December 23, 1960

Page 1

Vol. XXXIX — No. U

I'uhlk'Utiun office. IIII No. 'M)[U (Jniiilm Ncbmsku. Flume .'M2-13U0





Detroit (JTA)--I'.i'rnsal o r the GO-membcr Arab •Student Association at Wayne1 .Slate University here fo take pnrt it) a "Middle Eastern Night," because Israeli students fit tlie university wanted lo participate, forced cancellation ' o f the program wliich had been billed as "an evening of cultural interchange." 'Avrnni Levy, an Israel Ntmlint M heiluloil lo serve ns cli:ilrm;iri for tlie program, wild li« would Imve l»wn willinf, to go through tin- evi-nt "ivltli (ir without tlio Arabs." Tim only country nlilrli would liavo been present, Jioivever, would havn hern Israel,

making Midi iili event > 'Iliree ..../re afternoons of enlie ngreid. K.'imir JCakhem, Lebanese pres- lertainment have been .scheduled ident of tile Arab .Student, As-., for the children's winter vacation sociation, snid the group docs not iieries at the. Jewish Community recognize Israel mid would tbore- Center in addition to the opener, fore not participate in u pro- "Iloppity Goes to Town," this gram on "polilical divisions In flu.' Middle I'.'.ist." Dr. Franklin Friday at 1:30 p. m. A puiipct show by Ken l'loss Wallin of the history department, faculty advisory lo the II, a movie »nd games will await Arab students, said he felt they the youngsters on Monday, Deshould not have refused to par- cember 26. ticipate hut added that "it is a Hlory-Tclllng legal Issue which noes, pretty Mrs. Norman Whitman will deep," head the program, Wednesday, III a letter lo tin' rumpus news- December 2H with a story-tellinj; paper, tin; Inrnel flmliiit NUIII feature which will be followed Unit if the Aral) objection wiw with games in the gym, and a to IIMVIIIK all lnr.ul clnilriH.ill, "I movie. will resign In favor of xonieonn The Junior I-eajTiie will preof thrlr choosing," Tile Aral) -sent a puppet show on Friday, students, lion over, Insisted tliat December 30. Movies and i;ames it Mas Israel's participation, and also are planned. not the rliairniMM, ulileli uns unThis series of activities are for acceptable. boys and girls, ages five through The Arab Ktudenls held a moetyears. The youngsters a r e JERUSALEM (JTA) — Israel Ini; at whleh 't was agreed that 10 tirgfid to be on time as the proIiiis decided to release about. "a negative approach" to tlio gram will start exactly at i:,10 5500,000. in blocked accounts here proposed program was unwise p. m. on each occasion and wilj owned by Arab refugees, as well and the suggestion was made end at .'J:';0 p. m., Mrs. Harold fls bonds', stocks and' jrnvelry that an Arab "counter" activity Weinhoff, Children's Aclivties owned by refugees. It will use be organized for the sauin eve- Chairman of the Center, said. Barclays Hank of l-omlon ns the ning. Tin's idea was dropped when, Children will receive refreshdisbur.'iin;,' agency. the Arab utmletils were informed ments at. each program. Several yean; ago, Israel re- that the university would refusi; Admission for the entire series leased $9,000,000 in blocked. Arab campus facilities f"r such n pro- Is 51 or .'i5 cents for a single prorefugee accounts through the gram. For further Information Palestine Conciliation Commiscall BCKSC. Hlank, Secretary, Acsion. Those accounts were at the tivities Department, :M2-13Gfi.

23, 3900

Second Gluss PUSIIIKC Paid ill OmuMu. Nvbl

It 0 11 o o Mnlllicws, yoliflifiil vocalist, Iiarjiist ami actress and Ira "I'alinacli" IViiilx-rg will liriMllinit thn j>rogruni at tlm "B'nai IS'ritii Jlomls JJetwcen" evening, Wednesday, Urocmhitr 28 at flic Slieratoii-Fontoiielle according to Dr. I.eon IVJIiniiii, I'liairmali of the event. To lie In I'ilin

Miss Matthews, a concert and television s t a r , who recently wui guest soloist with in j the Chiciigo Cum,1 i, in u ni t y Sym piiony Orchestra, will soon api>ear as a singer and rharpist in a new \ musical film. liiuriJUrii I ill 11. I * I r a Felnbeig, / ,\ young AmeriCcin If __ '' leadc.'i' in Israel's!-' ....i underground, is 1 ' 1 ' 1 '' well known ns a vivid speaker on the Middle East. The technicolor li'nai B'ritb film "Mine Eyes Have Seen," anil a dessert buffet Including Israeli candies and other novelties are included in the evening's entertainment. All members of the Omaha and Council Bluffs community nro invited to attend The charge of 75 cents may ho paid at the door, after advance reservation, or may he given in advance to any B'nai B'rith officer or chairman, or by phoning tlio Israel time at the Barclays branch here, Bund Office, 311-1177. mid in other foreign bank-: in Israel. The new release affects Kliitziilck Congratulates blocked Aral? refugee accounts ll' IVritli Tel Aviv OTA)"Tamara Krinnd other valuables now in the b.Tih, a 12-year-old .Tcwir.h f;irl A letter of congratulations to Bank Lcuml and in the Israel from Iran, arrived in Israel ;m tin (ho IJ'nal K'rlth lodges aoil cluipDiscount ,'ink. It is believed that immlr;rai!t this \vcelj and found tcrs of Omuli.-i ami Council Washington (JTA) — George lilutfH on tlu'lr participation In the .5500,000 ' In cash, and the herselt erected ceremoniously at valuable; to be released make up I.ydda Aii(iort by Icader.'i of Lincoln Rockwell and four of his tlio Israel Komi campaign was1 the balance of Arab refugee ac- Youth Aliynji and Jc\vi.:h Ai;en- Nazi troopers were acquitted in received this week from I'lilllp -.counts in Israel. cy'S Youth Aliyah depnrtment, as District of Columbia Municipal M. Kliil/.nlclt, iiHivly elnctcd Nuthe hundred thousandth young • Court of charges of disorderly (lonut (Iriirnil Clialrman <if tlm immigrant to arrive in this coun- conduct, A fifth defendant, Roger United JcivlHli Appeal a n d try under the Youth Aliyah pro- (.'. FOKS, was found guilty and tlonornry International I'rcslilent given a choice between a $25 of Ii'nal U'ritli. gram. fine and 10 days in jail. Durjn:; the 27 years the Youth Norman Lipman, Omaha Bond Jerusalem (JTA)—Tlio Israel Aliyah program has been in ex- Foss urns described before the Office Director, is n past officer Government approved this week istence, $118,000,000 has been court .'is n registered Communist of Park Forest I^xlge, (HI.) No. the applications of more than 15,- spent by the department enjjaced party ngent. Roelwell told re- 108:?. 000 Christians in this country to in cncouraglni; Jewish youth Im- porters that the verdict was Mr. Klutznlek, a former Oma"most reassuring" and "in the hans, resides in Park Forest, cross the frontier into Jordan, to migration to Israel. best American .tradition.". celebrate Christmas at Bethle1 hem. • Jurlgo <f. L. Smith, Jr., chief 1 'Night in Hawaii justice of the Municipal Court, JI'D.UOA MmtAItV, Vtit. Three separate groups of Clirisreached his verdict after hear- OV BIUTISH COLUMBIA Not u costume part}'—Mines. linn pilgrims will IK: permitted Vancouver (JTA)—-A'gift of ing testimony by police officers Ilarney Kaufman, .Max Snelis, lo cross over Into Jordan. On S.'!,500 was presented hero to the and citizens who declared they ^(no (Jrossmmi niodclhii,' some December'Si,2,5(10 Catholics and were offended hy tlio abusive, University of British Columbia, of tlm Rift Items that will lie Protestants will journey to Bethanti-Semitic conduct of the neo- for tlio creation of a Judnica lin part of tlio "Nl|;lil In Hawaii" Ji'hcm. Two thousand members Nazis. The charges arose from brary. Xew Years Kvo I'jirty. of the Orthodox Church will cross B'nai B'rith members nnd picketing by the Rockwell firoup over on January (1, and 500 members of the Armenian Church will their cuests will spend a "Night on October VI in front of the Democratic Nutional Committee (Continued on Pace 2.) Bo to Bethlehem on January K). headquarters.

Ssrae! io Release Arab Refuges Funds

Israel Gives Girl Official Welcome

5,080 Pilgrims To Bethlehem

i Stamp Corner ' Israel Honors Henrietta Szold Henrietta Szold founder of the women's Zionist organization, lladassah, received philatelic tribute from Israel on the centenary of her bhth, December 11, l%0. A eommeincji.ilive post ige stamp was Issued on the occasion by the Isi.jch Mmi'iiiy of I'oits.

Find Appeal for Needlework Guild In

Mips Szold who was .bom Baltimore, Md. Is equally famous n<; the founder of Youth Aliya, the organization which succeeded In rescuing tens of tliousands of joung Jewish people from out of Nazi dominated countries to (ho Jewish homeland.

Mrs, Dave Colin, chairman of (ho Jewish Federation Agencies'' Section of the Needlework Guild, Is making a final appeal to .the women in the community, before the end of the year to send in their contributions which nrc urgently needed. The stamp BIIOWI! SI portrait of The following have contributed Miss Szold wilh a group of chil- to the Needlework Guild since dren find a part of the new Hn- the last list appeared: dnssali Medical Center at JersitMmcs.: Morris Arkin, .Tack salem in the backfjround. Uramson, Harry Aaron Urodkey, The stamp Is of the denomina- Jacob Burstein, Sam Epstein, Abe tion of 2~> ngorot. Foldinan, Alfred Frank, Herman Also issued by- Israel Is a 50 Franklin. Harry A. Green, Joe J. ncorot stamp honoring tha twen- Greenbcrg, Ignnc G r o s s m a n , ly-flflh Zionist Congress. Tlio Kieva Hornstcln. new adhesive depicts the em- Mines. Stanley Katelman, Jack blems of the first Zionist Con- Levin, Milton Livingston, BenS'.rcss which took place in Basle, jamin Martin, Sol Martin, DonSwitzerland in 1807, ald NOKK, Leo Ostravich, Samuel Subscriptions for stamps may nicliman, David Rosenbaum, HorIJO placed at the Jewish Com- ace liosenblum, Eiiblcn Shapiro, munity Center. They will bo eent Max. Sommcr, H. D. Wlcddslty, directly fi'om the Philatelic Serv- Hnrry A. Wise, nndlrvln B, Zlcgman. ices of Israel to subscribers.


KPniile Copy Kte Annum Idite $4

III., the model building project which lie was instrumental in developing. In addition to Klutznick's letter, congratulations to the officers and leaders of B'nai B'rith in Omaha and Council Bluffs have also been received from Milton Sciderman of Baltimore, National Israel Bund Chairman of B'nai B'rith; Label A, KatZ of New Orleans, International 1'rcsidivit of B'nai B'rith; former Omalian Sam Beber of Park Forest, founder of the AZA; Maurice Bisgyer of Washington, D.C., Executive Vice-President of B'niii IJ'rith; Phil Kate of Washington, D.C., Director of B'nai B'rith's Israel Committee; and William X. Kaplan and Edward JO. Colin of District No. G's B'nai li'rith office m Chicago.

Cash Collection Urgent—-Feinberg Iiobert M. Fein berg, General C h a i r m a n of the Israel liond Campaign, a n n o u n c e d that Bonds paid for ( l u r i n g the final days of DPc e m b e r will be (luted December 1 in order to gain a full month of extra interest for Bond buyers. He snid that though a p p r o a ching a successful figure in total I s r a e l Bonds for 1960, Feuibcrff many, bond purchases still have not been redeemed. "Only actual cash payments for the Israel Itonds arc recorded as pnrt of the current 19C0 campaign," Mr. Feinberg stated. "Since Monday, December 26 nnd Saturday, December 81 are holidays only four days remain in 19G0 to make bank deposits.

Eichmann Lawyer Confers in Israel Jerusalem (JTA)—Cologne attorney Robert Servatius, who will defend Nazi war criminal Adolf Kichmann, next March, is in Israel conferring on preparations for the trial. Mr. Servatius said he brought n letter for the accused from F-ichmann's brother, Robert, and reported Eichmann's wife will not attend the trial.



%\lt Published weekly on Friday beginning tlie last ivetk In August through second wcelt In July by the Jewish Federation of Omaha. Second Cla:s Pojiooe Paid ot Omofio, Nebr. Annual Subscription, M.oo, Advertising Roles on Applicolion. Publ.ccition Ollicc—101 No. SOIti Mrttf, Omaha, Ntbr., KJ-1344.




Students Arrive F@r Home Visits

Many college campuses will be' represented in Omaha during the vacation season by voim;' men and young women visitinj; their parents. Brothers Visit Howard Goldstein, University at 4::jy |i.m. (,f Oklahoma. Norman, and liruce 11 "NAl JACO18 AIMS Goldstein, University of Cali1 K S I I T KO.N" fornia, F.erkek-y are at HIP home Friday, Mineha, •1 : • ! . • ) p.m. S: of ibi'ir parents, the Paul Goldurday, K:.'!0 a.m. M iiu •ha. •1: steins. J'l rn. followed by ,S;h(.!os! l Se udi Miss Dorothy Ann Paylan, 1); •ily .services at G:.:-.o a.m. a nd daughter of Mr. and Mrs. *MiI4: 53 p.m. lon Kaylan, has arrived from Minneapolis where she is a stuBKTH JOL di.'iit at (he University of Minnelli,-meThe annual C<A coming. Sabbath will be OI.-.;T\C'1 i.oln. at Beth Kl Synagos^e, at Friday Amoii!.; sturlcntf; at home from cervices Ijo^iniTins at. 8:15 p.m. the University of Michigan, Ann Ilabbi Myer S. Kripke will lead a Arbor, arw-Mwin Sidman, .son of panel-of college Mudenls partici- Mr. and Mrs. Harry .Sidman. I'.ita pating in a disctis.'ioii fiillowiiij; Kntzman, daughter of Mr. and 1he si>rvice. K<l(.';n- and the Uelh Mrs. .Sam Katzman and Martin Kl .Synaf:o'.:ue Choir will r nder I.ij.'P, .son of Dr. and Mrs. Frank 1 tile musical jtoriiur.. ; <•/ rbe serv- , I.ipp. ice. Sally F m m n n , daughter of Mr. Sabbath mnrnin:; sei-.jees. at ami Mrs. Mike Freeman and 8:31a.m. for tlie traditioiiitl ;.er- Andy Jean Gross, daurhter of \icc, anrl tln> family service at Mr, and Mr:;. Gerald Grc-s, stu]l!:30 a.m. .Mmdia-.Ma.'.riv at -l:-ij dents at Northwestern, Kvanston p.m. . are f-'pending their vacation in .Sunday servics at 'J :;.:n. SPIV Dmalin. f'omini; from Brandeis vices durin;,' the u(..:.:: al 7 a m , t.'nivei-sity, Walthnm, Mass., are Steven Itickes, son of Mr. and and 7 p.m. Mrs. Henry l'.iekes; I'.obert FellIS.KTII ISRAEL man, (-on of Dr. and Mrs. Abe • Itabbi I!i-nj;;r.iin Oronf-r, Can- Fi'Uman and Justin Lewis, son of to)" L'li K;i!;an a.'ifi the Beth Mr. and Mrs. I.011 Lewis. Israel Choir will conduct tiie late Si;endinj: the holidays with Friday t-veiiini! family services tb'-ir parents, Mr. and Mrs. Altil's p.m. Tradition.':! Friday e ve- licit J. Weinberj; are Howard iling services (Kobolas .Shabbas) Weinbcrg, .student at Darlmouth, besin at \:Sri p.m. Hano'.er, N. II.; Marilyn Wein.Siiabbos morninj; rev- ices, at bfr;'. University of Illinois, Oiani8:45 a.m. at 52nd and Charles paij;n. Streets.- Junior Congregation ;it Inivrrsity of Ni'liraslci i):45 a.m. Rabbi Gronei' will conSome of the University of Neduct the Talmud Class at '1:15 braska studcnl.'; at. Lincoln, who p.m. followed by .Sholo:;li Seinios have chOKi-n to spend most of and Maori'.- at 5:40 p.m. thfir vacation in Omaha with Sunday morning ;crvic(n, at tljcir. parents are Heleni' Frank9 a.m. followed by breakfast and lin, Barbara Garber. - Barbara KabbiV class in Bible. Sunday Oihan, Bonnie Freshman, Konmornini; Junior Minyan at 8:30 ald Simons, Frank (Goldberg, ajn. followed by breakfast. Mike C'anar, Howard Kooper, Daily services at 7 a.m. and David Goldstein, James Cuss, at 4:55 p.m. John Jiiek"?, Donald Furman, and 'J'homas Platt. Their parents arc 'TKMI'LK ISKAKL Mc::sr;;. and Mnies. .Morris J. Services will lie conducted liy Franklin, Albert Garber, Sidney Rabbi Sidney Brooks Friday at Cahan, Harry Freshman. Ben Si8:15 p.m. Dr. Kalph Wardel), mons. Harry Goldberg, Max CaKnfjlisli Department Chairman nar. P.obert II. Kooper, Arthur fit the University of Omaha, will II. flolrlslein, Charles GUES, Max be guest fpeakcr. Preceding the P.iclces, Mrs. Dave Foreman and ssrvice," a dinner for college stu- p r . and Mrs. David Platl, rcdents of the Temple's rnrij;rc;:.'i- tppctively. tion will be held. Miss Ida Gitlin From Pennsylvania is CharVlll direct the'choir. lotte Brodkey, student at Bryn Rabbi Brooks will conduct Sat- Mawr, vacationing al the home urday services at 31:30 a.m. of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Brodkry. Keva Shyken has arrived from the University of Wisconsin at Madison and is at the* home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.


Beth£1 Brunch For Vacationers

A Brunch .for'vacationing college students on Tuesday, December 27, will be sponsored by the Beth El Sisterhood. The affair will be held at the home of Mrs; Arthur Adler and daughter, Charlotte. All Beth Kl collegians home for the holiday;;, are invited. "Kabbi Myer S. Kripke. will lead an open discussion after the meal.

Sam Shyken.

YMCA Membership Chi Charles D. Peebles, Jr., advertising agency executive, has been appointed chairman of the YMCA 30G1 membership Roundup.

Jewisfi' Population totaled

; ; Jn'Holland

;. Amsterdam (JTA)— The Jewish population in Holland rose to 27, 1957, by comparison with 14,3-17 ten years earlier. Three-fourths of the Dutch Jews live in the country's three largest, centers — Amsterdam, The Hague and Rotterdam, In 1941, prior to the occupation •of-Holland, by .-the Nazi regime, n census showed there were in Holland 140,000 full Jews and 14,000 "half-Jews." The majority of them were sent to concentration camps and killed by the Nazis.

• • •

Friday, December 2S, 1000


'Night in Hawaii,1 Monsky Chapter's Party Theme (Continued from Page 3.) in Hawaii" when they attend the Ntiv Year's Kve party M n j ; planned by the women of Henry Monsky Chapter No. 470, A Hawaiian setting will be designed for the dinner-dance to be held on New Year's Kve at the Slier.'iloii-Kontcncllo Hotel from 9:,'iQ p.m. until 2 a.m. Mrs.

Moe Grossman and Mrs. Barney Kaufman are co-chairman, in charge of the event. A five-piece professional orchestra, favors und Emprises (u'e amoiiK arrangements for the cvoninj;. A Kit-down dinner will be served after ]0 p.m. Mrs. Max Sacks, chnpter president, said reservations will be closed a't 75 couples anrl urj-ed all those who plan to attend to call the following numbers immediately 551-C223, 55G-733f> and 558-2:180.

Joseph F. Micek, Aquatics Director at the Jewish Community • Center, was a number of the class of 81 persons, who received certificates recently for complctinj.: a University of Nebraska College of Medicine 15-week course in c«,ri"i; f(Jl ' " I n sick and injured. Students were selected from more than 200 applicants. The University hopes to offer the course, first of its kind in the nation, annually. The certificates were presented following a banquet held recently at the University.

Bar and Bas lifzvafi

I'KANK HOMK IlKSTOKATION Amsterdam (JTA)—The West Oilman covcrnment has offered a second j;ift of SO.GOO to complete the restoration of th(» "Back House," of the Anne Fran!; Home."

All friends and relatives nro Invited to attend services «nd reception, BENJAMIN CHAKLICS SHAI-TON The Bar Mitzvah of Benj imin Charles Shafton, f011 of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shafton will be celebrated on December T'< and December 24 at Beth Israel .Syna(;o;;ue. NBTTA I:J.I.I:,V KKII'KI:

With tiie Home Folks Nrtvs nml hftpppnlncn at Tlir l)r, IMillip SIHT Jrnlali Hume fur tho Acfl) •)» IlavlJ Orlloiv.

A spiilal Klililusti W,T; riven Kivcn hy Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Plolkin on the occasion of their 25th wcdiJiiif! anniversary. The Ulkiir t'liolim society held dedication services of the Sophie N»."\tlPif Hospital Unit with Hie tmvcilinc of a plaque inscribed, "A Woman of Viilor who Devoted Her Life to tlie Services of Urr People." A photograph above the plaque. Tim Council of Jewish Women escorted our Senior Citizens to thf special feature film program ai the State Theatre. The Mines. Sarah Ho.->nblum and Marie Ackley accompanied our folks. In Mitnuriam: Sarah W. Mark':. Lurry Mayer and Miss Ann Carfit-It! entertained at the Temple Israel Sisterhood Hanukkah parly. •Mrs. I'lill Schwartz, brought a Yo\in;; Judea jTroup to entertain tir, on Wednesday, December 22. Yalirzflt; Special memorial "Services will be held in the Home Synagogue for lho followirifT,- the anniversary of whose death falls during tlie month of Teveth: Tevctli" 3, (December 221—Morris Ocherman, Teveth 6. 'December 25)—KM H. Weil, Teveth 13, (January 3)—Julius Newman, Teveth 22, (January 30)—Mrs. Rosalie Kpsloin, Teveth 23, (January I D —Mrs. Bessie Sr-Klin and Max Veret.

Bouganims Leave For California Mr. and Mrs, David H. P-ouj;anim left for IAS AnReleH, Cal., w.'icrc they will reside. Mr. B011f;anim was formerly the Director of Education of the Beth Kl School;;.


Center Swim Director Receives Medical Aid Oourse Certificate

Rabbi and Mrs. ?,Iyor S. Kripko nnnoune'i' Ilie Has Mitzvah of thr-ir daujjliter, Nctta F.llen, on Friday eveiiin;:, December 30 and Saturday morninc, December 31 al Belli Kl MAKC KItAIT The Bar Mitzvah of Marc Kraft, son of Mr. and Mrs. I.eo Kraft will be celebrated on Monday morninjf, December 20 at !) a. m. at Betli Israel Synai;o;;uo.

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STEI'IIKN' MXI.MCK The Bar Mitzvah of. StepJicn Mulnick, son of Mrs. Ma Mulnick and Mr. Bon Mulnick will be celebrated on Friday, December 30 and Saturday, December 31 at Beth Israel Synaj;o;;ue.

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Friday, H u m b r r 23, J9C0


Lora Franklin Is Married !n San Francisco Dec. 18

for and about s Mr. ami Mrs. Sam L. Stern announced Iho encasement of tlieir daughter, Carolyn Kac .Stern to Allan Kugene Ixlltow, son of Mr.

Miss Carolyn Rao Stern

and Mrs. Irving Lefkow of Sioux City, la. at a family fiarty at (heir residence, Thursday evening. Ouf-of-lown guests at the event included the parents ami .sister, Janet Lefltow of the prospective groom; Ills brother-in-law and lister, Mr. and Mrs. Cicrald Marer of Palo Allo, Cal.: Mr. and Mrs. Norman It. Kidman of Des Moincs, la., brother-in-law and sister of Miss Stern's. Mr. and Mrs. Hohcrl Gantz of Lakeview, la,, Mr. and Mrs. K. Williatn Moppcr of Iowa City, la., and Mr. and Mrs. Barry Lciberman of Minneapolis, Minn. • Miss Stern and her fiance both attend the Stale University of Iowa, Iowa City, where Mr. Lefkow is affiliated with 1'hi Kpsilon I'i fraternity. The bride-to-be is the granddaughter of Mrs. Joseph Lipscy. Mr. Lefkow is the. grandson of Mr. and Mr?. Sam Sa*c of I.os Angeles, Calif. The couple plans an August 201 h wedding. '

Guests Arriving for Donna ©anar's Wedding Guests from other cities arc arriving for the Sunday wedding of Miss Donna Itae Canar, daugli1er of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Canar and Thomas Colemnn I!ernsteiii, r,on of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bernstein. The'ceremony will lti; performed at Hcth Kl Synagogue. Coming from Kansas City, Mo. are the Misses Donna and Joyce Margolin, David Widman and the Messrs. and Mine.1;. Al Finite! and JIarold Margolin. Illinois gue:;tr, m e Miss Jinnnie. Urdangen, Mr. nnd Mrs. Hcrnard Hymen, Mrs.

Seldins Return

Norman Paul, Thomas liornsleln, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. .S. Kraenkl, Wilmette; Dr. mid Mrs. II. J{. Osheroff and I.ynn and Susan Oshcroff, Frecport. lownns will include Messrs. and Mines, Harold Kalk, Dave Kaplan, Max Krickmnn, Sioux City nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Moso Swnrtz and lien Sv.artz, Des Moines. Other out-of-town quests are Miss Gladys Hernstein, Los Ani;elcs, Cal.; Messrs. and Mines. Jlcrnurd Turkel and Dave ISresJow, Lincoln. Nebr.; Mrs. Irviw* 1). Cohen, Winkers, N. Y.; Mr. niiil Mr.i. A. I. Lack, Houston, Tex.; Mr. and Mrs. Neal' Miller, Overland, Ivans.; Murray Belman, Cambridge, M«ss.; Lt. Harlan Noddle, Camp Walters, Tex., and Mr. and Mrs. J. Sicilian, Denver, Colo.

Befit Israel, Scene of KaHaiiian-Yardfn Wedding on Sunday

Lone Island, N. Y. The ceremony will be held at Beth Kl Synagogue.. The i;room's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Nathanson and Mrs. Murray Lipton of New York City; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rose, Cliicaco, 111.; Messrs. and Mmes. Herman Wagner and Kmanuel Simon, Madison, Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Koyel, Dululh. Minn., and" Mrs. Hattie Skolnil;, Los Angeles, Cal. are among thc.wcdShaaro Zion. Syna(w;uo in <iirif; guests. Sioux City, la. was the scene of The Lincoln contincenl inthe Sunday wcddipK of Miss Rita cludes Mr. nnd Mrs. Gerald RosJean Hall of Denison, la. and en, Mrs. Dave Shire, Lou - and Bernard Terry Ostravich. Rabbi Morris Polsky, Miss Elizabeth Phillip SilverKtein officiated. Polsliy and Airs. Kvelyn Sinton. Parents of the"couple are Mr. Among the Sioux City, la. Rucsts nnd Mrs. Ixwnnrd Hall of Deni- /ire Messrs. and Mmes. E, • N. hon' and Mr. and Mrs. ^liillip Os- Gnicskin, A. M. Grueskin, David travich. 'Kivin, Louis Cohen, Morey LlpThe bride wort1 a floor len;;lh shutz, Martin Falk, Marvin Colin, Kown of silk lace and a veil of Milton Muskin, Louis Lipshulz, Knijlish Illusion. She carried a Mrs. Sarah Goldstein, Miss Hannah Lipman nnd Max Kaplan. .shower bouquet of roses. Miss Barbara Ann Hnll of DenHosts for a pro-nuptial dinner ison, was maid-of-honor for her on December 'M at the Regis sister. Bridesmaids were the Hotel will bo Messrs. and Mmes. lilissen Sandra Pollack, Iowa City, Morris Katleman and Robert II. la., Fnyna Fern Manviiz and Lin- Knoper. Mr. nnd Mrs. Nathan da Sue Al>rams. All were gowned Turner will entertain out-ofin American B e a u t y velvet town guests at u brunch on Desheaths.. : cember 25. Miss Shapiro and her Allen S. Oslravich was. best fiance will bo honored at a dinner man for his brother. Ushers were Friday evening by Messrs. and Xouls Ballon, Denison; Harlan Mmes. Burton Robinson nnd Hy lind.Mark Himmcrmaiii Norman Wciriev and Mrs. Ida Robinson. Garrop and Abe Runilell. * : Recent hosts of parties have The rnothnr of the bride wore boon the Mmes. Allen Siegel; Wil1 n peiirl gray sheath and the liam Abramson, Marvin Abramgroom's mother was nttircd In Kon, Ben Sherman, Bernard FishFrench blue Peau de Soie sheath. er, Messrs. and Mmes. T. A. A dinner followed tlio ceremony Tully, Ben Shapiro, Michael Cont the Sheralon-Marfin Hotel In hen, Harold Siegel, Miss Shapiro •Sioux City. The couple will live .' was entertained nt a no-host in Falrficld, la. after a Irip J a luncheon arranged by Mrs. Dave, l'otash and Harry Mendelson. .Chicago. -

Sioux City Scene Of Ostravich-Hall Sun. Ceremony

Mn. MJII.inl It. Sr-Idln Mr. and Mi's, Millard II. Kcldin, who were married 1 November 27 In Miami Beach, Fla,, have returned from a wedding Irip to the Caribbean. They visited Jamaica, Haiti and San Juan. The ceremony w a s performed nt the Seville Hotel In Miami Beach. A reception followed. The bride Was attended by-Mrs. Herbert Scldel of Miami, Fla. Ted Soldia was best mnn for bis brother. , Mr.1?. Seldini Ihe former Beverly Scidel is the daughter of Mr., nnd Mrs. Many Levin; of Miami Beach and her husband, the son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ben I, Scldin cf Council Bluffs, The groom is a graduate of the University of .Iowa at Iowa City, The Seldin.i are making their home flt 3309 Marbee Drive.

Miss Lora , Bell Franklin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morris M. Franklin, and Gerald Stewart Levin, Ron of Dr. and Mrs. Henry If. Levin of San Mateo, Calif., were married December 38 in a double ring ceremony in the Mark Hopkins Hotel in San Francisco, Calif. The marriage lows weie solemnized by Rabbi

cisco. The other ushers were Richard W. Grossman of Hillsborough, Calif, and Gene W. Ohheroff. The bride's mother was attired in a sapphire blue chiffon Andrea sheath •• original. The groom's mother wore a silver gray sheath costume of antique dynasty brocade. In the wedding procession were Mrs. Robert Levin, of San Mateo, Calif., grandmother of the groom, Mrs. Ida Gonhan, of San Francisco, aunt, of the groom and Mrs. Max Shames, grandinolher of Ihe bride. Other than those in I bo wedding party, Omahans present were Jeffrey, Neal and Kerry Sue Osheroff, Mrs. Dave Fredkin and Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Friedman. Former Omahans who .attended the wedding were Mrs. Anton Adlcr and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Ilurwitz, San Leandro, Cal.; Mr. and Mrs. Harold S3. Uarish, Barry C. Barrish and Herbert Hnrrish, Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Adlcr and three daughters and Shane AdIcr of Arcadia, Cal. The newly-weds left on a wedding trip to Mexico City and Acapulco. After January J, they will be at home at 515 Franklin Street, Napa, Calif. Mr. Levin is chairman of the Department of English for Napa County Educational System.

The Beth Israel Synagogue was the scene of the Sunday weddinc of Miss Matleo Kallenian nnd Mordeeai Yadin. Rabbi Benjamin Groner anil Cantor KM Kagan officiated at the U p. in. ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Kalleman an dthe groom the son of Mr. and Mrs. Muni.sli Sukenik of Haifa, Israel. Miss Kerne Katleman of Milwaukee, Wis., was maid-of-honor for her sister, Miss Janice Katleman, cousin of Hie bride, was bridesmaid. Walter Feidman was best man. Ushers wen; Dr. Norman Milgrnm, Joel Katleman and Jack Shrago. Out-of-town g u e s t s were; Messrs. and Mines. Mrs. Molvin Katleman, .Jules Wail, and Mr. Arvin Cohen, Los Angeles, Calif.; Mi4, and J,Irs. Jack Kcnik, the • Mrh. (irrnld Stewart Lot In Bronx, New York; Mr. and Mrs. Saul H Wliite of the Beth Al Gould of T\ilsa, Okla.; Mrs. Clara Dogdannff and Miss Jean- Sholom Sjnagogue of that city. nie Dolgoff of Kansas City, Mo.; The bride wore a Queenfit Harry Sukenik and Mr. and Mrs. oiigmal princess gown of Dior Seymour Sukenik anil family of length in antique white brocade Chicago, III.; Mrs. Joe Fischer with n rcoop neckline embroiSPECIAL PRICE of Elgin, III.; Miss Kuth Ko/.len dered with cut work edged with of Minneapolis, Minn.; Mrs. Hess pearls and silk cording. A tall Order Now for 1961 Katleman and Mr. and Mrs. Har- seed pearl crown was compliTV GUIDE, 64 Wcclts J5.E5 ry I.eviiiEon, Lincoln, Nebr. mented by a bouffant fingertip CORONET (E.pircs 12-31-60) Imvans present were Mr. and length, veil. The bride's; bouquet $2.50 Mrs, David Hear Miss Nancy of 'orchids and stephanotis was I Year (,ivr MiigazltiPH fnr Gifts Klman, Jerry Bloom anil Peter fashioned on top of her pcarlfor All OrcuHloiiH Itamlo, Di's Moines and Mr. nnd •i/ed bible. All Spirliil Off,-r» on All Mrs. Abe Kaplan. Mrs. X.ella Le.MuKtv/.im'H Honored The bride was attended by MIONE OR MAII, vitan and Miss Barbara Coren- Mrs. Gene \V.' .Osheroff, matron nian, Sioux City. <i{. honor, Miss Andrea Madge The couple will reside al 8070 liershad, of Los Angeles, and • Mu£iw,lnfl Specialist. I'iiiey Branch Koad, Silver Alij-.s Roberta Sara Levin, sister 440 No. 61 st St. 551-6742 Spring, Mil. of the groom of San Mateo. The bridesmaids wore royal Miss Rose Legman blue satin pen finish bouffant, Lorrie Del) costumes. Now Visits Parents Tlie groom's best, man was r-oaturing . Miss Hose Lagman, Denver, Spencer A. MichelH of San FranColo, school teacher is spending CANTONESE the holidays with her"parents, APPETIZERS Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lagman.

Many Out-of-Towners to Attend Wedding Out-of-town KIIPBIS will come from a number of cities to attend the December 25 wedding of Miss Harriet Rose Shapiro, dauchterof Mr. nnd Mrs. Max Shapiro and Gordon'Nathanson, Smilhtown of

Paps Thre«

Linda Passer fo Wed Richard Ferlil Jan, 1

Mr. and Mrs. Louis II. Passer of Council 3iluffs, In., have announced the approaching marriage of their daughter Linda Ann In Richard II. Fertil, son of Mr. and Mrs. David H. Fertil. The couplo will be married January 1, at Beth Kl Synagogue with Rabbi Myer S. Kripke officiating.

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grade basketball race last Sundiy with opening day victories. VARSITY LEA(ii:K In the opening encounter, Typical light taiiiB in which Richnri.'i-OoninrHi gave notice the outcomes weren't decided un- that it. may be the class of the til the final seconds highlighted league with a 28-S victory over the Varsity league action on Tri'tinkV, as Johnny Ruben, nn Wednesday, Deeernber 14th as all-star hold-over performer fiom It. C. Cola and .Micklin Lumber Ia-.;t year, pumped in 11 points each squeezed by with viclurie:., for the uimi'T:-;. in the well-balamvd Varsity In the second gam", Slo.-:liurr:'s league. b-.-it r.ff a last minute desperate In thi» first rncoutili.'i' I! ('. rally aij-iinst a hustling I-Co-Van Cola finally lu-ukc into the quintet and held on for an IK-iH column with a .r>'.i-!">7, triunii>h triumph. Juhn J.ohiman had II over Mogen-David hut not be- pnints for tin' winners and Mayfore the losers came from a K'. nan) liclzer tallied 11 for the point deficit late in (lie third In; er.i. Quarter and had a chance-to lie STANDINGS the gnme in the final second as W. h. Harold Nepomiiick'.s long desper- KiYliinuii-fionlin: n 1 0 ate set-shot bouiued off the rim. Shc-liiirK 1 0 Big AI ("layman pumped in -."> Tretinl; 0 1 points for the winners, mostly 1-Gn-Vfin 0 1 from underneath to lead It. (.'. JAMWUV 8 Cola while Nepomniek tossed in 'i:15 p. in.—Trctlitk vs I-Go-Vun 23 for Mogen-lJavid. '.'. p. IN.—ICli lniian-(.(irdiil:ni vs Cy SeJtchlck


Friday, I>rrcmlM-r 23, 19C0



group of Hadas.sah will hold its regular meeting and dinner Wednesday, Decomher 2H at G p. m. at tin' .Ii.' Coiiiinunjty Center. Mrs. Allicrt llimmcnnaii will cnltrlain the organization willi "A Miriical Sketch" of Israel. I'l'llnwiiig will he n ;>i]sitic;--s :,rs;,iun \\hr-n plan:; will he outlined for the animal bazaar and card party <m February 15 at the ISiuck.sUine Hotel. I'.CMTi'ations may ic made by phoning .'ilj-021i

Pioneer Wmnen will celebrate Hanukkah at their r e g u l a r monthly meeting, uilii a Latke luneheoii. Tuesday, December 27 at lt!:."0 p. rn. at the Jewish Community Center. liirlhdays will be observed also. Member.-; arc asked to brin:! ~~> cent gifts for exchange, lii.-,erva lions may ho mad'- v.Mil Mrs. David L'p.stein, .'n.i-l.jTl and Mrs. Isidore Forde.-, 5f>i -:>.*(; l,

JU'V ri! SHOW AT IIOSI'IT.M. The K|)>t'.-in .Morgan Post No. 1'CO, Ji-u'i-,h War Veterans will present its annual holiday show at the Veteran;; Administration Hospital at Lincoln, Nebr. December IS at 2 p. in. Itay .Stevens, of Itadio Station KOOO, will he master of ceremonies. PerfoMivr.s at tlio Miow will include: ttlnslmrg Micklin Lumber remained un# • • defeated in racing to "their third "'li and Xtli Grade straight win and capturing l',>'im\s and K a i in a n 's SOT .AU'MNAi; place with a 52-10 win over Mil- opened their league with victories I.tNCHDON Omaha Alumnae league of Sigder Oil. Trailing throughout the as 7th and 8th Crade competima Delta Tau Sorority will have game, - Micklin finally tool; the tion got underway. lead early in the second half and Tiorsheim's, with Dave Jaeoh- a luncheon honoring all of their ** "• never let up. EOII putting (in a tremenduus per- activities and pledges who «ill be in Omaha during winter vacaMilder actually had more field formance of defensive ability and tion from their respective colrebounding and passing on the goals then the winners and outleges. The lunch will.he held at . faM-break was the bii; factor in played Micklin on the floor but the ('iminarron Honni at Younk- j a -12-' J romp over I'hilips. Speedy lost the game nt the foul line by ers mi Wednesday, December 28, Harry Zooh provided the scoring converting only one hi nine po'.wr ond accounted for IS at 1L':.'1O p, m. Reservations may chances while Mieklin to.-,sed in he made v. ith Mrn. Ivlwin floreeight points from the charity point.*, mostly on driving lay-ups'. Jacobson had Hi for the winners. lick or Mrs-. lieinard CJrc-i-nbrg. line. * • « JJut it was Jaeohron, constantly STANDINGS NKU 1 vi:vits I-;VI: \Y. I.. blocking shots from his center 'position that demoral- PARTV AT HKiULAND Mlclilin 3 0 defensive ized thii opponents. The Highland Country Club is Milder 2 I R. C. Cola 1 1 In the other encounter, l'aul planning a New Year's Eve party Mogrn-Diivid 0 '.'. Kairnan and Joe flrecnberg led and dane", Saturday, Deeember Wednesday, DI-CIIIIMT 28 Kaim.iii'n to n tight 21-Hi win .'!l at .10 p. m. at the Highland Wo<l Chili. 7:S0 p. m.—K. V. Cola vs. Mleldln over fleri'lick. Marc Komnnik 8:30 p. m.—Mogcn-Davld vs. Mil- scored ten points for the losers. B. & r . IIADASSAII der STANDINGS DINNIOU MI-:KTIN«; YOUTH COI'NCH, M:,\«il'i; U. I.. The }5upine."s and Profe'sional Ilayiin continued their assault norslii'iin'x l 0 on youth council competition Iiaimaii I 0 with another lopsided victory. I'lilllps 0 I This time it was AZA 1, wlio Gercllck H 1 bore the bnlnt to the tune of a JANIAKV « 7G-:;0. Dick Zachnria tallied 20 3:.'S0 p. in.—Iiaimaii vs Itursliflins VOl'NG JCDAEANS points for Raylm as nine differ- 4:15 p. in.—Gercllcli VH I'liilips Tin; Dots, eighth grader;, preent players hit the scoring colsented a Hanukkah program of umn. Israeli dance.1;, a Yiddish reading AZA 1000 scored their first and u skit at the Dr. Philip victory in league play with u .Sher Jewish Home for the Aged close 30-38 squeeker over AZA s c i i o i i A i i s i i i r r o i : Thursday. The Dots will hold 300. The return of Bill Kully to IJUUCY. KI.KWITZ a bake .sale at the Grand Central the line-up provided the'y Klewitz, ton of Mr. and Market on December 29 and .'i0. lng strength for the winners and Mrs. Izadoro Klewitz was award- Proceeds will go to the .Scouting overcame a 21 point performance ed a scholarship at. Illinois In- Movement of Israel. • by Mickey Sacks for the losers. stitute of Technology, Chicago, STANDINGS where he Is a freshman in elec- ISISG GROWS \V. I.. trical engineering. Hevra J5.I3G attended a pieRaylm :i o convontion rally at the home of AZA 1000 1 2 INITIATED INTO their advisor, Mrs. Do r i b AZA 1 1 2 HONOic Gi:on» Kwaitck, Thursday night, in AZA 100 1 2 Michael Skolnilt. :;on <if Mr. preparation for the BI1YO meetJANUARY 8 and Mn;. Leonard .Skolnik, was ing to he held in Sioux City over 11 a. m.—AZA 1 V8. AZA 1000 initiated into Alpha Mn Sigma, the week-end. 12 noon—Raylm vs AZA 100 Ediar, llohanuo and Hcvrah sophomore men's, honor group, at MIDGKT LEAOiUK Arizona State University at chapter:; held a round-robin *•'. Cth and Cth Grade volleyball game Sunday at the Tempc. Richman-Gordman and SlosJewish Community CcntOr. In : burg's opened the Cith and Cth SAM-ACTIVITIES ON the first game the tcore was 15-0 in favor of Hcvrah over NEItlCASKA C'AMITS .Sigma Alpha Mil fraternity de- Ediar, In the- .second game, feated Zeta Beta Tau fraternity Ediar turned around and took SAM AMSUUEB . in a recent non-league backet- the game from Jlwru, 15-7. Funeral services for Sam Alt- ball game, .'17-30 on University suler, 76, of 400 North 49th of Nebraska Campus nt Lincoln. Patronize Jewish Press .AdverStreet, were held last Friday at Two Harveys—Singer iind Perl- tisers. Beth El Synagogue. Mr. Altsuler man—led - the scoring for SAM who founded the Central Mat- with 17 and 14 points respectivetress Company, died December ly 34 in a hospital. He lived in In league play, SAM has n 2-1 Omaha 48 years, record. Chip Kuklin, Lincoln 1314 NO. 24TH ST. Surviving are his wife, Bcckie; sophomore, (mechanical engineersons, Harry and Bernard of ing), was announced as one of KOSHER CHICKENS Omaha and Milton of Los An- the three finalist? for the InterKILLED DAILY goJes, Cal.; eight grandchildren fraternity Council Scholarship, Savo by Calling 341-4977 and two great-grandchildren. awarded on the basis of scholarship and leadership capabilities. Certified and approved by Rabbi MKS. SARAH MAKKS Founder's Day was held Sunday, Dr. Loon Thorn. Proiident, AmeriFuneral services were held December 11, at the chapter can Academic Rabbit Auociotion Now Americans, and Rabbi S. Sunday at Beth El Synagogue house. Omaha alums in attend- of Walkin of (ho Orthodox Rabbil for Mrs. Sarah M. Maries, 87, nnce were Al Fiedler, Ed Rosen, Association of Now Yo/k Ciiy. of 6129 Florence Blvd., who died. and Harry B. Cohen.

DKAMATIC (iltOi:i* TO t'i.i.i:r.n.\ti: HIIJTHDAVS The Dramatic flroup of the Workmen':: Circle are celebrating the birthdays of the following members, Sunday, DOCCIIIIMT 25 at fi p.m. at the Labor Lyceum: Mr. und MI-H. Sain .Sussman, Mines. Max Irvine, Max (", H.vnian Carl, Harry Wci.sinan and the Mcsrs. Max Kat/ and .Sam \Wi.:;nifin. will be Mines. Vcttn Ori'n.sti'in and Kathan I.cnnan and (lie entertainment will be directed by Sam Zwcrling. l!efrc-shnients will lie servrnl. Iteheai-saln have begun for the annual thoiv to be given by flic d u b , April XI. VXi lit" the Jewish Conmmnitv Center.




December 35. . She ' was a longtime resident of Omaha and the widow of Joseph E. Marks, . . Surviving arc daughter, Mrs. Tyj.abalh Ncveleff and sons, i | id, Detroit, Mich.; Joseph, Santa Monica, Cal.; Harry S. T"*rks and Kpliriam L., Omaha .•ill six grandchildren. Burial was in Pleasant Hill Cemetery.

Oafegales, 27-Nations At World Gonelave

Phono 3«-13M to Jn:crl your Want Ad In L Ihs Jail-M Press. . • f

Jerusalem (JTA)—The first full world conference of the JewDally Jewish Papers ish National Fund since Israel's establishment opened here this BAIi onil Baa 5Iltzvah congraluJalloiis also for all Jewish holiweek with 95 delegates from 27 days and special occasions. countries plus 26 delegates from Israel in attendance. ^; Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodgo



s EC


A-Bomb Report Ji-rusali-m fJTA)—I.srdel Covrrnment .sources .strongly denied rr|)orts that Israel wan on the rofld to manufai.'ture of atomic weapons. They expressed concern that the widely featured reports would adversely affect American-Israel relations and would give the United Arab liepublic additional grounds for pressure on the Soviet Union for more arniarii''nls. The Israel Atomic Knergy Commission issued a .statement this week categorically affiiniinj; that "Israel is not engaged in the manufacture of atomic weapons. Atomic research in I s rael te destined for industry, agriculture, m e d i c i n e ami .science."


Ant (heWight in HawalT IS'nul ll'rllh Henry Mon.sliy Womrn'ii New Year's I've

DINNER DANCE Nhfrnton-FontrnfeUw . MAKK HKSKBVATIONfl IMMKMATl'.l.Y—<!AIJ. SSI-6!!3 050-7333

n a • a 's

ONDS-.EBETWEEN The 5 lodges and Copters of Qmdku and Council Bluffs

fo an evening of

iusie am With IRA "PALMACH" Feinberg Younj Amoricin loader in liraol'i P«lm«ch forcoi. Travoler, llnguiit and authority on lli» Middle Eait.

andRENEE MAHHEWS Glamoroui young tlnqtr, hnrpiit, TV and itago tfar. Night club ond muiicol comedienno,

Plus the Technicolor B'nai B'rith Masterpiece "MINE EYES HAVE SEEN" O and a dessert buffet with Israeli candies and novelties

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