Publication ofnte. 101 fju. Omntiii Ncbritf.ka, Phone *•*•"-
.Vol. XXXIX — No.
Plii)i|i M. Klut/.inY!:, who WHS elected General Chairman of (IK; Ji.ttionvvifji- 1'jljl United Jewish Appe d at the 01t; un/.ilion's i n -
for ,'JO/JOO younger niari'icil people. I'jjri! Forest has Kfood as a model ever since for similar p r o j . ftt.s th<< ivorld over, He ia ulso (lie initiator and guiding spirit behind the development of the Inline now seaport d l y of Ashdod In Israel. Wilh Israeli cj.-sodalrs, lie i.s building n iiiarninolh coriimiinity project which will become n metropolis for 150,000 people. He was a p a r t n e r in an Omaha law firm and d u r i n e tlie last decade has made his
home in Park Forest. lip is married to the former Ethel Kiekes of Omaha who is a sister of Mrs. Morton Klekes, Mrs. Harncy Fitilc, Henry and Max Ulekcs, ail of Omaha,
F.Lf.n Ifcbrtck'
PIIIIJI' M. KMJTZNICK General Clialrman United Jewish Appeal
Tlie celebration of Hunukknh will be niarkod by a "Intlte" party in tiie. Senior Citizen's lounge, Monday noon, December ]•). .Hostesses will be Mrs, Abe Usher, chairman; Mines Bessie liolin, -flyman Fried and Max Sluljsky. Golden Ag«:rs, and Mines. Ixjm's Culler, Albert Gaer, .Stanley Ilerzoff, Irvin Kaiman and J. Milton Margolin of the Jewish Council of Women. The lounge will be open Monday, January 2 from 10 a. m. to 3 p. in. with Golden Age members as hostesses.
Pfsfaftropies 25 Years Ago
U.A.R. Voted on U.N/s Council United Nations,- N. Y.—The General Assembly of tlie United Nations, this week, elected the United Arab Republic as a nonpennanent member of the Security Council. Secret Ballot Since the ballot is secret there Is no indication which nations supported the United Arab Republic, whose election came on the second ballot with 74 votes, Tlie term will henln January 1, 1901. A representative of the, United States declined, to say where tlie American delegation stood. Naaier'u Supporters? The New York Times In an editorial commented: "It would be Interesting to know the names of Nasser's U.N. supporters for there are many arguments against hf« Government beln(f given this responsibility, Nasser l.i supposed to represent the Middle East. He doesn't lie to at outa (Continued on Pace 3.)
Harry Tninlin (Irnrrnl fiolicllatlon ('li.-Uniian
lion liarlmv Ansu. (,'Jir. <J<n. .SolloTtntlou
Second GIUES I'osujje I'alu «t Omalm. Ncl.r
rhlllp Klutznlck Omalm I'Mlantlironli-. «enBral Chairman
Abrnliiinit Asso. Chr. of Initial (Ml*
rlreinnst.'inces. Kvery new ndminislriitiott of the Federation has looked and searched for a camp .site. J am very happy that a dream of many years has been finally realized, and that our Tlio purcliaso of a j82-ner« community now has a permanent camp silt- of its own. We can tract of land for a permanent now say "Mazal Tov." camp Klto iva« niinoiinrrd by "I really feel that this is a Harry Trustlii, Jewish Federation president. Tlio Jand 1.4 locat- tremendous Ilanukkah gift by ed in CUH» County, near houln^- tlie Jewish community to its vllle, NobroNhii, In the area children. "I congratulate the Committee wliero (,'anip Jay-f.'-C first opened and express to them our sincere 22 years ago.' and thanks for their "We believe that we have the appreciation zeal and final achievefinest campln;; area in Nebras- devotion, . • ka," Ernest A. Nora;, chairman ment."Committee in •Chargo of the Camp Site Committee and 'ifie Camp Site Committee conFederation first vice-president, reported. 'Tiie land is scenic sists of Krnest A. Nogg, Chairrolling, and heavily wooded, and man; S. Kilmer Gross, Co-Chairis ideal from every viewpoint. man; Irvin Levin, Legal ChairIt meets the strictest require- man of the Federation; and the ments for camp siles, and is truly following; Norman Batt, Edward V. Brodkey,.Arthur A. Colin, Dr. wonderful ground. Abe Grcenbenc, Gerald Gross, "Tiie camp silo is between two Robert II. Kooper, Dr. Daniel existing camps. On tlie west it Miller, Stanley Perimeter, Ilarry adjoins the Lincoln VJMC'A camp; •Sidman, Alfred Sopliir and Alex on tiie cast, it Is next to Camp Weinstein, Harriet Harding. The Plattc KivSherman Poslca, a former er is on the north. This offers a Camp Jay-C-C Director and Fedwonderful opportunity for a co- eration staff member, assisted operative development of one of the Committee in locating and in tlio finest camping areas in the the acquisition of this site. U n i t e d States," Mr. Nocg Mr. NogK also announced that stressed. immediate steps are being taken Will Servo Kntlro Community for camp development, which will "At Ion;; last we have H site of Iv under the supciUMon of the our own, which we will use for Federation Building Committee, the benefit of the entire Jewish of ulneh Alex Wemstein is chaircommunity," N o r m a n Halt, man, mid Harry Sidman co-chairChairman of Camp Jay-C-C said. man
"This ia a perfect site for our Children's Camp; In addition, tlie size of the camp sile will peimit us to develop special areas for Golden Afiers, young Adults, and Family Camping. "We will be able to hold seminars, training sessions, and vailous affairs and programs theje. We will plan for Winter Camping, so as to utilize those excellent facilities on a year-rouiid basis." 'A Camp> of Our Own' H a r r y Trnstin, Federation president, said: "For twenty years we have been conducting our Camp in rented facilities, under most difficult and triing
Mrs. icKie to Heport On Middle East Trifi JrvJn C. r^ivin I-OIIIS hlpp A. A, Hcdler Organization Hpeakcr's Kur. youth Dlyblon t'halrnmn Chairman • Clialrman
Sam .SSacharla MeeUaga C'lir.
GongrafolafiORS—Phif! Remeiu&er 1S35 When You Headed (he Campaign Here? Your election as national United Jewish Appeal Chairman touched off memories of your distinguished service when you headed tlie Omaha Philanthropies Campaign in 1035 with Omaha loaders, some of whom are shown iiere as they appeared in an issue of the Jewish Press on thcdrlve of that year. We who ecryetl with you know your national leadership In the United Jo with Appeal will be a historic one. Omaha assures you that Its community efforts will Strive to match your own sterling leadership In the campaign. Ilarry Xiuslln, Pmldent Federation
Single Vvpy MJc Annual llntc $4
®arty in Senior Citizen's Lounge, Monday
tlonal conference in New York, needs no Introduction to the Oniulia community, whore he n.isuincd positions of leadership early in his chosen nrcaa of nrtlvlty. 11ml from Mldwfst He is considered one of th<» youngest Jewish leaders in this country and is believed to he the youngest man ever to head the Omaha Jewish Philnnthwx pies Campaign In 1!>'15 at tlii» ftge of 28. He ia nko the first person from tlie American Midwest to hold the national UJA title. His Interest <n Jewish nffnin elates hack to l'J2J when he wai Instrumental in founding the first B'nal B'rlth youth group. At 40 he became tlie youngest man ever elected president of the international B'nal IJ'rith. Today he serves as president of the orgnnizatlon'ii international council. He v.'ns named special Resistant lii slain clearance to the U.S. Attorney General before he was 30 aTid was appointed Public Housing Commissioner at 37 Community I'lannlni; Kxpcrt Mr. Klutznlck's imaginative conimunily planning ha3 sparked outstanding ljuildinft projects on two continent.1). In 1917-8, he developed the Internationally renowned Park Forest community ncnr Chicago, specially-Eeared
Mr. Klutznick's Affiliations With Jewish Federation While in Omaha: Chairman of thn 1035 Khllanthroples Campaign C'lialminn of tiie Kuilgct Comrnlttco of the Oniulia Jculsli I'odcrntlon. Ohnlrman of the Bureau of Jewish Kducatlon which ploncrred with a new approach to o'cnlsli Kduriitlon proRramd. X'rcsldent of the Went Central Iteglon of tlm Oonnfill of Jewish F<Mlcratlon» mid Welfare Funds. Member of tlie Jewish Federation Hoard. Kcprcnental the Omaha Jowliiti Community at the. American Jeivtalj ConforciiCfl.
Mrs. Alexander McKie Jr., will talk on her recent visit to the Middle East at an Oncg Shabbat, to be given by Omaha Chapter of Hadnssah at 3 p. m, at the •Sheraton-Fontenelle Hotel, Saturday. Mrs. McKie is the recipient of many awards mid citations in recognitions of outstanding scivice In civic affairs and for the improvement of human relations. The program will also present Israeli dances by a Young Judaean group. A tea will follow.
Hospital Award for Epstein-Morgan, Post Kpsleln-Morcan post of tlie Jewish War Veterans will receive a.recognition award from the Veterans Hospital in Lincoln Sunday afternoon, December 38 for presenting entertainment and gifts to patients. The citation will be awarded by Miss Grace Darby, hospital staff member, to Isadora Lewis on behalf of the post. A group headed by Mr. Lewis, will brine an entertainment unit to'hospital patients also on Sunday.
Center Offers Prize-Winning Film Dec. 23 A new feature film, "Ilopplfy Goes to Town" will headline tlio opening children's vacation progi.un, Fiidaj, Docoinbor 23 at the Jewish Community Center at 1:30 p. m. The movie, n fantasy color cartoon, vvlrmor of the I'arent'H M i(;:»7lnn Family jMc-d il Award will open a scries of four programs arranged for youngsters, fivo through elglit year* of ago. "Hoppity Goes to Town" is the story of Honey Bee and her
'1 r
Charaotern In Children/it
family and friends, lovenble little characters living in a big city who hope that some day Hoppity will lead them to their ShangriLa. Their trials and tribulations are 1told with action, fun and song ,. Tlie children will also see a Walt Pisney cartoon and receive refreshments. Mrs. Harold Weinhoff, Children's Activities Chairman of the Center, states that Friday's event will 1)0 followed by other special activity features on December 26, 28 and 30. Programs will be announced later. For further Information call Besse Blank, Secretary, Activities Department, 342-13GS.
Bar Mifzvah
B'nai B'rith Bond Night Features Talmach' Leader
Published weekly on Friday beginning tlie last <netU In Angnst through tecoud week In Jnly by the Jewish Federation of Omaha.
have extended invitations to both communities to attend. Mr. FeinIHTJ; will appear on the name Editor platform with Hence Matthews, younj: musician nnd vocalist, who Ira "Palmnch" Feinbrn;, yomiR specializes in modern Israeli balworld traveler nnd I'ahnach lads and traditional Yiddish folk leader will bo guest of honor at toin;s. the "li'nai IVrith Bond Between Material for Mr. I'einber;;'s W ' CM inn;', Wi din •, Dm m- talks havo been (lathered In Kub<r aith, at the Hottl lll.idi- ro|x\ North Africa and Israel and duriiiR his United States Army The Senior Citizen's f.ouii|;e Military Intellli;ence service us means opportunity for Ruld:i trnn.slatcr of the many Arabic anre In mailing tlie Inter years dialects. Ho also .'.peaks fluent fruitful and satisfying by Hchrew, .Spanish, . Jtaliun and learning, btiarliig und helping. Itusskin. • • • Aided Itefucee* Prior to Israel's establishment Lounge Opin Every Monday as a ttate in l'JlS, ho helped JeuiMi (.'onmiunlty ('enter brine rcfui;i'i'.s into Palestine. He from 10 A. M. to 3 I*. SI. I)r. I'Vllniiin Ira recently returned from a fact• • * stone at 8 p. m., nceordinj; to Dr. finding tour of Israel, durini; Activities, Fun, Iteereatlon I.ron Fi'llinan, Chairnian of the which he consulted with Moishe Movies, BIli).' (hiss, citywidc event. Dyan, past Commander of IsSocials for Senior Citizens Invitation to Ituth Cities rael's Army and General Kzer Tlie H'nai IVrith lodges and Wei/niann, Air Force Com.Tiandchapters of Omaha and Council er and many other key leaders of liluffs, sponsors of tlie event, Israel. He inspected industrial nnd agricultural products and saw the mineral development N>ni and happenings at The Dr. Phllln Shrr Jnviih Homo for the Canadian Jewish takini: place in the Southern NcAfcecl by David Orl;o\v. tev with the aid of Israel Uomls.
S « b n d C l a n Poileme Po!d ot Omoho, tiebr. Annual Subscription, W.OQ. Advertising Notes on Application. Publication OMn*—101 Ho. 3Clh slrccl, Omotlo, tISUr., M2-13M.
Friday, December 18, 10CO
Page Tw»
Ira Fslnberg, Speaker Dec. 28, BEacfcsfoiia
What Does Senior Gilizcn'G lounge tkm to Retired?
r.i. Sabbath Services at. Beth El Syiiaj;o;:no at 8:15 p. in., Rabbi Myer S. Kriphc will deliver tlie sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Kil;;»r and the Heth El Syn»i;»f;uo Choir will rentier the musical portions. Sabbath morninj; traditional service will bf.'i;in at H:30 a. in. ami the family service at 10:30 a. m.
Sunday morning services at 9 n. m. .Services durinj; the week at 7 a. m. and 7 p. in. BETH ISRAEL Knbbi Benjamin Groner, Cnntor Eli Kngnn, and the Beth Israel choir will conduct the Friday evening family wrviccs at 8:00 p. m. Traditional Friday evening son ices (Kobolas Shabbos) begin nt 4:30 p. m. Shabbos morning services nt 8:45 a, m. at 52nd and Charles Streets and at 9 a. m. at 19th and Hurt .Streets. Junior Congregation at 9:45 a. m. Rabbi Groner will conduct the Talmud Class at 4 p. in. Sabbath Mincha at 4:-15 p. m. followed by Sholosh Studos and Mnariv at 5:40 p. m. Sunday morning services at 9 a. m. followed by breakfast and Rabbi's class In Bible. Sunday Junior Minyan at 8:30 a. m. followed by breakfast. Daily services at 7 a. m. and lit 4:50 p. in. TRMl'LK ISItAEL Temple Israel sabbath services will be at an earlier hour, 7:30 p .m., and will follow the annual congregational Hanukkah dinner at C:15 p. in. Officers of the congregation nnd Its affiliates will kindle the Menorah in a service of symbolic re-dedication of purpose written by Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks. He will officiate at this service. Miss Ida Gitlin will direct the choir in a special presentation of "The Joy of Dedication"—a Hanukkah poem from, Ibn Gabirol. Saturday morning services, nt 11:30 a. m. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks will officiate. The Temple Religious School Choir, led by Miss Gitlin, will participate in this service, Hanukkah will be observed in the Temple's religious school with programs for wades, five through ten of the Saturday division 'on Saturday, December 17, and for kindergarten classes and grades one through four on Sunday, Dccember 18. School will begin thirty minutes later than usual. Students from both divisions may bring gifts not costing over 25 cents for a grab "bag." B'NA JACOlt AIJAS XI'JSIIIjROX Friday, Mincha, 4:45 p. m. Saturday, 8:30 a.' m. Mincha, 4:30 p. m. followed by Sholosh Seudos. Daily services at 6:30 a. m. and 4:45 p. m.
Wiih the Home Folks Mrs. Jeanne Potacli, Omaha beautifician, gave her services to the Bikur Cholim beauty salon this week. A barber alos was present to talce care of the men's tonsorlal needs. IlahM nenjaniln Groner was Our rabbinical visitor this week. A new plaque was dedicated at the Home's synagogue memorial tablet in m e m o r y .of Clara Sclmitzler. The Ilanulikah randies this year were donated by Temple Israel, New residents: Julius Aronoff, I.Irs. Minnie Eerg. The Illkur C'hollm HanuUkali party, under the chairmanship of Mrs. Fred Hnhn, assisted by the Mmes. Max Magid, Nathan, Ben Waldinan, Morris White nnd Jake Wine, was held this wek at the Home. Cantor Kli Kagan entertained our folks on this occasion. Coming events: Sunday, December 18 at 2 p. m. sharp, Temple Israel will present residents with Hanukkah entertainment.
Mayor to Serve Fourth Term
Toronto (JTA)—Mayor N'nthan Phillips, the first Jew to head this city's municipal government, was reelected to his fourth two-year term,which will give him a record of cli;ht years us Mayor of a central Canadian metropolis.
MILS. ZfXDA YAIIMOLNKK Funeral services were held December 2 at the Jewish Funeral Home for Mrs. Zelda Ynrmolnek, 79. Burial was in Mt. Sinai Ci-meteiy. .Surviving ore son, Ben; stepsons, Harry and Philip: sisters, Mrs. M:ix Baumer nnd Mrs. Hymie Kramer and five grandchildren. MItS. SAICAII CO1IKN Services were held Sunday at Temple Israel for Mrs. Sarah Cohen, %. of G01 North Sixtysecond Street, who died last Friday. She was a member of Temple Israel nnd the Omalia Council of Jewish Women. Surviving nre husband, Jack Ronald Greene on E. Cohen; daughter, Mrs. l/?ah I5rooksteln and three grandchilHarvard Paper dren. Ronald Greene, Harvard UniBurial was in Pleasant Hill. versity freshman, was elected to SIKS. IDA GIVKNTICK the editorial staff of the Harvard Services for Mrs. Ida Glventer, Crimson, daily student publica- 69, of 3CGG Cass Street, who died tion. December 7, were held at tlie He and his brother, Martin, a Jewish Funeral Home on DeHarvard .senior, will arrive In cember 8. She was the widow of Omaha on December 23 to spend .Sam Glventer. the holidays with their parents, Survivors are sons, Eugene and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lcvlnson, Ned; daughter, Emma and six grandchildren. Patronize the Jewish Press Burial was in Golden Hill Cemetery. Advertisers.
Ail friends «nd relative ar« Invited to atttnd Mrvlw* «uui reception. BENJAMIN V. 8IIAITON Tlie liar MiUvah of Benjamin Charles Shafton, ton of Mr. and] Mrs. Kdivard Khiitton will be reU.hrated on Ue<!f-mbcr 23 nnd Iircember i!l at Ueth Israel SyDo your Miopi>lnt; in the Jewhh Press. Copiei of Treaiured Photos of Loved One*
THE ¥/URGLEK CO. 313 So. 14th
BETH ISRAEL NURSERY SCHOOL RegiitraTionl tire fcfting tafctn now for the next icmC'itcr cf Nuricry School. For information p l m e ccntecf Mrt. Henry Appel, 553-5638 er Mf«. Emmt Hoclultr, 653-8946.
In ocjdlll&n to Dr. reflmcin, sponsoring B'nol O'rJlh (jrwjpl ond ilielr offireri of Httiry MO'liky- Moa KOQOH, ftrtiitkmt, end Or. Ab» 6'ttntxrQ, bond thwlrmnn, Lctilge No: 334; Mux !>acVi, president, ami Mr». Chorlfi Stern, t>crid ttiolrmon. Chapter No. 470; Cornhusl'er—Alvln Abrcfnjon, pretfdent, ond Stanley r t l o b t r p , bond tltolrman. Lortse Ho, 1?M; Mr>. Turner president, oml M r i . Benny Kllkln, bond thalrman, Cnapler 103?; Jerry f a l s e r , prtlldent, orid Ben Oenfi'jn, bond chotrman, Irving Cohen Ltxlot No. HZ, Council Blulfs.
P.eseiTations for the eveninj; may be made by calling the Rond office, 341-1177, or through any li'nai IVrith president, lioml chairman or other officer. Autumn Years WOW-TV Channel 6 Sunday, December 18 10:30 p. m. to 11:30 p. m. Scenes of the Senior Citizen's Lounjje nt the Jewish Community Center will be shown.
RUG CLEA^3ERS Don Bernstein, 345-2554
: \.-' 'FflN'BLUM?
; *\ . •, .> <.
MONUMENTS In the Jewish Troditlon tour order uliould he placed well In advance nf "Yalirzitt" to the work docs not have to to hurried. W* «re known for our exacting Hebrew lettering and detail. You may placo your confidence In ui knowing each detail and tradition will be adhered to with utmott car* and ikill.
Wo employ no errnti—tirro TOO •ave- tlip»e eKprnnlvo rAmmlRRlonv MI you dVnl dlrrrtly with the 0tvn<r* . . . We Invite foil to compare . . * We prrmlt no untimely Holfrltatlon , . . You are free to mdio up your own Mind.
Frank Reoiw
3J13.16 "P" St. 73M111 Open Sunday 2-5 Since 1923
In Winter Follow the Son So Israel ALL-EXPENSE 17-DAY TOUR TO "All Inclusive" from New York Via EL-AL Airlines
4415 Cuming
Weekly Departures EYERY MONDAY Unfit MARCH 1, 1961
1314 HO. 24TH ST.
KOSHER CHICKENS KILLED DAILY Save by Calling 341-4977 Certified «nd approved by Rabbi Dr. Leon Thorn, Prejident, American Academic Rabbit Association of New Americans, and Rabbi 5. Welkin of lh» Orthodox Rabbis Association of, N«w York CI»y.
' •'
Suite 424 —Forncm Bldg., OmofiaZ. Neb.—342-5974
Per Lb.
Friday, December 18, 10«0
n m jrnwisn
Temple Dinner For Collegians
Judith Goldberg Engaged To Lawrence Yampolsky Mr. cud Mr«. Jack Epstein an. nounce the engagement of Mrs. Epstein's daughter, Judith Aim .Goldberg to Lawrence Fred Yumpolsky, son of George Yampolsliy of Hillside, N. J. The bride-to-he, a j;rn<lnate of Lincoln High School, Lincoln, Nebr., Is n tophomore at the University of Alaham.i, Tusraloosa, where she belongs to AIjiha Epsilon Phi sorority. .She was nominated for "cutest pledge" nnd was a raiulidatc for Alpha Kpsilon I'i sweetheart. Her fin nee Is a uenior in the jire-ilontnl school at the TJHIV«.Tftity or Alabama. He is president of Alpha Kpsilon I'i and is a nii'inbfT of Druids, an honorary. A June wedding is being planned.
Melvin Plotkins Hosts at Silver Anniversary Mr. mid Mrs. Melvin Plotkln will be ho&ts at n cocktail-dinner party in celebration of their twenty-fifth weddint; anniversary. S.undny, December 18 nt the Dlaelcstonc Hotel. Among their guests will be Italibl and Mrs. (Jershon ITndns of Kansas City, Mo. The ttnbbt officiated nt their wedding. The truest list will Include tlie following Iowans: Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed Mnzvln.slcy, Lcmnr; Mr, nnd Mrs. Willard Plollcin, Iowa City; Mrs. Kate Melcher, Sioux City and Mrs. Eugene Glventer, IXs Molnes. Other out-of-rowners who will be present nre Mr. and Mrs. II. J!. Cushman, Dayton, O.; Miss Barbara J of fee, Minneapolis, Minn.; Mrs. Mary Delias, St. Jo•cph, Mo.; Mr. nnd Mrs. Sam Trope nnd daughter, Ityna, I'eorln, III.; Mr. ond Mrn. Irving Avncr, Lincoln, Nfcbr. nnd Mr. and Mrs, Marshall Geller nnd family, Oklahoma City, Okla.
Omahans in News Dr. DnnlfI Miller received n certificate of appreciation from President Elsenhower for 30 years ns medical advisor to Douglas County Draft Hoard No. 28. Mr. and Mrs. Harry O. MendVlnon, 4304 California Street ore vIsltlnR their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. nnd Mrs. Mnynard Grconberg who recently moved to Minneapolis, Jllnn., from New York where they resided for eight years. Dr. J. E. Blelrher was elected president of thn Doctors Hospital medical staff for the coming year. Dr. Ralph O. Tiirlcel was nppointed to the publicity committee of the Nebraska Society of Clinical Hypnosis. Dr. Sidney I-. Kublit was elected fellow of the American Academy of'Pediatrics,
U.A.R. on U.M. Council (Continued from Pago 1.) with Jordan nnd Iraq, and ho considers himself (.till fit war with Israel.. Four years ago .he agreed to preserve tho Suez Cnnel ns n waterway for all nations. He has not kept this agreement. He has confiscated not only Israeli Ships but cargoes owned by non-Inraelis In non-Israeli -thips. Last April Secretary General Daft Hammarskjold protested against the confiscation of one Israeli cargo at the entrance of .the canal and said this ' action went against the principles of the United Nations. No U.S. 1'rotcst "There is no reason," the editorial continued, "to believe that the S e c r e t a r y General has changed his mind. There Is no reason to believe that the United States would have any enthusiasm for voting In favor of Nas..iscr's .candidacy. But there has been -no protest from the United • Nations against this action."
Page Three
Both homecoming and resilient college students of the Temple Israel congregation will receive Invitations to a Sabbath dinner at tin; Temple on Friday evening, December 23. The dinner, a private affair for college students, will be preceded by n Sherry Hour from (i p. m. to 7 p. in. Following the dinner, the students will Join their families for tlie regular Sabbath evening service with Ilubbi Sidney lirooks, officiating. Dr. Ralph Wnrdle, KngHsh Department clutirm;m at Omaha University, will be tlie jjtiest .speaker.
Students Coming Home for Vacation
Miss Fyllis rtubinow, Glendale, Calif., teacher, and her sister, Diane Riibinow, University of Missouri freshman are spending the school vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Hubinow and their Era'ndnioUicr, Mrs. Ksther Marks. DoiiRlas Plait, fresliman student nt Stanford University, Palo'Alto, Calif., will spend tlie school vacation with his parents, Dr. and Mrs, David Iiatt. Miss F v a n c e s Cooperman, freshman at Hood College, Frederick, Md., was to arrive Friday
for R visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cooperman.
BETH EL V>ry clean and nlc« bungalow wMrh uff«r» nice blz«d living1 room, full dining: room, blgr kitchen mid '£ tiedroonis, Knclosed front itnd Iia^It porches, lull bancrnfiit with ciibinot jfiiN lu'iit. Drtiu hfd ?-*-ar tarap*1. I'rlc^d ut jUHt fl2p250, i'un't ^o wrong <in this one. I'or more information <-uII Sfu'Idon 8U*rrnlirrr, 341-4312, or I^onard Ooiihl, C56-08Oy, or office, 3411500.
MLE Reciter 91C Rcdlck Tower
Il'iinl irrllh Henry
Moiislty W'fimcii'H Kn\v Tear'tf JJv
Miss Judith (Joldbrrj;
COIINTV.(iOVIIKNMKNT DAY Among the high schoolers who participated in the annual County Government Day at the Douglas County Courthouse were Cheryl YVelnbcrg, Sheldon Krizehnan, Helen ICatz, Kobcrt Gross and Judy Veret.
A wedding in Madrid, .Spain was held in the Jewish community's new synagogue. It was the first wedding to be held In a synagogue in the Spanish capital In nearly 470 years.
MONA LISA House of Glamour I I I No. EOth 553-7000 6 Export Halt Stylliti
JiOUXING Marsha Coren led the Sunday liowlers of Ilohnnue and Hevrah Chapters, I3UH with hlgii games of 188 nnd 187 nnd a three game Berles of 473. Other high names were 156—Itenee Franklin; 137— Linda Mngzuniln and 135-Fiancee IWe. High scries were taken by Keneo Franklin—103 and Francee Rife, 378.
Special Prices TIME. 78 Wki. $7X7 • • READERS' DIGEST, 1 Yr. . . . $ Z ¥ 7 Kiplrrt 12-31-00 • •
Air-Condirionod Dryon
<;IVI: MAOAZINKK ron r.n--rs •I'O CHII.DItK.V & A U t ' J X S
U'rlt« or cull
HELEN BERNSTEIN Maguzlnfl SperlalUt 440 Ho. 61 if 551-6742
EIIIAIt I'llKi'AItlNf; FOR WINTKlt CONVKNTION Edlar members are preparing for the winter convention which will take place December 21-27 ut Sioux City, In. The girls will participate in oratory nnd nrt projects contests nnd athletic events. l'OIJNG JUDAKANS All Young Judnean groups will take part In the Israeli songs nnd dances to 1)0 presented nt the IIndassah'8 Oneg Shabbat Katur«lny, December 17 nt 1 p. in. nt the Sheraton-Fontenelle Hotel. Speakers will bo Mallory Goldwnre of JCJ'sj Sharon Herman, Dots nnd Marjory Sircf, Jays. Tlie group.? will be met for n swim party at the Jewish Community Center on Sunday. December 18 nt 1:30 p. m.
DINNER DANCE Slier jiton-KontfrHlIo fiSl-6223 650-7335
Wishing All Our Friends and Customers A Very Happy
HANUKKAH Hanukkah Greetings from
John Kalina FOR THE FINEST . . . IN PHOTOGRAPHY Portrait* Weddings Commercial 817 So. 36th
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50th and Dodgo Streets
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Lot Him. Help You With Your Clothing Selection*
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MAX'S FASHION FIVE Beauty Salon Europoan Hair Stylist
18th and St. Marys
the perfect setting for
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Pago Four
Friday, December IB, 10G0
Talking About Israel Bonds! ization a* a luncheon meeting, Tuesday, December 27 at 12:.':0 A meeting of tin.' board ami p. in. at the Jev.i.h Community 1 (.•'-HUT. The menu v.ill feature mcMnbership oi tin !:U>;IK' ^ arid l'rolcssioiiiil Wuiin-ii <A J(;nl;i:;- 1'iti:f• ri. Mri:il>- r.-> aie ns!;efi t-* b.-ii:;: tu'-nly-li'-e fi.-iit f.ilts lor s:ih will lit- hcl'l al the home of a !!an'il:!:ah c-.v.-h-in-.v;. J.Irs. Julius Ni-v.nrin, piv.-KU-nt, 1G11 South thirty-third S t r ^ t A cake made by Mr:;. Sain Noon Sunday, l)ec-i--inb.-r IS at 2 va!', will be M-i'vciJ at the party. p. in. Mrs. Novak v.ill read an original Arrangement* v.ill bij made pi;( ni commemorating the thirtj-.'i!th an!ii'.eiT,ary oi 1'ioneer for the ajuj'-i'tl funii-i;ii:iii<; afWom-ii. She has accepted the off;iir, a by/aar imii cyrd party sciiefliil'd for V.'< -din-Mi.iv, I-Vb- liee of .social chaiiman and will ru^ry lii at 7:.'!1) p. in. ;it thy be in chaige of sending greetings lilackstorie Hotel b:illioi>;ii. Mrs, to mcmbciH on their hhllul.jys. Mines l.-ailr)re l-'orbivs ami Lillian r,r-cl:i'i' i:; lund-raising ehainnan \^'ItH Mr>:. N<> \V ni ?i n, Dave Kp'.lein are lunclieon chairco-chairman, n.'sisled by the en- men.'A .short. biiMness micliii;; will precede tin' program. tire membership, • • * Kach woman is a:;!;ed to bring II0I.1IIAY I>ANCIN<i a Ilanukknh rift nn Sunday. * • • (1,1 IJ TO IIAVi: I'AKI V The Holiday Dancing Club will MI/KAMII WOMliN have a New Year's Kvc dance at 1'I.AN LATHE l'AIITV Mizraehi v.-om< n v.ill In- j;ii'\sls the Blackstone Hotel, .Saturday, of the chapter at a 1 p. in. latl'.c; December ,'il from 30:.':0 JI. in. to 1 :\'Ji a. in. A breakfast will Ire prii'ty cm Wednesday, l"'ei:mb'-r 21 on the last day of Hanukkah, served to inemljera find their Wednesday, December l!l at the guests after the danee at Coral's. Jewish Community Center. • • • Rabbi Benjamin Groii'-r of UAIilU (iUOMOlt TO Heth Israel iyna<;o(;i|,_- v.ill be LEAD nisrussioN tlie speaker. J'.abbi Benjamin Groner will Mrs. Herman Franklin is lead a discussion of "Treasures chairman and will be assisted by. of Jewish Literature" nt Ihe 1 Mines. Bessie Helm. Abe Fisher p. m. coffee meeting of tiie Beth and Abe Upsman for the event Israel Sisterhood study group on and Mi's. Frank Sekar is in Monday, December 3^. at the charge of decorations. home of Mrs, N. II. Greentx-rg, • • * 677 North 5!tth .Street. BET.H I.SKAEI. I.SKAEI. STARTS I'-TA SABBATH A P-TA sponsored sabbath will MAKLVIJ I-EKIIME Tel Aviv (JTA >—Production be observed at Heth Israel Synahas begun of Israel's first pergogue Friday at 8 p. in. Tbe Parent-Teachers organi- fume, manufactured from acacia zation will also sponsor a Hanuk- and a variety of other flower kah Latke party at the syna- scents, it was announced here by gogue .Saturday at H p. in. 'Die Lola Beer, Israel's famous fashion designer. program will include games, Mali Jongg and other entertainment. Tickets may be purchased at the EL AL STARTS door. JKT SEKVlCi; • * » New York (JTA 1—The first PIONEEKS TO CELEBRATE direct, same-plane jet service beHANb'KKAIl »E< TIMBER 27 tween New York and Israel will Uanulckah will be celebrated be Inaugurated by Kl Al Israel by the Pioneer Women's Organ- Airlines on January 5. it. & r. i I:M>-R.VISIN<; J».|{KAN<;I-;MENTS MX\
Afro-Asian Institute Opens in Tel Aviv
TIio Afro-Asi.ui Institute for 1. ibor ^(udU H, sponsored by Histadrut, v.'is opened in Tel Aviv on October X8th at 70 students /rom a score of Halloas come to study Israel's cooperative economy and social oclilevemcntsi. The Institute Is to he A permnnent school at which representatives of under-developed nations Tan be trained In theoretical and practical subjects niipllcable to the problems being faced by the new otatcs In Asia and Africa. A §180,000 c r a n t by tile AFI/-CIO will go toward ncholarslilps, while Histadrut Jtsclf Li spending $350,000 to build a dormitory and classrooms near its Workers Collepo In Tel Aviv.
Israel, Soviets Vis In Aid to Uliana Jerusalem (JTA) — Israeli know-how in technical assistance will compete witii that of the Soviet Union In Ghana as a result of agreement'; signed in that African country for the creation of experimental farms on Ghan's coastal strip. The Ghana Government signed similar agreements with Israel and the Soviet Union for establishment and management of nn equal number of such farms. It appeared certain that competition would develop between the groups of technicians from the two countries in a race to see which would produce" better-de-velopment, higher farm yields,
the greater number of jjraduates in tralninB courses and similar aspects of the experimental program.
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By Cy Scltcldcl; I!ASKI:THAI,I.
VAiisnv i.v..\<in: Milder Oil and1 Miel:!in l.'imII-T Keoied tlieir M-COIH] straight vielorie:; in Varsity J- ;if'iie IMIIIpi'tilion. ::t tin- Community G-uti-r. UVdneMhy, Deecmli'-r 7th. to highlight lcagiu.' play at tin' I'm! of the .second we el-:. Witii only five men siio'.viii:: up, Milder had a rough-go ag:iinsf Mogeii-Uavid hut finally began to pull away in the second half on the .strength of Mai'-.hall r.i-r!:rr's sciiijng und rebounding for a -V.K'.S vi'.-lory. Hecker ended up with 17 points, mostly on (rffrn^ive retKiu/ids. anil was ably assisted by I.indy Paul and Fn.-d Hemstoiii who had 13 and {), respectively. Mogen-Oavitl almo:;t nvitclied the winners in scoring field gouls but lost tli'- g.'ime from the free throw line by commit ting 1R percoiml fouls. In the second contest MieUlin Lumber edged II. C. Cola •11-11. In a sea-snw battle that saw the lead switch hands several times. The free throw line told the story in this game also as 11. ('. Cola actually out-.seojTil Micklin from the field with 20 fi'-Id go.ils to 3G. However the losers committed 1H personal fold';, giving the younger Micklin team the opi>ortunity to win. K'TANOINOS
«'. I..
Mllibr Oil Mlelilln Lunibfr
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It. C. Cola
WEDNESDAY. DECEMHllU 31 7:30—K. C. Cola vn. Mlldir Oil 8:30—MoRfn-DavIrt vs. Mlolilln YOl'TII COUNCIL LEAGUE Iliiyim moves into first piace with a crushing 101-28 victory over A7.A No. 1000. A/A No. 100 wins their first youth council athletic victory In two years with an upset over AZA. Ko. 1, 4-'i-40, ns youth council play completes their second week. In the opening game llayim moved into undisputed position of first place with n tremendous barrage of baskets Over a dazed end helpless AZA 1000 crew. Pick Zachnria tallied 27 points, Steve Giiss scored 2G nnd Steve Gould had 2.''. to lead the winners ns they raced past the losers like a tank going through a paper wall. AZA 100 added a little spice to the league with a 43-10 overtime win over AZA 1, in the second Kame. Marshall Kaplan, who was relatively obscure in the midst of herding players, came out of nowhere in the overtime fo score two key baskets to emerge m game hero. It was a rugby type game In which 36 personal fouk were called including a technical foul against AZA 100 .when a spectator sitting on their bench reached out to bat-in a ball goiriK out of bounds. 'I*his blunder" nimost cost the 100 boys the ball game as time was running out in the regulation game.
The UIHJVC he-rue u'.ii t.ikrn at lh<> Israel Ilunil Ilunuldmli Festival last Sunday night at tlio Sberuton-lontrinll" IIIPM wlirn Mrs. .T. Harry liiilako/nliy. Honorary Area Chairman, (htandlng) paused for lnoiiieiit'u conversation HIIII (front rim), Mrs. M. •!'. I.oveiiMiil, Womrn'u Division <.'halnii:iii; Jan IJart nml Vaffn Y.irltonl, »t:ir,t of tlio intertnlimient ««rl(l, und Jtobcrt J-Vlulicrg, (irmtral Chairman of Israel Itnndh.
iidgef Basket ball Affraofs 70 Boys Midget league basketball comkftball competition wns underway Sunday at tlie Jewish Community O u t e r with more than 70 lx>ys from tlie fifth, sixth, seventh find eighth grade:; participaling. riflh and Sixth Sponsors and their team members nre: I-GO-VAV: Krnie Nojnt, sponsor, Jerry Snyder, Maynard 15elzer, Harry Kaiman, John Horwieh. iliel: Chud.icoff, Ira Fox, Ilnrlan Abrahams, Marie Bernstein, Leslie Ilelfman and Bob Yaffe. Kirll.MAN-GOItDMAV: Dan Gonlman, sponsor; lienislein. John Itubin, Mark Wolpa, Jerry lU'iznlck, Hob Jacohson, Alan Bernstein. Rob Belx-r, Steve Bernstein and Skip Richards. 'SLOSIHUMJ's: Bud Slosburg, Bjmnsor; Arnie Hnn, Rick fiilincky, Bniee fjilinsky, John 1/, r.'ick Slosburg, Bob fSuss, \JCP Feltman, David K.'itz, Steve Kptsein and Maynard Forbes. TltETIAK'S: Klmer Tret ink, BfK)n:;or; Mori Koiref, Milton Krman, Jim Ginr.burg, Dan Milder,Jaek Slosburg, Howard Halperin, John Hobennnn, Gary Soircf and Jeff Bernstein. Srvfiith and Elgblh Sponsors and team membci:. ore: JJOKSIIEIMS: Ike Friedman, sponsor, Harry Zoob, I>ee Ilosri, Dave Jacobson, Mark Saunders, Alan Pricsiiuti, Bob Yager, Ben Shatton and Joel I'Jch. KICIlELKUt'S: Phil Gcrelick. sponsor; Randy Kndelman, Jim Milder, Jim Wigton, Marc Itoinanick, Steve Sokoiof, FloyiJ Kreidcn, lion Blumkin nnd 1^3 Joseph. KAIMAN'K: Irv Kaiman, sponsor; Paul Kaiman, Joe Greenberg, Don Swarlz, Jerry IIoDl.'i, Richard Jacobson, Phil Raznick, Rich Kirenbcn;, Pliil Itkin and Steve l/ I'llILII'S: Sam Grcenberg, sponsor; Phil Grecnberg, Ron Wolpa, Tom Rosen, Dale Weln-
stein, Steve Falk, Murk CHirrniack, Jcrrj' Faier and Rank Win- * troub. Vim at
Whh Y«U and
Happy Hmmhah DAVID LWM5KX, Pros.
Distributed by
Morion Wholesale 1419 Ho. 24th Sf. 34&-291* Omaha, Mabr.
STANDINGS liaylm AZA 100 AZA 1 AZA 1000
W. L. 2 0 1 1 1 1 0 3
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18 II a. in.—AZA 1 vs. Kaylm 13—AZA 1000 vs. AZA 100 IDDY-BIDDY LEAGUE Iddy-Biddy basketball got underway last week vvitli 31 youngsters reporting to Monday and Tuesday class practice sessions. An advanced class for veteran Iddy-Elddy players will commence this Sunday at 1:15 p. m. for youngsters who were in the class last year. Iddy-Biddy basketball b for boys in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades. For further Information call the Physical Education Office at the JCC, 342-J36G.
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