. t'ubilculion orrite. 10] No 2tnti
Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged (The Dr. Philip Sher H o m e for t h e Af;ed l i r k n o u l r d ^ i ' s the following niemori;ilLi ami donation;;.)
In Memory of
Messrs. and Mine*. Arthur A. Crrfm, Wilton Yml-Kon, Urncjt A. Noag, POJJ Vertt. foul Mips, tJi;llion t , Pirn--; Howard C. Lorv-n family, I'out A Ruuth, Dr. and Wrv. A. A. Molnberg, Mr. end //.rs. f*at;l Vcrct Mulsri. odd /Ames. Sam ftathctil/Cffj, t.inor f'elerion (Council Uluifs), A H. Corle/, (Jfjvicl Orfow, Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Stcinlxxn, r-vfflyn K, llurci, //.rs. Alice Dufjrfulc, W. f ; . Mat-on (Charles City, la.) //c^sri ond Mines. Pant Verel, IjotJorr f Jewili, Local fJo. I I , Notional ^cdcrullcri of FJo'>t Office? Clerks Messrs. and Mnw1. Milton VutMson. David Orkow Messrs. end Mm*v Frederick. A. Brown, Harry H. Foulks, Jr., Jemmr ('. G'O'.imun, Louis P. GrutntJier, Jonic* f-'. Green, Louj* A- Sfrninora, Jotiri V 'lomo. fiernord L:. Vinnrdl, Joseph J. Vf.Kirdi, Bciifmnin M. Wall, Miss Rila Jones, Armendo Ferrari
Archie KoviOt -Mis. Sura Works M<i rtth«r MaltnhocK Wrs. Besiie Fi'.tmimi . . . . M r s , Rebecca Coh-.-n
John Robinson (Norfolk, tirht.i
M t i i r t . and M m « . MHIon Vuddson, Puul Vrrct, tArt. Leonard Klein ...,,...., Mo* Artjitmun //r_ ond Mrs. Poul Vert* Mrs. 7lrw Feldman, fi.be We!'.? Dr. ond Mrv A A. Sffi'ibrrg M r i . HMa Shapiro. Sam Allsulcr, Dr. Hcrmon Johr, Moe Llmmon, Mrs, ROM? FogcL Mr*. Soro Johnson. Mrs. Soruti Cohen
In Honor of
Mr. awl lAt% Harold ChTniork, t.'.r. ond Mrs. Ro'jrrt Koopcr Mr. ond Mrs. MIMon Maloshoefc
BOth birthday, Abe Goldstein llSlh weddino emnlvrnor/. Mr. Mr*. Melvin Plotkin recovery of Mrs. Marie Ctsasser recover f of MHda K unwell, Moe Venger Bei Soshnlk, M r i . Zeldo Mulnlk
Mri. William-Bogdonoff Dr, ond Mr* A, A. Slclnhrrg , Mr. ond Mrs. Juilt/i Kuntk (lowo Cily, la.I
Synaqoaue Donations Mes'.M. diWi Mmr*. Alj« GoldMetn, Lou Sombcu. Herman Gofdilem Mrj, Ben Hondler Mlti EtthT (-:. Fairr" (Baltimore t/.iS ) , Lw<i Kanfon
Yohrarefl.of I.or .Chopmon Yphrifit of father. Plnht/i Cliolkfn YghrieU ot Som FoJcr
Special Contributions Mr. La/tcr Kovtfh wheelchair. In memory ot lalher, Archie Kavich /Jlr, l/jl^ /Iromon whKki'y Estate of M r i Anna ll.lf, fiiate nf Fugrnr W Blazer, Oovld D. V/elnberg, Ephrolm L. Mnrki. lien I. Seldln
t^-. .^,; - :: .,: r -.•• r-. A •.••-••-.•.
;;; • . ; : ; v ; ; : . : r v ^ - ^ C ? ¥ ^ ^ ^ ; : : * ^ !
Arabs Threaten
Israel Would Share Water ''Ncv^Yorlc (JTAi--I«rarl will !«• hnppy lo (ihin'c the ri'siills-of its of foils for ili;;:iliini: sea «,-itrr wllli its Arab ncinlilioi.s, I>r. liiny.'imln Kli/iv, Israel's Consul GciK'i'ul in Xi'w Viu'l;, ilecliinfl lici'C (il ;i liuidicim. Dr. Kliiiv cilrd Hit1 clostilifvilion pi"<>;;r.'im as ono of I wo major (icvclopmculs In Israel in comlialiin:.shmiaKi-s of walfr in Israel, The oilier, Im Mild, wns III'' .Jordan Itivrr divfrsion project to bring water for irriRalion in I he parched Nrjjov. Tlio And) IJ';I|,MII' KOIci(,'n Min-
IstciTi will meet in Cairo, Jannary .'10, .'ircordint; to Cairo dispatches received in Ijmdon, to consider a report on "milit/uy measures" against Israel if the Israelis divert the waters of the
Jordan River. The Foreign Ministers will plan new military Jind economic strategy against Isniel. A j'eport on "military measures" ni;ainst Isnifl was prepared, it w;i<i announced.
R^ckover Receives FJavy's Top Award firolon, Conn. (JTA) — ViceAdmiral Hyman ('. liicltover, who forced 1hrou[;li the development, and building of <he Navy's first nuclear-power submarine, . was auarded the Navy's highest peace-time award, the Distinguished Service modal. The. award was presented on the derlt of lh(? Nautilus, the first nuclear submarine.
Native Newspaper Asserts Jews No Longer Moroccans Jerusalem (WN.S1 ••- Because "their one aim is lo leave Morocco," Jews ought nt) longer lo be considered Moroccans, ticcording to reports in Paris from a flnjirmeni. In an editorial by Al Kajr, Moroccan government paper. "I'Vjir .-mil Iiiwriirlly" Declaring that "fear and insecurity, physical and .spiritual, pervades the atmosphere among tho qunrtcT million Jews in Morocco," Foreign Minister Golda Melr told the Knesset "it was not surprising that tliey try to escape with their lives to Israel." She sairl the "rulers of Morocco bear n heavy responsibility" for the sea tragedy in which forty-three Jewish nfcn, women and children were drowned recently. "They escaped," she said, "with full awareness of the dangein awaltiiifj them but the Moroccan authorities left them with no other alternatives." "Dmlm Kxlt of Jews" By denying exit of Jews to |oin Iheir families in Israel, nnd by banning of postal and telegraphic communications with Israel, Mrs. Meir, asserted, Morocco was contravening its formal obligations' to the United Na-
lions with regard to civic rights fni" all citizens. • In 1.01111011, press reports said tlie recent Arab-African summit conference In Casablanca and the presence of President Nasser there have contributed to the worsening of the Jewish situation. Alltl-Ieulsh Munlfestalliins It was also reported that some .'100 Jewish wholesalers were in a desperate situation as the reHUH of a boycott and that as it .spreads, it is feared, it may be attended by increased anti-Jewish manifestations in Morocco. In West Germany, tho Frankfurter Allgcmelne Zeltung, a daily, said Morocco "may consider the problem a political one, hut, outside the Arab world, only principles of humanity should be applied."
Israel's First lofel 8s Opened at lilat Israel—The country's first motel, the 2-l-room Troplcana has been officially opened at Ki' The motel is 'air-conditioned serves -kosher food. Parking s, i navailable for each room.
le I'uid at Umuhu Neln
J>7, J!)Ul
IVhal Does Senior ige
filean So Retired'^ 'J'lie Senior Citizen's l.otingi (iieaiii opportunity lor guid mice In making ttie later years fruitful and •.atlhl.vilig li.v learning, sharing anil helping * .• * l.iiniige Open IOvir> .tltmila.v .Iruisli ( on: in mi i I v ( e n t e r from 10 A. M. to :i I'. M. Activities, I'llll, Ueereatimi IMovlcs, Kllile class. Snelals fur Senior < i t i / i n s
Religious Rights Unit Proposed rnllril Nations, N. Y. (JTA) — A propoKiil tviiK miMle tiere that tin- I'liltcil Nntions form n IOIIIiinssinn on religlmis rights which woulil he nii[iowereit to recehu eumphiliits mill prolie into religious discriminations everywhere in the wnr!<l. T h e proposal was mafic by !>r. Isaac Lewin, UN representative of the Agudas Israel World Organization, in an address to the UN Knhr.ommissii.m-on Prevention of Discrimination and I'rot'^ction of Minorities, IJlie inaiiy of I In- Aineilian r<>iiiuils*.i»iis against (V.sri imlnaI'IHI, ho said, such n I!N (•(inunis•><IIII woulil. nfler Investigating eYirges of religious illscrliuiiiiillon iigalnst govcrnnients, Intervene ivitli tlicise governments mill try to rei'onelliate the dlffereneis hetween ttie governments conrrrunl nail the complainants. The Kubcommissioti tool; no Immediate action on Dr. I.ewin's proposal. Hill the suggestion was placed in the group's records, and could he brought up any time for possible implementation by any one of the 12 members of the suhcommission. The group is a subsidiary of the UN Commission on Human Rights.
.Slncie Uopy |0c Annuui ttutt $4
is nearly eonjplet\^' . the I'arenl's Discussion series on "Living with the New Adoleseent" spoiroied by the Jewish Fedei.i _*" ^,, ticjii Family s e n - ' ice Department The series geaied for parents of children, ages 12 lo \\ years, will si / hold its f i r s t meeting, Monday night, Februaij (i. at 8:.'!0 p. m at the Jewish Community C'en ter. and will con-
t Mr
,MJ*->-~ " • *
- Brownstrln
thine lo meet al the same hour nil the next three ronseetiliw
Prayer by Or. iteesek Washington (JTA) - - John Fit/gerald Kennedy invoiced tile Hebrew prophets in his inaugural address as ."..")th President of the United States. In an appeal for world peace, he said: "Let Imlh sides unite to heed in all corners of the earth the command of Isaiah . . . to 'undo the heavy burdens . . . (amli let the oppressed go free.' " One of the three clergymen officiating at. the inaugural ceremony was Dr. Nelson Glued;, President of the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. He asked the Lord's blessing "upon our President and all associated with him in our government, which we the people have .set in authority upon everyone and everything dear and precious to him and us."
Mondays. Yale Richards, Family Service director, stated. Register yoiv Lou Katz, Family Life Kducation Chairman, urged interested parents to enroll immediately before Hie class is closed, and revealed thai p a r e n t s looked forward to an opportunity for discussions with others. Kach session will open with a presentation of first-hand information concerned with adolescent-parent problems and possible solutions by Solomon Brownstein, Federation Family Service Director, and will be followed by informal discussion. Those who have registered for the class have expressed interest in beginning dating, helping a child adjust to physical changes, chalices in parent-discipline, question of late hours and other related topics. Hooks lii Library : A list of hooks pertaining to these and other subjects, have been mailed to registrants and are available al the Center Library. Reservations may he made by calling Mr. Urownstein, al Ti42].">(')(). There will he a fee of $2 per person.
Unclaimed Funds To Finance Homes For Nazi Victims New York (JTA)—Funds from the sale of unclaimed Jewish property in Germany will be used to finance construction of a .$2,267,67.8 statc-ai£ed apartment building project here primarily for victims of Nazi persecution. The 135-family, 12-story apartment building will l>e built in suburban Queens. Tenant priority will be given to aged victims of such persecution.
U. S. Grant for Yiddish Project
ister of Policc-P.ehor Shitreel, said he would not serve because his "views are well known." He New York (JTA)—The Na- _ was a member of the Cabinet's lional Science Foundation, - a special Ministerial committee United States Government-sponwhich on December 25. exonerat•so'erd body, has agreed to fied Mr. Lavon. A third member nance the preparation of a Yidof the Mapai committee, Meir dish language and culture "atArgov, chairman of the Foreign las," it was announced here toAffairs and Security Commitday at the .'I5t.li annual confertee of the Israel Parliament, said e n c e of the Yivo Institute for he- would refuse to serve unless !!).">."> K i ' s l g n a l i o i i Jewish Research. Mrs. Meir stayed on the study The lifting of the deadline was The atlas is being compiled by group. considered a victory for Pinhas Dr. Uriel Weinreich, Professor Lavon, secretary-general of IlisThe .secretariat meeting was of Language and Yiddish Stutadrut, in his long fight- against. recessed for a short time while dies at Columbia University. The Prime Minister David Uen-Gur- an effort to work out a com- grant by the Foundation, marks ion. Mr. Lavon has insisted right promise among the various fac- the first time that a U.S. Govalong that the three-week-dead- tions was--undertaken by Fi- ernment body is actively parline would mean that the study nance Minister I.evi Kshi;ol, who ticipating in a research project group—probing into the entire is considered a "centrist" in the on the Yiddish language. issue, going as far back as I.a- Lavon—Hen-Ciiirion fight. That von's VXSTi resignation from I he meeting was held at Mrs. Meir's Defense Ministry—over a "se- home here. Later, the entire Seccurity mishap" that occurred in retarial, met again, and the reslilfil—would constitute appease- olution lifting the three-week ment of Mr. I5(Mi-Ciiirion. He said deadline was carried. Washington (JTA) — T h e that the three-week limit would bombing of a church or synamean the committee would work Israel Congratulates gogue, or other public building "at pistol point," since Mr. Bonwould be made punishable by President Kennedy Gurion had threatened to quit death, under a bill introduced in the Premiership if Lavon was Jerusalem (JTA)—President the new Congress by Uep. Vicnot ousted from the Ilistadrut Txhak Bcn-Zvi sent a message of position. congratulations to Unit d States tor L. Anfuso. The Brooklyn' Democrat proPresident John V. Kennedy on Committee Members the occasion of the latter's in- poscs to amend the U.S. Code so The members of Mapai's special Lavon investigatiing com- auguration. Wishing Mr. Ken- as to make bombings of public mittee were also urged in tho nedy full success in attaining the religious or.other buildings, with an explosive transported in insecretariat resolution not to re- "lofty aims and ideals" set for sign from the group. Until now, the new Administration, Presi- terstate commerce, a crime punishable by death. Present laws Mrs. Golda Mcir, the Foreign dent Rcn-Zvi said that Israpl Minister, lias insisted she could hoped for further friendship, un- were considered too "soft" to denot serve on the committee, due d e r s t a n d I n g and assistance ter potential criminals from carto the pressure of her Foreign which hitherto characterized the rying out their design—particMinistry activities. A n o t h e r traditional relations between the ularly after the bombing craze in the South last'year. member of the committee, Min- two countries. Jerusalem (JTA)---After an arduous, all-day meeting, tinsecretariat of the Mapai parly finally adopted a resolution reaffirming the party's previous decision calling for the formation of a five-member study committee to probe the Lavon case, hut lifting the previous three-week deadline fixed for a report by the committee.
Death Penalty for Bombing
Face Two
Deaths uerkly on I'IIII.IJ lirxliiiiin); the l.n| m-il< In Adjust through sci-untl nn-k hi .Iiilj Iiv I In- Jcuish I ••<l<r.i<iun uf Oiiuiia. Sc* o n e ( ln'i Pt,','*.<.* f J i o t.t O i i n n o r.tLr. A r t n u o l S u D S f r l p l l c n , W m A t i v f i i i * . .r ( I ' u v i i r Afi,l(t.i(. i P u b l . c o l m n O ' f i c t — I C 1 '10 , ( / l i l l m l . C i m ' u t.i L r . . .1, i .It
Religious Services TKMI'l-K ISItAKI. • Friday services ;it Temple Israel at 8.13 p. m. will he t-nijiluclnt by the Youth (;ioup, with I-iin-y Miiycr mid John Spit/er, us ohniniien.
Samuel Analyzes Anti-Semitism \|,n.iK-e S i i.iii'l ntiti-d w liter .n-ii li ( l u i c i , 111 .111 Hd<li<--s bofoi n .i leco,d .I'idii-iici', pii'si-nfcd an .•III.IUM-. of the Jewish piiiblem as siiinetlniiK which li"l only challenges, but threiiiens the Chrislinn world more, than the Jews. He appeared at the Helh Kl S>n••(•iiKUi*, us pait of the Program of the Month series sjHmsored by the Jewish Community ('pntt-r with otln-r ciimmunily groups. Hi' s:ild Iliut If II11- world had .iee<-|il<-d lh<- true nature of antiSemitism In the Ililrlli-H, lilsliiry »f Unit (X-riiiil mlKlit hate Ixen different.
SU'U'ii Bcin.slrin, crimp president. « i l l fielner a sriiiiunctK*, on "We Will Do and We Will Obey." Mrs. D.nid Me)CM ami Mrs. Mr. Samuel who has spent the Hy Shrifr nie rh.'iiniien of a re- Kiealer pait of his distinguished ception for the 'lVmple Youth caroor, sfu<l>in^ the relationship followinK the between Jews and other peonies,
JMII t ions.
New pup.Is «>f ili<" T.ilnniil Torall Will lie IOJISCI-I 1 t<:<l this Fiidiiy inch), J'lu-ir p.m-nts will hold a lereplirm foi tin-in fiillowinj; thp s"*r\ ices. Tnidilional Siihluith .riiririiini; «;er\iee at £ ,'W). K.miily . v m n 1 at 1():.'1O. Minchii-JUuiiiv at .r>:ir> p. ni. Sunday ninrnmi; service at 9 a. 111. Dinly services at 7 a. 111. and 7 p. 111.
BKTII JSKAKL, Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Pantor Kli Kn(;an and the Helh Israel Choir u l l l conduct the late Friday xrrvlrcs at 8 p. ni. Traditional Fiiday services iKobolas Slmhbosl at 5:1!? p. ni. ShablxJS nioinitiK services at 8:45 a. m. Junior Cun:;rPi;atiiin ot 10 a. in. Rnhlii Ci nncr will conduct the Tiilmml class at 4:-1."> p. m. Sabbath Mimha at 5-15 p. 111. followed by Shnlosh Scudos iind Mauris' nt. (>:15 [1. in. Sunday morning services at 9 a. m. followed by breakfast and Rabbi's class in Hible. Sunday morniiiK Junior Minyan at H::i() a. ill. followed by bie.iltfast iJaily services at 7 a. in. and at .VJO p. in.
Lee White Appointed to White House Staff
MKIl.ACII KAT/-.MAV 1J-I; C. While, .'!7, [ I . I I I I I T I-'i nirral Ni'i\iccs were held Omahan, has been appointed asSuiiil.ij ,'it the Jewish Funeral sistant to Theodore C. Sorenseii, Home for Meiliich Kat/.man, '.«), special 1-nunsf I !o I'r"'.si(icnl Ken(il ISJJ NIMIII 52 Street, who died liidy. Ildlh White and Iv-niiciiy l-i"-1 S.iliiid.iy. Itabbi liinjaniiii tonic their "tallis of (ilfic".- last Cnini'i-of lii-lli Israel Synan»nui.', •Saturday in Washington, ollii'i.ileil Kurial «;«, in Golili'ii Wiii'ii Mr. White was eilitor-inHill Cum Iciy. cbief of (lie Nebraska l . i w I'.eMr. K.ii/ni.ui who entered the \iew. nl the University of NefiiiiHluic business here in 1!C5 «as founder of tin- .SJastcrcr'aft . hraska in 1!M!I he was assisted by }'in nil in e Cm ptjralion and uas Mr. Soien.sen, as legislative editor. a resilient of (Jmahn since 1910. A prominent figure in Jewish The former Omahan lias been cimiiiiunily activities. Mr. Kat/.an administratiii! assistant to man was one of the fiiuiuierx'of Senator John <'ou|>er (Hep., K y i lietli Israel SynaKOK'K" and look and previously served as counsel part in tin- foiindini! nf the H'md for the Senate Small Business Committee and was on the staff J.iciib S\nanoKue in South Omaof the then .Senator Kennedy. ha. Me was deeply intereKted in
the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the AKPd and other 'Jewish Kioups until he retired, Survivmu are his wife; sons, Philip, I-os Angeles, Cal.. Meyer, David. .Tulius. Sam. Main ice, all of Omaha; a daughter. Mrs. A. S. Wohlner, Omaha; 1G crandohildnn and 18 j4re.1t Kiamlchildn-n.
MltS. ItACIIKI, MORTI'lKI.n •News' has IK-CII n-eeived from I.ouiliin. Kni;lai)(l on Tuesday of said it is t h " icluctance of (Chris- the death of Mrs. Kachel MorlB'NAI JAL'OII ADAS tians to iickiuiwledt;p their feel- field, mother o f Mrs.-Henry ApVKSIH'KO.V inn alxmt Christ the Jew and |x.'l, a past piesidenf of the l l ' l h Friday, Minr-ha. ."> p. m. Sat- Christianity, the-system of beliefs Isiael Sisteihood ami Mrs. Moriinlay, H:30 a. in. M i n r h a , 5 and morals for which the Jews ris Wiseman, Mrs. Appel last saw her innlher in November diirini; p. m. fuHoued by Slmlush Scuilcw. are held responsible. D.iily services nt G'.'JO a. m. and Tim Jews, lie ileilarril, nnly a visit to London. 5:15 p. m. Also suriivint; are l u o other want t<> live. norni:d livi'H an<l Itn aeei-pted iif, the |H-iiple uf a frre daughters living in j^indon. Kuni-ral si-n ices were held WedBKTII KI4 Iiesday in London. SaliUiilh ser\irt"i at Hr-lh Kl Syn;i|,")«iie, ibis ••wnmi; .'it H.13 p. m. Rnhlii M>«r S. Kripke will tlrli\or the SCIMIUM. Cintor A.mm I. I-Mi;(ii- mid the Hi-th Kl Choir will lender the S'.TS iir's niusic.il
Frlilay, Jumiary 27, 30*11
The wiih-nnif; ele.u.1^0 l Jew and (.'lirisiun <an t«- hailed, I-AWKKNClv Mr. Samuel explained liy a ipI-'uneial services for I-awTonec \i.sii<ii uf atlilnili-s in the (lirisS. Krasni-. a co-owner of th»' 1'coli.in \^ol^] tJir< 11 i"Ji the tr.i<hiii};s pli s I lepai lini-nf Store in Counuf ils le.idi-i •cil liliill's. la., were h'.-ld Sunday Hablii .\l\i-i S Knpl«\ l>l»i Kl ill llir- Jewish I-'uneral Home, Spii ilii.il le.uli-r. si-ned as ih.uiliabbi David K01 b of I'.'n.ii Isnian of the "'Vinintr. 1,11 I. CIIUUII) lilnlls and Itahbi .Man>' «jf .Mr. Samticl's IKJOUS Hi'iijainin firoiK-r of Beth J.siael are a\ai);ihlc at the O n l e r I.iS\iia^o|;iie. officiated. biary iiu-liidim; the "Second Mr. Krasne, who died Friday Crtx'ifiMon" which has a!!i,tctcd resided at 2-12 Park'Avenue in much piai.se anion^' the cntii-s. Council Hluffs, A native of Ful-
lerton. Nebr., he was the son of one of the'founders of the Peoples Department SIOII-. He urailualed from Abraham Lincoln HiKh School in 1 ill!). Mr. Krasne was a director of Mr. and Mrs. !>ee (Jendler nnnouncp the birth <if a <laii|;hter, the City National Bank in CounAmy Sara on January 17 at cil Hluffs and a member of the Methodist Hospital. They Hic.al.so local B'nai IJ'iilh lod|;e. S u m i i n i ; an; his wife, Leah; the parents nf two sons David wins, liabbi Stanley Krasne, New Paul nml Strwn Ilariis. (irandpan-nls are Mr. 11 ml Mrs. York City and Leslie, Council Jack Zcmpsky of New- Ila\en, Hluffs. mid four Kt'nndchildrcu. liuiial was in Iieth Hamedrosh Conn, and Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Ilaj;oil'j| Cemetery. Gendler.
AIIICAIIAM SIIi;i;.MAN Funeral seiAices were held Sunday at the Jewish Funeral Home for Abraham Sherman, 67 of 17(12 Sahler St., who died laic last Friday. liabbi Myer S. Kripl<e of Beth Kl Syni!j;oj:ue officiated. Surviving are daii(!lileis, Mrs. Haiold W'olfson, SI. Petersburg, Mr. mill Mrs. Lewis Gerald Kid ; Mis Sam G< Ib, Chicatjo, llulnian of Council Bluffs, la., iinnoiimf- the birth of a Mill, Jef- 111.; his mother,-Mrs. Tillie Sherfrey Michael on January 21. man,'Omaha and four (jrandi-hilThey iilso haw- a (l.iu|,'liter, Joni ilren. I!i becra. liurial was in Iieth Kl CemeN>wa nml ImiiprnlriSR nl Thr llr. terv. rilllip SIMT Jrnivli llumr fur (he Crandpari-uls are Mr. and Mrs. AerU hi ll.ivli) Orkiiw. Jacob Sii'Kel, Council liluffs arid Mr. and Mis Chailes Klliol l l u l nian, Davenport, la.
Mr. and Mrs. David Chapman
have Khen tin- name of Robert Ijiwrpncf- to their son born January H nt Iminanncl Hospital. Their other children are Susan anil Stuart. Mrs. Simon lioicly IK tin: nialernal crundmoiher.
He is- the son of Mrs. Herman I I . White. His wife is the former' Dorothy Colin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Colin. The Whites have four children. Do your shopping ill the Jewish Press.
Copies of Treasured Photos of Loved Ones
Complete Darpet Service WAI.I. TO WAI.I, CAIII-KTIMi AMI ri;itMn;i(K
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Sov* by Colling 341-4977 Certified end approved by Rabbi Dr. Leon Thorn, Pruiideni, American Academic R«bba A&lociition of New Americani, and Rabbi S. Walkin of the Orthodo« Rabbii Aisociation of New York City.
Safe- We a 'J
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In the Jewish Tradition
Ymtr onliT should t>o plarcit writ in jiifwiMi'** of "V.ilir/fil" M> tli*.1 wink dors not 1J;IV<- in b<; tmirU'd. We «re known for our eiacting Hebrew Uttering and detail. You may place your confidence in ui knowing each detail and tradition will be adhered to with utmost care and skill. \\f> employ no acrnt*—Urrr> yon Nuif tfifhr rkprnhivn «*omrnlsil*»n» mn y<ili drill dlrrctlv ullti thr nunr r i . . . IVr invi(/» ytttt ta tornpare . . . YVe. permit no untlnirly *«tlrltuttnn , . . Van ure free to tun lie* up your o»n Mind.
Omaha Monument FronV R«ena 32IM5 " 9 " S'731-4111 Open Sunday 2-5 Since If23
'220VottJ4touJepower /
With the Home Folks
Spprlul (iift: A paii (if crutches from Mr. and"Mrs. Sam Colwn. Itnhlil My«-r S. Kripkr was our rabbinical visitor this svr-clt. Brimnli- Troii|> 5'M enlci tained our home folks with a musical • program. Israel — The women of the Yahr/x-it: Special memorial Druze village of Isfiya, near Haiservices are brin£ held this fa, will now join their sisters in month for the following, the an- many other Arab and Druze vilniversary of whoso death falls lages in Israel, who no longer din-inn this period: Shevat 2, .have to KO to (ho well to draw (January lfl|--Babetla Krmann every drop of water for their ami Miriam Wcissman Don/cs; household needs. Shevat 5, (January 22)—Moshe A new piping system installed OSIIPI-OW; Shevat 7, <January 241 with the aid of the Israel GovAbe Glassman; Shevat ]0, (Jan. ernment will brint; the water nary 27) —Mrs. Ifdi-m.-in Nichols ri^ht into their houses. and Bessie Margolin; Shevat 11, Nagib .Mansur, Local Council (January 28)—Jake Zridenberfi; Chaii-man, at the dedication of . Shevat. 14, (January .'ill—Jacob the water installation, said the Shapiro and Meyer Brookstein. new water facility would free the ComlnB Events; Omaha Chap- women to nrinf; up an enlij;httcr. of" Hadassah will'give n Tu rned younger jjoncration, loyal B'Shevat program to the home to I.siiiel end termed the project folks on Wednesday, February 1. "A dream fulfilled."
V/ater Piped Directly Into Druze Homes
Bar Ftii
All frlrni!-» nml relatives Bre Invlteil to iitlinil M-rvk-es and rrecptlon. MA Till W D I A M K Mark Komanik, mm of Mr. and Afrs. David Itomanik will observe his HarMitzvah on Saturday morning, January 28 i l l Eeth Kl Synagogue.
Tasty-Fresh, Taify-Good
One Week Only . . . Jan. 26 U Feb. I
BLUEBERRY MUFFINS Light-. . . froth, baked daily in our own event. Mad* from luscious blueberries!
The Bar Mity.vah of flic-hard Irving 1J:O, son of Mr. and Mrs. S'ryinour T I^ee of Council Hlufls, Ja., will bo celebrated at, B'nal Israel • SynngOEiie, fil8 Mynster, ("ouncil Bluffs on Fiiday, February 3 at'8:30 p. m. and Saturday, February 4, 9:30 a. m.
( HAIM M. THAIIHE Mr. and Mrs. Moses Traube Announce- the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Chaini Mendel at B'nal Jacob Adas Ycshuron, Saturday, January 28 ut 9 a.m.
Doi. Sirving Omaha With Quality Pro
Delicatessen Op«a Sundayi TIM 4:30 r.M. -
Friday, January 27, lOGt
P:rj;f> i l i r r e
I : I . I ; < T I : I > i<» T I I I : S I ' I A . \ S J1KTII ISItAKI.'S Aitri/r >n:isiii:\v CLASS The Jnllo'A in;; I)n-lliln i s ill Ih hUJI I III \ l ( l IIA\I I I ni|iii i i n l \iiiiii i d 1 1 . Ii II ^ oiilli ( OMIII i| w I I n i l\ 'J'lio Jii-lh l-ii.irl Vomu: Cou- < I I S \ i l l 111 I I f II 111 II i.ilcd into the Ci-ntr.-il Jli|;ll i l i s i n U i ilni I i\ I n n ples ("lull v. ill hold ;i -.ui-i'i hr.nl. I hi I i in O( i I \ h ii pi i<l i t 1, ;i.t 1 p. i n . (I mi r on S ilmil i\ 1 In II n \ I I ' Mir \ 1 i Mill 111 In ill I I I il Ii n Hi tin J I I i > in ( i l l Ii ill lowiird Jliilin, Niinev l l e r / o l f III I I I I I \ W O I N ( 1 s '1 In it will 1/ il in in nun I 0 A In Lelier, June Slirier. l.iinl.i p ill lo I ' 0 i in u illi inn u ( ( ) N ( I l i l ( O M M I I I l l s Si11 f ( h i \ I J mhin in mil ('oinniil tecs lor I he "Cnnrert b\ Julh ] [MI n Ii in / i ( hi si i i (It \ \ M l s l l II) of Ji/wi.sli Musie" on Sinnl.iy rveAlri iiml Mrs, Millou I V I Z I T , 11111/ I i In II II \ Ji» il I In loshn piu^i irn i h iiinii ii I) I M in•IJMtM 111 ( \ S I M I inoi i il ( oiiu 11 H i l l hiinoi i)|' Iliitinc'it Hi" Uillinvin^ swi'clAinonj; Ihe e.-isl menihers of f iilloi A lion I I il^ I I mi Ins )»• II t ( lllillll ill Mis I S (.ill. tl i m \ t ( i nil il lli£h |)l i\ pin sllwi IMiniMlsllV Ullll Hi 111 I I lion J I M U I / Sun K ijil MI Sundin-lion. "I!;iniehy" m e JCJIIIIV s\n i|,(>r!ii< in IIPIMI; ,11)110111111(1 ny M.'M'kn. Al SorkiM find J)r Adlej lonitlimi IS ink J' i i h u i hv Mis 1 m l IJioillrv (,'inii.il JJininll 1*1 lilinii Wunun only eh m m in ( ;mtoi A noil I M l , U ( liuditofr Jluold I oibi S I I I I Mill Ix; .-illimcil to ciist Ihillols i \ I m d i n u n \ MKJ I lii/of I \i Will he I In; fe;ifuroil soloist. f i l l 111! t\H>\t Ii in Knsimslt) I I i It ismi l< It I he l o n d i l " i l l l;i p l i w d by • » « I'limi i m l / and J im Shi ii i Ihe Olllihi Swnphoin oidusfi I, <OI » I \ S ( I I II nssislid In Ihe ]',( Mi J l S \ n i Tl' IS'SIIVAT riC Jhi1 t OIIMIIS < lull will meet Kn/iu i lion iiiidfi tin illicit ion Iimpli Isi , K I Snnil i\ Dnision W<<IMCIII\ 1I'I)IIIII\ I it Hit" of Jos( ph \jt\\wi (ondnitoi Jhi will murk Tu H'Sh\;it with ;i holKhfidloii-KonliMii'lli1 Hotel (it choir w i l l inelude its iilumni in i*I ly pioKiiim I inn I I v J'l A 12 10 |) m I hnwj mi iltli to . i l - dildition lo its HK'nIii nuruhiis p l i j l i l \ M Midi hy Miss AIIIIM i ti'Mil in IISKI il to ( i l l Mis l'hih|i Thp Diiu'nol ptum Mere lontiiikiled by a tfreiinfi cunimillee compCM'd ol Mps&n. Kislcin, .issisl nil Uimli i r M Ii ii ItiiiKl«, tin liosK ss il T>() I'lTl) unit Mines, f r n c t IJOIKI, Brodke/, Mmes. • • * l e u In i will IH piihentdl Miss A. C. Frllmiin, Marn\ C. Fellmun, Slfltrhood prcsiijcnt; Dr. Albcr! K|mn)rrnian, Iliskin will ,issisl Mis I h i m II. A I1. STi'DV 4JHOIT ivnouoiiur prttklcul; Rnbbi Mycr $. Kripkt aiifl Jo? Hit*M.ilnrsky kmili I K U I ( n I r i c h i i , T h e ll;nl.i.ss;ih liiisiiirsR iiml Olhfr conirnlllrr hriuh nrf AAmrs. Rnlph who will thiict the piuiTiiction Pi o f r s s i o n il \ \ unir it s stlidv m i l Uo'm mid Olinlrl Kotnnun, ticket thnirmrn; d i m n t I M I I I S t,ioii|i " i l l I I I K I S>IM(1.1 \ ) Mill II V J I II Mil 1)01110 (if
I.<I,MI in
J i i y r l t c f r o m 1! p . i n . l o '1 p . r n . M i s s J I urn I i l i u m w i l l i o n duct Ilie stiiily of ruiTi'iil c v r i i l s ami M r s . ( ' n i l l , ; i ! : n i i i i i w i l l ii-.-id A i l l s ' IISSIIIM ill Ii u s n l I \ p l • • •
mm i- Mint
M I I Mi'i y
I l i r l ' i l i l r sluil 1.1uiiji <if 11 in pie Isi II I i u l l si I I I its rin • I n s on I-eliiu n \ J I In j iniip m is on the first ciml Iliirrl Tliinsil.'ivs of I'HCII Miunlli ;unl is IcI l>y IJ.ili In Suln \ I I 1 in .1 ( ntUi il I ]i in folln i i il In i I iss n I IJ Jl. ID.
Center Library | ^
A st\ ]i sh in fi ilni in M'SDI t mil 11 in i \\i I I u i l l hi pi ( si n l i d il llw I i Hi I I Msti ilmoil s Mi diiei'i"Mie,-iii ('rinse" pi-oKi'itin tit tin in i m / 11 ion s (liiniii iff M I , I HI t i n I urn M \ 1 it U V) p
Ml II I 111 s\ II I I III I I nf J I \ [I d ( I f HIP lylc \U'i*t whidi will iiKlurV Itir li>IIOMlng Mivri I roit Alc/nrul»i, Graf r> £ I II i l I I I «r J( t I i l r Mllltird Mriifj->lin. O'villr Mllrfrr. I' l« vwtiiil /onii*.ky, Mnidlnd l|K iJfD'iidfn will lit- tAtn(\. Nnrman Di;.t"iil>rro. A G. Hnimr.-rtncn otid Harmful Wini- v/lltl Wrs Ht:ny DuOoll in <icroniiiorti%t rind U-t\. Nirfinid Morlin MI clluirjp rjf vi'nul OKI-V
A ill ssi 11 Inn'lii on spMnl enferl.'iinnient ;iini Ihe ;iv\.'ir()iii^r of
II U l ( l v S S J J \ f i l l ( U l ) i l l i t ' J ' l ' l Aviv, Isr.iel ]Intel will lii):lili«lit the afternoon's events
KKCOKDS "Exoiluii" - - Music From the Film, Krnesl Cold. Uest
Son^s," J.in I', M t ' Mollier fi'oose Sonfs for N t t Isli O i i l i l m i " (,liul\s C i u n l /
Cruise Attire at Beth El Style Show
The futility <>f «!••: liile Alirnliani Wolfsoil wish to lli:inl( their friends und rrl:illv>-i fur (he iii.'inv IdnifnesseN cvlcud' «*d to Hictii diirhiK their lit" rcaveiiiciil. Mm, Tillli- Slii-riii.-iii, iiiidhrr, MTK. Sinn (ielli, < hli;i(,'ii. III., iiml M m Iliimhl \VolfMMl, St. rWiTHlinri,-,
lot IH[ CDO15BOA05
Kin., (I:MII;I)I<TN.
SYO of Hefli I M . I ( I
MONA LISA House of Glamour III
Air-Conditioned Dryers
including Sunday
M i l l - Kit
BETH ISRAEL is tlnsv (u this I rcnii'iulnus luniU'd in Ciu/ilry .. Chili. Very ;ii-|iri(*i| livinn'nrul oms wilh . rin'irljic*1, <*\lnt Vunttuttt. hiK ktlclirn w\\,l\ htls of . .') hit; iH'driHmis mtii fuN iilh on Vm\ flunr. Fui\ bnsvmvt\\ i l i i '.{.- l u i t l i , A t l J M - h c d . f w K r i c e d v r r y M ' i i . s ( m ; i h l y M $'21.5(10 ur ini>!* 1 I n f o t n m t l o / i vail 4M-
MLE Realtor
918 Redicfc Towe
I SV ( AltMV \ r . M.'irk I'l.-illner Ii.is heeil n.'Mned eli.'iirni.'in.of (hi- I'niled Sjn if.o in Youth ( I I m \ il it I Ml) J I S\ n M iifiii si In dull r I loi Kehin.-My VI at IJi-tli i:i SyniiID in WorkinC wild him iire lioherl Slnlsky, .\;iney .liihi'iiis, puhlieily; I!;mry Km t, food; .I.iM ,I;inK'.'r. ;i\v;irds; II;irl;in I'riesin.in, tiekrts; Cheryl Weinbern, (leeiii"iitions. Slutsky will jdso s('i'\e
THE FINEST . . . IN PHOTOGRAPHY Porfraiti Weddings Commercial
John Kahna 1
;is IHIOIII eh;iiriii;Mi.
Booths iind ninny types of food will he .-iv.'iil.'ihle, including pop, popcorn, COIIOM eandy, weinei-s, potato chips, pastries and candies. . . . iJon.nld NORB mtd Mrs. Morli-y Zipinsky me the adult cliairmen. -ISKAJKI; A V I A T I O N BOOK Israel - " S k y H i g h , " it collection of essays on (lie problems jiiid development of Israel nvintInn and on general aeronautical topics, was recently published in Israel.
•:. .
Come Meet
Ii "Boggy" Bogdanoff •
Let Htm Help rou With Your Clothing Sslectiom
Now own a Shetland iwin-hru^li t'lnor. carpet cleaner!
29m with attachmerits
Saves time! Saves- money! Now you can scrub, wax, and polish your floors beautifully ... ..and. shampoo rugs and carpets with the same appliance. You'll get years longer wear with this gentle, yet thorough cleaning process! See for yourself! The Shetland actually pays for itself in one using! Order yours today, by mail cr phone. appliance-* — (mttfiuN (Htlt, donnlimu Iuwrr Ierv«'f, at'The fi*r«nsr«ads
ww .... .«.(T.../..
Kilpafnck't Men'i Clothing — Second Floor
• •-.
NO MONEY IMMV.V 9>t per nionlli
dny niKhl 1< hi ii.ily 4 I l i v m lions din h( muile hj ( illlllK Ahe hiiisllln^i "iifi-IJ'ifi Huh m l linmond -1">1 h')J2 oi Itoln 11 i Mi \( i son, r>"il 171!
No. 5O.I>
6 Export Hdir Slylisli
or uttlvfi 3U
whidi will he fjnin h> C lull l o
Ity Itrllc / i f f I.lfinirv Of reel or "FlnsenlKieli," Kclwiit Wolf .mil John Klemiiit,'. "Klclmi.inii, T c <; h n i c i !i n of Dc.itli.' I'hiliji I'.MK ill "Debbie in Du .mil,mil," D u i Otliy Kiifikr '
Dr R I iirrmuri »j jn?or lirki-t^ Mr und M M . Jo'jfrjh Monr.lpln, pulrnn llchels; 0nn« Rich, mid Mrs. Murrli fcllman. pulillcll/ ( I.I II TO\IM and prnniollcn vwtilrtt by Jarnr5 Ufn'.'f and IM\. Louis Slolvry (ind Mrs. Soul All n j j i t h )'i idus .Me I M M I K I 5'Jvokiy, Coufiril [jlulfi, promolion cltulr<o the N I K ' H in Ihr Wisl ' p,nl\ mun.
KISK IN .IKWISH DIVOKCKS New York i\V.\'S.I — A sli;irp lise in ,li-w ish iliM))!:^^, urinlr.'islMi|: with Illi' traditionally low .Ji'V'.ish diwirre r;iii\ was ii-pur(ed here hy the I!eli>;io-Ps.\el)ia11 ie Inslilute of Ihe Jrw ish Thcol»l{ieal .Si'ininary of Aineriea.
Pace Knar
Cj Seil VAKSITY The Varsity I.e.i';ue continues to become more exciting each week as three of the four tennis find themselves in the thick of the title race with just one game separating them. Each team has four remaining league encounters. Last week's games produced two more thrillers which characterized (he league's trademark of a well-balanced circuit. In tlie opener, Milde. Oil downed Mogcn-Dawd 52-!>2. after trailing by us much as 13 points in the first half. Fred Hernstcin. who likes to save his points UflUj the last, pumped in ten markers in the liniil period for the difference. Jack Stiss and Kd Belgrade were hiqh with 13 each for the much-improved Moj;cnDavid team. Mogen-David now looms a* the spoilers, with a fine rh.nnv to knock one or two (if Hie teams out of the league title. The second game saw.R.C. Cola defeat league leading Mickhri Lumber for the second time this year. This time it was 51-42. with Al Claymnn scoring .11 points to boost his league leadins scoring overage. Steve Could 13 for Micklin. Standings \V I. Mlcklin 6 -' R.C. Cola* ii -'I Milder 5 ,'t Mogen-David 0 8 WftdnfcSdnv, FHiriiarv 1 7:30 p.m.-Tl.C. Cola vs Milder. 8:30 p.m.—Mogeh-David vs. Mirklin. YODTIf COUNCIL Last Sundfiy's opening youth council game saw tlm powerful Itayim machine roll to anotli'M' lopsided victory, riding herd tn a 79-30 triumph over a pimc but outclassed A./..A. 1, (cam. Dick Zacharia's 2f> 001111", paced his team to victory. A.ZA. 1. playing without its roach and two starters cave jt all they h,id in a fine effort of "not giving up." Jf Coach Jerrj' Herman didn't have ulcers before the season, he must have them now. F o r t h e second time in three weeks. A.Z.A. 1000 Scored the wiruiinK basket hfter the whistle had'blown ending the game as his team downed A.Z.A. 100, 41-43. •Chct Stolcr was the hero this week, after picking up a loose ball as the game ended and [topped it in to turn a victor}' in what appeared to be a suredefeat. It was a touch defeat for A.Z.A. 100, especially after they led all the way. U I. Rayim 6 U A.Z.A. 1000 3 3 A.Z.A. 100 2 4 A.Z.A. 1 1 5 Sunday, .January 20 11 a.m.-A.Z.A. 1 vs. A.ZA. 1000. 12 noon—Rayim vs. A.Z.A. 100. "JTII AND 8TH <;(LAI>F: Jerry Ifollis drove the pnliro length of the court in the final oO seconds to give Kaiman'.s an 18-10, victory over Oorclick's in an action packed hall Kami:, after the losers marl'.' a thrilling CHIIICback in the final stanza in tie the game. Mark I'omnnik with 8 points and Joe Greenberg, also with H were the top scorers of the game. Bo'rshcims raced to their fourth straight win by clubbing Philips 38-18, as Barry Zoob had a field day with 2f) points. Ron Wolpii, who played a fine same, led t he losers with eight points. Standings XV I, Borsheims 4 0 Kaiman 2 '1 .Gerelick 1 3 Philips 1 3 .Sunday, January 3!) 4 p.m.—Kaiman vs. Eorslieim's. 5 p.m.—Gerelick vs. Philips. STII AND CTII GUADK
Richman-Gordman continued toward an unbeaten season with a 10-4 win over Tretiak's in an
Histadruf Leader lh\j Cs Israeli Envoy So Klossaw
Center Basketball League
unusual low scor.ng tilt. 11 was Jerusalem (JTAi — Kcu\en their fourth straight win. P.,uk.it, fonnfr head uf the HisThe second tilt was more excitt.uli ill's political department and ing .is Maynard licl/i-r K-c.-ime -i goat nnd a IVTO in the final presently Ambassador to Norway, minute of play in an unusual was icpurlcd as scheduled I» beturn of events, which s.-iv I-Co- cimie Israel's new envoy to the Van battle from eight points S'lxict Union. Dr. Aryeh Ifarel, 'behind'to a 1S-17 victory over the present Ambassador to MosSloslmrg. cow, is scheduled to return to As I-Go-Van led by one point his medical research post at the with a minute remaining, Beb?.er, Tel Hashomer hospital near Tel in a mental lapse, scored a basket Aviv. .-. •: for the other team, while a dazed Slusburg outfit stood by clapping. Mr. P.aikal had been scheduled But 30 seconds later, a sotwr in line with regular procedure, Belzcr atoned for his error by to come to Israel for consultataking an offensive reliound and tions before taking up his new laying it in the "right" basket post, Since he was a top Histhis lime for his team's margin tadrut executive and left for Norof victory. way after the dispute involving Histadrut secretary-general PinStanding* W L has Lavon erupted, it was felt Pjchmati-Gordmah . . . . . . . 4 0 that his return to Israel at the I-Go-Van 2 2 present time would Involve him' Slosburg 2 2 in the current phase of the I .a von Tretiok . . . . . . . v . . . . . . . . . 0 4 dispute. Sunday, Jnnuary 2!) 2:1.") pm.—Tretiak vs. I-GoV;ui. 3 p.m.—Richman-Gordman v.s. Slosburg. .SHOTS IN Till: DA UK . . . Hats off to the coaches in the Among those who .received VarJty and Youth Council cage awards at the Golden Jubilee leagues for doing a swell job and banquet and annual meeting of giving their time and efforts; YA the Omaha Council of Camp Fire Belgrade. Hurt Robinson. Jim Glr .! .Tuesday was Mrs. Ed MaFarber, Sieve Lustgarden, Jerry kiesky. She received the Luther Herman, Morric Hnndlcman and 'lalscy Gulick award, the highSam Itm . . . Lucky numlwr is est award given for service to a "Hi" for veteran performer Iindy local council. Mrs. Makiesky has Paul in Varsity league play. He served six years as a leader and has score! 1" points ir half of two jears on Uielxiai-d of direcall Kirnl>s r/la\ed this.yrui . . tors of Camp Fire Girls. As a AZ.A. 1 freshmen dcfcnled board member she participa led .Rayim • freshmen .'M-X'i in a aj. program chairman and as a basketball game at the J.C.C. specialist in all areas of program last Sunday morning. and training.
Mr*. Makiesky Cited By Gamp Fire Girls
U.S. Attorney Will Advise Israel on Eichmann Trial Dr. Kempner was on the staff of .Supreme Court Justice Robert 11. Jackson in the conduct of the Nuremberg War Crimes trial. lie was also chief prosecutor in the Allied case against Nazi diplomat? from 1917 to 10J9.
Jerusalem IJTAI ~ Professor J'.obert M. W. KcmpniT, noted German-born. American political scientist and international lawyer, who in lfrl5-46 was American" deputy chief counsel for the Nurembeig War Crimes trials, arrived here at the invitation of Attorney General Gideon Haus1 ncr to act as an advisor in the Vienna <JTA)—Franz Nowak. forthcomiiiR trial of Nazi Gcsformer Gestapo officer, arrested t.ipo CoL Adolf Kichmann. here admitted that he had been Dr. Kempnor, a Jew, will adKichmaiin's 'right hand' in the vise Mr. Hausner in regard to annihilation of tlie Jews. He documents and exhibits to be enasked not to l>c delivered to Istered tx'fore the special Eiehrael where bis former boss is munn trial court when the exawaiting trial. Nazi •goes on trial, nr;xt March, A printer, he livi;d under a for crimes against the Jewish people and crimes against hu- false name in Austria after the manity in the killing of fi.OOO.OOOwar. but in recent years he took Kuropean Jews under the Na/.i hack his actual name while working in a print shop. He was arregime. rested on a tip from an anonyAmong other posts lie held, mous caller. However,'it was reported that the Frankfort State J'lO'iccutor had offered %2,'.',S0 leading to his arrest and that of two other former Eichmann aides Nowal: said the latter comHome UVNSI — Documentary mitted suicide. evidence challenging a recent Italian government ilcninl that Mussolini and his secret poliee eve.r jief.otinte.rt the round up and deportation of Italian Jews with Jerusalem (JTA)—Meanwhile Adolf Kichmann. Nazi butcher now awaiting trial in Israel, was in Jerusalem, it was reported published here by Paosa Sera, a that John R. Catebpole, Rho.desia's official hangman, has ofleading Home daily. fered bis services to Israel to The reproduced documents hang Adolf Eichmann. if the show that letters from Italian Nazi leader is found guilty. Mr. IKjlicf officials to German com- Catchpole said he had made his manders contained lists of Jews offer "by desire to be of assistwlio had been rounded up for ance to Israel and humanity in deportation by Fascists on orders what is a difficult job." He addby Nazi authorities "following in- ed he would perform the hangstructions by Sicherlieits Polizei ing without charge. Kommandos." The- newspaper charged that Italian police organizations at the time were un- Israel Games Count der complete domination of the 700 Reservations Germans and obedient to their Israel—More than 700 athletes orders. from some 30 countries have alEarly in December of 10G0, ready confirmed their particiItaly's Under Secretary of the pation in the seventh Hapoel Interior, Oscar Scalfaro, denied games, which will be held from that there had been any contacts April 30 to May 6. The event is with Eichmnnn by Italian rep- organized by the Hisladrut sport resentatives. group.
Eichmann's 'Right Hand Arrested
MussoSini Acceded Eichmann Demands
Rhodesian Offers Services, Fees
Friday, January 27, 19GI
Capital Spotlight By Milton
I-ricihn.'iii ..
/ . , . . . , . . . .
, . . ' , ; • . ' .
One of. the first appointments peal, served as a naval intelliannounced by President Kennedy gence lieutenant in World War was the selection of Governor Two. lie is a Phi Helta Kappa Abraham Ribicoff of Connecti- graduate of Cornell University. cut, as Secretary of Health. Edu- Ten Jews retained Congressioncation and Welfare. Mr. Itibicolf, al seals. One suffered defeat. as Governor and as a CongressPresident Kennedy - is comman, consistently backed liberal mitted to tho naintenance of positions. the power balance in the Middle .Another appointment was that East, opening of the Suez Canal of Arthur J. Goldberg. Chicago- to all shipping, seeking Arab-Isborn labor lawyer, as Secretary rael peace, and the resettlement of I.abor. This put two Jews of Arab refugees in Arab lands simultaneously.'..'Into a tlniled where there is plenty of room SUitcs President's Cabinet for for them. t'"e first time in history. Dictator Nasser of the United Mr./ (ioldbiTC WUK the negotiaAral) liepubiic has already antor for American unions whlrli nounced that he will ignore Pres"pk'li<'l4'd (lie Kgyptiun shift, ( | e n ident Kennedy on Suez and other patm. In protest iiguinsl Arali matters. dlMTiniilmtion ulferliiiK AmeriVice-President Lyndon Johncan hliijif traillii£ with Israel, lln son fought at the White Houso rNtrarted Stutf Department c»nin 19.77 al a showdown on Sinai rensions iiHIiniiKli the Departinvolving anti-Israel sanctions. ment later, in effect, reneged mi The new Vire-Prcsident, also Its compromise. President Kennedy, sided with A personage in the new ad- Israel, opposing pressure on one ministration very close to Presi- side in two-sided dispute. dent Kennedy is Myer Feldman. Mr. Johnson, '.lien Senate M»Mr. Feldman was named dcpiity Jorlty Lender, mid Mr. Kennedy, special counsel to the President. III Ills role .is Senator frnni MIIHMr. Feldman served .on the Ken- Miellllsctth, siil)se<|iieiitly Imcl eil nedy ''Senate Staff for several mi iMiii'iiiimeitt to the Mutual S e years as a personal aide. He eiirily Act. It Insisted 011 freecounseled tlm President on Mid- dom of the seas, striking lit Nasdle Eastern Issues, immxnition ser's Sue/, lilnekilde. Hilt the ttislegislation, religious and racial enhnwer Administration: opposed problems, and the: whole broad t tie lueilsnri1. range of general legislation. He Today the full responsibility drafted Senate hills and con- for policy rests on President ferred daily on programs and pol- Kennedy and his new Adminisicies. tration. It is a tremendous chnlMr. Feldman served as the dy- leni;e. Supporters of the dynnm'<! namic research director of the Mr. Kennedy are confident ho Kennedy rumpaign. He was be- will meet the complex tasks, not hind the scenes in the television only on domestic issues hut in debates that aided (h«. Kennedy the Middle East and throughout victory. llir- world. (JTAI Appointing men mi a liusis of tulent rather than religions, I'n-sldent Krnnrily mimed two other Jews to vital positions. I'riif. .Jerome IS. \Vic»iirr of tlie Mass:ifliiisrtt» Institute of TreliiKtlouy, was drslgniited to tlm \Vlilt4- llousr Muff am Kpeelul nssistuut for wiener. Nrwton Mliio n , a .Sl-yrar-old ClilraK" attornry, was appointed rluiirinan of Hie Kwleral Coimnonleatlons C.'iiniinlssiun. . -
In the 87th Congress, one newly elected Congressman is Charles Joclseiu lie is a New Jersey Democrat and husband of an Israeli Sabra. Mr. Joelsen. active in such groups as R'nai 15'rith and the United Jewish Ap-
First Hebrew Prints Record Washington (JTA I —A /(notation from Isaiah in Hebrew characters was printed in the Congressional Ilecord this week, the first known instance of the use of the Hebrew language in this publication. The Hebrew quotation was from a prayer, "Tlie earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the Waters that cover the sea," Isaiah 11:9. It was inserted in Vahmie 107. Number 10, of the Congressional Itccord covering the proceedings and debates of the H7th Congress, first .session.
Ancient Israelite Town Uncovered Jerusalem (JTA) — Tho remains of an ancient Israelite town have been uncovered at Kin Gedi on the western shore of t heDead Sea by a team of archaeologists, it was reported hen; by the Hebrew University. The excavations, which were completed fully confirmed the Biblical account of the fame of the town as a vine-growing locality and center of the spice trade, the university announcement staled. , The ruins of the biblical Kin Gcdi, which remained an important settlement for many centuries, were found under a layer of relics dating back to the Hellenistic period.
UN Action Taken On Discrimination In Education United Nations, N. V. (JTAi — The .Snbcommission on Prevention of Discrimination and P.otection of Minorities—with I c abstention of but n single me'1ber, the Soviet expert, voted to recommend enactment of an international' 'Convention fltraiust discrimination in education, Tho resolution among other things, .would pledge all signatories to: I. Establish and maintain "separate educational systems for religious or linguistic reasons, or institutions offering ah education which is in keeping with the wishes of the pupil's parents or legal guardians." '1. Iteeojjnlw tlie right of nirinherii of national minorities "to i.irrv on their own educational activities, Including tlie imiintrnjinee of schools."
Under the Soviet constitution,, the Jews are recognized as a national minority. The international treaty would become effective within three months after at least three countries have ratified it. Some delegates called "a giant step" toward a. move which would forbid the type of religious discrimination practiced in the Soviet Union, where Jewish religious education is forbidden.
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