Vol. XXXIX—No. 1
I'ulillrnllim Office, Kit Nil. Until Oiniihti, Nclirii.ika, I'lmiiu .i TJ-KHX!
K r i v J'rur'H Kililimi—liosli Ilaslianuli 5721 Wi'<lm;Kil:iy, HC|I1I-III1MT 31, l!)(il)
(.'.taiiH l'nst;ii;t* I'a Id
at Omaha,, NHJI\
SliiBle Copy 10 O u t * Annual I £ ;j 14- 4 DolhtrU
Jewish WflilnfMlay, Si'pt, III—(5:0ft p. in, Thursday, Sept. :!'!—fi:()» |F. HI. 1'rliliiy, Srpt. 30~r,:l,-> p. in.
JJy Harry Triistln, President Jmvlsh l''('di'nill»ii of Omulin
Beth El
Rosh Hashanah
, ^ - ^ —, -,
Wednesday, Sc|it. 21 Kvening Service ..... 8:15 p. ni Thursday, Sept. '.'.'1 Morning Service R:00 n. m Youth .Services . . . . . . 11:00 «. m JUinchn-Miiariv COO-p. in Friday. Sept. lt!l 3\Torn!nti Service H;00 a. ni Youth Services . . . . . . 11:0(1 u. in Mlnclin-M.'ihriv 6:00 p. in
Tlirougli the span of 57 years of ils existence, tha Jewish Federation of Omaha has served as a symbol of coopera! ion and unity in our community. The unique and characteristic' nature of our Federation' is that through its various programs and activities it serves the entirj Jewish community.
a/ of' ]u V<
Yom Kippur: .Friday, Sept. 3D Kol Niiire 0:00 p. ni Saturdiiy, Oct. I lUornim; .Service 8:00 a. in Yi/.kor, Memorial Service '. 30:30 a. rn Youth Service.',' 11:00 a. m Minelia-Nellah Service. '1:00 p. in
Beth Israel and Beth S-Samedrosh Hagodol
• Rosh Hashanah
T l i O 'J1>>3V p'jn
Wednesday, Sept. 21 Evening Services 0:00 p. m. Tmirsdny, Sopt. ":! Morning Services . . . . 7:30 a. m Sermon . . 30:00 n. m Junior Congregation.. 10:,'i0 a. in 1'.'venlng Services . . . . . fi:00 p. m J'rlday, Sept. 33 Morning Services . . . . 7:P.O a. in 'Sermon .10:00 a. ni Junior Congregation.. ]0:'!0 n. m Kvenlng Services 6:00 p. in
, I I ' l l I S | | .Mr (1 i, i K I ( ••!,••, I 'I II ll . II ,n
Yom Kippur Friday, Sept. 30 Kol Nldro . . . . . . . . . . . 5 :.")5 p. m •Sermon . . . , , . . (>:I5 p. m Saturday, Oct. 1 Morning Services . . . . . R:00 a. m. Sermon • 30:00 u. m '.Junior Congregation. • 10:30 a. m. Ylskor Memorial Services . . . . . i..J0;30 a. in Junior Congregation . . 2:30 p. m tMlah-r-Concludinjj'Service . . . 5:00 p. in
and Itosli II,i,h<injli Fust of Gedaliyah Yom Kippur Sulclcot
B'nal Jacob Adas Yeshuron
Sept. 22-2.1 Sept 25 Ocl 1 Oct. 6-12
IlaslMnah R ib «h
Oct. 12
Shmini Azcret
Oct. l'S
Simli.il Torm
Oct 11
Whether it be Jewish education, or activities for the young and old, or care for Hie :iged, or a program for individual welfare, or camping ail Ihe.Kc .functions are performed by the Federal ion for tha community. And in unison with organized Jewish groups In Omaha, we combine our force* In our annual United Jewish Campaign, the Jewish Philanthropies,.." to., provida Omaha's share for local, national, overseas and Israel needs. We are, therefore, proud of tha community harmony and solidarity which prevail in Omaha, And there are many more avenuej-foc joint programming-which enabla the Federation to maintain tha tradition and reputation of a "Jeu'ish Community Geared fof Service." The lay leadership on our many committees and boards aro proof that the Federation is the concern of many people. We ara especially proud of our young adults who ara participating in our community work and ara preparing for community.leadership, through actual sharing in'our community labors, Wa hope that In the yearg to come, the Jewish Federation may grow from strength to strength, and that our common heritage tot community living—the ,1 e w i 3 n Federation - s h a l l conlinua to (Continued on Page 2.)
Rosh Hashanah Wednesday, Sept, U Evening Service . . . . . . 6:00 p. m, Thursday, Sept. 22 Morning .Service,....'... 7:30 a. m. .Evening Service . . . . . . 6:00 p. in. Friday, Sept, 23 Morning Service . . . . . 7:30 n. tn. Evening-Service 6:30 p. m.
Yom Kippur Friday, Sept. 30 Evening Servlco . . . . . 5:55 p. m. Saturday, Oct. 1 Serviaj . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:00 a, m.
Temple Israel
Rosh Hashanah
President Eisen bower's New Year's Message to American Jewry Washington (JTA)—President Elsenhower ha3 issued from the White House the following Rosh Hashaimh statement through the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, extending his greetings to American Jewry: . . . .
Wodnesday, 8npt. 21 "During the season of the Jewish High Holy Ijays it Is always Evening,Service . . . . . . 8:15 p, ni. Thursdny, Sept. 23 a pleasuro to extend greetings to my feliow ciMzens of the JewishMorning Servlco ."... 10:00 n. m. faith. . - ' " ' • ' • . • ' • • - • ' • Kindergarten through Grade 2.." . . . . . . . . . 10:00 n. m. "X know this Is a time of deep meaning for them. In the honored Grado 3 through Grado 5 . . . . . . • tradition of their ancient faith, they are led to special acts of con.....,, -.'....' 11:00 a.m. trition, thanksgiving and praise. Sustained by the creative and Story Wouri moral power of their fathers' God, they enter their new year with Kindorgarten through Grade 2,. 11:00 a. m. confidence. , Grada 3 through Grade 5 . . . . . . •"This Is my lost opportunity to extend greetings on.this occa10:00 a. m. sion, but as a'private citizen I shall continue to remember tliesa Friday, Sept. ISO . Holy Days each year with warmth and respect. Carvloa ." 8:15 p. m. "Dwlght D, Elsenhower." Saturday, Oct. I (Continued on Paso %.\ '•
Yom Kippur
This New Year'* edition offers Jews of Israel nnd other landa. a tribute and testimony to the im•Valor of- Israelis portant place of women In Jewish In tho building of Israel, iU culture and industry, the women life. The 5721 edition, Inspired by the have labored sido by side with, 100th anniversary of the birth of their men. They are capabla lit Henrietta Szold, one of the heroic peace, valiant in war and In thelc women, of America and Israel, Is unmatched devotion, have con« trlbuted a chapter of valor and dedicated to Jewish womankind. Each year, this newspaper se- dedication in tho history of their lects a special theme featuring countiy and of all humanity, some Integral, part of Jewish life. i Henrietta Szold who lived from. 18C0 to 1945, remained In PalesW'omon's Achievements' tine through all tho difficult times, It seems fitting on the occasion helping, serving, even raising funds of Henrietta Szold's centenary to and using her own money as well, shoiv the great contributions made to caro for refugees. She left aa by distinguished Jewesses, The her great legacy to.tho world thi) stories oC those, here, represent lives of thousands of Jewish chilmerely a aampling of tha vast dren she saved from Nazi terror. Help Wliorovor Needed range of women's achievements because thero are far too many And It may be said that as long who deserve recognition, to be as tho state of Israel receives dig" noted at thla time. placed and Buffering families and In America, Jewish women have Individuals who need help, JewlaU organized great movements In aup- women will lend thole effort*, port of education, and charity in- them or In any othor part of thi (Continued on Paga 40.). i stitutions to provide Did to Uia
New YcarVi Edltlon—TIIE JEWISH TKESS—Eosh Hashanah 6721
Page Two
Wednesday, September ft, ISfiO
20 t'EK CENT PREMIUM ON FOKENJN Jerusalem, (JTA)—The Govern- cent premium on their foreign ment press office has officially currency earnings from abroad By Rabbi Samuel M. Silver Holy day session Is the day for notified foreign correspondents which Hie exchanged for Israel Sometimes an error can illuminate a situation more vividly than worship, frequently the only day. that they will receive a 20 per currency. tin accurate statement. So Yom Hashanah has a sardonic For example, think of the import of that famous typographical note to It. The mistake seems to mistake by which the United Nations was once- rendered "Untied N chide us, as though it were asking, tions." People who saw the misprint were prone to say, "Yes, the na- do you really think that the oblitions are untied. When will they finally be united?' gations of Judaism can be disSometimes the eloquent error •• charged in a single sitting? Do Is a stumble' into an idiom. For the only time for indulging In re- you cold-bloodedly expect to disexample, they tell the story of the morse in depth. True, Yom Kippur regard and abandon your faith for youngster whose mother pleaded is an important day, and it is com- the entire year? Do you think you with him to behave properly. "I'll mendable that it is observed by can cram into one period of introbe good for a quarter," bargained the' masses, who flock to their spection the work needed for yearthe boy, and, according to this pews for prayer end song. But we round moral rehabilitation? Intale, the mother replied, "Why do not really carry out the man- deed, for many p e o p l e Uosh don't you be like your father and date of Judaism if we confine our Hashanah i3 virtually "Yom Hasbe good for nothing?" admission of fault and failing to hanah" the one occasion during 'Good for Nothing' that one day. It is too much to the entire year when they come In a sense, the High lloly days load on one worship experience. to grips with themselves, their urge us to be "good for nothing." The mistake, Rosh Kippur, can progress in life, their conscience, Other holidays are associated with remind us, therefore, that properly and their Maker. For so many some event or some individual. On Judaism pleads with us merely to events we prepare at great lengths. Lincoln's birthday we feel the tug make Yom Kippur rosh kippur, Think of what we do to get ready to be virtuous because Lincoln the beginning of the process of for a dinner party, a birthday parwas. On Purim and Chonukah acknowledging our misdeeds, the ty, a trip. And yet for a reunion we are inspired to be brave be- commencement of the chain re- with our Creator, for the journey cause of what Esther and Matta- action of reflection on our defici- towards His spirit, we often do thias did for us and our faith. On encies, Eclf-chastiscment for our little during the course of the year Sukkos, Passover and Shavuos the shortcomings, and determination in the way of proper preparation. majestic fipire of the Great Liberator appears, almost snbliminally, to elevate the level of our be- We save it all for the one time of the year. appealing to be "good for Moses." havior. • Typographical Error" Wisdom, they say, often emerges But on the High Holy days we are importuned to be "good for And what thoughts ore sug- from the tongues of children. Oddnothing." Be righteous not as a gested by the typographical error ly enough, light can also be shed result of the stimulation of some (we almost wrote typographical occasionally by slips of the tongue, j Stirring episode or personage, but terror), Yom Hashanah? In He- Perhaps those we have examined^ for the sake of righteousness it- brew that would mean, "The Day will save us from serious slips on METROPOLITAN UTILITIES DISTRICT Keif, the satisfaction which conies of the Year." Alas, it Is all too the path of life. j from being properly attuned to true that for multitudes the High (WNS) 1 the divinity within us. Like comment of the mother in the story who asked the child to be "good for nothing," so another lapse which once actually htip- 1j pened opens up new insights with regard to the meaning of the High : from Holy days. In a small town a weekly newspaper told its readers, as all newspepers do these days, about the holy days. But ivjicn the article appeared, there was a lamentable verbal mix-up, and the paper anContainers nounced that the 10 days of peni- j O Equipment tence began with "Rosh Kippur" j and ended with "Yom Mashanah." o Supplies After the first chuckle, one can examine this mistake with a certain degree of spiritual profit, find scrutiny will spur some interesting observations. Rosh Kippur would be translated, "BeEimiing of Atonement." And that might make a good nnmc for the observance at that. Actually Ypm Kippur for many people, Is
More People Than Ever
Are Cooking wi
A Happy New Year
Holy Days Services
(Continued from Page 1). Service BcRina . . . . . . 10:00 a. m. Children's Service . . . 1:15 p. m. " Memorial Service . . . 3:00 p. m.
Congregation of Israel (South Omaha) Rosh Hashanah
Wednesday, Sept. 21 Evening Service G:00 p. m. Thursday, Sept. 22 . Morning Service 8:30 n. m. Evening Service 6:00 p. m. Friday, Sept. 23 Morning Service 8:30 n. m. Evening Service . 6:00 p. m.
Omaha's Finest
Yom Kippur Friday. Sept. 30 Evening Service ,. 6 p. m. Saturday, Oct. 1 Service . . ; . . 8:30 n. m.
B'ntai Israel o f Co. Bluffs Wednesday, Sept. 21 Evening Service . . . . . 5:45 p. m. Thursday, Sept. 22 Morning Service . . . . 8:00 n. m. Sermon 10:30 a. tn. Evening Service 6:00 p. tn. Friday, Sept. S3 Morning Service . . . . 8:00 o. m. Sermon . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:30 a. m. JMincha-MvVariv 5:43 p. m.
5727 Edition (Continued from Page 1). world. There arc many heroines throughout the ages, many unknown by name, but all have helped in the preservation of Ju• daism, both in and outside of the - borne. In America, the Jewish woman has always responded with all her energies wherever Ehe is needed, {.Whether it be In hospitals, organlzation of schools or among the suffering people who must be sought out and aided.
Rox and Seymour Zoob
50th and Dodge Streets
T. J. CASEY President
Sopffml^r f l , 1989
H«»r Tear** KdltloD—TOE JEWISH PItESS—Kosh naihauufi
Go Ida
Only Woman Foreign Minister in Any of iho Democratie Countrio»
GOLDA MEIR, Israel's distinguished Foreign Minister, is the only woman to hold such a post in any of the democratic countries.
As a speaker she is a unique genius in creating a climate in which simple, moral truths assume the force of the self evident.
In her person she has been the embodi-
Following an address, Mrs. Meir delivered in Chicago, III., one of her audience remarked: "We have never seen anything like her, so plain, so strong, Just like a woman out of the bible."
ment of every phase of tho Palestine drama, the school teacher who l e f t Milwaukee, Wis., in 1921 to become one of the foremost leaders of the Jewish stateShe faced hardships and struggles of the early Kibbutz (agricultural settlement) with the same unswerving dedication and drive she car-
Widely traveled and familiar with circles of the.great, she became Israel's first Ambassador to Russia at the end of 1948, the year Israel assumed statehood.
ried to later diplomatic responsibilities. Her gift for leadership, her eloquence and . vitality attracted attention from the day she set foot on Palestinian soil.
Golda Meir was recalled in 1949 to become Minister of Labor in Premier Ben Gurion'» first cabinet and in 1956 began her service a$ Minister of Foreign Affairs.
New Tear'* Edition—T1IK JKWISI1 PRESS—tto»h Hatl.armh 6711
Tag* Four
'May Of D
Wednesday, September t\, I860
isfer ¥icfS
By Moses A. Ke.-ivitt .\mtti\ c Vlcc-1'rthiJint lx> you remember David, of /gadir'.' Perhaps you reinoml*.T reading about him. David was one of 1he survivors of th<- earthquake, lie and two of. his childivn. lint miionj: those win) did not survive wore David's wife and their seven other children. After the <li.-5aKter, David ami his children were evacuated to Casablanca v.ilh tliu r«'.-.t of Anadir's .fewi.'ih survivors. Food, shelter, elothinj;, nii'dicint'S in those fir.st days David was still too shocked hy his traj;edy fo :>,.->lt for the tilings he w-eded, li'it they were vsiveii him. The .shod! is finally b'.'^iuninj; lo Wear off Now. David, who was once a man of siilistnnei', is still In ('arjablaiiea, b<r;;innin;: to think of bpcinnini: auain. and of the future. lloiv tu Itvgin Again? B'jt •••how do you l»e;;in a«;niii? And -if you are David where do you find your future? Perhaps you will reim-mbor the youiij; Jew of CJabes, in Tunisia. Ho died saving the lives of fouii Moslem children in the flash flood which devastated that de.-;ert town a- few months a no. Tile young man died a hero—but h»! left bohind him a pregnant wife, two -children and a side and aged father. Kor them too - in '(heir hour of agony—there was help. And help until what? What of their future',' There are other, naiiu"! thai may have remained in your memory. Names like Aliza, who was born in Poland and is now in a hospital in Israel. Names lil-;e Alex, who was once a successful business man in Kgypt, ami is now a ""refuEee" in F r a n c e . Names like Pierre, who is now almost 1C, and who has lived in a children's home in France for'12 of those 1i"> years. David and the family in Gabes and Aliza and Alex and I'ierre have never even heard of each
other. lint they Iiave much in lot (o ace her .son, but on her common. >iliful wuyj-H as a :.eani^tre.ss' she A^ony, for one tiling, mid the •ouldn't provide him with a homo. days of unbearable Mif fei ini; which So 1'icrre went into a children's cainu to each. lomo—-one of the 15 JlXJ-supporlnd homes for children and Help Tkruuj;li IMA Ami in that moment of agony younj; people in France. lie has •n Ihciv since, and his motiicr —there was the help which came like a miracle from the great Jew- visits him as often as she can ish community of the United 'hid tin- (rain fare. Slates. Help which had a iiain>'- — Training foi1 Job J o i n t Distribution Committee. Hut :soon Pierre ami his mother IJfe-(;ivin;; help which American will b(- tojietlier. lie has Ix-en Jews provided throui;i> the United studying radio and television rcJewish Appeal. pair, and ;;oon he will be R itajc liut today there is one Ihlni; •arner. l'ierre's mother coidd not more which they have in common. mal;c a home for him-—jierhaps he For today— as the NT 'W Year h\\- can make a homo for her. gins--there is in the minds of l'"or Alex, the future is not KO each of them a jjreat qut'rtion; bright, so near. When he was exWhat of the future? pelled from Kcypt with his wife There was a time when Ali/.'i and w;ed mother, lie could brine didn't rven (h'cam of a future .She nothing with him. And one dons was 17 when the Naids invaded riot start life ajiain .so easily at Poland. Separated from her fam- JS in n Klraiii;e land, with a ily, she fied toward Siberia, liut trance lanjiuaije, ami without a though she was on the road two rade or a profession. years, she never reached Siberia. They manage to live—with the Somewhere in the Urals, lever and inanciaj assistance which they paralysis struck her liody. eceive rej.mlarly. And Alex is She did not die- Instead she lay earning the nciv langun^gc, leanihelpless on n hospital bed for 14 ng- his way about. Alex does long years—until the day when iometimes think of the future she was repatriated to Poland ;ut nil hin thoiiijlits start with it. along with other Polish refugees. .So do the thoughts of thousands Immigration to Iwrael n Poland, in r'rance, in Iran, In liut that WHS not the end. Her Jorocco mid oilier parts of the determination achieved' another •Ioslem world. miracle --emigration to Israel. <JucsUon for Home But she came on a stretcher. In So do the thoughts o£ those — the JPC-Malben hospital, which he H;;CM1, the ill and the handibecame her home in Israel, the capped—now being cai^d for in orthopedic surgeon told her that srael by JDC-Malben. I"or them it would take a miracle for her to - f o r some 250,000 Jews In 25 walk • but he didn't know Ali/.a. countries ihe future does not exToday, after three years, Aliza is v:M:hta— on crutchen, s I o w 1 y, painfully, but walking. And beginning to think of n future. With more treatments, with .TIX'-Malbeii vocational training, with a constructive loan—one day Aliza will live again. Heally live. Pierre will too. Twelve years ago his father died—because of the concentration camp if not, in it. Pierre's mother couldn't bear
313 So. TSfh St.
ist except us a r ' c a t question mark. For them, the prayers at Ito.sh Ilaslianah &T21 will have a ileeper meaning, a special urj;oncy. And
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Council Bkiffs, Iowa A Bonk for Young Men end Men With Young Ideas MEMCCEH F.O.I.C.
Take ttilj opportunity Jo wish their many friends end cuifomerc a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year. VISIT OUR BLANCHES AT: Cesfrd Mcrtet Hinky Dinky Stores ErcntSeis Pcstry Depf. ' ; Louis Market Shaver's Food Mcrts
\ Peter Pan Bread
Everything lor the BeautifjuF Holiday Table ! .
A Happy New Year
Phenes 342-2000—341-2455
hurt it!
there will perhaps be even en added prayer—"May the futuj-e begin tomorrow." liut it will take longer than tomorrow—perhaps months, perhaps years. And when It comes—If it comes—it will only bo because in the days of agony, In the long years of suffering, they have had the help of the JDC— ami of the American Jewish community. (JTA)
Wednesday, HniUmbr
91, IS69
Hew Te»rt RdlUon—TIIR JKWI.sn PKESSt—Uosh nnshnnnh
Emma 1849-1887
Her Ode on Pedestal of Statun of Liberty
. " A mighty woman with a torch, w h o s e flame is the imprisoned lightning, and her name, Mother of Exiles . . . " The New Colossus Millions have visited the Statue of Liberty in the great New York Harbor and have read the ode by Emma Lazarus in s c r i b e d on its pedestal. The spirit of the famous statue "Liberty Enlightening the World" is the spirit of Emma Lazarus and her work. For no American has felt more deeply for the oppressed of the world, nor ,used her talent as a great Jewish poet more forcefully in their causa. An international celebrity, she was the friend of Robert Browning, W i l l i a m Morris, Thomas Huxley, Honry George and William James, all noted intellectuals of their day.
Many of her concepts aro so current, they could b e l o n g to the mainstream of today's thinking. Emma Lazarus, whose poetry enriched the treasure chest of American democratic writing, wrote passionately of liberty of thought, truth, [ustice and love of her country. For her, America was the symbol of the New World—with a place for women to express themselves, to leave the chair in the corner, and for all refugees to find the family warmth of a homeland. The last lines of her famous ode reflect her tenderness and sympathy — "Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me I lift my lamp baiids the golden door."
N w Vrar's rdltlon—Tin: JinVISTI I'HKSS—ItoMi nnshanah K21
Jerusalem, (JTA) — Rcfcio Henault, the French automotive concern that cancelled a contract for -assembly of Hi, vehicles in Israel as n result of Arab boycott pressure, lias succeeded in selling only two IiPiiault cars in the United Arab Kepublic in the nine months. Cairo authorities had promised Renault that in consideration of cancellation of the Renault contract with Kaiser Frazcr of Haifa, they would build n plant in Kgypt
for assembly of the Renault ear. They have not.done so and, instead, have entered into a contract with Renault's rival, the Simca Company. .Since last November, the Hetiault company has sold only 430 cars throughout the entire Middle Kast—considerably less than the Israel market alone absorbed, and less than the export of Renaults assembled in Haifa for sale In other countries.
Bigger, Larger Service Facilities on fhe Way We Sell More Because We Service You Betier!
A Very Happy New Year to You and Yours
15y David Schwartz . That the father of Governor Lehman wax in the cotton business i in Montgomery, Alabama, when! inci city was the capital of the i that Confederacy and that he was a personal acquaintance of Jefferson ; Davis. That while, many people work ' themselves down to yero. Zero j Mostel started us Sam Mustii mid j worked liiniMlf dp to Zero Moslcl. j Ills I!|;ent Kave him that name, i lie Has mi jirtlst originally Imt | more people liked Ids humor than ! hi* pictures, .MI lie turned per-j _ ^ ^ _ ^ , ^ _ _ ^ ^ . ^ forme r. ! , : _-_ That K'Hvnrd (.;. Ho b i n s o n started out to be the opposite of! what he became. IJe bewail sludies [ .preparatory to Incoming a rabbi • instead "of a movie star porliay-i ili&' Kanf,'slers. However h<! has the consolation of knowiij;; lliat. by , showing the real nature of canisters, he can also serve an ethical end- and his congregation is larger than it would !».•' it he were a rablii. Tlisit tlie town of IT-I' mi. Moll' tann, Is nam<-d after Ile!fki)iJL <»ohlTlmt when you j;et. up in the morning you .sliould ;;ive your do;; | breakfast first. The Talmud says a person must feed his animals I befoif himself. That the woman who really proved the sayiiiir, "your face is ] your fortune" is Helena Huben- ' stein, the I'osmetii's manufacturer, ' who is said to have amassed the (,'reatest fortune of any woman. .She first nol.the idea of coin^ into th.e cosmetics business in ] Australia when she noted the i weather beaten faces of i ho womi en, exposed to the harsh winds ! and sun. Tliut the Kriai lillile eoninii-nlui Inr, l:a«.lil.was a furnirr In J'runee and that Hfibbi Issae >J. Wisr, the father of Iteform iliidalsni run o farm iin.the uiitskfrts of C'lneinnut I, Imt there are mmi> farmrrh who cjinnol read the Aleph Hit, That according to one Talmudlc sa\ant, if \ou ha\e stomach tsouble you should drink a lot of water. That I'.lnstrln was only 23 when hf formnlnted Ids (;rrat relatHity' theory. | (JTA) !
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Luxurious Accommodations
plus Omaha's finest facilities •for
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Wednesday, 8ept<-raW f I, 18OT .
Aj m i .MI
•' ,n r-, n -ni-fi*?- • ^
Tear'a EdlUoa—THK JTRWISII PRE8B—Itorti nashnnali BTS1
Lillian D. 1867-1940
Angol of Henry Stroot"
New Yorlc called Lilian Wald of the bril-
She instituted the first city school nursing
liant mind and sympathetic heart, "The Angel
system in the world in New York in 1902. She
of Henry Street."
originated the idea of a Federal Children's Bu-
Her greatest achievement was the Henry
reau established by Congress in 1912 and was
Street Settlement and its visiting nurse service.
its delegate to the International Conference for
There, immigrant children received special edu-
Public Health in Cannes, France in 1919.
cation, advice, and companionship. As a young girl she turned away from a rola as an idle daughter of wealth and became a
bureau for the protection and distribution of
volunteer nurse.
But Lilian was no condescending " d o gooder." She visited tho homes of the poor children sho had nursed in tho hospital. Horrified by the dirt, misery and neglect, she was determined to change these conditions.
Lilian Wald helped create the first state
She was cited on many occasions for her humanitarian efforts. Her memory will be perpetuated by the part she played in accomplishing social reforms and needed legislation.
Munis Acktrmnn Ixo Adler Mrs. Ruth Axtlrod Mrs. Elisa liner Mrs. Lillum Bergman Kugene Blazer Mrs. Lena Bloom Philip Bloteky Ilyrnan Borsky David Charncy Isaac N. C'hfcrniss Mre. Ksther Ann Chosen Mis. Ida Connor Mike Davidson Max Davis Morris B. Doljjoff iJavid U. Kpstein Ilyniiin Kpstein Mrs. Ida Feldman Saul W. Felhnan Ilyman Ferer Adolf Fischer Miss Arm Frances Fisher Mrs. Clara Fii-k Arnold Flcsch
Abraham Friedman Mrs. Ksthcr Garfinhle Samuel Oilman Mrs. Sadie Giilin Mrs. Sylvia Goodblndcr Dr. Morris I. Gordoi. Mrs. Rac Chapniun Cordon Mrs. lifgina Gottlieb Mrs. Lena Jaeohow .Abraham J. Jacr>bson .SamiM K. Knininn MFF, Susie Kaplan Jlose Krasnc I'.euben Kiilakof:;!<y Max Levin Karl Louis Hen Lustcarten Jay M. Malashock Jcancttfl Malashock Mrs. Ada Marsh Mrs. Anna Mason Joseph Merrilt J.Irs. Sylvia Miller Philip Motz Adolf Newman
Mrs. Fannie Newman Max A. Ontmisn Max Pelt/ William A. Pmsmnn Mrs. Btrtha I'Jeh Mrs. .Sarah Ilin;;le Mrs. Ksther Kosenthul C:harles lloss Harry .Salt/.imm Mrs. Clara Kclmitzler Aaron .SMnjiiro Jacob Shapiro David .Sherman Harry Silvennan .Solomon Silverman Lester Slosliiiru Mrs. Ida Teinin Mrs. Kose Vieni-T William Wfiner ir<'i'maii While Ik'irjntnin Wine K<:\a Wint; Mrs. Cipa Zorinslty Mrs. Kmily /wcihvlman
W«3s«j8By, September M, 10(!9
—- Select Fashions — 107 N. EOth St.
! past. Tii:!s«"ts will be sold with the j aim of making f"me money, prof j Its fioinc to help provide Israel event away from the Maccabi youth with better sports facilities. By Harnlii V. Uilmlow World Union and make It the re- Thus fur, 25 nations will tul<< The '61 Maccobtah sponsibility of the Jewish commu- part In the gnim-s nnd rath rouu Early in ISGt, the Maceabiah nities all over the world. The try will linvc Itn own organizing will be held in Israel and already Maccabi World Union will be a eonimlttce. It doesn't help that early in plans are afoot to make it the best permanent, member of a new inend most lignificmt of all these ternational Maccahiah Sponsoring May, 1001, three months before games.. The idea is to transform Committee, on which nil partici- the Maecubiah,, Hapoel in Israel «ill .organize its own festival, unthe occasion into a world Jewish pating nations will have repre- der the sponsorship of the Socialsports festival, with international sentatives. A committee of ex- ist International Labor Fedorarecognition for whatever records perts—not a m a t e u r s — w i l l be I lion. But if the Mnccnbiah will be ore achieved at the f-ames. The asked to organize the names, in | handled in a professional manner, Intent is to take control of the an attempt to avoid errors of the j and records achieved will be j-ccoi;nizi?d, well, then, these games will be far more valuable than any Best Wishes for a | thing Hapoel can come tip with. The -Maccabiah Village will beJ come a youth hostel with a fine trace, an open-air swimming pool and j;ood plnyini; fields. In all the Village will accommodate 3,000 youngsters. Before and during the Maccabiah there also will lie a youth jamboree for boys and girls between the ages of 14 and-17.
Happy Nev/ Year
Specializing in
O Fried Chicken # Steaks © Sea Foods
Mendoza, Prize Fighter frving Freedrari 345-6616 end Feraam "We Are os Close to You os Your Telephone!" Hove Your Doctor Coll Us We Deliver Anything, Anywhere In the City!
To Our Customers and Friends We Wish Them a Very Happy Healfhy New Year
I have been asked whether Daniel Mendo/a, the first great scientific Jewish heavyweight prize fighter, won the support of nonJews.' As a matter of fact, JAcndoza was the protege of the then Prince of Wales, the fun-loving playboy who became King George IV. The result of this relationship led .1o the acceptance of the Jew as n man of courage in Enjjland at a time When the British* were far less tolerant of the Jews than (hey later became.
Call 391-9900 110th and West Dodge
WSslhi. for a Prosperous and Happy Year Ahead
Abraham Diamond Stanley Diamond
Nathan Shukert
Sam Diamond . 441S CUMiUQ STREET
September M, 1M«
N « r f e w ' s EdlUpn-r-THK JEWISH PRESS—Both Hastianah 5721
Rebecca Gi 1781-1869
Inspiration {or "Rebecca" in Ivanhos
A twist of fate, the admiration of an au-
Jewish education is indebted to this strik-
thor's friend for a lovely Philadelphian—inspired
ingly beautiful and gracious personality. For
Sir Walter Scott's portrayal of Rebecca in his
twenty y e a r s Rebecca Gratz was concerned
Immortal Ivanhoe.
with religious training for children of her synagogue.
Scott drew this beautiful, wise, devoted character from a living Jewess of his time,
Under her direction, the first Sunday school
Rebecca Gratz, daughter of one of Philadel-
for Jewish children opened in 1838. She re-
phia's wealthy merchant families.
mained its active h e a d until her eighty-third year. The idea took and spread to every Amer-
Scott's friend, Washington Irving, was so
ican community.
Impressed with her beauty, ho told Scott alJ
Rebecca Gratz also organized the Hebrew
about her. (She had remained at the'side of
Benevolent Society, the first charitable Jewish
Irving': dying fiance, her friend, until the end).
institution In America.
K<Mlon—THR JKWISH I'RESS—Rofh Haslianah 6 " «
T< a
Candlesticks—Pillars of Strength For Mother of Refugee Family
er 2J, J!«;0
nddii-sslng him thus. Hut before That v.'cek the candlesticks yrehe could coilec! himself, tlio nurse hUlvd o\'cr a troubli.ii men], lint seized him by the elbow jimi pro- before the candles were Jit nc-'iii), pelled him nut of the door- broom l/.io fo'iiici nnoilni' fdctoiy job and ail. Then shy held the same Ihrotigh his jiiend Joseph, a fordoor open- I'll- a yoniit; dorlor to jmer Czech company rtiiector. Only pass Into tlie w anl. ] le was imleed | Josejih WHS not a company (llncvfiy yoiitij,', L'-l if u day older v.n<\ ! of COIIIM? it never Ocelli I eii to him ! tor now. IJting a bijj, strong fellow, he put his muscles to toutl to spare* u f;htnc(i !<>r the' port use by carryini; iic.-.uy steel plates at. tin1 door- a children's .vjiiM-iali In a factory. Izio became a driller of some jears .standing. and his task Was to drill hole;; irj No, I could not IIIMIIIO Iziti for fjvinic up that job. H'-» was v. illini; those sled-plate.*! that Joseph car!o be « poiler or in fact anything, ; ried iiboul. lie worked seven <!nya 'Continued on I'a;;e .'l(i. i hut not in i\ ho.^piful.
liy Tnide Dull j then unleashing fell its fury BIHI I could always look into their kind, 3t was Friday ni;;ht anil I Mir- | nijiht after nlt;ht. n e .«.pen| sluller- ! eooil nntiim! faces. \i-yp«l the table lo\iiii;iy. The MHJW j ing in the cellar. Our wishes heVhile cloth, the two cri.-p challas ) came CUM more humble: Just out ricstlinj; co\ly uinler tiie h.ind- nij;ht, de;ir God, let us sleep unrmbi6idercd HIM. I lie l'cil v, ine di.stuihed in our beds. And i"*(:iy sparkling richly through Hie oilSfiabbos over my c.-indje,sticl:s I |.'!ass decanter, the lean, handsome whispeieil thanks (or miotlier v.eel; Ins. I/io'.s lii m had to close down ihapes of silver cuihiv . . . Yes, of life. j.'is their supply of raw nvtirrial it uas prilert. The roses hi the <»aliilii|; l A j i c r i i i i e , . | ran out. What rift.? As a worker tenler hr< allied n s u e d i'.ir of 1 contentment. | V-y nmv \\ i ufn• i>eeoniin^ ex- j i/io u a s nil unskilled man, (is a [doctor lie waa nol allowed lovvorU Paii^hler Critical ; perienced exiles. SurprisiM;', what land ino.vt oicup.itlons were h.urid a bnmiiut. e,)i|]ij }>(• COlljlued up I uas yji'iiia to li^hl Hit' candles. ] i to aliens anyway. when my daughter Frances < \ - | I loin H few pi'imyuorlli of bones. J'orler's I'osl (\*r Doctor claimed in Hit: doorway: "Mother. | Not only diil you ha\e the .soup, The Labour K\c!>;.>is;<? kad only (sn't urn r.et yourscli a decent j but if the butcher v. as in a S'cuj:air of candlesticks? These two; erous mood, lie lelt enough meal j one jjo.st lo offei' . tiiat of a ho:,- ; v.oodeu slicks are a positive dis-j on them to y.'ur taslc to noodles, ! pital porlcr. Witimi.t telliii); me. ,].;race!" Like all tee»a:/ei s. slie j rice or vegetables. We also dis- iJ/io decided to r,\\v it ;t try. ile did mil diM.'losi' his i|ualifirarecently developed « highly cril-j coviied n .lev.ish lish-shop, v ii'iil atliludi- lowaids her paicnlsj refugees ;:ot douljle portions for lions \,hen iie pieseuled himseli ! end her home, j half the price. Of coiuse, you at the hospital Hfttl his Jirst task j didn't ha'.c. to he (ussy. The place was to polish Ihe floor wilh n j "Hut v.hy? What's di-wai-efiil j was not r-.victly the Waldorf, in .heavy bumper. I'nns'd to tli'M HOSPE PIANO C O . 1 11 clKiut them . ' J could see nothing fact it was not like a restaurant 1 heavy physical work, he nttlfedi HlHRf t>U5CH. <>'' fuiy I<iud. Bm if you did tintj and panted, when a nurse up- ! "Tile chrnniiuin is llahni^ oft; like the looks of the dirty walls j prrtached him uitli an order, which 2415 M ST. 1512 DOUGLAS ST. for one Ihinc," F r a n c s fiointi'il ] or the Incredibly filthy overalls, I at firs! he did not comprehend. lh731-5338 with disgust to the round metal I on v.hieh the ptopiieinrs continu- J heard the word 'doctor' and in his l;ise and lop of the candle holder,'1 ally wiped their creasy hands, you I confusion thought the nurse was i.nd they are altogether too tliahhy tor words." ; I uas hurt. "TIICM' candle.slii hs j m i l ' (he lirst piece of our home j in this country. ; Hut hou is a chilli to undcirtand? A child that thank Cod r.c\er knew liornelesincss or hunj-er or fiar. a child that was born j Jn n free country and is therefore I Iiiiiin),' rvn-j-ihiriK for j'ranted. | I blessed the c a n d l e s nixl Frances left Ihe room nunmin in».lomethinK ahont 'people's tastes'j I sat dovwi to await the ictuinj of my husband Izio BIKI our jonni;- i symbol of a belief so profound that neither rst daughter Miriam from n-hool | indifference nor hostility could dim i t . . . My fyes fell afjain on the condli- I f.iickx. What, did >;IH." call lh«m'.' • Shabby'.' Old? Ma>be they u r i c c bit worn . . . Kiinny. how I ne\f> | EXODUS XXVII VERSE 20 zioticcd it before. Come to think | tf it. Izio snd I must hasc tot I worn a hit since we bought these I And thoj ih<ilt command tho children of cEm'lestieks. And yetIt trcrm Israel, that Ihey bring unto thee pur« olivo only like yesterday. Neil- Life cil beaten for the light, to cause « lamp to Oh, we were malting burn continually. In the Tent of meeting, hy tlien. Penniless refugees of h year ago, we were setting up i> without tho veil which ii beforo tho testihome Bj;ain. What <lkl It mallei mony, Aaron and his ions ihall let It in orthat it consisted of a small furnished loom, eiaik and diet i less. , der, to burn from evening to morning beforo next door to the coinmunal baththo LORD; it shall be a itatuto for ever room and lavatory and two fli(;hl>of stairs away from the kitchen'.' throughout their generation! on the behalf Jt was so much heller than th< of the children cf Israel, year of separation when Izio h\ed Jn lodjinns and I slept a( the hospital where I learned nursing. Now Izio had a job and I could lca\< the hospital. ' .( True, working in a factoiy « » ' . not e.\aetly congenial for n doctor, but then we were young and )if< v.as still before us. What kind of life? We didn't have time to slop and think -we wanted to eat. H<rides. where AVo\dd you stop, once you started thinking and tememl^rinK- You might, be tempi in" to 13IS LAMP, which has hung In synagogues-all over iha world since the origin of go right back to all (he lost thinr Hie Bible itself, is an inspiring symbol of the profound, unceasing faith of « great which now seemed like a prut of people «ind their untiring efforts toward a better tomorrow. Kimebody else's life: No, no, thai would never do. In thirty scattered lands, this lamp of faith burns with the same inspiration for nil t i n t 1'imliase We bought the candlesticks tin thore on whom its light falls, he their place of assembly a-synagogue of stone or a day we moved in and for the iesl tent of goatskin. Jt has been so through the ages. Cf the week lived on bread and butter.- We fell widely extrnvnWe need look no further for a better symbol for the uncertain limes today than E«nt and, when I lit. my fiiri faith like this . . . the knowledge thai man, with the help of God, can solve his own Sliabbos candles, my new candkproblems . . . that lasting peace in the world will come to us only when the princiBticks witnessed tears of joy. ples of charity and justice govern the actions of man. Izio and I did not slay long in tbifs place. The landlady thought j ire used too much hot water for J May this new year bring the answer to prayers of man of all faiths for a peaceful cur laundry and baths and then solution of the world's problems . . . that Rosh Ila.shannh will be recorded as the »11 this cooking . . . no, she would beginning of a new era for man . . . that within it he will reach a greater dignity rather have a business couple through a more complete realization of the purpose for which he was intended. cut oil day, who would tend their ] '-.laundry out. Sadly we packed tin j candlesticks and timidly installed them in piir second home, a \eiy uimilar establishment to the first one. What could you expect foi the price we could pay? This time, the landlady was t religious maniac who preached to u«, particularly at night, when we sheltered together during alr-ralds. She said the bombs falling nil around us were meant for all those unbelievers who did not want to nccept her Loid. It was haid to' decide what was worse; the liomb* Or this womnn. The Gei man .Luftwaffe was..Jutt-'
Besf Wishes for a
the Eternal Light
September 21, 1840
New Yeart Edition—THK JKWISH PBKSS—Rosfi Ifasfianah 57*1
Acmo Transfer Company. . . . . . 5026 S. 24th St. Belifz Service 29th and Vintort Blackstone Terminal .48th and Leavenworth Martin's Service (Skelly) .2601 N. 24th St. Capitol Garage . . . . . . 202 N. 19th St. Skelly Master Service. . . . . . . .42nd and Grover Cherry Garden Garage .3701 Leavenworth Herb's Skelly Service. . . . 19th and Missouri Ave. Commodore Garage. .24th and Dodga D & H Skelly Service. 19th and Casi Easy Parking Company. ..1415 Dodge St. 15th and Harney Sts., 1622 Howard St., 107 S. 18th St., 14th and Douglas Sts., . and 14th and Farnam 18th St. Parking 18th and Dodge Fairway Auto Service. . . . . . . .25th and " O " Sts. Hadan Auto Service. .8516 Blondo Fort Street- Skelly Service 7th and Fort Sts. Louis Utis Service. ,42nd and Center Sti. Joe Kosiski 47th and V Sts. Charles Laushman. . . . . . . . . . . . . 816 Center SK Villono Skelly. . . . . . . . . . . .90th and Center Sti. Mike Leemers S-S (Skelly) . 8 7 0 1 Country Plaza Meeb Rent-A-Car 801 S. 16th St.
Mormon Bridga {Skaily) 30th and McKinley National Car and Horns 1502 Capitol Ave. Joa Nigro Seryice. . Nth and Pacific O'Connor Servica Sta., 1402 N. Saddle Creek Rd. Otto's Service Station 41 stand " Q " Sts. Paxton Auto Service. . . . . . 14th and Harney Sis. Public Parking Co.. 14th and Harney Sts. Pierce & Thomas, 102 E. Locust, Carter Lake, la. Bill Corman's Service Station. . .3229 S. 24th St. Ratner Super Servica. . . . . . . 428 S. 24th S i D & H Service. . 18th and Chicago Sandy's Skelly Servica. . . . ,40th and Dodge Sts. Sentinel Parking 14+h and Dodg^ Sandy's (Skelly) . . . 20th and Harney Wayne Hogg (Skelly). . . . . . . . 38th and Farnam Monte White Motors, Inc., 32nd and Leavenworth Young's Servica Station, 27th and St. Marys Ave. Sample-Hart. 18th and Burr Juul's Skelly Servica . . ,38th and Amej Joe Bahoboy Skelly Service, 51 st and LeavenworVh Jim Mulcahy Skelly Service... .63rd and Center Glup's Skelly Station. . . . . . . . . . 48th and " L " Sta. Sandy's Skelly S e r v i c e . . . . . . . . . 80th and Dodga Al's Auto Servica ,25th and " O " Sts.
Fuel Oil
Hymie Milder— 2bth csnd
Page Twelve
New Tear's Edition—THE JEWISH WIESS—Bosh Easftanali 6721
DAUGHTERS Mr. and Mrs. Ben Abramson Mr. and Mrs. Paul Alperson Mr. and Mrs. Leon Alexander Mr. and Mrs, Jack Baker Mr. und Mrs. Marshall Becker Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bernstein Mr. and Mrs. Albert Clayman Mr. and Mrs. David Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Jerome F,. Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Cohn Mr. and Mrs. Ted Colin Mr. and Mrs. Samuel V. Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Diamond Mr. und Mrs. Burt Duncvitz Mr. ami Mrs. Willis Epstein Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Ajon Fnrber Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Frank Mr. and Mrs. Manny Goldberg Mr. and Mrs. Stuart L. Gottlieb Mr. and Mrs. Arthur*Gould Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon J. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Yale J. Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kolnlck Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kormnn Mr. and Mrs. Robert Krasne Dr. and Mrs. Morton II. ICulesh Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Newman Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Novak Mr. and Mrs. William Novak Mr. and Mrs. Manfred Picck Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pollack Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Radtizlner Mr., and Mrs. Miles Remer Mr. and Mrs.'Hurt Render Mr. nnd Mi's. Harry Richman Mr. and Mrs. Sol S. Rosinsky Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Rothschild Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Alan Simon Dr. and Mrs. Marvin Simon Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Smith Mr, and Mrs. Marlon Sornberg Mr. and Mrs. Milton Soskin . Mr. and Mrs. Sol Stiss Mr. and Mrs. Steve Swartz Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Tully Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Walker Mr. and Mrs. Harl Weiss Dr. and Mrs. Earl B. \Vij;odsky Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wiseman Mr. and Mrs. Walter Woskoff
SONS Mr.. and Mrs. David D. Beber Mr.. and Mrs. Edward Belgrade Mr.. and Mrs. David Cooper >Ir-. and Mrs. Jercild Dann Mr.. and Sirs. Maynard Finkle Mr.. and rMs. Danny Lee Foccl Mr..and Mrs. Dean Frankol Mr.. and Mrs. Gordon EJevvilz Mr.,-and Mrs. Harvey. Ferer Mr.. and Mrs. Sol Friedman Mr. arid Mrs. David Gelbart Mr. and Mre. Richard Lee Goldman Mr. and Mrs. Barton Greenberg Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hoyldh Mr. and Mrs. Kurt IJhschingcr Mr. and Mrs. Roland Kahn Mr. and Mrs. Edmunde Kofman Mr. and Mrs. Marcel Kahn Mr. and Mrs. Marvin S. Kohll Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Lerner Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lesser Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lincoln Mr. and Mrs. Millard Margolin Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Meichcs Mr, and Mrs. David J. Meyers Mr. and Mrs. Sol S. Parsow Mr. and Mrs. Merle Potash Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Rochman Mr. and rMs. Paul Rosen Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Schiller Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scuddcr Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sloan Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Somberg Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Stern Mr. and Mrs. Martin Staenberg Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Steinberg Mr. and Mrs. Nat Steinberg Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Allen Tully Mr. and Mrs. Floyd II. Turkel Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiesman Mr. und Mrs. Richard Wintroub Mr. and Mrs. Morlcy Zipursky U.S. FROZEN FOWL HOLD TO ISRAEL Hartford, Conn. (JTA)— A Hartford poultry processing firm, ships
Wednesday, September 21, 1WI0
May 5721 Bring Peace and Happiness
PORTER-TRUSTIN C O . Hcrry Trustin
Ed Carlson Yale Trustin
2300 Block No. 18th St.
15,000 pounds of frozen, ready-to- and a rabbinical supervisor. cook turkeys and fryers to Israel each month. The plant has a staff of four local ritual slaughterers
with the-;Bjf| of quality TASTE BETTER
Sincere Wishes for a Happy New Year to All of Our Friends
51 Years of Fashion Leadership •
Wednesday, September tt, 19fff>
Teftrt Edition—TITR JKWISTI PKKSS—TtosTi na«rtian»h
Hannah 1921-1944
She lost her life in a rescue operation.
Hannah. Szenes who hoped to save the lives of others before they were caught in the 1944 Nazi net, lost her own in tho attempt.
Young Hannah had mode her escape. But her mother was still in Hungary, as were many other Jews, whose only hope was escape to Palestine. It was'a time when Jews were being murdered by the thousands wherever the Swastika of Hitler reigned.
The Jewish Agency believed that resistance could be organized and rescue c e n t e r s could be established to smuggle them out.
The rescue operation involved parachuting of Palestine Jews into the Balkans. It was dangerous and would require great courage. The British Command agreed to drop them if they would also do intelligence work for tho Allies. Hannah Szenes was one of 32 volunteers dropped in the Balkans in March, 1944. She and two others were picked up by Hungarian resistance fighters who turned them, over to the Gestapo on discovering their Jewish identity. Her companions managed to escape, but Hannah was executed as a spy. She lives in Jewish history as one of the great heroines.
. • . ^i
, Srpf^roW SI, HMiO
NVw War's Edition—TIIK JTKWJKH ritESS—R«M* nacbanab J 7 U
Rosh Hashanah By Rabtil Samuel Jf. l<>\ QUESTION "Why it Rosh Iliishannh referm! lo remembrance" lYum Ilaziltaionl?
" H I P <i,<y of
ANSUlOlCf in the Bible the e.\prc.viio]i "a memorial inwl/iinir-d with the blast of hums" (Exodus 23:21) is u:,ed in lifsciibin;; the festival of Kosli IJas'iaiuih. Home claim this is because o>ir of Hie leading motifs of the day is the blowinj; of tho Shofar lo roiiiiml (ho Almighty of the HimlhiK of Isaac so that llr .shall ipmemb'-r to liavo lntuvy uipoii His puople. Thy Ci'iitral thought of tin? lirayirs of tho day is askii:/; of the Lord to "remember" us for cood, etc.; to remember our Pairarehs, our martyrs, ote. Tims the whole theme i; une of rcmianh.'jraii're, mid so the Festival is known by that name. Others claim thai it is oil Ro.ih Ilaslianah that the human race is asked to remrnil) :T the Almi;;hty, since sin comrs about b'-ttiuw ive f«r;;et that wv are His subjects. Repentance thus comes al>out when we'recall that 11" is our i.nrd. Jltnou tlic il.iy is called "a day of lloniembr;im:c\" • » * QUK.S'f IO.\: Why do pious Jews clothe themselves in white v,i Rosli ili'slinrinh and 'in Yom ANSH'liH: White sti'iiw to be the charwlemtic color of Hie day. The curtain on th" ark is changed to n white OIK', 'Hie male worshippers wear white j;oivns. Kveii women wear white on Itosh Hn.shanah. Various explanations have been offend. Some claim that it is because it reminds uu of t!ie "shrouds of death" which arc'traditionally white. T'he'worshippers are thus reminded to pray for their lives and to keep in mind that on Itosh Hnshnnali life IUKI deatli are at stake. .Some claim thnt it is because white is symbolic of purity mid atoiiemenl from oarly times iIsaiah 1:18). Wearing while thus indicates that we scclc to appear pi ire and forgiven of sins. Tlic Talmud also consider.1; white the color of Joy (Jcnishaltnl, Rosh Ilashanah 1:3). Jews appear ' crlothcd in a joyous mood because one is supposed to Hpfiroach the Cay of Ju(i;;ment in confidence and trust in the Almighty that he will forjfive us lirenuse we lire uppearini; in penitence mid prayrr before Him. * * » <JI,li:STIOX: Why i..re the Hallel Psalms which ;ae recited on ihe three major festivals il'assover, Shavuot imil Sukl;ot) not reeiteil on on Hosh Ilaslianah? AVSWKK: Tlie.Tahuud e.vplains that these Psalms arc umilted because it is rather inappropriate when the Almighty in bitting in life and death judgment upon the human race, that such happy Psalms of thanksgiving should be changed, (Rosh Ilaslianah 32b, Krakiii 10b). Medieval commentators generally claim that when so many poniten-: tial and heart-rending prayers for mercy ure beinc offered, it is out »>f place to offer a series of Psalms which already speak of (,'ivifi^' thanks for the deliverance. Some claim that other prayers such as Avinu JIalkftiiu take the place of these Psalms. Generally Kpeakitii;. it does not seem that these Psalms fit the mood of the day that they should he recited then. Furthermore, it seems that the Hallel prayers are recited on Festivals that have n sort of a national character when we pitiy .is Jews .l'i'i thank G-d for our d'li\cr.uicc. 'Ilns is not in place on P.o h ILi^h.in.ih winch it n imhcis'd hohd.iv whin J e ^ , piay us citizens of the world nin.1 seek the deliverance of Ihe whole human
Philadelphia (WNS) — One of the offices of the Arab organization turned out recently to have its mailing lists all mixed tip_. Isadoie .Scrot, a Jew, who is president of the Israeli Art-Craft Importing Company which specializes in the sale? of Israeli imports, disclosed he had received a 11> 11 <• r warning his company to stop doing business with Israel or face Arab Ixiyrott. Thi- Idler came hi the form of a questionnaire from the Government of Kuwait. Mr. Serot said he never bad any dealings with any Arab state and wasn't worried about the boycott throat. .
Rayco 2823-25 DODGE STREET Phono 341-4240
Morton and Alma Brett
tetter tasting- milk
where all good milk products come from
1 u< e. •
<H I.STIOV: \Ui,' aic the acLOiints, tif Hie b.iths of Kane arid Sainml ip.nl fiom (he Toiah on Ro l h AIVS\VI:FI: It is cl.umcl tli.it both of tlicic nation d hci<x<, wtic uthfi' foiKfued oi boin on Ilosh Ilaslianah. Itosh IloiluuiaJi, the iJay of Remembianco is tin's, hi'.toiically displn\((l as the Day on which the Lord lenifiiihc'td those who n future in-nuil hopelfs";. Thus he icincnibiicd bofh the mother Sai.ili v.itli child, giving her Isaac; us well ns the motii'r Hannah v.ilh hold, K'Ving her Siunucl. .Some chum that thp birth an mint of Isaac is read fioin the To rah on Rosh Ilu'ihanah because in the wry ne-it chnptcr we lead of the Binding of Isaac on Mount Moiiah, which is the dominant tbuno of Rosh Hnshnnah whrn we nslc the Almighty to irmlnd him'elf of this Baeriflcml dcdirntion on the pail of our Patnaichs nnd theiefore to gr.iiit us fnifineness for our sins and blrssing for the New yp.ir— (JTA)
VJizttzq 5feo Dosf of Evcryt'iing TO YOU a YOUR FAMILY
New Year . .
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REALTORS Omaha Office Baird Building — 1704 Douglas
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Wednesday, September IJ, 1P60
New Venr'» Edition—THE JEWISH WtKSS—R«*Jj Hssltfussh ,6"21
. . . Proclaimed With Blast of
HAPPY NEW YEAR T h i r t y W a r s A%o JIn<,cow: Tile Soviet Government t h i s week assigned 3.000,000 rubles to a special fund set up to establish Indus trial enterprise."! in 14 J e w i s h xilla'nes in t h e Ukraine. \A\pi\\;: T h e inuuicip.'tl council of I.eijt/.if; rejected this w o k it 1 National Socialist motion for 11 law to ban Sehecliita. Such n law was scheduled to become <-ffertive t h r o u g h o u t H a v a n a on October ] , lOtJO. i * * * ( Moscow; T h e t h i r d anlonomou. 1 ; | Jewi.';li rt-|;ion in the .Soviet Union, i c e n t f i c d a r o n m l Tshiidiisla in the ; Ukraine, w a s officially named the \ Klaliiifioif region. l • « *
A Jewish chaplain in Hawaii choirts a sen-Iceman and his family the shofsr which will usher in the new Jewish year. Throughout the year, in all ports of the world, Jewish GIs guarding America's freedom observe the holidays tnd festivals of the Jewish calendar, led by Jewish chaplains recruited, endorsed end eerved by the National Jewish Welfare Hoard, with religious nupplics Mid prayer books provided by JV.'B.
New Year Greetings to Our Jewish Friends
John Day lOrh end Kerney Streets
May We Express Most Sincere Wishci for a Happy end Prosperous New Year to Cur Mony Jewish Friends and Patrons
I.flp/Jp: TIIP Tribunal in Leipzig, hii;hcst court in Ccnnany, nilrd this week that the antiSemitic hate prnjers intrflduced in 7°iiurini;inn ••••hwiis by Dr. V.'illielm Fridt, the National .Socialist Minister of Kdiication, were unconstitutional. The court ordered the • prayors droppi'd. # * # Twenty Vrar« A|;t> t (ieneya: The Herman Jtadio announced this v.erk that a Jewish newspriticr for Poland would hejfin publication soon in Cracow to "show the Jews that <~!irman auli.Semltir.nl does not intend to destroy the Jewish rare completely." Haifa: Palestine inounu'ii the death this week of -10 persons in an Italian air laid on Haifa, l-'iirlw;i" <lcatlis were rxpeetrd amoni; the 88 who were wounded. *' • * « I.omlon: The Romanian Ministry of the Interior ordered all Jewish refugees from Hussiano i c u p i i d I!(".'.;ii.!b:,i to Ifaw l!om.'.nia u i t h i n fi\f d v , s on pain nf piilMdii.
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Wedne*I*y, September XI, IM9
KflHloo—THE JKWIHH ritr,S3—Hash HriKlmnab
t<^«m>*MmKg?^ |:j|H;i!O!S!!:;;i
New Tear's Edition—TITE JEWISH PiiESS—K06& H*ftIiMS»tl S721
Rising Medical Center is Tribute To Israel's Science, Scientists ISRAEL'S MEDICAL SCHOOL
Old and New
jsr.u I midliu! progress Is retordfd In tills Mink In tonfrusfs.(Tnp) part of Its present medical school nnd (Ijrlow) the new Hebrew UnlverMty-IIndassah Medicnl Mliool n«ar Jcrusiilem.
iart of n tingle organized unit. lie mo.st EtriUinj; feature of the uildiiij,' is 1he central temi-circular toutr-Iike structure which will louse the wards of the most dificult caws. Bay Quarter* . . . . Ei-nii-circular ttniclurc will -liable the nurses on duty on each loor to be at an equally clo.'.e li;.tanci! to each room, For the ij/hler cases end cnvalescinir l' a lienli. jiii entirely'different stniclun; was devised: the wards an; 11 a imv but tlii-ri> is jio corridor lon^ the rou; iii-sfead, there are day-iMUirters" facini: the rootns. Hie iiati'iits v.HI. "lily. Rlrcj) nnd •est in the wards, but ipend most the day in the rooms rcadinir. ilayinj; j.'anic.',, e.'j|ili(; In the tiing nrjoms, etc, Kach bedside will lie connected jv an intercom to the ciuty nurf.e'E tation, and for a ipecial nddioional da each patient will l>e ible to obtain, if the doctor iH-rnit?;, a private phone to enable lim t<> t.'die care of hir> buftiiier;5, alk to his family, e t c , While in he hospital. All dij,he» nnd utensils will lie Iropped by chute to tin automatic :!eaiiini,; sterilization machine In he basement iinil returned to the .vards in ;.eak-d celloidiane wrapAll tlii5 could have been'built irid equipped, perhaps a t c chcap•r or ul ;L higher price, any place Ise in the world. JJut one 'thing hat money could not buy is. t lie iraclically every window of the tructure. Treated on 11 tall liillop. the Hndasi'ah builditif; ciiinnands ft breathtakiri},' view of the ini; Judean hills nnd of
The recently dedicated Hildas-1directly into tlie kitchens, to the Bah-Hebrew University Medical helicopter 'lamlinc strip where Center on the outskirts of Jem- emergency cases can be floun nalem, is the lar«''St structure of within a hundred yards of the Its kind In the Middle Kast tind operating theater. the most modern and most meehSingle Arcliitectual Unit onized outside of t h e United The rniiin Innovation of the • States. The mechanical equipment structure, however, lies In the conInstalled is said to account for ception of the entire complex as obout half of the building .costs. a single architpciual unit focused Indeed, it looks like a marvel on the most effective handling of of mechanization and efficiency: the Medical Center's tasks. The from the underground unloading reception wards, the out-patient ramps where meat and other pro- department, the various clinics, visions for the hospital kitchen the In-patient wards, the Medical Turin, Italy fJTA)—About 30 can lie brought within five yard.1; School's lecture rooms as well us icreent of the jmpils at the Turin at the outside door of 'lie cold | the laboratories, and inl Iher «\\ .--li feiiool bi loni;1. to the Will»toi;i[;c, fjpi-niiif; on the o t h r r fide i-.jij* Atjiailrr.ert.s im limit a? lcii*-ii'iii K\i'iTi|!'licnl Cliurch, l)uopi-'s oldest I'jo|r".iant cioup. I'aifiii« of the childrrn jiiifi-i1 he JiwUh school to Tin in pi'blic ;chooK because they l;ke the Hilili:;d farhitiK pi (A id'd by the Jiw,;-h hriiooK Tin in Jews j.ie icltd to look bejx-.olditly on the !nrj;e [nopoitinn of I'lolcsttnt pn-
Profaslanl Attend Jewisfi
i, £.,
At this stage, B total urea of Jerusalem In the northeast. Many believe that this view justifies the about GK0.500 s'juare ftet has choke of tiie titc, though It Is been built, while plans have been 35 to 30 minutes driving completed for yet another nlx-iut 300,000 s,quare feet of buildings the center of the city.' Unfortunately, hostility it 111 which will house the main audiprevails between Israel und Jicij;li- torium oi the Medical School, smd liorinir Jordan which holds some several cdditionnl lecture imlls, of the turroundiui; hills. For ttny tlit; Dental School, and the Mothpossible (inerijincy, the two low-er and Child Care bulldingi bringermost floors of the building m e ing the total co.st of construction undi'i'cround end In en.St of need to 30 million dollais. all tlie- CDO beds of the hospital 'i'Jio JioKpitul buildings will be can be moved, with some toueezinifi into the undi'ri:roiind floors. completed by .December this year All the winj/a of the structure, and the fir.st pntients will be ndas v.cll as the adjacent .School of rnitted in April I'.iGl. 'Hie AfedlNun.iiii; and nurses' quniiera ore cal School will be ready for tlie connected with the central build- academic year beginning' In tlie Autumn of VJG'2. Ing \>y underground corridors. .. (JTA)
wiili the | 3 | | f | of quality ?ASTE
A Very Happy and Prosperous Nev/ Year to You and Yours from
For Your Convonloneo Monday Jfcru Sdurday 0:00 to 6:G0
Evenings by Appointment
:>ik. in their K-]HM\. 1633 t i e . ScrfrfloCrecfc
a SALES co.
Wednesday, September SI, JBGO
t eiotbi Hortfi ef Underwood en 60th
cuoou MiunsoH Jeru>alem, t.ITA)—Contracts have been approve d with a French Firm for construction In Israel of re-fabricated school bulldinc'. with n total of 300 classrooms and nccornmodations for 10,000 pupils nt a cost of 51,400,000.
Best Wishes for a Happy New Year protect families — !
Our Credit Life Insurance covers any unpaid balance on loans In the event of the borrower's death. We make no charge for this important protection. r
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September SI, 1060
Now Yeart Edition—THE JKWISK I'ISESS—Kosli Hasliarmh 6731
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children will rise
i , ReptcmbM- th IWJO
N«W.re«r»» K<Jlllon—THE JEWISH TRKSS—nosh .rinrtinnah (S7?l
Tii enfy-nne
lip and call her ese words'of the psalmist could find no better application' than En the career of Henrietta Szold whose TQOfh OTitiversciry of her is being celebrated worldwide. She was unmarried and had no children, but all those who benefited by her labors In Palestine, and all those who En future years will benefit from them, are her History will never forget this extraordinary woman from Baltimore, who a^ the age of 75, became head of the movement known as Youth Aliyah, to'res* children of ffail Europe* Miss Szold felt the rehabilitation of the youngsters—this unique "Children's Crusade"'—^was the most important work she had undertaken. She gave hope and courage to the many, many thousands transported by Youth Aliyah to the land that was to become Israel. Through her love and understanding the children forgot their torture and woe. And
bee in the me prei was this woman of remarkable perception who founded Hadassah, the Women's Zionist Organization of America after her first visit to Palestine in 1909. the 1890s Henrietta Szold became the friend and advisor of the immigrants fleeing from pogroms in Russia. A school teacher by day, she organized evening Americanization classes M i d t i e bridge to the' fire® txpenise of
. - » ( - * -~~Tage Twenty-two
New year's Edition—THE JEWISH I'KESS—Itosh ItaUanah B7«
No Apples in the Promised Land By Diitid .Schivuri/. I was readim; the other day in the Israeli papers a story to the effect that the 'loverninont at Jerusalem is worried by the overproduction of apples.
be more comforting! Hut no apples In tho 1'roniised Land! 3'liat «a* like urrivlng in Heavi'ii mid flndhiff no harps. I went to see Albert Hein, (lie Newton discovered the Law of j author some years later of the gravity when an uppic fell irom I well known biography of Theodore an ajiple tree find hit him on tl'.e jJh'T/1. He is now tho head of the i.State of Israel arclilvf-i. Ue was head. Why. in our backyard in the j one of the young intellectuals of I told him of my trouStaU\i, Vi' eien had an apple tree, j the Vi-ihiiv, r f I leniembeieci lio\v my father, an j ble-i. J'lie; iia-.e to hlftst with old p.'ot.i-, .Sablnth fjlc-ervant Je'.v, j dynamite, I said, to plant on aphad planted it v.hen he was a'jnoil ' pi.- ti'l'e! SO ye.n.-i olil. lie had never seen i I v. as a little cornfortfii when I the tree |,earin;; Iniit, but every ; (ounii it didn't ttouhle liiin. lie htiniiiier r,i.)\v you can :;;-e the l;iils [.said he t!w>i!.;|;t hanine:S oi a
It brought b a d , n.-initiisd-nf•<•> of my first visit i h r r r '.'0 y r a r s uj;r.. It was uhiK.st impussib!.! to get mi upplt' t l u r r thru. In the morniii;: as I wo':<> up. I could hear the sound of dynamite blasting'around tl'e hills of .I.'i'ii- ki)i'jc\'.ilii', ti'iv. n the a[»p!e.i. What a beautiful thin!; is an sulein. I v.as told they were Jvaehim; out t•• >r- .viil. and t i n t apple.they hopetl (o plant apple tii.1.1-. I recall that in aneienl lime:;,
Wednesday, September HI, 19G9
had uny Viduo. It was either that, era doing' in tin- ,Slutes noir, be aaii to me, or to co on tho Ktandlng ou tlio forner, selling ni>turner, selling: apples. Von Imoiv ples. tbat'a svliat thousands of ixoplo (JTA)
| (.•o'jnlry iv.is not a bad thing. It | made, hi' :,:iifl, for a rt'Miui'celiil ' p e o p l e . T h e people in t h e lusli ' { tropic;, h e . s a i d , never a m o u n t e d | to iiKi'h a;)d he went on to c i l e j ' thi.'i lami of Juda rnviM I m t liatl instances of countries, ivliicl) l i e j j So hard to <;••! an ap;i|.-. I slid. [ili.'iity of apple trees. Why, Eve ari;ued, ]>;K1 prospered arel j^rov/n'* Could this be (<!•• I'rombed Land'.'j gave tip Paradise to eat the ap- .'jreat ju.-t because of their difii-;J W h a l kind of a couniry, I said to ple' Tl'.o apple symbolizes wisdom. cullies. As I say, this che/'red me ! i myself, can it ly.1 « i i h n u t apple I Wii.lt does .Solomon ;;ay? The a little, l)in It .still worried me. if trees? | ii!;ht words fit th" n;;bt time aio i met it business m a n u l i o h a d : ' lil;e "apples of r,'o!d in pi tellers of jnst cflinp from l'lttslntr^b, III A country uithout a l'rrsiili-nt j <»r Congress, IM:I>!H\ hut a conn-! silver." And the apple makes us aslied him Mhat had lireii;;ht him !;lad 'When we ale sad. "Comfort fn •Jcriisilfin, He told me t h a t lie i > try uitttout apph's! Was tliat po-j- ! me with apples, says the Hong of liad K"1"" lirolic in the (Icpresslon j j bible? SOMJJS. nnd lliat lir lmd <imn» t o I'alestlne General I.e.- Mii-midm-d to The first popular son;;, that I to sill some land ulilch lie bought Grant", I rememb.?rr<l, at Appomat1 fox Court l i o n s ' under an apple rouiemfj;. !" wa5; "Jn the shade o/ jsiiin« year* h.itU. The I'ldestlne the old apple tree." What could jlanti Wai now hH unly as^et t h a t t re<?.
Fairmont Foods Company R. M. Fifzpafriclc Branch Manager
1209 Jackson Gail Spcctor and Marvin Abramson I^ea Pfeffer and Neal Belden Sina Gelbart and James J31anker LeoaKohll and Gerald P, Cohen Marlys Isack and Allan Cutler Naomi Maria Kaufman nnd Daniel Dene.'ibei ( Beverly Berney and Eugene DuBoff Bracha Brisker and Ilazzan P.nphael Ktlgar Edith Goldberg and Jack Epstein Jennie No?if and Abraham Fiiher Helen Vann and Bernard Friedber(j Linda Rosenbaum and Jerome Gordman Dori3 Ida Gotsdiner and Lewis Izetistatt Harriet Lcssacl: and Sidney Klopper Esther Greenlwrfj and Juliu3 Kunil: Shirley Schiff and Garry Laupheimer . Nancy Lewis and Slilce Lazar Joan Mayer and Martin Lehr
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JAMES P. LA VELLE, Manager Room 100, Service Life Bldg. 341-9113
Wednesday, September tl, IB89
New Teart Edition—THE JEWISn MUCKS—Itosli Rasfiannh B72I
I)r. Plilllp Wicr Ilnnorury President The Jcv.ii.h Federation, founded in 190.1 ns flic Associated Jewish Charities, conduct;;, coordinates and supervises fill Jewish social services .tl>roiij;li several departments, with tile obji'ct of. planning mid maintaining « completi-Iy Integrated program of roiiinuuiily services for Oiyaha Jewry.
Pisf Presidents
Jewish Conimunify Center
ADL Advisory Committee
Pledge Redemption
Hurry Kidman, Chairman J>;iv!d IVder, t'linlrinnn Alliert IVliliii.'ui, Vlce-Chalrman Conducts a community relation,.; Mr,,. Nitin S. Steluberg, program, coordinating Jewish civic, Serves the leisVlite-OIinirinnu ure time needs of ~^ . protective) aelhithe Jewish com' Supervises the ties in Omaha, <• ' m u n i t y of all » <slahlisliing and / \ ages, t h r o u g h ) pl»'dj.;o redeniprecreational, < ul'k \ tion acti\ilie.s on Maintaining ;;ood ( |' j I) (• Ii a I f of the relations in mat- f' f,, '• tural, social, odu- '• cational, athl( tic " t , j ters affectin;c the Jewish P h i l iinand c h a r a <: l e r ' > j Jewish and genI) II 11 d i n K P ' o rral Jewish comt h r o p ic ;.-, The g r a m s and fin lit- —munity, and prohigli degree of' ~, „ ties. I t is t l i e f | ". , moting b e t t e r jili'dge collection \ / "Town J l a l l " of j ' 11 n <i c rslamiinj; • / Ihe Jewish com- L _ J ».• omong all ;;i-(iiips in (1 Me to t h e ! ' ' •.' nuinily H.trry Sldninn in the column-i w o r k of t h i f>Lj 1_^ / _ _ . ^ . JUty, M. itoMiiliert' committee. I)u\ld I'cdcr MHIard
In addition to the Officers of Ihe Fcdoralion, the following are memlx'r.s of Ihe execufive committee: Norman Ball, Abe II. Brodkey, Arthur A. Cohn, Robert If. Fcinberg; Mrs. Abe C. Fellman, Richard Goldman, William (Jrodinsky, S. Elmer Gross, Ben E. Kaslovv, Daniel Kalzman, Mi's. J. Harry Kulakofsky, Irvin C. Ix'vin, Dr. Daniel M. MilJei-, F. Ralph Nogg, Nathan L. Nogg, Stanley E. Perimeter, Morton A. Richards, Yale Richards, Millai'd Rosenberg, Mrs. Meyer N. Rubin, Harry Sidman, Mrs. Samuel S. Steinberg, Alex Weinstein and Samuel N. Wolf. The following are members ex-officio: Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks, Rabbi Nalhan Feldman, Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Rabbi Myer S. Krijike and Mrs. Lloyd Friedman. Past, presidents of the Federation are: Sam Bebery Dr. Abe Greenberg, Morris E. Jacobs, Robert IT. Hooper, J. Harry Kulakofsky, Milton Living)on, Jack \V. Marer, and Joe M. Rice.
Harry 'Iriistln t of JeuiMi IVi of OinahiL
Jewish Family Service of Jewish Education
Vale ICfcliartlfl, Cliiilrnian Marlon Soinberp, V'lce-Clmlrfiian
l)::ni<l liiit/jiuili, CliniriMaii . „.. .„.. _ _ . Charf;(.(i w ,
t h
P r o v l d (• R a1 - " ' the fctiidy of budUrn K. Knslow, t Imlnnan e a s e w ork program to promote fci-U and makinc Dr. *I(i:Mu-ll Morris, f and m a i n t a I n Vice-Chalrman. recommendations wholesome famfor iillocations of Promotes Jewish education in ily life; prof<\sOmaha, coordinate;;, anil provides S funds raised by. Monrd counseling financial assistance to Jewish reN in family a n d the Jewish Philligious schools in c h 11 d problems. anthropies a ii d t h e community. / i i'roviiles finanr , disbursed by the Maintains t h <• / / cial assis t a n t: e / / where n e e d e d Jewish KfdernJewish CommuL~^ L _ « J „,](! other terv- Da.nh-1 Kntzmnn tion. nity L i b r a r y which s e r v i c e s l'nlu Iticlmrdn ic.es. schools also the Jewish mid nonJevvisfi Press Jewish commu•\ nity through Its Ricliar<l Giiiilinnri, (,'luilrmun Alex XVeIniit«-ln, Clinlnunn c o m preliensive Issued weekly ["""" ' c: o 11 e c 11 o n of Supervises a lit b o o k s, rccord nnd serves as the , , * , the buildings and U, K. Kuslotv ings, films, film- medium of Jewproperties of the eliips, nml refeiences files. iuli news of local, J t ! Jewish Federa- 7j f \ V n a I i o n a 1, mid ( tion, and looks \ WM world-wide infer- A ,, Jay-G-C at t e r proper J, -• est, and for Jiw\ -Nonnnn Butt. (Jlialrninn ish c (1 u c a 11 on m a I n t e n ance through Its arand building ImAco-ediicatlon-f ** " ticles and news el camp for ehil-t provements, column.";. then which pro-; It. Goldman Alex vides outdoor va-" _ ...,-• cation, and 'op-. jiortunitiea for p e r s o n a l i t y de- \ <--,-- j \elopmeiit, with c m p h a B Is on meeting spirtualf" /",\ needs of -Jewish L - J .-£•. I children. Norman Halt
Federafron of Jewish.Women's Clubs
Jev/ish Steve OIISN, I'rrkldrnt Cury rarilman, Vlce-I'risldent Carol Itosenhanm, Secretary t'lierj 1 'J'iiubnuui, Reporter It is a Fedcraj tlon of all teenage clubs that nims to b r i n g about unity nmoiii; J <:u ' ' s '' youth; and through «' h i c h they act together on common problems', nnd carry on joint; activities. It. aids Steve Oiifls j;roups in the developmcnt of t h e i r proprams, . .. youth, education and leadershiln development..
Legal Irvin C Levin, Ch.-ilmuin
L o o k s after,', matteis of the Jen-iMi Fed-
Mr«. Lluyd Friedman. Tresident Mrs. Ifarry Sidman, 1st VicoI'resident IMrN. I)av« Colin, 2nd VleflI'reslilent Mrs. Alie (I. IVIIm.aii, Secretary C o o p c r u tes with the Jewish , * • -* F e d e r a tion of •/ Omaha in carry- / • ing out its com- V' m u n 1 t y - wide functions; participates as a unit in city-wide civic causes and maintains a -Ciden'dar to prevent conflict In program • Mrs. L. Friedman activities mid serves tlie armed forces,
Staff \ '
;J^' t
eration nnd its ,' \ \ " J ? \ \ C various depart-} \ }:,X, mentB. f \\'u
Irvin C. I,cv1n
Federation executive and supervisory staff are: Paul Veret, Executive Director; Miss K a 1 a h Franklin, Administrative tecrftary; Seymour Seitchiclc, Health and Physical Education; Joe Micelc, A(|uatic Activities; David Orkow, Dr. Philij) Sher "Jewish Home; Sol . Hrownstein, Family Service; Mrs, Leonard Klein, Jewish Press; and Mrs. Ben Zeff, Librarian. Federation office staff members are: Bessc Blank, Marc Honganim, Mrs. Pat Burton, Mrs. Harry Goldberg, Mrs. Ben Handler, Mrs. Phyllis Stonys, Donna- Zoulx-k, and Mrs. Al ZwerlinK-
Dr. PhJIfp Sher Jev/isli Home for Aged
Arthur A. i'nlin , VIcr-ClHiJnmm
N. I* NuJHf
I'rovidcn n Jewi-,h home utmospliero, which Inlinics Ixjardinj:, nurfiltiK. ami conwilosrcnt <: a r e foe Jewish aRfil, as well us a pioIjrani of occiip.ilioiial nnd reeie11 onnl therapy for 111 residents.
Milton Aliralionia
Morton Elltlmrdn
Barton 4jrcrul>crg
Urn, Saia Katunan
Milton H. Abrahams, General Chairman. Morton A. Uieliards, Chairman, Initial Gifts. Rnrton If. GrcenberK, Chairman, Men's Division. . Mrs. Sam L. Katzman, V/omen's Chairman; Jfrs, Julius M. Colin, Mrs. Morriit J. Shapiro, and Mrs. Nathan Turner, Co-Clialniien, Women's Division; Mrs. Alice Hecger and Mrs. Josef Mayer, Co-Chairmen, IUiKinrss and Professional Women's TJnit. Alvin Newman nnd i:tliel Sabes," (irand MursIialB; Stcv«> Gust, and Kusan Kpeler, Co-Oialrmi'M, Hlj;h School Division. The fimd-ralsmir depailment of Hie Fecleration, which conducts the annual over-all campaign for funds to meet Jewish nred in Omnlin, nationally, mriwa 1 , and Israel. Tliis campaiKn eliminates duplication in fund-raising by rondiictlnK one drive for all major agencies and institutions.
Best Wishes for a Happy New Year
to All .
**•* • W
New year"* Edition—TIIK .IKWISH riSKSS—Itinh' Hustiannh S73t
V&g* Twenty-four
, September 21, 1080
Correspor.diin; Secretary: Mrs. Ram FltHul Treasurer: Mrs. Charles fiosi Ferieratlon Women: CUapiors. Mrs. Morris White Purpose: To cooperate with die Jewish Federation of Omaha in car- Purpose: 'ieiri'.i to further and eo oniinate program ti{ youth welrying out its coinimiiiity-wiilu functions. fare ami education; del ciub JewTo participate as a unit in any city-wide Jc.vish eau.;o. ish n'itbt'i; <.[j(;;if;e;; in iihilnii To represent the; Jewiiii women of Omaha in the o>inimniity-;tturpose: The money raised from !hro[)ier;. i.if.inl action lor Amer lar[;e. It b e i n n U M I I ^ M V H ! t l m t '•<<'•}' :;u<-h e f f o r t ho . n o t jJt.Tfunn! d membership dues and "Bool: icanisiii. veteran:;' itffuh;;, adult o n t h e S a b b a t h o r vny Jev.ir.U Holy D a y , e x c e p t in a i'ri':i.» of .in Fund" is i!<;ccl to .supply books Jewish r-,|iiraiion piocrmn; or(•menu m y . i;a»iizi> aul to Israel. T o . p r o m o t e "iiilt'i--cluli trie -.'idlinrv-, u n d " i •liin'iin,™ a n d fvi"<i will in ; . the Jewish comiinmtiy. T o d i s c u s s Ki-oiip a c t i v i t y a n . l o b j e c t i v e ^ , t ! ; e r d , y (ri.ini.ij; h - U o r u n d c r s l a n i l i i i ! ; of eiii'ii tiili'.-rs jun|'r;in:;.. T o m a i n t a i n n r a l f n i l a r t o p r c w u t conflict in p r o g r a m activitiiM.
;'o:i:tle;it; ' I ) ; : - ''-'ax .'-'a
JVld • Mrs. I.Iuyd Krie<hn.'m first Vicc-Prcsidi-iit: Mrs. Harry Siiinuir
Mr:;. "Geoiv' r'A\n(rr, Mrs. P.er.'iard i.'.-iiiiKin, ."Irri. ll.'rnard
M r ; . P i n e C'oiuiSi".'ri-tary: Mrr..' Ah.' ('. F..'llm:iii
Goldslrom Convsiiondiii;: Secretary: • v.ard A. lln'-'.en, VMI Sii-|;,i, Mar- -Mrs. Albert Korl-.in vin Trell'.T. It.-eord flcrreiary: Mrs. P,eii Walt Lodges jCornlsusfccr ^3o. 1760 Financial Ser.ret.-iry: I'urpose: To promote b-'ni'voleiicc. Pnisident: brotherly love nnd harmony. Alvin Abr;un;,o.'! Mrs. Arthur Pnrilni'm Henry Monshy No. 354 F\r,,i Vice-President: Treasurer: President: Sidney ,S'p:;lf;lman Mra. Jay Stoller Moses F. Kaj'.an Second Vice-President: Sentinel: First Vlce-Pie.'.ideiit: Maury Schwartz Mrs. Leonard I/»vln Sidney Taren Third Vice-Preiildeiit Guardian: Second Vice-Pre:,ideni: Richard Mrs. Charles I'islie/ Dr. Benton Kutter Treasurer: lli.'.torian: Third Vlce-Prenident: laniard Mrs. Eur.eii'" Braun .Stuart Gottlieb P.ccordlnj; Secretary; Trustee:;: Treasurer: Jay Ciiasen Mrs. Nathan Kaplan, Nathan Turner Financial Secretary; Mrs. Milton Mint?, KecordiriR Secretary: Jor.ef Meyer Mrs. Nathan Gltnick Sam K.'Epstein Corrcspondinc Secretary: Counselor: Financial Secretarj1: IJonel Uonvitz ?4r». Julia .lacolis ])can Franltel Guardian: •Sentinel of ll'nal ll'iith, Chaplain: Itarry Silver District No. G Ixauis Jess Warden ; Mra. Karn Pollak Warden: J e n y Washerman Federation Women: Charles Mori;enthau Chaplain: Mrs. David P.leiclier Guardian: F.lliot lirdwn Isadore P.ocdanoff Trustee,-;: CornEtu'stcer k?o. 1032 Trustees: Dr. l^on Felhnan, Dr. Ralph Turkel, • William Kpsteiii, President: Abe GreenlKTK, .Sam Pollak, KdGerald IlcrnUicn Vice-Presiii'Mit.1.: Mrs. Penny Itiiltin. Mrs. Jerry }.ehm.''.n, Mrs. Ilirb.rt Passman P.'-'cordim: Secretary; Mrs. Harry Alloy Oirrcspoiulini; S.^crftary: Mrs. Meyer llalprin Financial Sirre|;.ry: Mrs. Seymour AhrahaiiH Treasurer: Mrs. Jam s Win Sentinel: Mvr,. Merle Potash Guardian; Mrs. Harry Itichinan Historian: PHOTOGRAPHER Mrs. K<'i-ee Kirslir'iibauni Trustees: Mrs. Jay Ciiasen, 817 SOUTH 36TH STREET . Mrs. Burton Duncvitz, Mn;. Pan] Kifkin : . Federation Women: Mrs. Jack Belrnont
OLSON BROS. INC Robertson Q Floors Sheet Metal—Roofing
Mitton Oltmt
Besf Wishes to Our Many Friends and Customers
ilfiwi* CEaoIsm
Myron Olson
345-1044 i
for the library at Urandeis University. President: Mra. M. A. Errcovid Ilonorary Preiident: Mra. Ilymrm I''erer First Vice-President: Mrs. Myron II. Milder Second Vice-President: Mra. l,co Kisenstalt Tiiird Vice-President:
87th and Pacific
Purpose: Welfare of the siel: and family serrice. Pr.-sident: Mrs Jal-o WinVice-Pre-ldents. M n . Hairy .Suljnan, Iilr/i. Aaron Irvine Kmnncial .S"cret;iry. Mrs. V/illinm Ki)^te>n I'.rcordinc Socielaiy: Mt^, Mowi1. White
45tli Year in Omaha
FAMILY Bon Novak Edv/ard A. Rosen Morvin Rosenberg Julius NovaU Sidney Novak Elmer Novak Nathan Novak Arthur Novak William Novak
To Our Friends (and LHile Friends) 3 STORES
Serving Omaha's Motorists for Over 2! Years Complete Service for Every Car
1617 Fflrnam Sf.
^ AMD MATERNI7Y SMOP "Everylhing froin Heaven to 1 1 " fn South Omcho In Omaha In Csunetl S!u7fs
24»h end M 35i'i end Loavenv/orfb 339 W. Grcadwov
Wednesday, Wepicmlw-r I I , 1060
Mrs. Ate Gt-o fourth Vice-President: Mrf-:. Chnrlcs Jtoj-onMnelr Mrs. F.dwaid Green Jtewtlinjr St ci'«-1:;! y; Mrs. Vci'ii" V.'irn.r Conespondmi; .Seni-iniy: His. Manny Kie.ilMein I'iiiHUL'iiil S'-cn/l.'ii;,1: Mrs. Is.'Kloro Cli;;|)i>iui
New Tear's Edition—TUB JEWISH PKKSS—• Rosfi r7;is!!iina?i B721
I'rcf.liitnt: Mr.1;.-•Sum Ifnlzman • Vicn-I'i'csitleiit «HM' < "oorriinadii: MIK. Meyer no;:'.'nbai;!n Mrs. Henry Stej-n
Mr*. Max Falk rtrcordini: .Secit.-iai'y: Mis. I.coii.-u'it )!</m',l< in Corro-pondiiiK ."Jei-ittruy; Mis. Alfred Mayer Mis. Kate Marcus lioard <if Uirerloi.'-.-. Mrs. 11. II. Hirnvii, Mrs. David Financial ,Se<:t<'tiirier: Mrs. Harry Mulnii-k, Ft'der, Mrs. Morton Iiielianls, Mr*;. i-Oni;; .Siporin Mrs. Allen Zulkin, Mrs. .Sum Appleman, Mrs. Alh'Tt Kev. nimi Mr.',. William Haiiu/Jwr, }Jii-inl of (lovcrnors: Mrs. Paul V u e t Mrs. Ilt-nry Nium.-ni, Mrs. Iiolin't K'uijM'f, Mr--. l."jn''.',t .No(-'sr, Wcitztftiatitt Mrs, .S.'j.mui'l Wolf. Mir. Morris Mrs. .loM'[ili Giur. J'.-'lliamentiiiian: Vice-I'resiilent ami ("oonlinator: i l i J i . M i k e ]''i>.-cin;.n Mrs. Max I {inner )"'.' Ifrill il)i I Vv'OIIH'ji; V'ie'-I'resHlent iunl ('of)r<llri;itor: Mrf. Morris Lr\ ty Mrs. II. !.«•<; (Jendlrr '1'reasUrcr: Mt^>Snm Slci'ii rti'viidiiij; .Secretary: Mrs. David I'Vedei/iek", <"oi res|K)ii(liii); Seciutaiy: Mrs. Joe Sokcilof
branch 54 and Z
Mrs. Juliii.'; Ki.'Uiiiau Viee-Fri'siilent: Mrs. .lo:.cf Mayer V7ie(--l'i-/'.-;i<!e)it: Mrs. J )av id Jk-cki.T \'iei'-l'resid>ni: Mrs. ]•;. W. lC-uili'li l''inaii('ial .Seei'elat'y: Mrs. JsUa I'.othol/ ("'<?! respiindium Seeietary: Airs. Ami Soskjn Treasurt-r: Mifs I•,(.•,•, lilank Historian: Mrs. .li.'iinie liosi'iihlatl Piirlianvntarian: Miss iJiiiothy Hosi'jitlial l^ireeldr: Mrs. «.'!mrle.s Ross
Country Cluh t'resideiit: .1. Dairy Kulakofsky Vi<'f-ricsideiil: r.loyd Bank Treasurer: Milton'Livingston Secretary: Uavid limistein Kxeculivc Secretary: 1'liilip J. J'eldman
Mis. A. )!. (jrmllei',
Mrs. Charles Kicdldn I'ciipnvc: To stii'ii::lli'ii . W . i s h cultural life, lo IK lp tin.- St.-Mi' Coorilin.'Uors: Mrs. Max Granaf, of N w l fiiiiiiii'iiili.v iinii pulitMrs. Ceralil Schuar(/ ii'.-'lly. lo pm-linpHtc In nil niovriin-ni.', v. liii:h h ' l p to l>niiil n het(rr; uorlfl. 1 I ..•.jdcin: "resident: ' tin. Mi'.rion l'.ond.'ii-in V. c - I ' i c s l d e n l : 1',-ill l'.oselllll'l ,': Jii orilini: SV'Cicinry: :':nn IMfltin Tr.'a.Mir.T: Uiui>; I'rifilui.'in l'"ii!tn(.'ir.l .Mill ('o>res|ion(li?it:
! Epsfein-Morgan iPosf Mo. 260
Business and Professcoiied
iirpos*-: 1 !i],';;ij;rs in eonimtmily I'd/it ions work 1o cvvtito. u ljof.t**j* uiHlcrsfjiiidinK of and climate for
freedom and tolerance ' in tin; Qnarteimaster: United .States: niisists needy vclNathan Marcus iran.s and their families, Chaplain: (.'iinimander: Jerome Grossman HOIH.TI ]•;. KatJeuian Jiulf;e Advocate: ,Sr. Vice-( 'ojriiiiniider: I'aul Ciounsi: Aim Miller SiiiL'eoii: Jr. Vier-(.'rjinniaiider: l)v. ,1. Milton'Margolin Marvin Kaplan Historian: Adjutant: Morris Levin Harold Kalleman Serj;eanf-at-Aims:
UNIVERSAL ADVeRTISING AGENCYAdverfising and Public Relations
James Lipsey 311 So. 15th St.
Millard Rosenberg OMAHA
Phone 342-0448
New Year's Greetings FROM
••' Omaha Lace Laundry French Cleaner ERNIE WINTROUB
Curtains Drapes Linens Blouses Blankets Wash Dresses PERSONALIZED DRY CLEANING CUSTOM SKIM LAUNDRY
Phone 556-1522
5007 Lcavcnworth St.
Accept Our Very Best Wishes for a Most Happy and Prosperous New Year
I.', eciitivr lio.'ii'fl: Sol A.sh. Milto Oilousld, Il.-ivry Iii/kin, Milton Nenrenhri'iT, Isniloro Torbcs, M.i\- Relzli.'iuin. Mrs. .Smith Okim, Mrs. J. I-Vldtniili Jl.ind Clmirmnii: Sinn liifkln
Omaha's Exclusive Fabric Shop
202 SO. 15TH ST. lienjnmin Klahnan
New In 60
nrpiiM-: Uaiiassali foslcrs Zi"!ilst | iiml Jmvisli lilcals throii|;li •'•In-; oation in Aiiicrie;i. At His (,nmo time In Israel it. strives' to rr*to!T ticiilth, furllirr hpnlth cilu- j cation, iy.stttbll.sh medical stand- I mils, and prevent disease. Its j HK.-ord, a* a leading health fij^cncy in Isnu'l, tut the itandard lienrer nnd [inee .sctfer, r<:in:iii>K
The Most Complete Line of Trucks in the World from
J'rosldent: Mrs. K n i n H . Simon Vice-Presidents: Mrs. .losi-ph Giiss, Mrs. Sam Kaizraan. Mrs. Julius Newman, Mrs. Ted Sanforil Treasurer: Mrs. Nathan Turner rinancial .Secretary: Mrs. Albert Wohlner iteconliiiK Secretary: T.Ii'K. Sidney Seliwiirlz CurespondiiiK Kccrctfii-y: Mrs. Josr-ph Iii.'rnslein JBr'cretary to President: Mr.*;. Charles Khrnricfl Federation Women: Mrs. K'iriiiaii K. Lincoln
IHera! President: Mrs. Ted Sanforil yicr-Presidont nnd Coordinator: . Mrs-. Jnek Duitch Vice-I'reKidedt and Coordinator: Mrs. Hay. Simon Treasurer: Mra. Max ICiililan Kecordinj; Secretary: Mrs. I-eon AlexarideiCorrWipomliiiK Secretary: Mrs. Sam'.Sliyfccn Financial Heercturies: Mrs. Sol Cranddl, Mm. Philip Fox ' • • Cnuntinntot's; Mi-.. Maiulce Alpnln, Mi.'-. Sam nothrnbci'K
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Bassman end Family Nebraska's Only 24-Hour Truck Service:
20th ©sid Paw!, Omaha
Complete Home Furnishings 5922'MILITARY'AVE.'
Opsn Monday, Thursday, Friday Evening!
25f!t and O S&s., 3105 Vi/osf Drcadwcsy, Council
Page Twenty-ilr
Ki-w JVar'n Edition—THK Jr.VVISfl ri(F.<l<t—Itoffi Hasliansli 8121
r, September 51, J969
Board of Mrectprs:
St-crctary: Harry Treasurer: Harry Rlchliii tahlirJie;. siiii inaintair,!! chil-
Community Organiz
Max Belgrade Service Officer: lsadore Ix-v/is Trustee: Max Kanner
Men I'lir|Kis<*: Seek;; to ' rebuild Krael as a Jewish eommomvraltli in the .spirit ot 1 raditional JudaiMn and to stiem;!!"'!! o r t h o d o x Judaism it! the IHasjiora. President: Kablji .M. M. f'f.lia!:ol!' Secretary and treasurer: Kli liittnor
C'ori'^.s[Kjndi?ij; . t >eeretary: Mrs. r'loyd J'eihjietfrr financial .Secretai ie^: Mrs. .Sidney .Schwai tz. Mrs. H<;|-biTt T.Ieiciie.i I >irectf.!:~s: M i s . l . l o y d Fi iedman. Sirs. i,nai.s liatz, Mr.'.. John .Solftmo;!. Ml.-;. Hnnier i-'ai'bcr O.>:-(ii(icio: Mi';,. J. Tl. Ilorvvieli i'aiiianii'iiiaiian: Mr... i:i!-va;(] !.•-, inw.'; Auditor: Mrs. HaioM J''ai I>-T )iuil;:el S r c i e i a r y : Ms.s. J i n n y Weinb'-ri; i'Viir-i-alion Woim.'ii: Mi:,. I..I.I : S Soj'.oloiv'
'of-Jewish Women
Iteii J.indoiil/aum, Il>inai> GILSS, Mayer Frank, Jacob Kaplan, lf<» Fox, Milton Jte'iiiek, Moru*
ilren':, nui series, acricult u r a 1 anil vocational scbfrfils. I'le.'.idejit:
:Mrs. Miitoji Neareiib'Ti; Il'jcordiiifi Si cict.'try: Mrj. U. Krini ('(tire.'.piiiHJinfv .Secrclar_v: Mrs. ,Ma_\ I'i'i'.viov.ir/. l'inancial .''('r-retiiry: Mi-.s. iJi.M- S c i i w a r t / Treasii.'er: MJ-.S. Ja!:e Fi-Idman Hoard: .Mrs. ,S. oi-.mi, Mr.; Simon '['<•lui-M, Mi.s, K;im Kiikin, .Mrs. Isai.icre C;oki:.t(-in, Mr.1-. ?>Coivis Jj>Mi.-in, Mrs. l<ave I^istein, M i s Ji.tiiy Jliclilit;, Mi',1;. Ja);»* ]C;ipr.s. ;-'ii!ii Itielimiin, M r s . j an. i .'iH'rri'. .Si'-: tiih, •;-;;, Tvir.s. i';Mtort'
l'ilri>osr: IVilicalrfl Id the v-'ollIn'ijif; ot .lev.r. PJH! their ii"if,hl'nijHi-.e; Sei'vcK as t h e central ; •'• Ixjrs of all laiili-i. in .'u.-ie;ieii l»nl.v Un all Zionist oif.'ani/a- I . a n d in Israel. 'J'ILI'O;!;:!I << • ]iri>or );rou[>s t o help develop | g r a m of service, o! eiineatio.'i.
To Our Many Friandx itSr
METAL CO. 346-0745
1302 Webster Street W'unii'ii;
Mi':. l'.n.'.e Schv.aiU
a ciiniate of public opiiiimi fa- I*nr|M>sc: J'!i:lievol(;iit aid; allied and of .'ociai net ion. Coiijifil with laljor i!iovi'in(;nt; rducastimulates the jndivlOijal and the vorah'.e to I'ra'.-l and Its political tioual, cultural and hiunanitarcommunity 'o ad^afu'i1 th /l !>rm- and economic aspirations. ian activities. I'reyidi-nt: : ocratic v.'ay ol li!>. Holx.'j t Fein herg Midv/esf- District President: Vice-President: C'liaiiinan: Mm. Stanley Ili'i/.off Joe Kadino'.vski l.onis Within Ways and Means Vice.-1'reMilfnt: Secretary: Sccrciary: Mrs. Jtobcrt I <vinc Mrs. Meyer N.'ltiitnn i Alorri;; (ifKHiman CoTrimunity S'Tvices Vici*Treasurer: |Tl'ra.'.'lrer: Joseph Hornstcin , Mrs. Irvin Kaiman 'Education. Vire-I 'resident: Ladies Auxiliary Mrs. Justin Manvitz Chairman: Public IJclatiori;. Vice-President: J.Jr.'i. I.oni1; Within Mrs. Kilwanl Malaslioclc Treasurer: I'ur|M>Mf«: Conceiiied v.'ith tise de3Membei':;liii> Vice-President: Mi:;. K. .Schwartz. velopment of Israel. l;nf:ai;ed in : Mrs. Harl Weiss trainins; ami edncatiiii: men, Treasurer: , . .-ii . s". H n.ii'l.-r women and children from all Mrs. Gerald liernslien part.1! ol the world to become i 'l <)el.ltil)]| V/l.Jlien: RerordlnB Hecrefary: T'l'i.- I;. H 1 iniiler ' Mrs. Sherman Sperlinj; productive citi/.en3 oi Israel. Ks-
Pioneer Women's
j I ' l e !('-lit.
TH2 %
, IT
Earl H. Burket
Randall H, Bigsby
Aliiani on
I Vlcc-I'lr' \C.I-.ii VI i =:r> il Milk-
Wishing You a
Dbcon's RESTAURANT anJ COCKTAIL LOUNGS — f h o horns o f
fraditionally fins food for moro fhan forty ye«r* EXTENDS SINCERE HOLIDAY GREETINGS •
Producing a boftor and happior way of life is
our butinoja. Good iniuranco givoa ua poaca :
of mind for boftor living day by day. Wo al«
ways appreciate on opportunity to discusft
your inturanco probioms with you.
Dixon's Never Closes 18th I FAftNAM Acrotl from 6ul DapBt
Grace-Mayer Insurance Agency 141-4500
y, firptrmUfr ? l , iflCO
IT:nlinns»i f>7?1
Pope Orders Removal of Slurs Against i in Baptismal Rifrial of Oooverfs of Jews in the chuioh'.s . Good
nizk Filiher, Arlhur Me) ei i un, IJ.'njiimin Klainntri
Women's Chapter jVurimse: Miyrachi Women's Organization of America is (lie nrlhnilox ln-iinrli of Die Zioni.'il organization. In I s r a e I. Mi/racli! Women !iau> more than 50 projfi.'ls where |.;ii-ls arc provided with homes where they ;uv ;;ivrn all 111'' ijf•<•• •:;.'ii1 icr: of life. They ai'i- proviii'-d with education, religious ;tjict ,veular from Krade to hij;h sellout. They are also [liven vocational I raining. T'osiiHit: -Mrs. M. M. I'oliabilf Vicc-Presidenis: Mrs. Tvlnrrie ,1. [''rank.in.
Mrs. Abe Fisher .
Home, i.lTAl Pope Join) XXHI h.-(s eliiiHiiated ••erlain Jjlirases Iron) (he ritual of baptism for convcrls that v.ci'c offensive to (it h e faiths. In Hie i ,'i.se of a conv r ( ed .lev.', the ,ihi)Ii'-;hcd for mul; i-.-i'f: "Yon should abhor Jlcbi perfidy ami 'cjecl Hebrew Kiipe hition." Ti li'eision fijlli'wcil instruction> .V the Pope last year to delete efeicnees to 1 lit? "perfidy"
Zionist* District
Mrs. Harry Lei-is Financial and Corresponding Secretary: Mrs. Frank .'Iclsar Treasurer and JNF Trees < liairntan: .Mrs. lien Handler .INK l!o.\- Collections: Mr.;. Herman l''rauklin
I'lirpusi'.: Sec):;; to .safeguard the lnl'.'i:i'ify anil in-lcii/'jidcnce of Israel us a fj'ee and deiiincr atic comiiionwi'idlh by mean:; cconsistent with the lav. K of I he U.S.; t" assist in the I'coiio (levelopment of Israel; and to strengthen Jewish sentiment and raiire/ousne;;;-; as H peopl anil proinnte its cultural i.'iv.a .Mr;;. Max Arliitiiian, Mrs. lii'hn, filr.s. A. IJp.snian, Mm. Presidr;-nf: Abraliam 75. C n d l . r ' Ifyman (''li^rl Vice-rie.'-:idcnt: •\dvi.soi-: Joseph Hornslein .Mrs. lii'jainin (ironcr Secret arj -Treasurer: l'rd'Tatmil Wtiiiii'ii: Harfon (Ireenlji-i'i: Mrs. Hen Handler
Jewish Scientists1 Role In Year of Space Triumphs White Sands, N. M. In It was an II) lieu C.illup . Tile i.t.ellni' rolo of Aiii'iican instrument payload which proJews in tlie expanding :;|iai'e ex- vided the first scientific proof that jilonition pi'(j.i;ram of tin? Waited .\-rays stream from the sun. .States w.'i'i n:;;iin ilraniati/.ed dnrA jjdiitlP, shy man, Dr. Friedini; tin1 year wli»'ii the Air Force man hardly loolci like a specialist launched two satellite.'; in .June whose work Is revolutlonizin;; the v.it.h n Kiii!;le rocket- a spr.'ct.ioii- science of astronomy. He be;;an ];ir 'livr.V in the ;,paei> rare with his educational career ns (in nil tl»> .Soviet;;. major in Hrooldyn Collci;e nnd i''or Dr. Ilerliert l'VU'ilnian, n Inter switched to physics, (jott inj; ^.'l-yiTir-old expert in the field of his l'h.D. (it. John.Hopkins Univerroelict astronomy, tin; twin-lnmieli sity. v.-iis an unusual example of a reKai'lier, this year ---In March ward for- patience. Dr. Friedman, tjie United .State;; put Pioneer V v.ho direct:; u (..am of .speciali.stB in orbit around the sun, an exr.t tlie Nnval Itescaich I.alioratory, traordinary satellite which was to iiad bef.Mi working for more than demonstrate that American f;pare 1!ir<e years on the idea of u.siiif; communication skills had reached rat'.'llitrs to uttuly the ultra-violet the sta);e oT two-way communieaend X-ray;; i;r;nei-ate(l hv Hie sun. tiou across millions of miles. His instmin<:iit.s wero n-ady then The successful orbitini; of Piobut tho rockets were not. Twice neer V focused international ntin JiljH Fri'!iIiiKm-der;i|nierl Instru- tenlion on the Jewish scientist, nient payloads packed intrj the Dr. Abe Silvcr.-.tein, who directed Jio'ios of \ : nni;uard rockets foil the successful launehini;. inlo the sea. Dr. .Silvcrstein, born in Indiana His worls wnz rccoi:ni/eil this 51 years ni;o, received his early year when he w a s elected to the scientific tiviininj; fit Rose lJolyNational Academy of .Sciences, It technic In.'ititute in Terre Haute, lioKaii In I!M9 when he fired a his home eity. He joined one of captured V-l! ilcrmim rocket from the' laboratories of the National
Wishing You and Yours a Happy New Year
Advisory Committee for Aeronautics in ]'X>'2 and rose steadily to lii.i present post as director of spaec nielli pro;;ram.s for the National •Aeronautics and .Space Administration. _ A director of space fji;;ht for NA.SA, Dr. .Silver;;l.:in will have n key role in ini[)lf-'mentation of the NA.SA tinie-tuble for .space exploration. Thi<i includes the scheduled initial orbiting of an astronaut in J0(13 and a landing of a man on the moon within the next decade. .Space probes of Venus, Mars and Jupiter also have b ee n - scheduled on the NASA ni;enda.
4807 Dodge
Creators of Fine Portraiture and Wedding Candids Visit Our New Studio Soon
Harry L. Silver 342-7262
Our Friends— .*
May We Wish You the Blessing of Continued Health and Prosperity in the Coming Year
Jerusalem i WNS)—The Jewish Agency has reported that more than 11.000 newcomers entered Israel during the first half of I'.MiO.
Investment Banker!
1130 Fint National Bontt
I'Yida.v lilur;;y. Vatican sources said the Pope had personally ordered the deletions "to emphasize everythin;: united and to remove anything that, unduly divides believers in fiod."
2205 Forndm Street
Tfeir Teat'* JMIHOB—THE JEWISH PRES*—Bo»fc H*4fcu«& S « l
Fag* Twenty-^IgM
, September *I,
Personal Greetings for MR. and 3IKS. 3. COIIKN extend New Year's greetlngi and good wishes to irieml.i and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity. —O-
MR. and MBS. MAX ABBITM.VK and family extend to all frlendi and 'relatives their heartieit wishes for « Happy and Prosperous New Year.
Mlt. mid MlfS. SAM (.,'OLIC-K and lCDIK KKXIX e x t e n d New Year's Greetings and i;ood wishes to fiii.'iid.i ami ivliilivrs for Health, Haj'i»im-ss and l'!O::.perIty. ' .
Mil. anil M'BS. M. A. iUXX'OVH I extend New Year's greetings ami KO.MI v.-|-,lic-i tn friends ami relatives for Health, Happiness ami I'l'tivp-Ti'v. '
— (.i
I ! l ' : I I l l / " | - j HIIll
a year of- fniitful endeavors enhanced by abundant (1 o o d Health urn I I'e/KV. .. O -
...(i ..
•Mil. a n d M J ! S . J ' l I I I J I ' t ' H A N U K i . I . la!:e tliis mf-;iii<i of e x -
jn'essitii; tli'.'ir h - s t v.i;,l'.es f o r tile Nev. ! Y e a r to t h e i r frieml.1 and relatives.
THE IS1IUT. UIOI.IM SOCIKTY wishes itll it a •im-inli'TS ami friends a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Yeai.
•MB. and Mils. MAX ( i i exteinl 'New Year's Greet ing* and j;ood wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happmc.vi and I'rosiM.'rily.
MR. and MKS. K.LI B1TTNKB ami family v.ish all their relatives and iiiehds :t Happy and Prosperous Ne-.v Yen'.
5111. and MRS. OSt'AK DIAMOND and sons, KK'UABD and ItlLI.Y extend New Year's credtings and good wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity.
IVNAI. B'BITH ('OBNHIiSKKIt t'HAlTKK No. 1\W> ;«:,]:;; thu blessings <»f Peace, Health and Prosperity for its fiicmls in.lha coiniminiiv. IS'N'AI Il'KITII (.'OBNIHJHKKIl I.ODriK No. Will f.ends greetings to Omaha Jewry and best wishes for a Happy ami Success.fill New Year.
MIC. and Mils. HAIEOLD i:i'. STKIN* and their :;on:v, 1'ATL, HTIOVKN and (jAKY, wish all their relatives and friends a. Happy and Prosperous NewYea r.
JJ'NAI lS'KITII HLNBV MON'SKY CH.ll'J'KK No. 170 extends all good wishes anil greetings for lliB New Year.
— O -
B'NAI R'BITII IIKNKY MON'fiKY I.OD(iK No. X'.t wishes their members and friends a New Year of Health, Happiness and Prosperity.
• '
Hickory ,Strcet., take this means of expressing their best wishes' for the New Year to t h e i r friend:; and relalives.
MB. SAM BLOOM and FAMILY take this means of expressing their .best wishes for the New Year to their friends ami relatives. • .
ANS, extend a must sincere wish •that the New Year 5721 he a Healthy. Happy, Prosperous and above all, a PKACKFUL YEAH.
... f> . .
MB. * nnd M'BS. MOKItIS 1'JKKS'l'ONK wish nil their rel.:itive« and friends a Happy Mild ProsperiHss Sew Year.
MK. nnd MBS. I 11 V I S I* 3. .I"OK«1-;S and tlieir children, HAI:I;\ Ki;Ni:f;, I,I:SMK sirSA.V and itBUCi; MIT(Jin;i,L, wish nil their friends and relatives a Happy, Healthy and ProsperoiH New Yj'.ir. - 0 •-
Ml"., mid MCS. I H A D O l ' . B l''OKIti;S iijd .MABSlfALI. extend their jjjeeti!!!:-. ami f-ood • \vis!i"s to Irii-nds anil relatives for Health, Happin.•.-..•» and Pro-ipe.-ily. MI!, and MBS. O.sCAB I <»X extend tlieir creeliii!::.' and |.;oorl v.'islii'i JO friend:; ami relatives for Health, Happ:!ie..v; and Pwciperity. \VAI.TI-:B and Bl;A FKAN'JC ami FAMILY take tlii.-; nn-ans of expressinj; tlieir h,'st wishes loc 11M- New Year to their friends. - O -
Mil. and MUS. M O B B I S 4. FUANKLIN and d a u g h t e r s , Iir.I.KNK T.\r. and BKNKF. MAHCJA extend sincere wishes for a New Year of Health and Happiness to their relatives and friends. MltS. IIKIIMAN* FB'/YNKLIN and KAI.AII hope their relatives and friends will IK- hlessed with HeaH)i, , Happiness, Prosperity and Peace'throughout the coming year. MUS. J1OSE IUEIDKN extendi her hi-st to.all her relatives and friends for a Happy and Prosperous N e w Year.
MK. nnd MBS. ARKAHAM «. (ij;NI)LKB und FAMILY extend New Year's Greetings and f;ood wishes to friends and relatives for. Health, Happiness and Prosperity. •
TKK of Omaha extend their greetings and good wishes to nil its members and . friends for a Happy and Healthy New Year. -O-MB. and MKS. A. II. BUODICEY mid family extend their greetings and ;;ood wishes-to. friends ond relatives for Health, Hajipiness and Prosperity. —O—
IJAIJISI ana MKS. S I D N E Y IIKOOKS, datiKhter, MIKIAM, and son, JOl'.h, extend their Ereelitigs-and-best v/ishes to tha Comni'inity for Happiness and Hf aith in the coming year. - ;
Bit. and MBS. A. I), l'AIKU, MATT and JKRKY take thi3 means of expressinf; their best wishes-for the New Year to their friends and relatives.
FAIiBANO LAKOIC ZIONIST OUZION, hopes tilt! New Year will firing peace _to' Israi.'l and to the whole .world. . O—
FKDiaiATION OF .II; W I S H VVOMKN'S CMiKS extend best wishes for a Happy nnd Pros• . pcrous New Year to Ihfr entiio community.
MB. and •'Mini. ItBTJBEN If. IUiOWN extend New Year's greet ii)K» and Rood wishes to friends and relatives for Health, .Happiness nnd Prosperity. .
lift, and MBS. JACOB FELDMAN extend New Year's Greetlnga and good v.lshe.i to friends and iclativcj for Health, Happiand Proi[Mfrtly.
• ' — ' O - -
MB. IIVMAN OI'IBBKU ta!;es thi9 means of exprpssing his Best Wishes for the New Year to hi* friends nnd relatives.
MB. and MUS. DAVID W. CIMl'l.K and .sons, LAWBEN'CK,' JOKI. and JOHN SIH:BMA'.V, . extend . New Year's greetings and i;ood \vishe.i to frienda and , relatives. MB. and MBS. IIAKBY OOLD-'KKIUi, BKV12BLY and FJCANIt extend their hcit wishes for a Healthy, Happy New Year to (fj-ioiids and relatives. •
DB. ftnd MKS. ABK cxt»'n'3 New Ye.u's giwUngs ami C'lO'l \vlsln'< to frjend) nnd relatui-i for H'-alth, Hoppine1.) nml Prosperity.
MKS. 2M. 1T-M>.
To one and all niembfi's of Kl'STKIN MOIKJAN l'OST No.
_ O -
Adiii* Yi'slmrojt .Syn i;;(Ji;Mc Bind J e w i s h F e d e r a t i o n ^jiid all a\iv frieiuh in Tli* eajmniniity —
3Mii. dud M I : S . HAiMiv co(>rj;i:MA.V wish their frifiidt ami relati'i'es h'ith fa?1 and m'ar a U.'ippy New Year.
7 lic •nifiniwis cf III Til ISBAL'J. SISTKBIIOOD t:i!rr» this oppurfwnity to \v i;; h everyone q Healthy, Happy ami Prosperous New Year.—Mrs. Alfred i'nulk, President.
_ O--
MB. and M'ltS. Ml.Yi;it (Ol.NIO and son, JDIMIV, \\V.\\ \<\ cNteml a Happy New Year to all their friend.') and relative:;.
Best ivi'.lie-i for ft Happy and Prosperous New Ye.ii to all o!iK'«rs ami jivmbei i of li'.unl Jacob
MB. and MBS. MOBBIS (JOI.DBKUO, MB. ond MBS. MAN'NZ OOLnlJEBO and d a u g h t e r , MAI1LA, extend New Year's greetings and good wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity,
MB, ami MBS. BAIITON <iiCJ;i;,VISHBti, Jil.'J'If and ,H»Si;i>H Wish their friend-, and relativej «i. Happy and i'ro>|i^joui New Year. —i)_
MB. WILLIAM :nnl the FANNIi; and l t o s i ; GBODINSUV wish all their friends a Happy and Pio-peioiif Ne-.v Year. MK. and "HI1S. ( '11A B U N filISS nnd KAMILY extend r heir f IieetIngs aiid <'tt><><\ \Vi-,he-> to friends nnd lelative.; f.ir Health, Hap. piness .and Proipi-rily. JIB. iind M£1H. 11. (ir.SS rind .ily exicnd Mtcir !',[eetinj;s (;ood wisiies to fri'.'iuH ami tives for Health, Haj>iiines Prosperity.
farn;iri>l relasaiid
H IIADASSAH \VISIIi;s VOK . . , a good year of Health and Ilapptliess for yourself nnd family. TOfiLTIlLB Tlli:Oli(iII HAUASSAII, may v/i! runtiime t ) reeelve the hie ,sings that coini to thy:;-! v.ho sfelc after KnowiI'dge, firoiect O'ir pi'i.-elous freedom nnd serve o:ir people and the land of Israel. — O-MK. nnd MBS. 'DAVF. 1IAIIW, SANDY, AVKVA ami mother, MKS. IIAKBY ll.VHN extend New Year's greetings and good wishes to friends and reliitivej for Health, Happines -innd I'roiperity. MBS. BUN'IIANDLI'IB• wishes her friends nnd relatives everywhere a very Happy New Year. MI*., and MBS. SAM IIOBNSTIII.V talte this ineans of wishing tlieir friends and relatives a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New . Year.
K MB. mid MBS, Oi'.OVMV. KAPLAN wish their friends and relatives iKith far and near a Happy New Year. Mil. am! MRS. JO.HKPII B. KA'l!PH.MAN wish their friends and relative's hoth far and near a Happy New Year, —O—
MB. and MKS. SIDNEY KATLF.MAN and daught'.'r.s, FLUNK JSAI-: and MATLKB, extend New Year's Greetings and G o o d Wishes to friends and relatives . for Health, Happiness and Prosperity. —O--. MB.."'.IOSKPH K and family extend their greetings and good wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Uappine.w ami Prosperity. —O—
MK. nnd MBS. SAM HLAVKU and son, LINCOLN, taka this means of exprobsinij th«ir b"5t whhea for the New Year to their fi ienda and relatives.
, September XI, 1960
New Tn?u
Edition—TirE JEWISH PRKSS—Ttoih rTanhnnnh S721
Twent,y-nfti«i »'
' ,:.„,',':
t:,<:^.,.i,.., „<.:.„<.-.' •&£,..„.„„.„.„•
Personal Greetings for Rosk Hashanah I!
MIES. LEON'AHD KLEIN extends 1 New Year's i;rf.etiiif:s and good wishes to friend.s nnd relatives /or Health, Happiness and Prosperity.
MIt. and MItS. BEN MORRIS wish their friends and relatives both far and near a Happy New Year.
- O -
MK. :HK1 Mrs. S. AIIE ULOl'I'EIt dud MIt. HIM! MKS. SIDNEY lU.OI'PEIt v. ish all their relatives and friends a'Happy and Prosperous New Year.
MIt. anil MItS. AL NEI'OMXICK, ItONXA, DIANE and STEVE wish their friends and relatives si Happy, Healthy and Piosperoi.is New Year.
- O—
- O—
Hest wishes for a Happy New Year to .'ill fri'-iitJ-s from MIt. nml MUS. MAKTIN KOLM and SONS.
MIt. and MKS. RALPH NOIili and the cirls tal:e this means of expres.sini; their best wishes to friends and relatives for a Happy New Year..
O -
DIt. and Mlt.S. HEN UIITI.EK and CIIILDIIEN wish their friends mill relatives n very ]Iap|iy and J'rospi.TOH'; New Year. -
put. nml MKS. SAM M. KUTLEIC,
ion, IlENNDTT, and mother, MKS. EVA I'OLIKOV, take this means of expressing their best wishes to friends and relatives both far and near for Health, Happiness (md Prosperity for . tin.' New Year.
o OMAHA SECTION, NATIONAL COUNCIL OF JEWISH WOMEN', extend to you and your dear ones sincere f;ood wishes for a Healthy and Prosperous New Year. -
MK. anil Mlt.S. J1YMAN OSOFF extend New Year's Greetings nnd Good Wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness mill Prosperity.
MIC. and MIIS. KAMTEL A. KICE nnd I'A.MILi' extend New Yeaj';; rreetinrs and J:I«I<1 wishes to iiiend1! and jelatives for Health, Hnppjies.'i and Prospi.'i i'y. J>!Ft. and .MItS. DAV1I1 "SONNY" JtlCIIAKDS mid rliililri'ii, SA.VI»IIA, COItV mid .SCOTT, extend their best wishes for the New Year lo their Jrif-nds vni] i elailives lioth Jar and near. Mlt. mid .MKS. IIVMIE ItK IIAKDK extend New Years ;;reetiii|;s nnd !;ood wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiii' s sand Prosperity, -O--
MIt. and MitS. I5ICN I.. ItOSKN, n.ii(I Mills, i'AI L mid HILLY extend their Greetings and Good Wishes tt» frieiuls and relatives for )feallh, Happiness and Pros- 1 perily.. • OMK. mid MKS. CAKE KOSENUEKG nnd ehlldicii, M'AIIIJICE, HELEN and STlCWAItT, take this means of expressing their )ie.st Wishes for the New Year to their friends and relatives. -•O--
IHt. and MItS. A. S. KIIINITZ extend New Year's. |;reeiinj;s to friends and relatives. MKS. M. r . LEVENSON nnd family e.\te;)d their best wishes to their relatives and friends for a Happy New Year. ... O—
MIt. and .MKS. LOUIS PAl'EKNY nmi FAMILY e x t e n d their Kreetincs and y.ooi wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prospcrliy. _ O—
(lit. nml MKS. LOU LEWIS and MIIIN, JUSTIN nnd IJAIiltY, and MUS. ETHEL TUCKER wish all their relatives and friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
Our Best Wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year to our children, relatives and friends —MIt. mid MKS. M O U K I S I'AKILMAN.
MUS. SOI, LEWIS and family extend New Year's creetiiujs and Hood wishes to friends and relative.'] for Health, Happiness and Prosperity.
MIt. and MKS. DAVID PAItKEH and FAMILY wish their 'relatives and friends both far and near a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
-0— Jill, and MKS, STANI'OItl) l.II1SEY and daughter, JANET, and mil, DASI1X, wlsli all their relatives and friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
M MIt. and MIIS. MAX MAfill) and sons, Die. IJEKNAKD and DIt. STANLEY, take this means oC fxpressiiu: their best wishes for the New •Year' to their friends nntl relatives. —O—'
MIt. and MUS. NATHAN MAKCUH and son*, IHJIl and STEVE, extend their i;rcetlnf;s and Rood wishes for the New Year to their friends and relatives both far and near.
DR. anil MItS. J. MILTON MAIt<»OLIN, JERKY and INA extend New Year's f;recliiif;s and f;ood wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity.
O— •
THE FIONEEIt WOMEN'S Olt«iANI/ATl()N lakes this opportunity of wishinj; their members and friends a very Happy New Year. -.0- . MIt. iind MItS. NATHAN VITLOK and JOEL wish their friends and relatives a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
... o— DIf. and MItS. DAVID C. PLATT • and elilldren. TOM, D0L'(i, LINDA and OAKY, extend warm Hrcctinijs and f;ood wishes to friends and relatives for a Healthy and Happy New Year. --O—
Wishing our friends and relatives a Happy New Year. • May each new one brinj.; added Joys. MIt. uml MItS. A. I'OLIKOV mid SONS. —O— JilR. anil MKS. SAM. I). I'OSKA, ilnuitliter, KETTE ANN nnd him, KIIEK.MAN want to wish their friends and relatives a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
R JIR. nnd MKS. BEN MARTIN extend to all their friends nnd relatives their Heartiest wishes for n Happy nnd Prosperous New Year. —O— FIAZKACIII WOMEN,. O in all a Chapter, wishes its members nnd friends n Happy, Healthy and I'tospeious New Ycjr.
MIt. and MItS. BENNETT JtADUZINEIt, CAKOL, MAItIC »m\ STEVEN wish all their friends nnd relatives a Happy and Prosperous New Year. . — 0— MIt. and MItS. JOE M. KICK! extend their best wishes to their friends and relatives for a Happy and Pio-ipuous New Yoik.
.Mil. and .Mils. IZZIE STISS and JACK STISS want to wish friends and relatives a Happy and Prif-peious New Year. -.0--
Mll. nnd Mrs. SOL STISS mid FAMILY take this means of cx]trc'.-',>inr, their brs! vvjshcs fijr the New Year to Hieir relatives end friends.
TEMI'I.E 1SIIAEL SISTErtllOOD wishes all its members and friends a Happy, Healthy r:nd Prosperous New Y'.'ai1.
... o— MK. anil MKS. IIAItllY TKUSTIN and. FAMILY extend their Good Wishes and Greeting's for the New Year to their friends and relatives.
MK. and .MItS. AIJE VENGER and •laughters, NANCY find ENID, wish all their relatives and friends a very Happy New Year.
.. o--
Mfi. and .MUS. MOE VENGEIl and nin, JEKKY, extend their Greetings and Good Wishes to fricnd.i and relatives for Health and Happiness for the New Year. --O
Mil. and MKS. IlEKNAItD II. SCIIWAKTZ extend New Year's jn'cetinRs and pood wishes to friends and relatives for Health Happiness and Prosperity. - O -
Mlt. and MItS. MAX SACKS and nous, A. CiEOlHiE and A. MICHAEL, wish their friends and relatives n Hnppy and Prosperous New Year.
MIt. nnd Mils. M i l , VEKET, ItAKItY, LINDA and JCDITII' <'.\t(!nd to their friends sincere wishes for a Happy l\<^v Year.
w MIt. and MKS. OSC.'AK W'AIDVOliEL wish their friends and relatives both far and near a Happy and Healthy New Year. Q
—0— , MIt. and Mlt.S. PAIX SACKS wish their friends and relatives uoth far and near a Happy and f'losI'crous New Year. .
MIt. and MKS, JAKE WINE wish all their friends and relatives n Happy. Healthy and Prosperous New Year.
'.-0 —
DK. nnd MKS. MAC-KICK B. KCIIW'AKTZ and son, JIKl'EIl I'AUL, nnd (liuitfhter, SUE ANNE extend New Year's Greetings and Good Wishes to friends and relatives for Health, .Happiness and Prosperity. DK. and MKS. A. A. STEINItEltG and SHELLEY wish all their friends and relatives a Happy . and Healthy New Year. .•-O-—
MIt. NATHAN STEIMiEKti extends fJrcelinjts and Good Wishes to friends and relatives for Jlealth, Happiness and Prosperity. -O— MIt. mill. SIKS. SAMUEL $. STEINI!Elt<; extend New Year's Greetings and Good Wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity.
MIt. nnd MItS. PAUL I. WOLK nnd son, DANIEL HOWARD extend their GreAnj;s and Good Wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity. •
- -0— WORKMEN'S CHICLE LADIES AUX.U..IAIIY wish a very Healthy and Happy New Year to all tiie Members. Mrs. L. Witkln, President; Mrs. S. Binder, Secretary; Mrs. Sara Schwartz, , Treasurer; Mrs. II. Rudcrman, Hospitality Chairman. WOKKMEN'S C I R C L E MIDWEST DISTRICT COMMITTEE wishes all the members from our district nnd their families a Happy, Healthy and. Prosperous' New Year.
— O—
DK. nnd MKS. IIUING SHAl'IKO and FAMILY take this means of expressing their best wishes for the New Year to their friends and relatives.
MIt. anil .MKS. ALLKN ZALKIN nnd MARK extend their Greetings and Good Wishes to their friends and relatives both far and near for a Happy nnd Prosperous New Year. —O—
,MIt. nml MItS. DAVID SIIUKEKT and CIIILDKEN extend New Year's Greetings and Good Wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness nnd Prosperity. -O— DIt. SAMUEL Z. STEKN wishes his friends and relatives a Happy New Year,
MK. and MKS.'MARSHALL ZALKIN and Family wish all their relatives and friends n Happy and Prosperous New Year. ,' •
-OJIR. ami MRS. BEN M. ZEFF nnd ton, DANIEL, wish all their friends a Hnppy, Healthy and Pi o'porous Ntw Ycai.
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saiil | c.-preisSf.'<l
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Hei/.l I per cent Inereusa. Tints
o f M!.,',',.'i,.,'."\ 'j'l'e
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ineieiiain;; college
y ei i c a j i , " •"]'")'?,,
in New Yoik
" / ' icceiM-d
" A s yi?sfiw,
B y .T..sl.iiu AM..T h e
Wednesday, Stplttahet SI,
New Y r a r S Ijlltlon—TIIK Ji:\VISM I'KI-NS—Itu'.ii Haslisnah &T>A
t l w a'.er;n'e
i-i'porled |
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than 6f
a n d that,
nee l
heads j
out of f o u r
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Six out of
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American J e w Ii'-lil
a little
o n e o u t of every
w h i l i ; col-
j a r job,, v.ilh a hirne r a t i o of p r o -
fessionals. Many
D r . l''islniian'.s
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out of ten A m e r i c a n
in j
thai t h e '
and P i o t e s i a o l i
and that
t)TL t h e
<JTA > • A
considered .Stairs
liy the-
Covej nmerit
Ct'ivrd the Department $>ledal
tc> allow him to patent
Ar3 Pleased to Extemd
pai't'jils |
Medal Av/arded to Radar Inventor
is• s m a l l - •
Omaha*! Oldasf
- . 3 1 5 So. 1&th$r. 43 Yesfs
about ;
for u.'iiie P r o t e s t a n t s , j
A v r r a ^ ' n .Jeu ish P a r e n t
with 'i0 •.
1111.' AIM. also r e p o r t e d American
of; that
t h e a e e of 1-1 Jived
£>er e c u ! fur C a t h o l i c s ta i v r
by j
I'.'rilh. T h e AI>I- found
in I
on t h e Amei i- j
jfftrr . IJ'n.'ii
\o its
)I has r e of Defense
and Best Wishes i oAll
Service for the invention, ; Dr. Olto Halpern
cepted ?:'. 10,000 from
Their Cordial Greetings
year ac-
the Govern-
jnent In settlement of his IK-year}>\d court, fiftlit the
to Ret a patent on which
helps United
S t a t e s planes and ships evade r a flar
hy potential, ene-
Itiies. .The Government, in opposing
argued that granting of the patent tyottld ' m a k e ifrhich
was still
a military
T h e invention is a material con.tulnini; metallic flakes sorb
$nd aircraft
which ab-
to which it Is applied
^invisible" to radar.
4322 NO. 24TH STf &TCWISH POKT San Juan (WNS)—A proclama|lon designating X9B0 as Solomon fcm Gablrol year In momory of tho fiaventh-century Spanish Jewish g>08t has bjsa UVMA by jtha Gov-
ernor of Puerto Rko.
n—T»K JKU'IKII l'RKSS— Bo<l>
Joel Hi Ifnifin
Beth El I jr. All* it CJ. Rmimcrman
Herbert. Kal'/.i 11
V K C - I ' I I "-iflf n l :
Moi i it < \ It lhiitiu iji < o d d V i c c P i c i<l{ l i t ; J o ' i pli J l o i r i ' l c i n fci ( i ((.11 j • l fil M C m 1/ 1 I I ilMU ( 1
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1hi> ( m i i i . i l i w
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I ' n r p i i M - : 'I'd l u s t e r m i d f n r l l i o r t h e lli|;lll".l iilr.'ils lif o r t h o d o x Jllll.l-
III 5 'I
,Mis f'o
S m l d i ii 1 /
7r *
]nu>Jii|i .'nininjr i t s n i r i n l i ' T . s . T o enrour.'if/e lrii^iuiis, social M M ! , eilncnliuii.'il m : l i \ i 1 it":.
i| n n i l U i l l . i i i A
H I M .'
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M i .ill
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Id.hi i I W.i,'in I
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1 I IlllKIll
Vi< i - I ' n M d m t :
Allu i I J'limiK
W W t * ^ .ir.W\^ w . . ^ %
u y ,
I l ( Mill 111 Admin
Vv. innl Mrs. .Sidney Vlcc-I'ri'siilriils: Mr. /md Mrs. Manny Gold
I " ! llii inij.;
III i\t i i i i l , . t i i i l 1
JIiii,riling S r c r r l j i r y : ir.-ii-nld Zclinsky
' I n i n l l u ii In
Young Couples Club
Henry A\i\>rl
Sisterhood )'ur|i<i*>< : I n
JIJIrd .*":oiniiii'i'
I'lT.siilenl: Mam in- K.'ilclin.'iil Vii'r-I'i I'.siili'nl:
X^- .tt In in i i i n i ' i '
^ 1 I M t.l 1 II
I m i I < u i < , M l >, M ; i > : N m . ' i k
I n i M ^ p o i i i l u i r ^ i ( 11 I i r \ : : Mi-.
-M.i\ IJilIni i \
T i . .isiin i. ' I n
Ji i \ \ l u l i l i o i i k
) ,ii li.inii M I . I I i i n Mis
I i ink
-Mrs. Alfred Kr;ink
I'l-'iind-r.-iisinc Vii'i'-I'rrsidi ill: ; Mrs. Harold Zrlinsliy I Meniliri'.liip Viri'-I'rcsidciil: j M i s . .(Ji'Di'ir Seli.-ijiiro Pi iijiriiiii \*iei -Pi esident: Mrs. Arlliiir I'aiilin.in Ticii.siii'i'1-:
Mrs. I), W. Kr.-ink Heeoillilli; Si I lit .11 \ : Mrs. Ili-ubcn Hidner I;'inaiiei.'il Si ri il.'irie.s: Mrs. Irvinj; Chaniey, Mi'S; Mjirlin (leiv.nlf
2'* i i n i l n i j ' ^ ( 11' i n \ : M i s Hi n ' i l u i / I
Churchill Hafs •
Kiimui'.l Klonc, Mrs. Il.-iny Liv.is 'i'teimwt'v: Mrs, Fliil I.iiliiiian ItcrnrdiiiK Srrii'lary: Mrs. Sam Sliyki-ii (*ni'rr.s[>f,n(linj^ Sicri' Airs. Sinn IJosrii.slciii, Mr.s. }Mr-
J e r r y Ki i:eni;iii J'ji't
J.iutiU,: Mis M m I I S SI ilini>Mc:r Mrs. I lerbirl Meiches, Mr?.. Jlori oii'-itlt.iMt is J. Shajiii o Mis M;11 S Kii['K« I"arli;ini(Mil;iii;ni: lllll ( l o t s ' • Mrs. Hurry Kidman M I H .Sinn II.IM M i s , J.'ick Knuf- Directors:
Mrs. Izi.lnrc Kleuil/, Mrs. SidJ I I I I Hull, Mis N.illuin 'i'nriKT, ney GnldlHij;, Mrs. Kmn Kat/]\!i s Ainu Wolfsfm inan 3 i ill ml ion Wdini II Kx-()ffif:io: Mi«i M(i<i l:ns( lib linn AIi'N. I leni >' Appe] Fcdemlifiii Women: Mrs. N. H. Gr<; f^en's Cfub n u n , Mi-- Jialpli NOKH. Mrs. JCu-
Johnston & Murphy Shoes
Telephone 556-2700
1 KhKll 111 I^nn.'ilil N n j ' ^ \l<( -I'ltsnlrllls: J.'ltlc D l l i l l ' l l , liirlllll'il
P-TA M'illllfill)),
D r . l l r n i u II
Accept Our Best Wishes for a Heppy ond Prosperous Nov/ Yecr
A Monument fo STRENGTH
53&-0 V/est
Council CTufTs. Fov/a Ken build monuments io th« tlrength ot thoso who bar« tihown groatneso—monument*
oro an inoplration
(hose who follow.
Initddiilons arc built by men who «erv«« It is our hope Ihat. during tlio coming year you will have enough confidence in this business to let us he your counsellor on insurance mailers of all kinds. We represent only companies of enduring strength.
102 SOUTH 18TH ST . . . 342-6*11
333 South 20th Sfrect
. I
* •
Page Thirty-two
Wednesday. S«ptf mbei1 « , 1888
.w Yeu'c Edition—THE JKWISH PBRSS—Bosh tUsbamh 672t
Synagogues Recording Secretaries: 'Mr. and Mrs. Sum Gendler Corresponding Secretaries: Dr. and Mrs. Bennett Fibliboln Treasurers: Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lehman
B'nd Adas Yesshuron President: Eli BiUncr Vice-President: Ben I.indenbaiim Treasurer: Harry Richlm Directors: Jake KapHn NdUun Lerrrun. Uymtin Cu^s, Joe Adler
jecoml Vice-President: Mrs. Edward Malcieslty Third Vice-President; Mrs. Adolf Mayer Fourth Vice-President: Mrs. David K. Hi-!*'!Corre!;pondii):! SVcretan : Mrs, Mauritv Aresly liecor(Uii;j Si'ei rtary: Mrs. Nath.-iii Novak Dues Secretary: Mrs. E. Leo No;::; Treasure)': Mrs. Lloyd Krii'ilnr.ns Auditor: Mis Mill nd Ki i .HI*
Parliamentarian: ATOMIC r.EAClOK NEAU TEL AVIV Mrs. Kdwurd Levlnson Je.rusaletn (JTA) — The only operation in art Israeli atomlo Federation Women: atomic reactor In tlie Middle l i s t , plant lit Nab! liubin, south of Tel Mrs. Paul Grossman, Mrs. Dabetween Italy find India, is In I Aviv. vid K. Uebc-r
Men's Club
President: Ajon I''arb^r Vic.'-I'i-csideuts: .lames Farber, Lloyd Friedman, I. M. l.ibernian, Morris Lipp, K. Robert Newman, Sidney OMon,
We Exfenc! Our Very Best Wishes lor a Happy New Year
Tn-.-jsiirer: Dr. Karl Wh;od-,!:y M u vin T«i m in
ion Of Ssrae!
Industrial Machinery and Suppfies
Prcsidi.-nt: Sam Canar Vice-President: Ben Garellck Secretary:
Max Ontman Treasurer:
Ben Martin
Temple Israel President: Lazar Kaplan Vice-Presidenl: : MUlard Krasiie Treasurer: Warner Frohman Secretary: "' Millard Speiei
2401 N. 11TH ST. Typical Studio Efficiency Apartment Buifdino on Mr. Carmcl, Haifa, hrael, built by Rassco for American investor*.
Omaha, Mefar.
Sisterhood JParpow: Organise actiwtto of the Sisterhood, cultural, religious, social and fund-raising. President: Mrs. nobert C'ohn First Vice-President: Mrs. I. M. Libermrui
• Omahan Tilled Soil In Israel 35 Years Ago Harry G. Mendelson has the distinction of bein;; the first and perhaps the only one in the U.S. ever to have gone to farm in Bafouria. five miles below the Hills of Nazareth in the Valley of'Esdraelon replete with such historical nssociations in Nazareth, the Hill of Tabor, the rhillistiivs, Gideon, Samson and other historical characters of the Biblf. '•'. On graduation from the University of Nebraska with a IICRTCV ol Bachelor of Arts and a tencher'.s certificate Mendelron left for Palestine to study the ancient and •'modern' Hebrew c u l t u r e . He Btudeid in Tel Aviv and attended "•"some of,the first lectures at the Hebrew University on Ml. Scopus in Jerusalem in the Spring of 1923. In the fall of 1H25 he cctlled on the land which his father, C. H. . Mendelson, Hebrew scholar of local, fame, had boiu'Jst shortly after the World War I from an American organization dedicated to the rebuilding of the Land of Israel. He farmed almost three years. He .. met and married a yomii; woman who had come from the same town from which his father had come from, in Lithuania'. Their only child, Mrs. Maynard Grecnberg of Minneapolis, was the first American child to be born in. the Valley of Nazareth. Mendelson • taught English and English literature in the Haifa .high .school. Mr. Mendelson says he is the first midWesterner to teach these subjects In Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Afule. The Mendelsons left Palestine In 1929 to make their home in Omaha. Mr. Mendolsoii said he was the first one to establish the first modern Hebrew .school in Omaha. He also taught. Hebrew, Yiddish, Jewish history, customs and rituals at Temple Israel, the south Omaha synagogue, the Labor Lyceum. He said he was the first to serve ps both secretary and educational Birector of the Omaha Philosophical Society In the '.10s. • For the last 35 years he has 1>een associated in the sales field with the Nogg Brothers Paper Co. H e is a collector of epigrams. At present he is working on an anthology—The Challenge of Life
|n the Atomic Age.
r 1
st. touts,••••»&.
"fe Tear's
Weflne»a»y, Septemlw* SI, i860
i I
BAH MIT7.VAK CKI.KIJ HANTS Tfliirsliiill Abrahams •Sitvcii Abrahanifoii William Alloy Kdwurd Altinan Harvey lijibclxliii'fl J.niirince. Joel Bloom Iliiyjnond Bfiiitfimlin Lirry Hrnokstdii J.oiiir; (Jliuiiovic Alien Culm liicluiid Diamond Handy Kndehmin Jor.fph ]). Kni;Iander Jerry Finer John I'aibrr Marc I'Yllmnn iJoniilil J'ox Hdl)(Tt Fox Sidney Frank Hairy I.'iaac Friedman Slwiirl Fiohrn Kcil Gendlfr Ikr.vnrd Orflliek
Lawrence Grossman limce. Holjerimm Kenneth Ilobermun Paul K<ilman David Kaplan Marc Kaplan .Steven Kntz Howard Katzmnn Lawrence lirian Kaufman Abe KiiiKtlinger Donald Kohn Charles Kurtzman David LItt Stephen Lubman I'Jfhard Mann Charles -Mayrr If. Itobort Milder Arje Naehiiian jut'] I'orter Joe Itfiss Max Hifhtman Jerry .Schneider Harley KcliraRfir. . . ' . ' • I/:«n Shriitfo .Stewart Sloan Jeffrey .Simon Slephen .Siporin Jolin ,Siref David Schwartz Jeffrey Swartz
1'IM.II Giventer
Jionald floldstrin Mark Goodman Gary (ireen JoM>|ih (',iTcn\»:ty, Philip Greenbei'K
THK JEWISH CTESS—Jtosfi nnshan.ih 8721
Tnge TIiMy-thrre
JrXANS TJNI>rOU WAY FOIt \ioitr>r> ZIONIST COKOKKSS J(iu;:;ik:!)] (WKSJ—The groundwork for tlio 25th World Zionist Congress, scheduled for Jorusalejn in Ijcof'iiihfi', is b'.'inj; laid in a .".prii1!: o£ regional mt-olinys this full.
Stanley Wezchnaii Ho.yd WohlJK.r Harry Zoob IJAS MITZVAII €I-;i.KItKAN'J.'.S Cai-ol Altsuler Ellen Jiank Sheila Jiloom Iiosalind lioidy Betty Caelrin lienee Kpstein Alice Fellmnn Marlyne Fre^edmari • Harbarfi Iferzoi; Francos Uornsl.ein I'eniiy Krnsne Terri Kwiatek .•Susie Lincoln .Carolyn Loss Judith NOJX' Judith Ilntnor Aileen Hiinmermnn Gail Hudorman Lynn Sniindfii's Joan Sax Marlene Schreiher Lisa Shapiro Carol Sherinan Frances Klirier •SU.san Slutzky
SABBATH OIJ.SETvVEKS KXCUSED AT IOWA V. Iowa City (YVNS)—Sabbath obKcrv«rs need not take college qualifying tests on Saturdays, Dr. Paul J. Mat lire, president of the American Coilrf;i; 'JVj.sting Prn^rarn of the Univciuily of Iowa, said.
Try this New B"
p IPlBM to
natural regularity Guaranteed to give you v/elcome aid or £ 4 v£s> ii\i Try this simple plan from
Th« dfiMcloui, rfioily-to-ecf blend of fcastfd wholo whfiot f1af(«i end tousled v/hoU ftaxiecd,
'i'bc Jew, a New York monthly founded In March 1823 by Solomon. Henry Jnrkdon, who wns also the first Jcuisli printir in the city.
I. Get 2 pnvkatfeu nf UNCLK KA?vI nt your favorite food ttore, 2 , Eat 2 ccrvinpn t. day. Include nmplc ll'juldn in your diet. O rinliih both packa^CB. You'll receive welcome aid . . . or your inoney tacit. It'/i no ilmple nn tliat! If you're not completely mntinfied, Ju.-it i<end tho tops from both wrappers to Undo Sam Breakinst Food Co., Omaha. Your purchase price will be refunded. Start this Qccy, 3-stcp plan to g c n tta/ natural regularity today. Cut your 2 package! of UHCtC SAM e i your favorlt« food store.
Happy Nev/ Year and a
Renewed Welcome from !TH AND HAntJEY STS., OMAHA
To Our Many Friends
A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR Where "Thing* Are Hummin11
iSTABJKAOT i for Our Chcrcccl Croilcd Stcciis I8f9 FARNAM
Sam Epifein
HAPPY NEW YEAR To Our Many Friends
Headquarters for
New York Stock Exchoncjo Midwest Siock Exchange American Stock Exchongo
Bcfwccn I6fh and I 7th on Farnam
T'^?"^^^ 1 ^^^^*!?]^^^^*^^
N«vf Yea*1* Edition—TIIK JKWIKII TltKHS—Hosh JBwlianaft S7SI
Page Thirty-four
Wednesday, September £1, I9C0
of n sons; tliey did riot know about Kroup. After explaining tlwt many white skull caps." I sialled end world cone by tliey had never people In Israel wore white ones, to my surprise to did the lit?ad-
Jews in Russia Are Nostal ic a
Elw remarked, "Jerusalem must master.
Then theiv v.;i;; ths Incident in lopk very lovely with all those Kharho'.v, a different :,lory with the !,,;me iri'iral. We entered u larj;'.1 iui|:;ie :,hop in the center of the town in r.eardi of jKiimlar j Kpi:.::iali rcconl:;. V.'e :;!ood by tlif ;
By Michael Shnshar, Israeli . I can be arrested for havln;; instudent, who tell* of lih ^i«H to doctrinated him." ileiij;H>yr, odu| cation is illegal in !t>is;:ia until n the Ken let IJ'Jon After three weeks In Soviet h:if. reaehni hi- c:;'!uee:Uh Russia, I found my:,elf nskitii' much yer.r. ('noir whoi a i;:ati caiiie UJJ from tho .same (iu".-tii*i which Burr; Pasternak a:i:ed hi*; "Dr. j 1 i IT really found an unsv, er L-birid and v>lii.-;|«-rtd. "JJuv Yid- • lii.'.h recoids; they're no cood bur-; ir'ist l » G : ' p b . * \ i j i ' ; (if <|i:c:iZhna::o." What n thy sian Jews so ttuohorn? Why don't Itiuli:-.-- t le.'-.Lt not a io;:K:-:'.i on-1. l.my linMif." \'.'e turned around , ;uid f.r.v :i n'md":;cript lool'.inc • they .succumb to their fate. i!'.1.-' Jud;;i/e thojilFeh''.; ami m»:$:e into !f ,':viini'.'itnry inroad/; have in.'iii in hi., forties ( who .",n;:,'.vered tin* landscape'.' i\,r mure than -10 ; •id-', they only toucii the oui' Miii'i; '..ii)i a l li'U;h st.'ire. We ' years tliey liav. to a creator or ! •y. Ti-.o (vntrat con-, rail :i!-l;ed the s.-ile^fiir] to sliow us .-• :e!i'ctioii (>* Yiddi.'Ji records ;ind lesser degree, hvi-u subjected to ';it It v.-ii'; oljvio'.is from her ratlier . threats, discrimination, force.— • i s to lie Kt;irt.ic<J lool; tluit no one had tniide ' anything that would Ie;id to tho i so.-h it rc-'iiie :t for n lonj; time. I cultural Kiiicide (if the throe million I 'np:< I • the vitiip:;'-e<i a* • Jews of Soviet Ilu-sia. V.'o I'l.iV'.il MIMIC of tlicm over. tVidillvh 111 Jlunsiw'.1 '1'iie Widespread li!t4Tni:irn:.;:;o lia!l was f>Tc):ed to the lest s.al. A-, tiie turnlalile ]n"c;:m to revolve, • The* alithoritii::; can .'it l'-nst Ynui:!; and old had turned out j'tiie tiny eelioc:; of 'V-lhlof Mcin j .Shlnf" n::,.mniled throughout j point to a partia: ;.;KVO:;:, in their to hear NVhama l.fp^hitz .-.in", theI1 Kind 1 cauipaign. For one thinn tliere is o!J f.-ivorit'-'a. It v.as an e\-i.xipiiori.il tli'. :,!iop u;A v.ere rehiyed through | widespread inrcrninmage. One j cultural event, permitted by the tl:e loud;;i»..'ii':cr to the p.visers- j bearded man in his sixties swore (authorities In eoinnvmoratloii <>[ IJV out:;Ui". (.iiv by on" people j io tiie counter, their to me that his daughter would not \ the Sholojii Aloichem rontt-nary c;ime up1 t(1 e\<-3 el"- ' ""• revolvin;: disk, i ] marry a Jo-.v. "What for," lie eeleljrationi. jianced tlirou:;h the window, and exclaimed, "fo that my f-randchil1 YlrtdWi Soniri—Ti-urs siiv. ;i sintJl crowd patiiered on the drcn will curre the day they were Tiie younu people did not unilerborn?" Then again, circumcision stnnd a word of tlie Ylddir.li p:ive:uent .iroand the loinliiwaker. 1 has become the exception rather Ij-ric;. Thiou;;hout the sinr*inr: one 'I'i-e words of thf old Yiddl ;!) soni; seemed to have stmeh n familiar than the rule because of the could hear a huidied undertone atif-ma attached to it, one that of voice:!; tho parents wero cx- chord within the heart of every Jew in the vicinity of the Kharcan never be eradicated. plainini; v.hy tho o!d»r petipje were kov/ record sliop. Tin; slranccr Few of the youth know lio-.v to moved v.-Iien "Her Shabbos I.icht" who'had urf.ed us to buy Yiddish read from a Hebrew prayer book was sun;; by tho great sinner. But records war, correct. They were j and, as one man, a devoutly v.hy the Eona and daughters? Why not very i;ood but they had n j Orthodox person, explained to me: was It that so many of them were quality which was not to be "If I teach my son "The Slicma" literally reduced to tears because nie.'is'ued by the usual eriterin. j
New Year's Greetings and
Best Wishes rrom
New Year's Greetings from
GROCERIES a MEATS 3552 Leavenworih
MoeN Teen:i^ern j If there w;is need for further! conflniiatioii fif thi."i in-er,resihle"| truth 1 found it in.f Keliool phiy-j I'.niund one lunch hour. J lind been shown around the pciiool by the headi;iaster, u capable and well- ; re;:d man v.iir> ivasobviously proud of his lar;:e in-.tit'jtion nltfnded by over a thousand ti;";ia),red jiupll,-,. Tli" bell ram: and the. youni-Mers ran to th'ir lunch, .'uine to 1Iie I'.'.jj.'insive (iiniiif: liall, i others into the pl.'i>;4round to eat , their f.ui'.dv, iciie;:. 1 watched these I boys and );irl.'., the1 future citizens ' of this (;i'<v:it country and they looked to ui" no different from youn;;';tesv, of n ;.imiiar u<;e in any1; other Kurope.-jii stnte. 'Hie h"ad. master called a few of th"tn over j and introduee-l me. We curried on I a :'c.ry j'emTal c<jn;.'ir::.'ttion until i one Ifi-year-old iilue-eyed-biond ! (;irl asked, "Why Is your KIUIII cap ( i whit'.", my I'randfather ahvoys wore '• j a black one." I had not guessed i that there was a Jewess in t h e ;
Affhur and Morris Adlor
Schimmel Prepared Food —•• a Midv/esfern Tradition
o o o o o oo
Spotlighting (li» Uniqus Chor-Brol!«r
Hotel Blackstonti
36tli at Farrtrtm
Sea To Our Many Friends and Patrons
s Greetings'-:
May the Coming Year
Bring Peace to All Mankind and Assurance That All Men May Live in Freedom Whatever Their
Harbarf Forbai
Race, Creed or Color
Ecpfrmbir SI, I8C0
New Sent** riI)t(<m—Trn: JUVISFI I-RKSS—Itorii Ifaslmnali 8721 ,"?
I', PMI1< n t :
Mf[)llrn flll'.s V r<*-I'j«><,id»'i>1 • I Inty I'lirilliiiin fn •[< i<n j - T i ' . ' i ' i j i r i ' : ("ami ItuK-iih m m fcri; (. 111-.>t-'Win1.: ('ii( i Jl '1 iinlj'i.;m
Ship Solref
J< 11 \ Shislcy
Sheldon Kri/.elman JJob \Vciiif,t(.'in, John Kpil
-Too IJa, ir.'it Si.-r Stuart
.Secretary: John >SuUu
Hill Kully Youlh Connril
'I'ira.suif.-r: Iivin 'Karl
1*11 '-lii<nl Almild l i n 'lu-v V.' • -PlIMlli lit Mai k d o j i h t i o i n & " ' • ( ! ii y Auiokl M u m i l /
1'ontli Council J!(
Howard JJalni
] ditoi: Kolierl: Friedman Chaplain: Frank Goliilirrc
Venn Ci'ilior Youth Council Alternate: (ConlniiHd on I'.i|;e 37 )
(J.IJ1<> Ileiuli r
Youth Council Youth Council
Jiilm iSjiilzfr
Mickey .Siifks, ilowaid Youlh Coiincil 1!( in Mar.shnll Kiiplan Yoiilli Coiiiifil Allfi'iHitc
Youth (.'oiiucil
Small I'o
Di.-k Fiif<] C'li;ipli:iu:
M.iiMii Kn It IJI if(< m.i'teis M<\<' H(ij;iuliuii], HfimliJ hrlim iik'i' F n s t .Si i|'. cnl-.it-Aims: \7ehm i.psti in f>i omJ .Si i|'<Miii-at-Ai'ins: 1 wii I.in Hnimieiniim
Distribulors of
Stan Z\^orlinn
Uml'ly Kpsli'in Vici -I'rcsiilciii :
WHOLESALE Cigars - Cigarettes - Tobacco - Candy Fountain Supplies end Specialties
J'rr.siileiil: MarciJt Ko|;cl First Vlcn-l'icsideiit: I.inila Zalkin Sfcoiid Vicf-I'rc.'jiilciit: 'Vii.nl Itoseiihuum Rwordini; Scciv'fnry: Carrio Jdiliwi Corii.'.<.I)()ii(Iiii(; Si'crotary: Judy iJnvirlson Trejisin'cr: Linda Joffec Historian: Leslie KorbcK I'l'porfcr: Karon Fi'llman Vimtli (.'ouncil I>i'i)rpstn(ativc: .Sue ni'iinaii Youth Council Allcnintc: Anlceii ).''orl)cs ^Tf)^l^tr^ss: Susio Spcirr
Ho.l;aliii(l KOJJK
. ' •
2121 IZARD ST.
Auburn, Nebr. Chadron, Ncbr. Crawford, Ncbr. Gordon, Nebr. Gothenburg, Nebr. Grand Island, Nebr. Hastings, Nebr. Hoy Springs, Ncbr. Holdrege, Nebr. Lincoln, Nebr. McCook, Ncbr. Norfolk, Ncbr. North Platto, Ncbr. Omaha, Ncbr. Scottsbluff, Nebr. Dcs Moincs, Iowa
Operators of Cigereite and Candy Vending Machines
First. Viee-I'icsidpnt Linda Mafjzaniin Second V'ice-Pi Nancy Harding Keeordiiij; .Secretary Maureen liorden Hill.'; Treasurer: Lr-nnne Golilbcrj,' I^iie.", 'J'reasurpr; Judi (Jendler
Fort Dodge, Iowa Sioux City, Iowa Bollo Fourche, S. D. Chamberlain, S. D. Custcr, S. D. Dcadwood, S. D. Edgemont, S. D. Hot Springs, S. D. Kadokfl, S. D. Lake Andes, S. D. Murdo, S. D. Newell, S. D. Pierre, S. D. Wall, S. D. Yonkton, S. D.
with t f i e ^ l f j of quality TASTE BETTER
serves the community
Prosperous New Year
Founded 39 years ago, Bozell & Jacobs has always believed in faith-
Mcy We Invite Vou to Join Our Ever-Growing Circle of Frlcnc's end SoHsflcd Custcmcrt
ful civic service to its community, os well as good advertising and
Wishes You a Most Happy
Public relations service to its clients. And as Omaha goes forward on its second century of progress, Bozell & Jacobs reaffirms its confidence in Omaha, in Omaha's people, its industries, its institutions, and its FUTURE!
l o c d cod U c g DlrfcMo—Fcreifcro
Member American Association of Advertising Agencies
558-I0O0 1215 UAVENWORTH ST.
740! DODSE
iU»^-4.i f
Pagn Thlrty-ulf
Yrsr'« Kditlon—THK JKVVl^II FRESH—Ros.li
Wednesday, SrptMnbcr 21, 1990
Candlesticks (Continued from I'ai;e 10.> » week olid |;ot doiil)!'- pay Jor 1
We were idil' t " i;i't
New Year
The Phili[) Greenhet}; family
doc-tors in the eoiititry i«;;<1 one clay | we wen; told thai toreicu doetur.s | were idiowed In take v.\i iiii.-clical job-.. Olir jfjnii-i'ii; ]:nrw no end. That Fiid'.y we even ,'el;ed the lady of the douht.lnl virtue to partake in our trad.tiup.al i!v:/ii.
up o;ir candlrst ieks ;tt:d moved on -•this time to .'iii'itii'-r town ami to a modii'al rajei-r, And slowly our situation Improved. Slep liy r,l<[i we fnniUhcil a modest home of oar own when.' the canille5tiei;s found a permanent plaee of In mi ir. Ali lcind.s of event:; eame and W'-nt hut the eandlesticks 'Mood steadfastly In their plaee like two pDai-.s of stren[;tli. 1 pouii.d out cjver them my i;rief over the l<i.,s of my family j at Nazi hand1: and I whisjwri.'d to j them my joy win n our first, child i arrived anil a few jears later'our
America's Favorito Ico Cream
COMPANY, INC. JOHN S. EH&DAHL, Frtildtii?' J. PALTON EHGDAHL, ?ic. ant rna%. XODNEY W. EMSDAHL, VIct-rrMldort
"If Sngdchl Does It. Wi Dont Right" 614-16-13-20 No. lOfh
Happy and Prosperous
lir'Uer «('-
Micks went a;:;>iu jomr.ejini;. Our new landlady was a pretty woman of aijiiut .'-'I who wangled her hips as ;!,•• i'.;d!:ed. She was lollowed at every M-p by n IVj kin<;e.-.e who had the .vmie Kind of wall:. It v,as dillieulf lo .-.ay who imitated whom. Ilejoiee Over VeUlcvil .Joti As the war 1pri>;;ivr/.":d. it was
W. L. Masterman & Co. 1409 Harney
Accepf Our Very Besf Wishes for a Most
C'amllestii'lis Slay And .so iiieture atf1]1 picture rose up hefore mi', eaeh fiHed \%'itli the radianee that ;•linnc Irom these new shahhy caiid!i:«tU:l:s. No, 1 could never part with them , . . My husband's key rattled in the j door and his voice loomed "Good Shablios" in the hall.1 "Good Sliahhos," I called out to him cheerinlly, quickly wiping my eyes, "Good .Shr (WIN'S)
Get tho Best . . . Get Sealtest!
Coming Up Soon... ON CHANNEL fl CANDID CAMERA The feature you liked on the Garry Mooi e show in a new halfhour starring Ertdi'j Albert as host.
AQUANAUTS An hour-long under\>.itnr series loaded v,iih mysteiy, tji'ain.i and suspense.
PETE AND GLADYS Family situation (oinedy starring Ilany Morgan, Cara Williams and Verna I'elton.
A roii'iie^Moiuil hi\ esligating committee g o e s info a c t i o n against i n f a m o i l s ctiminal 1 ;
ROUTE 66 Action-packed adventures of two footloose young men touring the c o u n t r y in a spoit car.
THE TOM EWELL SHOW Now family situation fomedy cieated by the wrileis of "I I,ovo Lucy."
THE ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW The country boy who somehow always wins out
GRINDL A new mystery series in the eerie tradition —s t a r r i n g M a r y G r a c e Canfield as Grindl, the maid.
A fivOi.te of Ii.i'eli'ij oil o,cr AIM" ( J , noleiii Hotel i'd ton itancis i'i tue heait of Omalia, t! s cm 'ioids o' t1 e r.it or. K-nart'1, app)iiitrj, air loMiitio1 rd r;i'c t IO(J:-"I>. f u t'UP lod.o and te'c-'i'ion :o\i, and llio I i-"'or;ii>'c P.i< J'onm ) a "mirt" foi <iiii'i>(» .Mid d mcijij! Vi it tl c ljeautjfiil Murnl Iiii'ni'c foi j cucl.'ail, » T! tiy the del.noli', food of tna 'lavi-in C!i dl and Coffee Shop. In Oni 'ij . . . coo r the j'a\ton. Caitl > Uiivmal Oi'Jit Cald , . il • C3 van^rt and I if« V''n'» lift National t^ttl Co pan/ f O B*>* 2?, Gol'flton, To/ai
t P^'i'^KAM AtA iijrr i OMT n . i o iOt?ou, \ P ; nA
<V -
in Late September cr Ccriy October — Watch for Them!
AFFILIATED "Omeha's Greet Entertainment Chennsl"
(3 AT I 0 II AL H O T E L S
-r II, J80O
New ttat't
Edition—TIIR JIWINII l'ftrcSK—Itosli rr.-ishan.-iti 5721
Part of Canaanife Temple Unearthed Jerusalem UTA) -- Kncavalion;, hy tin American archaeological Three .stamps have been i:-;;-;m.'il team on (he site of the liililieal by Israel commeinoralin;; tin; Hi|;h eity of HetheJ have unearthed sigi£<jly Day:; ami the Jewish *Nc\v nificant ('anaanile findin;:s datini; Year 57HJ. Tii'.'.-ifi stamps reerealo back lo 1,700 I!.('.]•:. I Jr. James I., Kelmi of the Pitt<jthe ehapiers r>f biblical hi.'itory ami Ijtii'i;)) - Xenia 'i'lieological Semiare iledieated to the first three. nary, who headed the learn, sai( ltiii|;s of Israel . . . Haul, I>avid that (lie exjiedilion had found ; and .Solomon. liuj;(' wall, more than nine feet This year'.'j f'-slival i*:t were lii^h, prohably part of a (VuKiati temple. designed on the pattern of .stninedA water ;;ate was found nhoul wimlmv.s by Huliiai'ian b«ni 10 fuel in hcijjht, in: K'elso dis; place el at the Jewish ' C o m m u n i t y closed. Ihi said above it. were walls believed to have lieen built by the , ^ * - 5 J ft'Jii.'•j\ 'They will h'; .sent ilircetly (loops of Joshua, who according I from the I'iiiJaielie S'-nices of Isto (lie liililieal account, led tin $#,£«• rnel to Nuhseriliei'S. Israelites in the c o i ] < | U e s t of Canaan.
Season's Greetings to Our Many Friends of the Jewish Foitli Our Greetings and Best Wishes for the Blessings and Health, Hoppiness and Prosperity in tho New Year
Prank Renna
3213-15 Q ST.
Since 1923
A Very Happy
Foreign Investments Youth Council '(Continued from I'aj.;e 35.1 HI Peak in Israel Sharon i Jnl/man
Kin;; Solomon
I Aslicr K.'ildei'nn who Ist'iiol ns ;i nuvjiber of Yoillli Aliyah.- 'I'll'' (Ji'.sicns were ilom> »ti'<v>rilii]|; In the historical descriptions of the three l<in:;s. KuMcnm ui.sbrd, however to lend hP'icial tiKNitiitii; to this .sol of stumps liy llsiii;-; thiw uiMitional motive:-! in order to denolo aeeurdin;; to his own intiTpiotation - (href mail <"l>;ir;n:tori:itii\s uf the Jewish p plo; militancy (Saul); Kiiirittinl (David); wi:;(.loni and rlchtuo ni'.;-i (Solomon). Issued at the Kami? time was ft commemorative honoring T h e otlor II e v /. 1, father of Zioni ni, on tlit; HjOlli anniversary of hi;, birth The llei/l museum on Israel's Jit. Her/1 v.as f o r in a l l y opened la::t July. It contains n rei>Ilel/I lira of flor/l's study in Vieim: with the oi'iyinril furni.'iliiiu;:;, pi'i'. viously housed at the headquarter; of the Jewish National fund. Subscription.'! for stumps may he
Jerusalem I J T A l - • Israel i e ciinli'd (in all-fiim.' hij;h for capital iiivpstiiieiilr, iliirini: the first .five; inoiitliM of lidiO whi'ii a total of more than S1H,(KK),OOQ was inve.sted in 2'Si enterpri.i"s. '1'liis compared lo a total of $15,000,000 inveslfil in tho same pciioil of I!l5!l In 'i'J projiets.
The United States remained Israel's number ..one supplier hut slipped from Keeond to'third place as purchaser of Israeli products (lurini; the first five months of this year. West Germany displaced the United States ns second bii;i;cst customer of Israel. The United Kingdom, which takes nearly a fourth of nil Israel's exports, remained in first. p)ac\
.Seriieant-at-Arms: Linda Priesman
1'resitlent: Harold Forbes Viee-J.'resident: Steve (iould - .Secretary: . Jon. Hank ' Treasurer: 1 Jon Ic'iedler First .Ser[;eunt-at:-Arms: Bob Gross Second Sergeant -at-A nils: Sandy Stelmaii Youth ('oiuicil I{epresentative: Illicitly Marcus Youth Council Alternate: Harry (Joldware
• •:
Mr. end M r i . Joe Fishel
553 5893
1501 No. 33rd St.
To All Our Friends and Patrons
A Very Happy New Year May you and youri be bleited with health and happiness «nd may this ycor bring you all you desire for a richer,, fuller life.
iBs Jewelry Co.
Amazing new paint rinses from tools with water, dries in 20 minutes, keeps handsome colors longer, stays new for years and ycarj.
324 So. 16th St.
Omaha, Nebraska
Harry's Live Flsii
1424 Davenport 4703 So. 24th 6051 Military 4135 Center St. y 306 306 W West D Droadv/ay — Council Bluffs
Marheft 341-4977
Strictly Kosher Poulfry Killed Doily! Buy of Harry's and Save Money!
My Business Is Closed on All Saturdays and
EVGRYTHING In high-fidelity Fiom tli* Imvlleit or ittord lucmoiloi, to tin Xlgantlc' tpe.ilieis (list •pell tnio hl-fl, ththouic of hl-fl has them all In »tock. Ixjok for a tnpo recorder, nn smplllltr, a ' record ••hunger or turntnblc: you'll find them nt the hniKt of hl-fl. •Stcrcophonli: rqulpment? Tho housn of iii-fli Pirn, the finest of fidelity r«li(t« In both plnstlc t\nd
Jewish Holidays Stop out tomorrow Iiouto ut lil-fl. •uio »njt'imen here. Just look und listen to your licnrt'a content . .. then m l ' i ' t tho hl(!h ridollty Bc/iriHi to your riqulrnmpnts. O u s t o m InBlaltatlon Hcrvlcen and custom recordlnp tire nlno feature* of the House nf hl-fl.
Kosher Poulfry In Completely Separate Room Not Connected ;
With Store
•'A honlthy and prospcroui NoW.Yoar to all my cui'tomors,
'• jaw^^^^
at the
'ond oil good people.
Distributed by 4620 DODGE It? Chorea Sorvlts OFEN HAn.T
Rev. Hcrry Lutz
Till • VM. rdKr* n n « r.si.
WHOLESALE MEAT CO. 1619 N. 24th St.
Omaha, Nebraska
Page Tlilrty-elght
Wednesday, September 21, JSGO
Tear's Edition—TOE JEWISH I'KKS.H—Itch IforttaBftti 51 t
n, assembled at Ko->h llasour deed* affect tiiose about us. Whatever MHzvos wa pcrfoim haiiah Services, we h<"ar the call establish a pattern of inspiration to of tin? .Shofar, we s l u ild b.-.tir other*. Conversely, our trans/;i-(?3- ourselvt'3 to remembei the Jlabsions create un adverse impact binlc ,'.!oi:au of soda! lesponsihility that h e \ys» of Jewish jiarMitit[;«? of peace for ail God's children the lint cun readily brin;; heart-ache —every Jew Is a ;>j*iiitiHl j;ujranto a circle that ostends fnr lw- toi" for hii fellov/nvii. Ho would nut find u it v <J r t y, world (>•.<?;•. Jftiibh! Itfnjtruln branrt Jlnlihl Myer ». KrijiUd yoml tha orichml wjon;:-doer. Our lli/jii Holidays nhv;(y.s lniiii:j us clo.'i'T to (*;ich oth'T. 'i'ii-'ie ai'.'| 1 many rlifft'ivnc* :; which divuk? us. j lint he woaid i\ho ii'/i find
Terngsia Israel
•Eadi of u s im.'i his jiriv.it.r r><n-1 .Sabbnth, festivals, lvli,;ioi:3 rituals Thf nilvsnt of file lli;;h Holiday corns. V»*t» !i':iy diffi'i1 ii'-fii t:a'.'h and foik-.vays, r>r even uiider.swuid.season should ]o-a\'.';il;(!fi in every OUHT i n u!ir it'ji.!;i*ini, o u r jifiiiti- I in;; of Jewish sarjed d-xls, .Jewish oi;e uf u.'. a iivsh .sense of hallu'.veJ cal in" o u r S'ici;tl viu'.v.-i. W e o:ii.'h jj iil.'jj or ideals, J.-ivisli beliefs a:nl soria! js.'siiom.iiiiliiy. 'J'liat no mv.i Juiv? o'u' tli.im<:Uve ujiijii'jn: on i aspiration *. IK' would searc'ly livi.'S for hiiii-se-f is an imoioit community din'ution, ptT. jji.'U j f-pjj;rani c!,f?eri:iljy perfijiont in t h e values, loin; r,in:;e plans. We arc i Iv.ven I lie lift- of a- .Ti;'.v run] n jsjiiii'io of !vli;;i(iiis Ihinkiii;;. rI'iie all rjiiii>> <li.-.!in<i from eai'h O I H T ! hoji-Jew in our ooiiiniimity (unless j I! diliis were fond of illiiiniiKitini; BS our iiifinit'.'ly varied j.>Tvm:il-11h>" mi:;ht wryly remark tli.'U Hie this basic view of life with <!ie iiies a t t e s t . A Miiliaslm: pn.'iirli'T] non-Jew lived )e!ii;io;i.sly i. a;;e.(j],j story of the passenev'r in of Jim:: "',','> "''•''> i.'!iprt.'.iS!.'i1 t'y tliiM j tin; .skiff v,-iio int.istei? mi boi-iiii: saum cbservatioii when in; IIKI!'- i Jf whrii I linvc f.aiii is 11;.!(? j a hole in the floorim; of the boat. veleii liir.v G"<1 coiil'l crvate a j u i!i d I think ih.'it hy and lar;;i? it I \Vi»-n his fellov,- Irav.'ler.s r e huni.'iiiiiy so JimiiJt'ssly vaij.M with ! i,s* it 1is f-.isy to ii^p haw much I inonstraleii with him that his no lv.O uf tiri t'vt*n cii}-:''ly Mik*'. | n-jnains to )«• done in our coniiiiunitic.i. ] t is n o t fhp 1n-!i of a action v.';ts cnd/ni!:erin[; their lives. 1 1 And yi't, iti'ijiitt; o u r utti.inUliin^ I sin ;! ? year-—!nU IH.-itln'r i.nrty a I lie answered, "Km I'm only drillint; differences we »Iiiire a basic and JMiit;Ii* year l»r ;>''nnitifil to f;o ! under my seat." even ;;raml<T limii.iulty. Tlic lto-.il ;' by wilhout .•lttcnijitiii;; to shore up | On« IIIUH'M ni'lili' wutli—(lift d h ]Iash»lia!i—uliiili tradition calls • a .T'.".vis!i coaiiiiUMity v i ' i i siioh j covi'rli'f «i:nln liy Ur. Salk—I'.'in tlirt " D a y of t h e Creation of tin* j .sliaisy j-<'iii;io!is and cnliur.-il fouil- ! hriiif^ health and hrippines-t tt> fttr World" reniinils ut of uiir i-onmum tl;ilion:i. Tlio Holy Days diicct us | world. Another man's Iliwnlisli actiorigin. Anil Voni lUjipiir—Hie Jt.iy ! Ki .scif-jiid;;t':i)i-nt and criliral si-if vity—tin- fjciiiprldi" sclii'inc. of littler of our Atiiiieinrnt insert* uiir i an'il\-.c;i.s. 'I'ii*'.v a r e a >;')(';] plafy; and J'Jcliiii.'iiin—ran jiulsou the rotmimu destiny! Tli« .Iinljjeniejit j to Mart. !.<•! tv-i (.'airy ,I..".vi-,h n d n d i and hearts of eenrratlons of <;DI1 It surely nieleil out !•» "-> | living l!ivoii:;h \h<- year! yet tinhorn. bolli in jusliee mid in love! j May Cod's 'bifssin;.; be v.itli us We, v/ho will b" shortly j;atherAbove and beyond our tlislinc-1 all as tile N'.-w Y''ar jippi/oaclms. in;: In oi.r .SyiKi;;o;;ucs fo offer lions, wo ;u'i' ih^ childirri of (lodj .May it lie a year of .spiritm! our penitential prayers to the lofusi'il with the saun; iniiviculous I'lt'V.Vn In the House nf Israel and Aliniijlity, must never fori'et that
(;if( of life and Ihe s:ni» iiotentiii! for spirifua] !;reatii"ss. Yet we all have our failim;.; and nil!' v.'cakIiessi'ii for which we inn1.! ;;ive account ;uid which v.e must faffrealistically if :•••<.; aif to :;o mi ) liviiif; cieativelv. .Such elements I of our existence we. all share. It in my hoiM that the reminders of our coiiiinoii orijjiiw and the assurance of our common destiny will unite i:s and cause ui to draw closer 10 each other in an ai;e thaf knows too much divisivi-ness and conilict. I/'t it not he t<w much to ho;io lliat llii; N'e-.V Year will he a time when tho.se tliini;s whii'li draw men into warm and hospitable relationships will be striMiahtened and niade more socurc:'our fatnilies and <nir communities, our synniiofl'-iM ami schools, our acencies for social "welfare and universal human concern. In thinkiiif; about ourstdve:;, let us also thin!; about other:;. And through devotion to others, we shall exault ourselves. May tills be a Year, of Spiritual Goodness and Kindness and Pence for Humanity at larj;e and for •h williin hh own heart and each Soul. Rabbi Sitlney I!. Kroulra
Besf Wishes for a
We Wisfc You a
Restaurant and Cocktail Lounge FAMOUS FOi? U. S. CHOICE
1413 Doughs Evory member of our organization joins in expressing +ho wish for a Happy New Year. May it be a year bright with happiness and joy for you. ©
Builders' Hardwaro Mochanics' Tools Contractors' Supplies 345-8905
1316 JONES ST.
Delta Power Took
Ilie central fii;um in n new (and I hope "successful") irjvel is a young woman of second century Rome, who was brought up in a patrician I'.oman home, leached maturity ami.was married—before she was- thunderstruck w i t h the knowledge that she was of Jewish parentage. When she found herself . in the Jewish community, amidst poverty-stricken l a b o r e r s , in .cramped livim; •'quarter.*, nmong •'foreifmers" who spoke with an accent and whose habits of life and food and dress were in striking contrast, to anything she had Itnown— when all of this happened Elie wa3 brought to a love of Judaism, its faith and its people, through the ineffable joy and serene beauty of the Sabbath obBervance. The. .Sabbath first, and other rituals later: moreover— rituals first and the insights of faith and wisdom later! Olio yiondc.ru what would happen If a n adult suddenly joined tin) Jey,i>ill community of our time, having' Ji.-arncil In ro:ttnr<; yearn
New Year's Greetings lo Our Many Friends
SINCERE ' IRON AND METAL CO. Eli Biff nor Mix Bittnor
Sam BHfnor
1207 W. Broadway, Council Bluff., lo.
HAPPY NEW YEAR from Phoiiss— 342-6500
. Co. Cluffs. 323-311
In Lincoln —11 th and 9 — Phone H.E 2-2046
0/7O for now, ana for
2509 Dodge Slrree? -4433
OUR 40TH ANMIVERSARV YEAR Represented by J. Brboktfoin Joo Guts. Sol Kinstlingor Sam Soka Ditf Sokolof Roubon Harri* Miko Rosonbaum Loui» Fodman Josoplt Fodman too Brand , Phil Handloman Bornia Oshoroff Walfor Foidman
Xevr Te*rti EdiiJ«n—THE JEWISH I'EESS—ttotfo Hsuiliana* 8721
Wednesday, September 21, I9C0
Papa's Long White Gown J!y Alfresl Scijal
On Rash IJashnnah »iy falhir used (o dress up in .sclnil. He put vn a Jon;;, while linen carmen! wjth fiouin;; sleeves. That \v;is ]<inB, lonfi aco . . . when J v.-.'is a tmall J;kl. All over tin; coiiri'(-j;ation jrapas IVITC drexed that \uiy , . . lo bow lo the judgment nl Cod on the New Year day. In these later limes Mime (>f (he older ones ;;till present Ibemtclvps (o the Almif;lily )'» llli;> j;arh of pure while . . . us if 10 tell Him, "Here I :uii, mid how pure I look! 1 hope, j;o(xi God, that I look to you just as white inside.")
On I t o h llnrlianch when 3 was rjl;ouT G 3*.'ars old ;:.nd had lif;:ij;i to .';s k A 'ot of. <]uest-iori'i .about thinj.'S in Hie world, I I.iri.cd to my father in i.rhul; I was M'tiin;; l»o;irte lilm there. "l':i[-.:i'," I iir-iirt! hint, "wliy ;-. re >im H e a r i n g «lil*.. " I tiifunt <ii»; \\tiit<* j-o'.^a fn itliich IHT u:i*i r*:i:<lin(; tlff^ f.(r\K-c.
judRPs us that day." "you Jooketl to nice, jmpa, ir (hat loiifT white shirt," I f.aid "you must have looked till ri;;hl to, i;od." Hut papa ,vaid he diijn't mean just 10 make a shovonf; to God on the outside . . . "You :>cc," hv ;.airl "the main tliini; is to In.- v.-.i clean :\r, whilene.'.s in.siiie of you. II do'-pn't malic "no clean JI^,( in Uni. uiiil'.' and 1 lean on the outside." "Hut you sure did look .,well:" I e.\c!aii;jed. "Coil Mire i'iu;:t J:;;Vf lil.ed iiie v.ay you luc.'^jd. I Jike it, too 1 '
"Shu.'Ji, sliush," he I'rjilii'd r;!)d kept mi rcadim; (jut of I IK; iioi.-lt. Ue ii.-iU'-cd fur -.-inolhiT Instant to j 1'apa went on lo say ihot a S.-J.V, "1 can't tell you now. La- j man's outward « ; I J of looking j doesn't meal) a thin;;. Ife .';nid n ter!" I kiui; may be wearini; ;.;ohk n .So later, UJKII V.C ucif1 on iho I clothes oil 1hc outside, hut lie may v.;iy home frmn :.chul, lie h'';;an: he Jo'.v-down dirty like, olil rust "Yuu wf-tv Jiskinf; me why I v,as inja'de of him. ueariMf< tin1 Idiu; \\hitc f;ovvji. T f j , Alfred, (hafs Mh:il KOSII J'm hajipy Jon iisiked that. "Will, yuu wf, Alfred, it IlilS Itnsli.-innli i', all almut . . . to tell lo <So uitli my IOOMH,™ nil rlj;ht iiud (hat i\e'rr K<mi£ tn Uceji ourliefiiri! (.'oil <»i this day ulil'h is srlvfs clean ninl ^<K* , insule c»f us thi! first day <if tin; yr.ir . . . »« all through the eon i;^ yrar . . . looU as «-!c:m ;is lint nhiU^ I \\UH lo he jjociil jieojile . . to lie kind In u^.'trin^ Sis I Mood IIHTC lK'f(T<; other in^fph' . . . nev r to tell a lie . . . never to hurt nnyboily. 1 Him In lh<! .vliiil." "Ijiit you have lhat nice, new uiarlnp while <mtMdi' to till Cud hl.-i'jk suit on," I replied, "isn't lniiv wln'li! I hoped to bu inside all thruutfli tho year." that cnouj;h lo wear?" I n.skctl papa why lie didn't let 1'apa replied: "Yon don't un dcrstanil. I wore that Ion;.; whit me wear one of those white thinR.i thirl to tell Goi! how clean I r a n so that 1 could he scon hy God to he lhi'(iii!,'h the year. I uoul thai way . . . "Oil, lie replied. "You w^>.t to he a.s white as that al don't need lhat. You are so yo.wip; yciii" . . . every day, You M'c, or ami still so clean . . . nolhinrj had Itosli Ilashaim!) '.\e all try tc in your heart or head. Oh, I wish look our foi'>.1 ln-foj'C Cod nhc 3011 could stay that v.ay all through your days. God sees you to he clean lhrouj;h and lhrout;h, you heinj,' so yomifc." Thus, lhat day I learned the meaninf; of the white c'linienls which were, worn all over the schul on Itosli Hashanah . . . and, ol course, on Yom Kippur, too. Tlioiif;h rabbinical theology may put a somewhat different, meaning on those stately white [;o\vir;, 1 l:ecp 011 tliinltini; thai papa hr.il the best interpretation ol the meanini;. Von may wonder nlielher |i.ipa's expl.uialloii put any Infhieiirc un my yonhi; soul that KosU lfiislmmili day . . . wiletlier I've Iried to ll\e up to the Idea . . . whether I'm really pure ufdlr Iru.ide of me. a*; I approach (Jod (his Kosli llaslianali. Oh, w hen jrou come to the many years I've attained you no lon;:eip have so many sins to he sorry for. Our Very Best Wishes for a Most At my time of life one doesn't c u e much about enjoying the vices . . Happy and Prosperous and increasing wisdom tells one It really doesn't pay to be other New Year than perfectly, honest all Iho time .'.. . and that to keep on haling the other.guy is an awful disease of the heart . . . a n d that to hurt and to undo a neighbor is a sin that stinks up to heaven. So: As I approach the altar this Rosli Hashanah I won't feel wenrCouncil • BfoHs, lows inj; a uhie gown as papa did, but I'll feel rather white inside of me as n (,'iiy can't help feeling when he has reached an age of life in which he's old enough to aside wicked aspirations which might.have made him look dirty to God when he wns much younger. I'll not have the loolc of n saint, but, nnywny, I hope to nppear as white as papa did on Rosh Ilashanah fur hack there.-—(WKS-)
New Year's Greetings From the Beth Israel Synagogue Young Couples Club Opening the New Season Yom Kippur Night Dance May the New Year Bring in ess Accept
Best Wishes, for a HAPPY NEW YEAR
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"Well, Mrs. Paslci'ucd, if I19 ,.. . n( ffrttftr Of Unify Hffoi-m, he would only know the j day of I'.osh llasbatuih. You 0 f > By &MU SrhwaH* . ta.h-n on Parim; b i n g e s on Sha- i ^ , ^ °P.'tvrin. ' ' l * "Only ^ ' keep T ^ on?* on" «"<»»<»«•"•<« '<»» T > ^ e 3"> r>st productive level most Superintendent of public schools, I vuot; ];.ll : -s on Chanukah; on .,'' 1 ,. tf i° M « u M - rfiuicticm " " ( ' t i ( " ' "ml " nn"> Pn»lnrtlv«
Rosh Hashanah With the Murphys
Rumania Frees Niece Of Theodore Hers! Geneva
-A nice? of th»
I.'iftf I I I ' . T i i l ' O l W I I l ' l / . I , foiillfiep > . J o h n T l i e o b o l d lias o n l i - i d l a l l| K o ^ i H a w a i i a n t h e y c - i t J I O : I . - \ I , ' } l „ , . ," ' " ] r i ' n ' < f ' " ' t i l ? l > " i " " f l 1 " ! '"' " " • v s'evv Yotic schools c i . w i ] d o u i i o n ! for n sv. cot n...-w .v..-..r.'r " , ' ! / , ; , , Y ' V . ' /"I"'"* » ' ,!'\"',1 "!\ M ' " ' ' " " ' ' ' n N ' " ' v V <ar, ' ; 1 of p o l i l l c . i l / s o i i i : ni, h;iH f » ' e n r e » >.osh H a s b a n a h m.<] Y.mi K.ii>!.r.r,i Mr. M n r n h - . : "Al-.i-u,: .v-.tl.e.;. , ,', , ' \ , "I- , ' , ; ' - , . " ; . • ' r l -'^..i.ilfl liko to t-xtt-nd t .1 Uu- I leased fioin n llutnaniars prison . '. ..... • l l . l . u ii..l!l.)l.' | c , i t l i : ( " . . i.h.il. i lie , , , ,...„,,.•,.,,,;•.. , . , , l., il.V. r.ll behalf of, owr b ' - ' i-; i i ! i ) i i i r , ' t l i i s . M ' a i . T. ,t .u,' i i f i r r s o 1: I . x m ' l 11•,«• v- c . ' v . h . - i e sli.f IKI-. b . e n h i e a i e e i a l e d , I ' . j t j l l . ' e n u . j r a y i e . k cil y o u ; ! of. HIM J r . v U m a n y J e w i s h leachci-.:,, 1h<- ; .y.-'!r-m | M i s . "Y> l o h e r h o : e e i n l a - - ! ' - t h e 1. * •' : 1 n;I <V:.iini!in<'e.-\, o u r \ 1 1 y b< Jim! H n u m b e r of o t h e r Ihsin.'Hi'iMii i d i s r u [ i t c ( i h y t h e i r til/M-nco <i 1.< K i S;:iV.- >V'( ". : '|H H!'''_'•;•'! lill".l ]'> | i v i . l . e i j . , r n l l ^ . j . y N « v Y e a r . t i n s n p e r i m e " , , d » n i f e e l s t i e ; . i , , : , ; • „ , p l . v : " W h v <*•.> v n ; i w . - m i YOU ><]" l.f.V '••'- :. ;- hh"e ••"" | Z i u n i s h , a t - .<•, • l , e . l n t . " . . l | . . r c : , r l y •tin ''.'•;' ,"' ";.' * ' ! ' " ' . " ' ' / ? .;'"!•!'; U - > y j I 1 ' " '• V . M I - o f . ( , , y , S . i t ! > - ; f l e . - . i o , , , f i o u l j : i i l . si cdhi o o U m l e l l t !.:, V.,-V, r l o , . e ( l o v . - i i ; i o l ; n o v . u b e . i l h e . l e u v l , b o i i d - n s ll ; 11 :-jr t h e 1 I ! « 1 , H o l y . h s . - . i . u - V Y , u. , • , „ , J . - . : . . h . " ^ " ' V* ?- , 7 - -*.c--""i * ' V b , ' - « ' " ' ' U"["'"' " ' " ; " : i i ' ' " " ' " " " ' "*> " ' • J I " I V ' " S " " " " ^ ' S M ' " S ' H ' " 7 * S c h o o l II.iliilM.v i n. V . Y . ! M i s . , M n i | . ' . y : " l ' . : i l I : . " r l - . i l . l r e n ^ ^ . : ' ' , ' , „ . ' . , ; ' , ' , , | ' ) ' ' i I - ! i ' f o r " ' 1 i i ': ; ' " c i ! h l i > l l ; ' i " r l i 1 I " ' l . o ' l ' l . \V,-iv(. A Mnni.'.ni/in ( i t i / e n . M i ' s . I s i i s n u c t t i l l , i s r . o i i i i ; l o i ! . i ; t ' . l o t i ' l ',:•> ''•< . s e b o o l o n l i o - . l i i l a - t , , . ' * j j V. "* ' ' ! ' V . e i s ^ v . a s s i n e i | n o \ eo f ( h e I s 1 o t 1 0 m a k e J f . ' . i , i ; l e l i i i i o n ]>...i.u- i si,,-,ii;ili .'ii;.I V o n i K i p i n n ' . " ' ' ',', ' , , ., , , •' p a p e i l o o n n < l l i e - v . . " i n t ' . M m l o y r , j '•''"•' I - ( ' i : ' ' ' l ( i " ' » l i ' i e b i i i e s l when (; he )!lls !l 1 , , „a m „ ; o„ n« g. cs c, .h; ,o„ o. , l! < c i-.hi l, .Ml .!. e. ,, ., o ff M ..,11M i M M umi -- pohhyv: " W W ii , ni i. l: .o. nn ' l j\ roi u , i ' '-' " '! "'-••• ''"'•'•" I » l" ""» "« " "" "' > ": ;, l„0 . 1 ,,, ,h, n ,,_ , he.-.r , t. h. e„, .;e v,. .1 w ^i c, ,; :a! ,n, ens et se t. el . ,a baonuot i n s is si sm omi oi tnl n u I.*v M i ,. M • " " '"""' ''•' l U> ^c^ n , ; i / , nU h 0 f 1 1 u<m }I l T IKI ] ; i f a i t h , i n N K V Y o r l : (.',!>'. W h a t ' .-,.!! n p (!•..' J ' . ' . h b i V M-' '"' " I . " '>'"j . . . W o l i , w e l l , I d o , ! e e h , , e . W e l l , ; . j ; o . I h - r b n s b ; , n . l . u h o l « , l i . e r v e d h i i i m o r e &pp?.'.l I h . m ; . n i n i . l c l ! . M r v M ' n p l n : " M : , ' . b - 7 v > i n . ] - n t e n l u n s l lin-^r, r a - > . n ! ; .. ' o p ; . ; } i . i v j ) ft ( | . . , i s « | o i , : : p n - o n . v o t i - n e . - , %v;ia r c N ) , w y <;M.
I m l i . l a y ? A n . ) It v . i i ! i . i o b . ' . b l v l i o i N o , J ' i l c.'.il M i s . l ' ; , . - . t . - H i e c i . s o m e t h i i i ! ; t ot h -elde,;, i.l.o: 'ilje ' h a s a . l e u , : ' , p h m i b e r . "
. S h v !o
, . , !- l (I'I.MV SVM/.II.X m i l h s a<H..I n i l .7. T o n e . - i: .m ' I n r- t e n - ji 1i s S ih e s i, r, >, ^ t1,, o ttl... i e - pI,!;,,!-,,, l i o i i - a.irwl m i .ii:,ldi.-il-. SOIL* will piob.'ibll l>e;;in t j i l c l i m i M!s . I ' ; , - t e i n e e i i n o t e o ft h e i i i i l i d a v * jijoln.; w i t h : M i sM u r p h y : "ilei Ulr,. l',is-
! t l ) l ;J
" ' ' ' - " -'""" "'"''•' • ^ ' 1 ! » ; t ^ !] ' ; i , | , . r , , f H M a y it h e a r o o d y e a r ' ' • ! " " < 1 M i . ' . . M u r i . h y : " 1 ' a t , i n h e a i im:, , , , , , . l l Ho f ,,.,,.. , r r A ) ' jie.sled,
Mi:; e.it e, v.lnl hiive 10:; (;.itthere'."'; Pill: "Noihii,;; -Just u Jiaper." J i n Murphy: "That':; « Jiri-. Kb
name, w i n I linvc
" " ' l t t h " " " " '• ' h 0 W i l s a r ' » , , , | 1,;,, M n e e left l o r J;1-
a b l j w e - s h ; i l ! v . i l n e . - . , >,;;i.-h : - e e r , ' - > , ; i l e r i n ^ ' . M i . - : . 1 ' a --|.-i m < i , i i > o : i I ' m ;" J v.'.-inl l of i n d o u tw h e t ; j a s * h eJ o l k j M i i i L ; i n t l e j M u i j i i i y ; l . i u . v , v . h e n K o . l i 1 l : i s ! : : i n . ' i h f a l l - l i o . s b H a i - . l i a i i a h i s . A b i e C o l d h e r , ; ; f h i s y . a r . I t h o n j d i t . in.i> b e , J a ! told in. 1 \<.)»i c a n j i n d o u t in i n jilnnih-i 1 rni:;)it ha1. .• told you. Jev. i , | ] p a p c i . " ( M r s . M u i p h y loo!;in'4 n;> (1 tunj Mrs. Ainrjihy: "Jiiil, I ' a t ,c a n t l i e v s « « ' i n K t o h e y l e i - h a n d I ' . h o ;-. 1 Wb.it, \ > i , [! i a \ e n ' l seen h i m I l e a d i n g t h e .sf-oM:> s e c t i o n o f t h e : l a t e l y ' ; Your l i a t h l u h b ; o ; b e e n y o u l e a d it'.'" C h l t c r y : " ' i ' . n n . v . l i i ' n i s ] V > - i ! i v- o i k i n L ; a i ! lau. \uu ,say. I'.'.it: " . S i n e , A b l e h a < lx%i>n sivini.; j M > m e Ies>:t)iis. I i i s h a n ' t h thi.-i y e a r . ' " ; I \ o n called Hie rablii. W I I H I ? In Wlial l l a c r | a hand-ome jabhi. W'iiii.'li l a h b i j .Mi». M t u p i i y : " J ' a t , y o u r l i i n r i - [ e - e'•-'lid win c a l l . M i s . I'aNlenjeci'.' J ; i d i is in t h e i c l i i | ; e / a t o r . H e l p y o n r - - | M r . M u r p h y : ( s t a r t i n ; ; In bb 1 wilJerim>nt,i " J n v . h a l l a c e ' . " | \ ' > u sa> Kablii A b r o i t i o u il/'.' I s self t o 11. ( S h « i c t i i n w t o t h e ! M r * . M u r p h y : "I.-, t h a t a l l Von ; h e < :.iii:.ei v a l i . e o; H i ' l o i 111'.' t e l e p h o n e ) . " O h , licljo, M r s . P a s - j can t h i n k of h o r s e s ? Kosb ' What'.' l i e (;iai|.iaiei| from t h e teriicci. it w a s Just m y I ' a t , I f f j H a s h a n a h Is m i l a IIOI'M 1 . I t ' s ;. 1 Y e > h i v a h . .'l'lwy b a - . e n o .iiKan hi cami> i n w i t h t h e .lewi.sb pajM-r J e w i s h h o l i d ayy . " | t h e t e m p l e 1ml Hie m e n a n d v . o n i - a n d KKV.S In.1 will find o u t f r o m i t M r . M u r p h y : " O h , t h a t ' s H I P | M I sit t.-;;etlrer-.' (> ye.s, J t h i n k v . h - n I l o s l i H a s h a n a h is a n i l y o u lioliday when t h e y e a t mat/o> I ' v e .seen h i m . H e s v.ot a n i c e leno'.v, h e h a s l e a r n e d t o l e a d i t .
Happy Nev/
You and Yours
M i x M u r p h y : " N o ,sfupid. T h o y c a t m a t / o t o:i P a s s o v e r ; h a m a n -
lo<d;in;', H e b i i / e n . Yc<, I t h i n k I W h a t , y o u r lx»y foo? D i d y o t l Ray s a w i l i e u i boiii in t h e Mipei u i a r k o i . I y o u r ].nii;i r a n r c a i ! I h e J e w i s h
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Harold Purmantar
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