Vol. XXXVJII—No. 41
1'iilillcatlcm Office, 101 No. fl li Omaha, NtM»nr;Ua, l*ii'#ne JA •Hill
Comment1 From Israel After Statement Made Ceylon's New Premi Jerusalem (JTA)—The Foreign Ministry abstained from commenting on the statement by Ceylon's iiew Premier, Mrs. Sirimavo IJaniWivuKiike that her Government would re-study the accreditation of Ceylon's Minister to Isreal, in an effort, to improve relations with Die Arab .states. The Arabs had been pressuring Ceylon fur months against improving relations with Isreal and used Ihe fact that the •Arabs purchased U5 percent (if the island's tea export;;—Ceylon's major export commodity--as a lever against Israel. Only a few weeks ago, it seemed that tlie Arabs gave up attempts at blackmailing Ceylon, when they dropped plans to boycott that country's tea. H is not clear
Workman Circles District Conference Opeps September 4
wether tli, or after t-_,iuii pro; view their relations v Observers here poii even if Ceylon der'ii the accreditation of to Israel, there wot practical .significance sim-i- Ceylon's Am Home, who is also ; Israel, has visited only onct> since ace months ago. The Is in Ceylon is headed d'Affniivs, white th Ambassador to IJm non-resident Minister
sed t o reh Israel, d out. thai, i to cancel s Minister I he little this move, ssador to credited to is country lit a I ion 18 :>1 legation a Charge country's a is also o Ceylon,
Meeting, W men's Women iaking Plea Federation hurs. Far Hospital Bazaar The Federation of J e w i s h At Friedman Home Women's Clubs will again have A dessert hmeheo. will open the fall .season for numbers of the Federation of Jew h Women's Clubs at the home Its president, Mrs. Lloyd Frl iman, 1008 North 07(11 .Street, Thursday, September 1 at 12:2 p.m. The program will lclude cliscussion of plans for he coming club season and anno tho chairmen of the ncernont of rious cornmittees. The presidents nnd represent filives of the V.\ orga xations belonging to the club ns well as the committee chainn< are urped to attend the meeti by Mrs. Friedman. Officers serving wil |Mrs. Friedman are: Mines. II; ||ry Sidman and Dave Colin, vie presidents, and Mrs. Abe C. Fe nan, secretary.
its own booth at tho annual Children's Memorial Hospital Bazaar to be held Sunday evening and all day Monday, October 9 and 10 at the Shernlon-Fontenelle Hotel, it was announced by Mrs. Hubert Summer nnd Mrs. Arthur H. Goldstein, project, chairman nnd co-chairman respectively for the Women's Federation. In the past several years the Jewish women have done an outstanding job for this cause," said Mrs. Sommer. She added "that we want to do even better this year." A self-addressed envelope to be returned to Mrs. Sommer was mailed to the women in the com munity suggesting that they indicate the number of articles they are planning to contribute. Handmade nrtiele.s are particularly needed and appreciated.
Dr. Philip 4'her Home for the Aged
Miss Gail Shrier, current relnnlni; ".Sweetheart of AXA" will transfer her crown to one of six candidates for the title at the twenty-seventh annual sweetheart dance, September 3 at the lilackBtotie Hotel, to be . sponsored X>y Chapter No. 1. Compel infj for the title of "Sweetheart of AZA" will be Neenn Bcber (Kdiar); Judy Gendler (Rohanti); Nancy Harding (RoIianu); Itonl Meyer (Kdiar); Renee iiimmcrman (Rohanu), and lionnio Tarnoff (Rohanu). Ticked may be purchased from members. Incoming hit;!) school freuhmun will be guests of the chapter, danca chairmen Arnold Breslow and Gary Farilman said. .. Part of tho proceed.1) of the 1959 dance were presented to the Jewish Philanthropies.
Schwartz Appointed To Post in Florida Gerald Schwartz, former cltymajiufscr of Stato' of Israel Bonds has been appointed aouthern-roElonal director of tho American Friends of tho Hebrew University.' Ho nnd his family have moved to Miami, :Fla., location, of tlio regional headquarters. Philip Klutzniclr, former Omaliau, IY president of tlia organization.
Mr. nnd M M . Fred Rojensfoek, Ar, ond Mr*. Erneit -Uogq, Dr. Max R shmon Mr, and M r i . Jay ChernfackJ Mr. and M r j . Harold Chernlack, Mr, and M r i . I. Chapman * Mr, and M r i . Huthan Noao .. Mr. and M r i , Stewart GHInsfcy Mr, and M r i , Sum Rochma Mn. l OiUniky, Ctarenc* Bcrgm Louis Sorncr and MI3J Oca Sol isr
Morion L. Degfin Paul L. Chisliofm Mr, and M r i . Harry Perlinelei
Second Glass Pusl.ij; at Omaha. Ni'b
•Single Copy 10c Annuul iditc $1
resses New or changed addresses of *)inahan.s in the Armed Forces ore needed by the Jewish Press in order to keep its listing of servicemen up-lo-iUtte. Families •'ire invited to report any such information so that every person in the service, from this community, may receive the publication. This will also assist the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs in preparation of Rosh Hashanah greetings to all Omahans in the Aimed Forces. Mrs. Louis Kulakofsky is chairman, of this project for the women's organization.
The Workmen's Circle Midwest District will celebrate its 30th Jubilee nnd elect officers during the annual conference on Sunday nnd Monday September 4th and 5th tit the; Labor Lyceum, 3021 Cumlng Street. Sunday nnd Monday sessions will be held at 10 a. m. and 1:30 n. m. with luncheon after the tnorninj; meeting. A banquet pro(;ram in the evening will feature the .'iOth Jubilee and a musical presentation by tho Dramatic Club under tho direction of Sam Swerling.- Morris Goodman will be chairman of the evening and Louia Wltkin, toastmaster. An flection will be held on Monday. Current officers are Louis Witkln, chairman; Max Crounse, (The Dr. Philip fcr Home for the Aged acknowledges tho foltreasurer and Morris Goodman, lowing memorials and oriations.) secretary. In Memory of Malting arrangements is a com- Donor , ...Keva V/ln«< M r i , Clara Schnltrler, Mrs. Fan mittee composed of Mr. Willrin, Mr, and Mr*. Paul Veref nl« Newman, M r i , Sayda SuHn Rcmer Mrs. Wltlcin, Sam Susmnn, Max Mr. and Mrs, William Minkln, 4 ., Mr. and , William Minkln, Jr., Dr. Nax Flelihmon, Katjr, Ben Garelick and Sol Ash. Mr». Dr. R. J . Yechouf, Mr, and Mri Mortltnpr Kova W!ni Mrs. Yetta Orenstein and Mrs. Edmund* and M r i , A»4ax Sclicuarman,Mr. and Mr%. David JNathnn Lcrrnan are in charge of Mr, Orkow, Mr). HcnrleHa Ephralm M r i . Ben D, Sllvei iclsco) * Mrs. B. Orllkoff (Sioux City) M r i , Arfhur Raslmky (San Fro serving. Mr, ond Mrs. Harry Koplln < t . i Abraham Jacobaon
Twenty-Seventh Annual Dance
2S, ]8G0
». ,
David Sherman David Shorman, Phlt Blotcky K i m . . . . Mrs, Fannlt Newman JtanneltA Malathock M r i , Sujla Koplon, Mrs. Fannl» Newman, M r j . Sodys Sulln Reiner Mlnnl. D, Degsn Mo^cs Krnsne M03CI Krasne, Frank Kroina
In Honor of
Mr. and /Am, David Orkow, Mr, md Mri. 80lh birthday, M n . H«HI» Arnovlti A^OK Scheuerman J , Mr. and Mrs, Nalhan L, Moaa. A •, ond Mrs. Ernest NoaOr Mr, and Mrs, tlttion Horv/Ich and ililli blrlhday cf Jacob Green (Clcnco, III.) Justin Harwich Mri. Eva Walkoll Mr. and Mri, Raiph Blnlamowl Recovery of Mrs. Aaron Rips Mr. onJ Mri, Harry Trustln
Syn goguo Contributions
In m^mDry of Temq ond 5h . Korn, Herman Goldstein, Sarah Shllffer, Sophia and Louis Mandelt on tha occasion of R h Hashanali from Mrs, Helen Goldstein;
cial Contribution! A iphYfjmomanomoter was pi ncnled to tin homo by Mr. and Mri. C. M. Nowmon ond nietnory of Mrs. Fannie Newman, Mr, and Mri, M. M, Newman
Golden Ager on River Cruise
Book Fair Opens Beth Israel Club Season
A river crui.io for Go' en Agors was sponsored by the Ojnaha sectlon, National Council f Jewish Women, Monday. Servhj) S on tlia commlttea In charge •lth Mrs. Albert Gacr, Senior Cl izens coordinator wora tlia MmJ •9. M. A, VcnBor,. Eobert Sliver, Stanley Herzoff, Irvln Kalmnn, Jr. Milton Margolin and L011I9 Cu :lcr. Tho Qoldon Ago Cldb la cospoasorcd by tho Council and tin Jewbh Federation.
. The Beth Israel Sisterhood will open its club season with a Book Fair at the September 13th luncheon, Tuesday, 12:30 p.m., in the synagogue social hall. Mmcs. II. S. Susman, chairman, and Marshall Katz, co-chairman, ahnounco the following committee chairmen: Mmet. Darney Gray, Harry Smllh and Leo Meyenon, Aiilitlng ottendanti ond hostesaei are Mmei. Don Cohen, Irving Dabendlr, Philip Oitravlch, Nathan Kgplon, Aaron Epstein, Elliot. Brown, Harry SlaVnan, Sam Derman, lanw Gruntwolg, Reuben Ralnor, Elliot Rubin. Manny Ooldboro, M»lvln Sototorof•ky, Bernard Oenenbora, Jullui Kaliman, Morrtt Boguctiwat, Oscar Diamond/ and Lerov Canllslit
M. I'ohilicrg, Mrs. J. Harry Kulaluiftiky
Feinberg Heads Regional Special Sales for Bonds Itoberl l^f. Fcinberff, Omaha Pepsi-Cola f\mi]),iny president and an active fiKi're in civic and Jewish Community affairs, was named .Special Sale Chairman for the eleven state Midwest Kc(;ion of the Israel liond Organization. The appointment was announced by Mrs. ,7, Harry Kulakofsky, member of the National Hoard of Governors and honorary chairman of the Nebraska, Iowa and South Dakota area for Israel Bond Organization. JfttiU Omaha Chairman Mr. Feinberg, a member of the Midwest Region Board of Directors of tho organization, was 1!K)9 Omaha general chairman and will continue to serve in that capacity for the inOO Bond Drive. An native of London,' Knglund and a resident of Toronto, Canada for 22 years before moving to this country, Mr. Foinberg came to Omaha from Canton, O. in 1!M!) to purchase the local Pepsi-Cola plant, Many Activities lie is president of the Omaha
Hadassah Presents Style Show Mon. A Bar Mitzvah and an anniversary celebration are Just two of the many scenes which will be depicted In "A Family Album of Fashions" by the Omaha Chapter of Hadassah, Monday, at 12:30 p. m. following a dessert luncheon at tha Town House ballroom. Mrs. Sam II. Green, general chairman, Is being assisted by Mines, Hubert Rosenblum, Norman Itice, Maurice Feldman, Harold Garber and Millard Margolin. Mrs. Tonl Ltenorls will b« commentator. Modols Includo Mmes, Louis Dlumkln, Ronald Drodkey, Bernard Dennenbora, Yale ~ nsbcra, Edwin r ' Gorollck, ~ Glnsbera, Max Gronat, Max _—ishlnsKy, JKy, Don Dc Llntiman," '' ' . Abe "' Marcus, " " MorLa: rls Raznlck, Sol Kolinsky, Richard Rochman, Sldney Rubin, Bernard' Sax, Ray Simon, Morris J. Shapiro, ond Arnold Stern. Teen-aa« clolhos will bp modeled by Howard Kalzmon, Carol Rosenbaum, Nooml Rolhenberg, Nell Simon and Judy Veret. Children's clolhos will be shown by Marcla Fellmon, Barbara Guss, David Karr, Nancy Lincoln, Karen Rice, and Suson Sanford. Dessert lunch will bo served.
Zionist Council, Multiple .Sdcrosii) Society honorary chahiiiiin, Oma. ha .Jewish Federation IXeeutivo Hoard mt-inber, member of tho Beth Kl board and Hie Omalia Safety Traffic Committee. He is a member of IVnai R'rith, National Conference of C'linstlanj and Jews, Ak-Sar-Bcn and tho American Israel Society and is active in Rotary, Community Chest, Red Cross and Red Feather campaigns. He is a lifetime member of the Zionist Organization of America. 1'roteot Ui'inoor.K y In accepting the position, Mr. Feinberg stated, "I am honored io have the opportunity to servo this i m p o r t a n t cause, giving Strength to (lie State of Israel and protecting democracy in the strntcgic Middle Fast. I believe that democracies should assist each other1." Israel Bonds are the young State's central source of funds for development. Among tha projects benefited by investment in the •1 per cent Bond issue are electricity, communications, rail and harbor installations, housing, expansion of Irrigation, industry and agriculture.
Gornhuslcer Program To Feature Fashions A style show and dessert luncheon, Wednesday, September 7, will be given by the women of B'nal B'rilh Chapter No. 1032 at Highland Country Club. Featured will be fall and winter fashions by Zoobs, with Elaine Jabenis as narrator. Cards and Mah Jong will follow. In charge Is Mrs. Jerry Lehman, chairman of a commlttco consisting of Mines. Seymour Abrams, Elliot Brown, Marvin Gcrber, Manny Goldberg, N. I. Greenspan, Max Kirshenbaum, Irvm Singer and James Wax. Tickets for the event, ($1.50) may be purchased from members or at the door.
It's Rumored—
London (JTA)—A fortune in gold, looted from Na7l victims and estimated to be worth at least $280,000,000, is believed to Imvo been buried In the Austrian Alps by Nazi leaders including Adolf Eichmnnn, tho war criminal who directed tha extermination of6,000,000 Jews In Europe. Local residents of the Styrian mountain vlllago whoro Elclimann sought refuse after the war, are wondering, If the Nazi war criminal now awaiting trial in Israel, \vlll at last discloso the secret of the Blau Aim (Mountain Pasture) where witnesses say lie burled the treasure. The hoard, they believe is partly tho proceeds of ransom which Elchman exacted from thousands of his Jewish victims. The correspondent also reported that a number of highly incriminating documents which are still lying at the bottom of Xako Toplitz in the sumo area, includa tho namea of prominent persona who gave assistance to Eichmann and other Nazis In Hitler's "ITinal Solution" plan for liquidating the Jews.
Friday, August 20, IDfiO
Need Photostats? CALL FuMIsliFi] wrokly tin Vridii.v ln^'iiininff the, !o»t ut-t'U In AuKu-vt through M-eomt u»-«-li in July hy the .lt*u ibh r*-(!i-rutiim of Ouiulia. it'cono Clav., Po^i'j'jt; Pjca nl Omuriu New. Annual Subscription, t4.0Q. Advxrttsim Ra'c?. on Ajiplitioncn Pufiilcaiian Office-ID' Mo 70th SJieet, Omaha, Utbr., JAckson 1364.
Ntwi and l t»nrr Jmlnii
» al K.e llr. ur 1'lia Acril
HOIVITK: Heamiful eentcrph n s for the Ifome diniiij; room were presented on tlie occasion of Die j 50th wecldini; anniversary of Libby j and Sam Kraft by their children. I l•'lo^^'£'^.s rtlso were presented to Mr. and Mis H-inild \VLI"-S HI Iho Home from thn .Shift woddini;. parents of a iiur;hter, Cindy I'.ae, j Yahiv.eit: Sprcial mem o r i al born August .15. 'J'liey have an- | services wire held in Ihe Home other d a u e n t e r , Sherri Illen. ' .syna;:oi;ue lor the followinrr, the anniversary of whose death ocCrandpareiits tire Mr. unil Mrs. curred iliinni; the jimnlli of Av: Paul Bernstein aiid Mrs. \'i^.ian Mrs. Morris Turner, Mrs. Fannie .Suinbeii:, Mrs. Meyer lirookxlcin, Vv'ei.ss. Mrs. l.ouis .S(jninier, Hurry l'YiodMr. .-Jrid Mrs. Martin K. Korman I inan, Harry Ailel::clitein, Sy Silver. announce the birth of a daughter, j 'I'he follov.Jnj; iire those who.sc mt.'jnorial dales oct.'iir during Klul: Lisa Joy on July It). (Irandparcnts jJKlui 1, August L'l-Uorothy Milare Mr. ami Mrs. Menashe Itoht- ! der,; lOlnl 'J, Aucust i!r>--Morris hart of Oak Park, Mich., ami Mr. | OrosKinaii; Ivlul .'!, Aunust Wl— and Mrs. Mori-y Kotman, IJ, troit, j Ueitha \V .Gieenhi/rc; Klul 5. AnMidi. Knst 2.S- Hannah HOYK: Klul TJ, SeiJtember 1 J - Mrs. Vehudas Siei;el; Klul 'J.'l, September 35- liebecca Classman Epslcin.
313 So. 14Hi
Religious Services (.'andlt'Ilghtlng—(i:17 p. in. TEMl'I.E 1SKAIX Services at Temple fsiacl will be helit in the Chapel at 7:30 p. in. Rabbi Siilnoy JI. Hrool-ts will nlficiate and dt'livcr Hit* sermon.
BETH ISItAEI, Kobolas Slvibbos Friday <'. oniiif; fcrviccR ut fi:15 p. m. Khnlibus morning services at K:-3.r> a. in. at 52nd and diaries Streets ami at 9 a. m. :it 19th ami Hurt Stn-cts. Junior Congregation at 9:1."> a. m. Rabbi Groner will conduct the , , I 0 N K , s M : [ : I , I T I ; M S 'lalmud (.lass at . p. m Sab n t h • u r M M A , J K S AI.K Mineha at b::iO p. in. followed by | All frieni)^ nntl relatives nre Sholosh .Sourios and Maariv at 7:.'!J | r h ( " P'i<>n'*r Women s Or<:anr/a- Invited to nlt<!ni) terviri-s and „ ,„ I tion will pick up Items no longer rcecptinn. Sunday mornim; services at 8:,'!0 needed by fall cleaning houso- STIJAKT 1'VCOll.M a. m. follow id by breakfast and I l l n l ( I i i ' for their rummage tnli?. .Stuart Frohm, smi of Mrs. LuRabbi's class in liilile. Daily ^TV- Those wishing In donate such cille Frohm, on Saturday mnnilni: articles am asked to call Mrs; ices at 7 a. in. and 7 p. in. Have Kpstein. HA '1TJ7<1 and Mrs. at Jietli Israel Syna(;oi:ue. BICTII I X HOWARD (IKItfXICK Sabbath services this Friday II. I. Fried, IKY. 9 Iflfi. J Toward fJerellclt, son of Mr. will be held at 7 p. in. Sabbath and Mrs. Robert nerelielc on Satmorning .services at *J:;'O. Mineba- I B'NAI B'KITII WO^inN urday, September 3, at Ueth Israel Maariv services to be held at CMS I TO STAKT BOWMNfi j Omaha I i'nai H'i-ith Wonien'K Syiuij;oi;iie. p. ro. MAKK tiOOD.MAX Sunday morning services at 0 j bowlini; starts Tuesday, September Mark fioodman, son of Mr. ond a. m. Services during wcelc, 7 a, m. | Gth, at 9 p.m., at the Ranch Bowl. Any woman B'nai B'rith member Mrs. Dan Goodman, on Saturday and 7 p. in. interested in bowlinj; may call morninc, Aujjiiit 27 ut Beth Kl Rose Onrrop, secrrtao', ut \VA Synagogue. B'N'AI JACOB AOAS IUA AIKUJKItCiKIt 9,'!30 or \VA OIH'.K Ira Meiben;er, aon of Dr. nnd j Friday, Minclia, G: 15 p. in. Sat» • • Mr:;. .Morris Mciberi;er, Friiby urday. 8:30 n. in. Minclia, (!:•!") RETII EL PLANS evenir.i;. September 2 and Saturp. m. followed by Sholosh .Semlos. T H E HIT. PAKTV Daily services (it 6::'.O a. in. and 'Die Beth Kl Ri5.tr r'.iood will j day mornin;;, September .') at Belli 6:'J5 p. m. sponsor "The Big Party" Saturday Kl Synagogue. night. October 1, at the Highland JOHN" .SIP.KI' John•Sin.-f, son of Mr. and Mrs. Club. Mine:;. Orairl Bernstc-in, ! Jerome Milder and Arnold Stem! j Julius Siref on Labor Day, Mon A monument will be dedicated party chairmen, Mid that ticket? day, September 5 at Beth Israel In memory of Aaron Shapiro at may be purchased from Sisterhood Synagogue. Beth. Hamedrosh Hugodol Ceme- Board members nnd from the tery, Sunday, August 28 at 11 a.m. synagogue office. Jlabbi Benjamin Groner will of» • • ficiate. BETH ISRAEL I'-TA A monument will'be dedicated TIIKATKK r.VKTY Rollio Rogers Soys . . . Beth Israel P-TA will hold a in memory of Sam (Shlomo) KpYour Barber Work at stein, Sunday, August 28, at 11 family theatre parly'at the-Synaa.m. at Beth Kl. Cemetery. Rabbi gogue Social Hall, September i Your Convenience Myer S. Kripke and Cantor Aaron at 7 p.m. The feature movie will Appointment* at l>e "Bern Yesterday" starring Judy I. Edgar will officiate. Holliday, in addition to a cartoon No Extra Charge nnd selected short subjects. Tickets Bleichers Entertain may be purchased at the door. GL 9284
Smooth V Mellow
ITI Q &cb ISubty) Pulvetenl* 25 Yodri' Expcrionco With Jewish Lettering and Memoriad 2211 So. Gth
For Visitors Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Bleicher will hold an ojwn house, Saturday, * August 27 from 4 p. in. to 9 p. rn. to honor their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. -and Mrs. Michael N. Bleicher who leave for Poland soon. Mr. Bleicher will study at the University of Warsaw. His wifeIs the former Betty Isack.
New York, (JTA)—Malimud Mehran, Iranian Minister of Education, visited the Ozar Hntorah summer camp in the vicinity of Teheran, where 600 Jewish children spend their vacation, lie said he hoped other educational institutions would follow the example of Ozar Hatorah.
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Greet Your Friends and Relatives thru Our It's easy to assure that your greetings III appear In this Issue. Call us or fill in tho coupon below. Use sample or write one of your own. The important thing is to act now—before our pages close. 1914 Farnam
SUGGESTIONS 1. Mr. a n d ' M r i wild their friendi and r«l«tiv«r, both f<r and near, « Happy Now Y . a r . 2. Mr. and M n and family wiih all thoir relatives end friindi • Happy and Proiparout New Year. 3. M r . and M n , and family toko this meant of exprmting their b u t wiihei for tht New Year to tfioir friendi and relatival.. M A I L TODAY JEWISH PRESS, 101 H O . 20TH ST. Omaha, Hebrajla Enclosed find $3.00 for which ploale lniert N o . ••<> New Year'l Greeting Card In your Roih Haihanah Edition.
Greeting friendt and relatives thru Tho Jowtsh Prois hat long boon a tradition for families in this area. This is a n oxcollont method of cvl> doncing your interest in t h e ontiro Jowish community and en offectivo w a y of expressing your wishes t o ell those dear to you.
FrMiiy, Autriist Jff,
Wedding Trip to Bermuda Taken by the Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Weil, 2d, si man for his hiolher. t.'slier who were married Ajigust: <1, wil is Lavs•ivii'X' Chapman. make their home in I,rxin;;tori The Weils will reside? al 1022 intuine Koad in Lexingloa after Ky., followini; a trip lo ]!<;nninla The bride, the former W.'illif .Sr'ptember 1. Wcssel Chrrnfuck is daughter ol Mr. and Mr.1!, .lay Cherniark am her husband, the son of Mr. run Mrs. HerM:liel Jonas of Lexington The weddirn; eeremony was per formed by liabbi Sidney II. lirookt a(. tlif Clierjiiack rfsidence am was followed by a reception (it the Kheniton-Kon!i.'ii''!le Hotel. The brirli; was j,'"wned in ivorycolored peau d(> soie fashioned on classic princess lines. .She woTc a laeo inantillu and carried Mrs. Jpi-rold J. J^tvfn .shower hoiif|iict of orchids, flour d'iunour and feni. Miss Uslje <-herniak was maid of honor for her sister nnd Miss Ellen Weil of Lexington, sister of the bridegroom was bridesmaid. They were attired in gowns of blue silk organza. Temple Israel was (he si.for tlic .Sunday, AtlRilst ~(i v.vdWalter Weil of Lexington was dinjj of Lenoi'.i Kay I-'nlk, t l ^ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Isadnrc Kill It xuxl •Ferrold Sanders Lrvin, soi Mrs. Jrmus Well, 2il of Mr. mid Mrs. Dave Levin of Kansas City, Mo. The reivniony was performed l).v Jtabhi .Sidney MONA LISA Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Irvine of II. Urooks. Houso of Glamour Salt Lake City, Utah, have anThe bride, j;iven in marria:;e by nolinced the engagement of their III No, 50th S t 7000 her father, wnre a floor leii;;(h daughter, Mi.ss Judith Yetta Levlne 6 Export Hair Slyliifi iroivn of sillc or;;;jiizn, an original lo Dr. Stanley L. Ma;;id, son of Alr-Conditioned DryrTrj by Alfred AII;;IJO, and a veil of Mr. and Mrs. Max Magid. MISS MARSH and MISS JERRY Kn^li.sli Illusion. She carried a Mi.ss I.evine, a graduate of tlie Owner! white orchid on a bible. University of Utah, was named Miss Marlene Friedman was "Woman of the Year," there in maid of honor. liridesmiiiils were 11)59, by the Associated Women Miss Barbara .Jaffe of Crevc Students. She was affiliated with Cotiro, Mo., and the Misses Judy Mortar Hoard, Theta Sigma Phi Jirookstein and Carolyn Stern. All and Kappa Tan Alpha. She Is now were nltired in romance blue chif- assistant society editor of the Sail fon. Lake Tribune. Howard Ltvin of Park Forest, Dr. Magid, a graduate of the II., Bfi-ved' »•; best man for hi;) brother. Ushers were Stewart Ka- University of Nebraska College of det-slty, Ccno Iialot and Richard Medicine, Is now an intern at the San Diego, Cal. County Hospital, .Sedler, all of Kansas Cily. Mother of the bride wore a lie Is a member of Sigma Alpha brown lace sheath and the groom's Mu fraternity. An early November wedding in mother was j;ownrd in u ))ei(;c Salt Lake City is being planned. Jace sheath. Following a buffet dinner at the Temple, the couple left oil a wedding trip to Chicago. They will VM °N make their home in Columbia, D1'( j o Aq Mo., where Mr. Levin will com plete his studies for n Masters de-
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g BMOH NVDIU3HVS NFAV YEAIt CARDS w BAR and Has Mltzvah congratulations also for nil Jewish holi- SB'E S fi)4oow zz g days nnd special occasions. u ivNanor Meyers News Stand, 1502 Podge IVOlt "I9OM III MOOM 09 TELEPHONE SALES REPRE- 6 i * S XSOJ OHIN3A3 Avauruvs SENTATIVE — Curtis Circulation Co. will appoint local representative to handle new nnd renewal subscriptions. Work from home. Field training given. Opportunity to build lnrge clientele. Orders may bo charged to department stores. Write, giving are, qualifications find telephono number to Iown liosales, 334 Kcclinc Bldg., Omaha.
new, just for tiny women! miniature coats! A last, a complotoly now eizo range in coats for adult Iittlo women, under five feet tall I A fabulous collection of the latest ntylings for both casual and dross wear. Solids and tweeds . . . somo with fur trim. Miniature BIZCS, 2-12. Colors: Black, brown, oreonorbluo.
Steven Rodlers Visit l i t t l e Point Four1 Florida and Nassau Program for Nepal (JTA)— Israel's "LitOn Wedding Journey tleJerusalem. Point Four" program was exMr. and Mrs. Stevi-n Bruce Itedler, whose wedding trip in eluded Nassau und Florida, okwill visit in St. Louis, Mo., before reaching Madison, Wis., where they will reside. They were married August nt Temple Israel with Rabbi Myer S. Kripke officiating. A dinner a th<» Blncl:stone Hotel followed the ceremony. Mrs. Redler is the former Dolores Ann Shapiro, daughter of Mr. am Mrs. Jules Shapiro. Her husband's parents are Mr. and Mrs. I lurry Keillor of Clayton, Mo. Hotli Mr. and Mrs. Itedlcr will spend tin; coining school year as seniors st the University of Wisconsin. They will be at home at 929 South ISruoks in Madison after September 12,
Miss lYlalcom Gfioosas October Wedding Date Mr. mill Mrs. Tiernard J. Diamond have announced the betrothal of their daughter, Frances l!»rnice Mali-mi] to Harold I. Fnlk, son of Max Fall: of Sioux City, la. The oouplr* will be married October 30 .it lieth Kl SyiinKOKiio. Miss M'llcom attended the University of Oklahoma at Norman, wher" she was a member of Sigma Delta Tau, and the University of Omaha. Her fiance attended the University of Minnesota, at Minneapolis where he was affiliated with Phi Kpsilon Pi.
Friday, August Jfl, I0G9
JKYVISH pniass
K shopping? Check the Jew ish Press ADS first.
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tended to the Asian mountain LIVE FISH MKT. kingdom of Nepal. A joint state1314 HO. 24TH ST. ment by Premier David UenKOSHER CHICKENS Gurion of Israel and Premier B. KILLED DAILY P. Koiiala of Nepal announced agreement between the two states Savo by Calling AT 4977 for technical cooperation and joint and approved by Rabbi enterprises in the fields of agri- Certified Dr. Loon Thorn, Preiidonf, Americulture, industry and construction. can Academic Rabbit Aiiociation of Now Americans, and Rabbi S. Israel Will wild a team of Irchnlc M| experts to Nepal to blue- Walkin of fho Orthodox Rabbii Auociation of Now York City. print plans for technical assistance and ooopcrutlvo iMiteriirlsrts. It WHS lrnitouil that Hie major form of c.noprralioil lictweclt the two rouiitrii'D will ho In Joint JiepaleseIsraill companies similar to the joint r-uinjmnli-s In which Israel is participating with a number of Asian and African countries. Premier Koirala, had also inYou in a Slump? lieated a desire In si.'iid Nopalese officers for training; with the Don't Worry— Israel Army. He was particularly CALL FAY LEVINSON interested in the "Nahal"—the iemi-military oi;riciiltural youth GL 6247 VVA 1 4 5 6 IraininK ornanization that mans nany settlements on the Israeli frontiers. Under the agreement, Israel will provide scholarship* for ;eneral and specialized training 'or Nepaii.-se .students here.
Belli Israel Synagogue Nursery 52nd and Charles Registrations Now Being Accepted Semoster Commencing Wednesday, Sept. 7th CALL RE 6288
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.VltlTKKS WIIX CONVENT, N JKKl SAUO.M I-V I)KC. Tel Aviv, UTAi—An internaional cutiforence of Jewish jourudists and wiiters will lie held in erus.-dem durint; the forthcomiiij; i Zionist Congress in Di-cemicr.
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BA.V ON ICAIHO Rosh Hashandi Cords COMMI .VICATIOXS Prices $ " f 0 0 Jerusak-ni, (JTAi—The Moioc-1 Start at B can i;o\ eminent has subtended Per 100 radio communications with Israel. | Karlier this year, under pressure Matthews Book Store from the Arab League, Morocco 1620 Harnoy St. stopped mail service with Israel.
they require no fluo or outside vent, f aro compact enough to fit under ; £ counters—
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1201 Jenes
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Sea your plumber or appliance) deafer—ask to too M« selection of cnorJora quick-recovery oleetrlo water heater*.