Vol. XXXIX—No. 0
i'ubllcutlon Office, 101 No. Mfth Ouuilta Nebraska. Phone 312-K1U)
See 'Jo
The film, '1 *v ...i Story" vvill be prescnti.i at tlie meeting of the (JoIflVti Age, flub, November 2H at the Jewish Community Out or. A dessert luncheon will be served nt 12:30 p. m. Hostesses will he'Mines. Bessie liehn, Ilyman Friedman, Abe Fisher and Artliur Kubin, 'l'iie organization is sponsored by the Omaha Section, Council of Jewish Women urn! the Jewish Federation. Mmrt-i. J. Milton Margolin nnd I^ouis Cutler are co-chairmen.
Dinner for Israel Bonds Draws Record Attendance 5 • 4
A record crowd of nearly 400 per sour, tilrind out to attend tho Bar Mltzvali dinner of the Israel Iluml Campaign mid to hear Kublil Abha Hlllrl Silver of GloVelanil, O., chairman of llio IJond Oreunluitlnn'i* Hoard, vvlio »vn«i gumi of honor, l'liotograpliod at tlio dinner at tlio 8horaton-lronte.neHfl Hotnl anil appearing above nro Mrs. Mathlu* V. l/cvcnson, Womeii'n Dlvi.ilmi t'lmlnn.-in; IColtert I'dnlirrp, (.(•iieral Chairman; Jack VV. fltari'r, Iilnnnr Chairman; Kabbl Silver and Mrs. J. Harry KulakofnUy, Honorary Arr.-i Chairman.
Dr. Sidney L. Ilubtn, active younj; leader i" community activities, was appointed as Vocational Guidance Chairman of the Coroliuskcr IJ'nal Il'rlth J-odce, AK'in. Abrnhanison, I.od;;<> President, announced tlili; wecU, ' Joint I'rocruin "This to Rive our y f people an oppeirtunity for nnce, orientation and voca tion.il {ireparation," Mr Abramson stated "It will he a coop e r atlve program in which the Jewish Federation of Om.i1) a a n d I i n u i B'rith Cornlni'jkcf Lodge will work together." High School .Student* The program will serve largely High School students. A detailed
outline is now being prepared which will Involve many varied nctlvlties. Dr. liubin is a past president of the Both Israel Young People's Club, and a curtcnl Hoard Member of Detli Israel. He serves on tlie Kxccutivc Committee at the Children's Hospital, and is its assistant director of Intern and rbsid/'nt training and Is the Editor of tlie Hospital Bulletin. Ho Is nlso Associate in Pediatrics at the University of Nebraska Medical School, "I am nlad to serve as chairman of nn activity which will enable our yonnf: people to obtain the necessary planning and guidance for their futures, Dr. Hubiu said. "We have plans which will be of great benefit to them, and which will involve many volunteers. Tlie committee is.now In formation, and will be announced sliprtly."
100,000 in Soviet Georgia Declare Themselves Jews
Problem Clouds All Easilssoes
Jerusalem (JTA)—One hundred thousand persons in Georgia, a part of the Soviet Union, declared themselves as Jews during the last USSK. census, nnd the Jews in that region are believed to number 150,000, according to Soviet Georgian scientists who have been .conducting a study at a Christian monastery here. The Soviet scientists met with a ffroup of Israelis who had come originally from CJeoi-gia, and discussed the situation of the Jews' in that region of the USStt. The scientists were the first group from Russia .ever to meet With ' Jews here. According to the visitors, -there are "several synagogues" open lri Tiflts, capital of Georgia and birthplace of Stalin. They aaid tHe Jews visit the synagogues "frequently." They snid also that several Jews In Georgia bold high positions. They named amon(f these Raphael Etigoloshvill, who is deputy Minister of Coinmerc* in Georgia, and a Professor ChikwMhvill who, they «a!d, lias relatives in Israel.
United Nations, N. Y. (JTA)— The Arab refugee problem "overBhndows every major decision anil action in the Middle East, and hangs os a cloud over the peace of the world," the United Nations was warned by John H. Davis, director at the United Nation's Works nnd Ilelief Agency for Palestine Ilefugces in the Near
Fre-Convenfi©si Sessions Held Two meetings last week-end were part of tlio pre-convention activity and planning for the United Synagogue Youth conclavo to be held In Omaha November 21-27 at the Sheraton-l''ontenelle Hotel and Beth El Synngogiie. A meeting of alternates and delegates was held at the home of Kent Hiinmemian in addition to a, regular meeting of tlie organization. Miss Kimmeimnn nnd Bonnia Tarnoff, convention co-chairmen, announced the following additional committees. Tran:portol!on, Borry Kort, Joe Daisman, Jimmy Abrqms, Arnold Dreslow, Hurlan Prlcsman, Dob V/elniteln, and Dan Kalske*; printed materials: Sherry Kraft, Cheryl VMnberfl, tlnda Graeti, Cd Manrwtmer, Onle. Brodkey, Borlioro Chuttacolt, ROI Morflj, Larry Gnmmon, Joe Crninn, Carl RleKet, and Sandy Kajln.
Senior Citizen's Lounge Jpivlsh Community (Vnfer Kvcry Montlny from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. • « • Activities, Vun, Recreation, movlci, illbln flam, SoelaU tor Senior Ci
The Iwcniieth annual Jewish Youth C o u n c i l Thanli.sjrivinK Service will be hold nt Temple Israel on Wednesday, November 2.'l lit 8 p. m.
Kntiro I'rogrnin liy Bleinbers The .services will be conducted entirely by the organization's monibors, all high school students, it was reported by Stephen Guss, Council President, who will extend Uic council's message of welcome to the gathering. 'Ilie sermon will be delivered by Steven Gould. John Spltzcr will offer the openinc prayer and Robert Gross will present the closing prayer. Other roles will bo tnlten by Harry GoMware, Clieryl Tauninan, Mnric GoidBtrom, Jeffrey Wohlncr, Stuart Ilurwitz, I/»\vience Mayer, Kath-
Jet-n Adler, Loru Freeman, and Howard Ilulm. Community Invited Howard Halm and Kathleen Adler are chairmen of the religious program. The Council Invites tijeir families and friends to attend the function, one of the most Important of the year. The Temple Sisterhood will serve refreshments at a social hour following the services.
Needlework Guild Tells Contributors
Mrs. Dave Colni, chairman, Jewish Charities Section, of the Needlework Guild Drive, asks that women who have not as yet sent in their contributions to d» so immediately. In addition to those previously listed, the following contributors are reported: Mines: Morris Adler, Rueben I, Bordy, Daniel Cohen, Don Cohen, Gerald Conn, Harold Coopennan, Aaron I. Edfjar, Steve Ix>ndon (JTA)—An anti-Sem- Fcldman, Louis Fellman, Wilitic demonstration here marred liam J. Fogel, Jacob Fri&dm&R, the Inauguration of Sir Bernard Irvin A. Gendlcr, David Goldman, Waley-Cohen as London's new Kichard Goldman, Ignac GrunsLord Mayor, four men were ar- weig, Ben L. Heisler, Irving Herrested by police as a result of zog, Jack Kalman, Howard Kapthe demonstration. lan, Julius Katzman, Max KirAs Sir Bernard's gilded official shenbaiun, Joe Kurz, coach entered the Law Court for Mn\es'. Stanford Upscy, Miir^a the oath-taking ceremony, plac- I/orig, Josef Mayer, Hymie Mildards with the slogan "We don't er, Jerome J. Milder, Alex Opwant a Jewish Lord Mayor" were pcnhclmcr, Milton Sam Kesnlck, displayed by a Etoup of men rep- Aaron Hips, Norman D. Rips, resenting the neo-fascist Urltlsh Jennie Rosenblatt, I.eo RosenNational Party. Some of the men thai, Meyer N. Rubin, Ted Sanchanted the aloijan, while others ford, Bernard Schein, Leon booed and tossed firecrackers into Schmfdman, Donald Schoenbaum, the roadway. Harry Sogall, Beulah Shrago, Sir Bernard is vice-president Stuart E. Simon, \JOW\H Sotolol, of the United Synagogue, the Abraham A. Steinberg, Meyer L. overall organization of Jewish Stern, Sam Tretlak,- Joe White; Ashkenazic congregations here, Bernard Zcvitz, Hymle Zorlnsky,' and u leading member of the and the Blisses Hannah Motz, Hoard of Guardians. Julia Motz and Sally Newman.
Anii-Sai»if©s Distort) London Inaugurafioti
Henry ionsky Plans Bazaar on Sunday Urges U.S. Withdraw Backing Until Nasser Pledges -Peace .'Goal" New York — The American Jewish Committee urged the United States Government not to support the (selection of the United Arab Republic to the United Nations' Security Council until that country "pledges Itself to do everything in its power to pursue the goal of peace." The statement, which was adopted by tho Committee's Kxfu'utlve Roard, stressed that President Na»acr of tho United Arnl» llcpublto had "Ju»t announced his Intention to destroy tho ntiitn of Israel by war." On this basis, the resolution stated that to elect the United Arab Republic to the Security Council unless It complies with the basic principle of tho United Nations—"which is the preservation of peace"—would "maiw a mockery of tlio very existence of the United Nations." Tho resolution further railed
Stating that lie could not foresee "a satisfactory political solution" of the AraMsi'acl disputes In the Middle East, Dr. Davis declared tliat ,oven If sucli a development were to come "relatively soon," the international community would still be burdened'with the responsibility of aiding tho Arab refugees "for a decade or longer."-This Is so, he maintained, "because of tho difficult problem of helping refugees to become employable." That COMl'UTEB problem, he held, "becomes prog- •VOn UNIVERSITY ressively greater with each passTel Aviv (WNS)—Dr. Alex ing year," ' Wonuer-Gron, Swedish IndustrialDJ". Davis asked for money for ist, ha* eUteil $250,000 to tho major expansion of vocational Welzmsnn Institute at Rehovoth training courses for young Arab to install a new electronic comrefugees, • puter.
for direct dtociwitanii between tlio United Arab Republic and Israel alined at establishing peace In tlio Middle East. It pointed out that the United Arab Republic had called for such direct convcrBatloiift between the United States and the Soviet Union on questions which presently divide the two countries. The Committee's Executive Hoard reaffirmed its belief that "a cessation of the aims race" hi the Middle East-would "contribute greatly" to a "firm and lasting peace" in the area. The resolution added: "Until the armaments race is ended and .peace fully asuured, essential resources will be wast cd on weapons and armies and urgent and complex problems— which affect not only the Middle East but the entire world—will remain unsolved." The Committee urced the United States government "to encourage contact between Israel and the Arab states either directly or through the United Nations." Tliis country, the resolution stated, should continue to octend "on nn expanding scale" economic and technical aid to all peoples of the-Middle-East. Earlier In the week, a committee of tho General Assembly postponed for at least a week tho entlra discussion of a number ol Issues relating to Security Council membership.
The Harvest Festival Bazaar, annual fund raising affair of Henry Monsky Chapter of B'nai B'rlth Is marked on the community calendar for Sunday, November 20 at 7:30 p. m. at the Shernton-FontcncUc Hotel. .The evening's attractions will feature booths, cards, games, refresh, ments, surprises, a three day stay in the Riviera Hotel in L M Vegas, Nov., and a week's stay at the Surfcomber Hotel hi Miami Beach, Fla. Working on Ihft event are bazaar cochalrmon, Mmes, Julian Boumel, Gertrud* ZntlnUr; Philip Ratncr, publicity; Horvey Gorsheln, treasurer; Naman Oslrow, Dei Kltae, tltVo1» Millie \W)rw. Richard Spltoel, reclpos; Ben Mogiamln, Nathan Kaplan, format; Frank Sekor, Del Kleln> deceralloni. Olher workcrj or» Mmei. Harry Slt/man, Charles Flshor, Barney Kaufman, William ston«, Wax sacks, Sara Patafc, Julia Jacobs, Eupono Draun, Milton Mlnfz, Leonard Plnkovllr, Stanley Shapiro, Ben Blalt, Dov» Epstdn, Sam Bermon, Harry smlltt, Harry Frteaman, Abe Miller, Ueonord Hermon, David Blelelur, AM.Bear, Aaron Ep»\e\n, Hol» Cooper, Jullui Scnretber, Alex DavH, Hurry Shukert, Merrl» Franklin, Darney Hobermtin, Albert Sorkln, . Dan Gordman ana At Temln. Mmei. Bernard Kalman and Mar Krlzel' man aro chairman on4 c<Khatrman « w«« raising.
Workmen Circia Ladies to Hold Parly Sunday Mmes, Nathan I-«rman and Yetta Orensteln will be hostescss. Retre3hment3 will be served. Tl\« affair is open to the community. The Ladles Auxiliary of the Workmen's Circle will hold 'a card party,, November 20 at 7 p. m. at the Labor Lyceum. Tickets at fifty cents may be obtained nt the door. Wmts. Wax Crounsa and Sarah Schwartz are co-chairmen. .
Published ivecldy on Friday beginning iho last week In August througli second week In July by (lie Jewish Federation of Omaha. Second Class Pcstorie Paid ot Omaha, Ktfcrv Annual Subscription, 14.C0. Advertising Hales on Application. Publication Office—101 No. Jotli itrctf, Onmliu, Ik&r., 342-136$.
Book Giles J.D.C. Role in Saving Jews
Friday, November IK, J8GO
UJA Reports Proposed Goal Is $72,000,000 for 1961 Detroit — Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman, United Jewish Appeal f-xecutive vice-president told the 29th General Assembly of tho Council of Jewish Federations find Welfare Funds at « session here, that the UJA proposed goal of $72,000,000 for 1901 "represents an Irreducible minimum" for its program.1;. Irving Kane, re-elected president of the National Council, in an address before 1,000 Jewish communal leaders, discussed the reality of the "changing character" of the American Jewish community and its impact on the Jewish communal propose. Israeli Ambassador Avrahnm Hannan, in a speech before the Assembly, estimated that immigration to Israel in the next 'decade would total between 40,000' and 50,000 a year. In his talk, he reaffirmed the "sacred right" of people to emigrate, declaring that "the right of people to determine freely where they want to live is cardinal to human freedom" and that "man has the God-given right to move in search of (he freedom for which he yearns." In a resolution adopted by the Assembly, Jewish communities were urged to embark on a policy of long-range planning, beyond year-to-year planning and budgetiiuT. At the same time, the federations and welfare funds were urged in (mother resolution "to continue and increase, when
necessary, their efforts to reduce the number of avoidable indep e n d e n t campaigns, mid to nchicve the fullest cooperation In national fund-raising arrangements, to the end that the most urgent needs may receive the maximum support."
NEW LISTING E435 Watens—Engliih Brick Ibsdrocm bungalow, B txiTG l«rge rcomi plui heated ixpdncj*blo sllic, Fireplace end central * i r conditioning. Only $20,750 with immediafe possession. HEW LISTING 1812 North 4?»h St.—2-Bedroom Ranch with extra 26-ft. Itnotfy pino bedroom up. Perfect for couple who wants « comfortable horn© wHhin walk* | ing distance of B e t h Israel. 1 Ocoufiful driftwood parly room [| in walkout batnmenr. Immediate possession. To sec both homes, call ROSE HOLLIS. 553-1486. Office, 556-5000.
New York (JTA)—The publication of a book on Jewish surCopies of Treasured vival, containing important facts Photoj of Loved Ones on the history of the Jews (.ince 1!)M, was announced. The auJIMABDO thor is Herbert Agar, noted American historian «ml one-time THE WUHGLEf! CO. K—1:43 p. nu editor of "Courier Journal," 313 So. 14th 341-3946 "Soles Power Gets Results" BKTII KI. Louisville, Ky. The book, tnSabbath services at lirfh Kl titli-d "The Saving liemnant," Synagogue tliis evening nt 8:15 lays special stress on the period p. m. Itablii Myer S. JCripkt- will of Nazi barbarism and the rescue FOR THE F I N E S T . . . deliver .sermon. Cantor Aaron I. of those- who survived. It. is dediIN PHOTOGRAPHY Kdcnr and the Iieth Kl Syna- cated to "the workers of the Joint Portraffl gogue Choir will render the mu- Di.stribullon Committee, in recWedding* sical portions. ognition of their selfless devoCommercial Sabbath morninc services will tion." . begin at H:.'!0 for the traditional "The Saving liemnant" traces service; family service at 10::5l); the work of the JDC from its Mineha-Ma.'uiv at 4:43 p. m. Inception, in J'.iM, througli the Sunday morning MTVJITS are liolocaust of World War II. held at 'J. Daily services, 7 u. m. Mr. Agar, a Pulitzer prize winand 7 p. in. ner for his work on American BKTII IKKAIX history, made a thorough study of Rabbi Benjamin Oroncr, Can- JOC's background and current tor Eli Kac.-ui and Choir will ncllvitii-s and also visited the conduct the late family .services tragic sjiols whore Kuiopean at 8 p. m. Traditional 1'iiday eve- Jewry suffered most during the PHOTOGRAPHER ning services (Kobolas Shabbos) years of Nazi persecution. He lit 4:45 p. m. also went to Israel; it was, In 017 SOUTH 36TH STREET Shabbos mornirn: services at fact, "the vigor of the new State, MONUMENTS 345-1044 8:40 a. m. at.TiL'iid anil Ouwles its glamor and the fascination of In the Jewish Tradition Street sand at 0 a. m. at lt)tl> and the stories lold by those who had JUV or<Jcp dhoiild'he plnccd \v*>ll in advance of "Yrthr/elt" s» tijc Burt Streets. Junior Congrega- fled there from Kurope" that work does not have to be hurried. tion at 9:45 a. m. Itabhi Grom.T made the author decide to diswill conduct the Talmud class at cover "what lay behind this unWe ere known for our exacting 4:15 p. m. Sabbath Minchn at precedented experiment of formHebrew lettering And detail. ing a nation from the remnants 4:45 p. m. followed by Sholosh You may place your confidence All friends and relatives nro of a people scattered In many Scudos anil Maariv at 5:45 p. in. in Lit knowing each detail and WM.I. TO WAI.f. fiAItl'KTINO linit'll (o attend fcrrvlecs and Iradition will be adhered fo with Sunday morning services at lands." ANI> FUflNITIJlIK reception. Cf^auci) In Vuur Ilomi utmost care and skiff. 8:30 a. m. followed by breakfast KOHMAN DAVID HVR'A and Rabbi's class in Bible. SunW> employ no ttrrntB-r-hrrA you clay morning Junior Minyan at Norman David Kurz, son of BKFITTrNG IlKPAIItlNQ LAVIM4 tin you drill <]|r«*rtly with tlin on n8:30 a. m. followed by breakfast. Mr. nnd Mif. Joseph Km-/, will SKVVINfi ?ro . . , \\'ft Invlto you to comparn iNi Dally services at 7 a. m. and at observe his liar Mitzvali on Sat< , . U'o prrmtt no untimely nollcl:a.tlon . . , V«u nr© Xrfo to rnaUo up 4:50 p. in. N>H» mid ImppenlnRti at The'Dr. urday morning, November 19 at your own Mind, Tlilllp SliT JfMlsh Homo for tlio Ucth El .Synagogue. ARfil by David Ortou. ISIIAJ'X • .Sabbath evening services at '.IKKKY SMITH '^Temple Israel, 8:15 p. m. Rabbi The liar Mitzvah of Jerry Cantor Kll Kngan surprised Frank RUG CLEANERS Sidney II. lirooks will officiate. the folks at the Home by bring- Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Har3213-15 " 9 " Sf. 1 "Being Unconventional at a con- ing his choir to appeal with him ry Smith will be celebrated at Don Bernstein, 345-2554 Open Sunday 2-5 Since 1923 vention — Reflections-on Our In a recent program. The group Ucth Israel .Synagogue on Rat".. UAHC Regional Council." Miss Includes the Mines. Hy Lubman, unlay morning, November 19. Ida Gitlin, director, will lead the Milton Nearenberg, Sam Coliclc, Temple Choir. JJernard Dencnberg, Julius Siroff, CHAKI.ICS 1'I.OTKIN The Bar Mitzvah of Charles Sabbath morning services for Leroy Katz and the Messrs. Leonndults and uppei' grades of the ard IJel'orte, Jack Saylan, Mike Plotltin, son of Mr. and Mrs. JJcrnard Plotltin will be celebratreligious school at 11:30 a. m., Orlowsky and Martin Zindler. ed Thanksgiving morning, NoSaturday. Rabbi lirooks will ofA proup of our residents were vember 21 at Beth Israel, To all Nebraska voters, fo all Curtis workers, to ficiate and the Religious School cuests of the National Council of Choir, Under the direction of Miss Jewish Women at their annual ALAN BLANK' the press, and to all my friends, I want to oxpress Gitlin, will participate. overseas luncheon at the Jewish The Bar Mitzvah . of Alan my deep appreciation. Community Center. Blank, son of Mr. and Mrs. Irving B'NAI JACOB ADASBlank of Missouri Valley, la., 'YKSHUKON Ralibl David Korb was our rabwill be celebrated Saturday inorn- 'Friday, Mincha, 4:50 p. m. Sat- binical visitor this week. A special gift was received from Ing, November 2G at Beth Israel. urday, 8:30 n. in. Mincha, 4:50 p. ni. followed by Sholosh Scudos. Jacob Sadofsky. I.ANNY RU'S Daily services at 7:30 a. m. ami The Bar Mitzvah of lanny 4:50 p. m. HUMAN itioirrs \VEKK PJp3 will bo celebrated NovemThe week of December 10-17 ber 23 and 20 at Temple Israel, was designated as Human llights Lanny is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Week by President Eisenhower. N. Julian Hips. oudepowei* ELECTRIC MARRY BUKNSTEIN WIRING HEAT REPAIRING Funeral services were held at the Jewish Funeral Home, November]0, for Harry Burnstein, 87, of 4344. Seward Street, who ALL-EXPENSE died November 9. Mr. Burnstein 17-DAY TOUR operated a repair business in Omaha from 11)03 until his retireTO ment in 1958. Surviving are wife, Jennie; "All Inclusive" sons, Nate, Lincoln, Nehr.; Morfrom New York rie, Los Angeles, CaL; Leonard, Via EL-AL Airlines Omaha; daughters, Mrs.' A. N. OMAHA'S LEADING Greenbaum, Los Angeles, Cal.; Mrs. Robert Shragg, Minneapolis, Minn., 14 grandchildren , and three great-Krandchildrcn. Burial was jn Pleasant. Hill Cemetery.
Bar iifzvafi
John Kalina
With lbs Home Folks
Carl Curtis
In Winter Follow fifia Son to Israel
KOSHER CHICKENS KILLED DAILY Save by Celling 341-4977 Certified and approved by Rabbi Dr. Leon Thorn, Preiidsnf, Arn«,»Jean Academic Rabbis AsjociaKon of Navf American!, and Rabbi S. V/tlkio ef. fh» Orrhodox Rabbit Atiociatlon of N«w York City.
10CK 1RMB. AGENCY Suite 4 2 4 — t m s m Bldg., Omoha 2. Neb.—342-5874
GaSS Tuesday for This 5SI-5554
4415 Cunrfttg
Friday, No\MnlH-r 18, 1060
FARHAXO TO HOKOIl » « . KKK/L'.S 100 HI It'll! VICAU Maury Schwartz, Temple Israel Educational Mrertor, will tiUk oil llio Iifi? ami accomplishments of lie. TluwJor Iler/.l, Sisnday at 7 p. in. at a meetinf; of the Farl)ainM.;jl)or Zionist Order Uranoli 51 and 1'oale /ion at the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Milton Nearenbei'i; will conduct tliu musical j>i"oj;rnin. The mcuilrii; will conclude with refreshments. All m<-mben; me urfjul to attend. COUNCIL TOM) "HOW TO BKAIJWT IIOMK1' "How (o beautify your homo." will \>e the subject of licit Gaines, Omaha Interior decorator, j^uest speaker for National Council of Jewith Woman's "Lecture anil Talk" session, November 22 at 12:30 p. m. nt Northern National Gas HuUdini;. Following the luncheon, Mr. Gaines will conduct ft tour of I ho liuihlini;, which lie decorated. Itoservnllons arc necessary, nnd mayfoemade with Mrs. Seymour AJjrurns,' JiM-CDTi!. or Mrs. Justin Mimvltz, 556-0309 by Novcmber 18. '
's Annual 'Chi .27
JMh Kl m e m b e r s nnd their friends inn.'.t be tnnde with Mrs. tJenilH'i". Sitter service will bo available.
The Pioneer Women of Omaha will celebrate the thirty-fifth anniversary of the national orjjani/.utiim In conjunction with their iinmial Child Keseue fund dinner, .STUDY The second meeting of th«.' Both Sunday, November 27, at G:.'!0 Iuael .Sistctliood'K .study Kt'oup. p. m. id tho Jewish Community will be at the home of Mrs. Al- Center, Mrs. Milton Nearenbori;, fred Frank, 54'-5'i Decatur, on No* president, announced. finest speaker for tho event vemlier 21, at a 1 p. in. coffee. It&bbl lienjumin Gioner will will be Mrs. Miriam Gini;old «£ discuss «i portion from "The Great Chicago, III., a member of the Jewish Iiooks ami Their Influ- national advisory board of Pio-1 neers. Sho has been active in tin ence on History." organi/iiUim for '£i years and « as I'Xf.-cuUve secretary for Bevel) years.
Pioneer Women's delegates to tho twenty-fourth Zionist Ccmj
Members of tho committee plamiinfj the dinner nre Mines. Morris Kternberij, Hara .Schwartz, dinner rhairman; Dave Knstein, Morris .Kpstein, Ko.se Schwartz, Jacob Felihnan, Sum Rifltin, Milton .NearenbcrfT, Sam Novak, •Sara Okmi, Sam Hlcluntin, \Vi\liam IJo.scn. Max Fehvlowitz, Isa<locr Forbes and I. Goldstein.
TOV BOND GOAL Jerusalem (JTA)—West German ri\ics have' pwubaseu 51,« 000,000 worth of Israel bonds— doul)li)i|j their original goals—according to West Berlin's; GoverniiiK Mayor Willy Brandt vvho Is ultendiriK the congress of the Intcrnational Union of Municipal Authorities, at Tel Aviv.
MONA USA House of Glamour I I I No. 501b
Air-Conditioncd Dryer* MISS MARSH and MISS JERRY
Currently .she is CIIICHKO chairSKMOll Of.AKS
CVntral Hlf;h School .students Richard Znclutria nnd Jef£ Wolilner .were elected presidint and treasurer of the senior class, They' are the sons of Mr, and Mm. Sam Zaeliaria anil Mr. nnd Mrs. Norman Wohlner, respectively.
man of both the Israel Jlond Cami).d|:n for Pioneer Women and 1-alKir Zionist Assembly. ' The Chicagoan has made ihrrc trips to Israel and was ono of the
Distributed ai UN
1'i.KiKa: cr.Ass n c i t s oiTi<;i:its United Nations, N. Y. (JTA)— Officers oC the pledge (.'lass of Tin.' full proceedings oft ho twoAZA No. X arc Abe Leber, picKi- week Conference' held recently dent; llleliard Mann, vici'-presi- nt Iteliovnlli, under the auspices dent; Cart Cohen, secretary; Iton of the Welzmann Institute of Katmau, treasurer; Bill Ginsberg Science, dealing with "The Hole nnd Ilurrj' SadofsUy, f;er|;ennt-at- of Science In the Development HANTJKKAII UOKKSHOlfirms. Their pU'dgemasd'rs nre of New Stall's," were circulated AT ISKTII IA. NOV. Ti The Heth Kl Sisterhood h nftiln Steve Jiofiuclnval and Harold to till delegations here by Secretary General Dai; Ilnmmarskfcponsoriiif; a "llnnultkah Work- Schneider. Jolil as an official UN document. shop" which will lie held on Tuesday, November 22 from 0:30 a. W. to 11:30 u. m. in die Beth El Special Gift Card Will Be KymiR0f;ue recreation rooni. UnSent on Any Occasion der1 the chairmanship of Mrs. H, New York CJTA)- SeventyLet Gemller, this workshop will With Magazine Gift demonstrate ariciniil and artistic five Mayors nnd other trip muniSubscriptions cipal officials from cities throughHanuklcnh decorations. Supplies end materials will be Available out the United States left by air Chftnultltah—Bar or Bat Mitzvah Birthdays—Weddings—Shower t lor purchase. Keservations by for Israel, to ntU'tid tho 15Ui annual congress of the InternationAnnivoriafics al Union of Local Authorities, TO THE BUSINESSMAN: Order which will convene for six days a GHt, Subscription lor your PreOf sessions nt Tel Aviv. ferred Clients. SPECIAL PRICES Dr. Maxwell Lehman, deputy OH URGE ORDERS. rity administrator of New yorlc Mr. nnd .Mrs. Hurt Robinson City, will represent" Mayor Robannounce dthe birth of their ert F\ Wagner <it the congress. for Tlint IYrsonnHicil Sfrvlcn fourth child, Laurie Beth on Nor Sherman P. Dukel, chief admin440 Ho. 61 it St. 551-6742 ' vember S at Imnmnucl Hospital. I'ltrativc officer o£ Sun FrancisTheir other children arc Scotty, co, will repicsent that city. Kim Kllen and Tcril Lynn.. Mr. KoUen's parents,. Mr. nnd Miis. 1M S. Kotzen of Brookllnc, Mass., will spend tlie Tlianltsj;lvIng holiday week with the Omahans. Maternal grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Greenbertf. Groat Brandparonts are Mrs. Joseph Ltpscy and Mr. and Mrs. Sam BlIVEB SAUSAGE Greenberg.
918 Rcdick Tower
Smooth V Mellow
O.S. 01i|f Officials in Israel for Farley
Helen Bernstein
Tho family p( Hen Martin WIBIIOS to thauJc /rlendB juid relatives (or their remembrances, tboughtfutticsn, .tclc» KrraftM and the many contributions to orgiinlzatlon's memorial funds' In Mr. Martin's nanto at tho time of hid pass\ » s . ,
L»» Him H»lp You With Your Clothing Selection!
Kilpatricfe'* Mon'i Clothing — Second Floor
159 South Water Market, Chicago 8* Illinois JUlntrlbulcd hy
ICIO V. 2<th Hi., Omntm, Xtbrftslm
1'liono 3<0-201O
NOV. 20
NOV. 20
7:30 P.M.-~Sheraton-Fonfenelle CARDS SURPRISES
ofmwphera for
Itcnjsiinln W. VVlntroub nnd Bom dinar are vacationing in Israel.
ir. Ju Bosenbliun, advertising; director of.the Woodmen of the World, was appointed to the Committee of Advisors to the Fraternal Activities Association President,
Iz "Boggy" Bogdanoff
Qmahansin News Mr. nnd Mr». Manny Goldberg's fcuesU over the Thanksgiving week-end will be Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Wintncr of New York City, parents of Mrs. Goldberg.
Como Meet
Mr. nnd Mrs. Jack Noodcll announce the birth of n son, David Morris on November 8 In a local hospital. Grandparents nr« Hen Pred, Yankton, S. P., and Mrs, Mollio Noodcll. Mr. and Mis. Burt Robinson announce the birth-of a son, Andrew Capln, Nov. 8 In a local hospital. They nre also the parents of a daughter, Nancy. Grandparents nre Mr, and Mrs. Ben Capin of Nofialcs, Ariz., nnd Mrs. Ida Robinson,
t> txpeiV Hair SVyVci»»
Friday, November 18, 1960
Center Sports of action, a strong Kayim quinBy Cy Seltclilek tet breezed to a 45-31 victory MASKETDAIJ, over AZA 100. The Kayim startVAKS1TY IJlAOtK ers were bUigRLsh in the opening It. C. Cola and Micklin Lum- quarter but fjot stronger as the ber won forfeit victories in the t'iune progressed. oiiening games of the practice Although slightly bettor iivn round as another season gets un- last year, AZA No. 100, wore derway in the J.C.C. Varsity bas- hampered witli poor Kboolin;;, ketball league. missing a barage of lay-up shots. R. C. Coin, coached by Steve No. 100 should win tome ball Lustgartcn, didn't need tin; for- Kamcs tliis year. Steve f!uss talfeit as they raced past Milder lied 15 points for the winners nnd OU Co., to an easy 5G-11 win. Mickey Saks hit 10 for the losSteve Hoscnblatt stark i tlie vic- ers. Next Weeii'n Schedule tors off with three quick baskets Hnmlay, Noveiulirr 20 in the opening minutes and Hit; Al dayman pushed in 17 coun- Kayim vs. AZA 1000—11 a. m. ters for the i;anie liij:li. l''red AZA 1 vs. AZA 100—12 noon .Bernstein almost made the i;a'HK close with a ten point scorh c Midget icajTiie action began spree in the third I/H.UUT M.d last Sunday with Its annual Dadended with 1-1, which was hi|;h for I.ail day program. About 150 peothe losers. ple were on hand to hear Sonny Micklin Lumber won a forfeit Means. Omaha University basketfrom MoRen-I.'avid, hut lo:;t the ball coach, tell the boys about game that was played :!!K'3, in qualities that [;o into the making a thriller. The youth Council of a successful athlete. boys, coached by Jim Farlwr, Master (if Ceremonies, Llndy proved to be i;ood competition Paul, .then introduced member;; with a pair of six footers, Uave of the athletic committee, ChairFiedler and Steve Cuss, who tal- man fi'vin Yaffe, Uucky Greenlied 22 points between them. LSut berg, Yule Trustin and Sam Han. In the end, the taller opponents Also introduced at ths guest taled by Kay Kirl:e squeezed by. ble were former Midget leaguers who.made Rood on the Omaha Nrxt Wccli's Sclit'tlule sports scenes; Alan Konecky, Wednesday, November 88 Milder Oil vs. MicUlin I-uuiltcr— l>on Fiedler and Jeff Pomerantz. 7:30 p. in. 'I'fli program continued with Jt. V. Cola vs. Mi>»i-n-»n\lil— the showing of two movie shorts, 8:30 p. 111. refreshments and a Judo exhibition in the gymnasium. yovrn coiiNcix Ilayim and A/.A 1000, won SHOTS IN Till; DAHG opening practice 'ijames as anDon Fiedler, a stand-out athother campaign of Youth Council lete with Ilayim, and is workbasketball commenced last .Sun- horse al tickle with the undeday, November 13. feated Central high' school footThe No. 1000 boys had too ball team was honored by the much fire and hustle for AZA World-Herald ' by being selected No.,1, to cope with as Buddy Kp- to the All-City football team . . . stein and Mike Sherman pumped Sam ]!an to coacli the AZA No. in 21 points between them to 100, basketball team . . . Many lead the offensive attack. AZA thanks to Morris Franklin for No. 10OO, received definite help the fine job in preparing the from freshman Bob Could, a food at last Sunday's Dad-Lad midget league ace from last year, day . . . I/ook for Mike Sherman, who appears more then ready to a sophomore, to play basketball step into youth council ranks. with tli'.1 Central high school "B" With substitutes seeing plenty team.
Daniel Ilollis, Eon of Mrs. Itoso Hollis, was named treasurer of Tliela XI pledge class at the Iowa State University. Diane Itubinow was pledged to Sigma Delta Tau Sorority at the University of Missouri at Columbia. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irviri Rubinow. Michael Lazer, University of Nebraska Law Colin:'- sophomore, was pledged to Phi Delta Phi, professional law fraternity. He is the son of Mr. und Mrs. Joseph Laser. Mrs. Linda Cordman was Initiated into the Corinthians, highest academic honor .'.oek'ty at the •University of Omaha.
Miami (WNS)-At least 000 nnd possibly l.fiOQ Cuban Jews reached Miami in recent weeks, it was reported here by informed Jewish sources. Jewish community leaders to whom many of the now arrivals have turned with adjustment problem.1; pointed out that the departure of Jews from Cuba was not Generated cither by official anti-Semitism or by government action affecting Jews as such. The Jewish population in Cuba when Fidel Castro rose to power was estimated nt abuut 7,000.
Study of Ethnic Groups Planned New York (JTA)—A nationwide study of ethnic groups In the United States, to determine how they can broaden America's knowledge of iion-Knj;lish languages, has been initiated by Dr. Joshua Fisbman, dean of Yrshivn University's Graduate .School of Kducalion. The two-year study is supported by n $125,615 grant from the U.S. Office of Education. The grant had been made to the Uni-
vereity ol Pennsylvania.' where. until September .1. Dr. Fishman served as associate professor of human relations and psychology, and director of research of the Albert Greenfield Center for Human Relations. It was subcontracted to Ye.shiva University, when Dr. Fishman u.iMum'd bis duties ns dean of the t.lradnato School of Kducation this full. Advertise In the Jewish
IS OWLY AM INSTANT AWAY when you stock up on delicious
1 AUo enjoy
\-i I
Youth From Abroad Invited To Celebrate Bar Mitzvah In land of the Bible1 ••'. In an endeavor to bring more will present the Bai ilitzvah boy historical significance and a with a memorable gift; either a greater spiritual value to the 13th "tabs" or a set of "tefiiin." Towards the Sabbath evening lie birthday of Jewish youth through- will be Invited to the home of the out the world, the Israel Govern- Minister o' Religious Affairs or the ment Tourist Corporation has em- Chief Rabbi for Kiddush.barked oi a special program to Israel's Bar Mltzvuh-MBl assist families who have their On the Sunday following the Bar son's Bar Mitzvah in the Land of Mitzvah the youth will plant a troe in the Jerusalem Forest; tlw Bible. symbolic of his roots In the land Unforgettable Kxperlenco of his forefathers. For those who Recently the son of David go to Israel for this occasion it Opatosmi, Broadway and televi- also will be an enricheninf: exi>erision actor who was in Israel for ence as the Bar Mitzvah youth his role in "Exodus," celebrated and his fs'Wly explore'the achievehis Bar Mitzvah in Israel. For thements of Israel which in 19G1 will boy, Dan, it meant not only an also be marking its Ear Mitzvah. unforgettable religious experience but a reunion with relatives who live in Israel. He also was given the opportunity to be received by Israel Prime Minister David Ben34I-12M (a insert »our Want Ki (n sh Preu. Gurion who presented him "with a personally - inscribed illustrated CARDS Bible. BAB and Bas Slltzvah confrratiiOuest oi President While every youngster who has lations also for nil Jewish holia Bar Mitzvah in Israel may not days and special occasions. have the opportunity to meet Mr. Meyers News Stand, 1502 D Ben-Gurion, the Tourist Corpora- 3 BEDKOOMS available. Con> tion Has arranged for the boy and fortably furnished and cheerhis family to be received in the ful. Call 551-6699. President' home in Jerusalem on WANTED the Friday preceding the event. At Reliable party to take over last tne President's home the Barfew payments of $8.92 on 19GQ Mitzvah youth signs the official Singer Slantornatic Sewing Maregister and receives a special ciiine. To see: Write, Credit parchment certificate. Manager, Box 83, North Plattff, On thff Saturday of the celebra- • Ncbr. tion In the synagogue the hosts FOK SAIJC IN THIS AREA " Like new Necchl Sewing Machine FREE VISAS TO complete with button-holder, ZIONIST CONGRESS zig-zag and attadiments. New guarantee. Party witli good refJerusalem—-AH Israeli consulerences may have for 6 payates will grant free visas to perments of $6.72. To gee: Write Singer Machine Department," sons attending the World ZionBox 250, North Platte, Nebr. ist Cohgrcsi.
put an end to washday drudgery tor your wife this winter Winter weather'* just ahead—and there'll soon be very few warm sunny days for drying clothes. Take advantage of the real values being offered in electric dryers this month during the big "Parade of Dryer Values" at your appliance dealer's. An electric dryer is such a convenience—in any weather, at any hour, you can have soft fresh clothes, ready to fold and put away or damp dry for ironing. This clean, safe way to dry clothes is fast, too. —an 10-pound load of wet cottons dries thoroughly in 30 to 40 minutes. Vet with all the convenience of electric drying, it costs an average ol only $1.03 a month to dry clothe! die modern electric way, (Cheaper to buy, too—you can actually operate your dryer for two to four year* on what you save on the purchase price alone.) See your applianea dealer Shi* waeSf—NOW Is the time to buy her that Electric Dryer!
Alky tur dtaUt f« hit tf l*w-c.«t wiring deal.