October 14, 1960

Page 1

t'utiliru'loii (•rfiie, 101 No. VOtli Oinnlm Nrlirttilcu. Phone 8•r.'-I3(i(<

'Vol. XXXIX—No. 4

With ITiiiled Nation!.. K. V. M'l'A)--. fJolda Mejr, Israel's Foreign Jlini.aVr, today chalk-niicd President (i.'iinal Abdel Js'a.'iscr ol the UnitO<1 Al-all



lie to "nii'el and Jtiii'iMii^'> negotiate" with J~iJf "-'»**>• -\ J;;r:tel on peace .&'"•§'' *" "or at least all «*J

a u r c rem e nt on teg

iioii-nj rc:;sion." ^|y'.; "On Ix-lialf of'^ftt^ my 1* i I in e Min- "^"af'i-^^e- '/'• •

.Mr*. Arthur <ioldst«iri, Mrs. Ilwu.in I'ercr linMIng Ilio "doll." Mm, llubf-rt Koiniiicr, Mm. I.erliardt Wolf at (hr Women'* 1'onVratIon booth nf (lie Clillilieus -Mriuiiri.il Itflipilal H.i/;»:ir.

Doll Responsitile for Memorial An mnmiKil tfr>T1 ami Die efforts of those •rliirn- tn the laic Mrs, Cliirerice l > r c m a n . well r e m e m bered for her le.'nlcrhip in the. c o m m u n i t y , niruli? |n»'.!.il)Ic the special


lilCJllOl)' Jc-.vrh tin-

pi .••j'iitf'1






I'VrifT-'i I i n n Chili-;



lift1 Of ;it

I In ;fnl,-il


Air1-, W u t r ( I i ; i i i i u : i n 'I'll" doll.

II i i i f i j ' T i


with Mrs. Rernhardl Wulf as chairman ;>ml Mr;;. Henry Ne'.v1II,"II.


tpdiisible Ili;ulp u p




fin- 'Die contriljiitiiMiii of donation1, tntnllitii:

5W.I.00, Sinn";, Hubert .Summer and Arthur (io!dv:li:-}ii, ho )lh cofhaimien rcporlc.il. F o l l o w i n g Mr;;. l>n;m;in':i dciilh last I)i-ri?n)l)<T. IHT sisl'T, Mrs. l.*.r;..\ Mulli:Hi.',er. a I.on An/;i'l«"i rlulhr'i designer mid d i e ' ; i-tioft OV.IH-;-, confided In Mi-i, Wilf nml MIT,, Newman her intrri'st in :i mfirvirird cifl. ")>ref, it dull for I lie I-Vdcra-' lion booth nt (In* horpilnl b.'izriru" v/as proposed by tin* Oiiialians who linil worked sir!" by side with .Mrs. Ucr:,'inan in many volunteer activities^ "and we will take over from there." Sister Urcs'irrt UoII Mia. Miilhauser spent ninny, cveiiinj's in the design and crealion of the doll's elaborate onEfmhlc which included intricate dress beadinij, plnl; satin evenin;,' coat, jewelry and handmade accessories. It was sent to Mis. Wolf mid. ut tlr<* residence <if

Mrs. O. T. .Nichols. Jr., when' ;i vvc-i-k's "open house" prevailed in flic iiilerest of the bazaar. l)i'.|)l;nitl at iioiith Monday ninht the doll m a d e sis final appearancp at liic Fedcialiiiu Ixmtli, WIVMT* i( n t t r a r t r d \s5fd-•• j>r(-r!ci riMfiiJidn rind j;ifi!>\ .Mr,1:. Tlymali F r i e r , j'eiirral li.'i/aar chairm-'in, ewinijniiir the doll a n d it-, fashionable iiHirc, said the l i a / a a r was deeply in(l(-l»l<;d to . Mr.i, Mulhmr;er for f'ilinj: of her tali-ills jtri'l to Mrs. Wolf a n d Mis. NI-WHIIII fur t h e i r p a r t in makin:; tin- doll project KO Mteecsrfiil. Mrs. I'.'wym.'iu IV;I< a priMidciil of T r i n p l r Israel .Sjr;l<'i'iioofl. a Ciray I,;nly and jwrlitripaloil in Hi'1 I'hil.inthnopifs a s well a s in litany otiicr conirimnfly '•fforts.

Bazaar Chckmen Thank Community "IW arc cr.-itrful t« the men JInil wonirn of our eoniiiiiiiiIty win) (fnvn tlirlr time, money anil handmade nrtldrs which lirlp^d rnntio tlio booth of the rrili'riitloii of .lenlsli Wimii'n's f'lnlii at tin1 <liildren'H Mernorlul H <i N |i 11 a I Kiicli a

Latin kmkm Oilei Itisflfyfe


l.isl'.r 1). Mallory, Deputy Assistant S'-cielarj- of Slate- lo'r Iiilei -Americiin Affairs, will he Hie second (vlehrify to mak" liis iipjiearance at the .1 !.'(!(• Jnstitute on World Affairs nt 1he 1'nivcrsily of Omaha, Mr. Mallory u ill -.peak on "The Latin American Dilemma" on Wednesday, October l'J, al 8:15 at the University, it was announced by Harry Trustin. president of the Jcwit.h Keileration, a co-sponsor with the University o n ' t h e institute's .scries of six lectures. Mr. M.'dloiy was Ambassador to Jordan from 19r>.'! to 11)57 and 1o Guatemala, l!)."iH, and is considered an agricultural specialist. The Institute whose* theme Is "The West at Bay?" will continue through Novcrnlicr 16.


A tally re\ealeil tin- booth topped Its I!).')!) reroril.'1 Mr*. Hubert Summer, Chairman Mrs. Arthur II. Collision, Cu-Chalrinaa

Needleworfc Guild Aslis •Mrs. Oav(.-(>)!in, cliainnan of the Jewish Federation Agencies Section of the Needlework (Juild Drive, Issued nn nrC'-'nt request this week to ull women to send in their contributions now. In addition Lo those previously listed, thp following lmve contributed through Monday: Mines: Hen \V. Ahramson, l:iiidorc Abninison. Jacob Abiamson, Ix;o Abramson, Jlorris Abranwon, Until Ackennan, Kranl: J. Alberts, Samuel Altsuler, Art Anchel, Henry Appcl, Sam Apple.nwn, Sam llait; l.loyd Hank, Abe Hear, Hym'an Iiolman, Jacob Keroovlcl, M, A, )3crcovlcl, Kdwnrd IScrg. Sinn Herman, Joseph Rernhtein, Uobert Ucrnslcin, Dave W. Bernstien, Max I. Bittner, Max Blot city, I.oulii Itlnmkin, Dave Eolkcr, Eugene Uraini, Fred Urodkey, M. II. Brodkey, Norman Cain, Diivlcl M. Chapman, D a v i d ciwmejv Harold Oierniack, Ijcaxwuii' Chciniss, Abe

v isler," she af•: ^, . finned, "I say lie'; • ' «'•'• \ ; is prepared lor such a me-tioj; <.„,,,., M ,. j r witljoiil any precoiiftition.i, here or at any other place proposed to him." ftrlfvcriiiK licr fonljjii policy uilclrcs brforc lln> |ilen.'ir,v M'Ssiiin of III'- (ieneinl Asseinhly, hit*. 3IHr Included in her offer of pi-are talk* not only I lie I'resiilcnt of flu- IAII lint ulio liinc Ilussrtn of Jordan mid the J'rinic Minister of Lebanon, both of whom bud ndttresscil the Aswm-

Distrlsf Chairmen, Captains The appointment of four dh> tricl rlmirnien and their captains was announced Uils.week by Mrs. Harry Ravitz, chairman and Mrs. Jerome Milder, co-chairman of n division of the women's unit of the United J<cd Feather-Ked Cross Drive. They are: Mrs. Bennett Colin, chairman and her captains— , Wmns. Lou Shrier, Norman Denciiix.'rj.;, Harold Pollack, M. M. Kruplnsky, Paul (joidstcln; Mrs. Is'onnan Halm, chairman and her captains- Mmcs. Har\-ey Lipsman, liernard Alt.sitler, Leonard Kulalcofslty, Martin Latter and IJnvc Slmkert; Mrs. C^liarles Kimmel, chnirman and her captains— Mmcs. Bernard Hockenbenj, Stuart Simon, J. M. Ttorwieh, Joiiepli Hornstein and Milto Freenmii and Mrs. Charles llosenslock, chairman and lier capta'liis—Mnies. Lloyd Bank, Sidney Schwartz, N. J. Hips, Daniel Km/man and Millaui llosonberc. A coffee was held for the district chairmen and their captains at the residence of Mrs. Itavitz with Mrs. Milder as co-hostess. The women received campaign Mitpplles and instructions. Mrs. Walter W. Clark, head of the Women's Division, praiced the group's organization in a brief

f'hunovic, A. lonis Cohen, Sam It. Cohen, liennett h. CcAm, layman Colin, Nettie Colin, f r a n k Comififtr, Meyer Crandell, liirnard Diamond, Jack K. Puitcli, Itichnrd A. Kinstein, Aaron IC[iitein, David U^ E|«tein, Harold Kp'ileln, Jack G. Kpstein, Lawrence Kpstein, Monis Kpstcin, llubcn Kpstcin, Sam Epstein, Harold P. Father, David Feder, Hobfi't Feinberi;, Maurice Feldnian, Abe C. Fellmnn, Harry Fcrensteln. David H. Fcrtil, Morris Firestone, Donald Fischer, 13cn Fishei1, Stanley KisU, iV'.urice M. Fleischl, Albert Fox, < Dave VV. Frank, Maurice J. Frank, llanry A. Frankel, Morris J. I-'rnnWin, Josepli IF. Freeman, William Frelden, Klizahcth Fried, Hyman Fried, Mae Fried, Herman £'ri?dnmn, J. J. Friedman, Lloyd D. Ji'riednian, I^otiis Friedman, Sam(Conttnueil on Page 3.) talk.

Idy <;irliir. On Iniialf of I M I I I I , stif a l s o : 1. En(iui;.iil S'-cri-t/iry CJeneral ]>:>)', ll.'iinmai'.-.l;,jold's actions in tlic C.'oi!j;o, v^hicfj ii.'ive .been a t t a c l c ' l violently here Iiy tlic Soviet Union's i ' l v m i e r Nikita S. Kbruslicliev.

2. (.'ailed for "conijilrli- dis.'irni/irnent ol Isr.'icl and the Arab Klales undiT mutual inspcclion nnd control." On tli« hiihjr-i-t of clisarinamiut wliirh Is before (he Aswinlily, Sirs. M<-lr said: "One of f!nplnnlis In the Isnu'l <iO\rrnnii'nt's program Is cmiplrle disannament for Isrnel nnd the Arab stairs iiii'lr-r imitn.il Insprclloii and control. W'r an- not impressed hy lofty sprerlics on world illsai'innmi'iit and peiuc by lenders wlin do not. printIcr at biimc wbiit they jirencti abroad.

ri Jasnes I . To Appear for Bonds At David lelier H l!;dilii James (',, Heller. Community I'.eiations Chairman for 111'.1 Still*1 of Isra"l Bond on;aiii/'M ion and emi£... ii (Mi t American if1'.' *•>„ 'V.,. ; "''""' '"''' •j•• ••'•'•



.Jewish I i* !l d e r will appi'.-ir nt the

h o m e of



(Jclo!«'r 3H, on b e h a I f of the bond drive, i!o(>ert K e i n b c r K, G e n o r a l CamKnlibl pai/;n Chairman •IUIIIRJI <J. Hcllcrsaid. Mr. Iteher is Tcm]il<? Isra'-l Chairmnn. Kahbi I Idler \\:w spiritual leader of the Isaac M. Wise Temple, Cincinnati, O., for [\2 years, and is now a member of the Union of American Hebrew Congregation's Kxccutivp board. He was formerly chairman ol both the United Jewish Appeal and United Palestine Appeal, prenidfiit of the Labor Zionist Organization, chairman of the Administrative Council and vice-president of tin1 Zionist Organization of America. A native of Now Orleans, 1^1., Rabbi Heller, was ordained at the Hebrew Union College in 1916 nml served as a chaplain in France during World War I.

SKJN TKICATV Washington. (JTA)- .Secretary of Stale Herter and Israel Ambassador A vrahm Ilarniiin signed atredty for avoidance of double taxation.

Ecuador Ambassador Washington (JTAI - President Elsenhower appointed Maurice M. B'H'nliaum as Ambassador to Ecuador. Mr. Bembaum, a 50-year-old career diplomat, served since last year as counselor nnd deputy chief of mission at tlit* American embassy In Argentina. He Joined the foreign service in 103G, after beini: it social worker as a younc man. A native of Illinois, Mr. I'.ernbauiii attended Harvard, Northwestern, and the University of Chicago. Ilia nomination will KO to the Sennte for confirmation, when Congress reconvenes in January.

Onrf> is ii troubled urea olid un liiidinlevilop'd one. Neither Israel nor j Is. nci^liborH ran nf/ord an aniiH rurf-; f/ie iw.?t\H of tlio min. uonii'n anil children ol all our couiitricM cry out against It.*' In chaJlcncini: Nasser and rulers of the Arab lands to meet with I'.cn-Clurion on Arab-Israel pracc. Mrs, M<'ij- said: "We ii/;ain call most solemnly to the leaders of the Arab stairs: I / t us sit down in a Tree, not pre-rondilioncd conference, lo discuss peiH-c. We arc convinced that that is the only realistic approach. And when I hero i.s peace between us, let us with united .stron^ih develop the entire rei;ion lor I lie welfare of all peoples." Stn-ssinf; that Nuhsi'i- still maintains his boycott .ipdnst 1ftracl, anil the Sue/, hlnrlcudc, slio stated: "Since, If the l/nitrd Arnh licpulille In not ;>ri|i;ire<l to Implcni'-nt the Security Coiineil'il decisions on tin- question of shippliilf In the Suez (,':in:il, then ho»v will it IIMM- Its riulit, If fli-clcil to thr Srenrity (.'oiiiicll. to lell otllers th:it there must be no war or If threat of war nml nil questions must be resolved by peaceful negotiations, inn! that Security Council decision-* must hr observed." The Israeli Fon-icn Minister referred in her address also to lilt- Aral) rciuiriM' problem,which lias been dircu.sscd with biltcriiess by I he'Arab lenders in this year's Assembly. Thoye refugees, .slic staled, "did not KO into strange lands, Why are I hey nol alisorbi.'il?" she asked. Israel, Mrs. Meir pointed put, . has absorbed not only many Jewish re!'uj;ei-'S from ICuropp but also a half-million .Ic.vs who had to leave Arali countries, Israel, furthermore, she pointed out, is housin/r and finding employment for 2.10,0(10 Arabs in Israel.

Israeli Oedsd to UU Post in Face of n Uni led N a l i o n s (JTA t— Affainst the opposition of Arab advisor to the Israel's Foreign advisor to the Israeli's Foreign Ministry and member of the Israel delegation to the General Assembly was elected vice-chairman of the Assembly's legal committee. Arab delegates protested violently, but behind the scenes, against Mr. Kosenno's candidacy,, and threatened to run a candidate of Ihcir own. When Israel stood firm, however, refusing to withdraw Mr. Itosenne's name and insisting that there would be a floor fifiht for the post if the Arabs insisted on opposing Mr. Rosenne, the Arab opimsition collapsed. As a result, Mr. Rosenne was elected by acclamation.

Four Scholarships Are Established New York (JTA)—The National Foundation for Jewish Culture announced the LnMcd Awards, the first national awards program for Jewish scholarship nnd cultural achievements.' Financed by annual fjrants of $2,000, the program provides four $500 awards for scholarship and creative writing in the fields of Yiddish and Hebrew letters. The National Foundation lor Jewish Culture was established Uy the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds.



Friday, Oct. U, 1060 NEW JUDAEA GHOUI' FOKMEU IN BLUFFS A new Young Judaea group, Alcph, was formed in Council Bluffs wifli Mrs. Kenneth Sacks us julvltor ami Miss MarJene Friodinun, as her n.r::i£tant. Thf.ir next meclirtn will bo OctofXT 10 ;d 2 p. m. at tho Jt-uifili Communily CVnlcr, Council Bluffs. The proup's ofl'iccrs ru'C Susnn K r n s n c , president; Charlotte Kaliano, vicc-prehidi.nt; Dcborali K.-iy -Mezoy, s,ccrttary-trcnsurcrj Lynn .SdmoiUcr, ten;cant-atumis and Marie Gtwara, historian.

f tt%% Published uecldy on Friday beginning the last well In g through second week in July by the Jewish Federation ut Omaha. Second Cla:s Posfane PtiJd ct Ornuhc, Nttir. Annual Subscrlpllon, H.09. AOvtriislnfl Pofes 00 Application. Publication Office—101 tJo. iofh Sirctf, Otrmha. Ne'ur., 342-1346,



Omahans Named at Adi Oonference Omahans elected to offices at the mcctin;; of the Plains Statts Kcfjiunal Hoard of the Anti-Defamation league of U'nai B'rith were Calvin M. Newman, vicpdiairmau for Nebraska; Edwaid A. Rtftpn, treasurer, and Ted B. Sonnetr, secretary. Stanley A. Mornntz, Piairic Village, Kan1?, was leelictcd chairman of the board. Other vice-chairmen for 1hcir Mates arc Harold Bailin, SiouxFalls. .S. D.; Theodore Kranitz, .St. Joseph, Mo.; Mrs. Nathan Shechtcr, Mission, Kans., and Charles Kramer, Des Moines, la. More than li'5 members attended five state conference last ueeleend at the Town House. The board adopted, resolutions calling for employment practices based solely on the merits of the Individual in matters of hiring and up-grading, and urged city and.state governments to enact fair employment practices legislation, the adoption and implementation of fair campaign practices in the current political campaigns, and availability of adequate housing to all without discrimination.

Caiiilli"lij;htin(;—5:2G p. m.

TEMl'JLE ISKAI-X Friday services at 8:13 p. Conducted by liabbl Sidney lirooks. Saturday services 11:30 a. m.

Copies of Treasured Photo« of Loved Onci

JIM ABDO THE WURGLER C O . (Standing left to right) Mines. Jr. A. Vrrigfr, Albert Oner, Irvln Kalnian, jr. MHton Margolin, Xoulsj Cutler. (Seated, lift to right) Abo Fisher, .Mrs. Fisher, Mrs, Nathan Simon, Al Hoffman, nil officers of the Golden Agent. (Urn. Milton lU-'.nlcU, who holds an office, also was unable to bo present for tho picture.)

BETH EL Services nt Belli El Synagogue this evening at 8:15 p. in. Sermon by Rabbi Myer .S. Kripke. Musical portions by Cantor Aaron I. Edgar nml Beth El choir. Beginning this Sabbath, Hcth El will have two services each Mrs. Nathan Simon was electSabbath morning. The first served president of the Golden Age ice at 8:30, will be conducted in Club. Others serving with her traditional fashion. are Mr. and Mrs. Abe Fisher, The second service, n Family vice-presidents; Al Hoffmnn, secService, will bcuin at 10:30 a. m. rotary, and Mrs. Milton Hcsnick, and conclude at noon. This servtreasurer. ice, designed lor parents ami The organization meets the children alike, will be somewhat fourth Monday of every month briefer than the traditional serva 1 p. m. at the Jewish Comice. It will have more responsive munity Center auditorium, and and unison readings, as well as will hold its next meeting on well as more congregational singOctol>er 28. ing. Bar Mitzvah and B.is MitzTlie senior Citizen's I-ounge In AH friends and relatives ar» vah celebrations will be observed Invited to attend services and tho Center where special proat the second Sabbath service. grams are being organized Is also reception. Sunday morning services at 9 open every Monday from 10 a. m. FLOYD FrtEIDKN" a. m. Weekly services at 7 «. m. to 3 p. m. Floyd Freldcn. son of Mr. and and 7 p. m. Tiie Golden Age Club end the Mrs. William Freidrn, will ob- lounge are co-sponsored by the serve his Bar Mitzvah on SaturBETH ISRAEL Omaha Section of the National Kobolas Shabbos, Friday eve- day morning, October J5 at Beth Council of Jewish Women and El Synagogue at the 10:30 a. m. the Jewish Federation. ning services begin at 5:30 p. in. ' Shabbos morning services at service. 8:45 a. m. at 52nd and Charles Dedications Streets and at 9 a. m. at 10th and PEGGY PEni.MF.TEIl Hurt Streets. Junior Congrega- SANDRA SINGER Monuments will be dedicated in Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Perimeter tion at 9:45 a. m. Rabbi Groner memory of Herman White and announce the Bas Mitzvah of will conduct the Talmud class at Mrs. Bertha Rich, Sunday, Octo5 p. m. Sabbath Mincha at 5:30 their daughter, Peggy, and Mr. ber 16 at 1 p.m. at Golden Hill and Mrs. Lazier Singer announce p. m. followed by Sholosh Seudos the liar Mitzvah of their daugh- Cemetery. and Maariv at C :20 p. m. Officiating at both dedications ter, Sandra, on Saturday mornDaily services at 7 n. m. and ing, October 22 at Beth El Syna- will be Rabbi Benjamin Groner et 5:30 p. m. gogue at the 10:30 a. m. service. end Cantor EH Kagan. ADDED XAMES Mrs. James Samuclson and Mrs. John Winston, in addition to the names which appeared In last week's Jewish Press, worked on behalf of the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs booth for the Children's Memorial Hospital 1 Bazaar.

With Hie Home Folks New* anil happpnlriRS at Thi> Dr. Philip SfiT .JIMVI*!I Homo for the Aaeii by David Orliou. Essr . i

Monday, October 10—David Orkow, home Mipei,nUndcnt, was the guest speaker at the Bilcur Cholim, Sukkot tea. Tuesday, October 11—The residents toured the new Crossroad's shopping center. Wednesday, October 12—Rabbi Sidney Brooks .was our visitor this week. Thursday, October 13—Shemini Atzereth. Friday, October 14—Simcliat Torah. : Sunday, ^October 10—The Federation of Women's Clubs, will hold a Simchat Torah celebration under the auspices o( the Bikur Cholim society, with Mrs, Allen iZalkin, chairman. -

Savo by Celling 341-4977 Certified and ipproyed by .Rabbi Dr. Leon Thorn, Projidenf, Amerlcan Academic Rabbis Aiaoclafion of New Amtrlcam, and Rabbi 5. Walkln cf ilia Orthodox Rabbit Aiioclaflon cf Haw York City.

Slondo Barber Sliop Rollio Rogers Says . . . Your Barber Work flt Your Convenience Appointments at No Extra Charge

1,110 WAR ORPHANS WENT TO CANADA Montreal (JTA) — Of 1,110 Jewish war orphans brought to Canada in 1947 and 1948 less than 20 are still dependent on the community.


Mrmbrrs ulio will represent the Council (is directors for the Golden Agi,- club arc- Mines. M. A, Veneer, Albert Gacr, Irvi;i Knimnn, J. Milton Mnrgolin iind XAJIUK Cutler. SATURDAY EVENING POST

Prcscnf Judge Workmen'* Compcnjotion Court fndcucd by

Omaha Bar Association Omaha Judicial Citizen; Committee

40 Wwfe» $4,79 Otter E i p l r n Oct. 31, 10C0 All ether magazine offer! told af currant lownf price!.

Helen L Bernstein Ho. ant st.


FURNISHED ROOM Eldorly jerttltman wand well-furniihtd room in private Jewiih home, Weir preferred. Dtiire 2 meeli—breakfmt and lunch. Cell 551-2161 e r 731-3480



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Advertise in tho Jewish Press.

B'NAI JACOB ADAS STESIIURON Friday, Mincha, 5:30 p. m. Saturday, 8:30 a. m. Mincha, 5:30 p. m. followed by Sholosh Seudos. Daily services at 7:30 a. m. and 6 p. m. '


Mrs. Nathan Simon Elected President of Golden Agers

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Friday, Oct. 14, 10(30




Mrs. Charles Ross Needlework Adenauer Reveals Jews Saved His Life (Continued from Page 1.) York (JTA)—West Ger- what is needed now for those surTo Entertain for nel Friedman, /sdolph Frohmati, manNewChancellor Dr. Konrad Ad- viving is money. And one should Fromkin, enauer revealed in an article not forget that this money that Son and His Bride MaxMmcs: we nrc paying in restitution—• Harold Garber, John B. Mr, aii'l Mrs. Akin L. Ross Who \yf.-re married !i Sidalin, Mo., will be honored nt. :i reception, Sunday, October 10 by the Broom's mot her, Mrs. Charles Rots. The ftrfair will be held nt the l!o',s resldi.'iici!, fl.')-5 Glenwooil Jload from 2 p. m. until 5 p. m. No Imitations liavn bren isMietl. The couple, married Oeloljcr 'J, will tpeiid the wcck-<-nd in Onialia before coiitinuini; their trip to the Kast coast. Jlr«. I)u\kl

w.M f.iii.

Sil -1-


Beth El Reception For Newlyweds A reception honorliii; Mr. nml Mrs. U.'ivid liouiianiin wlio wero married r.irlier In t.lic month, u-ill be held Friday night, October 11 In the Beth Kl sodnl hall followlnc relif:lom; services. Mr. Uou;;nnlm Is director of ttur ty)iai;<T,;i]e'B ri'll(;iotis schools. 'Flip Uoucaiiim.i were wed In tin.1 fnmotiH .Spanish and 1'ortiii;iics»/ .Synnjjojjiif1 In New York v.li re memboiH of tli« weildlni; party wove Mrs. .Stephen Hiotliiraii, the bride's sister nml Ilnphai;l ]!oii|;anln], .Simon Altiva, .Stephen Drothnmn und Konald BiTiisU'ln. Tlio l)riilo Is the former I.isette Hohljot, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, .Solomon D. ISolilxit of Drooklyn, N. Y. A new member of religious Kcliool staff, Han Weiss nnd his bride, who wore wed In September will be honored on the occasion itt the Sisterhood sponsored nffalr.

HI 11


Mr. anil Mrs. Samuel V. Coop? er 4-innonnce the birth.of their fourth child, n daughter, Marsha Kay, on October 8 nt the Methodist Hospital. Their other children nre Ilollle Ann, Justin Alan imd Hoima C.iy. Grnndparents are Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Dnvld Ptibin of Pueblo, Colo., former Omahaim, have named tliclr baby daughter, JoDee Ella. Grandparents are Mrs. Res.sle Kolnlelt, Orrmlin nml Mr. nnd Mrs. Louis DuWn of Brooklyn, N. Y . Mr, and Mrs. Irving Epstein have selected the name, IJarry Elliot for their son born October 3. They nre also parents of daughters, Leslie Anne and'Cynthia. Grnndparents nre Messrs. and Mines. Harry Marks and Sol Epstein. , Mr. nnd Mrs. Ernest Stone of Denver, Colo,, announce the birth of a daughter, Jnmlc Sue on September 28. . . ' ' Grandparents nre Mr. and Mrs. Snm Olesker, Omnlin, nnd Mr. ond Mrs. Nathan Stone of Denver. The baliy'a mother Is the former Rita Olcsker ol Omaha.


Campus OMAHANS TO AEP SOHOHITjr •flic following Central h i g h tchool graduates were pledged to Alpha Kpsilon Phi sorority • at the University of Missouri, nt Columbia: Sandra 1C. Gross, Sandra Turek, Judy Katz, Myra Llpp and Phyllis Katzman. liieir parent* nre respectively Messrs. and Mines. Abo KateU man, Jacob Turek, Maurice Katz, Louis Llpp nnd Philip Katzmnn.


VUitoELW IM)LOOFF AT TEXAS U Misa Mndclyn Jean Colgoff, a (tudent nt the University of Texas, Austin, was pledged to Alpha EpsIIon Phi norority. She ia the daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Sol Dolgoff of Dallas, Tex., former flmnhnns. .

Mrs. Hoss is the former Willis Ann Kosentlial, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abrnm H. RosfiiUial of SedallH, Mo. Oniahiins who attended the wedding in .Scdnlia inclutled the .mother of Mr. Hoss, his brother nnd sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kpstein and f;imily, James Furber, IV>rry' Wlij», the Messrs. and Mmcs. William KpKteln, Alvln Kiislcln, Willis Epstein and Hall Weiss. Mr. and Mrs. Hoss will make their home, at 58 W. Beacon, West Hartford, Conn. .Mr. and Mrs. Justin W. Ross of \Mi Angeles, another brother nnd sister-in-law, who attended the wedding were Omaha guests until Friday.

Omahans in News Ilarton OriTiib«ru and I'aul (irosimnii, members of prominent Omaha insurance firms, were elected president and vice-president, respectively, of the Omaha Association of Insurance Agents. Mrs. Harry Memlelson Is visitIng her son-in-law nnd daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Majnnrd Grcenberg in Minneapolis, Minn. The Greenbergs recently moved from Mount Ve.rnon, N. Y. Mr, Grecnberg Is Associated with a Minneapolis advertising firm. Mr. Mendelson, also will visit the b Mr. nnd Mn, Louis Within made the trip cast with their granddaughter, Carolyn Dolgoff, now a freshman nt Bryn College, I!ryn Mawr, I'n. Miss Dolgoff, daughter of Mr. nnd Sirs. ICdirnrd Dolgoff, received n scholarship to liiyn Mawr. .""" Included In the Itinerary of the Witldns arc visits with their children nnd fnmilies, Dr. nnd Mrs. Erwin Witkln In Baltimore, Mr.; Mr.'nnd Mrs. Sam Orgel, Elizabeth, N. J. nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. •Sam OCRCI," Elizabeth, N. J,, nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Nathan Lusher of Caldwell, N. J. Dr. anil Mm. J. Jo<l Milder nnd son, David Geoffrey nre now malting their homo nt 4810 Goyd Street. Dr. Milder returns to 'Omaha after a three-year nbscnco which Included two years ns cap-1 tain in the Dental Corps at Shaw Air Force Base, Sumtcr, S. C , nnd a year nt the Zollcr Memorial Dental Clinic of the University of Chicago Clinics, Chicago, 111.,where he completed an Internship. He Is the son ot.Mn.und Mm. Howard Milder.

Gldinsky, Abraham fiiiibburi;, today that one of the reasons comes from the German taxpayIsadore (ioldslein, Ix'onaid Gold- lie was able to osediie from the ers who nre not Nazis and whose stein, Morris Gordon, I'enjamin hands of tlie Nazis while hiding majority has never been Nazi. Goreliek. Leon Goilidti, Jack M. during ]!K)3-1!MJ was "because Rich anda poor alike, they are ofGreen,' Burton II. GreenberK, of (lie help given mo by Gentians fering P rt of their earnings each week to clear the German name." Daniel Greenfield, Max Grfcnfield, Isadore Grossman, Paul of the Jewish race." 'Jrofi.sman, Phil Giifjgenhniin, The article is published In the MONA LISA i'erlha HerKcoviiz, A b r a h a m American Weekly. "Since I beIlciv.bcrg, Martin llrr/off, Jacob House of Glamour S. I loss, Morton lliiler, Richard came Chancellor of the Federal I I I No. EOth 553-7000 Ililler, Walter Jacobson, Herman Republic, there has been no mis6 Exporf Hair Stylfsti Jnhr, Marcel Kaliti, Abo Kaplan, taking my feelings of Germany's Air-Conditioned Dryer* Jacob Kaplan, Hamld Kasin, debt to Judaism and Israel," Dr. MISS MARSH and MISS JERRY Mori'is Kat Ionian, Alex Katz, Adenauer .stresses. Ho descriljcs Ownon Dave Katzman, Mellach Katz. his meeting with Israel's Premier man, Jack Kaufman, Lazier Ka- David Uen-Gurion for the first vich, Alie Klopper, Kose Konecky, Koberl II. Kooper, Norman Kor- time, when both statesmen visney, Millard II. Krasno, Myer S. ited New York, as a "deeply movKriplto, Max l'CrizcIman J. Harry ing" event. JUSTIN D. HORWICH Kulakofsky, Fred Kurt/man, • Commenting on the restitution Solomon Lagman, Morey Land- which Germany is now paying to Specializing in man, Milton J. L'.'hr, Mathias F. Israel and Jews, Dr. Adenauer Undervalued LeveiiMin, Morris Levey, William" says: "I know that money can't A. Levey, Stanley F. Levin, Sol revive millions of Jews who have Securities Lewis, diaries S. Litb, Joe Lor- been lulled, but I niso know that and lds, Philip Lubman, Mines: Carolyn Maizner, HarOFFICE POSITION ry Malaslioek, Jay M. Malnshock, WANTED Gail Margolin, Jacob Mendelson, Meyer Meyerson. Howard Mlldei", Full charge* BooUccptr thru •rial llenjamin M. Mlnkin, Milton balance, 6<n. Offico EUctground. Mintz, Jack Mirinelstein, Charles 12 yetti experience. Mcmtxra Hew York Stock PHONE 345-8771 Mogil, Charles A. Monnsee, Jo[ichanga and plhor A Principal Enchangci seph Morgan, Max M. MosUowltz, .Stuart Muskin, Albert 13. NewI 1801 FARNAM 1 LADIES HOME JOURNAL man, Henry A. Newman, Julius 1 346-4555 $3.85 Newman, Theodore A. Newman, 2a Months Offer Expire* 0<:t.<31, 100O Nathan L. Nogg, Ilalph F. Nogg, All other magazine offon told at Julius I. Novak, Max Novak, Sam current loweit pneet. Novak, Harry K. Nystrom, Albert Ortich, David Oruch, Ilyrnan Oruch, Hyman Osoff, Hurry Perlmeter, Samuel Platt, Isadora J. 440 Ho. 61 it St. Plotkin, Melvin S. Plotlcin, William I'olnclt, David Potash, Kay Prod, William Hnduziner, Joe Haznick, Samvicl A. Rice, David ltichnrds, Mmcs. Hyman Mlchards, Morton Richards, Albeit G. Klmmerman, David Hiseman, Harry ltochman, Jerold Hoson, Philip If. llo<;enblatt, Harry 'I, Rosenfeld, Sadie nothenberg, Sam I. Ilothr'iil)erg, Ucrnard Ruben, Harry nubeusteln, Paul Sacks, William fiaferstein, Phil Saks, Keith Satinders, diaries Schneider, Irving .Schnoiderman, Edward Shafton, 1914 Farnom lien Sherman, Gary Sherman, Tllllc Sherman, Abraham Slyago, Louis Shrier, Nathan Shukert, Itobert If. Silver, Lester Simon, Jacob Slosburg, IJen Slutzlty, Morris S t a l m a n t c r , Maurice portraits of distinction Steinberg, S. Stelnmnn, J. Feller Stern, Sam H. Stern, Oscar Satin, Snm Swnrtz, Len Tnub, Aclolph Trost, Stewart Tully, T. Candid Wedding Albums A. Tully, Phillip Turek, Nathan Formal Bridal Portraits Turner, Maurice Udes, Harry Children Our Specialty Wllinsky, Pliinens Wlntroub, AlQuality Work 4829 Dodg« bert L. Wohlncr, Paul I. Wolk, at Quality Prlcoi Customer Parking Irvln Yaffe, Eli M. Zalldn, Isldor Ziegler, Sam Zlotky, Sam Zwelbnclc and the Misses Gertrude

Special Situations


Helen A. Bernstein


Hollander nnd Frances Rutstein.

Uo.l specialist in long-distance moving

8,000 YEAH OLD CITADEL Jerusalem (WNS)—A 3,000ycar-old royal citadel wns unonrthed some three miles south of Jerusalem.

Beth El Offering Two Adult Study Sessions

The College of Adult Study, sponsored by tho Beth El Sisterhood will consist of two sessions each Monday night nt 8 p. m. and 9 p. m. beginning October 17 through November 21, it was announced by Mrs. Al Shrier, ColThe Ner Tamid award will be lege of Adult Education Chairconferred on IL Uobert Milder, man. 13, In a special ceremony at tho For the first hour students may October 21, fiabbath evening scrv-- choose from five courses taught lccs at Vcmplo Israel. by Ucth El staff members: "Our The Ner Tamid (Eternal Muslncl Heritage" by Cantor Light) award may bo granted Aaron I. Edgar; "Beginners Heonly to Boy Scouts who have brew" by Ilan Weiss; "Reading achieved at least first class ranli Hebrew In Scphnrdlc" by Walter and lit one of the religious award* Feldman; "Synagogue nnd Home created In the Interest In helping Observance Skills" by Alex Katz; Scouts npply their religious. be- •The Prophets . . . Their Social liefs, In service to their syna- Viewpoint" by Rabbi Myer SV gogue as well ns to their fellow, Kripke. men. The second session will bo de? Young Milder la an Eaglo voted to "Great Religions of the Scout and a member of the Or- World." The Rev. Harold G. 'tier ol the Arrow. He Is tho son Crume, Wesley House director, of Mr. nnd Mrs, Edward E, will discuss "Tho Great ^Religions of the East on October 17. Milder.

and local moving, packing, storage

Ner Tamid Award for

H. Robert Milder

STORAGE WAREHOUSE. INC. Sales Representative

1201 Jones

i ON g. t. nmmn

• m. i m IHVICI • R* I ID TOW eoKMtmnr



Center Sports f

Vy Seltciiick

VOUTH COUNCIL FLAG KOOTBAI.I Ilayini moved inlo uiifii-jtiiud position oi first jilaci- nt t i c end of t h e .second round .of Youth Council Fl.'ig football at Adam-. Paris last S u n d a y anil remains the only undefeated te;mi iii tin-

league. Ray im occupies the ).,'id b,\ \irtue of A/A Hmil's iip.-rt victory Over AZA 1. 32-0. Buddy Kiiblcj.'i put on ;i :>.-ntational one-man shmv io J--atl 1000 to their victory. Th" linle Junior, SMialIe.<-t m;i»i on the field, made pracfie.illy every tackle foihis t»virn (in (li'fcnsf and constant•ly kept A7.A 1, in th. hoi.' by his Speedy running on i>!fen:.e. It wits a conH' lioin beliiral v.in for MrtHt boys ulio lied th" i:eoiv at fi-fi, at the end of tin- fir-.t hnlf When I^l>stcin :;kii ted left end fur tlii" scon*. With only three minutes remaining in the ;-:\uv SiuIfunvitz passed to Mi!:" Sherman for the winning tally. A/.A 1, almost pulled the ;;anie out In the dyini: seconds' wh.-n they moved the pipkin to the tU'o yard line. They IKUI two cracks io score hul lor Mime im'. known reason, on each play they tried to run uround ri^lit em! Where Kp-tcin v.;is playing defence all moruim: and nialcin;; nil tackle;;. It was Kp:,|. in a win vim saved tiie r.nme by stopping the hard nmniriE Arnie Mnnvilz each time. AZA 1. hurt t))i'!Ti=.-h.-. hy refusing to run their plays a way from Epsiein to the led ride and therefore newr really j><>i started on offense. In the other i;nui" Itayim raced p.'ist A/.A ViU, ratlier eriMly for fl VuVj win. Tin's Sunday P.ayini plays A7,\

3. Tlayim needs a victory or a tie for t h e title a n d AZA 1, must win to remain in (lie van-. STANWN'ii iUyiin A/.A lli!>i»

\V. I.. 2 0 1 1

AZA 1 1 1 A'/,,\ 1'KI 0 '2 S H O T S I N j i i r . i>Ai!K . . . Hani J'.'i&tein bow led in front oi tJif TV cameras last .Sunday o nthc Kin;; of the MOMHI Sh( W

Friday, Oft. U. 1909


Synagogue and French Cemetery To Be Restored ISonn, (JTA.i — Hcsloratinn of an old ,syn,jyu;,'ue in Germany and of tx Jewish cemelory in France in which iihout JJOO Gennan-Jeivis.li dej)Oftpp.s were huried durini; the Na/i re;;ime, have h"en un(h-rla!;*1/! J>y Gennan inuni<'ipafih'e.'i.' r

I'he .Vv'naiKijnie, located in the Odeimali] finest .ut .San(lhau.':en, had liecii left stamiini; durini; tiie Ka/i rvi'j.'inie bec^mse it u'as evidently mistaken for u Christian chiucH. The structure had Ix.-rii lived in-- a church until it \\;iy> hoUr.Jit l>\' ttu* Sandhiuisen Jcwiih eiiiniiiiinity in IWL'1. This i-cMoratiiiii v.orl; is bc-ini; fi.'i.'Cond h'iy-i:ii\rii] h<* a .^tonnff cajlivinrt-il l>y the lJadeli-Wurttemitiilate for tin' Indi.in h a ' i t i a l l t.-ani next .spring . - . -Stu l\ur- hei!; HisK.rical Society of Chrisv. it/, .Mar.vhali Kapiin and Mar- ti'in and Jews. slmll Wxlrivin. Ml |>la\ini', on the The cemetery beinj; !"••• toivii ii Cintial liich school "H" team fool hill K'jnaii . . . I'.iiii (ioodman, al [h" former dura co.'irenlninon a no'.1. (Mine]- lo Omalia vij (Icor- camp in y/iilhern Framx', to Kia, io he official i.eorer for tiie tthi<)i ,i™s from sDijihi-rn GerJay ha.'-l:. thill i:am<.\s this uinter many had lx.vri <]fjH)rted hy ihe . . . Shell fc'ilirr, another new- •N'a/.i!:. .Several German imvif, com'T to ('(iciiliusli'T land \in \VMC oniriliutfil I: total of Minneajioli.". to h"lp ruarli a Sb'i.OOO. aocordin;; to Mayor Gunther K')ol/i' of Karhruhe. nmli;ef league r;i;;e team. . . . I>iel: Wi.srntt ol Council f.liills Ins orr,ilii/ed u Midf;et s;ro;i|i of Jeut;:ii ymiiM^U'i-.; in ilia! a n n thai may participate in lln' ('-enter lj;j.1 kelhall program . . . <\>!>;.;:-;ttu!at'»>ir, to I'irk lor his efforts us Jewish athletic ;•<:tiviiy in the Hindi for jouni:Mers is. much needed Steve Ko.MMihlatt enrolled M ('ni.'dia K, wat.'ii Jiiis scrapfiy


The ;;i<>np is pickin'; up clothes .-•lid other household rii-tieles for More than 'JO women are pie- its riiiiiin.'iiie sale in Ocli/hcr. The par-ing for the Jevvi.sh Itinne 'J'-eir follow in;: may he called for pir!:. .schedule for 'i'uesd.iy, November \IJ».: 'Mis. li;i\e Kps.ein, :',!;i] fror, 10 •<.. m. to :'. p. m. miner -1T.7-1; Mr:, H. L r'ned, X.G-'.n'.'i the nu.spirrs (if (he i'.--lh l.l Sis. or Mi:. I, I'Viches. r.:;i-ii,"if;i, lerhood. C'lirictitly ein;a;;i'-(l in preiiaiir.s; i!i;ri'v Aiiiiorr, is a liunii' lour directory are Mrncii. coi \ f ii, SI-I:\I(I:K William J, [.(iluinan and David Mrs. Jietty Alil,»tt, well-kjuuvii IJ. \Wiiibei-{; and their I'omiinttelevi.-ii.il JJCI.-. ;iallty ,-uid I/;,'.eue tr-e: Mines Alfred Fiedler, (",il l''reideri, Irvini: llerzoj: and i'liil- of Women \ ' u t e i s lender, will ip Kt'it/jnan, The direcloiy will in- i.p-vi!; a t t h e " I / e l u r e niui T a l l : " t;iven t<» all those talvini; the tour si'siini o! th>- Kiitional ('otiricil nf Ji-wish V.'mnPii al a 1 p . m . and will explain the decors and themes of the homes as well as (iesKe/1 iiniclir-on TtK'-ii/iy, (>c|o^ivint; an explanation ot the vuv- lier IK ut t t ' c h^-,w- <>f M T S . Noi'itmn Wbiinian. '.r.17 N'm-lh ious iiein*; (U.'-filayed.

IIO.MI; roru

r>:.'mi Street.

< o n i;i; WITH Tin: i:AIHH "Cnilie Wlih the P.abbi" will mi e| on Wednesday, October IV* at !):.".() a. rn. in the Beth Kl Synaj'ogne Library, lt.ibbi M>cjr ,S. Krijil'.e will base hi', ili.',cii'.'i<in on "Hasie Jud.'ii.'in" by Milton Steiuln.-n;. Sitter service will lie available and nil reservation;; should Iw made with Mrs. Marvin Kolill. < in-i»i:ssf:iti

M ,\ein;o.\


Si. TILMK iiUOSSMAN' Services Tor Mr.v. Tillie (Jro.-.snimi. 67 of'.'<(l'X',.Myrtle occurred Saturday, wlio.'e death were held Monday afternoon at ttw Jewish Funeral Home with Hfifobi Benjamin Groncr officintin^:. Kurinl was in Pleasant Hill Cemetery. Nnrviyinn are her husband, ll.e. a .••Of), Paul, three sisters and t'.vo brotliers. B1KS. IIKKMAN lUi.VSNi; Word wa.'i received h'-ic, October -1 of the death in \M\ AnceJi.'s, CVii., of Mrs. Hi«'inari Kriisne, 77, H forme]' Omaha resident, whose husband was a founder of the People's I.v.'partnierit l.(imlon <JTA)—Israel's pioducJxmdon './TA '•••-Israel experts Store in Council fluffs. tion of com diamonds is nov. ap- are liein^ sent to thp Oingo KeSurvivors are sons, I,co, San proximately one-third thai of Bel- puhlic to 'tthr.ist in i(s economic Mcco; Mlllard, Omaha; Philip, gium and may ri.<-e to half of (i'-vz-lopment. Ix)S AnRolcs; brother, Paul Bern- IJeljliuin'.s production in the not20 Scliolarstilps stein, Omaha; Bisters, Mrs. lien to-dislant future, an eeonomic Abbe Youloii, Coni;t) Kepublic Ilirsch, Mrs. Abe'Marl; and Mrs. sur\ey reported. The country's I>residenl, follov^ing a vi^it to Moe Miller, all of I-os An;;eles. Israel, expressed interest in e.'iTiie funeral was held in Los An- diamond output increased l>y 40 tiblishinir collectives along the percent in I!t58. geles. lines of the Israel kibbutzim. He The survey also said that the received a promise of 20 scholarKAMUKI. BKNJASII.V (;OLNI<; Palestine Klcctrie (Corporation ships for study in Israel nnil that •Servia:s for .Samuel Benjatniii ]>lnns lo spend uhout S28,000.fX)O its experts in economic developColnic, 58, a resident of the Dr. for each of the next five years to Philip Sher.Jewish Home for the meet an anticipated increased de- ment would be sent, to his counAged, who died last week, in a mand for electricity from industry, try. Team to Nepal ]ocal hospital, were heJd October agriculture and household requireTwo Iiracl survey teams will 4 111 the Jewish Funeral Home. ments. This represents some five Survivors are brother, Meyer and to six percent of the anticipated lease for Nepal to survey Nepal's sister, Mrs. Jennie Belgrade, national investment during the public work's needs nnd agricultural problems. : period. A C6-mi!e \va*er pipeline for IttKAKI, Xiceria will be completed in four Services were held .September months, earlier than ovicinally 30 at the Jewish Funeral Home, estimated. : for Israel Wezelman, 80, a reIloail I'rojeet tired scrap metal dealer, who Quatemala City (JTA)--The Twelve Israeli engineers nnd died at his home, 2-132 IJurt Street. Burial was in Golden Hill first Jewish monthly paper ever technicians will leave, soon for published by the Jewish commun- Nigeria to direct a major road Cemetery. Surviving are sous.-Max.'Chi- it yof Guatamala has made it? de- , construction, project in the westcago; Sol, Bismarck, N. D.; Nor- but. The paper called "El Maea- ern region of that newly Indeman. Tucson, Ariz.; Gerald and bao" is printed in Spanish and Is pendent African republic. The Envin of Omaha; daughters, Mrs. designed to Interest the 1,500 Jews construction job will be a Joint H. P . Kohn, Oakland, Cat, and in Guatemala in Jewish and Is- project DJ the Nigerian JUlnUtry the Misses Farmie nnd Gayle, raeli affairs as well »s in iocal of Public Works nnd Sole! Boneh, Omaha, seven granfcliadr<n and coraraunity projects and fund-r»is. the building arm, of Illstradnit, ing drives. : Uie Israel Federation of one great grandchild

Israel's Diamond Output Rising

First Jcxvish Monthly Appears in Guatemala

Israel's Experts Aid African Lands

Zeiin<.l;y. ll(»l(O COSTI'.Ml: J'AltTV IOK SI)TA M M N A i : The Oin.-iha A l u m n a e L e a g u e or Sii'm.'i Deltn T a n S'ororily ivill holrl It.-; fiiiinKjl <*(Mjp!es' ,'iffair, a "hohfMtishnnc" p a r t y a ( n l,r;l-.f* Mattawa enli'vw, HaU^Yi\:iy rii)'^i, October '"J. ,.\Cliicl:en ilinner « ill be F''i\-.'d. Rr';fer\alifins f,hi)uld l*i* iD.ide with M r s . Hern.'U'd ( I m - n . bei-j: hy Oeii'.her 1.';

Tiie U/naha ('l)apter of Mi/raeiii will meet at the Jewish I'ominuinly f.^nier for a 1 p. m. divert luncheon, Wednesday, (>ctijbej- 1!). The regular meetini; v.hich will follow HI 2 p. in. will lx> ilevoti-fl tr» the annual tall J.\>' box culI'jeliniis. Mrs. Herman l-'raulrlin IW-JTII I S I ! . \ i : i , | ' - T A r i ' \ l » A V rind her committee will vi-putt. on The lietli Israel I'-TA " F u n . receipts. A [jro^rani will I*' pied'i.\" ^'.-ill he held on ,Sund;!v, ^enled.

rouMii'.sKi:u Mr.ETisa i s (ii.v\(ii:i) 'jo ocro»i:i! -M

JLItltV SHJF.T Jerry Siref, .'II. am <if Gussie Siref, died Soptenili in -\eiv York City. lie wa brother of Mrs. .lac!-. Safer IIarr>, Julius and William nil of Omaha. Iff? is also .survived hy his Barbara, children. Kevin : Nancy nil of New York.

Mrs. AMxill uill lead dbevwr.ion on the M « . T bund, (iiycniUctiiirl, ci.iitnty hospit.-il ,-ind nfher elerti'.n isMif". "Mrs. Irvin;; liavis uill /i.s.-ist Mci. Whilni .n if. cu-liii'ler-, , \ r r.lli;:ell)ent.s fur <!)"• I r c l n r c <.er,:r«» are lieiu:'. uiatle tiy Uv* ^ i r i e ; . Kevniiiur Ahl'.uns and H.u.ild

'fiie K'n.-ii li'iith Cornbu-her )<>d;',e ilinuer meetinj; to bine he-en li't-Jil (Jcoifx'r ]2 has' bec/i clwnged lo Tliursday, OCIOIKT 'A) ul 7 p. m. at the Ranch liov.l. I'.otK'it Fuller, television newa (vjinnn'iitntur will d i s c u s s the t'lMincjiu", American Fcene tnllouiiu; the dinner, Re.'ei-vatioris can be made by calling Waury .Sehwiirtz, 5X\7!2); Sidney .Sptiiglnnin, .VifJ8D7.ri, or Alvin Ahriirnsun, .')!il 'if.0,'5. • • • J U T MKKTIMi Members «'ill <ij.sc*u.s<c a new Youth Scholarship program and tin.1 annual fund-raising book nt n meeting of the Kp.stein-Morgan Post of the Jewish War Veterans. Wednesday night, Oelober 1'J at the Hill Hotel. * • « MIIS, VKKKT, HOST/CSS AT OXV.C, SHAIHJAT The KducuUun Coutieil of Iladassah will bold its first One;; .Shabbaf of the season on .Saturday, October 15, at 12:'M |>.m. at the home of Mrs. Paul Veret. The eounell consists of tiie ciiupter and group presidents, program chairmen, and members of (be Kducilion, American Affairs.' and Zionist Aff.ilrs departments. Mrs. Donald lirodkey will be hostess- for the Chapter Hoard dessert luncheon nnd meeting, Monday, at 12:,'5O p.m. Shir will be assisted by Atmes. Sam Newman and Morris'Stalmaster. Ciroup boards will have their dessert luncheon sessions on Thursday. Mrs. Ira Whitebook, assisted hy Minos. Abe Bear and Ed S'tion, will entertain the Herzl group. The Szold group will meet a t the lintne of Mrs. Harr>' Sidmsui. Mmes. Jlarry Bapsman and Joe Sokolof will be co-hoste.sses for (he Weizniann group at the Bassman home. WONJ:EB ONKO SHABHAT Mrs. Earn Novak who'rr,-ntly returned from Israel will tnllc on her trip at theOncjr Shabljat to be given hy the Pioneer Wornen's Organization, Saturday, October 15 at 1:30 p.m. at the home ot Mrs. Isndore Forbes, 1720 NorUi 51st Street. Mrs. Ivtiluui Nearenberg will present several Israeli /song* and Mr*. Hose Schwartz -will fflve a reading. Mrs. Dave Epstein i» cultural chairman.

<H'l<>\i<r It', from L' lo (j p n : . .-it the Kyiv.t'.'.ir.-v.e Ainonit 1 )i <• featured nflr.iclinns will be ,'n tthl fashiuried cake %v;iii;. j;/irt]'-s, u h i l i ' elephant b<«ith a n d ;i r e n ei al sfdie. liefre hrncnis will h e available. U. ,V I*. 11 \ D A S S . \ I I

s x r i i v ni'MX'i' The Tnity of the Jiv.w.sh 1'eojilf* wiH lie tlu- Ihenuv lor the l'.nsirier-s ,'ii'nl Priifessioiis Iladi-is'.'.h .Study gi'oup. The first fii';rusr:nrt will lie on .South Atrieau Jinvty, Sunday, October If), tit 2:?,() p.m. nt the Jrwi;.li (''nnirminily t*ent"r With llr.;. Carl Laeman. Jcuish I'.ilni'ation cliairni.-in, leading thi» <li:;eusnion. f'lirrnnt events will he iliscus':pd vnn\er IHe iVircctiori til "Ms'..? Klaine AreiiKon, Atnwienri Affair.<; c:h:iiriu.'iii. The meeting v. ill last from '.!:,'!0 p.m. to 4-,:'.O v>-'«. Hefresliuient.s will be served. •

C I T Y o i- i i o r r ; T O

UOl.l) Ol'KN IIOrsK The Omaha Chapter City of Hope will hold nn "Open House'' Momlny, October n at H:30 p. m. nt its campaign heail'iuurters, iioom -W Central building, jSth and t'Arnam Streets. Tlw. orf,»«lzation will bold n "floor to door"' drive November 4, r> anil G.

tlw Jewish Prts;.

IJAK anil Has Midvali congratulations also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge \jook, l».i Yvs., S3.QO; UOIHVAV. YA Jlos,, ?3.89; Journal 22 Mos., 5^.85; Post CO Weeks, 5179. These are just n few of the wonderful specials I have. Call 551-3057 for more. EI.S1K

.nouwica. WANTKli TO Itr.NT Wanted to Kent: 3-bedroom house or apt., S.K. Omaha or Bellevue, unfurnished, i' adults, 3 children; desire occupancy before November 5. Captain S. Winchell, Ottutl AVB 2912100, Ext. 32211; after 4 p. m., Ext. 31143. ; m i M E 11KLV Compunlon-hoiwelfeeper wantrd for elderly Jewish woman residing In nearby comnnutftiy. Attractive, salary, reference* required. Address Inqulriee to Jeivish Family Service, 101 N. 20th Street, Omaha % Nehr.

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