OMAHA, M K B K A S K A ^ ^ J f "
Vol. XXXIX—No. 11
Registration SIIQWS Interest in Parents Discussion Series The lively registration for the now Parents Discussion Scries inquiry indicalos n decided interest in the "Livim; with tin? Adolescent." theme of tin: ;;mup which will hold its first meetin;;, Monday, February (i at S:,'!0 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center, Lou Kaiz, Family Life Iuducalion Chairman, said The Korics sponsored by the Family .Service Department of the Jewish Federation will canKist of four consecutive weekly sessions, Yale Kichard.s, ]"'ainily Service (.liaii'iniiii, recently ;irilioiiiiccd. The prognun Is geared to Giving parents of rhihlrcn, 12-1 i 'yearn of u;;<\ un oppoiiimlly to < ooniiiiuii problems ntul their solution under professional l(':nlen>J(ip, Ite-clsi ration is .still available and may be rn'trlo thiouuh Soloimin M. Ilnnvnsk-in, Family Service Department Director,' 1112]3fili.' l'iircnl.s are urged to call immediately since the group will lip limited to 20 person:;. There will be a foe of1 $2.00 per person lor tin? entire series. A coffee will follow each session.
N.Y.-Times Tries-to Clarify ien-Ourions Widely Quoted Words •New York, (JTA1—Wide attention was focused In Jewish circles in the United States on a New Yorlr time.;; reprint of the complete text of the address delivered 'recently in Jerusalem by Israel's I'rime Minister David BcnGurion. before the J^lli World Zionist ('onr;re."s. The Times rlevotcd nearly two full paces to the entire i'cil-Gurion text. 'Charge of (ioillrfisnesi.'
JANIJAItr IS, 1061
What ieas -Sseior Oifizen's leange Jlean to Retired? The Senior C'ltl/^n'n I/Onrige uuvins opportunity for giddmice In nuking the later jenrs fruitful nnd satisfying li.v learning, sharing and helping. * • • Lounge Open Every Monday Jewish Community Cenicr from 10 A. M. to 3 1\ !M. * * • Aellvilies, 1'iin. Hccrcullon Movies, Kible CIIIHK, SUCJUIH for
Senior (.'HIM'II-I
i a y Bo-Backfiring I'jii'is (J'J'AV -—'Tlii! T.phani"xc Cabinet was told that the enirenf anM-Ismel Aral) blockade doin.^ more harm to the Aral) economics thnn to T.srnei. il was reporled in (ho French neu'.spaper, I.*? Monde. The reporl wn.s made by 1'iene flemayel, Ixbane.'.e .Minister for ; •l >nnotnie Affairs, who said Lebanon may take the initiative in iiskini; the Arab League to conKider the possibility of a coiuplele revision of.blockade practice. •The;'ii proposal was prompted by a recent incident, when a Norwegian freighter, tlie Mar,1!, had been blacklisted by the Arab l/enf;\ie for tradinc with I.'.rael. and wan therefore barred from disdiari;inr: its caruo in JJeirut. However, it was permitted to disoharjie the car;:o at •AJcxandrlh, h'Kypt, by Ilir--Kio'pti;m' authorities.
Eichmann Trial May Be Delayed
Jerusalem (JTA)—A possibility that the trial of Adolf Kiehiminn, the Nazi who directed the killlni; of 0,000,000 Kuropean Zionist ni'i)k<'!.mcn here anil In Jews, may be postponed for a Jerusalem hud contended that month beyond the scheduled date the Times, in its original report of Mureh (i was seen here. Govfrom tin? '/.Umhl Congress on ernment sources said that varDecember if), had quoted: Mr. ious preparations for the trial, Ben-Gurion "out of context" in including; the adoption of necesrc;;ard to a statement by the sary special legislation, may not Israeli leader, charging Orthodox he completed in time for the Jews with "godlessness" if they March date. do not settle in Israel. Set lieronl Straight The full quotation'of tlic entire text by Mr. lien-Gurlon was Keen us an effort of the Times to wt the record straight. The complete text of Mr. Ben-Gurion's speech, Miss Irene Dunne, famed film originally delivered In Hebrew, was in the Knglish-language ver- star, will lie the first woman to sion furnished by the World receive Beth Israel'!! annual Zionist Organization, According Humanitarian Award, when the to the Times', "the tliemeof the presentation is made to her on Israeli leader's speech is that April 23 at a function In the syIsrael and Jews outside of Israel nm;ogiie, it was jointly announced are interdependent" and that by Dan (iordmnn, General Chairboth depend for survival on man and Maurice Katzman, Ci"pioneering and productive" Jew- tation . S e l e c t i o n Committee ish immigration to Israel and on Chairman. Ninth Award In '<!! "Jewish, education f o r the Beth Israel lias civon the younger Jewish generations outaward on ei^ht previous occaside Israel." sions to world renowned leaders ' The space allotted by the Times including the VX0 recipient, Adto Premier Ben-Gurion's address miral I ^ w i s L . Strauss. is usually nccorded only to major Humanitarian Itoln addresses by the United .States Miss Dunne, well-known for President or other world leaders leadership in charitable and sospeaking on major issues of Inter- cial service projects nnd her adnational Importance. herence to a strict code of ethics and piety, will he honored for her dedication to h u m a 11 i I a r I a n causes, the Heth Israel leaders said. .She was honored by the NaIstanbul (WNS)-A new trade tional Conference of Christians agreement under which Israel and Jews In 19J8 with the Amernnd Turkey are to exchange ican Brotherhood Award for dis525,000,000 worth of a variety of tinguished service in promoting products during 19C1 w;.j signed the causa of inter-roliclous here between the two countries, unity and holds honorary doctor-' Turkey-will alilp sugar, tobacco, ate degrees from Chicago Muslcotton and fruit and get in re- , cal College;-. Mount Saint' Mary's turn automobile tires, building College, Ixiyola University (L.A.) • and Seattle University. material, motors and glass.'
The aliove pictures an exhibit of luniks written l>y Author Maurloe. Siumwl,.nrrnngrd by tlio Center Uhrary and avuiluliln (here. .Mr. Samuel will H|i)'sik In Oniahii WcdmiMlay, January IB at 8 p. ui. nt ISeth 101 Kjiiajjopue under tlm auspices of The »f tint Month, 11 community-wide project sponsored by the Jewish Community Center. Maurice Samuel, internationally famous as an niillior and lecturer, will speak at 1'eth Kl Synano(.:ue, Wednesday, January 18 at H p. in. His nppeanince hero will be part of the Vrowtun ui the JTpnth Sfrie.'i, a community-, wide project • spoiiKored 'by the Jewish Community Cenler, Harry Sidman, Outer ('iiairmrin, said. "The .Second Cmrlfivlon" ,Mr. .Samuel will discuss his latest work, the dramatic and ilioucht-provokini: novel, 'The .Second Crucifixion" which is well on the way to the best .seller rnliujr- The book emerged after ten
Irene Dunne, First Woman To Receive Beth Israel Award
Israel, Turkey Plan
Served Many Groups She lias served as past chairman of the Field. Army of the (Continued on P;IKO 4)
Henry ionsk^ Lodge U'nal H'ritli Henry Monslcy LodfTC No. 354 will present the Safety Leadership Award at the nnnual award luncheon of tlic Omaha Safety Council on Thursday, January 20 at the SheralonKontenolle Hotel. Selection of the recipient of •the award is made by.the Council for leadership in the field of safety in Nebraska. Tlio award will be presented for the cecond time by B'mti B'rllli; the first one made to the late Governor Ralph Brooks in 1960 by Nebraska IjOdRc. • Governor Frank Morrison, to be the principal speaker, will announce a new state safety chairman.
Edward A.'Tloscn, chairman of tho event, with William Stone, as co-Chairman, said all B'nai B'i-ith members are invited to the luncheon. Tickets or Information may bo obtained from these chairmen or from the Safely Council office, 3IG-5532.
years.of Intensive research, rewarded now by (he spectacular interest'it is attraetinf; everywhere..' Ksililil KrlpUe—(ihalrnian IEabbi Myer S. Kripke, spiritual lender of Belli Kl KynagoRue, who recently reviewed the story, will serve ns chairman of the evening. In commcnlini; on. the book, Kabbi Kripke said he considered it a remarkable: contribution to literature. "I am sure that, those who heard Kabbi Kripke present Hie review," Dr. A. G, Rimrnerrnan, Heth Kl President said, "will want to return for the 'personalappearance of the author. The discussion of I he book will appeal to the non-Jewish as well as Jewish members of tlic community and I personally urge ev-
Ifan Weiss, Speaker AI'Fafband Meeting Han Weiss, member of the Heth Kl .School stnff, will speak nt a meeting of the Karband l'oal Zion, Sunday, J a n u a r y ]ii nt 7 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. He will speak on the fortieth anniversary- of the Ilistarlrul Movement. Mr. Weiss, a native of Haifa, Israel, received his education'in the elementary schools and Tcchnlon High school 'there. He is presently .studying at "the University of Nebraska's Business Administration graduate school.
! Press '''Deadline Deadline for news Items intended for the Jewish Press Is on the Friday morning of the week.-prcccdine publication. Persons submitting society and organization news are urged to submit their copy (must be typed) as early ns possible. For further information call the Jewish Press office, 342-1 ,'!GG.
eryone lo invite their non-Jewish friends to hear Mr. Samuel." • Uuro UndertttaniliiiK Uis books, critics say, reveal rare understanding of Jewish problems through iii.s interpretation of the exciting personalities created by his pen. The author brings to the story of "The Second Crucifixion," the clear view of a Jewish social'.and religious historian. I'Vlend of I/lterary Giants During a career which took him lo many of authentic background and information for his writing, Mr. Samuel formed, close friendship's with such literary giants as Bialik, Sholom Aleicliem, Dr. Shmarya Levin and others. Here was the ccnosis of his "World of Sholom • Aleicliem" and "Prince of the Ghetto, both of which have become classics during his own licftime. A strong influence in Mr. Samuel's' life was the close bond with Cliaim Weizmnnn, first president of Israel, whom he met while a young student in England through a mutual interest in science. ICvent Id Tree The event is free to the public through the co-sponsorshlp o£ community organizations witji the Jewish Community Center.
Szoid Award iiven To Jerusalem (JTA)- Mrs. Golda Meier Israel's Foreign Minister was deeply moved when she was presented here with tho Henrietta Szold centennial uward for public service at the centenary session of the World Zionist Congress. Israel's First Lady, Mrs. Rachel Ben-Zvi, was awarded * the Haim Grcenberg. Hebrew Literary Prize of Pioneer Women and
the Working Women's Council for her book on immigration?, to Palestine during the early'days of Jewish settlement
Page Two
%\$t Published weekly on Fridaj lit'Kliiiiing the loit wei-li In August through second week in July by the Jewish Frdcration "I Oi)iali:i.
Israel Bond Drive Goes Over Top :
The 1 !;G0 cainpaiun for sale o[ Slate of Israel lioiuls went O\er its declared i;oal of S,2CK».tKJi), aoMRS. FRANCES KLEIN ....Editor eordini; to I'.oheil M. Feinhcri;, general e h a i riiKin. "\Ve have deposited more than SL'DO.tjiHJ in A Jewish Day Srliool "ill open cash foi s ili of in Omaha in Septeinbrr wjlh a .Stale of IM ie] lander;;;!!1!'1!),' first .urnde and pos- Ilonds," In s ud, sibly a second (jrade class, it "and ulim we was decided by a ;;roup of parents finally <oll(rte<l who met. earlier this wcik at the t I) e reinainlni: Jewish Community Outer, Shel- amount of almost p.m. don L. Coren, chaiiinnn of the S.'ifl.OO1'1 in cuiiiItt III I X Mr. 1'Yinrwrj; project announced. mitments, the cities of Omaha S ibbath services I his <;vonini; and Council Bluffs will have set Rabbi Meir lielsky of the nf IXli ftl Syniu:o:,'ue ut. K:15 p.m. Itulilu Myer S. Kriplce will Torah Uincsorah, N a t i o n a l an all-time record in soles of Is(kJnor Ilio SITHIOII, which will Society for Hebrew Day Schools, rael Bonds." be m story foim to involve youni; New York City, who mot with In addition to dollars, the camllii! ;;roup to discuss urbanization UUISllilMTK. {'.'llltor AiU'DIl J. ) iJ Mr will conduct (lie synai;of;ue of the school, said there are 2&J paign al?:o .set a record in iimtiJewish .schools in .St> cities and her of purchasers and in the choir. ill*; tnulilinnal sabbath inorn- that If], other cities are con- amount of activity durini; the iti'i scL'virc at 8 :.'!<), family KI.T- (i-mplatiiii; such groups in their eampaijpi. "We are r.raleful for the parVII-H nt 10:'M). .MliioIiii-.MiiiLriv areas llahbi IJelsky left for •Savamiah, On., where he was in- ticipation of the many organizaWill l)iv;in at !> Ii.m. Snmiay morning si'rvim at 0 vited to confer with p a r e n t s tions of Omaha." said l-'einoein. a.m. in tin.' Chripi'l, followed liy there who are interesled In estab- •'and rocojiiiizc the |;reat effort of Madassali, ii'nai li'rith, the b.c"ik' aii'l ,-i study-di.srussion- lishing such a school. •>< ^sion led Iry Unhbi Kripkc. Mr. Coren .'•aid-that committees Zionists, I.-ilxir Zionists and Piofor registration, education arid neer Women, in addition to the in r i i isit.\j;i, work of tin; various congregatuition are beinj; formed. tions and suhsidiary orcanizaIl>bl)i ]!cnj;imiii 'Jroiicr, C;iMtions. We are also (plateful to the toi l^li Ka-.;:iii anrl the Ut-tli Israel Bond Office and to the ) iai'1 Choir will coiuluct late work of it's able staff, including 1 rnj >y f-vfiiiir; .sui'vicwi 'Kobolas our new director, Norman LtpSn ibhiis) at 5 p.m. innii, and Mrs. Francos GreenSliublxis jrimiiint; services b«,'New members of TInnry Mon- liein and Mrs. IA>\S Kreitstein, fin it 8:45. a.m. Jmiiur LYm.'.Tesky I.oilf,'n of lVnni 'J'rith will be- who assisted him so efficiently," r i, itioii ;it y:l > a.m. Iiabbi (ironer honored nt. a dinner inceiiiiu ' ° Jlr. Feinberii, stated. will conduct tin; Taliiuul dass at bo Riven Wednesday, Januarj' "We still have much vvoj-k to 4 30 p.m. Sabbath Minclui ut '.ij, at 7 p. in. at the Shernton5 p.m. followed by Sholosh Fontem.'lJe Hotel, it was an- 1 do in collecting for the purchases that have been promised to us," S»MH1OS and Maariv at. G p.m. nouncml liy Dr. Ben Kutler, first Sunday morning s^rvi'ios at 9 vice-president of the lodge wlio he said, "hut we assume that n promise made, in Omaha is ala in followed by |jri;;i!ifuKt and is in elian;c of the event. ways a promise kept. Keminder.s llrtbbi's clans in bible. Suiulay Jack It.' Click, i-'hirasio. HI. of commitments to purchase morning Junior Miiijan at 8:";0 business executive and prominent Bonds will s(xm he sent from the a.m. followed by breakfast. • Daily services at 7 a.m. and at M'nal B'rith member, will be ihe Israel Bond Office, and the siwraker. His cm Mtt lod^e mittee will he kept informed of 5 15 p.m. offices include w.Tvuig as presi- the current cash situation at all TKMI'I,K ISKAKf* dent of the <-hie a KO Coun- times." Sabbath .services at Templi: cil ami as a member of the DisIsi.iyl, Friday at 8:15 p.m. Itabbi trict Speakers' llureau. .Sidney II. JJrooks will officiate; . Members are invited to call ON Till-: AIIl Maury h. Schwartz, Kducat ion Dr. Kuller for further inforHIIIHIH.V, January 15 DireclOi1, will deliver the .sennon: mation. WOW.-TV, .1-4 p. m., ORS"llic Unrealized Jx.'pth of Jewish. ADI-, Production, "A QuesJ'dueation—J e v; i s h Kducators tion of Chairs: Challcii[;<i of Consider the Next Decade." MLss American Kdncation." Ida Gltlin -will conduct the choir. MRS. I1KSHIK liSir.MAN* Sabbath morning services nt KICTV, 12-12:30 p.m., "DiFuneral .services for Mrs, Bes-11 30 a m . Kabbi liroulcs will of- . sle Fishman,-DO, were held Do. rections ' 0 1 - A Jewish Perficiate. Miss Gitlin will direct cumber 29 at the Jewish funeral spective" w i th T h i* o d o r c the Helii;ious School choir. Bickel, editor and host. ProHome. Iiabbi Itenjaniln Groner gram will he presented over officiated. IJ'NAI JAflOIS AIMS network at the saint; weekly SurvlviiiK am children,--David, time through January. Friday, JUlnc:lin,':-l:4.'> p.m. Sat- K:ixt Oruiif;*-', N. J1.: Sam and Mrs. urday, 8:30 a.m. Mincha, 4:30 Jlax Greenfield ;md two crandp m followed by Sholosh Scudus. cliilihon. Daily services at 6:30 a.m. and Hurial was in Golden Hill 4 45 p.m. All friend1) anil relatives orn Cemetery. Invited to attend M.>rvlci» and reception. ISADOKi: OILMAN' Funeral services were hold FKKDKKICK MALKICE GIJSS Monday afternoon at the Jewish Frederick Maurice Guss, son a\ The llr funeral Home for "Isadora Gil- of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Guss hilip f l man, 59, Onviha grocer for 40 will celebrate his liar Mit/.vah, by Dnvld OrKoiv. years, Mr. (Silnvin, 1030 South Saturday, January 21, at 10 a.m. at B'nai Jacob Adas Veshuron TIIO Dave Major Trio will en- 35 Avenue, died early Monday. Survivors are wife, Freida; son, synagogue. tertain* our residents at n special program on Monday, Jan- M a r v i n , Minneapolis, Minn.; .daughters, Mrs. lietty Hams, ICKNKK VlSlllJ* uary 16, at 2 p. m. • Italibi .Ilcdjniniu' Wronnr' was Decatur, 111.; Mrs. Anne Himel- KOIIMAS VlHUKh • The Bas Mitzvalr of Rennc our rabbinical visitor this week. steiii and four grandchildern. Fishel and Bar Mitzvah of NorMiss -Hilda Kur/.weil wishes to thank alj- tho friends who re- Patronize* Jewish Press Adver- man Fishel, children of Mr. and membfcred her with cards and tisers. Mrs. Joseph Fishel will IK; cele. ••••..' flowerS during her illness. brated at. Beth Israel, Friday, Januarj' 13 and the Bar Mitzvah Copies of Trcaiured of Norman will he continued on Photoi of Loved Onei Saturday morning, January. H at the synajjonue. JIM ABDO Second Class Postoqe Polo ol Omaha, tJcbr Am.ual buDscrlpIton, S4.GO. Advertising.Hates en Application Publ.cation Olllcc~10l No. 2lJ-h Street. Omaha, Ntbr., 34? 1366
Jewish Day School Will Open in Fall
B'fiai B'rtth Dinner To Honor iemters
No. 48
Nasser Influences AnfMsrael -Resolution at African Parley Casablanca (JTA)—A resolu- President Seliou Tnur« (if Guition declaring that Israel is "an nea. Instrument of imperialism and The resolution, among other colonialism, not Only in the Mid- things, appealed to African states dle I'-'ast but also in Africa" was adopted here at the .summit meet- to oppose the "new" way by in;; of five African states that •which "imperialism" was trying cal lihcmselvcs "neutralist" in to "create bases" In Africa This regard to the Fast-West cold pluasinj; was considered a referwar. Israel hud not fieen mi the ence to Israel's technical assistanemia nf the conference, but ance program in West Africa, the r e s o l u t i o n wus pushed particularly in Ghana. tlir<]ii|;h Ity (iamal Ahdrl Xasser, Prior to the close of the conPresident of the I nltcil Arab Ke- ference. Kins; Mohammed V |iiililie. OliMrvers here exurensed pledged himself to do his "ut-the opinion <h:it adoption of llm inost" to defend "Arab PalesXnsser ri'Solufhin was it Map at tine." He promised that the conIvuarue Mmnniili, President of ference, alone, with Arab rulers, i;ii:ui:i urid President .'Miiilibo Keltu of .Mall, butli of whnin havo -will defend the "riijhls" of the had |;m>d relutimm with Imrael. Arab refugees from Palestine Ollirr leader* attending (he roii- and their "ri|;ht" to be "restored ferfiiee, la addition (o Nasser, to their country." KieLi and N'hniniah, W»T«- Klii|; Patronize the Jewish Press Moliniiniird V of Moruieii iind Advertisers.
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Harry Smith Gifed By Goasfi Syard
Ilany.A. Smith was re-elected CapUin of Division XIV, in thp United Stales Guard Auxiarji Second Coast Guard' Distn<t.-.
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A x'laiue was presented to Mr, •Smith; "for devotion and-:loyal BtfpjKWt to tlie'"'district aiixiliai'y piftgram," hy Capt. O. A. Peterson, District Cominander. M r Smith' was cited for examining more'thhjr 100 .individual iwats during 1960. • "
110.1M.TOWH.STS A total of 110,173 tourists arrived in Israel the first 11 months of 1960, nscomparedto the80,381 who came during the same period the previous year.
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Friday, January 18, 1901
nizdtions r o Mi;i;r SINDAV NKiUT Officers will lie elected fit n nieetin;; of K-uixiiiil l-o;tlo '/Mm, Sund.iy, Jiitiiifiry 55 at 7 p.m. at the Jewish Community O u t e r . Tlie |<io;;i;im will include.1 u talk liy ii prominent speaker ami tlie showing of mi JMWH film, Greetings will he extended to Joe, (In; or^nni/ution's hrerelary, wlin returned home tills week from. San Francisco, Oil., after mi illness. * « * i'ioNi:i;it WOMICN rr-.w ONKU SIIAIlllAl 1 'flic I'ioneer Women's Organization will liuld its monthly Onejj Shaliliat at the home of Mrs. 1. Coldstein, .'1021 Hartley Street, Saturday, January M nt 1 p.m. with Mrs. Sam Kilkin us colioHtes-s. The program will include a reading hy Mr, Hifkin, the recitation of a jiuem Ijy Mi's, Sam Novak and KOII;TS by Mrs. Milton XearenlM'rf;. Mrs. Dave Kpstein ii [iro;-r:iin eliairmim. * • * MKS. /,. (iOltltO.V KITS HOMTKSH TO UKOI.'LTlie next nieetiii-: for "Just Us Olrlii" will be held by the lieth 101 Sisterhood on Thursday, January !'.) at S:.'iO p. in. at the home of Mrs. '/.. ("onion Hips. Mrs. Dorothy Kxlplte will meet, with this ,':roiip of yotmi; mnrried women to diseii.s.s customs, ceremonies and other tlilni'S of [iertinfill interest to youn:; fainilles, Mrs. Melvin Weiss ni.^.y \m railed for reservations. » * * I'ANKL DISCUSSION
und Morris Miller, Omaha National Hank; The opening prayer will be offered by Mrs. David Sol/man. In rharije arc the Mines. Joseph Hornstein, Piiesiiia-.., 15. Gilbert Aronoff and T-eo JJiscnslatt. Kcseivatioiis may bo made with I he Mines, 1'liill Laser, Ta'A-'i'll'i, Joseph (Jdldwan;, W\7.'li5 or Alvin ICjistoin, r,5<;-!M.'!0. A baby sitter wili be available. SAM MOTIIKftS' i'l.X'tt The monthly meetinc of the Sit;ma Alpha Mil Mothers' (.'lub will be held at the home of Mrs., Ken Wall, r>%7 Western Avenim on Wednesday, January 18 at I p. ni. with Mrs. Harry Friedman as eo-hoste;:s, All mothers of plecl'ies, aclh'e.i and alumni are invited. WOMKN The Omaha Chapter Mizrachi Women will meet Wednesday, Jnnuary 18 at the Jewish Omini'iiiity Center, A I p. in. de.wert lunoheon, clehratln-f tn b'Shval will lie served. •Followin;; the 2 p. m. business meelliii: a movie will lie shown.' •
The hoard of Omaha Chapter Iladassah will meet nt 12 noon, Monday at the home of Mrs. Charles Kimmel with Mrs. .lack Jaeoh.'ion as eo-ho,stess. I'latis will he discussed for the January ineeliiif; which will lie dedicated
to the: IT:II]:ISSMII-IIC-
brew University Medical Center. Group boards will licet nt. 12:.'!<) p. ni. Thursday for dessert luncheon1;. Mrs. Sum Shykon will AT wnrsvu. MKKTINO he hnste:-.s for IIer/1 Gioup with A panel di.sciiR.sion on finance, Mines. Hernnrd Drnnenber;: and "'s THIIC- StfK-k" will IM.' preRobert Frii'berj; Jis.;lstinf;; Mrs. sented at the luncheon ineetinc Henry Stern, assisted by Mines. of the Onnha Seel ion, National ,1. M. Mar;-»lln mid M. W. ItosenCouncil of Jewith Woiivn, Janhnuin, will entertain .S/.old Group; nary 17 at VZ-.'.V) p. in. at the Mines. .Samuel Stern and David Jewish Community Center. Fredericks will l>e hostesses to The panelists will lie James the W'ei/niann <"roup at the Sttni I^aVirlle, Harris tipham & Comhome. ' pany; Ilerhert Davis, Jr., KlrltHadassali leaders hnve uri;cd ••atrick-lVttis Co.: Justin Norwich, Cruttenden l'odi sta & Co. memhers to see tlio newly released 20-mlnutu film, Call of the Holy IJIIUI by Twentieth Century Kox on the life of Henrietta •Szoli". . . ' AIX-STATi: SCHOLASTIC • • *
Amonp; the student recently named to the I'.MU University of Nebraska It e v e n t s All-State .'scholastic team were Itichard Kaslow, 'ran of Hen K Kaslow nnd IJUTV Knrz, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Kurz. lioth are Nationnl Merit semi-flnnlists. Mark lirodliey, son of Dr. nnd Mr«. Morris H. Jinxlkey was named to the second «|]-sUitc team.
xin: ltAniii" ISabhl Myer S. Kriplip will dlscitss "JSnligious Value 1 and the World of Uusiness," Sunday nlonilni; at the Beth Kl Men's Club monthly "JJrealifnst with the Itabbl." Sei-vlces nt !) a. ni. will be followed hnmedintely by the breakfast und discussion.
IJ.N.Y. KKI'OKTS The IJ.S.Y. held its first nu'etini; with new advisor, Da\'e Belzer <it Helh El ,SyjKi(;oKnc. I.eTel Aviv, ( J T A ) - T h c first anne CJolflliei-,;, president, Cheryl Croup of students from the* VizhWeinlx'rj; and Gayle Render re- nltzcr Yi'shiva took off their traported on the national conven- ditional long kaflnns and dark tion in Chicago, III, Madeline hats this week ami donned the Kripke and Dotmif Kaiman won khaki uniforms of -the Israel national Individual awards for Army as volunteers rather than Ijelnn outstundinj; members. An- as conscripts. other (itflecalion composed of Changes In Formalities Itobert Slutzsky, Nnonil HollicnTheir induction into Israel's 1-erj-, ISnimlc* Tarnoff nnd Henee Armed forces was I'arried nut Jtlmmermaii re-xirted on the win- with a number of changes in the ter board nieetin;; in Minneap- usual fonnulitie.4. Instead of feolis, Minn. male'Army clerks, male soldiers " Murk 1'lattner discuKsed plans received the new recruits. On for a carnival to he scheduled in hand to welcome the yeshivn. February. An e.vecutive and students was a largo riroup of comniltteo cluiirnien meeting will senior officers, who observed the be held At the OoldlK.'n; home, hassidlc dances, unusual for an 2514 South 8-1 Street on Sunday, Army camp, even in Israel. Tlie 7:30 p. m. students will undergo basic military training and will later settle MKMIIRKH OI-' WINNING iii Ami Oz, near the Gaza Strip. IHOIJATK 'THAM •1 I JlclcrliiKf1 Central debaters won the They were then ".sworn In" •Sweepstakes Trophy by inking •first place in bolh Class A and but, Instea/i nf saying "I sv.'ear" H nt tlie fnvitatlojial Deflate and they were permitted to say "I Forensic 'I'ournament at Kear- Undertake;" which ,i» In accord ney .Stato Teachers Colleiio. Tho with their religious convictions. Omahnns were Ilichard Kaslow, Another change in the loyally jion of lien Kaslow and Steve declaration was that tho word;; "in the spirit of and tra(iiiss. son of Mr. mid Mrs. Joseph C.IIKS in ClfiBS A, and Howard dition" were ridded to thi; phrase . Iliilm, son lit Mr. and Mrs. Sam "to devote nil my Ktrengtli to Ifnlin nnd Harry (Joldwarc; •son , tUo d«fenso* of the, country and ,-,•, of Mr, and Mrs, Josepli S. Gold- - to Israel's freedom." The yeshlva students were ware in Class U. :
J. H. Kulakofskys To Travel Overseas Mr. and Mr.s. J. H/irry'Kulalwftiky left this week on a trip abroad which will include a n;oiitl. in Israel, nft r visits to several Kiirojic'.'iu areas. Their itineraiy alto will include a tour of the Far Knsl and Hawaii. lieforo .le,'ivln;< (his country they will attend tlie January i!lst I!ar Mit/vail of tlieir grandson. Alike Kaplan, MIII of Mrs. Kthelyn Ivnplan in Ouliland, .Calif. On tlieir return to Omaha, they will
Hadassash Taking Orders for Show Tlie Omaha Chaplcr of Hadassah will sell tickets for the Uro/idway hit, "A Kaisin in the Sun" to be presented at I lie Music'Hall, 'fue.silay, February 7 nnd Wednesday, February H. Ticket chairmen, Mrs. Leo Weitz, (i('O I'arkwoud I,ane and Mrs. David Hrodkey, 1121 North 5f)th Street, said liekels at $3.50 each may be ordered tliroujji IfadaBsah. M;iil orders will bo honored in order of arrival and all sales are final, they reported.
1815 .VOUT1I 40Tjr ST. 4-t)<l(irnom lunue with lovoly living rucm with fireitlarc, full (lininj; io(>m, /ull basement yet) loom and cabinet vns heal i'ri<cil lit. S'il.'l.-iO. I8::il NOIU'lf ( J i l l AVE. 2-!}t'dro()in home—,'ird bedroom wltli little wiirk-jilce sized llvIn;; ronin with fireplace, full f<M-inal Oiiiliiu i<»»in .unij kitrhen with lots of eablnets ;tnd «'ntlui; (.pace. ] ' ; hatlis. Full basement, roe room, cabinet Kii.s beat. J'or titero information call Shflflun SlirciilxTK, 341-4,11! — nr l^-oliurd <i(inld, sr.lMlfl'J!)—or llffili', .111-15011. MLE Realtor 918 Rcdick Tower
be in K.'IIIK.IS City, Mo., for the
Ji.'is MJtzvah of tlieir j;ran<ldaii^hter, Judith Smith, diii":hter of Air. and Mrs. Kdivard A. .Smith, on May Y2. 'i'iio Isriiel visit, is the third one for the Knlakofskyn.
Queen Knights Jewish Leader London, (WNSl—JJaniftt .Iimner, outstandirij' leader of llritish Jewry, lias been knighted by Queen Klizaheth II. A Labor member of Parliament and president of the Hoard of Deputies of liritisli Jews, Mr. Jnnner has h"cn active in Jewish orjjatiizationul life for many years.
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Folk announce the Ijirlli of a son. Jack Harold on December 25 at Methodist Ilrjspiln]. Tliey are Atlantic City — Mrs. Moses also the parents of Mart ye Jo. Dyckinan was reelected jire.sident c,iaiKlparents are Mr. und Mrs. of the Mizraelii Women of AmerHarry Circcn and Mrs. Fannie ica at its annual convention. Kalk. • Mr. ami .Mrs. Alvin S. Kpstein annoiini'e tho liirth of a son. Kussell Kliott on January G. They are parents of another son, Steven. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs, Max (Jrt'cnlHTK, Kansas City, Mo. and Air. and Mrs, William Kpstein. (iiTfit-Kriiiulmothcr is Mrs. Fanny Cohen.
FOR THE FINEST . . . IN PHOTOGRAPHY Portraits Weddings Commercial
House of Glamour It I No. SOU. 5537000 6 Export H«lr Stylisti
Air-Conditioned Dryer* MlSS MARSH and MISS JERRY
Mr. and Mrs. Sol Kolinsky aniMiaice the birth of a daughter, Nancy Jo, on December 13, They are also the parents of another (l.iu;:h(er, Susan Lynn. Grandparents arc Mr. nnd Mrs, Max Turdiin, Sioux Falls, S.I)., and Mrs. Sam Hosinsky. MKS, M.MMK NOVAK. NAMED Mrs. Klmer >Jovnk was named to the executive committee of a new citizens croup "organized to attract well qualified people to run for city office,"
$9,900,000 Plant Opened in Nazareth
Tel Aviv (JTA)—An approximately $0,900,000 textile plant, the second largest in Israel, opened in tlie Jewish section of Nazareth. The huge plant, with 20,000 spindles of spools will provide employment for 400 workers. Within n year their number is expected to reach 700.
Come Meet
Iz "Boggy11 Bogdanoff* L.t Him Help You With Your Clothing Selection-
Kilpatr.'ck'i Mcn'« Clothing — Second Floor
Program of the Month
given their lthaki uniforms, passed normal incdicnl Inspection and received their Innoculations from male physicians and medical personnel. After receiving the usual double incss equipmentone for meat foods and the other for dairy foods—the hnssidie recruits demanded a third set for parve foods— foods that tire neither moat, nor dairy. The officers in charge promised to distribute them.
Invites You to Hear
America's Famous Author and Lecturer
Wednesday January 18, 8 P.M.
Specializing in Undervalued Securities
SYNAGOGUE 210 So. 49th St.
Special Situations
POpESTA'&'CO. Membera New York Stock
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Exchange and Othei Principal Exchange* 1S01 FARNAM 346-4555
Mr. Samuel Will Discuss His New Dramatf*: Novel
Admission Free
Tho Program of the Month Is a Community-Wido Project Sponsored by tho Jowish Community Center
Pace Four
Center Sports
No. n
WJC Gets Report on Algiers Synagogue^ Desecration
, < j .Scltolilck. 4, in the first came as John VAK.SITV J.I .Mill. Varsity le.'t;.;ue coiiipwition rtp- Ilorwich pumped in eight point!;. proaclmd the half-way mark on NTAXMXGS Wednesday, Jan.! );ainos and btill Team <V Ifound three- teams in contention Itichiunri-Gordmun - 0 for the championship, liifrlilif-^ttts: .Slosbur;; 1 1 of the evening were Miclilin's f-Go-Van 1 1 win over Milder and c!iu;:iniT tu Tretiak 0 2 their ci11<» frame lead mid ll.C Sunday Gninrs, Jan. 1.1 r Cola's fourth Ktr.-JHit triumph •J:l. ) p.m. Tretink vs. SlojiburR. after tuo opening In res. .":fKj p.m. niehmariKJnniinan vs. The opener raw the I-Co-Van. thrilling fctnrydc in Varsity lea- 7TU AN1» Ml II GI!AI»K I,i.\<iVK gue jtrlinn as MicUlin <-df^'d Horslieiin and Gerelick jinnpfd Milder. JT-Hi, after lh'- liual horn <ni their opponents for eomjiaraPounded. Sieve l'rHn>r.-i!;y was Ti-»• • Jy easy victories in 7th mid l'nnled ;il half roiirt a;-' I In.- f::unc: •Mh i;raile jilay. ended and dropped in the charity • Iior.'li"im, with a stroni: tiio ot tos!i to pri'^-rV): Mi/.-Llin'c one J Vivid ,1,-inibson, iiarry Zooli and ^'anie (pioad. Al Uoss, waltzed Ui a "0-1G triThe lead chunked liands con- iimph. .1 a c o h;; o n tallied Kl stantly and (-.•irly in ihe MTMIK! inarkery, /.nob. 11 points and Ross r u t u r r s of the d j m a ' c to the Algiers SJII.IROKUC during recent Cashah riots luve licen rccciird lidif- .Milder huilt a five point provided tin- floor play, against by the World Jewish Congress in New York together wilh a report from the organization's representative in Algeria, Mr. Jacijucs Lazarus, When Mr.- l.iu.arus arrived at thp scene he found I'rem h ndvanlare a.'; :'Jiel:Ii;i tn.jvd il.'i Kuiuian's. troops <lcfl) guardinc the ruins. Tim walls inside and outside were daubed with swastikas and sneh first i-i;;ht shots. Did; /.acliari.'i in the nir.btcap, (lerelick slogans as: "Death to (lie. Jews," "I^otif: I,ive the r i , N " (Algerian movemeut), "I.oog provided the spark for the win- scoK'd hfii'.'ily in the final quarLive the Algerian Republic," and "Death to de (Jaulle." ners breaking the drourht \'.ilh ter to pull awiiy from Philips, two quirk ba;:kcl:; placiir; Micli- after the losers made Koine serilin on ils uay to anoiher victory. IIIIS (In-e'ats in the third qiifirtor. ]'..C. Cola had lit I to trouble Final .'.core was 'X'-l'.) with Marc cknvninj; M<j;.:eji-Da\id "i.'i-ril, in Koimiiiik ;:enrin!: 11 points. the second (janie to keep only one ("asablnnca, (JTA)— The Chief STANDINGS ^.•mie hehind th ( ' loop leaders as Team W I, of Police in Casablanca received New York (WN.S'i--Soviet the organization's newly exAl CJayman, the league's leadiii'; . IJnrsheii ••• - 0 an order |o pi'ohiliit Moroccan Russia by the year 2,000 will be- panded House of Living Judaism. scorer, dunijifid in '/'.I poinls, Kiiiman 1 1 Jews from adoptm;: first names However, organization officials W'lih Coach Steve Lust'-nrdeii Cereliclc 1 I which are not in (he Old Testa- a "free and democratic" country indicated that the sealed capmidtin;; yood use of-iiis bench J'hilips similar to the United Slates and 0 2 ment." sule will be reopened to nccomo«tren;:lh mid allernatin!; his Meyer Obailia, president of Israel and the Arab states will Siuiil.iy (iaiues, Jan li> players mure than the other the Casablanca .lewiyli com- have established 'peace before date the Prime M i n i s t e r ' s .'!:15 p.m. Kaiman v::. Philips. response. teams, R.C. Cola .'ippi'ar.s to be inuiiity, made a formal protest Eetliji;; .stronger as (he season •1:.",0 p.m. fjerclick vs. liorsheim. to Casablanca authorities and it the end of the century, it was No Atomic War was indicated thai the dispute predicted by Premier David I3enMr. lien fJurion predicted, would be settled to the Baiin- Gurjon of Israel in reply to a among other things, that there Team \V h faction of the Jewish community. questionnaire by the Union of will be no atomic world war, JMicklin :> 1 The order Iiann thr> li(ln|itli'li American Hebrew Congregation;; that cancer by the end of tho P..C Cola '1 2 of fiiicu nmiK-s as Srrge, JVIichel, calling for views on the future century will have been "comSliider .'i ;'. Iternanl, I'aul, Amlrc, Alliert, pletely" conquered, that a Jew .lerusalem. (JTAi — Prices went etc., iviileh uro In u*>e (IIIKIMK of Jewish life, religion and world "may be" elected President of •Mo;,-eu-David 0 C up in Israel as u n-sult of hif^iier ^loroecau Jews. I'nder the *irder, affairs at the start of next the United States. M'edoiday (lames, J:in. 18 7:30 Moi;en-D;tvid vs. Mildi r. taxes on certain commodities tmd tho unly permissible riiines are century. Though the Premier was genser'.-ices necessitated by the Atinihain, Isaac, Juroli, pte. 8::;0 ILC. Cola vs. Micklin. erally hopeful about the state In Time Capsule. hii;her Imdfjet for the next fiscal It was also reported thnt CasajorTii coisvu. LKAdvi: The Premier's views were orig- of tin? world in the year 2,000, year Ues'innin;; April 1. blanca police carried out a night After a two weel: lay-off, Yntith Increases in taxes went into raid in the Jewish quarter in inally elicited for inclusion in u lie was less sanguine about the future v.ell-being and happiness Council resumed athletic warfare effect on cigarettes and cosand Iiayim and A.7..A. lOfiO, metics, bus fnres nnd ho'.isehnld which they systematically de- special time capsule installed in of the average man,. declarini; that lie preferred to leave open started the Now Year off on the i;oods, sales and investments. The tained Jewish children wearing blue and white tktiil cips and one basic question— how man will rit'ht foot with victories new bu'l;ret. presented to the arresled some 20 Jewish youths. .satisfy bis spiritual needs forty The 1000 boy;; carnft from .'! Knepset bv I''inanco Minister Levi years from now. The police action coincided points behind in the. final. 7G lihlail, calls for toUl 19G1-10G2 seconds to defeat A./,.A. 1. 49-48. expenditure!; of 51,056,5^0,000. with the arrival in Carnblanca of Bill Kully hit o a ft short jumper 'i'hat means an increase of tibmjt President Nasser of the United New'York UTA)— Archaeolowith 10 seconds remaining for 11 per cent over the current Arab Republic for the A'fricnn gical evidence relating to the "summit" confci'cnce. the Kami; winning shot. Hiblical description of the bloody bud;;et. Another problem was discloseil battle in 1150 B. C. K., in which It appeared that A.Z.A. 1, had The public was warned, how- when (in nppeal to the XCini; of Ahimelech, King of Shcchem, liio de Janeiro, (JTAI—Govthe game wrapped up. They had ever, that, while exports are inu-three point lead and posses- creasing, Israel's trade deficit is Morocco to Intervene in the kid-, suppressed a revolt in that city, ernor Carlo:) Lacerda, chief execsion of the ball as the clock read still pouinjr, since imports are naping of lij-year-olil Jcanette iias been uncovered at the site utive of the State of Guanrihaia, 1:40 remaining. They Ktrdled the risinj; in value at a faster nlte Cohen, made by the girl's parents, of the ancient stronghold east which includes this city, anfailed to bring any action by of Nablus, in Western Jordan, it nounced publicly this week' that ball down to 1:1G and had no than exports. was announced by Harvard Uni- lie feels now he had been misautlioritics. trouble .aptalnst the feeble deThe parents, who live. In Tiznit, versity. Harvard scientists par- taken in 1918, when he opposed fense of A.Z.A. 1000. Suddenly south of Agadir, said they be- ticipated in the excavations last the formation of the State of for some unexplained reason, Beth Israel to Cite lieved their daughter was ab- summer, along with archaeolo- Israel. In 1948, after- visiting Arnie Manvitz, fired an absurd Miss Irene Dunne ducted by a Moslem n weel: ago. gists from Drew University, Mc- several Arab countries, he wrote 20 foot shot, missed, ami A.Z.A. (Continued from Page 1 ) They lodged a complaint with Connick Theological Seminary a series of fiery articles in op1 was a beaten team from then American Cancer Society, Wom- the commissioner" of police but. and a number of other Ameri- position to the creation of Israel. on. can institutions-. CJuick to fako .advantage of en's Committee of the American the police did not make any inThe Governor in an address Heart Association, American lied quiry. It was then that the Manvitz blunder, A.Z.A. " 3000 1'lie diKCoyery, which dated tho before a Jewish club stated: "My f' Campaign Committee, and desperate parents wrote a movscored, yot possession of the ball rj'luii' of Aliimeleeh to tho 12th evaluation of tho Palestine probagain and set^np thn • winning the Ilelirevv University Kebtiild- ing appeal to the king. Century II. C. 11., utmu from lem In 1918 was erroneous, and itiK fund. tally by Ki'illy. analyses of pottery frugnirudt I consider it fortunate that my " Miss Dimne has also served on I,ea[,'ue leading Rnyim arid found at tho Rite over u period opinion on this subject has A:Z.A. 100, hooked up in a listless the Defense Advisory Committee of several years. According to changed entirely- since then. I on Women iii.The Services, was ball flame that resembled a waltz (tin aiinounei'inent, the expedi- believe firmly now that the estabtion nought to "fltitth out" details lishment of Israel was not only a ..for'Civil War Veterans. When the the United States alternate repTel Aviv. (JTA)--Ezcr Weiz- of history, by bringing necessity, Israel must be confinal buzzer sounded, spectators, resentative to the Twelfth Genwho were yawninf: from the side- eral Assembly of the United Na- mann, commander of the Israel tlK'iu Into tonlevt with known sidered a great ancet to the Air Forc« said In a speech to ancient lihtorj. lines, noted that the score hoard tions. ontiip world " Very active in.the affairs of Canadian United Jewish Appeal read, Rayim ?.R, A.Z.A. 100. .''.0. her church, Miss Dunne received leaders,, that Israel must acquire Htjmdlngs Team W I, the Lateran Cross in 1951 from, -additional'aircraft to match the Rayini 4 0 the Chapter of Canons of the MrO-19 which the Soviet Union A.Z.A. 1000 2 2 Basilica of St. John I.aleran is suppling to the United Arab A.Z.A.100... 1 3 (Home), Previously, she had re- Republic. A;Z.A. 1 . . . . . . . . . . 1 .'! ceived the Lactare Medal from the University of' Notre' Dame, .Sunday Games, J:m. 15 :11am. P.ayirn vs. A.Z.A. 1000. awarded annually to the out• PEPPEIUD BEEF standing member of the Catholic 12 noon A.Z.A. 1 vs. A.Z.A. 100. - Plions 3J2I3M to Inscrl vow Wan! Aa Ir laity in the U.S. • LIVEfl SAUSAGE tlio Jewish press 5TH AND GTH GUADK LEAGI7K _^^___ r. Vive Oscar Nominations • FRAHKFimTERS Itichman-Gordman and I-GoDuring her film career, she has Daily Jewish 1'ajiers • COnNED DEEF Van chalked up victories as play been nominated five times for the. liAIt mid Bas Mitzvah congratu• PASTRAMI got underway again in Midget Academy Award, presented for lations also for all Jewish holi• BOLOCflA league circles. the most outstanding performdays and special occasions. • SALAMI • Itichman-Gordman had unex- ance by any actress. The Ameripected troublefrom a ..fired up can Mothers Committee of the Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge , Slosburg team and were extended Golden Itulc foundation cited Sat. Eve. Post. 02 \Vl'.s.....$ 4.9.') ATLU9IIIS DEMMTESSEHS, SUPEfiMARKETS to tlie limit before finally down- Miss Dunne, for the most inspir- Fortune, 18 Mos 11.7.1 ing their opponents 14-12, in a ational film portrayal of a mother Ufe, 70 Wits. . . . . . . . . . . . 7.00 tight thriller. Johnny Ruben gave on the American screen in 1948. Time, 78 Wks. . . . ' 757 the winners some breatliing room ,2.00 SAUSAGE COMPANY OF CHICAGO In private life. Miss Dunne is ..Esquire, 8 Mos In the final quarter with two the wife of Dr. Francis D. Grif- Renders Digest, 11 Mon. . . 1.87 159 Ssuih Waiter Market, <&Uogo S, Illinois quick baskets and some jjeat fin. Married , since 1928, they : Journal, 22 lioa. ......... 3.87 • Distributed by • floor play by Mark Wolpa pro- lia\c one daughter, Mary FranTo take advantage of these nnd 0 MORTON WHOLESALE MEAT C O . , 1 vided the gpdrk for the victory ces, ivifp of Ricliard Lee .Shin- Many Other Specials, Call F.teie • 1(118 N. IMth « . , Omaha. T>'fbmslfa riion* 340-2916 fl ; I-Go-Van stopped irctiak's 14- IUC) of San Francisco. Honvich 551-0957 or 311-01G3. MM u urn m MI m •>• fwi tss$ 4M • • an Bfl Bsflwtnat CO tSB 49S tti m *wi m gujf
Elorocco Orders Jews Use
Peace Before' Turn of Ceniory
Findings Oonfirm Biblical Faste
Brazilian ioveruor flegrets Opposition
iNeed Stressed f© Arcib Jets