September 30, 1960

Page 1

IKI fjluua i'o,';Uf;e nl Omaha, Is'cbi-.

siiiRle Copy 10c Annual iUtte fi

He S€


Arab delegates attending tlie 1'idled Nations Assembly sessions'--1-including representatives of Hie United Arab Republic cnnipanied to the Ghanaian delegallon about remarks made in the Assembly by their President, Kwame Nl:ruiiiah. They were rejKirledly annoyed because- I>r. NhmTnah fiad hinled it was time the Arab State,'; iecui;Iiizeil Israel as a political "reality."

I s 'n

flfr MiilcJIn Knst p<-troleiitn production, itnil r\-|)reHshifj tlio view that t h e development of niiclear nml lialllstie wenpnns IIMH ittlubnl7,eil " t h e Importiiuee ot the, .Middle Mast it** II base for any «tnif;|,-le l n r t h e mastery of Ilin u o r l d , " President ^NUruniilll llt*chired: "N'e\t.Ttlieless, even ulifij this d a s h of eeiinomic int'.'rr.'ils had

.b'.'eu resolved, there will .still remain the burning issue of ArabIsrael relations in the Middle Kast. 'i'liis is one of the thorniest problems facing thiii World Organization today and, unless a. l>r. Nkriimali, ' " hit forjnstl permanent and realistic solution fiddrpsi to the Asseiubly, touched is found, the danger of its depuintdcly on the .'Miilillp Kail Kit- veloping into nn armed conflict iiatlon In geiicnil and, specifical- still remains." "Tlio Hiilutioil of tbn .Midilltt ly, on HIP Arab-Israel. cH»|>ufr<i. ' Aft«r proposing tlmt th« UN hvt up n fipecifil fcttiily I'Onecrni'd wltii

Bazaar Needs Needlework Guild Handmade Items

l,';ist question," President N'lirumuli ciinliiuiiil, "lies in tlio recognition of fbe political realties there. In the light of this, I submit that the lulled Nations NIHIIIIII net up ;t committee to

study anil evol\e a inaeliinery in which ft will la; Impossible for Israel to attack the Arab states nod for the Arab states to attack Israel, anil for tiome sort of nrraiij'cincfit to he niadn to lieep the ciilil w.iv out of the Miilille Jjist." Ofticial coinunmii'mes issued alter a meeting of United Arab lt<'jiiiblit- Pjc.'iident Gatnal Abdel Nasser and President Nkrimiah avoided mentioning any of Hie •specific issues fhaf may have been discussed. K


Sp l . m i . t A, (NOCK, .lev ill) JVderaliori, I'"irst Vice-l'ir-siilent, wan ai>|)ointed head of a camp sillcommillpp in an announcement this w c k hy II (i r r y T i n .tin, l''edf l ralion P r e s .f j

idem. ' /T" The piiipos" ofi the committee is to locate and ier. •

onimend a permanent . Kite loi I •"' ''amp .lay-('-f*.j ,j \ Mr, Triis) in said Appointed to Mr, Node's committee are Nor-K™rst A. NORB man liatt, Eclwaid II lii'odkcj, Arthur A. Colin. Ui-. Abe (Jreenbei|;, Gerald flross, S. Klmer '<•••)

Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged

Kansas Giiy Habhi


AIPX W'eijistein.

The .Imvisli Federation of Omaha e,stab!i.'-:bf.'d Crtmj) Jay-C* C. in Jti.'i!) and marked 22 years of operation this year. The camp was always hold at rented sites. Mr. No;;j; announced that the committee will have its preliminary mivlini: Monday noon, '4 October .'!.

(The* Dr. Philip Slier Home for tlio Aged acknoulodges the folAn appeal lor handmade item:; has been Innde by Mrs. Hubert ]o\\JMj; inciiHuinlr. and donations.) The Jewish Federation Agen- Soinmer and Mrs. Arthur II. Donor In Memory of cies Section of the WOO Omaha Goldstein, co-chairmen of the Messrs, and Mtnfs. Morris V. Jacob;, C. O, IVebter, Jr., Hen '/eft, Red No', Lloyd ("rlcunirm, Paul Vcre!, Wrs. Children's Memorial Hospital HaNeedlework Guild has opened its Uen Handler, Dr. and Mrs. Ab« St?fnberp, Mrs, Leonard Klein Jotin Robinson o* Norfolk, Nobr. annual appeal for contributions, zaar project for the Federation Wr. and Mrs, Paul Verpt Philip Dlolcky, David Sherman of Jewish Women's Clubs. it was reported by Mrs. Dave Mr. und Mrs. WCJX ftlckes Max Gntmaii, David SJicrman Louis Gregcrton, Mrs. Ida Mirsch Colin, its Guild chairman. Mrs* Those making articles should Louis Summer and M l « Dea Scmmer David Slierrntm, PhilipT Blonky, Richard Wright is Table 1 >l';play get. them ready and leave them Sorn l rlcd(iian Wr. tinrf Wr?. Robert Kooper u;id Mov/aitl Kooper r Philip Olotcky chairman. at (he home of Mrs. Soinmer, Mrs. R(J-,B Milnrilcr , Joseph Shlndlrr r AlWr) tl, S'finbero Wrs. Halhan Stelnl^ci-p ' The. appeal for funds is an an- . .:i1!) Nicholas Street or call Mrs. nual event sponsored by all char- Goldstein, 391-0685 or Mrs. Soin- Donor ' In Honor of itable groups in the community mer, fir>'!-!>Or>l. tMu, 0^') Hctncficr recovery of Mrs, Julio Nova}:, recover/ of Rabbi M. M. PollaHnff 1o furnish clothing and linen suprecovery of Mrs, Alex Markov/Mt The Children's Memorial Hos- Mr. anrf M n , Nnthan L, Noftg iOHi wedding onnlvcrsciry of Mr. plies for needy families. pital Bazaar will be held Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Nuihou /.'.orMn . i t and Mrs. Sam Kroft Mr. and Mr*. Max Riefces ?. recovery of Mrs. Alex Murkuwitz The.announcement was mailed evening, October I) and all day Mr s, Roio Oln:ljurg ,,recovery and htifpv new year to to all Jewish women by the Fed- Monday, October K) at the SheraMrs. Ro:.e. Porjct recovery of Hubert Sommer ' eration of Jewish Women's (.'luli;; ton-Fnntenelle Hole). The Wom- Mr. and M n . Wanue) KrupJnsk/ „ mid all contributions will be ac- en':! Federation a.s in past years, Synagogue Confributions qiven for purchase of new. furniture In JtmnvledcPd in issues of ltie> .Jew- will liavp its own booth, it was M n . Ida Wolf (Chicago, III.) telephone room, In memory of Abraham ish I' * Jacobson und Al a. Wolf announced. A'r. J Wcndrlson holiday wtn« The following have sent in Jotiti Robinson, (Norfolk, Unhr.), Or. Pdword I, Shlndter (Yankton, SouIJi Dakota), "The Women's response for do- Mrs,Mrs. HatHe Skolnlk (Los Angeles, Calif.),.Mr. Georao Koplon their contributions a* ot last nations to date has been gratifyTuesday: Synagogue Corrfribufions ing." both co-chairmen declared, ...honorlno Yciluzclt of M, Somlf Mines. .Edward.Abrahams, Liz- "but we need much more to in- Mri. J. Slegel (Council Bluffs) and Sylvia Oalubqn zie Adler, Herman II. Aiierbach, sure the success of the baolh." Simon Bordy, David Brodkcy, Keuhen II. Brown, Isaac Cherniss, Jack 11. Cohen, Miehliel C'olien. Philip Crandell, Heine Delrogh, .liilius Fallcenstein, Phil o Keldman, C h a r l e s Fellman, Charles I.. Fellman, IJavid <"'. T'oK'.'l, Abraham Frank, Alexander Jerusalem (JTA)—Agriculture dertakiiiK .significant road conColonel Dina Worth, Israeli I>. Frank, Sam Frank. Rose Frei- Minister Moshe Dayan returned struction projects in Kthiopia, Women's Army Commander and den, Izzie Garsick, .Sainiml Geif- himie unexpectedly from an ofn key figure in Israel's security, .Arthur fiendler, Sam K. ficial visit to Kthiopia, to confer which have been carried out to program, will be guesl of honor Gilinsky, J. (.,', Goldner, Abraham with Prime Minister David Hen- the satisfaction of government at the 10C0 Israel Bonds' special C:•Goldstein, Dan A. Goldman, Gurion. Mr. Iiayan, who met last officials. awards luncheon, Monday noon, Ilenry Grabois, Saul M. Graetz, week with Kthiopian Kinjieror October 10 at the Blackstono Arthur M. Green, Kdward I!, Ilaile SclaEsie and government Hotel. Green, Abraham Greenberc Da- officials in Addis Ababa, had been Col. Werth will assist in previd Grcenberg, Nathan If. Grce.n- scheduled to proceed directly to senting awards "Chen Maecabit" berg, Harry M. Greene, Nathan Nigeria- to represent Israel at to Mrs. Harry Kulakofsky and Greenfield, Morris Grossman, that conn try Yindependcnce celeRabbi Willinm •Silvcnnan of "Woman of Val• '" Richard F. Glimmers. brations next weekend. He will Kansas City's PoiiKi'eRation B'nai or" to Mrs. Isi-j fly to i.ajjos after his talks with Jt'hudnli, will be the keynote dor I<evin.<ion. In! Mines. Fred Halm, Harry I). Haykin, I.ouis Hiller, Morris K. the Premier. speaker at the annual meeting addition m e m-| Political observers here linked of the Plains Stales Renional Ad- hersliip in the Jacobs-, Sidney KUlleinan, llerhard Kaufman, Kevee Kir.shen- Wr.'Ouyan's sudden return home visory Board on October 8-9 al. advance guard of baum, Meyer Kirshenbaum, Mar- with speculation concerniiif; the the Town House, Dr. Abe Grcon- Chen will be givtin Kolm, Albert J. Krasnc, Sam possibility of the establishment bei-fv, mcotinic cliairman, on- en to Mines. Ben (icrsliun, Morris Lebowitz, Dave l.evinc, I/Copold of full diplomatic recognition of Levy, Max ]x>ndon. Jack A. I/Utt- Israel by Kthiopia.. Relations be- nounced. -llulihi- Silvennan will Grossman, Samspenlt al a dinner meeting, the u e 1 Katzman,1 )>eg, Iionard M. I.ultbeg, David tween the two. countries KO far Nathan , N o g j ; Manvltz, Robert I. Marcr, J. Mil- liave been only on Hie consular opening session. . • •• ton Margolin, Harry Market, Bet- level. Tlio conference will be devoted Sam Rifkin, I.eo ty S. Milder,' Morris Mittleman, Mr. Dayah did not disclose Hie to the theme, Tlie Troublemak- WeiU and Sam Abe Mozer, Maurice Newman. nature of his talks with Ethio- IM-H—-lilfSO, Dr. Circenberfi Indi- "Wolf. Chen medals earned durMmes. Sam Oleslter^ ,4. Orloff, pian leaders, but said they were cated, and will deul with interna- ing Omaha's 1959 Bond campaign Nathan Pitlor, William Poster, held In a "most friendly atmos- tional, national and regional will lie presented to Mmes. IsaDonald A. Rice, Joe M, Rice, Nor- phere" and were devoted to "var- problems and programs relatinc (lore Chapman, Robert Feinherg, man M. Rice, Carl Riekes, Sam ious subjects." It was learned, the American Jewish Commun- Morris Fellman, Abe Gendler, Dan Gordman, David Gross, SidRosenbaum, Monroe Rosenberg, however, tlmt a. larRe-scile sur- ity. . Sam Rosenblum, Charles Rosen- vey of Ethiopian agricultural poThree sessions will he held on ney Katehnan, Henry Newman, stock, Dave Rosenstock, Bortliold tentialities as well as an Tsrael- Sliiifiny, the second day of the K. Robert Newman, Ernest A. Rosenlhal, Abraham S.. Rubnttz, Kthiopinn partnership-in fishing mcetiiiE and will stnrt at 10 a, m. Nogg, Sam Rice, Henry Riekes, Aaron Rips, Taul Suvalsky and I^onerd Segal, David Sherman, ventures, were amour; the pos- and conclude at 4 p. m. Isadora- Sherman, Ben D. Silver, sibilities for cooperation between Members of the R e R 1 o n a 1 . Miss Evelyn Levy. David Silvermau, Harry Silver- the two countries discussed by Board, members of B'nui B'rltli, t!ommltteo of 152 man, Morris Singer, Harry Trim- Mr. Daynn and Ethiopian officals. and others in the Jewish comA committee of 152 women are tin, Jerome W, VVasserman, ArTho Israel 'Agriculture Minis- miinity are Invited to attend the coordinating plans for the 10GO thur Weitz, Richard Wrisht and ter was taken on un neriul sur- meeting and participate In dis- Bond drive under the leadreship the Misses Jean Gendler, Sara vey 'of the Ethiopian countrysida cussions. Reservations may bft of, Mrs. Kulalcofsky, honorary Gilinsky, Lena Kohen, Sylvia I'ar- in a plane placed ut his disposal made through the ADL office, area chairman and Mrs. M. V. llman, Rose Kothkop, Belle Siegel by the Kniporor. Israeli firms, ,'141-3575, or 527 Securities Build. I^venson, women's division chairand Blanche Zimman. man. Among their chairmen are for Homelime now, have been nn- ini», Omaha!

Tells Contributors

flross, Itobei'f II. Kooper, l>r, J'aniel Miller, Stanley 1'ei'lnicler, Harry Kidman, Alfred Sopliir und

f Haifa ( . 1 T A ) - T 1 I P Frencli Renault anloinohilc firm, which last year broke; i'ls contract with the Kai.sci'-I''raziM- as.scmljly plant iierc1, nniler pressure from Ilia Aral) I.cacue, has ai;i'iv(l to pay (l»; firm nearly $1,000,000 (lama(,'i\s for broach of contract, it was learned. Officials of the Haifa company refused to comment nil (lie reported agreement on tin1 cro'irtfls thai the aj;i'eement ciidinf; the despute between tlie two firms also included a provision that details of the accord should not be published. The agreement, which was reportedly endorsed by the Israel (loveniinent, also includes a provision whereby the Haifa firm will c'onlinue to receive spare parts for Renault models already in. operation in Isra'1. Kaiser-Krazer had demanded $2,000,000 in (lam.igeK from th» French firm, whose sales to Arab countries have not increased since it was removed from the Arab I.caniie boycott list;

Mrs. Ben Gershun, Council Bluffs; Mrs. Henry Riekes, Women's Events; Mines. David Grosa and Saul S u v a l s k y , Chen for (Continued on Page 2.)

S@¥iefs Reject Mew IHierd Stamp Jerusalem (WNS)- lion Curtain postal officials have rejected new Israeli stamps bearing imprints of Dr.. Theodor Herzl, founder of political Zionism, it was reported here. Israeli postal officials said that letters carrying the Herzl stamps \ ere hems returned as unacceptable. A precedent for rejecting I i rael stamps was set by the communist bloc of countries somo years ago when Israel issued stamps depicting a Yeniinile Jewish family on a magic carpet, symbolizing migration to Israel,

Israeli Women Rush New Supermarket Jerusalem (WNS) — Housewives in this city like women everywhere, like bargains, and when the first supermarket opened here recently they rushed to its.doors'as much out of curiosity as of getting'foodstuffs at cheaper prices. The supermarket, Supersol, was the first in Jerusalem, but the second in Israel. One was opened some months ag» in Tel Aviv. Supersol is an Amer> ican and Canadian owned-mowpany.



French Crowd Synagogues

%\lt Published weekly on Friday beginning the last wr*k in August through second ncek in July by the J<-\vi<sh Federation of Omalia, Second C!«!S Pcstt::e Paid ct Cnieho, Ntbr. Annual Subscription, 54 C--0. Advctlulmi Koies en Ai^.'ltciicn. Publication OlHce—1CI No. *Utr) SiiuT, On'ahrJ, Utlc, ^i'l-Yslb.



Murnty JoH Il<-lnian, rtppoinlfd a traehini; fellow at Harvard University law school where ho wits graduated ('inn Iaude last Juno has passed his bar examinations in Washington, D, ('. lie Was




<lf t i l l '


Bowles coinmitUt.' v.hit'h drafted the IH'iDouralic parly platform. lie is ihe .son of Mr. ami .Mrs. Hymen ISi'linsin and ireehed his U.A. decree from Cornell WniviTMty. _ Uarrv Wivt, son of Mr. and Mrs. I'unl W r i t has been notified that ho ha.s passed iiis liar examinations in Washington. I.) ('. Mr. Vf.'itf. a t;raduale of Harvard Univeristy Scliool of Law, i.s now fcrviiii; with the United Stales Armed Serviees at Fort I.'onard Wood, Mo. Dr. and Mrs. II. .Martin IllaWitr will arrive 'Friday, S< plenihc.T .'{'), from Baltimore, .Maryland, for n throe weeks vacalion in Omaha. They will visit at the home »f Dr. Blael:. t's pat1'-nts, Mr. uml Mm. David lilaelier, t',54 Dillon drive. Dr. Blacker is assistant lesi<lent nemo surgeon at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Mits Rosalie. Cohen, North High teacher, is working; on a Masters Decree in English on a Woodrow Wilson scholarship at the University of Iowa, Iowa City. .She i.s the daughter of Mr.

Religious vr^.SU7


Services f;—5:4.1 p. in.

Sukkot Services TEMPLE ISKAFX : Consecration of kindergarten and new first KKHICTK will he held ct Sukkot .services at Temple Israel, Wednesday, October 5 at 7::iO p. m. A monn'ru; .service will . be held Thursday, October C at 11:30 a. m. BETH ISKAIX Holiday .services at Beth Israel v.ill be held Wednesday, October 5 at 5:40 p. m.; Tluirsday jind Friday at 8:45 a. m. and 5:10 p. m. Junior Sukkot .services, Thursday and Friday at ]0 a. m. Sunday, Otcober 2, services begin at 8:30 a; m. followed by breakfast and Rabbi Benjamin Groner's class in bible. Mincha will be at 5\V> p. m. on Sunday, Monday arid Tuesday. Morning service's at 7 a. in. on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. BKTII J X Services at Beth El on Wednesday, October 5 at 8:15 p. m.; Thursday, October (j at 0 a. rn. wilh Mincha-Maariv, 5:30 p. m. and Friday service at!) a. m.

and Mrs\d Colim fcml n j/raduate of ihe Univc-rfity of Omaha. Mr. and Mrx. ri!ili|> Hosculilatt recently spent 10 days in Flossmoor, Jll.. where lln-y v.cre the (,'iicsts of their son und daii[;hu rin-law, Mr. and -Mis. Kichnnl Ho.s. enhl.'ilf, lornii'i" (Jmahans, and their .'on, Mark Pavid. Mr. and Mrfr. Milton Xearcnln-rj; and dau;;htrr. Mist Lucille Nearcnberp, reeently returned from a visit with Dr. and Mrs. Sidney Ncarenbel'K of (Hen Cove, r-T. Y. and other relatives in New York City. Dr. N'earenberj; in the son of the Omahans.

g in Lincoln I...-Mosknwitz, prominent

Paul Milwaukee lawyer, .will be the featured speaker at the animal fall seminar and ' convent ion (if tin Southwest l'.e;;ional Council of the li'nai B'iith I')istric:t No. C> on Sunday, Oclohcl '.;.'! in Lincoln Mr. Moskow )l/ is third vice-pn <,id'.'nt of the div I lie). Kc[;ional oiiiceis from Om.di.i MOSUOMHZ who will he on the program include Harry K. rioodliindcr. president; Elliot IS, Brown, secretary; IJr.Leon Frllman, third vice-president. Kdward A. Rosen, district governor, will be another participant.

21,700 Immigrants in Jewish Year Jerusalem iJTA)—A total of 21,700 immigrants arrived in Israel during the past Hebrew calendar year, it was reported by the Jewish Agency. Two hundred'immigrant' families will be flown directly from •Europe 1o Eilat beginning in October, The immigrants, who will arrive at the rale of 40 or 50 a month, will be accommodated in newly completed housing units. In an effort to attract Israeli youths to seitlement. in Eilat, the Ministry of Labor announced plans for the establishment of a nautical school at. the southern port. The school, to be founded by the end of the year, will provide opportunities for 15 and 1Gyear-old youths 1o study as deckhands or engine room apprentices.

Paris fJTA)—All tj nu;;ox;ues throughout France, including those in this capital city, were crowded to capacity during this year's ob'trvniice of Jiosh Jlash.';nuh. Not only in Paris, but in many olher cHiteis, public nu(iitoriiims and, in MKiie, large, private homes were pressed Into use1 as temporary hoi;•:(•.'•: of worship. Several syji.'i(;o£uef; in Paris condiie'led .sp'cial ^e^vief's ju the •iUial familiar to Xorth African Je\^s. playing host to Jewish iniinigii'ints from Tunisia, Algeria ;;nd Morocco. At tin1 I'.efoirn Temple here, .services were conducted for American tourisis. Special f r v iee.'-. v.etc coii'lucted at all American mililary lm.M'S, lai-);e iiumhert of Anu-rican Jewish ;(-rvicemen tuininjr out for Ihe MTviccs ,-!l rontainebleau anil at oilier U.S. installations.

IIIJKMA.V OANSKV Funeral services were lield Sunday at 'he Jewish Funeral Home for Herman Dansky, 70, of 511M Underwood Avenue, who died Sept. 21. iiurial u a t in Colden Hill Cemetery. .Surviving is a mil, .Morrl.1 l>;msiiy and two griiiiflchildri'ii. >»ts. SADIIC nti;i:MAN Funeral services for '.Irs. -Sadie Freeman, 7.'!. luO.'i South 3Sth Street, who died Sept. 21, were held Sunday at the Jewish Funeral Home. Iiurial way in Beth El Cemetery. S u r v i v i n ) ; an* husband, diaries', sons, David, Chirn;;o, Jll., and Phil, Omaha; daughter. Miss Myrtle Freeman, Omaha; iv.o grandchildren and f o ti r great-^randchiidren, MIIS. KSTIIEH WEI Si; Funeral services were held fit 'he Jewish Funeral Home, Sept. 18 for Mrs. Esther Wei so, 05. of 3022 Hamilton Street, who died Sept. 10 in a local hospital. Burial \vas in Golden Hill Cemetery. Survivors it re sons, Georce and Arthur, Omaha; David, Pliilip and Daniel, Los Ancelep, Cal.; (iauKhlers, Mrs. Geori;e I^rman, Omaha, and Miss Doris Weire, IJIH 'Anccles; 'We grandchildren find a hrolher.


1314 NO..24TH ST.

KOSHP CHICKENS KILLED DAILY Sove by Celling 341-4977 Certified end approved by Rabbi Dr. L»bn Thorn, Preiident, American Academic Rabbis Auociation of Now Americans, and Rabbi S, Walfcln of the Orthodox Rabbis Association of New York City.

Barandlasiitzvafi Alt frlind« and rdallvts ure Invited to Rttcnd orn'lws and

Ito Kocio Folks News flutJ Iiiiji iilllp MIIT Ji»u gftl by l>itvki

liiRH sit The Ur.

ttomti tt,r the

JEFFItEV AI.AN I'ASSKK Jeffrey Alan 1'nsser, r.on of Mr, laid Mis. Stanley Passer, will observe his Bar Mit/.\ah on Wednesday e\<nini:. Oct. 5 iiisu TiiuiMlay mormnir, Ool. C i t Rf;th Kl Kynii;:nj;uc.

Tin; IVik-rutlon of Jrwlsli Womfii,'.' Clubs of Omaha ttarted tlie iioliday tt-aiion v.ith n Ho.'.h Iiasliiinah jiarty' fit the Home, on Kffitcmher 2!i, fponsored by tlic ]H th Kl Sisterhood, under the chairmanship of Mis. M. W. Jtostnbaum. VITA ANN" SIMON* Flowcrt v,(;e cloii(;t>'d'in honor. Dr. ami ?Ar:-.. I.I. K. Simon nii- Ailim ZalUIn, on the occ.'ision of noimi'f flic- Has MhzvMi of their !;i«. COth birthiiay, by Messrs. and diiiililitrr, Vila Ann, on Kriday Mf'Minmcs Mi-rshall Zalkin, Sam Goodman and liob Pit lor. i-H'nini;, (Vtober 7 <uid Saturday David Orlmtv lit tended the iiiiiiniii(.;, Oct. fi, Jit rjeth Kl Sync.State Confi.if-nee on A|;inf; and the Nehr;:sl;;: Safety Council iiieetiniiK. Dond LuncEieon ttoriich Wolfhon mid Sam I'dsti r uill officiate fit the holiday i('ontinu((1 from Fa|;e l.t services at. the Synagogue. Oin.'dwt .'iml Couneil Uluflf.; Mr.«. Mrii. Sl.itlld.i MuMiotvilz Rave Nathmi Nn;.'c. spoivon,; Mrs. Sam KifUin, f'ioneer VVojnej) ami TAif-'. n violin concert, on her new violien Handler, Mjzraehi. Huela',- lin, to the j;eral joy of all of our Mill r.o-rlwirnion air- Mnii-s. Mor- ifsidi-nu. last Sunday,afternoons, Tiie ).5ilit;r Choljni beauty talon ris Gros.Miian, David Gross, Jaini-s Saniui'lson, Saul ,Suvuhl:y ami was bury prcparini; our i( .'.idfiits for' the holiiiavs'. i;v«lyn Levy. Members of an executive advisory'council of previous chairCopies of Treasured men include Mtnej. Mike FieePhofos of Loved Onct rnan ,Mon i.'s Gros^.nKiii, I.'idor JIM ABDO,iir.oii, Js'iitlmti Kopfji A.'iron Hips and .Sam Wolf, ("li.Tiniien THE WURGLER CO. who witt be .^elected to represent, 341-8946 li'nai IS'rifh <'hap|er.s anil tlio 313 So. 1<3th N;'.tlon:il Council of Jewish Women. IU-hlcl<nt Since < liililliodi! Smooih 'n1 Mellow Oil. Wcith. a i-csidrnt of Palf Kline since childhood, was tr.'ilnril in medicine at the .S'orIjomif. mid is munied to a doctor. She ccrvf-d ys n nui'kO with the Hajjanah Mid after the war- pioneered in tlif; immigration of North Afiican Jews. She icjoineil the Women's Arniy in 1W8, spt'iit two years ns MiddleEast section director of the Jewish Agency's Absorption department and since then, has been on activo duty In the Israel Defense X'oi'ce. I.uiK-heon roscrvfitlons may be made by railing nieinheiB of the Women's committee or plionini; the Israel JJnnd Office, .141-1177. The luncheon in S2.25.




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In Winter Follow His Sun to Israel ALL-EXPENSE 17-DAY TOUR TO



"An Inclusive" freni New York Via EL-AL Airlines


All Yom Kippur service schedules were announced in the speciiil holiday issue of the Jewish Press.


Friday, September SO, 19fiO


Next Avoilablo Departure Monday, Oct. 3 I end EVERY MONDAY Thereafter Until March 15, 1961



Monday, OcC-ober 3


fey Delivery Tuesday, October 4

,'•' •

•.'. .

Suite 424 — Fornem Bh3g., Oraofia 2, Heb. — 342-5874


Thursday, October 6 ' Friitcy, b e r d b e ' r 7 . * ' . . < -

••..,,,,. '•'•••'.'

441.5 .Curing'


. _ *

Friday, September SO, 1900

After Yom Kippur

A!HS. NEWMAN MAKES KKrOKT The season's openinf; ruceling for the Busines.i and Professional Group of Hndiissnh, was held m conjunction with a cliiincM- Sept. W nt the Jewish Community Outer.1 A report of the organization'. ; 4(itli iinnunl convention in New York was made by Mis. Julius Newman, president. HIGHLAND C.MJB HOWMNtt SEASON The 1900-01 Highland Countiy Club Bowling; LenKuo. will strut Sunday, October 1G ut ]0 a, m. All Highland men are invited to join, Sam Steinberg, president, announced. MKS. MKVKlt.HOK, COUSIN'S ( M'B HOSI'I SS, \Vi:i)M.SI)AV Mrs. Arthur Meycrson -will be hostess to the Cousin's Club at n'12:30 p. in. luncheon, .Wednesday, Oct. 5 at the BlacUstone Hotel.

Day in October, Mrs, Milton '•Nearenberg, p r e s i d e n t , unnouncfd.

Fage Three

The holiday weekend will be marked by with a city-wide Yom Kippur night dance to be sponsored by the Beth Israel's Young Couples Club, Saturday from 30 p. m. to 1 a. in. in the synagogue social hall. The. evening will include dancing and the presentation of an original dramatic production by members. Tickets nnd information are available by calling !J%4385 or .'iill.-iZ'lV.


MONA LISA House of Glamour

ItOHANUE AUCTION Ellen Hurwick and Judy Sherman are chairmen in charge of planning nohnnue'g Slave Auction on October 9. Advertise in tho Jewish First.

$9,875,000 Budget New York (WNS)—Adoption of a budget of $9,875,000 for 1'JGOCl programs in Israel and the United Stale;:, coupled with approval of a statement defining ?! the responsibilities of the Zionhl movement now that Jewish statehood has been attained, highlighted the closing session of the four-day 40tIi annual convention of Iladassah, which culminated with the election of Mrs. Si< gfried Kramarsky of New Voik City ns national president of the Women's Zionist Organization of America.

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Miss Donna Itae Canar Mr. and Mrs. Louis Canar have Announced the engagement of their daughter, Donna Hue, to Thomas C. Bernstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bernstein. The couple are planning a December 25 wedding in Belli LI Synagogue. Miss Canar and her fiance, on the occasion of his birthday, September 20, were honored at a cocktail supper given by his parents. Miss Canar attended the University of Iowa, at Iowa City.

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riONKKK'S I'l.AX IO.OWKK DAY 'Hie Pioneer Women fire making pltuis for their annual Flower .-NEW OVVn MNB The IGl.OOO-volt transmission line that will brini; liurcau of Reclamation power to tlic.Omalia area was placed in operation Sept. 19 by the Omaha Public Power District.


Beth Israel Dance HENRY MONKKY FASHION SHOW, OCT. 5 AT CENTER A Fashion Show, will liifihlifht tlie B'nai Ii'rith Henry Monsky Chapter meotintj, Wednesday, Octtiber 5, "Tojips in Fashions" (lie theme of the 12:30 p. m. luncheon meeting, will be hold nt Hie Jewish Comnninity Center. Mi1;. Oeorgc Shafcr, program ehairmiui, will be assisted by Mis. Julian Rnuiiicl, who is in cluuge of arrancements. Mrs. NVlsie Donohue, of Toppi Siore, will be the moderator. In addition' to professional models, members; of the chapter who .will model will be tin* Mines. Rolxit Silver, Julian Tlnlmicl, - Hniry l'Yiednian, Harvey Gershien, NaIliim Ostrow, Abnor Rubin, mid the Misr.c.s Dinah Bauniel and Barbara. Shafer. Jleservnlions arc being handled by Mrs. Frank Selcar, 3461164 and Mrs. fieorne .Shafer, 553-84tX>. Guests nrc welcome.



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Mr. nnd"Mrs. Sander L. Bernstein have named their daughter, born September 10 at Clarkcon Hospital, Sliari Lynne, Tho Bernstcins also have two sons, Marc Alan and Jeffrey Jay. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Abe 'Cohen of Los Angeles, Cal. .Great grandmother is Mrs. M. L. Cohen.

Now Featuring


Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Jerome Turkcl of Lincoln, former Omnlians .announce the birth of their first child, a daughter, Julie Lauren. Grandparents are Mrs. Iz Bernstein and Dr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Turkcl. Paternal j;real-grandparents are the Messrs. and Mmes. Louis Turkel and Philip Wicsman. Mr. and Mrs. Rouben Halprin of St. Polersburg, Fin., announce toll birth of a non, David Allen, on September 12. Grandparents are Messrs. and Mmes. Abe Wolf.son and Irving Halprin of St. Petersburg. Great. grandmother is Mrs. Ethel Wolftion of St. Petersburg, a current Omaha visitor. Mrs. Halprin and her parents are former Oninhans. Mr. nnd Mrs, I'hiKclie Kolin linve chosen the name of Stacy Miriam for'flifclr daughter, born September 24 In Forest. Hills, N. Y. Mrs. Kolm is the former Judy Grcenberi; of Omaha. GrandparentH are the Messrs, nnd Mmes. Sam Kolm nnd Dave Gi'CchbcrK.

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By Huhbi Solomon

Perspective for Prosperity When Cod n a s . ali'im tu r i e a t e t h e nations, many decisions had t o b e m a d e ; where each i m i o i i should be .willed, what n a t u r a l r e sources and terrain i i should have, wins I t h e major pursuit of the peoI>le should lie. Hut tj:r- h!;:','r'-''t qi;.--tio)} Which nation should be selected l o r pi-rpetita'i pry-ipiM-ny? All t h e nations came for.vanl tu put in their claims IDS- this kind of prosperity, .Mosi nations staled, "I a m t h e oni' who s.v.uld have eternal prn."p'Til> because I detest adversity. I could l i w at all ii I had in live in unlit fir li'-i'd, il 1 liad to net alo.ijK wilhuMl'luxury and convenience," God replied to such nations. "iVo, you a r c not Ihe uii. ;. in have permanent prosperity. If J'Oll fear advrr.-,i(y, \<<u should / c a r prosperity c u - n inure because your whole existence I'e i. oivtant dread !'•; i your p;o~prrity 111• j>:111." or K e w r s e s Tin." oilier naiioir, s.ud. "I am t h e one v,ln> should hi' cliovii for continual prosperity. I do nor fear a d w r s i t y ;,o 1 have nothiiic lo fear from prosperity. < ii vo h e p r n ; . | v i i i \ in unbounded m e a s u r e a n d I shall know turn In handle IT properly. "To them Cod answered. "You also a r e t h e ones }n have constant pro\-[>erity. When \ o u r piosperity d e scends upon you a.s in a flood aod '.'.hen ;;ood fortune maiinls and rise;;, you will not he sine i\Iieiher you eoul<l stand t i e r s ' " - - . You. Iwj, have Cause to fear pso.spenK ,'is much as advei sity." (July one naliou d;d not participate in t h e universal clamor for enduring prosperity. It said, "I fear adversity ami I do not want i t . I t is no f;ood to live in d<, privation and without comforts. Hut if I have t o live with it. I shall. This is because ] fenr prosperity even more, I fear that I fhn.ll become dependent upon it and feel t e r r o r e v e n ' (lay t h a t I mi);lil not lie ;d.i!e In manage v.ithoul It and that I should find a r e t u r n t o adversity a more h i t l e r pill t h a n 1 can swallow." Desire (iooil F o r t u n e "(Jo you th'ii not de.sire pru.-.pentj'"' asked (!od. "i do desire it." »•.'ponded this nation, ''hut this is wlial I siuilt do. I shall weii;h and consider ever,- drop, every crumb, every shred, every inch of prosperity before 1 aceepl it. I shall look upon every evidence of prosperity with suspicion. Only when I have tested nnrl proved 10 myself that, without trepidation, 1 can drop it ns easily a s 1 can take it-, only then will i accept i t . "

1>I Lambda VM J'I.MIK« l.tru<?" J, Goldslein, :;on of Mr. and Mrs. l'mil Goldstein has been plodijcd l u l ' i Lambda Phi at the I'niversily of California at Berkeley. He is :< |;niduale or tt'onlslile Ilirh ScJiool. ~ Kill Ilfirtvirli Unrolled at rrlnivton Hill lloniieh, son of Mr, mid Mi's. Samuel ,1. Horv.ieh has enlolleii .-is ;i at Pnncelon I'niversily at Prineeton, N. .1. i JI route lo school, lie llo;v to Cleveland, (>., where lie was the ^uesi of his uncle ami aunt, .Mr. and Mrs. David Lazarus. Mr. l-'i/arus is a forme:' Om.ihau. Diane Croiirr at Stern Colle;;n for WlilllOll liianc (.Iroiicr is atleiiilini; freshman classes at Stern College for Women, Yfshiva I'niversity's- unden;n>duatc school for women, in New York City. She is the daughter of P.ahhi and Mrs,

to Sntroiliico Study of Hitler I r a SOIIOGIS

Philadelphia UTA > — A study (icfriOiL'.trnlini; that public school texts dealt inadequately with the Hitler era led to Ihe establishment of tv.o now units of study for Philadelphia junior find senior hii:h God saiii to this nation, "You a i e t h e only nation which apjtears school!; to improve learhiiiR lor entitled to permanent and lasting prosperity because you truly fear that period. t h e dangers of prosperity more than you fear t h e ]»erils of adversity. Incorporated in Ihe sludy units W h e t h e r you really a r e nation remains (o he seen, for you will aie such topic;; as persecution of have to prove It <]:<y Ivy day and slcp by .step." minority crotip.i' in Hitler's GerMOtH.VJ.: A nation t h a t hasten*, t-o depend upon prosperity Is many, immigration law* hffeetiu;; h u r r y i n g ntfversily with even g r e a t e r celerity. those of A.siftti ori|;in, Jim Crowlsiu * * * and efforts to end school se[;ivi;ation.

Last Word in Turnpikes

Once upon a time mi intrepid explorer discovered a new land. It was the most beautiful he had ever .seen, swathed with virgin forests, Untouchi'd mountains, care-free prairies, froe-flowinu rivers, nature in her finest dress throughout. Having wandered upon this breath-taliinn panorama in its pristine j:'r>ry. he wanted others to view it, too. lie Fontana, Calif. (JTA.t —This built many (railways and byways and meandering roads. But one day city of ].rv,0tt). the liOtne of the inspiration seized him find lie brilliantly invented what he called "a Kaiser Steel \Vorl:t:, has elected turnpike," not one, hut scores nnd hundreds, all of them straight as a a Jew an m.'iyor for a four-year die, Molchiiic aero'fi the country, eriss-erosshi;;, clover-Ieafinf;, inter- term by the lai'Ki'si plurality in itn weavin;,'. bypassing, history.

Elects-Jewish' Eviayor

And now, to and fro, fast and imsuervin;:, feverish and pantiuc. people navel this beautiful new laud. As each one returns, he or she exclaims. "In all its splendor and magnificence I have seen it: I have seen it: the wonderful new '.turnpike, every bypassin;;, not hav in:; to stop for anythine;!" .MOIJAI.: Who travels a road just hiximsn Mm mail h llu-ie May travel forever nn<1 Ntill not pel anywhere. .

By Cy KeitchleU yOI Til COUNCIL FLAG FOOTUAM. The Youth Council Flair foottall race will get underway thsi Sunday, October 2. at Adams Park, 34th and 'Hertford, when Rayim will tangle with'R champions, AZA 1000, and AZA 1, will go acninst AZ/\ 1W), at 10 a. m. 'i'he league v.ill play one round of games on three successive Sundays. All games will be at Adams Park beginning at 10 a. m. 1959 FINAL STANDINGS \V. AZA 1000 3 AZA 1 2 Rayim J AZA 100 0

ZACIIAKIA NAMJCD TO ATIIIJCTK: I»OST Dick Zacharia, a 17-year-old Ilayim senior, has l«en .selected by the Youth Council as the overall Athletic Chairman. He assumes his duties immediately. The post was held Ints year by Frank Goldberg. . The Central high .school student was an all around fine Youth Council athlete lust year nnd participates on the Central high varsity wrestling and tennis squads. Zacharia presided at the first Youth Council Athletic meeting at the Jewish Community Center on September 20 fo outline the regulations and schedule of the flag football campaign. Other members at the meeting Included AZA chapter athletic- chairmen: Mike Green,


C O N T E S T T O n i ; mci.n A T 'i'he American Association of Uaion nnd Twirlers,. headed by Victor Faber, headqiiarti^rs in Charlotte, N. C, will hold a Stale baton and twirlinj; contest at the Jewish Community '("enter on Sunday, October l(i, i p. in. All Center members arc invited fo attend. Admission is free. -Many of the top performer;; in Nebraska will participate.

Men—Exercise and Relax Time' at the J.C.C. Limheriiii; IIJI. tichlenin}; up the ".soflj" spot;', and cetfini; lid ol thfit rij;i(Jily amon;; t h e tin-d rnuseli-s inlj;hl "fill t h e bill" for m e n a s v.eil a s for t h e wunjeit she tl'ii'los ihr<juf'ii fheij-fwutle 1yp>- of cra'i'ci;;o;. at i h e Jewish <'«mimniily Center, .Mr;,, l'dith (lohistein, s a y ; is t h e opinion of her husband, Paul Goldstein. .Mrs. Goldstein teaches, a class of women with a uaitinir lisl, reported its m e m b e r s who faithfully a t t e n d niorniui; sessions on Monday, Wednesday a n d F r i d a y

Israelis-ant! Hraf)s Join in Homo Uome (J'l'A)—Israeli jiurl Arab delegates- will parlici|)ate toj;ether in an internal ional conference for the .second time in a week when the second Mediterranean Colloquim convenes in I''loren''iv on Saturday niiil'T the chairniansliip of Giortjio I«ipira. At the Mediterranean Seminar, which met here last vooliend, Israeli anil Arab student representative1! shared tables, listened to Israeli s.onj;s, and exclianiTed views arid Hebrew Ts'ew Year |.:rcelin|;p,. 'I'he Colln(|uim will be attended hy K5 participants including; Professors Martin Uub'-r and Yelioslina Pr/tyer of the Hebrew I'niversily and Husltnn liastuni, n prominent Israeli Arab. Tin? main speal.ers nt the conference will be Professor P.itber and Gcorj'e llenein of the U n i t e d Arab Republic. Joseph Golan, secretary neneial of Ihe collocjiiini. said that plans v.ere underway for the creaion of a Mediterranean iamini"i' university at a mountain res(jrl in Italy.Courses and seiuinar.'i, he said, would be i;iven by leydirif; profes,soi*s from all Mediterianeaii countries. A Mediterranean documentation i enter was nlso planned, he paid. Mr. Golan also announced that next y e a r s colloquium would be held in tin? sjirinc, probably in Athen-.

Israel So Have World Ooogress ioass New York (J'fAl- A World JV'.vi-.h ConiTress House, formin;; a pei'manenl link between lurried and Diaspora . .Ipwry, is shortly to be built in Israel, it was announced by .Samuel Bronfman of Cnnadii. of the North American division of the World Jewish Coiifircss.' Mr, I'ronfman also announced the appointment of Dr. Moses Cyrus Weiler at chairman of the administrative committee of the House of Jeu'Ish Communities, as the WJC building will bejsnown.

Plnnt U1-\ZU to Irii-rt yo-jr V/'inl Aii In )li? Jcwlih f're'.l. Po'fl Is SO cenls for coch thrfe Una Inser(Ion. The F l t u re:»rvc! t i n rljht lo limit sl/e of cocft ocf/tr1l:*n;fn!.

OMAHA Symphony Orchestra Tickets. Call 553-1227.

He m a y y,'-l hi'. rl;.:r. lieraiiM* Mr;,. I lold'.lcin is v/illim; t o inir i a l " ;i men'.', ;-e:,sio.'! a n d ;r.l:B that tlio.e v.lii) u o u l d ronsider ;ni early evciiiii); jtioiip eoulaet C'y .'-'eiiehii;!;. (Vnli-r .Mldelic 1 IU li'i-ior nui-incf;, .This i;, Mr;,. (Jol'L (••in';, seecnnl yo;ir \'.'ith t h e women':, d a y ; nf the ('elite! and she Iris had much previous evjieriout'' as an inlitrnelor. Troubled \', iih a l l In d is. t>hft eani'' u p willi t h e jili-a of teachini;. :;I.I she wuiililn't h.i'.e liv t a k e her e.\f.'rri:.cs alone. "1 ccinld ha\'f; inviteil a |**w women fo join me in the cxerci^"* nt boni"" .she decl.-ued, "hut I was induced lo .starl teaehinj; because there «ere :;(i many other women who Miiichl the a;une thiiii;. This way wv all have liml the t*(ipi;rtiuiil y for improveinenl."

British" Sell Buses, .. Motors !o Israel I.nndini (JTAi. -A contr.icl for (lie ;;ale to Israel of more tha.ii 1 J .1,'..'50,0(K) worth of buses nnd motors aiinminrr'd by the HrtiiMi I.eyland Molnr.s, Ineludrd in (h** Iran.1 action v.ere ICfi bu.'es and IHU ne\!. pir.'.er-plu« die;el engine;; which ineorpori'ln a h»'W combustion chamber iocri'a;,in;: hor::"|)ower nnd rnttlni; fuel consumption. lltirini: the past four years "Israel hns hcnif,'lil more than .Ji;*,liHi).fi(H)



l.p-yl.-iiid v e -

hiele-;;," Cooperatives in Isr.'wd j n ; us in;; more than 1 ,l!0(! Leylnnd buses which h a \ e met schedules with creat Milece;;-; and which have bfcn of considerable help in tiie solution of Israel's domestic transport problems, he reported. Most of the t(>") ii'-u buses will be( allocated tu Israel's Hirer ]rii'f; bus r.ooimr.lllvcB-00 t(» the F.gpvd bus cooperaliv, AT) 1o the Dan cooperative and 15 to the IlamPltaslKT'cooperalive. Ten of the remnininiT vehicles will i;<> to the Ministry of Defense and others will j;o to bus firms sei vItiK" small towns particularly in northern Israel. The diesel enCities will be installed In Americin-made liiise.i In the Kp-Rpd fleet.

i Wo.l specialist r} ^ in long-distance moving


GOULD on the Central Varsity fool ball sniiad. :..•''. ••

uf c.ieli week, " c m n t in drai;i;ing ami i:o out liancin;;" imfl of course keep their figures trim. Mr. Goldstein is etiruurauinf; lib wife in organize .'aieh a c!n',;i for men ,<:o he can take a d v a n t age 0! Ihe ev.''l'ei?:es al:o, He .'.aid a number i.if ne'ti have e'-.pre.s'ed thi-ir inli-ie'.i in ('onditiosiiiif, tluimch Mi";. Cold; tern's p.'irtievd.'ii lunil o! tl"'r.'i|ieiitii: e\<-rei'.ev.


Onlly p HAM and Kai MHzvah coiiipalulations also for nil Jewish holidays and special occasions. Movers 'News Stand, 1502 Dorl;;e

i i o r s i : I'oit SAI.K 11-17 So. m Ave. TUMUMNO C.!IiA«S 5-year-(dd Kanch with Spacious The Center Physical Isducation Carpeted Living room, FireDepartment will sponfor a i;ymplace, and Dinine; area. Kilehnasties and tum'blin;; class again fii with Many Built-in:;, Kxthis year with DanKogel, former hausl, Kan, Knotty Pine J'atielUniversity of Nebraska, i;.vmnasitiC and Katin;; Space. 3 large tics star, as instructor. beclrooms', with Lots of Closet The first mcotinj; will be held Space. Very nig and Clean on Tuesday, October 4, in the Walk-out Basement with FireCenter gymnasium nt 4 p. m. All place and \j bath. Cabinet Gas members are" urged to particiHeat arid Water Softener. 2 pate in this class. Sinn up by crdlcar attached unrufte nnd l'atio. inc the Physical Kducation DePriced in MiU-Twc-nties, partment 3-J2-I3C6. For more information call Dick SHOTS IN' TUB DAMi . . Dracoim or Leonard Gould. Lost years senior Youth CounliOUGLAS CO. cil athletes on the move , . . Multiple Listiiic KxchaiiRe DAN IIOUXS, to Iowa U, BI1.I, Realtors IIOItWXCH, Princton V., HOW918 Itcdick Tower Ml-lSOO ARD STOLKIt, Oklahoma V., BHUCE GOLDSTEIN, UCLA, V>rANTKD—Young .wornan, shortDOUG PLAIT to Stanford ' U., hand, good typist, for .res'ponslHOB GIN.SBUKG, WALT WISE lilo position with iHhic.itlonal AND HOWARD MARTIN to Neagency. College batkirround braska U . . . JKFF WOHLNKR, sports editor of the. Central high • prcfeJTed. Call;''341-3575 for. flchool hewEpapcr . , .•'•STEVE' ,'. «irp6iiitjnorit, ' " • * . •"...


I.. 0 1 2 3

The mr.v Mayor, Nathan .Simon, came to Kontana from New Jersey In 1!)M rtud osl.ibli.shrfl a hardware, store which has boconu* 'tlip larjicst hi the city. Hotb tlifl Mayor and Ills wife nre active in the l(M)-irieniher Kontan;i Jewish community.

AMIS.VSS.VDOH TO MAI.AIiASV 15.". Kytan Kiipiu is Israel's first Ambassador to the Republic of ]'.'o, 100; Steve Kaplan, No. 1000 .Malagasy, former French colony and-Marian Kimmerman, No. 1. of Madagascar. ItVI'flV AVIV 'Hl'IPT 1 VC

Friday, Septemlwr SO, 1969


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