Vol. XXXVIH— No. 44
Published every Frldny. 101 No. MJth Omuha, Neuruska. Fliuno JA 13r,G
UJA LauncSies To Develop Young A special program <o bo launchet nation-wide by the United Jewisl Appeal, nimccl »t developing future leadership from the younger gen cration of American Jews Is tin type of precedent initiated ivltl success, some years ago in Oma ha, Harry R, Trustin, Jewish Federation president, said. Mr. Trustin slated that Omaha has encouraged a young adult participation policy within both the Federation and the Jewish Philanthropies Campaign, lie declared that "we have begun to develop an awareness among • the young folks of communal responsibility and of the need of potential leadership. Many of the Jcey positions have been filled by young leaders who have performed their duties with great credit mid effectiveness." Tho UJA announcement w a x made nt a meeting of the Jewish Agency Executive in Jerusalem. Stressed at that time was the )'i port Ih<il the U.IA's campaign to-
Nexfl Press Issue On 26
D A «\S
i(i N
° ...ihalf «ert without any cr * ,,/|>eal. The campaign in the United States emphasized the longterm needs for the consolidation of Israel's agricultural settlements, it was disclosed by UJA at the meeting. •;\U
Nasser Assembling Own Jet Trainers London (JTA)—President NnsBer of the United Arab Republic announced in Cairo that his country is building its own jet training planes and that the production would be- sufficient to meet the requirements of any other Arab Country for such planes. The announcement was apparently aimed to counteract the impression made among the Arabs W tho fact that the Israel Air Force last week received the first jot plane assembled In Israel. Also that eleven more jet training planes will be assembled In Israel for. tho Air Force. Nasser's announcement coincided with the opening in Cairo of the first General Congress of the National Union attended by 2,000 Arab delegates from Egypt nnd Syria In advance of tho formation tit a new Parliament to be comiosed of about 600 members. About 100 members will be chosen by the Congress and tho other 300 will la selected by Nasser. Nasser is chairman of the National Union i ind his Cabinet ministers in Egypt hnd Syria make up tho union's Supreme* Executive Committee. •
Second Class Postupo Paid at Omaiia. Ncbr.
Single Copy U Centf Annual Rate 4 Oollarj
Khrushchev Says—
chev told a press conference here, prior to his departure for Moscow, He said that Soviet arms will be sent particularly to the United Arab Republic "because some western countries are continuing to rearm Israel.' Trotwt Neutrality' The Arab slates, the Soviet leader staled, needed arms to protect their "positive neutrality." He. said that he had proposed to the Western Powers the stoppage of all arms shipments to the Middle Kast but, lie claimed, tho West only wanted to block Soviet shipments without halting their own arms shipments to Israel. The. Soviet Union, lie argued, thus was compelled to give support to countries in (he Near East "in order to preserve the balance of power." The Soviet dictator became sarcastic when asked by a correspondent what Israel could do to improve relations with Moscow. He snapped back that be could not advise Prime Minister David BenGurion since he believed that Ben-
l J'mnih of s\\ must live In a liifl in one of Israel's KlinnU tovtn villages. Ilie United Israel Appeal, a menilier agency of tho United Jewish Appeal must help more than 0(1.00(1 sucli imi'nlmrut dueller*. More than"* than Jerusalem (JTA) — More
11,000 Immigrants entered Israel I during the first half of this year,!| t li e Jewish Agency announced ud here. Monthly figures during the period increased from 1,700 in January to 2,300 in June. .Tel Aviv (JTA)—An intriguing example of Israel's contribution toward African unity was cited by Davar, an Israeli daily, In its report on a garden party celebratJerusalem (JTA)—Concern was ing the occasion of Ghana's becomfelt here over the fate of tin estimated 2,500 Jews living in the ing a republic, Belgian Congo, scene of wide- . Two young Africans, who are spread anti-Kuropean rioting. The residents in Israel while taking Jewish population of the newly specialist courses for careers in proclaimed state is organized in their home countries, were heard eight communities affiliated with warmly conversing in Hebrew the central community in Eliza- while Israelis mound them were speaking Knglish or French, bethville. All members of the Israel dip- •When the young careerists were lomntic staff and advisers as- asked why they were using Hesigned to the new state, about 10 brew, they said they had no alin all, were reported safe in Leo- ternative. They explained that one from Guinea where French is poldvllle, although some of them came and the other from Ghana had been molested by insurgent spoken where Knglish Is In use, nnd "our soldiers. only common language is Hebrew," Ehud Avriel, Israel ambassador to the republic, visited the Foreign Minister to protest in the name of the diplomatic corps at the treatment it was receiving at the hands of the soldiers. He was later visited by the Foreign Min- Jerusalem (JTA)—Israel's tankister who apologized in the name er fleet is now able to haul all the petroleum needed to meet domesof the Government. tic requirements in Israeli ships, it was announced here by a spokesman of the Zim-Israel Navigation line. There is a possibility of further development of the tanker Jerusalem (JTA)—Tho Jordan- fleet if tho new Kilat-Halfa oil Ian Government has agreed to per- pipeline is operated at full camit the entry of Jewish actors, di- pacity, he added. rectors and technical staff who By the second half of 1961, will work on the filming in Jor- Israel's merchant fleet will have dan of a Hollywood production a total tonnage of 685,000 tons, based on the life of T. E. Law- half of. which will consist of veurence (Lawrence of Arabia), it was sels now on order in Bhlpyards in Europe and elsewhere, the spokesreported here. Permission for the entry of Jewa man revealed. Zim now employs into Jordan was obtained, accord- 1,700 seamen, but tha number in gto the report, directly from will be doubled with tho developKing Hussein by Anthony Nutting, ment of tho merchant navy,, he former British Minister of State said. Discussing tho Israel-Far East who resigned in protest over the Suez campaign. Nutting was said line, ha said that interferenco by to have explained to King Hus- tha Egyptian dictator with tho sein the importance to tho Arabs ships sailing on it would not cause of the film, wliich will show that its cancellation. He concluded by they aided the Allies during,the calling for a large-ical« training program for seamen. First World War. . ..'.
African Unify
Concern for Jews In Belgium Congo
To Be Doubled
Jordan Permits Entry Of Jewish Actors
Tlio next edition of tlie Jcwlnli 1'rt'Hn will appear Friday, August 'id. Publicity chairmen uixl contributor)* are asked to JIHVB releases Iji tlio I'uper's ofVienna (JTA)—The Soviet Un- Gurion neither sought his advlca fice on the Friday morning prucetllng tin- Zfith publication ion will continue to send aims to nor would be pleased by that addate. the Arab countries, Nikita Khrush- vice if it were given him. He mad9
Councii Gives Senior Citizen's lounge $500 An initial gift of SHOO towards the refurnishing and decorating of the Senior Citizens Lounge in the. Jewish Community Center has been announced by Mrs. Stanley Hereof f, president of the Omaha section National Council of Jewish Women. Mrs. Stanley Her/off, president of Omaha Section National Council of Jewish Women, announced the initial giit of $500 for the refurnishing and decorating of the Senior Citizen's Lounge. The first phase of this project has been completed with the purchase of new furniture already Installed in the lounge. The planning committee consists of the Mmcs. Joseph M. Horwich, chairman; Iryln Kniman, community services vice president; Albert Gacr, coordinator of Senior Citizen's activities; M. A. Venger and Robert • Silver, co-chairmen of the Lounge. The Lounge was first opened November 1, 195'.) as a co-sponsored project of NCJW antl the Jewish Federation. Since that date it has been open every Monday 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. The lounge is now airconditioned and will continue activities every Monday through the Bummer months.
Zionists Released From Prague Jail Tel Avivi (JTA)—Four prominent Czechoslovak Zionists who were imprisoned in Prague in 1951 on charges of conspiring against the State, have been released from confinement, it was reported here, Five others, convicted along with Mordechai Oren, Israeli journalist, in the same "conspiracy" are still imprisoned, Tho ten men and women were arestetl In lOfll during Hie. period of intense unti-Zlnnlst, anti-Jewish Communist activity ivlilrli culminated in tile Moscow Doctors' Trials in the Soviet Union and the trial and execution of Josef Slansliy, Communist I'arty boss In Czechoslovakia, Oren served in Czechoslovak prisons from 1951-56 when he was finally released. He said on his return from a visit to Europe, that he had learned that four of the other defendants had been released recently. Oren named the four as Ernst Verna, a leader in Czechoslovakia of the Hashomer Hatzair, a Zionist group; Mme. M. Br/.einitzova, an official of the Palestine Office n Bratislava; Mordecai Stern, eader of tlio Jewish National Fund and of the Mizrachl Workers Party, and Adolf Reich, an official of the Hebrew education organization. Oren said that he had raised the nte of the nine people who were his fellow-prisoners during discussions with European socialist leaders. He expressed belief that the release of the four now might have been the result of their intervention. He said he would continue efforts to secure the release of the remaining five prisoners.
Ban Lifted on German Documentary Film Jerusalem (JTA) — A German documentary film on Israel will be shown in this country despite the long-standing ban here on German-language films. Tho Israeli cabinet agreed to permit the showing of the film, described as one of the best documentaries on Israel ever filmed, on condition that the commentary bo given in Hebrew, not German, nnd that the title he changed from 'Furnace" (Feuero£<m) to "MeltIng pot." '
no reference to repeated attempts by Premier Uen-Gurion to visit Moscow and meet with him. Status ol Jews Mi'. Khrushchev was infuriated by another question dealing with the status of the Jewa within-tha Soviet Union. When he was asked if he would pormit Russian Jewa to leave the Soviet Union to be reunited with family members'' in other countries, he angrily replied that the Soviet Foreign Ministry liad not vectnvwi a single application from a Russian Jew for an emigration permit. On the other liund, he asserted, it was receiving many applications from Israel asking permission (o immigrate to the Soviet. Union. In any case, he said "reuniting families' was a vague expression wliicli did not mean anything.
Herman TV Program On Oeiimann Crimes Frankfnrst (JTA)—Tho West German television system is planning to produce a documentary program describing the activities of Adolf Eichmann, who directed • (he Nazi regime's "final solution" of the Jewish problem by deporting European Jewry to the death centers. The TV program officials said that the program was being prepared with the assistance of tha Institute for the Documentation o£ Nazi War Crimes at Haifa.
Flan for Jerusalem (JTA)—Preparations for (he carrying out of a masterplan for oil exploration in Israel was announced here as a result of a decision of the three Israel oil companies to conduct a new and all-embracing geological survey for the purpose of indicating tha possibilities of finding oil and establishing a priority list for new drillings.. The last overall survey was carried out in 1950. At a meeting of the directora. and geologists of the three companies, it was decided that tha geologists would cany out preliminary work and surveys in agreed-upon areas. All the material gathered would be turned over to an internationally knosvsv ;eologist who would be invited to come to Israel in the near future and who would carry out the over-. all survey.
B'nai B'rifh Will Cite 4 Members Fouv veteran B'nai B'vith mercv.bers will be honored at the Henry Monsky Lodge's installation banquet and dance on August 6, at the Town House. The men are: Moses Kagan, lodge executive secretary for 15 years, who will be Installed as president; Lou Jess, outgoing president with a long record of Service; Edward A. Rosen aria Marvin T e l ler, co-chairmen of the recent district convention. Treller is past governor ot tlv» district council a post now held by Rosen. The latter will be the installing officer. Tickets will be available this coming week. Reservations itfay be made by calling Sidney Taren, installation committee chairman, TE 9289.
Friday, July 15, I960
Arabs fo Intensify Cairo Anll-Jewish Propaganda Assumes Anfi-lsrael Boycott Nazi-Like Pattern
Induration of t)rnul*a. Published Every Friday by the Jew >I hOmuhrj Hciif.
Seconu Clo.i Hoifune PGIU Appiifohon Annum Subscription, W.W. Advciiisimi Hute UMoti tjta. Publication Office— 1D1 Ma i'tilh Strfel. Omaha
:R >ckwell Attracts nail Audience
Religions Services Dis
(JTA i - - T h e Ar a b '
(JTAi- i propag; I of lli>> regime of I're.sic : iioniie i fl.tlious l j * l \ \ e e n I s i a c l a n d : iof the I'niled Aral) II lilic r e - 1 A l r i e a .iinl A s i a n c o u n t l i e s , il w a s ported thai the r,i n)> i;.'ii is H ' l i o r l i . l i i i ' i e t r o m T r i p o l i , L i b y a .
Editor I ihe ;inti-lM';icl
. s l a l i s i i o v o t l c o i n n u i i e e h a s *it-— 't t.s o n j c i ' l i ' d Iti i i i t e n s j l y e t l o r l s ainit-d a l ; blasts
elearly a n t i - |v. h e i e til,- e o m m i l t e e c o n c l u d e d a n-mini-<-i'ii I of 'ashiiiLjloii I J T A ' - n;e :.\.i/i Jew-hailing iluiiiu; Ihe Hitler t i t h i ' i nie.-i.suri". I n b e a p p l i e d b y lnvi.'ll, telf-slyled leader of tin •rir.in . \ a / i party, hi'M his Tin* slyle .was sf( mure tlmri a llie A r a l ) st.-iies i n I h ' - i r c i ' o n o m i c kly rally ai^ain at t h e new lo- i i o n l J i agn liy Niissrr. ului de- « / i r ii'.-ainst I-.ia.-l i n c l u d e I h e l);i>-klist ins; tif - 1 a d d i t i o n a l liirei'.;ii iin pro*, ided for him by t h e il t h a t I'liilcil S l a t e s alii In rict of Columbia .'lutliorii ii'S. tlu- I Alt Hiii "in tin- style iif i-(.ni[.allies a n d ol e e i i , ' i i n i i i n i s h \ l l l o v l e .lE.'il.s " w i l d \\ Ol k f o r I s was shielded by 2(i in n." Tin* unrtl "('olien" lias rael'.s inieii-.stM.' 1 T h e c u m i n i l l e e j>ers, some of uhoni criri'ied ! HI* n \a/.l-slyII' synonym fur al"<i di'i-ided h i " r e s i s r 1 t h e " / i o n their belts. A siniil.tr i t In I Alt |irn| 1: ,i;.un!:i. I IN- i.sl-I>ra. •! o i ^ a n i / a t ion e s l a b l t s l i e i l b e r uf Jiis followers were M-:it- r a i l e d Stales li:is c m 11 ilm lid to s'.oii: a./,Hii i ,l 111'* A i a b h o v r o l ! t'ini'i".,'iiis.; ^I'iililii1
iII. Iin ( kni BKTH ISKAKL, Kobolas Shabbbs Friday even- inn ing services at 7:.'W p.m. Shabbos t e n il --'through. (he audif nci abo it 200, many of whom
I more tli.in Sdn.lMill.(Illu in niil In tluI All slme Ilii' slarl nl this year: N a s j ' f charged that t h e I'niled 1 )o huMiifss (hroiii'h On1 .Icwi.sh H i l lll.cl Slales was praetieiiii; "u.suiy" P l r s s Alls. >ckvvell was heckled by many against hi.s people. One chjliiren's of he'.spec'.tatoi's and ended the pro;',r.'jin on t h e Cain) ividio '1 f l me ing 20. minutes after it he-scrihed how Ihe "Cohens" v, ere was tcli.'vl>cd I'.xlrncliiig money from " s l a r i i n g K»n Ilis . . . aptx'firanee ..... by private .firm which caters lo ix'a.sants*' aiui eiided \Mth a chorLet Us Clean and Repair incU jendent and ABC affiliated us expressing llie hojic thai "every Your Car Radiator Now
morning services at HAS a.m. at 52nd and Charles Streets and at t a.m! at 19th and Burt Streets; Junior Congregation at 9:45 a.m. Kabbf Benjamin Groner will conduct. ; the Talmud Class at-7:15 j>:m: .Sabbath' Ivlincha followed by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv at
stat aiik: Rockwell -.annoiuiccti that Cohen in. this world" would die. his rallies would be going on re- The experts on such Cairo propgarUess p t what would haiifxin aganda lulled thai the style of the and that-if he were prevented fruni new campaign sucgesled that a spei king, someone else would mitnlier of former N'a/is who lied his place, ; • . lo sunctuary In Iv.iypt and «lin are rc-portcd lo be workinK for Marine Dismissed B C T i i K t •;';' ••'...'.:• L ••'•• -.-- : : . : : : AIArine Corps this weekend the .Nasser regime are the specialServices at Beth El Synagogue ists resjKiiisible. The exjierts will ..begin thisevening at. 7 p.m, disnisseii a. younir Bronx private slie.ssed tliat since Ihe Jewish Sabbath inor/iing services at 9:30, who had bivn a member of Kock- imputations in tin.1 Arab cnuiilries Mirieha-Maariv service at 7:30 p.m. Wclrs party. Gen. David M. Slump, are relatively small, the j,'(jals of Mai lie coiiiinandant, ordereil u Sunday rnominR services begin 'geijei-al discharge" for 22-ycar- I lie Nazi-style propaganda barsi II. Daily services are held at r,u:es oiulri hi.1 presumed to be old •fc. John C. l-'atsala.s, an ad- for more than purely loeal con; 7 a.m. «nd 7 p.m. min li.ilive clerk at Ihe Marino si no (it ion. Oir| |s School at Quantico, Va. The IVNAI .JACOB ADAS IJala mi the- global wan; <if antlfon i Hlii contains Ihe phrase "miVKSIH'ltON honoialile eonditions" but il Semllir fiiihleiils which tool! plaen in II ••(iiuitr|e<i follo»lng IIIK Friday. Mincbi, B:,'tO p.m. Sat- IS 11' t an honoialile disehnrjre. urday,- K:30 aim.. Mincha, (ii.'JO Shot regulation smearing of ii tiynuengtiK in Cocti'd p.m. followed liy Sholosh Sendos. pern nK discliarw <if enlisted logne, (Germany, lust ChristmaH Daily service;, .it f,::V) :iAn., and j |l( MS "fur reaMin-. ol unMiila- lOle, \\:i* Milimltti'd to the 1 lilted 6:.V) p.m. i Nsit ion* liy the World Jewisli hilit CiniRrfi* In New VurU, Sniniifl TKMI'Ij; ISItAKI. ! llninfniiin, rluilrnisin of tin" W.H! HOWS JN KOMAX executive cninmlttee in North MIMHTHKATKU Services at Temple Israel will I tie held in the Chapel at. 1:'M) p.m. | ,„•«• 7 L i v e perforiiianccs j A . « « . « - J j t ^ ^ ^ the Hahbi Sidney H. Brooks will o f - j folXiciale and deliver the sermon. i h a resolution by t he UN r-iinn ilh a seating capacity of a.OOO lowing ' . . ., Coinmissicn on Human Rights. Ks- j i+hich has lieen timaling the miinber of the anti-| sllmlli nf Beit She'an. A Greek* Jewish incidents :it. more than i rfay may be chosen for ^ . \., orld Jewish Conf;ress l l P WWork) ! L'.(0) WK). ,the tfem.erc- performance of .he | Uniled Nations acPetriot. iJTA'l--Questions pera|,cienl theater in the "Pniig jtj<)ii ^ ^ .lnti.S(,nli,isln a n d taining to race and religion wore °f 1 9 6 ] |.suggested the nioliilizalinn of lnordered stricken from the school j Workers lia\e already cleared j ,£,,.jH)i , 0 i,,VestiKate the incidents enrollment card of the Ferndak1 :.||vay debris from ei;,'ht vimr- j; m ( | ( | u , i r |,acl<i:nnmd, as well as School District. The informal ion njoiis entrances to the amphi-1 U) j ] | l n ) | I t , w n ne(>.Snx\ groups on race and church preference had t|eat.er. : with international connections. t>een requested from parents enrolling their children in all Fernr ISItAKI- MJN1STKH dale schools for 2, ) years before OF I'OSTS KAMKH being .challenged for the first, time Jerusiilcm, MTAt-The Israel this month by Frank L. Simon, eahinet approved the temi>orary former cfty editor of The Del riot .1 P the of Ki of Police Uehor Jewish News. riini as Minister of Posts, •zaiion's Missouri Valley ReorKa relieving Premier Bcn-Gurion who ionalij Il.'n'.sissah educational semi- has been holding the portfolio. n Unity Villiage, Ix;e's .Sumnar mil. Mo., July 12-13-14. , ALERT Oniahans were limes, Tli Harvey Roffman, Omaha -Ad- Mori M. Franklin, Carl Lngman, to Students vertising executive, has been ap- M. I- Levcn.son, Charles Ross and High Srhuol and I nhrrfclly pointed assistant sergeant-at-arms Paul Verel". Order N'OW for Kpiili-mbpr at the National Republican conDciivcrj— imqi;litKi> vention in Chicago, July 2;J-29. " 7 : 4 5 ; p \ m . :
; . ; • •. • . : ; : . • '
MONUMENTS in the Jewish Tradition Yuui 'd JJI'I (iiiou hi he pljiccd v\i«|| Ifi .nl\uiiicc (if 'Yiihivcit" .so ti)(* wtnti ilo.fi n n i h a v e Lo bu hurrlcij V/o oro known ^or our exacting H « b r o w I e H o r i n f) « n d detail. You may plnco your confidence in us knowing nodi detail and (rfldition will b« adhnred lo witfi uimoit CATB fltid tlcill.
fieri: you deal fllierUy with Uic 'HV'SITS \Vv permit no iiiitMn''ly .•-"hcitalinii : Cull us for iiitft'itntinrnt nt sour ronvrntrncc.
•'Sunday-.-morning' services at 6:30 a;n>. followed by breakfast dud Hnbbi's class in Biiilf". Daily ^Services at 7 a.m. and 7:15 p.m.
School Drops Race, | Religion Questions
i i " "
/,ii ,
l r
i «ri-WLII
I I l l l i l
! Omahan Attend Hai assah
Harvey Roffman Named to Post
An Overheated or Leaky Radiator Can Cause Serious Damage ONE-DAY DEPENDABLE SERVICE Inspection and Estimate! Ars Free
LOU HURWITZ, f,op. Downtown Location CASS WE 0200
Comiiany 321 3-1 S " Q " St. Fronii Rei.il. Open Sunday 2-5 Slmn IO;S
fioim: shopping? Check the J e w ish P r e s s ADS fiisl.
"220Volt JJ,oudepotver
Greeting* will bo published in trie Roth Ha«han«h Edition at $3.00 (three dollari) per greeting. Call JA 1366 or complete the coupon' and mail to Th« "Jewish Pro$$." 101 No. 20th Street, Omaha, Nobr. a 0 a a a a am • • • o a a -a a a a a a • a-aii JEWISH PRESS 101 NO. 20TH STREET, OMAHA, NEBR. Enclosed ploase find $3.00 for our greeting in your Rosh Hashanah edition.
(and family)
sri'1'I.K.MKSTAHY Tlmn (N>w> 38 Wk* 13.87 V. S. » w » (New I ZO H'lm. . .$2.(17 .NVifliU'rrU iSi'K) it U'ks... .$.1.37 and Mrs. Alfred Brody, and ] Dr ijcirrrnt l'rirr« un Kv«*ry Mr. nd Mrs. Phil Laser made the; I^>iv«*»»t Maganlnr—All Mnll OtlrrH lop •ores in the recent Tourna- j llnnorrd aJid Appreciated
Mr. and Mrs. Yale J. Kaplan inent Bridge .Session hold at the j announce the birth of a daughter, Jewii h Community Center. Tlie j Lisa Ann on July 3 at Clarkson next meeting will be held at the 440 No. 61 s» St. WA 6742 Hospital. They are also the parents Cent r, Thursday, July 21 si, a t of- another daughter, Beth Janell. 8 p.n in nti air-conditioned room. Paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam- Kaplan of Wichita, Cy Seitchick, Jewish Community Tex., are visiting at the home of Cent r director of physical edu- !•• ' *}&£&. > the new baby. Maternal grand- catio hns been honored with a ne membership in the Basketfather is Hyman Gcrber. Mr. and lifeti Mrs. Max CacMn are paternal ball Hall of Fame, Springfield, Mass Mr Seitchick also received great-grandparents. his l asters degree in education, Mr, and Mrs. Maurice Meiches Augi st 9 at Pitlsburg State Colannounce the birth of a son, Pittsburg, Kan. Daniel Bernard on June 21. Their other children are Marc Allen and Beth-Ellen. Grandparents are Mrs. Max FOR Phillips and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Pboi i JA 1344 la insert yew Wont Afl In Bridal Porfraift the Sc 'Isn Prcit • Meiches. Rote is S3 cents lor cacti ttmt lint naer. AND Hon. ho Press reserves Irw rlatit to limit Candid Wedding sfzo c cocti ctdvertlscnicni VACCINE FOR BURMA CAU. Jerusalem, (JTA)—President I. D \WS JEWISH PAPERS Ben Zvi presented 3,000 doses of BAR and Baa SUtzvali congratuonti-polio vaccine to the Burmese lot ons also for all Jewish holiAmbassador at the Ministry of da; a and special occasions, 817 So. 34th HA 1044 i Health. : Mey< •s News Stand, 1502 Dodge iwwwwwvwwvww
Helen A. Bernsfain
; John Kalina
WA 5554
It's Terrifle
! I
Friday, July IB,
Former Omahaa in
Omahans in News
Kuklin-Moskovitz Wedding Held in Evening, Beth El Mr. mill. Mrs. Milton Moskovil/. i A reception in the synai;<i 1' it on a wedding trip lo Colorado i social ball followed the cercim after their inurriaK*' Saturday The couple will reside in On evening di Hell. Syna(.'Oj.;ue. H ibbi I Myer S. Kripke and Rabbi D.iwd' Korh, the latter of Council Iilulfs I officiated. The bride the Conner Miss Aili lie Kiiklin, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kiiklin. of .\cula, I i , 1 and the iirnoui, the son of Mis Jiert. J. Moskovit/. i Hridal attendants uere Mis Mayer Moskovil/, of Los AIIJ;I li i, I <"al,, matron of honor; Paula Kap- I Ian, Sioux City, la., (Jail Wem-j Block. Mrs. I.con .Scliiiiiihiwin and Mrs. Konatd (.'arber, bridesin nils nnd Julie I'ae Moskovitz, l.os Angeles, tlower ;.;irl. , Dr. Mayer Moskovitz, l.os Anjjeli'.s, served as best man Cor his linilher. Ushers were .lack Moskovit/, brother of "the e,room, Private Paul Kuklin.r'orl Leon.un Wood, Mo., brother of the budi Willi.'ini Cooper, I.con Schmidinan i Stephen Cohen and Michael Yitdel«on. Airs. Milfoil MonUmliy.
P:iK« Three
Recent guests at the I)a\<) Ilitlm residence \M're Mr. and Mrs, Al Ilainljui'i; and daii|diter, Myra, of .South P.end, Ind. Mr. Hamburg is the bifithcr of Mrs. Habu. Merrill Hartiiian is now end in private practice with the lirni of Frost, Meyers and ih iin. He was admilti.'d to b ir in June before the Slate . me Court in Lincoln, ,. ICoscnliaiiiM, Woodman of World director of advert isiuj; publicity, was one of the or;; at the Key Mail school at the Society's headquarters week.
A iliuner was ;.;iven for Mr. and i MI-K. Abe Schneider on their j fiftieth wedding anniversary, July 110 ;il the Fireside Restaurant. I Hosts of the event were the •couple's children Messrs. and l>r. London, a former resident .Mines. Nathan Schneider, J.ee of this area, is the MIII of Mrs. I Ilnrwiclf and lien Schncirlcr, the Louis London of Council lihiffs, 1,-illcr of Council Muffs, la., his bride, ijie former Leona Dr. lien Fishkind of Kuckville Mayers, is 111'1 daughter of Mr.Center, L.I., iWiv York, a brother and Mrs. Leonard Mayers of Los of I he senior .Mrs. Schneider, was pM icnt lor the dinner, ;nu] is Angeles, Ciil. in (Jm.ih i Airs. London will entertain lor the couple (lurini: their stay in Omaha. Dr. and Mrs. Kii^eiic London of Los Annelcs, C'al., who UITC marlied in Las Viy.iit; Nev., on July •\, will \'isit in Oinah.'i in August.
Mis I'.'ric Marx and children, Illiondi Sue and William Leslie, j MONA LISA iclurned to their home in j House of Glamour < Inci o, III., following a two \\i ( k , visit here vvifh her parents, I I I No 50th GL 7000 Mr. nut! .Mr*. .Max Kn\t and sister, ! 4 Expoit Hair Stylisti (I li.i f.cii. Mrs. Marx is the forAir-Conditioned Dryers luci li an Katz. MISS MARSH ond MISS JERRY Ownon
Engagement Told
Patronize Jewish Press Ailvei Users.
Mr. and Mrs. David Dvorliin have announced the enf;ai.;enient of their daughter, Marilyn Klnine j to Martin Louis Warren, son of Israel -A monument is to he erected on Ilia highest point'of Mr. and Mi's. Ken Warren of Massadn, n peak in .liidean dessert overlooking the Deiid Sea, lo a Brooklyn, N. Y. thousand first-century Jewish rebels who made their last stand there Miss Dvorkin attended the- Uniagainst the F{oinan« iii the first century C, K. (over sixty years be- versity of Omaha where she was fore Bar-Cochba). a home economics major. Her In aeconlance uith the command of Kliezer Hen-Meir, their fiance, also of Omaha is n (,'i'adleader, the besieged reliels each killed (lie members of their fiimilies, tiate of the University of Vermill then each other, until no one was left, but the commander, whoj monl where he received his Hachcxjinmittcfl suicide. The soldiers left their supplies intact "so that j flor of Science decree in political they could bear witness after our deaths that we did not perish from I science and economics. lie is afhunger or want, hut that we chose death lather than a life of slavery" ifilaled with Tau Kpsilon Phi so- in the words of the order. cial fraternity. Kliiver- Hen-Mcir's order in to 1K> engraved on the monument. The reconstruction of Herod's Palace, the remains of which were Mr, and Mrs. Martin I-ehr found recently at the southern corner of Massada, is also bel'li^ conwish to thank their friends fiiiiereil. for the many Uniongranis of good wishes received on the. occasion of their recent marriage.
Monument fo Hassada Fighters
COUSINS (1,111 I.eviue. Mr. Zwerlini; will be In Mrs. Ixjuis Jyondon of Council charge of the entertainment anil Bluffs, fa., will he hostess at theMines, Yeltn Orenstein, Nathan next Cousins Club luncheon, l^erman, -serving. AiiKUst .'1, at, the Blaekstone Hotel INKAKI, at 1'2::.'!() p.m. Anyone unable toUKTII ; lit tend the event is nsked to (rail y<MN<i rourr.Ks CB 322750!*. Members interested in participating In future dramatics skits JIOAIil) M of Beth Israel young Couples Pliins for the coining soa (?lub are invited lo call Mrs. activities of the Omaha Chapter Klliol Brown, HF. -1092. of Iladassiih will be discussed at n hoard meeting nnd dessert MIZKAC'HI PARTICIPANTS luncheon at the home of MIK. AT HONOR I.UNCIIKON Rabbi Benjamin Gronerwas the Krvin .Simon, president, on Tuesspeaker at. the annual donor lunchday, July 19 at T2;'.iQ p.m. In ch.'irt-'O of a style show, "A eon of the Omaha Chapter MizraFamily Album of Fashions" to hechi Women. .Mrs. M, M. Pollakoff presented August 29 fit the Town presided. Mrs. Herman Franklin, chairHouse are Mrs. Sam Green, general chairman; Mrs. Norman Itice, man was assisted by .Mines. Abraticket ehairm in and her committee ham Fisher. Bessie Behn, Mrs i composed of Mrs. Maurice Feld- Huth AckeruKtri was in charge of J niaii, co-chairman; ami the Mines. reservations. Participants were Mines. Huth Arthur "Ahrams, Morton Brett, Sam Geifman, Phil Kalzninn, Ben Ackerman, Max Arbitman, Lizzie Kutler and Millnrirl Margolin. Aclle-r, Eli Bittner, Isadore Blumkhi, William Hogdanoff, Harry WOMEN, Cooperman, Victor Cukier, Ben PLAN I'ICMC Kisenhcrg, William Kpstein,* JenH'nal B'rith Conhusker lodjj'e nie NogK Fisher, Rose Fogel, Herand women's chapter, will hold man Franklin, Morris J. Franklin. a joint family picnic, Sunday, Rose Freiden, Louis Friedman, ArJuly .11 at the Fonlenelle Park thur Gcndler, Ilyinun Goldenberg, pavillion. Benjamin Groner, lien Handler, Dr. Maurice Schwartz and Mrs. George. Kaplan, Toni Katskec, Herbert Passman are program Meilach Katzman, M. Landsman, chairmen. ' •' Harry Lewis, A. Lipsman, Joe Morgan, Hyman Osoff, Louis HAIM.SSAH Papemy, Sum Platf, M. M. PoliaTKAIMNfi COIinSK The first session of a leadership koff, Morris Rosenstein, Sadie training cow-so for hoard members Rothenberg, Alex Sand. Clara of Omaha Chapter of Hadnssah Tretiak, nnd Miss Knlah Franklin.
was held Monday, July 11, at the Willa Cather Library. Additional sessions will be held on six consecutive Mondays, commencing July 18th, from 9:15 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. at the library. The course Is conducted by Mis.' Morris M. Franklin. Mrs. Muofred Kreilstein, GL 0585, is in chnri;c of reservations. DItAMATIO CMIB TO ENTERTAIN AT HOME A musical program followed by refreshments will bb held at the Dr. Philip Slier Jewish Home for the Aged in Sunday, July 17 ot 2 p.m. by the Workmen Circle Dramatic Club. Participants in the program will t>« Sam ZweillnK, Max Pfeffcr, Jlymun Carl and Mrs, Jenny
AMItASSADOR TO CUIIA Jerusalem, (JTA)—Yehonatan Prato, former Israel diplomatic representative in Greece, has been named Israel Ambassador to Cuba.
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Center J. C. C. IATTINO By Cy Seitchk-k CENTEK SOFTBALL TKAM I Gimbjrg , A puss ball in the last half of nanoiem™ the eighth inning gave the Mid-1 okun West A. C. a 3-2 victory over t h e | K l r t l J. C. C. Softball team at Adams ] D ° ^ _ y " Park last week. It was the fourth j! K a t m .. one-run defeat suffered by the Jay sdichick Squad in five losses this season. Konecky It appeared that the Jay would j W o r l l n win this one as Ray Kirke was pitching at his best and the Jay was off and running with a two-Col'n ,, OaMina Averaa* . , . run lead in the opening frame. However in the .sixth inning with Bate Hits Scored the Jay leading 2-1, and two outs nunl Runi Kottfd In . . . With a runner on first base, GibProduced . . . . son drove a line drive to rifiht i vir.
Friday, July 15,1060
Celebrations Planned Two Cousins Hoeeivo Eagle Scout Honors Paul Kalman end Paul Rosen, and Mmes. Irvin Kaimnn and Ben For Henrietta Szold cousins and members of Boy Scout L. Rosen. Troop 31 have received Eagle Centenary Under Vhy Scout liNVKIUNO AT HKIfZI, awards.
LEADERS AB H. Avg .520 , 21 ,3S0 .390 .370 .110 .??•
Jerusalem, (JTA)—A nationwide program of events commemorating the 100th anniversary of .VI founder of Hadassah, was an.MO nounced here by the Szold Cen,230 ,?25 tenial Commit tee. ,?05 The celebration will be launched .100 n December with ceremonies at .110 .000 the Knesset and the President's The program, which nburg, ,S?0 residence. Inihurg, 11 will be carried out over a six. . . . P o u t , 8 month period, will include conferences, meetings and symposia Kotin, 13 Pout, Martin, 5 mostly devoted to problems of Kohn, 1 youth, social services and health *. . , . . . . . . , , .. , . . Doubles r\onn, i field. Right-fielder Howard Lipton j Triples Kohn, ? fields in which Henrietta Szold H< ml! Run mis-judged ball and itand sailed > » COVSCIh SOFTBAIJ. Okun, 2 pioneered in Israel. over his headthe for a triple thei YOt.TII Rayim and A. 7,. A. 1 chalked up game was tied. The J. C. C. failed to score on another victory last week at Klm- The Hague (WNSi—Dr. Isaac m a n y s c o r i n g opportunities | «'"<>'i 1'ark as they prepared for Kish, noted scholar and Zionist throughout the yanif. They con- j their showdown bailie this Sun- ias been named l>y Queen Juliana Stantly had runners on base hut i day for first lilnce in the Youth o the Dutch Supreme Court. Once again stumbling base-running j Council league, proved to be costly. In lite fourth! A. Z. A. 1, looking like anyHARRY'S inning with the bases loaded, Mid-1 thiny but title contenders almost west's catcher let a pilch ball ;,'et ! committed the Youth Council carLIVE FISH M!(T. past him, but Lipton nmnim; at • dinal .sin of losing to A. Z. A. 100. 1314 HO. 24TH ST. •third base was caught napping aj>d i Iml finally managed to waddle to failed to score, j a l'J-7, victory. A. 7.. A. 1 must KOSHER CHICKENS It was a tough luck defeat, for! P'">' better ball next week if the\ KILLED DAILY Ray Kirke. who was iiitchiny sharp'hope 1o avenge an earlier defea Save by Calling AT 4977 with fine stuff on tin' hall. j and upset Kayim. j . c. c. I Midwcit A. c. I Kayim and A. Z. A. 1000, hookei Cortificd and approved by Rabbi rjb h r rfoi "i o V o ' "p m " l i s t l p s s "' l n | e and wher Dr. Loon Thorn, President, AmoriBogrod 21) 4 I I 0 Alien ct 2 0 0 Ol'urk « • Mortln cl 3 i 2 o'the players got through stumbling can Academic Rabbit Atsociation 1 0 0 OTrn la Conn If 2 1 CA.?rbc-rry cf Glrtsburg J: 4 1 0 j 10 Okun us 4 1 0 0 C'.)oa.vin r! Kirk- p 3 0 0 0 \'l. Gro/ 'Jf) Kohn c 2 0 0 0 Giijlen c Wolk it) Paul Ib Ib 22 0 0 0 Droo^j p Kon'ky Her 3 1 0 OGra,' p Ky Lit Lipton rl 3 1 0 Colnlc rf 0 0
in the muddy
field, Rayim wot
0 0 0 ' another game by (he score of 7-1. 0 0 0. STANDINGS 1 1 0 WON LOS 10 1 5 0 0 0 Ro/im 5 I. A. 1 . . . 1 0 0: 2 Z. A. 10'M Z A 100 . 0
They ore the sons of Messrs. TOMB, JULY 15 Jerusalem (JTA) — Seventeen basalt stones, hewn near Tiberias 100 HCIIOLARSIIIPH Jerusalem, (JTA)—Israel has and polished. to u glossy black offered 100 scholarships for .study have been placed over the tomb in Israeli schools and universities of Theodor Hervel In Jerusalem to to students in the new Republic form a composite tombstone which of Congo. The offer was trans- will lie officially unveiled July 15 mitted inLeopoldville by Finance during observance of the centenMinister Lev! Kshkol. ary of Herzl's birth.
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SAUSAGE COMPANY OF CHICAGO TO TIIK ( t i i o r r j l t : !t><l<'rm ruhtomer'H rimjmiin ut 1 rouprm prr IMUIIIII.1' a m ! p r i s m ! It <o tln> IllHlrlliutur, Morton (>lns«, KilO .V Mlh M., Oninliu, .Nell., for lOr I m o i M h , fili'mlng huff itifiit p u n lliftf* (if L i b . piHtiagrH t o cover all fonpoiiH tn li** rdliMiiiiri, must tin pri'M-iitt i| if n i|iii'str(I. (null
of Now Americans, and Rabbi S. Waltin of tho Orfhodon Rabbit Association of Now York City.
THIS COri'ON JEVI'IHKS ,?II.V 21), 10r,0
World Scene CZECHOSLOVAK EMBASSY SCHOLARSHIPS TO AltABS Jerusalem, <JTA i— The Czechoslovak Embassy in Jerusalem announced that it is offering scholarships for advanced .study in Prague to Arab graduates of Israeli high BIOCHEMICAL EFFKCTS ON RADIATION Jerusalem, (JTA > — The Nat ional Research and Development Council has made a Sir Simon Marks Research award to Prof. G. Stein, head of the Hebrew University's department of physical chemistry, to enable him to study in England the biochemical effects of radiation. VISITING 1'KOI'ESSOIt O F FOOD TECHNOLOGY Haifa, (JTA)—Dr. Joseph Braverman, director of the food technology laboratory of ' the Technion-Haifa Institute of Technology, has been invited to serve as visiting professor of food technology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology during the fall semester.
GIFT FOIt PAUK Jerusalem fJTA)—The Jerusalem Municipal Council accepted a gift of 570,000 from Mrs. Harry Sacher of London to establish u park in the new government office* area. UNIVERSITY GRADUATES. LARGEST CLASS Jerusalem, (JTA)—A total of 707 students were awarded degrees from the Hebrew University at the 30th annual graduation exercises here. It was the largest graduating class in the university's historv. THREATENING LETTERS Vienna (WNS)—A number of Jews In this city reported receipt of threatening letters from pro-
Eichmann elements. The letters bear the signature "Internationa) SS Secret Organization." PANAMA ASKA FOR IRRIGATION- KXPKICT Jerusalem (JTA I — Panama's Minister of Agriculture has asked Israel to send an irrigation expert to Panama to advise his ministry
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I an electric oven is insulated on all SIX sides -to keep heat out of your kitchen Once you've tried cooking electrically, you'll agree that an electric range makes a delightful diffctcnce in kitchen temperaturci during hot weather.
Unlike other fuels, electricity needs no air—and an electrld oven is completely insulated on all four tides, top and bottom, Heat stays inside the oven of an electric range where it belongs. This total insulation not only means a cooler kitchen, It means you can bake with less fuel, and It means your bakiDg turns out just right becausa ths perfect insulation givci you a constant even temperature. Top of the range cooking Is cooler too on eleotrlo ranges—ht •urfac'e units heat by direct mctal-to-metal contact with eooking utcnsili and littla heat escapei around ths tides.
See your favorite appliance dealer soon—crfeot an electrlo range—the ' range that will keep you* kitchen cool this summer.
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