rtlblicntliin Off Ire, 101 Nn. Mlllh Omuhn, Nebraska, l'hune ;nl'-].'JG<>
IK, J9G0
.Slruclp f'"py 30c Annual Kate $4
Second ('l;i!;.s I'd nt Oinahu,
A special CHS program devoted t( the-Jewish High Holy ]Ju"b presented on WOW ' September 2~> from 8 a. m. , Jan P e e r c e , inter, \«°\ known tenor and the C; phony Orchestra will be f ..ured. The traditional Jsol Nidre will be sung.
.nigton The World Bank -./nounced a loan of $27,500,000 to Israel to help build and equip a sheltered deep water port at Ashdod on the Mediterranean sea. 300,001) Tons of Cargo The World Hani; said that the <<OI.!)I V A(,I, <I.I B IV A< I ION'. Tlip nlioie pictures of two of new port, to be finished in 19G5 IsruiTs senior citizr.uit sliow u fondness of iircssniaUlni; anil iimsir, would be able to handle 900,000 among th« many lnteresU developed at nn Israeli fiiiluVn • Ago tons of general cargo a year. Us 'dull, olio of KiiVirral visited l>y 1'atil Vercl, Jewish Federation V.xconstruction would enable Israel crutivii Dlrcr.tur. A photographic exhibit of Israel's senior citlzrim Louis' (IJudy) Paul hai been to close down lighterage ports at Mill li« displayed at tlie inertlng of tlio Omaha Golden Ago Chili named to the Boaid of Manage- Tel Aviv and Jaffa, relieve congesoil Monday, .Srpli-inbrr 2(S »t (ho CoimiHinlty ('oiitor. ment of the Midwestern Amatdu tion at Haifa, and provide facilities required for the efficient, hanAthletic Union a-; dling of her rapidly growing fort h e representative of the Jeweign trade. ish Commit n i t y Tlie loan, bearing interest at Center, Irv Yaf"\ 5*i per cent a year was for a Center Alhle t i c 1'anl Verrl, Jewish Federation ior Citizens' activities co-ordinaterm of 25 years. Amortization Kxecutive Director, wil address tor. The Golden Age Club is joint- Ch a i r man, niinounced. members of (he Golden Age Club ly sponsored by the National A popular and following n 12:30 p. lit. dessert luncheon, Monday, .September 2C> Council of Jewish Women and the versatile athlete Johannesburg (JTA) -•- Forty on the Omaha nt the Jewish CommunityCenter. Jewish Federation. Jewish men are now in I.eopoldscene for many Mr. Verct who recentiy revillc, capital of the strife-wracked years. Paul was lumed from a trip to Israel will Republic of the Congo, having rethe Center Ath- Xlndy' 1'anl 1allc on hi:; vii.ils with Golden letlc Director from 1951.-55 and opened their businesses there, Ai:'- groups and their activities, has been on the Federation Ath- Ilabhi Moslte Levy of the Congo, there, Jle met with officials of letic Committee for six years. He reported here on •' stopover durthe Golden Age Department of the ltubf.'n I.ippett will serve as ing his return to Klizabethville, in Jewish Distribution Committee to B'nai P.'rith membership campaign holds a Masters Degree in Physical Katanga. Itabbi Levy said there Kduc.ition from the University of develop plaiu for contact heturen were no Jewish women or chilthe Golden Af:<? Clubs in Israel chairman, Kdwnrd A. llo.'-on, the Nebraska. dren in I.eopoldville. He emphaorganization's d i s t r i c t governor and America. Paul's appointment was made sized that all Congo Jews have after I.cs Burlceuroad, one of NeMr, Vrret -will present a photo- said 1his week. His duties will inbeen traced, and none is missing. graphic exhibit of Israel's Senior clude co-ordinatim; the work of braska's greatest Jewish athletes He reaffirmed statements made announced his resignation after Citizens and their projects at the lodge membership chairmen, Dr. serving 25 years on the# Board of in an interview in Brussels to the jneelitig. Bcnton Kutler of Henry Monslty Management. Burkenroad was a effect that many refugees had reT.lie club also will elect officers. national Ail-American for the Uni- turned to Elizabethville and that Arrangements, for the meetinj; and Richard M, Kellman of Corn- versity -of Nebraska basketball local authorities and the populaliave -been made by: the Mnn.'S. J. hd.sker. team iu 1915 and has been cited tion of the secessionist province of Milton Margolin and Louis Culler, B'nal IS'rith members will kick on many occasions for his achieve- Katanga were treating Jews there (insisted by Mrs. Albert Gae'f, .Sen- oft their 19S0-G1 drive with a .Sun- ments in basketball, baseball, footwell. day morning breakfast, October ball, volleyball find track. 22, at 9 a. m. at the Fireside ResYaffe said, "it is with deep retaurant. All lodge members are gret that the Jewish Federation -welcome to attend the breakfast sees Burkenroad resign after so which will start a house-to-house many years of faithful service, not campaign. j only to the Jewish Community hut The'Jlt. P.ev.'Msgr. Nicholas- H. Wegner, P.A., Director of Boys Lippelt d e c l a r e d that Jl'nai to the .State of Nebraska." • Norman J. I.iptntm of Park For- B'rilh .spends over CO per cent-of Joe Micek, swimming director •Town, is now visiting Israel where est. III., regional field lepresenla- its animal budget in - support* of and Cy Scilchick, athletic director he is observing education and ilve of the IM.ICI Loud youth work and underwrites the nt the Center, will serve as dele- youth problems. The trip is the tion, will direct major portion of the Anti-Defama- gates under Paul at the annual second to Israel for Msgr. Wegthe coming cirndinner meeting of the AAU at the ner. He was in Rome prior to his tion League's undertaking. jiaigns for .State Ilil Hotel, Sunday, September 25. arrival in Israel. of Israel liomte In N e b r a s k a, Israel Would Teach Iowa and South Arabic in Africa AJCongress Uncovers Arab League Link Dakota, according to Milton JF.ROSAl.EM (JTA) — I s r a d With Boycott, Urges State Dep't. Act Krochmal, Midhas offered several African counwest Region Ditries with substantial Moslem poprector of the Deulations assistance in the teaching velopment ('OIof Arabic in'their scliools. Statca, poratioii for l i Israel is the only country in tec«iiA«iAr GIIIIIII, jael. • C«*«l Offle. Iw Ik. B ^ , w km), which n system has been developed I.lpman t 4,f The son of Rabbi Mayer Un- to teach Arabic ns a first foreign man, lie has been actively Identi- language to pupils whose mother la, tool fied with Jewish community ac- tongue is not Arabic. Israel also Hi-n«K Inttntatlmal, has suitable textbooks, including 11 bat UOtli 5tr«.t. tivity for many years. He has ).•» v«rt ta, n,r, served as nn executive with the Knglish-Arabic ones in contrast to Chicago Chapter of the American methods and texts in Aral) coun0eall«stn| . tries which are designed for puFriends of the Hebrew University p\ls w h o s e mother tongue is It ioa end with the Jewish University of Arabic. ;• In Jotvtl, America's Building Fund Campaign. I.ipman served with the'United States Army Intelligence arid Office of Strategic Services during World War II, and was identified with the group that broke the' Bonn—Arms and munitions deJapanese military and naval codes. liveries from Israel are moving ••; Xnit rapranoUtlra In Park Forest, his activities in- smoothly, a Defense 'Ministry azoad OcUbar 31, 10C0. clude membership on t,lie board of spokesman told the, Jewish TeleIf tht tllsl partaj alapaad without rae.lrloj th. i i l j laaoaaata. graphic Agency. Jewish education, vice-presidency *t al'oll lit rtgratfullr . b l l , , i (j bu t n i w l i i n i wlUi j ~ r eaispurr iu nil at V>* tnb tctuitriM, ,c~, In the spring of Tf'J59, the Fedof B'hai B'ritii, chairman of fundraising campaigns and past offi- eral 'Republic, purchased from Iscers of Congregation Belli Sholom, rael grenades to the value of Upinnn Is the former publisher 50,500,000 and Uzi sub-machine, nnd editor-in-chief of the Park guns valued at $1,430,000. About Dr. V>i"\ Stria a Forest News, has been a public 40 per cent of the munitions and 50 per cent of the r,ub-machlncrelations consultant and an adguns have been delivered thus far. Tlio American Jewish Cotliregi-hii celled on the Slate Dpp'i. to initiate <]'»• vertising account executive. "They have fully satisfied our rusoiom (lircdly with tlie I.CORUO of Arab Slllei aimed at linllinfi tlie Arab His.wife, Joy, was an atomic boycott of U.S. firmj dealing with Ttrael. AK'angresi President Juncliim I'rinz scientist during World War I I and expectations," the spokesman de- tent Secretary Herlcr • pliotostalic copy of a letter from Arab League hcad« Is presently a chemistry and math- clared. "We would not have signed quartera In Oimascui, SjrrilT threatening to Mncklist in Ameriton company ematics teacher. The 'Llpmans the contract in the first place If nnlctt it reued trading with lirael. The letter waa the first documentary •have four children: Marie, 10,Har- preliminary tests had not proved evidence |U*( « Central Offir* for tlie Boycott of larael Irna bciia cstublwUcJ vey, 8, Mayer, C, and Saruli, 4. that they were the best to be had." in tlio Secretariat General of the Leagno of Arab Slalci.
will bofiin in Angus!, 3965. Israel will arrange to .set aside from the new port's revenues enough funds to rover .service of the loan. The total cost of developing the new port will amount, according to authorities, lo $54,700,000. 1'iiiur KM;T/NICK
Philip Klutzuick of "l'arl: Forest, III., and a former Omaha, was one of the persons' to inspiro the development of Ashdod. At tlie same lime of (he World banlc loan announcement, the Ex- • poil-Iniport Hank made a Joan ot ?S,!)00,000 to Kl Al, (he Israel Airline, (o assist it in purchasing two Hoeing jet airliners, each ship with a capacity of 131. passengers.
Long-PJaEtned Wafer
Gongo Jews Traced
Ruben Lippsff Meads B'nal •'
isgr. Wegnerls Now Visiting Israel
Direct Campaigns.
Bonn Is Pleased With Israel Arms
Jerusalem, CJTA1 -Work on the national irrigation project involving diversion of Jordan IUVMV waters is being accelerated and construction of a 0,000,000-pound pumping station is scheduled to begin soon on the shores of (lie .Sea of Galilee for the project. The production of 100 eighl-ineU steel-reinforced concrete pipes, which will serve as main conductors of Jordan Kiver waters, also is being speeded up nt the Yuval c;.1d factory at Ashkelou. Plans call for a total or 10 miles'of the giant pipes to bo produced Lliis yearinit completion of the entire project will require several years.
Home lo Dedicate Memorial Plaques Memorial plaques for the following will be installed and dedicated at the synagogue of the Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged this Sabbath: Ilynian KazlowsUy, Anna II. Kazlowsky, Jacob Kiivich, Lizzie Kavieh, Michael Somit, Yenta Somit.
Gourse Organized for Farmers From Africa Tel Aviv, (JTA) A ten-week course In techniques of cooperative living opened here with farmers from ten former French and Belgian colonies in Africa as the students. Tlie course is part of a program of technical, economic and cul- ; tural assistance organized for newly emancipated countries in Africa and Asia. Israel officials hope that the aid program will offset Arab League pressure on tha new countries.
Mrs. Sibil Weiss Is New Center Youth Mrs. llan Weiss of New York City has been named Youth Program Aide al the Jewish Community ('enter, Harry Sidman, (Vnl e r Chairman, announced today. • Mrs. WIJISS lias
had several >cars of experience in camping and in youth work nc-'t tivities and she? attended a Kpn-| cial course in Is-f rael for youth| leaders. She will Mrs. Wclsi serve as advisor for the Jewish Youth Council, Her husband recently joined tho Talmud Torah stuff at Beth El Synagogue.
Page Two
Friday, September 10t
wief Libewy
Published weekly on Trlduy tiecltmlnsr tho last wcr.k In Auj;unt thruugh tecond week In July by the Jewish Federation uz Outaha.
New York, (JTA)—Samuel D. Gershovitz, 53, executive vice-president of the National Jewish Wel- Now York, (JTA) — Profosso. scholars to better understand TalMRS. FRANCES KLKIN Edito. fare Hoard since 1917, died this Abraham I. Katsh, 'departmen mudic law, Dr. Katsh said. The chairman Department of Hebrev Antonin Collection which Dr. week in New Rochcllc, N. Y. Studies at New York University Mr. Gcrshovitz Joined the JV.'B told the New York Times corres Katsh microfilmed in its entirely, also contains revealing material n 1939 as field director of thepondent in Moscow that during hi about the life of Jews in Ecypt in current visit in Leningrad, he dis Paris (JTA)—Leaders of theMid-West section. lie served as covered in tiie Public Library there the Eleventh .'iiitl Twelfth Centuries. Jewish communities in Morocco executive, director of Jewish Com- manuscripts that record original munity Centers in Chicago from uncensored section:; of the Talmud have asked the Crown Prince, who Copies of Treasured is also Deputy Prime Minister, for 10 M to 1017 returning to the JWB and show that the names of Jcsu appeared in the original version o. Photos of Loved Ones n 1917. He was a member of the {an audience to discuss with bin the Talmud. The manuscript.'; wore JIM ABDO a number of problems concerning Board of the National Council of found by him in tho Antonin Gen :12 V- '«. he Boy Scouts of America and izali Collection of the library, Prof, TOE WURGLER CO." the Jewish population. UETH ISKAIX also a member of the governors' Katsh .said. Ueu Wi Council's Klrctlon.i Kobolas Shnbbos Friday evening 313 So. 14Hi 341-8946 • scnites begin at 0:15 p.ra.Shrib- One of the major problems is joard of tho American Jewish HisAntonin was a Itusslsm priest orical. Society. In 1932 he won who, In J8G0, went through tlio bbos s morninggservices at t 8:-15 a. m. nt 52tul and Charles Streets antl ] the , elections io Jewish Commun- he Sam Bcber Award of the B'nai <i(-ni/.ah—si storage place of olti ify Councils. Under the Moroccan Smooth V Meliov/ at 9 a. in. at lfltli and Bur U'rith Youth Organization for his Hebrew religious documents— Streets. Junioi' Congregation a law, the Ministry of Interior must ony career of service to young In tho Cairo synagogue. An9:15 a. m. Kabbi Benjamin Grone permit the holding of cuch elec tonin was alilo to (select and tako will conduct the Talmud Class a lions. The last elections were held people. away about 1,200 fragments of VLlLi 5:45 p. m. Sabbath Mincha at G:l tlio manuscripts, somo dntlnfj p. m. followed by Sholosh Keudo: In 193.'! and, .since then, many of from tlio Ninth Century. I'rof. those elected have ceased to carry and Maariv at 7:10 p. rn. Katsli said tho Antonin CollecA monument will be unveiled in, tion Included fragments tlmt Sunday morning services nt 8:3C out their duties. memory of Mrs. Fagel Jacobs, a. m. followed by breakfast anc Another problem is the kidnap- Sunday, September 18 at 10 a. m. were "extremely valuable" vario ants from the present edition of Kabbi's class in Bible. ping of Jewish girls for marriage at Pleasant Hill Cemetery. tho Talmud. Daily services at 7 a. m. and a to Moslems. Many Jewish girls The variants stem largely from 6:20 p. m. Sclichos services will be have been kidnapped by young deletions made by the government held at midnight on Saturday, Sep Moslems and forced to marry censors of various countries who tcmher 17. them. The Moroccan authentic, struck out material from succesarc doing little to help the parBETH IX sive editions after tlio printing of ents, and only in a few cases were Sabbath set-vices -at Both El the girls returned to their home the Talmudic compendium began . Synagogue will bc^in this evening in the Sixteenth Century. ReferBudget Adjustments at 7 p.m. Tile Sabbath morning ences to Jesus appear to have been services begin at 0:30. Minclia- The Jewish leaders are also struck out by civil censors either Maariv Services will be held at anxious to discuss the question of out of caprice or becnuse'they took 6:15 p. m. tho budget of their community the view that they were derogaThe Sunday morning service be> councils. The budget, which is met tory. Eins at 0 a. m. Daily services are by the Ministries of Interior and FOR THE FINEST... The availability of the variants held at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. Social Welfare, was fixed some JN PHOTOGRAPHY on Jesus and other deviations from R.abbi Mycr S. Kripke will con- years ago. Since then the amounts the accepted Talmud will help Portraits duct a study session Saturday, have not been increased, although Weddings September 17 at 9:30 p. m. onthey are not sufficient because of Commercial High Holy Days themes and tlieir the rise In the cost of living. expression in prayer, at Beth El Among the other problems for Synagogue, preceding the tradi- discussion in the nationalization tional Slicolh services this year.. of education. The Moroccan GovMr. and Mrs. Jerry P. Lebow Chairmen for the session, spon- ernment indicated that it Intends sored by the sisterhood's adult edu- to unify education in the country, MAKING I'KOGBESS even of Dcerfield, 111., announce the cation program, are Mr. and Mrs. and to take under its authority the though handicapped—this young birth of a daughter, Ellen Ruth Norman "Whitman. An 11 p. m.Alliance Israelite schools. man loolm to his future with on August 26. They also have a coffee hour will follow in the social son, Jeffrey. confidence because he Is being Passport Problems hall. Hosts are Messrs. and Mmes. Grandparents nre Mrs. Ruth LeThe Moroccan Jewish leaders helped to lead a normal llfo Morton Brett and Arnold Kosebow of Chicago, 111., and Mr. and are also anxious to secure the man. All who are planning to atby the Joint Distribution Com- Mrs. Jules Shapiro. Great grandtend the midnight Slicoth Service elimination of the many difficul- mittee program of aid to handi- parents arc Mr. nnd Mrs. Sam AltPHOTOGRAPHER ties which Jews encounter now in ore invited to attend. suler. ) 817 SOUTH 36TH STREET ecuring passoprts. They would capped with funds raised by B'NAI JACOB ADAS also like to see the severance of ho United Jewish Appeal. 345-1044 G6ing shopplnR? Check the Jew5TESIHJRON postal connections with Israel re- Oman a Philanthropies helps mip- ish Press ADS first. examined. Friday, Mincha, 6:15 p. m. Satport this activity. urday, 8:30 a. m. Mincha, 6:15 p. m. followed by Sholosh Seudos. Daily services at 6:30 a. m. and 6:20 p. m. WIRING ELECTRIC REPAMIN& HEAT TEMPLE ISRAEL Services at Temple Israel will Newest and Most Complete Line be held in the Chapel at 7:30 p. m. Habbi Sidney H. Brooks will offiCards for Friends and Every ciate and deliver the sermon. Seccno Class Hoifctja Fuia at Omaha. NeU. Annual subscrlpllon, S4.CQ. Advertising Kate) on Application. Publication Office—101 No. JOtli Street, Omaha, Kebr,, 342-13W.
Jews l^anl To ifseess Problems
- Dedications
John Kalina
220 Volt J4ouL&epowei'
Qmahans in News
Member of the Family
Sain Canar, prominent business man, leaves Tuesday, October 18, for a visit to Israel, Brussels, and ether countries. Mr. and 3Ira. M. 3. Radman, previously of Sioux City, la., have moved to Omaha where they are residing at 8305 Arbor Street. They have two sons, Arnold 12 and Barry, 6. Mr. Radman, a former Omahan, is regional audit analyst for Bureau of Internal Revenue. . Mrs. Abo Fdlman, Beth El Youth Commission chairman went to Minneapolis to confer with United Synagogue Youth advisors. Plans were discussed for the coming USY regional convention to be heldin Omaha during the Thanksgiving holiday.
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Friday, September 18, 1000
Fiancee of Howard Kaslow Lives In New Haven, Conn. Mr. and Mi's. Abraham Cooper of New Haven, Conn., have announced the engagement of their daughter, Gloria Faith, to Howard J. Kaslow, BOH of Hen E. Kaslow. Miss Cooper is a junior student at Vwsar College in Poughfceepsie, N. Y. Mr. Knslow was graduated from Yale University and will attend Oxford University in the full as a Rhodes .Scholar.
Israel's Arabs
Svjeeflisarf EfometS I
Pago Three
David Bouganim fo Marry in New York iefli ES Party
MONA USA House of Glamour
David If. Bouganim, Director of Final plans have been made by Education of Beth El Schools, left Belli El Sisterhood for its "Big today for New York City where Party" Saturday, October 1 at 9 he will be married on Sunday Sep- p. m. at Highland Country Club. tember 18 to Miss Lisette Hohbot, Members of the ticket committee in addition to serving on daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Solomon the sisterhood and as circle chairD. Bohbot of that cily. men are: The ceremony and reception Will Mmcs. Donald Rice, Edward take place at the Spanish and Belzer, Sol Crandell, Eugene CoopPortuguese Synagogue of New er, Seymour Colin, Sanford Brophy, York. Mr. Bouganim will return Jack Fox, Leonard Gould, Ilyman to Omaha with his bride on Mon-Gendler, Yale Ginsburg, Yale Gotsday. dincr, .Snmuel Goodman, Leon Gi'actz, Louis Blumkin, Kcven ! Kii'Eheiiljaum, Ben Kutler, Marvin Kohll, Isidor Levinson, William All friends and relatives are Yohrman, .Sheldon Lincoln, Justin Invited to attend services anil Manvitz, Sidney Schwartz, Ed Rosen, Sam Steinberg, Lou Sogoreception. low and Albert Wohlner. Tickets SHIKLKY F1XDMAN may also be obtained at the-'SynaMr. and Mrs. Dave Feldman an- Eoguo'office. nounce the'Bus Mitzvah of their Music will be provided- by Ernie daughter, Shirley Feldman, on Pricsman's Combo. Tickets also Sabbath morning, September 21 may be obtained al the synagogue at Beth El Synagogue. office.
No. 60th
6 Expert Hair Styliif»
Air-Conditioned Dryers MISS MARSH and MISS JERRY Owners
Advertise in the Jewish Press.
Now Featuring
Israel--Tv the women's clubs in twelve different Arab villages ha\e been established by the Community Organization Section of the Ministry of Social Welfare in cooperation with Arab local authorities. There, the women learn Rewind and coolfing as well as reading and writing in Arabic and in some places, Hebrew. The clubs are used to provide .social activities for Moslem girls and sports for boys and a center for the need of the community. In ft different area of Arab parSTARTS SEPT. 19 ticipation was the celebration in western Galilee of a group of Arab For One Week f;irl.s' completion of five weeks at a work camp at a kibbutz. The Ronl Mcjcr, 10, daughter of event was attended by Arab vil- Mr. and JMsr. I-estcr Meyer was lagers, parents, relatives, friends named' Sweetheart of -Mother find members of the kibbutz.Chapter of AZA No. 1 at its nnuual Star of his awn Nine Arab girls received' di Sweetheart daneo at tlio Blnch(how . . . Summer plomas from a girls agricultural fstone. hotel. Miss Meyer Is a senior on Ice . . . one school in Hadera, along with the ut Central High. of tho Nation 1 * Israelis. This is the first time the Top Vocalists graduating class included Arab H O W APPEARING THRU SEPT. 25 students. Tho Al Bcllctto H«xt«lte Featuring Carolo XCcnce A new minaret for the mosque In Arbat el-Batouf, a Galilee village between Nazareth and Safad, was dedicated recently in the presMiss Carol Trope and Willard ence of Moslem dignitaries, representatives of the Military Govern- Jon Plolldn were married Sunday, ment and the Ministries of Relig- September 4 at the Peoria, 111., ious Affairs and Labor. The coat home of the bride's parents, Mr. SATUrtDAY EVENING TOST 14.70 of the minaret," one o£ the most and Mrs. Sam Trope. The bride- DO Weeks INDIES HOME JOUIIXAX, beautiful in Israel, was covered by 72.80 the Ministries of Religious Affairs groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. 10 Months AMERICAN HOME end Labor and the villagers, them- Alex Plotkin. 25 Months . , (3,2!) telves. HOUSEKEEPING A Blanch! gown of peau de soie OOOD 2 Years 13.08 was worn by the bride. A tiny ALL Spactal Offer* Honored coronet of pearls and lace held her Ordor by Telephone or Mall . veil of double-French illusion and she carried a cascade of Btepha* notls centered with a white orchid •Washington (JTA)—An exhibi- on Magazine Specialist her mother's white bible. tion jlepicting the contributions of 440 Ho. 61 it Sf. 551-6742 .Miss Ryna Trope in a ballerina Jews* to American law was opened here by Supreme Court Justice dress of blue brocade was her sisTom ,Clark,-The collection which ter's only attendant-David S. Plotis on display in the • B'nal. B'rith kin of Dallas, Tex., attended his building Includes documents on brother as best man. Ushers were the early Hebraic Influence In Alan Brown "of Kansas City, Mo., American law and personal me- Ralph Binlamow end Norman mentos from the careers of 35 Jew- Plotkin. ish lawyers *ond Judges. Following a reception at the In opening the display, Justice Trope residence and a dinner at a Clark noted that "over twenty- Peoria hotel, the couple left on a Jive hundred years ago Jewish fun- trip to Miami Beach, Fin., and damental law first sought to bring Nassau. . • to reality the brotherhood of man. They will rcsido at 220 Seventh Today, this remains as its supreme Avenue, Iowa City, la., where both objective with social justice as Its will complete their senior year at insistent mandate." the University of Iowa. Tracing the history of the Influence of Jews In American law, the exhibit begins with Zalegman Phillips, believed to be the first Jew admitted to the bar in the United States, in 1799, and continues through the careers o£ Supreme Court Justice Felix Frank| o m a It a lurter and Federal Circuit Judge Simon E. Sobeloff, who argued the public school desegregation cases
In 1954,
• • • • ' -
Among the numerous objects on display are Items on Phillip Phillips, who died In 1884 and was one of the first Jc\\s to serve in Congress; penciled notes of Supremw Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis, and legal correspondence and a diary of Supreme Court Justice Benjamin N." Cardozo. The cxihibition is dedicated to Nevy iVork Sujpreme Court Justice Margin M, Frank, a leader in B'nal B'rltli affairs until his death last
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Omaha Symphony Opens with Stevens Rise Stevens will bo the guest' Btar when the Omaha Symphony ppena Its winter concert eeries with programs on October .10-11 (it the Joslyn Concert Hall.
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Page Four
Friday, September 18, 1969
Ghana Official Visits Israel
Donation will lie 510 for (wo ticki-t!;. Additionn! tickets may be Mrs. Norman Pie,!. Beth El .Sis- obtained for $5 o;irh. In addition to Nm ai; Ptwiew, terhood chairman of adult educa- the c.\cei!enl there will he door JMIIS". tion announced that the fiist] Mrs. Jar!; I!. Cuhen and Mis. monthly meeting of "Just \h \ Alfred Kor. arc cee.'iral chairmen. The Omaha J(VVar>.ity softbnll Girls", jjroup for youn^ married : Ticl.'-lf-:; may h" jnurhas''d from crew split a doulileheader v.ilh the women, will be held Thursday, \ the ticket chairman, Mrs. Auhur JfitiiKds City J(\' in Kansas <;ity, MEICT .SKIT, is
OmcEhei-K. C . Spilt
Kept. 15 at 8 p. in. ui the home ,Kulakoiky. of Mrs. Mcdvin tt'ci.-'S. Thc:.c inc.'l-; «• «• » in«s, t o he held a t ditfcient homes, < I'KOF. 1TJ.I0Y, ( ' O r . N T I I . ' S will ho led hy M r s . .".Iyer S. Krip- : ' < ; n ; s T s i ' K A K K r : , SKI'T .'!7 l;t' in discussions of Jewish en:;- i l'i ofe.;.>,cjr William T . I'tli-y of .torus a n d cerfinonies and related Omaha I'nivcrsily, will speak on subjects of prime inten-it lo \OUIII; ; ihe United State;." position in families. R e s T v a t i o n s should he * world utfairs at t h e .opeiilnj; "txrmade with .Airs. Weiss. • lure a n d T a l l ; " £(*c.;ioii of t h e .study ; j;rour> fur iVntional Council of < .tewii.h Women. Mi:s. MI:VI;I: i:x;isrv | T h e 1 p. in. di-:».»eil luncheon will JIADASSAII UOSTIi.SS ; tal:e place nt t h e h o m e of 2>lrs. Mrs. Meyer Huhln wil Hi? Iio:=<- i Mnurict? P e p p e r , GL'fiU California ess a t h o m e t o t h e board of t h e : .Siroet on S e p t - m b c r 27. • O m a h a ' C h a p t e r of II.-»da:;sali m i , A r r a n g e m e n t s for t h e lecture Monday, S e p t e m b e r 1!1, at a 1^:;<>; series a r e being m a d e by t h e dessert luncheon. Mnifs. Allen Ko- ] r,u,vs. S e y m o u r Abra.n;; and H a r lian a n d M a t h a n T u r n e r will assist, i ( ) | ( | Zelinsliy. G r o u p hoard'-: will have des:-rrti --• - y ltliiclit'on ineetiii[;s on Tuesday, ANOTIIIIK AIA'.IVV Ti'l Aviv--Tin? assassination of September 20. Mrs. Leon Ale.xau-<ler will enlertniii the ller/l croup, the 1'remier of Jordan and reMrnos. Jack I-'ox and Sam I'.othen- cent ami-Israel resolutions adopted by the Arab League conference lH'ii; v.ill be ..'Die Szohl K«>!ip will meet at in Lebanon were seen as added (lie home of Mrs. William Kailu- reasons for Israel to be on the 7iner, with Mrs. Jerome Katlti- alert by General Ilaim Laskov.
| N | , w „„_ ,, J K | ~ n ""
Mrs. Charles Cm will be lm.,tTel Aviv -Oil has been struck ess to the Wei/mann Group v,i!li f o r n K . second time recently in IsMrs. Law rence Kp»t"in as co-host- j ,-ael. (),j s | j r n , . at KeK|,a, five miles e:;s "I north of the Heletz oil field. The I latter supplies ten per cent of the TKAII'I.K TIIICATHI: | '"omitry's jir'tioleum consumption,
PAiitv. T t i ; s i ) . \ y The Sislerliond of Temple Israel will hold its annual fimdrai.sinfj Thr.'iur Luncheon Party on October 2."i, Tu^.sil.'iy. at !L':.'i'J p. in. at the Admiral Theater.
Sunday, .Sejit. 11, In two e?:eitiiij; i l l t e f - c i t y j:;jmes.
jfo" the first time, turneil in a fine Israel --(Ihana looks foi-waril to jpitchint; jierfonnance and had the Israel's help and advice in the host team battled until the falil nijiifullinal sector, the rihnnaiart final inninj:. Kiiianco Minister, !\Ir. Ki-mln AJJFIRST CAME Crruiha i Kan l a s Cii' hi'li fihi'di-mah, sfiid on his arrival ,!) fi r rl>! u\i li r r b i ' 2 0 0 0 in Israel for a wcch'.s visit, lie said I'U'JI fi 3 0 0 0 Mcnon ss 0 0 ) 0 li'j'iiaci ?u 3 0 1 0 fMtwt }b 1 2 1 0 1 In Koiioyt Tib 2 0 0 C 'JiC-lAio cf liopi/s to visit I^ichish and 110 0 /.'lO-'jre c 3 '.' 2 V U t r m m If 7 0 (1 0 other tl<'\clo|iinenl arrras. t'ir^f p 3 '$ 1 T F r / r d r n o n c S KotiM Cf Vi/oJI, ll» KentO-y ff Misi if Srilrliick 1b U, Kafin rf
? 1 I fj 4 urJ-o'.v rt> 3 0 0 0 (Jrof Mn If 2 0 0 yjob p 0 0 0 0 Gold ;tJ 0 0 [J (i. noon SETCOMU G A U C
7 0 00 1 ? f) n o i
? 0 on J 0 00
Israeli Policeman Donates Savings
Ucside.'i the sjames, tlie Omaha team members v.ere quests at. a Omaha Kcmtis Clly i ub h r fill barbecue chicken dinner" on Saturli r rlil: p 3 10 0 Israel It isn't exactly a com3 7 1 OHrrnon SI day evening, a brunch on Sunday Paul tsonrad s<; 1 0 00 3 1 0 Q Mtuuto lit 3 1 0 0 mon occurrence when .some one 3 0 1 Ol.llina.'l p morniii^ and the A's-Liulliniore 3 10 0 3 1 0 ?iDc!u[j'l If 3 0 0 0 drops in at the Jiolio socirly office b/i.l;eha]l j^.Mine at Municipal Sta- Klrl.e t.t 3 0 0 0 Hamrnrr tf 1 S. Klllin c 3 00 0 2 0 0 0 r.htlDlro cf dium, Sunday afternoon. Wolk II , 3 1 1 0 ill Haifa and elliptic. ; his pockets 5 0 0 0 I n n e r 3b 3 5 t 0 of $2,"U0. iiul that is' what haprf In the openin;; eneoimter Omaha li. Kohn rf 11 00 00 00Copfwrtm 31 II? I fVlKOW ?li lb ! 0 OCA'ltnfr c 0 0 00 pened recently when I'olice Scrswept t') a -r>-l victory behind the VIRhlrfc Ml'.l C 10 0 0BrU!:mafl C 2 110 |;i-;mt Mendel Jirami strolled in two-bit pilchin;: performance of i Aus.Hn tf 10 0 0 liny Kirl'.i? and a two-run homer SHOTS I.V TIIK DARK and drew tlio banknotes from hia by Danny Moore. 'I'll'1 Wt'stside .Tcu'ixh C'ommtl- pockets for a cjntrihution for neeOmaha scored first with two in Inlty f'ontor of I.os Ani;rr|ps,, dy children." the second inning. Sincler. by won Hip Xlnilrd .Sfnt.os Volley )!nll .Serjeant Hraun, n OO-year-olcl Kii!;e, Stuart Kalm, an infield out <'h''impioiishi|> at Dallas, Tex., l>y hachflor, explyined the money rej>~ ilefcatinri the Hollywood Y.MC' A and a pissed ball accounted for reiicnted most of hi.s saviiics froin DON KIKI.DI.7t to start as two runs. In the third frame, an 2.5 jcar.s' service. ! for the Central hicli school error and Moore'r. four-bn;;^'.er n counted for two more. Moore's football team . . . JIM FARIiKU double and Kirk's single tallied (lie doirii; n cie.-il job of coachinf; Hie Itayirn hoys in liasltcthiill afjflfinal run in the fifth. hall . . . DAVK V.KLZEll lo at£0 WEEKS The second came was played tend the Graduate .School of KoSAT. EVE. POST—Only J4.7» with Kansas City rules of overORDER TODAY Work at NVbrJi."ka IT. . . , hand pitching, a name entirely new HOWARD I.IPTON into his final to Omaha, and the f;uest team al- year of Medical School . . . KAY most won that game too. KIKKK mid ALAN Konecky lo 551-4741 440 No. t i l t Kansas City scored two rims in attend Omaha U. the bottom of the seventh for n tome from behind victory after Moore had doubled In two runs in Hie top of the seventh to fjive Omaha a.2-1 lead. I.indy Paul, pitclunf; overhand
" . . . To Israeli Pupils, We Dedicate This Ground . . ."
German Family If If For Defending Jews Amsterdam UTA) -A non-Jewish businessman and his family, Who suffered a boycott and molestation by. inhabitant;; of the \Vc;;t German villaRc'of Koppern for his defen.'-e of a half-Jewish cafe owner whose case became an international ineid"M. is duplicating tlie action of the cafe owners and leaving West Germany. Max Kaufman and his family will take up temporary residence in'llolland before 'leaving for peirnament settlement in Canada. The Kaufman family was abused for defending Heinrich Sumpf, Ihe cafe owner. Sumpf's persecution was publicized internationally. A group of Dutch emigrants now living in Canada will sponsor the emigration to that country of the Kaufman family. The Sumpf family, migrated to the.United States.
Want Ads
Phon« JA 12&& to ln«r! your Wanl Ad tn thi Jewish Prns. Rail it SO cmls tor each thrts rtn* imrrtlon. Th« Pr«» rcstr/at !h« rijlit to limit •ii« o( each, advertisement
AIL-NUMBE® CAIUMG IS HERE! At tlie corner.itonc-layluf; reremony in Jcrtis.Ueni /or the Hebreiy l.'nlverslty Secondary School, .Mrs. diaries lljtnes of .Minnenpolls, rr<r>lilent of the National Council of Jrwiili \Vomen of tlio L'nitcd Stalts, isignu the dedicatory scroll, l^ookine'on (I. to r.): Dr. Melr Slmpira, principal of the arbool, I'nltcd States Ambassador to Israel Ogdcn Kelil, Hebrew UnlverMty President Dr. Benjanila fllazar, and Dr. Ellrzer Dusliklji, Chairman of the school's Board of Directors. The National Council of JetviUi Women i» providing ft cuiipus of buildiiigii for tlio high (school, which serves as llio pratlcc-tcacliing anil experimentation center for tlis university's John Dewey Hchool of Education, With facilities for 800 puplli, the nrvv campus will be Adjacent to that of the Hebrew 5 University.
BAR and Bas Mitxvali con^ratuIatioii3 also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. . Mey'tra News Stand. 1502 Dod^e •TELEPHONE SAI.KS REPKKSENTATIVK — Curtis Circulation Co. will appoint local representative to handle new and renewal subscriptions. Work from home. Field Ir.nnnig cuen Opportunity to build lai|;e clientele. Orders may be rl)mgi»d to department stores. Write, giving aie. qualifications and ttlephonc number to Iowa Rosales, 331 Kceline BMg, Omaha. M N D FOR DtATXOIMnNT 50 acres of I,e\el Land. Ideal for Development. Listed at $1,000 per Acre. Located l',i miles south on Chandler Road, near other hou>ing developments. For more Information, Gall Leonard Gould, 536-0899 or Sally VenCer, 531-9320. DOUGLAS Multiple Listing Exchanga Realtor 918 Redick Tov/cr 311-1500
Me/ »U your fondest vnsliat coma t r u e . . . lor you and your Cctr cnej and (or (It of Israel,
^^^•'s to »X«>""»^^I^C_-' S S Iireel, S5. Zion sail from New York every tliird v/eclc,,. S.S. Ilicodor HaA end SS. Jerusalem lm lesson) sail front Mcditcrracean poru wctldy. • SubllfzeMquJpped fof smbotli i
• Strictly kojJier fooj • Cnwrful atmesf hero of Israel
Agfat or lUyp: AMKIUCAN' IS!IAEX< it Biondwaj, New Vork 4, N.Y.
The 2-lctter prefix in your old phone number has now changed to 3 numbers .. . you dial 7 number* to reach any phone in your Omahn directory. Kor instance, A/1'lantic 1748 ha_s become 341-1748. Pleass be ouro to refer to your new diroctory before dialing any number. Aix OLB NUMnKna ARE wnoNO NUMBEKO. Bo sure to throw away
your old directory. If there ia anything you don't understand about tlio nevr syotem or if you have any difficulty in dialing, please consult Pagca 2 and 3 of your new directory. C21L TaLSPMONB