November 11, 1960

Page 1

Vol. XXXIX—No. 8

I'Utillcatlon Office, 101 No, 20Ui Omaha. Nebraska, Phono 342-l:s«»


Needletiork iiHd lists @onfrlbyfors Contribution-1!, continue to come In, Mrs. Dave Colin, Chairman of the Jewish Federation Arioncics Section of Tho Needlework Guild Drive reported, ami it is hoped, slio said that those who have not responded will send in their donations immediately to the Jewish Community Center, The following have mnlled In contributions since the lust list appeared In the Jewish Press. Mines.: Mlllon Abrahams, J. Abrahamson, Joe Adler, Nettie Arnovltz, Jncoh Bernstein, Isaac Hloclc, Edwin E. Krodkey, Julius Chasanov, David It. Cohen, Seymour Cohn, David Cooper, liana Daavlty, Harry Dvosln, Willis M. Epstein, A. D. Faler, Jolin Knler, C. B. Farbcr, Leon K 1'cllman, William Saul Fellinan, Hyman Ferer, Henry Fisher, Jacob FregKer, Uymlo Gendler, Isaac Gllinsky, Stewart Gllinsliy, Sidney Goldberg, Samuel G o i i) w a r o, Maynard M, Greenl>er{;, Peter Greenberg, Sam M, Grvenberg, Mmes.: Meyer I,. Haljuln, Joel Ilelfmun, Leonard D. Herman, Irving Hobcrnian, Kli Kagan, Jake Kaplan, Oscar Kutelman, Abraham Katskee, Mum lea Katztnan, Abe Kloli, A b r a . h a m Krantz, Mick Krosne, Sam KutIcr, Joe J. Levey, Joe Meyer, lidward K. Milder, Benjamin Mlrotf, Keith Peltz, Maurice H. Pessen, Max C. Platt, Alex Piolkin, Harry Priesman, Max Uleltos, Abraham Rochman, Benjamin n, ItoitBtoin, Edward Z. Kosen, Ix:o Roscnbciff, Stimuel II. Rosenberg, Jake Roscnblvmrn, Fred Itosen-1 stock, Irvln Rublnow, j.ick J. Schrager, Bernard II. Kdiwtu-t*. Sol Sherman, Benjamin 3H'n,' Snmuel L. Stern, Mort Trach-

Second Kiuss IVistuse I'ald uX Omaha, IJelir


Single Copy 10a AnnuuJ Kate H

EcirSy Deadline Nov. 25 Isso© "The Challenge to the New President" will be the subject of mi address by DouglMs Cater, Washington editor of TJie Reporter, on Wednesday, November 16 at Ihe University of Onuilia. Mr. Cater served with the Office of Strategic Services, specializing In Russian Intelligence. Ho was special assistant to the Secretary of the Army. Ho was recently selected to be ono of three cltkena selected for on Eisenhower Fellowship. The program closes the 19G0 scries of lectures presented by the University's fifteenth annual Institute of World Affaire with the Jewish Federation as a coeponsor, Harry TruKtln, Federation President, snld. The institute Is free for all Federation members.

An early deadline will be in effect for the November '£> issue of the Jewish Press because of TlianksRiving. Deadlino lor tho November 21 issue will be V a. m. November 17. Persons submitting soc 1 e t y and organization nevys ure urged to turn in their articles even earlier if possible.

JWV Will Observe Veterans Day at' Sabbath Services

Y@uifi GouEiei! Plans Thanksgiving Rites Plans for n Tlianksglving service at Temple Israel on November 23 are being made by the Jewish Youth Council. Members of the youth group will participate In the service. All youth council members, their friends nnd family are Invited. Kathy Adler nnd Howard Ilnhn nro chairmen In charge of this religion;; program. F., Wakschlag, Victor Welner, Louis Wintroub, Allen I^annle Wezelman.

Members of Epstein-Morgan Post of the Jewish Veterans nnd their families will observe Veterans Day by attending, the Sabbath services Friday evening in the synaflogue of their choice." The post has made a contribution to each house of worship in the community In memory of departed comrades. Members of the organization tile asked to wear JWV cap and tie.

Judo Glasses Start November 20; Center The Jewish Community Center Will sponsor Judo classes for people of nil o£es beginning Suntiny, November 20. Charles Hoke nnd Mllto Merrlweather • will be instructors. Office at 312-1306 for enrollment.

Ix>ndon, *JTA^—Arthur H(mrlcrson, Lnhorite Member of Parliament, told the House of Common.? In a report on hla recent visit to the Middle Kust, that he considered the situation there to be "highly dangerous" but that be did not believe conflict "to be imminent." Stockpile (Jrowini* •Ho said that lie found ample evidence that the United Arub Republic was intensifying reurmRmcnt and receiving "larKe numbers of modem Jet fighters, Including the newest MIG jots, destroyers and submarines from the Communist bloc. In addition there are large numbers of Communist Instructors training UAH personnel." Asserting tlint tlio United Nations had "a major responsibility" in tho Middle Kswt, Henderson uald that the UN must "take nctlvo' steps to sectim a settlement" of tho Middle! I;:Ast prohlein. Ho rniplmHlzctl that Israel liart consistently reiterated rcndlnos» to participate In a peaeo conference and play Its part iw far ft9 possible In securing it final settlement. The Lttborito leader BUKgcstcd that the United Nations consider naming a "fact-finding commission" to invcsllgute and report on tho problem of the Arab refu(;ees and boundary revisions, with


in connection

merit of the Arab refugees.

Hu said ho regretted Die fact that he saw no "initiative" coming from tlie Middle fast coun(Continvied on Page 3)

to Year Hov,. 19 Temple Israel's Ninetieth anniversary will he celebrated Saturday, November ID with a birthday dinner dance starting at 7 p. m. In the social hall. Mr. nnd Mrs. Morris J. IJpp are chairmen of the supper club sponsoring the event. Reservations should be telephoned to tho Temple office by November 17.

Barry Snyiler Heads Young Adulf Council B a r r y Snyder was elected president of tlie Young Adult Council nt a meeting November 6 at the home of Allen Ostravich. His co-officers are Amle Weintroub, vice-president; Allen Ostravlch, secretary; Phyllis Bcl« zer, treasurer, nnd Gloria Okrent, sergeant-at-arms. Aaron Sterling, formerly of Sioux City, la., was named advisor of tlie organization. As part of Its community service program, the group participated in the City of Hope Drive. Members who took part wero Allen Ostravlch.

Jewish B@@fe ^ lible DOTftlhieLea Synagogues Plan Special Programs A special display on "The Bible In the Language ot Art" In the Jevloh Community Center lobby VIII open Notional Jewish Month observance; November 11 through December 11. The community's synagogues will Join in tho book month observance with emphasis <i,\ activities pertaining to books in tlio religious schools and organizations. Some fifty volumes, outstanding examples of books and reproduclons of tho Biblo in.tho language of tho art are part of the Center exhibit, Ben Koslow, Jew1 Ish Education Bureau chairman, said. • ; I-ovo for Blblo The inspiration for the showing Mr. Kaslow stated, was ••Love for the Bible, the Books of Books," which has been expressed In many wnys—In drama, song, story, legend, nnd. not the least of all in the language of art." Ha added that through tho ogej, artists have found tho Boole of Boohs a source which Inspired themes for artistic creation and that tho Biblo ha» kindled their Imagination which they expressed through dlverso media. A special catalogue explaining tho purposo of tho exhibit has been prepared nt tho Center. Community Invited An Invitation Is extended to tho community to visit tho display at tho Center os well as 1U library which has many book* in this realm and related subjects available.Bath El P Tha Betto El Sisterhood will






Tlio Center collection otUlbh-s \H poii

devote Its December G, luncheon meeting; to tho observance of Jewish Book Mouth. Featured on tho program will bo review ot Mourice. Samuel's new novel, "Tlio Second Crucifixion" by Rabbl Mycr S. ICrlpUe. In tho religious schools, Itabbi Kripko said the children aro encouraged to read Jewish boolts and to submit reports on them In their classes and for participation In boolc report contests. Both Israel Contest* Students in tho Beth Israel religious school, as part of their observance ot Jewish Book Month) will concentrato on national Bible contests, Rabbi Benjamin Groner, said. Mr. and MM.

U on Dlapl&tf

i. ,,-'nwM<MH


i ono of thp mo*l outstanding In the nation. Isadore Goldstein will present Tro3t, and Paul Blotcky who will books as gifts through tho Gold- award boolts to winners durina N stein scholarship fund for pre- assemblies. An original play based on ths, eminence in scholastic achievement,'The synagogue is conduct- book month theme will bo preIng a special campaign to en- sented by Mrs. Amy Garfleld'* courage members to use tho cir- claBa at assemWy on Satartey culating volumes of Judalca at and Sunday, November 19 and 20. Beth Israel. , Temple Israel i'rogranw Senior Citizen's At Templo Israel, all students aro urged to rfiad at least ono Lounge Jewish book for a report. Jewish Jewish Community Center Book Month Posters made by reEvery Monday ' ligious school classes arc disfrom 10 O-m. to 3 p.m. played in the social hall. • • • Posters and booK reports will Activities, Fun, Itecreatioa, bo judged for awards. Judge will Socials tar Senior Citizen* lw Mmes. Lou Uw>. Aj ~'" u


Page Two

Friday, November 11, I960


Omahansin News Published weekly on frlday beginning the last wwU in August through second week In July t*y the Jewish Federation of Omaha. Second Cla:5 P&stcne Paid ct Ornotio. Utbr. Annual Subscription, M.W. Adveiiliistrt notes on Appncaiiun. Publication Office—101 No. SOIh Slrett, Oniuha, Utbr., 34M3M.



Bar and las liizvali


AH friends unit relatives iiro Invited to attend MTVICOS and reception.

IIAYIM TO 1'ARTICrTATE "The Bible in Art" IV S.UtUATII Sr.KVKIE • Rayim Fraternity will partici- Display in the Jewish ComFRANK WINTItOril pate in ilii; Friday nif_;iit bcrv- munity Center Lobby During JAMES MILDKK ire at lielh Israel Syii.-iKojrue at Jewish Book Month . . . Frank Wintroul), son <>[ Mr. 8 p. in. All moinlKTs of the Nov. I I to Dec. I ! nnd Mrs. Krnost Winltoul), will Youth (.'ounoil and their families observe liis liar Milz\;ili and arc invited to uttemi. A let'cnJames Milder, son of Mr. and tlou will follow*. Mrs. Kdwin Milder, will observe lii.s Bar Mitzvali on Friday eve- AZA NO. 1 l'l.ANS ninn. November 11 ami Saturday ritOOKAMS morninc, November 12, at Until Ilnyim pledjicmastors S t o v e El Synacofiiio. • l!i.f;ur|nval and Harold Schneider, along with Arnold Brcslow, J K I l I t i ; V MAYi'KK president, lire planning un inThe; Bar Mitzvali of Jeffrey augural meeting for incoming Mayper, son of Mr. and Mrs. freshmen on Sunday, November CandleliBliting—4:18 p. in. Stanley Mayper, will lie eelebrat- 13. t-tl at Temple Israel Friday (-veThe Chapter will hold n hay- . II'NAI .TACOtt ADAS iling, November J l and Saturday rack ride parly on November 12 VESHUKON with Melvin Katskeo in charge • morning, November 12. Frid;iy, Mincha, 4:45 p. m. of nrrani;ements. Saturday, 8:30 a. m. Mincha, 4:43 .Morris Handleman was named NOKMAX OAVII) KI7KZ p. in. followed by Sholosh Setidos. iKislietlinll coach for the group. Mr. and 6Ii\s. Joseph Kurz anDaily services a t 7::!0 n. m. and nounce Hie Bar Mitzvali of their MTV STIDY (aiorr 5 p. m. son, Norman David Kurz, on SatTemple Israel's Youth organiurday morning, November 19, at zation will hold its second studyBeth F.1 SynaROTPie. group dinner on Sunday, Novem- "TEMl'LE Sabbath evening^ services nt ber 13 at the home of Mr. and JKKKV SMITH Mrs. Leonard Bernstein. Mnury Temple Israel, at 8:15 p. m. RabThe Bar Mitzvali of Jerry I... Schwartz will lead tho study bi Sidney II. Brooks will officiate. Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Har- session- on "What the Uible Tells Subject for discussion will lie ry Smith will bo celebrated at Cs About God." "My Personal Letter—Dear Mr. Beth Israel Synagogue on SaturStudy dinner sessions arc held President-KIect." The Temple day morning, November 39. on the reeond Sunday of each month at -1 p. in. Reservations Choir, under the direction of Miss may be made with Mr. Schwartz Ida Gitlin, will provide the mu«t th<> Temple's religious school sical portions. office. Sabbath Morning Services for Adults and upper grades of the Religious School at ll:.'!0 n. in. Rabbi Brooks will officiate and Jerusalem, -(J'J'A)—Salt water the Religious School Choir, conhas been found usable for irrigaducted by Miss Gitlin will partion of sugar beet and cotton NAMED TO DKAX'S LIST .Steven F. Hlc-kes, son of Mr. ticipate. fields in Israel. If further experi. A, :«.. -,r .,<<rvii:f/m..ii:i.(ii ti l f .. mentation snoma snow re-suits' nuntr,A la iho lle.'illV list similar to" tliose"already-nclievcrt," at Urandeis University at WaJt- Rabbi" will begin Sunday, Nothe scientists saiil, "considerable hnni, .Mass., for distinguished vember 13 "with a 10 a. m. brunch fiuantities" of suit waters now un- scholastii; achievement durini; followed by a discussion to he led by It:ihhi Brooks. The meetings suitable will become available, for tlie:19.VJ-I9G0 academic year. are scheduled for the second Sunirrigation purposes. day of each month. (In Chicago, David Karr, presi- Z. R. T. NEWS AT <lent of Fairbanks Whitney cor- tNIVEItSITV OF XKBRASKA poration, said that development MaiTin Colin and Stuart; Kiit-' I1ICTII ISKAEL New members will IK; honored of equipment for uso in the water Ier won positions on the Nedesalination process developed by braska Varsity Bowling I^capiie. by Beth El Synagogue at family Israeli scientist Alexander Zar- .Stuart Tucker of New York City services, Friday nt 8 p. m. Trachin was ahead of schedule. The Is a menilwr of .the University ditional services (Kobolas Shahcompany signed an agreement track team. .Steve Friedman will bos) at 4:45 p. m. Conducted by .last year with the Itrael Govern- take part in the annual varsity Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor ment for the manufacture and show. Justin Plotltln nnd L n n y Kli Kagan and Beth Israel choir. sale rif the Zarchin process which Roitstcirr are members of the Shablxis morninf; services nt combines distillation wth flash I'ershing Rifles, c:raek drill team 8:45 a. m. at 52nd and Charles freezing to de-salt water.) of Uie Nebraska R.O.T.C. Streets and nt 9 a. m. at 19th nnd Burt Streets. Junior Congregation nt 9:45 a. m. Rabbi Groner will conduct the Tnljwid'class a t 4:30 p. m. Sabbath Mincha at 5 p. m. followed by Solosh Seudos and. Maariv nt 5:50 p. m. Sunday a t 8:30 a, m. followed by breakfast and Rabbi's class in Bible. Sunday Junior Minyan at 8.30 a. m. followed by breakfast. Daily services at 7 n. in. and 5 p. m. 1SETH EL Services at Beth El at. 8:15 p, m. Rabbi Myer S.-Kripkc will deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth El Synagogue Choir will render the mu-

Salt Water Is Found Usable For Irrigation


MCUI portions.

With the Home Folks

Gordon Storage Wartliouses, Inc., Agent Allied Van Lines, uuhappening* nt Tlio l>r. jiounces the appointment of J e r - riillfii lu J t i i l s l i Hume tvt ttta Agtcl by Duvld Orlioiv. ry S. Hrnpiiihliy as general man- p,-™,.-••: ';;:^:;ZZ:Xx2Z"Sl : ager. Mr. Kmiiinsky is a gradOur votlnjr residents cast their uate of the University of Neballots on Elccllon Day. braska and is urtive in the OmaKabltl Ilviijmiiln <i roller was ha Junior Chamber of Commerce' our rabbi lical visitor this week. mid the Dundee Kiwanis. Mr. and Mrs. Max K<lke» dunated a tnow-plow to the home. Stanley Davidson returned to A spcdal Kfililusli was given Council illuff:; after a three-week by Morris Passer, homo resident. visit to Paris, Germany and In Mrinoriuin: IJtuis Bchn. •Switzerland. In Europe he was Tins Itlliiir {'liollin beauty parwith his brother and sister-in- lor was a busy siHit this week. law, Dr. nnd Mrs. Gilbert Davidson who spent the past year in Paris where Dr. Davidson did refearch in Physics as a Fulbright A monument will be dedicated scholar. Dr. and Mrs. Davidson to the memory of Morris Ackerwill arrive in Council Bluffs on man, Sunday, November 13 a t October V.) for a visit there and Golden Hill Cemetery (it 2 p. m. in Omaha before making their Rabbi Nathan Feldman will, ofhome in Boston where Dr. David- ficiate. son will be employed [is senior physicist with the American Need Photostats? Science (Hid Engineering ComCALL pany.


JIM ABDO Melvlu J. Kadniaii. an audit THE WURGLER C O . analyst in the. regional office of 341-8946 the Internal Revenue Service was 313 So. 14th recently presented a special service award by the Regional Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Homer O. Croasmun. The award was made "in recognition and Appreciation for noteworthy conWAJ.I. T < lU'AI.t. < : A T tribution to the 'effective and efAM) lUHMTt'ltK ficient operation of the Treasury C.'lrntinl In \«ur Homo Department."


Mr. and Sire. Julius ClmMtnov returned from Park Forest, 111., where they were the guests of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.'ltobert L. Wolf who recently became the parents of n f;on, Gary Alan, The Wolfs have two other children, Martin Ronald and Cheryl Sue. Mrs. Wolf ir. the former Adelle Chasanov. Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Steinberg are home after visiting their SIHIin-Inw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Small of St. Iritis, Mo. The Smalls reef ntlybecame. the parents of a son, who~m ifiey named Stephen Uradley.

rr iti:i"AntiNa I.AVIN<J • NKWINO 111NDI.SU O (,I.i:AMNO

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Sabbath morning services at 8 30 and family service at 10:30. Mincha-Maariv at 4:45 p. m. Sunday eerviccs nt 9 a. m. In the Chapel. Daily .services at 7 n. m. and 7 p.m.



1314 HO. 24TH ST.




Sov» by Colling 3 4 M 9 7 7 This nntutul Etroctnire Is t i e ammonia itorage tank tt Haifa's giant Fcrtillxera ' i n d Ch«mlc«l« plant, whose npansion b n been financed In great part by fund* derived from tho Jirael Bond drive. Fertiliser* and Chemicui, tlie m o d Important branch of Itrael'a rcpidly developing cbemical industry, la BOW not ' only proTidtni IinelV farm* vith all the chemical fertilizer* they need, but lisa ales »6t»Mf«h«(l (ho foundation ef 8 growing export trade In cbemleali.

Weofcly Depariuroj EVERY MONDAY Until MARCH I , 1961

Cortifiod and approved by Rtbbl Dr. L«on Thorn, Preildenf, American Academic Rabbit Ajiociotlon of New Amtrlceni, «nd Rabbi S, Walkin ef t h . Orthodox Rabbti Anoclalion cf Now Ycrk City. .,



BOCK -TRAVEL A © i N C T Salre424—FcraemBldg.,Omeha2,Neb.~342*5874 ;>

Friday, Novrmbrr II, ISOO

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth I*. Welncr have chosen tlio name of l'amul.-i Jo for' their dati|;htoi' born November 5. Graiifi|iarfiils aro Mr. nmJ Mrt". Kihv.'ird lioscn of Om.'ilia uml Mr. nml Mrs. Otto 3". W«.-iniT of Chicago.

V i li i » I

Mr. nml Mrs. Mnrsli.-ill Kuslin»T nnnoimix' th<; lilrtli of a ilau^hter, Jill Laurie on Ocloljer 2.'). '1'hoy nrc also the parent:; of K;u< n Lynn. (Iraii'lp.'iTont.s arc Mr. and Mrs. Mfyer Ituliaclc of Om;ilm ami Mrs. Max Kuxlincr of Lincoln. t



Mr. find Mrs. Iticliard S. .S'o;;.-il of Winficlil, Kan.'iMs, announce tfK; birlli of a son, Hotwrt Joel on October 3;t. (Inimlpareiits are Mr. inul Mrs. I^coiKird S^fl'il.


A2O and Mrs/Allen P. O i t k r of Witinciiiucca, Nov., former Omniums, atiiiounco tin? liirlli of. U son, Ivoli Harold, on October II. (•ninrlpiii't'iils are Mfssrs. nnd Mmrs. Jjjuis Cullor and Josepli J

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Rosenblatt of Kan Francisco, (,'al., unjioiitire til,: birth of thoir daughter, Hobln Ann on November 1. 'nicy Iiave (mother daughter, Susan. Mrs. Hoscnblntt i:i the former Hetty Kpstein of Otnalui. fJi-andparenfs of the lml>y are Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hownblatt of San Francisco nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Hiilion Kpstein,


Span House fa Mark Arthur Oohns" 40fh Mr. anil Mrs. Arthur Colin uiH be honored nt mi open house on Ibe occasion of thfir fortieth fitinivcrsary on Novrmlwr 2'i. Their children, Mr. ;in<l Mrs. Philip fox ;;IK1 Mr. and Mrs. Ted Smiforcl invite nil. relatives f.nd friends from 7:'.',0 p. m, to 10 p. 1T7. nt the Vox residence, tt!17 Glemvood lload,

Beth Israel Plans Affair for Home

Jerusalem, UTA)-Plans for the fslnbli.sliment of 70 industrial enterpriM.'.s in six new townships in the Ne|;ev were announced. The towns, with a total populTtlon of (50,000, were. tinted to be established next, year in -the Jv'e;.;cv ureas fliat are as yet impotilod. The planned enterpriM s tire in the field of )l|;ht Industries which do not require Jurj:».\ transportation budgets.


v . ' J V . ...'••'.•••>.?..*£ J,". i. TtC'i'i (Loft to rldlit) .nfnios. N'nrman Mnroln, ncrnard Altsulcr, lalo "1 co-cliiilniirn ofCoumll c\fiit.

Vrvcn Dlotcky, Slevcn Drnnentwro, Sen* <Sta Epstein, Scoll Kolitn, Coil Kulnkolsky, Koihy und Lorry WolaihcKk, Todtl Won. vlfr, Pan} Monaieo, I'aul Novnk, Kim F'rlesman, Vlmilf Wet. Steven Roicn, umkj scmberg, Katliy Sptrllng an>) Uclti £fo«nb#ro, • Tlwlr purtnli ore the Wcjjrs. and Mmrs, Alan Dlolcky, normon Dfnnenbcro, Lowrerteo Ppifein. Herlxrl Kolren, Leonard Kulcrtiofiky, Stonily WalaUiock, Juiiio ManvMi, Charles Mcnasco* Sidney Novak, Juilln Prlcsrnan, Donald Rice, J«rold Rolen, Marlon Sombiro, Shtrman Sperling end Marfln Sttwnbero,

l'nrtielpatinii on the afternoon's program nrc Mr«. Albert Oner, opening prayer and Mi's. lit-th Gayncs OlnsberB, proRrnni chairman of tho 'month, dircctln(j and naiTatirif; the 6tyle show nnd- n skit perforinanco by Helh irerzoff and Karen nice and the Mmes. ffonnan DomenberB end, Donald No;;fr. Assisting' this luncheon clwlrnicn arc Jfrs. Ernest Prlcsman, proffram cliairinan and the Mmes. ' II. Gilbert Aronoff, Leo ElscnRtntt, Leonard Kulakofsky, Hubert Itosenbluin and Stuart Simon. The clothes to 1MS modeled will bo furnished . by Lollipop

Mr. and Mrs. Morton Frledlandcr announce the i'nj;.rit;enient of their daughter, Nancy. Jo to lion Wolf (Jreenberj;, son of Air. and Mrs. Elmer Creenberf;. Jlif.s Friedlander and her ftjinco have named June 18 as the date of their inarriasii!. Miss Friedlander attended Iho University of Miami at ("oral Gables, Kla. where she was affiliated with Alpha Kpsilon Phi.

Mid. Stanlry Ucrzott, incident, announced the plowed* will bo used to further Council's overseas program Including tuch projects ns "Ship-n-Box," volunteer leader fellowships, KchoJarshlps, the John Devvey School of Kducation of Hebrew University nnd the new Hebrew Univeiiiity HiRh. School now under construction in Israel.

She is now in her senior year at (lie University of Omaha, Mr. Greenlx-Tjf is a graduate of the University of Oklahoma at Nonnan and Is a member of I'i Lambda Phi. Tho bride-to-be Is the 'granddaughter of Messrs. and Mmes. Louis Paperny and Herman Kriedlamler and Mr. Greenberg is the grandson of Mrs. Joseph Lipsey anil Mr. and Mrs. .Sam Greenberj;.

CELEBRATES OOTH BIRTHDAY London, UTA)—Viscount Herbert Louis .Samuel, Britain's first High Commissioner for Palestine and one of Anglo-Jewry's leading figures, celebrated his 'JOth birthday November 6.

MONA LISA House of Glamour II No. 50th E53-7OO0 _ 6 Export Hair Sfylistt Air-Condiflonod Dryeri MISS MARSH and MISS JERRY Ownort


Specializing in Undervalued Securities

»TYRONE GUTHRIE f/ofl. t!,ru Thu/I. r ^ I . i J6.00, 5.73. 4.10, 3,C0. 3.CO. rrl, l> Eil. lv£J.i J/.50, 6.50. 5.75, O u , 3.60, 3 GO. Wed. I Sat. Wili.i }4 BO, <(.30, 3 60, 3.0IJ, 2.10 (T« Incl.). tnd. lilf.atlJ(««d, ttimped in^. And lugfctt 3 aHdnail (jNltl.


Special Situations

6 New Towns


"Futuro Fashions for Israel." nn nil children style, will be presented nt the annual Overseas Luncheon of the National Council of Jewish Women, Tho event will be held Tuesday, November .15, 12:30 p. m. nt tho Jottifih Community Center, the overall co-chairmen, the Mnies, I3ernard Altsuler, Norman Lincoln and Yale .Richards, announced. • • • ' The models, all four and five year old children of Council members) are:

Wedding Date Chosen byNancy Friedlander and Don Greenberg

Cantor Kli K«i;un will be featured In the licth Jsnu.'I Si.sterhixxl prnj;ram to be presented at thf> Dr. Philip Slier Home for the A ceil on Sunday, Ti p. m. In eh,'ii|;e of the event is Mrs. Abo Hear, who will be assisted by the Mines. Blanche Harris ami Mux •Soninvr.

Children's Fashion Show At Council's Luncheon


Pace Tlirre


Two Terrific Buys Members New York Stock Exchango and Other Principal Exchanges

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EVERY ISSUE OF HOLIDAr Is Packed With Interesting and Informative Subjects

Young Judaean Clubs Announce Mew Officers

SAVE MONEY ON Subscription Prices Call

Officers for the coming year were elected by three Young Judcan girl's groups at their -recent meetings at the Jewish Community Center. The clubs and their officers are: JAY'S, sixth graders—Marjory Siref, president; Linda Nogg, vice president; Carolyn Mayer, r.ecrctary; Laurie Nogg, treasurer; and Susan Solotorovslty, Bgt.(tt-anns -Judcan GIrl.s, the seventh graders — Mallory GoltUvare, president; Terry Kwialok, vice president; Marsha Gould, secretary; Gayle Goldstein, treasurer; Gnylc Rudcroian and Peggy Perimeter, Kergeant-at-arm.s and Jo Frances Colin, historian and Daughters of the. Torah, eighth grade girls— Sharon Herman, president; Judith Nogg, vice president; Clnirc Gummers, second vice president; Jaynfe Smeerin, secretary; Harriet Dolgoff, corresponding eecretary; nochelle I-lpp( treasurer; Judy Goldberg, historian; and Gloria Itaznlck, parllamcntarltui, All the Young Judneans completed a drive for UNICEF on Oct. 31. The next meeting will bo at the Jewish Community Center on Sunday, November 13 at 2 p. m.

1815 NO 49TH ST. Good looking 4-bcdroom ljrlck h(»ine. J.lvlnif room, dinlnj; rnojn, l ' i Imths. OnrjjoU'd throughout. Full hitKcment with cabinet K^H heat. Fully ulr-conilltloncd. 1629 NO. 49TH AVE. Outstnnilln^' stone bungalow Mint offtTri LinUun^ wliinnlntf. '2 beilroiims with a possible 3rd bpclrooiu. I.lvliif; room with fireplace, formal dinlni; room, 1\'2 batlis. full buscmcnt. with new gas furnace.

DOUGLAS 341-1500

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Mncitxlno SprclalUt 440 Ho. 41>r St. 551-6742 Kvi>ry MacHr.fiiR Sold nt J-oivcHt ('urri'iit VtU'ti . . , All Mull Oir.TH Ilonorrd



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Rearmament (Continued from Pago 1.) tries, anil added that "it may bo very optimistic in tho present international (situation to "expect cooperation between Russia and the- West in this area, but I believe nn attempt will have to be tnado sooner or later on the basis of Buch cooperation." AsliB for Action DeclnriiiK it would be a tragedy if the Middle East area was to continue to bo a "shuttlecock" of world politics, he urged the British Foreign Secretary, the Karl of Home, to consider the need for Britain to act on tho issue nt the United Nations. Ho said ho hoped that the British Government would act to help to bring about a Middle East settlement "because there is no doubt these unfortunate people lire living onthecdec cf a political volcano." . •

Sunday, November 13ff§, at six o'clock Hotel Siieraf on - Fontenelle RABBI ABBA HILLEL SILVER. Dean of American Rabbis, and MR. ROBERT LURIE. Humorist, Raconteur, Television Star

Tag* Foot


, November 11, 19C«


Center Sports By C7 Seltchlck

BASKETBALL VABsrry LEAGUE The Varsity basketball league was .underway Wednesday, November 9, with a round of three practice games. Team coaches met to distribute players for tha four teams. Teams and players for this year's Itague are as follows: It. C. COLA—Max Platt, spon»or; Stove Lustgnrten, coach; Danny Epstein, Cy Seitchick, Eddie Zorinsky, Al Clavman, Cal Klrshen, Steve Rosenblatt, Stan Becker, Joe Patrick and Howard Upton. MXLDKIt OIL CO.—Orvillo Milder, ii[>onsor; Burt Itoblnson, coach; Fred Bernstein, Undy Paul, Stuart Kahn, Pcri7 Nadler, Justin Ban, Jerry Snyder, Jerry Schwartz and Marshall Becker. MOGEN-DAVID--K. Kelt man, spoasor; Kd Belgrade, coach; Jack Sti;;s, Joe Klrschenbaiim, Jerry Colnle, Wayne Siejjal, LeKoy Katz, Allen Passer, Shell Silver, Larry Meycrson, Don Creenberg and Av Greenbcrg. MICKLIN LUMBER—Morrle Koom, sponsor; Jim Farbcr, coach; Don Fiedler, Jeff W'olilner, Dick Zach.irla, Steve Gould, Steve Guss, Jeff Pomerantz and Alan Hoss. YOUTH COUNCIL LEAGUE The Youth Council basketball league begin their round of practice games on Sunday, November 13. • Following throe practice games; official league tilts begin and each team will play 12 league encounters. Rayim is a heavy favorite to win the championship.

sessions on the following Sunday, November 20.

David D. Fishman Takes New Post

David D. Fishman, former Omahan, was named assistant executive director of the East Team sponsors for the 5th and Orange (N. J.) Housing author6th grade loop are; Rtchman- ity. He resigned as executive Gordman Clothing, Dan Gord- director of the Workmen's Circle Home for the Aged In Elizabeth, man; Tretlak'a Omaha Jobbing, N. J. His new duties will inElmer Tretiak; Sloshing Keality, clude relocating displaced perBud Slosburg, and I-Go-Van, Er- sons. nie Nogg. Fishman who holds a law defrom the University of Sponsors for the ieventh and gree Omaha, was activity director at tight!) trade league are, Gere- the Jewish Community Center lick Motors, Phil Gerelick; Kai- and superintendent of the Dr. man Insurance, Irv Kaiman; Philip Slier Home for the Aged Philips Dept. Store, Sam Green, prior to moving to the East. berg, and a team to be entered from Council Bluffs.

Study Group

on Wednesday, November 16 nt BETH ISRAEL rAKTT A 1 p.m. party for donor cap- 9:30 a.m. Kabbl Myer S. ICripko tains of Beth Israel Sisterhood's will continue- Ills discussion of .Steinberg's "Basic Juda. February Donor Luncheon was Milton Reservations should 1)9 held Wednesday at the home of ism." mada with Mrs. Marvin Kohll. Mrs. Harold Zellnsky. Chairman Sitter s rvice will be available. of the forthcoming event is Mrs. • • • Albert Korkin with Mines. Jay Chasen, William Poster and Sam l)H. r.AMHIJKT, SPEAKER AT IJKTH i:i., SUNDAY MOICNINO Rosenstcin ns co-chairmen. Dr. W. C. B. I.iimbcrt, associate Donor captains Include: professor of Political Science nt Mroci, Jodt Aftjerli, A'.orrlj Appel, Max Arbltmai, Ju!fu» Bernstein, IVCKJOJ* Boganthe University of Omaha, will ofr, Uccfor* Ulewlfr, D. W. i-rank, Joe speak at the Ileth V.I Men's Club Frank, ildns^ GeitfiH-rs, fii/pena ttraun, Birnord Denenbcry, r/.ax Greenfield. Morbreakfast, Sunday, November 13 ion Frank, Pave Harm, Harry Sptegal/ tMilon Coffcln. PMI Maicielman, joiepfi at 9 a.m. at the synagogue. Topic CJurjtfln, Darr»c/ Grey, Irving Shoplro. of tlie talk will be "The MeanHarold Zellnsky, Som Kafiman, Henry App*!, I. J. KfofT, Irvlnj Fo(t*f, Morrli Ing of the Klectlon." Kati/nort, Plunche Horrlf, David M, Lewli, Horvey t.ljJifnan, Harry Sldman, -Harry Miles Remer -will conduct the Slrtf, Join Zwieback, fc'fllur RuWn, o-id morning service. Dalmar Klein. • • • • * * SIGMA DJvI.TA TA17 COUNCIL IJOAltD MEKTI?"G AMJM.VAE IX'.NCHKON' Council of Jewish Women will Tlie Omaha Alumnae 1-engue have a board meeting Thurs lay, of Sigma Delta Tail Sorority will November 10 nt the home of Mrs. meet for luncheon, Saturday, No- Floyd Perimeter. 6916 Burt vember ]9 nt 12:30 p. m. at Street. Assisting Mrs. Perimeter Kenny's Itcstnurant. Reserva- at n 12:30 p.m. dessert lunchtions are being taken by Mrs. eon is Mrs. Morris Shapiro, coEdwin Oorellck, 551-82.17, or Mrs. hostess. Justin Mnnvitz, DISC-WOO. • • • • * * HADASSAH ISOAHD HIGHLAND VHCNNKSE DESSEKT LUNCHEON BAIX AND I1CT1TBT Mra, J. Kaufman will be hostess A formal Viennese ball nnd Monday for the dessert luncheon, buffet supper will be an inno- and nieetinf, of tlie Omaha Chapvation for Highland Country ter of Iladussah board. Mines. Club members end tlieir guests Sam Katzman Mid J. II. KulakofSaturday night The "black tie" sky will assist. Members are event 'begins with cocktails at 9 invited to attend the current p. m., with dancing scheduled events discussion at 11:15 a.m. for 10 p. in. and followed later Group lwards will have their by a buffet supper. dessert luncheon meetings on Mrs. Morris Klrschenbaiim nnd Thursday. Mrs. David C. Platt, Sherman Sperling are tlie en- with Mines. James Samuclson tertainment committee members nnd George Spitzer as co-hostesses, will entertain the Herzl in charge. Group. Tlie Szold Group will meet • • • nt the home of Mrs. David KntzZBT MOTHKK3' CI-IIB man, with Mines. David Epstein HOLD ELECTION and Arthur Gros~-nan assisting. Newly elected officers of the Mrs. David Rosenbaum will b« Zeta Beta Tau Mothers' Club hostess to the Welzmann Group. are Mrs. David C. Platt, presi- Mrs. I. Elemitz will assist. dent; Mrs. Robert Noddle, vicepresident; Mrs. Ben Simons, secretary, and Mrs. I. H. Friedman, Advertise in the Jewish Press. treasurer. Appointments Included Mrs. Edward Brodkcy, meeting (' reservations, and Mrs. Arthur , Goldstein, publicity. 1

SHOTS IN THE DAUK . . . BIBLE STUDY GROUP Jerry Berman, coadi of AZA BEOINS EltiHTII YEAR 3000 basketball team, was marThe Bible study group tvill beried to Mary Armstrong of Ona- gin its eighth year, November wa, Minnesota, In August.. . Re- 17 at Temple Israel with a cofsults of the International Air fee at 1 p. m. and clas3 at 1:30 Mall Track and Field meet of all p. m. It will meet the first and JCC's In the world are available. third Thursdays of each month. Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks will The Omaha JCC took third place in tlie Youth Council ogc Eroup lead the. group In the study of with 20 points. Roy Katskce was the "The Book of Hosea." a first winner in the 440 , , , Alan Konecky took fourth place, BRAIS'DEIS UNIVERSITY in the 880, Steve Gould fourth BOOK CROUP, NOVEMBER 14 in the 220, Omaha third place in The- Book Group of the Omathe'880 yard relay and Walt Wire ha Chapter Brandels University fourth in the shot put. National Women's Committee will meet on Monday, November 14, 10 a. m. at the home of Mra. David R. Cohen, 2003 Country Club. Mrs. N. II. Grecnberg will lead VAIISITV LfiAGUE the discussion of the first half WEDNESDAY NIGHT, of "Vanity Fair" by William NOVKSIBKB 16th Makepeace Thackeray. R. C. Cola vs. Mlcldin Lujnber 7:30 p. m. "SECOND CUP OF COFFEE" Mogen-Davld vs. Milder Oil GROI7P TO MEET MONTHLY Co. 8:30 p. m. VOI;TK COVNV.IL LKAGITK Tlie first meeting of "A Second Cup of Coffee" discussion SUNDAY, KOVEMUER 13 BUDGET LICAGUK group will bo held at Temple A. Z. A. 1 vs. A. Z. A. 1000 The Midget basketball league Israel, November 15. Tlie group 11 n. m. will begin activities with a Dadsponsored by the Temple SisterRayim vs. A.Z. 100 12. I>ad day on Sunday, November hood will meet the first Tuesday 13 and then fiwinfi: into practice of each month.. Three-hour discussions w i l l start at 10:30 a. m. on topics of current Interest and will be MORKIS DANSKy conducted by R abbi S i d n e y Jerusalem (JTA)—The 56,000,- Brooks. Morris Dansky, 4-1, professor • • • of mathematics at Crcighton Uni- 000 loan from the American DeOMAHA CHAPTER OF versity, died Monday ni'j;ht in a velopment Loan Fund to Israel MIZRACHI WOMEN local ho'.pital. A lifelong resi- for telecommunications will make Tlie regular meeting of the dent of Omaha, ho lived at SUM possible an expansion of Israel Omaha Chapter of MizrachI Underwood Avenue, F u n e r a l telephone service which otherWomen will be preceded by a services were licld Wednesday at wise would have been "imposNew York (JTA)—The board the Jewkh Funeral Home with sible" to complete In the near of directors of the National Jew- dessert luncheon on Wednesday, Rabbi Myer S. Krip!:e officiat- future, Postmaster General Halm ish Welfare Roard adopted n November 16 at 1 p. m. In the Jewish Community Center, ing. Burial was in Golden Hilt Ben Menahem said. budget for 1961, calling for exMrs. Herman Franklin, JNF Cemetery. lie said the loan will make pos- penditures totaling 51,563,300. chairman, asks that those who UP was graduated from Crcluh- sible the completion of automatic The budget will provide service ton Uniicr&ity, received his Mas- inter-urbnn dialing, now In ef- to almost 650,000 men, women have not turned in their JNF ters Degree at the University of feet only between Jerusalem, and children who are members contributions, to bring them to Michigan, Ann Arbor; later did Tel Aviv, Haifa and their sub- of JWB-affilfatcd ; Jewish com- the meeting. graduate work at the University urbs and providing telephones for munity centers; to 100,000 Jews • • • Of Pittsburgh, and University of each applicant. Currently, he In the United States Armed "COFFEE WITH THK RADM" Chicago. said,, the shortage of Iine3 in Forces; nnd to 20,000 Jewish paThe Beth El Sisterhood sponlie was the son of the late some urban areas has caused a tients In Veterans Administra- sored coffee with U10 Rabbi will Herman backlog of a year in providing tion hospitals, and alike number be hold in the synagogue library Surviving is a sister-in-law, telephones. of Uiclr dependents. Mrs. Abraham Dansky of Berkeley, Cal.

Basketball Slate


JWB Sets Budget A* $1,563,300

HAKKV I). IIAYKIN Funeral services for Harry D. Hoykin, 57 of 562-1 Western Avenue, who died November 3, were held Sunday at Beth El Synagogue, Burial was in Beth El Cemetery. Mr. Haykin, an Omaha attorney for i!0 years, was a graduate of Crcighton University School of Law. lie was a member of the Omaha and Nebraska Bar Associations, Covert Lodge, Masons, and B'nai B'ritb. Survivors: wife, Pauline; son, Martin, Omaha; daughters, Mrs. Sidney Shapiro, Sioux City, la., Mrs. Lawrence Pike, Leeds, England. BKN MARTIN Funeral services were held at the Jewish Funeral Home, October 25 for Ben Martin, 75 of 5443 South 24 Street, who died October 23. Burial was in B'nai Abraham Cemetery. Surviving are wife, Ruth; sons, Melvin, San Francisco, Cal., Sol brother, Nathan; sisters, Mrs. Saul Pearl, Norwalk, Conn., Mra. Jack Savich, Los Angeles, CnL, three grandchildren and ono " greatgrandeliifd.


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ixpects 1 8.Municipal.

• Tol Aviv (JTA)—An attempt by Communists and members of the righlwing Herut Party to bar West German delegates from attending the forthcoming congress of the International Union of Local Municipal Authorities, scheduled io open here November 16, was defeated in the Tel Aviv City Council this weelc Communists Defeated The Issue came before the Council on n motion for an appropriation of (almost $40,000) to help defray the expenses of the congress. Communist members of the Council, supported by Herut representatives, moved to defeat the appropriation measure because they objected to the fact that West Germans ore expected among the 650 mayors nnd other city officials from all over the world scheduled to participate. "Must Accept Reality* The Communists protested against Tel Aviv being host to "neo-Nazis from G e r m a n y , " while Herut councilmcn warned ogainit raising the German flas

among the national banners to honor visiting congress delegations. Deputy Mayor Schechter told the objectors "we must accept reality if wo want the Congress here." Tlie appropriation was approved by a majority vote. Mayor Robert F. Wagner of New York; Sir Bernard WaleyCohen, Lord Mayor of London, and West Berlin's Governing Mayor Willy Brandt are among the famous municipal officials scheduled to attend.

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