Vol. XXXIX —No. 25
eublleatUin orrtce. 101 No. aoth Omuhe Netira.ku Hliune 34>l.'liiB
Samuel S. .Steinben;, prominent Omaha businessman and active communal and civic worker, has accepted the post of General Clmirman of the 1961 Jew-
Siiimirl S. Strlnherg ish Philanthropies Campaign. Hairy Trilstin, Jewish Federation President, announced today.
Mr. Trustin said Samuel Steinberg brings to the campaign sterling qualities of experienced and successful leadership, ami a thorough comprehension of the needs on the local scene, nationally and for refugee* entering and settling in Israel. "His devotion to Omaha com* niiinal activities, his dedication and faith In humanitarian and philanthropic causes have l>een an inspiration to all who haw.' served with him on many community undertakings," Mr. Trustin declared. 81 Tear* of Service The new chairman has participated in every campaign during the last 31 years, in many capacities. Omaha Jewry recalls his excellent achievements as Initial Ciifts Chairman in the 1955 campaign. His friend-, .s.iy that communal service has always l)c;n a challenge to Mr. Steinberg All-Iu-Onn Campaign "Communal service has always
been a challenge to me," Mr. Steinberg slated, "I have accepted the position mindful that the Jewish Philanthropies is an Allin-One C a m p H I g n, providing funds for Jewish refugees rehabilitation in Israel and thejvorld over; for our national Jewish agencies in the United Stales: and most importantly for ourselves, the needs of our own Omaha Jewish community."
in 10,
Second uittn fustian* Paid a , omanu. NeBi
i; very one in the community is iir^cd to attend the fifty-.sc.venfli annual meeting of ilw Jewish Federation of Omahn, Sunday at H p. in. at tlio Jewish Community Center. Auditorium.
New Vistas Harry Trustin, Federation pres"Our campaign is community* ident, said "This will be one of wide, and I hope that Omaha the most important meetings held Jewry will give us the man-pow- within o u r memory, covering er and women power" to join me more than the usual annual rneeling agenda. Our Jewish CommuIn this campaign. I am also sure nity is on the eve of great develthat Omaha, as in the past, will opments, which hold much promrespond with open and generous ise. We plan to present a prehearts," Mr. Steinben; concluded. view of these developments at this meeting. New vistas are: Tim new <ani|> sjlr nliloli the Federation has Just acquired, utter sonio !J3 years of ramping In rented facilities. Home for Agi^l new addition* Jerusalem (JTAl -President to I he Dr. Philip Slier Home, mill Izhak Iien-Zvi quietly but de- wlmt tliry mean to our uglng mid terminedly pursued Ms efforts- Hdcm in our rommnnlty. Other nrw developments which to end the governmental crisis in Israel and avoid the holding of new general elections. The President concluded his second round of consultations with the heads of the political parties and had his costumary weekly lunch with Prime Minister David Hen-Gurlon. Mr. Hen-Zvi is now expected to invite the Mapai party leadership in and ask them to propose a candidate for the premiership. If, as expected, Mapai mimes Mr. !>rn-Gurion, the President will invite Mr. Hen-Gurion to form a new Government and if Mr. Ben-Gurlon declines, will ask him to suggest an alternative from Mapai. Political leaders who conferred with Mr. Ben-Zvi came away with the impression that if Mr. Ben-Gurlon could not form a new Government, the President would take the Initiative in leroiuttilutmg the old coalition by actively seeking another Premier from Mapai ranks.
Ben-Zvi Seeks Way Out of Cabinet Impasse
Special Exhibits at Annual Meeting On Aged — Charts
Haggadahs in Art
Camp Jay-C-C Through Two Decades
David OrUow will enable tlin Federation to servo Omaha Jewry more effectively," Mr. Trustin concluded. To Honor David Orkow A reception will be held at the annual meeting in honor of David Orkow, on the occasion of his tenth anniversary as Superintendent of tiic Vv. Philip Slier Jewish Home for Aged. Klecllou In Ue Held Klection of officers will be held. Nominations will be presented by Dr. Abraham Greeiiberjr, chairman of the committee. Present officers are: Harry Titislin, president; Krnest A.
Meeting fo Oonsider Safe of Synagogue A joint meeting of the B'nai Abraham Cemetery I-odgo and the Congregation of Israel SynnRORiie in South Omalia, will be held Sunday, May 12 at the Synagogue, 25th and J Sts., to consider its sale. Members of both groups are urged to attend the .'! p. m. gathering. Refreshments will bo served.
Photo ot Left,
Present at the Women's Philanthropic* Ctunpnlgn planning session at the. homo of Mrs. A, D, Frank, Women's General Cftalmuui, were (back row, left to right) Kaliih Franklin, executive Bccrelary, and Mrs. Hurry Kidman, first' vlr.c-preftl<lent; Federation of Jewish Women's CIUIIH; tlio Slmej, Jlavld Kliermun, l)uvf> Colin, Hubert Siinuner, Edward K. Hr'odUey, Joe J. (ireenbertr, Ernrat A. Nogir, pail chairmen and M01 advl»ory rorpn. • (Sealed—left lo right) Slines. Joucph <!u«s, Pldllp O. Srhwarlz, Ali'iamler I>. Frank, Henry Appel, I.azur Kaplan, 1001 Campaign pc-Honiiel. , . l'u»t campaign chairmen who wcrn unabln to lie prenent were i>Iint». l-:dwiii K. Itrodlw.-f, Mllin Freonian, David (jrecnlttrc, SforrU (Jromuuan, Alurrl* Kallemnn, J. Hurry HulaUofnliy, Louis Kulakofsliy, ArtM-rt IJ. Newman, Henry A. Xewman, Aaron nipa and Hnrrj-Tnuitln.
of tin- Women's Division of the ,/ewisli Philanthropies Campaign moved forward tin Omulia leaders offered their ficrvlceit to Mrs. AU'Xuuder 1). Frank. Women's Chairman, at a planning session jit lier home. Present were former chairmen of Ilic Women's Cainpaif;ii and office™ of the Federation of Jewish Women'N (/Itiljs. I'asl campaiitn heads will make •up an advisory corps. They are the Mines. Edward K. Krodkey, Kdwin K. Urodkey, Dave Colin, Mike Freeman, David Grccnbcn;, Joe J. Gieenberfj, Morris Grossman, Morris Katleman, Sam \,. Katzman, J. Harry Kulakofsky, lx>uis Kulakofsky, Albert 1!. Newman, Henry A. Newman, Ernest A. NOKK, Aaron Rips, David Sherman, Hubert Sommer, Hari'y Triistin. • The (lutes of the two hl(;hIlKhtiiiB' events of tin: Women's Drive were nnnoiinecd by. Mm. Frank-—Tuesday, April 4, th» workers' mectinjf mid Wednesday, April 10, tIK* Wonieu's Overall gatlierlnpr, " I cannot over emphasize the importance of these two dates," Mrs. Frank asserted, " and call upon every worker to be in nt-
single txipy 10c Annu»l But* (4
Nogg, first vice-president; Arthur II. Goldstein, second vice-president; Milton R. Abrahams; treasurer; Isadore Chapman, secretary, and Dr. Philip Slier, honorary president. A special message urging the young adults of the community to be present at the meeting w.-is issued by Mr. Trustin. "During the past five years we li ive succeeded in developing a young adUlt participation in the various programs of the Federation," Mr. Truslin said. O u r young folks arc becoming aware of their communal responsibilities, and the need of developing leadership. Mrs. Samuel S. Steinberg is in charge of arrangements for the reception. Brief reports will be presented by committee chairmen.
$16,000,000 Group of Petrochemical Plants Jerusalem (JTA)—An agreement for the construction of a $16,000,000 complex of petrochemical plants was signed here by Finance Minister Levi Eshkol and four groups of investors. The new plants will manufacture carbon black, ethylene, poly-ethlyene and raw materials for detergents.
30 Czech Jews Are Released London (JTA)—Reports from Prague disclosed that about 30 Czechoslovak Jews, imprisoned nearly ten years ago in the aftermath of the so-called "doctors' plot" against Soviet Premier Stalin, have been set free. Their arrests had been part of a Communist purge in Czechosolvakia which resulted In the execution of Rudolf Slansky, a Jew wiio had been head of the Communist Party in that country. Some of the freed men have indicated a desire to go to Israel.
tendance on April 4 and ask every women in our community to be on hand April li) to insure the success of this extremely important and interesting gathering." Members of the advisory body, under the direction of Mrs, Sominer mid Mrs. Nogs will serve as hostesses for (ho meetiiigs. Mrs. Harry Fcrenstein and Mrs. Morris Brick will be in charge of refreshments and Mrs. Dan Katzman and Mrs. Howard Kaplan will plan the decorations. Mrs. Harry Sidman, first vicepresident of the Women's Federation, will be in charge of television and radio contact.
Organizations Will FSast Memorial Rites '' A meeting will be held on March 14 nt 8 p. m. at the Jew- , ish Community Cenelrto plan the annual memorial service to commemorate the death of the C,000,000 Jewish who lost their lives in the Hitler holocaust, and the heroes of the uprising of the Warsaw Ghetto. All organization! are urged to send representative! to participate in this program For further information call 342. 0891. '
rage Two
Will) lh@ Home Folks
•t»i«5l) Press
Nr\«l mif] rmppFnlnrV at Thr Ilr. riiiUp Shir Ji-nl-h Hume fur (he Ar.rd by llnvkl OrLim.
Published nectvly on Friday beginning Uie lai.t nri-h fo August through kecond week In July by Hie Jewish I'liJcrullon <>t Unulio. Sfccno Clo^-j Poslc.e Polu ol Omo.la. Ncfcr. Annum SuEscrIptlon, 54.Kl AOvtrlij'no fto'ci en Appiicu'""". Publ.coiion Office—ICi Ho. ttln Sirctl. Omolio, lltbr., VI 1364.
Bar fiiilzvah.
Vcrsity i" Kniil.'iiul, one of 1}i<?
eldest institutions >( higher learning in the worl I, Will 111! the 2X)lli ciiinpus ;it v Iiicli s c r v ice to Jewish Mudin s will b e jcrulcTwl hy lh'* K' MI Ii"j ill) jmit-J Founilutions. Patronize the Jewish AtivcitiKcrs.
JACK CAIN' Jiirk Cain, son f>f Mr, ;tMil Mr*:. Noim;m OHM, at Temple Israel, Krid.iy. Match JO, 8:15 p. in. service and Salunlay, March 21, 11 u. m. MT\ ice,
I.KK ISO.sS I.i.'c Itnss, son of Mi". ;ind Mrs. .Stanley U'lss.-iit Temple Israrl, Kiiii.'iy evening rind SaturiUiy morning, Minx1! lTanOlJ?.
LEVEMSON'S "A Sign of Good Housekeeping"
I.AIiltY KOOM I»AI.K WKINSTKI.N Dale Weinstein. son of Mr. and Mis. Hriniiin Weinsk-in and I-irry Koom. MIM of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Koom, .Saturday, March II. at ]():.'«) if. in, sen ice, lk-lli Kl Synai;o;:ue.
Czll Us lor Estimates STKI'IIKN r.-M.K Joel Itich, son of Mr. and Mis. KiiK''iic llich anil Stephen Fnlk, snii of Mr. and Mrs/Max Knllt, on Saturday. Mareli IS at l()-.:!0a. in. MTvice. Heth Kl Synai;oi;iie.
PEST CONTROL SERVICES )«07 Hcrncy 3410088
C2T! 1 . ":'•":." .••'.•...'.'.'.:•".T.*_Z'.'.'.'.'.'..'.'.J : '•'•".1
Anof-her Forbes Special
iiKTii I ; I . Sal)l).illiM.r\icrs ;:t llclh 701 .Sy n;iv*KiHl at tS:15 p. in tiiis r \ c 3iiiiVC- H;ihl)i Myrr S, Kiipko will (!t'Ii\rr till,1 si'imon. (";m1i)r A^IOM I. Kilirsir ami I lie Hcth Kl S.\na^'o;:ui.' Choir \\ili icrKiiT tin: mu.vical porllons. Trnditioiuil Snbliaili mcmiing M'iv.invs a I K:.'!O. J-'iimily scrvii'i" itt 10:30 n. in. Miiicliu-Miiiiriv .SirviiTS ;il fi p. m. Suruliiy sfrvifcs ;il '.)'<<••m. Daily sriA'ii'i-s nl 7 n. rn. ami 7 JI. in. IIKTII ISIIAKI. Kablji Hcjijamin Gronrr, f'an1nr Eli KiiK-iii ami I hi' Belli 1sI'iicl ("lioir will ronihicl lale f i i <Iiiy M'rviccs. K p, in. Traililional, 'Koliol.'is Sli.ilibos i nt G |i. in. Shahbos nKtrniim ^rl'\ic^'s, 8:'15 ii. in, Junior C(mmvj;atioii at 10 a. m. lialibi (Jroner will roniliiet i he 'I'alnnii! class nt 5:30 I), in. .Hiihl>;ili) Mini-lia al 0:10 p. in. follow n l by Shfilo.sh Si'iiilos mill Maariv, 7:O."i i>. m. Sunflay M'rvici's, *i a. m. folJ o u r d - b y lireakfast anil Ilablii's i:la.ss in l>ib!e. .Suiul.'iy .Junior Minyan, fi:3() n. in. follou<<1 hy hrrakfasl. Daily s m i c c s itt G:)!"> i>. m. and 7 a. in.
Nam I'cisler, one (if our first residents ;U
Kiililush on th>' o<'easioii of his !t7 Ii'u Unlay which v.as celihiateii on I'uriin. Mrs. Minniu Ulanl: celehraleil her Ijirlhilay witli .1 cake fit flic home. JVIAV I t r s l d r n t : l.<»iis Xewinaii. Slrn. Dave Wlni- iissKtetl .Mr«. Jalit' Wine in tlie heauly parlor thin week.
JO, 10GI
Mrs. Iruin Ctuodirian uiKhfLK lo tlianli her rilatlveH nnd friends fur tlin many fiinlH, Klftn, nnd iiiessa^e« of i;d(»fluislies ^li*' received (hiring her i.tay In the husjillal.
David Orliow nttfmleil n newly (onneil council ol leaders of the Seiiifir ("ili/en }'ioups.
(~:in<lli'll|;liMiiK at G:f>3 p. in,
All friiixls anil relative* arc Imiteil to »tt>;ml t*°rvirea and reception.
IsVwYoik i.IT.AK Oxfuiil !"ni-
Friday, Mirth
.Mr. mill Mrs. I|;iiac tirimsinan r.ayi-* <t' I\idilusii in honor of the
Uar Mitzvah of their son, Alo.x. Ynhrwlt: SiN'finl memorial service «re heinj; held this month fur the followinc, the anniverli.iry of wiiose ileath falls (luriiiK this period: Adar I'O iMareh 8t, .Sam Jtahin; >\dar 2\ iMarrh !H. Mrs. Hurry Friedniaii; Adar T2 I March 10), Morris Spivah; Adar '21 f l i n c h Y2\, Louis S. Hramislein; Adar 25 i March 1.U, Ruth Slmmi'S, Adar '2'J (March ]7), Anna H. Kazlowslsy.
Sao Europe's btiil Guided tauit or independent itineraries, our expert travel couniclors con fielp you gel extra pleasure from ench vucoliort day and dollar. We tell sea and air Tickets, too, of rotes. iwfMitit
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Omaha 2, Hcbr.
TK.MPM-: ISHAKI. Sabhiil li .srr\ ii-c.s, Ti'inplr Israi-1, Kiiilay, H:15 p. m.f Itnlilii Sidnry II. BrookK officialiiifj. His H i m o n will \w. on "A Condition
of Heart," Musical portions of the (ii'ivicp by Trmplr Choir nn«iir direct ion of Miss Ida Gitlin. Saturday morning services for adults nml religious .school itt 11:30 a. in.
Reg. $1.29 Size Ltt't Hurry over
H'NAI .IA«:OB ADAS VKSIIMtON' Friday, Miitcha. (j p. m. Saturday. R:.'i() a. m. Minclia, 6 p. m. followed by Sholosh Scndos. Daily .services at G:.'!() a. m. and 6:15 p. in.
.... Reg. 69c Size
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Mr. nnil Mis Wawie Su'Et! {innoiincc III'.' birth of their first child, Deborah Sue on February Zi al. Lutheran llospilal. Grandparents ,-ire Hid Messrs. mid Mini's. Aaron Kpsleln nnd 11,'irold Sii'nel. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Knplair anil Mis. G. Winrr me great Rraiidpaients of the baby. Dr. and Mrs. ROIKII G. Addi-
346-5150, 346-5151
Nafe and Dave Shulcert extend their warmest welcome TO their old friends to come In and get acquainted with their new market, their wonderful service and quality meats.
f.on of ("hicaKO, III., me parents of a <laiii{liter, Susan I.ff, tiorn Fibruary 21. 'I'hey are the parents of three otiier daughters, Eliziibt'th Ann, Xancy Ellen nnd Itenila Joan. Mi>:. Addisoii is the fornipr Ueverly Minldn of Oniah,-i. Gr.iiidpaix'iifs arc Mrs. }jcn Addi.soh, Chicago and Mr. nnd Mrs. Hen M. Minliin. Great grandmothers are Mrs. Molhc I'erlis ajid Mrs. Max Minldn.
Copies of Treasured Phofoj of Loved Ones
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11onynien§ Frank Vienna. 3213-15 " O " Sf. 731-4111 Open Sunday 2-5 Since 1923
Phone 3 < ? l j « t o I n u r l vcuf Wonl A d li lr,» Jcvilih Presj. .--.••
BAR and HUH Mitzvnh congratillations nJso for all Jewish holidays and) special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodce
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Sc»o by ColIFng 241^977 Certified old «pptov«d by Rsdbi Dr. L«on Thorn, Prfildent, Amtric«n Acedtmie Rabbit Anoclailon of New Americsni, and Rabbi S, V/.llin of fh« Orihodoi Rabbit Auoclition of Haw Yctl City.
ftvmpt AtteBilcfl Given to fhena Otdan
Friday, Marrh 10, I9C1
Youth sriiuii, Monlioll Kcjlj, ul. IHitjy iitlliKJ ^erv-
S7 TO MOIHX Thirty-seven persons will mod(] in Ilif Sisterhood's siyl<» show, *'K)ij.;ht to Fashion" nt 'JVmpIo 3sta< 1 r»n March 2\ in riot lies from H r r / h - r ^ s Jo] lowing a lunrhrnu. Adult models, ;ill M.slri'hoocl niwnhrrs, will ]n". Mn.fi Milton At;ri;t,<r.i'., M-irry Alliuirr, f rl Colin. GcfdlfJ Ctitt", Hurry OuiSolt, fifivhf-l, Jor.rph KkitirnUium. Motris Kir. f.htnbauni, If win LoruffW/, Munley Mctn*!icfk, AHrtrt Mayer, Dtivld Mryer*, LiJWufd Milder, Ciiurkf f/.tiMfUM1, t . A. Newman. 'jieMey O-.ten, Ermsl Prlcunon, Uoumin O. Rifts, K&bcf I Mlvprrnuri, //.IU 'ton Simons. Morion 'jutrel, Mnrvin Tnxrnon, 1. H Wflncr tint] !>tim Wfimlcrk. Old"? will t>c M i « 1.1'tjfTli rjirnuntk, rcKjiiino (tuern of Ak-Sur-flen; M m Honey Blolcfcy omt M»« Nctnu Bei^r (mtl the fcllcwing younrjitrrr.: Julli* Cohen, Jinsmy Lf hr, Jtinn Lil'ermetn, fictli Moa'tik, linwi* RtfJS un/J Dcht>ie V.vfiMj. •
MI:I;TIN<; Temple Israel .Sislcilionil will hold ini open ho.ird meet inn nt the Temple, Miircli 11, ;il IO::iO it. m. uith Mis. KolxTt ('ohn, president, presiding. Coffee will lie served. m
MKN'S COFFKK. SINO.W Temple Inriict imii will meet for "Coffee uith Ihi- I!;ihhi" ill. Temple, Mni'cli \2 :il 10 ;i. in. llrnneh nnd dise.tis.sion, 10:,'!() n. m. • • » fllltl.K STtOV The women's hihle study woup will meet (it Temple Isriicl. Thursday, M.irch 1(5 nt 1 p. m. with Ilnbl)i Siilnry lironks, who 'will lead ;i 'discussion. • * •
nis<'t;,ssiON' OF MASK! JUDAISM "Coffee with the n.iblii" will lx> held in the Heth Kl library. Wednesday, March 1") ;it !i::iO it. in. Hiibbi Mycr S. Kiipkc will conlinur his discii.ssion of "H:isic Jnil.'iisni. Mrs. Kd«;ml (Jorclirlc is . BRANDKIK U'OMKX TO HONOR MIK MKMIIKItS I.ifc members will IK* honored ljy Omaha Chapter Urandei.s 1'ni•ve/iOly Nnlioiiiit: Women's Cmi)mittee nl H!::tO,i>.• m. nt l i y )ll.icl<st(ini! H(jt;<)' on Monday, March 15. • A fuiiu'T discussion "Forecast f>t Kducution .ill the <50\s" will ho jiroKcnted with guests panelists: Dr. Robert I). Harper, Demi of the College of Liberal Arts, Omaha University; Or, Craig Fullcrtoit, Assistant .Superintendent in tlir Department of Instruction, Omaha Public Schools; Father lllchard Harrington. Dean of tho (Jraduate School, Creicl'lon University. I'.ahhi Sidney liroolts, Temple Israel, will he moderator. Reservations are bring tnkrn 1)y the Mnies. Hen Shapiro. .'14220RS; Jack Hriimson. :«) 1-27:12, und Hyman Kerer. 5r>3-I-I.iri. • • * KKTII ISKAKI, STVr.K SHOW Beth Israel Sisterhood meinliers will moilel In a style show, "Fashion Flexibility for Sprint;" at their luncheon meetinj? March 34 at' the .synagocne. Mrs. Kdilh Thomson of Golcl.'iteln-Chapman's will nnrni<« (he show. Members porllclpqllno m models Include tAr*. Dnvld H. Lewis, Don Cohen, Morry Alloy, Metvln ^ololrovsky, Joe Sokolof, Mcffon Fronk, Louis Mporln, Ben RIIKin, JOY Cha^n. llodore Clewllj, Albert Friedman, und Sorn Horntfeln. In cnciroc of toble detorallods tut Mniei.
Qmahansin News Blaury Seliwarl/, Templn IsTacl.-Kducntion Director, will apeak on "Where AnvAVp Going In Jewish Kdueation," at. the annual congregational dinner of B'nni Israel Synagogue, in Council BluffH, .Sunday, March V2. Among those elected to office! H t . a meeting of the Woodson Center are Henry I., fireenbrric, treasurer and Sirs. Calvin N«ivman, trustee. Hhrldon J. Harris, local attorn e y , is the new president of the Omaha Zoological Society.
Philip" Sokolof was among the Omahans who won honors at the filoiuc Empire bridge Tournament ttt the American Contract Bridge League In Sioux Falls, S. D.
SHOW UV ItKTII Kl. I'l.AVKItS An adaptation (if .in Kternal I,ii;hf pro['.r;mi, "(iiccii Tiiunib in the Cily" *v^-til hf jirrsi'iitf <I March' M at the Belli Kl Sisterhood's JL':.'!'* p. nl. lunrhron i t f r t iiiK by llelh Kl players, Mines, l'jinicc Deni/nbertT, S)lvia WacJIIT, Klinor Whitman, Morence Kisi'iilierj;. Mai'lene Ilerusleiii and Rose lldllis. In kerpin;: uilli the Ih'ine ''Sisteiluxjd Slum's Hcmks,"* inrinbersj arc i m i l ' d to brim; books *>f Jev.isli i'ontcnt for (!()ua(ion to the Synagogue lihrary. Mrs. Helle /.eff, Jewish Commiinity Cenfer librarian, will bo in charge of a Center mobile book iiuil and will provide books which maybe checked out at Belli Kl and returned to (he Center. Lunrlieon urrmincnirrits will te mudr by Mrs. JOP Hurnsleln. clrrle coofdinalor »md circles C.7 rnd 6 hearted by Mmts. Don Cohen, Huralil fox, Yale Gln^b'jKi, A^orrls KDom, JtTcjine Wosscrmdii und Harry A. Wl-,r. Jr. MIIIM. Klcliord Miirlin tind Hobt r l Perrlmnn will provlffr the dccorulions. *
Cologne CITA)- An .-iirreemenl' detailim: the list of jjoods to bi> licnl to Israel cluring the tenth year of the Itejiaratioiis Agreement was signed licie I''iiday by Dr. Hans Cucrs, upreM'litiii!; tin1 We^l (icrnian l-'orci^n iVlini-Jry and AniliMssadiu* I'.'lie/.er Shinti.'ir, head of Israel's Mission here. The iij^ieeinenl: covers the period fruin April I, lOlil, to March 31, i'.HYJ. A coninninirjtie issued by the Israel Mission today slaleii that: tlu'ie were no basic; deviations from Ihe aiiangeini'iils made in p;ist years. The f^min (»o\ernmenl this year again limilrd the allocation for annual deliveries to Israel to goods worth SliO.OtlO. The ciiuiiininl'iiic slrcsscd (lint; riimorK ithont mi fvteiiKlon <tr rc•tewiil of 1 ln^ reparations treaty licymid I!)!!.1) ucr« without factual basis. "These iillt'KaHoiiK were Kprrml duriiif,' recent years ,. by Interested Miurees In «irdcr to distiirli the relation)! hi-luecii the l^edernl Keiiuhlle. and INrael," the e(ininiuni(|ii» declared.
Israel made purchases from the AIIKAClll .MK The; Mizi'arhi Women's meel- Federal Republic? an West Beroutside t he Hepnraiions inir, Wediiesdaj', March l.r> uill lin, be preceded by a dessert lunch- Agreement amounting to j a ) , eon at I p. nl. at the Jewish Com- 000,000 duriiif; J'.IW). munity Center. A skit will be NO OltAI. EXAMINATION' presented, ON KATIIItDAV SAItltATII Home UTAJLUU'I Medici, MinIIIIM'IIUAV CKI.KBItATION' The Dramatic; club of the ister of Public Kduration, ruled . Workmen's Circle will celebrate that, candidates for mhnission to the birthdays of Max Croiinse, or degrees from public institutions 1 llymie Kail, Nathan I./rman, who were of UK Jewish faitii or J-ouis Witliin, the limes, (ioldy were Seventh Day Advenlisls, Fonnan, lien Miroff and Nallian would no longer bo required to Mngel, Salurday, on March 11 at take oral examinations on .SaturH.'.V) p. m. at the Labor I.yceum.day, the day they observed us the Hostessrs will be Mines. Na- .Sabbath. Previously these ulijthan l.erinan and Yet la Oren- denls had been excused from (lie Ktein. The [irogrum will include written examination* on Saturday and permitted to take them M)iii;s by Sam Zwerlinj;. on another day of the woelc. . * * * BKTII Kl. MKN'X <'M'lt The Helh-KI Men's Club will FOR SALE meet for a breakfast-study session, .Sunday, March 12, at '.) Our beAufiful (475 • tquore - foot a. in. Rabbi Kripke will lead the home «t 6046 Hamilton will be discussion on "Hen (lurion and completed In tha next 14 day!. 3 bedroomf, doublfl closet with lighti. American JiHvs."
niKi it ( IIOI.I.U Kikur Cholini Society will hold its ' monthly dcKsert luncheon meetiiiK on Monday, March l.'t at 1 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center auditorium. A H a. in. board meeting will prcceed the regular meeting.
Oath and a half, «ftacfi«rj garflge *nd beautiful big bfltemenf. Special tiding and brick on th« front. For Information call David Schwalb Builder Co., 558-1472.
Another two construct!on« coming up, at 60th and Charles.
VOUN<; JCDAKA 'llic YOIIIIK Judaea (rronps will meet. Sunday at 2 JJ, in. at. 1h(; Jr'Aish ("(jiruminiiy (Vnlcr.
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Air-Conditioned faryerj MISS MARSH and KISS JERRY Owvncri
.MAIL IJOWI.lNi; TOI'KNIOV Ai>iiroxim.'itc)y I 111 liowlcrs will ji.-ii licipntc iociilly in llm fourth •'iiiniiiil iniiil inlcnintioiii'il Ijowlinj; tdurnry, JMiircii 3H ;il. Uw. Kosc Howl. liiiidlcy Epstein, in cluii'He of the lociil competition, Miiil thi'il. scores of ;ill A/CA ;u)d Hilt; groups ImuliiiK the local event will he entered in Ihe B'nai IJ'rith nal.ioniilly ,s[K)nsorc(l conti'.sl. ll.'iyim, :in incicpemlenl Kroup will take purl, locally.
BETH ISRAEL RANCH Tliuc Ix-di^Hims, living ro'iin. diiiMii,' rr»r)ui am! klli'tini ulth in.-triy hiillt-hiH. Tills !)-ye;ir-olil jiinrli lifts ri'nlral air I'ondltliiiiln^ wit li ji'c room. W e l l litiilt, ^ooil location (inil low 1JIX*'S. For
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Pace Four
Argentine Wonfs Postponement off Omaha JCC All Star basket, ball teams split four games with the Sioux City teams at Sioux City on Sunday, March 16. 6TII AND OTII GKADKS Omaha's 5th and Gtli grade All Star team made a gallant comeback in the final (manor before dropping a close 17-iO contest to the host team. With 00 seconds remaining, Ron Wolpa stole the ball at halfCourt and dribbled unmolested toward the E M ! for a would-be .winning basket. However the official suddenly blew the whistle and claimed a foul. John Itulx-n with six points \v;is IIIKII for Omaha. THI AND 8TII OKADK Omaha in another R.-illant effort, cut a 21 jKiint deficit to fiw in the final quarter and then lost to Sioux City 50-50 as Harry Zoob pumped in 20 points for Omaha. Joe Grcenberg and Randy Endleman came off the bench In the second half to spark up the Omaha team. HIGH SCHOOL Reeling under the defeats of the first two games, the Youth Council All Stars, fired up tor the occasion, mauled and all but ran Sioux City off the floor and out of the building. Omaha won 99-4'». as Jeff Wohlner, Don Fiedler , Dick Zacharia and Steve Gusa hit in the double figures. After a comparatively close first half. Omaha began to roll in the second half and tallied 61 points.
teams will Invade the Omaha JCC all star (ji oups on Sunday, March 10. Four games will he played with the first tilt at 11 a. m. Jerry Berman will conch the Varsity group mid Cy Bcitchiclc will coach the other three squads assisted by Herman and Jerry Snyder. " 1DUY-IIIDDV NIGHT Wednesday night, March 13th v. ill see 35 Iddy-Biddy basketball performers demonstrate drills and play n game before parents and relatives. The regular Monday and Tuesday class will go through the drills they have been practicing for the past three and a half months and the Sunday class will play n same. Refreshments will be snved in the auditorium after the game. Final ISa^kWball Standing* VAIlSITt W. I.. Milder !' 1 11. C. Cola 8 5 Micklii t> 6 Mogen-David 2 10 YOI.TII COUNCIL liiiyim AZA 1000 A Z A 100 AZA 1
W. I,. 12 0 (i fi r> 7 1 11
TTII AND8TII (JHADK Uorsheim Gerelick I'hillp.s Ka iman
W. 9 4 .! '-
I.. 0 5 <! 7
\V. I.. nichman-CjOrdmnn 8 1 T-Go-Van fi .1 Klosbnrg .1 (i Trelkik 1 H The following are the leading scorers in the leagues: Varsity— Al dayman, 261 points; Ed Belgrade, 1B~> points; f.imly Paul, jns points; Steve Priborslty, 133 points, and Fred ISernstein, 118 points. YOUTH COUNCIL — SIOUX CITY IIEKK MAIiCII l» Dick Zacharin. 207 points; Steve Four Sioux City all-star JCC fjiiss, 195 points; Mickey Sacks, ICG points; Arnie Manvitz, ]30 points, and liuddy Epstein, 128 OFFICIALS VVII.I. NOT points. 7th and 8th Grades—DaDISMISS NAZI vid Jacobson, 318 points; Barry Washington f WX.S > —The De- Zoob, 114 points; lion Wolpa, 83 fense Department informed the points; Marc Itomanik, 72 points; Jewish War Veterans that it Paul Kidman, 68 points. 5th and would not dismiss Martin Unrein, 6th Grades -John Kuben, 80 a general in Hitler's Army, from points; Maynard Uclzer, 75 his jiost a.s supervisor of German" points; John Ijohrman, 6."> points; civilian labor at the V. S, army Mark Wolpa.'.',?•points, and John Installation at. Dachau. Horwich, 'M points. VAItSlTV Alan Konecky scored JC points as the Omaha Varsity All .Stars defeated Sioux City 57-5-1. Omaha had fine board strength from Hay Kirke, Jim Maddox and Marshall Becker. Larry Turner, Justin Ban, along with Konceky played good floor games.
United Nations, M. Y. (JTA)— Mario Amnileo, the Argentine representative on the United Nations Commission on Human I'icl'ts, advised that body to postpone until next year considt'ration of a report from the Subcommission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities because, he said, it contained "too many controwrfcinl" matters. The report runtalnrrf druft resolutions urging tttudy of discrimination In dm matter of religion** rights mid practices; tlio prevention of in:i!tI/f»futloiiM of nntl-Seniitlsni mid other form* of racial prejudice, and religious Intolerance, and iipcrlal ptoin— live measures for ctlinle, religion* or linguistic (,'roups. llr. Amaclro referred to the fact that the General Assembly last year had voted a resolution condemning manifestations * of racial, national and religious haired and said that "excessive repetition" would only weaken the issue. He said the problem of protection of minorities should be approached strictly from tbe point of view of human rights and should not be considered a political issue. A contrary view »as expressed by Shiam Sunder Nath of India who stressed the need for all governments to orient loiifj-ranEe programs in the educational field to eradicate all forms of discrimination. He proposed that UNESCO consider a freedom from prejudice campaign which could incjtide a "freedom from Prejudice Year" modeled after World I'.efuj;ee Year.
Friday, March 10, ISC I
MUS. BESSIE TEMIN Funeral services for Mrs. Bessie Wohlner Tcmin. 81, of 1100 North 31 /Vvcnue, who died March 3, were held Tuesday at the Jewish Funeral Home. Burial was in Beth Ilamedrosli Ilauodol Cemetery. Surviving are husband, Simon; daughters-, Mrs. Louis Albert, Mrs. Maurice Olcun, Omaha; Mrs. Sol Schwartz, Uuffalo, N. Y.. a son, David, Far l'.oclcaway, N. Y., 30 grandchildren; i) (,'reat-i;randchildren und three sisters in New York. JIKS. MOI.I.IE GKKKNI'II'XI) Funeral services were hold Sunday at the Jewish Funeral Home for Mrs. Mollie Greenfield, 70. Mrs. Greenfield of 182-1 North 49 Street, died March 4. Surviving are sons, Max ami Dan, daughter, Mrs. Phil Liiliman, all of Omaha and five grandchildren. I'.urial wns in Mount Sinai Cemetery. SAM IIAN'DLKIl News has been received of I lie death, Mai-ch .'1, of Sam Handler of Stockton, Calif., formerly of Omaha. Surviving wife, Iuabclle; daughters, I.ynne and Judith; sisters, Mrs. H. M. Korbholz, Stockton, Calif.. Miss IJoselle Handler, Omaha; biothcis, ManninK, Philip and Allen, Funeral services \\v\e held Monday at Stockton.
Hebrew 'Daniel Booties' Helped Tame Wilderness New York (JTA I-While no Jews came to this country on the Mayflower, they were among the earliest settlers here. Kahhi Bertram W. Korn, of Philadelphia, an eminent Jewish historian, declared here. "Among them were pioneers who tamed tin* wilderness, opened the frontiers, initiated trade, built cities ami founbt for freedom," he einphasized. The Jewish historian made his observations in connection ivilli the announcement uf the publication by the Hebrew Union College I'IVSS of tlie first jjcnealot'ical survey of Jewish families u ! o • settled in America between 1G.">1 and 1810. The volume, whicli weichs rich! pounds, is entitled "Americans of Jewish Descent1' anil lists 2fi,'K)0 names. The nuthor spent eight years on research. The volume shows that in per cent of the marriages recordcil before 1K10 wore mnrrja;:<'s between Jews and Christians. Tli<» book is boinj; distributed in a limited edition of GOO copies. The "popular" edition of 550 copies can be purchased for $10 eac'i. Fifty copies printed in a "(.'<• luxe" edition can be had for $ir>0 per copy.
ANMiKW WAKHKN PIFXK Manfred Piecl:, who died MarHi Funera lservices were held (!. Surviving l>eside.s the.paivnts, Tuesday-in Bcfh-Kl SynaE^Kiie are sister, Klizabptli Susan nnd C"liapel for Andrew Warren Pieck, grandparents. Iiurial was in Beth two-year-old son of Mr. and TSUs. Kl Ccmclciy.
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