGHT: A • fildl.r Ultt a irln* dtltrter to dficlan 1h* pitunct of m*lal btntolh lit* floor of a caw, a» a tlvd.nf locatti hldtbfl *bf«cli.


Bowling Cards Have Been Mailed O u t . . . Any Member Who Has Not Received One and Is Interested in Bowling This Y e a r . . .

CALL-PHIL KUTLifl, SECT AT 0300 — WA 0469

By Cy Sfiltchlck' CKNTKIt S0FTJ5AU. TEAM The scheduled Softball game last Thursday with Thill G. A. C. was washed out due to rain. The game Will be made-up on Saturday evening, July Kith. The Jewish Community Center squad will now play three games in four days beginning July 14th. The Jay officiaf squad which was handed in by deadline to the Q. S. A. on July 1, is as follows: Allan Konecky. Howard Martin, Stuart Kahn, Bob Ginsburg, Jerry Colnic, Morrie Haridlenyin, Lindy Paul, Cy Seitchick, Kay Kirke, Leonard Wolk, John Okun, Bany Rubin, Doug Cohn, Alan Bograd and Howard Lipton. J. C. C. Batting Leaders' Batting Average Base Hlli .Runs Scored Runs Batted In Runs Produced . . . . Walks Doubles Triples Home Runs

Ginsbura. 500 Glniburg, Kirlte, 9 — ...Paul, 8 Kahn, 7 ..Kahn, 12 Paul, 5 Kahn, 2 .....Kohn, 2 Okun, 2

J. C. C Batting Averages Qlnsburg Okun Klrta Hondleman Paul Kahn fiograd . . / Martin Sellchlck Wolk Konecky Colnic Lipton



AVG 500 400 370 390 33] 320 300 250 250 230 ..200 120 000



» 23 18 21 19 10 14


fOOTH COUNCIL SOFTBALL Rayim and A. Z. A. 1, remained eadlocked for first placo 03 each posted victories in Youth ncil ploy at Elmwood Park :Sunday.-


. .•

. ' > / . , ••;.".


• A. Z. A. 1, ilowly emerging as

the "team to beat" breezed past A. Z. A. 1000, 18-6, in a tune-up i;ame for their encounter with Iiayim on July 17th. The loss for A./Z. A. 1000, virtually knocked them out of title contention as young Lurry Kirke easily set them down, after his teammates racked up a 15-0 lead as early as the third inning. A comedy of errors by 1000 wus the feature of the game. in the other league fray Rayim swamped the hapless A. Z. A. 100 group 17-10. A. Z. A. 100 has failed to win a single athletic event so far for the entire 1959-60 year. STANDINGS A. Z. A. 1 Rayim A. Z. A. 1000 A. Z. A. 100

Won Lost 4 1 A 1 2 3 0 I

$18,000,000 f o r Transport Systems Jerusalem (JTA)-:Communicationa Minister Yitzhak Ben-Aharon told tho Israel Parliament this week a special allocation of 33,000,000 pounds (318,300,000) would be used to develop Israel's transport system, including reconstruction of Lydda International Airport to adapt it to handle jetliners. He estimated the cost of this'job at nearly $10,000,000 and said the work would be completed early In 1961. The rest of the development appropriation, the minister said, would go to railway improvements and port development. * '


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PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION no city Noii.noi Bank ewj., omsha, N»bi«dt«

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