-xxxix—N<>. :t
lmi office, 1(11 Nn. yotli Nelini.'.hu. .I'Imin
Women Invited to Annual Needlework i$aay An invitation to (lie annual inj'alberiiif; tea ol Ilic Omaha iM'Oillcwo!.1!: Guild Inc. been cxti ndi'il to tlic U(/ni"n in the conininnity. 'Jlie event will he held 'Iinsrlay aftoriioim, October II lit
iliui-i.'b, !i.".12 lindi'ovo'od Avenue. 'I he Federation of .1 e « i s li Women's Club:; under the name n' Associated .lcv.j',li (hilarities (11 \. liit-h Mrs. ])ave Colin in seclion chairman find Mi - Iticliard Wiight, tiihle display chairman will he in charge of I In- lea. Tin.1 following have contributed since -the -lust list appeared: 'Mini's. Maurice An.'t-'ty, H a r r y J'.elmmil, David r.cnistein, \Villiam I'ofi^herjj, .lacoli l'ro<iU:itcin, Sam -Canar, Isadoie Chapman, Sam .Colicn, Arthur Colin, David )'..-Colin, Sidney C\HCII. Sol Cranili'll, .Isadoie Jiaii.shy, Samuel If. Jtavis, Hifi'iiurd Dencnlicn:, llarl\ Dulinff, Harry ffeenMntt. Sol I.listeiu, .Win.Kpstcin. iMorris Krliiiin.. J\Ia;: Fall;, Nathan Fcior, Ait'.'ihiini Formaii. l.co iKox, Osf.u .'Ko.t, Sam FiceiJ. lloriifiel 1 lecdman, JUik" l'"re<;iiinn, Uohcil Fromkin, Hen Garelick, .lad: Gellaml, Nathan -(iimplc, Marx doldhiM-g, Arthur Goldstein. Paul Goldstein, Waller Gottlieb, lienJinlin (ironcr, S. .Klmcr Gross, Charles Cuss. IJi-n Handier, Manning Haiiillci', Min.'iii- lloHni.'in, I.on,s Jcs.s, Max Jofle, Max Kadis Gcoi'j;c Kagan, Fdv/nnl Kaiin, Joe Ktthn. Irvin C. Kainian, Ilariv Kai'l, llarolil Kaip, Dave Katz,
Sain Krilziuan, David Kraut/, .Manuel Kri||iiii.'il..v, Louis KulaIcofshy, Aaron l.''vine, .Sheldon Lincoln, Tillii* l.i[i:ey, Maurice Kipsmaii. Minis. Max Mai;id, lit -JI II. .Maiizainin, ,'jani Alanvilz, A In- II. Marliovit/. Kiehaid Marlin. Adolf JMayi;r, Allied Mayer, .Samuel Mi'idie.;;, Arlliiir Mityei'snn, MolJie Milder, lien Newman, Calvin Newman, .Ittlei, Newiijan, .K. I.ei) No;:i:, Harry Kooilcll, David <)rl:ou, Jsadure Onlicroff, Charlc:; 1'roliler, Jr., Maurice I'epiii'r, D.ivid Halt, Sam 1'oiika, Maxine c^niim, William Mitiar.in, l.mtis ltaduziner, Ilariy Knvilz, Max KcJMbauni, David ltico, JJeury Itiekc.s,Caul I'Jtkin. Jlobert Himnieiniaii, Julian N. Kips, Paul Hips, Ida I'obinron. Abraba^n Jiofl.nian, David W. KONCJI, M01j'is I'lO.'ii.'M.'itein, A];iie,(; Itiibin. Mint's. Maurice Sachs. Samuel .SnltziiKui, lOduard Schiinmcl, :Ueiijaniiii Shapiro, Jules tihapira, Max Shapiri), Sam Shlff, Hurry Sidnvin, Marl Sii'/jel, A ho Somber/;, IJIIM. Soiiiljeri;. •Ilnbcrt. Soininei', Millard Spcicr, liarney Stall;. Dave Stein, Dora Stein, Albert Sleinbori;, Sam S. Sleinber|;, I'aul Snrenky, l''rank 'ruchIiian, .lake Turel:. Nathan Veitzer, M. A. Vi.'ii|;i.'r, Itelbert Weil, Albert ,1. Weinlieif;, David 1), Wcinberj,', Herman W'einslein, I..oui.s Whilubool;. David Wine, .Urn Wintioub, liernliarilt Wolf, •?J. S. Yatle. .1. L. Vai;<r, Milton •fiidelMW, SIdry Zalk, lien Zell, .Seymour Zooh, lien Zounvill, in •memory of Mr:;. Hctijainiii Klaiinan and the Misses Rebecca Merciivicl, ICdna Colin, .Hollo Gre/eubeij;, Kannie Cirodinsl;y, Kose (irodinsky, Helle Ilorvvioh,1 Iii;atrire Summer and I'.ose .Slein-
econd (;ia.';.4 j i t Uijiuh
1, JllliO
ingle: ("<>iiy ;tt*c UJJUUI HaU.,34
i" One
(if 11
to r,u shop; Monday will be flic Children'1Mcinorifi! Hospital llazaar af the Sln.'1'afuii-l'ollleni.'lie Hotel. .Ml Hubert Summer ami Mrs. Aithiir Goiilslcin lla/aar project cii-cliiiiriijeii :fnr the FcuY-ralhin of Jewish Women's Chili:, nq;i evi'yoiic in tlie cointiiuuity to visit the many .'booths ; the one ;ijiim!:(>i-cd by tin I ion'f>f-Jewish -Women's Clubs ",|i. in. In 8 JI. rij.mi Snnilay T h e .Ha'/aar hours arc ,'t p. in to if.p.-in. on Sunday and !' a. in to U p. in. on Monday. Mrs. Jlicliai'd .Kinstein, loolb staff ebamuan. .s;iid the folloivini: men v/onlil.be.on duly Suntlav in-tlie Woinc.n';. I'Vilcialion booth lxivifl l>. Hflljci;, -David ilJiiilac, lliclianl Kinslcin, Harold Fniiiei, f.loyd :l''riedman, 'Warner Frohniai.i, .Stewart (iilin.sky, Artlmr Gnldslein, H e i ' n u i n 'Goldstein, Mnnning llaiuller, liicbnrd Killer. Cliarlcs Kii::en,';|oi:k nnd Louis
HK. left In rjjjlit) Mrs. .1 Hnrrv KnlaKul-.U>, ItDberl M. I omln-rif. (Ijcfl |i> ri(,'lit) l»r. Alibi INH<'I Sihir, Alir.ili.ini U.inimu, Dr. iliisi'pli,J. ScliWiirtz rimfcr nt rci'ciil »\:illon.il Ceiynoiilie (!«nfert't'efiirlsnii'l In .Waililnclon, I».'C
Leaders Tcaki
Women's Staff Monday, tlie following women Omaha Israel lioml, Icailers, .will .staff: Mines. Loon Alexan- Hubert. M. Keinberj;, -general der, Maurici' Arcsly, David K. lieher, f'aul Hlote.ky, Isadoi'c chairm.'m of the -Omaha Area Cliapinan, Seyniour Colin. Leo •Committee as well as the ftepun Kiseii.-ilHtl, Jack Mpstoin, I'hilip Special Sales nnd Mrs J. Harry J''eblni,'in. Alfred fiuilli.-r, Stanley Kulalcofsky, honorary area chairWsli, Dean Frankel, Mike l-'rcc- man fur Nebraska, Iowa ami nian, llcriiian Fi'ieilman, i.loyd South Dakota, and a member of Fricdinan, Warner Fiohman, Harold Garber. Stewart. (lilinsky. the National Hoard of Governors, Herman Goldstein, .Jerry Gross, participated in discussions by Stanley Her/off, Ukiinrd Killer. American nnd.Canadian notables Seymour Katz, Louis Lipp, Les- at the. recent National Economic ter Marcus,.Henry Newman. J/icIt ('(inference for Israel in WashNewman, Morion Hichards, Louis ington, D. C. The Omahans were Soinhcri;, Milton Yudelsim and congratulated for the IDfid record The annual Institute on World MisslJea -Soinmer. .sales achieved.under their leaderAffairs of the University of OmaAlso assisting on tlic -bazaar ship. ha will open its IIH'.O series. Wcdarc: Mmcs. Leo Ik'nnan, Maylic-iday, 'Oclob'.'r VJ at H:ir> p. in. .Among those with .whom they nard Gii'diticrg, Maurice :N<:wat the university auditorium with nian, Oscar Sutin. andl'aul Verel. met at the meeting were Dr. mi address by Mii.sa Ainaleniba, Abba -HlUtf:Silver; of Cleveland, Kenya's first and -only-'African (.)., iiatiimal chairman of Hie orThe* liarvcsl festival * of "SukMinister. ganization's Hoard of Governors; ];ot." kith its thoiu*' of ihmiUs'Hie Jewish Federation of OmaIsi'ael's Ambn.sfiiilor Avrahain liii, one of the ro-fipoiisoring or- .fjivini: wiii piovirlo Hie aimos1 JInrnian and Dr. Joseph J. ganizations of the .series has plKM-c for (he iiotli "uruvi Sistoi Tin- ;lcwi:jli .Community 'Cen- Schwartz, Bonds' .executive- vicemailed fror.' ticltet.s to its mein- jioori'.s .lunchi'oti imfl xuiutial suppresident. beis. Harry "J'nislin, Federation ply showfrr, Octohcr J.I "«t V.l'.'M) ters : Physical •Kduc.-i lion I )eparl\>. in. in Iho syriM^ojttie. .Dr. Silver.will be the principal ni'Mit wilLlcail off.ilslhii:Ii .school President, announced.. A .social hour and t*ard paily nitls' ;ilhl(!tic!iH:o);rani -with• vol- .speaker at a dinner to he sponMusu Anialemhii as Miuisler of Hoiisin;; since-'1fl."8, has developed lias liO(;ii plamtftl ,hy Airs. Na- liiyUaUVcvijry/Tlnirjiday from 7 sored by the local Israel .P.oml hotisinj; for thousands of Ken- . than Kaplan, chairman and p..ni. to S p.m. Jack Han,-long-time active in yjns anil .created Kenya's ifint i\lmo;i. Don Cohoji, .Jack JLevoy "• Aai-on -Kpsloin, •co*clminnoii. tlic ("e.ntpr volleyball program, multi-racial party. His subject. •ami Atcfstlnti hoilessM .wilt t»c AViics. Marwill he "The Voice of a New old T.cfjal, Harry SmUli, Wlllinm • Por.fer, and an oitt.-jtnmliitfc player for tilllot Urown, Eugctio' "Bream, :pfchard many years will he atrin.stnictor Africa," tplraol, Bernard Kiiulrnon, .Oclinar Kfcin, A*.lci!O5l Cohen, Max Prwnfcln, Sol Aili, alonc witlnCy .Snitchick. "The West at Bay?" is .Hie -Arfhur New members of 'he Iioth Kl Rorllmon, ttarntv Orcv ;nnd Don•Tlif :proi:ram .l>r;gan ilajit wcel; theme of the -six lecture series ald Straus:. Sisterhood will .lie <lion>red at 1 Reservation! may be 'made wflh Mmcsfalling on consecutive Wednes- Louis Slporln, Hymon Luf'man or Cuocn* with - six girls 'pnrticipatiiiK;'' SIK. - •Hie orcaniznl ion's 32:M() p.m. Broun. Bab/ sifilna 'servlc* wilt :be prol i I l l J l luncheon nieelinK, Tuesday. Octoday nights at the University, vided. dy lUcli.'irds, Carol Iiosenhauni, l»r 11 at the SynngoRiie. I l n r h n r a Kntlcr and Sherry' iKuch new -.nicpiber will he Kraft. sponsored by a member of the The Athletic (Department Is Council of Trustees with whom ' liopim? to see.more,girls .partici- they will lie seated at a special pate in I lie future as plans avill table, it was announced by Mrs.. be made for outside'^competition Donald NOI:K, niemliership chairOscnrtColien of NcwXotlc City, ail)lli(ira indiiile >piil)lici)tinn of with liifiii school girls from other man and musical commentator of Director of the 'National 'Pro- eilucatiiinal :nuiteri;il, ,prmluction city organizations. the style shovv, "Stop!'.Women at Atliinlic Ciuiirnian, Irvin y\'affe •.Work," a program.feature, Music gram (Division) Anll-Defumatioii tit tno.tion pichires, use of ninss feels -that tile exercise .will be ifor the show will be by Mrs. League of B'nal B'rlth will lw communication media, nnd lnt«rmost beneficial along -.with the •Harry DuBoff. 1 the guest speaker at -the Sumlsiy roliRioii'i cooperation. enjoyment and fun for the igirls. In charge of arrangements are luncheon ol the annual 'meeting Mr. Cfllien ;is .editor ,of ,the Unroll-by calling the Athletic of- Mrs, .'Uarton Greenberj;, circle of AUU'3 }71aln.i 'States Tlcclontil "Freedom iPamphlet" series on fice, IMl'-l.iGfi or attend oiv'I'hiii-s- coordinator .and' Mmcs. I^onard Advisory BoarJ, Dr. A, A. Green- subjects related to ileniocratic day. Boasberf;, AllierU'eldman, I/>uls b e r g , ^meeting clialrman an- practices ileatRiied for «)]l<?[;e use; Katz, MlHardMiirEOlin and'Owen Myerson. Sitter service will be nounced. . a series of social science studies. available. 150 J^adurd Expected /lleecntly In flermuny The meeting, which will bciiitr He recently returned from JIOIJT-AH to Omaha approximately ISO Memorial name plaques .placed JK.ANT RV V.S: I-'IUM Jewish community leaders from West Cierniany where he served Nebraska, Missouri, JCansas, Jpwa as eoaiultniit for eeluc'itors in on the Memorial Tablets .in the Jerusalem (JTA)—Miles Laband South Dakota, will :be 'lielll ^examining methods for implc- Beth El .Synagogue during the oratories, a leading American at the Town House, October 8-9. menting human relations educa- past sfxmonths will be dedicated Chemical firm, will miild a mulat the Shemini Atzereth Yizkor ti-million dollar plant near Haifa The adilros.ifltitheopening ses- tion. Services, Thursday, October IIS. sion, a dinner, Saturday evening, The meeting is open • to all Those whose names will .be.com- for the production of citric acid. will bo presented by Kalilil \W11- ' irncntliers of the Jewish communThe plan originally was to be lfam B. Silverman, ^of Congrega- ity. ^Reservations for the dinner memorated by their 'families at Kept secret .but the American time are: tion H'nal Jehudah, Kansa1! .City. dud .'luncheon mny.be made by that firm decided that its Osraeil subLeo Joseph Adlef,'Max Davit, Ann FranFishsr, Just* Kaplan, .Reuben Kotosidiary should openly carry the Mr. Cohen became associated calling or writing the ADI, Ho- ces kofiky, Otn iLuslscrlcn, /Ann '0. Mason. with Hie AntliPflfomatlon l£a- Klonal Office, ?AIS51!>, 527 So- Solomon Mini;, 'Philip Moli, iWmlam ,P»- company's mame ,-ln -defiance of lackr Harry SaMzman and Harry Sttverthe Arab boycott. Biift'in 1010. lH3-pn>sent respon- curltlcs IJIIIMIIIR;. man.
Omaha U Has Lecture Series
•Festival Th^rne at Beth Israel Event
Starts .Girl
Luncheon for New Members, Tues.
National A D I Program Head Sunday Lunchaan Speaker
Memorifd Plaques
connuiltce on Sunday,'November ].T at the Sheratnn-Funtcnclk; Hotel.
Islmes. ISarry Bavitz, J. l l f d c r lasied ^ Mrs. Harry UaviU and her cochairman, Mrs. Jerome Milder will head a division of the United I!cd Feat ber-1 led Cross drive. under Die chairmanship of Hie' Women's Division. 'Mrs; Walter W. Clark-. Mrs. Ravitz and Mrs. Milder arc representing'the Federation of Jewish -Women's Clubs, -Mrs. Lloyd ;Friedman, its president, said, for the Drive. . Their workers arc being ..«•-.' cruited from the.affiliated organizations of the Women's'Federation for the general women's.i'Olicilalion of. the.campaign .which begins October 17. "The campaign theme is "Every Good Guy Gives." said Mrs. Itavitz "and we want to show that every good gal gives as well." The goal fur tlie !!)(>! drive>is 52,017,000, according to Morris Miller, General Campaign'Chairman,'The women's division-will solicit $9(i,000 of that amount. The'Jewish-Federation of Omaha • is-one of the 55 i belief iciurics'of HIP United 'Red Feather-Ked Cross drive. ' v .
Ie Israel iFlans '©©isgregafSon Osnner Temple Israel will hold a 06' P.m.' congregational dinner on -Wediiesi'iny, -October 12 -at ;the Temple preceding 1li holiday service. '• . • Chairmen of the ovent .are Mines. J. ,,T. .Friedtoan, Harold Kasin, Alfred Rophir, Adolph Trost, illerbert Weil and Max Wolf son, of circles 1, 2 and 3 with Mrs. B. -I,.' Wolf as coordinator. Reservations may be made with Mines, Sidney Ostcn, '558-2166; lOrncst Priesman, '55G-97G1 and Seymour Abrams, 553-6872.
£ichmann Story
On WOW-TV The .story of Adolph Eichmttim •vill be seen in "Elchmann: EnUinfior of:Dcath," October ,12 '-oni <J to 10 ;p.m. over WOW-TV, "Wednesday, October J.2. A CB3 production, it will .trace the'.life of the .man .who set up :tba :niaehinery ;for the irmrder '-of lllilliOIli! Of JPWS
• Page Two
Oily of Hope Plans Fynd-Hafslri^ Drive
Published weekly <m Friday beginning' the last week in August through second week in July by the Jewish Federation of Omaha.
HecruHincnt of workers for the 10G0 local fund-raising drive of the City of Hope Medical Editor (.•filter is now under wny, Mines, Al Nejjonuiiel: and Jack Wolpa, chninr.eii, iinnoimccd. The local campaign will he climaxed by a door-to-door Ciinvass for funds News nnd Jmtipfnines nt Tho t*r. iri residcnlial areas November l')ill|!» KIHT J I U K I I IIMIIH) /or tins 4-5 and (!. Aged bj David Or)io». The medical center b located Cantor Aaron I. Etijjar find Belli i:i choir entertained at the near Los Angeles, Cal., and treats canc-er, leukemia, blood, home. liiluir c.'liollin: Mr. Nathan chest and heart ili.scatrs and conMartin f'avc his time to the ducts more than 100 medical beauty .shop prior to the lioll- research projects. d.iys Mrs. Jake Wine n'-sisted. Dreomflnns for Suklrot ' by Mines. Allen Zalkin and Jake Wine. In nirniorJiuii: Itofa Colilfein, .% Sam C.'olnie. New resident: Mrs. Id.) E. Ontm.in. l'.'ilir/.clt: Home mcniorial :-ervioes for those wluixe anniversary of their i>.'i:;;.Wiij; i\vc jiKJiiicd rhirini; Tishri.
SecGnd Class Postage Paid of Cmofta, Ucbr, Annual Subscription. HOO. Adv«rt;slr>y ft«t__ on Applicoifcn. Publication Office—101 No. iOfh Street, Omaha, (kLr., 342-1 ;t6,
V/ith the Home Folks
BETH I X Cindli'IiG-hllng—5:37 -p.m. Services Friday, 8:15 p.m. Sermon by R^ibhi Myer S. Kripke. Musical portions by C.'inior Aaron I. E'^.'ir and Ciioir. Snbbnth morning, 0:.'<0 a.in. MinchaMaariv-at 5:VJi p.m. Sunday services in Cliapol ;it 9 a.m. followed by bn;-;tkf.ist and study .session on "Tho Kloction and the Religious ..SMIC" with Rabbi Kripke. Snrvice (hiring week, 7 a.m. nnd 7 p.m. Iloliday services:
Ti-,'i.-i 7— lipfcrr.scr 'ie-.5o!wnG:i o'lhtrlwj Ti'Ji'l 1!—Ock-Lir J— Dovid Cr.oprr. Tlfhri 14-Orfr.Der 'j—Uurnty //.urlcjlh, Tlr-hrl ]/i HO5HANAM RAOBAH — Of-»tbcr 7-7.V:. ^GJII PMUr, Tlihrl 17 VVedntid-j/, Octgt/cr ]7U), •'•'r.n-'n-) —Octol.r-r l^-'rjm HcUmon. lhut\ 53— . Service / : 0 . u, r.i. nor.t,cr 19-PMMp Icfcs. liM.rl '.•V-OClcL-cr SHEMtMl AT2FPrTH end 5IMCHATH TORAH Wednesday, October I.'fi, f;i,'en:n'i Service ...,..,...7:00 V. m. Thursday, October I.ffi, Carly Service , ,..6:45 o. m. f/.orning Servlre .9:00 u. in, AH friends nnd ril.illw". «ro . YlzVor, Mr IT: one! Service .....10:50 a. ra. /VUncha— Waarl7 ...*:.'i3 p. tn. in'vltnl to att<Mid -scrvlrcs unil Hokofos, S!rnrha!h Torcli 7;W p. m, Friday, October Utfi /.'.ornir.y recf-ptinn. Service 9;&0 o. m.
VITA A.V.V SIMON' Vita Ann .Simon, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. M. K. Simon, at Beth El Synagogue Fjhiay evenin;,', and Saturday mornlnj;. 1I.OVI) rilEIOKN Floyd Frc-ideri, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. William Freiilen, Saturday morning1, October 15 at IJeth El Synagogue. IMmmn lorvlcti
iSMS n
tvtn!n-:i iexwtt-,
5:30 p,
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Omafaa ionument
Mornlnj service! 6:/5 o. Junior Congregation .........1O:W o Yltl-or Mcniorial ltrvici-5 ....1030 a SIMCHATH TORAH—Thjn<!o/, Oclobtr WJncho .j-ig p Maariv, Hokofolh end Children's parade 6:50 p.
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M'o iniploy no n^pnts—b*r« you rtavc tlifsn rxpnihlvc <'oini(t!«if-lon» nt JOIJ dr:il ifln'ftly wltli llir own<T» . . . U« invite you to rtimpnra . , , \\'o permit lu> tiiitfinrly hnlUI(jitinii,. . . Ymi are fr*-<? to nmUo up your dnn MftuK
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Octctxr 13
Paul Veref, executive director, 101 No. 2Wh sr sr . . : Xhs knewn bendhotd^rc, morlQages and other security liotders- owning or holding 1 per cent or mere of total amount of bonds, mortgages or olhcr securities ere: (If-there ere none, so state.) None, The average number of copies of eoch - Issue of this publication sold or distributed throuoh the mails or otherwise, to paid subscribers .during 1he twelve months preceding fho date shown obove was: (Ihls Information is required from daily, weekly, aemlweekly, and triv/eekly newspapers
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PoMreifs V/cddings
3213-15 . " 9 " Sf. 731-411? LEGAL NOTICE Statement Required by the Act of Auguit Open Sunday 2-5 34, 1J12, o j amended by the acts of March Slneo 1923 Mornlno :c.-.:t;:. 8:«! o 3, -HJJ, and July 2/ 1546 (Title 30, Uniretl Junior Con'jrcfjailcn . . . . . . . . . . 10:00 a. Stafei Cods, snefion 233) showing the ownWlnchq 5;JJ p. •rinip, management end circulation of The Jtwlih Press published weekly ot Omaha, Nebraska, September 22, !?_•.. H'NAI JACOI1 ADAS The nomes end addreiwi of the publisher, editor, monucJfng editor* aid builnes* monomers arc: Friday, Mincha, 5:30 p.m. SatJewish Federation cf Omofta, Inc.. IDT U, JOlh 5t,, Omaha. urday, 8:30 a.m. Mincha, 5:30 Managing editor, none. p.m. followed by Sholosh Seudos. Editor, (Mrs.) Frances Klein, 101 tt. :0ih 3(.f Omaha. Daily services at 7:30 a.m. and Business moangeo Paul Vcret, 101 N. 30th St. Omoha. C p.m. • The owners: (if owned by o corporation, Its-name and address must tf« staled and also immediafely thereunder the names ond •TEMPLK ISKAEI, oddresses of stockholders owning or holding 1 per cent or more of tolcl amount of Friday services at 8:15 p.m. »Iock. If not owned by a corporation, the Conducted by Rabbi Sidney H. nomes ond addresses of Jh« individual owntr% musl be given. If owned by a partnertirooks. Saturday services at jhlp or cthpr (jfilncorporu'ed firm, . tl> nome and address, os well cs Ihat of 11:30 a.m. Morning Festival sereach Individual member must be oiven). vice, Thursday, October 13 ut Name—Address Jewiiti Federatlcn of Ornana. Inc. •11:30 a.m. Horry Trustln, presidents 101 No. 20th Sf. Ernest A. Hoog, first vlce-pretldent, 101 • Ho. 20th St. • Arthur U Goldstein, second vice president. 101 Ho. 20th Sf. • //ilton R. Abrchcms, treasurer, 101 Ho. hodore Chopmon, secrc!oryy 10! Ho. JOih
AT 8946
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l a r anil las ista/afa
BCTH ISKAMIKoboljis Shabbos, Friday services at 5:35 p.m. Sabbath morning services, 8:45 a.m. nt 52nd and Charles Streets and at t) a.m. at 10th and Burl Streets. Junior Conurbation at 9:15 a.m. Rabbi Gronor will conduct the Talmud class at 5 p.m. Sabbath Mincha at 5:30 p.m. followed by Sholosh Seudos In the Sukkali and Maartv at G:'iO p.m. Daily services at 7 a.m. and 5:45 p.m.
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Friday, Ortober 7. 1069
Organizations IS.v <> Ne.itHiicU
SIKKOT TIM Tim I i i k u r Cliohui Snhl-.di tea on Monday, Oetohcr 10 ;U 1:,".() p. n\. al the Jewish ('uiiimniiity O i l i e r will honor new mcmln-rs. • M r s . John Z<>rin.-,l;y and Mis Dave Wine fiiv 1i';i chan iix'ii. David Orknw. Suf.i'iiiit<-ii([<-iit of the I Jr. Philip Slier Jewish Home for the Albert, will he i h r speaker.
TV i'j:i;s(»N.vi.nii;s ON ri:o<;i:AM "Robert Fuller, Kay Cl.'i'ri: .-nnl Erie Adam:-, prominent Omaha T V personalities, u i l l [lartiripaie i n a panel (liyrussion on " \ e \ v flmi Views' 1 at a luncheon meeting of Temple Iirae) Si.'.-ti-rinnxl Tuesday, October 11 al 1 p.m. al the Temple. Mrs. F. Roii.-dil (Viim is program ehairirau Assislini;: .Mil"".. Alfied SophiiOtld J . .J. i-'liedinan are r h a h jnan Mmes.'J.eo Kheu'-latt, liuu heon; Harry Altsuler, il"eoratiu!ih; Jrvinf; Lincoln, t;<hl<" setiiiu;; K r n si • l'riesntan. yM'i-'.i~' d Jacob Iles.s, ri."il-7.">HI, reMTvatiojis. Baby sifl'T servire v. ill !><• available.
KORiCKT IT U.I:K. sn:\Kr.ic AT COKMIf SKKi: UIN.NKK Members of (.'oi'nhu.sker I,od^e. B'nai B ' l i l h will hear liolii-rl F u l ler, local teli'vision news eonimentator, tall: on l l w <'!ian,';in;.: American I'olitieal Scene at their 7 p. ni. ilimi'-r ineetin;:. Wednesday. (icioh,-i I'J nt the Ilancli IJoivl. Itr.-scrrv.'ititdi.s ran lie made by callinj; Maury Schwartz, ?>;">.'!7121; Sidney .Siieiclman, r>."i(i8975, or A l v i n AhraniMiii, ."III-
I'.ayim and AZA 1, chalked up oj»e.nbi): day victories as the Youth Council Flat: Football race KOI underway last .Sunday, October 1, at Adams Park. A veteran K a j i m learn, v.elle\jH'i"ienet(l in Youth Council Alhli'tic: war.; defeated a .s'lrprr-.in;;ly sci'appy A / A JOdu, team -1-7, with Sti-x'e (ius.^ s.eoriti}.; three touc.'Mlii\'.-ns, Kay,ni ctjaeh Jini J''aiher. rnaliin;.' sui't- his tcain v. rin'f over eonlide;ii v.'.'is takin;: nn ehanc-s as the .voulh"flll ' W i l l hoys, who lo.-,t their en•Sbabbal al lei v.aid:,. Mi-rnb<T.s ol the Voiilh CoininiN^ion v, ill he
40 Weeks
tire fhampionshifi team l i o m last year displayeii );ood .speed and poise l o r a sophomore dominated leant. AZA I. e\p<rted to |/ive Hayirn its' loniihest conijn'liiion tin:-; jear, tool; a .'IL'-IH win from AZA 100, AZA 1, ^;ot a top performance from Arnie Manvit/. who sjiarln-d t he I cam ( m defense as well as offense. AZA Kid, showed mneh imjii c>-. •>m>-iit fnun last year and stioucd :,i::u:- of mal.'in;; Uie nppositio.M u u r l : l o r their vieto.1 ics. This Sunday al Adams I'ark li"t:int)ili!; al 10 a. m. Uayirn f;oe-: against AZA I DO, and AZA 1. meet:; AZA Kll.l'l.
House of Glamour
OffiT i:»pirrf. oil. .11, mud
Helen L BernsSein 440 No 61 i f St.
I I I No. 50th 6 EnpOft H a i l
553 7000 StyfilU
Air-Conditioned Dryt-rt MISS MARSH oni MISS JEdftr
Advvrtise in the Jewirh I'r<
St.'UHlill^H W.
!:a.\im IJi-lh Israel l'-'i'A will meet Sunday. Oct. Hal 7:.".<i j». m: in tinTalmud Torrdi. Tiachcr:, nl (he Talmud To rah and Sunday Hehooi v, ill be pi c; cut. There will be (i toui ol the Sukkah and n Holiday
1 ()
AZA .100 AZA Kilji)
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incomporoble ofmo S pI iero
•NoF*c a t u r i n f)
( (III.VIII siii;u <'iiAi':rr:i: r e s (.i I;ST M'I;AKI;I: A 1'nited Commujiity Service:, speaker u i l l be on B'nai Ji'rilh Coi-nhuslcei Chajiter ,''.'o. 5O;;L; nicelini; jiroi'ram Monday, Cictober 10 t;, «:,•'.(; p. j , i . ;,| H|i. lil.-it-lcstoiie Hotel. A film will be shown.
W I I U M I ; si.AM; ,\I < THIN Hohanue Ui;f; will o!:<'r ils .'•crviccs at a slave auction. Sunday, Octoh.-r '.I from 2:':.U 1o l:.';fl p. m. at t i n ' Jewish . (Viiniiiunity (Vnter. Co-chairmen nyr Kllen Iliirwic); am] Judy .Shej-man,
MNCIIKON roi; rsv United Syna!'o;;i|e Voutli u\< in bors are invited i:< n luiii'lii-on in Deth K l .Synai;fj;;ue Kukhah Saturday, Cictober X. spoiiMH'rd by the Sisterliootl. Ilnbhi Myer .S. Kriplic will eonUuct an .()III*I;
J'turrii Reqistored R»p
J. Cliff Rahcl & Co. Investment Bonkers
1130 first Motional Bank 342-7262
Dodge at 70fh
AWARD! COMMANDER OF ISRAEL'S WOMEN'S ARMY ("CHEN") Israel's greatest military woman, she has appeared in Latin and Central America, Canada and Europe. Combat veteran of Haganah, World War ;ll, the War of Liberation and the Sinai Campaign, she will present medals and awards -to tho greatest Jewish women of Omaha and Council Bluffs . . .
SADIE KULAKOFSKV "Chen" Moccabif—Chcmpion of ;lsrcol
Sysheft Choyil—>Womsn of Vdsr
'in ihe Advance Guard of "Chen" •
in ^he Vanguard of "Cheri" • Gertrude Chapman •Tillie Gross • Rota Rica
• Mary Felfnian ' •Rote Kafelman , • Dorothy Riotei
• Freda Foinborg • Barbara Newman 0 Either Ripi
Fr#da Gondler •• Jann!« Newman • Frieda SuvaUky
Either Gordman •Ruth K. Nogj • Evslyn Lovy