Publication Offire. 1(U No. •Jlllh Oinuliu, rNt'brusKa, i'liont? JA I'Jiid
Appointments to the Frdern tion of Jewish Women's Clubs for tin* J9(J0-(!t season were announced by Mrs. I.loyil Friedman, president, at the organization's lust meeting held at her home. PKO.IKCT CIIAIIIMH.V Named were: Ilonds of Israel, Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky; ('filter Ilnspil.-ility, Mrs. Jake Wine; Center Unison, Mrs. .Sam L. Katzinan; Children's Memorial Hospital Bazaar, Mines. Hubert Summer, Arthur H, Goldstein; Civil Defense, Mrs. Dan Gortlrnnn; Commiinify Calendar, Mrs. Krnest A. Noj;g; Coniniunity Chrst-lied Cross, Mines. Harry Havii/, Jeroitie .7. Milder; Comiminity Cooperations, Mrs. Albert Fox; Historian. Mrs. Henry A. Newman; Jewish Home for Aged, Sirs. Nathan Turner; Library, Mrs. Calvin M. Newman; National Conference of Christian and Jews Auxiliary, Mines. Marvin Taxman, S ( a 11 I c y Slosburg; Needlework Guild, Mrs, Have Colin; Parliamentarian, Mrs. Max I'romkin; Pfcdfie Redemption, Airs. Sam S.
To Discuss Aid I .a Pax, Bolivia. (JTAi- Dr. Paz Kstensoro, new President of Ilolivia, is going to send a delegation of Bolivian experts to Israel to discuss with the Israeli Government proposals for technical assistance laid before him by Israel's Ambassador here, Dr. Michael Simoh. Jt was proposed to President Kslensoro that Israel could help Uolivia with technical assistance <jn forestatlon, establishment of agricultural cooperatives, development of artificial lakes for fish breeding, and colonization and development of frontier - regions by the Bolivian Army. After a Bolivian team has visited Israel, an Israeli group of experts in the various fields may come here.
S t e i n b e r g ; Programming, Mrs. Sidney .Schwartz; Services lo Armed Forces, Mis. Louis Kulakofsky; Telephone, Mrs. .Stanley F. Levin; Veteran's Hospital, Mrs Abe Hear; ami Welcoming, Mines Morton A. Ilichards, Moe A. Vender. AITII.IATLI) OIUiAM/ATIONS T h e Women's Federation is composed of l.'i community organizations. Tiie organizations, their presidents and appointees, lespectively are: Delti El S/nafjOTu* Sisterhood, Mmc; Morrl) C. Fellrnan. Meyer Novenboum; Oetti llrorl Sisterhood. Mmei. Alfred Frank, Holfxjn H. Greenbero; Dlkor Oiollm Society, M m e j . Jake wine, M o r n * wlillt; B'nal B'rllh Momky Chapter Mo. 470. M i n n Max Sackl, Oovld Bleictier; Q'rtol D'rilh Cornhusfcer Chapter Ho. I0J3, M m » . Mitel Hefner, Jock Delrnonf; Orondelj University, National Wonien'i Commlllee, M m r v Mot A. Oercovlcl, Morris Levey; Hadajioh, Omo ha Chopler, M m e i . Ervln Simon, flormon t . Lincoln; Lodies Free Loan Society, Mfi Snm Klaver; M'irochI Women, Mm>t, M M. Pollakotf, Oen Handler; Motional Coun ell of Jewhh Women, M m e i . Stanley Herloit, Louis Soaolcw; pioneer Womrn, M m e i . Milton Nearenberu, Rose Schwartz; Temple hroel Sisterhood. M m e i . Robert B. Cohn F'oul Groi-man, David E. Beber end Work men'* Circle Auxiliary, M r l , Sam M. Dlnder
Chairmen made their reports nt file season's opening meeting at Aim. Friedman's home. Future luncheon meetings will be held on Thursday noons: December 1, March 2, and May 4. The December meeting will take place at the •Jewish Home for the Aged; al the others will be held it I tin Jewish Community Center.
Israel Orders 40 Jets From France London, (XI*Ai- -The Israeli Air Force is expected to take delivery next year of 26 French-built Mirage-.'! jet interceptor planes. According to the IIAF periodical, Israel has taken an option on 14 more of the French jets, making a total of 40 at a price reportedly marked a t $2,500,000 per plane.
New Oil Strike Tel Aviv, (JTA>— Israel's second oil field has been discovered at Ncgba, five miles north of the Hclctz oil field .which is already mipplying 10 percent of the country's petroleum consumption. I-apldot Israel Oil Prospectors, Ltd., disclosed that the strike in the new field was made at the Kcfiba 3 drill at a depth of 5,000 Immediately to tap the new find feet. A company spokesman said that arrangements would be made before the end of the month.
.Second (;lass Postage Paid at Omaha, Nebr.
Paul Verel, Kxecutive Director of the Omaha Jewish Federation, who has just returned from an extensive tour through Israel, will be the guest .speaker at the opening tea for workers in the Women's I Division of the lOfiO Israel Bond; - V * campaign, Wednesday, September 11, at 1 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Arthur If. Goldstein, 854.'l Hickory Street. Mr. Verel will describe recent progress and change he observed throughout Israel, and will answer Tan! Veret Urn. Goldstein quest ions. man Lipmnri, new director of the Coffee, cake n'nd Israel-made candy will be served by the host- Omaha Area Israel Bond camess, Mrs. Arthur H. Goldstein. Mm. paign, will also be present. M. F. Lcvcnson, Women's Division Information may be obtained by chairman of the Israel Bond cam- calling the Israel Bond office paign will act as co-hostess. Nor- .'!41-m7 or .141-1093.
Congo President Fulbert Youlou. The communique affirms the confidence of both governments, that "the forging of closer ties in all fields, between the peoples and the governments, expresses the aspirations of botli nations." President Youlou concluded a week's visit to Israel. He was one of many African and Asian states-
The I960 Annual Institute on World Affairs of the University of Omaha will 1M» co-sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Omaha, Harry Trustin, president, announced this week. Free tickets will be mailed to Jewish Federation members. The institute will orfer top ranking authorities in the fields of government, international relations, history and philosophy. Musa Amalembn, Kenya's first and only African minister, will be the opening speaker Wednesday, October 12. His topic will be "The Voice of a New Africa." Olher institute speakers will be: I.estcr D. Mallory, October li); another visit." said Mrs. Goldie Max Lerner, October 26; Allan Arbitmnn. The elderly visitors Meniam, November 2; Col. James made no effort to conceal the H. S. Itasmiissen, November !), impact which Israel had made on them. The tour was organized by the Metropolitan Chicago Communities. The 22 tourists took a two-week Home, fJTA) Israelis nnd lour of Israel after spending 11 Arabs are participating jointly, days in Europe. They were warmly for the first, time, in the annual received by personnel of Malhen students' seminar}' here under the and later they met retired Israelis joint auspices of the Bari- Levant in old age homes as well as in Fair and the foreign relations Mfilben institutions. department of the Italian National "These were impressive meetings Federation of University Students. which we won't forget," said Mrs. Some Sharing Quarters Arliltman. As a "yiddishe mameh," This year's seminar Is the third she saifl, she could not leave her children and grandchildren in Chi- of these event3. In 1958, no incago and come to settle in Israel, vitation was extended to Israel, as many American Jews have in deference to the wishes of Arab done, even though, she said, she itudent organizations. Israel was would very much like to live in invited in 1959, hut did not attend. Now the Israelis and the repreIsrael. Other members of the group sentatives of the Arab states are similarly said that strong family lot only participating jointly, but ties made it impossible for them ?ven sharing living quarters in the same place, an old floman-stylc to nettle in Israel. They met several retired Amer- convent here. The purpose of Hie seminar Is to ican Jews living in Israel on I heir pensions. The "experiment" of a .show students from other lands, must of them underdeveloped tour by elderly persons was successful ond that he would recom- areas, aspects of Italian social, political and economic contribumend "more trips of this kind." tions to underdeveloped lands. The head of the Israeli delegaion i.i Ben Ami Shlllony, of the NKW PHONE PREFIX National Union of Israeli Students. Beginning Sunday, Sept. 11 the The two others represent students phone number of the Jewish Com- at Technion and at Tel Aviv Unimunity Center will be 312-10GG. versity. The Bail Levant Fair will run
and Douglas Cater, November 16. In addition to the Jewish Federation, other co-sponsors of the Institute are: University's Alumni Association, Altrusa Club, American Association of University Women, Klwanis Club of Omaha, Omaha Education Association, Nebraska Federated Women's Club, second district, Omaha Rotary Club, Young Women's Christian Association, Woodmen of the World Life Insurance Society, District 66 Teachers Association and Offtitt Air Force Base. All sessions of the Institute are held on Wednesday evenings at 8:15, in the University of Omaha auditorium. The theme for this year's Institute is "The West at Bay?"
CIII'X'K COMMI'MTV CAI.KNDAR A Club Calendar was distributed to all those present indicating holiday dates, s;>eclal events and women's organizations hoard and regular meetings. Mrs. Krn est A. Nog(t. Calendar Chairman, stressed that organizations should check the community calendar by calling the Center before set ting any definite dates for events being planned. The following are 1900-01 Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs officers: president, Mrs. Lloyd Friedman; f i r s t viee-presldenl, Mrs. Harry Kidman; second vice president, Mrs, Dave Cohn; and secretary, Mrs. Abe C. Fellmnn.
.Single Copy 10c Annual Hale $1
Report on Israel Progress
Jerusalem, (JTA i —S p e c i a I courses will be organized by Israel for the training of cultural leaders and technical experts from the Congo Republic (former French colony!, it WHS announced here this week. The announcement was made in a joint communi\|iie issued by President Itzhak Ben-Zvi. anil
Golden Agers from Chicago Return from Israeli Tour Tel Aviv', (JTA I A group of 22 "Gulden Agere," Chicagonns, returned home after a whirlwind lour of Israel and expressions of regret that family ties in the United States harred the possibility of settling in Israel. "This was a wonderful experience and if God grants me more years I shall certainly come for
All items and gilts scheduled for the Federation of Jewish Women's bootli at the Children's Memorial hospital l!azaar may In- loft at the home of Mrs. Hubert Somnrnr, 5.'!1'J Nicholas Street, chairman. Pick-up 'service can be arranged by calling Mrs. Sommer, 55.";-50.~> 1 or Mrs. Arthur H. C.oldstein, .'I'.ll-OGK.'), co-chairman. "It would Ix; greatly appreciated, if those contributing articles, contact cither Mrs. Goldstein or myself," Mrs. Summer said, "so that we will have time to arrange for everything we wish to do to make the booth the success it has proven each year." The Bazaar dates are Sunday evening, October '.) and all day Monday, OctulHT 10. al the iSheraton-Foiitenellr' Hotel.
Israelis, Arabs In Same Seminar until October. Israel is exhibiting at the Fair, and Israel Day will be observed on September 12. Gad Klron, Israeli commercial attache here, will represent his government officially at the Fair on Israel Day Among the countries represented at the student seminars, in addition to Israel, are the United Arab Republic, including both the Egyptian and Syrian regions; the General Association of Palestinian Students, which has its headquarters in Cairo; Multa, Algeria, Tunisia, Ceylon, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana, Libya, Lebanon, Snudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan and India.
Bomb-Throwing Youth Killed in Gar Crash Cadsen, Ala., (JTA)—Gadsen police reported that Jerry Hunt, 17, who was facing two charges of assault with attempt to murder in a bomb attack last March on a Gadsen synagogue, was killed in an automobile crash. The youth drove his car into a tree near here.
men. government leaders and scientists attending the International Conference on the Role of Science in the New States, held at the Weizmann Institute in Itehovot. Similar cultural and technical assistance agreements were concluded here last week with Nepal and Chad. President Youlou, in a statement prior to his departure for home today, said: "My country and my people have much to learn from you Israelis. Many youths from the Congo have especially much to learn from your agricultural methods," He told newspapermen at Lydda Airport that he. was "very much impressed" with Israel's "vivid accomplishments," expressing the opinion that "the world at large can learn much from the Israeli people." $.10,000 TO HOSPITAL Jerusalem (JTA)—Thi» Rockefeller Foundation has made an additional $30,000 gVant to Tel Hashomcr Hospital for its research on blood solvents as a factor in hereditary illnesses.
Ben Gurion Might Attend Session Jerusalem, (JTA)—The question of Prime Minister David BenGurlon's possible attendance at the next session of the United Nations General Assembly, which opens September 20, was being considered in Government circles here, while the Premier himself was on a pre-High Holy Day vacation. Afro-Asian Delegates A decision that Mr. Ben-Gurion would not go to the UN had been taken previously. However, the matter is being reconsidered in view of reports that heads of a number of Afro-Asian governments may go to the UN Assembly this year. If a majority of the AfroAsian Prime Ministers do go to the UN, the Government of Israel may decide that Mr. Ben-Gurion should also be there. Reports were received today that, at New Delhi, officials declined to affirm or to deny that Prime Minister Jawaharal Nehru would attend this year's General Assembly. From Accra came word lliat President Kwame Nkrumali Is considering leading his delegation to the UN Assembly this year. And at Jakarta it was announced definitely that Indonesia's President Sukarno will go to the General Assembly in New York. Arab Itofugoe Issue An issue of definite concern to Israel at this year's Assembly will be the debate on the Arab refugee1 problem, which comes before the Assembly every year.
^ - , ^ ,
Pace Two
Friday,m*pt««nl»r P, I0CO
Council to Hear Chicago, Artist
Omahans in News
Don Danily lins been named H di\ision manager of tht? men's department of the Brandeis CrossMrs. I'lisuy Sclmps, Chiea|;o art- roads Shopping Center More, Presist, will be. the MRS. FRANCES KI.EIN ident E. John Ilranrifis, announced. Cues!, speaker at [ n luncheon meitIlf rberl Siotw-n has been named iiiK of the ()ma- r Omaha iniikinRe'r of the C. II. Itobha Section o[ the? National Council I Inson Coinjiarjy, fresh fruit nnd of Jewish Worn-1 vegetable blOKeifi. Mr. iKotzen, ia, en on TIIHIMIJ}, " William and, Mary Co)lrj;e jji-iidJohn Rubinson, 7fi, prorninent 'Sfpl t>m her 15 n I unte. Is run ii if il to I hi former Joiil2:.IOp. in. si t h e | ; \ * \\ 1 NoifolU, Nebrjislia business man ' *,»' J <"~ and ci\ ic leader, died Saturday in Town 11 o u s f j Mrs. .Schaps w i l l } '*' r - f ' j a Norfolk lu»spilal. iiiarleH I'rfilUin was hppointi'd c.Nhiljit a collie-"~TT .'."' Knneral tervices were held In division inaniiiji'r of the youth de' NoiTolk on Sumlay tmd on Mon- tion of h e r « o i k ' t'andlrllchtlni;—C:?4 p. in. partments anil of womeirr apparel day iifternoon at the Jeuisli and spi-ak on "Stop, Ix>ok nnd at. the Hiniidi-is Crossroads ShopBKTII F.I. Fiiiir-rnl Homo in Omaha with Sep." en di-play will be o tolkctlon Hi pine Center dare, President E. Services at firth Kl SynsiKOK'H'. ImiialHl lietli Hamedrosh llnj;odol (irlAUoWGrk by Council rntmbtrs. nxlllbtior* John Hrandeis, announced. tht Mm«i. Wlltcn Miroharm, 1 loyd this ivcninK nl 7 p. m. Kuliliutli Cem«*tery. Kabbi Henjainin (ji'onei- lireUauk, Hiiward D. Bfedkty, Harold Chtr. morhine scr\iccs, at H:.'4O if. in. and <*antor KM ICaj^an officintrd. nlark, Julius Cfhn. Horcld Gurber. J C. Patronize Our Advertisers Cury Gross, Dovid Kali, Irvina He resided briefly in Oniiiha in Gclti.ief, Mincha-Manriv Service will hv v\ '.'.algnhcck, Ccf.vmd Mltritr, Donold Hogy, his youth und lived in Noifolk 'Aaurlc* P«pp#r, Robert Rolen, I, V/. Rolen ffr.iO p. m. blatt, Chorles Scltncider, Oonold Scheenbtiuin, Louis Shrltr, Molhcn Slin'cn end Need Photostcfs? Sunday mornniR frr\ices l>c;;in almost 52 veins. Ho was a meinber Leo V/axpfibtrg. of the ll'nni H'rilh Henry Monsky CALL Rt 9'nnil daily wrvici'S me held lit Openin); prayrr will lip niven di^e No. 35) for 40 years in 7 H. m. and 7 p. in. by Mrs. Ken .Silver. Hi'sirvjitiuns Omaha and was n past officer of JIMABDO Midnight, Saturday, Kcpli-inbi-r the I.ions Chil) and a member of may be made with Mines. 1'hill 17, Is the lime of tin- nnnnal Klks Club of Norfolk. He nlso Laser, deiulide !S'JV2; Alvin Kp- THE WURGLER C O . Slichoth service at Held El Syn.i- was a member of Ihe Scrap Iron ;li"in. Hi-Knit 'M'M'i. or Joseph 313 So. 14th AT 8946 goijtir. This service will In! preced- and Sleel InMit ule. loldwiirc, nccont 7.'M5. ed by nn Institute on 1 lie High Overall prouriim chairman Is Siuwvin^' nre: wife. I.ena; Holy Day-dial itiHO p. m.anil ,:i i*>r- daii|,'hleis, Mrs. l.eon:i|d KU-in. Mrs. Kinesi I'rii'sman assisted by I«e hour flom-11 p. m. to midnight. Mrs. .1. Ki'iler St<-rn, Mrs. Sidney Mrs. Kloyd Frieihnan. program Tarwi all of (Jmaha; Mrs. (Ieorj;e cli.'iinn.'iu o! tin- inunlh. Luncheon B'NAI JACOH ADAS Hhisinsky. I/tuis.viHe, Ky.; one son, ariancenienls arc Ix'inj; made by Rollie Rogers Says . . . IKSIIIJtON Arnold, Norfolk: brother, Thomas, Mmi-s. H. <;illxrt Aroiiofr and I.eo Friday. Mincha, 6:'ir> p. m. Sal- Des Moincs; sisters, Mrs. Sophia Your Barber Work at urilay, h-.'.V) a. in. Minclia. (i:'l.r>Kalskee, Chicago; Mrs. lien KolYour Convenience jr. PI. followed by Sholo>h Seudos pnek, MiiM'iilinr, Iowa, twe-he Appointments at Daily services at 6:.'1O a. m. Jind jirandehildren and one ^reat eiHjulchild. €•.45 p. in. No Extra Charge rubtlkhrA n»*lily on Vrlilujr tirRimiliiK (lie h u t w»«-k In Al through irtund »f«k In Julj l>> Hie Jrui»h I e<li rnlu.li ft IJi Sficeno Clcil Pcstouu Faid 01 Omuiio. New. Annura Subscription, $4.00. Advertising Ktitrs on Applirotion. Putnlcollon Office-101 No SOlh Vrc«t, Ornoho, lltbr., JAcfcscn 13W.
Death Claims John Robinson
ilondo Barber Sfiop
•JKMl'I.K 1SUAKI. Sirvicrs at Temple Israel will fce held in the Chapel at 7:H0 p. m. Habbi .Sidney JI. Hrnolis will olficiatt' and deliver the sermon.
Dr. Elmer Ember Speaker at B'nai B'rifh Meeting
Memorial Services al Beth El, Golden Hill, i.H.H. Cemeteries
The annu.'tl Tvlernorial M-rviecs at lii-lh Kl Cenielery will he held SuiKlaj-. September 11 «t U p.m. liabhi My«'i" S, Kripke and Cantor Aarijn I. Keller will officiate. Sinci' "linil and Kith streets lire hliicld'il IJV mail construction, il s ;ulvisiiblp to ii!.c BCjtli from I.ea\enworth south to "\." find ihi'iT west on "I," to K4ih 1o approach the cemeterys. Sept. l« 'l"he nnnii.'il Memorial services ;it Colden Hill and at lictli Il.nneilrosh llajjodol Ccniclories will he held. Sunday, ,Se|>lember 18, Willinm Milder, chiiirnian, announced. Services will lw'(;ii) «t doldcn Hill nt II a.in. nuil at Heth Hnniedrosh lla^odol at 2 p.m. Kiililii Ri'iijiiiiiin (Jroner and -(Tiinlor Kli Ka^an. will officiate at both. It is requested that the 41st Street entrance to Colilcri Hillhc used.
I'r. KlmiT Imbr-r of LincolnBKTII IKICAIX wood, III., Mill be I ho j;ll('M speakKobol.'is Sli.-ibbos Friday fscninp; er at dinner meetini; of CornbiiskFcrvicr'S fit ti:.'!0 p. in. Shiihbns cr I.odjje No. 3700, ll'njii ICrith. morning .services M K:45 a. in. at on Wednesilay, September 14, at S'ind and Charles Streets and at i) a. m. jit lilth and Hurt Streets. 7 p. m. al Iloss" Ktoak House. Or. rmbrr wriR elected second Junior Congregation at !.MT> a. m. Kabbi Groncr will conduct the Tal- sice-pre.sideiit of the district at m u d class «t (i p. m. Sabbath Min- last June's comcnlion here. He is cha itl fi:.'IO p. m. followed by a past president of the Greater Kholosh Seudofland Maariv at 7 :.'}()• Cliicnco, ji'nai H'rilh Council nnd lias been In Ibe Ant i-Defainalion l>. m. '. •IJ'JII;IIO sinc»> lls'iiiceplion. .Sunday morning services." bc(;in lit S:.'5O si: in. followed liy \ljrp:i{c.| UCK'IQ last juid P.ahhi's class in Bihle. Daily s e n ices «t 7 a. m. and at 6:.'{() p- rn, .Slichot s e n ices will be held nt Mrs. Alexander McKic, Jr., will midnight on Saturday, September lii|4hli|;lit llif prOKram at the H'nni 37. B'rilh Henry Monsky Chaplci' Jirgistratinn of children, four luncheon nicelin^ on Wednesday, >e;us and older for Beth Isra'l September 14 at 12:.''/) p.m. at the. Sunday school Vhich opens Sep- Hlacksfonc Hotel. limbir 11 are bcint; accepted nt A recipient of the B'nai B'rith X'r.f s>n:i|;o(;iio office. Kull « • Women's Citizenship Award in Joe Adler will lie present «l sions will be held on Sunday morn- 1057, Mrs. McKie, recently re- Pleasant Hill Cemetery on Sunings. Cl.isscs ranKc from pre-kin- turned from a tour which included days, Septenilwr 11, 18 and '£i <JC i;;;!ilt'ii Ihiouy,!) third urade. seven f'ays in Israel, trips through to assist in memorial prayer*. Knrollmcnl is :ilso being l;d«-n Syria, I.ehanon, Jiirdau, Home and for tho Talmud Torali v.liich Athens. She has serve-d on the advisory committee of the Juvenile epMiffl September 6. Court. Under United Community Services, Mrs. McKie. is a member Phone JA 13** to ln!«rl vour Wont AO In of the committee to co-ordinate tho Jewiih Pffis. Role n 50 cenlj for «tich three line Inirr. service to Indians. She served as Hon. Th« Prrn mervts.tht ricnt to limit chairman of the Family nnd Chil- i\lb of eoth odverti-.tfTJcnt TArs. Krvin il. Simon, president dren's Division and was a delcijalc NEW YEAR C'AKDS C)f tho Omaha Chapter of Had.-issali to the Sacud Planning Unit. UAK am] ISas Mil/viili congrntiiMrs. Max Sacks, president, Mil] will lead an Omaha delegation to l.i I ions also for all Jewish holithe organization's 4fith national reservations are beinj; taken by the days an<l special occasions, program chairman, Mrs. George coin cut inn of Hadassah to be held Meyers News Stand. 1502 Dodge nt the Waldorf-Astoria in New .Sharer, GI, K4B2 or telephone TKLKI'HONK SALKS HEPRKchairman, Mrs. Frank Sekar, WE York City from September 31 SKNTATIVE — Curtis Circula1HJ4. through September 14. 1ion Co. will appoint local repreThe delegation will include sent ntivc to handle new mid reFour Omnhans will return to Mines. Moms M. Fiiinklin, Joe newal subscriptions. Work from (luss, Sam Katzinnn, .1. Harry Brandeis University at Waltbam, homo. Field training given. OpKtilnkofsky, Julius, Newman and Mass., to continue their studies, portunity lo build large cllcnand another will enroll as a fresh('liarles Ross. lelr;. Orders may be charged lo The opening convention frssion man this month. They are Robert department stores. Write, civ• will fp.'ituie an addrpss by His tollman, Stephen Rickes, Martin JIIK are, qualifications and teieKxcellency Avraham H a r m n i i , Weil, nnd Justin" T.ewis. Kntering jihone number to Iowa Resales,' Israrl Ambassador to the United Brandeis this year is Beth Ann :W Kceline IJIdK., Omiiha. Makiesky. States.
Mrs. Speaker At B'nai BVith Event
Pleasant Hill Memorial Services
Dedications A riiomiment will bo dedicated Jn memory of Mrs. Regina Gottlieb, Sunday, September 11 at ]2:.')0 p. m. a t Beth Kl Cemetery. Rabbi Mycr S. Kripke and Cantor Aaron I. Kdgar will officiate. A monument will bo dedicated Jn memory ot Mrs; Ruth L. Click fit Beth VA Cemetery, Sunday, September 11 a t 1 p. m. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke nnd Cantor Aaron I. E'dfjar will officiate.
8 A.M.-6 P.M.
Going shopping? (Thcck the Jiwl:.h Press ADS first.
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Cards for Friends and Every Member of the Family
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Kosher Mesi t^arEief £ lelicafessen Place Your Holiday OrderNow
Please Cut Out end Save We Will Deliver for
Hashanah, TuesiSaf, Sept -20 ¥om lippur, -Thursilay, Sept. IB , SUSGQ!li, Tuesday' i@§. 4 . .-
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I'Imierh: Hadassah Style. Sliow Drought two renter pieces to tho llomn Mrs.'Pani Green, chairman ot'llle Style'Show, made the present ution. oiUnien's ClrelK Mlilu.-t.t District donalid flowers on the oc•asloiiof the thirtieth anniversary.
Want Ads
Mrs. E. Simon Heads Hadassah Delegation
GL 9284 6618 Blonrfo
Ncn* sn4 l
: 551-5554
Ffease Cell the Bay Eeforo '
Friday, HeplrtnU r 8, Jfi«O
Young Couples Club Plans Oct. 1 Dance Tin; Jiofh Israel Young Couples Planning the festivity are Mr. C.hih will open the new program nnd Mrs, Milton Loss, program M'ii.snn wil h n fily-uiilo Yoni chairmen. Tickets, (.$3), nmy be Kippnr riijiht dance, .Saturday, obtained at the .synagogue office October 1 from JO p.m. to 1 a.m.or from the ticket chairmen, Mr. lit the synagogue. and Mrs. Joseph Burnstein, HE 4.'I85 nnd Dr. and Mrs. Sidney Hubin, TE 2TH.
and about
Memphis Synagogue Is Scene Maureen Epstein ( Of;-Bennett-Novak Wedding Weil ¥/ed in June Mr. urn! Mis. Itnsfii will fnake Memphis Tennessee was (he 'I'lie ljride's sister, Mrs. Sey-
Now honeymooning in I.us YVthi'ii- hoirie at '121 JO K. IHtli sf'iVel, Lincoln, while Mr. Itosen nt lends • Jtoson. The t'ouplf was married thi! UnivcrsMv of Nebraska. Sei>fe.ml>er :t in mi 8 p. ni. ceremony nt. Temple Israel with Jtjiblii Sidney HrooUs officialing. Tin1 luide, Ilii! former Toni Kiipl.'jii, is 1he-daughter of Mr, and Mrs. I.aysv Kaplan. Mr.' and Mis. Kdward
Mr, and Mrs. Aaron Epstein sceilfr of the August 28th' wedding mour' Schwartz, Jackson, Miss., of Miss Kreida Jiennett and Ar-wiis honor attendant. Bridesmaids announce the engagement, of (heir fhur living Novak. Kahbi Isador were Marilyn liozof, Debbie I.e- daughter, Maureen Marcia, to (loodman assisted by Habhi I)e- vilch, Shfila Martin, and Mrs. Wil- Sidney Joseph Rosenblatt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rosenblatt. Joseph Kenor performed I ho cereThe prospective groom is a mony in the Huron Jlirsh Sjna.student: at Omaha University. A pogiur. June wedding is planned. J'arrnls of llie couple, are Ml and $Irs. Jack A. Bennett, Memphis, Ti'iin., and Mr. and Mit MONA USA / , HOMIII n i t tht- parents of 1 lie Hen, Kovak, ' . House of Glamour bridegroom. 'J'he hridf». selected a e,o'wn of I I I No. BOtli GL 7000 ivoiy fcilkorRanza with short. ia[ The bride, Riven in marriage by 6 Expert Hdir Sfylis/s sleeves anil a Sabrina neckline. A lier fiither. wore a tiiflefa sown of band of J'eail -D'AiiKe, foriiiniK Air-Condifioncd Dryeri Mush pink Mjlid with R scoop s(.;Ulops enhanced by tiny se< ( MISS MARSH and MISS JERRY neckline and thrre (juai ter length pearls, outlined the neckline, llei Own«n fcleeves. A rrown of sefd pearls triple tiered short, veil of im•Jield the bride's three tiered illu!*^'!! illusion, was held by a sion veil, llei- cascade bouquet was tiara of jiearls and boralis (!i\sof while orchids and while slephatals. 'I'hn bride carried it lioiiipic jmtis with sweet heart, roses, f while orchids and tube roses The bridegroom nister, Mrs. Elmer Xovak was best man for Kenneth U'einer, was mat ion of his brother. Ushers were Milton honor. Maid of honor was Susan Novak, Jerry Kosen, Marvin JoJiherinan, I.iltle Kock, Ark. Naneph and Mervin HosenlK'iK. Aline cy \'<<ni\cr, Judith Planner and Aherson, Cordell, Okla.. mid Hob •Sii/ie WOITMIII weic bridesmaids. Joseph of Omaha were candkThe attendants vvnre rhiimpagr^ lighteis. Mrs. Jerry Koscu © l.eine peau ile Moie ballerina lengthy Sirs. Arthur Nnvak l.ow'ns. liam Novak. Kor her attendants, Ivenneth Wrinrr was best. man. the bride chose copau hluu tafUshers wvif Martin Snphir, Arfeta I'eau ile Soie. nold .lani-, William Novak, JlowThe mother of (he bride wore JIiil Kooper, Kobert Epstein anil n white linen dress accented with i\llen Kormnn. The marriage of Alan G. Marer the Columbia University Law De- blue satin. Mrs. Novak chose jK'arl For lie:* daughter's weMding gray chiffon. Both mothers wore of Omaha and Alison ("berry of view. Mrs. Kaplan wore gray peim de IN .orsages of eymhidium orchids. The couple will drive to New f.oie with an oreliiil coisajre. The l.os Angeles look place in I.os AnA reception was held at the York and will slop in Omaha for luidegjoom's mollier chose pink i;eles, Calif., at the home of the several days to visit Alan's parents synagogiH-. bride on Monday, Sepleinber 5. litre with an orchid corsage. Mr. and Mrs. Novak are now Attending the wedding from Alan is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Omaha were Mr. and Mrs. Jack honeymooning in Las Vegas, Nev. Jack W. Marcr. TilZt Davenport \V. Marer, Mrs. John Winslein, Kor the wedding trip the bride Street. The bride is Hie daughter wore a brown wool two-piece suit Mr. Marer's niece and Mrs. Mar-with satin ciimmeibuud. After of Dr. and Mrs. iDr.) Clifford vin Hookey of Di'S Moines, sister September 11, the couple will Cherry of l.os Ani;elcs. Featuring of Mrs. Miner, also attended. Mr. Alison is a 1!tr>H f;r**idiiate of and is. Gerald '/.. Marer of Stan- make their home in Omaha. CANTONESE S'anford University 'inul there- ford, Calif., attended the wedding APPETIZERS I.iniln Hae Jlnsenhiitim, daughter after she siudied at the l/niveisily nnd Gerald, Alan's brother, was of Mr. and Mrs.Myer Kosenbaimi of Paris. In Hie fall of I!|.V) she en- the best man. lif'eanio the bride of Jerome V, rolled in Ciihimhia University Law • Hoth of the bride's parents are (loiiimnn,' a m of Mr. and Mrs.School. Alan is u liKifi iii'^'limte of dative .Wbraskans. Dr. Cherry was Uan Goldman in a double-ring Stanford University and served horn in Tablerock, Neb., and Mrs. ceremony i'l Heth KI Synagogue three years as a lieutenant in the i Dr.) Cherry was born at Universien. Sunday, September 4. Itabbi Tank Corps of the United Stales ty Place. The paternal grandfather Jrvinj,' .r. Rnxenhniini, of Chieai;o, Army of which eighteen months of the bride, Dr. Waller F. Cherry, III., uncle of the bride, and Kahbi was in Germany. In the fall of lil.'iS is a graduate of Creighlon Univer'Myer S. Kripke, and Cantor Aaron he enrolled at Columbia University School of Medicine and is Edgar offieintrd. sity Law School where he has com- presently prat icing in California. The bride chose a floor length pleted two years. lintli of them The maternal grandparents of the pxvn of pure silk misi mid hand- will return to Columbia this fall bride are Charles Teach, now deelipped ChanHlly lace. The sculp- for their law studies. Alan is a ceased, Hiid Vera Meyers Teach, 1914 Fjrnam tured bodice feiiiureil a scalloped member of the editorial staff of both of whom graduated from the fiahrina neckline, defined by an University of Nebraska. Mrs. Klla overlay of the imported lace; and Jong pointed sleeves. She wore n Gordman was best man. Usliers Scliarf of Council Illuffs, Iowa, is matching lace maiilllla, with face were Harry Hichman, Steven Guss Alan's grandmother. veil of imported illusion and car-and Michael Rosenb'ium of OnmTtJ lieil an aiTiingement. of white h.i and Uohert lleflcr of KiverRcgiifcred Representative bead, New York. cwlikls and stephanolis on n Bible. J. Cliff Rohel & Co. 1130 First National Band Soloist, was Mrs. Albert TtimInvestment Bankers JA 7262 The bride's attendants all wore merman. Identic;!! ballerina sheaths of Paris Miss Diane Jean Singer became A wedding breakfast was held pink chiffon. They were Carol the bride of Stan C. Kaiman in a Ilosenbauni, sister of the bride, at. • I tie Sheralon-Konlenelle Hotel double ring ceremony Sunday eveimniedialely followinj; the cere•who was maid of honor and the ning at Beth KI Synagogue. Itabbi bridesmaids, Debbie Gordman, the mony. Myer S. Kripke and Cantor Aaron groom's sister, and Diane I.intzAfter n wedding trip to Las I. Kdgar officiated. ALL-EXPENSE nuin. Vegas, Nev., the couple will live Attending the bride were Mrs. 17-DAY TOUR The groom'g brother. Nelson in Omaha. Garry Laupbeimer of Lincoln, TO Nebr,, matron of honor and Miss Judy Silver of Van Nuys, Calif., "AH Inclusive" maid of honor. from New York Serving the bridegroom were his Mr. aii.il Mrs. Max Shapiro anbrothers, Hen Kaiman as best: man, Via Et-AL Airlines nounce the engagement of their and Ronald and Saul Kaiman, ns •daughter, Harriet Rose of Washushers. ' ' ington, D. ("., nnd Omaha, to GorDinner at the Old English Inn don' NnUiiinson, ton of Mr. mid, followed the' ceremony. Mrs. David Nalhanson of SmllhOut-of-town gucsls included Mr. tovvn, Long Island, New York. and Mrs. Joe Knirimn, Sioux City, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs, Gary LaupMiss Shapiro attended the Uniheimer, Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. Sam versity of Arizona, in Tucson, Next Available Departure Monday, Oct. 31 and Greenspahn and son, Dan, Chicago, .Ariz., nnd was graduated from EVERY MONDAY Thereafter Until March 15,1961 and Jake Silver, Los Angeles. Omaha University. She is currently employed by the U.S. Tn.isiny The bride, the daughter of Mrs. LIMITED SEATS Department. William G. Singer, attended the TOUR FOLDERS—AND OTHER INFORMATION University of Nebraska, where she Mr. Nalhanson )<><<i\eil Ins u.is affiliated wilh Sigma Delta bachelor's degree from the C'olli g<FOR v Tan. Her husband, the son of Mr. ef the City of New Yoik, and Ins RESERVATIONS nil Mrs. Jack Kaiman, will ntmaster's degree In f>orondaiy eduIrnd the Unneisity of Nebraska cation from the Ginduale Si hoot CALL, SEE OR WRITE wheie he is affiliated with Sigma «J Education of the Yrfihiv.i tJmLOU ELBERT, Co-owner, Mgr. Alpha Mu. •vcidlty. He Is a teacher of mathematics in the Uientwood Township After a wedding trip to the School Dlstuct, Brentwood, Ixmu Ozarks the couple will make their Island. ' home a t 71G So. 15 St., Lincoln, Suite 4 2 4 — Fcrnotn Eldg.. Omaha 2 . Neb. — JA 5874 Ncbr. A December uoddjng is planned. MIMI Hnrrlrt I£o«« Shapiro J;;!*, Nev., are Mr. mid Mrs. Jerry
Alison Cherry-Alan Marer Wedding in Los Angeles
L. RosenEiauni Weds Jerome P. Gordman in Double-Ring Rife
oL. Jj>iiver
Diane Singer Weds Stan C. ECaimcm
fn Winter Follow the Sun to Israel $!
Harriet Shapiro Engagement Told
Center Sports
Strikeouts Kahn, 1 Ilcvra Officers Cy Seitchick Games Played . . Ginsberg, ColOfficers of tin' newly organic CENTER SOFTBAIX Ilevro BBGs are: Marilyn Katz nic, 15 The Center softball team ended their league season with six vic- SOFTBAM.I TEAM TO KANSAS man, president; Koni Meyer M Mother and Youth Council Hcpre tories and nine losses to capture crrv senlative; Shelly Steinberg, secre fourth place in the Class "A" Club The Center Softball team will league of the Omaha Softball As- travel to Kansas City, Mo,, for a tary: Linda Lieb, treasurer; Kran sociation. The team did not par- itoubleheader engagement against ces Kife, Athletics and Yout Council alternate; Cheryl Tatib ticipate in the City tourney. the J.C.C. of Kansas City on Sun- man, creativity; Sherry Kraft, Fcl All total seventeen players par day, September 11. lowship; Shela Baskin, communit ticipaled in the fifteen league The team will leave Omaha by Service; .Sheila Ruderinan, pub games which began in early May private cars on Saturday, Septem- licity and religious. Advisors ar and ended in August.- The team ber 10. During the weekend the Mines. Sidney Kwiatek and Pan Was managed by Dave Belzer and team will be guest at the Kansas Sacks and Junior Advisor is Mis Cy Seitchick. City A's-lialtimore Orioles base- Karen Forbes. FINAL STATISTICS ball game at the Municipal StadAH II AVtt ium. A brunch-and other activii:<;iONAi. M E E T I N G Ginsberg :;9 18 461 ties are also on the schedule. Kirke :;G U 300 The Aleph Zadik Aleph am The game is another athletic Handleman • 26 10 :J8-1 event in an effort to establish re- B'nai B'rith Girls' Chapters o Lipton 18 G 333 lations between the two Center's H'nai H'rilh Cornbelt Region, wil Cohn 3 1 .'133 for inter-city activity. hold the annual fall meeting here, Okim 16 .5 :;ir> IIAYIM WINS SOITHAIX TITLE Saturday night, and Sunday mornPaul 34 10 298 Ilayim won the Youth Council ing, September 10 and 11. lluddy Kahn .'!7 9 213 softball championship for the sec- Kpstein and Susan Speicr, regions Wolk 29 7 211 ond consecutive year after a sum- \7,\ and BUG presidents will conMartin 30 7 '233 mer-long battle with their chief Jucl the sessions. Bograd 18 • 4 222 challengers, AZA 1. Linda Magznmin and Arnol< Konecky 28 6 214 The champions, coached by Jim Breslow are in charge of arrangeSeitchick ... 10 2 200 Farber, jumped into first place ments. The program will include a Colnic 29 5 172 early in the campaign and were party, Saturday evening and meetBelzer 6 0 — never headed although AZA 1, ings at the Jewish Community Rubin I 0 — stayed on their heels throughout 'enter, Sunday at '.I a. m. KxpcclRobinson 1 0 — the race. 'd at the meeting are representaTEAM LEADERS The softball title gives Rayini tives from Lincoln, Sioux Falls, Battings Ginsberg. 4G1 a fast start in the Youth Council 5. D., Sioux City and I>es Moines, Base Hits Ginsberg, 18 Olympic title that they are e.\- la. in addition to the six Omahn Doubles Ginsberg, Kahn, 2 ppcted to win this year with a Iioups. A meeting of the adult Triples Knhn, 2 ,'eteran n e w of athletes returning. dvisory body of the B'nai B'rith. Home Huns Olcun ,2 FINAL STANDINGS 'oulh organization will be held Runs Scored Paul, 10 \Y. I.. Sunday al 1 p. in. at the Center. Runs Batted In Ginsberg, I'tayim i-IO Wolk, 9 AZA 1 K Six members of Temple Israel's Runs Produced Ginsberg 17 AZA WOO fi National Federation T e in p I e Walks . . . . Paul, 10 AZA 10U ...1 0 Youth have returned from a 10-day session at Camp Schwayder, Idaho Spring, Colo. They are: Steve Bernstein, Larry Mayer, Jim Silver-man, Norman Blcichcr John Spitzer and Nina Beber. A party for new members of the Rome, (JTA)—Italy's Olympiad Maccabiab will be held in Israel organization was held at the home Committee assured the Israel in September 1961. The Israeli of Mr. and Mrs. -Stanley Slosberg. Olympic Committee that Italy will Olympic team invited all Jewish Co-chairmen were Jim Silvennan refuse to participate in the sched- participants in the Olympiad from and John Spitzer. uled Mediterranean R e g i o n a l all conutries participating, to a reception here Olympiad, if Israel is excluded. The issue was taken up by the Israelis with the International Olympic Committee. The latter Tel Aviv, (JTA I—The explosion has, however, as yet not acted of the time bomb in Amman which On Israel's request for barring the killed Premier Majall of Jordan International Olympiad's approval "throws Israel back from relative of the Mediterranean games, unless calm to the realities of a new the sponsors of those games agree tension," Simon Peres, Israel's to two rules that are basic to an Deputy Defense Minister, said. Olympiad under official recognizance. These rules are: 1. That all Speaking at n meeting of .-« meml>er countries of the region be Mapai youth group, he said Israel Invited; 2. That visas be extended must maintain alertness since "we to all participants from member do not know in which direction countries. the situation will develop." Others—Similar Position Prime Minister David BenNot only Italy has assured Gurlon met with his advisers to Israel that it will refuse participadiscuss the bombing in Amman tion unless Israel were also invited, and its possible implications for but other Olympiad members from Israel. While Jordan Is in theory the Mediterranean fegion have an enemy country', Israel considers also stated informally that they UJA HELPS HANDICAP- the safety of Jordan an important will take a position similar to PED YOUNGSTERS — Thou- factor in Israel's political and .Italy's. One regional Olympiad sands of children are among military strategy as a buffer on scheduled for 19G1, to be held in the handicapped and ill who Israel's eastern frontier. Indonesia, has assured Israel that benefit by the UJA-Bupportcd there will be no discrimination be- JDC MALBEN program in Is- DIPLOMATIC! RELATIONS cause of race, color or creed. rael. The program maintains IIKGKI) I-'OIl ISRAEL AND Indonesia, a Moslem nation does and operates a network of serv- VATICAN r o t recognize Israel. ices, hospitals and other instiSao Paulo, (JTA I A leading tutions for the aged, handicap- Catholic daily here urged estabInvitation to Marrafolalil Leaders of Jewish sports groups ped and chronically ill. lishment of diplomatic relations from Israel, the United States between the Vatican and Israel. and other countries met here under An editorial published in Corrcio the aegis of the Maccabi World Paulistano, suggested that the Union and agreed that the next Vatican might serve as a "shock absorber" between the Arabs and Jerusalem (JTA)—The Govern- Jews. ment has decided to set up a unified Information Center under the auspices of the Prime Minister's STUDIO Office. The new Information CenAll boys and girls from 10 years ter will coordinate the information Of age through the eighth grade activities of various Government are eligible to participate in the departments and public bodies in1960-61 bowling season of the cluding the Press InformaMon OfProfessor Junior B'nai B'rith B o w l i n g fice, the Public Relations and league which opens Sunday, Sep- Culture departments of the ForBackwards tember 18 at 1 p. m. at the- Ranch eign Ministry, the Kol Yisrael Dean of Bowl. Registration is not neces- State radio network, and the Laffology, Public Information Department of sary. Star of 4h« the Ministry of Education. Harry Ed Sullivan Bowling will be held each Sun- Zinder, director of Kol Yisrael, Show . . . day at 1 p. m. through March. AH is expecled to be appointed head One of Arn»ric»'» members will receive their own of the Center. Top Humoristll bowling shjrt with the name of the Also Appearing: team on it, Several tournaments 22,000 TON FUEIGiHTEU Th» Al lldlrtlo Scxtetln are being planned for later dates LAUNCHED AT HAMBURG Featuring Carole Ilrnoe by the league. Further informaHamburg (JTA)—A 22,000-ton t i o n may be obtained by calling freighter, christened the "Eilat," Ida Sacks, 558-1802; Harold Bloom, built for the Zim-Israel Navigation 341-3742 and Hairy Coliclc, 733- Company under the reparations 1544. agreement, was launched here.
Italy Will Shun Olympiad
Bombing in Jordan Brings l e w Tension
Friday, September 9. 1060
Newman, Robert Kooptr. Brnest Moofl, SamItARIU IJItOOKS TO REVIEW uel Wolf, Morris Grossman, Board of Gov* ernors. HOOK FOR SISTERHOOD Temple Israel Sisterhood will hold its first luncheon meeting of BIKDR C'HOLIM MEETINC the Fall season on Tuesday, Sep- SKl'T. li,, AT CENTER tember 1.1 at 1 p. in. at the Temple Bikur Cholim Society will hold Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks will review the book "The Inspector" by ils first meeting of the fall season on Monday, September 12 followJan de Hartog. ing a dessert luncheon at ]2:3O Circle No. 1 under the chair p. m. in the Jewish Community manship of Mmes. Max Wolfson Center Auditorium. Reports will and Harold Kasln is in charge of be made on summer activities and the meeting. Other chairmen are the recent fund raising event. Mines. Joseph Levey and Paul Mrs. Jake Wine, president has Veret, luncheon and Mrs. Millard named I he following members na Rosenberg, program. chairmen of the various commitMrs, Rol>ert Cohn, president, tees: hospital visitation, Mrs. Max will conduct the general meeting Mngld; phone reservations, Mrs. and the l l a . m. one of the Board. Nathan Veitzer; state hospital, Preservations may be made by call- Mrs. Allan Zalkin; special event ing Mrs. Sidney Osten, CA 21GG iiiicheons, Mrs. Cecil Izenstatl; or the Temple office, KK 6G36. courtesy, Mrs. Art Abrams, month• * « ly luncheons, Mrs. Paul Katzman; •XOV1) KALIiER, MODERATOR leas chairmen, Mrs. John Zorinsky and Mrs. Dave Wine; table setting, AT BETH El/BREAKFAST Floyd Kalber will be moderator Mrs. Rose Comisar, and Home for 'or a panel on "Platforms, Plat- he Aged, Mrs. Ruth'Halm. * • • orms . . . " at a "Breakfast at Hcth F.I," the occasion for the MI/.I:ACHI WOMEN Sisterhood's first meeting of the MKET WEDNESDAY icason, Tuesday, September l.'l The Omaha Chapler Mizrachl leginning at 9:.'!0 a. in. Women will meet Wednesday, ptember 14, at a 1 p.m. dessert The program will also include 'The Talking New Year's Card" luncheon at the Jewish Community nter. vitli the following participants: limps. Jack Duitch, Bruce Green>erg, Al Feldman and II. I^ee HARRY'S iendler, accompanied by Mrs. fairy DuBoff at the piano. LIVE FISH MKT. In charge of the breakfast ar1314 N O . 24TH ST. angeinents fire Miii. Dave Platl, KOSHER CHICKENS :ircle coordinator, and Mines, KILLED DAILY rving Forties, Arthur Green, Sol -agman, William Kaduziner, MorS a v . by Calling AT 4 * 7 7 is Roitstcin and Bernard Schein md their Circles 13, 11 and 15. Certified and approved by Rabbi /isual techniques are under the Dr. Leon Thorn, Preiidenf, AmeriAcademic Rabbit Association lirection of Mrs. Richard Martin, can of New American!, and Rabbi S. ssisted by Mmes. Martin Kimniel, Wallcm of the Orthodox Rabbis tobert Perelman and Bert Render, Association of Mew York C i t y . itter service will be provided. •
;RANDKIK liNIVEKSITV tOAKD MEETS MONDAY, EITEMIJER 1J Mrs. M. A. Uercovici, president, i'ill entertain the board members >f the Omaha Section, Brandl'ls Jniversily N a t i o n a l Women's 'ommittee, at her Iiome, 6492 .'timing Street, at brunch, followng a 10 a. m. meeting on Monay, September 12. Committee Chairmen appointed iy Mrs. Bercovlci for the ensuing eason include: M r t . Sidney Novole, Book Fund; Mmes. Vortoa Miller, Millard Rostr.btrg, Lou Lewis. lulltiln; M r s . M o r r l i Levey, Community ooperotion; M r t . Howard Kaplan, Dtcorolorts; M r t . Rtvben Drown, Historian; M m t i . 'avid Feder, Isadort Abramson, Hospitaly; M m t t . M . A. Venotr, Jay McdcKwOc, .urtcheons; Mmes. Leo Elsemtatt, Ab« irttnbtrg. Membership; M r s . Warner Frohr>an, Program; M r s . Danny Fogel, Print•va; M r s . David B. Cohen, Publicity; M r s . I. M. Greenl>erQ, Study Croup; M m e i . Jack ramsort, Ben Shapiro, Theodore Ntwmon, !euben Drown, Telephone; M m e t . Henry
FOR THE FINEST... IN PHOTOGRAPHY PorfraHt Weddings Commercial
Central Information Office for Israel
Jr. B'nd @'raf h Bowling Sept 18
y r ' * going Iiome to "MOTiirji'»"...e>pcci»ll)f at liappy holld»f» timct Because they know it** the brand (hat gives you pure, dclidouf Bll-whilcfuli...light, luscious, ready to serve. rAHEVt Q KMHn
DELUXE 6EFILTE FISH n o u THC I F O T U M tureHOff or HOTiiu't rooo r»ooucT», INC., MIWARK t, a. aV