rublkatlon Office, 101 No. 'jmti Ouialin. Nebraska. I'lione S4'2-1MM
Vol. XXXIX—No. 0
2B, 10«0
at Oiiiuiiu. Ncitz
Paul Veref So Speak At Chapman Homo Arieh Plothin Will Speak on November 3-4 Paul Verct, Kxecutive Director of the Jewish Federation, and and a member of the Israel Bond Organization's Midwe>t Hegion Board of Vncc-~i*~,,. tors, will spciikt on t h e recentr , i changes in the e-1 >j? conoroy, industry^ *-f and political ]iic-r »^ ture of the .StaleJ of Israel, at the home of Isadoic CMiapman, on Tuesday, No\ em- ••* v ber, 1, on behalf of the current Israel Bond C inipaign in Orniiha IMiil Vent Mr. Verot letently it turned from Isruel after a comprehensive t"ur of the country. Mr. Chapman is Chairman of Builders in the Omaha Area Committee for State of Israel Bonds. t-l'l*
'Mils company of five young Yemenite nrtlsls, o remarkably vermitllc nnil oxcitinfr troiipp, will appear in Omnlut on Sunday evening, Nov. 0, at 8:0O p. m., ul the Jewish Coiiinmnily Center, Hnrrv Sidmiin, chairman, Jewish Community Outer, n nminced. Their prorram encompass dance and music 1) a.icd on Isrnell folk find Biblical themes. Their oneinn! Yemenite folklore comes from the heart, leg omls, life and customs of their people. The group has appeared In every medium on stage and the the Inline location of n sponsornir, They have been acclaimed ing organization. Mr. Sldman for their exciting performance pointed out that a.s a result of at the Tel-Aviv Music IM1, the cooperative effort on the part Radio City Music Hall ami Madi- of the ten sponsoring groups, Dr. Allnn McrHam, associate son Square Garden, N.Y. the programs are free of charge professor of atithro|M)lo(Ty, NorthSerlei It Frco to members of our community. western University, Kvanston, •Tills program Is n part of five Other outAtamllni: personalities III., will di.wii.':,'? "The Congo In presentation!!.being presented at to appear later In the "Program Transition" Wednesday, Novemof the Month" series are: Mauhor 2 at Omitlin University nt rice Samuels, scholar and lec8:15 p. in. turer, on Wednesday, Jan, 18; The lecture is part of the UniBarbara Klosler, dramatic artist, vorilty'ii Institute of World Afon Wednesday, Feb. Jfi; Martha fiiirs with the Jewish Federation Schlamme, folk singer, on .Sunus a co-sponsor. day, March 19; and Marvin Dr. Merrinm recently returned I-owentlial, writer and lecturer, The Young Adult Council will on Wednesday, April 19. from hL"i second trip to the Conhold an outdoor Halloween Party. i;o where he did field research. Saturday, Oct. 29, 8 p.m. Hie His 1053-CO trip took the Mer- meeting place will bo the home riani family to the province of of Fred Marcus, 315 So. C8th St. Kasal, where they lived, studied All old and new members and ami photographed the people of guests are inviteil to attend. Lupupa village. Reservation/! are to he called Mcmbero of the Juwl.ilr Federation have received tickets to the Into Gloria Okrenf, r>T>G-G448 or Mrs. Dave Cohn, Chairman of Institute's programs," H a r r y Fred 'Marcus, 551-3275. .Trans- the Jewl.ih Federation Agencies Trustln, Federation President, portation will be furnished for Section of the'Needlework Guild •aid.''Mr. Trustln stated the in- those needing rides. A fee of Drive, Issued an urgent reriuest stitute Is the result of coopera- $1.00. per person will be charged. this week to all women who have tion of several Omalia K'oups inThe Young . Adult Council is not as yet responded to the terested In a better understand- sponsored by the Jewish Com- Needlework call to plrnsc send in their donations. munity Center. , ing of world problems. In addition to those women who contributed previously to the Drive, the following contributions are reported: Mmes. Norman Abrahamwn, (The Dr. Pliillp Slier Home for the Aged acknowledges the fol- Jack Iielmont, David Blcicher, Paul Hlotcky, Max Brcslow, Abe lowing memorials and donations.) II. Brodkcy, Ben Kteonbcrg, Donor In Memory of Frank Flshberg, Ioadore Forbes, Mr. mil Mr». WHIIom Rolltn, M n . Herman Fronklln Hennan tYiedlnnder, Yale Gotson* Ml>» Koloh Fronklln Mr;. Ro» Co j leln dincr, Elmer Grecnberg, .Arthur Mr. onJ M n . Paul V«ref, Or. Max Flelthmon Mr«. Anno Mill o! M. Greene, Gnry GroRS, Ilyman Mr. ond Mr». Paul Veret, Fred ond O)orH> Roiemfock, / ' „,„_,_ Gil.'!.-;, Joe GiiKg, .Sam Hahn, Mr ond Mr«. Reuben Brown Mrs. Tllllt Groismon C»n>trucflon Dlvlilon employee of Corpi ol Englnttri, u/ Stanley H. Her/xiff, Nathan J. Weietmon Fomlly «J D A . ™3 Ilorwich, Frances Klein. U*i-g R O M ICroirMi •» ..#••.••»».•«»».*» .................Aoom Relrwmufxi Mmes. Carl Lagman, Ixiula E. Or. 'Max PleWrnon".V;....V. Chorte. Oroiiman of Lincoln. Netr,
Institute Speaker To Talk on Kongo
Council to Heave Halloween Party
Oyild Lists Confribulors
Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged
Mr. andI Mrt, Jocob Runo.ll ,
*?, *??!?. ™.to•Iffen, eilher Wc?£ M n . Bettla Sotomon Hes», Mrs. Cittier Sfrowj.Looli Straws! Wr, and M n . L M I I Koplon of Calumbui, Mebr. Vh"k^'*c''*t''on*MStS!J!in211 « r i Abrohom Fotmun.*.... ...t Aftrchom pormon, Dovld Forman, wr«, AoronwT, re n>u •" Derolhy Copdman, Moryafiofi Shmonbvftf Wr#. Esther Lev'n Mark* o» U » Alfoi, Co!l» ......Arnold L^vln^ S ^ n M
Donor Mr». Mn,
Jocob Cohen Bun Handier
. , ,\\\7\"\\\\\\ , ,
fn Honor of ,. rfc^very cf Jacob Cohen ....recovery of Mrt. Herman Franklin
Special Contributions Synagogue Donations Mrt C»nnl« Adi»r, Borney Hobermon, Meyer Rubock, B«l« Wolfion, Mri; ' libriifc Im totn)c, Htrmon Mlclwli, Ab« L e w , torn Pe«ter, Hymon W n Stroll MlnWn, rAn. «aroh Sllvtf. M f i . IMIM Oroy, Ben gernttiln.
Dr. Ariel] I.. 1'lotkin, one of
200 U.S. Youths Study in Israel Jerusalem, (JTAl --'i\vo hundred youths arrived in Israel from North America this year to participate In a year's study in thi.s country. The studios are carried on under Jewish Agency auspices. A group of 31 young people from Wrst Germany arrived on the SS Theodor Herzl for a fourweek visit. The 'visitors, who are students of the Pedagogical Academy of Kettwig, will work for two weeks at a lrtbbuts in the Negcv.
Senior Citizen's Lounge Jewish Community Center Every Monday . from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. •
Activities, Fun, Ilecreatlon, Soclnli for Hcnlor Citl/.eni
Ajinuul Itutc H
Israel's foremost political srlentists, proniiiieiit educator and lecturer, will appear at tho home of Sam Wolf, Advance I'ureluise;. Chairman of the Omaha Committee for I B r a e 1 Bonds, on Wednesday even I n fj,' Nov. 2, and jf' the home of Mr.! a n d Mrs. U Gerahun M ca-B and Womens Chalnnen of Council Bluffs, on Thursday evening, Nov. 3, in l>ehalf of the .State of Israel D<» lelopmcnt Bond Ift'jiic. Dr. I'lotkln is wc'll-inforincd on Middle Kastern affairs, intei-national relations, international law and comparative government. His knowledge of Knirlish, Hebrew, Gcrniun, Freneli, Arabic and Spanish have been used on Tile Voice of America. While in Israel in W56, ho witnessed the Sinai Campaign and its political lt-percu.isions. IIi.> is in the United States in connection with a reheaich project on Israel's econcimie and political problems. Born in Germany in 1021, he went to Palestine in VX'fi. In 3937, he joined the Haganah's underground movement to estabJifih a Jewish State. When the Israel Defense Force was created, he was one of its first members, us nn officer in the Intelligence Corps. He attended the Hebrew University In Jerusalem and tho University of London, majoring In government. His education was Interrupted • by the conflict between Israel and tho Arabs. Dr. I'lotkln was the first Israeli to bo admitted to Princeton's Woodrow Wilson School, where he obtained his degree of Master of Pnblic Affairs. In 1952, he joined Princeton's Department of Politics as an Instructor in comparative government, attended the Department's graduate) school and earned an additional M. A. degree and his Ph. D. Dr. Flotkin is a member of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, th» American Political Science Association and the American Society of International Law.
Committees Assigned to Aid Beth El Home Tour
A committee will be present to assist visitors at each of the six homes participating Inv the Beth El Sisterhood Jewish Homo Tour on Tuesday, November 1 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The homes have been decorated to portray and Illustrate specific aspects of Jewish home life. The committees assigned to aid the tourists include Mrs. Justin Manvltz, chairman, Mmes. Max Gronat, Edward Gorellck, Stanley Ilcrzoff,' Kevee KirohenMala.'.hock, Frank Marks, Nathan .bntim,"Marvin Kohll, Ben Lefitz, Martin, Harry (.J. Mendelson, Steven Lustgarten, Nute SteinWilliam Milder,'.Ernest A. Nogg, berg nt the ' PnKBOVcr Home; Nathan Novak, Albert A. Orach, Mrs. Orville Milder, chairman, Harold Pollack, Sarah \V. Pot- Mmes. Sidney Abrahnm, Sanford ash, Millard Uoaenbcrg, Morris Brophy, Ilalph Cooper, Norman Uubenstcln, Max Shrago, Jacob Dencnbori:, Yale Gotsdiner, StanShyken, Sam .Shyken, Bernard ford JJpsey, Donald Kice, Joe Slegler, Kdward h. Simon, Hur- Rice, Ixiuis Wintioub, at the old Slosliurg, Abo Slusky, Ixiuis Sabbath home; Mrs. Millnrd Soinljerg, Samuel Swariz, Sum Margolin, chairman, Mmes. HarTarnoff, Isadora M.'Tretiak, I^eo old Kpslein, Albert .Feldman, Waxenberg, Harry Weiner and Melvin Freeman, Harold Gnrbur, Donald NogR, Martin Slaenberc, Miss Dorothy VVelner.
Alan Tully, Donald Vann, Menard Wintroub at tho Art and Music home; Mrs. Henry RIelces, chairman, Mmes. Leon Alexander, Robert Bernstein, Norman Bordy, Seymour Colin, Oary Gross, Gerald Gross, Irving Herzog, Alvin Nogg, Morton Richards, the HouEewarming Homo; Mrs, Harold Cooporman, - chairman, Mmcfl. Max Bittnor, David Cohen, William Freidcn, Dan Goodman, Bernard Hockcnborg, Leonard Luttbeg, Ben Rosen. Mike Rubin and David I). Weinberg, Model Wedding home; Mrs.' Gi'bert Freidcn, cbalnnnn, Mmes. Harold Fox, Rlchtrd Hobennun, Philip Katzman, Morris Koom, James l.ipsoy, Morris Raznick, Dave • Ilclss, Keith Saundcr, Clianukah Home. Tickets may be purchased at§ any of the six homes or from the ticket committee. The tour is for adults only. Free Hitter service will bo provided at the Beth Kl Synagogue Recreation Room.
Pace Two
Friday, Octolwr ZH, JOfiO
WHh Hie Home Folks Study Published weekly on Friday beginning tho last week In August through second ueeli In July by (In; J»-\vlsIi Federation of (>in:ili:t. StcxnU C k r ; i P-j^cae I'oM <jt Onmhri, N t b r . Annual Subscrlpiicn. V..00. Ac!vtrti-Jr;'j J'olcs on A[,r fftailon. Publication Ofti<e—101 No. vG:ti Street, Gr-idilu, l U i . r - : J ; 11^4.
Oar and Sas Kilzvafs All friend* and relati\cs are Imifed l,» ultcml services and
Religions Services p.m. •
ISH.U:I. ..Rabbi Icnj:ii!-,in (Jrn.-ier, Cnntnr Eli Ka:;an ;uul (IK; li'.'lli Israel Choir will' conduct the Kile Friilay evening family, services at 8 p.m, Traditional Friday services (Koboliis Shalibos) :bci;in nl 5:10' p.m. •:...• Shabbijs niornin'j services h<>-
ItONAI.I) I'i: \N!£ UK il.VItl) IKANK The liar Mil/.vah of Hoiuid Fianl:, .'ml of Mr. and Mrs. Max FrMik and Itichairi Frank, son of Mr. anil Mrs-. Morion Frank, w.ll I;: ee]i-hralt:d at Beth Israel Syn.iKo;;iie toui:;hf and tomoriow niorniiu;.
IIAtUCIIOT I)OL«;OJT' <; \ i i . H I n u i ( ii Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Dul:;off nniuiunce the lias Mit/\ah of their daughter, Ilnni'-t atid Mr. at 8:45 a.m. at "I'JIUI and rin Charles Streets and ai';0 a.m. at imd Mrs. llurv.-ieh announce 19th ami Bnrt Hlre.-t.s. Junior the lias Mitziah of their daur.hC6n'Brci;nUo" at 9:l"J a.m. I'-fibbi ter, (!ail o]\ Friday cvenin;;, No.Gronerwib conduct the Ta'mud \ember S and Saturday, Novcin. : Class .at 4:10 p.m! Sabbath Mi"-' -b'-r ") at the 10:;i(( a. in. servicecha a t . 5:.1O p.m. followed by ill lleth i:i .Syn.]:;o;;ue. Sholosh Seudos and Maariv .it .JACK KA.ICHI-.'MtACII 6:15 j u n . The Has Milzvab of Jack l!ajSunday niornin:; services be:;in ' nt 8:30 o.m. fullovveil by break- cboiibach. ;on of Mr. and Mrs, fast and Knbbi's class in Ilible. Issac Itajclif'iibach, will be cele'Sunday mornin:: Junior Minyon brated at Beth Israel Synagogue •followed by breakfast starts-at on Saturday nioriiin;;, November 5th. •8:30 v'.m. Daily services m 7 a.m. ami N A \ ( Y LINCOLN' nt 5:10 p.m. Nancy Lincoln, daughter of Mr .and >.!)•;. lrvin;; Lincoln, BKTII V.I. will cekhrate her Has Mit/.vah Sabbath servi<?'K at I'.'.-th K) on Friday evening and Saturday Synagogue will b'rin this eve- morning at Teniple Israel. ning at 8:in p.m. llabbi Mycr S. Kripkc will deliver tb'> sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Edi;ar and tho Beth Kl ,Sy!ia;;o:rue Choir will render (he musical portions of Samuel SI. rtn-f«il>rrjr. I059-G0 •the service. president of the South Omaha Following the service a panel ()[)tjmist Club, was named "a disof Beth Kl pupils will present, a tineuislnd president" in a cereprogram of sonfj, discussion and mony in which the club was predance based on their experiences • st-iitcd an "honor club" award by nt Camp Herzl, L'SY and Uamah. Merle ()s|eri;.', Kansas City, Sabbath mornin,'; services arc Mo., district 10 governor of tho held at 8:30 a.m. and 10:.'i0 a.m. O p t i tn i s t s International, Mr. Mincha-Mnariv will beijin at 5 (jieenbei'i; also received a gold p.m. Sunday services are hold watch. nt 9 a.m. Daily services are held tit 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Mrs. Itlr-liard Ilillrr was named ; chairman of the Friends of the Omaha Public Library mr-mbcr. B'.VAI JACOB ADAS .ship drive. J-KSIIIIKON' Friday, Mincha. 5:15 p.m. Saturday, 8:.'i0 a.m. Mincha, 5:15 Israel Firm Orders p.m. followed by'Sholosli Seudos. Daily services at 7:30 a.m. and $20,000,000 Liner Paris, fJTA)- -A contract for 5:15 p.m. the purchase by 5Cim Israel Lines of a 22,000-ton liner to be built TEMPLE ISKAIX Friday services »t H:.15 p.m. in France, was .signed here. The Conducted by Rabbi .Sidney II. .ship, the SS King Solomon, will Brooks. Saturday services at be ready in May or .June of 1003 itnd will be able to make the 11:30 a.m. Ilaifa-to-New York run in 11 days, 'With a capacity of 1,100 passengers including 200 first class. ' Tho liner,.which will have three Mr .a..d Mrs. Stanley II. Rubin swimming pools, a. large drawing of Los Angeles minnunce the room and two movie theaters, is birth of a daughter, Janet, on expected to cost alxju'. 520,100,Oct. 16. Grandparents are Mr. ooo. •• . and Mrs. Arthur N. Rubin of Omnha and Mrs. Esther Coojicr SOUTH AFRICAN LEAVES of Glasgow,. Scotland. ENTIRE ESTATE TO JN'F Jerusalem (WNS)—The late James Hell Christian of Natal province, South Africa, has left left his entire estate, estimated at $28,000, • to • the Jewish National EDIAK Members- of Ediar plan to Fund. The donor was a member nssist the Central Gradu Nursery. of a Christian sect in .South AfriThe club held a Halloween party ca, the Cbristadelphians, one of whose tenets is belief that the reon October 2G. turn of the Jewish people to. Israel heralded the coming of the milTHREE'JUDAKAJf GKOIII'S lenium. TO M1CKT SUNDAY The Young Judacan sixth, sevqnth ,and .eighth grade clubs INFORMATION ON will iiieet 'Sunday,' Oct. 30, a t NAZI REGIME .. 2 p.m., at the Jewish Community New Yorlc (WNS)—The icait Jewish- C o m m i t t e e has Center. , , Officers, vyill be elected and. named Prof. Max Horkheimer, forcommittee members c h o s e n . mer Rector Of the Goethe UniverCards will be distributed Kivjng sity In Frankfort, as consultant. the name and address of an He is a member of the. 12-man Israeli young ,>erson with whom commission set up by the West German Government to advise to correspond. . F i n ' l plans will be made arid states in the Federal Republic on material-; handed out for the means of giving school pupils more UNICKF drive to be held Mon- knowledge about the practices of the Nazi regime. day^ Oct. 31. • • •';
Omahans in News
.".. . : : . ' . . : .":'
A Uldditsli was {jiven by Mr. and Mm. William Freiden in honor of the l i a r Mitzvah ot t l n i r ;.ou, Floyd. Haljlii M}er S. K i i p h e \\a t - o u r rabbinical yj. jtor tills week. H a b bi Benjamin ilroiu-]- will be o u r j;ne\l the first week, in November. • N a t h a n Martin, o u r able volnnK/er ii.-iirdrci-.-.'-r, u;m ,n:;:;i->te(l ) , \ - the libiquitou--; yaa. Mary W'ini' ilii:, v,••(•k,
I:I:M;ST IIOCHSTI:!:, STl'DY (.KOI:!' HOSTESS .Mrs. Kniest llorhsi,.,- will be hoi-'r.Ts to the Beth Israel Sisterhood .study group at j 1 p.m. coffee ineetjn;; at her home, fA'l'J Itainillon, Wednesday NoVelllb"!' '1.
SfM-ci.i! nicnioiial M'rviei-s \'. ill !:.•< h>:d in til'' Home ".ynngogin! on Ibv (ii'casiuii of their V.-dir/eit: Ch,s\,-in •_'--Oi:t. 'J'\, S."dic Fi^h; Cli",\a;i 5 -Ocl. 'M, Irwin S t a l maKter and .Joseph .1. (H(?enberi;; <'he'van 7 - - O c l . 2S. Sar/ih F a r ber; C h e s \ a n 9 - - 0 i ; l . '•'•<>, H e r m a n KraMie; Ciiesvan Kl Nov. '.',, ^>\\\:.. Mortis fji'tiss; ('ln'svan 15 - Nov. 5. ]\ n H a n d l e r : and f •h'-svan IS Nov. S, liaihi Sadnf-
'Deaths Ml!1-!. HOSE ViMVA, 'Services were h'ld Wedn'.'day at Beth F.I Syjia;;o';ue for Mrs. Ho-c Fogel. 7H, of (i'Jl So. 72 St.. who dkd Monday in a local hospital. Mrs. Fo"d was a resident of Omaha fifty-seven years. Surviving are sons, IJavid C, Louis I-'.; daughters. Mrs. Laura Mrs. Sam Kp:-tcjn. Mrs. JIairy Sherman, all of Omaha; Mrs. I n i n g Cassman. I"ree|jort, III.: sister, Mrs'. Keubeii CJross, Seattle. Wa.sli,; 12 grandchildren, 12 great-grandchildren. Hurial mis in Beth Kl Cenielery.
IIADAKSAII STI » y GKOIJ1' The book, "(Ircat Ages and Ideas of the Jewish People" v.ill be the basis for study-discussion at the Iladassah Study Cirotip which will meet Wednesday (it !l::j.') a.m., nt the home of Mrs. A. I>. Frank.
N>»s anil h:ii)priiln*rn tit Tltn Mr, l'hilip Hfirr Jrwisli Hume fur the Airrd by I).l\id Orkou-.
CENSUS EXPEIITS TO ASSIST ISUAEI. Jerusalem, (JTA)— Two American census expert;; mid a Swiss geologist have been assigned by the United Nations Technical As.sistnnce Board to assist the Israel Government. Copies o f Treasured Phofos of Loved Ones
313 So. 14th
Smooth 'n' Mellow
A film. "The Book'They Callnot Print" will be shown by Sain Stone, the .syiri.'iogue school systini (lireelor. A discus;.it,u will in; moderated |, v lialjhi n<:iijuiiiii is
w flue
Tin* next .session of ".lusf t's <;irls" v. Midi ineets with Mrs. Dorothy Kripke, will he: ii-lil at the residence of Air. and Mrs. Jiavid linuganim, Tliursday, November ,'! at H p.m. Melvin Weiss is in charge of rcs'.-rvalioiis.
COTTON" CltOf .Icrusalem, fWNSi- Israel's cotton bumper crop is expected to meet the country's internal needs . for the first time since experiments began eight yean; «;;o in the cultivation of the product.
Scb (Subby) Pulvcrenta
25 Yean" Experience V/ifh Jewish LeHering ond Mcmorioli
2211 So. 8th
j.vcon sr.osui.nci Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon for Jacob Slosbur;;, 78. of ttl-M filenwood Hoad, native Omaban and colntntmity leader, who died Saturday. lie was in the real state business for nearly .TO years. Mr. Slosburg was a trustee of the Jewish Community Center from its inception, and served on the Site and Duilding Committee which was responsible for the erection of the present O u t e r . lie was an active member of the Jewish Welfare Fedration and its agencies. He was a member of Beth F,l Synagogue and Temple Israel; past president of 15'nai IVrith and a charter member of the Highland Country Club. Survivors are his wife. Sallie; sons, Stanley J. and Harold \V.; daughter, Mrs. Maurice Pepper; 10 grandchildren, all of Omahabrothers, William, Max and Morris; sisters, Mrs. Anna Lane, Mrs. Mary Asher, all of Los Angeles, Cal. Services were held from Temple Israel with burial at Pleasant Hill Cemetery. MEN' MAUTIN Funeral services were held •Tuesday at the Jewish Funeral Home for lien Martin, 75, of .r>4<13 So. 24 St., who died October 22 in a local hospital. Burial was in B'nai Abraham Cemetery. Mr. Martin was a charter member of the B'nai Abraham Lodge and active In the Independent Loan Association. Sui .'ivors include his wife, Ruth; sons, Mclvin, Son Francisco, Cal., and Sol, Omaha; brother, Natlian, Omaha; sisters, Mrs. Suul Pearl, Norwalk, Conn, and Mrs. Jack Savich, Los Angeles, Cal.; three grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
Oompfcte Oarpet Scruico W A I.I. TO HAl.t. ('AltrKTINC AM» iiiiiNiriiiu: C-Iruttrd In Vtiur Hume
J.AVIN<; • si-:tviMi IIIM>I.V<i
Bridal Portraits AND
Candid Wedding
- lA/a au
John Kalina
RUG CLEANERS Don Bernstein, 345-2554
817 So. 36th
"220 Voh Jkoudepotver I
in I f infer FoSBow ffae Sun to Israel ALL-EXPENSE 17-DAY TOUR TO "All Inclusive" from Now York Via EL-AL Airlines
ALSO VISSTSMG Weekly Doparturej EVERY MONDAY Until MARCH I, 1961
1314 HO. 24TH ST.
KOSHER CHICKENS KILLED DAILY Save by Calling 341-4977 Certified and approved by Rabbi Or. Leon Them, PrMidenf, American Academic Rabbit Ajiociation of New American!, arid Rabbi S. Wallcin of (ho Orthodo, Rabbit Auociation of New York Cily.
JOCK TOAVSL AGEMCT Suite 4 2 4 — Farnom Bldg.. Omaha 2, Neb. —342-5874
Friday, October 2S, JOCO
Belmont-Rufsfelti Have Visitors'
Lisbefh Gherniack Ak-Sar-len Queen
Mr.1;. lieulah Hutstein of Kioux Usheth Chrrnitiek, 2i, d.-ninh- City, Jov.a, left for hmnt' after ler of Mr. nnd Mrs. Jiiy Cher- s|)eiidiii!f the fiirnnier vi«;itln:; jii.'ick, vns iTouned sixty-sixth willi Mr. mid Mrs. Jinny l!elqueen of AU-S.-ir-IVn lust Friday jiiont, (!.u!f;hter iand !.o!i-iri-iavv unil daughter, Mi. ;s Frances Jtntniirht. fjein. rvJiMS f'herni.'ick is a r.r.tilu.ite Ted r.cvitsKy ol Kiou.x City, from Sarah Ijiwrciicc ("oil'1!',!', Jov.a, a nephew, was a hoiltjewhore she m.'ijorr'r] in psychology. J;IK Kt over the werk-end, •She spent lour }cms on thf f d w l ji;ij>ri-, 'I'di." Canipiis, mM cliirinir 1"T .senior year. HIIO was lmsiness inan:i;;iT. At |iii',i>nl, A\<\ i-i t;ikii)': n o rourses at I IK; Univi-rnily of Omnh;i, Many oul-ol-!oun Clients fire A!::rj t:il;i»i',r part ill Ilic cnro/in- (•xprrled in <;in,iha for the Oclolion were: ?.1i.'..<; M.-uria Kniiiin- IHT .')()lh wedtlini: of Mis.s Fransky. ili)in;lil<'i- of .Mr. .-mil Mrs. ce-, Mali.'om, daui;hier of Mr. anil M. M. Krii|iinsl;y, in ,'i priui'e:;s: Mrs. Bernard .1. iJianiond and Mary J o Sloslnir:-;, daughter of- Jlarold r. Fall:, son of Max Falk Mr. and Mr«. Stanley i. SJ'u;- i.l .Sioux City, la. Ijiiri;, a paj:'' to (lie throne; Chieairoans will iiiclude Mr. anil Mai-shnll M. Kaplan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Kaplan, 11 Mrs. ilcriiimi Ulum and il.'uichti I. Hussar iillci'ii.'itr* for I ho Kint;; Mi">,MM. and Mnns. J. Diamond, ami ]•'., .7. l'v;ppcr, son of I'r. Hoy Soim. Mi:;s Susan J.:pp and l.oui.M' Tlilltoll. Comlnj' and Mrs. Maurice lVpiw, oil tli<? Mis. fiorn Mimifi'ita arc Messrs. and ts'.'ort committee. Mines. Marry Jirooks, Sheldon John K MiTi'i.'ini, pri\;id"iit of Hrooks, Jerome Uavid mill Sam Northern Natural CJas Co.. Is Jacobs, all of Minneapolis; Mr. Klnir AU-Sar-lIfii I.XVJ. and Mrs. Mark I'iipej', .St. Paul iiiul Mr. and Mrs. Mauley Gold-
The coMtincent from Iowa Include Messr.'i. and Mines. Harry Klsljerj; and Sol Falk and their .Shelley Grf'cnlK'n;, dnnchtiT of families; Messrs. and Mnie.s. Max Mrs. Julius Kiinik of Io'.va (.'ily, Friedman, Wcssi-I Gerji:ts, KverIowa, former Onialmn. has ln-i'ii ett Hannafioiis, Sylvan Jelenlk, awarded .'i scholarship In. West- .Marvin Ivf.iss, Jm; liosenthal, ern Ke.sene thiiver.-iily, C'li'vo- Max Rosen, J a m ' s Sherman, Jand, ,O., hy Tin.' National Jn- Mrs. Helen Jacobs and family, Ktitutc of Mrntal Health of tin; Mrs. Louis Shindler, Marty FishUnited .State:; Public Health er, Harold Ivener mill Phil SherServices. Sin; i.H ritlendiiif: th(; man, all of .Sioux City; lien Graduate School of Social Woilc .Swart/, 1'e.s Moinefi and Mr. mid tit VVVstcrn l' t.'niwrslty. Mrs. William Gasway, Cedar Ita-
V":'ns Scholarship
JC1KST JET PLANE EVICIt ASSEMBM2O IN ISRAEL Tel Aviv rjTA)— The first jet plane ever assembled in Israel—a French Fouga Magister jot trainrr—was deliverod to the Israel of Flushinr;, Air Foi'ce.
Engagement of Linda Veret To Martin Green Announced Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vrret have announced t h e enijaijemenl of their daughter, Linda .Sara, to Martin S. Green, .son of Mr. and
Iliany Oaf-of-town Onesfs to Mend
fine, I'MIIUIII/
JWr>. Nat Green New York.
'J'he bride-elect attended the University of Wisconsin and will he a June j:radnale of Omaha l.'nivcrsity. Her fiance attended Oklahoma University, where h v.- s affiliated with Pi IJU . Phi, and (hen Ihe United .States Naval .Academy. Mr. Green is curnntl:' stationed at Of full Air I'V)reo Jiase.
MONA LISA House of Glamour 11 I Mo. 50!h &E3-70OO 6 Export Hair Stylllli
Air-Conditioned Dryers MISS MARSH and MISS JERRY
portraits of distinction
Call 556-1317 Candid Wedding Album* Formal Bridal Portraits Children Our Specialty
Jerusalem, (WNS)-:-fiovornor J. Millanl Tuwes of Mai-yla(id. the I.*nlti.-d States, h;id made Israel's Foreign Minister Golda Heir an honorary citizen of his stiito.
Quality Work ot Quality Pricci
4829 Dodge Cusfomei Parking
Save time! Order by mail or call Telo-Sales 342-8482.
WAKSAU' S(;itVI\'OIL IS "MISS SUHWAY" Ni-w York (WNS)- -Klizali-tli •Stern, a Jewish f;irl uho surviyril the Warsaw (Ihelto an<I was l e . united with hvv father nfter a tweiity-yrat' .s(.'(i:imlimi, v-an elmsrn this month's Miss Snhway. Jtid<>r.s I nlhe suliways wen; reported MloiviiiK l;eon intirest In .Miss .Stern's backcround as well tm her looks.
'I'll*1 I'liost list, also names Mr. and Mrs. U.irry Swiler, Hayu'iirtl, WIs.; Mr. and Mrs. Al Pcrnament, Atlanta, Ga.; Morton MarC.'illn, Denver, Colo.; Drs. and Mmes. Gordon Margolin mni HarI'olin, Denver, Colo.; Drs. nnd JoeGiittleman, I.os Ancelcs, Cal.;* Mr. and Mrs. Jfarohi Grossman, Gninil Island anil Mr. nnd Mrs. Howard Kuhack, I'lattsmouth, Nelir. roi.iru AI. Ai>w.iirisi.Mi M ELECT Judge L. Ross
MUNICIPAL JUDGE Now Judge of District Court— Served 3 years ns Prcaidin/i Judge lnder$td . by OMAHA BAR ASSOCIATION OMAHA JUDICIAL CITIZENS' COMMITTEI
. Ai)vi:it'nsi:Mi:\r
S«amlcss F-t-E-X-T-O-P®
Nebraska's basic Industry
Aim Raalte
Scnntor Curtis 0
0 0
Author ol legislation that led \o Mijwui! flivtr Basin development; co-author ol legislation resulting in small watersheds ict. Consistent and effective supporter of REA; author of act making available Insured loans (or irrigation wells. Author of legislation creating Ilia Wslsh Commission, appointed • by President Eisenhower to study Increased Industrial uses of .farm products.
Q Author of pending legislation la curb Impoits of livestock and meats; and to Incrojio Nebraska sugar beet acreage. 0
Look! A sireiele that makes seamless
Author of legislation resulting In lower Income taxes for farmart through more favorable rates and allowances.
Catl Curtis recognized Hint the prcupnt farm program hru ninny impprfrctioni, pud lio nlso rffllizfn Hint . (armors nro rauglit in n ooit-iiriretqueczp. He lias voted for ndequato support liricca' <ind ugninst tlio . lowering of Bu'pportii. nini fllinTIO
CAST YOUR VOTE FOR CARL CURTIS a proven friend of Nebraska agriculture Nibroika Stnalartal Campaign CommlHet,
Richard E. S«dfa, Jr., ehalrmoaj
Dres3 sheer or sturdy sheer. Sizes 9 t o 11. I n 3 proportioned lengths Gently the lacy top expands for just the right amount of ease end fit! Colors: Highlight and Drama. .> • hosiery; downtown, main floor the crossroads, arcade level
Page Two
Friday, October 18, IBCO
With the Homo Folks Study
CENSUS liXI'KMTS TO ASSIST ISKAKL Jerusrdem, fJTA)— Two American census experts mid a Swiss geologist have been assigned by the United Nations Technical Assistance Board to assist the I.Tael Government.
IIADAKSAH STi;i>V (iUOVV I'lilllit Slur Jruisli llolno for tlio The book, "Great Ages and Ati-U by llmlil Urkvtv. Sfccnd CUrs Poitcrie t a!<J t;t Oimirxi, Nebr, Ideas of the Jewish People" will AnriUot Subscription, '-{.00, AdvtrtnUr) Hull'* on AIJ[ ikntiun. [:;;;:; -..,. : : : . . : . . . : : : . : " : : ' : • . ; . : . . . . : . . : . . ; ] be the basis fur study-discussion Publication cmire—101 110. Km i l r i i t , Omaliu, Ntbr.. 342 1V-6. A kiddush was j.;iveii by Mr. at. the Ilada.ssah Study Croup MRS. FRANCKS KLKIN Kililor and Mrs. William Freiilen in which v.ill meet Wednesday at 1 Copies of Treasured honor of tin.' Bar Mit/\;.'l) of. 0:.'!() a.m., nt. the home of Mrs . A. U. Frank. Photos of Loved Ones their sou, Floyd. All frirnils and relatives are JIM'ABDO I'.abbi Myer S. Kripko «',v our I;I:M;ST IIOCIISTKIC, iu\ited lo attend services and raliblnii'al visitor tiiif, VMW>1;, itabS'liDV «iftOl T HOSTi:SS THE WURGLER CO. reec|itSun. hi i;ciijaniiii UrniM' will he our Mrs. Hochster will b" 341-8946 y[U( -t 1 he' f I rr.t week in November. 1:.>.-•.!< •:••; to the Beth Israel Sister- 313 So. 14fh ItONAI.I) i n . W K Nathan Martin, our a bio volhood study group at. a 1 p.m. Services (P KM n.\i:i> i I : \ N K j nnt'-er, vvas a;:-;is|iMl The Liar Mitzvah of Ronald bv ilk' uliiquitoii-; Mrs. "Mary eolfi e meeliu:.; at her home, !iS'.'12 Hamilton, Wednesday NoSmooth V Mellow Fr.'iiil:, Mm of Mr. and Mis. Max Wine lllis v.eel'.. %t-mber 1!. F:'.v.!ik .••.n<] I £ i'•!)•''. ;il Frank, r-on uf A film. "The I.iook They Cann;;—.'»:(>.i p.m. S|«-e,-/il nii'inoi'i:i! service.-; will Mr. and Mrs. Morion Fran!,', v, ill •be held in "the Iloiiti' syn:u:o:>uc: not l'rinl" will be shown by S;im I;.- e.-l.-hiai'-il at Belli l-.racl Sy- ..HI tin- oi.'!i of their Yahr/eil: S'.nne, the synagogue school ::y-KLVvLiLn LI £ j a R i i h h i rt'iii"iii;in (li-M'-T, I'.-ininileru ilireefor. A ili'-cussiou v.ill be 1 tvi'/.n'.'iu t(jni:;!il ;nnl Iii/norrow ('In'nan ? -Oct. '.'.'!. Sadie Fish; liioderaled |>y I'.abbi lienjamiu Kli K;j!.;;m a m i I I ; . ' J l w h Isia--1 Clie.,\an 5 -Oct. 'X, Irwiu StalC h u i r will riiintiici t i n - h i e l-'iiinaster and Josepli .1. Creenben:; r l a y e.U'iiin.; f a m i l y M : n i i - i ^ ; i t I'hesvan 7--O'.'l. '..'H. Sarah FarHAi:itn;r D o i . c o r r ' I S «iIISLS1( .8 p . m . T r a d i t i o n a l K i M a y K e r v i e . ' s lier; «'h<^van 0 -Oct.'•',<),Herman o <. Ml. l l t l t U K l l N(;, NOV. :I fRobolys Sh.-iblwN.l •],<•-:h\ :d Ivra-lie; riie.svau 1.", -Nov. ,'i, The ncNt session of "Jt:s{ TTs Mr. anil Mrs. Fdwaid Dol^off Mrs. Morris <;ro>^: Chesvan lli 5:10 p.m. Nov. 5, I! n llamller: ami Oirls" which meets with Mrs. SII;II)1KIS moniiii'.: servii-es he- •inn.ounce thi' I'.as Mit/.'.ah of jrin at H:15 a.m. at ."Cml ;u»i 1 h< :i- daughter, Harriet ami Mr. Cli-.-ivaii IS Nov. H. Haila Sad'if- Uorolhy lCriplie, will be Ivld at the resii.lriice of Mr. ,md Mrs. Charles .Sireets a n l af (J a.m. at Mid Mrs. Ilurwich announce sky. SELUN3 It.'.ivid I'ougatiim, Thursday, No39th atl'l Burl Sln!:'ts. Junior tin- lias Mit/.'.ah of their ilaur.hvember '.i at K IUII. Melvin \Veiss ler, (iail (in l-'riday evening, NoCongregation ut \l:l~t a.m. Rabbi EEER is in c-liarge of reservations. 'Decaihs Groner will ctinduri ihe Ta'uunl Minlier 1 and .Saturday, Novrm. -b< i5 at the 10;.';() a. 111. service .Class .nt •):•!<> p.m. Sabbath MinMltS. IJOSE I-THJEL COTTON* CHOP cha: at 3:10 p.m. fulluwe't by Hi l'le-th Kl Svna;;n|:ue. 'Services were held Wedtr^day Jerusalem, t WNS >-••-Israel's colSholosh Sciidus and M'lariv at at lieth i;i Synagcigiie for Mrs.Ion bumper crop is expected to JACK KAJC-IIEXKACII G:15 p.m. VJ>«> I'oy.iA, 7H. of CM So. T2 meet the country's internal needs, The• Has Mitzvah of .lacl: Iiaj- St., ulio died Monday in a local for Ihe first time since experiSunday murnin:; ser\ic>-s lje;:in nt 8:30 a.m. rullweil liy break- ehi iilineli, f.on of Mr. and Mr.-;. hospital. ments lie;;an ei;;ht years ;i:;o In fast and It.-ihhi's cla.-s i>i Bible. Issac r.ajchentiach, will In- celeMrs. For;el was a resident of the cultivation of the product. •.Sunday mornin;; Junior Mjnyoii brated at I'.eth Israel Synat'ojtne Omaha fifty-seven years. followed by liri-;il:fast Marts at on Satunlay inoTiiini;, XovcrnSurviving are sons, David C , bi'r 5th. 8:.'!0 a.m. l.nuis F..; daughters, Mrs. Laura Daily s<T\k".;s nt. 7 a.m. and Hose, Mrs. Sam Mp.stnin, Mrs. NANCY LINCOLN at 5:10 p.m. Scb (Subby) Pulvcrentd Harry Shenn:in, all of Omaha; Nancy Lincoln, daughter of Mrs. Irving ('a.ssrnan. Free[xjrt, 25 YcurY Experienc© Mr .and Mrs. Irvin;; Lincoln, III.; si.sler, Mrs. Ileuben Gross, BETH Kl. V/iff, Jev/ish Stilibalh S'Tvics; at I'.i:th Kl v.-jll celebrate h'T lias Mil/.vali Seattle, Wash.; 12 grandchildren, on Friday evenin;,' and Saturday 12 great-grandchildren. S}iiai;o;;ue will b*.ei]i this e v - tnornin;; at Temple Israel. LeHoring and Memorial! mnic at 8:1T) p.m. Kabbi Myer S. Burial was in Helh Kl CemeKripkc will deliver the sermon. tery. 341-2452 2211 So. 8th Cantor Aaron I. Kdi;ai and tho Omahans in News SLosni;it<« Beth Kl Synagogue Choir will Funeral 'cervices were held Samuel M. fineiibertf, 1059-fiO render tho musical portions of president of the South Omaha Sunday afternoon for Jacob Slosthe service. Following the service a pan(-l Optimist Club, was named "a dis- burrr, 78, of fi2'M fjlenwood Hoad, of Both Kl pupils will present, a tinguished president" in a cere- native Omahan and community program of son1?, discussion and mony in which the. club was pre- leader, who died Saturday. He dance based on their experiences •.sented an "honor dub" award by was in tho real state business OooipEefe Oarpei nt Camp Herzl, IISY rind Raman. Merle Oster|ord, Kan.'as City, for nearly W) years. Mo., district 10 governor of the Mr. Slosburg was a trustee of Sabbath morning .service:; are held at 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 u.m. O p t i m i s t s International, Mr. the Jewish Community Center WAI.I. T» n'AT.T. l'AUrKTI.S<; Minclia-Maariv will bej;in at. 5 Greenbcijc also receivr-d a -gold from Its inception, and served on AND rrrivniJiti; the Site and Building Committee p.m.- Sunday services are held watch. Clcnnrd In Vour lfumfl which was responsible for the lit !t a.m. Daily services are held Mrs. Kicliiiril Hillrr was named erection of the present Center. He nt 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. •1IKPITTI.V<; • Ili:rAIKI • chairman of the Friends of the was an active member of tho l.AVINO • SKWINO B'NAI JACOIi ADAS Omaha.Public Library member- Jewish Welfare Fedration and Its tiM Bridal Portrait* agencies. ship drive. YKSIIUKO.V Published weekly on Friday Inclining Ilio last week In August through second week in .Itily by IIHI Jewish Federation 'if Ouuliu. J
Vfus tint} linpiieHlnEB ttt Tlie Or.
Bar and Has f^itzvah
Monument Co.
He was a member of Beth Kl Synagogue and Temple Israel; Israel Firm Orders past president of B'nai B'rith and $20,000,000 Liner a charter member of the HighParis, CJTA)- -A contract, for land Country Club. tho purchase by Zim Israel Lines Survivors are his wife, Sallle; of a.22,000-ton liner to be built sons, Stanley ,T. and Harold W.; TEMPLE IS1SAKL, daughter, Mrs. Maurice Pepper; Friday services nt 8-..15 p.m. in France, was signed here. The 10 grandchildren, all of Omaha; Conducted by Italibi Kidney II. ship, the SS King Solomon, will; brothers, William, Max and Morlirooks. Saturday nervines at be ready in May or June of 1W 3 ris; sisters, Mrs. Anna Lane, and will be able to make the 11:30 a.m. • Haifa-lo-New York run in 11 Mrs. Mary Asher, all of I/is days, •with a capacity of 1,100 Angeles, Cal. Services were held passengers including 200 first- from Temple Israel with burial at Pleasant Hill Cemcteiy. class. '. Friday. Mincha. 5:15 p.m. Saturday, 8:.'!0 a.m. Mincha, 5:15 p.m. followed by Sholosh Seudos. Daily services at 7:30. a.m. and 5:15 p.m.
- \AJa Jaii RUG CLEANERS Don Bernstein, 345-2554
Candid Wodding CALL
John Kalina 817 So. 36th
220 VoitMi
The liner, which will have three KEN MAKTIN Mr .a,.d Mrs. Stanley II. Rubin swimming-pools, a large drawing Funeral services, were held of Los Angeles announce tho room and two movie theaters, is •Tuesday at the Jewish Funeral birth of a daughter, Janet, on expected to cost altout $20,100.- Home for Hen Martin, 75, of Oct. 16. Grandparents are Mr. 000. " 5143 So. 21 St., who died October ALL-EXPENSE and Mrs. Arthur N. Rubin of 22 in a local hospital. Burial 17-DAY TOUR Omaha and Mrs. Esther Cooper SOt'TH AFRICAN LEAVES was in B'nai Abraham Cemetery. of Glasgow, Scotland. ENTIKE EfeTATK TO .INI' TO Mr. Martin vvas a charter memJenisalem. (WNS)—The late ber of the H'nal Abraham Lodge "All Inclusive" James Uell Christian of Natal and active in the Independent province, South Africa, has left Loan Association. from Now York left his entire estate, estimated at Sui .ivors include his wife, Via EL-AL Airlines 528,000,. to • the Jewish National Kuth; sons, Melvin, San FranEMAlt •-ACTIVITIES' Members of Ediar plan to Fund. The donor was a member . cisco, Cal., and Sol, Omaha; assist the Central Grade Nursery. of a Christian sect in South Afri-v brother, Nathan, Omaha; sisters, The club held a Halloween party ca, the Christadclphians, one of Mrs. Saul Pearl, Norwalk, Conn, whose tenets is belief that the re- and Mrs. Jack Savich, Los Anon October 2(5. turn of the Jewish people to Israel geles, Cal.; three grandchildren TUBER. JUDAEAN CKOM'S heralded the coming of the rm'l- and one greut-grandchild. lenium. TO MEET SUNDAY Weekly Departures EVERY MONDAY Until MARCH I , 1961 The-,;. Young Judacan sixth, HARRY'S seventh .and .eighth grade clubs INTOUMATION ON LIMITED SEATS will meet Sunday,1 Oct. 30, at NAZI UEOIME . LIVE FISH MKT. 2 p.m., at the Jewish Community New York (WNS)—The Amer1J14 NO. 24TH ST. ican* Jewish • C o m m i t t e e has TOUR FOLDERS—AND OTHER INFORMATION Center. KOSHER CHICKENS , , Officers, will'be elected and named Prof. Max Horkheimer, forFOR committee members c h o s e n . nier Rector of the Goethe UniverKILLED DAILY ' . : ' • RESERVATIONS Cards will be distributed Riving sity in Frankfort, as consultant, Savo by Colling 341-4977 CALL, SEE OR WRITE the name and address of an lie is a member of the. 12-man Israeli young person with whom commission set up by the-West Certified and approved by Rabbi '"•.'.'„• : r ' LOU ELBERT, Co-oWnor, Mgr. Dr. Loon Tdorn, Pr«»idonf, Amerl-' German Government to advise to correspond. Academic Rabbis Association Fin'l plans will be made and states in the Federal Republic on can of New Americans, and Rabbi 5. 'material? handed out for the means of giving school pupils more Walkin of the Orthodox Rabbit UNIGEF drive to be held Mon- knowledge nbout the practices of Association of New York City. Suite 424 — Fornam Dldg., Omaha 2, Neb 342-5874 the Nazi regime, day, Octi-3L.
fa Winter FoS!ow ifte Son to Israel
Friday, Octofxr ?8, 10CO
tisbefh Gherniack Ak-Sar-Bss. Queen
Belmonf-Rufsfein Have Visifors
Pajje Three VlttST JET PLANK EVI5K, ASSEMBLED IN ISRAEL Tel Aviv (JTA)—The first jet jilane ever issembled in Israel—a French Fouga Mayistcr jet trainFJushini;, rr— was delivered to the Israel Air Force.
Engagement of Linda Veref To Mat fin Green Announced
Mrs. tii'iiliih Itutstein of Sioux Llsbclh Clicrninck, 22, d.-iuch- C'ity, Iowa, left for lunne (ifler Mr. and Mrs. Paul Veret have Mrs'. Nat. Green of tcr of Mr, mid Mis. .fny Clicr- spending the runnier visitin;; witli Mr. find Mrs. ilm-ry l!cl- fiiinoiiiiccd the eiij;a|;enierit of New York. Iiiaek, was eroum'il sixty-sixili numt, (laii(;lifer ;tml Min-in-ltiw. their daughter, I.ind:i Sara, to : qiU'CM of Ak-S,-ir-J>n last Friday nml daughter, Miss Frances JtutThe bride-eleet attended the Martin .S. Green, son of Mr. and iii;;ht. Univer.sity of Wisconsin and will stein. Now MKs t.'lifriii.'iclf is a j;i;i(lii.'il(! be a June graduate of Omaha 'l"ed Levitsky of .Sioux City, Foaluring from ,S:ir;ih .l-aurcm.-i' <'olli'i:<', Iow;i, li nephew, v.;.f. a lioiireI'nivcr.sily. Her fiance atlended CANTONESE whcrr* :;ho m.'ijorcil in psychology. i;ucut o\er 1 lie wc<k-ei]it. Oltlalioma Uniyi'isity, where li • Kilo sjii-nt fnur years on tln> ••'•• s iiffiliated with Pj Lambla APPETIZERS M'hool paper, Tin..- < 'ruiifMis, mi'l J'lii, and then the Hnileil Stales il during J ' r y.i'Ulof Vfar, .'.he v.a;} Naval Academy. Mr. Green i.s busings m.'iini;:(-r. currnitl.- stationed at Offult. Air At jJlf <iif, flu' is laliiii't li o I-'Olvc; Jia.'.o. rourv'js at the I'lliviTsity of Onvilia, MONA LISA Many oiif-ol-town I;III;KI.'.- are Also taliin': part in tin; romli'i: 1 lion uciv: ?,Ii:.r; Man-i.i Krnpiu- e:;pc('(( fl in fjinaiia loi Ihe UiMoHouse of Glamour 1 sky, <r,'iii;;hl<T of Mr. mul Mr:;. IJI /' ,'lOth uediiim: of Miss KraiiI I I No. 50t)i ES3-70O0 M. M. Kriipinsky, as a prim-ess; ris M.'derun, ilaniihter of Mr. mid 6 E«port Hair Styllsd Mary Jo .Slnsljiir::, daughter of' Mrs, 'liernanl J. lJinmond arid Air-Condifioned Dryers Mr. ;iml- Mrs. St.-mlr-y J. Slo.s- Ilfirold f. Kail:, .son of Max Faik bun;, a paj:o to (lip throne; ol -Sioux City, I/i. MISS MARSH ond MISS JEdRY Owncri Mar.vliall M. K.'ip!;m, son of Jfr. Chleajioans will indiide Mi', find mid Mrs. Saiinid K. Kaplan, a Mrs. llcrinaii I.lum and dnucbter, JIn«s;ir. alternate for 111'.' Kiiif:; I K M ' S . and Mm":-:. ,1. Immowl, find I'1., J. JVppcr, son nf Dr. Hoy .Vnlin, Miss S'isriii I.i[ip nnd mul Mrs. Maurice. I'epper, on the Mrs. Tliil:o!l. Comlnj; escort rommilti'i'. from MiiHH-.-ota an.' Messrs. • find portraits of distinction John F. Mi'i'ri.'ini, president of Mine.'!. Harry Jirool:s, Sheldon .Iciiiine David and .Sam Northern Natuiiil Oas Co., is Jirooks, 1 Cafl 556-1317 Jacob. ;, all of Minneapolis; Mr. Kim; Alt-.Sar-IIeit I.XVI. and Mia. Mark I'aper, St. 1'iiul find Mr. and Mrs, Munloy Gold- fiOLDA MKlil, IION'OKAKY Candid Wedding Albums CITIZEN OF MAUVLANO fine, ljuluth." Formal Bridal Portraits The coiHiniiint from Iowa InJerusalem, (WNS) -(governor .1. Children Our Specialty eliule JVIessrs. and Mines. Harry Millard Tawes of Maryland, Ihe H Qualify Work 4829 Dodge Kl.sbeic find Sol Faik and their United States, had made Israel's 1".": ot Quality Prices Shelley Orociiliori;. ilauclilcr of Customer Parking Mrs. Julhi.'i Knnilt of Iowa (.'ily, families; Messrs, and Mines. Max Forcii;n Minister Golda Meir an rJ; Iinva, former Onialian. lias liccn Friedman, Wessel GcrjelK, Kver- hoiiorai-y citiz"n of his state. awarded a M.'lioiarsiiip to Wost- ett Hannafioiis, Sylvan Jelenlk, ••rn Reserve University, (.'leve- Marvin Klass, Joe Kosenthal, Jiind, p., by 'J'he Xational In- Max Hosen, Jam<\i .Sherman, Kfitnfe of Menial Health of tho Mrs. Helen Jacobs and family, Mrs. Louis Shinrller, Marty FishSave time! UniK'd Slate;; l>iilili<; Jfcalth Order by mail Kervicr.t, Shi; is (itlciulilic the er, Harold Ivi-ner mid Phil Slier(irailn.'ito Srhool of .Sofial W'orlc, all of Sioux City; Ben or call Tele-Sales Suiutz. l>es Moine.s and Mr. and nt WC.SII.TII ln.'xi-1'vf I-'nivi'islty. 342-8482. Mrs. William (Jasway, Cedar I(aJ)ii!.s. WAItSAW SI-'KVIVOR The |;uest list also names Mr. find Mrs. Harry Swiler, Ilayward, is "Aiiss SI;IH\AV" Wis.; Mr. and J1I-N. Al Pei'Ka'<nv York (WNK)- Klizab/rth Stern, a. Jowisli f;iii wlin survivrd ment, Atlanta, Ga.; Morton Martlie Warsaw fjlictto and was re- calin, Denver, Colo.; Drs. and Mines. (Jordon M.'ii'KolIri nlid Ilarunited with her father nftor a tueilty-yr-ar reparation, was chos- j'olin, Denver, Colo.; Drs. nnd en this month's Miss Sulnvay. KjiJ- Joe (iiittlemnn, I.os' Anpelcs, Cal.;* ers'l nlhe' Mifoways were reporlod Mr. and Mrs. Harold Grossman, Khoiviii): keen Interest In ,Mi.r;3 Grand Island and Mr. nnd Mrs. Stern's b:icl<i;r<jiiiul as well ns her Howard Rubaek, I'lattsmoutli, Nebr.
FJany . Attend Gmaha Wedding
Shelley Sresn&erg W.'ns ScfioJarsliijj
E L B CT Judge L. Ross
MUNICIPAL JUDGE Now Judge of District Court—• Served 3 years as Presiding Jud/jo Indoned by OMAHA BAR ASSOCIATION ond OMAHA JUDICIAL CITIZENS' COMMITTtl
FOR AGRICULTURE, Nebraska's basic industry Senntor Curtis 0 Author of Isnhlation that led to Missouri Rivtr Basin development; co-iuthor of legislation resulting In small watersheds
Look! A stttreteia top that naiikes s©aiwless
ict. B Consistent and effective luppoder of REA; author of act making avallabla Insured loins for Irrigation welts. 0 Author of legislation, creating tha VMih Commission, appointed ' by President Elsenhower to study Increased Industrial uses of .farm products. 0 Author of pending legislation to curb imports of livestock and melts; and to Incicise Nebraska sugar beet acreage. 0 Author of legislation resulting In lower income taxes for firman through more favorable rates and allowances. , Carl Curliai recognizes lltnt tlic proo«nt farm program lifts many imperfections, and ho nlso realizes that farmers arc caught in n aonl-jitke Bqucczt. Ho Iio» voted for mlcquato Bupport price* nnd ogainBt tlio
Dress sheer or sturdy sheer. Sizes 9 to 11. In 3 proippr> tioned lengths . . . . . . . « . . . . . Gently the lacy top expands for just the right amount of ease and fit! Colors: Highlight and Drama.
CAST YOUR VOTE FOR CARL CURTIS a proven friend of Nebraska agriculture Nabroika Senatorial Campaign Committee, Richard f. Sj)«»i, Jr., chalrraat :
hosiery: downtown, main floor the crossroads) arcade level
P»C« Four
»Jy t y Keitchick
Basketball VAKSITY I.KACili; The Vareity loiijiue Im^kelhall captains met this v.wli to organize teams fur the four-;;'|u;id league. Wednesday iii!;iit practice sessions have aliv.'idy began. Captains ni;ain will b"; l.lmly Paul, Hurt KohmMin, Sieve l.uslgarten ii'ia lJd l!e];;rad<'. It is hoped *hm the lc:i|;nn will operate this year with mom Jewish players tin n before. All Jewish iidtilia nrc inviieil to participate. YOUTH cor;,N(;«. Tile Youtli CVmncil lcai;u!> v. ill befjlji a round of pivtctiri.' yjxir.'H soon in preparation for the forthcoming campaign. A iin'cUit;; in planned this week to ori.'anizi' the exaci dates of activity. MIIH;KT
Midfei lca,r;u<_> operations will ijit underway with a Pud I.ud day at the Auditorium on Sunday, November 13th. Sonny Means, head basketball coach at Omaha University, will speak, movies will be shown and refreshments served. The program f.ets si ted at 2 p.m. and nil 5lli. fith, 7th find 8th craders are ur;:ed to attend along with their Dad's. Two teams from Council Bluff.i are expected to join the league this year; one in e/-ch division.
iunY.mnnr Iddy-Biddy lmshr.lcill will begin operations after llic uther
Z.B.T. MOTIIKK'S CI.l'll 1'I.AN ALL DAY Al 1 AIU The Zeta ISeta Tan Mother's Club will.welcome th» new members at an all day coffee-caravan luncheon on Wednesday, Nov. 2, starting at 9:30 a.m. Coffee will be served at the home of the out-f:oii>!; president. Mrs. Arthur II. Goldstein, 85!.'i Hickory. At 10:30 a.m. an automobile caravan will leave for Lincoln where the Mothers will be quests at a luncheon at the. Z.13.T. house. Mrs. I. II. Friedman (TtVA5639i is in charge of reservation1;. IIADASSAH COSLMITTKK TO IIAVK HAKVKHT TI2A The annual harvest tea for members of tiie Hadassah medical and vocational education committee will be held Thursday, at 1 p.m., at the home of Mrs. David Platt, G59 Parkwood I-anc. The theme this year is "M.D." denoting not only "doctor" hut also "moving day" since the Hadassah - Hebrew University Medical Center will soon be ready for occupancy. Chapter chairmen, M in <• s. David Brodkey and Meyer Ktibin, are assisted by the following group chairmen: Mmes. Seymour Abrams, Max Bittner, Al Fox, A. V. Friedman, Charles Garetz, Arthur Grossman, Max Larhtnsky, Irving Lincoln, J. M. Margolin, David Platt, Sam Rothenberc, Henry Stem a n d A1 Weinberg. Other committee members are: Mines. Jack Kaufman, feift fund chairman and J. .1. Friedman, playing groups cliairrrian. B. X. YOUNG VWiVhVS ELKOT OFFICKBS-BOAUW Tile Beth Israel Synacogue Young Couples Club at their meetinn last Sunday evening elected the "•.'following officers: Messrs. and limes. 1 Joseph Bernstein, president; Paul Alpernon, vice-president; Jerry Lehman,
treasurer; Jay Oiasen, rccordine secretary; Elliot -Brown, corresponding secretary. Committee chairmen electeil to .the board are: Messrs. and Mmes. Manny Goldberf;. mciubsfchip; 'Milton Belzer, program;Harold Nepomnick, budget; and Dr. and Mrs. Irving Shapiro, constitution. The first board meeimg will
li-a;;u<'s are in Mission. l-'ir-t Missions urc scheduled to i m r t in the Hjnmasiutn on Monday, 1 it'Ceintjer 5tli. UefUbUations will lie sent out durinj; November. Kul' (ill tilt' basketball lcuijues at the Center, further information can bo obtaine.' by cailim; Cy Seltchick at the l'hy.'-.ical Kdueation office, .'!L'-l.'iOli.
Ediar Wins Girts Athlefic Day The B.B.C.Y.O. had their fin.t athletic fiijd day at Elnr.'.ood Park on Sunday, October Kith, with Kdiur winnini; over Koliamie and He via. A lar^e turn-out of cirls participated In the three le;;;:cd race, fia.shes, potato sock rare, suitrase relay, baton delay and a final baton delay. Final point tabulation.'! were: Kdlnr 32 points, Itohanue '.!.'! points and Ilevra 8 points.
Wrestling The Athletic Deiiartment ha* ndded wrestlini; to its current proj;raii' Mike JJenenberi;, a senior meilica! student of Nehrafka X'niversity, will instruct classes caeh Friday afternoon after school. Knroll now by calling the Physical Kdueation office at .'(41!-13i;G. Kosiiitrntioh U also open for handball nnil RJIIInastics • .arses.
be held Sunday ni|;ht, Oct. 30, in the synaco[;ue.
corsi.vs ci.i'u Mrs. Herman Meyer;on will entertain the Cousin's Club on Wednesday, November 2 at 12:30 p.m. at the Hill Hotel. Anyone unable to attend is a'ked to call en .'!X'-H::H3. rio.\i:r:K WOMION «H.VX(;I:MKKTINO n.vvv. 'llio Pioneer Women's Organization will hold their regular luricheuii mcetini: on Monday, Oct. 31, at 12:30 p.m., nt the Jewish Community Center. I5I:AN»JOIS
SIKKXS ON MONDAY The Omaha Chapter Brandels University National Women's Committee board will meet on Monday, Oct. 31, nt 10:00 a.m., at the home of Mrs. Jay Malashock, !3H3 No. 73 st. Mrn, Keubcn II. ' Urown will be co-hostesa. Mrs. Myron Milder will preside, HOl-IDAV DANCIN'O CLUB MI:I:T NOV. s 'I'lie Holiday DancingClub will meet .Saturday, Nov. 5, at 10 p.m., at the Field Club Ballroom. Messrs. and Mmcs. Herbert Mciehes and Morton Soiref are co-chairmen.
Plionp ViA%i to Insert your V/oni At tn tin Jr.tlih Press.
n.M! and Bas JMit/.vali congratulations also for nil-Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, l!iO2 Dodc« I«olt, Vh Yrs., 53.00;Holiday, U ' -.Mos., $3.89; Journal 22 Mo.-.., S3.85; Post CO Weeks, &.VJ. 'IIIOEC are just a few of the
wonderful specials I have. Call 551-3957 for more. KI.SIE HORWICH. Want Part Time Work as Ralosman- 4 hours a day or two full days a week. Oill Max •Crounse, 341-C137. FCKNIKIIBD KOOM •KJcIerly gentleman wantu wellfumlslicd room in private Jewish home, West preferred. Desire 2 meals - breakfast and lunch. (,all 551 rSlfil .or 73l.rS-180
Friday, October 88, 19G0
Dutch Bunk Locin For S
Israeli Research Contributes ian
The Hague, (JTAI—A loan of $1,250,000 was granted to the New York, (JTA.i—Itcsenreh in cultural experimental stations, Israel has p r o d u c t important and Israel's defen:.e apparatus. Israel Government by the Dutch medical advances for Kgypt, it Tucnty i>er,ccnt of all scientific Hank Union. The money will be was rcjiortcd at the tliird annual H'carch efforts under way In used to help finance a new C'-iiifcrenco mi Science and Tech- I.-iracl are roiiducted at the 'I'ech- Sm.200,000 shipyard (it Haifa, nology in Israel and the Middle Israel. Kant under ths? nu.'.picfs of the ninii, Mr. Iioicin added. Amerlciiu Tcchiou Society. IMWTR cniiliifi'rs anil teciiniclans art" v.orkinj; in '2H African West Nilo Frvcr Michucl Dillon, research jiro- and AMan nations, extending; the Ci'unri representative in I'rinie tyjie of technical assistance that Minister David P.eii-tturlon'a of- benefited Israel's rapid economic fice said that one of Israel's top independence in the last decade. vlrologists, several years ago hail done important research in the tropical disease known ns "West Nile Fever." This disease, lie said, was a health pioblciu in Israel, ami is "a major heattli New Delhi, (JTA i—Nepal was problem for one of our neighbors, through which the Nile IUver reported to be negotiating with Israel for the purchase of small flows." units required for Ncpalcsc* 'deAn Israel research team roceved a grant from one of tlie fense of her border with China. leading American research foun- Tho report, by the Hindustan dations to study the "epidemiolo- News Agency, said that Israel gy of West Nile Kcver" and the linil supplied Oie Ncpalese with resulting study was described by dimples of 40 differont piece.i of the foundation as "contrlbutlnj; email onus. A Ncpalese military greatly to understanding the mitisioii recently returned from clinical asjwcts of the disease." a visit to Israel. Mr. Doron did not elaborate, but ROI.ITH'AI. ADVMITIKKMI'.NT presumed that tlie research furthered in Israel was made available, through the American foundation, to J-Jftypl and other Middle Ka'jt countries where West Nile Fever poses a health problem. 2,r,(!0 SrlrnilnM Pafrlck Wm. LYNCH Jx) A total of 2.r,oo scientists arc Present Judga James P. O'BRIEN [x] now workins: in 2.'i institutions Workmen's Compensotlon Court throughout Israel conducting both Frank G. NIMTZ basic and applied research. Mr. Iniqnei by Donald DRODKEY Doron reported that tills figure O.-naho Bar Association docs not include hospital labora- Omaha Judicial Citizens John E. MURPHY tories, laboratories of larne indusLawrence C. KRELL trial plants, n number of a;;ri- Committed
Nepal' f^ay Buy Small Arms From Israel
Tho l o s t Qualified
For District
m m m
Open letter to the business and professional man (kntltmen: NOW IS TIIK TIMK!!! (;rder macazine yift .subscriptions for your cliwits.for Hnnnukah or Christmas. I will save the time and energy of your secretary or wife. This Is the i;ift that saves K'U wrapping, iiisurinu nnd delivery. All are included, plus an irttractivc hand-written (;ifl card. One telephone call will save hours and your i;ift subscription is the (;ift that ki'eps on uivin';. Helen A. Bernstein Macazine Specialist A majjazinc for every aj;o group and for every interest. 551-C742 410 No, 61st St.
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You can take care of practically all your banking needs on your way to work, or to lunch, or to shop — nt th* U. S. National Drive-In Walk-In Location. Service is quick with thrco Drive-In tellers and threa Walk-In teller*. You can bank from your car or patk irusicto in tho fre* parking area.
OPEN MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY from 7:15 s.m. to 6:09 p.m.