Vol. XXXIX —No. 20
i'ublicatuin ufflc», 101 No, a(nn Omtifia NebrasKa Plsone 1H2-13&9
Stftuf.u Uiaei> fvuluK*
Annum Unit
Mr. IJiehards announced tli . New vistas to enrich the Omaha community scene of tlir; fu- S193.0D.1.12 was raised during the ture, headlined innny of the re- last campaign, which was ably ports presented nt the ininuul led by Hilton Abrahams. meeting of Die Jewish. FoderaActivities of tlie Anti-Defamation by its lenders, Sunday evening nt tin? Jewish Community tion league were summarized by O u t e r , with Unrry Trtistin, its cliairman, Millard Kosenberfr, wlio outlined the various propresident, presiding. crams in Omaha and the region. The minutes were r«'iitl l>y IsaSenior <'itlwn Activities dorc Chapman, secretary. Harry S'idinaii, Center eliairMr. Truxtin «ald "thli ha* hp.cn a year of imirJi achievement anil inan, emphasized programmirif; progrew. and that the nceoin- for Senior Citizens. 'J'he Center plNhmMits of tlio pint months .•;|iace was Mpanded by the innrr due to the devotion mill deep stallation of an elevator in the Interest of our leadership In many Center building. An enlarged positions of M'rvlre in our worh. physical fitness program, youth 1 HIM grateful fo members of our council projects, program of the board, our <lrnurtm* nt cJialrmcn, month have been meeting with thrlr committee incinbcrH, . nml KUt'ceriB. the rnintiiunity ut large for their I'urenl-KdiirallnM Program iervlees." Tlie Kamlly .Service program L AFurtlin Kchluiiune liu.t ti> her credit many alliiiuiH of her recording*. A few are pictured above. Mr. Truxtiti nslr^'l the as.vem- of the federation wa. : presented by Yule Richards, chairman, nottbly to rise In memory of Hyriuiii © O Ferer, n past Federation presi- ing progress in serving tlie needs of the community and new pardent, whose death occurred in ent-education projects. March, IBfiO. Revealed nt the meeting were J'lxtensive lmprovcmenls in Improvements to .servo the. resi- Federation building.'! were redents of the'Dr. Philip Slier Jew- ported by Alex Weinsteln, IJuildish Homo for the Aged, more ef- ing;i chairman. The Jewish Press fectively, plans for a new camp record was cited by Hlcliard friendly feeling for just the right is getting off the stage her aumid consideration of n new site fiiildnmn, Press chairman, ns a interpretation of a song. A sing- diences would keep her all night." for the f"(filler. factor Jn promoting community ing fluency in twelve languages After a program in Detroit, Mich., interest?!. is part of the special touch Miss the Detroit News stated: "Miss Changing NVriU of Home Schlamine <;K'i.'.> to folk IVUEIC. .Selilamme displayed a voice of New Campaign Clialrmen The chancing lice's at (lie Applauded by Critics amazing variety of tone coloring Home for the ARM! were outlined Mr. Trustln presented the 1!)61 by Arthur A. Colin, co-chairman I'hilaiithropics Campaign chairTlie New York Herald de- and shading . . . tremendously of the Home committee He snid mnn, Samuel S. Steinberg. Mr, scribed the artist u:» a. "pure.- Impressive. that n pift from Mr. nnd Mrs, fileinberg toli^ the j;atherin;;'• — voleed snj>rano." The .San FranMiss .Schlamine will appear on Jlymio Milder made possible a "I am well nware of the big re- Martha Sclilnmme, Interna- cisco •F.xnmlner said "Martha the Program of tlie Month sponhospital unit to care for bed-rid- sposibilily nhead of us, but to- tionnily celebrated foil: singer Kclilomme's vocal beauty holds sored by the (.'enter and comden guests. gether we can meet it, as we've nnd concert artist, will sing you ••.pellltonnd." munity organizations, Harry Sid"songs of many lands" when she "J-fow n building imtned the done before." Variety's impression of the man, Center c h a i r m a n, anCherniack-Chapman 1'avilion, a Mrs. Alexander P . Frank, appears at the Jewish Commun- star was expressed in the follow- nounced. Admission to the congift by the family of the late Mr. Women's Philanthropies chair- ity Center, Sunday, March 19 a t ing words: "Her chief problem cert is free. ond Mrs. J-ouis Cherninck, Is in man, was introduced by Mrs. 8 p. m. construction," he said, "This new Lloyd Friedman, president of the Jlruws Capacity Audiences addition will care for 'well' aged Federation of Jewish Women's Born in Austria, she arrived Clubs. Mi's. Frank announced her n.s a refugee In England and Frequent conferences, during untccrs wliosn names a r e listed Mr. Colin cited Rilmr Oliolim co-chairmen: Mmcs. Henry Ap- quickly won a resounding sucthe past weeks by Mrs. Alexan- on another page of this edition. pcl, Joseph GIIES, Laznr Kaplan for its contributions to the Home. cess, her talents applauded in nn nnd Philip D. Schwartz, the lat- Israeli night clul) and ur'elainiod der D. Frank, Philanthropies All volunteers arc not listed, but Cnmp on 18!3 Acre Site ter who will head the business when die broadcast for the Women's chairman and her co- nil! be In tlio forthcoming Issnc* Tlie community, now, enn look and professional division. Ii. D. C. Today, she Is one of the chairmen, the Mmes. Henry Ap- of the Jewish I'ress. forward to Its own camping Bite A panorama of Federation ac- bright stars of the American pel, Joseph Guss and Lazar Kapv.ith the Federation's purchase Mrs. Frank urged women In every- lan have been held to clear the tlie community to save Tuesday, of 182-acre tract in Cuus County tivities through decades of prob- concert world, performing f nfter twenty years of camping lems nnd struggles to make such where before <,apaei v audiences. decks for straight sailing. April 4 and Wednesday, April on rented sites, Ernest A. Nogr;, dreams as the new camp site, 19, highlights on the schedule of Fluency In 12 Tongues Tlio organization ha» proceedtlie Home for the Aged and othfirst vice-president and camp site Her performances feature the ed at a steady pace, Mrs. Frank the Women's Division. More dechairman, reported. He described er.projects, realities was unfoldrare combination of a concert revealed and said sho wa.1 very tails on these dates will be availed by Paul Veret, Federation exthe area n.i one of the most beausinger's polish and the warm, pleased with tlio response of. vol- able soon. ecutive director. He also called tiful In the country, nnd a wonattention to the Center Library derful opportunity to serve nil anil the scope of its manyfold acsegments of the community. tivities. It is used by Jews nnd Bclnrntlon of Center non-Jews alike nnd gives a betThe relocation of the-Jewish ter understanding of Judaism Community Center was discussed and its culture. / \ fcJrl' by Arthur H. Goldstein, /second vice-president. A search for a Israel'ft, DoorsJ Open new Bite was recommended by Touching upon the forthcomthe Immediate past president, ing campaign, he said "but little liobcrt II. Kooper, In 1959 in is known about the real needs view of the fast suburban growth of the immigrants streaming Into ond development, he said. Mr, Israel." He said that in this Kooper is now heading the com- campaign we must help and meet '.' i mittee on the future Center Bite. the needs of the continued imFederation Officer*, Keclcrtcd migration Into Israel which Ls All Federation Officers tvero practically the only country in re-elected for 1301. Tlicy orft tlie world open to Jewish refuHurry Trustln, president; F.rnrst gees. A. Nogg, first vice-president; ArDavid Orliow Honored thur II. fioldsteln, nceond vireMr. Veret extended the comprcsldent; Milton II. Abrahams, treasurer; Isadora Chapman, BCO munity's congratulations to Daretfiry-nnd Vr. I'lilliji Khrr, hon- vid Orkow, who was honored on orary p r e s i d e n t , Tlio noni- the occasion of his tenth anniverinutlons wero recoinmcnded by sary of service as superintendent Dr. Abo Grecnber;,', nominating of the Dr. Philip Slier Jewish commlttc.o clmlriniin. Mciiilwrn Home for Aged nt a public recepof Ills commlttcn urn Harold I'. tion. He stressed that Mr. Or^•"nrbcr, Maiirlro ICatimnn, Harry kow was following the modern Kldmnn nnd Mrs. Bamurl S. trend In en re of the aged while i Y. .G •• « V ' . . .• * • i" ' ;•« ' • < retaining tlio "traditional" JewBtelnberfl;. •; ish approach to the elderly. $193,053 h G ' O Total : : c: 1 Mrs. .Samuel S. Steinberg was Tlie I960 Philanthropies Campaign report WIIB made by Mor- in charge of the nrrangementi. L 1 » ' ' > • ; . . . i - j - - • I__L_L±*> • " * - - - - ' - •••..••i.ir.».............J.-ia ton Rlcliards, Initial Gifts chair- for the reception assisted by Mrs. °'1' Joivlsii Federation re-elects officers—(left to right) Milton It. Abrahams, treasurer; Isadoro CIiap< man In the absence of Mr. Abra- Arthur A. Cohn. Presiding over hams, general cainpalen chair- tea and coffee were Mrs. Harry man, iiecretai-y; Harry Trustin, president; Arthur IL Goldstein, second vlcc-prcsldcnt; Ernest At I'rustin and Mrs, IJoyd Friedman. Hogg, tint vice-president • •'•,.• ••••••!•'• •.man. .••'.-.. : ": .
(if <s#
Women Clear Deck Oampaign Operation
•'• • •".' '•iA'' - '"i-h' '~*^^
Fage Two
Friday, March 17, I0CI
Jewish Members Fral Drops Chapter
Patsovcr Apr. 1-8 Shavunt May 21-22 Tlsha IVA v July 22 Hash Ilahlian.ihx'Srpt, Il-i2 Vora Kippur Sept. 20 Nukluit Sept. 25-2G Sluninf Atzcret Oct. 2 .Slnihat Torali Oct. 3 Itanukkuli Dec. 3-10 All liullduys hc(;ln on the preeedhiK cvenlnK.
Chicago, (\VNS)—The Stanford University chapter of Alpha Tau Omega, national fraternity, has been ousted by tiie central body for accepting four Jewish students as members. The university unit had previously said it would not rever-:e its position even though it was threatened with expulsion from the central body. The fraternity's liltfli council fiaid Hie chapter U":is misted because Its aceeptaiiee of Jewish members violated u specific proVision In HIM organization's confttitution requiring "allegiance to Christianity" fnna ineintiers. A .high council spokesman said tho constitution "was adopted Iiy democratic action" of all the frat chapters. Meanwhile, it was reported that the ousted chapter has decided to become nn independent fraternity, a move said to have the bucking or Stanford -University and the Stale of California. FORBES FEATURES VITA PASSOVER PRODUCTS Choice of HERRING In P«rty Snactti—Croamed Filleh Schmaltz in Wino ALL WHITE FISH GEFILTE FISH Rrgular Gefilt* Fiih Servt Wilh Our Red or Whilo Honuradiih
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Taking part in a planning session of the Iliislncss nnd I'rofeftsional Wiitnen'H Division of the JeuIsl. rhllanthroiiies C.un|ial(jii ueni (standing-, left to ri^ht): Mrs. l';ui Sherman, Miss Julia /uker, Mrs. Clia rles S. Koss, Ml«is Lillian .Slutzky, all captains. (Seated, left to right): Mhs linlah I'Vanklhi, exccutlvo serrctary; Miss Sylvia 1'arllnian, taptain Sir*. I'hllip I>. Schwartz, chairman; Mines. Alice Heeler and Josef Mnycr, capfjilns.
Two iniportnnt dates in the campaign calendar of ihe Bnsiiics.s and Profes.sion.il Womcn-of the Jewish Philanthropies were announced by Mrs. I'hilip D. Schwartz, Chairman of the Division. Sunday afternoon, April 1G has been designated as the workers' meeting and Wednesday, April UG has been designated ns the date of the annual overall meetin;,'. The dates were announced early, Mrs. .Schwartz s.-iid. EO that women of her unit can make
plans -nccordiiiHly. More details on the two functions will be furnished by the Jewish Press us soon ns arrangements for them are completed. C a p t a i n s met with Mrs. Schwartz nt n planning session and brunch at her home to chart plans for the Husiness and Professional Women's Division participation in the drive. The captains are Mrs. Alice HecKer, Mrs. Josef Mayer, Miss .Sylvia Parilman, Mrs. Charles K. Ross, Mrs. Fan Sherman, Miss Lillian Slutzliy and Miss Julia Zulccr.
Mr. and Mrs. Iipiac Grossman want to thank their friend* for hh.irlng with them tho Joyous Oceanian of .the recent Uar Mltzvah of their son, Alex.
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Friday, March 17, I8dl
I Think As I Please Hy Carl Aljiert Haifa — American Jews frequently discuss the problem of th« future relationship between i Israel and Jewish c o m m munitiea abroad. Israelis too arc sincerely w orrletl a b o u t tliis p r o b l e m . Hardly a week COPS by that
lonil paper does not c a r r y un aitiele in wlifr.li Die writer cxI plores ways of ' building a bridge of iiiidcnitnridiii;,'. At. a lecture which' I cave in llaifj not lo.ij; ago a member of the midlcnce arose and Inquired what the Is. racli of tomorrow would haw in common With tho American Jew of tomorrow, once the novelty of Israel's creation had worn off. Almost exactly the same question was asked of me when I addressed an audience in Oniahu more than a year ai;o.
11 I
U". I!,.; •
There In concern at both null. It IN obvious Unit ruiilliuiini; ntnpa must l)n t.'iliin to Inform tlio respective communities about <:ac:li othpr. Whut In surprising! however, Is that llio uliolo program of education mid information li at present oiip-fildrd. Diaspora Jewry Is well informed about Ii;rael. Much of this information may com? from personal visits of the tens of thousands of tourists, for a pilj,rrimaj;e to Israel is coining to IK? regarded ns an important clement of Jewish life. For those who can not make the trip, there ore dozens and scores of documentary films, which provide a flood picture of one or another phase of life and activity in Israel, Kach year sees a dozen or more books on Israel published abroad in various languages. The literate American Jew can find ample fare. In addition, hia local Jewish press provides full coverage on the current news In Israel. lecturers from Israel almost dominate the spenkin;; platforms. They may appear under the auspices of fund-raisint; organizations, but they do d'spense facts ' and Information, as well us cmotlonnl inspiration. ; Children In almost every kind of Jewish school In tin; Diaspora learn not only tho Hebrew language, but also Bomcthln^ of tho history, Rcoirraphy, etc. of Kmrl. It may bo Hold that a strong and sturdy bridgehead Is being constructed at tho Amcrlcnn end. What of the Israel end? Alas, the Israeli Is abysmally ignorant of his Jewish brother overseas. He knows nlmo3t nothing of tho history of the Jewish communities in the United States or elsewhere. Tho cultural institutions of American Jewry, the community organization, the religious movements, the nature of Jewish nffiliation — all ore closed to him. What is worse, nothing Is being done to provide the education that is needed. Two years ngo the World Jewish Congress sponsored a one-day observance of wliat was called American Jewry Day. A few dozen speakers addressed scattered audiences on the subject at hand, and that was all. . Whnt docs the Israeli child learn nt school about Jews nbroaii? Almost nothing! A youngster from Omalm, matching knowledge with a Tel Aviv child on what each knew about Jewlili life in each other's countries, would qultn put tlio Israeli to »hamo. Tlio Israel press manages to give fairly good coverage to BOclol; political and e c o n o m i c events nbrond, but almost neglects the overseas Jewish community. The personalities, the philosophies, <ho problems of Diaspora Jewry are unknown here. ' The establishment by the Hebrew University of an Institute' of Contemporary Jewry is a long step In the right direction, but the Institute will operate on the upper levels of scholnrshlp. The
Morocco Renews Drive Against Jewry... King invites Paris (JTA)—A renewed campaign ngamst Moroccan Jewry was started last week-end in the Moroccan Press. It earned a report that approximately 120 Jew.i hav* allegedly left Morocco since the death of Klnu Mohammed V. The renewed anti-Jcwlsh-cnmpalKn coincided with the arrival in Morocco of Abdel Klmlek Hascouna, secretary-general of the United Arab League. Reports reaching here from Morocco state that the young Moroccan King proposed to the Arab league leader that the next meeting of the Arab league he held in Coroceo.
Stage Night Promises After many weeks of rehearsing, .Stage Night performers have reached the polishing stage of the unusual and entertaining skits to be presented by the Jewish Youth Council on Saturday, March 25 at 8 p. in. at Technical High School. Annual Event The event, an annual one, Is produced by the clubs participating In tile Youth Council. Those taking part In the 3001 program are R o h a n u e , Kdiar, Ilcvnili, AZA No. 1, AZA No. 100, AXA No. 1000 and Itayim. Individual nets will go on between club sluts. Rehearsals Indicate Slag.? Nite will be oni: of the finest performances in rlie history o! the Youth Council, Steven GUM, Y o u t h Council president, reported. He said the wide variety of original nets promises a very entertaining evening. Awards Will Be Made Awards will be made for the best performance among the boys' clubs and the girls' clubs. Judging will be based on originality, cooperation and creativity. Tickets are being soldby Youth Council •••members- and in the Youth. Activities office nt the Jewish Community Center. ;
Passover Seder For Servicemen A Passoyer Seder for servicemen and their families will be held Friday evening, March 31 nt the Fireside Restaurant. Cornhusker I-odge 1760, B'nal B'rith will co-sponsor with the military in making arrangements for the holiday event, Alvin Abramson, Jodge president, announced. The Seder is open to any other Omahans and their families who wish to attend. Reservations or additional Information may bo obtained by calling Meyer Hnlprin, at 342-1341 or 453-0392. Captain Harry Paper will conduct the Seder ceremony. problem is to reach the masses, and to bcgin,wlth children in the schools. There is a great deal of spadework yet to be done, for the building at this end of a bridgehead of understanding.
Sao Europe's hottl Guided foun or indepondont Miner* arici, our expert travel court. lolon can holp you get extra pleasure from each vacation day and dollar. W» self tea and air tklcoli, loo, at official ratei.
Meanwhile, the LeaKue official declared that the Arabs were now able "to challenge Israel." Another report discloses that 40 Jews, including one woman who nre being held in Casablanr ca prison, were brought before a Casablanca examining magistrate and were charged with offenses against the internal and external security of the state. The accused, some of whom have already appointed defense counsels, are expected to be brought to trial in u fi;w Weeks. Several prominent Jews, however, were reported to be trying to Intervene with the Moroccan authorities to obtain the release of the accused, who have been under arrest for nearly two months.
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iarandBasiifzvaft \Wdnp><lay evening, Mrs. NewMRS. UOCHHTEll HOSTKSS sn;m uinuiuiiced. TO JlETll ISlt;U:i, tittOl'l* Dinner reservations may be Mrs. Ernest Hochstcr will he hostt'i". In tho Beth Israel Sister- made uiih Miss -Myrtle Ki'temaii, hood study i',roup a t it 1 p.m. .")15-l>21iJ or Mis. *\'mwafi, 3jjcoffee nict'tiJiff ftt her home, M32 W-Vi. • * * Hamilton Street, on .llodii.iy, <-OIC.MI( SKKK 11IAI'TKK March 20. Hanoi Ik-njmnin Oom-r "ill MKK'l'INCS, MAUCH 13 Mrs. Sam Kalzni'm "ii) re<listruss a jwiioij hum '"I'jcasuri-s vivw the book, "Faicucll to of Jwisii Literature." Fear" )>y Tumi Kt'ltlcm a t the •, * » il'nai IJ'rith ('nniliu.'-ker (Chapter B. & P. GKOIT iiu'ciini;, Monday, March 13 at BINNEJt, MA«fII 22 "The U\isiii'1ss and I'rcjfissiotinl 8:30 [Mil. at the lifackstanc Group of Ifadassah uiil hold Uott-1. • • * their Dinner mid Merlin;; <>n HKTH ISH.M:I. YWSU Wednesday eveninn., March 22, • isei, sit fi p.m. at the. Jewish VOX I'l.iOS \VH,ICommunity Center. SI'ONSOK SEICVIOK Mrs. .Julius Ntwii'.nii, prcsuJont, 'Chc'lU'th lsvui'l Vounj; Couples will fi:lK>rl fill til'.' Missouri Valley CUiti will spinisor the March 17 Mid-Winter Ur-;:ional Hoard mci.-t- Friday »i;:!)t service at (lie synaing and session ttliieh she at- f;')),'ijp, A recejition will follow. tended at Kansas City, Mo., mi C'luiinnpit arc Mr. and Mrs. Tcb. '21 and 22. .Six; v.-jll also Harold Noptjinnik and Dr. and tell of now ways for raising Mrs. Uctitiett Fishbain, funds /or If.-Klassah Il.M.O. •which wore discussed at tile con« 7.B.T. MOTHERS (,'M'll M:NCHM).V, MAKCH ZS fcrenci. All monies from the bazaar The Z«ta lk-tn T.-IIJ .Mother's and card party must, he turiMsl in C'iub will nHH't at )lie home of -Mrs-. Hemard I'lotkiu, fi-l.'ij Glen-' IIWKI }Ut:id on Tluirsday, Slarch H.'i for n ilw.sert luncheon. • * • CItKHiHTO.V riU'CATOB AT AC'ADEMV Mf.KTlSli Vr. J, Whitney Kellcy, CrciRhton University Professor of J'sy. diiiitry, spoke at a recent jnretinj; before the pnwnt.H* group of the Omaha Hebrew academy. He ant lined the merits of such a »t G:13 p.m. school. Tlie ucademy will niwi liinder^arton. and first grade B'NAI JACOB ADAS fla.^scs in St'filwnl>er. For furFriday, Mincha, 6 iwn. Satur- (her ififfirmalion calls may ba day, 8:."lO a.m. Mincha. 8 p.m. made to SheWon Conn, 345-0897. • • » followed by S'holosh Seudos. Jialiy services at G :30 a.m. and JWV TO E.VTEKTAI.V AT VETEItANS llOSMTAfc 6:15 p.m. Tiie Kpslein-Mor^an lJrt.st Ka, 2C0 ol the Jniish War Veterans BETH EL. Sabbath serviec-s at. Bctli El will present Its. snotilhly show at Synagogue will begin this eve- the Veterans Administration Hosning a t 8:15 p.m. Canlor Aaron pital, on March 15, at 8 p.m. . I. Edgar and the Beth Ki Synagogue Chair, will render tlie musical portions of the service. There will be no pulpit sermon this twhihg. The congregation will adjourn to the .Social Hall immediately UUrnry Dim-tor following'services lor a I'assovcr Passover is story telling time Institute, conducted by Rabbi Myer S. . Kriplte and Cantor for Jewish children and adults ns well, and thn story of the Edgar. , Traditional Sabbath morning flifjht from K;:ypt is (old In many services will begin at #:30 a.m. fiooks at !he Jewish Conimunily The family service will btcin at Lihrm-y. It Is fun (o tiring the 10:30 a,m.illncha-Manriv will be spirit of the Passover holiday to the younger children willi Ilyheld a t 6:15 p.m. Sunday morning services are man Cliuiiowc's b'wlis, "Pcsachheld in the Chapel a t 9 a.m. Services during the week will be held at 7 ajn. and 7 p.m.
All trlcnils ninl relatives ttre Invited to attend feeMlets and rcw|iffon. STKI'IIKN KALIt JOKL It I <-I I StefAieti Fnlk, ton of Mr. ami Mil*. Max Kalk, v.ill observe bis liar Mitzsah, mid Joel Hjch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Etlffprie Kicli, 'will obscrif his liar MiUvah on Saturday morning, March 3H at Belli K) Synagogue, at (lie 30:30 u.m. i.ervice. M.LKN IiI7.AKOF.''Ky The Uar Mitzvah of Allen KulakofsJsy, son of Mr. ;imi Mis. I,<'(iii.'(i(l Kulake.ff.liy, will lie cclehratod ;it 'IVmjile Israel services .\fairti 2-1 and 25. SIAVMCK KOSENHKJtG Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rosenberg announce the Bar Milzvah of tlioir .s«n, Maurice Roitnbcn;, on Friday ovenin^, March 2-lth, and SiiUirilay, March i!5th nt the 30:30 service at Belli Kl Syna-
I.KI: itoss The har Mitzvah of ijOe Ross, son of Mr. and Mrs. .Stanley Koss. will he et-li'bratcd at Temple Israel sorvices on March 17 and 18. I'HVM.IS KKIJMAN KfSA.V KATZMAN The Kroup Has Mitzvah of Phyllis Ff.-dmnn, daughter (if Mr. and Airs. Sam Kedman; Susan Katzman, daughter of Mr. ond Mrs. Maynani Katzman; nnd Judy Meycrson, daughter of-Mr. •AW\ Mrs. Meyer Meycrson will he celebrated on Friday overling, .March H at Both Israel Syna-
sitAKl CO-VSXATE OI'KNKU l.V TOKONTO Toronto, Ont., (J'X'A)—An Israel Conciliate, Israel's third representation in Canada, was oiwiicil here. Israel maintains an Embassy in Ottawa and a Consulate Genera'I in Montreal.
Everything from ienas to'Haggadahs FF Aids af 6en!er library
BETH ISRAEL Ilabbi Benjamin Croner, Cantor Kli Kagan- and Die Beth Israel Choir will conduct the late Friday evening services a t 8 p.m. Traditional Friday evening services (Kobolas Shahhosl begin at 6:35 p.m. Shabbos morning services begin it8:45 a.m. Junior Congrcgation at 10 a,m. Kabul Groner will conduct the Talmud class at 5:45 p.m. Sabbath Mincha at 6:15 p.m. followed by Sholosh Seudos and Manriv at G:15 p.m, Sunday morning services begin a t 9 BJI>. followed by breakfast and Rabbi's class in bible. Sunday morning Junior Minyan followed by breakfast start? a t 8:30 a.m. Daily services a t G:25 p.m. and 1 u.m.
NCH» anil tinpprnlnr* at TJif Dr Pliil/n Mirr Jcwinfi Home for tlie At;c<l t>s David Oikow.
f" ." ' "3 D.iviil Orl.oii, Jlorne Supcnnfendenf, participated in the Institute of Nursing Home Administrators at the Nebraska Psychiatric Tastitute last Week. Sirs. Sarah Sliver recently returned from a trip to California where she attended the twentyIll Ui wedding anniversary ol her Kon-in-lavv and. daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur IJoslnsky of. San Francisco. Mrs. lJessIa T e s t e r is back after a visit with her daughter, Air*. Nathan Cohen in Phoenix, Ariz. ' .
Mr, and Mm, Norman Korney were hosts at.the ceremony for the running ol their grandson, Thomas, son of Mr, and Mrs. Hobert Klracl!, ftt the Home, Sam Poster, n resident ol the home 'his '•siermon topic; "What Our and ereat-grandfather of the Jlefofnri Institutions arc Trying baby presided at tlie ceremony. to do lor us—A reply to Recent. 'die Kitscha reside in WashingCritics." " ton,. D.C.
TEMPIJE ISRAEL Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks will ;officia.te at the Sabbath services 'at Temple Israel at 8:15 p.m. • Rabbi Brooks has chosen for
Coniinj;!" fll>d "I'esach
"I'.-iAsovcr Id Kong and Story" colorfully tellK (lie; old t.il« «Wl nnrratlvo unii muslo coniplcte With iipprnprlttto lyrics. For the older child, there arc many books about Moses which furm a rich background tor the story of Passover, BS well as books ' about the holiday which arc suited to other aKo levels. There are many adults" who will wish to refresh their memories on the hisfory, customs nnd rituals of Passover, ond for them, there nre many rare and unusual JIapk'adahs, as well ns books such as Isaac Levy's "A Guide To Passover," Goodman's, "Itejojce In Thy F c s t i v n I," end Caster's "Passover, Its History and Traditions." . To in-.thr; tho Passover holldiiy menus even more <;xct(iii|f, there uto rook boulcs wblch feature n«"H' and Interesting holiday rcclpt«. Among tliem ore I-conard's "JetvMi Holiday C<iok Book" nud Mildred Bellta's "Tho Jewish Coolt Boolt." For relaxation during the Passover holiday, special music Is available on records. "Pesach Melodies For tho Seder Table," "A Passover Seder With Jan Pceree," und "The Moyshe Oyshcr Seder" arc all popular tavorifos. There arc many children's records, too, to amuse, entertain and inspire the young. The Jewish Community Library is eager to intorm, advise and entertain on a Passover theme. Stop in soon and browse.
Five Fires in 10 Days of Seminary
"Temple Choir will provide the musical • portions' °t the service Habbt Da.'vW Horb, Comcil New Yoric, (JTA)—A police under the Erection of Miss Ida Blulfs, la., w«s our rabbinical guard, was placed this week at CiUln.-.;. , visitor this week. the hubbtnlcal Seminary ol Saturday morning sej-vices America In Queens after th c fifth will be held at il:30 a.m. for The llelcna fid! rrtUglc group suspicious fire In 1Q days «'as put : adults,ind ftelig5o«s School•: out by Ifr «n tert&iiieil? but-' resUi%t£ '
no fading... no wind whipping makes clothes last longer! An electric clothes dryer does baby your clothes. Like a gentle spring breeze, radiant electric heat tenderly dries your most delicate fabrics . . . leaves them soft because thc temperature is just right. Gently tumbled . . . protected from sunlight and dusty winds . . . your clothes will smell as sweet as springtime.
. . . costs an average of onfy $i,QS a month to dry this modern way! ••.An..electric dryer costs less to buy, too—you can actually operate your dryer for two to four years on thc money saved on the purchase price alone.
So© your appliance deafer— DRY BETTER ELECTRICALLY!
Friday, March 17, 1961
Miss Greenberg Betrothed To Steven Mr. nnd Mrs. S a m u c 1 M. Grcenbcrg have announced the engagement of their daughter, Kiirh.iru Ann anil Steven Gary Scglin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan St'Khn. 'Hie hride-elect iittcmleil llie University of Nebraska at Lincoln. Her fiance, nt jiresem, i; attending the University of Nebraska, where he is affiliated With Sigma Alpha Mil fraternity. Grandparents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs, Philip GrienJierg of Tucson, Arizona, Mi s. Joseph Lipsey, and Mr. and Mis. 'Ahrahnm Maj!/.amin, all of Oma• T ^ r ^ '
Pape Five
Sisterhood Preparing For Fashion Show Arrangements .arc being «~ompk-t(?<i by Tempi** Israel MsterJiooil for the "Flight lo Fashion" showing clot hc-s from HVrzbcn;.s following a luncheon, at the Ti'inple on March 2.1. Working on jiicparations for tlic event /in?:
Judi Lewis to Wed Norman S. Veifzer on March 29 Mr. and Mrs. Ben F. Lewis announce the approaching marri;:<> (if their daughter, Judi Gay, to Norman S. Vietzer, ton of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Veitzcr. The weddinf; will take place, Wednesday evening, March L"J in the chapel at Temple Israel. Miss Lewis will craduate in June from University of Omahfi and previously attended the University of Texas in Austin. Her fiuncc is a graduate of the Law School at the University of Nebraska.
Mrs. F. Ronald Culm onrf Mrs. I. M. fc'lTV OF PARIS HONOKKO Llbennun, program coordinotort; Mrs. RichorU Goldman, style show tficilnmin o-ul Paris, (JTA)—A diploma of coFTimctitulor; Mrs. Mormon Coin, Mrs. (lie inscription of the City of Bernard Ruiklrt, prop*; r tits; Mrs. F^cbert Hosen, Mrs, Howard Van, stugirto; Mrs. I'aris in the Golden Book of the Alfrttl Mayer, make-up; Mrs. William Flnkle, Mrs. Marlon bombers, ir;rlpt; Mrs. Jewish National Fund, was preA|an Fmbcr, trjble dccaralfons; Mrs. Utrnnrd AMsuler, proururns; Joy Suryeon, on* sented to the Mayor. nounrer; Betty ^ur'jcon, Instruction for models, Mrs. Rimt! Ulumpnthal will be accompunlst. Mrs. Paul Bfoick/, Mrs. fitcw urt Gllln'.ky, luncheon; Mrs • N J. filps, 5%6AV16, Wrs. Jacob Hess, 551-7581, rtservu! I ens. Circle chairmen (or month ore Mrs. t o r i VV.nodsky Oiid Mrs. Harry Wise. Admlislon Is J1.50.
" . • - . • • • • •
I Robert Goldstein To Cincinnati Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goldstein will inako theirhome in ('iticmnuli, O., following Mr. Goldstein's graduation, March 20 from the Kraduate school of business »t the U n i v e r s i t y of Chicago Mr. Goldstein will enter the executive training program of Proctor and Gamble in Cincinnati. They will make their home at 7815 New Bedford Avenue, there,
Harry Trustin Oiled Harry Trustin, Jewish Federation president, will be honored for , 20 years of service to the United Service Organizations, it was an' iiounced by the Jewish Welfare : Boanl. Itecognltiori will also be given by the board to two other Nebraskans,. I/mis Finkelstein and Nathan Grossman of Lincoln, ITAMAN'-BOUN I'HVKICIST IS 11KCTOR, HKIJKKW UNIV. Jerusalem, (WNS)—Professor Yoel Hakah, renowned Itallunborn physicist, has been named Hector of the Hebrew University. OPEN HOUSE—SUNDAY 1 P.M. to 6 P.M.
For Salo by Builder 1475 Sq. Ft. Home 6046 Hamilton 3 bedrooms, doublo closets with light. Bath and a half. Disposal in kitchen. Another toilet and ihowor in basement. Attached garage — Walkout basement, BRICK FRONT WITH WINDOW BOXES SPECIAL SIDING For Moro Information Call
DAVID SCHWALB, BUILDER CO. 558-1472 Other Two Constructions Almost Ready at 60th and Charles
Omahans in News Ha rbara <* rrnilH'r^
Kripke to Ac! As Panel ioderator "Let's Talk About Us," an open discussion featuring Mr:;. Myer -S. Ktlplte as moderator, will hi^hli^ht the annual Ilmlnss.ih ,/*5-' •» '«a "supplies" lunchcon of the Omnh a Chaptcr, W e d n e s d a y nt 12:30 p. m. M e m b e r s of the panel will Ine l u d e M in e s . Maurice Alpcrin, Isadore Klewitz, Stuart Kochman, and Stewart Till. .Mrs. Kriplio 'llio Cliulm \Vclzmmin Group, with Mrs. Max Granat as program chairman, has planned the event which will be held at the Jewish Community Center. Another feature of the program will; be o. skit, "Linen Libretto," written by Mrs. Norman Denenbortf, "lift produced and directed by Mmes. Norman Pied and Edward Zorinsky. The cast i n c l u d e s Mines. Morris Brick, Jack Piiitch, Granat, D o n a i d No;:c, Kobert Rosen, and A. W, Schloff. Mrs. KuKsell )ilumentlial will be piano accompanist. Mrs. Ira Whitebook is general chairman of the Hadassah Supplies project. Money raised will be used to purchase linens, layettes, blankets, surclcal cowns, etc., for the recently completed Medical Center in Israel. Group chairmen for the project are Mines. Jack Fox, Sidney Goldberg, Charles Guss, Morris Koom, David Manvitz, Abe Marcus, and Abe Slusky. HINT. VISITS JKWISII AKX AT EXHIBIT Stockho!m—King Gustav VI visited an exhibit of paintint;s by Pavel .Fleischmann in the Jewish Cultural Institute.
Mr«. Milton <!. Wiilcllmiim \V;IH oli'ctod vicn-pi'psident of the League of Women Volfvs of Omaha at (he or};uniz;ilion's nnnual 1914 Farrum
Mr. ami Mrs. HcrlK'rt Toppnrman and their children, Keith and Kerry formerly of Council Bluffs, In., are now making their home nt 123,'ifl A Street in Omahti.
Patronize Jewish Press Advertisers.
portraits of distinction
Call 556-1317
Candid Wedding Albums Format Oridal Portraits Children Our Specialty
House of Glamour I I I No. 60th 653-7000 6 Expert Hair Sfylltti
Air-Conditioned Dryer» MISS MARSH and MISS JERRY Ownert
Quality Work at Quality Price*
4829 D«d«« Customer Parking
. . . in "Steatts Designed to Fit Your
DINNER MUSIC Getty B at the Piano—5:30 to 7:30 Moti. thru Sat.
DANCING to fho AL LAMM TRIO 8:30 to 12:45 dan. trim Set.
A Completo and Most Tempting Selection of
By Delicious . . . An Assortment of Kitchen-Fresh . . .
Each variety comos in a fancy cup to insuro that true, old fashioned flavor. Full 2-Lb. Box . . . . Featuring Thcso and Many Other Traditional Passover Delights ° Assorted Cako Mixes ° Assorted Israeli Candies ° Assorted Mcrshmallows
Matzos Pickles ° Sauerkraut
Gefilto Fish Kosher Meats ° Kosher Cheeses
Sorving Omaha With Quality Products for 40 Yoartl
All Fish Cleaned end Filleted Without Any Extra Charge Phone Your Order Early—It Will prepared for You In Advance i1
Bakery and Delicatessen Open Sundays Till 6:30 P.M. — 556-5560
Friday, March IT, U61
Business and Professional Division Chairman
These lire the women v.ho have volunteered this year as workers in n most crucial and critical campaign for all Jewish needs-,in Israel, in America, and in Omaha. They have undertaken to see through the campaign, mercy among the ranks of Omaha women, by carrying the message of the campaign to some 2,400 women In the community.
General Chairman
Mrs, Philip D. SrhuartK
ams Me*dunes Alice Ileejer, Josef Mayer, Charles S. Ros», F a n Sherman, WUiw. Sylvia I'arilman, Mlllan Slutzlcy and JulU Zuirr.
Mrs. Alexander I>. Frank
Co-Chairmen Mrs. Henry Appel
Mr*. I-azar Kaplan
Mrs. Joseph Guss
Captains Mrs&une* Uoyil Haul;. lOiijjrnn Ilruim, 31. II. IJrodliey, It. Max Canar, Irving; \V. Cimniey, Arthur A. Colin, Izadorp Klewit/, Robert <i. Faler, Abo C. Fellinan, Charles Forman, Alfred Frank, Hennun Friedman, Woyd Friedman, Max Froiukln, Sidney Goldberg,- Arthur II. Goldstein, tierald S. iiron, Charles Guss, Joel Helfmaii, Martin Iferzoff, Ernest J. Hoi-lister, Abe !>• IUitflniiUi, Maurice Kutclman, Julius Kaizninn, Morrli Koiim, Manfred -Krrllstcbi, Arthur Kulakofslty, Irvln C. Levin, David II. Lewis, Normau K. Mneiiln, Nallinn Murcus, Uaivard Milder, Stunrt Musliln, David C. I'latt, William Kaduzlner, Itubln Itatiier, Harry Kavitz, S:mi UoteimU'ln, Bernard Ruben, Max Klinplro, Morris J. Shapiro, Irvln Khrnnun, Hurry Kidman, Itay Ii. Simon, Stuart Simon. Harry Slruf, Bin Slut/hy, Slarlon Somberg, Julius A. Stein, Nullinn Turner, I'liineas Wlntrnub, Max W'olfson, Jade IVolpu ami Harold Zcllnsliy.
Volunteers MesdHmes: Arthur Abrams Seymour Abrams Alvin Abramson Isadore Abramson Louis Albert William Alberts Leon Alexander Maurice Alperin Harry Altsuler Max Arbitman Maurice J. Aresty -Gilbert Aronoff Lewis Asbyll Herman Auerhach Sam Ban Julius Barron Harry Bassman Norman Batt Abe Bear David E. Bcber Hyman Belman Jack Belmont M. A, Bercovici Joseph Bernstein I-ee Bernstein Robert Bernstein David Blacker Alan J. Blotcky Ruebon Bordy Donald Brodkey Edward E. Brodkey Edwin R. Brodkey Jacob Brookstein Elliot Brown Rueben I t Brown Solomon Brownstein Norman Buchwald Norman Cain Isadore Chapman Harold Chemiack Harry B. Cohen Jack B. Cohen Max K. Cohen Michael Cohen Bennett I-. Colin Dave Cohn Julius M. Cohn Seymour Cohn Harry Colick Harold Cooperman Pennie Z. Davis Samuel H. Davis Norman Denenberg Bernard Diamond Harry DuBoff Jack Duitch Harry Eisenstatt Leo Eisenstatt I^awrence Epstein Sam Epstein William Epstein Morris Erman Max Falk Julius Falkenstein David P. Feder Robert M. Feinberg Leon Fellman Alfred Fiedler Ben Fisher Charles Fisher Stanley Fisk Irving W. Forbes
Jack FOK I^eo Fox Dcnn Frankcl Herman Friiiiklin Morris J. Franklin David Fredericks Mike Freeman Arthur Friedman Jacob ,T. Friodmim Willard Friedman Jack.Frileck Robert Fromkin Harold Garbor Irvin Cleudler Art Gerber I'hil Gerelick Robert Gi-reliek Nathan Gimple Abraham Ginsburg Richard L. Goldman Joseph S. Goldware Dan Gordman Yale GoLsdiner I^con Gracstz Saul M. Graetr Max Granat Arthur M. c;reen Sam II. Green Barton Grcenberg Bruce K. Grccnberj; David Greenberc Henry L. Greenberg Joe J. Greenberg Maynard M. Grccnberg Arthur M. Greene David B. Gross Morris Grossman Paul Grossman Hyman Guss Norman Halm Ben Handler Sheldon J. Harris Irving Herzog Jacob Hess David Ilobennnn Bernard Hockenberg Julius ilornstein Jack Jacobson I»u Jess William Kaiman Samuel S. Kaplan Nathan Kartman Harold Kasln Milton Katclinan Moms Katleman Karl Katz I^oui3 Katz Dave Kntzman Sam L. Katzman Barney ICaufman Jack J. Kaufman Charles Kimmel Kevee Klrshcnbaum Morris E. Kirshenbaum Martin Kolm Robert H. Kooper Nathan Kramer David L, Kranlz Leonard Krasne Mlllard H. Krasne Max Krizelman J. Harry Kulakofsky Leonard Kulakofsky
Louis Kulakofsky Jay Laxiiiti.sky Max l.nshinsky lien Lefitz William A. I^'vey Jack Jl. Levin Harry Louis Lou Lewis Harry Lippett Hu hen Lippett: James-L. Lipsey Stanford Lipsey Harvey Llpsman Bernard Magid Jiving Malashock Stanley Malashock David Manvltz l i s t e r Marcus J. Milton Margolin Richard Martin Alfred S. Mayor I.eo Meyers on Owen L. Meyerson Jerome Milder Orvel Milder Cliarles A. Monaree Max M. Moskowitz H a n y Mulnlck Perry Nadler Milton Ncarenlwrg r:iizabetli Neveleff. Jack Nev/berg AHwrt B. Newman Calvin M. Neivmah E. Robert Newman Henry A. Newman Maurice Newman Robert Noddle E. Iyeo NOER
Ernest A. Nogg Ernie Noun F. Ralph No;;u Nathan Novak Sol S, Parsow Harry Paskowitz Maurice Pepper Floyd Perimeter Harold Perclmaii Maurice II. Pessen Max C. Platt Alex Plotkin Harold Pollack Bennett Raduziner Jeromn RaduzLner Joe Raznick Morris Raznick David S. nice Joe M. Rice Eugene Rich Morton A. Richards Yale Richards Harry Richman Sam Rifkin Aaron Rips N. Julian Rips Harry Rochraan Morris Roitstein Jerold I. Rosen David Rosenbaum Meyer Rosenbaum Sam Rosenbaum Philip Rosenblatt Fred Rosenstock
Sam Rothonlj*rn Meyer N. Rubin Maurice Sacks Rueben Samanl Milton .Saylan Max Seheuenniin IrvitifT Schneiderman Leonard Se;;al. Richard Sftitner Benjamin Shapiro David Sherman So! Sherman Beulah Shraco Louis Shrier Sam Shyken Bernard Siej;lcr Itfllwrt Silver Hornian Silverman Ervin Simon Milton Simons Lazier Singer I-ouis Siporin Stanley J. Slosburg Norman Smeeita Ix)Ui3 Sogolow John A. Solomon Ixjuis Somberg Ramon Somberg Hubert Sommcr Alfred Sophtr Millard Speler Martin Stacnberg Morris Stalmaster Barney L. Stark Albert Steinberg Marvin Steinberg Sam S. Steinberg Arnold Stern Charlen Stem Meyer L. Stern Sam H. Stern William Stone Oscar Sutln l.ee Taub Isadore M. Trotiak Adolph Trost Harry Trustin Yale Trustin Stewart Tully T. A, Tully Iliilip Turek Jialph Turkel Sam Turkel Abe VenRer Paul Veret Albert J. Welnl*rg Sam Weinstein Iyeo Weitz Ira Whitcbrook llarry D. WiKodiilqr David Wine Ben Wlntroub Herbert Wintroub Allen S. Wolilncr Richard Wright Eli M. Zalkin I. B. Ziegman Morley Zlpuraky Sam Zlotky Edward Zorlnsky Sam Zweiback Miss Beatrice Sonuner
Misses liltthie Arenson Rebecca Bercovid Bcsse Blank I-ee Greenberg Kvelyn Levy Dorothy Ilosenthnl Rita Rosen Tielle Slegel Ida Sprinc Dorothy Welner I'annlp Wezelman Mesdamos Dave H. Becker Flo Bi-uokstcin Isadore D.insky .Sarah Fcltmnn
Klizabeth Fried Morris Ginsburg David Greenberg Julia Jacobs <*arl Lajjman Sam I>cnk Sol Mlroff Abe Mozer Itose Muskin Edwin Rosenblatt Jennie Rosenblatt Harry Rbtliolz Harry Saltzmon Rose Schlk Louis Sobrin Anne Soskln Marian Yawitz
Former Omahan to Head Phoenix UJA Mrs. Joseph Logman, formr-r Omahan,, was named chairman of the 19G1 tJnitcd Jewish Appeal drive in Phoenix, Ariz. She is the sister of Alfred A. Fiedler.
Jerusalem, (JTA)—The Israel Ministry of Religious Affairs, reported that a total of 1,500 Torah scrolls had been collected from other countries for use in Israel i;ymif:o;;nes. V/OW-TV. Sun., Mor. 19 11 A.M.-11:30 A.M.
Gotiipfefo Oarpet
"A BOY NAMED AMI." C 6 ntor Library Film. In Obsorva n c e of JEWISH CHILD'S DAY.
Til WALL CAUI'ETIN'U AND I'CltNITrjIlK Cleaned la Vrjur Home
Arranged by Omaha Hadauah
RRFITTINd • fll'I'AiniNU I.AVINO • snivi.Ni;
- l/l/a /au RUG CLEANERS Don Qernstein, 345-2S54 Year Round Sowing Group far FEDERATION BOOTH at Children! Hospital Bazoar Materials, set pottlcoott (for cocktail oproml, trims, flndioot end yarn Beaded, CallMr*. Arthur Itl-OiJJ
Will Pick Up Mn, Hubert
Bridal Portrait!. :
Candid Wedding CAU
John Kalina 817 So. 36th
.Treadwell is fishing for Gefilte
But you and I know ths place to catch Mother's light, luscious All Whitcfish Do Luxe Ccfllte Fish Is nt your favorite supermarket. Fish for tho r i g h t brand—Mother'!...You'll enjoy Mother's "Old-fashioned" (traditional) gefilto fish, too. KOSHER fOI? PM90VCR © PARCVI
itlMi to to instrt your Wail M In Jewlih Pr«j». :
Published Weekly on Friday beginning the .tort weeh In Aiifpjat through second (reeb la July vy the Jewish Federation ol Omuba. Second Ckm Poitogt Palo at Omo.to tttbr . Anri«ai Subscription, UXSO. AOMrtisino Rain or APJSHCOIIT. PuUUoilon OHI»-I01 Ha. M » Slftel Omoho Mebr.. M? 1J4* ;
MRS. FRANCES KLE3N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E d i t o r
PASSOVEIt CAItDS BAK nnd Baa MUzvali congratulations also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodgs
OE LUXE QEFILTE FISH from th« SpoiltJJ Kltcfiant of Mothat's rood Prod., Inc., Nawarfc t, U. 1. • fnti Qtfltt* n i h rtcli« folder. "Osllclaui Oilly Dlnlnj." Wfitt Oipt JH-J7
Friday, March 17, 1981
Campus ON DEAN'S LIST Justin Lewis, KOII of Mr. and Mrs. Lou Lewis and Sloven IUekes, son of Mr. and Mrs, 'Henry IUekes were named on the Demi's List at Bramleis University, Wnllliuni, Muss. SIGMA IH'XTA TAU I'MCDCK Miss Kthel Sahes,'daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. Marvin Sahes was pledged to SiKiiiii .Uella Tau sorority nt the. University of Michigan at Ann.Arbor. MOOT COURT VVINNEItS . Sheldon Krantz, Omaha and Robert M, Zuber of Hastings, Nebr., University of Nebraska Jaw students, won the annual moot Court Competition in Lincoln last week. KXCIIANOi; STUDKNT KF/rUHNS 1-7M)M MEXICO Miss Dale ICasin, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Harold Kasin, was expected to return home on Friday, utter spending the winter quarter us an exchange stutlent nt Mexico City College in Mexico City. She will remain in Omiiha until March 2G when she will leave for Columbus, O., to resume her studies at Ohio State University. I'OUTH'AF, ADVKHTIKKMKNT
An Omaha Family Man Jim Green has lived in Omaha mot) of hii 44 yuan. Ho worltod for (he railroad to help pay hii way through law school. Jim hat practiced law in Omaha {or moro than fwtnly yoari, reprosontlng poopla from all walks of life and from all parts of the cify.
Active Civic Leader Jim Grean hai taken part in many of the city's activities. He has been chairman of the board of the Volunteers of America, member of the Board of St. Cathorino'f School of Nursing, member of th» Omaha Library Board, and hat falcon part in many other activities.
Fighter Against Communism Jim Gretn has received national r e c o g n i t i o n s founder of the All America Conference to Combat Comrriuniim, and as chairman of the American Legion's Americanism Commission.
Youth . Cy ScilcbJcU . nhead for Keeps late in the final Basketball League period. Barry Zoob added t « o Omnlia J e w i s h Community vital basltets to preserve the lead. Center AH Star teams chalked OMAHA FO FS FM I' tip three victories in four games Zool) G 0 0 ' 12 last Sunday against outside com2 1 0 4 petition. Wednesday eveninc, the Ross 2 2 1 5 Youth Council All-Stars also, Jacobson 4 0 0 8 scored a victory civinj; the Jay Wolpa 0 0 0 0 four wins in five starts this week. Hollis ...3 1 0 G This Sunday, the Sioux City Kaiman 0 0 0 0 J.C.C. All Stiir groups will in- Shaf ton 0 0 0 0 vade tile Omaha Center for four Romanik Emileman 1 0 0 2 games beginning at 11 a. in. C.rcenbcrg 0 0 0 0 Mil AM) (itli <;lt;YI)i;S FG FS FM J» The Omaha 5th mid 6th (;rade Coum-ll Muffs 0 0 0 0 team hud little difficulty in down- Wahl 2 3 2 G ing n team from the" Benson Tanner 4 1 1 0 Community Center, 30-11. Oma- Reed 2 4 2 6 ha raced off to an early lead Portenni 5 2 0 10 nnd were never headed as John Parrack Bresheis 0 0 0 0 Uubeu tallied ten points. Smith 0 1 0 0 OMAHA Ft! I S I'M I' YOUTH COUNCIL Hclzer . . . . . . . . . .1 0 0 (i The Youth Council All-Stars Horwidi 0 0 0 0 employing a tricky zone press Rosen 0 0 0 0 forced their opponents into many flncohsnn . . . . . . . 2 0 0 4 passing errors and defeated St. Beber 0 0 0 0 Ann's church 57-51, at the J.C.C. Ginsbiirg 0 0 0 0 on Wednesday night. Huhen 5 0 0, 10 Dick Zacharia with 22 points Wolpa 2 1 0 4 was leading iKilnt maker for the Lohrman • 3 2 0 6 Jay. Arnie Manvitz nnd Buddy Sloshing 0 0 0 0 Kpsicin came off the bench to IIKNNON (J. C. K<! FS FSI I* provide the extra strength the Kbsen 2 1 1 5 team needed for the triumph. Dittman 0 0 0 0 Both boys turned in fine hustling Oldfield 0 0 0 0 performances. Harbin 2 3 2 t> FG FS FM I' W. Dittman 0 0 0 0 OMAHA Zacharia . . . . . . . . 8 10 fi 22 7tli AND Hill tillADKS 3 5 2 8 Omaha lost it tough 3:!-30, de- Fiedler 0 2 2 2 cision to the Crusaders, the 7th Gould 3 2 1 7 and Hlh grade champions of the Wohlncr 1 1 0 2 Y.M.C.A. league. Down by 12 in Epstein 3 4 2 8 the final quarter, the Jays threw Manvitz 2 2 2 G a scare into the visitors by Sacks 0 0 0 0 fighting back strongly and al- Kully Stein 1 0 0 2 most pulling it out. I'G FS FM P OMAHA Vti FS I'M I" ST. ANN'S 2 1 0 4 Zoob :i 0 0 G Mieklc 0 1 0 0 Knimnn 2 1 0 4. Sweetwood 2 0 0 4 Ross 2 1 0 4 Mulnick 0 0 0 0 Wolpa 5 0 0 10 Cenk 4 0 0 8 Hollis 0 0 0 0 Capallupo 7 9 5 19 Jacobson 2 0 0 4 Fouts 0 1 1 1 •Grceiiherg 1 1 0 2 Tiederman 3 1 0 6 Endleman 0 0 0 0 Scott 5 2 1 11 Komanik 0 0 0 0 Fletcher Y.M.C.A. !•'«! F.S FM I' SHOTS IN THK DAItK . . . James 5 3 3 13 Stan Becker and Wayne Siegel Steed .2 2 2 G new proud papas . , . CongratulaGriego 2 0 0 4 tions to Howard Shrier for winItinker 0 3 0 0 ning the State !>Q yard free Archie 2 0 0 4 style with Central High ... . Don Paekett , 0 0 0 0 Fiedler to Nebraska or Arizona Kuhlmann . . . . . . 2 0 0 4 U. . ... Sherm Poska elected to Ifert 1 0 0 2 treasurer of the Omaha Softball Irish 0 0 0 0 Association . . . Center tennis Wheeler 0 0 0 0 classes to be held on Sundays this spring and summer with VAUSITY 'Hie Varsity league All-Stars Alan Austin Instructing . . . The edged a visiting pick-up team Center entered a volleyball team Gl-GO, in a fast moving game last in Hie Midwest A.A.U. tourney Sunday. Fred Bernstein, enjoying nt Offutt A.F.B. . . . Youth Couna hot hand, pumped in 26 points cil Olympic activity set for the to lead the Jay. Alan Konccky following dates; wrestling, April with 20 markers led the visitors. 9th; table tennis, April 9th; OMAHA V(i FS FM I* swimming, April 26th; track und Lustgarten 0 7 4 4 field, May 7(h, Softball, May 21st Paul ' 7 1 0 14 , , ..lints off to the coaches of Kirkc 5 G i 14 the Center basketball leagues Bernstein 12 3 2 26 this year for a swell job. Many D. Katskce 3 3 0 6 thanks for fine coaching efforts VISITOUS F « FS FM P to Steve Lustgnrten, IJurt RobinKonccky . . . . . . . . K 6 4 20 son, Jim Farber, Ed Belgrade, Knglestrom . . . . . . 2 1 0 4 Sam Ban, Morrle Handleman, R. Katskee . . . . . . 5 4 2 12 Jerry Beiman, Jerry Snyder, Scott 8 1 0 16 Arnie Ban, Mort Soref, Lee BernManiuctto . . . . . . 4 0 0 8 stein, Phil Sokolof and MaxFnler. 7th AND 8th GKADES Playing with1, only one hour rest, the Oiiiahri 7th and 8th graders Ignored the physical strain und came back with n fine playing effort to down a grade Tel Aviv, (JTA)—One Israeli school team from Council Bluffs, soldier was wounded slightly this 37-32. week in a four-hour exchange of The contest was very close all fire between Syrian nnd Israel the way until Ron Wolpa's push positions near the demilitarized shot from the comer put Omaha zone In northern Israel.
Four-Hour Battle Syrian-Israeli Front
SPECIAL!' lVj-Caraf Emorald Cut, Plat. 2 Tap. Baguettes
Green Gets Things Done for All of Omaha Go With Gr«n for Mayor Committee John Y. MeCollltNr, Chairman
Page Seven
Engagomonr Ring Official Certified Appraisal Voluotlos SI ,100.00' Othert a* Little m $175.00
A-i Perfect
Adenauer Denounces Bonn, (JTA)—Chancellor Kon-
ItOTC PROMOTIONS rad Adenauer made a special Among Central High school statement from the rostrum of students whose ItOTC promotions the Bundestag this week affirmwere announced at (lie 2i\h an- ing that "the German people are nual military ball, February 24, absolutely unanimous in their were Arnold Breslow to captain; condemnation of (Adolf) Eichltoger' Friedman, major; Steven -mann and his crimes." Lintzman, lieutenant and Karl T li e Chancellor's statement Luefscliuetz, captain. came after angry scenes when They are the sons of Messrs. leaders of the Social Democratic nnd Mmes. Max Bresiow, I. If. opposition demanded that the Friedman, Joseph Lintzman and Chancellor repudiate a haleMax i-uefschuelz, respectively. mongering campaign against Willy Brandt, Mayor of West BerN.F.T.V. VISITS lin, their candidate in the forth1IOMK FOK AGKD coming elections. Some of the Members of N.F.T.Y. Temple Chancellor's followers had acyouth group will make bi-monthly cused Brandt of "treason" bevisits to tiie Dr. Philip Sher cause lie had emigrated to fight Jewish Home for the Aged as the Nazis during the Hitler part of their "Service to the regime. Community" program. The attacks on Brandt drew sharp criticism in the publicaSITSAN SI'KIKIt tion of the Central Council of KKC'ICIVKS AWARD Jews in Germany in whicli the Susan Louise Speier, daughter organization's secretary-general of Mr .nnd Mrs. Millard Speier, wrote that "it is sad, indeed, if received a two-hundred-dollar Germans today must defend award as one of the winners of themselves for having actively the Nebraska Elks Association resisted the Nazi regime." Scholarship contests. POLITICAL AnVKHTISKMENT
YOUTH TO SIOUX CITY Twenty-three USYers are attending a conclave in Sioux City March 17-1 'J and were accompanied by David Belzer, advisor.
The delcQatlon Included Lenna Gotdbcrfl, Cheryl Welnbcra, Gaylo Render, Joyce Rentier, Barbara Ra|>lun, Barbara Chudo'coff, Uabs Glvol, Judy Turner, Susie Slulsky, Jan Janucr, Nancy Jobcnls, Paula Bercutr. Dob Slufiky, Hurlan Prlcsman, Bob Wclnilcln, Joe Bassnuin, Barry Goldware, Mark Platlner, Larry Grossman, Lou Chunovlc, Jimmy Abrams* Sandy Friedman and Bob Gould.
MULE CONTKST WIKNKKS First, second and third place winners In the Beth Israel Bible contest nre Sidney Frank, Bruce Poster and Louis Feder. The boys are the sons of Messrs. and Mines. Walter Frank, William Poster and U>uis Feder, respectively. Sidney will participate in the district finals on April 9 in St. Louis, Mo.
Co. Seb CSebby) Pulvercnl*
25 Years' Experience Wifh Jewish Lettering and Memorials 2211 So. 8th
MRS. MOIXIE SINOKIf Word has been received of the death on Sunday, of Mrs. Mollie Singer in New York City. Mrs. Singer was a resident of Omaha until she moved to New York four years ago. Burial was in New York. Surviving nre sons, Morris, Bronx, N.Y.; Leonard, Lcvitown, N.J., daughter, Mrs. Fayo Shareff, Flushing, N.J. and four grandchildren. Mrs. Singer was the ulster of Harry Lefkowitz of Omaha nnd Mrs. Harry Whiteman of Van Nuys, Cal., a former Omahan,
N O . 24TH ST.
KOSHER CHICKENS KILLED DAILY Save by Calling 341-4977 Certified and approved by Rabbi Dr. toon Thorn, Preiidont, American Acadomic Rabbit Association of Now American!, and Robbi S. Walkin of 4ho Orthodox Rabbis Association of Now York CHy.
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Fancy Foods
Hills Plaza
and Delicatessen
DELICIOUS MACAROONS in 6 Flavors COMPLETE LINE OF FANCY PASSOVER CANDIES Plenty of Parking Monday thru Saturday 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. Watch for Opening of Roff man's
EVEBY NOONTIME, day after day, 40,000 Jewish children in Asian and African lands sit down to a solid meal, courtesy of you — the contributor to the United Jewish Appeal
For breakfast, in the hovels they call home — they had scraps, or nothing. For supper — they'll have to scrounge and see. Lunch is their one big nourishing meal. How big? Through the Joint Distribution Committee, a UJA member agency, tons of meat, huge quantities of eggs, bread and rice are provided. But the meaning of a full plate to a desperately hungry child cannot be measured. It's as big as life itself.
Meanwhile, for other tens of thousands of young people around the globe, hope for tho future also rests with UJA. Yes, almost two hundred thousand children and teenagers count on UJA-supported programs for food, shelter, clothing, care and education. For these youngsters, your gift to UJA buys hope where there is hunger, bright* ness where there ia despair, health where there is eickness, a future where there is nothing. What greater things can your dollars buy? Give a generous increased gift, then, to tho 1961 United Jewish Appeal. Give today.
Friday, Much IT, 1MI
Spud integration of 320,000 unabiorbed immigrants in Israel byi ' Giving 130.000 firm settlers the wpplies they need to become economically independent; Expanding welfare and training aid for over 115,009 aged, handicapped and youthful immigrant!; Howling many of 40,000 still In miserable huU; Receiving and absorbing 30,000 to 35,000 newcoot* era expected In 1961. Extend relief, medical and rehabilitation aid to torn* 255,000 cUstiewed Jcws-alniost half of them chlldra* ••in Europe, Africa and Asia. Provide raseMlomenl assistance for 5,500 refuge** wclcing new lives in the United States.
Save and Build Lives—Strengthen tho Settlements
u 1961 National Goal...$72,740,000
Receives Its Support From tho
Campaign En Omaha