Vol. XXXIX —No. 2J
Publication Office. 101 No, Ut Omiihu Nebraska I'liune 'iVi-
MAICC'II 3, 1801.
Uecona Ulns» fustufie ot Omuftu Nefor
fcJIri-jie Copy 10c Annum Rule t*
Nasser Threatens Israel With 'Day of Reckoning' ISeershebn, (JTA) —General Zvi Tsur, Israel Chief of Staff warned al n public meetinj; hero that the United Arab Hepuhlic was spending enormous sums to build its military machine for a total war on Israel. 'He added that while UAH leaders were running Into difficul-
Bishop: Churches Often 'Boot of Bias' New York (JTA) — Rishop Jiuiies A. Pike charued that the seeds of racial mid religious hatred are often planted by the churches themselves by "what they teach, what they fail to teach, and what they are." WritIns in the new issue of Look mafra/.ine, Bishop Pike, the Episcopal Bishop of California, declared that many people le.sponKible for acts of hate are Church members. "Die sad and shocking truth in that the roots of bias often reach back to the pulpit and the Sunday School class," the bishop rioted. He cited numerous examples from religious textbooks currently under study In which anti-Semitic, anti-Catholic, mul anti-Protestant feelings can be aroused by exaggerated or misleading Interpretations of the Bible and of history. Bishop Pike ciled some distorted accounts of the role of the Jews in the crucifixion of Christ.
Eichmanh Trial Opens April 11 Jerusalem (JTA)—The new trial date for Nazi Adoll Kichmann has been moved from March U to April 11 by Justice Binyamin Halevl. president of Uie Jerusalem District Court. The Gestapo Colonel will be tried by Supreme Court Justice Moshe Landau, presiding; Judge Halevi and Judge Yitzhak Havel of the Tel Aviv District court. All three are German-born and immigrated to Palestine during the period of the German mandate. tA television film on Eichmann. "On the Henchman's Trail," will be shown on tho nation-wide German Television network March 13, the Cologne Broadcasting station announced. The film will attempt, to present a "profile" of the Gestapo colonel through documents and interviews with surviving eye-witnesses. A book entitled "There Were Many Eichmann.s" WHS published in Munich). STUDY HEBREW I'UONIJNCIATION Israel—A committee for the (study of correct Hebrew pronunciation has been set up in the Hebrew Language academy.
ties in that effort, there was not the s!U:htc:;t d o u b t tliat they were running Into difficulties in that effort, there was not the slightest doubt that they were making progress toward their Four top level roles in tin? goal. He added that, while Israel Women's Division of the Philanwas still "one step ahead," it thropies were filled this weelc w o u l d have to work hard to with the appointment of cochairmen by Mrs. Alexander 1). maintain that tu!vantage. In Damascus President Nasser Frank, who will lead the womof the United Arab Republic said: en's campaign activities. "The day of reckoning is drawI.ring Kerordn *>f Service ing near and the United Arab The four who have had long Republic will drive the first nail records of devoted service to the into Israel's coffin and destroy Philanthropies and to the comthe Zionists before they succeed munity nre Mrs. Henry Appcl, in conquering the Arabs." Mrs. Joseph Guss. Mrs, Lazar The Israel Air Force now po- Kaplan and Mrs. Philip D. ssesses supersonic planes. The Schwartz. Air Force had started the proMm. Appel cess of phasing in tiie new high Mrs. Appel has participated in speed jejs while pulling the lost the campaigns for seven years of its propeller planes out of and has served as a captain and service. in other capacities. She is a past
Four Will Serve Women's Division
president of Beth Israel Sisterhood, banquet chairman of the synagogue's annual citation dinner the last four years and currently, is .serving on the Youth Commission of the synagogue board, Mrs. Appel is also a member of the Hadassah Board Mm. (>uss Active In Philanthropies for many years, is Mrs. Guss who lias served on the board of the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs, She is a past president of the Heth El Sisterhood and a former vice-president of B'nai B'ritb's Henry Monsky Chapter. Sho is now president of the Weizmann Group of Hadassah and president-elect of the Western Hills P-TA.
Mrs. Henry Appel
Airs. Lnzur Kiiphin
Mrs. Kaplan said her appointment, will not be her first time (Continued on Page 3.)
The Omaha Jewish Community is on the ovc of great developments! These can be summed up in one sentence: New Vistas for our Community. New Vistas for our Children—that wonderful new camp site, and what it will mean for our children and generations to come. New Vistas for OUT Kldcrly—the new additions and programs at the Dr. Philip Slier Home for the Aged. New Vistas for all of us—a look into possible relocation of the Jewish Community Center, the House of our Jewish Community. This is the theme for oiir Federation Annual Meeting, which will he held Sunday evening, March 12 at 8 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. This will be the most signifcant meeting in the history of our community. On behalf of the Federation Board, I urge every member of the community to attend this very important Annual Meeting. Harry Trustin, President Omaha Jewish Federation
Mrs. Joseph Guss
Stamp Glub Elects Officers Some .'JO Jews who were arParis UTA)—Moroccan Jews will hold special services in syna- rested two weeks ago have been gogues for the late King Mo- released by Casablanca police. hammed V In commemoration of nan learned, however, that his liberal attitude which dates a It uinnlier of Jews charged with back to 19-12 when he refused to attack on the Kccurity of tlw countersign anti-Jewish decrees an State and who allegedly particiby tile pro-Nazi Vichy regime. Immigration During tlic Nazi year*, ttm pated in clandestine mid distribution of Moroccan ruler fought with de- activities leaflet* to Jews were KIIII In termination Marshall IVtulii's de- prison. rision to Introduce yellow star* for Jcw.i In the North African protectorate. Jews nl/sn remom- MICROFILMS OP ANCIENT hi'r that, upon the creation of thn MANUSCKH'TS, SEMINARY New York, (JTA)—The Jewish State of Israel, the Moroccan rtiler hud refused to take part Theological Seminary has availIn the Arab anti-Israel campaign. able on microfilm, a collection of Only a few days before his re- Hebrew manuscripts representcent death the king lifted the? ing about 30 percent of all known emigration ban for Moroccan important works. Jews nnd it is feared this nction The collection In the making may be brought into question since 1053 includes more than again. 751 microfilm reels.
Ronald Malashock, son of Mr, and Mrs. Irving Malashock was elected president of the Jewish Community Center's new Junior Stamp Club. Others who will hold office are Marie Shoenbaum, vice-president and Michael Sherman", "secretarytreasurer. Their parents are the Messrs. and Mmes. Donald Shoebaum and Irvin Sherman. Robert. Clark, president of the Omaha Philatelic Society, will act as permanent advisor to the group, MembeiTi will be notified by post cards of the dale of the monthly meetings. ARABS ENROLLED AT HEBREW UNIVERSITY Seventy-seven Arab and Dmzo students are enrolled nt the Hebrew University in Israel. '
Mrs. L.»zar Kaplan
Mrs. Philip D. Schwartz
Mayor WHI Head Cmcer Crusade
Published weekly on Friday begfantag tho tact week In August through second weeli In July by the Jewlsli Federation of Omaha. I
Second Clou Poslooe Polo o) O « a « , Hcfcr. Annual subscription, J4.00. Advertising Rates on Application. Putl.cation Otiict—101 llo. som Street Omaha, Ufbr. 0(2-1346.
WJA J theHome Folks >eufc find happenings at The Dr. Philip Slior •ft>\Mbh Hume for tho Aecd b.T t>uvie) Orliuw.
All friends and relatives are Invited to attend services and reception. GAItV DAVIS Gary Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Davis, Saturday, March 4 at Beth El Synagogue, at the 10:30 a. in. service.
Ben Ui-rtisteln, home resident pave a Kiridush on the occasion vt his wife's Yahrzeit. Rabbi Slyrr S. Krlplce was our rabbinical visitor this week. Council of Ji-ivhh Women's Oc- ALEX GHO8SMAN Alex Grossman, son of Mr. and cupational Therapy group under • the leadership of Mrs. Herbert Mrs. 1 g n a c Grossman, tonight Weil arranged a shopping tour end tomorrow morning at the Beth Israel Synagogue. for our folks this week, Blkur Cliollin's sjieci.'il women's j;roup gave a Purim party at the uvnitY KOOM home. Ilamuntashcn was baked DALE WEINSTKIN at the home under the EupervlLarry Koom, son of Mr. and vision of Mrs. Fred Hnhn. Mrs. M o r r i s Koom and Dale Our folUs enjoyed the testi- Weinstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. monial concert for Cantor Aaron H e r m a n Weinstein, Saturday, I. Edgar at the Joslyn Memorial March 11 at the 10:80 a. m. servArt Museum. ice at Beth El Synagogue. Coming fcvrnts: A Young Juilaenn Kroup will entertain the JACK CAIN* home residents on Sunday, March Jack Cain, son of Mr. mid Mrs. 5. Norman Cain, March 10 and 11th at Temple Israel.
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MJtS. LEAH KATLKMAN* Funeral services for Mrs. Leah Katleman, S3, of 3160 Lincoln I3Ivd., who died February 22, were held in Sioux City, la., on February 2.'!. Slic was a former resident of Sioux City. Surviving arc daughters, Mrs. Oscar Katclnian, Mrs. H a r r y ChuUiicuff, O m a h a ; Mrs. Ben Ivcner, Sioux City and .1 son, John Winston, Omaha; n sister, Mrs. Isidore Epstein, Los Anj;eles, Call, 9 grandchildren and 1G great grandchildren. SAM K. KAT/.MAN Funeral services for Sam B Katzman, 59, who died Saturday In a local hospital, were held Sunday at the Jewish Funeral Home. Mr. Katzman who lived at 5142 Ulondo Street, was a resident of Omaha since 1903. Surviving are wife, Hose; sisters, Mrs. Sam Gorellck, Los Anlieles, Cal.; Mrs. Martin Freund, Minneapolis, Minn, and Mrs. Louis K i l d m a n , Washington, D. C. Burial was in G o l d e n Iliil Cemetery. HARRV OOLDENBERG Funeral s e r v i c e s were held February 23 at the Jewish Funpral Home for Harry Goldenbcrg, •40, slain in a robbery in the liquor store he managed. Surviving is a sister, Mrs. Nettie Fine of Chicago. Burial was in Golden Hill Cemetery.
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HERBERT S. DOLGOFF 18 NAMED NETWOKK OFFICER The appointment o£ Herbert S. Dolgoff as vice-president of the Storz Broadcasting Co., was announced by Todd Storz, president of tho network.
Friday, March 3, 1001
Cundli lighting al 5:57 |>. tn. IJKTII Habbl Henjnmin Groner, Cantor Eli Kagan and tlie litth Israel Choir will conduct the late* Friday services at 8 p. in. Traditional Friday evening services (Kobolas Shabbos) begin at C p. in. Shaubos morning services, «t 8:-15 a. m. Junior Congregation at 10 a. rn. Rabbi Groner will conduct the Talmud class at 5:.'!0 p. in. Sabbath Mincha at 6 p. ni. followed by Sholosh Seudos and Manriv at 7 p. in. Sunday morning services at 9 n. m. followed by breakfast and Kabbi's class in liible. Sunday morning Junior Minynn, 8:30 a. m. followed by breakfast. Daily services at 0:10 p. m. und 7 a. m. TEMI'LR ISRAEL. Sabbath evening services at Temple Israel, Friday. 8:15 p. m. with Rabbi Sidney Brooks officiating. The fifth of sabbath discussion series on American Heform thinkers will ho held. Subject will be Leo Bacclc, his life and pereonwlity. The Temple Choir will be; conducted by Miss Ida Gitlin. Sabbath morning services at 13:30 a. m. IVXAI JACOB ADAS VESIIl.'UON Friday, Minchn, Z:?,Q p. m. Saturday, S::',0 a. ni. Mincha, 5:30 p. m. followed by Sholo.sh Seudos. Daily services at G:^!0 a. m. and 5:35 p. in. BETH KI, Sabbath services ."it Beth El Synagogue at 8:15 p. m, this evening. Rabbi Mycr S. Kripke will deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth Kl Synagogue Choir will render the musical portions. Traditional Sabbath morning services at 8:30. Family service at 10:30 a. m. Mincha-Maariv Services nt C p. m. Sunday services .it 9 a. m. Dally .services at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m.
Wolfson He-Elected Max Wolfson was re-elected president of the Independent Workmens' Loan Association for the third consecutive year nt a recent meeting at the Congregation of Israel Synagogue. Serving with Mr. Wolfson are Ben Garclick, first vice-president; David B. Bleicher, second vice-president; Yale Halperin, secretary; Ben Kaplan, treasurer; Sol Martin, Herbert R. Forbes and Julius Bernstein, trustees. Inquiries concerning membership may be obtaining by calling Mr. Halpcrin, 551-6040.
Wobttor, Wil.
Major John Rosenblatt will head the 3961 Cancer Crusade in Nebraska. His appointment was announced by Dr. p Harry H.-McCur- j thy, Piesident of the American Cancer Society, Nebraska Division, who (.aid the educational and fund-raising Crusade will run t h r o u g h the month of April. The m a y o r , whose interest in Uoscnhliitt health and welfare activities is Well known, was awarded the coveted citation for meritorious service by the President's committee for Employment of the Physically Handicapped in 1938.
Sunday TV Program A Film on "With Every Step I Take," story of B'nai Ii'rith sponsored Leo N. Lcvi Hospital, will be presented Sunday, March 5 at ]2:45 p. m. over KMTV.
Smooth V Mellpw
John Spitzerfo Visit Cincinnati Seminary John SpiUcr, ton of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Spitzer, Central High sophomore, and a member of the Temple Israel confirmation class will visit the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, March 8-12. The trip is sponsored by the Temple Israel sisterhood who nnnually offer a scholarship for students interested in a tour of the Cincinnati .seminary. He will attend classes there and confer with the faculty. John is vice-president of the Western Council Siibregion of the Missouri V a l l e y Federation of Temple Youth. ' Two voyages in March by S/S Jerusalem and S/S Zion of the Zim lines will bring close to ],000 Americans to Israel on the eve of Passover and in amplo time to join Independence Day celebrations.
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Friday, March 3, 1061
Page Three
Mrs. Frank Appoints Her Co-Chairmen
ANNOUNCEMENT Watch for Announcement
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. ICngel (Continued from I'.if;e 1.) of service "und'T tho dedicated announce the birth of a son, Porter on February 215 in leadcrehlji" nf tho J!)G1 Wom- (ji'cgg Clarkson hospital. en's Division Chairman. She reGrandparents are Mrs. Isaac , called lii-inu secretary of IJadas- Kngcl of Jasper, Ala. and Mr. tah when the "dynamic" Mrs. and Mrs. Joe Gotsdincr. Krank was it:; president tome Announcement lias been retwenty years HITO and declared ceived of the birth on February Rhe was loofdni; forward to 17, of a daughter, Hand! Sue, to workinc closely with her in such former Omahans, Mr. and Mrs. nn important community-wide Bernarr Jonisch, of Kansas City, Mo. They have two other daughendeavor. ters. Grandparents' are Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Kaplan has worked for Philanthropies in various capaci- Robert Marer. ties in the past twenty yean?, InDr. and Mrs. Stanley S. Becker cluding participation as major announce the birth of a daughter, nnd captain and has been a mem- Naneen Shari on February 18. ber of the hoard of tho Federa- Dr. Keeker is stationed at Offutt Air Force Base. tion of Jewish Women's Clubs. Visiting at the Becker resiShe Is h .former member of both the Hadassah nnd Council dence are the baby's grandparof Jewish Women Boards nnd at ents, Mrs. Helen Weinstock and the prcsejit time Is circle coordi- Mr. and Mrs. Irving Becker, all' nator of the Temple Israel Sis- of Brooklyn, N. Y. terhood. ; 5IM. Schwartz
Another, who brings a wealth of experience to her role as n co-chairman, Is Mrs. Philip D, Schwartz who worked on Jewish community projects in Omaha since her hl,:h school days. Philanthropies have never ceased to be part of her life and in reminiscing, found she had been n director of the Jewish Community Center in 192C. Mra. Schwartz will be co-chairman in charge of the Business nnd Professional Division. She is a past president of both the Council of Jewish Women and the Uusincss and Professional Women of Hadassah, as well as former vice-president for both the Mountain-Plains and Missouri Valley Regions of Iladassnh. She 1 Is vice-president of the Omaha Pilot Ciiih and a past vice-president of the Insurance Women of America. ~N Confident of SUCITHR
Delighted with her co-chairmen, Mrs. Frank declared, that, "with four such devoted ami enthusiastic associates, who recognize the needs hero and overseas, I feel the campaign will be ag successful as those in former years." "Thece remarkable women," she added, are willing to give the Philanthropies Campaign top priority in their busy lives during the coming weeks."
Open House for Bluffs Visitors
WINNKKS OV FORKIfiKT LANGUAGE CONTEST Margie Rosenberg won the Russion division of the University of Omaha's tenth annual cpolcen foreign language contest for.high school students. She is the daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Jacob Rosenberg. Second place went to Jerry Heoger, son of Mrs. Alice Hccger. Both arc Central High School students. WIN TAI,K-O1 T Among the Central High team members who won the talk-off at the Missouri Valley Open Debate Tournament were Richard Kaslow, Sieve Cuss and Hubert Gross. • YOUTH AT "WHITE HOUSE" I'AKMOY Temple Israel was represented by Nina Beber, Norman Bleichcr, Jerry Frank, Larry Mayer and Andrea Raskin fit. the Nebraska White House conference on Children and Youth in Lincoln, recently.
of the Reopening of
Temple Israel Chapel at 10:30 a. in. * ' •
TKSII'LK SISTERHOOD PLANS "FLIGHT TO FASHION" Flight to Fashion is the theme chosen for Temple Israel Sisterhood's first spring style show scheduled for Tuesday, March 21 nt 1 p. m. A salad luncheon to be served at the Temple before the show, is planned by Mmes. Earl Wigodsky and Harry Wise, Circle 7 co-chairmen. •
under tho Proprietorship of
PIONEERS TO HAVE l'RE-DONOIt TEA The Pioneer Women's Organization will have their annual predonor tea on Tuesday, March 7 at 1 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Sam E l c h m a n , 841 Parkwood Lane. A program will be presented with Joe Radinmvski as giicst speaker; vocal selections by Mrs. Milton Nearenberg and the rending of an original poem by Abe Schneider. Mrs. Duve Epstein is program chairman.
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MOVIE OF ADOLF KICIIMANN STORY Bi-Lti chapter of United Synagogue Youth will show a movie of the'Adolf Eichmann story at Both El Synagogue, March 5 at 7:30 p. m. A discussion will follow.
YOUNG JUDAEA MEETINGS All Young Judaea groups will Mr. nnd Mrs. Leo Meyerson of meet at the Jewish community Council Bluffs, la., will enter- Center, Sunday, March 5 at 2 tain for their, son-in-law and p. m. The Jays will later present daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Mark a Purim show at the Dr. Philip Walker of Ames, la., on Sunday, Slier Jewish Home for the Aged. March 5 .from 2 p. m. to 5 p. m. J. G.'s and Dots will prepare a at their residence. No invitations program for their Parent's Day. have been issued and friends and relatives of the couple and their EDIAR'S BEAU CANDIDATES families are invited to call. The'title of Beau, will, at the Mr. Walker who Is attending Iowa State University and Mrs, third annual Rhapsody in Blue, Walker are expected to nrrive go to one of the following canthis Friday. A family dinner will didates: Mark Goldstrom, Brian "Skip" Soiref, Al Hoss, Sheldon be held on Saturday. Krlzelman ami Gary Parilman. The danco will be given by F.dlar B.B.G. March 4, at the Blackstone Hotel from 9 p. m. until midnight. Dance chairman and co-chairThe Omaha Section of the National Council of Jewish Women man arc Susan "Bunny" Bloch will be represented by two dele- and Susan Mnklcsky. gates, Mrs. Robert Levine, president and Mrs. Joseph Horwlch DOLLS FOR DEMOCRACY nt tho organization's National "Dolls for Democracy," B'nal Biennial convention in Pitts- B'rlth project, was presented to burgh, Pa. tho Sunday Division of Temple The flve-dny meeting will open Israel religious school, on FebSunday evening, March 19, with ruary 26. Mmes Martin Gerbcr on expected 800 delegates from and Seymour Abrams were story240 local sections. .. ; • tellers.
2 Council Delegates To National leeting
Council Opens Thrift Shop A "thrift shop" was opened at m North 16 Street, by the Omaha Section of the National Council of Jewish Women on March 1. Tho store ii Blaffed by volunteers Monday through Friday from 10ft.m. to 4 p. m., Mmea. lrvln C, Ilalman ond Morris ItoJt-
BKANDEIS BOARU MEETING AT ABKAMHON RESIDENCE] Board members of the Omaha Chapter. Brandels University National Women's Committee will meet on Monday, March 6, 10 a. m., at the home of Mrs. Isiidore Abramson, 5417 Nicholas Street. Mrs. M. A. Bercovici will preside. * * # RUMMAGE SALE ON COIINHIJSKER AGENDA The B'nal B'rlth Cornhuskcr Chapter No. 1O.'I2 plan to hold a rummage sale, March 39-20 and 21. Mrs. Jerry Lehman, chairman, has appointed Mrs. Bud Greenspan, 4775 Decatur Street as pick-up chairman. '* * * DESSERT LUNCH FOR COUNCIL HOARD National C o u n c i l of Jewish Women will have its March board meeting at the home of Mrs. Leo Eisenstatt, -721 Hackberry Road on Thursday, March 9. Mrs. Edward Malashock will assist at the 1 p. m. dessert luncheon. • • • "SECOND CUP OF COFFEE" MARCH 7, AT TEMl'LE The "Second Cup of Coffee" group will meet March 7, in
stein, general chairmen, said, New nnd used clothing'and household items will be sold. Mrs. Harold Fox will .«crv* as volunteer chairman and Mrs. Yale Gotsdincr as pick-up chairman. The sponsoring organization Bald the shop proceeds will be used fox Its local project!!. '
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Friday, March S, 1UGI
OFF THE RECORD »>• Nut ban Zljirlii
Praiss for IsrasFs Concept of Fresdom Ogden B. Ueid. former United States Ambassador lo Israel, glows with depth and excitement when he speaks of Israel and its People. lie was at his humble best the other day at a "welcome home" reception at the .Stephen Wise House in New "York City. 'Dignity uf Ijilxir' Mr. Reid delighted the audience witli one of the finest ob.servatiops about Israel this writer ever heard. Israel, he said, Varsity Basketball League teams line UJI for a I)it offc|><inflngJus.1 [iriur to u viry serious anil "is adding a new dimension to hard-fought championship gamo lti tint Jewish Community Center last week. From left to rifjht. It. C Coin team, light jerseys—Jeff Si'JiH'arlr., Joo Patrick, Cal Kirnlii-n, Stan l!c<l(er, Al f.'hiyinaii the concept of freedom—the digand Stove- Lli&tj;:irt<ii. In (lark jerseys—Milder Oil, left to right, I n i n Yaffe. Trod Bernslein, Llmly nity of labor." The welcome home Paul Jerry Snyiler, Sluart Kalm, Justin lian anil Don Strum. party, said Dr. Joachim Prinz, American Jewish Congress president, in introductory remarks, was a most deserved one since the Reids have a sentimental attachment to the building. It was there that they becams engaged. Milder Oil won tlm Varsity At that point an U. ('. Cola play- pushed VI markers in for R. ('. This is open season for ex-amLeague championship by defeat- er missed an easy lay-up under Cola. bassadors in the United Stales, FINAL STANDINGS ing R. C. Cola 40-:M, in a special the hoop and Milder added come hue we caught up last week with playoff fame after the two clubs charity tosses to porsr/rvc the vicone from Israel—Jacob Tsur, for•W. I.. ended the regular season in a tie tory. mer Israeli envoy lo France at Milder !) 4 for first place lo climax a thrilThe tilt tool; the same pattern the New York Headquarters of II. C. Cola K 5 ling winter caw c;imp;ii<;n. as previous meetings between the the Jewish National I-'unri, where Micltlln f", (i The last two minutes saw the two clubs. It. C. Cola outscored lie opened a gathering with Mogen-David 2 10 Usual Varsity leanim wild finish Milder from the field with l(i newsmen. with three R. C. Cola players baskets lo 10. Hut Milder won The Ambassador said he wantfoulinfj out i'nd ending up with the contest at the foul line by ed us to publicize the fact that just four players as Milder des- converting 17 of 38 in contrast to Israeli is mindful and appreciaperately fought off a rally Ihat Cola's '-' for lfi. tive-of the impact and influence saw a ten-point lead dwindle to Fred I'ernstcin with 12 points Jerusalem (JTA)—Eight Isthree with 16 seconds remaining. was hii;h for Milder. A) dayman raeli fishermen have been sentenced in Gaza to two years' imprisonment on charges of having violated Gaza Strip territorial waters. Cairo radio,.reported. The Delegates from Des Moines, Gaza court also confiscated the la., Sioux City, la., Denver. Colo., two fishing craft of the Israelis and Lincoln will join Omahans Cy Si-itchiili . who were captured last October. for the semi-annual conference le.ijpic play for the 19G0-G1 camBasketball League An Israel Army spokesman re- of the Workmen's Circle Midpaign. In the oiienin,™ game SIos- ported that two armed Bedouins West District on Sunday, March YOUTH COUNCIL burg dumped Treliak 15-12 as were killed and a third wounded 5 at 10 a. m. at the I,abor LyceIJayim was pressed for three John Lohrman tallied nino points. in a clash with an Israeli patrol um, 3021 Cuming Street. quarters from a fired up A.Z.A. Mines. Etta Orenstein and NaThe second tilt saw I-Go-Van in the Negev. The. patrol inter1000 team but pulled away in the copied' the Bedouins. They re- than Lorinan arc in charge of final stanza to a GO-4G triumph. give Ricliman-Gordman their only fused to identify themselves and the noon luncheon following the Dick Zacharia with 1G points led defeat of the year in a 21-20 contried to escape. Shooting fol- morning business session. Anoththe winners. From the standpoint test. John Ruben had 1G points lowed. The Bedouins had two sitb- er meeting will be held in the of well-played games, this was for the losers, but it was Maymachinguns, a rifle and ammun- afternoon. the finest played game of the nard Belzcr who put on the best ition. The wounded Bedouin was District officers are L. Witseason. hospitalized. kin, chairman; Max Crounse, •'• A.Z.A. 100, behind the scoring p e r f o r m a n c e with a fine all treasurer and M. Goodman, secpower of Mickey Sacks dumped around game. retary. Arab League to Open A.Z.A. 1, 55-35. Bill Ginsburg, Standings with 13 markers, led the losers. W L Ofifce in London Mr. and Mrs. Pennie Standing* Kichnian-(jordni,in 8 I London (JTA)—Agreement by WI, Davis Re-elected I-Go-Van G 3 the British government to the Rayim 11 0 Slosbur;; ,'i f> opening of an Arab league ofMr. and Mrs. Pennie '/.. David A. Z. A. 1000 C» '> Tretiak 1 8 fice in London was'announced were re-elected co-presidents of A. Z. A. 300 •! 7 in the House of Commons by the Omaha Chapter City of Hope "Til AND JfTH <!RAI)KS A. Z. A. 1 1 10 Philips edged . • Kaimun's 24-18 Privy Seal Heath. He said the at a meeting at the home of Mr. CTH AND CTH (iKADKS and Borsheim's raced past Gere- office would not have diplomatic and Mrs. N. Julian Rips. Other officers are Mr. and Mrs. Two close games including a_ lick's 41-28 to end the year play status. The announcement provoked a Jack Wolpa, first vice-presidents; major upset marked the close of for the Midget League. In the first encounter Ron Wolpa put. question by Sir I-eslie lMumnieiy' Iiabbi and Mrs. Matthew Poliaon a sharp performance to lead Laboi'ite member of Parliament, koff, s e c o n d vice-presidents; Philips and was aided by the fine whther it had l>cen made clear Messrs. and Mmes. Bernard to the Arab League that its of- Ifoekenberg, third vice-presirebounding of Ken Hoberman. dents; Robert E. Wagner, reBorsheim's e n d e d a perfect fice would not be "welcome here cording secretaries; Saul Davis, if it i.s going to be used to spy s e a s o u as Barry Zoob, David The Jewish Community Center corresponding secretaries and Is'. All-Star" teams will be in Sioux Jacobson and Lcc Ross combined on British firms trading with Julian Rips, treasurers. Israel or to organize a boycott City on Sunday, March 5 for for all hut two of their points. against firms trading with Iscompetition with the Sioux City Standings rael, or to publish anti-Semitic Jewish Community Center AllW L propaganda in this country." 'Hie Mr. Oeorgo Sacks takes this Star squads. Sioux City will re- Borslicim 9 0 Privy Seal replied that the Arab means of thanking bin relaturn the visit in Omaha on Sun- Gerelick 4 r> office would be expected "to contives, friends and It'nai B'rltli day, March 19. Philips :•> 6 duct itself in a normal and profor their many acts of 1:1mlThe Omaha All Star selections Kainian 2 7 per manner." ne««, get-well messages and are as follows: earilM, gifts and contribution* 5th and 6th Grades: John Rumade in hit name ivlilie he lias ben, Mark Wolp.-i, Maynard Relbritn a patient nt the B'rui zer, John Horwich, John LohrR'ritli LRVI Hospital in Hot Paris (JTA)—"Danger sig- in the army; the inability of Jews man, Jim Ginsliurg, Dick Slos.Springs, Ark. burg, Bill Rosen, liob Jacobson nals" regarding the Jews in Tu- to obtain certain administrative nisia were enumerated in the in- positions: and the barring of and Bob Beber. 7th and 8th Grades: Barry fluential Tunisian newspaper, Jews from enrollment in instituZoob, David Jacobson, Lee Ross, Afrique Action, which ran a sym- tions of higher learning, especialSARAH J-GA MOMHEIT WHOLE— In her tovlng memory who fifed 1 Ben Shaftbn, Ron Wolpa, Marc posium on the Jewish situation ly the Teachers Training InstiVfor mjo, March V. 1K0, Yofiaell Memorial, «lti of Morcti, 19M. Romanick, Paul ICaiman, Jerry in Moslem North Africa. tute. . Your gentle 'ace and patient imllo Bars For JeiVH With sadness w« recoil; Hollis, Joe Greenberg, Randy EnMany Left In 10.10 You had a kindly word for each Serge Guetti, prominent Tudleman and Ken Ilobcrman. A large part of the 120,000 And died beloved by oil. Your voice It mut« ond illlltd fhe Youth CquncU: Jeff Wohlner, nisian—Jewish writer, summar- Europeans who left Tunisia since heart That loved us well ond trut/ Von Fiedler, Steve Guss, Steve ized Uie principal "danger sig- tlwt country won its independDiffer was (ho trial fo part Gould, Dick Zacharia, Mickey nals" as the fact that Tunisian ence in 1056, arc Jews, roost of From one as good as you. You or* not forgotten, lo/ed one o>or, Sacks, Bob Stein, Arnie Mahvitz, Jews, unlike the Moslems of the them now living in metropolitan Nor will you ever t » ; As Ions as Ufa ond memory lost Buddy Epstein, Bill Kully and country are not required to serve France, Jewish circles said here. W» will remember thee. Bill Ginsburg. V/« mftft you now, our hearft cr* tore; As tlmo goss by, we'll miss you Varsity League: Al dayman, more. Your loving imffe. your gentle face. Lindy Paul, Fred Bernstein, Ed Ha one can till your vacant place. Belgrade, Jack Stiss, Justin Ban, Dorothy C. Rlngle Florence Setder Irv Yaffe, Marshall Becker, Philip Rlngle • Loul) J. Ring!* Wayne Siegel and Steve Lustgarten.
Milder Oil Wins Varsity Title Race Players Spoof a Little in Tug-of-War
Israeli Fishermen Jailed by Arabs
Workmen Circle Has DisSriot Gonferenca
All-Star Teeims
To Sioux City
of tin.1 Yiddish and Anclo-Jewisli press in the United State.s, "SjieaMiiff of Yiddish"
Spealum; of Yiddish—if book.'; are an index of the vitality of u toni;iie—we would have to say that Yiddish is still a vital foieir in the communities of the world, Israel Included. There has been no decline in the publication of Yiddish books. In I!).")? there appealed 111. Yiddish books throughout t ho world. The year lO^S showed a mark o( 115 and 1U59 an output of 112. There i.s no record yet for the. year H)Cf), but experts in the field say 19G0 may show u sliniit incroa.se over the previous year. Interestingly enough, the United States was at the head of tin* queue in that respect in 1 !!.*>!» with 40 Yiddish books. Israel w;:* next with 2,'>, Argentia-i with :'.\i and Poland with ten. "if te Soviet Union of course was not on tlira map with Yiddish books. (WNSi
Campus AN'Di JKAV (iROKS KI.KCTKD TO SOKOKITY OFFICK Andy Jean Gross, junior at Northwestern University, Lvanston, was elected house president of Alpha Kpsilon Phi. She in the dail;;hler of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gross. SCHOLASTIC KATINC The University of Nebraska, Lincoln, reported that Irvin I!elzer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Cclzer, made a nine average. He is a prc-med student. Sirs. Oora Joffe and Miss Karbura Jran Joffe, wife and daughter of the lal« Mnreus (Slav) Joffti tvlsh to tlmnli tlielr friend!* and relatives for tlio many nets of thoiishtfiilness and kindness extended to them nt (ho tlmo of tlirlr bereavement.
FOR SALE Our boaufifuf 1475 - i q u i f * - foot horn* at 6046 Hamilton will b« completed in the naxt 14 days. 3 bsdrooms, double clotef with light*. Bath and a half, attached garage and bsautifut big balament. Special tiding and brick on th« front.
For information call David Schwalb Builder Co.. S5B-I472. Another two conttructiont coming up, at 60fh and Charlei.
Need PhoJos?a!s? CALL
'Danger Signals' for Tumsian Jews Seen
Candid Wedding CALL
John Kalina 817 So. 36th
Phone 342-13S* to Insert your Wonl Ad m th» Jcwliti P r c n ,
PASSOVER CAKDS BAR and I5aa Mltzvah congratulations also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge