i'lilillcuttun Office. JO) No. iruth Unialia Kchruhku. I'tmnc 311s-J SMI
VoL XXXIX—No. 15
SO, ]9(iO
Second Uluua I'ou1u/:e
at Omuim. Neur
Binirle Copy Hie Annual Rule 44
i y 5i oov.1
Dr. Philip Sher Home for
, M uo,sfH
(Tlie Dt. Philip .Slier Home for the Aged acknowledges Die following ineniftririls and tUtwii'ioiia.t
In Memory of
Meitrs, ond Mmyj, PCJI Surerrt y, Pred Kurtzmnn, Morry Trutlfi, Mrs. Meila Hoblniort, Miss HoiisTf Honwirjj, Mli* (i«lle Morwl'.h 'iam Theodore (Los Angeles, Calif) Mcs.rs. and Mine;. Hufhurt L. Noyp,: William A. Levey, Hcubcn M. Drown, f o i l Verct, l .rncsi A, tJnflO. Harry Trutlln, Max RlvV.ei, frecl Ft'.scnUccfc. Arthur A, fXftf), Hurry / . Kosenlrld, A'r. Louis Seminar cud M l i i flea iomrnrr Worrit Llniriiun Wrttrj, ond WHIM, I : rnr*t A, Nop^j, Morry Trustfn, Paul Vrrel ,.,.,..... ...Dr, Herman Jahr tf.tl-.ix. tmd Mrrtfj. Paul Verrt, Crnc-t A. tlocgi Mr*, riili itik« Ben Soshnlk / / e s u j . and Minns. Arlh»r A. Cohn, I'O'fl VcrcT, RctrUvi II. Krtrxn Mf». Hyman Alberts Mr, ond M n . David Orkuw, tAr. ond MrAdotr^i Troit ond Luinne, HenbcfO' foiirtji floor staff * ' , Charts Maooulls Mr, ond Mrs Mfljf RlrKcj ' , , Abo Ml:rl (Julia, Okla.) Mr, and Mr* MMvln A. Burnj M n . No-,e FMH-I Mr. and M n , Reuben H, IJri>v/n .,, fMt. Urlla LelientwrQ, Sam f-lax MeiJfi. and Mmes foul Veret, H u r r / 7., lioienfcld ......<,........ Wrir, tariAx Colitm F r ^ ond Oirfrlr-t Ro-,pnilo«:k , ....Morrlt Orryfus tAoi\rt. and M i n n . l>^an h'rankcl, poul V f r r l , MlMon Yodirlion, Mr. Louis iciintucr ofirJ /.MM Rffi lemnwr .• Mrs. Tlla Shapiro Mr. and Mrt. iMtlt J. Rovrnthor * Mrs. Herman Kraine Mes-.rj. end MffiM. OavW t*. IlrhT, Yals fMcriardi, Arthur A, Cfifm, Truintui Clarft , Mfl Cora Morki Mr. enrj Mr*, rmejt A, Hotn, M n , PhD Sal:s Mr», Jcfuile Yarniolrwk Mr. and M n . f'rnptt A. Nfjg .f,»,ri. Gertrude Gccdnmn tAUion Ytf(!ciM>n, Arlliur A, Cofin, A*r. I oulj Sommc ond Ml'.i C«a Sctnrner
J.arriuel Atliuler
In Honor of
//,!ti Kalofi FrankJfn
M e m i , ond Mmej. Harry Truitln, Arthur A Cohn. Jock Brtiihitm, Lfon Groeft Mr. ond Mrs. J Harry Kulaknfsky M«»r». nnd Mmei, Jorlc Hewbero, Joe oh &. H*5i, 1/ l-:iew!tr. riiarlfs Allman and Mrs, Cei» Burn«tc!n
ii weridlnp dfintvcnnry, Mr. and Mrt, Arthur Colin TwrntJeih w«Jdlno cnnlv^rsary, Mr, ami Mrs f.oru Wine (Lot Angeles) frlyhileth birthday, Mr. Louis Hlller
..Twrnly fifth wrddlnn nnnlvrrtory, Mr. and Mrs. Molvln Plotkln Mr. end Mrs. Fred Kurfrmon Recovery, Mrs. Jako BrcslaJ M?s*ri, end Mrrwi. Arthur A. Cohn, HrriMt A. Uoga, Kcthon L, Ncpg Speedy rrcovtry, fAw Venoer*" M n . MtcfXMi Krainc *....,,„,, Kccovwy, Abraham Levey Mr, ond Mrt. Haitian L, HOQJ . . . . . H e c o v r y , D«n Gfrthon (Council flltrffi) Mri, Oen Montfler-. i Re^qvory of motlier of Mrs. Henry App<H A!«i-ri. and MmM. M&riftn Rfchortft, trnrst A, tloon, J. Marry K'rtckcfilry HlQlilMh birthday, Abroham Coldjielri t,\Qtin, ona Mmus, Crnot A Hocfl* Paul Ver«1 tevenMfttti birthday, Henry L. fJewmnn Mr, ond Mr*. Drnn FrrniMI, Alan ana Horrtit f-VanVel > ....»,.. , .» Hanufcah grM'lng*, Mrs A. I. Kay
Synaaoque Donations f-M%. SarQTi Sliver, In memory of her huiband
Special Contrlbufions
Mrvrs. ond M f f l i . r-'rf*ord 5cfi?mmct. Marvin Sobet, Harold Garbrr, Scm rpsfrln and M * n r t . teymour Kali (SJfiitng Dlirrlbi/JInQ Co.), Yale Clnsburo ond Janiti iomufff.cn/ (Eagle DIiirfUutlnQ CD>- wine and whisky.
Israel's Babbinafo
Elections Postponed Jerusalem <JTA>—The I'JibIjinical Non>inations Hoard ncrcod to a rwjuost from a joint MapalNationn! R<.-!II;IOUB jwrty do1o[;ation to postpone the eltctlnns of ClJcf Ital)b!.s nnd n now Kitpremn Itvhbinntfi Council ncnin. Rahhl Judnh Maimon, chairman of the nominations hoard, accepted the pica hut cut tho • time from the six woelts nsked by the delegation to.five week;;, lie deslijnnteil Kchnmry 1 nt tile latest date, for the much-po.'itponcd hjiUoliiij;. The hai'Kaininc was understood, however, to be a formality .because it has IKTII lenmed that the elections will not be held for nt leant another RN months as ft rtsult of interpaily rinns on the issue.
Senior Citizens Lounge Closed Mon.; Open lues. The Senior Citizens' K will be oiJCn Tuesday, nt the Jewish Community Center, January .'!, instead of Monday, January li. Senior Citizens will meet at the lounjje Tuesday from 10 a. in. until ,'i p. m.
*>£ BiOn|Q | o r
Tlie iiiiiourit of $5.0(K) was IK*. qiit-atiied liy the lute Ku[;oii(" UlazBr to the Jev.i:;li Federation of Oitiaiia, for tiic I>r. I'hilip filler Home for Aped, a department of the ]''eili;ratioii, Harry 'J'ru.'itin, federation I'resident, annoiuicr-il. In ciiiiiiuentini; oti tills 'bequest, Katlian ].. NOJKT, Home Chuirniaii, said: "Tlie late Kunene Iila^e.' had a deep interest in tlie welfare of the a[tcd, and this bequest will be of considerable help to the Home for A^ed •which provides the necessary care and many services to its residents.
Florida Court Bans Bibles in Schools
Maurice .Samuel, dean of American Jewish authors, who devoted ten years of research to (lie preparation of his Latest hook, "The Second Crucifixion" will speak on Wednesday, January 18, at the i'-eth El Synai:t>!;ue lit 8 p.m. He will appear on the Program of tho Month series, part of the cultural and educational activities of the Jewish Community Center, Harry Sidman, Chairman, announced, Hriuu'ii to..Oimiliun.1
Samuel is the country's outstanding lecturer on Jewish Mlnml, Fia. (JTA)—The dis- topics. He has addressed Jewish Maurlee Samuel tribution of Gideon bibles in the communities in all parts of the Hook, The Professor and the Orange (bounty public schools world. He is weir known in the was banned here by the State Omaha area, through previous Fossil and Tlie Second Crucifixion, all of which are available District Court of Appeal. Tlie appearances here. Hooks In Center Library hi the Center Library. court ruled that such distribution Author, publicist anil translaviolated the Federal and state' In.tlglit In Jewish Problem* constitutions nnd was in sharp tor, Mr. Samuel's liooks include Mr. .Samuel's major interest conflict with the doctrine of sep- You Gentiles, Tlie Great Hatred, for nearly fifty years lias been Harvest in the Desert, The World aration of Church and State. of Kholem Aleichem, Web of the position of the Jewish people The decision upheld the ripht Lucifer, The Gentleman and the in tlie world. His books are conof nine taxpayers and parents of Jew, Prince of the Ghetto, I*vel cerned with the exposition of school children to KO to court for .Sunlight, Certain People of tlie Jewish values. Among the awards he earned hi recognition of his relief against distribution of the outstanding Interpretation of bibles. A lower court had dismissed a suit by the plaintiffs Needlework Guild Jewish values to the general public are tlie Prize of tlie Satncainst the county school hoard, urday Ileview of Literature, th* which sought to stop what they Contributors Stephen Wise Award of the termed n violation of "the teachAmerican Jewish Congress, and Mrs.-Dave Colin, chairman of ings nnd tenets" of their faith. the Jewish Federation Agencies' the Frank I,.. Well Award of the The appellate court • rulinjj •Section of the Needlework Guild, National Jewish Welfare Board stated that if the Gideon Kroup is appealing to tlie women in the for Distinguished Sci-vice to had distributed the /'Koran,, the community to send in their much Jewish communal life. Moslem bible, or the Talmud, the needed contributions. The program of the month la Ixidy of Jewish civy and canoniThe following have contributed cal law, through tlie school sys- to the Needlework Guild since held in cooperation with tile following organizations: Beth El tem of an area whose Inhabitants the Inst list appeared: .Synagogue, Betli Israel Synawere stroncly I'rotestant, we Mmes: I-eo Bercutt, Dave Bia- gogue, B'nal B'rith Henry Monsurmise that tiie I'rotestant l.ic, Iluehen Ferer, Stuart" E. sky and Cornhusker Lodges and Groups would feel a sectarinn rel/conard I«. Fricdel, Sam- Chapters, Hadassah, T e m p l e sentment npalnst the action of Fried, uel Gendlcr, I.ebn Graetz, Samuel Israel and Young Adult Council. school authorities." Qutttnan, Abe Katelman, Morris The event Is open to the comI.insinan, Yale Richards, Oscar Waldvogel, Max A. Wussornian, munity without charge. and Ira WhitebooU.
U. S. Aid for Lydda
Israel May Pay Airport Improvement $20,000 Fee to Washington, (JTA)—An allocation of .$2,000,000 in United EicBimasioi Lawyer •States and Israeli currencies, to Jerusalem, (JTA)—The Israel Cabinet is expected to approve at its next meeting n recommendation to provide 520,000 for fees and costs requested by Dr. Kobert Scrvatius for defending Adolf Kichmann, the Nazi colonel who directed the extermination of the 0,000,000 European Jews. The decision to pay the costs and fees of tlie German attorney was based on the fact that a rejection of Dr. Servatius1 request would have resulted in his withdrawal from tlie case, because there Is no other source of funds to pay him. It was noted that the request to the Israel Government to pay the fees and costs was made by Dr. Servatius on the grounds that Elchmann had signed a statement agreeing to s t a n d trial in Israel if he was provided nn adequate defense.. This • was regarded as additional proof that Kichmann submitted himself to Israeli jurisdiction after his seizure 'in Buenos Aires last spring.
Hamburg (JTA)—A 22,000ton vessel, the Kin C.edi, built for Israel tinder the West German reparations agreement was launched here,
Israel to Start Min!c Raising Israel—A first shipment of live minks is duo to arrive-in Israel nwet April to start,tvhnt is hoped will become a larj»e-8c.ile Industry it was reported by Herman Moltzcr, retired owner of one of the largest US firms in the mink import and mnrketlnc busIncB, wlilie on a recent visit to Israel. He had bccn-advlsinn the Ministry of Commerce and Industry on the establishment of n public company to organize the production, financing and export sides of the fur trade. The company, which will be established with local and forohin capital, will concentrate on the development of a mink breeding, processing and export industry. Ho said Israel possessed ciimntic and other, conditions required for breeding mink, and the Industry could supply. hundreds of lobs.
Program of Month Speaker Jan. 18
In un csprrsilon of friendship for tlie. Btale of iHniel, the <;atliu)to Ktaiitlartl, n weekly nettfipuprr, publlshcil liy the Itomjin f!athollo Arehdioccso of Washington, I>. C, imrclmsed $10,000 In Stale of I«rael liondo. SIIOHTI at a Bond dinner la AVnslilngton l» Jolin Moore, president of the Washington section of tlio Union of tlin Holy Nttnics Hocletien presenting a clieck for tlib pnreJiaso to Mrs. Franklin II, liovscvclt.
824 'NKWSMEN TO BB' AT KIOHSIANN TRIAL Jerusalem (WNS)—Some 324 foreign newspapers and agencies will cover the Adolf Kichninnn trial when it opena here on March G.
help finance the modernization of Lydda International Airport in Israel, was jointly announced by the U.S. Export-Import Bank ami the Development Loan Fund. The modernization program will put Lydda Airport on a par with the world's greatest • airports. A recently completed runway 2,900 yards at the Lydda Airport for jet landings, will be lengtheuctl still further by an additional 325 yards to enable the jets to take off with full loads of fuel. The Export-Import Bank will furnish ?1,500,000 of the cost in dollars, while local costs will be covered by $1,100,000 drawn from repayment of previous Development Loan Fund allocations to Israel. This is the first time the Fund has used its authority to re-lond funds.
First Israeli Ship I At Guatemalan Port Guatemala City (JTA)—An Israeli freighter, the SS Yehuda, weighed anchor in Port Champerico, marking the first time that nn Israeli vessel has ever visited this country, and inaugurating a monthly service by ships belonging to the '/Am lines.
Page Two
Jews Evacuate Algiers' Cashah;
$fje .nn J ' a k " . e n Aj.f.lif C ! Pubcohot
Rioters Wreck Ancient Synagogue
TI:MI>U; votixii I-AINT
vly vn Friday hpglnniii;; tho last wcrlt hi August \\t Hi in July i»\ flu? Jewish Frdrratiuti uf OJIMIKI.
Published through Kc
O d i C I
I'ni'js I ' V X . S ) — T h e Oo.'isi.Moin;
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Isls. .Siinnli:iin")!jsly, llic <.'nnfr<liT;ttion of (.•(•:irial Zioiii.-ls liiT)ii"d by Dr. Kriviii:H r-.riinmm ; d \ o lii-ld ;i IWO-IIMV vvorl"! co'il'-nni'ii
AH frlriuls nnil r«'lati\e*< urn trniii'rt lo iitt'fiJ s<'r\icu'» ami ri'i'i'iitliiu.
M:ITA i:i.r.i:\ KiiirKi: Xift/i
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of r.ahhi and Mrs. Mycr S. Kiiphf uill dljs'.rve her Has Mitzvab, I'Yiday ••vrnin:'. Dcrcinl>"r ."/) and Saturday, Di-reinber ,'!!. MI tin- 10:::') a.m. si.-iUce at 1 ;• 1 ii J.'l Syna;;o";uc. STi.I'HKN' Ml r.MCK Tin; I!:ir .Mit/vah of .Slrph'-ii Mfilii'cl;. son of Mrs. Ida Mulnick and Hen Mulniri; will Ix; celebrntiil on i-'rid-jy. December .'!() and Saturday, December .'il sit lielh I.sr.'i'fl .Syn.!(:o;:ue.
Hit? Jrv.i.sli c e m e t e r y . T h e n ; llljt
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M e m b e r s of tin- 'i'.'!;:)):.- J M / L : !
m:s .'Mi)i\i:s ]-AI;I.I;V
Friday. December SO, J9«»
(.:iiillo or I I.'UICI viMt(.cd A\'/.ivi:i. 1
Til* Consistory ;J!H) n s i v r i i Ficfi'li ;iiith(iriii(i.s lo f-v.'ictiiiti." tilt' r<iiininiiij: Jt'WK in tlir C.'if-hb.ih. J-'eillc (icridid t o «. t,'IV t o p i n t i c t home;; :iiid p r o p e r t y . * 1 '(-,«• itiii-ifiil !>yiKi;:ijKue in I lie ('.'!.'bah, v.iTrhtil by rioters, vv.'is t.'il'.eji iiVi^i' by t h e rebels us Hie heiiii'ju.'irler.s of the X.'ition.il I.ibll'iilioll i ' l u n t . Oilier vi,;is le:,toli'il in t h e (]H.nt<r by Kirm-h fu!7r.'; ,'iftei- \\\(t d.'iys of riotiuj; ill v. hieji M(j ! l(n:.'; .' nel;cil t h e •.j-n.-ifViT'-i'*, ripP' 1 .' " Holy Scroll into slireils juid .•ittnclii-d Jev',i:,h homes i:nd i.liop'-,
Complete Oarpsf Service M'AI-I. TO WAI.!. AM) 1 liUMf i'lrmifd In Vnur
n-mb'1!- L'i;-2«. Habbi benjamin Groner, Mrs. Sam Kajilan, Mi;;s Alini-Uo Kosow.-1;\., diamatic coach, Moiiis Kutl';r, li?!s!;e!h.'i!l tn;iti.'iKer ;iti(l Mr. Samuel Stone, director of Youth Activities accompanied the di-'Jei.:at ion. Convention s.ehril.-.rships wnrt' av.ard«.d to in.'uiy (I/'I'-rntcs for active participation in the youth The jMvivh comnlunily o( pi'[i;:r.im by iln.r l!'"th Israel Alters (..ciipletcd |>)rins to bury Voulii Commission, Mrs. Henry -1 Jit; Tondi ri-rolls d( sedated in Appi'l, cliainnan, re|K>rted. liic rioti;i;.; in the nnrieiit syn.'iThe Omaha Beth Israel Deler..'ition ineluded: 'I'he plans, prepared! by the l.'othrt.) Annlcr, 'u/.l Ail). Lcriy Hlc'rl, Jewish Consistory of Algiers, call f'iM OrcK^skln, Anntltp CfHirc.ey, /.'.rlvifi for a fileiit procession of the Cciirfi. Klrli'jrd DiU'iictitl. t.c:rr^ \ttitr. Vi VI F eldman, Uotvn:n f-t\!"-t, Hurry frlfjcommunity to accompany the r/iu.i, OrJfa Cctitrt. tjcn.ur<» O'vot, Trif/ (i'>!(l,:nijH',|, Hnfi/'irn Ctciirfrj;, Wori!>M ravished scrolls through the city's KciiUiii, f'f-r KlnsMli.'jrr, ATltnc Koirftiky, J'T.inv ('reft, Pu.jl KuHrr, K c t 1. IK-!'* lnjfl/, streets from the synagogue to
• *
afe- VUaii RUG CLEANERS Don Bernstein, 345-2554
in T<l Aviv of its dcley.'iti's lo tin.1 C'oii^r'-'-S. .Vldre.-Mni; thr- pruley, «ru;« e'.".'tr, l e t , / Prldmrnn. Jr.rllo ! ) " * - 1)r. Niuimmri'.lit;:;, sled ihnt t h e II.mi. t v a 5,'j't!], 'tnntl: 'jt fici>irr!, v.it.e •-'man, Unrta r,:rH, Suil Moitf, Elrdf World ,liiviih' C o n :: r <• s be j!t-r,'., d i d Allan Suiinon. Patronize the Jewish Press rnr'i'Ri-ii with tile world Zionist Advertisers.movement. He nl.'.o iirc;i il Hint. IsJI*NIO!t ItOU'M.Vfi rael's youir; !,'<'iii;iv!tion IK- t;mi;ht J I I I I i E V I5ATT t o iiii(|i'i>.|:in(l tl)c mnli;:il iv.'.ponMagazine Specials Thf J'.;ir Milzv.-sh of Jeffrey Junior B'nai B'rith Bowling Kibilil}1 of JM-II-1 ;ni'l ihi> Jcivisli I!;itt, son of MS;;r. a n d M r s . will not meet this Sunday due . ORDER NOW people outside ill Isr.ifl. M a x ltohrif lintt of Kl I'awi. T e x . , to the Xew Year holiday. League U. S. Newt 6 World Report IJri'fSlor. pri-sidi-til of tin; Zionist will lie celebrated Monday, J a n S3.67 Organization of Arn'rici, <lis- uary 2 a t it a.m. nt Beth I.vrael activities will be resumed Sun- 39 Wetk« Time. 78 W«l» $7.87 day, January 8. cussod the rolf of the'/.<').\in r-:;- Synagogue,
pandinf; Jewish i<din:a!ion in the Unitml State*. <;AKY AI.AV (JI.SS Israel Ambassador Avrahain Mr. and Mrs. Charles fUiss aimouiK'e tlie liar Mitzvah of. their r:on, (jary Alan on Saturday, January 7 at (he moniin;; sci'vice at 10:.'I0 a.m.
Winners of the llanulik.ih Tournament were I'.ichard Frank who bowled 12 pins over his average and Susan Ilubenstein who rolled 50 pins over her average.
Omakans in News
Services (;.-lmlIi-li(;htiti(;, at 4:11 p.m. .Ti'JiPi.K I S K A I X
Jack Haror, a past president of Temple Israel, will officiate at.the Siihliaih services, Friday nt 8:15 p.m. Mis.f Ida Citlin will Conduct the Temple Choir.
Slielilini A. Itrrnsftln, Omaha Certified Public Accountant, was elected treasurer of the Nebraska Society of Certified Public Accountants. He is also a. coellairman of the KclicJou.s .Subcommittee of the Jewish Philanthropies Budget. Committee.
8 p.m.
- •; -.
/ • • ; . • - ; ••'.
Ihhu A. Bernstein
In the Jewish Tradition
Your order nhould \H* itlnccif v/cl| In fHlvnnn* «f "Valir/i'll" BO tlw work Ooi's not have t'> be hurrlf ij.
Magailne Speclalhf Order by Fhono or Mall 440 Ho. 61U St. S51-&742
V/o *re tnown for our exacting Hfibrow Icffcrlnfj «nd detail. You may place your confidence in ui knowing each defaif and trrtdlflon willbfi adhered fo with ufmoif caro and skill.'
Mr. and ,Mrs. Milton Marcus announce tile birth of a son, Howard Krasne on December 22 1314 t.'O. 24TH ST. at I.utheru Hospital. Mrs. Marcus KOSHER CHICKENS is the former Joan Kranne. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. KILLED DAILY Henry Krasne of Omaha and Mr. Save by Calling 341-4977 and Mrs. Jacob Marcus of Long Certified and approved by Rabbi Island, Xew York.
.'{ohcrl (inliKteln. student in the graduate school at the University of Chicago, Chicago, III., Copiej of Treasurod has teen elected to Beta Gamma Photos of Loved Onej E'NAI JACOB ADAS Sigma, national honorary fraterVESIH'KOX JIMABDO .Friday, Minehn, 4:-ir> p.m. Sat- nity, whose objective is recogniurday, 8:30 a.m. Minclia, 4:.'>0 tion of excellence in scholarship THE WURGLO1 C O . ;• p.m. followed by Sholosh Scutlos. in the field,of business. He was 313 So. 14th 341-8946 Daily services at 6:.';0 ii.m. and graduated Magna Cum Laude from Harvard University in 4:45 p.m. 195D. Mr. Goldstein and his wife, the BETH r.%. • Sabljyth services at. Beth Kl former Nancy Harron are in Synagogue at HJ'y p.m., Ilabbi Omaha for a visit with their parMycr S. Kripke will deliver the ents, the Messrs. and Mines. Ar•.'sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Kdfjar thur It. Ooldsteln and Julius"B:»rand the Beth KI Synagogue Choir roii. will render the musical portions. Mnury I,. Schwartz, Director Sabbath morning traditional service will bejjin at 8:30 a.m. of Education at Temple ' Israel. and the family service at 10:30 participated in the sixth annual MLE REALTORS a.m. Mineha-AIaariv at 4:45 p'm. convention of the National Association of Temple Educators, 918 Rediek Tower Sunday morning services at 9 in Boston, Mass., December 23a.m. Services. during the week 341-1500 28. • • • • • • at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. BETH ISItAIX Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Contor KH Kagan and the Beth Israel Choir uill conduct the Late Friday Kicnlnf? family ser1 \-ices at 8 p.m. Traditional F r i day eveniii',' services (Kobolas ., ShabbnsJ begin at 4:43 p.m.. ' .Shaljlws morning : services nt 8:43 a.m. Junior Congregation a t '9:45 a.m. Rnblu Groner will conduct the Talmud Class at 4:15 p.m. Sabbath Mincha a t 4:45 p.m. followed by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv nt 5:43 p.m. Sunday morning services begin nt 9 a.m. followed by breakfast end Rabbi's class in bible. Sunday Junior Minyan a t 8:30 a m . followed by breakfast • ' Daily s e n ices at 7 a.m. and
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AGENCY Suite424--Fcrnom Bldg., Omcha2, Neb, — 342-5874
Friday, lleomiljcr 30, J900
Joan Abrahams To Wed Ohioan
, *•*<
Miss Jndllli HuMiiinn II.in
Mi-, and Mrc. Jack .T. lijin announced the engagement of tlir-ir daughter, Jiulilh Ilox.'innc, to Alan 1 >avid fi(ij(i',l<-in, :.on of Mr. find Mrs. Hubert. II. Coldslein. The In I iTil hit was made known Dec inliii' ?1 (if ,'i <:Oi"!tlail parly at the Cuhh.tciii l cadence, Misi; Ban atli'iidi'i] the University of Wisconsin at Madison, where) slw was affiliated ivit.li .Sigma iR-lla Tan Mjrorily. Her fiance, a Miielrnt, at tlic University of Nebraska al Lincoln, is a former pic.sidrnt. and current treasurer fif /.eta Beta Tan fraternity. The bride-to-be Is the granddaughter of Mrs. Hachel Han and Mrs. Sarah Johnson. Mr. Goldstein's grandparents arp tho Messrs. and Mini's, Isndon: GoldKteln and Samuel Colien. A mid-August wedding is heIni; planned. MUs Join Alirnliiinm
Miss Harriet Shapiro became tin; bride of Gordon Nalhanson, of KmithUnui, T>.)ng Islam!, New York at T!eth Kl Synaj;o|:ue on Sunday, December 2~i In a cori;Iiumy performed l/y Ilahhi Myer K. Kripke and Cantor Aaron I.
Kili;ar. A ilinncr followed at tho •Slicrnfon-I-'oiitiiiiPlUi Hotel. 'Die Inide is the 'ilaiiKhlcr of Mr. and Mrs. Max Shapiro, tin; bridegroom, the .son of Mr. and Mrs. David Nathanson of the
The engagement of Joan Ahralinins- to Stephen N. Subrin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hyman S. Subrin of Akron, O., was announee'I by Mr. and Mrs, Milfoil ft. Abrahams, parents of the bride-to-be.
Tlie couple's betrothal was leve;ded at a family cocktail supper at the Abraham's home on HIOIIK, N.' Y. Monday. Miss Abraham's fiance A flooi'-lenj;th Kown of pm'o nnd his parents were in Omaha silk pi-au de soie vv.ns worn by for the occasion. i (ho bride Her triple-tiered veil Miss Abrahams received her of imported illusion was eaii;;lit by a hidf-liat of malchini; pcau Bachelor of Arts Degree from lie sole, v.'illi accents of Jcvvelled Northwestern "University, Kvanston, III., in June of 1!)59. .Shmlace. She carried a bouquet of white orchids and .stcphanolis on her graduation, she has resided In Boston, Mass., where she is lier mother's bible. The m a t. r o n-of-honor. Mi's. now studying for her Master's Martin Lesser of Yanldon, S. D., Degree at. Simons College School wore nn'rniei'iild creen taffeta of Social Work. Mr. Subrin is a ballerina froel;. Miss Sharon Ko- a graduate of Harvard Univervel of Washington, 1). ('., and sity where he received his decree Miss Kaye Turner, briesmaids cum laude In VX>H and is now a vifTo identically gowned. Susan student at. the law school there. Wiiner, daughter of Mr. ;md Mrs. The couple will return to their htudies lit the end oj the week. Hy Weiner was flower j;irl. A June wedding is planned. Tliomns K'aufman of Newark, N. J., was best man. Ushers were Hiii'ton llohinson and Martin Lesser. The mother of the bride chose n minlc fiheath of silk peau do Former Omahans, M.Sgr. and noie and the bridegroom's mollier Mrs. Itohert liatt of Kl Paso, wore lilac cliiffon. Followlni: a trip to Montreal, Tex-., will celebrate the Bar Canada, tin; eouple will make Mitzvah of their son, Jeffrey at their home at HH-.'ird Avenue, Beth Israel Synagogue, Monday, January 2. The Batts, nlso acHayshore, Lonj^ Island, N.' Y. ' Mrs. (iiirilnn Na companied by their daughter, Kllen I.yn, will he guests of Mrs. Max Fciwlowitz, Mr. Bait's mother; his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Gimpld and hostecs to the Cousins' Club on Mi.'is d e n y Gimple, his aunt. I J K T H isuAKr. i.i;N(;iii:o>r Mrs. Anna Ahramsnn, Mrs. Wednesday, January 4 nt (he The narralr-d film "Time and Sheraton-Konlenellc1 H o t e l at Batt's mother, also of El Paso, Two Women" (sponsored by tins J2:.'!0 p. m. Members unable to has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mis. Paul K. Cronnsc. American Cancer Society," will be featured at the annual "open attend are asked to contact Mrs. Washington, D.C guests in Omaboard meetin;:" of the Heth • Is- Meyerson, Council Bluffs, 32- ha for the event are Mr. Batt's father, Mr. J. P. Batt and Mrs. rael Sisterhood hi the synai;oj;ue 301'l.r) or 530-071 .'I, Bait. social hall January 3. Mrs, Sidney (Joldben; is chnir- IIKTII KI/S "COI I'lOK Patronize Jewish.. Press Advertntm in charjio of the VJ-.3Q p..m. WITH TIIK KAttltl" buffet luncheon which premies '•Coffee With the Habhi" scs- tisers. the mooting.1 sions at the Beth El Synagogue, Mrs. Harold Zollnsky will make will be' hold twice cnclv month MONA LISA n report to the (,'oiieral member- bcfiinninj; in January, the sisterHouse of Glamour ship of all fund raising netivilies. hood announced. Rabbi- Mycr S. Buby'sitting service will bo avail- Kripke will lead the discussions III No. 50th S53-7O00 able. • 6 Export Hall Sfylliti based on Milton Steinberg's Air-Conditioned Dryort . • • * "Basic Judaism" on Wednesdays,' MISS MARSH and MISS JERRY COUSINS' CI.UH January 4 and-IS at 0:30 a in.'in Owncn Mrs. Meyer Meyerson will be the synagogue library. Sitter service will be provided and all reservations should hi; made with Mrs. Marvin Kohl!. * * • -VKTUKAN'S -OF FOREIfiN Featuring. Among • tlio college students WAItS IIOMDAV SHOW CANTONESE vacationing at 1 llio home of their The Kpstnln-Morgan Post No. parents ure Marvin I^vvls l!u- 2G0 of tbe Jewish War Veterans APPETIZERS baclc of Drake University ties presented its annual holiday Moines, la., Stanley Swerllng, show at the Veterans AdminisNew YorJc University; Larry "Iration Hospital in Omaha on Zaclmria, Dartmouth, Hanover, Tiinsday, Dccemliur 27, at 7 p. m., N.; II., CJnylc Feldma'ii and Nan- and 8 p. iri. cy Drodkey, Ohio State, ColumMaster-oF-Ceremonies for tlie tms anil lirucc Bloom, University of Nebraska and his sister, Bev- show was Jolly Joe Martin of radio WOW and Ray.Stevens of erly 'Bloom,1 Ohio' State. radio KOOO. Their parents are the Messrs;1 Performer* were Tony Grndlcy Contl, nnd Mmes. Edward Itubaclc, Al . Prolrle (Mis, Hay Shukcrs, Jocklo Alien and tits DlmenMont (Ihronfih rotjrle^v of Swerllng, Snm iCacliaria, Abo 'Mullclans Unloi), Local No. 770) Dottle I^cldmnu, EtlwarJ I>- Brodkey .- Smith, Glnotr Coot, Sliciry-Stitar <md nob Wolltice, laincy Martin/ tiiid Chortle Gun, end Itu'rold Bloom. 1914 Fftrnarn pail president of me Maflicianj1 Union. -
Texaus to
Pace Three
Donna Rae Conor Married Miss Donna nan Canar became (.he bride of Thomas Cok'inan Bernstein, SiliKlay, DcevmbcT 'Si at Belli I'll Synagogue. K;ibbl Myer S. Kripke; olliciated. Tlio bride is tin; daughter of Air. nnd Mrs. Louis Canar and (lie bridegroom, Jin; son of Ml1, and Mrs. Joseph Bernstein. Mis-;: Joyce Canar was rnaidof-honor for her sister. Bridesmaids were Misr. Bonnie Urdangen of Chii'ago, III., Miss Shelley Gri'rn and .Miss Diane Fcllinan. Robert Kully served as best man. Ushers were B'.'i'nnrd Turlti'1, Lincoln. Ncbr.; Harlan Nodelle, Camp Waller. .Tex.; J\Iurray Belman, Cambridfie, Mass.; Ceri:ld Iloberman. Michael •Canar, Bernnrd Sax, Michael Platt, all of Omaha. Following a ceicklail buffet at the Blae'k.stone' Hotel, the couple left on a two week's weddint; trip to San Francisco, ("al., and Las Vegas, Ncv.
Mrs. Thomas (1, IJerrmtcIn FOIt lIKNICIKTTA KZOLK New York, (JTA) —A 1.1H5 [iiipil .school on New York's Lower ]-.'ast: Side was named for Henrietta Szold, on the occasion of the 300th anniversnry of her birth.
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Bar Rest Jewish GIs Aid Building By (ipci. I'rrry The past year will IJC regarded as the Bar Mitzvah of the "Manila Miracle" by worshippers of Temple Kmil on Taft Avrnue in Manila. This is how the Jews of the Republic of the I'hillipincs fuel about the restoration of tin; only synagogue destroyed in Irittlo (Ml American territory during World . War ' I . For Temple Kmil—the only synagogue in the Philippines as well as in the whole of the Western Pacific—was r e 1J u i 11 through the efforts of thousands of Jewish GIs who h:i<i hr:lpr>d liberate tlie Philippines from the Japanese. In the lobby ol this synagogue !.s a modest jilrique dedicated "to all men and ivnmon of the Jewish faith (.f the Arnvd Forces of the United States anil Allied Nations who laid down their lives in the defense and libernlion of the Philippines --T.) 11*1045— -and in tribute to the American Jewish service personnel stationed In the Philippines who initiated the drive to assist the local community in the expenses of 'reconstruction." .1,800 Jews'In 1812 These1 simple words are the final chapter of ft story that began in 3912 when the Japanese drove the last American forces out of the Philippines. There were then about 1.800 .Tows in the Philippines. More than l.'IOO wcr>* refugees from Gcimmy. The others were American, British, French and some from Syria, Turkey mid China. The leaders of the Jewish community were Rabbi J o s e p h Schwartz, a refugee who hail been a chaplain in tlie Austrian Army In World War I, and Morton Netrorg. director of the National Jewish Welfare Board's Army and Navy Department for the Philippines. : The Japanese conquerors Immediately Interned all Jrivs who were nationals of countries at ivnr ivlth Japan. Tlie German-Jewish refugees, who hod arrived In tlie nili19.10s, had German passports •tamped 'Jude,' In red Ink. At first the 'Japanese regarded them as Hermans and treated them as semi-allies. Thus the refugees who had earlier been we]-
3i \ x Funeral services were held on Thursday of last week at the Jewish Funeral Home, for Max Felwlowitz, 74, of 5017 Lafayette Avenue, former Omaha tailor, who died December 21. Surviving nre wife, Ethel, one son, Terry, Chicago, 111.; ptepsons, Robert Batt, El Paso, Tex.; Joe Batt, Los Angeles, Calif.; stepdaughter, Mrs. Irving J. Forbes, four grandchildren, and step fjrandchildren. Burial was at Pleasant Hill Cemetery*. WAX HOROWITZ Funeral service,! for Max Horowitz, of 3109 Burt Street, were held Sunday at the Jewish Funeral Home with Rabbi Nathan Fcldman and Rabbi Benjamin Groner, officiating. Mr, Horowitz, a resident of Omaha 40 years, died last Saturday in a local hospital. Surviving is his wife. Ray. Burial was in Mt. S i n a i Cemetery. ARCIUK II. KAVICH Funeral services were held Tuesday: at" IJcth KI synagogue for Archie Kavlch of 50G1 Itlondo Street, who died Sunday. Burial was in Beth El Cemetery. Surviving are wife, Ida; son, Lazier; sisters, Mrs, \V. ICrUpinslty, Los "Angeles; Mrs. Jennie Tome, Omaha and 2 grandchildren.
Center Sports mined by the oilier Jews were able to aid their co-religionists with food and medicine. Gradually, the Japanrsi- changed their attitude and treated all Jews as enemies. David Net/ore—Nibr. Teacher Riibbi Schwartz was one of the few who escaped internment. All during tlie Japanese occupation be continued to hold services in an abandoned building under the watchful eyes of Japanese officers. But Net/ore and his wife, who had come to Manila in 3015 from Detroit as Imneymooners, were put in the dreaded Ranto Tomas ("amp. Their yon Imvid. who had been teaching at the University of Ncliraska, was visiting them when the war hrolte out and he joined the U.S. Army Engineers. He was assigned to I'.ataan where be was captured and later died In tlie fa pa;: Prison, a victim of the infamous 'death march.' When Anierlean troops landed (in I.e_\(»- In October 1911, the Japanese, ordered all Jews not interned to leave Manila. Temple Ilmll's ruiiinmnity liall Has converted Into nn ammunition dump. As the IT.S. Illcvenlli Airborne Division neurcd Manila In February 1915, the Japanese sael;cd and liiirnic) the rlty, nnil killed hundred* of rhlllani, among them nt lr:i*t 80 Jew*. Th« Japanese touched off the store*! of explosives In Temple Kind's romiiiunlty I1.1II nnd blnv the Hvnagogue anil comninnlty homp to rubble. Only tlio walls of tlm synagogue were standIng WIIIMI American and I'lllpliio forces re-orciipled tlie <lly. Immediately after his relea.se from Kanto Tomas Prison, Net?org became the head of the Jewish community. His first task was to provide shelter, food, clothing and other necessities for the destitute Jewish residents. With the aid of an emergency grant of $10,000 from the Joint Distribution Committee, Nelzorg began the task of reorganization. Supplies flown in by the National Jewish Welfare Board and brought in by the Jewish chaplains who accompanied the American forces enabled Netzon: to organize a huge Seder for civilians and military personnel. Jewish servicemen cooperated magnificently in aiding thn civilian Jews. They organized classes, clubs, lectures in the U.SO-.IWP. club opened under Nntzorg's direction. The Jewish chaplains became a tower of strength to the reviving Jewish community. Rebuild Synagogue Inspired by the leadership of Netzorg and the Jewish chaplains, the Jewish GIs, ascmbled for an ouen air religious service amid the ruins of Temple Emil and pledged themselves 1o rebui'd the', synagogue as a memorial to their comrades who died in the Pacific. With the ciitli(isi:*Mic backing of Chaplains, in less than a montn more than 520,000 was raised The money was turned over to Netzorg as president of the Jewish community who placed it in trust with the JDC. The civilian Jewish community raided a matching sum. When the rebuilt Tempje Kinil was dedicated in 1047, Netzorg was not among the congregation. He had died in October 19-10 in Waller Ileed Hospital. Washington, D. C, probably from the after-efiects of Ills imprisonment in'Manila and his refusal to give up his work with the Jewish community and GIs after his release. Jew Traced to'lS&O Tlie dedication of the rebuilt Temple Emil came one yeai after tho Republic of Philippines became Independent. But Jewish history in the Philippines goes back to the ICth century. An Inquisition tribunal functioned tiiere in 15U0 and there nre eight known cases of Marranos who • were deported to Mexico for punishment There nre still some Filipino families who trace their ancestry back to these Marranos. • Organized Jewish life, howevrr, was virtually noii-e.vlslent. There were services for Hie High Holy Ways oh several occasions. A cantor was brought across tlie l'ai Hie
from Shanghai one year to offlealte (in \'oin Klppur. Jews who wanted their new-born Bnns clrrumel.se<l had to, lulio them to Hong Kong. I'frmaiient Community—1917 The beginning of a permanent Jewish community dates from 1917 when Mottel Goldstein, a well-todo husincsjiian, rented a hall and organized a permanent congregation. At the end of a year the congregation numbered l.r>0. In 3919 Goldstein was in the United States on business and he called on the National Jewish Welfare Hoard. He came lack to Manila as the representative of JWH, charged with organizing religious services for Jewish GIs during the High Holy Days and Passover and providing them with kosher meals. In 1022, JWH named Morton Netzorg, teacher and insurance executive, as Its official representative in Manila. In 1'XM, the first synagogue was named for F.mil Hachrach, the first American Jew to settle [iicmanently in the Philippines. When he died Mrs. Ilachraeh gave the community an additional building, ISachrai-h Hall, which became the center of nil cultural, rocial recreational and educational activity. Then came tlie war and the miracle of Manila. After the war about a third of the Jewish population emigrated. The more than 500 who remained opened a He-
brew school, established a Zionist club, founded an old folks hoim* and acquired a cemetery. Five years ago the authorities at Clark Air Force lias" paid the Jewish community and the Jewlvh chaplains and servicemen a unkjue tribute when they named the rebuilt gymnasiiun at the ba.se In honor of I,t. Meyer Levin of Brooklyn, one of the first Jewish heroes of World War II. Ix'adern of the Jewish community today cooperate closely with I'.SO Club in Manila and provide hospitality for Jewish GIs. The community Is beaded by Jack Harbi-rer. K. K. Siml:e MTVIS as Israeli consulgeneral. Y.v.ra Toeg h the community slioebet. Periodically, JWI'/s Commission on Jewish Chaplaincy arranges with the military for Torah" Convocations in the Pacific and the leaders of these missions provide the Manila Jewish community with a major tie to the mainstream of Jewish life. On this Mar Mitzvah year of the miracle of Manila nnd the 1-lth anniversary of Philippine Independence, the Jewish community in the Philippines is a strong Pacific outpo:;t of Jewish life l«'iv»u.'.e of Its own will to survive and be. cause Jewish servicrmen, Jewish chaplains and JWI! provide an unbreakable link with Jewry everywhere.
Liffle Stories from Here crsd There Ky David Schwartz
About Rabbi Wise Shortly after his arrival in this country, the great Yiddish Maggid. Masliansky, made a tour of the country and in Cincinnati visited Ilabbi Isaac M. Wise, the do)en of P.cfomi Judaism. "I suppose you do not like our type of Judaism," said Ilabbi Wise. "O, it's all right, I suppose," said Masliansky, "but I think in some of your Temples you have gone too far." "Mr. Masliansky, will you get up and walk to the wall," said llnbbi Wise. Maslian.sky was puzzled, but be did as directed. He walked, then stopped. "Why don't you walk further?" aslccd Ilabbi Wise. "I can't," replied Maslinnsky. "There Is the wall in front of me." "That's the way it will be with its. Some of the Temples are going too far, but the wall of life will stop them and they will have to go back." One day it was announced in the papers that' a meeting of city clergymen would be held. Rabbi Wise decided to attend. At the meeting a resolution was proposed wliich Rabbi Wise did not like. He arose to speak on the resolution. The Chairman called the rabbi to order. "This meeting was called for Protestant clei-gymen." the chairman said. "Well," sald.Kabbi Wise, "I am a clergyman nnd I protest against this, so I arn a protestant clergy, man." • • •
his tie or some other article of clothing but his most .serious ca.se of absent-mindedness was on the day lie was to lie married. He forgo! tlie hour at which the ceremony was scheduled and when the time came for the wedding they had to go looking for him. • * •
Dr. Chaim Weizmann When l/tn\ liuifoiir, the author of the J'.alfour Declaration, first became acquainted with Dr. Chaim Weizmann, he could not understand why a man of his caliber should take an interest in so old and desolate a land as Palestine then was. "Would you want to live in Saskatchewan?" asked Wf.lzmann of Halfour. "No," replied Balfonr," but we 'English have been living in England for centuries." "Well," said Weizmann, "we Jews lived in Jerusalem when I/JIJdon was a marsh." -1
Talking Horse
It was just Goldstein's luck for his car to get stalled out In the country. What could he do? He got down on his knees and began working at it. Suddenly, be hears a voice: "It's pretty bad to have your car go kaput way out here." Goldstein looked up. A horse was talking. Goldstein could not figure it out. He gazed for a while at the home then resumed his tinkering with the car. The voice spoke again: "If you go up the hill a bit, you will find my master. He may help you out." • Goldstein loplra up again at the borec, still puzzled nnd then after - Stories about the absent minded a while resumed his tinkering. Again the voice:* "You think I are legion. There is the one about Moses Mendelssohn, who, coming am just an ordinary horse, but I home one night, was met by his want you to know that I once won servant at the door. In the dark, the Kentucky Derby." the servant did not recognize him Tills was too much. Goldstein nnd said, "Herr Mendelssohn ist decided to go up the hill and see ntcht zii hausc." the horse's master. . "O, is that fo," said Mendel"I like that horse of yours," he ssohn, "well, I'll come back some told the farmer, "I will give you other time." 525 for him." "No," said the furmer. "That Dr. Cyrus Adler tells of the abscnt-mindcdneKs of Lewis N. Dem- horse is really not worth it. I Just bitz, the uncle of Louis D. Cran- keep him for sentimental reasons." "Anyway," said Goldstein, "X dcls. Dembilz was one of tlie dele- like him. I'll raise it. I'll give you gates to the Republican convention 535 for him. "Listen," said the. farmer, "I which nominated Lincoln. He was also quite a Jewish scholar, and told you that horse Js no good. wrote a book on Jewish liturgy but He probably, told you he won tlie he was very absent-minded, Us- Kentucky Derby but he is a darn ually he would forget to put on old liar."
The Absent Minded;
Hv Cv Seltildek VAitsnv M:A<;CI: Varsity league competition at the Jewish Community ("enter once again proved to IK1 hot and heavy with two bitter-hard fought battles going down 1lni wire into the final seconds 1Kfore the outcomes were settled us the .second round of league; play began. In the first title P.. C. Cokt made it two in a row with a 37,'!! victory over Milder Oil as thr? two teams s w 11 c h e d leac!« throughout the game. Tlie loseia almost pulled the game out of the fire in the final two minute", with a full-i.-ourt press and at <me time came within one point of the winners but Steve I.u;;tganlen'n two clutch free throws in the final 40 seconds proved t'» l>e the clincher. In tiie second encounter, Micltlin Lumber out scored MognnOavid M-'19, to pull two full games In front of the pack gelting a strong hold on fln.t pluee. Tiie victors were paced by Steve Priborslty's seventeen points, of which 13 were .scored in the second half. In racking up their fourth straight victory. Tiie lead c h a n g e d hand:! throughout the contest and i;a\V Mo;:en-])avid blow the game by missing ten out of sixteen foul shots and even worse, they missed at least a dozen lay-up^ .(.hots unmolested under the boxm. Despite the fact that Micklln '.n the youngest and shortest team in the league, they managed to win the game by playing teamwork and working for tlie "gooit shot" in direct contrast to the'r opp'oncnts who fired the ball In absurd fashion without any resemblance of organized play nndt complete dirrcgard of their teammates. STANIHNfiS WON" I-O'VT Micklin 4 0 K. C. Cola 2 2 Milder '.'• ~ Mo;;en-Oavid 0 4 „ January 4th •7:.1O p. m. Milder v.-s. Micklin 8:30 p. m. It. C. Cola vs. MogenDavid innv-iHimv itASKtrrn/tu. forty-nine Iddy-Iiiddy basketball enthusiasts began basketball instruction at the Center witli regular classes meeting cacli Monday and Tuesday in the EJ'innarium at 4 p. m. An additional class for advanced cagers In the Iddy-Hiddy program commenced on Sunday, December 18th. Iddy-Biddy basketball is for youngsters in • the 2nd,, .'Srd and 4th grades. .There Is still room for 'more players. For further information, call the Physical Kducation Department at 312-1 .'tfifi. MONDAY CLASS Mike Abrains, Bruce Korlws, Bob Hnndleman, .Howard Gould, Alan Lincoln, John Fox, Jeff Fox. Ross Margolin, Mike Litt, Bol> Rifkin, Mark Bclmont, Gary Rifkln, Jim Lelir, Hlckey Weliier, Barry Uelmont, Stan Garfield, Dan Hoasbcrg, Mike Scudder, Alan Mayper and Larry Davis. TUIiSOAY <;I,A«S Jim Kirshenbaum, Steve Milder, Garl Wilson.-'Jim f-chr, Dan Siosburg. Dick Iiernstcin, Dave .Slosburg, Mike Abrams, Alan Lincoln, Steve Kpstcin, Jim WeinKteln, Ron Kwintek, Jeff Wolpa, Ed Kulafofsky, Alan Stoier and Alan Mayper, SUNDAY CLASS' Dan Grossman, IUidlcy Clemens, John Pepper, Mark Trustin, Mark Rcliconbaum, Steve Epstein, Franklin Kaiman, Ron Moloshock, Derek Majors, Jerry Walbaum, Philip Rich, Jeff Wolpa and Robbie Kulafofsky.
- Plant iltnu lo Inisrt your V/onl Ad In th« Jewish Press,
Bally Jewish Fapcra BAR and Bos nlltzvah congratulations also for alt Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge