March 24, 1961

Page 1

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v«i ' v v v i v v., •>? Vol. X . U I X - JNo. ,!7


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r'ubltcatlon Office, 101 Nu. 20lfi Omaha Nebraska Phone 3«-KKiO


j;iven much of his t i in <• to community mti J« sts will the Men's Division of tin Jewish l'hiliinllnopi(."< Cimpaifn His .ippoinlment was annonnod by Samuel S StcinlxTf, Clcnoi.ii

Ills enmpetriit leadership, tin' .•Men's Division will perform all outstanding Job," Mr. Steinberg, said. "Mr. NOKB understands llm ichpunslbllitlrs Involved In tills division, nn Important Hrctlon of tlir riiilnnthropli'H." Shortly after taking over the chairmanship, Mr. Not;;; moved nuielcly to map a strategy of the j car's general .solicitation at a meeting with top campaign Icad1 rship, "I appreciate the confidence In mi- mill hope we <iin effect a spi'rdy and (successful drive," lie Mr. Nogg, a 'prominent figure in community, anil civic undertakings, .stressed his plan to involve new leadership in his division, and his interest in meetIni; local needs and filling those of national and overseas. Fie is particularly interested in the !!<•«" camp siU; and other local projects. 1ft1 has served as a major and In other post.'* for the Uniled Community Service (hives uinj has been active in the Chamber of Commerce and traffic circles. Mr. NO;,'K sniil Ibe recruitment of captains and worker** In alrenil.v off to a (;ood start, Solomon Hrownslcin, Jewish Federation Family Service Director, will-serve as secretary of the Men's Division.

Women Arranging Workers1 Meeting April 4, at Center Passover Dessert Served <sff 12:30 A Passover dcsncrl. lunchenti for volunteer workers' in the Women's Division of the Jewish Philanthropies will mark the first lap of their 19G1 activities. The event will be held Tuesday, April 4 at the Jewish 'Community Center at 12:.'!0 p.m. Proud of Wnrlterx The conscientious response of workers, unheralded volunteers, Said^Mrs. Alexander D. Kranl<, Women's Division Chaiiman, is somcthinc the coninnmity should regard with Kieat pnd", She

'>t I'Kil ,4-1,

Second (Jiuisi fu.sluj;e Puld utOmiiliu Nplu

SIIIKH; IXJiiy Annum liute

fehherq tfl

Assistant fo Genera! GIsairman of Brm


C h i i i n u n oi tin1 C i m p ugn, who r\pi("scd In-, plr aMire m i l Mi. Nogc's neei pi 1 lie e •'I feel ciinfiiliTil lh:it miller

MAi;rir .H.IIil.II


Ernie Kinic No|;i', pii'iil'iit 'if I On. Van and Stoiagi 1 C o , who h<is


Omaha Jewrv is on the eve of ils most important annual undertaking, the Jewish Philanthropies Campaign, Samuel S. Steinberg, General Campaign Chairman, .stressed this week. "Involved in this campaign are a large number of agencies and institutions, beginning with our own city of Omaha, and circling the entile world. Programs to preserve Jewish life; activities to help the sick and needy; the defense of Jewish rights in the United States and elsewhere; the world-wide program of saving Jews, find bringing Jewish refugees to safe countries; and the rehabilitation of some ,'!()0,000 Jewish immigrants in Israel— nil these causes make up our annual appeal to the Jewish community of Omaha," Mr. Steinberg explained. Oinaba Need* Important Stressing I he needs of the Omaha Jewish community, Mr. Steinberg pointed out that all religious schools here receive substantial support from the campaign; the Home for Aged is enabled to care for needy old folks; camp scholarships are given to children in need; the community center and.the Federation family . service programs are assisted. These activities provide Omaha with a complete network of Jewish services. Arthur Culm to Assist Mr~Steinberg also announced that he has enlisted the voliin-

pointed out that every IVDITI in is inherently aware of the significance'of her service and has only one j;oal in mind—a prcssinc desire to do her part. A letter from Mrs. Frank and tier cochairmen, the Mmes. Henry Appcl, Joseph Guss and Lazar Kaplan has been received by every member of the women's corps, with the details about the April 4 affair. Behind the scenes a crew Of talented and capable women are planning the decorations and Passover refreshments for the afternoon. Mrs. Daniel Katzman said the national United Jewish (Continued on Page 7.) Arthur A. Culm

Mr».,Morris Brick, Sir*. Daniel Kntinmn. Mr», Harry IVren•teln—April 4 Passover dessert luncheon ior Women Worker*.

teer services of Arthur A. Colin as Assistant to the General Campaign Chairman. "In our campaigns we have a tremendous coverage, trying to reach every Jew in the community in supporting the Philanthropies Drive," he said. "I have asked Arthur A. Colin, a seasoned campaign worker and an experienced community leader, to assist in this campaign and h e , has ngreed to accept this responsibility. Ills past performance In every phase of Federation, community-wide, and campaign activities, will be of much help to us in this campaign." Plans for the various functions and activities of the Initial Gifts and General Men's Divisions arc being: completed this week, Steinberg; announced.

Two men whose achievements and records of organization in communal affairs are wellknown in the community, will jointly lead the Initial Gifts committee of the Jewish Philanthropies Campaign rhe> aie Iicniy M Gicenlxig

of a Jewish Federation's subcommittee of the budget department post he has served for several years. lie has worked for the Uniled Community Services and was a former board member of the Family and C'hildien's Service of Omaha, on boaid of Hifjh-

Hi in > M and Robert M. Feinberg, who in accepting the co-leadership of this key campaign unit, indicated they, were happy to be part, uf the 1961 Philanthropies. Known for Capability Both men will bring a vigorous set of talents and experience to their jobs, as well as personal dedication and inspiration, Samuel S. Steinberg, Philanthropies General Chairman, staled. "We believe that we are very fortunate in marshaling such capable executive leadership," he declared. "With such men at the helm of the initial gifts committee, we are assured of continued "lop calibre" pilots, who will proceed immediately lo organize their roles." Holds Federation Office. Henry M. Greenberg, president of Philips Department Store, comes to the campaign with many qualifications in understanding and appreciation of communal interests. He is chairman

land Count i > Club and pi eminently devoted his energies to the activities of many other important civic groups. .' He was elected a vice-presidenl; of (he Associated Retailers of Omaha this week. Active In Itomk Mr. Feinberg, president of Pepsi-Cola Co. of Omaha, served as MGO Special Sale chaiiman of the 11-state Midwest Ilegion of the Israel Bond Organization and a member of its board of directors; heads the Omaha Zionist Council, is Multiple Sclerosis Society honorary chairman, Beth 1-J1 board member, a member of the Omaha Traffic Safety Committee, B'nai B'rith, National Conference of Christian and Jews, and Rotary Club. lie has participated in United Community Services drives and in various other organization. Mr. Feinberg who has toured Israel, is a lifetime member of the Zionist Council of America.

Tomorrow's'Stage Nite' to Be 25th for Youth Council As the professionals put it— "the fihow must go on"—and for the Jewish Youth Council of Omaha, the same traditional fervor for its annual show has never wavered for a quarter of a century.


1081 Version

Saturday evening at 8 p. m the curtain will rise in the Technical'High School auditorium on the 19G1 version of Stage Ntie, the 25th annual production of the Youth Council Clubs. This Is the night when the Stage-Niters, all high schoolers, display their dramatic and musical talents In a sparkling variety show. It may bo that many of their parents can recall the ex(Continued on P«B« 4.)

Arnold Fr.llman, Kit n n j Itloch, chairmen nml Youth Director, Eileen Welts, confer a s last mlniito ldoa» for Stag* Nit*.



Page Two

Friday, March 14,1001


With the Home Folks weekly on Friday beginning tlio lai.t neelt In August through second week lo July by the Jewish Federation ol Omaha. Second Clots Pcsfcn« Polo ol Omc.\a, (Jcbr. Annum inscription, $4.00. Advertising l i o l o en Appllcolion, Puu.conon OHice-101 No. 20lh Street, Omalra, Hew.. 5U-1364.



Stamp Series Portrays Flowers of hrae!

Three new Israeli stamps comjnemoratinf! Israel's thirteenth Independence / "livrrsnry will be issued on April 18. The stamps will portruy flowers of Israel and nre multi-col-

ored—green, red anil blue retpectivdy. Stamps may be obtained In the library a t the Jewish Community Center.

Panel and Film for Golden Ago iesliug


New* and rinpr1611'1^* n * The Hr. rhlllp Shrr JCMIHII Hume for the Auedf fay David Orltow.

KnUrtalnraent Mrs. Danla Lcvine, npsistcd by her daughters Mmes. Morey l^indman and Harry Ij;bt-1 find aided by their children, the Mister, I'cKijy Lobel and Jackie mid Barbara Landjnan entertained our residents with a grand musical program. It was one of the highlights of the current seaton at the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged mvi was MKinsorcd by the Brandeis University Women of Omaha. Kabul Sidney Urooks was our visitor this week. Ti'mpln Isrnel Conuregalion sent flowers to decorate the Home. The. IJlUiir <:holim beauty salon is \cry busy these days preparing our ladies for the Passover holidays. The Musical theme at the Home revolves around the Passover holiday. Records from the Center Library, which are being plnyed, nre very popular with our folks.

Passover Seder for iiliiary Personnel The Offutt Air Force Base Military pel ionnel, under the direction of Chaplain James E. Taylor, with (he fifsistance of Mrs. J. K. McDonald find CornJmiker Lod;;p, B'nai U'rith, will present !i Passover Eecier for military personnel or civilians nnd families who Wish to attend. 'The-.Seller will be held at the

Featuring K4anischcv/ifz, Vifa Horowitz Pi4argorefen © Deluxe White Gefilte Fish © All Varieties of Matzos and Holiday Products © Macaroons in 6 Flavors © Fancy Delicatessen Meatj for Passover, Super Delicious Quality PLENTY OF FREE PARKING

Center library fe.

NEW BOOKS A panel discussion and film, "The Hunter," Tuviah Fiicdwill highlight the Golden ARC Club dessert luncheon meeting, man. "Peaceable Lune," . K e i t h 32:30 p.m. at the Jewish Com- Wheeler. munity Center Auditorium, Mon"The Jew Within American day, March 27. Society," C. Bezalel Sherman. Solomon Brownstein, Jewish NEW RECORDS Federation Director of the Fam"00 Minutes w i t h Yossele ily Service Department, will l)e Rosenljlntt." moderator of the discussion, "The "Connie Francis Sings Jewish House I Live In," a study of Sontc." housing for Senior Citizens. The "Sacred Service," Bloch, Leonpanel will consist of Mrs. Sam ard Bernstein conriuctinj;. Zwcrlin},'. Sam Poster nnd Sam Itifkin. Tlie film, "As Long As I Live,'' shows the orthodox ohfervanee of Jewish holidays in' Dr. and Mrs. Lester Nathan of Israel today. Clayton, Mo., announce the birtn The Golden A^r Club is co- of their first child, Mindy Joy on uponsored by the Jewish Federa- March t>. tion and the National Council of Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Jewish Women. Council co-chair- Harry Kaplan of University City, men for the Golden Age Club Mo., nnd Mrs. Charles Nathan. nre the Mmes. I»uis Cutler mid Great grandparents are Mr. and J. Milton Margolin. Mrs. M. Zabreck of St. Louis, Mo.

Fireside Restaurant, 38th nnd Lravomvortli .streets, F r i d a y , March 31 at 7 p. m. KeMTvatioiifj may be mode by cillint; Cha|>lain Tayloi''s office, 2M-1'1OO, e.\ti'iisioii 21111, no later than Tuesday, March 28. A member of Offutt Air Force, liase will conduct the Seder. A traditional Passover meal will he .served.

• 7830 Dodge Beverly Hills Plaza 391-3207 Fancy Foods Delicatessen


Watch for Opening of ftoffman's







The Lorgest SeJecHon in the Midwest of 1018 FARNAM


Quality Meaf Products, Friendly Service and Popular Prices Free Delivery for Passover, Wednesday, March 29

SPECIAL FOR SUNDAY, MARCH 26 Sh&skeH-'s Fcmoos . . .


PSCECLED TONGUE Lb. Iclroducing 100°,o Pure

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Ground Beef Fatties


Talk fo Dovo or Note ebout Stocking Your Frccicr— "Ton Will Save" at Shufcerts the V/holo Year "Round Our Mtati end Poultry U. S. Imptctid and Rtbinictlly Sanctioned for Your Guartntted Saliifactlcn

We will meet any Advertised price




Friday, Marrh » , 1001




Rayim's "Penny Auction1 of

EXTRAORDINARY 2 Carats'. Flawless1.!

Religious Services

Platinum — Baguoftci Engagement Ring Official Certified Appraisal Valuation $1.000

(ainlli linlitin;,' nt (S:2II |).DI.

TICMI'I-K ISKAKf, Sabbath evening services will be held at H:15 p.m. id Temple Israel, with Hnhlri Sidney II. Brooks officiatim;. "Friendship id What Price?" is th« scnnon topic chosen liy Jlubhi lirooks. Miss Ida Gilliii will lead tin; Temple Clioir Ihiouch the musical portions of the service, Siitunlay service.! will be at ll:'.',0 n.Mi. foi- adults mid religious school.

Others from $150.00

(I-eft to right) Sol Marcus, .Marshall IVidnuin, Uavid

Itayim Fraternity will hold Its fifth annual "Penny Auction" and Karnival Kapers," Sunday, March IVNAI JACOH ADAS 2G nl 3 p.m. in the Jewish ComVKSHVUOX munity Center Auditorium, Friday, Miiichu, (i p.m. SaturThe many items which were day, 8:.'!0 urn.- Miticha, t> p.m. collected for the event were followed by Sholosh Seiidos. Ijtiily services at G:.1O n.m. ;ind donated by Omaha merchants and will he auctioned, starting 0:1") p.m. nl 3 p.m. by a professional auctioneer, Marshall Widman, aucMKTII El. tion 'chairman, reported. Sabbath Kve services will bej,'in (his evening at 8:15 p.m. Kabbi Myer S. Kripke will deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron i. Kdjjar und the Heth Kl Synapofjue Clioir will render 'the musical portions of Hie service. Traditional Sabbath service;; will be»in at 8:30 a.m. The Family Service will begin at 10:.'i0 a.m.. • .Sunday mornin:; services will be held at 9 a.m. Services diirtni: the u'eek "ill be held id 7 .i.n) and 7 p.m.

Carnival chairman, Sol Marcus, will he in charge of games and oilier featured events of the afternoon. A portable television set. will be awarded. David Forbes, tickets and refreshments chairman, said refreshments will be sold during the auction and carnival. Tickets (25 cents each) may he obtained from fraternity members or at the door,-. •• . i



Iz "Boggy" Bogdanoff lot Him Help You With Your Clothing Saloctiont

k'* Men's Clothing — Second Floor

. • _


i!i:Tii. ISISAI-.I,

liablji Henjaiiiin flroncr, Cantor 1'Ili Kaj;an and the Beth Israel Choir will comlucl. Hie Late Friday services al 8 p.m. Traditional Friday services (Kobolas .Sliabbo.'ii bejiiii at G:!5 p.m. Shaljbos morniiij:'services )>eKin at 8:1") a.m. Junior CoiiRrct;atiun at 10 a.m. Hnbbi (kroner will conduct the Talmud "class nt Si'15 p,m. Sabbath Mincha »t (!:•'."> p.m. followed by Sholosh Seudos nud Moariv at 7:20 p.m. .Sunday mornlnj; .services be);in at •) a.m. followed by breakfast ami Kubbi's class in bible. Sunday inornin;; Junior Minyati followed by br<':ikfast slarls at H;'M a.m. Daily services a I. C>:'.',7i p.m. and 7 a.m. No K p.m. service on Marrh 31 and April 7--Passover holiday.

Be prepared for the Passover Holiday . . . order this com.' plcte service by Tclc'Sales , . . just call 342-8482, toda?.



I'At'l- JiKKNSTIMN Services for F'litil Bernstein, who died Sunday at his home, MO Norlh Sixty-first street, were held Monday at Beth 151 Synagogue. Mr. HcnvUein, 01, retired Krocer and meat packer, was a lifelong resident of Omaha. ITe was a charter member of Beth Kl Synagogue. Surviving are his wife, Helen; daughter, Mrs. Hail Weiss, and two grandchildren, two grandchildren. Two aisters, Mrs. Sally Miller and Mrs. Lee Mark of Los Angles are In Omaha, now'.


WIIXIAM William Glasscnberg, 48, brother of Mrs. Benjamin Groner, died last'Friday In a Chicago Hospital, Mrs. Groner and her husband, Rabbi Oroncr of Beth Israel Synagogue, were in Chicago at the time, Mr. Glassenberg, who wa» aj•ociated with a Chicago sfeel company, was a frequent visitor here. Other survlvort Includa wife, Ida; son, Robert; daughter, Beverly emd mother, Mr*. Besslo Olutntberg, all of Chicago, Servlc»s wen* held lust Friday srftornoon in GWcago.

ogers © Beautiful 50-pc. service for eight Handtomo "Preciouj Mirror" paHern that it worihy of a ipocial occasion. Quality guaranto»d tilvorplato with hollow handlo knives that feature mirror stainless blades. Service includes: 16 teaspoons; 8 taeh.'of knives, forks, placo ipoons, teled forks; VbuHer knifo and «ug«r shell. Most used pieces have extra overlay of silver at wearing, point. ;

(H«ndiom« wood •lightly »Ktr«)

•ilverware-wnaln floor, downtown; arcade level, The Crojsroads

Stage Nite Saturday (Continued from Page 1.) citement, the tension, and which greeted thorn under similar circumstances when they were members of Youth Council. There are enough years In between ihe first show and the latest. This is also that wonderful annual occasion when tlid skits, always originals, finally appear before an audience after weeks of creative effort, polishing and rehearsals. Honors rriscnUd This is the evening when the coveted honors will be awarded for the best production hy a girls' club and likewise by a boys' club. It is always a difficult decision to make by the guest judges when they examine the polished performances. The 1061 panel of judges who face the decisions, will include Virgil Slmrpe, University of Omaha Speech Department f a c u l t y member; Kichard Fe-llman. attorney and former Youth Council member nnd Sherman I.ipstein, business man and musician by' avocation. Added Features Added features will be presented between acts by "The Sabres," an instrumental and singing combo with Arnold Fellman, Howard Chudacoff, Steve Marcus, Susan (Bunny) Bloch. Arnold and Bunny are also co-chairmen of the program and Howard will present a special comedy monologue. Another combo, whose members, guests performers and fourth and fifth grade pupils, also will entertain. Known as the "Dixie-Gaters." they are Robert Guss, Gary Rieke.<--, Joseph Aresty, Gary Soiref, Gary Kaplan and Honald Bioekemeier. Club co-chairmen who have been coaching the skits arc Mark Goldstrom, Arnie Manvitz. A.Z.A. No. 1; Don Kraft. Shelly Perelman, A.Z.A. Xo. 300; Joe Bassman, Steve Kaplan, A.Z.A. Xo. 1000; Kathy Adle.r. Susan Herman, Eeliar; Sheila Baskin, Shelley Steinberg, He'vnih; Barry Goldware, Neil Miller, Rayim, and Maureen Burden, Sherry Kraft, Hohanue. Aronld Breslow, starre1 manager and his crew, will assist Ralph .Davis of Tech nnd his staff on staging •technicalities. Dik Weiner, assistant program director at the Jewish Community Center, will emcee the show. Tickets may be purchased ot the door or from any Youth Council member. (The Editor)

Hoffmans to Live in California Mr. and Mrs. Albert. Hoffman, residents of Omaha most of their lives, plan to make their home in Alahambra, Cal. They were honored at a no-host dinner given for them. They aro visiting with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Spector, Bloomington, 111., before leaving for California. Their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hoffman reside'in Arcadia, Cal.

Friday, March 14, 1961


Page Four

Monsky Chapter Will Omahans in News Irene Winer Sefs Miss Waldbaum Milton Tudelson, lifelong resiDate for Wedding Becomes Bride of Elect Officers dent of Omaha and Council Officers for the 1961-02 season Bluffs, fiiinounces the opening of Bernard Polilcov and deli-gates to the 291 h annual The Wardrolte for Men at MO!)



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Irene Maxine Winer Mr. and Mrs. Harry Winer have announced the engagement of their daughter, Irene Maxine to Edward Blend, son e>f Mr. and Mrs. Jejseph Blend. The wedding will take place at Beth Israel Synagogue on October 15. The couple will live in Sioux City, la.

Open House Sunday For GaEifornians An "Open House" on Sunday March 2C> from 2 to 5 and from 7 to !) will be- held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Morris M. Franklin, 1025 No. .'(2nd Street, in honor e.f their daughter and sonin-law Mr. and Mrs. Gerald K. Levin of Nnpa, Calif. The Levins-, who are both teaching in Napa, will spend their schoeil holiday in Omaha. Mrs. Levin, former Lora Franklin before her marriage, December 18, playe'd with the Omaha Symphony Orchestra when the resided in Omaha. Mr. Levin is hi ad of the Knglish Department Sur Napa County, Cal. All friends and relatives arc invited to the "Open House." Patronize Jewish Press Advertisers.

district convention in Chicago, 1)1., will be elected by Henry Monilty Chapter of B'nai lS'rith ut a Passover dessert luncheon meeting, Wednesday, April 5, at 12:30 p.m. at the Jewith Community Center. The ilate of nominations to be The bride is the daughter of presented will include the Mines. Mrs. Serena Waldbaum, and Sid- Meyer Kaplan, president; Berney Waldbaum of Grand Island; nard Kaiman, vice-president; the groom, the son e»f Mr. and .Sam Shyken, treasurer; Nathan Kaplan, recording secretary; Abe Mrs. A. Polilcov. Miller, corresponding secretary; The bride wore a street length •Sidney Zneimer, financial secregown of powder blue Shiffi em- tary; Frank Sekar, dues secrebroidered organza and a snatch- tary; Al>e Ginsburg, centennial; Abe Bear, guardian; Milton ing blue flowered hat with a halo Mintz, historian; Jay SteJer, Dave veil. She carried a bible covered Kpste-in and N a t e Gitnick, with white roses. trustees. The names of two viceDavid Waldbaum of Cambridge, presidents will be. presented later. lteservations are being taken Mass., brother of the bride, esby Mrs. Sekar. corted her down the aisle. Mrs. Donald Grant of I-eMars, la., INTKItNATIONAL FAIR gowned in a beige eilk sJieath, Israel—A Near Kast Internaserved as matron-of-honor. Mar- tional Fair will be held in Tel vin Polikov, brother of the Aviv In June, 19G2. Foreign exhibitors will be able to participate. groom, was best man. Out-of-town guests, other than those in the bridnl party, were Mrs. Rao Waldbaum, Breioklyn, New Yorli; Mrs. Philip Slporln, Los Angeles, Cal.; Mrs. JocChait, Messrs. and Mines. Mike Koufcr nnd I. Seidenfeld, all of Des Moines, la., and Mr. Grant. Following the ceremony, n family dinner was held at the .Sheraton-Kontenelle Hotel. Caryl Lynne Waldbaum became the bride of Bernard Poli\M\\ March 5 at Beth Israel Synagogue. Officiating were Kabbi Benjamin Groner and Cantor Kli K.'ignn.

l-'arnam .Street. He was formerly viee-prcsident und general sales manager of Die.terich Field, Inc. Mrs. I)aUd IJublin and daughter, J o Die Klla have returned to Pueblo, Colo., after visit inn with Mrs. Dubin's family for two weeks. Mis. Dubin's mother is Mrs. Bessie Kuhiick.

Close Center Pool April 1-9 The swimming [>ool at the Jewish Community Center will bo closed nfter the afte'rnoon session, Friday, March 31, for general renovation. Re-opening has been scheduled for Sunday, April 9. Regist ration for summer swimming classx!. fit the Center will begin May 15. Classes will bo conducted from 9 a m , to 5 p.m. daily. All interested In swimming instruction ure asked to enroll early.

AEI Fish Cleaned and Filleted * Without Any Extra Charge Phone Your Order Early — I t Will Be Prepared for You in Advance



MONUMENTS In the Jewish Tradition

The Beauty of Your Seder Table

Your order should be placed well In Kdvnncc of "Vahrzi'lt" BO the work does not have to be hurried. V/o ero known for our SMclIng Hebrew lettering end detail. You m«y placo your confidence in us knowing each detail end tradition will be adhered to with utmost cero end skill.

We employ no ncrnti—here j o o eav« tlie*(e cxpeittilvo rnmniliHfonQ an sou f! illrertly v/lth the owne n . . . We Invlto yon to compare . . . We prrmlt nounUmcly Hullcltatlon . . . You are free to mako up rour own Mtnd.

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3JI3-15 "9" St. 73M1I1 Open Sunday 2-5 Since 1923

Wedding of iiss lacker, Sunday


CENTERPIECE •for the Passover Table

Mrs. Ethel Tucker announces the approaching marriage of her daughter. Miss May 'fucker, former Omahan to Jack Enoch of Baltimore, Md. The wedding ceremony will be performed Sunday, March 26 in Baltimore, Md, by Rabbi Israel Tabalc. The couple will reside at 5706 Narcissus Avenue in Baltimore.


Remember Your Hostess With Flowers by celling

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PASSOVER CARDS BAR: and Has Mltzvah congratulations also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. - Meyers News Stand, X502 Dodge.


. . _





Friday, March 24, 1961


New Category Hits Iraq's Blacklist

BarandBas E^iizvah All friends und relatives are Invited to iitt"iid services and reieptlon.

Jerusalem, (JTA)- Iran, \va& TeporU.-d here t<* have iiiMnicwd nil of itK enibasMes and cunBiilalcs lo bar vi(,;is to inure than 100 well-known personalities IMJcaiisc they had attended international conferences in Israel. The Hai;h(iud Radio announced n partial of the persons to whom visas will lie refused. They included a former Nepal Premier, a Singapore education official, a Philippines trade minister, the presidents of Teheran and Copenhagen universities, Nobel* prizewinning British atomic physicist £jir John Cockloft and others. Most of those named took part In the Mehovot conference on the role of science in assisting undei'developed countries. Visa* IUfl)M-<I A lute bulletin from Washington reports that a touring American theuUr group, fctarrinp w t r w i , Hrlrn Ilnyrn has linn refused pt-rmUMim to give goodwill performances In the United Arab Republic IHM'&UM the troupe will later perform In Tel Aviv. Finest U.8. Actors The UAM authorities canceled the appearance of the American nctors In Cairo, making known that. Egyptians did not care to receive nn "international j:oodwlll" undertaking that would include Israel on Its itinerary. The American actors, selected from the nation's finest, are performing Selected > American plays abroad ns examples of this country's cultural achievements. The troupe is traveling under the auspices of the U.S. State Department.

ALAN KIXAKOKSKY t h e liar Milzvah of Alan son of .Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Kulaitrifcky, will be celebrated at Temple Israel March 21 and 2.").

Army 'Doe' Cited for Torchlight Surgery

HUODKKY 1JKTS VKlAAVWUlllV Robert M. HmdUey has been named one of four Dartmouth College students to receive fellowships as interns in Washington, D.C., government agencies. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. David Brodkey.

MAMCICK ItOSKNIiKUfJ Maurice Ilosenherg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hosenberg, will observe his liar Mitzvah at Beth Kl Kj'nagogue on Friday evening, March 2\ and .Saturday morning, Marcli 25 at the 10::K) service. l'llYM.lS I'KDMAN SUSAN K.VT/.MAN JUDY .MKYKUSON The group Hns Mitzvah of Phyllis Kedman, daughter of Mr. and Mre. Sam Fcdinnn; Susan Katzman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Katzmani and Judy Meyei-son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Meyerson will be celebrated tonight at Ueth Israel Synagogue. MICIIAIX (JKNDLKIl The Bar Mitzvah of Michael Gendler, son of Mi'.' and Mrs. Irving Gendler will be celebrated on Tuesday, April 4, at 7 a.m. at Beth Israel Synagogue.


Page B1v«

France to Safeguard Algerian Jews Wishing to Remain French Paris CJTA)—Prime Minister Michel Di.brc, this week pledged that the French Government will always safeguard the interests of Algerians who want to stay French, no mailer what tile outcome, of the self-determination issue in Algeria. In an address In Strasbourg, the Premier declared: "France will do all in her power to ensure the security and the fundamental freedom of those who, whatever their religion, wish to remain French. If the self-determination vote is for union or association with France, she Is ready to undertake a great work of cultural, social and economic development. If the vote rules this oiit, you may rest assured France will ensure the safe guarding of her national interests." Algerian Jews, meanwhile, are anxiously awaiting the outcome of talks now taking place between representatives of the French Government and the Al-

gerian FLN nationalist organization with regard to their future status. The FLN has been circulating a pamphlet advocating the position that Algerian Jews were to be. considered Algerians.

The Junior Stamp Club of the Jewish Community Center will meet Sunday, March 26 at the Center, room 32 at 1 p.m. Members are asked to bring stamps for trading. Guests are welcome.

We, who bring the the light refreshment your way, wish you the happiest of holidays. BUY PASSOVER PEPSI BY THE CARTON TODAY—AT THE SAME PRICE Certified by Rabbi H. FclditicM


1619 NO. 24TH STREET

JKANNK SIIA'KIt VACATIONING AT HOME Miss Jeanne Silver, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. llobcrt Silver. Is spending her spring vacation at home. She Is a sophomore at S in i t h College, Northampton, Mass.


Israel—A younj; army doctor, I,ieut. Aryeh Durst was cited recently for his initiative in MIVinj; a soldier's life with the aid of a borrowed penknife and torchlight. He wnu called to lhe scene of ON OMAN'S- MST Judy Cohen, daughter of Mr, n road accident. The condition of one of the soldiers involved and Mrs. Dan Cohen, was named was grave und prevented him to the Dean's list at the Unifrom breathing. Dr. Durst bor- versity of Oklahoma, at Norman. rowed a penknife to make an incision in the throat so that ASIIDOO I>r,ANNEI> breathing could be resumed. The • FOB 2.10,000 soldier was then removed to n Israel—Plans for Ashdod, new hospital for further attention and sea l>ort, are for 250,000 resirecovered. dents in 15 years.

Junior Stamp Glub lo i e e l Sunday af Center



Choice Standing

Heavy Native Lb.


Steer Tongue it, 55c Whole, Boneless

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Choice, Good Eating

Cesrmel Malaga Wine Carmel Concord Wine CARMEL WISHNIAK A Cherry Liqueur




Plum Brandy

To Be Assured of Full Selection Shop Early

Supplies Umfted—Order Now Fer aom«t of D»clor» Handling A b o « rtodatti Coll

BLOTCKY BEVERAGE CO. Plttrlbvton la Mobrofca



Wo Hotcrv* ths Right to Uml» Quanfitioi



r Page Sis


Friday, March SI, 1901


Achievements of Sddy-iiddy Players


At Rltjh!

A larj^e crowd of parents and thi' players. Irvin Yaffce, lAmiy lilatue;; jammed the .speciator's Paul and Yale Trustin, of tin; area at the .seeoiul Iddy- Center Alhletic committee, wen; liidily Parents' Basketball iii!:lit presented to the gatherim;. recintly, at tlie Jewisli Community Center ;is thirty-three potenMONA LISA tial c:i;;r stars ran lluoiuih their House of Glamour drills. I I I (Jo. EOlli 553 7000 The advanced Sunday cla;:s 6 Export Hail Styliiti kept the audirnce on <<dirti> duiinj; Air-Conditioned Dryers two shorl haskctliall f;»rnrs MISS MARSH and MISS JERBY played riiiht down to the la.'-t Ownen few .seconds to determine the winner. Playfis Jiai tiripatin;^ were Hob llandlcni.'in, Mike Alirams. Alan Lincoln, John Fo\, (iary Uiflcin. Alan Mayper, Jim Kiishoibaum, Dan. Slo.-.ljiir)», Diek Ucrnstein, Jim Wcin.stcin, Ron Kwiatek, Mike P.osenbaum, Boh Rifkin, Steve Milder, Bud Slo.slniri;, I'.ickey Wcinor, I'Jan Cjros.sinan O Ncv/ and Repairs and Iladlcy Clenmns. O Wiring John I'epju.T, Mark Trustin, Mark Sehconhaum, Steve E])© Residential stein, Franklin Kaiman, Ron O Commercial Malashoek. Philip Rich, Jeff Wolpa. Robbie Kulakofsky, Jim Rice, Call Mike Khermnn, Ed Kulakofsky, Howard Dolcoff, Dick Majors and BERNiE SOMMER .Jerry Waldbaum. 556-3520 Coach Cy Seitchick. as.sisfeil "Ni» Job Inn hie ur by. Bill Ginstiuiv, conducted the too mmill ftir ti"t" playeis throiiKli Hie drills. Dik TJc'iiftnl in OmniiA Weinci, assistant pio|; dnecand Counrtl Kliiffn liii, s r u r d as tmcee, intiodueed


It w a s ;i £»>od season for tin 1 I<!i)y Hiildy player 1 , so m 11 m a i l e r of record nml friendships, they Just lined u p for u p h o t o g r a p h .

BASKETBALL SKASON ENDS The curtain came down on the 1960-61 basketball season last Sunday ns Sioux City J.C'.C. dumped the Ornaha Jewish Community Center All-Star squads In three of four games to end the basketball activity for the program year. 5tn A N D cth i;iL\m;s Omaha took a quick 2-0. lead and then faded badly for Ihe remainder of the contest as Sioux City ran wild and scored at v.ill f o r a lopsided :>2-7, victory. I)i-hlop ivith 1G point:; w a i too tnuch for Omaha to handl". Aside from commiti'mi: many errors, the Omaha (cam went the (jntire second and third quarters, Bcorinf; only one point.

11. Levim0 0 0 0 J. Levine 0 0 0 0 h' fi 0 t> ' 0 Fredni'nn 0 0 0 D .Sin;;ti0 0 0 0 HKill SCHOOL Sioux City made it three in a row in ed^in:,' the Youth Council All-Stars 5.'l<j0 as Omaha missed 1-1 foul shots. The lend switched back ami forth 011 several occasions in the Ins!, quarter but several passim; errors ill the final minute:; hurt th" Omaha chances in lh'' etuicli situations. OMAHA <; I S I'M V Kiedicr 2 2 0 -1 woiiiiK i:•. r» 2 s Cu-s i 11 !) 17 Zacharia. -1 .", 1 !l CouliI 1 U II 2 Sacks .1 (1 0 2 Kully 0 (1 0 0





2 0

.Manvitz Kpsttin SIOIN (ITV

1 1, I) 2 G 2 (i <; FS I'M 1'

Hal-ricks l.clchopk

1 0

1 2

0 0

2 0

UpsehulU . . . . . . .'!








Basketball League

Ruben Lohrman Ginsbun; Norwich Belzer Wolpa Slosfoury

<; F S KM

1 ... 0

1 0 OH

, I) ' ' 0 0 :•: 1 2 1 :'• 0 0

0 1 0 <> 0

0 1 2 2 0

. . . . . . (I



Jacobson . . . . . . . Beber Rosen • . . . . . . SIOUX CITY Nash Wheeler . Kosenthal H Djshlop 13. Dishlop Sacks.. Lovich . Goldstein


0 O 0 0 <;ray 2 10 ti 10 0. 2 <l 0 Hivener 1 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 . Slirago 3 2 2 H <; KS FM I' Shomberc 0 Ki 10 22 0 1 0 0 VAUSITV 0 2 0 0 Tlie Omaha Varsity All-Star' 1 4 2 <1 team saved the day from a com1 (J () 2 plete shut-out, with a 57-30 li -K 1 10 triumph as Alan Konocky pumped 1 1 0 2 in 20 points in leading a well1 1 0 2 rounded attack, Omaha led 0 1 0 0 throughout the game and was Sadoff 1 4 2 4 never really in trouble. Shindlcr 1 1 0 2 OMAHA <i KS I'M 1' 7th AND 8tli (iltADES Belgrade 1 :> 2 4 Sioux City won tho second en- Becker 1 7 3 5 counter of the day with a 29-27 dayman 4 4 3 11 win as Omaha rallied desperately Stiss 2. 2 2 G. in the final stanza, only to have Katshee . . : . . . . . 0 0 0 0 time run out. Sioux City's mar- Konecky 4 1-1 12 20 gin of victory came on a strange Ban 0 0 0 0 play as a confused Omaha player • Paul 4 3 .'{ 11 shot at the wronjj basket nnd Bernstein 0 0 0 0 made it, in what later proved to SIOUX CITY <i I S FM I1 be the winning margin for the Cravin 2 4 3 7 visitors. Cohen 1 4 2 4 Sioux City, using 9th graders, piled up a twelve point half-time Jead, until Omaha countered with FOR THE FINEST... two 9th graders in the second 1 IN PHOTOGRAPHY half and almost pulled the game out of the fire. .Portrait* OMAHA O FS FM .!• '-..' Weddingi Zoob . . . . . . . 1 5. 2 4 Commercial Ross ..0 3 1 1 Wolpa 1 0 0 2 HollLs 0 0 0 0 Jacobson . . . . . . . . 2 1 0 4 Kaiman 0 0 0 0 Endleman 0 0 0 0 Romanik 0 0 0 0 Greenberg 4 0 0 8 Katskce ........ 2 0 0 4 Ginsburg 2 1 0 4 SIODXCITY , G FS.'FSX P Nash .'.., 2 6 3 7 PHOTOGRAPHER Polbrosky . . . . . . 1 1 0 2 Kalin . . . . . . . . i . . 0 0 0 0 817 SOUTH 36TtvSTRCCT Fisher 1 11 1 3 345-1044 8 2 1 17

John Kalina


Kantorvich [verier .Sherman .Shomberi; Corey lJicjjman

1 0 ,'l li 0 -1 2 12 (I J . (5 T>

0 2 2 8 2 2 fi 10 1 1 .'} 1 5

VOI:N<; JI;IIAI:A MKKTI.NOS Yount; J u d a e a groups will meel •Sunday, March 2V> a t 2 |>.ni. a t the Jewish C o m m u n i t y C'tnlii

Complete Oarpsl Service W.M.I TO WAI.I. I.AItl-lvTIM, A M ) n;nMTriti: Clcaitri) in Vuur Home



tho Opening of




RUG CLEANERS Don Bernstein, 345-2554


Smooth V Mellow My Parional AMenfion 1» Your*

Milt Yudelson H


Mr. Treadwell is fishing for Gefilte


For Sale by Builder 1475 Sq. Ft. Home 6046 Hamilton 3 bedrooms, double closets with light. Bath and a half. Disposal in kitchen. Another toilet and jhowor in basement. Attached garago — Walkout basemont. BRICK FRONT WITH WINDOW BOXES SPECIAL SIDING.

But you and T know tho place to catch Mother'* light, IUJCIOUJ All Whltcflsh De Luxo Gcfilta Flih li at your favorito supermarket. Fi«h for tb« right brand—Mothor's...You'll enjoy Mother'* "Old-fashioned" (traditional) gefilte . fish, tOO. KOSHER rOft PASSOVER (g) PARCVK

for Mora Information Call

DAVID SCHWALB, BUILDER C O . 5580472 OrS»r Tw» C«wtrv«r!*M IteMy ttiOtkmi Chwto

• >

'; j THE

Safe- Wo cuj




Prom lh» SpotltM KItchini o» Mathir'f PoMl.Pretf.. Im., Ntwirk t, N. J. fnti Otfllt* ruh r.clp. fold«n "Qtllelout Dally Dlnlnf." Writ* 0<»t M


Friday, March U, 1001

Women Worker's Meet



(Continued from Page 1.) Appeal women's slogan: "Spark • ItONU'S SWl'JKTIIKART their hopes with the flame of IlANf.'K, MAKC'II 28 your generosity" has been the Candidates vyiw; for the inspiration for the (lecor;itlni; theme. .She Is being assisted by "Sweetheart" title which will be the Mini's. Howard Kaplan, announced Tuesday, March 1'8 at Harold (.'onperman ami Donald the second annual sweetheart dance of Konu A.Z.A. No. 1000 Passover delicacies will be are Kathy Adler, Kay Cioldstein, wrved, it was reported by Mrs. Harry Fcrenslein and Mrs. Mor- Sheny Kraft, Suzle Makiesky ris IJrick. They will be assisted and Cheryl Taubmnn. by a group of women in arrangJerry Sluslty is chairman of ing (or the refreshments. the dance which will be held National IVrMintillty, Speaker from 0 p.m. to midnight at the Every women in the commun- Blackstone Hotel. His commitity, Mrs. Frank slated, will want tees are headed by Mike Slierto be present to hear Paillette man, Ad-Honk; d i e t Stoler, Oppert Fink, Mrs. Israel O. Fink decorations; 1-arry Grossnuin, of Mlnnneapolis, Minn., now na- pictures; Itobcrt Wrinstcln, publitional chairman of the U.IA city; Steve Kaplan, «iftfi; and Women's Division. Mrs. Fink, is IJuddy Epstein, tickets a n d an'eloquent speaker, nnd. a former member of the French under- stickers. Tickets may be purchased ground, whose understanding of the plight of distressed Jews from any member or at. the door comes from "on the scene ob- <$1.80 per couple). servations." WINS SIJI'ICRIOKS Mrs. Frank added that "until IN SI-KECK CONTEST we bring a dignified life to each Individuals who received superperson who needs our help, nmong the millions who, were ior ratines nt the Nebraska Disleft uprooted, helpless and home- trict 2 speech contest at Central, less through persecution and up- March 17 Included Dick Kaslow, heave!, our work will not be radio and TV commentary; Steve Guss.'in both discussion and indone." terpretative oratory; Ilrucc "Human l>cingg must be pro- Uernstcln, original public advided with the seven basic needs dress and Maureen Itordon, — freedom from want, freedom poetry reading. All are Central of worship, freedom of speech, students. freedom from fear, security in the home, dignity in living and u stake In the future." "We must, face reality—that "A Sign of Good Houwkccplng" It takes dollars to make the dreams of those who are depending on Us—come true," she declared. II. & P. Workers' Tea Members of the Business and Professional Women's Division will hold a "Workers' Ten on Sunday, April 16 at 2:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Joseph Cuss, 722 Parkwood Lnne.


Page Seven

Exchange Visits English-Hungarian Jewish Groups London (JTA)—The possibility of an "exchange of visits by a Hungarian Jewish delegation and a British Jewish group was disclosed by Sir Baniett Janivr, president of tin; Board of Deputies of British Jews. Sir Burnett said there had been an exchange of correspond-

Annual Memorial Service, Beflh El Memorial services commemorating the deaths of 6,000,000 Jews of Europe and the heroes of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, will be held Sunday, April 16 at 8 p.m. at Beth El Synagogue. Community organizations are asked to encourage as many of their members as possible to attend.

ence with officials of the Hungarian Jewish community. The letter from Hungarian Jewish leaders urged the board to aet on the issuance and dissemination of anti-Jewish propaganda by croups of Hungarians in Britain. Sir Burnett said the hoard had replied that it was aware of the "pernicious activities" and had taken steps to deal with the problem. The board also wrote that British authorities ANTI-SEMITIC JOURNAL I'UBLISIIEU IN LONDON London (JTA)—The Agudah World Executive protested to the Home Secretary over the continued publication in the United Kingdom of a strongly anti-Bemltic journal edited by a former member of the Hungarian Fascist party.

were keeping a "watchful eye" on "these harmful activities."


1 See Europe's best I Guided lourj or independent itinerories, our expert travel couniclort can help you get extra pleasure from each vacation day and dollar. We tell sea end air tickets, too, at official , rates, « MIMBIR

TRAVEL AGENCY Louii Elbert. Co-Owner, Mgr. 403 Famam Bldg—342-5874 Omaha 2, Nebr.





ONXY JKT TRAINING Israel—New Israel Defense Force pilots will soon bo trained only in jets, without first undergoing a period of training in propeller-driven air craft.

On or Off Premises




Homo of the Famous BLACK ANGUS Reitauranr


PEST CONTROL SERVICES 1407 Homey 341 •0088

r o r . m c A r . ADVKHTISKMKNT

V •>: •A Comploto and Most Tompting Selection of

An Omaha Family Man Jim Green has lived in Omaha most of his 44 yoari. Ho worked for tho railroad to holp pay his way through IAW ichool. Jim Ifbs practiced law in Omaha for more than twonty yoan, representing people from all walks of life and from ail parts of the city.

A Wonderful Otffi FOR THAT SPECIAL OCCASION Beautiful, Uicful, Lasting

REPLG6LE GLOBES From S3.95 Illuminated SI 4.95 end Up "

BOOK STORE 1*20 Hornay St. Op*n Mondays till 0:30 p. m.


KOSHER CHICKENS KILLED DAILY Savo by Calling 341-4977 Certified and approved by Rabbi Dr. Ltan Thorn, President, Amtrl«*n Academic Rebbli Anoclatlon of New Amartcani, and Rabbi S. WaIMn of tht Orthodox Rabbll Association of Naw York City. •


Lb. Pkg.

Complete Line of Passover Delicatessen Meats Choice of Passover Dairy Lines Assortment of Breakstone I Assortment of Raskas Products Products Including Farmers | Including Cream Cheese Cheese and Whipped Butter I and Butter Dairy Brand Products ' Serving Omoha With Quality Products for 40 Yearsl

Bakery and Delicatessen Open Sundays Till 6:30 P.M. — 556-5560

50th & UNDERWOOD Be tan and atk for tha treo-, tight-day Pouovar Mull Planner :

Active Civic Leader Jim Green has taken part In many of the city's activities. Ho has been chairman of the board of the Volunteer* of America, member of the Board of St. Catherine's School of Nursing, member of the Omaha Library Board, and hat taken part in many other activities.

Fighter Against Communism Jim Green has received national recognition as founder of the All America Conference to Combat Communism, and as chairman of the American Legion's Amoricanism Commission.

Green Gets Things Done for All of Omaha Go With Groen for Mayor Commlrteo John Y. McCollliter, Chairman


Pace Eight


Friday, Uarth 21, J9B1





f -ivrrt-—vwi-um -

'V /•"••

*Aiw* W

s-v-: .^a«!


: 4;

fc =":" V ^ f i ' ^ S i m p l i K •: "'iW** Pliolo by David Harrit

they'll arrive in Iriracl: ahead of them—a new life. I N TWKNTV MINUTES

For this rooment, they survived the Nazi yeam of terror and oppression . .,. struggled through postwar years of chaos and hunger. Bui now, as the <Ire;im < omen I rue. suddenly they know—arriving is only the 6/>g»nniiiff,

Will they have a place to live? Jobs? Education for the girl? Medical care? Help? Day after day, others like them keep arriving . . . and these desperate questions are asked.

There's an nnswer for every OTIK of them—You,

through the United Jeivith Appeal.

Your help has brought almost a million immigrants in the past. With your help, the people of Israel have absorbed two-thirds of them. On your help, this year's newcomers depend. For llipm-prnnilcfts, uncertain, denperalcly in need of help—arriving is only the beginning.

But it can be the beginning of a wonderful new life, if you help. Give a generous, increased gift to the UNITED JEWISH APPEAL. Today.

Save and Build Lives-Strengthen the Settlements


I N 1961, THE UNITED JEWISH APPEAL MUSTt Speed integration of 320,000 lwaluoi bed immigrant! in Israel liv; Giving 130,000 (arm settlers the supplies tliev nceJ to become economically Indcjxmilciit; Expanding welfare arid training aid for over 115,000 '•god, handicapped and'youthful immigrants; Housing many of 40,000 still in miserable huts; Receiving and absorbing 30,000 to 35,000 iif\m»mcrs expected in 1961 Extend relief, medical uid rehabilitation aid to toms 255,000 distressed Jewj-almost half of them children - i n Europe, Africa and Asia. Provide retcttlemant assistance for 5,500 rcfiigi-c» leeling new lives in the United States.

UNITED JEWISH APPEAL Receives Its Support From tho

1961 National Goal...$72,740,000

Jewish Philanthropies Campaign in Oitsaha



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