January 20, 1961

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I I'ulillcutu/n orfiro. 101 Nn. 201 h Ouuilia JJdinisRu. I'liune .'ilU-iaf.li

Vol, XXXIX—No. 1«



I I!lf>AV,


H cagn, (.ITA)— Tin' J-etleral ISlircail of Iiive<ttigiiflrni julned C'lilcngo iidllci; hi a full-scale bunt for vandals who planted a liumb Which exploded In thf An^lin Knif;t s.vii:ig«(;iii', the city's lur;;CKt CoiiHerviithu u y 11 a g 'i g u is M'liosu nii'iiibcrslii|> n tT'm lie r s 2,000 fiiinUlfs. The bomb ivcnl off about !)0 minutes after the departure of persons attending a meeting. The damage-smashed doors and cracked walls — was estimated about $2,000, Hundreds of windows in surrounding liomes were shattered. Mayor Richard Daley called the bombing n "shocking thing to occur in our city." •lame* If, <iale, FIJI C'lilcaco offtrfl head, wild bis agents «oulil seel! evidence ot violation of Fedoral law, such as If tlie explosive1) wero transported on a common currier. Tho i>in;«Hy for unlawful Interstate tr,mi|ti>rtutimi of explosive* Is one year's Imprisonment and up In ¥1,000 (inn or txitli. Tin" vandals, if apprehended, will also fact' action under a new

Brandeis Group to Hear Mrs. Kripke Mrs. Dorothy K. Kripke, wellknown author of children's books, will speak befo.e the Omdii Chapter Brattd< is University Na-1 .?^ *» (ional Women' . Committee at a membership tea on "Monday, January .'JO at 1 p.m at the home of Mrs. 12 d iv ti 1 d Ho sell, 8 (Jib Hickory Street. Mrs. K r i p k e will talk in an audience participation f o r u m Mr«. Krlnlie. She hns written many di.unitic scripts Including "Hoot and Blossom: A Centuiy Sloiy,' a pageant-spectacle presented by the Omaha Jewish Community at the Omaha Centennial celebration. Her latest book Is "Debbie in Dreamland" published in November. Tlie tea's arrangement committee includes Mme.i. Charles Hosenstock, Myron Milder, J,eo Klsenstatt and Warner Frohmrm.


Chicago re;:iilalion whirl, impasc-s stiff iK'iialtios for desecration of houses of- uoii.bip. The regulation was passed by Ihe City Council last January after a rash of swastikas appeared on (,'hicij'.o synagogues, apparently na part of a worldwide epidemic of anti-Semitic. .stucariiKjs.

Jobannesbarg Stirred B^ Synagogoe Bosib Johiinnesburr;, (JTA)—Church leaders lien: expressed their condemnation of the bombing of Johamiesbun;':; main syna!;o™up. Neitlier officials nor the police were prepared yet to express an opinion on whether the explosion, which destroyed cloakrooms, offices and part of the ladies' Kallery, had any nnli-Sernitic motives or was common vandalism. Tlie incident followed robbery attempts nt n Methodist, church mid a Dutcli Reformed church in the city.

Feb. 15 ieizcfflr Mrs. Lillian Becker will serve ns chairman of the Bazaar and card party to be given by tlie Uu-iiness and Professional Women':; group of Iladassnh on Wednesday. February 15 at 7 p. m. ,it Ihe Hlarlislone Hotel. Her co< h iini.au is Mrs. Julius Newman, <u ranizalion president. The evening's program will he d( voted to free keno, graphology, ;,i<issi»u; games, an auction .sale .ind array of delicious bakery, a fine assorlmenl of merchandise m< hiding many handmade items, ,ind a main award. Admission is £.1 nil. The bazaar committees are composed of: Ookn sale^-Myrllo Freeman, Pesfc Blonk, fljm?s. Manon Yuwll*, MatV.% L orlg. Sates— Mcna Oioss, tlolnjj Arenion, Rebecca liercovicl, Soroh FcUmtm, Ltft Grccnbcrn. Rosrlli) Handler, Julia Molz, Svlvio t'arllman, Mmti. Harry Salliman, ttster Meyer, Sylvio Ross, t. Oihcrotft. Flo Drflokjlelrt, *arcll DunilcV, Ellzabolh Fried, Fafin/ Orcenljerq, Francra Greentjercj, LHMon Hersticrn. Julia Jacobs Edward Kavtlch, Carl Louma", Grace Lenk, Abo Moser, Jennie Rotcnblolr, Role Sclilck, Olcmche Silver. Ann Soikln. Tlc*el*^-Jutlo Zuker, Ida 5 p r I n 0, Dorolhy Viewer; Mmej. Phil Srliworl/, Al!c# Hceaef. Isko RoIftoU and Louli Sobrln. Card and guessing oamefc— r v r l r n U v y , Mildred Lt»y, Lillian Kulltr, Dorolh/ Rojenlhal, Lllliari Sluliky, Mmej. Joieph Mayer, Abo Kloprwr, ClUpbe'tl llcvctcfl, and Tannv Sherman.

Paris (JTAi-A deu'l'ipim'nt which political circles here interpret ns "the first break in the Arabs' solid nnti-Israeli economic boycott,"' was reported here in a Beirut di.qinlrh to the newspaper Lo Monde. The Lebanese Ministry of Keonomy has iiutborized pemiission "for all ships" lo unload their cargoes at l^ehaucse harbors, it was disclosed. The Lebanese ruling. Le Monde staled, follows disclosure of the fact that United Arnb Hepublic authorities permitted a Norwegian frclfiliter, the SS Mais, to unload cargo at Alexandria, I'-gypt." The Mars hnrl been on Ihe Arab Boycott Office blacklist since 1!)J6 for previous trailing with Israel. Karlier, the same ship had been banned from Beirut in adherence to th<: anti-Israeli boycott.

M lloiislty Dinner to Welcome Ssilflalas .Tnclc R. Click, president of HIP C'hicaRO Coimeit of H'nai B'rjth, in his arlrlress here Wednesday nij.'ht, will extendf* a welcome to newf member.', inducted into n'n.iif U'riIll's H e n r y , Monsky Lodqe at fl a 7 p.m. dinner mccfine; at tho .Sheraton - Fonlenellc 'Hotel. A formal In-' ,• duct inn of new members w ill bo conducted by the Mr. <!lirlf Ijcjtrec Team of Ihe B'nai D'ritb Southwest nep;ional Council. The team is composed of Hy S, Slirier, its president; Moses F, ICaRan, lod;;e president; Harry DuBoff, cantor; Ernest Prlesman, accompanist; Joseph Hornslein, Isadorc Beirovicl and Karl Slcsel. Reservations for the dinner, ($1.50 "for members) may be made by calling Mr. ICngan 5510921 or Dr. Ben Kutlftr, first vice-president in charge of Ihe meeting, at 556-6121.

Ifyman Gerber will be the auctioneer.

lusie for teipigranSs Present MuSICSl

JOG Program Adds Via Muslcmobile, a ien's Exercise Class JICWIsrael—The deparlure in bringing music

A musical, "Sisterhood Cavalcade of. SOUK," will be presented by the Beth Israel Sisterhood at Us annual "donA men's exercise class hns been to immigrant settlements, bewail or" l u n c h e o n . added to the program of the operations feccnlly In the Ta'an- Tuesday,- FebruJewish Community Outer's ath- ach Region, cast of Haifa. ary 7 ''I 1 p. m V The unit eomprlsinf; motion in the synuRogue letic program, The class designed J to aid physical conditioning picture projector, loudspeaker social hall: Mrs through exercises, meets on and taped music equipment is Albert Sorkin has Tuesdays and Thursday.1; from all operated by one man, who been named genal.so leads community singing, c r a 1 chiilminn yi-"M p.m. to 1:TO p.m. The class opened with. IrVinf! conducts a music quiz, and drives with Jlmes. WilMalnshock, Norman Kips, lioh it along the narrow border roads. liam Poster, Sflm liakcr and James Robinson. The i;if t was made by an Amer- Rosenstein and Members arc invited to join ican family through the America- Jay C h a s e n as the workouts. For further infor- Isr.iel Cultural Foundation which co-chairmen. IMrs. Smiilo mation, call the Center Athletic .sponsors the project jointly with Mrs. Leltoy Stenlunil Is mutho Ministry of.-Education. 'department,. 3i2'12Ge>. sical director find Mines. LeRoy Canfield and Arthur l'arilnmn, program co-chairmen, Omaha Symphony to Appear With Mem.')crs °f 1'1C criSl- 'nc^'d'-' Mines. Hairy Siref, John Qulnii, Cantor Edgar at 25th Annual Concert Henry Appel, Pelinar Klein, HarThe annual concert of Jewish meeting this week, "This is the vey Qcrshcin,- In'inj; Babe.ulir, Music given by Cantor Aaron I. first time durin/; Cantor Kdgar's Rernard DcncnberK, Hyman Lubl-.'dgar and the Uctli I'A Syna- twenty-five years at Belli El niah, and Charles Frcdlcin. The luncheon is be'mfT plnnned f;aKue Choir will mark Its twen' Hint his annual concert, will be presented vvilh a full orchestral ty-filth year in a joint perform* program, rind for the first time by Mines. Mas Greenfield, I, J. Kraft, and Sidney Goldberg with mice with the-Omaha Symphony at the Joslyn Concert Hall." Mracs, KU Kagan, Marshall Katz Orchestra Jinder Ihe direction at The program will Include mu- 'arid II. S. Susnitm, working on Joseph Lcvlne at •Joslyn Museum sic, both sacred and secular, and 1 able decorations and Mrs, JulOmcert JJall, Sunday, February both traditional and modern. ius Bernstein, table setting. Ues20 at 8:30 p. m. Information regarding ticket crvatloiis may bo made with any of the chairmen. Baby sitting will Mrs' Fred Brodkfy, General sale mny foe.'obtained by be available. Clwirman, staled nt a 'committee the Beth El office, 553-3221.

iid yiiiss i'ustiiKC f'ald lit Om.Jlm Nilu

Jill, J«)«l

Mingle Copy 100 Annuul Hate S4



Reported • I'ari.'i (JTA)—A dossier showing- Moroccan noliec maltreatnienl of at least 2,0(10 Jews duriiig (be last fortnight was lianderl in Morocco to the country's; Crown Prince anii Foreign JVIini.sler, Moul/iy Hnssnu. The file, f;iv'-'» In a meeting, with Jewish leaders, to the Prince—known for his relatively liberal, pro-Jewish sentiment.s— showed that some ot the arrested were detained ami interrogated for 48 hours. Arrests Since Nasser's Visit Arrests of Moroccan .lews have continued systematically since the United Aral) Republic President Nasser nt tended African summit conference in Casablanca. Bolh children and elderly Jews have been imprisoned and beaten. Moroccan Jen;; were reported viewing the future with approhension. Some of the Casablanca



"A Book, an Egg and a Bell." a movie concerning the HadassahHebrew University Medical Cciitvv, will be shown at the noon Junclicon meeting of tlic Omaha Chapter oC Hadassah, V.'eilnesdnyat the Jewish 'Community Center. Paul Veret, Jewish Federation Executive Director, who was present at the medical center dedication in Israel last August, will give an "Eye-Witness Kcpovt" of the occasion. Another feature of the program will be a dramatic reading by Mrs. Norman Whitman. Medical center chairmen are Minos. William Alberts. Itobert Fcinncrfi, Huben Lipped and Julius Stein.

Jewish leaders u'ere reported! coiisidf.'jiiif; a proposal io organize a strong delegation to visit the Royal Palace at Itabal with a demand for an audience with King Molmmmwl V and a request for protection for the Jewish population. lietuws to Sign Keuort One positive development was the release of Kabbj M. Wrcchner, director of the Neve Chalom Yeshlva, a Swiss national, arrested along with a group of yeshiva students. Rabbi Wrecbner refused to sign a police declaration that he had not been ill-treated, and the Swiss eounsul reportedly planned to take the matter further. It was reliably reported that Rabbi Wrechner and the ten students were subjected to torture. According to London reports, "violent anti-Jewish outbursts" have broken in the Moroccan Press since the Price tragedy, in which M Jewish persons were drowned in (lie Mediterranean .seas. Zionists were accused of organizing illegal immigration to Israel by a paper, French Condemns Morocco The entire French press recalls with condemnation Morocco's restrictions against Jewish immigration, the country's discriminations against Jews In the Kingdom, and Morocco's cancellation of postal communications between Morocco and Israel under the pressure of the Arab League. French political circles and public opinion are particularly outraged by the communique issued last u-eelc, following the Price tragedy, by the Arab Mafire I) Press. In that announcement, the newspapers here point out, the Maghreb Press, "without a woixi of regret for the casualties, raises further the hostility against the M o r o c c a n Jeus against 'Zionism.' "

Grais2 Ssffifig for

43 Moroccan Jews Bound for Israel Die in Shipwreck

Tlie Beth El Synagogue social hall will be transformed Into a Mediterranean cruise setting with ports of call in France, Italy. Greece and Israel for the sisterhood's afternoon donor affair on Tuesday, January 31. Tho "cruise" theme will be carried out in tho dessert lunchcon menu and modeling of resort fashions. The program also will feature the awarding of week's stay for two jn a Tel Aviv, Israel hotel.mit Tlie donor com *eo consists ot Mrs. Robert E. Wagner, ways and means vice-president; and circle coordinators: Mines. Julius Altman, Morris Brick, Barton Grcenliei'S, Joseph I Iornstein, David 1'Jatt and Irving Schneiderman. .' All Beth El donors may bring a non Beth El member as n guest.

Paris, \WNS)—The 43 men, Women and children who died last week In a shipwreck off the Moroccan coast were Moroccan. Jews who sought to leave the country after having been interrogated by police authorities, It was declared by Francisco Morll)a, captain of the ship, now under arrest in Morocco on charges of violating the immigration laws. Morilla, tlie ship's clilcf engineer and n member of the crew were tho only survivors.' T I l n three were reported to Imve saved themselves by seizing the only reboat. At first Capiuin Morilla, a 38year-old Spaniard, insisted that the passengers on his ship were Israelis on a pleasure cruise. Under police questioning he was reported to have said that the passengers on his ship, which flew a Honduras flag, were "illegal" immigrants.

-'Should Senior Citizens Remarry?' Is Panel Topic "Should Senior Citizens Remarry" will be the topic of a panel discussion at the Golden ARC Club meeting on Monday January 23 at tlie Jewish Community Center. A dessert lunchcon -will be served at 12-.30 P. m. Tho program will be modern led by Solomon Brownstein, director

of the Jewish Federation's Fam. ily Service Department. Panelists will bo David Flancheclc, Benjamin Klaiman, Sam RivWri and Sam Zweriing. A social hour in the Senior Citizens Lounge will follow the meeting. The Golden Ago Club Is oosponsored by the National Council of Jewish Women and the Federation.






Mm i






QesalKng iastsiiie Heady for Israel Fublislied weekly oa Friday beginning the lai t week In Augu&t through second week hi July by the Jeuisb federation of Oiuaha, Second Class Postcje Paid ot Omaho, fktir. Annum Subscription, H.Gfl. Advertising ftafes en Applfcollcn. Publ.cotlan OIMcc-101 Ho. Mil) Slrctl. Omoho, llebr.. Ml 1K4.



Beth El Service January 21 Omsoi.Tiitum of new pupils of the Ilcth Kl Talmud Torah will take 'pliire ut Sabbath evening MTVICCS at




.lanmtry '21. Participants will be:

C'undlcliglitliiK, » t '>••<>'> V- ni.

B'NAI JACOB ADAS XKS1HJIION . Friilay. Mincha., 5 p.m. Saturday, 8:.'IO a. m. Mi lie ha, 5 p. m. followed by Sholosh SIMKICIS. Daily Kor\ices at. fi:.".O a. in. and 5:15 p. in. BETH r.'I> Sabbath services at F.clh HI Synagogue at 8:1.5 p . m . Itabbi Myor S, Kripke will dcliser the eeniion and Cantor Aaron I. •KdKar will direct 1 lie Belli Kl choir. Sabbath niorninc traditional ECrvire at S:.'iO a. in. Family .service at 30:.'i() a. in. Miurh.i-Mnniiv ot 5 p. in. .Sunday seruee al 0 a. in, and 'weekly services at 7 n. in. and 7 p. in. BKTII Habbi Uenjamiii fli-oncr. Cantor Kli Kni;nn and tlie lifth Israel Choir will eondiiel the late Friday sen-iees ai H p. in. t Kofcolas Shabbosl traditional services at 5 p. in. Khiibbos niorninK services at 8:45 a, m. Junior Con;yvi:.i!ion «t'10:15,'i. m. Kalibi Ci-oner will conduct the Talmud clnss .-it 4:1.") p. m. Sabbath Mincha" at 5:1.') p. in. followed by Sholosh Seudos end Alaariv at 0:05 p. in. Sunday morning .services at ft 0.' m. followed by breakfast and Rabbi's .class in bible. Sunday morning Junior Minyaii a I 8:,'30 c. m. followed by breakfast. JJaily «ir\ice.s at 7 a. m. and at 5:20 p". in. 3'KMI'I.B Jinbbi Sidney IF. Iliooks will officiate at. Friday Sahliatli services atToniple' Israel at 8:15 p. m. His sermon will-be on "A Man Who Tried-to Rewrite the Bible — Inspiration from a Srionlisl." Miss Ida fiitlin will conduct the Temple choir. Sabbath morning services for ndulls mid religious .school upper grades at ll:.'10 p. m. willi Iiahbi Urooks" officiating and .Mi.ss Gitlin leadinjj the school choir.

General Lasiiov OnilJATour New.York (,ITA)-Major General llaim Laskov who retired r e c e n t l y as Chief of Staff of Israel's ', Defense Force, and a former Omaha visitor, is making n month-long speaking tour in the United States for the United Jewish Ai>i>eal. ' He told newspaper men he was here "on a humanitarian mission —a joint endeavor with the American Jewish community to fulfill the hopes of thousands who are stmggling'to build new lives and-.to. contribute to the building of freedom."

Ear iifzvafi Ail friends anil relative* are Invited to attend services and jrcceptlpR. E filJSS Frederick Maurice (.JIIKS, son Of Mft and Mra. Barney Guss v/ill celebrate - his Bat ^Miizviih, .,,.'•'• Saturday, January 21 at 10 a. m. . " ; n t B'nai Jacob Adas Y<?shur6n JffiAKK ROSfANIK Mr. and Mrs. David Romanik 'Announce the Bat Mitzvah of their^dn, Mark Romanik on Saturday morning, January 28th a t Ecth El Synagogue, ;

Kuizeli Alperin, {.lien Dolt, Bruce Beinslten, Steven L:pslein, Jean haier Em bora Omi, Kostilin Guvi, Michelle Halprin. Kortn M'Lfe Jobtnii. frunYMr} Kcuman, Howard Kaplan, Mot ilyn Kut/, Joints Roseman. Irvin Blum Kin,- lorry Davis, June Diamond. Judith OuUjott, Honold Fellmun, Marilyn Forbes, Mare la For man, Kenneth Frtsttnwn. Dole Ctifb^r, Lcwrtnt* Gddtttom. HicVi Goodman, kuuffie Kcpinn, F-vtlyn Rfriutr Hie hard Rcflmon, Honey Rubotk, MtrHciel Sdiwarf/, Soil/ Simon, Bobby Wolljon. Sally Joe Cocpff, Pcnald rpstein, Gory Lewis, Jtxl Lewi*. Aniy Jo Wry tried, Joievh Mintz, Sharon tlooi. Howard Pcchman, Card Kadu/intr, Philip R'fh, Irvin Rodin, Hrien Ru*>triberqt Jay Sliukfrt, /.'.ark Singer, Thcn>(;* Mfirtberg. David Alloy, Lynn Btrnittln, Bnrry Ccha, f/.rrrytre Crundtll, Coil Ditmicnd Cecil/ Fi3*nb«ff), Morris frteCmcn, Barbara Goodmoil, Bruce Goodman, Oorcthy Gianaf, Goyle Wilder, Deborah Pr«<J, Junie Pkc, Byron Wdgfiisr, Kuan Wine. Bonnie Knplnn, Dorad* Kaplan. PaHl KinimH. Solly Lip^y, Steven Ucqo- Koren Pochmcm. Kufen Rlre, Gory Hlffcej, Ellen • Ro^en, Jtr&ltJ Saclolifcy. l.fort Sloan, Michael Meinberg Work Edward Truchtenbarg,

An invitation to the service and the rrcoption following, has licen «'xli>n<i<i*l to the community fll I:ji'K«"..hy parents of the youngsters lakiiiK part.

Farband to Meet Sunday at the Center The postpone! meMin^ of Karli;ind Poiilc '/.inn oris:ii>:illy schoilu!('(] for last Siimlay, uill lie hrlrl this Sunday, .lanuary 22. ;il V p.m. at thp.Insish ('ornimiiiily Cmlrr. JoM'pli Kmlinouslii will pii'sitlc, Jl.-ill Weiss, 111 •llllx'r (if Botll V.\ School staff, xvill spfalv on Hip fiirtietli annivci.sary of the Jli.sf.'Hlruf Movement, Mr. Weiss, a native of Haifa, Jsraf-I, is presently studying at the University <if Nebraska's Kusinrss Administration nrxidnate school. licfioslimeiils will he served by Mines. Jsailore Forbes »mi h'lliel l'Viw lim it/.

Deaths M.VY AltlHTMAN Funeral services were held .laniiary VI a t the Jcujsh Funeral Home for .Max Arbitman, 71, founder of the United Food Stores, now known as (he United A-C SI ores and was a member of its honrd until his retirement two years ago. Mr. Arbilman of 5405 Fr;mi;liii Street, died January 11. Jle iv;is a member of the board of governors of the Jewish Federation and a member of the board of commissioners of Beth Israel Synagogue1, Survivors are wifo, Dora; daughters, Mrs. Morris C. Fellnian, Oin.ilia nml Jlrs. Harry Allen, Denver, Colo.; three brothers mid-seven grandchild! en. Uurial was in Pleasant XJill G-'inetery, AIJK U'KISS Ciavi-siiie services WHO held last Friday at Beth Kl Cemetery for Abe Weiss, 79, of Houston, 'Vox., a former Omahan, who died January 10. Survivors '.are wife, Helen, Houston; daughters, .Mrs. Harold Brodkey, Omaha; Mrs • Mose Buck, Houston; four grandchildren and six great grandchildren. MltS. BESSIE HAMUELSON News has been received of the death, January 12 of Mrs. Bessie Samue.l.son, 80, of .Chicago, 111. mother of James Samuelson. .Surviving are two other tons, Howard and Hfinry of Chicago and three grandchildren. Services were held last Friday in Chicago. JAKE FELDMAN Services were held Sunday at Ihe' Jewish Funeral Home for Mrs. Jake.Feldman of 1815 North' 50-Street llabbi Benjamin'Groner of Beth Israel synagogue, officiated. Burial was in Golden Hill Cemetery. Surviving are husband, eons, Alfred of Minneapolis, Minn, end Maurice and four grandchildren.

Chicago, UTA) - The completion of the first mass-production type of machine for desalination by the Zarchin process lias been inmoimced by the Israel Government mid the Fairbanks Whitney Corporation of the United States, partners in the development nml testing of the Zarchin method. Alter tests in Beloit, Wisconsin, the process was termed "the most economical method of desalting known to date. The new machine will be installed in a plant to he built in Kilnt on the' Gulf of Akuba. Cround-breakinj; ceremonies »re tilated for early March. The plant may be operational by early ISfiZ The Israel 'Government and the American firm worked fORt-ther l.'i month* on the new process. Actual cost figures for water conversion were not ifvailable. It was said, that to be worthwhile, tlie ratio of capital and operating cost production should npproach one dollar per K),()00 gallons.

ieeting fo Discuss Civil Defense Plans Mrs. Dan Goidman will represent, the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs at Ihe initial organizational Chil Defense meeting, Thursday, January 21) at 2:,T0 p.m. at the Sheralon-Fontenelle Hotel. An informational program will be presented by Dean Xovcs, Regional Civil Defense Director, and two members of the Regional Civil Defense mobilization office in Denver. Colo., Mrs. Audrey Smith and Mrs. A. Marie Webb. Mrs. Goldman urged all women interested in civil defence at lit tend.

Ghana for Qfose Ties With Israel Despite Gonference Pledge Jerusalem, (JTA'j- President Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana assured Israel's Ambassador, Moshe Bitmi, at a meeting, that the close ties between his country ami Israel will be maintained despite the imli-Lsrael part of the Casablanca Declaration to which President Nkrumah was a signatory. The latter had expressed Israel's ."surprise and dismay" at the signing of the declaration by Ghana. Foreign Ministry circles here indicated that Rome of the explanations given by President Nkrumah for signing the declaration were "partly acceptable" but that a 'more specific reply to Israel's protest is expected to be given at a second meeting. Protests were made by Israel fo the governments of Mali iind Guinea which were among the signatories of the Casablanca Declaration adopted at the Arab "summit conference" which took p l a c e in Casablanca, Morocco, with Nassfti-'s participation/

Friday, January 20, JOfil

\\h the Home Folks F«<>1** and hdpprntne;* fit Tiie Or. Fhillu Mtfr JrtUhh Uimie for fiie A c r d b j David Orkow.

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Monilut, Jaiiu.irv 10: The I).i\e Major Tito tnteitamid our fnlUs at, an afternoon inusicalc, followed by our regular coffee hour. Tuesday, Juniiiiry ) " : Kalibi Sidney Brooks was our speaker this week. The residents look forward to these weekly rabbinical visits. Kalibi Meyer S. Kiipkc, ne.vt week. UVdnnttlay, January IS: Tour of Crossroads shopping center. TliurMluy, January 19: \risit. to Joslyn Art Museum. l->ld«y, January 20: Record concert. Saturday, January 21: Mr. nnd Mrs. Morton Ferer mid family will i;lve a Kiddush in memory of their beloved father and Krimdfalber, Sam Gilman. Comini; events: Hadassab proKiam on Wednesday, February 1st.

Dr. and Mrs. Norman Si(;el of Fresno, Cal., announce'the birlli on January 1'!, of their first child, whom they named Debra. Mrs. Sigel is tlie former Harriet K|>fclcin. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. l',en Sigel, OLtiiinwa, la. and Mr. jmd Mrs. Morris Kpslein. Air. and Mrs. James Ulanker announce tlie birth of a mm, Martin Stanley on January 14 at Clarkson Hospital. (jrandparents are Mr. nnd Mrs, L. Ulanker, liuenoa Aires, Argentina and Mr. and Mrs. Simon Gelbart.

Heed Photostats? CALL


THE WURGLB* CO. 313 So. 14lh

Omahansin News Tlie appointment of JIIIIIIB Xuvalf, nulomobilp firm executive, to the City Personnel Hoard was confirmed. Howard l_ \VVInl>cr(j, junior at Dartmouth college, Hanover, N. If., was one of two students, selected for n legislative internship by Ihe Citizenship Clenrinj; House of New York. He will spend the current winter term at Dartmouth studying the legislative process in New' Hampshire as well as interviewing prominent men active in the slate government'. Weinbert; will receive full course lycdlt for a paper covering his research. A government major, he is a member of staffs of both the student edited daily newspaper and the college year book and is active in the Jewish Life Council. He is a ia">8 Crntral High gradHate and is'the son of .Mr. and Mrs. Al J. WVIiilH-rg. Uruce T. Ilorwlch, son of My. nml Mrs. Samuel J. Hiiniieli will 'graduate on January 28 from the University of Omaha with a 1!. S. degree. He is associated with a Jewelry firm.


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Dr. Goldman Heads World Zionists Jemsnlem (WNS) —The 25th World Zionist. Congress concluded here With the re-election of Dr. Nahtim G«ldniann as president of the World Zionist Organization and with deferment of action on the composition of the next executive of the Jewish Agency.


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. C'f<-o Sur-dcy Ucill't:30 P.M.



Friday, January 20, JBC1


Center Library By Alfred Srjfal SHOULD Wi; TAKi; MAIU'IKK JN? •Some 50 years I've been a member of H'nai IJ'rith in <nii' town and I've been askinj; myself, xlmilld \ « liike tli;il in.in into our membership if he IIJ>piled (o join. 1 nu.';iii ;m apjilirant for IJ'ii:ii li'rilh meniberehip whose name iniKlil 1»' MaKiliif, or McCarthy, or, maybe, just .Smilh. Yes, Mdcuire wauls lo join us to help out ni;niti.sl I he <Icf.'iiii;ition which Jews have lo tsilte from others who call thcmsclve* 1 'Iti'istiaii. He liiiiisi'lf, « noble Christian, feels that he ran be of more effective liclp by joining with us in our Il'nai IVrith . . . tints to dhow how he iis Christina j;oes iiliiii^; townrrl jusficc- mid love for a people of .-mother religion.

He's everybody's. He's this Mr. M«i;uire's Father, too, and Mr. Miij.;uire himself seems sueli n fine brother of •ours, even thoujjli he isn't. Jewish.

HOOKS THK KKCONI) (.'HUCIKIXION, Maurice Samuel. 'J'AKKN AT THK FLOOD, John (iunther. TJIB TF.NTJI MAN*, faddy ("lia yev.siiy.

'•Hi- eiiineK l» our dixir to be let 111 . . . os that lie may he. of Kom« help to ii*i In our troulilen. liKCOIEUS And what fchitll we do iiliout him? AMF.RICA. AN KI'K.'KIIAP. . . till* fine lirotlier lie of thn rather few In til" world viho SODY, Krnesl. ISIoch. ( M I O C O F . A T K COVKUKD u it d *> r s t it n <l fliat. hrotherlMMiil iliirMi't mean pe»pln who lire nil 'MAT/OHS, Herschel Hernai'di. of ihv h:tm» ftetnil or tile Hunifl MARTHA SCHI.AMMK AT eliurdi or the I,:IIIIH l»d|;e. TOWN IIAI.I.. "So. vvlial are we uoinj; to do nboiil iellinj; Mr. Mai;uire into the covenant," this I-odjce I mean. "If you vote lo accept him, A course in Junior I.ife-snvlng I have a M|teccli ready to speak fenrollecs must, be 12 years or lo him . . . "Welcome, brother Mat;uire. We welcome not. only oxen, offered by the Douglas your i;ood nclf lint also all other County Red Cross at, the Jewish brothers who know' their kind us Community Center, will begin HVII, Iliafit Mr, MiiKiiIrn for brothers, no mailer of what re- Monday, January l!0, Robert J. y<iii , w / a n d hlioiilil we. ta1c<; him ligious creed they are, (Tome .Meyer, Red Cross Water Safety into our li'nal ll'rllli lodge . , . right In Mr. Mai;uire to join us Director, said. to lie a hrutlirr <if mils? in our dedication to brullierly The'Course, which is free, will 1 conic to these imaginative doings in this awful world." be held from seven to 10 p. in. —meditations ii|ion reading in the I panne ill my hpeeell to tUe on five consecutive Mondays. Art/one IJos( of Tucson Hint TucJoseph Mlcek, Center Aquatic con's Ii'nni U'rilh recently tnrircd U'niil ICrith l.oil;;e . . . then I Director, will head (lie Instrucdown n non-Jew who .'ipplii'd for aik thn niemlierK: "Ilim're you tors. Tlio.se interested are nsked membership. Jle wanted to help goln^ to \olf^ (in .Mr, Mnguirc? to call the Red Cross office, 311bill in B'nai Jl'iilh anli-dcfaiiia- . . . lo lei him in or to turn him' 2T>:\. mviiy at the dour . . . to Nay, 'Ret tillll Campaign. away, please, Mr, Ma^ulre. ^\'« The sessions will include InThe Arizona Post's editor have no room fur you here.' " struction in rescue holds and recouldn't approve of this and s.'iid Tile members net inlo hot dis- lease of holds and instruction in so editorially: "When a non-Jew artificial respiration methods. wants to join Jl'ii.ii li'rilli to uid cussion: Mr. Alepli says: "No! 111 the [i;;hl against discriin'uia- Afler all, this Maguire is a goy, titin, he finds it difficult to tin— even though he'll never lie seen dcr.slaiiil why lie is 'discriminat- in ii schii). I'ut how does that ed' against. We don't want B'nai mailer if a .member is a genuine IVrith to cast aside its Jewish brother of ours? That's the main VOr.N'U JtWAICANS' practices . . . We merely |xilnt Ihintr. and what's the difference ACTIVITIKS Young Jiidaean. croups will out this' paradox to provoke if he'll never lie in scliid? How thought, on tin1 most important many of us really arc seen reg- meet Sunday, January 72 at. 2 p. m. at the Jewish Community subject, of the future of Amer- ularly in sehiil?" So the argument, runs along Center. ican Judaism." through the evening. Then Mr. Sixth grade Jays, nfler an Ho, prompted l i y l l i e Arl/utia I'usl, I come to Ilir hlc:i nf may- Dnled, raps the gavel: "(Jenlle- election of officers, wili hold an Israeli dance session. .Seventh lic a. m:in ii:inicd Magidrr or liien, it's lime for the vote." We vole a majority lo let Mr. graders will hold a fun-raising McCarthy, elr., who applies to Join llw ll'nnl li'rilh or unr Magire in among us. I go to the. hake sale. Kighlii graders will distown. AN nit old* old inciiiber of door where Mr. Maguire u a s cuss the Israeli Scouting movetlie lodge, I'm expected to speak waiting: "Welcome, Air. Ma- ment. up one tvuy or nniiflicr . . . guire, come right in" . . . and I ivhellier to let. .Mr. M.i|;iilr« In or deliver to him the speech 1 quoted 'rio ri-A.vs n.\nr)vabove. to ket-p him out'.' n,\t <;iiTi;it I»INNI;IC DANCI: Itohniiiie HI5G will hold its an.So 1 i;et up and speak before nual Daddy-Daugliler-Di n n e r the I-odne: "My brothers of Dance, February 18 at. tlie FireB'lial ll'rith, which means Sons side restaurant. A skit and dancof the Covenant. What does it ing will follow the dinner. Helen*: mean to be a Son of theCoveJerusalem <JTA> — Foreign Ruback Is chairman, nant? Hrolhcrs, as I see It, Covenant means all of us net- Minisliy circles here expressed The group will meet on Sunting together . . , a union be- regret over-the resignation of day, January 2'.). tween God and us who're all Ogden ft. Iteid from his post as brothers together. He's our United Stales Ambassador. Am- A'/.A NO. I KI.KCTS bassador Reid was lauded here OWH.'KKS father. for having earned the 'respect Arnold Manvit/ w a s . ele(!ted "And you know, fellows, we ns and affection of the Israeli peoJews nren't exclusive brolhera ple who parliclarly appreciated Alepli Cadol of Mother Chapter nnd God in not only Our Fallier. the fact that both lie and Mrs. of A.Z.A. No. 1. Other officers are (Jary I'arilman, Alepli S'gan; Ilv'ul learned to speak Hebrew, Haroid Schneiiler, Alepli Mn/.kir; Mil Washington, President F.i- Mark Goldstrom, Alepli' Cishor; tc.nhower expressed "great, per- ("ordon Ra/erson, Schotare Gasonal regret" over Ambassador dol; Lawrence Kirke, Alepli SchoIteid's resignation and said that tare Kotone; Harry Friedman, Announcement has been re- both lie mid Mrs.'ltcid had repre- William Ginsburg, Alepli Shoceived here of the engagement sented tlie l,'niled Slates with phars; Marvin Klrke and Robert of Miss ICIennor Hollander Breitel distinction,) Kriedinan, founder's day chairof New York City, lo William D. liieih Zahcl, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. I.oi|is J. Zabel of Sioux Kails, S.O., nnd IlKVItAII HOr.DS j;raiulr,ou of Mrs. Benjamin HAVKACK m m : Jtothenberg of Omaha. His mothIn charge of the Hayrack parer is the former Anne ItollienWashington (JTA) — Israel bffi'K of this city. Ambassador Avraham Hnrman ty given by Hevrali 1JB(>, weie The bride-to-be is (lie daughter said, after talking with Secre- Francee Rife, over-all chairman, fif Charles D. Kreitel, Associate tary of State Christian Herler, assisted by Diaiie Halpeiin and Justice of the Appellate Division, that lie saw no reason why the Nancy Frileck. The group gath.Supreme Court in the First Israel atomic energy program ered at the home of Darhani HcrJudicial Department of the stale would figure further in cun-ent zog after the ride. of,New York nnd Mrs. Ureitel news. Of New York. Mr. Harniau said that he Miss Iireilel, n graduate of the touched on the Israel atomic University of Michigan, at Ann energy program in his report lo Phone Hi 1M4 to Inicrl your Wotil Ad ll Arbor, is in her first jK-ir at the Secretary on Israel's prog- tli» Jftvlih Press. Iliirvard I-aw School, Cambridge, ress and again conveyed the poDaily .ICWIKII 1'apers Mass. sition that the program is and It Alt and Has Mlt/.vali "congratuwill be directed lo peaceful uses. Her fiance is in his third year lations also for all Jewish holint the Harvard Law School and Mr. Harman said he felt that days and special occasions. in nn instructor In the humanities hummed it up. Meyers News .Stand, JS02 iJodge department of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He was NEW YORK KKPOHTS MOKE Sat. Kvc.Post; 62 Wks.... .$ 4.95 Uradtmtcd sumtnn cum Inude In JKW1SH MAY SCHOOLS Fortune, 38 Mos 11.75 3058 from Princeton nnd as part New York, (JTA)—Knrollnicnt IJfe, 70 Wks. 7.0O «f his work there, studied in in Jewish day schools has in- Time, 78 Wks. 7.87 Jyondon In preparing n thesis oit creased jn Greater New York by. Esquire,.8 Mos. 2.00 the British Conservative Party. 36 per cent 'during the year Renders DlRest, 11 Mos. . . 1.87 Mr. Zabel will be associated 1059-60, while thero was n de- Journal, 22 Mos 3.87 with B New York law firm after cline of six per cent in Afternoon To take advantage of these and tic receives hli Inw degree in schools and 12 per cent in Sun- Mnny Other Specials, Call Elsie day tchools. June. Horwlch 551-3957 or 341-91C8.

Junior Life-Saving Course fs Offered

Reid Resigns As Ambassador

Grandson of Omafiaii Will Wed Easterner


Organizations niCSSKRT I.IJ.N(;iiKOiV 1 O H BOAitD MKBTIN4J Henry Monsky C/hapter of B'nai B'rith will h«vo a dessert luncheon at 32:30 ;>. m., Thursday, January 2(> at, I lie home of Mrs. Kate Gitnlck, IClfi North TiH Street. Mrs. Delmar Klein will be co-host ess. * * * The dinner meeting program of (lie }]ii.sincs<i nnd Professional Women's group of Hadassah, Wednesday, January 25 will include a Medical Center program by Mrs-. Abe Mozcr, its chairman. Tlie meeting will lie held nt. 6 p. in. at the Jewish Community Center. A movie on medical research at the new Hadassah Medical C'enU-r in Israel, "A Hook, an Egg and a Hell" will Iw shown. Reservations may be made with Miss Myrtle Freeman, dinner chairman, 345-0212 or Mrs. Julius Newman, 345-06.')9. Jt'IONKKrt WOMKN'N 1.IINCIIKON JAN. 2i An Israel movie will be shown nt. I lie regular monthly luncheon meeting of (he Pioneer Women's organization, Tuesday, January 24 at 12:.'!0 p. rn. nt the Jewish Community Center. Donor luncheon plans will be discussed. »


WOIiKMKN'H (.'IKCLi? I-'AMIKY NKT ltA/AAU IIATK The Workmen's Circle Family llave named Sunday, February 19 as the dale of the annual |ja-. zaar nt Hie Labor r.yceuni. All kinds of merchandise and groceries will he-availjihlp as well as (i menu of special items to be served at. the affair. Proceeds of the. bazaar which will IK; held from noon until midnight, will IK- used for the organization's adopted children in Israel. Further information may l>o obtained liy calling the chairmen. Mrs. Max Crounse, :MI-fii:i7 or Mrs. Sarah Schwartz, MViZIM CKKW. ItESCllKS V.t (illKKK SKAMKM \V'ashiri|;<on 'JTA) — l.'niled S'talrs Coast Guard KOUITCK reJHii'K-ii today (h.-it. tlie Zim-Israel uliip, the D.-igan, figured in a dramatic rescue of the 20-man crew of a Gix'ek tanker 3G0 miles soulliea.st of Sati Juan, Puerto Rico.

4980. Mrs. Louis Wilkin, 34636I.'l is solicitation committee chairman. •

OMAHA HOSPITAL • VKTS WILL BK KNTEUTAINKO Tlie Council Bluffs Chapter of Hadassah will entertain veterans nt the Veterans Administration Hospital in Omaha on Thursday, January 26 at 2 p. m. In charge is a committee headed by Mrs. J. J. Brown, assisted by tlie Mines. Saul Suvalsky, Ruduipli Srlo nnd George Kratne. *


SPBAKKR TO DISCUSS WILLS AND TKL'STS John Cockie of the Omaha National Hank, will be guest speaker at the "lecture and talk" session of Uie National Council of Jewish Women. The meeting will tie held Tuesday, January 24 fit 1 p. m. nt the home of Mrs. Seymour Abrams, (j.109 Glemvood Hoad. Mr. Cockie will talk on wills nnd trusts and lead a discussion on tlie topic.

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First Golf Course Gift to Israel


Bible Study Just History Course for Israel Youth

Tel Aviv, (JTA i--The liuthschilds of l.!ritain and France prefrom which they learn much of By Anit.'i Kngle1 sented Israel wilh it;, first ;.:olf tlieir literature, Thus nothing forIt isn't hard to discover that eign K Imposed on them. It Is :i course, a 100-aere course costiir; most people who write about Sa$560,000, near Cac:;aria. A large living part of their lungiwfrc and bi as-Israeli youn,",.iters— have a audienco of diplomats <u\t] Israeli strom; partisan belief that they are their country. My children weie broii;;hl up in leaders watched Lord Kothschild, (iilli.-ient from all other yoimo the lo«ely \ilta!;e of Kiryal Arnal the CamurKk'o biologist, inaugu- .slers. Not only ju:;t different, but in Lower Galilee. Mt. Canned rate tlie cour.'.c with a 17,"-yanl — because of their plienomenal na- stretched across the ::l:y line, in full view, the hir;li point from drive. Abba Khan, Israel's Edu- tional feats-butter as well. As a matter of fact, Isiacli which the Prophet Klijah called cation Minister, slict-il his ball youngsters are different from down fire to confound the false' into the rough. yoititn people everywhere ol.se in prophets of liaal. One thousand spectators saw the worlfl. Not because they're All around us were the remSam Snead of the United .States braver, more independent or more nants of lh" oak forests of Bibliwin in a game with Britain's patriotic. It would be hard to cal times. This I.-; a special oak, Harry Weetman. liaron Edmund prove that the younr; people of called the Holy Oak, and it has tie Rothschild of Paris presented other countries would not behave varieties of enchanting acorns. I the clul) key to Mr. '-.'ban. The as the Israeli youth have dom:, kept looking in the Bible for some idea of the course originated :H under the same circumstances. reference to this oak. At last I was a tourist attraction. Wliat mains ilicin a unique, and thrilled to lind that Absalom was r:ithrr special product in today's killed when he look shelter in an BKLUIL'M I.ITKKAKY AUAIil) world is dm1 to one thing. That is oak forest. II you remember, his xo FOKMI-:K \\Aii I'ltisoNo: thrlr study «f tin- Bible. The 15il>Io long hair not caught up in the Brussels (WN.S) — Belgium's Is taUKlit in every school 111 the branches. This was in the mountop literary award, the Victor country as a Miljjccl. Israeli cliil- tains of Ephrahn. The mountains Rossel prize for literature, was drcn lirt;ln their study officially ofi Ephraim were not far from awarded to Victor Mizrachi, a from <!rade 2, arid they continue where we lived, and these special former prisoner of war in Ger- until they leave liiqli school. The oaks also grew there. many and now a library em- liilile is the IxioU from uliicli tlii'.v That was enough for ine. I usi d ployee at the University of Brus- learn the history of their pcaplu to show nil our visitors these fasiiiul their land, :itid it Is the hook cinating acorns, and tell them niv sels. wonderful cliKeovcry. One day niv Iioys were In Hie room when I wan telling this story to a visitor from abroad. David, my youngest, who wits 8 years elil thru, sudden]\ piped up umi halil, "Why .hat'B tint llchlcU . true, Mummy!" We produced our English-He23-3, verdict over I-Go-Van for Basketball League their third straight victory. John brew Bible, and we found that we VAKSITV Ruben and Mark Wolpa led tin- were both right. According to the Micklin Lumber surged into a attack with ten and seven points English version, the tree that Abtwo Same lead and two more ex- respectively. salom got caught in was oak.' Oak citing games featured the Varsity in Hebrew is "alon." According to Standings league action, Wednesday, JanXV I. the Hebrew text, which i.s, of uary 11, at the J.C.C. gymnasium. Richman-Gorduian .''. 0 course, the original version, the The opener found a determined Slosbur;; 2 1 tree was an "aylah." Mogen-David team with the ad- I-Go-Van "But what's an aylah?" I asked 1 2 dition of Jack Stiss playing its' Trutiak ...' "I'll show you," .said Da 'id, and 0 3 finest game of the year, almost off he ran to the woods at the back Sunday, Jan. 22 knocking off league-leading Mick2:15 p.m.—Itichman-Gordman of the house. lie came running lin Lumber. However the winners vs. Tretiak. 3 p.m.—Slosburg vs. back with a spicy smelling branch pulled.it out in the final minutes of a tree which I knew very well I-Co-Van. behind the sharp-shooting of by sight, but had never heard it •HI! AND 8TII CICADIC Steve Priborsky for a G'J-57 called by name. We? looked up it s Philips made its first victory English name in the dictionary Victory. Priborsky pumped in 27 points of the season behind the driving The tree that poor Absalom got while Ed Belgrade and Joe Kir- lay-up shot of lion Wolpa in the caught in was not the onk, but the shenbaum had 20 and 17 respec- final ten seconds to lead his terebinth tree. That Is the sanu' team to a 23-21 thrilling win over tree that Saul, the-first king of tively for the losers. The nightcap tilt saw Milder Kaiman. Tom Rosen came out of Israel, sat under when he held Ins 011 get back in the win column a mad scramble, picked up the court. And here it was, growing by edging R.C. Cola 47-4G, in a ball and tossed it to Wolpa for in our back yard, just like uny wild finish with the winners play- the game winning tally. Wolpa's ordinary tree! It is not surprising to find ing the filial three minutes wilh 13 points led both teams. The nightcap tilt saw unde- youngsters in elementary schools Just four players... feated Borshein's rack up their In Israel ivlm are more at home in : R.C. Cola made only 12 out of 26 charity tosses compared to 9 third straight win in downing the Iilhle than many people wl>» Gerelick 41-14. David Jacohson have sweated to get Un!vCTHit\ for 15 by the winners to tell Hie was just too much height for the degrees In tlw Miltjert In otlii r tale of the game. losers. He controlled both hoards, countries. Standings blocked numerous shots nnd Gingy was one of the volunteei •• XV h dumped in 23 points. who took part in the famous exMicklin 6 1 Standings pedition to the Judean Descit R.C. Cola 4 3 W I. when Prof. Yadin found the Bar Milder 4 3 ; 3 0 Kochba letters. This stalky, redMogen-David 0 7 Borshein's Kaiman 1 2 headed little chap showed such Wednesday, Jan. 25 1 2 phenomenal strength in shifting 7:30 p.m.—R.C. Cola vs. Mogen- Gerelick X 2 boulders about in the cave, they David, 8:30 p.m.—Milder Oil vs. Philips nicknamed him "The Human BullMicklin Lumber. Sunday, Jan. 22 l'OUTH COUNCIL 4 p.m.—Gerelick vs. Kaiman. dozer." When they found the first scrap of parchment scrool with n Rayim continued Its path lo 5 p.m.—Philips vs. Borshcim. few words written on it in ancient an unbeaten youth council cam- SHOTS IN TUB DARK . . . paign with a 66-25 triumph over J.C.C. basketball program rec- Hebrew, Prof, Yadin hadn't time A.Z.A. 1000 and A.Z.A. 100, con- ords show that 219 members are to whip out his concordance, lo tinuing to improve raced past active in the Center leagues. A check its Bourse, when Gingy called A.Z.A. 1, 44-28, in league play last breakdown in league figures indi- out "Psalms," another youth called Sunday. cate the following numlx?rs In- out "Number 15," and both of Steve Guss tallied 22 poinls volved: Iddy-Biddy, 53; Midgets, them recited the missing passage > • for Rayim while Bob Stein with 73; Youth Council, 47; and Var- to the end. Docs their study of the BIWo four baskets in the third quar- sity, 46 . . . Spectator attendance ter led the A.Z.A. 100 team. Stein is also on the rise, especially in mnkn Ihraell children nny nmro ended with 14 points for the Midget play when parents come religious, or even liettcr Iwhavcd? g a m e . • . . • - • in large numbers to the Jay each It's rather hard tn Nay. Rut studyStandings Sunday afternoon to view their Ing at the font of the world's ' W I, sons in action . . .In our last ethics cannot help but leave some Rayim <• . 5 0 "shots in the dark" column, we Impression, although I must adA.Z.A. 100 2 3 mentioned a half dozen Jewish mit it was more noticeable in my A.Z.A. 1000 2 3 boys who are playing for school boys during their early .yearn at A.Z.A. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 4 basketball teams. V/c omittod Sunday, Jan. 22 Earry Zoob, a standout in the 11 a.m.—A.Z.A. 1 vs. Rayim. Midget^ league, who is also play- NEW METHOD FOB 12 noon—A.Z.A. 1000 vs. A.Z.A. ing on his junior high school IIKAKT DIAGNOSIS Jerusalem (JTA) — A new team. 100. ' Da:1 Fogel took his Center method of diagnosing complicated CTII AND fiTII GHADK . . Little Dickie Slosburg. scored gymnastics class to Lincoln on cases of heart ailments has been on a foul shot and then inter- Saturday, December 17 to see the developed at the Hebrew Unicepted a pass, all in the final Nebraska- Kansas gymnastics versity-Hada,ssah Medical Cenminute of play to lead Slosburg's meet. Prior to the meet a class ter. The method, developed by to a 9-8, win over Trclialc in a performance was judged by pro- Professor Fritz Dreyfuss, emreal well played game for begin- fessional judges at the Coliseum ploys very small amounts of ning 5th and 6th graders. The which added some nice experience radioactive iodine as tracers to ,win boosted Slosburg to second to the group. Making the trip detect and diagnose heart Inwere Sharon Llntzman, Dorcne fracts that cannot he reliably place, in the standings. : The second game saw powerful Kraft, Leanne Kraft, Arnie Man- traced through usual clinical tests. lUchman-Gordman case into a yitz and Dan Fogel.

Friday, January SO, 1961 N.J. IIOMK FOB AOICD I'LANS $1,750,000 AUDITION Jersey City, N.J., (JTA) — More than 51,100,000 has been raised in the 51,750,000 campaign to build a four-story 150-hed addition to the Hebrew Home and Hospital of New Jersey.


SIDNEY SALANT s.in I'AIIK A\T:., x. Y. n , N". y.

\Vy r\



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