September 2, 1960

Page 1




ree, 101 it), laith

! JA i:ific


at Oinillirl, Ncbr

Iiiujjlc Copy 30c Amnliil Jt.itc ft

F. I.cvcn.snn was ap Mrs. pointed the Women's Division C'hiiiniiaii of the ruining; Omaha flrea Israel Hnnd Oompaijrn, Mrs J Hurry Kulaktifshy, Honorary Chairman fur Nebraska, Iowa and Sctuth Dakota mid member </f the Israel I loud Organizations National Hoard of Governors, said i'Yi

Washington (J'l'AI - - The De- lial and mutiuilly hr-ncficifil compartment of Stale said it had pro-mercial intercourse now carried tested orally to Kuwait against tin.1 blacklisting of American firms on between considerable numbers I flirting with Israel, but. did not of American and Kuwaiti firms. consider such Arab pressure an leather it appears lo have been di'unfriendly oel" since "this ac. rected only against certain AmerA Zionist since the ,'ijl'1 of fif(ion was not directed against the ican and .perhaps other firms, teen, Kthrl I ,e\ enson organized United States as such." her high school's Zionist Club foi whose business associations with William 13. MacomlH'r, Jr., Asf;ii)s mid I.auiel debating society. Israel were cited in a recent Israel sistant Secretary of State, wrote She was ZOA .secretary in l!ll!>, publication uliicli was distributed Senator Jacob K. Javils, New when Henry Monsl;y iva.i prc-siYork Itepubliean, that Arab black- by various Israel missions abroad." ilent. While nt the University of listing affecting some United Js'ebraslca, she f<*n i iff I Young JuNeviTdmlesN, the Department Slates companies did not appear daea groups, mid when the move* requested Kuwait to slnp sending intended "to disrupt, the .stihstanrnent iviis at it's height, with over "unwarranted letters" to Amerifive hundred children in twelve can business firms. Such letters clubs, became Omaha's 1'oiiny have Inquired Into whether firms Judaea's Sui>crvisor. .•trn "Jewish" and whether tliry trarlo wlt/i Israel. She vi.siled Israel In l!J."i.'$ imil Mm. M. V, J.evenson disriiKsIng Israel Bond Campaign Finns ]i)58, nnd plans to go again in with Mrl. J. Hurry KlilaUnf,sl..v. The Slate Department communJf'fil. Tfer mother is a resident off ication resulted from ini|iliries by .Sen. Javits. He cited instances in Israel. Proceeds from liikur Clioliin's which American companies were president of Iladnssah and also 1.000 Scholarships fund raising dessert, luncheon, Au- threatened by-Kuwait with blacklocal president. She is a lielh Kl gust '£\ at. The lilackstone, will be listing unless they responded by charter member. Jewish National used to reduce the balance due on a given dale to oflensKe questionKinid Council president, and Zloiiequipment and furnishings of the naires. Mr. Macornber informed isl Youth Commission chairman. .Harber and Beauty Shop at the Dr. Sen. Javits that, alleged!}, Kuwait Jler other organizational inPhilip Slier Jewish Home for the "did not participate in (lie hostilitcrests include Jewish education. Aged. ties against Israel" and therefore Council of Jewish Women, liran- | Itehowit. Israel, fJ'l'A) — 'I'hehealth, industry, agriculture, genThe shop was installed by the wu.s not governed In any armistice ileis University, Henry Monsky 'first peruinnenl bureau to aid Hie eral development arid education. Shortly after the meeting, it organization some months ago for accord. Chapter of H'nai Ji'rilh ami many j new .slates ill Africa and Asia, to Zionist, activities. j "intensify, broaden iiud deepen" was learned that Israel will pro- the convenience of home residents. Commenting generally IMI tlin itheir scientific and technological vide .1,000 scholarships next year IJikur Cholim have undertaken blacklisting issue, .Mr. Maciiinlicr for study in Israel by African and projects in the community involvi advance!;, was created here. made liiionn it Is the DepartAsian students. ing the comfort nnd aire of the ment's view tlmt "in the ahsenco Two-Week Conference sick, needy and senior citizens. Steering Committee The bureau is an outgrowth of (if u definltivn setlleiin-nl between 'I'he bureau's work will be diI the Jnternalional Conference The entire board took part in Israel and the Arab state-,, includ[on Science iu the Advancement of rected by a steering committee the arrangements for the event. ing settlement of Mich vital n u t The pictures which line (lie walls New Slate;;, which conclude two consisting of representatives of. All pastries server! Mere baked by ters us Hie plight of thousands of states that participated in the refugees wlin h:ive had In leavo of the Jewish Community Center, weeks of .sessions here. More than conference. The bureau will con- its members. Listed are Hie affair's special their lionies in I'alesline, the enits art exhibits anil library were 100 scientists, and as many gov- sider convening a second confertubllslmiciil of |xrIII.LIK'IIt boun: carefully .scrutinized by a recent ernmental leaders, .some of them ence, and will report to the pur-donors: Mmcs. Elnur Abromien, Jack Alberts, daries between tlw Arab stilt en of Cabinet runic, at tended the con\isilor. Sam Areftfron, Philip Bait, Jake Brotikslcll), and Israel, and freedom of transit ley. Jake Cllerncy, Sam Canar, Dan Cohen, Juke She spent considerable time. In ference, held al the Weiztnann InA report on the experiments for Cohen, Meyer Colnlc, Rose Comlsar, Marry 111 rough Hie Sue/, Canal, varloilH stitule here under thechairmanCooper, Marry Coopermon, Philip Crandoll, reflection as she toured the premthe desalination of salt water was Meine Oelronfi. Harry Dvosln, Ben Eisnn- manifestations of llw Arab-Israeli ises. Members of the Center staff' ship of the institute's president, presented at the conference by bero. Sam [.lewlll. Rose Epstein, 5om Ep-tensions are unfortunately lificly stein, William lipstein. Lee Fox, Dave Israel Minister of I.'diiralion noted her absorption as she paused Dr. Alexander Zarchin, Israeli Fronlc, Soul penman, Mae Fried, J. J, to continue." Abba Kban. l-reiden, Sam Freed, lizle Garslcfc, Arthur at each display. scientist. Ocndler, Abo Groenberd/ N. H Greenhorn., Mr. Macombcr as.serterl that tlio 15 Delegations Soil; KxpertH Joseph Guss, Fred Halm, Cecil (sertiloil. Apparently enjoying the many Max Kaplan, Louis Kalz, Max Kotz. Mellnrh Fifteen delegations from African Kat/niun, Paul Katzman, Satn Kotzmon, Abo U.S. Government "does not confine examples of art, the--visitor Klopper, done the Arab boycott, particularapproached the reception desk and and Asian countries, present, al Mines. Abo Krunlz, Ann Kuller, Ann Leh-ly so far us it adversely affects asked to see the director of the the conference, have asked for man, William Lcvoy, A. Upsnmn, 5. Llpiman, scientific instruction anil technical Max Moqld, Nalhan Marf'n, Joke Marer, American linns and cil i/.ens. It has museum. llymio Milder, William Milder, Sam llovak, assistance from Israel, Mr. Kban, Paul Veret will be the guest Hale Mocj'j, Louis Paperny, Dave Parker, sought through all feasible, way* Somewhat abashed, (he recep- said. flick Pltlur, Dave Potash. Dave Raznlck, and means, within the context of speaker at a meeting of the OmaCharles Russ, Alex Sodotsky, Max Shames, tionist replied —"Why this isn't a Mr. Khan said the requests were ha Chapter of Mizraclii Women, Gary Sherman, Harry Sidman, Louis Slpcrln* maintaining friendly relations with museum. It is the Jewish ComAbe Slulsky, Sidney Soklyn, Max Sommers, principally., for the sending of ex- Wednesday, September 11 at the Phil Smith, R. H. Splcnal, Nathan Stoinhcrd other members of the lice world munity Center." .••...-, Family, Clara Tretlak, Sam Tarnoff, Noltinn community, to eliminate such boyr perts to those countries and for Jewish Community Center. Vcllzcr, Paul Vcref, Marry Wclncr, V/illlam "t thought tliis was the Joslyn the granting of scholarships for /Morris White, Millie Wine, Dave colt practices." A 1 p. m. dessert luncheon will Wclner, Wine, Jake Wine, E. Wollson, Allan Zalkln. Museum," the woman c.\claimcd. study in Israel in the fields of precede the program. Lll ZulKIn and John Zcrtnsky. Citing the amend"And all those pictures." A resiment to the Mutual Security Bill, dent of a Minnesota community, Sen. Javits said "it will be our job she wanted to see Joslyn Museum to sec to it that intcinational law while in the city. . is fully complied with in this situa(Well, Mr. Kugene Kinsman, it tion, and that this offensive action really was a nice compliment mid is discontinued." we hope you don't m i n d . We Showed the lady the way to her 'original destination. A f t e r till, anyone can make a mistake when they are from out-of-town. The I-'ditori Bonn (WNSI — Israel Trade Mission now here reported that West (iermany wns Israel's thir* largest customer, led only by Britain and the United States iu buying Israeli products. The Physical Kduralinn DepartIsrael expo1''* to West dei'many ment of the Jewish Communitj last year reached a value of nearCenter is now in the progress of ly $17,000,000 and it was eslimaled preparing plans for the IfltiO-GI that by 1960 deliveries to West ' program year. Germany would- average $l!0,()0(),-» Pliiis will he announced short!> 000 a year. for activities concerning the fall I schedule for men, women and children, Irv Ynffe, Department Chairman, said. "We are arranging for new acA community "first" will be the tivities along with the standard Jewish Home Tour on November program and we hope many of the members of the community will 1 being planned by the Beth lil participate" it was reported by Sisterhood, Mrs. Ralph Nogs, genSeymour Scitchick, Center Atheral chairman, said. The event, letic Director, who recently reOnn of fhcfin yonnff Iudi«fi will l>« Frowned "Sivectlicart of A. 2 . A. at the Chapter No. 1 an- open to the general public, will inceived his Masters Degree in Sec- nual Mveellicurt dance, Kejitemlirr 8 nt the BInrlcstono Hotel. Ttio candiilutt-a arc (left to right, clude visits to>six homes which will ondary Education from Kansas re;ir): Judy d'oiidler, Krnco Itlniiaenuan, Bonnto Tnrnoff, (front): IVunny Harding, Koni Meyer illustrate specific auspects of JewState College al Pittslmrg, Kans. and Neeim ItebiT. ish home life.

Bikur Cholim Gives Proceeds to Home's Beauty-Barber Shop

Scientists Set Up Bureau Will Assist New States

Pictures Make A Difference!


Address til

Vti. faermany, Israel's Third Best Customer

Ffiys. Ed. Department Working on Program

ielh El So Sponsor 'Jewisfi Etae Tour'






firptrmltcr 2, JtXiO

With the Rome Fobs Rabbi Investigates Origin

rees I'ublfohrd necMy n rrlikiy (MCinninjr the hifct «r.-k <" Auciikt thrutlgti bfcoml wi -U In J u b dj Ilir Jewish lVilerutlux vf Oiuuha. d Annum t>ubiCflplton H.00. Aa-.trt'-iino Roles en Appi'tutton PP bb ifoMor o o O f f i c e - 101 0 No ?Cll> Mfcet, Omaha, flcbr.. JAct/;on 13<*

-n.r Jrultli UU

ft Kt Tlir Dr. l'I» r lb. Jcil

Of Mexican Jev/ish Tribe

Philacielphia (JTA)~Kabbi Victor .Solomon of C'oni:ref;,-ition V:iMr. and Mrs. Max Colin f ve n rath Israel if; spendin?: two weeks WHS. FRANCKS KI.E1N Kiddush in honor of the li.'tr in the Mexican village ot Venla Mit/.\'ah of their son, Allen. Hi iota with a mesti/o tribe whose I Rabbi Sidney Brooks re-opened members claim Jewish ancestry. 'the rabbinical visitors program (The mestizos are the mixed blood i after a short summer reci-ss. (i'.'sci udants of the Spani'h iuvad| A contemporary book's rcadinc crs and the Indians.) Omaha will sene as host city. j :;rol!p meets daily at the Home. The \illai;ers were loin; affiliat! October, 8-1) to the J % 0 annual I The current book under discussion ed with the ]<;lesia fie Uios sect 1 j lii'rliti!,' of the Pin ins Stales l',e- i is Yuri Sulil's "One Fool in Ainci - 'but claim Marrano ancestry and. i in recent years, have >,oil|;lil to ;.;ion.'d Advisory .Hoard. Anti-l>ef- ; iea." jamation League nf B'nai H'rith, I The l)eauly salon and barber I observe the .lew ish religion. There ! Dr. Abe flrecnber";, meetm; chair- j shop continues to bo one of the ! (ire j-epoi led to be only 18 families, Il'N.AI JACOIt ADAS ! in.'in, reported, Cunfercnn head- ! popular spots at the Home. This I but. some reports say there mav he JKSIU'ICON 'quarters will be at the. Town ! program is sponsored by the Uikur as muny as .'lO.lKMI persons. The Friday, Minclui; 0:15 P- n). Sat- j House. U.'lmlim Moiety under the super- village is in Central Mexico, a lone 1 urday, 8:30 u. in. Miiioha, l>:-15 I The community is invited to .and difficult, trip from the capital, at- vision of Mrs. Jake i.Maryj Wine. reached only by primitive roads. ii m. folimved bv Sholosh Sciidos . Many of our folks were quests ' ., . v ,. 0,1 , „, ,.„,] I lend the meetm;.' which will open H.jtibi .Solomon look with him a dinner on October S and of the Omaha chapter of the NaDaily services at ():,i(J a. m. ami j with :il |: j continue on (he fnlluwin;; day with tional Council of Jewish Women ti;<ir> p . m . ...-•• . • • ' . . . i business sessions and a luncheon. on the river cruise. TIOML'LK ISRAEL CARRY'S |Reservations fur the dinner ami An all year prayer book has Services at Temple Israel will ') luncheon may be made by calling been presented to the home by Mr. LIVE RSH MKT. lie hold in the Chapel at 7:'iO p. in. i and Mis. Sam Novak. 1314 HO. 24TH ST. Ilubbi Sidney H. l.irool;s will offi- ! tjie AUL office, AT .'iST."). ciate and deliver the sermon. KOSHER CHICKEHS KILLED DAILY

Religious Services

Court Orders Return Kolxilas Shabbos Friday evening j Of Jewish IKItAEL

••••;,.- ...-•: . -;|


friends and relatives lire

invited t<> nttend services :m<l services, C:45p, m. Shabbos mornJlonii 'JTAl A test case, ing services, 8:45 a. m. at 52nd which may, ultinvitely. involve reception. and Charles Streets and at 9 a. rii. about .•',.•)(i.fiOO G e r m a n s with claims STI;AKT FKOIIM at 19th mid Burt Streets. Junior totiiling nearly ^-l'lO.OOO.OOO w a s j .Stuart Fiohm, son of Mrs. UuCongregation, 9:43 a. m. Rabbi decided inst a claimant, who icille Frohm, on Saturday mornini,; Oroner will conduct the Talmud | sought ^overtitnent repa\nieut. for j at. 1. eth Israel .Syna;;')i:ue. Class at 7 p. m. Sabbath Mincha, ! losses iiicurri'd because he bought C:45 p. in. followed by Sliolosh |n Jew's properly "in good faith" Hov.iud <;cre!ick, son n f Mr. Scudos nnri'Mahriv, 7:.'<5 p. m. •during the Nazi rej;hne. Sunday nwrnint; services, H:3(> I The case, which will bo ap- and Mrs. Robert r,crclick on Satn. in. followed by breakfast and • pealed to Superior Court, was u urday, September 3, at licth Israel Rabbi's class in Bible. -Daily '<>rv- test on behalf of a farmer at S>nar;o;;ue. lces, 7 a. m. and (i:-55 p. m. I Fiankenihal. In I!C;K, the farmer in.v MI:IHI:I:<;I;K I hrid bou);ht the property of a .1 *.•«•Ira Meiberger, son of Dr. Mid BKTH KL I ish nei;.;libor. After the war, lie Mrs. Morris Meibcr;;cr, Friday Kabbath services at licth l.l ' \\ as ordered to return to the orig- evening, September 'A and SaturSynaKoi;ue. 7:00 p. in. this eveniir;. inal owner not only the proputy diiy inornin:;, .September :i at lieth .Sabbath morning sei'viccs, 'J:'.',0. but. an additional SO,500. 101 .Synagogue. Miiicha-Maariv services. (i::'.O p. m. T h e l.'nion of Loyal 1'ersons InSumlav morning services, •':»'),. . . .... JOHN SIKKF tllvi1 '»>' Hi-slitution. which is adn m and services clurinc the J John .Siref, son of Mr. and Mrs. nd 7:00 p. m. IK the cause of "loyal pur- Julius Siref on Labor l»ay, Monweck'7:0(J a. m. ! chasers," contends that Germans day, September .r> at I'.eth Israel | lK)ii|;ht Jewixh pro]>orty ]y under SynaKo;.',ue. , Nazi had actually, "saved A mnrV.e.r.'will l>«;' iledit'ated in | Jew ish livi'.s," freeing persons from I memory "of- Harry Salt/man. Sun- concfntration camps by enabling day, September 4 at 10 a. m. at thcrn to emigrate." — j Dr. Max llalperin, former the UetliKl Cemetery. Habbi Mycr Omahan and son of. Mrs. Harry S. Ivi-ipke and Cuntor Aaron I. MOW JUDAIC CESTKIt Waltham, Mass (WNSj—A new i Cooperman, was elected a Fellow]£(l|;:ir will officiate. Judaic center will IK? opened to of the American Statiscal AssociaA monument will be dedicatfd in Hnindeis University students at tion. Dr. llalperin. a research statismemory of David B. Kpstcjn, Sun- the start of the J'.ltiO acaili-mie day. Sepli mber '1 at ]l. a. in. at j'ear. The building will house the tician fit General Mills in SchnecGolden Hill Cemetery. Officiating university's graduate and under- tady, K. V., has a number of pubv,ill be Kabbi lienjamin Gioner graduate classes in Near Eastern lications to his credit. He attend| ed the University of Omaha, the ,-ind Judaic studies. und Cantor Kli KIIKIIII. j University of Iowa and received Goim; shoppiiiK? Chock the Jew- j his doctorate from the University ZI:TA IJI:TA TAIJ i of North Carolina in JittO. /.eta Beta Tan fraternity at the ish I'rcss ADS first. Un'i\er>ity of Nebraska placed soconj iiinon;; all fraternities at the University of Nebraska In scholastic achievement, for the semester curling June 101)0. Fraternity president, Dave Goldstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Goldstein and.'Thomas I'latt, son j JEWISH NEW YEAR CARDS tit Dr. and Mrs. David Plat! iepic-1 New Colorful Designs tcnicd their chapter at. -the or-j fjani/ation's national convention in Ben-.or, Colo., Aiitfust 21-28.

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Cornhusker Chapter



Commercial Prinflng •— Social Engraving! — V/eddingt 2626 Homey St. Phone JA 0770 Convenient Customer Parking

Copies of Treasured Photos of Loved Ones

"I ilouljt if I'll IK; ablr: to actuiily N(il\e the i iiidlo of their a n c e s try," In- ,s:iiil before his departun*. 'hut nt least I'll find out m o r e linn Ims lii.i n pit viously k n o w n . "

Certified and fipprov.d by Robbi Dr. Leon Thorn, Prriidt-nt, Amrrican Academic Rabbit A^iocifltion of New Americans, And Rabbi S. Welkin of tho Orthodox Robbii Altociarion of t-lew Yorfc City.


Send a Greeting with a Meaning

iiKTas, a camora and a ttr/iy-pmu'iTd iiip-recordor I n o n l c r t o n e o n ! wliat lie m a y Liable to hn-.rn r>r tlH'Ki; i)(-(i[il(,'. lf<> .said he would lit- the first outsidci* to live .'iiDoni.; ihfin, j".Itliouj;li ulli•rs l!.'ni \i.',it(il tin: villnj;!'.




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Wednesday, Sept. 7th


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Highland Country Club ftSTAUBAHTS

$1.50 Gifts

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1619 H. 24th St.

Omoho. Hebroiba

WE 2916 g


Dessert Luncheon Cards

Mah Jong

- Tickots may bo obtained through any of the D'nai B'rith Cornhuskor members, or may bo purchased nt the door.


Friday, BriifcmJirr 2, 1CC0


Iss Greenberg Wed

Mss Nancy Lewis Married Sunday to Michael Lazar

Californians Visit at Jack Saylan Residence

Recent bouse guests at (he Jack Saylan home were Maynard .SayMiss Nancy Pamela Lewi;;, lan and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brown Mis.s Kllcn lironna GreenbeiK, .md children, Marlene, Barry and daughter (if Mr. nnd Mrs. Bon K. daiiiihiir of Dr. and Mrs. Maynanl Di.ine, all of. California. The visLc w is anil Michael L. Lazcr, son of M. tJreenheii:, became the bride iiois wero entertained at an open of David limion Wollf, .son of Mr. Mi. anil Mrs. .Joseph Lazer wi.'i'c house at the Milton .Saylan home, arid Mrs. I'.urton Wolff of Highmarried Sunday noon, at Temple Aiif.'iist JO. Hostesses wciv Mrs, land Park, 111., in a late afternoon Saylan find Mrs. Lee Sherman. Isiael. Itiibbi Sidney lirooks and ceremony at. Temple Israel last Chaplain Maurice Kleinberfr, Sil- Sunday. Kabbi Sidney liiooks of\ i r Springs, Md., untie of the ficiated. Mr. and Mrs. David Burton bilde, ofiieiati.d. Tlie bride's dress was of pun1 WoJff of Kvanston, III., wish to 'I lie bride wore a jjown of while silk Schiflli oiiianza and her t u thank their friends and relainijiorled silk over poi de soie. A ple tiered veil was caii|;ht with a tives for the many telegrams pi.irl tiarra 11<• 1 r] a linger tip \eil cap of lace. She carried a cascade •itiil UliionKiams of KOOI! wishes dl illusion. She carried white r:a- of orchids and stejilianotis on a leceived on I be occasion of while bible. inillias and slephanotis. their marriage. Airs. Avrum Creenberi; was m,iMiss .loodi Lewis was maid of honor for her sisler. Jiridesm.'iids tron-of-houor. Ser\ini; as bridi sw u e Mrs. Joseph Sicilian of Den- malils wen; Mrs. lienjainin Wolff MONA LISA M I , Colo.; Miss l'lijllis liernslein, of Cloncoe, 111., and Miss Martin and Miss Maureen Zevil/, The af- Kriipinsky, Chicago, III. All weic House of Glamour tendenis wore short aqua orj;an/a ;.;own''d ill willow };r<.'eM chiffon. I I I No, 50th GL 7000 "•lualhs with bell shaped overlienjaliiin Wolff, Glencoe u,is 6 Export Hair Stylish sliirls and iiialchinf; how hats and best man for his brother. Ushcis Air-Conditioned Dryers uuried white Fuji inunis. wen? l.arry Abt, Chicaj;o and A\MISS MARSH and MISS JERRY riim (Ireenber;:, brolher of the .Mrs. Mliluiel I-.r/.irr Owners .Sheldon Kraut z was ln's,l man. Duvld II. Wolff ^ - - 4 ( ; s | | f T S w'cri." William CoopVr, bride. iIV I ML I •'>' l'"|wtein, ' Colin, David The newly-weds will make 'heir home in Kvanslon, followin.; a Hip to Hawaii. ** A brunch was held at flu? Town I House. The couple left, on a wedRegistered R**present«dive I ilini; trip lo New York. They will J. Cliff Rchel & Co. ! 130 First National Bank Mr. and Mrs. Kui;eno Alan Uu- | r ( ' s i l l ( ; ' " I-'"':"""Investment Bankers JA 7262 I!olT who ui'ii! married recently r In Newark, N. J. fin.1 makini; tin r e mahan home in Ann Arbor, Mich., whe Mikre Kodesh Synaj:oi;ue in Minthe bridecrfiom will enter bis sophneapolis, Alinn., was the scene of omore, year in the medical whool the August 7 wedding of Miss Hartit the University of Mlr.:lih;an. Miss Florence Dessutel of Prov- riet I.essak, daughter of Mr. and portraits of distinction Mr. and Mrs. Harry DulJoff, Iiriicnt.s of I he bridegroom, havi.' iili-iice, It. I. and Alan M. Corey, Mrs. Israel I.essak of that city Call RE 1317 returned from the east after at- son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond D. and Sidney Lee Klopper, son of li'iidiin; the weildin;;: at Ann d o r - | Corey, former (Jmahans, were inar- Mr, and Mrs. S. Abe Klopper. A Candid Wedding Albums ilon's in Newark. A reception 101- i ried Sunday, August US in Mount dinner followed the ceremony. lowed tin.' ceremony. ; Sinai Temple in Sioux City. The bride's gown was fashioned Formal Bridal Portraits Miss Muriel llerney of Moun- I The bride is the daughter of of taffeta with hand-clipped Chan Children Our Specialty tainside, N. J., was maid of honor Mrs. William Carlson and J-'ii'd-1 Hlly lace her fingertip veil of Quality Word 4829 Dodge j£ for her sister. The bride is the for- erick Desautel of I'rovidenee. imported illusion WHS caught with :(; at Quality Prices Customer Parking fc mer Hcverly Rot-belle Herney, a jeweled crown. Bridal attenddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. David ants were Mrs. David Wax, HaverA. lii.Tiiry of Mountainside. Bridestown, J'ii., » sister who served as maids were Miss Ann Kisensladt matron of honor and the follow•if Newark and Miss Sally Abel ing bridesmaids, the Misses Marcia of Kon-Jil IJills, N. V. ; Mr. and Mrs. I^con Winfroiib of I.cssak, also a sister and Barbara Kichard Frank was best man. : Los Angeles, Cal. announce the Oslrow of Minneapolis. Ushers were Robert (ioldstein and j birth of a daughter, Diane Sue, Dr. Maurice Brandt Schwartz Slieldon Rips, Chkay.o. 111.. Rob-1 on July 27. Grandparents are the served as best man. Ushers were (.•••I Winlrouh anil Marvin Keren- j Rev. and .Mrs. Arthur Gendler, Jack Conner and. Saul Hoffman, fite'n. I ••'»il Mi", ''"id .Mrs. William Win- both of Minneapolis; Jerry Kopper, Kansas City, Mo., and Job HoffYi'.o Dulioffs are Using at 1108 tronb. man, Detroit, Mich. Maiden Lano Court in Ann Arbor. Come Meet Mr. and Mrs. Joe Belmont have A Florida wedding (rip was taken. Omahans who attended the wedgiven the name of Handy Steven ding in addition (lie groom's parlo their third son, horn August ents and those in the wedding par15. Their other hoys are Mark and ty, were Mrs. Maurice Schwartz Lot Him Help You Wiib Benjamin. and children, Meyer Paul and Sue Your Clothing Selections Grandparents are the Messrs. Anne and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kttpatrick's Men's Clothing — Second Floor and Mines. Dave Fredkin and Har- Schwartz. The couple are living in Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Leon II. Marx an- ry Belmont. Paternal great-grandnounce the engagement of their niolher is Mrs. Bculah Rulslein of III., where; Mr. Klopper is doing graduate work at the University of daughter, Joan line, to Terranee Sioux City. Chicago. A wedding trip to DeS. Bernstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Schneider- troit, Mich., and Canada was Dave Bernstein. inan announce the birth of their Miss Marx and her fiance have first child, a daughter, Robin I.ea, taken. chosen- the date of. December 'X on August 26. MONKKV for their wedding at Temple Grandparents are Messrs. and Henry Monsliy Chapter of B'nai . Israel. Both attended the University of Mines. Morris Ricks and Irving B'rith will meet .September 14 at Schneiderman. Great-grandmother the Blackslone Hotel for a 12:.'!0 Omaha. I is Airs. Samuel Kesselman. p. m. luncehon.

Eugene Duboffs

'«™ ••-< «««* ™«*.

, ^ . " u°/ j c j Wed Sunday In Sioux City



j Minneapolis Scene |Of Lessak-Kloppe*Sunday Wedding

Iz "Boggy" Bogdanoff

Chicagoan New Zionist President New York (WN.S)--Tin1 Zionist Organization of America concluded its four-day (i.'irtl annual convention here with the election of Max Dressier of Chicago to the presidency and the adoption of a curies of resolutions dealing with American policy in the Middle F.ast world Zionist issues and the role of the ZOA on the American Jewish scene.



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200 Jewish Athletes In Rome Olympics ;

S T i n i J N T ClO.NTIOIt J e r u s a l e m (WNS>- 'i'hc curnerstoiic for a S,'i7.j,fiuO I n t e r n a t i o n a l S t u d e n t s C e n t e r ,\vns laid at J l e 1 il iii the Ik-th RKTII i x sisxi-uaioon's luew t'niver.sily. T h e project in L- ik-th I:ISJ., ; , W H. - ":"•>•• ^ A s i t i - J e w i s h Uiof l!i-h MUST no.vuu MI.IITIM; '•witiiins t o r tiu-i . s e s s i o n " " * * » < — i " w S , J fc%(4* 8 Koine ( J T A i -An estimated L'Od sponsored by the American Womshn with M r s . J.Inrvin ld hf IlHi-iio'i Airt*3 ( W N S i — A l m o s t I'lio s e a s o n ' s first m a j o r B<'th K] Jewish athletes, inchidiii); 18 from I en's I.cujiue lor Israel. n i c e will k> avuil- Ml lii,';]i schtpitl .sluiJcnt*, in Jiiit'iios Synuv.osjue S K t e i h o m t IJourd n v r i - _ Israel, were listed iuuuiif.; the l.'JOO | cr S Kri[.l will A i l v s sfajrt'tl ii r t n c - d . i v ab.-:oin%c* inK will h e h e l d T I H \ d a y , . S - . j i u m - j pailicip.iiit'; in Ihe lill'.d (Hyui[>irs. Millnn : i. b e r t> i n t h e syivi;:n.;i.n- :i.vial hull • , ! I r u n t t;l;i."'!. t o i . ' j ' i s t e r t l i f - i r ttp. Ahoul WKI guests finin Israel tli.'" ioilowiiis; H 12:'M) p . n i . cnt'tif. j "l'.,v,ir Juilai.iu" ^\atc|j(•d t h e jtames. Maga^ifia Speciclitt r-:t t\ti a l - nt Hi.' i W h i l e t h e rc;;ul;iv h'i;ird n i f - ' t s . ; Spoiti Afiild 'file Israeli a t h l e l e s tool: pait in }>y m i anti-S«-i/iiiic ; a s e p a r a l i ; vi'j>.iim in o i i e n t i i t k u i j 20 months $2.93 la I'ap-:il audience lollowiu;.; c\'n> w i l l IH» I f l i l for ic w ho.inl ini'in- \ m : n i iNit.ii; SISII;I:UOOI» Ladks' tlo-a Journal | moriii s v.hen t h e Israeli 1!HJ; \v;e; I Manuel Triliiik v. as shut under b e r s , nen" circle (.0KIii"ii)• TI ;in<l t h e < 22 monrhj S3.E5 rilAlKHI'A" / 'tin' heart in the ,-illaek iif ar Sai-| hoisted al t h e Olympic Village Sotsrday Evening Poi> t e l e p h o n e n m i m i l \r<>. 'Mis. Alfu-il, Krl!, tO weeks $4.79 ! mienio iValiimal 11 i;-1 j School. I leI while an Jlalian N a v y band playcil T h e loHovvili'.,' v. (ini'-n n m i i i r i j e ]Si- UTIHKH.1. pr ;\'.;is it ported n-emei inj*. .Some'or !llatil;'.ah. A Jewish woman a t h - Amadcan Hanis till 1 MSterhlKMl hlKinl Un' t h e Ci'iri-j Ihe follw.wi 25 momhj S3.25 j ihe studenls m.trelierl to the olfiec | lele finiii Poland wepi u hen she in;; >e;u-: men fur the Or,i,-r l.v I'IMH.I- nr Mull j of I jr. I.uis Macl.a.v, the Mini;,lcr [saw the Israeli ll.'ij;. Hta«, Mill headed ut tM'i. /.', L. t , HnioJi, prc'.^ 4 4 0 N o . 6i5» Sr. VVA 6742 i of Jvlneat inn, to accuse him ol a I OG*ii. are: /Viiitej Albert Kiiimx^rnon, -Stun . l.ikuc-,t vurrettt [iru'es i,it A l l . Groelz, Harry rcrcfi.ltid. Hot;t.rl V/dfJtitr, An audience of 10(1 J e w s ol I pii.iera; tinalin^ attiludf tov.ard /.'.a* iilitner, Louij Una, /.'a* MfjvoK, B<?J, ; Duve i conditions nt the liijih M'IHHII. Tin; Home, ob.-.erved t h e tlaj; ceremony All hiKM'ial OrfciH lluuurrd ( "><:•,• H . a , A. D. FruJik, Alan V.'t.lKwi. '.um &<m, Juf s ( iliAlA repii':,entati\<' liody of Ar-and later joined with the Israel j'entiiH. Jewry, had warned school athletes in a celehralion at. t h e Turner, M>c-r i>. Kripl? and A. c: rcllmuiL I o:r*r> i.u.fil a'« /.' Mmn. v.'dliuj.; , Hij,,,, Dfvf.,-:; D M I t and eihiealion olficiaK alioul ran-I Israeli team ((Uarlers located on AitocrJs, CrtJfln Altffian, Morris lintl^. f A!b*rl 'crkm Hurr/ i. Oavld Cohn. Irvin CfiuUuraf f Kcinc Dloofjalf. I ,,,(.,, ^(Jf , uc f •,.,.,w ifo (iitiojis Hi the hi;;h school hut the"Via Israel." It was disclosed thai Laurence Ep'.teln. H. l.t-t v.arniiii;1.. th,» 1J.\[.\ saiil, were ig- [ this name will he retained for the Otef". PljiMin Gcrt-llfl, I Bortori r;rpfr,t;cru, Jo'.M.h r 'i-.i, J«,.;l Ikit j j.street after the panics when the nored. man, iO'^pl, Mofmlrn-. Jo < > 11 " « , 7 ' ' < ; l ' ' " ' ' * ' ' jTt<i>.vi:i» I Cttollei Klmnitl, ^ul.m'l K°'OMI village will he inhabited by H a l . Kanan. Mox Lushltufcy. Richtid' Mi'rilf'l .Ml;KTINi; S C l ' T K ' ians. Max Masfcovill, Ooncld N(.'< No/mai Pr«J. Sol Parse* ion of j The Israel athlete.-; were deMorion Richaiclr.. /.\eyer k • Harry Rovllr. J T lie I Illl:tll:i j r o u n r i ] o ( Jewish WIHIUMI will Rubin, Uavkl Slii-rmoii, •:«! | lichted with their quarters and


A. lornslsfn

17,000 Dutchmen Petition Against Release of

^Iliavo their first Imaril mW'tiiif; of wtln t.'ie italian-f tyle ho.-.her lood Tully. Mrrl;er r Wf'nt.otit) I'Mnrn-. V>'lnlt<jul' ! tin" sfnson on 'nnirKdny, S'l'plemand Samuel Wolf. Kosher chiclcen cacciators VVJIK ' ' " ; tv-r 8 at the home of Mrs. Ilerherl lisKd 'is their favorite dish, ,'cwSBT I.I'NCIIKON' iMWclu-K. 5<;fKl Kinilc Slrcet. .Mrs. ish athletes fivjm Moroo(X), Aus,Si;i"n:.MUi;K 1(» . (.Sidney hVlnv.-iriz will asKiKl »s «•<»- The Iliicii'.- (JTAi More than tralia and other countries -Joined 17,000 Dutch citizens of all deThe Om.'iha Alumnae League " ' \ huiUesx nt Die 1 p. m. ile.sM'rl the Israel athletes in various soSii;ma iH'lta "J'au will discuss plans | luncheon. Mrs. Stanlfy Her/off, nomination;; haw.' submitted a pe- cial c u n t s . tition to Minister of Justice A. (.". for a husband and wile party at I president, annoinui-d she will outW. lieeniiaii, protesting; the intheir luncheon meeliiis, SaturiUiy. j line the events ol the coining year. tended release of the six remainSoptWnhor 10 at )1!:.'>O p. m. at tin injj tjennan war criiiiiiials from j Rancli Howl, Itcsprvations HIT U'- I-.M.I.' Breda prison. Inp, taken hy Mrs. Fiernard CreeiiHoliday Danein^ Club v.ill hold Two of the former Nazis are ex- ELECTRIC its "Kali Frolic" Satuitlnv eve HEAT 'ninrr. Septemher 10 at t h e ' n i a e l ; - | ' u c t " < l t 0 '"' "-lensod by the nul lot" tills y a r . 'J he four others, '-COVITA: WITH IIU: i:\isiir i stone Hotel. « • < | srlu'ilulcil to he released at a later The first .session of "Cotfce with ; the Kabbi" will be held on Wed-NJ:«' r o i \< u. MKMHKUS T O ! (late, uere originally sentenced to nesday, September 7 at 'J:.".!) a. in. r.i: (;ri;s'is AT siiioiiKY I I O M : j death hy a war crimes tribunal lor the dii/orlaUon and murder 'Ians are hem;; formed by the r n,,,,, • , • . Section,. .. ,. J, • , (, .oiuiei., iof r. Omaha Natinuiil . . some • ' - Jews durniK . . .the N:i 1 j ,..,;..,.,,• <....,..: n»"... ot the Netheri ,., o! Jewish Women to entertain wi- " occuivition is in San ; and piosp'-eiiw members at a land;,. Their ••. ntciiecs v.ere later Kranolseo. Cal.. where is spemlini: •! "Sliei ry Hour," Friday, Sepleni- coiiinuiK'd to life iiuprisoiunciit. Jive v.-eeks with his :.ini-in-lav. and i b'-r 'J al 1 p. in. at the home ol A i h u t i e in (he Jewish Press. daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Al Stein- ! Mrs. Sarn Kp.stHn, Hl.'iL" Hickory berg. He will also visit in I,os An-! Street, gelcs, San Diego and 1'elaliima. ; ('o-chaiimen Tor Ihr- event a i r ! x- . »• T~ .'"»•' i " " ' Mines. Albert Feldnian, MarFimt laeut. and Mrs. Avriim i , c. . , . , . n, , .. David (.allner, whoTatolnian arc worlnni; ,, . . ,, Japan IIon,Somber;;, ,, , Melvin ' . , ., . ,anil '; , 1 under the direction of Mrs. Harl returned to Omaha fromwas stat ... . , .. . . . . i upiss, Incmlx-r.ship vire-jiresKk'nt. where Limit.

"220 Vott JJ<

* i » *

A i q d j i



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Omahans in News

Visitiny at the home of Mrs. i t'OUSl.VS' C'Lt'R . . David Kiistciii are her chlhlren, j Mrs. Hose Maskiii will he hostMr. aad Mm Arthur Kjisteln and j ess to theCousins' Club (it a 12:.'!0 Mr, and'Mm. Bt-raard F.]v<t(-in ofjji. ni. luncheon, Wednesday, Sop-. Dr-nver, Colo., former Omahaas. | temher 7 a t the ISIacltstohc. Hotel. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Schneider i Ooinf; shopping? C'ltpck the ,Ip\vand, children. Stuart and Karon j ish Press ADS fii-st. Lee of University City, Mo., will' arrive Sunday for n visit with Mrs. [ . Aniui Syskiu and^ -Mr. and Mrs. i Mitton A. SnsWn. Mrs. Schneider' is the former Harriet Soskin. | Phon» JA \Zt6 to in»ert yotif WcfilAa m

Want Ads


Ra'c rs 50 centj lor cticft thttt J<n* inrcrPhilip and Linda 13ear of Des| t'.on. The Pre-s reevdi UJB t-atu tc Vnvl 1 • Moines, la., .spent, a weel; withi their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. > NKIV vrc.-us <'.II:I>S Abe IJear while th.eir parents. Mr. j and Mrs. David Ijaer were vaca- 15MJ and Has Milz\uli" con;:i'atiiI.Uions also for all Jewish holitioning at RoclUon, 111. ilays anil special occasions. Mr*. Alice IZ^e^tT and son Jerry Mcyti'S News .Stand. 150'J Dodf;e have returned from Albany, C a t , ; T E L K I ' I K J N K SAI.MS I1KPIIKwhere they visited Mr. and Sirs. SKNTATIVK — Curt is CirculaAlan Iteeger and sou, Peter Scott: tion Co. will appoint local repreAlan Ileeger is studyin™ for his sentative to handle new and redoctorate in nuclear physics at newal suhscriiiLions. Work from Bcrketey University. His wife is home. Field training given. Opthe former Kuttmnne C'luulicotf, portunity to build iar;;e cliendaughter of Mr. and Mis. Harry tele. Orders may ho charged to C'hudaTOfC. department stores. Write, givinf.; are, qualification.'? and teleSumirier visitors at the residence phone nurnlx-r to Iowa I£oyale.s, of Mr.' ajtil Mrs. Harry 1>. Ilaytin .':::•! ICeeline Ttld:^., Omaha. were their son-in-law and duinhter, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Pike of. M:AI: BI;TH V.I. Decattir, Ga. who will leave for ; Leeds. England on September 7, iii :AirrifUL BUICK DIUOAM HOiMK. TI'X'LY THE IDEAL Mr." Pike will study on a Fillbright scholarship at: Leeds, Uni- HOME TO FIT your dreams. versity. Mrs. Pike is the former Laiije, magnificent cartjeted living room, with marble fireplace. Bonnie Kaykin. Tlie sunroom with tiled floor and French doors leading to paDavid, E. Ijuarus, Cleveland, O., tio porcli. Full format dining insurance man and fox-mer Omaroom, hi^hliRhted with Cr;.'stnl lian, is the author ot a series of Chaiulflkr. lilff kitchen, exlra articles, on insurance in the Insurpowder room ullli colored fixance Salesman, it .was revealed in ture*. On second floor yoti'll find a letter to his brother-in-law, Norfour larce bedrooim an u tiij.; man ciu-amic tile bath. Detached douMr. and Mrs. Alvin Milder with ble Karate. their son. Jonathan, wilt spend the For more information call Sidly next' year at Cambridge, Mass., Venger, WA 9:i2O or Clifford; Christiansen, TE 29?,9.' where Mr. Milder will resume his •tudies in the law school at HarDOUGLAS COMPANY Blultiplp Listing Kxcliange vard. They visited their parents. I'.ealtors Messrs. and Mnns. Lea MUdcr and AT mr< '.m lte<lick Tower Homey.

1914 Fdrnam

Greet Your Friends and

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