VoL XXXVi — h'o. Vi
Publication Office. 101 Wu. EOtlt OimiJia. Nubnislitt, I'iwne iilS-1363
A Children's Vacation Program at thf? Jewish Community Center has been announced by Mrs. Harold Welnlioff, Children's Activity Chairman of th« Center Comm 111 c e. Mrs Welnlioff was recently apiwinted to this post by H a r r y Sidm.ui, Center Committee- Chairman. Thn especially ileslffOiMl uclivitli'» for young-Mrs, ttVInlmff »tcr» have been wlirdnled for VtMay, PeoenilxT " 3 ; Monday, December "G; Wednesday, lie«v.mh«r 28 am) Friday, December SO, ull from 1:30 to 3::iO p.m. Mr*. Wclnhoff, mother of two children, Maria, C, and Larry, 5, 'expressed her interest In de-
voloping projjrani.f for children. She said plans have been wade to entertain youngsters, uges five through 10, with movies, magic chows, story-telling, games and singing. Fee for the entire program v\lll bo 51.00 or 35 cents for single admissions. Itefreshments will be nerved. Further information may bo obtained by calling Iles.sc lilank, Secretary, Activities Department, 342-1360.
ffiFr'ffMfeii'it lH,ii,Ml',lu
Israel Bond Event Night of Dec. 11 Yaffa YarJconl, Israel's captivating hit-record star will appear on the same platform with Jan Bart, popular humorist, raconteur and television artist nt "A Night In Israel," the Hnntikkah Festival celebration of tho current Israel Bond cam-
*a,MWiMI Wilt
I Paris. (WNS)—VbitJla Iloria, Rumanian exile who recently won tho coveted Prix Goncnurt for Ilia novel "God Was Horn In Kxilo," has renounced the prize following .disclosure that he had harbored pro-fascist and antiSemitic sentiments before and during World War IT., He said he was turning down the prize because ha did not "wish to be n cause of dissension in a eountry that Is willing to receive me." Tho winner of tlio Fcniina award, Ixmlxc Bellocjf, was accused Ijy one of the Jlterary jurors, Mmes. Brattice Beck, n Jewess, of making deprecating remarlca about Jews In her prize winning novel. The passage In question described Jews as "living like lice" which the author, Hanukkah, the Jewish Festival oald, referred to conditions in of Light ond Liberty will once the 19th century ghettocs of Poland, Austria. In protest Mrs. again'be'observed for the traBeck handed In her resignation. ditional eight days, December 14-21, Tile celebration of Ilanukkah la the triumph of freedom, over slavery, of light over darkness, an annual observance of mankind's eternal battlo against tho The Jewish. Community Center will be the scene of the Hanukknh forces ot darkness and evil. LlffUtlng of Candles luncheon party, Monday, December 12 nt 1 p.m. given annually Tho lighting of the candles by the Blkur Cholim Society. In the Mcnorah follows the sama The organization !» well identi- ritual tliat has been In existence fied with Us effort* to pnmUIo for over three thousand years. funds to aid In the medical ex- The Mcnorah is an e i g h t penses ot tho Dr. Philip Slier branched candlestick with a JinvWi Home for tbo Aged. Pro- center holder for the ninth ceed* from tho 19C9 party wore candle, known as the Shamos, used for the barber and beauty tho candle which la used to light shop established nt tho home by the eight candlea/ Bllair Cholim. On tho eve of Hanukkah the Monthly trips are made by the first candle, at the far right, is Society's. members to tha State Mental hospital at Lincoln whero gifts and refreshments are provided for Inmates. Mrs. Cecil Izonstatt ond her commute© are planning the luncheon, Members ara> asked to bring twenty-five cent gifts to bo exchanged at tile event. Thosa Tlio Senior Citizen's Lonngo wislilns to play cards are asked mfcans opportunity for jruldto make up their own tables and anco In making tho later years bring their own cards. fruitful ond satisfying by Tickets (51 per person) may learning, tliarlng and helping. bo purchased at tho door. Tha women of Bikur Cholim Lounge Open Every Monday •aro also planning a HanuUkah Jmvlaii Community Center -party for residents of the Homo from 10 A. M. to S IVM. /or the Aged on December 13 et 2 p.m. Cantor Eli Kagan will entertain tho guests with holiday AcilvUici, Fun, Itecreatloa gongs and gUt» wQl bo disMovies BlMfr class, tributed. Members and friends SoelaU tor Senior CltUcaa are invited to attend.
Feasts, Sifts, Story- kindled by the Shamos. On the
lo/'rt JIH><>
St'cood Glass Postage Paid ai omaJm^Ndii-
pai<;n. Festivities will start nt H p.m. on Sundny; December 11 at the Hotel Kheraton-Fontenelle, according to Kolx-rt Feinbcri;, (! on e r a 1 C a r a p a i c n Chairman. t/nusiiiil Interpretations Acclaimed for her unusual interpretations of popular and foil: songs, Miss Yarfconl is makluj; Jier first scries of American concert appearances and will perform at Israel Bond events In a number of major cities. A "Sabra," sho comes from a family of yiftccj musicians—her mother and sister are talented vocalists and her brother, a popular composer. Contract VVitli Columbia The popular Israeli whose enreer started at the «no of fourteen, is on contract to Columbia for a series of recordings. The first one already released has been hailed us n success by critics. .Slie served as a wireless operator In the defense forces when Israel was invaded by the Arabs and became famous for her talents a3 nn entertainer among tho rnllitary, A critic wrote, "Ynffa's sinning tells of the living mi'l the dead of tho great battle for Israel's Independence." Another said, "her somewhat hoarse voice has an expression of yearning and • longing that alms straight nt the hearts of her audience." Records In Center Library
Haniittab IsJoyous Festival;
Citizen's lounge ieati to Hetirai?
fl y,
second night, a second cnndle 1» added to the left of tho first candle and tha first and second canlcs are lit. Tho ceremony continues each, evening (the candle to left always being lit) until the final eve of Ilanukkah, the Menorah la ablaze with light. Story ot Jlitlnh Bfaccabce Judah Mnccabce. the 'great Jewish military leader, whose small but hrnve army which hammered away at the enemy until ho was free to lead hl3 army into Jerusalem, cleanse the Temple of Pagan images, and relight the Eternal light Is tho story of Ilanukkah. Story-telling gifts and feasting completes the festival of the Lights.
Group Organizing Jewish Day School A group of local parents under the leadership of Sheldon Coren, nr« making r plans for the or-' pa lization of a J e w i s h Day School hi Omaha. Mr. Coren said the group which i has h e l d one meeting' hopes to start the kindergarten and first grade class In S e p t e m b e r of 1961. Ho announced that Habbl Melr Bclsky of New York, will be- In the city in January to discuss plans for accelerating tha organization of the now tchool.
Among the unusual features of the Hanukkah Festival will be a candle-lighting ceremony In which hundreds of tiny Hanukkah candies on all the cabaret stylo tables will be lit as the house Is dimmed, and while Miss YarkonI and Jan Bart sing tho traditional melody "Maoz Tsur" ("Rock of Ages") together with the audience.
Bonn, (JTA)~-William S.. Sansen, the journalist who taperecorded In Argentina, the confessions of Nazi executioner Adolf Elchmann, is a Dutchman turned Nazi, wanted for war crimes in Holland and Belgium. Dutch newspapers exposed Saseen as the Journalist who collaborated during the war with the Nazis occupying Holland. Dutch Press Disapproves Tho Rotterdam Courant declared: "We cannot congratulate life for employing a collaborator with «uch a 'background. Our objections to the publication of tho Eichmann memoirs are stronger now that we know who this so-called German journalist Sasscn, really is." Life questioned about the Dutch reports, stated "Life, which had no Illusions about William Sassen, who persuaded Elchmann to tape-record nla confessions, currently appearing In the magazine, was not aware that he Is Dutch, not German, mid was sentenced to death in absentia by a Belgian military court for Nazi collaboration. life Claims Authenticity "Whatever a full revelation of Sassen'* war-rolo may show, however; the authenticity of the Elchmann papers has been established through six montlis of complete satisfaction ot the
Sin/'le Copy 10c Annual Kale $4
records which reflect the versatility of her talents are in the library of the Jewish Community Center and are available to the community. It'SciVcilinif) for "A Night in
'JI~,I,skM L
t " 7 Pr ; Y a f f a YarkonI, celebrated Israel songstress, shown above, bnlng congratulated on her artistry ami performance by Paul u X ruTUMuMr- 1 M I W -
tor, on behalf of the B'nal B'rlth survey delegation, while In Israel in 10B8. The photograph was t.'ilien following .Hiss Yarkonl'i appearance at a Purlin • Festival In Itanmt-Avlv attended by members of the B'nni U'rllh group. Israel may still be made by calling the Israel Bond office, 341-1177 until noon, Sunday. The charge of seventy-five centa per person includes Israeli candlei and other novelties, cake, cookie*, coffee and other refreshments.
thorough documentation, to th* editors of Life." Life refused to reveal the pric* paid to Sassen for the Elchmann memoirs. Reports both in Germany and In Israel have Intimated that the costs of Elchmann's defense are being met from the proceeds of Elchmann articles sold to a large American magazine. • Hay Drop Defense Robert Servatiua. who is to defend Elchmann in the Israel trial slated to start March 6, aald if the memoirs were genuine ha would, withdraw as defense attorney. He said hla hair "stood on end." when he read a section In the articles citing Elchmann as saying he had no regrets for his. role in the execution of 6,000,000 European Jews and that even if 10,000,000 had been killed, he would simply have regarded this as destruction o_ the enemy.
labbi Brooks flamed Itabb! Sidney H. Brooks of Temple .srael, has been appointed by Governor Dwight Burney to the Nebraska. Commlttea for Children and Youth, a permanent group to implement the findings and recommendations of tbo White House Conference on Children and Youth.
Pxge Two
Published weekly on Frhlu) tieguuilni; tlio last week In August through tccond Htik lu July uy llio Jewish Federation of Omaha,
Friday, December 0, 10GO
Need Photostats?
\V;ishiii!;ion, (JTA)-—Abraham ford .nnd In 1938 he ran for the Second Clcr.3 Pcstane I'cld at Omaha, tlc.br. Annual SuoscrtpUon, *4.GQ. A'ivertiilng UuUs on At-pltcalion. Ribicoff, ihe sou of [KKII" Jewish legislature nnd was fleeted. Then Publ.<alion Oflire-101 No. 2Gih S!r«', Ornch'j, Hcbf« M7-1^44. imrnici.uits who rose to become lie served us Police Court Judge MRS. FRANCES KLEIN Kuitor Hie first Jewish Governor of in Hartford nnd two terms In Connecticut, was lKimed to I'rrsi- Congress. dent-elect John Kennedy's Cabinet .-is Minister of Health, EducaMOK1CIK MNS.MAS tion and Welfare. Smooth V Mellow Funeral services were held lie is Hie first Jewish member Wednesday at Hotli Kl .Synafjojjue of the Cabinet since Henry Morfor Morris I-insinan, GO, of 5508 j;enthaii. Jr., served under. FrankiMx})',e Street, who died Tuesday lin IX Roosevelt. in a local hospital. Mr. Linsman Itei>pect of Audience ulM-ratcd lh<; Wardrobe Clothini; Toward the end of his first •Store. campaign for Governor of ConSurvivors are wife, Rose; son, necticut., which few besides himt'undlellgliliiiB. ut 4:35 \>. in. Arnold, New York Oty; two uelf thought, he had a chance to BETH ISKAEI, brothers and n sister. win, he spoke of himself ns n . Itnbbi Bcnj.iniiM Oronrr, "ansyrnlKjl of the "American dream." I.OI'IS CO1I.V tor Eli Kafifin, ami the Ucth News tins been received from It wa. a speech spoken In humilIsrael Choir will conduct the ity and in faith and it captured li> e Friday family services at Washington. U.C., of the death the respect of his listeners 8 p.m. Traditional Friday services on I;e<*ember 4 of Louis Colin, throughout the state. (KoblKilas Shabrios) at 4:30 p.m. C)'J, former resident of Omaha The ilrram, lie told the voters, and Fremont, Ts'ebr. Burial was Shabbos inorniii,'; services at in Arlington National Cemetery wat tliut "any boy, no matter IN 8:45 a.m. at 5'->nd ami Charles in Washington. Survi\liii; Is his what lil<! tcimomlc, Mielul or Streets and at 9 a.m. .it 19th wife, Sophie. rrllelnus b:Hli(,'riiiinil might be, mid1 Hurt Streets. Junior Conliai the rlflit to nsplrc find to gregiitiou nt 9:45 a.m. Rabbi nit. in:uMAX j A i i n nehli ve un hin^ op^n lo anyonft Groncr will conduct Talmud Funeral services for Dr. Her- In ;tliN ^rcat ronntry of ours." Class at 4:15 p.m. Sabbath man Jaiir, 'rlifiiiinan of the DeTito dr< am same t m e for Minch.i at 4:45 p.m. followed by partment of Pediatrics at the Abraham liibicoff in that elecI.'niverxity of Nebraska College Sholoslt Seuilos and Maariv at tion when he won by n slender of Medicine and head of the Ciiil- margin of 3,115 votes In 1354. 5:40 p.m. dien's Therapy Center, who died Four years later, he was reeleeted Sunday morninj; services bfijin nt 9 a.m. followed by breakfast Novcinlier 30 were held last Fri- by the largest plurality in the day al Temple Israel, liurinl was history of the state -216.000 Seb (Scbby) PulvcreMo and RabbiV ''Ja.vs in Hiblo. Sunin I'leasnnt Hill ('enielery. votes. . day morniiic Junior Minyan at 25 Yean' Experience Dr. Jahr, Co, wlio had practiced Horn In Tenement 8:30 a.m. followed by breakfast. With Jewish The ii'rw Cabinet appointee Dally services, 7 u.m. and nvdiciiie in Omaha .since 1925, was secretary-treasurer of Ibe President-elect Kennedy's f i r s t 4:50 p.m. Lettering and Memorial Omaha Douglas County Medical was born 50 jears a;;o in a teneSociety from 1!)2S until 1918 and ment in New Britain, Conn. His TEMPLE ISUAK.L 341-2452 edited the society's bulletin. He father was a peddler nnd n 2211 So. Gth Sabbath evening .wvic"; at also ivas editor of the Nebraska facloi./ hand. To help the family Temple Israel, Friday at 8:15 Medical Journal nnd wrote medip.m. Rabbi Sidney H. Krooks will cal articles for national publica- meet its expenses, young Abraham worked as a newsboy, railily, deliver n sermon on "To Be;;, tions. errand boy mid laborer. When Borrow or Steal." Mips Ida Gitlin He attended the College of he finished high school, he went will direct the choir. New York City, the University to work for a hardware company. RECTEIC Sabbath mornin;; .service ' at of Arkansas ntid Columbia Uni-. HEAT He wont to Chicago to head 11 TO a m \ ith 1'il.lu nifio.s versify and was also a 192,'J gradHie sales office of the company offimtin,' Kfliiin s ' ' liool ( ho r uate'of the University of Nebrasand entered the University of ka College; of Medicine. w i l l b e ( jiifliif I ' d I \ M i s f . j t l i i i Survivlii;; dre his wife, F.sther, Chicago lav school, uraduatinij
Religions j Services
i Good looking I 'A -ilory liom« j tint i i ploiiure packed «nd ] family priced. Juif $I6,EOO c«n i buy you 4 hi a 3-bedroom home I with I full bath end 1 2 ) . </i j b«thi. Full b««emenr with r«c I room with bar and cabinet gas 'pleat. Detached garage. For .] more information call Leonard ! Gould, 5 5 4 - 0899, or Harriet i Frank, 391-4446. Office, 3 4 1 1500.
; MLE Renltor
J'hil.idelphia, Pa., and Mre. Lee *-''- K.tntor. Omaha two brothers and 4 «) three sisters. idos md C'lIAItLKS I.KVINSON" tlravsiile seiiices under the direction of the Jewish Funeral Home were held Tuesday at BETH I U Golden Hill Cemetery for Charles Sibbith "MTVn< ^ .if Pith Tl Iyevinson, SO, former Omahan, .Synaj,"niie iit K 15 pin I'lbln who died Friday in I-os Angeles, Myer S. KripUo will deliver the Cal. sermon; Cantor Aaron I. Kilnai" Mr. Levinson nt one time opand the Pi th 11 Sjn l, o ;ue dion erated the Star Store at 1823 will rend* r the mii'K il portion1! North Twenty-fourth Street. Sunivinjc are children, Mrs. Sibbilh nidi nin,; liiditionil tervicp will be;;in at 8:.'J0 a.m. John Winston, Omaha:. Jeanette ami the fimlly ' d i i f .it 10 JO and Herman of Ix/s Angeles.
u.m. Suml iv moinuii, "suvifs at 9 BarandBasMitzvah nrn Semcrs dining the wefk AH friends and rclatl\-e* are nt 7 a.in; and 7 p.m. inviteil to attenJ 5crVlc«R and rceeptlon. KON'AI.D IVOLl'A Tile Har Mitzvali of Ronald HORIQ Woljia, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack News nnd happrningfi fit The Pr Philip Slirr Jovlsli Home for the Wolpa, will be celebrated at Beth Airna hj David Orlxow. Israel Synagogue on -Saturday morning, December 10,
With the
A inusienl program was pre- XANXY SII.VKKMA.V fentrd bj MifKey ril<\ assist'd MAI.I.OKY ROUNVAKR by the M( lod<1 tes — J a n e Nancy SHverman, daughter of IJoxon, Cithj Iljb! Billle and Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. SilverJo Poulson and Marie Noren, maii; and M a l l o r y Goldware, Wostslde IIii;h School students daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph directed by Bill Kpllogf;, at the S. Gold ware,-will each celebrate Council of Jewish Women's party her Has MItzyoh on Friday eveon Sunday. ning, December 9 and Saturday Kahlii Mjer S. Kriplcc was our morning,- Decemlier 10, at Temple rabbinical viistor last week and Israel. Rabbi David Korb, this week. In Memorlain: Jennie Yarmol- ISKAEU TKAC'IIERS IKVITKI) TO KKKMANr nil:. Jerusalem. (JTA)—Two Israeli New "re»ld(^nts: Morris Fisher history teachers have been innnd Sarah M. Marks, Coming events: Tlic Eikur vited to West Germany under Chollm Hariiikkali party, Decem- .UNESCO auspices to revise the ber 15; Temple Israel Hanuk- treatment of Jewish history in kah party, December 18 and a German textbooks. Young Judnea program, December 22. -
Want Ads
8THEET NA3IEO tNT Plwn 3«-13M to liuert vour'V/otrt Ad In HONOH OF ISKAIX )h« Jiwiih Press. Ilio de Janeiro, (JTA)—A *treet in Salvador in Bahia, IfANUKKAn CARDS province, a former capital of BAR and Ba« Mltzvoh congratuBrazil, was named for the State lations also for all Jewish holiof Israel. Some 250 Jewish famidays and special occasions. lies Jlye.Jn the city. , Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge
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Patronize Advertisers.
Hibicoff Credits His Career To Faith in 'American
went into law practice in Hart-
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Or .;iml Mrs. Mauricp H. Sclnv.'irlz announce the birth of a <lriui;litf.r, Jtinct Eilprn on Noviinlior 20. They nre also the Iinrenis- of a son, Meyer Paul uiul another daughter. Sue Anno. Cramlpitrcnt.s'nrc the Messrs. nn<l Mines. S, Abe Klopprji a n j Hfiyartl H. Schwartz. Mr. nnd Mrs. Allan U Wdnstein me jmrents of n (laui;litrr, Klayne Rohin born November 18 at Methodist Hospital. They also have a son, David Scott. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. NaUian Wolnstciii. Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Stoller are gicat-gramlpa cuts. New York—Twenty-two new Hebrew Day Schools were opened in the United States for the current ncademic year.
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Friday, December 9, 1900
Women's Federation Barbara Sue Adler f© Wed Makes Tour of Home A~t.dk on tlic facilities of the Dr. Philip Slier Home for the Aged wns made by David Orltow, its superintendent, at the Pecember meeting of the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs held nt the Home.
Robert EpsfeinB June IS
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Adler are announcing the engagement of their daughter, Barbara Sue, to liobert L. Epstein, ton of Mr. and Mrs. Sitm Epstein. The couple is planning a June 25th weddin,?. Miss Adler attends Ohio State University where she is affiliated With Signm Delia Tall sorority. Mr. Epstein nt tended the University of Nebraska where he was nffillnted with Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity. Miss Adler Is the granddaughter of Mrs. Alx; Sklar of Omaha, nnd Mr. nntl Mrs. Morris Adler of I/)s Angeles, Calif., former Omahans.
Omahans in News Among the performers in the Omaha Junior Theater's "Secret Garden" were Jramio Cohen, Kttve llobernian nnd Mm. Miriam Kfirler. Mmiry L. Schwartz, Temple Israel Director of Education, will nttend the annual conference of the National Association of Temple Kducafors in Hoston, Mass., from Dec?mber-25 througli Dccemlk- 2H. Mr. Schwartz is n member of the National Itonrd of Directors, of the Educator's conference.
Do your shopping in the Jewish Press.
Mr. nd Mrs. Phillip Scliiffcr
AHAJt.S PRESSURE! FIRMS SEJXING Oil, TO ISRAEL London, (WNS)—A campaign Israel Jj to be launched by the of pressure to prevent Western Arab League, according to reoil companies from selling.oil to ports fiom 15eirut, Lebanon.
MAX'S FASHION FIVE Beauty Salon European Hair Stylist
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Ilarhura Acllrr
Lloyd Arfdns Are a! Home After Trip to Nassau and New Orleans Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Arkln who were married in St. Louis, Mo., on October 30 have returned from n wedding trip to Nassau and New Orleans. They nlso stopped In .St. I^oiils before nrrivlni; In Omaha where they nrc malting their home nt 7313 Pecutur
of St. Louis, parents of Mrs. Arlcln, the former Harriettc Schlffer, their son and daughterin-law, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Kchiffer and another daughter, Susie spent a recent week-end in Oimilm. Mr. Arkin Is the son of Mr. mid Mrs. Morris Arkln.
the spectacle of lighting a thousand tiny candles . . .
130S no. 52nd St. $18,250
Synagogue Organizations Plan Hanukkah Affairs Synagogue groups nre planning Abe Krnntz, Abe Marcus, Bell holiday events in celebration of Minkin and Julius Stein. "• Reservations which will be Hanukkah, December 14-21. WMl'I-K TO HAVE MNNKR closed at .'!0O, should be m;id« T h e annual congregational with Mrs. Celfman. Gifts will Hanukkah dinner will he held bi; distributed. Bt Temple Israel or( .Friday, De- MNNKIt UlfEKTS, SUNDAY cember 10 at C:)5 luhj nnd will : Members of the United Syn.ibe foljovicd by enrly sabbath Rof?{n Youth will bo the guests cervices at 7:,'W p.i'iJ. ' of Hi.'tli fOl Sisterhood at a HnnThe dinner committee includes ukkah dinriiT at the synagogue Mrs. Alurton Hitler, chairman, .Sunday, December-11. at <> p. in. Mrnes. J. O. Goldner and Millatd preceding the group's regular Speier, co-chnirmen, and the meolliig. Reservations may IM) Mini's. Harry Trust in, Fred iiiade with Dale Uralkey, HSU JJrodltoy, George Spltzer, and M. 3(XJ<J or Barry Kort, 551-3535. M. Kruplnsky. Ile.iervatlon may be made with UKTH ISKAKL (JM'K Entertainment, refreshm e n t s the Mmes. Maury Schwartz, 55;i7421; J. K. Blelcher, 55C-CGG7 nnd a gift grab-bag for children and Jacob Hess, 551-7HH1. The will be featured nt a family Ilaparty for paid-up memdinner is $1.75 for adults and nukltah of the Beth! Israel Young $1.25 fcr children through tlio bers, Couples Club, Sunday, December /ilxth t;rade. ]1 in the synagogue from 8:30 p, m. to G p. m. nKTII EL ON rjECEMIHIK IS In charge of the event arc Mr. Iteth Kl families will attend a and Mrs." Milton Helzer, over-all Hanukkah dinner .sponsored by chairmen; nnd Mrs. Jerry the sisterhood on Sunday, Decem- Kubensteiu, Mr. Mr. nnd ber 18 at 5;:i() p.m. at the syna- Mrs. Gordon program; Elewitz, food; and gogue. Habbi Myer S. Kripke will Dr. and Mrs. Irving Shapiro, decbe toastmnster. orations. Sunday school youngsters will Participating in the program take part in the traditional will l>e Messrs. and Mmes. Jerry candle lighting ceremony. The I.ehman and Milton H e l z e r , Talmud Torah's eighth graders Mines. Oscar'Diamond, Hurry Siwill present a choral reading ref, Messrs. Leonard DePorte, nnd Its choir will lead community Jerry Rubenstcln, Paul Alperson, Iiy Davis, Manny Simon, Sonny ginning. Mrs. H. Lee Gcndler, general Market, Al Sorkin, Joe Burstein, chairman, will bo assisted by Dave Chorney, Harold Ncpom'Mines.,.Saul Gractz und Itobcrt nlck nnd Elliott Brown. Wagner. The dinner arrangement's committee Is composed MONA LISA of -Mrs. ChnrlcB Altm'an, circle House of Glamour coordinator mid Mmes. Reuben Bordy, Leo Fox, Sam Gcifman, I I I No. 50th 553-7000 6 Expart Hair Styliifi
Krs. Mayer Elected To District Office Mrs. -Adolf Mayer, was elected treasurer of District No. 20 of the National Federation bl Temple Sisterhoods at its twentythiViT'lHcnnal JU-glohal confer-' ence held in Kansas City, Mo., recently. Mrs, Mayer In'the. absence of Mri(. Sidney Brooks headed the conference Evaluation committee. The Temple Israel delegation also included Mmes. David Bebcr, Ilobcrt Colin. Uoyd Friedman, M. Kirshcnbauin, Edward Levincon and Adolpli Trost.
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Sparklmg while brick. Perfect for tmall family. Five plattorwetled roomt, carpeted IIWng room, DINING ROOM — f i r e place for your pleaiur* thii winter. Only 19 yceri young. Arrange tppt. by calling ROSE HOLLIS, 553-1486. Office, 5515008.
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the glorious voice of YAFFA YARKONI, Israel's greatest star of concert and opera
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Friday, December 9, 1860
nlty Center at 2 p. m. All groups will view the colored lilra of their first meeting, the Young ItOBEHT SLUTSKY Judaean Rally. They also will reRobert Slutzlcy, ton of Dr. and hearse for their program tit the Mrs. Een Slutsky, was elected Senior Harlassah Oucg Shabbat Regional Treasurer of the United on December 17. The sixth grade Synagogue Youth's Midwest Re- group will make Hunukkah favClon at the recent conference in ors for the Jewish Home for tlie
PANEL ON ADL Cornhusker Lodge No. 1700, B'nai B'rith will hold a dinner meeting on Wednesday, December 14 at 7 j). m. at the Tower restaurant, 78th and D o d g e streets. Participating In u pane) on Anti-Defamation Le;i;;ue activities will be Leo Kisenstatt and Nick Newman, executive board members of Plain States Region, ADL, and Ted Sennett, regional . office director. Members are urged to attend. • * * BOOK ltEViEW AT T E M P L E
Miss Ellen Lord, University of Omaha head librarian, will review the best sellers of the 10C0-C1 season at the next luncheon meeting of Temple Israel Sisterhood, Thursday, December L'i at 1 p. in. at Temple. Mines. Howard Milder und Howard Vann, chairman mid cochairman of Circle K». 4 are in charge of the meeting. Mrs. F. Ronald Cohn Is over-all program chairman. Other chairmen are Mines. I. M. Libcrmnn, program; Edward Malashock, Lawrence Albert, luncheon; Klmer Novak, table setting and Itoliort Silvcrmnn, Charles Hosenstock, decorations; Maury Schwartz and Jacob Hess, telephone. • • • BRANDEIS II HOOK CillOI.T The Book Group of Omaha Chapter Brandei.'i University National Women's Committee will meet on Monday, Dcember 12, 10 a. m. at the home of Mrs. Julius Abrahamson, 814 Dillon Drive. Mrs. N. Greenbcrs will load the discussion of Jane Austen's "Kmina." • * * COKMIUSKEK MKKTS AT HOME OF SIRS. HALPIMN The B'nai B'rith Cornhusker Chapter No. 1032 will hold a holiday meeting on Monday, December 12 at 8:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Meyer Halprin, D823 Taylor Street Card-; and mah Jongs Will follow the business session. Mrs. Allan Schecter of Council Bluffs, la., has been appointed program vice-president of the chapter. She replaces Mrs. Iler-
By Cy Scltchlek
Basketball VARSITY LEAGUE The curtain came up for the 1960-61 Varsity basketball league on Wednesday, November 30, at the J.C.C. gymnasium and saw Micklin Lumber and Milder Oil get off to a fast start with opening league game victories. In the first league game of the year, Micklin, with a young'*.-.- fast sqquad led by Dick Zacharia downed Mogen-David 51-39. The victors took the lead in the opening minutes and were never headed. Zacharia with eight field goals for sixteen points and aided by team-mate Steve Priborsky'S . thirteen points, led the offense for the winners. Ed Belgrade tossed in fourteen for the losers. Milder Oil took a commanding first quarter lead, lost It, and then fought back in the second half to defeat a determined R.C. Cola team 46-34, In the second t a t of the evening. The game was actually closer
Tainted Atmosphere' Jerusalem, (WNS)—Hope for an all-out Moscow effort to clear the " p o i s o n e d atmosphere" created by the recent revival ot the blood libel Jn a Soviet newspaper was voiced here on the floor of Knesset by Foreign Minister Mrs. Golda Meir. Mrs. Melr said she hoped Soviet authorities would go through with their reported promise to punish those responsible for tha libel. The blood libel against Jews appeared In the August 9 Issue of the offldal communist organ in Daghestan.
Iwit Piibiin-tii v,ho U muling to Kansas City, Mo. •
• CU'H
The Beth El Men's Club will hold Us third "Breakfast with the Rabbi, Sunday at 9 a. in. and will followed by n discussion led by Rabbi Myrr S. Krlpl'.ft on "A Jewish View of .Trims Christ." STUDY <iitori*
'Die Temple Israel Bible Study, group meeting December 15 at Temple will follow a 1 p. in. coffee. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks will discus J "The Book of Hosea." • • • "WOMEN OF VALOH," THEME OF I1KTII ISRAEL IXN'tHEON "Women of Valor" v.111 be the theme of the 12:30 p. m. luncheon meeting of the Beth Israel Sisterhood, at tho synagogue, December 13. One of the founders of the Beth Israel synagogue, the late Mrs. Sophie Neveleff, will be memorialized by a special gift to tho synagogue's air conditioning fund. Participating in the memorial are Mines. Sam Tarnoff, Heine Delrogli, Joseph Splegal, Harry Lippett, Harry Kutler, Sam Altsuler, Max Chftsen, Harry Dolgoff, and Aaron Cohen. Mrs. Albert Sorkin, the .Sisterhood's representative t(> the recent national convention of the Women's Branch, Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, at Atlantic City, N. J., will report on the meeting. Musical portion of the program will be presented by the SLstorhood Choral Group, under the direction of Cantor Eli Kagan, Members include:
Omaha. Individual awards nt the convention went to Mndclyn Kripke, daughter of Rabbi and Mrs. Myer S. Kripke, nnd Donna Kalinim, daughter of Mrs. Samuel Kulmun. OIKLH ON WINNING UEIIATE TEAM Judy Sleyler, Donna Kaiman nnd Madeline Kripke were members of the Central High School team which won the Girls MisEourl Valley League Debate Tournament,
ROHANUE CKLBKATES JEWISH HOOK MONTH Members of Rohanue will hold nn Oneg Shabbat !n recognition of Jewish Book Month on December 10 at 1:30 p. m. at the home of Rosalind Nog£Tlie group is planning- a bowlIng competition with AZA No. 100 the following day and will participate on December 18 in a r o u n d - robin volleyball game which will include two other girls' Chapters, Edinr and Ilevra. i'OUNO JUDAEA SUNDAY MEETINGS Tlie three Y o u n g Judncnn Groups will meet Sunday, December 11 at the Jewish Commu-
Aged. Tlie seventh grade will give a parly for the Nebraska Children's H o m e . 'Hie eighth grade group will discuss a baka .sale to raise money for the Tsofim, thp .Scouting Movement of Israel. They will nlso work on a program to be given at lh» Horn'.".
SA1LINQ Fna Kf «r rtrk ortry tttlN wtrti 1 8 3. luiel end J,S. Zfon, itopping c i routi at Mtdilra ind Gritt*, Frsa MsfClterrsstaii ;trti wnU^r SS.TheciJorllefiljnd s 3, Jcrutslem (In season)'
• Stabilizer-equipped fof smooth tailing • Templing, strictly kosher cuisina • Lively israsll atmosphere Consult your travel cgint hi'i your but tourca of «dvlc9
/.'.mes. l.*ro/ CcnfitMrl, Bfrntird Denfobcro, Harry Slref. A t * ScWoff, Arthur GertxT, Harvet Gersheln, Jrvlnq Butxrndir, JJalhan Ostrow, Scm-jcl Shod, Millon Mtrenb«rrj, Morris Ructermart, llcrman Plllor, Dei;nar K'ctn, Hymen Ll/bman, Josrpfl Burjfc'n, Arthur Pcifllman, and Hwiry AJV pel. Baby lilting service will be provided. . • • * .
SCN'OAY COFFEE FOK TEMPLE MEN Rabbi Sidney Brooks will liead a discussion following a "coffee" with Temple Israel men on Sunday, December 11, nt 10 n. m.
than the final score indicated as Milder led by only one point going Into the final quarter after trailing by three early in the second half. Lindy Paul, Fred Bernstein and veteran Irv Yaffe combined for 31 points to lead the winners in the scoring department whUa Howard Lipton dumped in nln« for tlie losers. STANDINGS Team \\ l, SUlder 1 0 Micldln 1 0 R.C. Cola 0 1 Mogen-Waylrt . . ^ . . . . . . . . . . . 0 1 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14 It.C Cola vs. Mogen-Davld, 7:80 pm,; Milder vs. IMiclilln, 8:30 pxn. lOCTII COUNCIL LEAGUE Rayim and A.Z.A. 1, clialked up opening day victories as another Youth Council basketball campaign got underway at th» J.C.C. gymnasium on Sunday, December 4. Harlan Rimmerman and Bill Ginsburg led the winning A.ZA. 1, group to a. 47-32, triumph over A^.A. 1000. AZ.A. 1000, is really hurting now because of their two best players making the Central High School "B" team and therefore now appear to be the weakest team in the league. In the nightcap, Rayim again toyed with their opponents and walked off with o 47-31 drubbing over A.Z.A. 100. Hayim's starting five spent most of the time on the bench watching their sub» perform. LEAGUE STANDING Team . W K. Kaylm 1 O A.Z.A. 1 1 0 AJZ.A. 300 0 t AjZJi. 1000 .......... 0 1 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11 Bajtm vs. A.Z.A. 1000,11 O4U.; A.Z.A. 1 vs. A.Z.A. 100, 12 noon.
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