l'uhlkutli.n urflre, 1(11 Nu. VOtll Onuihu NtljiutKu. WHMIC M'J-KiM-
Ilr.diil Omaha Deivr In ">' His election in Deeemhei i,* general Chairman of the nifionv.kle United Je-uish Appeal n called for many of liis Om ill i President John I1'. Kennedy Irienell; ,'iliel former e-o-worke IS 111 (ippointed Philip Morn:; Klulx- local ceimmuiiity efforts, hi di iiick, Internationally prominent tingulslied leadership !is he art ol Jewish leader aiu' a former tlie Omaha Philanthropies <• 1111Omahau, as a full-time member paign in 19.15. of the pMlinnfiit Piiilid St'iles Harry Trusliii. Keelei ition delegation Id tin r'niied Nation . O w n tin rank if Minrler, h" President, who served with him 1 v.ill uoil. Wilh A IIIIH < adur A'l- in ID.'t.'i, cited the city's pride in the achievements of the popular lal L Sti \i II em, u< w i liaiim in cx-Onialum, and saiel that on hi half of the local community, Ins Inspiration will assure Omih i s utmost efforts in its Plnl.inthropii-K Campaign.-
Ex-Omahan Given Rank of iittister
J'hillp hlul/nliU of America's elelej'.'itlon tei Hie UN. and will icpreMiil the United States In one nf the- T'N's nr>jnl oitJ.in,, Ihe lxon'imie. mid S o . cial l'01 mi 11 Si-rwd 1'ornirr 1'rcsnli ills
'I'ln' me I cone eniivi of the 5!->IMI-cilil klut/mcl. u.is closely tic il to three e,ii her administrations as Prcident Hoosevelt's I'Vdeial Housing Administrator; I'irsideni s Tniman'l confid.int nnd as President IIlsrnliower's di legate to the United Nations. As planner and elevdoper of the flouriihing eommunily of Park Forci.t, III, ulitrc he resides, ami of Israel »> keapoi't »t Ashod, and as the leader of many Jewish organizations, he IUA directed their activities with di\otion, dedication, djnamism and
(>niihiin-> uill iec one of Ihe mn11 v(i< it lie jieifuiiin is em the Uiotdn.iy st i';e when Mai tin tilUiei' m i k t s his npiieirance in Omaha Wedncsd iy i veiling I'ebi tirti v ]."), at the Beth Iiniel Syn.i The piogrrun is jiart of the I'lO'irarn of the Month soilis •ifwni-ored hy the Ji'Wish Community i\ nteT in coeipi ration «ith rejinnnrnity oriMiu/atlnns, Iluny iiidman, Center chamnan said Who is M.irtm (iuiner md why is lie ho ciilhusiii'lKMlly hailed by cntus and fans on
Building houses, building communal life, rebuilding the shattered fortunes of Jewry In disTlilrly-two vcar old Martin tress, all facets of Klutziuck's constructional endeavor and (is (•strner, i:ioailu:iy star In IIIN Chairman of the United Jewish portniyiil of el(;lit-two year old (Jenliis at Appeal, an organization which HI 1 is M.utin (• inier, the fabu- Harris In llm lilt-show. "The cuts across all political and religious line1.1;, h" will direct Ame-i- lous genius of (|iSKtiif,e, who T. nth M.in" ica's largest fund-raising af/encv. The man who acquired his 1 iw ele-pree at Crelghton Unive I itv nnd who practiced his profession in Omriha, appraises- the PIA eamiiaigu budget or S7'.!,ry,n Odd II minimum to he evaluate il in term'1 of human need. ISimlen Must He Shan el A piaetical man witli a pi H ticnl viewpoint on human pmb li'ins, it is his eipiuion • 'inf if I l.ie-Ms to achieve self-suff" ieiu\ — nnd that miijt be'the ultimiie " goal— the.1 burden must be .'•Ii n <l by Jews the world over. Ife states—"Why is It Id i d ' special responsibility to t.il e Ji wn frenn Morocco or from ,invwhere else? It is enough th it they provide a free country and ft free Rtmewphere for immlcrniits. Tiie rest Is up to us " Mr. Kltitmick is married to the former •Ethel Rlekes of Omaha. They are the parents of foui hons nnd a daughter. Mrs. Klutznick Is a sister eif Sliuivn nliitvc I-1* Mrs. Hello Zeff, llhrury director, with a portion (if tlio extensive record collntiMrs. Harney Fink, Mrs. Morton tlon In the (.'cuter Library, available tor loan to ciiiiiiniinity (jroiips planning programs during tlio liichardfl, Henry and Max Hickes, IIIOIILII-IOII),' .I>»isli Itnsli ] ( s t l \ a l ob Mrs. Carl Riekea, all of Oirnln and Mrs. Sam Bebcr of Paik I'orest, III., a former Omah.in
Mrs. Charles Brown to Receive B'nai B'rith Women's Citation K'nai B'ulli Chaplei-s of Henry Moiiiky anil Coinhusl.er v.ill piesent their ilfhtli annual Woint-n's Citl/e n'-hip Awatd to Mn. Charles Hiovn, ciWc leader, whose work v.ith jouth Is. veilk n o w n for a number of jears, It was annouiKcd by Mincb. M.ir-{ vin Gcrber and' .Stanley Shapiro,, chairmen of the Citation Selec- S I r s - "«>«n tion committee. Mrs. Brown will receive tlie award at a luncheon, Thursday, February 23 at 112 noon at the Sheraton-Fontcnelle Hotel. Serves As V.CS Volunteer She Is now completing her eljjhth year na a volunteer in the Family and ChildreiiH Division of the United Community Services and baa served as diviclon chairman of its drives. Mrs. Urown was appointeil recorder for the Hcglonai "Little White House" conference on welfaro and juvenile proUems. Her volunteer efforts originated the Y-Teen activities during the depression. She Is a member of
ipp< neel in Paddy Chayefsky's ' fhe lenth Man" in a character Intei in elation that bridged 50 j i i K n i t h a peifectlon thdt audi( n< es found unlx>Hevablc h the beard and many livers of clothing worn by the 82-year old Harris, his role In the hit show, uns M2-year-oId Martin (iinier, ,i New Yoik born actor involve (1 in one of the most astonishini; theatrical decei>tions of the season He wrapped himself into the lole of a man 82 years old with all the surjlety of a delicate skillful etaftsman, eneh inting to the many theaterKoem In Niw York City. Involves Dybbnlt Tlie [>lay, which involves the mihjcct of Dybhuk, product of Kabbahstie folklore, wns not entirely unfamiliar to Garner, who appealed not too long ago in the 4th stieet production of Ansky's "The Dybbult "
Versatile Martin Garner at Beth Israel, Feb. 15
tin' Urban I-eai;uc board of directors, the Nebraska district YVVCA, secretary of the executive board of the National C'onJeicnce of Christians and Jiws. Vnutli Oronptt She has served projjrarn" clutit in in of tlie Girl Scout boaid, (Continued on Pn|;e 3j
Parents' Discussion Series Starts Monday The Parents' DiscusKlon series sponsored by the Jewish Federation Family Service Department will hold its first session, Monday, February 6 at H:.1O p.m. at the Jewish Community Center, The neries for parents of children, 32 to 14 years of «(;e, v.iU he concerned with the subject of "Living with the New Adolescent." Knrollmcnls for the class indicated much Interest In the proposed discussion, Yale Richards, Family Service Chairman nnd I-ou Katz, Family Life Education Chairman, disclosed. The discussions will be led hy Solomon Brownstein, Family Service Director. Additional Information on the series nmy be obtained by calling Mr. Urownstcln at 312-13CG.
Center Library Offers Facilities For Jewish Music Festival Time
For the observance of Jewish Music Montii, tin J(»ish Community Cintd- Libi.uv off( i . Omaha Jewry -i rare nppoilunily to enjoy one of the fini st lcroid (ollertlons of Jewish mu le to he found anjwheie in the coiintty AvallaMn Tor l.nnn A complrte sdccliun of fi\(nIte Yiddish recordings, featurIIK: the most popular aihsti in the musical world rue ruuililile for loan. Modern Israeli musie, both instrumental and vocil. Is attnutini; (Tie it lntcKst in the \voild of mu'lc, nnd at the Center Library may he found the newest in the music of Israel. With the resurgence or interest in Liturgical miiwc, tlie Canter Library's complete, collect ion of OintorialK, features the re-recordlhKii of the masters of the cantorial art as well as contemporary cantors presenting liturj;ical music for the Sahbatli, the holidays nnd th« Synacofrue. Chassidic music, which has always hml its own followiiiR, Is faithfully recorded for the pleasure of devotees of Chasidism. Intensive, ('ollectlon Since the first Jewish music WIN mentioned in the Bible, the Center Library offers an extensive collection of oratorios, cantatas, tone poems nnd instrumental musie based on Bible, personalities and events. An unusual
Croup of I31ble reidlns? and Bible stories has been added to the regular collection to make this an outsfandinj; feature of the 11 ( o l d llbiiirj
One of the Library's most popular record groups is the section (U voted to rhildicn's lecouls Here nuv be found holiday music In soni; and story, folk SOURS in Yiddish IJcbicu and Unnlish, fin tin (•nleil.unmeiit, education nnd delichl. of all children. With new reeoids constantly nddi'd, the Jewish Community Center Library can truly boast the newest and fii.cft in Jewish music Available hnywhe.ro, and Omahans are urned to take advantap.1 of this rare opportunity by visitiiiK the Center Library and borrowlnc records for enjoyment throughout the year. Boolcs on History of Mimic Tn addition to recorded music, n display of books dcRcrlbliiR the history and development of Jewish music and musicians Is nrrnnfjed in the Library. Books of written music lire olio available for those who wish U> create their own musie at home or in the religious school. An invitation IR extended to visit the Jewish Community Center Library during Jewish Music Month. The Librarian Mrs. Belle Zeff, Is always ready to HSRIRI in 1he f elect ion of favorite Jewish music. <•
New Skin Diving Class Begins on Sunday at Center
'llio increasing popularity of skin divinrj In tlie midwest has piompted the Jewish Community Center U> offer its fourth free four-session course in that sport boginninr; Riuielay at 7 30 p m. The Center pool will be the scene of the skin diving class on the next fnui consecutive Sunday evemn(;S. More than 300 persons have received Instruction in skin divui'j .it the Center pool Ceitifled skin diving Instructors will place emphasis on every phase of the program including techniques in snorkeling as well as explicit training In equipment diving. negktration is by attendance at the initial session this Sunday evening. Those who plan to ba present are requested to bring their own towels and suits and if possible swim mask und fins. The specialized and more expensive breathing lungs will be provided by the center for class members.
Million Dollars for Cultural Projects New York (JTA)—Projects in Jewish culture Involving the expenditure of more than $] ,000,000 nave been reviewed by the executive committee of the National Foundation for Jewish Culture.
Face Two
JHje fefcisf) Published weekly on Friday ui^'lnnlng the larl uwfc fn August through second ucclt in July by the Jewish Federation ul Omalix
Friday, February S, 1BG1
Gornhusker Program To Feature Address By Father Reiner!
Toynbee's Remarks Challenged By Israel Ambassador Herzog
OMuwn (JTA)—Ilrifisli hisThe Very Iteveri-nt Carl M. torian Arnold J. Toynlieo aecejitJicinert, S, J., Ciehjhton Uni\erEditor sil.y President, will -|» ilt .it the eil a i-lialli'iit,'!' from Vancnv Hiry.«i(f, Israel Aniliavador to f'liiiFebruary Sth d.n-r mla, <<> ii public debate 'in insernor- meetin,; of tions lie made In addressing stuC (i r n h u s Ic e r dents lit tint Illllel House of -M<AH friends line! relatives are Lod^'e No. ITfiil, <illl I'nIverKlly, i cuiiparin]; flin Imlti-il to attend services and H'nni B'rith. it 7 ' J'liish tri'iitmenf of Arabs in 1 re.iwption. 1017 HIIII the Nu/I treiitment of p. m. at tin Oldj Jens nnd Matin;; that the estabIIItrCK ARNOLD LEWIS J-Jn;;li.sh Inn inl lishment of Israel b.-id sulijeeted .The Har Mitzvah of Bruce Arn- Countryside Vil-I J n i s In other eoiiiilries lo :i iiinnlil I-ewis, son of Mr. and Mrs. lace, 87 and I'a-| fllet of lnyalty. Isadore Lewis will be celebrated eific, The eveSaturday morning. February 4 at nine's1 pro g r a i n l Heth Israel .Synagogue. was designed inl ! o b s e r v a n c e of| MICHAEL SILVER It rot h e r h o o < l I'lither Kelnrrt The I!ar Mitzvah of Mirbael Week. Silver, son of Mr. and Mrc>. NorFather Iteinerf, n priinnii'iit II.ufrt (JTA I- III llv presence, man Silver, will be celebrated on civic leader, has devoted his CIHII'- of members of Israel's Cubiiiel. Saturday morning. February' 11 Kies to' Omalui'.s industrial de- diiilninnls and lending Israeli and at Beth Israel Synagogue. velopment, (Community Chest, foiei(?n shipping exports, con.C'liamlx'ir of Commerce and has struction work was bei;un licro. FRED WF.IXEIt long !>een I)out;la<i County chair- for Israel's now .shipyard, in the Fred Weiner. son of Mr. and man of the Hed Cross Wood drive. Kishon Itiisin a n a . Mrs. Ilymie Wrlnerr will cele- These activities are in addition to Israel is building the shipyard brate his Har Mit/vah Friday and his many duties ns a priest and \iitn the aid of exports assigned Saturday, February 10 and «11, executive of n maj.ir university by the dc Sc.hc.ldp. Shipyards of at Temple Israel. • where he IR friend and counselor Holland. Israel has appropriated to bolh Crciijhfon students and ($«,%0,(KX)). The Diitt-li firm has IIAKItV IJtVIV HILVER faculty membei-s. inve.stPd 5520,000 in the project, Mr. and Mrs. Fred K. Silver Hesenations -may be made mid will assist in the nilsinp; of a announce the Har Mitz\ah of with Mauiy Kchw.ui/, .r>r>ri-7'121; S4,«00,()OOl ten-year loan from their son. Harry Irvin. will be Sidney Hpei^lman, T>~-i<\-H'.)75, private Dutch banks who will inor celebrated at H'nai Jacob Adas AKin Abi-flmson, .'S[)1-!X;!I3. \est In the project. Additionally, yrshuron Synagogue. Saturday, the butch firm is supplying exFebruary 4 at 9 a. in. peiis to aid in the construction of the ship-builiu'nj; facility.
Second CIQS3 PcstOfie Polo ol Omaha, Kcbr Annual StJDsrrlpMon, WOO. Advertising Rates en Appncalion Publ.catlon Office—101 Ho. 20th Stiecl. Oniafta Hebr., S<2 1 Jt4
Bar f.iifzvah
Religious Services <:.'tndlilit;hliii(; at ii:'-!? p. in. BKTH ISItAKI. .Itabbi Kenjamin (Imncr, Ointor Eli 'Ka^an and the Uetli Israel t'hoir will conduct the late Kndfiy service* at 8 p. in. Tmditional l-'iiila.v wuviivs i Kobolas Shabbos) 5-30 p. rn. Shabbns moniiiiK services at 8:45 a. m. Junior VanfzvuwMon at 10 a. rn. Knbbi fJmner will conduct I he Talmud Class jit 5 p m. Sabbath Mlncha (it 5:30 p. m. followed by Slinlosh Seudos and Maanv at li'23 p. in. Sunday muniing services brSlrl at 9 a. m. follow <'d by breakfast and It.-il/bi's class in Bible. •Sunday nnirn'nj,' Junior Minyun at 8:30 a. in. followed by breakfast. Daily Mivicos at 7 n. in. and at r>:40 p. m.
Work Started on Haifa Shipyard
TKMI'I.i: ISItADJ, Rabbi Sidney Urooks «ill officiate at Sabbath siTvicfs. at Temple fsr.-iel, Kiiil-iy at S:15 Venn and hapiwnlnci «l Tlir l)r p. m. Miss Ida Gillin will direct . t'hlllp Shir JcuUh Hume for tlin *K«"d III llmtd Orltow. the choir. Rabbi Jiionks will conduct the Itulihl Slyer S. KrlpUc visited fourth of the Sabbath discussion us Ihis \MT-1C, series on groat American Hi-form l)»\iil Orkmv icfii'CM'nled the Jewish thinkers. His subject will be "Joshua l.otli l.ir.linifiu • Our J)i\ Philip Slier IIOIIH! for the A'/i'd at thn Visilin;? Nur.se As.soCounselor." eiatiiui litneheon last week. Sabbath morning Ef-i-vices foi1 The Ja>st a Young Judiie.u adults and the upper snides of group, will enleriain ;it the Home the religious school at 11:30 a. in., mi Sunday. February 5 at ,'!:lj with Kabbi Brooks officiating. P- "i. Miss Gitlin, who will conduct the Saturday choir, will ..speak - on- Valireell: S p c c i a 1 memorial "Jewish Music T h r o u g h the services are beinj; held this month for the following, the anniversary A g e s . " ' ••'.'•. . ;.,;..• of whose death falls' iluring this period. Slifvat I.11. (Febr. 7)— BWAI .JACOII An AH David Siege], Sluvat 22, (Febr. Friday, Mincha, 5 p. m. Sat- 8)~—Machel Dwosky Mell, Sheurday, 8:30 a. m. Ml n c h a. 5 vat 2fi, (Febr.-121—Fannie Adelp. rn. followed by Shoiosh Sc.udos. Schtein, Shcvat 28, (Febr. H)— Daily services a t 6:30 a. m; and Joseph P.ubaek. 5:15 p.m. ••[,]. .
With the Home Folks
E l , - ..- -: -
; : '.'•..•:'•••' •"
Sabbath services. 'Beth El SyriaKOKUe a t 8:15 p. m. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth El Synagogue Choir will render the musical portions of the sen-ice. Following services, Congregants are invited to the social hall, where Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will speak on ..."Will American J e w s lie Jews?1', the first in a series of three forum discussions on '"Hie Next Quarter Century." Traditional. Sabbath morning .-•'services at 8:30 a. m. Family service at 10:30 a. rn. MinchaMaariv Services al.5;15 p. in. Sunday morning services will begin at i) a. m. iJaily .wviccs at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m.
Vatican Organ Shows Pope's Aid to Jewish Victims of Nazism
Rome (JTA) — O.sservalore Romano, the official organ of the Vatican,. published a front page article asserting that Pope Pius XI and Pnpe Pius XII acted to aid Jewish victims of the Nazi persecution. The article emphasized that Pope Pius XI had been outspoken in his condemnation of NaziFascist racial doctrines, particularly in a speech in July ]9.'i9, to students at the College for the Propagation of the Faith. In that speech, Pope Pius XI stressed the "moral perversity of racist ideology, the sen of hatred among peoples and the unjust discrimination between citizens of the same country," and he deplored Paris (JTA)—A Star of David Mussolini's decision to imitate was removed from the front, of Nazi Germany's racial policies. synagogue In Casablanca and it The article also declared that was reported that several Jews including children were arrested on July 10, 193'J, Pope Piux XI enroute to worship in the Mellah ordered, one month M o r e his death, that a message be sent to Of Fez. Pointed oul as another aspect all North American Cardinals, of the deterioration in Moroc- accompanied by his personal letcan-Jewish relations was the re- ter, asking their "militant" inplacement of the Jewish secre- tervention lo assist refufjee Jewtary of the Chamber of Com- ish scientists and scholars. merce and Industry of Casablanca by a Moslem. The family of tlie'late AbThe World Conference of Jewraham Sherman ivb>li. to ish Organizations composed of thank their friends and relathe World Jewish Congress, the tives for the many kindnesses American Jewish Congress, The extended to thorn during tliclr Canadian Jewish Congress, B'nal bereavement. B'rith and the Jewish Labor Jfrs. Xlllie Sherman, mothCommittee, issued a statement in er, 'Mrs. Sam Geil», Chicago, New York, appealing to the MoIII., and Mr*. Harold Wolfson, roccan government to fully reSt. Peternburg, Ha., daughstore the rights of Jews in Mpters. , I 0 C C O . ••' • ' ' " " • ' - : , ' " • " ; "'• ' "
Star Stripped From Moroccan Synagogue
Would Appeal on Nazi's Death Verdict
Jerusalem 'JTA1 Dr. Kobert SiM'vatius, the defense counsel for Adolf Kichmann in the trial stai'tin;; lu-rt" Man-li \7>, said that if l.ii'hnriiin, uho dnei-led the m a s K-annihilation of 0,000,000 .lews under Hitler, is convicted and s'-nN'riC'd U> ileatb, tin? VITilii't would lie appealed im!ii''diately. .S.*i,()0(l f»r .Miniiilrs Dr. Srrvatius revealed that the Kii'hmann fmnily received about S.l.OOO for Kiclim.'inn's iivmoirs published in Life and that the family J,M\C him $-1,000 of that sum as part of his defense fee. The huildim; in which the trial will be held is .surrounded by a thick wire fence. The' single entrance to the building will be guarded by police'Kitting in a bunkor-like enclosure behind a thick concrete wall. ItiiIli-(-|in>tif Kiiiliisiire. The ni.'iin auilitorium of the .building will serve as the courtriioni where F.ichmami will sit in a bullet-proof glass enclosure in front of the Judge's bench. 'Die main floor will be reserved for more than 400 journalists. There will IK.1 a 250-seat balcony for the public who will be admitted only after a police search for weapons in special search booths. 5,00(1 I'aget Servatiiis said he hoped that only a part of the !5,000 |)ages of Kichmann confessions, made in reply to police interrogations, would be read in court and thus shorten the proceedings.
The historian's remarks provoked a storm of protests and a statement by the. Israel Ambassador who declared: "I'rof. Tiiynliee'H statement bears no relallnnHliip to morality or to faets. The truth will not tolerate distortion at the liaiuH of anyone, no matter how eminent. Tin) record of tile Ijiltej XatfoiK and of every object Ivo i hservcr lit that tlim: totally refutes I'rof. Tnynliee'.H allegations." Dr. Tnynbee al.so declared that Hie Arabs were not actinK very humanely or sen.sibly in not settling Aral) refugees in the Aral» countries. He adder! that Aral) countries could help refugees1 wiiile still retaining my "claim" they bad on "territorial I'aicstine."
Need Photostats? CALL
FOR SALE By Builder David Schwalb. 3-Bodroom Homo, Corner Lot, Full Basement flnd Garage.
6054 Hamilton
MltS.'. MII.TOX LIVIV«iSTO.V Alto 2 other Schwalb Home! Now Under Comtruction Funeral services for .Mrs. MilIon I.ivinKston, wife of the founder and president of I he .Major Appliance Company, were held .Sunday at. Tempi" Israel. Burial was in I'leasant Hill I'Vmeti-ry. Mrs. Livingston, (II. resided at the ninekstnne Hotel. She was a native of St. Joseph, Scb tSubby) Pulvercnto Mo., and lived in Omaha .'!H years. She was a member of the board 25 Years' Experience of .St. .liiseph Hospital Auxiliary Wifh Jowish and Temple Israel .Sisterhood. Lettering and Memorial} Mr. and Mrs. Livingston formed a foundation for charitable, rcli'cious, literary, scientific and ed- 2211 So. 8th 341-2452 ucational purposes in 1!I-1K. Also surviving are daughter. Mi-s. D. A. McCorkle; brother, Lester New, and thive cr.uidchildre/i, all of Los -Angeles, Oa|.
Monument Co.
SIUS. DOHA MM>j;.VIIAi;.M Funeral senices weri- held Sunday at the Jewish Funeral Homo for Mrs. Dora Lindenbaum, 74, of 2!M0 Woolworth. Mrs. Lindenbaum, a resident of Omnha 51 years, died Friday. Surviving are husband, lien; daughters. Mrs. Sam Fuilak, and Mrs.'.S. Halm, Omaha; Mrs. S. Sli'pyan, Chicago, 111., two i;raridcbildren, sisters, Mrs. 1'earl Ix;vinson, Mrs. Harry Stacnbertr, Omaha. liurial v.:ts in Ml. Sinai CV.-meterv.
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Omaha 2, Hebr.
Wonderful Tasting
Call Wednesday for Thursday Delivery
Friday, February S, 1901
New Committees Join Efforts in Planning For Beth El Concert As arrangements for the February litith "Concert of Jewish Alnstc" .sponsored by bi.th El '.Synagogue nunc forward under the direction ol Mrs. Fred Brod• key, general ch.'iinnan, additionnl committees are be^ituiiiu; to function. Tickets for the concert which .Will honor Cantor Aaron 1. Kdftaron his twenty-fifth year with Ueth Kl and which will present thi! synaC'UHO choir and the Omaha Symphony orchestra under the direction of Joseph I.cVine, will bo available at all local music stores, synnRO];iic offices, and various Mioppini: centers. Flyers belni; distributed throughout the city, also contain a blank to be used for tlie purchase of tickets. Members of the committee in charge of the reception following1 Hie 8 p. m: concert at the Josiyn Memorial • Concert Hall are Mrs. William Alberts, chairman, assisted .by .Mrs. I. U. Ziecntan, Mrs. Kniest Nogft nnd memlx'rs of the Ueth Kl Sisterhood choral Kroiip. The reeep. lion honoriiiK Cantor Kdgar, is open to fill attending the concert <md will be in the Josiyn Kloral
Court. Harry Triisthi has been appointed chairman of the dignitaries committee and the community contacf committee consists of Sam GrcenbciK, I. M. Trellak ami Mr. and Mrs. .Sum Cohen. Usherini; for the conceit will be handled by the liich school members of JJeth Kl's United .Synagogue Youth jjrnup. Maurice Katz and Mrs. Norman I'reil are the historians for the event.
Bias Charged in London Schools London (JTA» The Council of Christians-.and Jews hen; named a special committee to probe ehan;es that, many of Kri'ilaml's leadini; "public" schools- private institutions-.implement an unofficial numerus clausus. restricting or•.ilihnourinj;. entirely the enrollment of Jews as students. Thi? eliarRc* were, made, by tlio Fanning Stiinilnril lvlileh alleged that St. Paul1* Scluiol, in London, restrict* Jeulnli enrollment to 15 |HT eent. This Is done, tlm iir\vh|ia!KT ileelaretl, In K|>lto of tlio fuel that Minm wry prominent Jew» are. miioii^ the. KCIKIIII'H alumni. Among these are publisher Victor (iiillillic/, Lord N'allinii and Sir Isaiah Iterlin. Two other well-known "public" schools,.Hich Cale-and Mill Hill, were accused of having set a quota of 10 per cent for Jewish student enrollment. Other schools, said the Kvenin:; Stndard, "effectively" discouraged Jewish enroll'iiient by makiii;: it clear that all (students must, attend chapel services, participate- in Christian prayers, and take lessons in Christian scripture.
Former Omahans Visitors at the Lewis Residence Miss Fayo Fish and her sister, Mrs. Jack Fonnah of Cleveland, <)., arrived" in the city Friday to attend the liar Milzvah of Bruce I/>wi» on Saturday, February A, ut Beth Israel synaKoj;ue. They will bo the guest.'! of Mr. nnd Mrs. Isadore Lewis, parents of Bruce, and Miss Sylvia l'.iril- . man. Both Miss Firfh and Mrs. Forman are1 former Omaha residents.
Sweetheart' of Young Couples Mb Will Be Chosen by Women
COUNCIL ANNOUNCES JOtil DONOR EVENT Mrs. Robert Levinc, Ways and Means vice-president of the Omaha Section, National Council of Jewish Women, announced that plans are completed for the "Tasting Luncheon," the organization's 1961 donor project.
' • '
I»r. Ilcnnett Ilslilmlii, Albert Sorhln, (jordon Elcwltz, Myron .M.irlm and Sum Kaplan. • "- The coronation of the Beth Israel Voimi; Couples' Club "sWeetllleart" will highlight the organisation's dance, Februray 11. The <||vent will be held in the synagogue's social hall from !):30 p. m. io 12:30 a. m. • : . Voting for the "sweetheart" if'ill be limited to women members of the club. Candidates for (|he title are Gordon Klewitz, Sam Kaplan, Myron Marko, Albert
Youth #YO PLANS VK!i:f'KKSA DANCE : Kadimah Chapter, SYO, exfends an invitation to all leen1,'ers to attend its "Sentimental ournal," a semi-fonnal, vicc•ersa dance on Saturday evelint;. February i!!5 in the Beth srael social hall. Further infornation ami tickets may be obained from Sheila Kuderman, larry Fiieilman or F.lly ZclinMI;KTIN«;S Tlie tliife gioups of Young Judaea, the sixth giade Jays, the Hots and Judaea girls-will meet Sunday, February 5 at 2 ('• m. (it the Jewish Conununity Cen-
Sot-kin and Dr. Bennett Fisbbain. Dance chairmen nre Messrs. nnd Mines. Milton Btlzer, overall; Jerry Hubensfcin, program; Gordon Elewitz, food, and Dr. and Mrs. Irving Shapiro, decorations. Knch couple of the group is invited to bring a guest couple.
Mr. and Mrs. Blalno Itoffman announce the bi^tli of a daughter, Slmri KllseJ. Mrs.Hoffman, the former Judy Ferdinand, Is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. I,.:/... Ferdinand of Chicago, 111. Mr Itoffman Is the son of Mrs. Ben Shapiro and the late Sam Korrman. Mr. and Mrs, Avraham Malek announce tlie birth of a daughter, llita on January 29. Mr. Malek Is u member of Beth Israel Talmud Torah staff. Grandparents of the-baby nil live in Israel. They are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Klain of Bne Brak and Mr. and Mrs. Xaftaliy Malek of Jerusalem.
ller. The Jays elected the following officers «t their last meetIng: Susan Heisler, president; Judy Siref, vice-president; Jeanptte Heinglass, secretary; Arlcnc Newmnii, treasurer; Jane Vox. wrKOimt-nl-nnns and Sharon Koodell, officer's assistant. The other two groups will hold elections nt their meetings, Sunday. I'KOr.KAM FOtt HIGH . SCHOOL STI.DIONTS Mauiy Schwartz, Temple Israel IMuratlon Director, will speak on "The Roll of Discipline and IConlrol In the (^"Inssroom" at the Iliext meet ing of t h e assistant Iteachcrs training program, Wednesday, February 8 at 4 p.m. at Ihe Temple. •: The program is primarily for j}ii};h school students assisting in Jfemple ri'ligious school.
B'nci B'rith Award To Mrs. Brown (Continued from Page 1.) ns a leader of n Camp Fire Group, and as past president and board member of the P-TA. The B'nai li'rith 'Citizenship Citation Award is presented each year in recognition, of outstanding community service in the improvement n[ human relations. Mrs. Paul Gallagher, last year's award winner will make the presentation.
Campus OV DEAN'S MST Justin Knvilz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kavitz was named to the Dean's List nt Babson Institute of Business Administration, Wcllcsley, Mass.
. '
B'NAI HIUTH BAKK SA1E The p'nal 15'rlth Cornhusker Chapter No. 1032 will hold a bake sale, Friday, February 10, at'. Utility Dinky, 72nd and Dodge Streets.: •:. Mrs. Jerry Lehman, chairman
Ouf-of-Town Guests Arrive for Wedding Out-of-town guests arriving for the February 5th mnrriage of Miss Marilyn Dvorkin and Martin L. Warren Include the prospective bridegroom's parents,'. Mr. and Mrs. Henjamln Warren of Brooklyn, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Dvorkin and son, Allan, Sioux Falls, S. D.; Mike Glazer, Las Vegas, Ncv.; nnd Mr. and ' Mrs. Harley Davidson, LiiVcoln, . N e b .
•. •
of the sale is being assisted by Mrs. Hud Grrenspan, pick-up chairman. *
HENRY MONSHV LUNCHEON U'EUN'KSDAV The B'nai li'rith Henry Monsky Chapter will hold a luncheon meeting, ]2:30 p. m., Wednesday, February 1 at the Jewish Community Center. A social afternoon is planned. Members are invited to bring t heir friends and plan their tables for cards and mah jongg. •
ZBT MOTHEKS' Ct.VB A regular meeting of the Zeta Beta Tau Mothers' Club will be held Thursday, February 9 a t the home of Mrs. I'hil Kutler, 5215 Pine Street at 1 p. m. ' . . . ' " : •
TEMPLE WOMEN'S DISCUSSION Rabbi Sidney nrooks will lead the discussion at the February 7 session of "A Second Cup ol Coffee" group at Temple Israel at 10:30 p.m. The meetings are sponsored by the Temple Sisterhood.
MONA LISA House of Glamour I I I No. 50fh 553 7000 6 Expert Hall Styliifi
Air-Conditioned Dryer* MISS MARSH and MISS JERRY Ownert
Californians here for the event: are Mr. nnd Mrs. Abe Mason, Richmond; Mrs. !•!. H. Himerman and daughter, Mei'ilei;, Covina and Max Dvorkin, Los Angeles. . Guests from Sioux City. la., include Mrs, Zell.i I/'Vitan, Paul Kaiman and the Messrs. and Mines. Nathan Dun-kin. Abe Kaplan, Joe Kidman, David Kaplan, Michael Thompson and Isaac Znl«;. Tin; hriile-to-bo is tlie daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Dvorkin.
Mr. mid .Mrs. A. 1>. Cnlien who are IIIOVIIIK to San
go, Cnl., ivlili In thank all their many friends anil relatives for tho uunderfill neti »f lilnilni'ss .evteiuled to them liefuri) tlielr d(|iarturc.
PROGRAM SI'KAKEFt Barbara Bcrcutt, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Loo Bercutt, wns a speaker on the University of Michigan speech Assembly program.
Aid for Sick and Aged Expanded Tel Aviv (JTA)—Malben, the branch of the Joint Distribution Committee in Israel which is taking care of sick, 'aged and handicapped immigrants, will spend approximately $10,300,000 in l'JGI for its activities. More than -12,000. persons will benefit this year from Malben aid, as compared with 20,000 in ]()(!0. The organization, In 1001, will embark on a new project, aiding the development/of natlona) services for chronically ill. It will also triple its contribution to Iho national tuberculosis program in Israel and would increase its nij to aged people in the Malben institutions, in addition to continuing its regular aid program.
Candid Wedding CALL
John Kalina 817 So. 36th
SPECIAL Effective Only . . . Febr. 3-8 PURE BEEF
CLAUDE CONSTABLE portraits of distinction
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Candid Wedding Album* Formal Bridal Portraits Children Our Specialty Work at Quality Price*
Regularly $1.25 Lb. Serving Onuha With Quality Producii for 40 Y««nl
settlement department.
Council donors and special contributors will be the recipients of "Council Cooks," a new copkbook featuring member's favorite recipes.' Tlie book will be available at the affair scheduled for February 21 at the Blackstone Hotel.
Israel Irrigation;to Cost $36,400,000 Jerusalem ( J T A ) ~ A total of $3<>,<10u,(J00 will l>e invested in Israel irrigation projects this year, the Agriculture Minister said. About 522,400,000 of this nmount will be placed at the disposal of the Jewish
JKUISFI rrtrcss
50THAND UNDERWOOD 402? dodge :;q
Customei Parking
. . . .
Pace roar
\.\Ksirv Varsity league action swings into the final round mill uli the cliips on the table as I luce of tin* four teams arc tied for ^ tot place with identical records of six wins and three losses. Things wiU even be interesting for last place Mogen-David, with a chanee to play the "spoiler" role and confident that they can knock somebody out of the title picture. In last week's games, II. C. Cola, comliiR on real -strong in the home stretch, chalked up their sivth win In their Uist seven games with a 59-43. triumph ov<*r Mogen-Davld Al dayman pushed in .11 points to guide his team after the lasers held two [joint lead al lialftime. Milder Oil also grabbed a .sh.ne of first place after spilling Mleklin Lumber 60-50, giving the losers their second straight defeat. Irv Yaffe and I-'red P.ernsteln combined for 3"5 point's for Milder while Dick Zacharia scored 1G for Micklin. Jack Stlfct, hitting from oulsi'le. tallied 22 markers fur MoEan.David and Iiml plenty of help from Kd Belgrade, who dumped In 14. Cy Selfchlek, also hitting from outride, swished In 13 for n. C. Cola. STANDINGS IV. I.. TI. C. Cola 6 3 Micklin c :'. Milder r, :\ Mogen-David 0 '.I Wrdnckday, IVItru.iry 8 730 p. m.—H C Cola \s Micklin Lumber 8:30
Basketball Leagues
Omahans in News Dr. Abe Orernlierg, prnininr-nt Oirtnha community kinder, was re-elected :\ tn'stee of the National Jewish Hospital, Denver, Colo. Mrs. Harold Garbnr wns elected secretary of the Omaha Council of Camp Fire Girls. New members of the organization's board are Jay Staler and Sim. Stanley Slosburg. Mm. Kd Mt.lilesk.v. who recently received the Luther Halsey Gullck award will continue as a member of the board. Among those elected io office In the newly organized Oood Government Association arc Sir*. Elmer A, Novak, vice-president; Jack Marer, Myron Milder and Dn Earl Wlgodnky, all director!.-. Named to offices in the Omnha Safety Council were M. M. KruplnsUy, as vice-president and Edward A. Rosen, as a "member of the board. Among the new officers elected by the Midwest Furniture Salesmen's Associution are Milton .1 Koblnson, president and Sam Kolin, second vice-president. MOST KKFljfiKIC DOCTORS ACTIVK IN JIKIUCIXE Jerusalem, (WNSi—All but 82 of the more than 1,000 physicians who settled in Israel, in the last three years are practicing men. SHOIJOM AJUOIC'IIKM IIOIFSK IN" ISKAKI. Miami, (WNS) -Plans to construct and maintain a Sholem Aleichem I louse, in 'J'el Aviv, were revealed here. HAIFA TO IIAVli TIIKATKK Israel—Haifa expects to open a new municipal theater in June. OREGON "FKATS" (JIVKN DEADLINE TO KND BIAS Portland, Oregon, (JTA)—College fraternities and sororities in Oregon's six state-owned colleges were given a two-year deadline to end religious and racial discrimination or face withdrawal of recognition by the sfntc Board of Higher Education.
Friday, February S, 1S0I
Rabbis Urge Revision Soviet Anti-Semitism Is IsStie
Center Vy
VOI'TII COINC'IL AZA 1000, beginning to reach a season peak, marched by AZA 1, 00-38, Ix-hind a well distributed scoring attack. The winners led by Bill Kully trailed by one fit the half. Arnlo Manvitz with 19, was high tor the losers. AZA 100 plujed perhaps its best half in two years and trailed only by two to powerful Rayltit. Rut the unbeaten league leaders poured it on in the second halt behind the fancy passing and fast breaking of Dick Zacharia to win 06-11. P.ob Stein, beginning to look like a real comer In Youth Council ranks, topj>cd the losers' offense with 13 points and kept his team in contention for the first half. STANDINGS W. I.. Itayim 7 0 AZA 1000 4 3 AZA 100
AZA 1 1 G Sunday, February IS l l a . m.—Ilayim vs. AZA 1000 12 noon—AZA 1 vs. AZA 100 7TU A M ) KTII <;I;ADKH
Borsheim pulled away In the second half to down Kalman's 31-17, for their fifth consecutive victory as David Jacobson and Hen Shnflon combined for 22 points, Paul I-Cnlmim dumped in ten for the losers. Philips and Gerclicks tinltlrd Inio two overtime periods in n game which produced -11 . fouls--, before Gerelicks finally wmi 27-2-1, in a marathon contest. f>relirk's buttled from eii;ht points behind ami finally giuhheil the victory in the final seconds of (he second overtime on a foul shot mid a vital field goal by Slew .Sokolof. STANDINGS \V. I.. Borshelm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. o Kaiman 2 3 Oerelick 2 :t Philips 1 4 Kundny, February 5 4 p. m.—Kaiman vs. Philips 5 p. m.—Gerelick vs. Borsheim 3TII AND 0TII tiKADKS I-Go-Van took an early lead, lost it and then camp back to defent Tretiak'g 10-11. l>ehind the all around play of Maynard Kelzer and John Horwich. It was their second straight'win. In the second game ItichmnnGonlmnn tools n 10-0, lead at halftime and then hrid to fight down the wire to stop a scrappy Slosburg team M-1.2, as Bcib Jacobson scored in the flr-1 seconds with a twisting ho-'.: shot. John Ruben again led t':e v.innc-rs with five field c ' : (or ten points. STANDINGS XV. I.. Ilicbman-Gordmati r> 0 I-Go-Van .'( •> Slosburg 2 .'t Tretlak o 5 •Sunday, February "> 2:1." p. m.—Ti-etiak vs. Slosburg .'i:00 p, nx—Uichman-(j(irdmaii vs I-Go-Van
Turkey Lifts Ban on Games With Israel Istanbul (JTA>—Sports contacts between Turkey and Israel, which were suspended under the regime of Adhan Menderes, have been resumed. Authorities here are now allowing 'Turkish teams to go to Israel and Israeli sports groups to visit this country. Following the lifting of restrictions on play between the teams of both countries, Israel's Hapoel basketball team will meet the Galatasaray basketball squad for a game. The game, to be played as part of the European championship contests, will he followed by a meeting of the (earns in Israel next inuntli.
* -
I I u iiit o i U ilib.-. n t i t -i " i -
nual meeting reiterated its opposition to il c pii .-m ihvoicv low of t h ' ' St.iti' ul New Y o i k which pel nuts d i w n c oi.lj on grounds of (idulleiv, a • 11 ui«: t h a t the law had not only nut di.scouiaged <1I\OI t-1 I) it li-id al •> encouraged p i r j u i i mid dr.on-i . in " d n o i c e nulls" in (ith'i it.iti >.
First Jew Chosen for El Salvador Cabinet San Salvador (J'l'A)—A .l.vv was appointed lieie to lh.' Cabinet of the liepublie of Ml Salvador. He is Dr. Orlando de Sola, who has been named Minister of Health and Welfare. This Is the first time a Jew him been named to a Cabinet post in any of the Central American republics. Dr. de Sola is a member of. an old Jewish" familythat settled in the Dutch West Indies some 200 years HI:O. lie is related to Ilabbl David de Sola Pool, the spiritual leader of Shearith Israel, the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue of NewYork.
Arkansas House Bans Anti-Semitic Sheet Little Itock (WNS)— Kcvitallntlon of B resolution prohibiting distribution and circulation of propafianda leaflets and broehurcs in the chamber without prior approval by the house clcik was voted by Arkansas legislators. Action followed circulation of ,i sheet liMituj itself ns official organ of the K'lltunnl Sthte;,' ltij;h(s Parly whirh mnlaincd two jiaj" ' <il .'irili-.Iev\i-h (|ii(iiis
At UN Subcommission Sessions I'nitfd N-ilKHi--, N. J. ( J T A ) — C l r u i ' r , <J.' iiiiti-Simitic develnpiiKiiii m tl»" Soviet Uninti v c i r in nil- h u i ' bv r r p r e s e n l a ( ! , ' , uf thi' rootilinating Hoard ul Jiv. i h u i f im/.itions il. it l o r iii,i hi pnit to the SiibeommisKion on ll'p I ' K ventinn of Discriminat uli and Pioti ctuKi (if Minorit i , vnifli i i i s lic-iii in ,ses:;ioii iiNM'c tluiri a wiM'U. 'I Iw f-li.-u (:•'.. will- p a r t l y ;;upjili mi nteil b i f m i ' I In- cubrommistiion by I.nlicl K.-itz, 1','nai IJ'iith p i c i d c n t U:il7. l l a l l r i l li.v Soviet
Valentyn I. Sapozhnikov, Soviet dfileiiato mannccd to halt Katz" recital of spi-cific incidents, charging his guwi nment had been "maligned" by a previous speaker. Dr. Isaac Trwin of the Agudas Israel World Orcanizalion. Kyn.iRiifftii" BurnliiR Inrldent Tlie li'nal 13'rith president did manaiie to gel on record tlie synagogup burning on nosh llashnnub, lfl.r>0. at Malakhovlta, a town southeast Of Moscow and the resulting death of an aged Jewish wotimn. During the incident, an organization of Russians calling themselves the "I'eat the Jews Committee" distributed a pamphlet containing a vicious attack on "Manifestations of Anti-Semili.sm,"TIe also urwd the subcommUtee to ask governments to submit regular reports to the Sccntary-General on "bolh the manifestations of atlti-Si'mitism and the remedial act'ons lal;en tow aids reducing it " The Soviit tlii- . S d v u t
delega' • recited
Whcfs His Line? lly Kobcrt Apprl The American Jewish Community can contribute one 8iieci.ih.st whose line is virtually guarantei'd to stump the quick-witted panelists of a |K)[iuiar television program dedicated to ferreting out unusual occupations. lie Is the twentieth century rabbinical authority on kosher foods and related products, who must know not only the Jewish Dietary I-aws but nl.so chemistry and food technology, The laws of luitihruth are un-varying but the conditions under which foods arc produced in the United States have undergone extraordinary changes in the past half-century. Tin- rabbinical authority on kashruth needs this unique blond of secular and religious knowledge, for these newconditions, Who ilws nut rciiii'iiiliiT tin; mother—:md the grandmother— ulio spt'-Mt fiitlU'ss liours of kltehcii toll lu preparing almost everything her family ate? Slip paid a lii'iivy i»rlr« In long limirs hi lier l.ltihen but »lie wns sure i-vcryUilni; u a s Uosbir. Hut if her prototype on the 'American scene today enjoys a blessed freedom from such u burden, she also—if slie maintains n I; o.slier home—faces problems which her grandmother could not brtve imagined. And because she does, tlie twentieth century rabbinical authority on kashruth has como into being to serve as an effective guardian of the kashruth ol her home. The advances In food technology in the United States, particularly in the past two decades, have greatly widened the ranj;o of foods available to the American meal planner. For the substantial number of observant Jewish homemakers, however, tliis bounty represented an overriding problem. How could this homcrnaker be sure that the ingredients, the equipment and the containers of modern processed foods were kosher. A modern food [ilaut 11 like nil. nnfo factory; ingredients from dozens of KiipplierH uro processed Into tlie fIriiU product. Who could n»gurn this liomininker that kosher rondlttoni wr.rn maintained In all supplier plantst
In response to this problem scientific kosher certification and supervision in I he plant has developed at almost every level, from the corner walk-in bakery to the nationwide food manufacturing giant with pL-mts in scores of cities. Hut why does the modern rabbinical expert have to know something about chemistry and food technology to discharge his religious duties effectively? And, to raise another current, (j u c. s 11 o n, why cannot the religiously-conscientious Jewish housewife depend in most cases, on the label of fonds she buys in the local supermarket as a guide Io the kashruth of those piodiieLs'.' One of the bc:.t sources for replies to such questions is Ilabhi, Alexander S. Rosenberg, rabbinic administrator of the knshruth certification program of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations, more familiarly known as the Orthodox Union. This nationwide public service projyam, now in its rilitli year lias established a unique relationship with the American food industry which provides a constantly growing variety each year of dependably kosher foods and related products—designated by the familim- /U) on the label—for the Jewish liomemarker.— (WNS) OKANT FOB IHRAI'X KICSRAKCII New York (JTA)—Tlie RoiJ:efeller Foundation announced a 530,000 grant to finance research nt Tel Hnshorner near Tel Aviv on fnvism, an anemia produced In certain individuals who eat the fava bean. Kcxcarcli at the Israel Government hospital lias already established that the anemia occtiring in certain Israelis shows different characteristics from manifestations of the disease in populations in other parts of the world. A1SAB RANK OI'KNH OI'IICES IN IIAII'A Haifa—The Arab-Israel Bank, Ltd., Israel's first financial Institution dedicated primarily to serving the Arab sector of the economy opened its head offices in Israel.
.'lions which gtuu'antee freedom "for all people regardless of race" and noted was his omission ul "i elisions rights." Warning by Nrgm I.railrr Colonel John M. Haymund, a pioinini-jit Nri;ro lender, rcprei.enting the'United Slates, also called for further expansion of education "regarding tlie tragic .significance nf the swastika symbol," and warned that the unti.Semilic manifestations of ]f'(iO showed (here was "fertile soil fur further demonstrations of that kind." Tiie Cniied Ar.'ib Republic representative delivered the most virulent anti-Jewish, speech ever heard nt the United Nations. Keating I'rges Action Senator Kenneth IS. Keatlrn; of New York, in a letter to Adl.ii Stevenson, IJ.S, representative to the United Nations, urged American action to air the plight of Soviet Jewry "before the forum of world opinion in the United Slates and that Amerie,-i make "the whole world aware of the perfidy of Soviet actions" affecting the Jewish inhribifuut.1 of USSH. Pulls In Miikrmv Mission In the meantime Andre Blu• tnel, former president of thi> Zionist OrRutiization in Franco and vice-president of the FranceUSSR Friendship League,, who returned from a mission to Moscow, declared at a public meeting thnt "thei-e is no doilbl that . antl-Semillsin still exists in tlie SovietU n i o n . " Mr. Illume! went to Moscow to pleml with tlie Soviet Minister of Culture for "t'-e pinancipatinn of Yiddish Cultnie," th'-re, lint received mi proniis*1 of net ion. Mr. I'.lmnel reporli-d that anfi-Semiti.sin si ill e\i.sis niiioni; tlie niasses. Ilnwevcr. lie insisted, "Iheip is no imti-Semilivm wh: Iovi.'i1 In offieial circles." The remainder of Ktisririn miti-Senrtisrn -nmoiig "the mus.'.es," In? said "i.s mainly ;in ifilicritanee from (Varist days."
U.N. Agency Nuc!e?r Equipment to Israel Vienna' (JTA»--Thi- board of fjnvci-nors of the liilernational Atomic 'Knergy Agency,, flu; atoms-for peace n;;eney of 1hi> United Nations, voted here to> provide substantial help In Israel's nuclear research projects. The agency lioard voted to provide to Israel $250,000 worth of equipment for nuclear radiation detection nt Israel's nuclear renctor south of Tel Aviv. In addition, the IAKA will send to Israel an exjiert in the design of nuclear reactors, who will work with Israel's Department of Nuclear Science at Technion. Israel Institute of Technology at. Haifa. In Washington. Chairman J. \V. Fulbriglit of the Senate Forf-ircu Relations Committee ntt.ieked Israel on the ntomic bomb issue. Senator Fulbriglit asked Murat XV. Williams, former U.S. Embassy counselor in Tel Aviv, If he knew of atomic bomb manufacture' in Israel bcinj; kept f>efret from the United States. Mr. Williams repied that, last summer, the Embassy was aware' of some nuclear activities and pointed out that Israel, In verifying the existence of such research, had emphasized its peaceful purposes.
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