Publication Offire. Omaha Nebraska. i
Rabbi Abba Ilillel Silver, outstanding American Jewish leader will be guest of honor nt the"I!ai , j Milzvah" diniif i of the l s r i i c I ' V,, T^ond campaign v. "• _ at the H o t e l -J
| ^ i- ii .f t
S l i e r a t o n-A> F o n t c n e l l o ?*' on Sunday, November 13, nt C p. m., according to Jack Marei, chairman of the£ event. Dr. Silvei. lC.ibbl Slhcr the Bond Organization's Board of Governors chairman, heads the plaimlii/i body for all Bond drives throughout the United States, Canada, Latin America, and Western Europe. Guest speaker on the same platform will lie Robert I,uric,
Those Were ffie Days Author 80 lie Speaker William Hoffman, author of " Were The Days," will be featured speaker at a Joint meeting of C0111hti.sker L o d g e andj t , ^ C o r n li u s k c 1 / '' \ Chapter of H'liai ' B'ritli on Thtm-j . ^ ^ ^ . ^ day, Novembci. "aj>. y^^-T 10, ut 8 p. 111. atj __ *-- • theS he rn t on-' Z.' I'ontcncllc Hotel A longui'-In-l cheek commt tary on c u r r c n t ^ ^ ,* Jewish life will H,, f m , a n Ixi included in Mr. Hoffman's presentation. An author, raconteur, and columnist, Mr. Hoffman Is assistant professor of sociology nt MncAlester College in St. Paul, Minn., nnd also Is the Assistant Director of the Detentions nnd Corrections Authority for Ramsey County, Minn. NU? Velvet! is the title'tentatively chosen for Mr. Hoffman's next boo!:, scheduled for publication soon. A social hour will follow tho program. Att'AKI) TO DK. HCHIOK L03 Angcles--Dr. Bela Schick, discoverer of the test named af tcrjilm for determining susceptibility to diphtheria, received the first Maimonldes Humanitarian Award of the Jewish Federation. Council of Greater Ix>s Angeles, Calif.
television actor, wiiter, dim-tor, and producer of t h e "American Jewish 'I'. V. DICest," and the a w a r d-whining "American Jewish Hour." He is Missouri State Chairman and a m e in b e r of Bond's Midwest Hoard of Dhectors. Kabbi Silvei, Itobfrt I.urle one of the fon most leaders of the American Zionist Movement, is past president of the Zionist Organization- of America, arid former Chairman of the American Section of the Jewish Ageiicy for Palestine. As Chairman of the Zionist Emergency Council, he was In the forefront of the American Zionist effort in the United Nations which played such a vital part in the establishment of the State of Israel. Special War Service Following his ordination as a Rabbi by tiie Hebrew Union College In 1915 Dr. Silver rendered special war service, for which ho wa5i decorated by the French Government. In 1917, he became spiritual leader of The Temple, in Cleveland, O., one of the foremost Jewish congregations In the country. Cost of the dinner, with a choice of meat ,flsh, or fruit, Is $2.75. Reservations may be made by writing or phoning the Israel Hond Office, 341-1177 nt 1014 City National Hank Bldg.-, or through chairmen and committee members.
To Oiseuss Defense Col. James H.-S. Rasmussen, Commander of the 392nd Combat Support Group, V a n d e n b e r g, Ab'D. Calif., will be the fifth speaker 6n the Institute on World Affairs at the University of Omaha. He will discuss "Weapons and Defense" Wednesday, November 3 at 8:15 p. m. He came to his present poat after serving as Chief of Staff of the 1st-Missile Division. Col. Rasmussen was DeputyDirector of Personnel and and Adjutant at SAC Headquarters in Omaha. Harry Trustin, president of the .Jewish Federation, a co-sponsor of the lecture series, said the Klxtli and final program of the series would conclude with a loctur on November 1G by Douglass Cater, Washington editor of Tho Reporter.
Republican Plank In thn Middle Eait, vvn shall continue to fiuppurt tlio Integrity and Independence of all tlio atatoK of tlmt area including Israel and tho Arab atate*, »
With Bjtcclflo reference to lirocl and the Arab nations, we urge them to undertake negotiations for a mutually acceptable settlement of tho cnuscs of tension between" them. .
' •
Wo pledgo continued cffortu: to eliminate tho obstacles to a lusting ponce In tho area, Including tho liiunBn problem of fie Arab refugees; to seek an end to transit and tradu restrictions, blockade* and boycott*; to secure, freedom of navlcallon In International waterways, the cessation of discrimination against American* on tli» basis of religious beliefs, iind an end to tho wastefull and dangerous arms race and to the threat of fta anus Imbalance In tlie area.
nd Glass Postage Puld lit Onialia. Nebr
KlnRle Copy JOc Annual Hale $4
•Srnl.h Community Outer Kvery Monday from 10, to 3 p.m. •
Activities, Fun, Recreation, Boelaln for Senior Citizen*
. IV
Midget lcai;uc basketball will kick-off the J')60-Gl ueason with their annual Dad-Lad day at the Jewish Community Center auditorium, 2 p. rn. on .Sunday, November l.'Hh_. ,1 'I'. Sonny Means, VV , -jf' head basketball n %* ' "-S coach at Omaha University, will be the g u e s t speaker. A former standout performer Menm in high school and college, Means was captain of the Michigan State University cape team for two years. The program will Include movies and refreshments with I.lndy I'aul acting as Master of Ceremonies. Athletic Chairman Irvin Yaffe, has urged all grade school students from 5lh to 8th grade to be present with their Dads.
Over 300 high school students and their advisors will attend the Utdled Synagogue Youth Convention here, November .24-27 at the Sheraton-Fontenelle Hotel and the Beth El Synagogue. Itene Rlmmerman and Bonnie Tornoff, co-chairmen, announced the following committees. Publicity—Rotxrt Slutiky, Morion PrlMman, ct^cfiolrmtn; registration, Naomi Roihonbera, Barbara Kaplan, co-chairmen, and Joyct Render, Sman Sluliky, Money Maklejky, Mark Brodkey, Alice F-'ellmon; decorolloni—Linda Mogiomln, Oaylt Render, co-chairmen ond Nancy Katr, Linda niofcti, Nancy Frlleck, Sujan Kotiman, Susan Slulifcy, Dernlt Tornolf, Roz Bordy. Louli Chunovlc, JanU Melchu, Linda Oilfond, Barbara Herzofl one) Robert Fox.
Mrs. A. C. Fcllman and Mra. Sam Rothenberg are senior advisors.
Blood Bank Drivo A blood bank drive for the Red Cross will be conducted by all B'nal B'rltii men and women in Omaha on Wednesday, November 9, it was announced by Mrs. Max Sacks, B'nal B'rlth city-wide chairman.
r i
•- Th.- plank/i concerning tho Mldilln Ka/(t In both tho Republican anil Dcmncratlo platform* urn presented Iiore for tho lnfonimtlon of thn rcadoM of (ho jKH'lth I'resi. * .• •
At Bond's Bar Mifzvah Dinner Rober! Lurie to Deliver Address
Democratic Plank In tho Mlddlo East wo will worlc for guarantee* to unsure Independence for all states. We will encourngo direct Arab-I»rael peaco negotiation*; tho rew.ttlemcnt of Arab rcfugeen In lands ivhoro thcro I* room and opportunity for tliem; an end to boycott* and blockades; tho unreittrletcr uso of tho Suez ('mini by all nations, • • • . Wo urgo continued economic assistance to Israel and tho Arab peoples to help them raise their living standards. Wo pledgo our best efforts /or peace In tho atlddle Kast by seeking to prevent «n nnns raco whllo guarding ngalnst tho dangers of a military Imbalance resulting from Soviet arms iihlpmcnts. • * • Protection of tlio rights of American citizens to travel, to pursue lawful trade and to engage In other lawful activities abroad without distinction ail to race or religion Is a cardinal function of the national sovereignty. Wo. will opposo any International agreement or treaty which by Its torms or practices differentlaten among- American citizens oa grounds of race or religion. •
tor, Ilnblma of Tel Aviv, lias performed ns soloist nnd with Israeli concert groups all over tho United States. He has been a The Program of the Month guest artist for thn ICIcktra Itowill introduce ' to Omahans a rordlng Company and has his company of five young Yemenite own album, Havu Naglla with artists, all natives of Israel, the classic editions. whose performances have attractNrhemla Shuraby Is famous for ed packed houses wherever they reveloplng the sensitive style for have appeared. the recorder and thn Israeli drum. All Ilendllncrs Ills talent bus been recognized The troupe composed of all by many funs throughout tho hcadllner* will present their pro- United State.H and Cniuula. He Is gram at the Jewish Community well linown In the Israeli night Center, Sunday, November G at club, Subra In N«nv York City. 8 p. m. "Their artistry hi interSaul Ne.nmnn received his preting Yemenite folklore and training In the nc-w art of Israeli music and dance based on Israeli folk dancing while living In • and biblical themes has brought kibbutz. He Joined th« Knrmon numerous invitations for repeat dance group which Kd Sullivan appearances on both sides of the brought to the United Btate«sfor Atlantic, his TV show nnd also performed The "who's who'' of the popu- at tho Kndlo City Mu*lr. Unit. lar stars Includes: . Sofia Aldouby has participated (jeula Zohnr, nn outstanding In Israeli danco groups since » artist who Interprets Israeli Folk child. In addition to touring tho songs with grace and rlinrm. Her T/nltcd Ntates sin; has starred In beautiful voice Is well1 known in some, of Puerto Klro's largest Israel, Australia as well a* In hotels. • this eoulnry. Program Is Froo ICIIC7.IT Adoram, musical diThe troupe's repertoire is derector of the famed national thravoted to interpretation of dance* and music from the East European, Yemenite, modern Israel areas in addition io a shepherd section. The presentation is part of a Dr. Lawrence Cabot Howard, Assistant Professor of Politics in five program series being prethe School of Social Science at sented free as the result of the Brandels University, Waltham, cooperative effort of ten sponsorMass., will be guest siwaker at ing groups, Harry Sidman, Jewthe luncheon meeting of the ish Community Center chairman, Omaha Chapter, Brandels. Uni- said. Mi-3. Ervin Simon who will versity National Women's Committee, on Wednesday, Novem- serve as chairman of the eveber 9, 32:30 p. m, at the Black- ning said she hoped Omahana stone Hotel. His subject will be would take advantage of the op"The Crisis in the Belgian Con- portunity to see this outstanding program. Mrs. Simon is presgo." Dr. Howard, noted author, lec- ident of the Omaha Chapter of turer and radio script writer on Hadassah, one of the sponsoring political and social topics has agencies. traveled extensively in Europe, Africa, the Philippines and New Guinea. Mrs. Myron Milder will preside. Meeting chairmen arc Mines. M. Mrs. Dave Colin, Chairman of A. Venger, Wnrncr Frohman, Jack Bramson and Ben Shapiro. the Jewish Federation Agencies' Section of "the Needlework Guild, ull persons who have not Rabbi Brooks to Talk urges sent in their contributions to do Af Iowa College BO this week, In order to eliminnabbl Sidney II. Brooks of ate "follow-up." Temple Israel, will represent the The following have contributed Jewish Chautauqua Society as to the Needlework Guild since lecturer at Westmar College, Le- the last list nppeared: Mars, In., on Thursday, NovemMines: Alvin Abramson, Max ber 10 at 9:30 a. m.He will snealc Arbitman, Jerome Bleicher, Haron "Judaism's Place in the Fam- ry Colick, Albert Garbor, Harry ily of Religions." Goldberg, Bruce Greonberg, Sam, The Chautatiqua Society re- Hornstcin, Maurice Katelman, ceives support In Omaha through Archie Kavich, Harry Krantz, -, the Jewish Philanthropies Cam- Edward Lincoln, Harry Lippett, paign. " - . Mmes: OrveKA. Milder, Dan Miller, Elizabeth Nevcleff, Jack B. & V. HABASSAH Newberg, Stella Robinson, Bert TO MICIOT SUNDAY The Business and Professional L. Rosen, Howard Ross, Morris study croup of Hndassah will M. Shapiro, Max Simon, Leo meet Sunday, November 6 at 2:30 Weitz, Norman Whitman, Louis p. m. at the home of Mrs. Carl Wohlner, Samuel N. Wolf and Miss Harriett Horwich. . Logman.
Native Israelis In Omaha Debut
Oongo Orisis, Topic Of irandeis Speaker
Contributors to Needlework Guild
Bar and Basil Published neeldy on Friday beginning the lafct w c U In through second neel< lu July by the Jewish Federation of t mulia. Jrcimd Cion Posfcfie Po'd c? Omaha, Nctr, Annual Subscription, W.00. Advertising f^u'es en fctpilcution. Publication Office—10! No. 22m Street, Oir.aNo, NttJr., i<2l;iW,
With fhe Home 'lieFolks fnmSynasop"*-' Donation—' ily of Sain I'o.ter donate' synaf'oj'11'- table cover, Mo;_;en Uaviti in lionor father, Oabbai, of the 1
'li^htln^—t:5fi p. ni. TEMI'M-: INlt.UX
.Sabhnlh e\iniii;: services at. Temple Israel, Friday, X:17> p. in. Kabhi Sidney jr. Hiooks will olfieiate ;lnd will preach on tin.1 subject: " Ainerie.'in Kcfoi'in Jewish Tiiinl;ei-s"— Isaac M, Wise—His Life ami 1'ersonali'yTlie musical portions of tile service will be sun;; by the Temple Choir, under the. direction of Miss Ida Gitlin. .Sabbath nioinin;: services for ndults and the upp'-r ^raile> of the Uelij,'io'.is School at 11:30 a; 111. Rabbi Brooks will officiate Jind the Helicons School Choir, will participate in the seivices. BETH I . N K . U X
Iiabbi iieiijani'n Oroner. Cantor Kli K,'u."in and the I'.etli Israel Choir will eomiiic' the late Friday evening lamily .services nt S p. in. Traditional Friday evening son ices i Koliolas Shabbo- } iit 5 I', in. Shabbos mornint; u n i c e s at 8:45 a. in. M 51!nd and Charles Streets anil at '.) a. m. at liitli nnd Hurt Si nets. Junior Congregation at 'j:•}."> a. in. I'.abbi (iroiu'r will cundiset the Talmud rlass a t 4:30 r. in. Sphbath Miiidia at S' p. ni, follo'.w d b> Shulosh Seudos bud ilu.'iiiv iit 5 '10 p. m. Sund iy nioinir.).; services nt 8:.'IO a. in followed by breakfast nnd Kabbi's ela's in Bible. Sunday moinin;: Jiiiii(>." Minyon nt 8:.'iO a. m. follmw d hy Daily .sen.ier-.s at 7 «. in. :i"" iJ lit 5.O.") p in. BKTH EL Sabbath S.'IMITS at Beth El Syn.-iKOKii'1, this i-vninj; at 8:15 p. m. liabbi Myer S. Kripke will delher tin1 .sermon. Cantor Aaron I. LU'j.-ii- and the Beth EI Synaj;oi»no Choir will lender the musical portions. Sabbath niornin;: services at 8:30 a. m. for the tiaditional service nnd at ](J:'JO ii. nL for the family service. Sunday morniiiK »ervlces iiesin nt 9 a. m. Services during the week at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. B'NAI JACOJJ ADAS
yesin;ico.v Friday. Mineha, !i p. m. Saturday, 8:30 a. in. Mineha, 5 p. in. followed by Sholosh Seudos. Daily services at 7:30 a. m. and 5 p. m. ' •
I'ouiK'il of JrivKli Won tored the Both Kl home our rff-idents. A h|»'ei:il i;ift was from Mr. and Mrs. Keitbf Mowers were donated Fall of Sioux < 'ity on t Mon of the marriage of Harold, to -Mls.s J'"ran< coin.
a jjluvh
with a of their :>me sy-
Friday, Nbvcmbtr 4, I0CO
Gail Hurwlck, daughter o( Mr. nnd Mrs, I x e Hurwiclf, will obnT\'e her lias Mitzvah nnd H;irliet Dolfioff, daughter of Mr. anil Mrs. Edward' Uolcoff, will obM'l-vc lier Uas Mit/v:ih at Jicth Kl SynnKojiuc on Friday evenini;. Ko'.ember -1 and Saliud.'iy nioniinir, November 5. The Bar Milzvah of Jitek RaJehenbneh, ton of Mr. nnd Mrs. Is:i:ic Hiijelienliaeli, will be eelebrated at JJeth Jsrael Sjnaj;o|;ne on Saturday moiniiiL', Xovem-
ton, James, and Mr. Mid Mrs. Ernest Wlntroub finnounce the Unr Mitzvfih of their ton, Fruhk, on Friday cvtnlng, Novenibei' 11 (Hid Saturday morning, November VI at lieth Kl Synagogue,
1314 HO. 24TH ST.
KOSHER CHICKENS KILLED DAILY $ove by Colling 341-4977
Certified end approved ty Rabbi Dr. Leon Thorn, Preaidcnt, Ameri' con Academic Rablii Anoclntion cf New Americ/ins, end Rabbi S, Welkin cf * U OrlhcrJo Rabbli Anociation of New York Cily,
A monument will be dedicated to the memory of Mrs. Sarah Gilimky Steinberj; on Sunday, November (i at 2:'.fl p. in. at Oak Hill Cemeirry, Council Muffs. Habbi iJavifl Korb will officiate'.
1'jitroniy.o Our Advertisers
•n fpon-
our for ereivi d Bordy, by Max e OCealis son, s Miil-
lake Sate, files A Halce Sale on iy. KoveinUr « in the Ueth I Synat;o^;ue u ; j | he sponsonij by the .Sisterhood Council of T nstees. Mnii s. Jacob liernsteh Dave Htein and Harry \V'ij.;odsk ehaii1men, said the e\ent will e iield fiorn 'J a. in. until 8 p. ir W. O. Swansori, Omah Jintitn;.s man, has been nr.m honoraiy chairm.'in of the ity of Hope f!i:id ilrive Kovemt r 4, 5 and (j in an anno^incem -iit by Mr, and Mrs. I'ennii; Da>. i chapter co-presidents. roi.iTK'Ai. AI»VI:II'IISI;.V
Tlic.l'lar Mil/vali of Ira Jay l-'Ieisln r. ",on of Mr. und Mrs. Sam Flfisher, will Ix1 eilebruted i:t J-ielli Israel Syiui|;oi;ue on Mondiiy inonilni;, November 7 at 7 a. in.
FOR THE FINEST . . • IN PHOTOGRAPHY Portraits Weddings
Sitioofh 'n'
The H;ir Mit/.v.di of Jeffrey Mavpi'r, foil of Mr. nnd -Mrs. Stanley Mayper, will- be eeiebrated at Temple Israel, Friday evenini:, November 11, iiiid Sa(nrday moi'iiinr;, November 22.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Kdwin Milder announee the Har Mitzvah of their
\ John Kalina ;
FEIN'ULUM MUNICIPAL JUDGE Now Judge of District Court— Scncd 3 years a.? Presiding Judgo Indorted Ly OMAHA GAR ASSOCIATION and
MONUMENTS In the Jewish Tradition
Ycur order nhntiid be plnccd well In advance t?f "yahrzclt" M» the work di*cs not have to be hurried. V/e oro known for our exacting Hebrew Uttering and detail. You may placo your confidence Ip, us Itnowinr] each dt-totl And irAdlfion will be adfierbd to with utmoit cflre ond skill. Senotor Curtis
Political observers beiievo and are predicting that Carl Curtis will he reelected for a second ter n In the U. S. Senate. .Senator Curtis' cease ess fight for fair trcatmci t to agriculture, his record for economy, and his fca less exposure of racketeeiing have given him a-Bubs§an-' tial lead in all polls. Wcbic&ka Senatorial CompclQrt Com> millec, Richard t. Spells, Jr., Island, Cbaitmn*
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Frank Renna 3213-15 " 9 " St. 731-4111
Open Sunday 2-5 Slnco 1923
Gomplele SSarpel WALL TO WAJ.T, ITAIiPKTINH ANO FIllt.NITUItl; Cleaned In Vour Home :
We employ no ac^ntu—hern you ftavft' thfhn «i»(>»'Ji«ivp conimfuhions an you d^al ilirnctly with tlin *iunrrs . . . We imitn yon to romp are . . . Wo pfrmlt no untlinply RnllclUitlon . t , Von are trvc to malt© up ; jour own Mind. •-
In Winter Foifow tie Sun lo Israel
Safe Mfe-
Kdfled | PicEiled
RUG CLEAMERS Don Bernstein, 345-2554
551-5554 A»VJ.I«ISJ;MI.NT
Via EL-AL Airlines
lA/ormnej. fo
Weekly Departures EVERY MONDAY Until MARCH I. 1961
a dtrona .j/rihcn
roi.n ii'Ai. Ai)vi:nTisEMi:Nr ELECT Judgo I* ROES
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LOU ELBERT, Co-owner, Mgr.
Suite 424 — Fcrnsni BWg.. Omoha 2/Heb
342-5874 Cizua&ua lot Ccc^cs
FrWay, Novrtnber 4, I860
MUKH.'AI, I'KOGKAM AT TKMMLK UINCHKON A mmlrnl program fKitnrlnj* hldhJInhts from the "The Most Ilnppy fellow" by the Chanticlci.r I'layci-s of Council Jiluff.'i will la' presented at tlio Temple Israel .Si.'.tcihood luncheon meeting Tuesday, November 8 at 1 p. m. at thr Temple. l'articipatini; will he Mrs. JoK.-[ih I.i -vine, Clifford' Menz, Louise Filh'Tl mid Itohcrt Koh• ils,
ready to receive for the orcnnizatloti'fi ruinmncc tale. All Hox Club mcrnteis (a f;roup who hni'c hern filiinc lx>xes with artleles lo lie donated) are weed to hriiif; their filled boxes to the iibove location. The >,alc will lit' open to the i;enrral public ljei;i«nin;; Novtmliei' (i. • • • SAM MOTIIiCKS CI.IB The Lincoln Sigma Alpha Mil Mothers Club will he tin? n'lests of the Omaha Molheis' croup, Wednesday, November 10 nt a 32:30 p. in. luncheon at the home JIADASSAII K of Mrs. Max Hieltes, H20 FairKAUC l'UN.VKl) iicres IJoad. All (Jniaha pledge Mrs. Oavid P.rodkcy, Hiul;r',iih mothers ns well nn mothers of fimd-r n i .s I ti.jr coordinator, an- actives and alumni are Invited inounccd tlint tin; .store on the Kescrvations may he made with north-east rorner of lClh and Mrs, ituili Wise, r>5:i-17H7 or Mrs Lenvenworili Is now ojien and .Shirley Davii,-5r>.'!.H0O(i.
Fago Hires
The Belli Israel Younj; Coupics Club are planning an "Klcction NlKht Watch" at the synalioc'ic, Tuesday,
Need Photostats?
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OI'KN UOAItl) JMIJKTIN«« An open Ixmrd meeting of Ji'nai Ifrith .Cornliu.slter Chapter will he held at the home of Mrs. Jnmt<<; Wax, 77K1 I'ierci. ttr('et oh Monday, Novemher 7, H:.'3O ]i. m.
r o n THAI. Aitvr tmsi MKNT
.A1IZI{A( HI KIJMMAOK SALK The Miraehi Women will hold n rurmn.'i|;'< sain NovenihtT (i-7 anil 8 at 2505 Q Street. Those •wishing to have arlides for the f,ale picked up are aslted to call Mrs. Iierman Franklin, .'M6-5245 and Mre, Matthew 1'oliakoff, Mti-IMl.
*-iMr.'> >,jr"ir'-rr."-'iir,. POUTH-Ar.
PUBLIC SERVICE: * Served In Army.Navy V/*i Crim«i Office , * Served on Navy Board of Courtl Martial Review * Formal State Senator • S o u t h Pacific Combat Vof. • ran; Lioutanant C o 1 6 n • I. U. S Morina Rtierv* * Gredmto U ct N Collogo o Law, w i t h Pott.Grflduate Itudlci et Nun foil Univortliy Law School * Admitted to prectic* bofor* Iho Nebraslto end United Stiles Supromi) Courtl. and the U.S. Military Court of A l
Present Judge Workmen's Compensation Court
VOTE .FOR Tha iosf -Qualified
For District
U Experience
Omaha Bar Association Omaha Judicial Citizens Committee
Patrick Wm. LYNCH James P. O'BREEN Frank G. NIMTZ Donald BRODKEY John E. MURPHY Lawrence C. KRELL Robert L. SMITH John C. BURKE Paul J. GARROTTO incomparable atmosphere for
£!£™.?AY PARTIES L. Ross NEWKIRK E Jay GIBBS [x] Thomas ZACEK [x] Donald J. HAMILTON [xj John E. CLAREC [x] O. M. OLSEN |x] D. 0. ANDERSON Ix]
»>e perfect seftfng for
Robert R. TROYER Endort^d by The Omaha Cor Association . The Omaha Judicial Cltlicns Committee
Dodge ct 70th
Page Four
Friday, November «, I960
Harold Falk, Bride To Reside in Iowa Beth El Synagogue was the scene of the wedding of Miss Frances Bernice MaJrom and Harold Irving Falk last Sunday. . Rabbi Myer S. Kripko officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Diamond; the bridegroom, the son of Max Falk of Sioux City, la. They will make their home at 3020 Park Avenue in Sioux City. Mrs. Manley Goldfine of Duliith, Minn., the sister of the bridegroom was matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Coleman Greenberg, and the Misses Nancy Friedlainler and Joyce Canar. Leonard Falk of Sioux City was best man for his brother. Ushers were Hen Swartz of Pcs Moines, la., William Cooper and Mr. Goldfine. The couple left on a two-week trip to Miami Beach, Fla., following a dinner at tin* SheratonFontenelle Hotel.
Sisterhood Event For New Members New members of Beth Israel sisterhood will IK; honored at the November 8 luncheon mcetinj; at the synagogue, Mrs. George Schapiro, membership chairman, slated. A musical, "Highlights of Beth Israel Synagogue" will bo presented under the direction of Mrs. Arthur Parilman, assisted by Mrs. Lelioy Canfield. The cast includes Mmcs. Delmar Klein, Milton Loss, llyman Lubman, Bernard Denenberg, Irving Babender, Jerry Kubtnstein, Mandel Simon, Oscar Diamond and Mr. F.lliot Brown. Accompanist will be Mrs. I-eltoy Stenluml.
Deaths MAUliKT, SI. SIIAPIUO Funeral services were held Sunday at the Jewish Funeral Home for Maurice M. Shapiro, 56, Grand Island businessman, who died Friday. Mr. Shapiro, owner of two dress shops and vice-president and director of the Overland National Bank In Grand Island was stricken while on a buying trip in New York City. His Omaha residence is nt CG28 Glenwood Road. Surviving are his wife, Esther, daughter, Mrs. Raymon Prcd, sisters, Mrs. Allen Kohan and Mrs. M. H. Pesscn and one grandchild. Burial was in Golden Hill Cemetery. POLITICAL AnVKI'.TlSKMBNT
Ralph R.
Is Friday, November 4th! You Have
in Which /lAfiju^ar^rjv^^jvsvuv^^
to make YOUR Reservations for the
Celebrating the 13th Year and the Bar Mitzvah of the State of Israel . . .
• Distinguished scholar, spiritual loader, author . . . • Chairman of tho Israel Bond Organization's Board of Governor* • Past President of the Zionist Organization of Amorica . . . • Past President of tho Central Conference of American Rabbis ® Past Chairman of tho Unitod Palestine Appeal and United Jowish Appeal . . . • © Past Chairman of the Zionist Emergency Council and Jewish Agency . . . @ Dudleian locturer a t Harvard University . . . © Dean of American Jewish rabbis and outstanding American leader . . .
Guesf Spedier
Mr. Robert Lurie
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V . t . r a n of World War II MEMBER O F American Bar Association Nebraska Sfafa Bar Association Nebraska Association of Plaintiff* Attorneys
Lawyer 25 Yean Recognized by hundreds In hit profession t» an experienced trial lawyer with loand lodgment and legal knowledge. ENDOBSED BY
Omaha CUIxcru' Committee and Approved for Practlco before tlin Kupremo Court of tlia U n i t e d State* and the Supreme Court of Nebraufca. Mon-PoliHeol Ballot
Want Ads Phone 34J1M* lo Insert your Wonl Ad In tho Jewish Pre».
BAR and Has Mltzvah congratulations also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge FOB CARPENTRY WORK Work Done a t Reasonable Rates. Call 345-5563.
Humorist, raconteur, versatile dramatist. Television actor, writer and director. Producer of tho "American Jewish TV Digest" and the award-winning "American Jowish Hour;" past performer on "Columbia Workshop" and "The March of Time." His present position as Missouri State Chairman of tho State of Israol Bond Organization, and a member of the Midwest Board of Directors, is only o"no of the many top positions of leadership he holds . . . Champion in the unending fight against bigotry—and champion of Israol —his dramatic personality has captivated Israol Bond audiences throughout America . . .