October 21, 1960

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Vol. XXXIX—No. 8






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21, 10G0


(Left ti> right) H i r M-r!rs "HI present Vi'.iicnltc Troupe, colorful IIIIIICITK and Ico Saimit'Ia, lU'hnlar; IS;irb;iM Klrslrr, actress; A3;irt)i;i Silil.inmii 1 , follm Kinder; i\I:trvln

UJA Needs $32,000,000 For Vital Aid Programs

1 lenry Monsky C h a p t e r , present Maurice Samuels. B'nai B'rith Ilenry Monsky Mr. Samuels, a scholar and Lodge, B'nai B'rith Corn- lecturer, is already known to husker Chapter, B'nai B'rith Onmlia, Ncbr.—Thc United Jewish Appeal needs $.'i2,0O0,OCO In cash by December to avert jeopardy to its programs of worldCornhusker Lodge, O m a h a many Omahans who have wide nlil. it was revealed this week in a report to Milton K. AbraChapter of Hadassah, Tem- acclaimed his former lechorns. General Chhiimaii of lh<; I'M) Jewish Philanthropies Cample Israel and Young Adult tures. paign. Council. A popular program will "Our aid proKrams will grind lo n halt unless we can provide The series will be opened the cash to keep them tfoinc" Mr. Arbrnliam said. be presented by B a r b a r a by the colorful Baruch YefAinonij the most vital programs which can proceed only If casli fctli and his company of five Kiesler, dramatic actress, is available. Mr. Abrahams asserted, on; problems of liou.tiiif;, nidYemenite artists on Sunday whose appearances have deIHR now immlf:rant:i nnd brinj:iri|: sorely needed assistance to loO,evening, November 6. Amer- lighted a u d i e n c e s every000 Immigrant farmers who am not yet celf-siistalninj;. ican audiences have found where. thorn to be an exciting troupe Martha Schlamme interof dancers and musicians. The second program will nationally celebrated f o l k singer, a famed star in the "fiotilni; on—Safely" Is the concert world, will present a Dr. Judd L. Teller, leading; topic of the discussion, and film American author and authority lo performance. presented at the Golden on Middle Kast affairs, will speak AgobeClub's 12:30 p.m. dessert man Cain, Dave Chorncy, Kugciie Marvin Lowenthal, historWomen, serving as workers In at the home of luncheon nieotiitR, Monday, Octo"iX.. 1' Rol)ert New- ber 21 at the. Jewish Community the croup recruited from the Cooper, John Cooper, Dun Cohen, ian and writer, who has ataffiliated organizations helontj- Arthur Colin, So! Crandell, Al tracted large audiences ev"\ m.in, Guardian of Center, inf; to the Federation of Jewish Davis, Lou Delman, Leo Eisen- erywhere with his brilliant | • Israel Bond ConiMrs. Minnie Schaefer, finest Women's Clubs, assumed their stndt, Jack Kpstein. Wallace interpretation of p o p u l a r ne' initlcc Chairman, speaker, IK associated with the duties in the Red Featlier-Ecd Ian Tuesday eve- Visiting Nurse Association for Cross Drive which opened Octo- Klkon, Kobert ftngcl, Maurice subjects, will close the series. Harry S i d m a n , Center liiK, October 25. 'Omaha-Douglas County Health ber 17. They are part of the Feldman Al . Fiedler, Stanley Dr. Teller, who Department and is chairman of division headed by Mrs. Harry Flsk, William Finkle, Maurice Committee Chairman, said, Flclschl, Arthur Friedman, Har"This cooperative program will speak on be- the Senior Citizens stih-eonitnittee Ravitz, chairman and Mrs. Jerof bringing outstanding lech a 1 f of Israel of the Home and Child Safety ome Milder, co-chairman operat- old Gnrbcr. = Ilonds, was for committee. in;; under the Kcneral women's Mmes, Irving Goldenberg,- .1. turers and artists to Omaha, . many years, polidrive chairman, Mrs. Waller W. C. Goldncr, Herman Goldstein, has become an annual event Installation of newly elected Sam Goodman, Yale Gotadiner, a n d proved a tremendous tical secretary of officers will hlf;hli(;lit the pro- Clark. Maxwell Grana't, Barton Grecn- success. We expect the 3960the World Zionist gram. ; The workers are: berfj, Henry Greenberp, M. M. 61 series to draw considerformer director of Arrangements for the mectini; Mmcs. Maurice Aresty, Jack Greenberg, Joel Helfman, Barney able interest in our commuInformation nnd Publications of have been made by the Mines. nan, Joe Belmont, Jack Belmont, the Jewish Agency for Israel and J. Milton Margolin and Louis Jay Hcrcovici, David Bernstein, IIol)cnnan, Richard Hobermnn, nity." . during World War II, was con- Cutler. The Golden A«e Club is Jerry Bernstein, I^ee Bernstein, Walter Jacobson, William Kaisultant on minorities to the Jointly sponsored by the National Sheldon Bernstein, Max Bittner, man, Howard Kaplan, Abe KatelIJritlsh Information Service In Council of Jewish Women and the Russell Blumentlial, Kdward I). man, Stanley Katelman, Louis Kntz, Julius Kntz'mnn, Phil KaXzJewish Federation. Brodkey, Harold Brodkey, Nor- man, this country. Kevce Klrshcnbaum, Albert Krasne. His best known book is "Scapegoat for Revolution: The Fate Mmes. Arthur Kulakofsky, Irof the Jews in the Political Upvln Landow, Joe Levey, William Max Lerner, eminent author, heavals of the Past Five CenLevey, Robert Levinc, Ed Levin- educator and Journalist, will be turies." son, Louis Lipp, Morris Lipp, the-guest lecturer of the Institute Netvt Correspondent Ruben LIppett, Joe Lilt, William of World Affairs at the'UniverSince 1937, Dr. Teller hns Lohrman, Leonard Luttbeg, Irv- sity of Omaha, Wednesday, Octofrequently visited Israel and the l/ifl Malashock, Herbert Meicbcs, ber 26 at 8:15 p.m. His subject Jerusalem (JTA) — The nmnRcporti from Ortui indicated Middle Kast as correspondent for Orval Milder, Charles Monascc, will he "South Asia—BattleIxr of attacks by Alfjcrian rebels that from 150 to 200 Jews wore American nnd foreign' newsStuart Muslcin, Jack Newman, ground of Ideas." papers, press syndicates, maga- against Algerian Jevvn is mount- registering each month for Im- Donald NOEK, Julius Novak, MauDr. Lorner has been-on Iho zines and specialized periodicals, ing, nnd there has been ft cor- migration, n total which equals rice L. Pepper, David C. Platt, nnd on missions for the Jewish responding increase in the.num- the annual figure of such regis- Ernie Priesman, IJyron Raznlck, faculty of many prominent eduAgency. For several years after ber of Jews registering for Im- trations in previous years. Joe Raznlck, Morris Rnznick, cational centers and has been the founding of the United NaYale Richards, David Reiss, Al professor of American Civilizations, he served'na UN corres- migration to Israel. Rlmmerman, Norm an Rips, tion at Urandeis University since In ndditlon to the Rrcnade at- Needlework pondent for ne\vspai>er3 in Israel James Robinson^ Abe Hoffman, 1919. He taufiht at the Indian nnd other countries. He has held tack on Jewish worshipper;) leavDavid Romanik, Robert Rosen, School of International Studies the posts of editor-in-chief of the ing the synagogue in Constantino Guild Lists Paul Sacks, Theodore Sanford, In New Delhi, one year. Dr. Lerner served as managing Independent Jewish Press Ser- on Rosh Hash'anah, In which 3G Max Schcucrmann, Abe Schloff, vice, and American editor of the were wounded there have been Contributors I r v i n g Schneidcrman, A b e editor of the Encyclopedia of Palcdr News Ajjeucy, the latter attacks In other places. .Among Nathan Shukert, Stanley Social Sciences (1927,), was editor Mrs, Dave Colin, Chairman, .Shrago, of The Nation (1936-38), and as agency specializing In Middle tlicso wore the Wiling of a Jew (Continued on Pago 2) in front of n police station, nnd Jewish Charities Section, of the columnist for the New York Post. Kant coverage. Uie murder of a 70-year-old Jew- Needlework Guild Drive, urges His career is distinguished by The State of Israel Bond Issiio ish cemetery guard. all those who hnvc not as yet sent his books including best-sclliiipt la the central source of InvestThe onslaught Is causing par- in their contributions to do so Senior Citizen's America as a Civilization, The ment capital for. Israel's pro- ticular, concern in small towns immediately. Unfinished Country and It i» gram of economic development. wliere 'the Jewish communities Lounge Later Than You Think. In addition ta thoso women are small. Tension also was reJewish Community ConU-r The Jewish Federation is ond JTCDGK IIKA1JS ported In southern Algeria, where Who have contributed previously, Every, Monday of the. organizations co-sponsorluNIVEKSlTV DOAKO Moslems have stopped buying the following contributloai are from 10 u.rn. to 3 p.m. reported: ing with the University of Omaha Phlladeplila — Charles Klein, property from Jews In the ap. • • * In bringing the famous personaliMmcs:.William Alberts, Abe Orphan* Court Judge in Phila- parent belief they will soon be Activities,-Fun, Beercatlon, ties here, Harry Trustln, Federadelphia, vvil! head Templo Uni- able to get the-property'without Baker, Julius Blirron, Norman Soclula for Senior Citizens tion President, said. . paying for J t . ' (Continued on Page 2) versity lword of Trustees.

To Tolli on Bonds

Golden Ago Program 'Gelling'On--Safely'

A scries of five distingushcd programs featuring internationally popular personalities will be presented to the community during the coming months as part of the cultural .nnd educational activities of the Jewish Community Center, Harry Sidmnn, chairman, announced. Thr> series was arranged as part of the 1960-61 Program of the Month by thn Center in cooperation with the following organizations: Beth El Synagogue, Beth Israel Synagogue, B'nai B'rith-


University Institute Will Present Famous Author and Educator



I '<$


Page Two

Friday, October 21.


Needlework Guild (Continued from Pa(:e 1.)

Priceless Manuscript Broughlio Israel

Jerusalem, OTA)--A priceless p.att, I"). K. Ui-ber, Paul Uern- manuscript, of the Keter Katorah r.tein, pave lilacltcr. lOdwanl D. I!rodl<ey. Isdward K. Kroilkey, of Aaron lien Moses lien Afher, iecond CiO'.a I'estaqe Paid ot Omaha, Ncbr. " Anmjcl Sub'riiplici!, WOO. Advertising Hfjtei en ApfiiLollon. Harold H I'.rodltey, Irving W. the oldest existing parchment Pum.caiiui Oflice-JOI No. iaih S U n t , Ornolui, t u t r . , zii o t * , ('barney, .Jay Cherniack, .lack 1-.'. Uible in book form, ns distinct MILS. KKANl.'KS KLKI.M Keillor Cohen, Jacob Cohen, Meyer from n scroll, has been brought Cohen. Hen Colin, Jerome I. to Israel from Syria, The Keter J.'ohn. Max K. Colin, Henry 1'oop. Katorah, which dales back to * r. Harry Cooperimui, Morion the tenth century, was used by Khienreicli, Leo Kisenstatt, Jacob Maiiuonides and contemporaries KKITII MHKIJ.MAN ClTl.n Kelilman, Moiris C. Kcllnian, Al- as n basic source book, liiblical AT I . M \ latsnv SKSSIO.V fred Fiedler, lieniard Fink, Mor- scholars, Jewish and Christian i-eco;;i)i/i.' its impoi lance. Krith I.iberman, is one of HI!) ton I.. Fisher, Jack Fox, Morton The Hen Ashi-r Keter Katorah oul.slandiii).: liii^'i school students Krank, K.sther F/-f*j!;;err Isadore » b o ri'cently completed f i v r - u r r k Friedman. has been in Aleppo in northern ;r>sious as "clii-i libs" in Hie naMines: Sol (j.irfield. Irvinj: K. Syria for (lie past fi()() years, and tional liij;li school institii'ti-s n l to Jewish Gendler. David (ireenberj', I'JiI- has been inacci'ssibli' 1 Nurthwestciii t_'tii\cr.-ily, K \ a n ward \\ r . Greenhcrjt, (Jeiald H. scholars since the establishment OiiiilIi'liKlitiiii;—'r.l'i p.m. of modern Israel. The story of Ki-ith, son of Mr. and M r s . I. M. iliuss, David Ilobcnlian, I'.ernard B'N'AI JACOI5 ADAS how it. uus transferred to Israel Hociienhejj:, Joe M. Horuich, IsaI.it)fi jnan. won a e n tificate a n d Vi:SI!I KON for deposit a t the Hebrew Unlrlore llunvit/. Ix)uis Hurwit/, 1 J Kliil.iv. Mincha. 5:1.") p.m. S.il- .secondary gold ki-y in K|«CCII. Harry .laiti.;er. William Jo^ejih, vri-sily, when it can IK. told, is | urfhiy, S•..'!<> ii.iii. Mimh.i, ."i:!.") vor.v«i .jri>vi:.\\ PKI'SITAII-- William Kiiim.'ii), Harry. Kaplan, i p i n . full'mod hy Slioln.sli S'.'iiilos. Nate Kaplan, Samuel S. Kaplan, rAifi'v, <)(T. r.t. CI;\TI;IC ' Daily MM vices at T.i.iO a in. ;iml Tevil KIol/, Moris Korney, IlyT h e YIIUJII; Judaean pcpsitail 5:15 p.'ni. p a r l y is Ij'inr, planned for S u n - inan Kraft, M. K. Kreitslein, Arday, October I':1, at 1 p. m. a t t h e ihur Kuliikofsky, Max Laishin\ TKMI'J.K JSISAKIsl;y, Isidor I.<'viiif,on, I. M. I.iJrwisl) {'ommunily Cent'.'[". | Friday services at S:15 p.m. Tin 1 j;ir!s a i e iit\ited to n n f t tierman, Ahrahain Lip-man, Kdilh Conducted hy Kahbi Sidney II. their ailvisois Mrs. H a r o l d L. Louis:, Harry l.utz. Manuel Brooks. Saturday son ices ut Wir-sni;iii, sixth Ki'afli1; Mrs. Ar'- Mackay, Philip Malkin, Jack \V. Maier, Morris Margolin, David nold Kanier, .sc\ciith j;ra«ic; M r s . 11:30 a m. Miller, Robert Xoddle. Harold I'hil Schwartz, eiijhlh j:iadi- ami Novak, Morion Plolkin, ' Philip Miss Naomi liothciiberp. junior Birra YA. RitH.'le. Carl Kosenberi;, Isadore leader. Sabbath servces nt Beth Kl W. Rosenblatt, Sam Ro.sen.sti'in, I'lans uill be discus: i d for t h e Synagogue wll bcgin'til K:15 p.m. Israel liosenthal. Mey<'r L. Rui:.\TCKF JIallowi-en trick iind Itabbt Myer S. Kripke uill deliver back, Marvin Salies, Harry Saltzthe sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Kd- treat proji-ct. yoiinj; .ludaeiin.s man, Alex Sand, Irvin Shennan, will join o t h e r groups aj^ain this ger and t h e ISeth Kl Kyna^oc'C Dave Shiiltert, Harold Siege!, j e a r in eolleciinc money (or Choir wiH render the musical F.rvin R. Simon, Nathan Simon, t.'XK'l'.'K v.hicli pioxitii's fuiiils Milton Simons, I^iuis .Siporin, portions of the s e n ice. to assist children in underdevelStanley J. Slosburj;, Harry Smith, i Sabbath niorniiiK s e n ires nro oped countries. Marlon Sombi-rg, Alfred Sopliir, held iit Hi.'JO a.m. (<»• t h e more P.eli So^hnik, Ben S[H?ctor, Ilobtraditional service and at )0:.'!0 <rt Swart/, Melvin Talelman, a.m. for t h e family M-rvicc. KulxTt X'i';i;, freshman at the Ralph G. Turkcl, Abe V. Vcnger, Kniveihily of Oklahoma at N<jrSunday fliorniii^' services »t 0 Paul Veret. Robert K. Wagner, rnan, was elected president of the Isadore II. Wciner, K. I. Widman. n.m. Services .diiriii!.: the wrek I'i Lamlida J'hi pledge clars. He fcre held a t 7 a.m. ami 7 |i.m. Mid the Misses Jane Kohl, find is Hie son of Mr. and Mrs. }•'.. Kvelyn Jj\y. -Published weekly on Friday beginning (lie last uoi k In Aii(;ii*t thrtiii^li MTuml week in July !>>' tin- .Jewish I'Vtlrratluti of Omaha.

)>e a true cloak-.'/mintuie. It was hinied.

expected dagger lu

Religious Services

MONUMENTS In fhe Jewish Tradition Vmir onlvr

Ut mi\u\n'f

f h o u l d bo [tl.-it'f! v,rll

-<tf "V;ihr/.i'it" w* Hie 1

iw.iJ-: tlm-r. noi huw \*t I" hunit'if.

Wo ere known for our exacting Hebrew )c Her ing «n<j dt tail. You may place your confidence in ui knowing each detail «nd tradition will be adhered to with ufmoit c«re end iliitl. We rmpt«y n« affnt*—hrrv you an )un dial <!lre«tly ultti tli(* *»wnrrn . . . W+ fniKr juu (» (i)inparr , . . U> prrmIt nn untimely polliltntltii) . , . V«iJ iirr trrv to ntnUr up )uiir un n MI ml, .

Omaha i Frcnk Rcnna

3213-15 "<?• St. 731-<lll Open Sunday 2-S Since 1923

In Winter Follow fhe Sun to IsraeS

BETH ISItAKI. Kolxjlas Shfilibos Friday eveninK w n i c e s at 5:15 p.m. Sliabbos morning seivices becin « t 8:45 a.m. a t .r>2nd and Charles S t r e e t s and at 'J n.m. at 13lh mid Kurt Streets. Junior Con^regation a t !t:<i5 a.m. Rabbi Benjamin CJroner will conduct the Talmud class at 5 p.m. S;ilibath Mincha a t 5:1 r> p.m. followed by Sholo.Oi SeiidDS and Maariv a t 6:15 p m . *• •



Ci. (.'iris s|xinsor<d n Held day at Klmv.ood 1'ark on Sunday, October Ifi.

Woman's Drive

iContiniicd from J'af;e 1.) . Sihernian, Harold Slosbiiri;, Abe Sliisky, Mo'rt Soiref, Millanl Sprier, Siuiiiiel Sli'rn, Mnrtjh SteinlKui;,' Siim Slpinborg, lr\ih Sherman,-.Oscar Sulin, Marvin ' Daily services at 7 a.m. and Ta.\man, Yale Trustih, Paul nt 5:20 p m . Ve-ret," Irvin Yaffe, Ij'wis Yfiger Sam Zacliaria, I^onard Segal and Sam Berman. Names of district chairmen .and captains were announced in previous issue of the Jewish Kfliv* ami linpprninc* At '1'lir Dr. Flillip ISIirr Jrnluli Iforrit- for Ihr Press.

Wilh the Home Folk Auril tiv Dm Id OrUmv.

Israel Mourns Death Of Rabbi Totedano


Dedications The family of the late Jay Mayer Mal.ishock will hold services in his memory, Sunday, October 'l'.\ nt 2 p. m. nt Pleasant Hill Cemetery. Rabbi Sidney II. Hroohx'of Temple Israel will officiate.

6ompE@f@ Carpet :.* Service KKFITTIM; J.AVJM; ; niMiisi; • II.DAMM;


Bar and Bas liilzvah

Certified and approved by Rabbi Dr. Leon Thorn,; Praiiderrt, •American Academic Rabbit Association of New Americini, and Rabbi S, Walton of <h» Orthodon Rabbit Anocialion of Now York City.

"All Inclusive" from New York Via EL-AL Airlines

ALSO VISITING Weofcly Dep«r«ure5 EVERY MONDAY Until MARCH I, 1961

UAIX TO WAI.f. CAKI-lvTIMi .' AMI 1 TltMTI'lll-: i'.leiinrd In Ttiur Jittmn

Dailil OrUmv attended the 17lh nnnual Nebraska Social Work Institute held at the University of Jerusalem Government and Nebraska. RUG CLEANERS I'rlccless color films of the religious leaders paid their last home residents, Uiken durini; the respects to Rabbi Yaacov Moshe Don Bernstein, 345-2554 last eifjht years by Marshall Zal- • Tolcilano, Minister of Religious kin for the Jlikur Oholim society, Affairs a t his funeral sen-ices, %vere .shown to our folks on Sun- October 16. Rabbi Toledano, who day. The cakes and pastries died at his home at the aj;e of nerved nt the tea were made by 70, was an authority on MaiMrs. Philip Bait and Mrs. Jake monides, the medieval Jewish physican and religious philo'oWine. pher. •' The C.'fiiinrli of Jewish Wiimrn Rabbi Toledano was the center will bcK'n their Home activity of public attention in Israel program with several tours of several months ngo, when he places of interest in Omaha. married a 23-j'ear-old divorcee, ItabbI D.tviil Korb will be our the daughter of an immigrant rabbinical visitor. rabbi from Morocco. Ho w.is again the renter of n political controversy, last month, who» It. was disclosed that he had never, AH frleniU and relative* ««> relinquished his French citi/enInvttM to attend services anil fihip, even after assuminK his Ciblnet post:. 'Rabbi Toledano's reception. death was believed likely here 8ANDRA SIN'fiEK 1o create political activity in variPEKLMKTEH ous quarters, including the ("biff Sandra Singer, daughter of Mr. Rflbbinate, the Cabinet, and and Mrs. Lazier Singer,• will ob- nmong the religious parties. Trained et St. ecrve her Bas Mitzvnh, and PegJoseph Hotpifal gy Perimeter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Perimeter, will HARRY'S e <>b_scrve her Bas Mitzvah on Saturdoy morning, October 22, a t UVERSH MKT. Beth El Synagogue. IS Year* ,. 1314 NO. 24TH ST. KOSHER CHICKENS HGNALD FRANK Experience BICHAKD IltANK KILLED DAILY The Bar MItxvah of Ronald e Jove by Celling 341-4977

Frank, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Frank nnd that ot Richard Frank, eon bfvJVir. and Mrs. Morton Frank will;be celebrated at Beth Israel Synagogue on Friday/ Oc-. iober 28 and Saturday, October



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Pagi) Three

Hy Shriers Honor Southern Leader Couple at Brunch To Address Two

Hadassah Groups Mrs. J,ee Ji. iiurson </f Memphis, Ti'lui., past president (if both the Southern Ilc^ion iiiul Memphis chnplcr of lladasMili, \\ ill lie ilie j'liest. siw';t];er at functions to In' (:i\cii nu Wednesday by two loc'il rh;iptri-;;.

.Mrs. ICiilii'rt (i


Mr. iiml Mis, Hy S. Shne r .it n .Siiniliiy brunch, himoreil tlii'ir EOn-in-l;iw ;ii)il ilmifjilor, Mr, iiml I.Irs, HUIH'I'I. If. (lin.iliuri:, whose J u n o in.'irriiij;'1 \v;ifi <'innouiHT(l ivccnlly. 'i'lic nflair wti.s held lit 1hc .Slifralfin-Fonlcricllo H o t e l for tliir imineiliato f;iiiiilic.<i of lh« itmplr, Air. Oinsliiir;; is th<r son of Mr. JMiil Mrs. H e n r y (Jinsliinj r . 'Hii' couple will matte I heir Jiomi* in Lincoln v.licrr- Mr. C i n s liui'K in alli'inliiK; (ho University of Xebraslia. . '

Seminars at B'nai B'rilEi Gonferencs Commit tec cliahiniii uho will li'.nl spminars al the nmuiiil fall xpniiii.'ir and convention of the .Sotilhwest i!ci;ioiial Council of U'nal H'rith Dislrlrt. No. (! urn •Sam Pollute, women's chapter <:oojioriilloii; Lou ('.'mar, retention; Kil Stein, Anti-I>fum.-ilioii league; lien Schneider, meinliefship; IfJirold Zellnsky, fund raising jiml Sidney SpciKlmnn, .-ldult. Jewish cflucntion,' The meet in;; will \w held Sunday, October 2.'i at the C'oinIIII.SIO'T Hotel In Lincoln. The Cornliuslter mid Henry Monsky lodges of Omaha mid 1lu» Irvlni; Cohen lodije of Council Muffs will he iimotiK- the jmrtk'ipanls at the conference, Harry K. (loodhinder, Ilr^ioiiiil president; said.

Temple Theater Fele October 20, Admiral The annual Tlieater luncheon party of Temple Israel will he held Tuesdiiy, October if) at ]2:.')0 p.m. nt the Admiral Theater, A IMJX lunch will l>e served before n first-run movie. In tharce nre Mmrs. Jack 13, Colin, Alfred Fo.v, general .ehnirmen; Nonnnn'Caiii,; food Arthur KultUtofsUy, tidcets; !•'. Honnld Colin, head of reservation's committee composed of Mines. Meyer Cohen, Krnnfsl Piiesman, .Seymour Ahnijiifl, Mnury .Schwartz, Jerome Jilelcher, Al llernsleln, N. Julian Rips, Joseph Meyer ' and Morrie I.ipp, Free parking is available In the theater's lot: across the street. Donation Will IK; ?IO for two tickets.

Mrs. ISiusoii, a inemlK'i' <•{ H.idassaii'K naiitinaj ':>v\\ iee .committee, will make an address at tllO \Vre(inesd;iy ijoriii ]iaift-ti[i membership luncheon of (lie Omaha Chapter at I lie Jewish Community Center. The program Will also IIOIIDI" new ineiiiliers, Mrs. A. IX r'rank, V-hapler menibeishii) chairman, said. The visilur al;.o will speak at n dinner meetinj; of the linsiness Iind Prolessiijrial Women of Hadassali, Wetlnesday at 0 p.m. lit the'(."enter. Prominent in community activities, Mrs. Buisoit has served as Women's division chairman for li'ith the-'United Je.wisli Appeal and Israel Bonds and as president of her local lirandeis Women's Committee. She was one of 31 members of a Iladasuah's leaders lour of Jsnii'l in l!ir>!) and iiecompanieil IHT linsli.'iiid, a priiriiiuenl Zionist leader to the North Atlantic Treaty Nation's Atlantic Conliress in London last. year.

JIKNKV MONSHY UOAIU) The n'i;iilnr Imnril meetinj;.and dessert limclieon of the Henry Monsky Chnpler of H'nai IVrith v. ill be hehl on Thuisday, OctoIwr27, at 12:r«) p. in. til Ihc home of Mrs. H u r r y .Smith, WK) Charles .Street with Mrs. Abe as co-chairman. ;

Tour to Include Six Residences Mr. and Mrs. M.iynard Small of St. I^uis, M<>., announce' the birth of a sou mi October IK. Mrs. .Small, tin- former Jiimna Jiae Stcinbcr;; is til*' daughter <.f JJi-. iind .Mrs. A. A. Stein-


Six homes will be open to the J.ciieral public Tuesday, Novcnih"r 1 from 10 a.m. to •') p.m. for Ilie Beth i;| Sisterhood Jewish Hume




Tin.1 followim: homes in (he tour, which will feature specific IJ'ITaspects of Jewish home life, as I'alernal Ki'andp.'ircnls are Mr. announced by Mrs. Dan Kalzman, iind Mrs, J'hil .Small of Kansas decor euordinalur, arc: J'assiA'er at the home of Rabbi City, Mo, Mr. and Mrs. Hairy Marx of Lincoln arc maternal and .Mrs. Myer S. Kripke, 11!) Nnrlli Happy Hollow liivd.: SabJ'reat f;riindparenls. lialh, at. homi! of Dr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Handle- Morris M. Hrodkcy, fitW Dillon man announce the liirih of a iJri\e; Jewish arts and music, daughter, Judith Kllen, oil Octo- nt the home of Mrs, Dan ber 7 «t Lutheran Hospital. They Cohen, 11(11 .North CO street; buusewantiinjc. home of Mr. and also have a son, Alan. (irniidpiirents are Mr. nnd Mrs. Mrs. Leo Weilz, Wit) J'ark wood Isadore I'lolltin and Mrs. Harry Lane; model wedding, home of Mr. and Mrs. !•'. Knlph No;;:,', Wl7 liifkin. N'oi'th (15 street, and C'hanukab, home of Mr. and Mrs. Ir\in A. Sbennan, 717 Hackherry Drive. ChainiK'n included M m e s. Justin Mamilz, ()r\illo Milder, ItOOIC Millard Margolin, Henry Hiekes, <;it<)l'l', MT. t\ Thf* book croup of Omaha Harold Coojicrman and liilbeil Chapter I'.randeis I;ni\r'rsity Na- Kredcn. Tlie ticket i:omniittec includes tional Women's committee will meet Monday, October 21, at. 10 Mrs. Joseph Cuss, chairman and n.m., at the home of Mrs. N. If. Mines. Charles Allman, Morris Urccnbei'^, (177 N. !i!tlli Street. Jiriek, Harlon (Jreenbei'K, Joseph All members are welcome. The Hoinslein, Dave Plait, and Irving book under discussion will.'he Schneidernian. Pombcy ft Sun by Charles rol.ITICAl, AIIVKHTISKMK.NT I>icl<ens.

MONA LISA House of Glamour II f No. 50th S53-70OO 6 Expert Hair Sfylii'i Air-CpndHioned - Dryer J MISS MARSH end MISS JERRY Owners



Study Groups

i t i / r i i i;t. itim.i} WKUNKS1JAV The season's first session of the Relh KJ .Sisterhood Hiblc Croup will bo held Wednesday, October 2G nt 10 a.m. in the SyriajioHiie's library. Sponsored by I he Council of Trustees, this croup will l«! led by Rabbi Myer S. Kl'iplte and Is open to all interested, In studying the Hihl<\ Mrs. Kobert H. Kooper should bi> called for reservations nnd information. Advertise in "the Jewish Press.



Present Judge Workmen's Compensation Cgurt

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El EC t

IlKTH Ft- ( IIOKAI, iiHOl I' All Hetli V.I women who enjoy niili;iiit; HIT- Invited to.iiltenrl the fiist meeting of Ihc .Sisterhood Choral Group which will be held on Monday, October 'M at ] p. m. in the .Syna(;o|;ue's Choir Itoorn. Cantor Anrou I. KdRnr will direct the Cmup..Mrs. Hymen Helninn should he contacted for reservations anil further Information.

Judge L. Ross

MUNICIPAL JUDGE Now Judge of District Court—

Served 3 years as Preiiding Judge Indoriod by


Silver Anniversary For Former Omahans


An open house for Mr. nnd Mm. Raymond Corey,, former Omnhans, will be held in celebiatlon of their twenty-fifth we'ddinj; Jinnlveisary, Sunday, October .'10 In Kloox City, In,, nt. the . residence of Mr. mid Mrs. Charles Hoscnhclni, parents of Mrs.: Corey. Jfouis will be from 2 p.m. to <> p.in. Tlie Coreys ninkc their home In Sioux City nlso. Co-hosts at the parly'will be the children of the Coreys- Miss Dorothy Corey, a student iit Messa College, Ginml Junction, Colo.. Miss Harrlt't Corey nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Alan' Corey of Sioux City. No invitations have been issued.



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Omahans in News Mm. Alyco Noviik 'was elected Vicc-ehainnim of the second congressional district at the state Itepubllcdn party convention held hero recently. She nlso serves on the DOUKIOS county central Republican committee from the lOtli lem'slativp district. Harry fatbel, Omaha electricInn, who in to receive on honorary Doctor of Science cita' tlon from Uie Italian University of Padua, addressed the science students at Technical H i g h School on October 20. He epoke on "The Inadequacy of Newton's Lawn When .'.Applied to Space •Ago Mechanics."

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Fsg» Four

By Cy Seltclilik

and a team not to be taken t<

Friday, October 21, 1000


Qmahanc Home from irandels Oonferenee

ALEX FUAN'K Funeral services were held last Delegates from the Omaha Sunday a t the Crosby-Kunold Chapter Brandeis University Na- Farnam Slreet Mortuary for tional Women's Committee who Alex Frank, 48, of 741 North attended the Midwest urea Con- Seventy-fifth street, who died Ocference held in Des Moines, la., tober ] 3 In a local hospital. I3urOctober 10 and 17, included the ial was in lieth F.l Cemetery. FURNISHED ROOM Mines. M, A. Bercovici, Hyman A native of Germany, he fled EM«rly rjanlleman wants well-furFerer, Myron Milder, Joseph the Nazis before World War If nished room in private Jewish Zwciback, David Keder and Sid- to live in Sweden. He came to home. West preferred. Desire 2 Omaha in VJIH. metis—breakfast end lunch. ney Novak. Surviving arc his wife, Harriet; Call 5 5 1 - 2 U 1 or 731-3480 Chapters represented, at t h e - ron James ami diu.'htei, .Susan Confcrence were from Chicago. r*m trss Rot BW £w Cot n n f n B^B ERI ps> fcflj |$ Springfield, Kansas City, St. i.ouis, Milwaukee, Peoria, MinneaiMjlis, Davenport and Sioux City.

lightly. YOCTII COUN'CIX 'FINAL STANDINGS lXA(i FOOTBALL W. 1 I'ayim routed AZA 1, 08-O. to Rayim .'i capture the Youth Council Flat; AZA 10UO 2 football championship at Adams AZA 1 1 Park last .Sunday rndinfT the AZA 100 0 short season with three wins ami VOl'TH COVSCIU ll.\(i no losses. FOOTHALL AM. STAK TLWM Rayim, going for the baimer Jeff J'omerantz—Ilayim year in youth council sports with Mick Zacharia —Ilayim a bis, experienced c o u p . Jim! too Stew Gtiss— Ilayim much class and "bin f;uns," for Jeff Wohlner - Itayim AZA 1, to cope with. The new Arnio Mamit/. -AZA I champions scored early and U<'pt lluddy Kpstri/i-AZA looo up a last pace. With OK; loop ' Mickey -Sachs—A/.A 100 championship hani,'itu; in the bal- Slu llorwitz AZA 10'KJ ance, they made .sine AZA lCOu, Aniie lireslow-.-AZA 1 forgetting that they lo;4. their FOR THE FINEST . . . (.H:LS -VOLLLTIIAI.L championship team from last IN PHOTOGRAPHY KI!G Kills club, Iicvra, wil year, walked away with a .'!,'!-1.'!, Pcrfraits thumping over AZA 100. lo win play two volleyball names ngain second place in the lea;;ue stand- tin- other two HliC; clubs at t Weddings ing. This was supposed to be the Jewish Community Center gjn Commercial year that the 1000 boys were ;:yninasium. Hi'Vin will nifel f-.'idar nn S "down," but Buddy Epstein and Stu Hunvitz have kept them "up" day, .November l.'i at 1 :.'!0 p.'in mid then take on Kohnnue, cm Sunday, December •!, at 1 :.''O p, m. The (Ynii-r volleyball class for girls is in process and all girls are urged lo participate on Cobuif,', Germany, (JTAI A Tbursdny evening's 7 p. in. to new, neo-Xazi "united front" ba« |). m. been formed here. Freidricii Klein, former Hitler Youth OrPHOTOGRAPHER ganization leader, admitted for017 SOUTH 36TH STREET \ mation of the new coupm;; to 345-1044 the J.T.A., sayinjf the title or the Jerusalem, (JTA I •• • A seal im SK/^SV******"*!***^* rght-vvinc; "umbrella" association s the "Union of Organizations pression depicting a man fighting a lion, which may have beer Loyal to the People." the seal of B;ir Kochba, was Klein recently inherited the found by the archaeological exneo-Nazi leadership mantle ctf the pedition which last winter dis Jate Karl Priester, of Wiesbaden, covered in a Dead Sea cave the whom city police and slate archives of the Jewish freedom authorities called the bead of an fighter, who led the rebellion international neo-fascist move- against the Romans in the Secment. A police raid on Priesler's ond Century C. K. it was rehome last May disclosed evidence porled by Professor Yijrael Yadin winch uncovered an international in an address before the Israe fascist rins with connections in K\ploralion Society. Arab countries as well as in the Professor Yadin. f o r m e r l y United States, Britain, France, Chief of Slaff of (he Israel armed Belgium, Switzerland, Canada forces, -aid that the impression and Australia. was found on a clay fragment Klein had been Priester's prin- which became detached from a cipal aide in attempting to con- bundle of letters sent by Bar vene a congress here last spring, Kochba. An enlarged pholograpl under the banner of the so-called of the fragment disclosed the "Emergency Union of Organiza- deal. A second large-scale archaetions loyal to the Reich." The meetng was culled off after police ological expedition to the Judean authorities indicated they might desert, where earlier this year raid the convention, if it were the liar Kochba letters were found, is being planned for till; to be held. winter. The new expedition wil cover a wide area east of the Dead 3ea from Kin Gedi to Nassada, where Jewish freedom fighters made their last stand against the Romans. Prof. Yadin London, (JTA)—United Arab indicated that he would particiRepublic President Gamal Abdel pate In the new expedition. Nasser informed his legislature In Cairo that he had told Presi- CITKD FOR IJKSIGNINfl dent Eisenhower, while visting NI.CMOAJt COMPULSION the American leader In New York I'LANTS recently, that Israel "would alDetroit, (JTA)—Milton Shaw ways remain a barrier" between director of the Advanced Nuclear tha UAU and the U.S.A. Plant Design Division of the The Cairo reports said that United States Bureau of Ships, Nasser also reported he had com- lisa been awarded the Navy's plained to Mr. Eisenhower about Distinguished Civilian Service Western shipments of arms to Award for his work in designing Israel, insisting that there "arc nuclear compulsion plants as ai no defensive weapons." The aide to Admiral llymnn G. RickEgyptian dictator presumably over, father of the atomic subtold Mr, Eisenhower that his marine. government was not prepared to "compromise" its position vis-avis Israel.


New fko-tfeil 'United Front' in Germany

John Kalina

Discovery May Be Bar Kochba Seal

20 ISRAELIS Gl'KSTS ON V. S. COLLEGE STAFFS New York—At least 20 scliolars and scientists from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem aro cervine as guest professors o r lecturers nt leading American educational institutions.


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Nasser Says Israel Remains 'Barrier'

Danish Royalty Given Mementoes

Phone K3I3M lo Insert your Wan! Ad In th« Jewish Press.

ISAIl and lias Mitzvali congratu lations also for all Jewish holi days and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge

New York, (JTA)—Special mementoes were presented in Look, l ' i Yrs., 53.00; Holiday, 13 separate ceremonies this week by Mos..- $3.89; Journal 22 Mos. two Jewish organizations to King SX85; Post 60 Weeks, $-1.79. Frederick and Queen Ingrid of These are just a few of. tho Denmark for their aid to the wonderful specials I have. Call Jews of Denmark during the 551-3957 for more. ELSIE Nazi occupation. HORWICII. The American Jewish Commit-1'AINTING INSIDE AND OUT, tee's gift to the Iloyal Couple Patch Plastering, Carpentry, was a silver Menorah, and given Walls, Windows nnd Floor by the American Jewish ConCleaning. Linoleum and Tile gress, was a silver kiddush cup. Work. All kinds of Work, Leaders at the presentation Call 3«-358ire c or 311-9378. ceremony noted that in October 19-13, the Danish people saved Want Part Time Work as Salesall but some 400 of Denmark's man—4 hours a day or two 8,000 Jews from Nazi seizure and full days a week. Call Max Crounse, 341-8137. BiuWer.

Safe, easy-toinstall electric heating tape keeps gutters, downspouts free of ice!

Expert! explain last winter's heavy damage tu roofs and tlie inside of homes this way: The combination of heat loss thiougli the loof plus junshine 'causes melting snow to run down to the caves. Since there'is n o l u . i t losi fiam within the house at the eavc, they are colder than the rest of tho loof and the melted snow fieezes again, forming a dam of ice. Tliis ice dam r a u v j further melting to hack up under the shingles where it can Irak into the house causing expensive damage to walls and ceilings, plus often putting a breaking ice load on guttrri and downspouts.

Electric healing tape provides a simple solution /or a lew cents a day. It makes it possible for homeowners to put an end to ice in eaves, gutters and tpotits — eliminates the expensive rcpairvand redecorating caused by winter ire damage; , Easy to install, For best results put yours in this fall.

If your hardware, or electric appliance dealer cannot supply you — phone or write

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