Vol. xxxrx—K«. T.I
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CJffii'c, KJl Nu iniiku I'liimc s
Itichnnl 11. "Dick" MeCatin, grams planned by the Yoiiih prominent radio e>.( cutive, will Council in observance of Brothbe the1 guest speaker at a "broth- erhood Week ,it was announced hood' program to be given by by .Steven Gu^s, president, who the Jewish youth Council, .Sun- will .preside on both occasions. day, February JO at the Jewish The second gathering will be held on Sunday, 1-Ybruary ^G at Community Center at .'! p. in. the Center. I'romlnrnt ICadio K.i.eeiit he (iiilihviire, nimmiTiM.iii, Chairmen Mr. McCann is Director of liarry Goldwnre and Harlan Community Services and Ac-lliuimerinan, co-chairmen of the count Executive for Kadio Sta- functions will introduce the tion KRON and /•- speakers, the former, at the first formerly a public "^ program. Films will be shown on school adminisi both dale;;. trator. lie is very 15 , , « , I active In. civlc ^-' **' organizations and Is a popular pub^_ \ lie speaker and '/ tonstmasler. Mr. _ y/ AlcCann will uiThe Youth Council Hosiers m e in Omiln base been completed and are just in time foi available at the Activities and his Sunday's apthe Youth Council offices of pearance bifoie Mr. McCann the Jewish Community Centhe Youth Counril liter making ter. The rosters contain the an address in Northwest Nebrasnames, addresses, phone numka at a Soil Conservation convenbers and club affiliation of tion. every Youth Council member He will speak on the subject: arid sell for twenty-five cents " . . ."And the Lord said, "Where each. Is thy Brother':" 7'no 10 vents The event is one of two pro-
SififjR1 t>jpy i(Jc Ainuul Hull 44
17, J'JIH
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YetiSh Ocancll Has
Hosiers m Sale
Bonuses io Diplomats Fur Hebrew Fluency
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An ni rial \ir\v of tlto luautifiil \wiodril tire.i on wlnili t h e m « f .imp J . I J - C - C m i l h e Incntpd.
Washington (JTAi — United Stales Foreign .Service officers stationed in Israel will be paid bonuses of $1,050 y e a r l y for i .programs fire being jchi^ving a high degree of fluplanned in Omaha in recogni- ency in speaking and reading the tion of observance of brotherhood Hebrew language, the State Department made known. Week, February 19-2.">. Construction will begin soon on linn is completed, s e r v e both the new. camp site will be under If posted away from Israel, the now Camp Jay-C-C to be lo- children's camps and special adult construction, it will not be ready The Omaha Chapter of the National Conference of Christians the American diplomats will re- cated on the scenic site in C'ass projects, The planning of the for this year's camp activities, Vie added, in order to and Jews in cooperation with Uni- ceive 55H5 a year for maintain- • > Couuly n&'^r 1-ouii.vilJo, Nvby., unrt Camp~IS umter ihi* tutju-ts-inimt *j( Hmyr-ver. serve Omaha children,'.uninter*vcrstty of'Omaha and other spon- ing skill in Hebrew. The uim is of the most beautiful areas in Alex Weinstein, chairman of the ruptedly, arrangements have been sors will present ft conference to promote study of languages this part of Hie country, Harry Federation building committee made for excellent. 1901 Camp program.-'Friday, February 21 at generally unfamiliar to Ameri- Trustin. President of the Jewish and a prominent Omaha archi- Jay-C-C accommodations which the University's Gene Kppley Cen- cans in diplomatic work. Hobrcw Federation, reported. will be announced in the next tect,' ter from 9:30 a. m. to 2:.'iO p. m., language ability was rated as issue of the Jewish Press. Chil••Wonderful fnr (lamping" Thins Miulo for 'Cil Season it wag announced by Mrs, Lloyd more important than knowledge will be able to go to cani[> The jiew s i t e , with rolling Mr.. Trustin said that although dren Fricdmun, president of the Fed- of Arabic. The Arabic language this summer nnd enjoy all the eration of Jewish Women's Clubs, pays H smaller bonus because grounds, wonderful trees and all regular camping facilities and one of the co-sponsoring organi- more American diplomatic per- the features ideal for camping, carefully supervised activities. zations. sonnel, i n c l u d i n g many who is just the kind of place. Federastudied in the Americun Uni- tion leaders have wanted for Mr*. ttloMiurK, lleprcsent.'iihe versity of Beirut, have knowl- many years, Mr. Trustin said. Mrs. Stanley Slosburg, the. edge of Arabic. Tlie 182-acre tract recently More than a hundred different Women's Federation representapurchased by the Jewish Federa- items will be available at the tive to the Conference of Christion, will, when building const rue.- Workmen Circle family bazaar, Tel Aviv fJTAV — Fourteen tians und Jews, will be one of the .Sunday, February 19 at the La- Centurion tanks purchased from discussion leaders at the mornbor Lyceum, 3024 Cuming Street, liritain have arrived In Israel ing program. Among other parMrs. 'Louis Witkin, .solicitation aboard the SS Kincrct after a ticipants will be Mrs. lilmcr Nochairman, reported. stormy p a s s a g e through the vak, ns one of the recorders, and Beginning at 2 p. m. many va- Mediterranean. Unloading of the Mrs, Myer S. Kripke, as resource rieties of traditional J e w i s h lanks proceeded immediately afperson in addition to representaTlie third session of the Partives of other organizations takents' Discussion series on "Liv- dishes will be available for those ter the-vessel was anchored at ing part. Mrs, Maurice Frank, Ping with the New Adolescent" who plan to bring their families an undisclosed point off Israel's TA City Council President, will will he held Monday, February for dinner. All the food has been coast, preside.' 20 at 8:.')0 p. m. at the -Jewish prepared by the women ^t the Community Center. The- group organization. The bazaar is open -MEDICAL CENTEK (JETS Mrs,'Friedman urged everyone $31.0,000 GUAXT will continue to examine the to the public. to attend and to call Mrs. John Philadelphia. (JTA) — Three Proceeds from the event, will need for changes in the parental Hopkins, '.553-3457 for re&crvaroles when there is an adoles- be used for children's adoption scientists at the Einstein Medi(Oontinued on Page 4.) cal Center here have received in Israel. cent in the family. .$219,000 grant from the National Institute of Health, for study aimed at gaining a better understanding of infective processes and the treatment of viral disCommittee heads for the eases by chemicals. eighth annual B'nai B'rith Women's Citation luncheon, February Jerusalem (JTA)— Dr. Robert vuiius on Israeli court, procedure 23 have been named by the genScrvatius, tJcrman defense law- and law, announced that he had eral chairmen, Mmcs. Marvin yer for Adolf Kichmann, the turned over his retainer for his Gerber and Stanley Shapiro. Nazi war criminal who directed work on the defense case to Algiers (J.TA)—A (iO-year-oid They are Mrs. Julian Baumel, tho mass killing of 0,000,000 throe Israeli institutions. They hostesses; Mrs. Max Sacks, Jews in Kurope during the Sec- ore tho Institute of Criminology Jew was killed nnd a number of Joseph I.evlne luncheon; Mrs. Miles Remer, ond World War, asked for two- at the H e b r e w University in oilier Jews were injured when a Bowers and wires; Mrs. Sam I3olJoseph Lcvinc, conductor of week postponement o[ tlie i-licli- Jerusalem; the Department for bomb exploded in the Jewish lak, plaque; Mrs. Harry Green- the Omaha Symplnny Orches- maun trial which wus scheduled Research Into the Nazi Holo- quarter of the city. Tlie incident, f o l l o w e d the caust at Bar Han University in tyrg, decorations; Mmcs. Phil tra will open the 25th .-annual to begin here on March 15. .Ctalncr,' Allan Siegel, guest Beth El Concert of Jewish Mu- Ho said lio wus unable, to com- Ramat Gan; nnd the Benevolent bombing last weelc of a Jewishftooks; Mrs. Harry Smith, reser- cic, honoring Cantor Aaron Ed- plete preparations for the. trial Association o£ Central European owned grocery shop, causing considerable damage. The owner of vations and invitations; Mrs. gar, on Sunday, February 2G at nnd study the voluminous evi- Refugees. Harry Sittnuin, publicity. Lunch- Joslyn Memorial, at 8 p. m. by dence t>y Mnrrli 15. In acceding Mr, Scliarf, 48, who did not the shop, Tordjtnan David, said eon reservations may be made making his initial appearance in Jo Iho request, tho Ministry ot disclose the amount of his fee, that .agents of the rebel FLU orwith Mmes. Yale Kaplan, Harry Omaha ns piano soloist. He se- Justice is expected to extend tho said that in accepting the as-ganization had visited his shop AUoy and Elliot Brown. lected "Concerto G r o s s o" by postponement until n i t e r tliu signment, ho was motivated by earlier, demanding a contribui'atisover holiday. the principal that Dr. Servatius, tion of funds to their cause. Tho The award will be prcsonled to Ernest Bloch. Mendel Scharf, the German- a foreign lawyer, should be af- bombing of the; shop was apMr. Lcvinc who has been playMrs. Charles Crown, a prominent a reprisal measure for civic leader at a noon luncheon ing piano on tlie. concert stage torn Israeli attorney who will forded every assistance to con- parently his refusal to contribute.. act as a consultant to Dr. Ser- duct on adequate defense. (Continued on Page 3.) at the Sheiaton-Fontenelle Hotel.
Week Events
At Bazaar onSunday Israel Gets 14
British Tanks
Parents' Discussion Oroup leels londay
Chairmen Named For'Award Event
Jewish Quarter, Algiers Bombed
Second Clcsa Pcsto^e Paid oi Omaha. Ncbr. Annual SuDscrlDllon, H.OQ. Advertising Potcs en Application, Pubi.cotion Oilict—101 no. lorn Strctf. Omaha, New., 34VIK6.
weekly on FrlJaj beginning the lai.t uecit In August throughfccconilseek In July by the Jewish Federation of Omaba. ,
Bar arid las Mlizvafi AH friends and relatives are Invited to attend services arid reception. HAV.MONI) WKIXHKIH;
Raymond Weinbeij;, inn of Mr, and Mrs. Cal'.in WeinbeiT, will onsene his Bar Mjl/vah on .Sabat 5:40 p. m. bath mornim:, February 18, at BNAI JACOH ADAS The 10.:i0 a. in. service at 13eth TtKSIII UOX Friday, Miudia, fi:.1O p. m. K;ii- JCI Xyn.'igojjtiP. lirday, K:.'iO a. m. Minrha, !>::H) j>. m. follovvfd by Sholosh Seu- .MAItlLYN C O I I I : N DKIIOHAII JO (iOHD.'MAN dos. Daily services ;it li:.!0 a. ill. ami The lias Mil/.vah of Marilyn Si'iS p. m. Cohen, (laiii'JitcC'Of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cohen and Deborah Jo BKTII I X Sabbath Kv».* M'nii't'.s at Belli Cordman, ilaiighU'r of Mr. and 3J •Syn;it,"'KU<-> at H:15 p. m. Can- Mrs. Dan Gordman v. ill be celetor Aaron I. K(U:;ir anil thi; Botli brated on Friday eveninj.;, FebJ.I choir will n.niier tlie musical ruary '2\ al lictli Israel .Synagogue. }ortions of the .service. There will ho ;io pulpit, sermon, rinco following tlie .service, Rab- MAItSll.V (JOII.I) b\ Kripke will continue the. third JoA NN S< I I.M I DM A X (*f ;\ .series o! discussions on '"Die Mr. and Mrs. l.eonar<l Gould K< xt Quarter Century." This annoiincL' tlie Has Milzvah of Friday's topic will be "Will their dauchl'r, Marsha, and Mr. World Jewry Achieve Normal- ami Mrs. Leon .Schmiclman ancy?" nounce the Has Mit/vah of their Traditional Sabbath mornini; daughter, JoAnn, on Friday evetcrvkvs at R:30; family service ninj;, Febniary ^ ! ami Saturday lit 10:30. Mincha-Maaiiv .Service morning. February ITi at Ik'th YA Synagogue. it 5:30 p. in. Sunday services at 0 a. in. Daily sc-nici s at 7 a. in. and 7 p. in. .JOHN" MliOYVX John Hro\^n, son of Mr. and Br.TH ISIIAIX The annual "Know Your Mrs. Sydney Ostcn. will celeI>oii.'hbor Sabbath" in obsrrv- brate his Bar Mitzv.-ih, Friday fr.c<; of P.rothcrhood Week will and .Saturday, February 21 and l.f held on Friday e\,enin;,\ Keb- 1T> al Temple Israel. r.i.aiy ]7. at 8 p. m. at IVth I:;i;.<] Synagogue, under the spoilforship of the Beth Israel Sisterhood. Nrna and hii|>p<*nlni;<t fit The Dr. Rabbi Benjamin Groner will riiillp Slier Jr\vi*ili Home for the rV-ljvrr the .sermon, and Cantor An»'d |,y David Orkow, Kli K;iK-*in, assisted by his choir, will lender the cantonal selec.Mr. and Mr«. Nathan Martin tions. The service will be con1 cluded with a question .md an. donated a vajiorjzer to tin Home m c r IK.TIOH. anu roliowcn tjy u wedding anniversary. t'ocial hour. It.-ihbl ttenjaiuln (ironcr was Mrs. Jzadoie KlewiU, clinirman, and Mrs. Nathan Marcus, our visitor this week. .Mrs. Kstlirr NVII and David co-chairman in charge of arOrlioiv took' ten of our residents rangements. on a special tour of the Kitly They will t * o'.slsted by Mmfls. 5am Perman, fuQtne Dfoun, Joseph Oursfeln, (.'lover potato chip factory. Frank Cchcn, Rcbcrt Endttmon, Bcnnerl FIshboin, Charles Formon. Max Fromkin, The Central High School PlayHenry Greenbero, H. H. Grecnberg, George Schopiro, end Harold Zcllnsky. Wmfs. Ben- <rs entertained our residents on (amln Grotwr. Eli Kagan, Maurice Katelmon, Sidney Goldtjcra, Sam Kolirnon, and Wednesday, February ]5. • Htnry Appel, will pour. Vahrzclt: Special prayers, In Ushers will t * the following Synoaooue Youlh Oroonllction Qlrls: Susl Brookslein, the name of the following, the -uil Stoler, Birdie Stone. Evo Sand, Toby Rffzbcum, Santll Schapiro, Ellen Zetlnsky, anniversary of whose death falls AnneTle Oiarney. ShctJa Ruderman and during this week, will be offered EuLs Glvot. Traditional Friday services by our old folks in the synagogue (Kobolas Shahbo.s) lx-gin at of our Home: Adar 1, (Fcbr. 17) —Harry Roitstein and Rose 5:45 p. m. Shabbos morning services at Freiden; Adar 4, (Fcbr. 20)—hiz8:45 n. m. Junior Comjrcgaiion zic Kavich; Adar 5, iFebr. 21)— at 30 a.: m. Itabbi Groner will Fannio. I.ielxjviei and Bettic Hess. conduct the Talmud Class at 5:)5 B'nal B'rith, Henry Slonsky, p. m. Sabbath Mincha at 5:45 ("hapter No. 470, invites you to p. m. followed by Sholosh Snudos a party, Monday, February 20 at tind Maariv. 2 p. m. at the Home on the ocSunciay morning services begin casion of Jewish Music Festival rd 9 a. m. followed by breakfast Month. nml Rabbi's claps in bible. Sunday morning Junior Minyan followed by breakfast starts at 8:.'iO a.1 m. Daily services at 5:55 p. in. nnd 7 a. m. Albany, N. Y. (JTA)—Representatives of Jewish organizaTEMPLE ISRAEL Dr. Robert I. Kuhn of Con- tions clashed with Catholic and gregation Emanu - El, Houston, Protestant spokesmen over a Tex., will be the guest rabbi at "religious matching" clause in a the 8:15 p. m., Friday evening bill to set up stricter safeguards worship at Temple Israel. He will for adoptions handed privately between families. '.; review the Broadway play, "The The disputed c 1 a u s e would Miracle Worker." Jlabbi Kahn is in Omaha as provide that "when practicable, speaker .for Temple's t-.venty- children be placed with foster third annual institute on Judaism parents of their own religious for the Christian Clergy, this faiths." The Catholic and PioFriday. The American Legion's testant representatives supportnational chaplairi, . Rabbi lfahn ed s u c h "religious matching" Is a distinguished preacher, au- provisions ' with • the argument that it was in conformity with thor nnfl soldiery • '.Rabbi'Sidney II. Brooks will present public policy. officiate in the services and Miss. The J e w i s ji representatives Ida Gitiin will Conduct- the Tcm- argued that such a provision pic choir. would deprive adoptive parents Saturday Services. a,t,;ll:30 of the right to determine the ». m. for adults and religious religion of their adopter] children school. Rabbi Brooks will .offi-. and that such a. requirement ciate nnd Miss Gitiin will direct could nullify the wishes of their the choir. natural parents.
W\\\\ ffi@ Home Folks
Friday, February 17, JSfil
Jewish Communities Still Functioning In Red China l^ndon (JTA) — Jiui.'ti communities are still beino- maintained in .Shanghai, Harbin and Tientsin, as well as ill IVkin;',, jiccordinj; t>> a, report received here from the Jewish community of .Shanghai. Flour For Mut/ut The communication, Mldrcsed
Gofda Heir Agrees To Serve Wiffi ilevi Ben-Ourion Cabinet Jerusalem (JTA)—Israel's For(if;u Minister Golda Meir and Commerce Minister Pinhas .Sapir—two Mapai members of the Cabinet who had been refusing to c c m ; in another Beii-Gurion Cabinet—were reported as having ri.'versi.'d their refusal, thus makinc it easier for David BenCJurion' to form a new j.;ovcrnliK'tit under his premii'r.ship. Tim two, reportedly, a fired reluctantly only after close party associates had warned them that Iheir refusal to servo in the new Cabinet may lead to the necessity of holdini; national elections which neither tlie country nor the Mapai parly could afford nl Ibis sfa^e. Having won Mrs. Meir and Mr. Sapir, but unable still to overcome the reluctance of the Progressive parly leaders to serve in another Cabinet under his premiership, Mr. Ben-Gurion (oday concentrated on winning the National Religious party with a view to forming a new j;o*e'nrnent baser] on a narrow coalition of his own Mapai party. 1he Arab parties allied with Mapai, and the National Religions party. This coalition would command a majority of 67 out of the 120 \otes In the Knesset, Israel's Parliament.
to the world rxcculive nf• the Aguda.s Israel Organization, disclosed that the (Chinese Oovcrnment. had allotted flour for the baking of matzot. In 1'JGO, 'I.K'J) Waves Were transferred under rabbinical supervision from the former Jewish cemetery within the city limits to a now cemetery outside Shanghai, the rejKirl f,aid. Maintains Files The community provided OTH d e a t h certificates and certificates of internment to applicants in many parts of the world and it maintains complete files of the records of the n e a r l y I'O.OOO Jews who found sanctuary in .Shanghai at the time of the Nazi persecutions In Europe.
U'AIX TO WA1.I. OAIU'ETIKO ANU 1-lJHNITIJlti: Clcjined In your Home JtCFITTIM. • Ili:i>AIItl.NO I.AVIMi • Si;UIN<) <:l.KANl.NO
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I ! ,asi* H»«* %*$? mh* %&4 M%&
Memorial Service For Mrs. Feldman A memorial ficrvice in tribute \o the late Mrs. Jacob Feldman will be held Tuesday, Febniary 21 at 8 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center, under the sponsorship of the Pioneer Women member of Farband. Mrs. Feldman, who died January 15, was active In both of organizations nnd a charter member of Barband. Rabbi Benjamin Groner and Cantor Eli Kai;an. of Beth Israel synagogue, will participate In the program.
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Sera by Celling 34MS77 Certified «nd approved fcy R W Dr. lean Thorn, Pr*ttd*M, Amtfrie«n Acadamto Robb!» AnccUiion of New Am«rJeen», and RrbbI S. Wtlktn ol <hs Orlhodoi Rabbit ef New Yerh City.
Ofx« Sundays Till 6:39 P.M
Friday, February 17, I OB I
Errol Fishers to Reside In Monfreal After Trip Miss Harriet Seliloff became the bride of Krrol Fisher, son o[ Mi", ami .Mrs. Herlierl .1. Fisht r of Vancouver, B. ('. in mi evening ceremony at Belli Israel KyiiiiROiJHft Sumlay, February 32. Thi? couple will main? their home in Montreal, Ciii.'ida after a weililinn trip to New York. The hriile, the daughter ol Mr. mill Mrs. A. W. .Kehloff, wore n X;own of .slipper .satin ;o:d n tiered veil eani;llt, by a slippei snlin rap. .She carried a while orehid on a white Bible. Miss Leslie Smith wan rnaidof-hoiior and Kihvard Liebenhei); of Milwaukee, Wis. was best man. Ushers were I'ercy Moskowitr. <}( MinnealKili.s, Minn ; .Sieve .Sef;lin, Michael 1*1 n i l , Terry .Sliowp.ll, (ill of Omah i Miss K r a n e i n e Moskowitz of. Minneapolis, was at the |;uest liook. Ciiii<!leli(;hters uc-re Mikal Fisher of Vancouver and Matthew SchlofC The mothers of the bride and J i r o o m chose satin and Inee (•owns for the weddinj;. A coektail supper and d.Mire followed the ceremony.
KADIMAII DANf'H ON rKIIKI/AltV ITt Chairmen for the danee, "Sentintentnl Journey" to lw ijiven by Kadimah SYO, February 25, 8:.'!0 j). m.-ll:.'iO p. m. ai.-Heih Israel nrc Shelia Itmleiman, dance; Harry Friedman, F.llen Zelinsliy, tickets; Michelli; Aronoff, posters; Allan Siisman, decorations; .Susan Stoler, Toby Heizbamn, publicity,
nou.s rou I»I;.MO(;I!ACV I'KOI.'HAM, SUNDAY The three YOIIIIJ; Judaea croups will hold separate business sessions, .Sunday, February J!> lit the Jewish Community Center, followlpu the joint attendance nl. a Dolls for nomocracy program which Jl'nal B'rith women will present at 'J: p. in. Thi; following were elected as officers of the Dots: Susan Lincoln, Helen Coren, Holx'rta Moyerson, Leah Kraidenrich, Klainc If ess, Harriet Dolcoff and Sharon Herman. Newly elected officers of the,seventh cradi: croup are Jennifer Itodfn, Janice Friedman, Jill Slosfourtf,' Sue. Kisenstatt, Joallie Simon and Lynn Fellmau. FORMER OMAIIANN C'KLEBKATK fSOTII Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Wlesman, former Omahnns, were enter-• tained by friends and relatives In Sherman Oaks, Calif., on their fiftieth wedding anniversary, February 11.
Lovine Piano Soloist' (Continued from Page 1) since-the n«c of 11, has led a distinguished musical career as Jiiano soloist and orchestra conductor, The syn.'iRORiic cliolr with Cantor Kdgnr and the Omaha Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Mr. Levinn, will jointly present the concert. In addition to others previously named as appearing with the choir are n former member, Miss Ida Gillln, Temple choir director now nnd Mrs. Alan Wolfson. Mr. Irvine will conduct members of the Orchestra in "Two Ilassldlc Dnnces" by Leo Stein ond the "Hebrew Suite" by Julius Cbajes. They will present with Beth El choir members, nnd cantor Edgar, "Dos Ylddishe Lied" by 8. Secnnda; Anthem from Symphony "America" by Ernest Bloch; "Halleluyali" by Ijcwan<k>wslt(; Psalm 118 by Dunnyew«kl; "A Dudele." a Yiddlsh-Hebjew Hnisldlc «ong arranged by Leo Low; "Ilcb Dovidl" and "Olt'r\ Prlpcchok," Yiddish /ollrpongs end several Israeli numbers.'. 1 ' . ': •'••
Sirs. Krrnl FIslier
Martins Leave on Trip to Hawaii Mr. and Mrs. Nathan .Martin will be absent, from the city iibont three months, while niakinj; a visit, to California and Hawaii. They will spend time with Mrs. Martin's sister. Mrs. Jsadore Kubin and Mr. Itubin in Los Angeles before flying to Hawaii and plan to .slop in San Francisco on their return. The M a r i i n s were honored with a party on their recent fiftieth anniversary by members of the Dramatic Club and Workmen Circle.
'How to Get Hubby in Kitchen and Yourself Out,' Speaker's Topic "How to Get, Your Husband Into the Kitchen and yourself Out." will be revealed in a talk by Lyle DeMoss, at the "Ta.stlni;. Luncheon" of the Omaha Section, National Council of Jewish Women. February 21 at T2M0 p. m. at. the HIackslone Hotel. A cookbook, "Council Cooks" will be available to donors and special' contributors at that. time. Mr. DeMoss will p r e s e n t awards to the winners of a recipe contest, to be conducted by Council and which will be judged by a panel of food cNports, Miss Martha Hohlsen of TV nnd radio; Mrs. Margie Allen, Home Service Advisor, MUD; Miss Marion MacDonald, Assistant Home Service Director, OPPD. Dessert and coffee will be served following the "tastinR" of foods prepared from recipes In the new cook book and others brought by entrants in the contest. The cookbook was compiled recently by thn Omaha Section and includes new and traditional recipes and is available only to council donors and special contributors.
/icsday, February 27 at 6 p. m. HKIT TO UK rnUSKNTKD nt the Jewish Community CenAT MONSKV .MEETING "Higolry on Trial" is the ti- ter. ' A skit, ".Someone to Know," tle of a skit to he presented by the Henry Monsky . Lodge No. will be presented. Members •an; .i")'1 H'nai B'rith at a 7 p. in. din- asked to torn in the R'izaar ner meeting"" at. the Sheraton- ticket money at this im.etinu. • + • Fontenelle Hotel, Wednesday, February Tl. AIU'LT HEIiUKW Participants in the program Teuijile Israel's Adult Hi-brew will include Judj;c Janus J. class will meet Wedne.Mlay, FebO'Brien, Jay Welch,. Mel Kart- ruary 22, from J p. in. to 2 p. in. inan, Morton Uretl and Lou So* * • brin. I/xl|;e ADL commit Iceman SDT ALUMNAE Fl'ND William Stone is program chair- ICAISIN<i AFFAIR man. The Omaha Alumnae League Members may invite their of Sigma Delta Tan Sorority wives and friends. Those who an; will hold a fund raising dessert, unable to make the dinner, are luncheon,-.Saturday, February 25 invited to the program which is at the home of Mrs. Justin Manopen to lhe public. The business vitz at 3 P- m. meetint; will start .•.'. 9:.'!U p. m. Proceeds will be donated to * * * the Pete K a r l m a n Memorial HOLIDAY DANCING .Scholarship at. Hrandeis Uni« L I B , FEB. J8 versity. Reservations are being The Holiday Dancint. Club will taken by Mrs. Hernard Greenbegin their season with a dance, heir, 3-W-TH.TO and Mrs, Justin .Saturday night, February 18 at. Manvitz, .r)"ifi-<)509. 9:30 p. m. at: I he Field Club. Officers elected by the organiicT COFFEI: zation are Messrs. and Mines. A pi'e-coiHN.'rt. discussion j>ieH e r b e r t Meiches, presidents; Morton Soiref, secretaries. Gene ceding the lieth K) "Concert of Osheroff, treasurers; and a board Jewish music" will he held at. composed of Messrs. and Mines. • the home of Mrs. Max Klein's Jack Belmont, Morton Frank, Wednesday morning, February 22 at !):.'(() a. m. The morning Jack Kpstein, Jerry Lehman, (>cra)d Bernstein, Leonard Fin- will begin with a "coffee" and kel, Irvini: Davis, Harvey Lips- will be followed by a discussion featuring both Joseph Irvine man and Al Nepomnick. nnd Cantor A a r o n Kdgar in « * • whose honor the concert is be\\ A V IIADA.SSAII ing presented. DINNER MEETING Reservations should be in now for the regular dinner meeting of the Business and Professional Women of Hadassah on Wed-
150 Hebrew A If-Day/ Schools i Jlockaway Park, N. Y. <JTA)' — The J3th annual convention of the National Association of Hebrew Day School Parent-Teacher Associations opened here with 400 delegates from 250 Hebrew all-day s c h o o l s , representing 20,000 members in P-TA groups. The Omaha Transit Co. has announced that 25 new air conditioned buses me now in service.
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Miss Sally Freeman was elected president of Alpha Kpsilon Phi Sororily at Northwestern University, h'vanslon. III. .She is in her junior year and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Freeman.
Special Situations
Chicagoans Urge More Education On the Nazi Era Chicago ).1TA) -A proposal that schoolchildren .should be taught, a full understanding of the Nazi era and Its crimes was approved by the Chicago region of the Illinois Congress of Parents and Teachers after debate as to the advisability of exposing children to such knowledge. The recommendation was mado after ono (,'lilcago srliool 1*-TA reported that there was a la<'k of hnmvlrdKA amonc "oiir children of lioth tlie significance, of America's struggle against the Xa/I HwuHtlliit and thn Idrology for which It Ntood." The study also found that Hie children liU-hrd iinileratandlnB "of tile powItlve contribution to culture nnd t made by vurloim clhnlo
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'R. C.'rfL'oIa dinih-. Uirl; intn :: t i e for'"l.irst ];i;i<•'• to hi; ljli;:ht Varsity Vt'iifrue aciic-u on VtVdJiesday, ; Ffbru:-ry K Tin::-.. Hie Stage i.s yil K'.:( !<•:• the final scheduled iyunr\, with ihe chanipion.sliiji hant'jn;; i:i Tin? lK.i..:ice in w h a t is ptobubly the mn.-,i exci.linjj and eiu.v.sl V a r s i t y league r a c e in ( V M U T hislury.
defeating AZA 1 OO-L'2. AZA. 1 employed a K-:;ni'.';taU type olSruic frv..:n the.' .'..jieriiiii; innnicnts uf tlK- i.ajri'-; in hopes that tins type ')! play would hinder the fi;:;;re.-sive style of Rayim. i Iov.(•wv, tho !.-h(.:ili:i!: ability and lino fi'-i.jr jil.-iy of S l e w (.aits and Dick Z a r h a r i a cuabii-d Kajifii to win it.-, ninth con; ecutive Ur-ketball r.'.um" in Youth Council cons-
MTAI — Youth leaNer.s of tiio li'nai IVi'ilh Youth Or;;.iiiizat.ini) p:-csent(-d S e n a i o r Jnlin .1. P p a r k n i a n . a rarrmiw of the .'".'.'naif !•"!)!.•'!••:!) T.i'Ialions ("oi.'iitiitli"', with a rei-niution adopted :>t a mi'i'tin;: her-:', cntiui.',:[":U Hi'1 ;:r.j!nini!:tr; tiuii'.s iuoI>o:;;.| fcr Pea re C O I J : ; of Y.nilli;; to i::;si;;t o t h e r lands. K--.'|)r(::-.';nti;liv''s of t h e ;;ron|> told the !..'iiator "of tin- inieivi.l sliov.'ii by American youth in the I'hMiihlishmtMi! of I hi' peact; coriis" li'.'Ciiuse yoii'iji people a r e " w i i ously cuiicciiii'd with world conditions."
London ( J T A ) - A v.rv: Yiddish lnnc;!/iiie to lie known as the ".Soviet llonir.'land," will soon be -published in Husiritt. T h e periodicaJ Will lie t h e first Ykldisli p a p e r
to be ptiblish'jd in t h e Soviet I ' n ion since the- late 1010's, w h i n 11K; Stalin rc;;ime banned Yid'li.sb-jiapers unuthi.' Yiddish t h ( , i 1er w a s closed.
T h e second (Mine saw AZA 1000 overcome an early lead lo defeat AZA ]00 .'U-L'7. H o w a r d Ill the1 first ^,iri..i: af tin- eveShrior was hit:h for the winners ning. U. C. Cola (i^.ricii Mickim L u m b e r 38-29, to inuvr i.'ilu a ' wilh 9 points; while Micki.y tie for top honors with MiM'T .Sacks paced 10!) with V) points. Mrs. Jay C'lu'rnin':It was electOil. I!c"fti>;in^ to ciuit, the "never ed .second vice-president of the Bay die" Cola team bounced h a d : \Y. L. Family and Child Service of . into contention Imhind 111<• re- P.ayim ' . . . . !i 0 bounding and scoiiir; of AI Ckiy- AZA KiOO ".< -1 •Omaha. Elected to the organizanian, who flippc-ii in 21 point;;. A Z A ioo :: <i tion's board was Alfred S. Mayer. T h e winners had valuable help AZA i 1 a Mr*. .7. Harry KuIaliofsUy was ^iram Stan Becker i;: the rubounilnamed a member Slate Mothers Sunday, I'cbrnary 1!* * i n g and cielpnsh..• dr-parlr-neiils. AZA i vs. AZA 1 MO Committee' which is ncceptinij . S t e v e Gites-ivitli I1) point:; l'.-il
Qmahans in News
the losers. The second gaim- >;;nv MKCIIDavid knock a team out" uf first place for the second con.-ecuthe .'Week. This time it. was Milder Oil who bore the brunt of the | vastly improved winners in a 5150, wild encounter which huilt tip t o a thrilling climax :;oin;; into the final seconds. Ed Belgrade, a r,lufKi-h performer last year, played Uiir. winter like he mejuit business. The big. center hit on a variety of .Ehots pood for 25 points and .swept the board clean, to prove that he is .still one of Die linest players jn the league. Kancy Jack SUss was also hot aywin with 17 points and put on a razzle-dazzle all-around floor performance to spark his team. Belgrade and Stiss had froud support from a fine defensive camo by Wayne Siegal and good hustle f r o m Jerry Dana and Kyle Weatherepoon'. A pair of sharpshooters. TJndy Paul and Fred Errnsfein. led the scoring parade of. Milder Oil with 36 points apiece. After knocking two teams out of first place on two .stmight weeks, Mogen-Darid now wts their siejils on Tt. C. Cola. A Mogen-David victory this wctk would knock the Cola team out .ot the title race for e,ood. Ironically enough, after Jusing n i n e straight league pames, JIogen-David has come back and appears to be the strongest team in the league in the final round, and certainly the most dangerous, A Mogen-David victory next voek.'plus if Micklin upsets Milder, could throw the league into a three-way tie for first place iit the end of the regular schedule and necessitate a special championship playoff. Standings W. 7 7 C, 2
L. 4 4 5 !)
R. C. Cola Milder Micklin Mogen-David YOUTH COl'N'CII, Rayim clinched the Youth Council championship by easily
Brotherhood Week (Continued from Pace 1) tlons for the luncheon which will be ?2.25 a plate. Festival of Nations Plans for the Festival of Nations to be presented,. Sunday, February 19 at 2:35 p. in. are being made by Mrs. Slosburg, chairman and her co-chairman, Mrs. Irvvin Sheldon with Mrs. Marvin Taxman, assisting. Mrs. Slosbui'g <ancl Mrs. Taxman were co-chairmen of the 1960 Festival of Nations. The event will be held at Joslyn Museum, Harry Trastin, Jewish Federation president, representing the city, -noil present greetings, and •John Slorna will be master of ceremonies. Judge James P. O'Brien is chairman of Brotherhood YVeelc. A special exhibit in the Jcwttix Community Center lobby, arranged in honor of the occasion, {3 open to the public.
Uayim ....vs. AZA 100 7TII ANDMTH (UtADICS In the openin:: rrnme (iereliclc; outlasted Kaimans ]K-1-1. Fjoni the openin:; buzzer, Gcrclick;; controlled the lead. Mark I!omanil: led the uiniK'r with fi\e point:;. The wcond ;;aine saw J'hilip.s bou* to lior.^liciuis .'11-14. 'i'hc line reboumlint; and shooting ol Dave Jacobson and Barry Zoob enabled Corsheim:; to roll to an easy victory. lion Wolpa Cuiitnbutrd six jioints fur the luscrs. SlamliiiKs Bor.'iheim (Jerelick Philips.. Kairnan
W. 7 ;: 2 li
L. 0 4 5 5
Similay, r'<']>ru:iry 10 Kaitnnn vs. liorslieiins Gercliclc vs. Philips 5TU AXU GTH (;n.VI)I.S Mark Wolpa had five of his teams seven p»in's as KichmanGordman ed^ed Tretiaks in what proved to be a thrillinc came. As the final buzzer sounded, Kichman was on top 7-(i. Andy Leiberman manaficd to hit all his (cam's points, but thi.s was not onour;h to aid the cause. In the second game I-Go Van defeated Slosburj; 15-10. Maynard Iiclzcr v.as hijjh for I-Go wilh 9 points; while, John Lohrnian contributed G for .Slosburg.
Richinan I-Go Van
\V. 7 4
I.. 0 ',',
Slosbur;; 2 5 Tretiak 1 G Sunday, February i'J Richman-Gordman.. vs. Sloshuri; Tretiaks vs..I-Go Van
Frcsfs Differ on Dropping Jews San Francisco (WNS) — Despite threats of charter revocation by its national leaders, Stanford University's chapter of AJpha Tau Omeca has refused to drop four Jewish students. The chapter's p r e s i d e n t said there would be no turnabout in his organization's Insistence on the right to choose its members wilhout regard to race, religion or color. Contrasting with this attitude was the decision of a fraternity at Lake Forest College, Illinois, to drop a Jewish student on order from the fraternity's national council. The Jewish youth, David C. Schiller of Chicago, was pledged to Phi Delta Thcta in November, but the action was reverced Jatcr' by the national body.
nominations for N e b r a s k a ' s ".Mother of the Year." The'winiHTv.ill he announced near Mother's Day. " .
Jiiy C'ln-nihil; was elected a truM"e of I hi; University of Nebraska Foundation at a recent meet ins;.
Newly elected directors ol the Omaha Pharmaceutical Association include Isidore Klrivilz and John ririiiisfcln. N.A/J-I*KODl!Ci:i> SOA1* 1'KO.M HITMAN BODIKS Montreal (.1TA)—The Canadian Jewish Congress disclosed that it had received from a resident of a small Jewish community in Canada, a bar ol soap "produced" by the Nazis from human corpses as part of their extermination policy against the Jews. After consulting rabbinic authorities, Congress officials arranged for the burial of the soap in a local Jewish cemetery.
La luarelia's Sister To Offer Testimony New York (JTA)— Amonj; the documents of testimony to be offered against Adolf Eictiniami in March will,be a memoir by the sister of former "New York Mayor La. Guardia. Jewish
Tvlr.s. Gemma l.n G u a r d i a Glueck, 80, now living in New York, wrote a ninety-page account of her experiences in J'avcnsbrtick conwntration c a m p and her life in pre-Nazi Budapest with her Jewish husband. Mrs. Glueck is an Kpiscopallan and was born in New York. Her story was brought to pub,Jic notice as a result of a memorandum written about her tn ICichmunn by Eberhardt von Thadden an "expert" on Jewish affairs in the Nazi German Foreign Office. In this memorandum written 1o Eichmann and dated June C, TJ9<H von Thadden v.rote: In Special Camp "II has been requested that, because of the position of her brother, Frau Glueck not be sent with n mass transport to the Eastern territories, but rather be held in a special camp in the Reich or in Hungary in order to be available for eventual political use." This memorandum turned up recently in the Ynd v'.Shcm archives and was shown to Samuel \j. Shneiderman, a journalist, Mr. Schneiderman l o c a t e d Mrs. Glueck on his' return to New York and informed the Israelis that she was alive. The Israeli authorities requested and received a copy of Mrs. Glueck's memoirs.
Hebrew Jreille: f@ Sigiifless Jev/s New York (JTA)—The Frco sons of Israel will honor n blind Episcopal clergjman for his interfaith activltic1:. Blind since birth, the Rev. II. J. Sutehffe has taught Hebrew
and Hebrew Braille to sightless Jews who wanted to participate actively Jn BynafiOKuc services. He Is -a director of 1hp Episcopal Guild Tor the Blind in Brooklyn.
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