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Discussion Series for ParaT Of Younq Adolescents Plan "Living with <1IR Knv Adolescent," n dUninflon scries for |»nrrntn of young ailulrncfiiti, 12 to 14 je:trs,» <• _, ^ ,' Will 1K> off«rrd 1 ^ \ «* by tho Jcnlsli I ' e f l e r a lion's Family Krrvlcr Department, beginning Monday evening, Vvbru. nry C, Yale IElcliardii, F a m i l y Service C h u I rnuiii, announced. '1'lie Eerie;; lo be held at the Vain Klcliurd* Jewish Community O u t e r will continue on the next three consecutive Mondays at 8:.''.() p. in., after the; opener. Mr. Richards said "the program was arranged In response to parents' requests for an opportunity to discuss common problems." lie added, "we have planned this series as a pnrt. of our function of strengthening ami preserving sound family life, a function not only carried out in counseling services, but also in parent-education programs."
Moroccan Jewish Paper Threatened Casablanca (JTA)—A weekly publication devoted to tho interests of the Jewish population of Morocco was under threat of being banned after its director, Victor Mnlha, was Interrogated at length by Moroccan police. The questioning of the director of "Trait 1'VUnlon," tlie first issue of which appeared in November, and the threat of a ban .• look1 place despite the fact that permission had been given to him by the authorities io ifme the publication. The weekly was launched with the approval of dome." "Moroccan Jewish personalities. Meanwhile, it appeared thai efforts of the Council of Jewish Communities in Morocco to obtain the re-appearance of another publication, 'Tin; Voice of the Communities," wei-e certain to fail.
IAU Katz, tlie Family Service committee, will head the program. The group will be limited to 20 persons, Mr. Katz, Family Life Education' Chairman, reported. lie Stated that immediate reservations are urged and can he arranged by calling Solomon M. Jirownstein, Family Service Director of the Jewish Federation at 3-12-i:JC(J, Intension 37, There will be a fee of $2 per person for tlie entire four-session series. Each meeting will conclude with a coffee."
'fiat Hoes Senior ifizen's Lounge • ean to Retired?
New York (J'l'A)—Five Jewish men were among the fifteen American scientists named as "Men of the Year" by Time magazine. They me Dr. Joshua Lederb'Tg,'•'•?>and Dr. Donald Glaser, .'M, youngest of the fifteen; Dr. Isidor Isaac Kabi, 62; Dr. Edward Teller, ."i.'i and Dr. Kmilio Segre, Bf«. Dr. RabI, won a Nobel prize In 1911 for his experiments In molecular physics. Dr. Lederberj; received the award in 1058 for his discovery of bacteria infected with certain viruses that may suffer lierllary changes. Dr. Glaser received his Nobel Prize only ln.'it month, sharing It with another American scientist. He developed the so-called "bubblcchamber" f o r photographing atomic particles. Italian-born Dr. Kegri.1, also « Nobel Prize winner, liclped perfect the slow neutron process basic to the development of the atomic bomb. Dr. Teller, another recipient of the award Is Know as the "father of the hydrogen bomb."
Tiie Senior Citizen's Lounge, means opportunity for guidance In malting: tho later ynars fruitful and satisfying by lcirjiln;;, sharing and helping. Lounge Open Every Monday Jewish Community ('enter from 10 A. M. to 3 V. M. * * • Activities, Fun, Keereatlon Movies, Itllile class. Socials for Senior Cltl/.ens
Israel Completes Oil Pipeline
Five Named as 'Men of Year'
Washington (WNS)- Dr. Nelson Glueck, president of the Hebrew Union College find noted biblical archaeologist, will officiate at the innti|;ural ceromonies here on January 20. ,Dr. Glueck, n national leader of American Reform Judaism, Iins been invited to deliver the Inaugural l)enediction.
Tel Aviv, ( J T A ) - i s r , i H ' s "overland Suez Canal," a pipeline for the transfer of oil from the Ked Sea to the Mediterranean, was completed here recently with the hauling into place of the last section of the 32-Inch pipe at tlie water's edge at Haifa liay.
Nazi Doctors Face 'Euthanasia' Probe
single Uopy We Annum Rule $4
Speaks at Beth El January 18 The community will hear a renowned Jewish-American author, whose major interest for the last fifty years, has been the position Oi the Jewish people in the Western world when Maurice .Samuel appears hoje on Wednesday evening, January 18 on the Program of the Month. Insight in Jewish rroMonift Mr. Samuel whose address will bo made at the Jleth 1J1 Synagogue at 8 p. m., Is known throughout the world for his penetrating insight into the problems of the Jews. Oniahans who linve attended previous lectures by Mr. Samuel are looking forward to liis presence again on the local podium, Harry Sldman, Chairman, said . The author's career has been devoted mainly to writing, translating and lecturing. Ills studies have been occupied extensively with the problem of nnti-Semitism us a feature of Christian civilization and its effects on Christendom and Jewry. Careful Kvnlimllons A literary artist, his brilliant style is easily recognizable In his
books, bused on careful evaluations and scholarly research, whether it is an early one like Level Sun Light or his latest, Tlie Second Crucifixion. Although presented from a personal viewpoint, the recollections of his much admired Chaim Weizmann, l/cvel Sun Light is an over-all evaluation of the most important development in Jewish History in the last 2,000 years. "Second Crucifixion" Ilia latest book, 'The Second Crucifixion," is the product of
Kiel (JTA)—The revocation of tlie medical license of Dr. Ilerta Oberhauscr, the Ravensbrucck concentration crimp "euthanasia" physician, lias toucher! off additional investigation.'; of such doctors. The Ministry of the Interior of Schleswig-llolstcin has opened an investigation of Prof. A. Ca.tcl, former director of tiie ICiel '"J'iin Second Crucifixion" University Children's C l i n i c . Prof, Catel resigned from the —Headed for beU seller list. Johannesburg (WNS) — The; clinic after a German-born pedia- .'major part of an estnte estimattrician, Rudolf Dej;wltz, speak- ed at about $2.v,0,Offl> has been ten years of special research, His ing in New York, charged him bequeathed by the late Dr. Solo- studies involved acquainting himand other doctors with talcing mon Spiegel to the Hebrew.Uni- self with the human factors that, part In the Nazi euthanasia pro- versity of Jerusalem for tho es- . in ills view, had gone into the gram. tablishment of u fund to help birth and growth of Jewishnon-Jewish students at the. Uni- ChriKtifin relations; he lias studied intensively the life of Imversity to study Judaism. PBOGRAffl FOR CAESAREA perial Rome nnd the conditions The will of the eighty-year-old of the Christian Church and the bachelor stressed the need of Jewish people during the period teaching Judaism to African and in which tlie second crucifixion Japanese students ro as to en- is set. He brings to the story the able them to spread Jewish insights of a Jewish and religious knowledge In Asia, Africa and historian of international fame "particularly in Japan." as lecturer and author. The Program of tlie month' is i:\IIIHIT OF NAZI part of the cultural and educaPaduu, Italy—A documentary tional activities of the Jewish exhibit of Nazi and German Community Center. The program open to the comArmy atrocities committed during World War II was opened munity without charge, Mr. Sidman announced. here.
Fund for Non-Jews To Study Judaism
U.S. Invitation to Editor Questioned by Groups
f Confer Library f linronKdmonddoRotliBchildncft), Chairman for Europe of tha Israel Bond campaign, wiio recently visitad I i r a e l , is shown with Financo Minister Lovl Kahkol ttudying plans for a now housing development ot Caesaroa. In addition to surveying the economic progress mado possible with tho aid
of Israel Bonds, tho French Jewish leader undertook various economic projects, including; tho expansion of his development program for Cacsarca* where a golf courao has already been built and whero other facilities are to bo set up to convert tho area into a major tourist attraction. -
TlffC RISE AND FALL OF THE THIRD REICH, William R. Shlrer. THE SZOLDS OF LOMBARD STREET, Alexandra I.ee Levin. THE LAST OF THE JUST, Andre Schwarz-Barl. Ileeords Jerusalem Synagogue Tour. Sing Along In Jewish, Cantor Isaac Goodfriend. Three Penny Opera, Ilablmah Theatre, Israel.
Second Gluttit PoHtbEC Paid at Oinbfiii. Nebr
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Dr. 'GJuecic to Take Par! in inaugural
Ky Uelln Zeff JJbrary Director From time to time, new additions to the Jewish Community Center Library will appear in tills column. Ail books and records are available for loan and may be reserved on request.
C, 38GJ
Israel's Trade Imbalance Grows Jerusalem (1VNS) Despite Israel's economic gains, its adverse balance of trade has become worse in the past. five yeurs, David Horowitz, Governor of the Israel State Hank, warned. In a report to the Finance Committee of Israel's Parliament, ho said that Israel's international imbalance was $300,000,000. at the end of. 1959, as
compared with ?2HG,000,000 at the end of 1955. The banker urged less public spending and more private safeguards to balance the Government budget. lie also proposed a reduction in tlie flow of bank credit and more authority for the State Bank to regulate the fluidity of banks and other financial institutions in Israel.
Washington (JTA)—A proNazi and anti-Jewish Lebanese editor, who following a visit to this country, recently published a cartoon In his paper suggesting Adolf Klchmann's real crime was his failure to exterminate all Jews. He is Said Freiha, owner and editor of the Beirut Daily Al-Anwar in which the cartoon was published. His official invitation to the United States was explained by the Stale Department as a part of a program to foster1 "mutual understanding." Tiie U. S. Government's invitation extended to him was questioned, among others, by (lie Jewish War Veterans. In a letter to the JWV- from the State Department, (». Lewis Jones, Assistant Secretary of Stale for Middle Eastern Affairs, explained that, In accordance with the exchange program directed at increasing mutual understanding, and assuming that much of the anti-American criticism in the I,ebiinpsc press
stems from ignorance, a group of Lebanese journalists was invited to observe the recent Presidential elections. The candidates for this invitation, Mr. Jones declared, were chosen by the U.S. Embassy in Beirut in cooperation with the Lebanese Press Association.
$1,000 Left to Home for Aged The amount of 31,000 was bequeathed by the late Anna Hill of Lincoln, Nebraska, for the Dr. Slier Jewish Home for Aged, Nathan L. Nogg, Home chairman, announced. The bequest was transmitted by Daniel Hill, husband of the late Anna Hill. "The Hill family of Lincoln has lind a deep interest in the Home for Aged, since its establishment," Nogg said. "The bequest of Anna Ilill will be of great help to the^Home In its program for the Aged."
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U.'iljln Sidney liiooks will officiate at sfiricos .'ti. IVmpIo Israel, Friday at. .S:.'I0 p.m. Following tlie S;ibbat-h r,in\icQ ho will conduct a di;;cMi.';;;ion oil Rabbi Stephen ti. Wise, part of the discussion scries on t;nat American Reform Jewish thinkers. IJ'NAI JACOI! ADAS VKSHlltO.V Friday, Mmcha, -1:-15 p.m. Saturday, 8:30 a.m. Mineha. 4:.ri0 p.m. folloucil Ijy Sholosh Smdos. Daily services nt 0:30 a.m. and 4;-i5 p.m. BETH KF. Sabbath services at Bctli F.I Synago^'uo, this evening at 8:15 p.m. llabbi.Mycr S. Kripke will deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Kdnar iiml tlie Beth Kl Synagogue Choir will render musical portions. The traditional Sabbath mornin<; Korvic(." will ljei;in at 8:30 a.m., tho f.-imily service at 10:30 a.m. Mincbn-Mnnriv at 4:15 p.m. Sunday morning -service f>ci;in at 9 a.m., followed by breakfast at 9:30 and a .study-dkeussionEcssion with Itabbi JCripkc, Daily services are held at 7 n.m, and 7 p.m.
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A e(immfrcia! fnasler was donati d to tin' Ijr. 1'liilip .Slvr .Jewish Home for ihe A;;od by the Morris Jacobs and I.ou .SomberK families in Iionor of the 80th birthday of Mr. Abe Goldstein. .Mrs. *?[i!iiis Newman will "ive a Kiddu.sh on January Kith, the aiiiii\ii.sary of her husband's death. fn Mt'iimriani: ^fl•s. liessie Fisliman, Mrs. J-.'sther Malashock, .Mrs. Ueljecca ("ohen. Kabbi I)a\kl Korli was our rabbinical visitor tills week. JKH'S KKKtJT IH.'ILDIN'ii VOn ISKAICL 1CMUASSV Sanliaw, Chile fJTA)—A S70,Or/) building, erected by the Santiago Jewish conirnunity, was presenied as a f;ift to Israel for use at the IsiurJ Jjnbjssy tin P.
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Ihr-r .M.-il,-r;hock, 7r>, who dird Kajunlay, wi'ii; h'.'ld .Sunday al the Jewish Funeral Home. Uarial was in l!eth VA Cemetery. .Survivin;,' are sons-, Milton, Omaha; Irving. Isansas Ciiy, Mo., and Henry, Des Moines, I/i.; daughters, Mrs .Sain l-'inkle. J.ineoin, Ncbr., and Mrs: H. H. I.<- _ bowilz, Dallas," Te.\.
al Ji-ni'.aleni—The Hebrew I'nl\'i*rNlty has started tin* new :icarienili' year with ",'i«t) students— tlio blKPJesK'Vi.T (•iliDlImeiit In its 3(i-.vi'ar history. A reported l.GOO ;irc first-year students, and another 1,000 are sluilying at tho Tel Aviv bianeh of the 1,'iiiverslty. In ]9."il there were only J,t)!)O -students at tlio Hebrew University. Tho mnnberrt li:tv«! lieen Inere.-isiiiK yearly ever siiien. In 10.14 there Here over 3,000,"by 1038 there were ,r>,000, and last )<ar the unolmint u.is 7,000.
Mr. and Mrs. llernard S'ax nnno'im.v ibi; birlh, December 17, ol their fiist. child, a ;;on uliom Iliey nani'd I. Jay. Grandparents an; the Messrs. ami Mmi'f. Uavid Davidson and Mori is .Sax. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney SehuarU announce the. birlh of a daughter, Ijuirio Kay on Dca.'inlK.T 18.
Holland Televises Jewish Service Amsterdam, (JTA)— For Hie fir.it. time in tin- Netherlands, a 75-minnte Jewish re)i;;iou.s service was broadcast over the country's television nctworlr. Tiie 'program featured Ilaniiklcah and a special service in the Rotterdam synaijotfue conimemoratlnn the tercentenary of that city's Jewish- community.
313 So. 14th
Sob (Subby) Pulvcrcnl* 25 Yojrs Experience With Jewish Lettering and Memorials 2211 So. Oth
Serviss tVAI.I. TO U'AI.I- (.'AIII'KTINM AND I l l l t s r i Illti; (.*lruiii*d In Vour llnrae
JJIJ.ATIONK OS XOItMAI, HIA'J. AGAIN Jerusalem, <JTA)— Argentina's n o w Ambassador t o . Israel, Rojelio Hafacl Tristanl, presented his credentials to President Izhak Ben-Zvi, eompletinj; the resumption of normal relation1; between the two countries followin;; the recall of amba.sstdors last sumnier over the I.lrlimann affair.
Jtl:i*AI]tIN» SF.IYI.M;
RUG CLEANERS Don Bernstein, 345-2554
"220 Voft MouAepower
All friends ami relatives are Invited to attend services nurt reception. GAKY ALAN CilJ.SS (*!ary Alan Cjuss, .son of Mr and Mrs.'diaries Gtiss, will observe his liar Mitzvvah on Saturday mornini;,. January 7 al Beth El Synagogue. IIK.VEK NOUMAN FISIIEL The Has Mitzvah of Renee Fisliel and Bar Mitzvah of Norman Fishcl,. children of-Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fishel will be celebrated on Friday, January 13 and the Bar Mitzvah of Norman Kishel will be continued on Saturday morning, January 14 at Beth Israel "Synagogue.
KOSHER CHICKENS KILLED DAILY Save by Calling 341-4977 Certified and approved by Rabbi Dr." Co'on Thorn, President, American Acsdomic Rabbis Association of New Americans, -and Rabbi S. Walkin o f ^ U Orthodox Rabbis Association of New Yorlt C i i y .
\\\ Winter FeSto the Son to Israel SI UntTAL OF T1UJ3IAT MA'ASSKR — Tin; offering of tlio tithe, (tenth) from tho first produce In the vineyarcln of Csimiel Winery in Iiielion TAJ Zlon, Israel.
"All Inelustve" . from New York Via EL-AL Airlines
Will Bo the Guest Speaker ' at the Next Meeting of the
Omaha Hebrew Academy Tuesday, January 10, 8 P.M. at the Jewish Community Center-—Room 25 : for Further Information Phone Sheldon L Coren or Joseph D. Marks 345-0897
Suite 424 — ferncm Gldg- Omcha 2. Neb. — 342-5374
Friday, January 8, 1001
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fnh-ri-FaMh Tea AT "II ernp'o Israel
. 'in i l l tin i n it I " ] t 1 (I1 I f'' ni l\ tin n I up b\ Tcninle Israel Sisterhood will i Li'ill'lu/ I v n I in ' tin IK 1(1 of be lio-jles". at an Intra-r'ailh tea M K o s illt ( oh< n kibbutz Uef/.lb.'lll ill 111;' .J'V.reel to lie lield at the Templi.1 on Valley. Tuesday, .January 10 at. 1 p.m. Infnriimtinn mi Area Cue.'.l:; will lie the Sisterhoods of This is the first stone of iis lieth i:i and lielli Israel Synakind to lie found in Israel, and i.'oj'ues. The Temple choir, conducted Chicago -The- -Alias of li.rael, provides important iiifnniialion which is beiii;; issued jointly liy about conditions in the north of by .Miss Ida (iitlin, \\ ill pi r-wnt the country after its capture a canlat.'i. "1'ass Over to Kreeth<; .Survey of Israel and the from the Ptolemies by the .Seleuliialik Institute, is to In: pub- eid |-.in,"s, and about, methods of doin." Circle No. 5 will be in charge lished in an Kirjlish edition by Hellenistic administration. of the meetinj;, with Mines. tlio University of Chicago Press. Inscribed in small Greek char- Ceorge Spilzer and M, .M. KnipinTo date, six out of a total of acters on a stone, the letters deal sky as co-cliairmen. ti;n folders of maps liavo ap- with the forcible billclii!;; of They will be assisted by other l>eared, and the seventh is due soldiers. This is believed to have chairmen— .Mrs. Marlon Somshortly. The entire Atlas will ho resulted from the stale of war ber;:, program; Mrs. Jack Levin, between the Ptolemies and tin.' table decorations and .Mrs. Jacob completed in l!)f>2. while I lie preparation of the Kn:;lish edi- Seleucids around 'J00 I'CK. Hess, 5r>l-75HI, telephone. Temple Preliminary examination shows Hoard members who will meet tion will tal:e at. least three that fix of Hie' documents are at 11 a.m. wilh their president, years'. letters from Antioi.'hus referrini; Mis. Robert Colin, are asked to to ,i memorandum by the Slra- brim: a sandwich since no lunch le;.;os I Military Governor) and will be served on that day. .Chief Priest, Ptolemains, in which In.- propose;! (hat ''nobody shall be allowed under any prete.xt 1 Miss Carolyn Dolgoff returned Net .' York (.JTA.i—American whatsoever to billet (soldiers) I, a l e x I'rodiicls Corporation, , . , or to drive out inhabitants." to her studies lit Uryn M.'twr, Ilawtliorne, Calif., lias conclud- Reference was also '..lade to acts Hryn Mawr, l'a., after a vacaed arrangement:; with Hit; Al- of injustice and violence in the tion spent with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kclward Dolgoff. liance. Tire anil Rubber Company village. of Ilmlera, Israel, for a technical Kloiic, for Public Xotlco cooperation program leading to The first, inscription on tin; theconstruction of Israel's first stone is a leller in which Antip o l yu r e t fi a n c manufactur- chiis III instructs Ptoleinaios to ing plant. brinj: the documents to the noJerusalem fJTA)— New chemAlliance will build and operate tice of the public by carvinj; them ical industries which will involve the factory, wilh technical Itnoiv. on stones to be set'up in public investment* SW.OOO.OW) nnnually l\ow and training of Israeli chem- places. It. IK believed the one just for the next four years have been ical specialists provided by Amer- found must be such a si one. started in the Negev, wilh the uid of oversi:as investors. The largest part of the investment funds will be used to expand output of potash from tlio BKAMIKIS IJNIVJtftSITV Hoald of Governors of District Dead Sea, from which markets in five continents nre currently itOAUD MKKTS (Irand I.odco No. (!, ns the guest being supplied. The estimated The Omaha Chapter Urandels speaker. reserves of potash in the Dead U n i v e r s i t y National Women's Sea were given as • 2,000,000,000 Committee Hoard will meet ( o i ; x ( i i , noAitn AT tons. Tin? Dead Sea is also the .Monday, January !), 10 a. m. at KOMIOUX I.EVI.NT: JIOSII: richest source of bromine in the the home of Airs, i-eo Kisenstall, The National ('ounoil of Jew721 Haekherry Iloail. . Mrs. M. ish Women will have its January world. A. Uerroviei will preside. board meeting -at the home of * ** MONA USA Mrs. Robert I.evine, li51 North MOTH i x IIOAI:I> (i.'i .Street on Thursday, January House of Glamour MEETS O.V JAN. 0 12 a t 1 p. in. Mrs. Justin ManIII N o . 60th 553-7D0O The Ileth KI Sisterhood Board vilz will be co-hostess at the des6 Export Hall Slylisti will hold n two-hour session, Jan- sert luncheon. Air-CondiKonod Dryers y * * uary ft beglmilni; nt ih:iu n. m. in MISS MARSH and MISS JERJ1Y the synri|;o);(ii! social hall. Coffee "D0M.S TOli IJKJIOCIIACV" Ownart will be served before 'J:.'iO a. m. ON (;OHNIIi;SKKK I'lKM'iltAiM • •• • Mrs. Ilnrton Dunevilz and Ulil'TET DINNER FOlt Marvin fierher will speak on c o i t N i i i r s i u u i i.uixii: Dolls for Democracy at the B'nai A buffet dinner und meefin;; li'rlth Corimiisl<er Chapter No. will be held by H'tini IS'rilh, 1O.'!2 meeting, Monday, January Cornlmsker I/MIKC No. 17(iO on !) at 8 p. in. a t the Bkiek.stone January 11 at 7 p. in. at the Hotel. Ilancli Bowl. # * • "Welcome, New Members" will iiiia:ii CIIOLIM SOCIIOTV be the theme of the meeting with ' TO-MKKT JAN. 0, C'lCNTItft Edward 'A. Rosen, member of the The Blkiir Ciiolim .Society will lieifin their meeting on Monday, January 9 a t the Jewish Com30,000 0KWH IN munity Center with n dessert WEST UKKMANV West German Jews now num- luncheon nt 1 p. m. AND ber about 30,000. Nearly 10,000 Condid'Wodding MKN'S JIKKTINNO arc over GO years old mid live I'OSTl'ONKD CAU on pensions or are aided by Tlio Rcth Kl Men's Club "CofJewish welfare organization1;. Another 4.50C arc under 20 years fee with the Ilnbbl" planned for ••of-ace.. 8,000 either have their this Sunday morning has been 817 So. 36th 345-1044 own busincKucs or work for postponed until the following others. Sunday morning, January 15.
s?2 Addsfcon OHsreel AMos
First Polprefhaeie Plant in Israel
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MtE Realtor ,918 ftcdick'Towcr i -Mrs.
I'.lulT.-,', la., I ' l l this week to spend the winter season in California. She will hi; al (lie home of her son and daiij;litei-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Kugene London of Los An(icles.
Returns to Studies
Funds for Expanding Qhemtcal Industries
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Call 556-1317 Candid Wodding Albums Formal Bridal Portraits Children Our Specialty 3 Quolifv Work :,i at Quality Prices
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Friday, January 6, 1061 lore and in the human condition in general. Far from conjuring up the "beautiful" images of the Uracco-Ituman tradition, he sees man "ugly/1 pitiable, and full of that mystery that came with the Judaeo-Clu-lstian stress on inwardness. His hypnotic canvases are peopled by strange creatures with bloated bodies and large expressive heads. David Aronson, too, is preoccupied with humnn qualities. He came to Bosto> from Lithuania, endowed with a solid Hebrew education. Hir, Is "Jewish Art" in a new view. Distorted to the point of grotcsqueness, hip weird figured look nt us with large Bad eyes full of Judenschmer/, with an unforgettable intensity of expression.
Our Hew Bezalels
By Cy Seitchick VARSITy LEAGUE As Varsity league action completed its fiftli week of league play, it gave promise of an exciting race with three teams By Alfrei Warner it I give up the appearance of the hampered, as the Impressionists battling all the way for the When the shooting war ended, world I am unable to become in- were, by would-be-scientific conchampionship. With each week in the fall of 1015, many a young volved In it." Therefore, he uses sideration;;. In pale, soft color he now, the league tilts take on a American of Jewish descent felt establishes the essence of Venetia major importance for the final (hat the time had arrived to turn color energetically and rhythmic-al- vistas, referring faintly to the ly to record "the way the yellowoutcome. a personal dream into reality and black clcy looks over the Brooklyn contours of celebrated buildings, In the first came of Wednes- followed in the footsteps of the Bridge, the way n sun hits a build- yet letting the wise expanses of ocean nnd sky do all the mysterday, December 2'Jth, Mickiin wise and skillful man who built Lumber was bounced from the the Tabernacle in the wilderness. ing, or the way my wife looks ious whis-ering. in an ochre-green dress." undefeated ranks when Howard In other words, there was a rush illhlli'iil Inspiration Ills work might be called ExLipton swished a 20-foot jump to places like the Art Students Jan Muller was German-born shot as the buzzer .sounded, giv- League, the National Academy's pressionist. No less a "chromati- like ICahn. When the Nazis came ing R.C. Cola their third straight School of Fine Arts, the Cooper cist" is Jonah Kinigstein whose to power, the Mullers fled to Surrealist Union Art School and other in- large canvases are baroque in the victor)'. •Switzerland, Holland nnd France Jules Kii'sclicnbaiun, the youngIt was the usual exciting stitutions where painting and treatment of subject.and In the until they safely arrived in the Varsity league action, in which sculpture was taught. Some of use of the medium: flickering, U.S.A. Jan studied under tho dean est in the group (lie is barely the lead switched hack and forth these American boys and girls swirling impasto transports the of abstract art, Hans Hofmann. thirty! stands entirely by himself. throughout,the game building up were just finishing high school, viewer to the altars set up by Gradually freeing himself from This Surrealist tops them all In h's the Counter-Reformation, and the to the last second climax, Both while others were returning from dolorous figures nre reminiscent of Ilofmann'- overpowering influence, .-.beer technical Ekill, which Is what had boon the battle fields matched by an unerring sense for teams errored badly in the final Saints found in primitive country he Introduced figures into his minute. With the score 40-19, of Europe and Asm. They were churches of the early 17th century. romantically expressionist can- composition. In his works,- full of y.wni; and full of that mad idealeach team gained possession of ism required of any one embarking vases that were often inspired self-torturing cruelty, one. feels Veering In the direction of Ali- by the Bible or by literary sub- the terror of a young BOIII that, the ball and shot widely without upon the hazards of a career in stractlcmlsm, though still within jects (for instance, Goethe's in a roimd-aliout way, tries to any conception of time remaining. any of the visual arts. come to grips with the, metathe realm of representation, nre Faust). H.C. Cola tool: the ball with 15 Vearn Jiiiter physics pf today. His stupendous I'hllfp IVa"lstoln and (icrnnm-Iiorn 20 seconds left and began to Satire—Saral Sherman technique Is reminiscent of that Now. a decade and a half later, stall for the final shut and the let us look at them again. Have Wolf Kulin. IVarlstcln's curly work Satire, especially about the of Mich Old Masters as Duerer ball was passed to I.ipton as the they remained true to their high —render! gs of strange roelt foror Boscl). clock showed only 8 seconds to ideals? Were they able to express— mations, torrential rivers and wild neurotic restlessness of modern Carl Zlgroswr of Philadelphia'* go. The husky medical student in whatever medium they chose— seas—recalls th» feverish eye and man, can be felt in the large the electrically charged brush of a appeared to be dazed and oblivi- their individuality in such a way Soiitliie. The lafor work Is more canvases of Saral Sherman (the Museum of Art Is very hopeful ous to the time remaining. With as ( o communicate through their solidly constructed—as though the only worn: n In our group, although concerning Aubrfty Schwartz who American women have played a two seconds to go his team-mates work their subtle feelings about artist had paid mom attention to most active part in the visual arts once Kindled with lien Slialin. began to shout frantically for themselves, the world around them, the teachings of ('CKIIIIIP, or, qulto during the last fifteen years). Her Schwartz, ho notes. Is "one of America's Angry Young Men— him to shoot. Without getting their fellow-men? simply, ns If lie hud matured figures, slightly distorted for em- yd, he can Iio e\r.r BO tender when set, he let the ball go hurriedly A full report on the accomplish- rattier qulclcly. With a palette con- phasis, a i j taken from red life drawing a baby. Ho Is angry with and the final buzzer went off. ments of living American Jewish fined mainly to browns and greys and rendered in subtle color with peoplo who nro cruel, cunning, The ball swished the nets and artists between thirty and forty mid bines, lie. creates an Identifi- uncanny mystery. Satire—mild and ruthless, predatory, and lie exposes R.C. Cola was back in conten- ic not possible within a short cation with fix; stones and trees unobtrusive—Is also the forte of tlicm In tlio gul«e of birds or tion for the league title. •trticle, so I have selected fifteen washed uprooted by tho surging Mover F. Licberman (who makes beasts. Ills HthograpIiH- and etchMilder Oil sent Mogen-David painters and graphic artists. These elements. Vehemence, though con- u living »s a commercial litho- ings, with their mordant line, players down to their fifth con- have achieved some prominence, trolled, Is, nevertheless, clearlv grapher). In his emotion-fraught truly linvn a fearsome beauty." secutive defeat 515-46, in the due to their unusual talents, and frit. work Jewish ghetto types are re- .Equally Rifted Is Mlsrh Kolm. nightcap. But the winners were to publicity. Wolf Kahn is more lyrical, more captured with extreme care and Lions, tigers, bulls stare nt u» hard-pressed all the way and These fifteen have n few things gentle. He has learned from Monet attention to minute detail, though, from Ids wood engravings. Uranin didn't salt the came away until in common. All but three arc (paintings of the facade of Rouen discarding academic routine, he I* produced through the opposition the final two minutes on some American-lmrn, and even these Cathedral, where substance is dis- puts huge heads on tiny bodies. beltvncn glaring whites and pitchneat outside shooting from Fred three were children when they solved into atmospheric vibrances) Like Ueberman, F.lias Frieden- like folnclis, while kaleidoscopic Bernstein. were brought to this country. They and from Whistler's almost ab- sohn makes use of the figure to whirling lines nre worked Into tlio Even though l o s i n g five ml come from Jewish homes, yet stract "Nocturnes." But he Is not communicate hi* interest in Biblical clearly recognizable figures. straight, Mogcn-David was in none of them bad to experience the contention each game until the hm-assment of earlier Jewish artfinal minutes. As soon as they ists who were forced to wage n learn that they can't win playing two-front battle; against Gentiles on an individual basis, they will who looked askance at the infiltration of Jews into the art probably win some games. FAMILY SERVICE DEPARTMENT Marshall Becker, vastly im- world, and against their own traproved from last year, scored 17 dition-bound families who maintained thr-t the pursuit of art was points for the winners. Announces in violation of the Second ComStandings mandment. : . w i. • I! lOvpressionlst Mickiin '1 1 Herbert Kntzman, the Chicagoan R.C. Cola ?, 2 •who spent the war years in naval Milder :.! 2 service and studied in Europe Mogen-David 0 3 after the war, seems to speak for Schedule January 11 all of them: "I paint things around 7:30 p.m.—Mogen-David . vs. me that I like and if.at times the Mickiin Lumber. paintings move it's because I am A DISCUSSION SERIES FOR PARENTS 8:30 pm.—Xl.C. Cola vs. Milder moved by the world around me . . . Oil. I do not paint abstractly because SHOTS. IN TIIIO DAIiK . . . After a long drought,' Jewish to his loundball career. A prime . basketball players are beginning college prospect, he ii growing y o U r must. r i ^ r to appear on the Omaha cage like a weed and is already over begun to experience the full impact of his or her presence. Sometimes this child is a joy scene with encouraging gestures six-feet tall. Last year Jacobson fo live with, but other timos, "Oh, Boy!" ' •, ' ' , of showing some real ability in was the recipient of the J. J. the roundball game. This is en- Grecnberg Award for the most couraging to the Jewish Com- outstanding sixth grade permunity Center Athletic Depart- former and in early season games and concerns about this new kind ment as all but one of the boys this, year In the 7th and 8th of person. Perhaps you aro wondoring if your child is tho same as others in his ago group. began their formal training in grade league the young giant Sometimes you may wondor how othor parents aro getting along with their now adolesthe Jay. Midget league. has proven to be VhRlly superior cent. If you aro nodding your head to tho questions above, you may also fool like sitting ...A familiar figure around the to boys his own age. - Jay for many years, Alan Kodown with several other parents in a small, informal discussion group, and talking about In a few years you'll be readiiecky, Omaha University fresh- ing and hearing about these two your youngsters. man," was promoted to the Var- boys in the Omaha Inter-City sity squad after starting at the high school league. Also keep guard position for the undefeated your eye on Mr. .Konecky at that they would like to "kick around," freshman team. It's been a long Omaha U., during the next four time since a Jewish boy played on years.. and tho Family Sorvico Department of your Federation is planning to mako this oxperienco a college varsity team in this available fo you. area. Jeff Pomerantz is playing with the varsity high school team at . . . a four-sossion discussion soCentral and Arnie Weitz and Pr.one iiinu to insert vour tVorn Ao Sandy Friedman with the Central ilio Jcmiih Prca. rios will be offored by the Family Service Department as part pf its Family Life Education freshman team. Program. This Program will begin Monday, February 6th, and continue on three other Perhaps the finest prospects Dally Jewish Papers Monday evening sessions at the Jewish Community Confer. ever to come out of the J.C.C. nnd lias Slitzvah congratumidget league program are Bob It will bo led by Solomon M. Brownstoin, Diroc+or of the Family Service Department. Mr. lations also for all Jewish holitiould and Dave Jacobson, desdays nnd special occasions, •'• Brownstoin, a trained Family Counselor and Group Discussion loader, will prosont examtined to' become outstanding Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge plot from his firsthand experience in working with adolosconfs and their parents. There basketball performers. Gould is currently on the Cen- Sat. Eve. Post, G2 W k s . . . . . ? 4.95 will be amplo time for discussion of your own problems and concerns. tral Freshman starting five after Fortune, 38 M<ra, 11.75 winning tlie J. J. CJrePiibcrjj Life, 70 Wks 7.00 Memorial Award lust May as Time. 78 Wks 7.87 •f HBIB«#I tdbBEVBaE? Registration will bo limited. If you ore intorthe; most outstanding grade Enquire, 8 Mos 2.00 osfed in participating in this informativo soriot, rogister at onco by contacting tho Famschool athlete. Rcad< rs Digest, 11 Mos. . . 1.87 Jacobson, a ievenlh grader. Journal, 22 Mos. . . . . . . . . . 3.87 ily Service Department at the Jowish Community Contor, 341-1366. Registration is $2.00 Is playing with the Lewi? and To take advantage of these and por person. Clark Jr. high school tram and Many Other Specials, Call I.'lsle has a "can't mi.is' label attached Ilorvvich r>r>l-.TJ57 or M1-S1G8.