December 2, 1960

Page 1

Vol. XXXIX—No. 11

(•ulillcull«n Office. 101 Ki». aoin Umalm. KcbruiiKu, I'ltonc M2-j:n,tt

Israel Bonds will kick-off "Big Week" with a breakfast and briefing cession on "Big Day," Sunday, December 4 at 9 H. m. nt the Jewish Community Center, Robert M. Feinberg, Omaha area General Campaign chairman, announced. Grccnbcrg1, .Silver mid Riches Big week will be conducted by Barton "Bucky": Greenberg, w h o ' as Young Adult chairman, will direct a group of 40 young adults nnd recent volunteers; R o b e r t . Silver, organba-{ tion cha 1 r in a n, j who will co-ordl-i nate the actlvl- «re«nberg ties of participating J e w i s h groups and Henry Rlcltcs, honorary chairman. Bond chairmen of participating organizations are; David Bclxr, Ttmplo lirool; Pennlt Davi*, Oelli Cl; Mrs. Som Kotiman, Oelh Israel; Sam Rlfkln, b'nol Jacob and Lobor Zionist; Mr». Rlffcln, Plon«r Worn*n; Mrj. Ben Handler, Mllrochl Women end Hyman Oiotti Zionlits. Modus!oii Btnd chairmen ere h.rt. Morrli, Henrietta Siold group; Wrt, Jomct Samucfion, The«t»r Merit proujij Will Evelyn Levv. UuslnesJ and f'rotcv nonol; Mr«, David GrosJ, (Chen Cliairrnan), Chami Wedmann. a'nal IJ'rlth group* were orgonl/ea by Dr. Abo GrMtlfcera ol Henry Montky t-Odoe. ond Stoniiry hclnbera of Corrtruilfcer, Lotfue, Youth Adult*' group formed under oysplres of U. Nobert Newrncn, Oiolrman of GuortJion*, Include Lawrence Chapman, L M Gertdier, Sheldon Harm, Lou J n s , Mourlc* Katiman, Jerome Milder, Orvllle Milder. Calvin Newmoo, POVP Rice, Jock Slljj. Irvlnj Velt. xer onU Alex Welfutcin.

General Chairman, Fcinberg, Bald more volunteers are needed li> Join the effort In helping to make "Big Week" a success. Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky, Honorary A r e a Chairman of three states, urged all members of the community to greet volunteers during "Big Pay" with maximum purchases. "We hope

Jerusalem—Brigadier Zvi Tsur has been named Army Chief of Staff as successor to Maj. Gen. Chaim Laskov, whose resignation from the post becomes effective on January 1, 1961. Studied nt Columbia Tlie 37-year-old new army chief was born in Russm and brought to Palestine by his parents in 1025 at the age of two. Now deputy chief of the defense forces nnd head of the General Staff branch of tho Israel Army, Brigadier Tsur \va3 educated at the Tel Aviv University. Ho once lived in the United States where lie studied nt Columbia University. IJSUOV—-Stnal Hero General Laskov succeeded to •the command of tho Israeli Defense Forces, after the resignation of Gen. Moshe Dnyan, hero of the Sinai campaign. After seeing service with the British Army on active duty during World War II, he commanded the Israeli Army Air Force from 1951 to 19M, then became deputy chief of staff—the same post now held by Go,n. Tsur. General Laskov in retiring from the Army, and will devote his energies to teaching military ficienco. Ho Is being considered u s commander of the military ! pchool connected with tho Reali High School In Haifa. General Lasfcov appeared In Omaha as the guest speaker at on Israel Independence Day observance at the Jewish Community Center on May 7,1957.


Gonuenlion Eedor lerfiian Diplomat!) Ties With Israel

to call on every Jewiuli family In Hanover, (J'J'A) — The Social the city," .she said, "but if we miss you, please call us or send Democratic Party of Germany voted unanimously at its annual in your Bond purchase." convention litre a resolution afTlireo-finurter Marie 1'nsscd firming that "tho establishment Mr. Felnbenr said that the sale of- diplomatic relations between of Israel Bonds in Omaha and the Federal Republic and Israel Council Bluffs, both cash and has become both necessary and commitments, has passed tho possible." three-f(uarter mark for the exTlio resolution had been Intropected goal in dollars, placing duced by tho Uarni.itacH District the community substantially chapter ot tho party. Tho prlnahead of the figures obtained at rlplo hail been previously enunthe same time last year. "How- ciated and endorsed by tho parever, our eventual goal Is to pet ty's executive board and presidas many new buyers as possible," ium. According to tho Darmstadt ho stated, "nnd we believe the resolution, Arab threats against purchase of bonds is a definite (lorniiiny's <'stnbllNhnient of dipexpression of hope for peoples' lomatic relations with Israel future everywhere nnd of our "should bo heeded less, when own belief In the Jewish way of tlicro I» n moral lirpi'licy" for life." tnlilng tho step. In addition to selling Bonds, The Darmstadt delegation told workers will also assist in the the convention that "economic collection of commitments marie disadvantages which might arise during past months, and In ob- from this step should he treated taining early reservations for '"A ns of secondary Importance." IsNight In Israel," the . Ilanukkah rael's Mapai Party was among Festival due the following Sun- the Socialist groups from tho day, December llth, at the Slier- free world having observers and aton-Fontenelle Hotel, guests at the convention.

New York (WNS)—-Regie Renault, the French nutomobile firm which stopped Its Israel manufacturing and sales activities under Ar/ib boycott pressure last year has Indicated it Is ready to resume doing, business In Israel. . Letter Indicates Inti-rcst This was disclosed by Label Katz, chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations In the United States, who said he had received a letter to that effect from Maurice Bosqyet, president of Renault, Inc., representing Renault operations in France. Mr. Katz said that the Conference now regards tho dispute "as settled." In the letter, M. Bosquet said he had discussed in Paris recently with Pierre Dreyfus, general* director of Regie Renault, the settlement of litigation between Regie Renault and Kalscr-Frazer of Israel. Mr. Dreyful advises

Gonlribislors Mrs. Dave Cohn, Chairman, Jewish Charities Section of the Needlework Drive reports the following contributors. Mme's. Louis Canar, Albert E. Gilinsky, Nettle Gray, Julius Hornslein, E. Lleb KIporstoin, Leonard Krasile, Hyman Levlne, Harry I-oewenstein, Philip II. Miller, Ann Roffmnn, Arthur Rubin and Samuel B. Wiseman.

Tlie thirtieth annual Hadassah "donor" will be marked Sunday by a G:30 p.m; dinner and a progrom featuring three local artists, Erna Clanton, Mary Hanesn and Mary Levlne in "Musical'Comedy Highlights." Tho event, sponsored by the Medical Organization arid Vocational Education Committee of the Omaha Chapter will be held nt Beth Israel Synagogue. Guests will be donora to the two Hada3sah projects. An Interpretative ballet, "So Much to Tell," in tribute to the late Henrietta Szold, Hodassah founder, whose 100th birthday Is being celebrated this year, will bo

that all disputes between the two companies were resolved to the complete satisfaction of each. Former Operation lii Haifa Renault had been assembling small cars In tho KaLser-Fruzer plant In Haifa and the Israel firm sued tho French firm when the latter unilaterally terminated Its contract with the Haifa plant. The letter concluded that Dreyfus and the company wanted "to sell Renault products In every country of the world, Including Israel, of course, where buyers for them can be found,"

Wliat Does Senior Citizen's Lounge iean fo Retired? The Senior Clton's Lounge means opportunity for guidance In mnhing tho Liter years fruitful and satisfying by learning, rtharlng and helping. Loungo Open Every Monday Jewish Community Center from 10 A. M. to 3 V. 'M. Activities, Fun, Recreation Movies, Hlblo clnus, Socials for Senior Cltlwns

a part of the evening's entertainment. The cast includes Elaine Jabenls, also director; Mrs, Harry DuBoff, pianist; and MmcS. Sidney Hollls and Norman Wine. Mrs. Norman Lincoln is stage manager, A highlight of the program will be Mrs. Ben Zeff whose "Eye Witness Report" will tell of her recent visit to Israel. Mrs.' Louis Katz is General chairman of the donor affair. Assistants include Mmes; pave Epstein, Edwin Gorellck, loo Sokolof, and their committees. Reservations nre being taken by Mmes. David Platt nnd J, Milton Margolin.

Second ("iliisii I'UKUM'O I'atd lit Oimitin.- Ni.'lir

Slt\Kle Copy ]0c Aniiuul Kate J4

id itepiiyie Jerusalem —Israel and tho Mali Republic concluded treaties of friendship nnd broad technical and cultural-exchange programs after a nine-day visit of tho Mali

Indiana Firm Plans a $2,000,000 Citric Acid Plan! in Ssrad Ellthart, Ind.—Miles Chemical Co. plans to build a $2,000,000 critic acid plant In Haifa, Israel with completion set for late 19G1. 'Hie ultra-modern operation will have an annual capacity ot 1,500 short tons of citric acid, 50 per cent of which is .slated for internal consumption, with the balance available for export. 'Hie plant will bo designed for ready expansion into related products output. According fo Miles president H. F. Roderick, the plant will be built on a 10-ncre, site tmd will enable Israel to become ;i world leader in output of citric acid. "Our decision to build a citric acid plant was Influenced by the attractive incentives offered by the Israeli government, the hot climate which Is conducive to citric ncid consumption through soft drinks, nnd the favorable trade relations Israel has established with 22 other nations which represents a strong export potential," he noted.

Government delegation, headed by Vicc-I'resldent Jean-Marie Kone. The'treaties, slRncd at the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem, represented nn Important breakthrough for IsrncI into (lie Moslem urea ot West Africa. Mall Is situated Jjeyond tlie barrier of Arab stales that are hoNlilo to Israel. The treaties promise the Mall Republic extensive assistance from Israel In agriculture, public health, transport, technical education and the development of natural resources. Ninety percent of Mali's population of four million are farm' ers. The mutual technical aid pact emphasizes the granting of an unspecified number of Israel scholarships to students from tho Mall Republic in the a\>ovo areas. VJco-I'rcsIdmt Kona Is a press ronfcroiiRo stressed how similar tho problems of both countries were—tho Ncgcv nrea development plnn which nojiicnhat resembles MaU'« desert llko regions nnd tlio need for economic and water planning. The agreements which include the right for transport planes of each country to fly over the other nation and to land at tlie other's airfield, is considered a new venture in Israel's commercial relations with the African continent.

As District Judge January Judge Donald BrcdUey, prominent Omaha jurist and community leader, will be among the nine men to be Installed as judges of the Fourth Judicial District in public ceremonies, Wednesday, January 4 at 11 a. m. in Court Room No. 1 in tlie Douglas County Sourt House. Vroslillng Municipal Judge Judge Brodkey who served one full term ns M u - r " ""TF% " " niclpal Judge andl' . %* , was elected pre-!' ' ".''"^K; siding j u d g e of' that court in Jan-! uary, 1960, is the'j first Jewish per-i son ever to be e l e c t e d to tlie bench in cither J»<lg« Brodkcy the Municipal or District Courts In Nebraska. He practiced law here for nearly a quarter of a century. Election returns reveal he received 83,582 votes, running third in a field of 16 candidates. Tho Fourth Judicial district encompasses Douglas, Burt and Washington counties. Judge Brodltcy is a member of

the Board of Governors of the Jewish Federation and serves on Us Anti-Defamation and Camp Jay-C-C committees. He Is past president of Henry Monsky Lodge, B'nal B'ritli, a former Temple Israel trustee and is active in P-TA, the Boy Scouts and other civic enterprises. In commenting on the election, Judge Brodlcey said, "I will do everything in my power to justify the people's confidence in me, I pray tJiat God will give me tho wisdom, courage and strength to bo a fine and dedicated Judge and I promise to discharge the duties of my office In a way to reflect credit upon us all." Education at Iowa He received a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Iowa, is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, national honorary, and many other honorary and scholastic organizations. Judge Brodkey's family is composed of his wife, the former Gertrude Itothttop, also a lawyer, and three children, Bruce, Amy and Frank.

T'IO newspaper nttacliod the London, (JTA) — Anil-Jewish demonstrations, staged ns "spon- Cernauti rabbi and leaders of tho taneous proletarian manifesta- Jewish community In tho city tot tions," have been held at Cer- permitting "an Israeli diplomat nauti, capital of Soviet Bukovina, from Moscow" to attend Jewish a city with a large Jewish popu- religions services In their synalation which was .formerly a part gogue. of Rumania, nccording lo a Soviet Previously, according to the newspaper. Free Rumanian Press Agency Tlie demonstrations were re- which reported tho incidents, ported in "Rodiayamkaya Buko- here, an anti-Semitic'attack was vina," published in Cernauti. The disseminated in o pamphlet pubpaper said, they wove staged by lished by the State PuWsWng local workers allegedly as a pro- House of the Republic of Moltest against tho "reactionary davia. That region is aLso former Jewish hotbed" centered about Rurnanlan territory, with many Jcvvs living there. tho synagogue In the city.

Page Two



Friday, December S, 1MO


Not Responsible for Killing Jews -

Published weekly on Friday beginning tlio last week In August through second week In July uy the Jewish Federation of Omaha. Second Clan Pcllacic Pold ot Onujha, tJtbr. Annual Subscription, J4.C0. Advertising Kales on Applkolion. Publication Office—10* tto. 301h itrcei, Omaha, llcbr., 342 Y:it.



New York <W>.*S)~Life magazine published this week the first of two articles based on memoirs of Nazi murder specialist Adolf Eichmarm in which the Nazi describes himself as "a man All frirmls anil relatives nro of average character with good invited to iiftrnd services and qualities ;u) many faults." reception. The memoir.1! are based on a tapc-rocoid'd Interview made by JOHN* KOBI-VSON Kichmann in 1055 with Wilh'lm THOMAS nrisi.N Sassen in Buenos Aires. Kichmann The liar J.Jitzvah of John Rob- met the German newfpaper man inson, son of Mr. ami Mrs. Milton in a Buenos Aires bar introduced Rol.'iii.'-on and that of Thomas himself as a former adjutant of I'.ubin, >;on of Mr. and Mrs. El- Kichmann and raid he had "a liot Jtubin will lio celebrated Fri- very hot story to tell," Subseday, becc-rnber 2 and Saturday, quently ho Jet .slip his real idenDecember 3 at Beth Israel Syna- tity to Sassen. In the Life article Eichmann contended that he had nothing to NANCY SlXVIvUMAN clo with 1 lie actual killing of Jews MAIXOKV (;OLl)\\AIU: being responsible only for their Nancy .Silvcmian, tlauchtcr of transportation to tho deatli cenMr. and Mr:;. Robert K. Silverters an argument which has been man and Mfillory Goldunio, di.sprov d by countless items of daughter of Mr.; and Mrs. Jodocumentary evidence to the conseph .S. Gohhvarc, will rach betrary. come lias .Mitzvab, on Friday He also describes him,1'If as evening, Deccnibor 9, and Saturday moriiin;; December 30 at "a very sensitive person" who "simply cannot look at any sufTemple Israel. .fiTing without trembling myself," This purported compassion apj) wo MM peared to be in conflict with his The I'jiiv Mitzvah r,t Ronald description of the execution of V.'olpa, .son nf Mr. and Mrs. Jack 5,000 Jews at Jk> describes Wolpa will be celebrated at Ueth how the victimn were forced to Israel .Synai;o!,'uo on Saturday wall: into a huge pit where they morninjf, December 30. Editor

B'NAI JACOB ADAS YESIICKO.V Friday, Mincha, 4:45 p.m. Saturday, 8:30 a.m. Mincha, 4:30 p. m. followed by Sholosh Scudos. .MAVEIC MONSKY News has been received of the Daily services at C:30 a.m. and death, November 24 in New York 4:45 p.m. tit Mayer Monsky, 05, former Omahan. Mr. Monsky, of DenBETH EL ver, Colo, was regional manager Sabbath Services at Beth El of the Universal Film Exchange Synagogue at 8:15 p. m., Rabbi there. He was the- brother of Myer S. Kripkc will deliver the Harry Greenblatt of Omaha and sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar the late Henry Monsky. and the Beth El Synagogue Choir Surviving are his wife, Lil and will render.the musical portions. three children. Burial was In Sabbath morning traditional Denver. service will begin at 8:30 n. m. and the family service at 10:30 SAJMUKL a. m. Word has been received from Sunday morning services at 9 Los Angeles of the death of n. m. Services during the week Samuel A. Theodore, 50, former ct 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. Omahan, on November 24. Burial was in Los Angeles. BETH ISKAEL Surviving are his wife, Isabel, Rabbi Benjamin Gronerr Can- daughter, Mrs. Henry Gross, partor Eli Kagan, and the Beth Is- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Theorael Choir will conduct the Late dore, brother, Bernard and one Friday evening family services at grandson, all of I^os Angeles. 8 p. m. Traditional Friday evening services (Kobblas Shabbos) CHAIILES ICOSENIIEIH at 4:30 p. m. Funeral services were held . Shabbos morning services bc- November 30 in New York City Ein at 8:45 a. m. at 52nd and for Charles Roscnbeim, formerly Charles Streets and at 9 a. m. of Omaha and New York, who at 19th and Burt Streets. Jun- died Sunday in Sioux City, la. The Rosenheims celebrated ior Congregation at 9:45 a. m. Ilabbi Groner will conduct the their fiftieth wedding annversary Talmud Class at 4:15 p. m. Sab- when they lived in Omaha. Surviving are wife, Cclla, bath Mincha at 4:45 p. m. followed by Sholosh Seudos and daughters, Mrs. Rae Corey, Sioux City; Mrs. Adele Weinstcin, New Maarlv at 5:35 p. m. Sunday morning services at Rochelle, N.Y., seven grandchil9 a. m. followed by breakfast and dren and two great-grandRabbi's class in Bible. Sunday children. morning Junior Minyan at 8:30 p, m. followed by breakfast. Daily services at 7 a. m. and at 4:45 p. m,

-On Program Oonfianis

Dedications A monument will be dedicated Jn memory of Ben Wine on Sunday, December 4, at 11 a. m. at Golden Hill Cemetery.: Rabbi Benjamin Groner and Cantor Ell Kagan will officiate. .-" The unveiling of a monument in memory of Sam Oilman will take place Sunday, December 4 at .11:15 n. m. at Golden Hill Cemetery. Rabbi Benjamin Groner and Cantor Eli Kagan will officiate. -

Israef Population Now 2,137,900 The population of Israel stood at 2,137,900 at the end of October. The central Statistical Office reported 1,891,100 are-Jews. Greeting Cards sent to Canada nnd Mexico require four cents -










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were shot and added. "It was Impressive to see them all jumping into the pit without offering any resistance whatever." Contending he was not antiSemitic Kichmann told SasKen that he opposed the Jews only because "they were stealing tho breath of life from us."

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MONUMENTS In the Jewish Tradition

Your order should he plnrnl well In ndvniiro <if •'Yohrzrll" u(i tli«r work doeii Jiot li.ive to ho hurried.

Sendee WALL TO WAI.I- CAIII-ITTING C'lcantd in Votir Homo ciiir

Neul and happfnfnril at The Dr. Philip hhrr Ji-»l«h Home for the A ted by David Orkoiv.

The. Kdlur H.IMi. jrirls entertained at the Home under the chairmanship of Terry Nogg. Participants in the program were Susie Gilinsky, Carol Rosenbaum, Bunny Block, Phyllis Vcwin, Irene Sabcs, Kathy Adler, Sandy Silverband, Nancy Fellrnan. Suzy Sutin, .Sue Herman, Lynne Chcrniack, Joni Brookstein, Judy Davidson, Sandra Parilmnn, Lois Grecnl>erg, Terri Milder, with Susan Makiesky acting as emcee. Flowers were donated to the Jiome by the Raylm frateniity. Mr. and .Mrs. Louis Frllman sent flowers to the home in honor of the marriage of their daughter, Sandra Lee, to Gerald Stein, con of Mrs. Fannie Stein of Sioux City, la. Brownie. Troop J10 entertained cur lesidents with a program of song and presented them with turkey decorations for Thanksgiving. The Jays of Young Judaea made very beautiful flower favors for our folks for Thanksgiving. Sir. and Sirs. Ilernard I'lotbin gave^a Kiddush in honor of the Bar Iviitzvah of their ion, Charles. Mr. and Sirs. Moc Vender presented a beautiful table cover for the Home Synagogue. The National Council of Jewish Women, under the chairmanship of Mrs. William Kaiman, will hold a • Thanksgiving party at the Homo on December 4 a t 2 p. m.


Smooth V Mellow

AND ruiiMrum;

Washington (WNS) Programs for Jewish teen-age youth must bo Jewish with an absolute minimum of "dilution" of content by Copies of Treasured non-Jewish concerns. Dr. Max F. Photos of Loved Ones Baer, national director of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization, JIMABDO declared. Dr. Bacr fold the annual meet- THE WURGLg® C O . ing of the B'nai B'rith youth com- 313 So. 14th 341-8946 mission that Jewish youth groups could justify the expenditure of Jewish communal funds "only on the basis of a primacy of concern for the perpetuation ,of the « 2 - m to Insert your Went M hi Jewish heritage" and not by -thePWB9Jrwlin Prew, "resolutions passed" or petitions signed "against injustices by • ••- HAM7KKAH CAKDS other persons, other groups, other BAB nnd-lias MJtzvah congratunations." lations also for all Jewish holiTho family of Ella Shapiro wishes to express their thanks and gratitude to all those who were so kind during Sirs. Shapiro's illness and for tho many courtesies o x t o n d e d after her passing.




!;—1:35 p. in. TEMPLE ISKAIX Sabbath Evenin;; Services at Temple Israel, Friday at 8:15 p. m. The second of the Sabbath 'Discussion.Series on Great American Reform Jewish Thinkers will be held. Kabbi Sidney II. Brooks will officiate. His subject will be "Kaufman Kohlcr— . Our Teacher—His Life and Personality—His Hooks and Ideas— His Ideas and Conflicts." Temple Choir will sing the musical portions under the direction of Miss Ida Gitlin, Sabbath Morninj; Services for adults and Religious School upper grades at 31:30 a. m. Ilabbi Brooks will officiate and the Religious School Choir, directed by Miss Gitlin, will participate.



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Friday, December 2 r JOCO


Miss Phyllis A. Bernstein Engaged fo Richard Glazer

Miss Joyce Ann Canar and Fiance Plan May 7 Wedding

Mr, rr.d Mrs. David Bernstein have announced tho cn(;;ij;cment of their daughter, Phyllis Ann, to IMchard S. Gln/cr of Fort

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dinar have nnnoiinccd the engagement of their daughter, Miss Joyce Anne to Benjamin C. Swartz,. son of Mr. and Mrs, Swartz of Des Molnes, la. The couple is planning a May 7 wedding. C.'anai' attended the University of leva at Iowa City. Mr. Kvvarlz Ulsi) attended the University of Iowa and i:; a graduate of Drake University in JJc.s Moinos.

Dodgr, la., son of Mr. and Mrs. .Aaron Glazer. Miss Bernstein attcmlcd the University of Wisconsin at Mftdlron where siic '-vas affiliated with SiKiiw iJolta Tau Sorority. Presently the is attending tho University of Oni.'iha. Miss Bernstein's (imndjiarents me 1 Mo Mesr:;. find Mine.';. Jacob I5crnstein and MidKir.l Mr. Glazer i;radiia(ed from the University of Wisconsin' where he was nifijintrri with Pi Lambda I'M Fraternity. He is presently atteiifiinj; law school at Drake University in Dcs Molnrs, In. lie Is the grandson of MIR. Harry Hobin.son of Fort Do<Ij;e, la.

Gloria Helens To

.Miss I'lijllh IlcnistWn

Mr. and Mrs. William Oslrow nnnounce the engagement of their daughter, Gloria Hclcnp to Edward L. Smith, f.on" of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Smith. No wedding date has been FOI.

BKTH ISICAKL VOT.'Nfi injj chairman. Her committee is COVVLKi—IIANUKKAIf composed of the Mmos. Moe l'AKTV Grossman, B a r n e y Kaufman, Tiic Hcth Israel Young Couples Charles Stern and Henry Coliclc. Club will hold a Hanukkah party for paid-up members and their Mrs. Frank Sektir is in charge of children at tho synagogue social decorations. hall, December II, from 3:30 Reservations arc being taken p. m. to G p. ni. Kntertainmcnt by Mmes. Sekar, :H6-U64, Abe nnd clowns will be provided nnd Miller, 451 -7971 ami Dave Kprefreshments will bo served. Mr. .stcln, 345-4571. nnd Mrs. Milton Deker are overnil cliainncn. 8I>T UABENTS* CLUB HOLDS ELKCTION ONKtt SHAIinAT OF Mrs. Hairy Kuklin of Lincoln, 1'IONEKHS WOMKN'S Neb., was elected president and OUOANIZATION treasurer of the reorganized Parents' Club of Sigma Delta Tau r.t 'Hie Pioneer Women's 7ation will luAfl an Oneg SI)nhJ tin open house at the chapter's ' bat, Saturday! 'December 3 at '1 residence, University of Nep. n). at tho home of Mrs. David braska. Epstein, 1819 Locust. Members of the s o r o r i t y , 'Ilie program will include n Marsha Black, Barbara Cahan, talk on Israel by Mrs. Sam No- Judy Grund, Bonnie Freshman, vak, a reading by Sam Ulfkin Bonnie Kuklin nnd Linda Kully nnd vocal selections by Mrs. Mil- entertained the gathering with ton Nearcnbcrjj. a skit. Narrator wan Tel WebA cake Riven by Isadore Forbes man nnd accompanist, Linda Lcto the organization on the occa- vine. sion of its thirty-fifth' nnnlversJoyce Poems is the group's' nry celebration, will be nerved.nlumnac advisor nnd Mrs. Sidney Cahan of Omaha was named Omaha publicity chairman. ItAIlDI KKIPKIO ' " TO ItKVIKW HOOK The next luncheon meeting of DISCUSSION1 CROUP the. Beth Kl Sisterhood will he TEMPLE Tho discussion group "A Secheld Tuesday, December C, at ond Cujp of Coffee," sponsored by 32:30 p. m. in the synngoj;uo Temple Israel Sisterhood, recreation hall. Mrs. Stewart start at 10:30 p. m. at Templewill on Tully, program chairman, an- December C. Topics of contemnounced that R a b b i Myer S. porary Interest will be discussed Kripke will review Maurice Sam- by Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks. uel's novel, "The Second CruciJixlon." This book review is part of Beth Kl's observance of Jewish Roolc Month. Mr. Samuels wiU be in Omaha as the next fiwst of "Tho Program of the, Tlie Voting Adult Council now Month." Luncheon arrangements «ro h e a d e d by Mrs. Irving under the name of "Romah"' will Schneidennan, circle coordinator, meet Sunday, December 4, nt end Mmes. A. V. Friedman, Milton Margolin, Floyd Perimeter, the Jewish Center, at 3 p.m. Stanley Silvemian and their circles 21 and 24. Mrs. Richard Martin is chairman of visual techniques. Sitter service will be available.

Whimsical Dialogue Handled iasSetrfuSly DEHBIK IN I)I£i:A5ILANI>, lly Dorothy Krlplie. Hy FRANCES ORONBR Dorothy Kripke, in her latest children's publication, "Debbie in Dreamland," presents a charming and delightful version of the meaning of our Jewish holidays, with a skillful blending of the cpiritual teachings implicit in each holiday. Resinning with "Debbie's Sabbath Dream," each chapter emphasizes a separate Jewish Holiday. Kvery unit of tho book has a special appeal for the young reader. Unwittingly, ho will be immersed in a very pleasant Introduction to the significant aspects of the cycle of our Holidays..' The author has developed her theme In a masterful fashion,' Utilizing Debbie, the heroine, and Tuki, Debbie's pet parakeet, as the leading characters. Children generally—and adults also—will be fascinated by the whimsical dialogue of these two..Once you start reading, you will be compelled to finish. That "Debbie in Dreamland," will appear shortly on tho bestseller lists, can be easily predicted. Omaha can be proud of tho extensive literary creations Mrs. Kripke has prepared'for making the world of tho Jews more meaningful to tho Jewish child. (Tho author is the wife of Rabbi Myer S. Kripke of Beth El Synagogue and tho review of the book was written by the wife of Rabbi Benjamin Groner of Beth Israel Synagogue.)


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Mrs. Kihel Tucker announces the engagement of her daughter, May of Washington, D.C., a former Omahan, to Jack Knoch of Baltimore, Maryland.

Mrs. Max Fromkin has hern re-elected to tho National Hoard of the Women's Uranch of the United Orthodox Congregations of America for tho next two years. The national convent inn was held J.-ist week In Atlantic City. Mrs. Max Fromkin served as tho first president of the local chapter and is at present liaison officer for tho Mid-Con t r a l States and U p p e r Mid-West C h a p t e r s of the Women's Branch.



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HENRY MO.VSKY CIIAITKR TO HOLD COIN SHOWER The 12:30 p. m. luncheon and social afternoon of Henry Mon-; eky Chapter of B'nal B'rith on Wednesday, December 7 at the Jewish Community Center, will feature Its Coin Shower. Mrs. Max Sacks will chow a film, of the Leo N. Lcvi Memorial Hospital in Hot Springs, Arlt. The afternoon's program planned by Mrs. Abe Ginsburg will Include cards, mah-jon'gB, and many surprises. Mrs. Nnthan Ostrow Is mect-

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Two hard played ball panics featured the end of the threesome practice round November I 23, as the Varsity league teams i prepare for league play. Milder i Oil finished, strong in the final ;. quarter to wear down the ever| scrappy Mieklin Lumber team j 58-49, with Hurt llobinson and | Justine Ban pumping in 2'J points '. between them. | An interostiiu; sidelight in the J Eamc was the fact that Irv Yaffe, playing with Milder, was playin;; in the J.C.C. Varsity league hefore any player of the entire Wicklin team was horn. The Micklin team is composed of Youth Council league All Stars. Yaffc. managed to hold his own and contributed five points to his team's Victory. | ' Moffcn-David and It. C. Cola I hooked up in an excitin,™ came j and when the buzzer sounded ) ending the three minute over| time, R. C. Cola had a 43--12 v i c t o r y . Mofjen-David be:;an Strong and jumped off to a KM lead but It. C. Cola kept peckin;: away and finally took the lead ! In the final minute .as Al d a y man hit two free throws. ) Indications from the three I practice games point to a stron;;j well balanced league with all j four teams being almost equal. I GAMES, WEDNESDAY, f DIX'KMUICK 7 i 7:30 p. m. Mofjcn-Uavld vs. Mllj cler Oil 8:30 p. m. It. C. Coin vs. MIrliMn | Lumber.


The Youth Council teams completed their round of practice ; games last Sunday and are now j set to open league games this ; coming Sunday, with Jtayim as heavy favorites to win the league title. | Rayim and A.Z.A. 1000, chalked up final victories as the practice round came to an end. Once ! again the floor play of Dick Zacharia led the Rayim team to another lopsided win, 5G-20 over A.Z.A. 1. | In the second game A.Z.A. 1000 and. A.Z.A. 100, hooked up in a tight game but better ball handling and more hustle enabled the young A.Z.A. 1000, team to Squeeze by 31-27. 1 GAMES, SUNDAY f DECEMBER 4 A.Z.A. 1 vs. A.Z.A. 1000 11 n. m. Jtaylrn vs. A.Z.A. 100 12 noon WIDGET LEAGUE | Sixty-eight M i d g e t leaguers completed their second week of practice sessions at the J.C.C. j [(each Sunday from 2 to 5 p. m.) 1 a s preparations axe being made ' for the organization of the 19C061 Midget basketball league, j The players are undergoing | extensive fundamental drilling j with fifth and sixth graders meeting from 2 to 3:30 p. m. and seventh and eighth graders meeting at 3:30 to 5 p. m. At the present time there are 32 players in the fifth and sixth grade loop

Friday, December 2, 1000


and ,'!6 players in the seventh and eighth. Grade school ar;e students Interested in competing in the league are still welcome. For further information call the Center Physical Education Office at 3-12-13UG. IDDV-UIDDY LEAGUE Monday, December .r> will open class sessions for the Iddy-Uiddy league this year. Classes will meet each Monday and Tuesday from 4 p. in. to 5 p. in, Iddy-Uiddy basketball involve;; children in the second, third and fourth grades with the emphasis on body coordination and fundamental drillx. There is still plenty of time to enroll by calling the Center Physical Education Office, 342-131)0.

Federations Pay Omahans in News 'Many Anti-Semites Krmiftli Wi'Iiicr, n 1959 grad87 Per Oenf uate of the University of Nebras- Remain in Germany' I!oiin~-Tbere me ;;lill a lot of Of Education Budget ka f.'olle;;i.' of Law, was appointed njiti-semile-s 1'ft in Orniany ac-

Detroit (WiWS)—Isaac Tonbin, executive director of the American Association for Education, reported here that the combined operating budgets of forty-one Jewish education .'igeiieii.s in 1M9-C0 was VG.OOO.llOO. of the total was covered by local federation allotments.

Jordan Puts EightFirms on BlacklistArmnnn— Four American firms are among eight foreign firms blacklisted by the Jordan Ministers' Council for dealing with Israel, contrary to Arab boycott regulations, it was reported.

as deputy on the County Attorney';; staff.

eordin;; to a Ieadini; Jewish experl, who said, iioweviT that ti\e nation's youth is "not easily .Mr. and .Mrs. <;<'.orj;e ,J. Sliafer led a.'.tniy." mid children, Patty Ann and I'uuKurt <.'!ro!.sm:inn, (V'-year-old ny left last week for Chirai;<i, New Yorker, invited to West III., Mr. Shafer, fonnerly a'.«o- (Jcnnany by the Government, said ciated with Iloberts Supply hen1, the situation is improvin;;. Is now general inanajjer of the 7,000 ATI'KNI) ,Ii:\VISU Kepublic Water Heater Corp., in SCHOOLS IN liKAZIL Chicago. Uio d.? Janerio (JTA)—A total of 7,000 children attend 30 I'Mivard Cecan lias been named Jewish schools in Brazil. manager of the Harry Ma.son _ CloOiiiif; Company, ]ril2 Farnam .Street. Mr. Cecan is a native of Lincoln and a University of Nebraska |;raduate. Mr. and Mrs. Harry WUIIIIHTR

Enrollment Underway For Center Cbsses There li still time to enroll for classes nt flip Athletic I) rp.irtinent at llio J<;wi*li Community Center, It was announced by Irn'n Yaffi1, ntiiletlc cnmnilttin chairman. Knroll by cullinc Hie Athletic oiflco nt 342-13G0. UIUCSTLIN'r.: Every Friday afternoon 4 p. HI. to 5 p. m. iT[;I)O: Every Sumlay afternoon 3 p. in. (<> 4 p. in. (ilKLS' VOLLKVI1ALL: Every Thursday night 7 p. in. to 8 p. in. MEVS EXEISf'ISE: Every Thursday evening 5 p. in. to C p. in. GVM.VASTICS: Every Thursday afternoon I p. in- to B p. in. (.VMN'A.STK'S: Lvery Tlninulay afternoon 4 p. in. to 5 p.m. H>I)V-IIH)I>V KASKKTISALL: V.vrry Monday ami Tuesday afternonn 4 p. m. to 5 p. in. MWdKT LIOACirK U.VSKKTHALL: Every Sumlay afternoon 2 p. HI. to !> p. rn. VAKSITV LKAfil.'K HASKKTItALL: Kverj' Sunday n't<rnoon ','. p. in. to li p. m. VAKS1TY LKAfJirK IJA'KIJTUALI.: Every Wcdnovday evening 7:30 p. in. to 9:30 p. m. HANDBALL: Kvery (Sunday afternoon 2 p. m. to i p. m. HOWLING The Jeuisli C'oMiniunlty Ventrr will sponsor a bowling (Uihi for indlvidiul Instruction with Hrad Upsttin lnstriictlng. Tlie c!as» will bet;In a» soon and only If enough people arc InterCSteil. Adults are welroinn to enroll. Call Cy Seltclilek at 3J3-J3CCG for furtlicr Information and enrollment.

have returned from a trip to Illinois, where they attended the ceremony in which their daughter,, Mrs. Marvin Ziporyn was sworn In as an attorney, November 21, before the Illinois .State Bar in Springfield. Mrs. Ziporyn, n resident of Evanston, 111., is a graduate of the University of Omaha mid the John Marshall Law College, Chicago. I'lilllp Itlnxlo was elected to the lxxird of trustees of the Nebraska Chapter, Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation, Lloyd E. Skinner, re-elected president, announced. Jerry Ziegman has been named dialogue direction of the Tom Ewell show, the new CHS television series produced for FourStar Production. Prior to movInf; to Los Angeles, Cal., to assume his new position, Zler^nan did publicity work in' Israel for the upcoming motion picture, Exodus. He is the son of Mr. nnd Mra. I. H. Zie(;man nnd a graduate of. Central High School and Cornell University.

New York (JTA)—Publishers of school textbooks have indicated that they are planning to give more detailed, graphic coverage of the Nazi atrocities against Jews in history textbooks for use in New York City schools. Publishers were criticized last month by the Board of Education j for their treatment of the Third : Keich. The Board had noted that • only "a few texts give satisfac' tory accounts" of what went on j In Nazi concentration camps and i crematoria, and that many re| quired "substantial revision" to' '-give the students an adequate picture. ' Many publishers .in a number pi cities were reported here to regard the Board's criticism as .valid and several are planning revisions' in accordance with the Board's recommendations.


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