Vol. XXXIX —No. lit
Publication u/fire, 101 N" 701 li Omuhu NchruKku Plume SVJ-VUX)
Second Uluss FuBtapc Paid ul Omuliu. Ncbr
filncle Copy l(le Annual Hale H
Fairness to Ail Mations-
Klufznich Faces Senators ForeSqti Relations Committee • -•
By Milton I'rlcdinnn Washington — Were you lo Serve, us H I'llltril S t a l e s dlploiniit. would you lir prejudiced ngahiKt ilu< Arab Mates? Could Jpii Im objective iiml Impartial?
These, in effect, were the questions put. to dim of America's most distinguished Jewish lenders recently in tin' Senate Foreign Relations Committee. eliHmbcr. The questioner ivas Chairnian J. W. l-'ulhright. Arkansas Democral, Senator Kulhright is known on Capitol Hill for his hostility toward Israel. FiillbrlKlit'H S;irra>ni
Only a few days before, Sen. Kulbright had referred sarcastically to Israel while considering a new appointment, for Murat Williams, former counselor of the U. S. Kinbassy In Tel Aviv. Sen. Fulbrighfs I!).*)!* attaelt nit Ambassador Ogden fl''Id was ruefuily recalled by Mr. Iteid on his return here from Israel. The. Seiialor'n support of tlir Arabs on the Suez ('unul IhMie. hi* antl-Is r u e I Maml on the bloelniile mid boycott, and his criticism of rx-Ambiissudor Abbii Khun, were in tbe niliult of ncw»men n« they covered the Interrogation of tbe latest witness. The w i t n e s s was I'hiiip M.
Next Parents' Session Monday Night, Center Helping u child to become independent while still maintaining standards and discipline were among the subjects discussed at the opening session February 0. of the Parent's Discussion Series, "Living with the New Adolescent." The necond of (he four meeting series, uponsored by the JewUh .Federation family S<'ivicp department will be held Monday, February l.'i al H:.!0 p. m. ai the Jewish Community (."enter. Solomon Browns!cin, family service direclor, will lend the discussion.
Klutznick. '1'iie imposing committee room crew tense as Mr, Klutznik was asked about "prejudice" against Arabs. Not only did Mr. Kliit/.iilck reply nidi Kolcmn dignity ax » proud Jew; be conquered th« eomiiilttee, and IN eliiilriiKill, by bis diplomacy. Mr. Klill/.lllek lie-
Exhibit Featuring 'Brotherhood Week,' At Community Center The Jewish Community Center has arranged a special exhibit In the lobby calling attention to the national observance of Brotherhood Week, to be held February 19-26. I'ostem In addition to a group of posters explaining the puri/ose of Brotherhood Week, there are also several art reproductions which interpret the Ideals of Hrotbrrhood. Itookn and Mu|>» On exhibit, also, are a number of pictorial books and albums on religions. These deal with the three major faiths in America, as well as other world beliefs. There is also an unusual map entitled "The Hislomap of Heliglon," which elves graphically (he story nf man'u search for spiritual unity throughout tin: ages. A complete seel ion on comparative religion, with a wide arKortini'tii of books on the subject of Itrothcrhnod, is available at the Center Library. JudgeO'Brlen ('hulmiiui Judj;e James P. O'Hrien is Omaha Chairman of Brotherhood Week observance, an event sponsored nation-wide, by the National Conference of ChriKtianK and Jews, Dr. A. Orecnbcrj,' is president of tlie Omaha Conference of Christian anil Jews. His three co-chairmen lire Milton S. Livingston, Iliilph K. Svoboda and W. O. Swanson.
linowlrrfgi-ri bit religion mid leiidf rslilji of Jcwlili groups.
Naturally, lie was prepared lo resign various positions, like thai of chairman of B'nai li'rith's International .Council and national bead of the United Jewish Appeal. These posts might cause a conflict of interest Issue.
Garner Profile
Martin Garner, born in Brooklyn'A2years ago, was introduced to the theater by his mother who Arabs Wen) COUKIIIH considered it a place of learning Mr. Klulznick told the comand Insisted upon including her mittee he was eager lo work wit li son on the batch of tickets purArabs, Jews, Buddhists, or anychased by her social clubs for one else cooperating In the United Wednesday matinees. Nations K c o n o m l c nnd Social It wnnn't long before be wan C o u n c i l . He had no prejudice against Arabs; they were cousins »i jinif, "When I grow up I want of his ancestor*. He hoped to to he nn nrtor." Tie was much demonstrate his fairness to all nought after by trnchers for rolei n a t i o n s. The committee con- in dcltool production)) both in firmed Mr. Klutzniek's appoint- elementary and high school*. ment as U. S. Minister to the U. His mother answered an ad in N. Council. the New York Times calling for Senator Wayne Morse, Oregon children as extras in a Broadway Democrat, said: "The fact you extravaganza called "The Amerare un American Jew is fortunate ican Way," starring Frederic for the country" — the result March and Florence Kldrldge. could he a "better understand- She answered the call and her son ing" internationally. Senator Rus(Continued on Page 41 sell 15. Long, Louisiana Democrat, lauded Mr. Klutznick's testimony. Sen. Long described his (Continued on Page 4)
Clergy Will Hear Legion Chaplain, B&P Bazaar to Offer Temple Institute
A large assortment of general merchandise is being readied by the Business and Professional Women of Hadassah for their nnnual bazaar and card party to be held Wednesday, February 15 at 7 p. m. at the Ul.ickstone Hotel The evonl is open lo the public, it was nnnounced by Mrs. David Becker, chairman and Mrs. Julius Newman, her co-chairman and president of the group, The women will have for sale a delicious selection of homemade bakery delicacies in nddition to the many other bazaar items. Featured nmonh' the gifts In he awarded will be a round walnut cocktail table.
New Set Features Zodiac Signs
Garner of Tenth Man' Fame Will Present Program M a r t i n Garner, popular and versatile star will come directly from Broadway, to make a personal appearance in a program at. Both Israel Synagogue, Wednesday, Febrary 15 at 8 p. m. Karelinan to'Preside Maurice Katelman, President of Beth Israel Synagogue, who will preside at the Garner show, said the actor's spectacular performance in the "Tenth Man" has comm a n d e d the attention of Broadway Thealer fans and the acclaim of New York's most important critics.
Only S2 Years Old Audiences have found it. difficult to accept the fact that Martin Garner whose role in the Dr. Robert I. Kahn, national play as an 82-year-old man, was chaplain of the American Legion, only 32 years of age, so perfect will be the principal speaker at was his disguise, He is considered one of the most skillful crafts'1 emple Isi ac 11 men the New York stage has twenty-third Anever produced. nual Institute on He will entertain his Omaha J u d a i s m for audience with a dramatic recital Christian Clergyfull of many surprises and evimen, February dences of his remarkable talent. 17 I'roipriun Free T h e program will be free and Di K.ilin, spiropen to the public. Mr, Katelman itual lcadci of mBed that everyone biing friends C o n g rcKatiotv who mo assured of unusual en1','man u-GI in tertainment. Houston T e x , f Die Bioadwny stai's appearand a Well known " ance is part of the cultural and scholar, has a Dr. Kalm educational activities of the Jewdistinguished tecoid us a rabbi, ish Community Center, Harry Sidman, its chairman, announced. author and soldiei The Institute, limited to clergy- The series was arranged as part men, ministerial students and c \ - of the Program of the Month by ecutnes of lcligious institutions, the Center in cooperation with attracts a wide attendance from the following organizations: Beth El Synagogue, Beth Israel ministers in Omaha and suiloundlng Nebraska and Iowa Synagogue, B'nai -B'rith Henry M o n s k y Chapter, B'nai B'rith a reas. Rabbi Sidney II Hrooks, who Henri M o n s k y Lodge, B'nai will duoct the Institute, de- B'nth Coinhuskcr Chapter, B'nai scribed It as n means tow.ud B'rith Cornhusker Lodge, Omaha providing an opportunity lo listen Chapter of Hadassnh, Temple Lslo scholnis "guide us louatd lael and Young Adult Council. deeper understanding of out common spititual hentirge as Chnstians and Jews," He said Temple IsiwI was among the eiuly pinmei> of this pingram to foM< i Jackson, Miss.. (JTA) — Govbeiiet unrii rst-inding ol the com ernor Ross Uernett of Mississippi (Continued on Page 2) made a speech this week in which lie itfencd icpialcdly. to his" pie (sun ,it appeiimg before a line ( linstiiin nidiencc" but the audience showed no pleasure at Lyddia Airport, Israel — The the description. When the Governor finished, first plune-to-p 1 a n e telephone conversation in aviation history Rabbi Perry Nussbaum arose to was held'recently between two remark good-humorcdly that the brothers flying in opposite direc- Governor had just addressed the congregation of a synagogue celetions on Kl Al Britnnnias. An American tourist f l y i n g brating its centennial. from here to Paris had asked that n phone call'be.put through to his brother in New .York. His sister-in-law, who answered the call, said that her husband had left, half-an-hour earlier for LonPrevention of cancer will be don. the subject of a discussion by nn The Paris-bound radioman then Omaha physician a t a gathering succeeded in locating the Lon- in the Senior Citizens Lounge in don-bound aircraft over the At- the Jewish Community Center, lantic Ocean, put through the next Monday a t 2 p. m. A film call and the two brothers made on the s a m e subject will be shown. "uirophone" history.
Official Compliments Wrong Audience—
Plane-to-PIane Call Makes Phone History
Twelve Stamp Series Showing Individual Zodiac Symbols The Signs nf the.Zodiac, ;j belt of the celestial .sphere .'ilonj; the path of the sun, are the subjects of a now .set of 1.'! postage stump:; to be issued by Israel on February 27. The Zodiac signs, (ill figures Of animals, each represented on 12 stamps are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo Cancer, Virgo, Tibia, Scorpio, .Sagittarius, Capricornus, Aquarius and Pisces. The twelve will be in the following denominations: ] , 2, 6, 7, 8, 10, 32, 18, 20, 25, 32, and 50 ogorot. The thirteenth stamp of fiftyfive cents value will combine the signs and nymlrals of tbe 12 stars
*->•>••» vmrtw-M i v n y n i w
Composite of Zodiac Signs.
comprising the Zodiac. Its color —the only multi-colored stamp in the KCI will be dark blur, light blue and gold. This division into VI parts was suggested by the 12 reappearances of the moon in a year. The. Idea is supposed to have originated with the Chaldean astronomers about 2100 B.C. nnd carried down through the. ages by various civilizations mid cultures. Subscriptions for the. stamps may be placed at the Jewish Community Center. They will be sent directly from the Philatelic Services of Israel In Jerusalem to subscribers.
Physician to Discuss Cancer Prevention
reso :
PlllilihtiPil weekly on Frlilaj bruinniiiE the lint week in Aiijpist tliniii(;li hfcimil uci'k In July 1>Y (lie Jiuvisli I ciliralimi nt Onmlia. .
With the Home Folks Kcws mill li:i|ipr*nfiic> at 'I'lio Dr. Phillu Sh.T Ji-ulsh II.,iiio fur - I l i a AcrJ l i j Iliivlil Dil.im.
Friday, February JO, IS«1
UJA Launches '61 Drive $14,850,000 inGifts
tion bnildinj; on the • democratic Miiimi I'.c.ieli, ]-"l;i. (JTA) fiont siijee the end of W o r l d itnlibi hat id Kuril of Couiuil The nationuiite l!)lil I'nileil JewWar I I . " Editor Muffs «;is our \ i itor ihis week. ish Appe.-il »;is hinneheil ;is -100 Mrs, Jake Win.- anil X.itli.in Aineriiraii Jeuisli lenders inertMiirlln i;.i\e beamy 111'.ilimii! •> in;; heie eonli ibnti il );ills 1oi.ilto all onr ladirs at ihr Home. Mrs. ll.-rl.'it WVil iiml Mrs. MeyiTliiiff Siieeeeils Kliil/.nieli Sam Iii>sei)tiliun of llie Omaha The sre.-it outpouring of eoiiWAI.I ro WAI.I. CAICM/HM; W i hi i ton I 1] \ l \ ) il) rol- Cliapler of flu- Council nf .Jewish A N D i i i t M i i ni; li",;i> .slinlriils. who are in the Wnnien pet snn.'illy rondueleil a Irilinlion.s I'iiine at :i ilr.ini.itii: <*lc:in('(l in V'uur Home flosinK session of ;i tlnee-d.i> N'.i\ n i ( i il St ill s on tmipoi u y liKilor lour for oiir lesidents. fioifal I nil U K u r n I Cond-nnee \ I S I S w i n ilisi insril to h n e c i r ('iiiiiini; Kveiits: H'nai li'rilli, i ul iti d notii i s to at \r ist 20 llni- Munsky Chapter No. 170, will whieli was marked liv the lesinI.AVIM; • M:\M\IJ M i s i m s in ihe I nitcd States bold I I party for our residents on n:ilion of Philip M. Klnt/niek a". ItlMIIMi e l l l . n i M i \ hn h ui^ed fillow Ai.ili students the o c c a s i o n of IJrolbi'iliood Kener.il ohiiirnian of the C.IA anil to JDID tin AiniruMM N a / i pal IV Week, Kehniary 20, with Mrs. the unanimous rleetinn nf JoMph in us effoils tu si,imp out mi in- William Stone, chairman. Mejcrhnff of Halliniine to the sidious group' .md to clemunpost. Mr, Meyerhnff, is n naA l'lirim party will l>o ^ivon by Miate nuain-t the Isiael based tionally prominent eonimunal the Hikur Cholim women, under film, 1 Midus ' RUG CLEANERS the direction of Mrs. Fi'od Ilalin. leader find outstiiiiilini! fissure in Tin- untilc U.IH posted nn Um home hnlldliiK business. Don Bernstein, 345-2554 bulletin lionril ut Tufts I nlvrrK' Mr. Kltilztm-k's resignation fol- * ilv at Mrilford, 3Inh»., near Id)*-' lowed his npiioiiilinent by I 'resIon, null lit u nuniliir nf otliiT All frlriiils anil rrlathcg are ident Kennedy, as a l<e\ memliei' milnTsltlfs jinil iolti'i;))!. Tlin noInvlteil to attend M-rvlc-ei unil of the United Stall.s Mission lo Ili-f nas iK-lifvril to IIIIVR IK'I-H rrreptlnn. the United Nations. I Ircuhilid JIINO in tin- Chlratfo and F(IKD M'KINKIt JMillailrlplila arr«H. <;ift« Imlienti- Interest Vietl Weiner, son of Mr. and A I I K M I A. Kevin of Cleveland, I i«ed in the not ire to suppoit Mrs. Jlyinic Weiner will celeI I . I A ' B national chairman and (ii"ori!i' I-iiiioln Itoekwell, the brate his Bar Mil/.vah Friday ami ehairnian of the in:ni|:iiral eonA Lib fcltidents iilso weie told to Saturday, February 10 and 11 ut ferenee, hailed onlpoiiiiiiK nf f l K ' H Ainciicin Minpathy [or cifts "as n si|»n of Ameiiean JewIsiael, winch was dcrnlied as a Temple Israel. Se« luropt'i he$ll Guided ry*!! continued interest in aiding; ' munsti i , picpailn^ to .itt.ii k tour« or independent MinerIsrael's immigrants. The SH.H'il).MKTIAKIi NII/VKK hci A i d ) iinnhbois with atomic cries, our expert travel courtweai)oiis . ' We must make sure The Har M i l / \ i i h of MU-hrirl (KK) in slnrtiiiK Kills reeeived." telof. can help you get extra Mi*. Levin noted, "exceeds the that the SI He of lsi.ul cannot SiK'i'r, son of Mi", nnd Mi's. Norpleasure from each vocation in.ike wai on its untight mitjiman Siher, will be relebraled on iimoiinl eontrihiited lo start last day and dotlor. We »cll it-a yeiir'.s nimpai^n hy more than bois the Ai.ib neinhbois Saturday mojniiiK, February 11 end air titlcctj, too, of officicj l\vo-and-ii-half million dollars." nt Beth Israel .SynaHoyue. rates. MIMIII This lesponse folliiMed a Mioni: plea hy Major (ieneral Cliaiin KAVMONO WKIMJKHIt l.iiskov, former Cliirl of Slalf Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Wejnbei'j; of the Israeli defense fnrees, that announre the Har M i t / \ a h of Ameiiean Jews help "step up the Till H. Senui'lt, din-ctor of the their son, Raymond Weinbei'K, on process of absorbing some .TJO.IMH) Sabbath nioinini,', February IH, 1*1 mis Si ill s l'i i in il Olfid of (it the lfl::',0 ser\iee at Belli KI still, uiiinte^r.iied jintniKi'ants in the Anli-Defaiiiiitioii I.ea;:ue of Israel, in order |o ensure ihe Ij'nai H'lith will inst.'il! nrw of' co'inlry's remarkable demon,-ilir fii-erf of I"'arb:uiil I'oalc / i n n , K.-iins." Ceneral I.askov declared: Louil Libert, Co-Owner, Mgr. Sunil i\ Pibi u n \ \i. it i 7 (I Copict of Treasured "The lei'inil KIIOU s I hat the esJI n dinni;i mi i tin it tin Ii w 403 Farnom Bldg 342-5B74 tablislimeut of Israel represents Photos of Loved Ones ish Community O u t e r the one leal achievement in naOmaha 2, Ncbr. JIM ABDO Installed will be H i ' i i j a i n i n Klaiman. eliaiiiTir'ui: ( \ n j Kosrn. THE WURGLER C O . bei^ vlie ch nun in Sun Kifkui 313 So. 14th 341-8946 MtKtJIJ J 1 II I > KlfklM I'll ill Zion Bi'Cicliuv; Lulits Kriedmaii.
Sfcona Clo*.s Pcitcrjr Pola at Omuha. H€br. AlUiual Subscrlpllcn. S4.0G. Advt'rli'.mg Half^ on Apfjiici;!ion. Publ.colion Ctiirc—101 No. i'OUi l l i « T , Omul --a. tiiUr.. Ml nu.
Religious Services t .un KKII1 Hi S.ibb.ilh c \ e s u w u s .it Hi Hi W SjnaBiiBiK at S 1') p in I'.inton A.uun I 1'dn-H .mil I lie j k l h Kl choii will ieml'1 tlio music,il ]>OLt lulls Of the VIVMC. Their m i l bf|no jiiilpil snmon, Filler follouum )hc NOIMCO lt.ibbi l l u i S kupkc will continue the Ki-iond of <i snijif-s of ilisc IISMOIIS on lhc N c \ ( c'ljimiti i (Vnlui} ' This hiulaj's topir m i l I v Will Ami'iir.m Jews K i i e Anil Somilism 'I hi tiadilion.il S,il)b.ith mom. ing MM vires «t H TO f.imil) si i \ lco at 10 10 Minch i-M i.un lit 5 U) p in Silnil.ij moinuii; MMVlcrsnl 'In m followdl In hirukfast nnil a lot-tun clistiission ! « IIIKI led b> Krfbbi Ki i|ikt on ' the Kicbnunn ( V I M I ) n l \ s e m u s mo hi Id at 7 a m .mil 7 p m HI- Til ISISAH. K.ilihi I>< iijanun dionfi ( mloi I Ii K i t in .mil thr I'.illi Is jnol Choir will miuliirt tin- l.nti" > ml iv i \ i mill, si I M I I . i l S p in T i nlitinii il I i nl i\ i \ i nun' s( i ^ H<* iKoli-ilis Nhililiosi .it "> 0 p. m. Sh.ibbos moiiiiiit; « n m s it 8 4ri .1 in Minim miici* ^ iliun <t 10 a. m. Itnhbl CJrrmrr will conduct (ho 'l.ilmuil ( hss it 'i 10 p m S.ihlnth Mmili.1 .it "> ID p m followed li\ Sholush Simlos mid M . I . I I I N at (> SO p m
Sundti} morning s r i M n s bf|;iii at 0 n m follow!<1 )i> buokfist i nd It.ibbi's (lass in bible Sinxl.iv morning junioi Minjan .tt 8 30 a m followed by bic.iUfast
Complete Carpet Service
Arab Students Solicit For American Nazis
S«f- Way
Bar Mitzvah
Farband Officers To Be Installed
I n I S U I I I , Mis -. u.ih (Jkun hon-
oiai} iliaiiniin I n k }-ililiiiui hospitaler, I n s e p l i Kuhnrjwski financial weit'tary and Sol Ash, Mike OilowsUi M i s Hti/bnini Daily seniws at 7 a m and at Mrs. K i l l e l Kriwlowitz. Milton Neaienliei^' Momsdoodm in and 3 45 p m Sam Kulunin, <\o(iiti\t bo.ml The sistoi hood will sporwn Hie flic pioL,ram will IIHIIUIP a obsrivancc of IJinllieibood Week at tlw* in'it Knday rtrnini; *< l i - discussion of the hiehininii I-ISI by Mr. nadinowski and vocal ne February 17 srclioni by Mis Milton Noaitu-
Kosher Meat Market & Delicatessen 551-5554 Delicious!
TKMI'I,K ISK4FI* Mines. I s a d o r e Forbes iiiid Rabbi Sidney 11 Rinoki; will officiate at the irKiilar S.nblnlli Kthel Keiwlowiiz m e in charge M ' U K P at Timple Isi.ul, of the dinni'i } R 15 p m Ills siinion topic will be \IP we r< ill> Ministers Institute Homeliss .mil Goilltss' An .miContiniiid fiom Pane I ) «wir to Hi'ii d m ions ( h.illi iic<mon .ludaism nnd l.'hiistian roto Ameiieun I i w i \ ' \\\ ions tiaililions S.'ibbatli mornhiK fiervicrs for 1 hi oiw d i} Institute Mill stilt ndults and the nb^ioiis schools at llJ:.!d a. in., when IJabbi Kahn uppi i ci.ulis it 11 0 i ITI with Mill disiii'-s Ihe Midi ish A Itibhi ItiouUs oKmilintc Distinctive Method of Tiadfmn Miss Id I dillin uill I ' I I I I I Hie .md I ' M x hint His Ii i tuie w I) T r m p l r i l i m i it M i n u s I n i l i \ hi illusti in il » Mb pn II him; m iJilf;lit <uiil tin I I li^ ons si IIIKII teiia) and pulpit thi'tnis. choir, .Saturiliiy iiKirnini' V I I I M M S <){ Moduli liwish Coffee wilh 1 hi1 Habbi for nvn Ri'liiiious l.ifii . . . The Keform Mov'emcnt in .ludaism," a studv o{ the coniMvii.'it ion. Snnil;i\p February 12 with biinii.'li ;it 10 of (In ilvnimus of i i hj oils I I r n m mil di'i nssion it Id ''I .i m oimiiioii in ^i ni i i) and tin fti form Movement in particular will be Ihe Mihjcet ut Rabbi B'NAI JACOIt ADAS i f SHI l:o\ Kabn's lei.-ture in the afternoon. r ix'Kiniiini: at 1:,']() p. m. CM'T;;y I nd i\ Mini bi ) p ni S it nn n \ ill (oinnii nt on ind disi us>; unlay. S:.'!0 a. in. .Mincba. 5 tin subj'ils piisMitid by K ibbi j) m follows d h\ Shulrjsh Sf udos Kahn, 5:15 p. rn. Jlabbi K'ahn will be the Rnesl Daily S I I M C S it l> '0 i m ind r p u . u h i i .it M , ill n s f i v i i i s nt > 1) ]i m
Yale Truslin Heads Easier Seal Drive
J i m p l e I s m l the n,; lit of h i b n i a r y 17. l i e will review the Hroadway play, " T h e Miracle %Voi l i i '
P.ttiom/e the Jf ish Tin ippointnient (if Y ill Iiuslin as head of the 1!)lil Faster Advi i tiM'is c t I Cimpugn in Do i I is ( nun Alt Kinds cf ty >v.\s iinnouni'd l)> Robeif Kip linj ei Don','1 is Coiiniv t b i p t n REMODELING pr< snient of the \ e h i isli i So FULL GUARANTEE EY EUILDER DAVID S C H W A I B liety for Oippled Children and Coll 558-1472 Adults M i 'IniMin is u r c piesi 2 Schwolb Homes Now dent of the Triistin ManufacturUnder Ccmtruction ing Corp.
C o r n e d Beef peTLb. MONUMENTS In the Jewish Tradition
Call Wednesday for Thursday Delivery
Your order j.hnul<I br pljtcfd wrll In a(ivaiH:c nf "Y;iht/rJt" >.O the work d«H'B nut lnivt' to hi; hurrifd. Wo are known for cut exacting Hebrew Uttering and detail. You may plaeo your confidence in ut knowing ««ch detail and tradition will be adhered to with ufmoii caro and tltilt,
Wo employ no ac«*nt«—lirre you Kiivrt tttcHf) rkpf*n*iivn roniniUsloni itx j o n d^al tlfrrrtly " f l t i ihn uivnrrn . . , We invlt*? ynxt tn c*un[nire . , . U'e pfrmit no unlfmi'Iy Nnlirlfatiun . . . V'titi nr*> frre Ut ma lie up yuitr (Mill Mlnil.
SAILING Fran New Yttt itrtry tblrrJ wtcki S.S. Israel and S.S. Zion, itoppinj en route at Madeira and Grccca, Frem Medltirraman pstU Kttkljf S.S. iheodorHenUnd S.S. Jtrusalem (in season]
Omaha Monument Frank Rcnna 3213-15 " Q " St. 731-4111 Open Sunday 2-5 Since I f 2 3
Certified <nd approved by Rabbi Dr. Leon Thorn, President, American Academic Rabbis Association of New Americans, and Rabb! SWalliin ot the Octhodo Rabbit Association of New York City.
• Slabilizer-eqbipped for smooth sailing • Tempting, strictly kosher cuisine • Lively Israeli atmosphere Consult your travel sgent — l i e ' i your best tourco of advice
.M up: MEIUH tSRAEU SHIPPING (0., WC 42 EWwcr. K » Y d * j x
lYIiruary 1(1, JDUl
nizations i
KS WAX TO sri:.uc
l)f. J.IIIICS \ \ * ; i \ , pcdiatI i' ivsiririil al <'liiliiiciis Mi'iiim i l l 1 Ins. jiilal, will In; the tMii si sprain' lit ;i Mirilini: iif J;'11• ii li'iill] Cuiiihiiskci-Cli,i|iii r No. Id.'.'J, mi Mfiiiiliiy, Krliimuy 1."! m H:l."i p. in. .at 111" l!lael(>1i'ine Jlnlel. Jlis discussion mi "I'oisnii ('onlinl CI'HIIT" u ill In- fiillwcil liy i> f|ll< si Illl Kill III MM ]ll I Mill \ iiiiinin IIIIIK miiiniiilii i[ipiuiili i| In Mi-- Mill s I'I in I. ;m suit lit iiiilnilis Mis M M Mil (•f i hi i
i li HI in in
M I I H •>
M nun (iiililli'iK M" ill IJnl ish, Y.ile h ipl in mil .S I Mine I A mi i I mi,'of tin (oinmill'i will he In III 1 < In II n \ 11 « p in it the home i>f Mrs, Miirvin CierhiT, 11>I7 I m i l l ~ «
lonliniii Millmi |sm
nl al
hliinlxiKH Hie
111" It i l i b i II
iv \ ! in
' Wedmsilij
.1) .i
lilimniv lit Hi
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IlKTII ISKAIX I'IKXiltAM ON' BKOI III.If HOOD I 1)1 ( A I I O V 'Hmthirliiwl M n h I h" 'mill "eiliicnlicm" will he eo-fe:iliireil Hi Ihe I I i;nl II I!' Ill ISI.II I Sisti i-
linoil K' 'II p in him lit on inn IIhH In lie lii-lil ill tin1 syiKi|<oj;iu; KIH M l I l l l l l
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1 I 1)1 H i l l y
1-1, it has been iinniiiiiiii'd by Mit. A l f m l I i ink sisli IIMMMI J i l l M i l l III
Mrs. Klhcl (Irate Kiiimri t, pniii ip il of II I I iisiui si Ii )ol will be fjni si spi iKi i it tin ppii'i nil In which Mrs. llfiijamiu (iruiier, wife of tin." Held Israel syn.i};t)U'i'' nililii. will also participate. Special ii'((ii;nilion will l»' i;ivrn lo the llrlh Israel trarhiiiii slaff: Mr. ;iml Mis. Samuel Stone, Alu.'ih.iin Kisi'iislrin. ami Avrahain .M;ilipl<. Mrn. Daviil Lewis. sisi'-i~lio<i<l riliiciilion chaiiin,in. is in chaise of the jirocram for inert inc Haliy sitter scnic<: will In' nviiihililc. . * » * TKMI'I.K SIS'i'KltllOOl) TO 1IO.VOH MOW MKMItKHK
New mpmlicu will be uncsM of Temple .Israel .slslerliiinil at ;i luncheon meet IHK mi February I I III 1 p HI. (it tin: Temple. They ore M m r i . Ru'.sell niunifnUiuj, Duvld B. Bffintein. Fred Rerrnlein. lloli. • i f f L. Chopmon, Jerold A. Donn, Roli^rl t n u r l , LfOnord Frelricl, Arthur Jueobjen. Leo Koml'.ar, HftWuril T. Kronlr. Mdrlin Lehr, Sidney Ho^ok, Bernard H. Koikin, James Robinson, lestrr E. Mmr.n IM K Sutiruerrnann, T. J. Sanford, Hen 'ihuiHro, . lrvlr> Shermon, Sorry Tur*rl and Arthur y/nlkrr. Menib*r4h'll clifjlimen ore M r « . I. M. Yrfelner ond M^s. Sum /ocliorlo. M r i . Memlev Kolelmnn 15 lunthron r.holrnttin, lAu. Drrnard AlUuler^ loble (flliriu. K't% Irtck ' Forber, detoroMons; und Mrs. i. f flteirli. tr, leleplione. 1
Circlr No. fi under Ilii roclmirmiiiiship of Mines. Mill.inl S|K'i<ir iind .1. (".''(loldni'i'r Is in cluii'Cfl o f f|ic> Ineelinn. • A joint oireli' miTlini; .will In' held after Hie Inixrlieon, followed by Individilfil Circle inceliiiKs. Members file iislted to hriilK Ideas, criliclsm.s, and siin^i'slions tor the eirelcs, •
HAIIRATir CI5STOMS ON' BKTII V.l. I'ltOiiltA.M The <i(inplelp ohseiAjiiuv" of Ihe Sahhalli will lie shown by Helh Kl Sislerliodd at its " H K I I I I eihood" mei'tinj; iind l^:."il) p. m. liini.'heon, Tuesday, Kebrimry Jl In the synacoKUe social luill, The linichciiii will hf'uin withtin" blessintf of Ihe Salihaih eanilles hy" the hostess of each fahlif mill will continue uilh the servliiK of the traditional Kiid.iy niKht meal, Mrs. Stewart '1'iilly, procram cliairman, said. ''.nests of I lie Kislerhood will • be mcniljiTS of tin1 IJohiinliin Hrethren I'rrshjli'iian chinch nnil jlinini' liii:'i .school principals and I'-TA piesidcnls. Mrs. Morris Brick, circle coordinator, and chairman of circles 1, '2, .'! nnil 4 is in charue of the I u nc t w o n nn!iiij;eniciils. (;iiairincn lire: .Minis Harry Rissmaii, (.'hallos Guss; Mrycr )ralprin, Max I'latt, Alex I'lolkin, Her! Hendcr, Milton Hcsnick ami Yale Uirhards. Mcsdames Isaac piooRoff and I-awjencp Kpstcin. head the reservation committee. Decorations and visual hiiLs will.
MONA LISA House of Glamour I I I No. EOlh 553-7000 6 Expert (Hair Styliltl Air-Conditioned Dryerf MISS MARSH ond MISS JERRY
I)C iiml'T I h e .Sisli'ilniixl \isii;il lrTlnii((iu's r o - e h a i i nun), M i s .
Itobi-i'l I'crelinan. • • • OMAHA CIIAI'TKIC OK .MIZItACIII WO.MIO.N A I |i. in. dessert luncheon will precede Ihe li |>. III. business IllccU iH.C of 'he local chapter, of Mizraclii Women. Wednesday, I'Y'bi II ii v I > il tin Ii uisli ( nuininnit> ( i lid i
Palill! 1) m i l Ism I) of B n II Is
I i l l ( iiuniil I'.lufls will I ilN oil the mi(/\ ill of Mois ( hillin Hie funil whiih |no\idis 1'issimi food foi tlv liiidy I hi <hi|it< i will ohsilw* niiisK month uilh Miiji i I iimlsiiiiin win of Ihi {'<<• .Did Mis M I rldi II I.inrlsinin olfmiiK Yiddish silcttions on the piano. • • • HADASSAH M M . I I M i S Mis A (', l"i llinan will be hoslrssiil h( i Iiorne foi I ho 12 10 p
MIMK1.IV mcctint; of
las Co. MLE REALTORS 918 Rcdick Tower
341-1500 Minis
Snjiliir, 1'lillip I n \ ,
I'lONI I IC UOMr V S ONI (• SIIAIJKAT. SATI'KIMY Joe ftadinowski, who recently icllirned from California, will revii-w "The InsjMcfor" al Ihe Oncv; SlialjKil of Ihe Pioneer Wfimen's ()ic,aiii/al ion. Snluid;iy, T'ehruary II al 1 p. m. at the hi'mie of Mrs. II. I. Fried, .1.-17I llarnillon Slieet. A musical program will he picsenled by Mrs. Milton .\earMibei^' Mis I).i\e Kpslejl] is OIICK Shabbat Chairman. ror.Mii; SII-:KTIN«' AT IIOMK OK .MKS. JlA( OI1S
The National Cuiincil of .Jewish Women will have its Kebiitaiy ho.ml mi el in),' at Ihe home of Mis. Julia Jacobs, IM South 501 h Sheet mi Thursday, February 10 at I p m. Mis John .Solomon will HSMSI as co-hoslcss. • * • WOltK.MK.V CIltCI.K l-'ASIILV IIA/AAK I'roceeds from the Workmen Circle H.i/aur will 1>P used for cliililicn's ndopfioii in Israel. The b.i/aar will he held .Sunday, Kcbi ii.ii v- 1<) fioin noon until nnd•nlijhl nl the l.almr Lyceum, .'1(04 Cuinim: Street. All kinds of rtierchaudisc and food will bp in nilable. For /iirlhei 1 inform,! I ion call Mrs. Max Ciounse, .'MI-til.'!7 and .Mrs. Sarah Schwartz, .'M(i-l!W0, co-chairmen. Mrs. I.ouis Wilkin, .'!-l(i-.'I(il.'l, is solicitation chairman. •
iiiiiiiu < IIOI.IM Mi:i:riN(.,
urcssKicr u;.\f:iii;o.\ liikur Cholin! Sociely will hold n dessert luncheon mceliiif,', Monday, February Kl al 1 p. in. at ihe Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Jake Wine, president, rejKii'tK tliiil. residents of (he Dr. I'liillp Slier Jewish Home for the AgPfl, are lakinj; ;i<K;in(;<i;<' of tin.1. facilities of its lieauty and Uarher Salon inst.illed and mainlaini'd by I lie incinhers of her or]:.iiii/.;iiiiui. She praised the effoilK of Mrs. Jeanne Polach of Jeanne's Salon anil Nathan Martin, beautician, who haw I'iven many hours lo the shnp us \o\iililecrs. .•\IAHI.i;\K KltlKDMAN ON DKAN'S IIONOU KOI.IMarlene Friedman, sopliomoic al the Vlnivcrsily of Misouri al Columbia was named to the Dean's honor mil there. She was also was appointed til represent her SiKina iJelta Tan (.hapter at n sorority conference at the Univcrslty of Oklahoma at Norman, February 17-21, She is Hie dau|;hIpr of Mr..'nnil Mrs. David A. Friedman.
.1 u u l i s n i i
Council Luncheon to Invite Sampling of Gourmet Fare
Oni.ihn Cliaplii of ll.ul iss.ili . ... „ with meniher.s of Ihe Ixiiud Minis Moms Ki.inklin mid M y I iMnson will nssisl nl N ilion il I mini il of Jewish VVoin(ii on llu I I binary '21 .demur H <li ssci t Iiinclioon ' Listing him IK on has occupied fiionp IMMKIS will hive 0 !0 the iilldilion in recent, days oT its n In i offi e fni ofJnRs on '1 Inn s- ilifliiimii tin Mines. Alfred Sofl.i> The lli'ivl Kioup will mci t phu, Philip I o\ uid Jack Jacobat. the home of Mrs. Abe Hear, son .mil then i.illinf,' committee. with Minis Allwit hox mid A w nle v i i 14* 1. y of gourmet ( l i n k s d u c t / us (o-hoslCisi s Mis Sidm y GoldbiiK assisti d dishes will In offered for tabling b\ Mis NTIT (iimpli will on- > ill the lunt IKIIII-to be lield al tell mi Ihe S/old poup at Ihe 12 !D p m at the Blackslone (JOIIIIKMI: hninc. The Weizniann Holel l i m p i s will he judged by I;IOII|) will meet hi the home of n p int I of i iihnary experts. A Mis I! ilph No| H with Mis U dII im MliMIs as to ho Ii ss •
I n k
Beth El Setting for Dvorkin-Warren Rite
Helh Kl Synagogue was Ihe scllim; fur the Sunday wedding iif Miss 'Marilyn Klainr Dworkin and Marl in Louis Wan in. Tbcir parents arc Mr. and Mrs. David Dworkin of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Henjaiuin Warren (if Brooklyn, N. Y. ' The bride chose a flooi-l''ii|;lh I mill of peau taffel.i with ,ICt futs of re-embiiilileieil Aleiieon lace. Her tiered Veil ol impoilrd illllKKiirn-iis riiilKht'liy a jewelled crown! Khe carried !i while orchid tin n while Hihle mid a lace li.mkerehief. Mis's Loin Ann O\ firkin sened ns niaitl-i>f-hoiior for her sister. Bridesmiiids were the Misses Heidine Creen and Caryl Waldhaiini They wore electric blue ballerina kbcalhs. (Jerald J. Knntor was best man. Ushers wore Manny tloldberj; and Bernard Pnlikov. The motheis of the bride and bridegroom were al tired in lace. A cocklnil-huffel was held in the On moo Uoom nl the Fireside Ftctmirant, After a wedding trip to Aeapuleo and Mexico City, Mr. anil Mrs, Wanen will make their home in Omaha.
Beth El Choir In 30th Year A •i.'fi-tneniber choir will be a major part of Heth Id's annual •'conceit of Jewish music" which will honor its director, Canlor Aaron Kd«ar Sunday eveninK, February ^-< ' J in a joint program with the Omaha Symphony Orchestra al .loslyn Memorial under the direction of Joseph l.evine. The Helh Kl choir which parlicipatcs regularly al. Sabbath: an dholiilay services was organized thirty years af.o. Harry Dulioff, an orij;iniil memlM-r of the first, choir, • is the only OHO of the present |!'o"P with thirty years ol service on the Ilich Holy days and for concerts. Mrs. Al Himmcrm.'in and Miss Julia VMker have SIIIIK recnlarlywith Hie choir for more than fifteen years. Piano, aeenmpanimrnt for the choir at the concert will" lie by Mrs. A. C. Fellman. In urfdillcn to Mr. DuBoff, Mrs. R t n v mcrnion, tind Miss ZuVcr. other mimbrrs i.f llir choir are Mniei. Don Cohen, Piiul Kutxifk. Donold Nonfi, Hoberl Schflkr. Jeidnie r j olq;h. Hymon liclmon, Normon Ocnir,l;it(i, D t r l Moshovill. Ilorrnan V^hitmon, ;,tc*orl Muikln; Messrs. Mort llrctl, Jnck Llcb, M l l f i pcmcT, Stlwyn RoMrnon, RKIldrd Winlrout), Jtrcrpc Wosserman, Jerry 51i n i n ; Dr. Stl KulUr, Dr, Mel lutc-liiian; MitlPS Julio 7uhcr, Ida Glllln, R ( i « t Kiininciinon, Muddlne Knpkc.
cookbook compiled by the council, will he available lo.donors and special contributors. • Working with the above chairmen are the following; committee heads: Mmes. Krne.st Ilochster. Max Granat, .tohn'Winslen, Morton Hrett find Harold Fox.
Smooth 'n' Mellow
Webster, Wit. lll|liiijr Af.Hu. Ap
Now Accepting Applications for 1961 Summer Camp Boyj-Girls, 10-15 Yrs. of Age
OKLAHOMA! r.ilioiii/c Jewish l'ress Advertisers.
For Applications and further Information Contact
Mrs. F. Ralph Nogg—Girls Mrs. Sol Graetz—Boys
Kifpalricb Come Meet
Iz '"Boggy" Bogdanoff • •"•_ .''
Let Him Help You With Your Clothing Selection!
Kilpatriclc'fMen'i Clothing — Second Floor
SPECIAL Effectivo Only . . . Fcbr. 10-14 $125
All Butter Pecan
Made from Pure Butter
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Bokcd Dolly in Our Own Ovi-nt Serving Ornehd With Quality Products for 40 Ytari!
Optn Sur.dcys Till 6:30 P.M. — 154-5540
Friday, February 10, ISC I
Omahans in News Soviet Author Proud Basketball League VARSITY LEAGUE Milder Oil surged into first place and Mogen-David won their first game of the season to highlight Varsity league action as play entered its final round at the Jewish Community Center. In the opening game Milder grabbed a blue chjppcd victory over R. C. Cola 43-29 to take a one game lead over P.. C. Cola and Micklin Lumber with only two more league games to t;o. Milder won the game at the foul line by connecting 18 for :J1, in contrast to R. C. Cola, who were missing 15 out of 18 in the Worst demonstration of foul shooting at the J.C.C. gym in ycar.s Lindy Paul led the winners with 18 points and came through with ten clutch charity tosses to spark his team. S t r a n g e l y enough, R. C. Cola, who had won six out of their last seven, disbanded a winning combination to insert, a new starting line-up and consequently reverted back to its ragged play when it "dropped the first two league encounters. Mogen-David finally broke the ice in the second game and pounced,, on Micklin Lumber 59-47, for its first victory. Jack Stiss put on a marvelous demonstration of clever passing maneuvers to befuddle the opponents and plunked in 21 points to fire his teammates. Ed Belgrade, enjoying one of his finer nights, also was hot with 22 points. Dick Zacharia with 13 markers, was high for Micklin. Enjoying the "spoiler" role and knocking Micklin out of first place, Mogen-David now sets Its sights on Milder Oil as the Varsity league finishes what may be the most exciting race in Center history. STANDINGS \V. L. Milder 7 :s R. C. Cola fi • <! !. Micklin fi 1 ' Mogen-David 1 '.) WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY If, 7:30 p. m.—Milder vs. Micklin. 8:30 p. m—II. C. Cola vs. Mogen-David. YOUTH COUNCIL Rayim clinched at least a tie for the Youth Council championship with u crushing 95-31 victory over AZA 100, and ran ils unbeaten streak to eight in league play last Sunday. In the second game, AZA 10') (lumped AZA 1, 46-31, after trailing throughout the game. STANDINGS \V. L. Rayim 8 0
12 noon—AZA 1000 vs. AZA 100. m i AND 8TH GRAUKS Philips downed Kaiman's 3G-20 in the opener of 7th and 8th grade play with lion VVolpa scoring 15 points. Kaiman's committed 21 personal fouls to help lose the gume despite some beautiful hook shots by Paul Kuimun, who tallied 1.3 points. In the second game, Rorsheim's won its sixth straight. This time Gercliclis were the victims, 43-15 with Dave Jacob.son swishing in 11 markers, Harry Zoob, l.Tand Al Hoss, 10. STANDINGS W. L. Horslii'im (i 0 Philips 1! 4 Kaiman 2 4 Cerelick 2 \ SVNDAY. FEBRUARY J'J Gerelicrk vs. Kaiman Philips vs. Itorsheim BTII AND CTII <iIJAI)KS Trelliak defeated Slosburg for their first victory of the campaign. 16-13 and Richman-Gordmnn downed I-Go-Van 10-G in 5th and 6th grade play. STANDINGS XV.
Richman-Goidman tj I-Go-Van 3 Slosburg 2 Tretiak 1 SINDAY, FEBRUARY 12 Richman-Gordman vs. Tretiak Slosburg vs. I-Go-Van
Gamer Profile
Mr. and Mrs. Sol Friedman announce the birth of a son, Douglas Scott on January 24. They are also the parents of another son, Stephen Jeffrey. Grandparents are Messrs. find Mmes. David 13. Bernstein and L o u i s Friedman, Great-grandmother is Mrs. Morris Colin, Los Angeles, Cal., and great grandfather is Abe Bernstein, Miami, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Kohll announce the birth of a son, Justin Mitchell on February 5 in Immanuel hospital. They have another son, Louis. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. B e r n a r d Fisher, Mrs. Gerald Colin and the late Louis Kohll. The baby's great grandmothers are Mrs. Anna Kolilberg of Venice, Cal. and Mrs. Heine Delrogh. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kaiman announce the birth of a daughter, Michelle Sue on February 2 at Methodist Hospital. Grandparents are Messrs. and Mmes. Jack Kaiman mid Morris Wiseman. Boruch Kalmun Is a great-grandfather of the baby.
MAItC'UK Funeral urrvlr.es were held Sunday at the Jewish Funeral Home for Marcus Schiern, HO, of 3101 Marcy, who died Saturday In a local hospital. He was a bookkeeper at the Greenberg Fruit Company. Surviving are his wife, Gertrude and two children, Louis and Judith. Burial was in Beth Kl Cemetery.
(Continued from Page 1,1 got the job. While her love for the theater was sincere, it did not mean she wanted her offspring to become- an actor. She MILS. SOrilli: MAIMJL'LKK was convinced he would soon tire Funeral services were held of the job and want to stop. It February 2 at the Jewish Fuwas she who soon tired of es- neral Home for Mrs. Sophie Marcorting him to the theater and guh'S, a former Omahan, who she just pulled him out of the job. died January 31 in Miami Beach. His appetite for acting in- Fla. Rabbi Benjamin Groner ofcreased, despite the protestations ficiated. of his family and after graduaMrs. Marseilles moved to Miation from high school, found him- mi Beach from Omaha in 1935. self free to look for-professional Surviving are husband, Joe engagements, but only until he Margules, Miami Reach; sons, enlisted In the Navy. Robert Ferer, New York City After Iiis dlscluirgr, lie entered and Leonard Margules, Anaheim, Columbia University. He also uu- Cal. dltlonrd for the Erwln I'iscntor'd Burial was in Golden. I till Dramatic Workshop and uus nc- Cemetery. fepted. In 1947 be appeared with a Kunmirr professional fttork company and had his first Equity contract. His first Broadway contract MEMBERS OF WINNINO came; with the role of the hos- TEAM IN FORENSIC MEET Robert Gross, Richard Knslow pital attendant in the Pulitzer award winning play, "The nnd Stephen Guss were among the members of the Central High Shrike" with Jose Ferrer.' When he first heard about the debate team which won first 'The Tenth Man." then called place in the Sioux City, (la.) Inthe •'Dybbuk from Woodhaven," vitational Forensic Meet held he felt there might be something last^ week-end. Guss was named in it for him since he had ap- lop speaker of the tournament. AZA 1000 4 -1 AZA 100 :s 5 peared off-Brodaway in such (WEST .SPEAKER AT AZA 1 1 7 classics as the "Dybbuk" and the "Golem." But the casting office 1IEVKA MEETING SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 12 Richard Fellman, attorney, will told him the casting had been 11 a. m.—AZA 1 vs. Rayim. be the guest speaker nt the Suncompleted. A frw days lalrr, an iif^'nt day, February 12 n i f c t i r i g of Klutznick called and asked if he could sub- Hcvra BBG, 1:30 p. m. at the (Continued from Page 1.) mit him for "The Tenth Man" Jewish Community Center. He own efforts to persuade Louis- which be did not connect up ivltli will discuss the organization's iana Protestants to vote for a the "Dybbuk from Woodhaven." regional project on mental health. Catholic President. He hoped thir. He was to portray an 83-ycsir-<ilil The meeting Is open to all BBG Arabs would cooperate with Jlr. man In a play Unit has become members. Klutznick. an Institution on Broadway. The Senator Amazed role required tho taking on and Senator F u I b r i g h t voiced off of clothes and a pasted hoard. . amazement at the totals raised The pasted beard Idea was not 347-1366 to insert vot/r Wont Aa In by Jewish philanthropies in which so good, so G&mer grew one. Hn fh«Phcntj Jtwiih Press Mr. Klutznick participated. Mr. used to whiten it every night, Dally Jewish Papers Klutznick acknowledged the gen- but the nightly washing,£u ic. him erosity of the Jewish people and a temporary and burning allergy BAR anil Bas Mltzvali congratulations also for all Jewish holioutlined his personal views on to soap. So lie had It bleached, a. days and special occasions. foreign aid. long story, and ono that received Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge Sen. Fulbriglit listened intently much publicity. as Mr. Klutznick stated lii» phil~~ '. WANTED ~ osophy on development of underA ft I Film Reliable party take over paydeveloped nations and effective ments of $7.37 to close account methods of assistance. Won over, KMTV, (Channel 3) will teleon 1960 Pfaff Sewing Machine Sen. Fulbrlght finally commented cast an ADL film, "The High complete with attachments and that p e r h a p s Mr. Kliit/.nlcli Wall," Sunday, February 12 from new guarantee. Write Sewing should bo, made a Senator and 1 p. m. to 1:30 p. m. The film is Machine Department Box 250 p l a c e d on the Appropriations a case study of a young bigot und North Platte, Nebr. Committee. describes how his home life fosIf Mr, Klutaniek is as success- tered the development of preju- Responsible party to lake over ful with the Arab delegations as dice. It is. presented under the payments on near New Singer he was with the State committee, sponsorship of the Intergroup ReSlnntomatlc or will discount the United Nations will move lations Clearinghouse, composed for cash. To see Write Credit closer to fulfillment of the ideals of some 23 local organizations Department Box 83, N o r t h in its Charter. (JTA) and agencies, Including the ADL. Platte, Nebr.
Want Ads
Of Jewish Heritage
Mr. and Mrs. A. I,. Coheu will leave in the near future for San Diego, Cal., where they plan to make their home. They were residents of Omaha for nearly t>0 years and had operated a grocery store on South 20th Street for many years.
Listeners of a Moscow radio heard fumed Soviet author Ilya Elirenburg say he holds dual nationality—as a Russian and ns a Jew—and is proud of both. Mr. Ehronbui'R, on a radio program honoring bis 70th birthday, said ho was "proud of the fact that I am an ordinary Russian writer. But my passport states that I am not a Russian but a Jew." He said, "And as long us there exists in the world even one antiSemite, I shall proudly reply to the question as to my nationality —a Jew."
Mrs. Max Itresiow is home after a visit to California where she was with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Breslow and her brother, Dave Slobodinsky of San Pedro. Sir. Bresloiv accompanied his wife to California but returned to Omaha on an earlier date. A one-man exhibition by Milton Wolsky, featuring 22 of his recent paintings will bo held at Joslyn Art Museum, February 14-March 12.
FOR THE FINEST . . . IN PHOTOGRAPHY Portrait! Wedding*
Israel Lists Charges Against Eiclimann Jerusalem (WNS)—Charge* of seven counts of crimes against humanity, four agonist the Jewish people, one war crime and three of membership in a Nazi organizations many punishable by death, were made against Adolf Kichmanu by the Israel government, whose trial begins March 15.
John Kaltna
PHOTOGRAPHER 817 SOUTH 36TH STREET 345-1044 Do your shopping in the Jewish /
A telephone is for finding out how things are at home A few reassuring words, a pleasant chat about the day's happenings and the traveler is at peace with the world, $ No doubt about i t . . . a telephone call is the satisfying way to keep in touch when you're out of town. NORTHWESTERN BELL Service First