February 24, 1961

Page 1


Vol. XXXIX — No.

I'ubllcutiun Office. 101 No. Omuha Ni'luui.ka Plione JlM



ul Omalitt Nibr

s e Oipy 10c Annum Iliiti $•)


Paul W i l l i a m s , prominent Omuha newspaperman and Managing Kditor of .--'*• "* "*•,. the Sun Newspa- ; . , purs, will be the •guest speaker at a "brotherhood" program, to be given by the Jewish Youth Council, Sunday. February 2(> at n p. in. The event to Mr. Willl.iins be held at the Jewislr Community Center, is the second one arranged in observance of rjrolherhood Week by the Youth Coun-

Junior Chamber of Conm!t?!-'"JHU Tile Omaha newspaper who has been interested if. juuiri activities, has spoken before a number of youth audiences. Ho served in the Army Air Force in A woman who lias spent most World War II and just completed of lier adult life in volunteer a term as chairman of the board nervier ami leadership roles in of trustees at the Presbyterian community activities, will head Church of the Cross. the Women's Division of the JewHarlan Rimmerman, co-chair- ish riiilantliropics. man of the programs with Harry She is Mrs. Alexander D. Frank Goldware, will introduce the whose appointment as Women's speaker. Guss will preside. General C h a i r m a n , was announced today by Harry Trustin, President of the Jewish Federation and Mrs. Lloyd Friedman, President of the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs. United Nations, N. Y. (JTA) — Wealth of Kxprrierur cil, its president, Steven GUNS, A nuclear reactor presently under Mrs. Frank brings to the Camreported. construction at Inshas, 35 kilo- pagin a wealth of experience and meters from Cairo, will become the great dedication of purpose ncceived Award* early this year, according characteristic of all of her unMr. Williams who has been critical to a report by the International identified with the newspaper Atomic Enemy Agency. The re- dertakings, Mr. Trustin declared. Mrs. Friedman stated that profession for 20 years, has re- actor is described as indenlical ceived civic recognition for his with the WWR stroke C reactor Omaha women through their articles in the interest of special of the Academy of Science in campaign division are known for doing their proper share as Jews causes. He won a number of Moscow. and for their top calibre leaderawards in 10o'!, for his "writThe third volume ol the World ings" during a "Crusade for Safe- Directory of Nuclear Reactors, ty" when lie was a member of published by the IAEA, describes World-Herald editorial staff. He the reactor as a tank type, using was associated with that paper enriched uranium, light water moderated and cooled. The di34 years. rectory gives Its purpose as "re"Voung Mini of Year" search." The reactor is the propDuring the same year, Mr. Wil- erly of the UAH Atomic Energy A program centering around liams was named "Outstanding Commission. Fabrication of its Danny Kaye, famous film ami Young Man of the Year" by the components, according to the di- .stage star will be presented at the 12:30 p. m. dessert luncheon rectory is by the USSR. meeting of the Golden Age Club, Monday, February 27 at the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Norman Whitman will speak on the star's life based on Washington (WNS) — Chairman .1. W. Fulbright of the Sen- After three weeks of intensive information in the recent book, ate Foreign Relations Commit- consideration of the problem of "The Danny Kaye Saga" by Kurt. tee told the Senate he made priv- changing parental roles, the Par- Singer. A film of a trip he made ate correspondence with Israel ent's Piscussion Group will spend for the United Nations InternaAmbassador Avraham Harman their last session in summarizing tional Children's E m e r g e n c y public for tlie Congressional Rec the content of the scries and in Fund will follow the talk. The testing their conclusions in some tour, made under the auspices of the United Nations, was to enAfter visiting the Middle East real life situalions-. The group will meet Monday, tertain and see some of the chillast spring, he declared "be was of the under-developed naBeverly taken to task by the Is- February 27 at 8:.'iO p. m. at the dren raeli. Prime Minister becaused Jewish Community Center, The tions of the world. I referred to censorship in Israel. series on "Living with the New 'Hie Golden Age Club Is cnIn the correspondence with Am- Adolescent" is sponsored by the sponsorcd by the National Counbassador Harman, the senator Jewish Federation Family Serv- cil of Jewish Women and the Jewish Federation. charged Israel was censoring its ice department. press, "Invaded the Sinai Peninsula" violated UN armistice agreements, and sought minimize the actual number of Arab rogut;ee.s. A J u n i o r Stamp Collecting vited to .participate in the proTo buttress his charge of censorship he cited a number of re- club was organized by the Jew- ject. cent news dispatches in the New ish Community Center Activities Robert Clark/president of I he York Times and Washington Post department Sunday afternoon at Omaha Philatelic Society, will in which the word censorship was the center. All boys between the ages of seven and twelve are in- discuss stamp collecting with the used. •members of the new group at the next meeting, Sunday, February 26 at 3 p. m. at the Center.

ioseow Helps Build UAR Atomic Reactor

ship. We arc fortunate, she pointed out "to have our J'Jlil women's division headed by a woman of such exceptional ability as Mrs. Frank." "I am honored to In1 mi tiled chairman of tin- Women's Division of the ISCl Campaign," Mrs. Frank staled on acceptliig tin; appointment. "There Is probably no more jiU-nsiint urn] gratifying way to upend the film? of life thiiii by bring useful, for tlio state of Israel mid for our people in need of aid," Klrr «ald—"so I wclcoino this opportunity to be of service In this campaign." "The women of Omaha lia\i'

always answered the call of Philanthropies and I am certain that they will again put forth every effort to make the drive a success." 11)51 (O-ClKiJriu.iil

Mrs. Frank, who has served In every campaign since its inception, was co-chairman when v .

Film of Danny Kaye Tour on Golden Age Nasser Rejects Program londay

Sen. FySliriglit Hits Summary of Studies Oensorsliip in Israel At Parent's ieeting

Junior Stamp OoiSecfors Form Club; Next Meeting Sunday, 3 P.M. at Genter

A "citation of appreciation" will bo presented to Cantor Aaron I. Kdgnr by Rabbi M><r S. Kripke on Sunday, Fcbruaiy 20 at the Joslyn Art Museum during the, twenty-fifth annual concert of Jewish Music by the Iielh El synagogue choir and member, of the Omaha Symphony Orcheitra. The Cantor will also receive a resolution by the Beth El-Kjnagogue board from Dr. Albeit Itlmmerman, president. Tickets for 8 p. m. concert aie nvallablc ot the Beth El Synafjoguc office. Ushei's will be members ol synagogue's youth organIzation, according to Mrs. Ralph g, ticket chairman. Reception for Cantor Following the concert a reception honoring Cantor Edgar on the occasion of his silver anniversary at Beth El will be held (Continued on Page 4-)

Cantor Edgar

Paris (WNS)—An estimated .'100 Jews have been arrested in recent days In Morocco, throwing the Jewish community In that, area into a state of panic. The report revealed arrested Jews were brutally tortured, particularly at Mekncss along methods described as having been of virtual Nazi character. Some arrests were made on alleged charges of having distributed leaflets calling the Jewish population of Morocco to leave tho country. Meanwhile It was reported that the Council of Jewish Communities of Morocco, after fl special meeting, Issued a statement the anti-Jewish press campaign denouncing the "persistence of

Paris (JTA) —The United Arab Republic bus refused permission to Regie Renault—which canceled u contract with an Israel auto assembly firm under Arab pressure—to build an assembly plant in Egypt. The United Arab Republic was expected to authorize a West German or Italian auto firm to build an assembly plant, in Cairo to service unto users in Arab countries in the Middle East. The UAR Government gave as the reason for the decision "the continuation of the Algerian conflict" and France's "antagonistic altitude" toward the Arabs.

Mrs. A. D. Frank Mrs. Edward E. Itrodkcy was chairman in She is a past president of the Omaha Chapter of Hadassah. Heth Kl Sisterhood and the Midwest Branch of the National Women's League of United Synagogue of America and just completed eight years as a member of its national board. The Israel scene is familiar to Mrs. Frank who visited the nation in lil.'Sfl and plans to return for another stay at the conclusion of the Campaign.

Voiiffi Oouncil Picks 23 Stage Nile

The twenty-fourth annual Stage Nile will be produced by the Jewish Youth Council on tho evening of March 25 at Technical High School, Steven Guss, Council President, announced, The entertainment includes skits by the Youth Council groups and individual acls. Arnold Fellman and Susan (Bunny) Bloch, named chairmen of the production, said Youth Plans for the Women's Divi- Council members are already sion of thq Jewish Philan- concentrating on plans for skits thropies Campaign will be an- which are always originals. nounced by its chairman, Mrs. Trophies will be presented for Alexander D. Frank at the regu- the best ucts given by a boys' lar luncheon meeting of the Fed- club and a girls' club and to the eration of Jewish Women's Clubs, group selling the most tickets. Thursday, March 2, nt. 12:30. p. Tickets—fifty cents for stum., at the Jewish Community dents and one dollar for adults Center. may bo purchased at the Jewish Presidents and representatives Community Center Youth office of member organizations are or from any Council member. urged to attend the meeting by Mrs. Lloyd Friedman, president. Reports will be presented by commit (ec chairmen.

Federation Women

U. S. Firm to Prospect For Israel Phosphate

which uses false and defamatory .statements."

Satellite Tracking Station in Haifa Tel Aviv fJTA)—Officials of the Haifa Technlon reported that a satellite tracking unit is being built on tho root of tho Institute's aeronautical engineering building. On the completion, Israel will then Join tlio world of "moon, matchers," and tho Information will bo transmitted to the center ot the worldwide network of tracking stations at the Astrophysical ' Observatory of the Smithsonian Institute at Cambridge, Mass.

Jerusalem (JTA)—-The Alumi-1 na Corporation, an Amercan firm, was disclosed as the first foreign company to obtain prospecting rights in Israel for a resource other than oil. The corporation is setting up a subsidiary to be called the Israel-American Phosphates Company to exploit the prospecting rights obtained by the parent firm in three large Ncgev areas. The corporation plans \o nvest $280,000 in the project. If workable deposits arc found, the corporation will establish a refining plant with an annual capacity of 500,000 tons. TWENTY-TWO CONVEBTKD IN CASABLANCA Casablanca (WNS)—Of 22 people who were converted in 1960 to Judaism by the Rabbinic Court of Casablanca, nine were Americans, among them a lltutenant in the US. army.

Page Two


Friday, February U, 1001

With the Home Folks Purim Observance Begins Published tveeldy OD Friday beginning tlie lai.t week In August through second week In July by the Jewish Federation ol Omaha. Secono Class Postage Po!a ol OmaAa, Hcbr. Annual Subscription. U.W. Advertising Rales on Application. Publication Otllco-101 No.. 20lh UK 0 h Street, S r e e , Omaha, O m a a , Nel)r« U2KI&



Bar and Basil All friends and relatives arc Invited to attend services and reception. JOHN WiOWN John Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Oslcn, Friday ami Saturday, February 21 mid i!3 at Temple Israel.

CnniUeliglitinf; at 5:4!) p. m. TKMl'LK ISItAEL O.MIY DAVIS ~ .Sabbath services, Friday, 8:15 Gary Davis, son of Mi', and p. m., Temple Israel with Rabbi Mrs. Alex Davis, on Saturday, Brooks officiating. His sermon March 4.at Beth El Synagogue. topic is "A Time to I^ove—A theme and message from "A ALEX GKOSSMAN ' Kuisin in the Sun." Alex Grossman, son of Mr. Miss Ida Gitlin will direct the find Mrs. Ignac Grossman, on Friday, March 3 and Saturday, Temple choir, Friday night, and the Religious School choir, SatMarch 4 at Beth Israel Synaurday at the 11 SO a. m. service. gogue. . MARILYN COIIICN I DEBORAH GOUD3IAN Marilyn Cohen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cohen and Deborah Jo Gordman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gordman, Friday night, February 24, ut Beth Israel Synagogue. JOANN St'IMIDMAN MARSHA GOULD JoAnn Schmidman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Ixon Schmidman nnd Marsha Gould, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gould, on Friday evening, February 24 and Saturday morning, February 25 at Beth Kl Synagogue. .

Five Years of Study For Bar Mifzvah Detroit <JTA)—Virtually all synagogues in Detroit joined in announcing that, effective with the start of the next school year In September, candidates for Bar Mitzvah in their congregations will be required to have completed five years' minimum attendonce at a regular Hebrew school. Copies of Treasured Photos of Loved Ones


THE WURGLER CO. 313 So. 14th


B'NAI JACOK ADAS VESIIl'ItON' Friday, Mincha, 5:30 p. m. Sat- . unlay, 8:30 a. m. Mincha, 5:30 p. m. followed by Sholosh Seudos. Daily services at 6:30 a. m. and 5:45 p. m. BETH KL Sabbath eve services at Beth El Synagogue at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Mycr S. KrlpUc will deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron I. E i l g a r and the synagogue choir will render the musical portions. Traditional Sabbath morning service at 8:30. Family service at 10:30 a. m. Mlncha-Maariv at 5:45 p. m. Sunday morning services at 9 a. m. Daily services at 7 a. m. and 7 p . m . BETH ISIIAKL Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Ell Kagan and Beth Israel choir will conduct late Friday services, 8 p. m. Traditional Friday service (Kabolas Shabbos) at 5:45 p. m. Shabbos morning service at 8:45 a. m. Junior congregation at 10 a, m. Rabbi Groner will conduct 5:30 p. m. Talmud class. Sabbath Mincha, 6 p. m. and Sholosh S c u d o s and Maariv, 6:40 p. m. Sunday service at 9 a. m. followed by breakfast and Rabbi's class in Bible. Sunday junior minyan, 8:30 a. m. followed by breakfast. Daily services at 6 p. m. and 7 a. m.

With Reading of Megillah

N t m and bnppenlnca nt Tlie Dr. rhllip Slirr Jmvifth Hume /or tlio Aeed by Davlil Orkow. e r r ; ::r:::TZ:::::~:::::< ".:?:.::.:::::::•:'C~:::J3 Carnivals, coronations, special

services and programs will be part of the scene in the Oma.hu synagogues in c e l e b r a t i o n of Purim, March 2. Tlie reading of the Mcgillnh, the book of Ksther, on Wednesday night in tlie Jewish Houses of Worship will usher in the holiday, the Feast of Lots, eomemorating the deliverance of the Jews by Queen Ksther from a g e n e r a l massacre inspired by Ilaman. JUlIi Kl The Megillah will be read at Beth El ut 5:30 p. m. service with an abbreviated version for young worshippers at 7 p. m. A kinn and queen of Purim will bo crowned in the annual processional and coronation festivities. The morning service at Mrs. Mrliard I t Illller was 7 a. m. will include the "readelected first vice-president of the ing" after morning prayers. Visiting Nurse Association at a Beth Israel recent meeting. Tlie schedule at Beth Israel on Mrs. Alfred Mayer was elected to the organization's board of di- Wednesday night consists of the reading of the Megillah nt 6:30 rectors. p. m.; coronation, 7:30 p. m.; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert M. Sing- grand march and costume paer, formerly of Tucson, Ariz., arc rade, 8 p.' m., and the morning making their home in Omaha. service, Thursday, 7 a. m. with Mrs. Singer was previously a resi- the regular worship and the Megillah reading. dent of Omalia and Lincoln. The youth groups, T a l m u d Mrs. Bon Martin la visiting her Torah, club leaders, teachers and son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and P-TA members will have a part Mrs. Mflvin Martin of San Fran- In the annual children's Purim cisco, Cal., who will join her in carnival Sunday, March 5, from a trip to the home of their son- 2 p. m. to 5 p. m. Booths with in-law and daughter, Mr. nnd g a m e s and refreshments will Mrs. Carl Wclssbcrg and son, highlight the event. Trmplo Israel Mark. Later, the Wcissbergs and G e n e r a l chairmen of the their guests will vacation together in Palm Springs, Cal, Mrs. March 5th Purim carnival at Temple Israel are Mmes. Alan Martin plans to spend the rest of Blotcky and Robert Silverman. the winter In California. Other c o m m i t t e e heads arc Charles Monasee, Yale Trustln, Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. FcllMorris Llpp and the Mmcs. I. man and daughter, Tonl left M. Liberman, E. Prlesman, Paul Omaha recently to make their Blotcky, William Finkel, Norhome In Los Angeles, Cal Their man Lincoln and Edward E. Mildaughter Is attending the Unider. Games and entertainment in versity of California. Stanley addition to refreshments will be Fellman, their son, moved to L03 f e a t u r e d during the carnival Angeles a year ago. hours of 3 p. m. to 6 p. m. ll'nal li'riih Henry Monsliy Lodge No. 470 entertainer] with a party, Feliiuary 20. Itablil Siilm-y II. Ilrooks spoke to our residents on February 21. O'i'orfco \Vusliiii);ton's birthday was celebrated with a special dinm.'i1. Council of Jewish Women took a party of the home folks to a special exhibit at Joslyn Museum on February 23. A shopping tour was on tlie February 24 Program. Our residents will attend the Iteth Kl Choir Concert at Joslyn Memorial on Sunday cvonirig as guests of tlie synagogue sisterhood.




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HUG CLEANERS Don Bernstein, 345*2554

TOPS IM VACATIONS! Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Moskovits announce the birth of a son, Steven Jay on February 20 In Clarkson Hospital. They also have a daughter, Ercnda Lynn. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Weinroth. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bogdanoff announce the birth of their first son, Adam Michael on February 12 nt Clarkson Hospital. They have two daughters, Sandy and Cindy. Grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. Isidore Bogdanoff and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Noodell. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Green of Inglewood, Cal., announce the birth of their daughter, Corinne Debra, February 15. Mrs. Green, the former Iona Karl is the daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Karl of Omalia and her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman L. Green of Santa Monica, Cal. Great-grandparents nre Mrs. B. Shapiro, Brooklyn, N. Y., Mr, and Mrs. Hyman Karl nnd Morris Green, both of Omaha.

MONUMENTS See Eutopo't fceiff Guided tours or Independent Illnerotics, our expert travol countelors can help you act extra pleasure from each vacation day and dollar. Wo tell tea end olr tickets, too, al official

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Wo are known for our exacting Hebrew loitering and detail. You may placo your confidence In ui knowing each detail and tradition will bo adhered to with iilmoit core and skill.

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KOSHER CHICKENS KILLED DAILY Save by Calling 341-4977 Cortified and approved by Rabbi Dr. Lton Thorn, f7«ildent, Amorlean Academic Rabbit Aiioclatlon of Now Americans, end Rabbi S. WalMn of trio Orlhodo Rabbit Auociation of New York City.

In the Jewish Tradition your order should bo placed well In advance of "Vahrzelt" no the work docs not have to bo hurried.

We employ no ncentu—here yon snve thrso expensive communions as you dral directly with the owners . . . We Invito you to compare * . . Vie permit no untimely nollcltatlon . . . You nro frco to malio nr> your own Mind.

CORNERSTONE LAVING FOK DESALTING PLANT SOON Jerusalem (JTA)—The comerstone for a pilot plant for desalination of sea water at Eilat will be laid at the end of March.



Omafians in News

A Sign of Good Housekeeping"

Citizen's Lounge Mean fo Hefired?

The Megillah will be rend at the Temple at 7:15 p. m., Wednesday evening.

Lb. Truly Delicious!


Friday, February !M, JDG1

R Three


Ina Margolin Engaged To Richard Weiner Dr. antl Mrs. J, Milton Margolin have announced the engficcment of their daughter, Jna Jeanne, to Alvin Richard Weincr, ROM o£ Mr. and Mrs. Edward Weiner of Villisca, la.The bride-elect, who attends] the University of Nebraska, is a Student at tho University of Omaha. She is affiliated with Sifima Delta Tau sorority. Her fiance graduated from the University of Iowa and is a member of Phi Epsilon I'i fraternity. A June 11th weddinj; is beiiif; planned.

w it

New York Visitor Bernard Wcisherg of New Yoi It City, executive director of the American Zionist Youth Commission will meet with members of the local organization, leaders of Young Judaea groups and interested youth at a luncheon, Saturday, February 25 at 1 p. m. nt the home of Mrs. M. F, Levcnkon.

BETH ISRAEL TOUTH LOUNGE Members of tho Kadimah SYO committee planning n modern Beth Israel youth lounge are Harry Friedman, Allan Susman, Suzi Ash, Nel Bloom, Sandl Shapiro, Eva Sand and Sheila rtuderman. Maurice K-Jtelman. synagogue president, and Dr. Bennett Fishbaift. P-TA president, who are working with Kadimah, said the lounge will be opened early In March.




^m)l ' i

v£'>.'=;*• > - ' ^ '

COUNCIL SPEAKER Mrs. Alexander McKie will tpeak on "The World Around Us" at a 1 !>• m. dessert luncheon February 28, to be; given by the lecture nnd talk group of thn Council of Jewish Women at the home of Mrs. Joseph Horwicli, 527 North 77 Street, with Mrs. Justin Manvitz, assisting. • * » PIONEER WOMEN MEETING AT CENTER ON FEB. 28 Tile Pioneer Women's Organization will hold a 12:30 p. m. luncheon meeting, Tuesday, February 28 at tile Jewish Community Center. • * * TEMrLE I1IBLE STUDY The T e m p l e Is-ael's Bible Study group will meet at the synagogue, March 2 at 1 p. m, for coffee and discussion. •

SIIELIA RTJDEIWrAN ELECTED Sheila ItudPrman was elected r e g i o n a l vice-president at the Synagogue Y o u t h Organization meeting in Des Moincs, la.

ter No. 1032 announced the following slate of officers for election: Mrs. Den RifHti, president; Mmes. BurIon Duncvllz, Jumes wwx, Seymour Abrains, all vicfi-prtiidenls, protjrom, membership, fundrolsing, respectively; Mines. Horry Alloy, Allen Sle(;el, Meyer Holprln, secretaries, corresponding, rccordlnrl. (inunclal respectively: Mrs. Harold Abrahamson, treasurer; Mr*. Harry Rlchman, sentinel; Mrs. David Deber, rjuordian; Mrs. Allen Schecler, historian, and Mines. Yale Kaplan, Merle Polasl) and Davlci (ilelclicr, trustees. • « *

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BETH EL STUDY tiltOl.'I' The_Study Group in "Basic Judaism" will meet with Iiabbi Myer Kripke, Wednesday, March 1 at 9:30 a. m., in Beth El Synagogue.

Miss Inn Margolin

CORNIIUSKKK SLATE The nominating committee of B'nai B'rith, Cornhuslter Chnp-

HOSPITAL !\IEKGEK Los Angeles —Announcement has hecn made here of the merger of the Cedars of Lebanon and the Mount Sinai Hospitals.


1914 Farnam


Time for Fun! Kadimah Chapter SYO Dance

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Page Four



Friday, February 24, 10C1 ISRAEL. BANK FILES FOR NEW YORK BKANCH New York (WNS)—Tho Israel Discount Rank has filed an application with the New York State Banking Department for permission to open a branch in New York City. Foreign banks under a new state law are permitted to do business in the stale.

MKS. JENNIE MOItltIS • News has been received of the death, Monday of Mrs. Jennie Cy Scitclilcli. Morris, daughter of former Omaton Ennan was hn;h for tiie lo.s- hans. Her father, the late Philip Stein, was a prominent Omuhan, VAUSITV Sunday, I'Vbrnary 2f» at one time head of a 1.5'nai B'rith II. C. Cola ami Milder Oil end- 2:lj p. m.—Tietiak vs. .Slosbun; lodj;o heii.'. ed in a tie for Hie championship .'i.OUp. m.—liichman-Gonlman vs. Surviving are her husband, I-Go-V.m In the final game;; of the Varsity Ixw; two daughters, four sisters, two brothers and four grandchild league last Wednesday at the "TH AM) HTII <iICAI)]-:S Jewish Community (.'enter, furrBorslicims coasted to .'J1-2G vic- dren. Mrs. Herman Franklin-of Philip Slier home for the.A;;ed, ing a sprcial championship game tory over Kaimans as David Jac- Omaha is an aunt. obson nml Harry 7.<>oh led the Burial was to be Friday in I.os who died February 17. on the following Wednesday. assault. Paul Kaiman made I t Angeles. Surviving are, son, Morton V.. Milder Oil. in the first game points for Hie losers. Fisher; daughters, Mrs. Sue Serended with a G''.-fiO win over The second tilt ended with SEVENTH AND ENiHTH filtA lin, Nr*. Fiances Ruback, all of Micklin lumber willi Hurt Kob- Gerelick over Philips, '20-21 with MAKCHS JOI Fi: inson making 15 points. Don Marc Homaniclt's play deeidim; Funeral services were held Omaha, five grandchildren, ami Fiedler scored 18 for Micklin. the issue. lion Wolpa with 12 Monday al the Fitch and Cole a sister, Mrs. Mary Goldberg, Stan Becker came through with points was high. mortuary for Marcus (Max) Jof- Denver, Colo. 30 points to assist Al dayman, fe, (i7, retired Omaha meat Sunday, February XG Burial was in I'eth El Ceme26 points, as R. C. Cola cruised •1 p. m.—Ivaiman vs. Philips wholesaler, who died lust .Saturby Moifon David, 48-2S. Ed Bel- 5 p. in.— Ilorsheim vs. Gerelick day in a local hospital. He re- tery. grade totalled 18 points for tiie sided at .'Hl'J Howard Street. Mr. losers. Jofi'e lived in Omaha 38 years MRS. .SOriHE El'STEIN Funeral services were held and was a World War I veteran. YOUTH COr.NCII. Surviving are wife. Dora; Monday at the Jewish Funeral daughter, Barbara Jean, six sis- Home for Mrs. Sophia Kpstein, AZA 1000 clinched second place 70, of 1521) Grant Street, who in league standings with victory Washington — Secretary of ters and two brothers. Burial'was In Pleasant Hill died .Sunday in a local hospital. over AZA 1, G-l-58. Excitinf; plays State Dean Rusk condemned the She had been a resident of Omawere made by Sandy Kasin, Bud- pro-Communist role of President Cemetery. ha 17 years. dy Kpstein and Bill Kully. Nasser of the United Arab ReSurviving are her husband, Rayim had a G5-12 triumph public in the Congo crisis- before MOIIHIS FISHER Funeral services were held Abraham, daughter, Mrs. Julius over AZA 100 with net ion by Don a closed mectim; of the House Sunday at 1 p. m. at Heafey and Schreiber; two sons, Jack nnd Fiedler, Steve Guss, Jeff Wohl- Foreign Affairs Committee. ner, Steve Gould and Dick Mr, Husk indicated to the com- Heafcy Mortuary for Morris Harold and seven grandchildren, Zacharia. mittee that while President Ken- Fisher, 69, a resident of the Dr. all of Omaha. nedy did not name the United Sunday, February 2(i Arab Republic In his warninj; 11 a. m.—Rayirn vs. AZA 1000 last week against aggression in 12 noon—AZA 1 vs. AZA 100 the Congo, the President's remarks applied to Nasser as well FIFTH AND SIXTH GUAI)i;s as the Soviet Union. Richman-Gordman scored its ICxampIe of UN' Action eighth straight victory, 2."3-M. Mr. Kennedy told his press over Slosburc, with 1G points by conference of an example of Johnny Ruben. Dick Slosbun; United Nations action, stating made G points, for the losers. In that "the fact that they (the the second game I-Go-Van, with UNT) maintain'-d troops in the a rebound shot by Maynard Bel- Gaza Strip for a number of zer downed Treliak, 19-17, Mil- years I think has been helpful in maintaining peace in that area." 10G1 Soviet Anns Supplied Mr. Rusk was said to have told the Committee that the United Purini Mar. 2 Arab Republic was supplying SoPassover Apr. 1-8 viet-manufactured arms and muSliuvuot .May 21-22 nitions to Antoine Gizenga whose Tisha B'Av July 22 communist regime in Stanleyville has been recognized by Moscow" Kosh Hashariali ...Sept. 11-12 and Cairo. Yom Kippur Sept. 20 Siikliot Sept. 23-2G Shminl At/erct Oct. 2 INFANT MOHTAUTV Simhat Torali Oct. 3 Rangoon UTA)—Israel has Haniilricali Dee. 3-10 offered to send an Israeli medical team to help Iiurmese doctors All holidays begin ou tJie deal with the high rate of infant preceding evening. mortality in this country.

Basketball Leagues

Dean 'Rusk Goitdemns Arab lofo In Congo

Cantor fo Get Citation Sunday (Continued from Page 1.) In the Joslyn Floral court. In the receiving line in addition to tho Cantor will be Joseph Lcvine, conductor of the Omaha Symphony Orchestra, Rabbi Kripke, Dr. Itimmerman, Mrs. Fred Brodkey, general chairman, and Mrs. Morris C. Fellman, Sisterhood, President. Mrs. William Alberts, reception choir* man, sold Ihut thO'e pouring wilt Indudo MmtJ. Krlpka, Levinc, Rlinmermon, Ncofj in addition to Mcsdumcx Alex Katr. Don) Kot/man, George Kor;an. EdAcird Dclier, A. C Fcllfnon, and Harold Krohl ol Chicago, tlie taller, si^cr of Mrs. Cdaor.

Out-of-Town Guests Among those attending tho event will be Cantor Edgar's son. Cantor Raphael Edgar of Washington, D. C.; his daughter, Mis1! Leah Edgar of Chicago, III., und his brother, Dr. Michael Edgar of Detroit, Mich. V Guests will include residents of the Dr. Philip Slier Jewish Home for the Aged. Patronize tlie Jewish Advertisers. All Kinds ol

REMODELING FULL GUARANTEE BUILDER DAVID SCHWALB Call 550-1472 2 Sehwalb Home* Now Under Construction

Jewish Calendar

1961 MANISCHEWITZ for tasty, balanced meals all during Passover

ALL NEW! YOURS FREE! 24 (Mcrent, delicious menus . . . 28 new I'aswcr recipes . . . cre.Mcd and tested wiih you in mind, from MANISCHEWITZ Model Kosher Test Kitchens. For example, menus for the First and. Second Seders: SATUnDAY, APRIL 1

SECOND SEDER Students at flic fishing school of Mcvoot yam (Gateways to llio Sea) nro trained to repair englitn. Israel's fishing industry h bring dcvelopeil rapidly with the aid of Israel Bonds. ESTIMATE DECLINE OF JEW NUMBER IN AMSTERDAM Phono UU3U to Insorl vour Want Ad In •I- Amsterdam (WNS) — There the Jewish Prcis. are an estimated 30 thousand I'ASSOVEU CARDS Jews In this city but It :s feared IJAR nnd Bus Mlfzvah congrafulations also for all Jewish holitheir number will decline to less days and special occasions. : than 25 thousand by 1970. Am- Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge •;.sterdam before its occupation by _ i the Nazis had a Jewish populaWANTED " * j Jion of more than 140 thousand, Three or four bedroom house to most of whom perished i n tho Rent Dundee-Benson vicinity. : death ovens of Europe under HitPlease call Nat Steinberg — 451-7094.

'Wine for Kiddush, . Fichlets in Tomato Cups v/ith Horseradish Sauce 'Hot Borscht v/ith 'MaUo Farfel Roast Clticken Broccoli Easy "Grated"' Potato Kugel . "Matzos 'Koiher Pickles . "Tea -Fruit Cuts "Black Coffee



FIRST SEDER 'Wine for Ktddu-.h Gofilte. Fish with "Horseradish -Cfnct"Ti Soup with Matto Balls Roast Turkey Mushroom Stuffinc Oven Roasted Potatoes Asparagus; ' Frnsh Vegetable Salad "Dill Tomatoes •' ; '-Cranberry Sauce ' •Matzos . • • . . . '.'.' ;. Spice-Nut Sponge Cako ea Fresh Fruit '-Black Colfeo Haul the complete S-Daj Minu PlannerT

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