March 31, 1961

Page 1

fu&llcuilun Office, 101 No. uutli Omuha Nebraska I'lumc 3V2-V.UM

Vol. XXXIX — No. 28


1^ The General Men's Philanthropies campaign structure moved into lilgh gear this week with the announcement of six community leaders as captains in the Men's Division, by l.'rnio Nogg, Men's Chairman, Work Starli'd Paul Alperson, Alvin Abramson, Ajon Farber, Harry (joodhinder, Owen Moyeison and Phil Kutler have accepted Hie captainships and *ire already engaged in securing their full complement of team workers. Optimism keynoted a .Sunday brunch (it the Nogg residence as the clKilnfhi.ii and his appointees laid Hie foundation for their course of action. Experienced Leadership Mr. Nogi; said, "1 am greatly gratified with such a corps of experienced leadership that has stepped'forward to nid me in this campaign. All lire imbued with enthusiasm mid are mobilizing to do everything possible to carry through a successful campaign. A complete coverage of cards will be one of their goals." April 9 KIck-ciH April ath was set as the date of the kiclc-off meeting. Mr. Nor;g declared the occasion will be a memorable and stimulating affair. Arrangements are being completed and will be made known soon.

Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged (The Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged acknowledges Hie lol* lowing memorials and donations.)


In Memory of

/Atftrt. and Mmei. ffaubin Drown, Btn M, Ztff, Arthur A. Cohn, Jock Uranium, Gtorge W. Newman, Howard Mltdir. MIHan M. Youdolion, Pout Veret, Max Rftket. M M . Oscar Sluttky and Dillon, Ofiics Staff of Omaha Frontier Homei, (Ida Zoorwlll, Dorothy l.aitek, Mary Ann fltipotrlck, Norman Garrop, L. Gordon Jwisen, Dennlt Andtnon) . . , , . . , . . . . . . Mr, and Met. Nattion L. HOGS . . . . . . . . . . . . M«nrf. ond Mm», Fred Hahn. Arlhur A. Cohn, R«ub«n H. Brown * We* <r i. land Mnwv Arthur Roilniky (San Fronclico), M«)vln Plolkln and M n , Mollle Geiler Mrs. Leonard Klein


Me Moth Kalimrm Btnediet 5Mt>ermon

,.,,..Mr*. Dora Llndenbaum Mr*. Either Moloshctk Paul Bernstein WHMam Glosjenberg {Chicago)

tAmwt. ond Wines. Jo<k Brornson, Reubenflr&wnM n . Ben Handler, Louis Somm«f ond Mlit tien Somrncr ......Max Ar bit man iAtiirt. and Mmtt, Arihur A. Cohn, trneil A. UWi, Louli Sommar and Mlu Htn San/ner I M n , Corlnnt Livingston Mr, on<t Mrs.-JocH Crampon, Lot*ij tornmer - and Mli» fled Srmmer . Abt V/elis lACiut. and Mmei. Arthur A. Cchn, Manutl Kruplnsky. Milton M. Yudelion, Erne*! A. HOQ<J. Louis Sommer and Mill Bea Sommer, Dr. ond Mrs. Mcr/nord M. Qreenlrerg • , . . Lawrence Krasna Mr, anil Mrs. A/ffiur Ro^insky (SanFranclscol ., ... Efrt Orllkolf <5loux City) Mr, and tArt. Jock Dromjon . . . . . . * /...Marcus (Max) Jolli*, Morrit Ffshpr ^ s i U i . ond Mine3. Harry Golltarg, Louis Fellrnan Mrj. Mollle Greenfield M e i i n , and Mrnei. f r m * . A. Kogg, Caul Veret, Jack Drarmnn, Miss DeH» Horwlch .Mrs. Adult Ellenbogen Mr, and Mrv Jack Ortumon, JoieprrWgdioowikl , , , Mrs. Zlna Feldman Metirs, ond Mines, Arthur A. Cohn, Poul Veret, Mrj. Bon Handler Marry Kubby Fred and ChJrlM Rmcmtock • Sam Handler tAr. and Mrs, Max Klpkei . . Arthur Orck (Pork Forest, III.) R«d and Charles Rosenitock ,, ,..VJutter Apple, Carl Stein Joseph RaUinowiKI . .Den Mnttlit Me'ir*. ond M.-tips. tAar'nt Lorly. MUJon U, Yudelion, 7uilo Knpian , . . . M r s . Sophie Epi'cln



In Honor of

M^ssn. oflfi MmM. Max Sciieinrrnann, fAnt nttlkcl ..BOIh blrUida/, Ah« GoHl'M\() Mr. ond l,\n. Mlllon Yudclion 70lh l.lrlhda/, DovIO fniitr fM. ond M n , Max Klckes 70th blrlhdcl/, Henry Newman W'.'l"".. ontf MniiJ*. Seymour Cchn, i Ern?sl A. Hoog . ......recovery ond homecomlno. Mayor John Roisnblatl Mr. and Mrs. Fred Malm ..recovery, Mfsi Hlldn Kruiwell Mr. ond Mri. Sieven Luilaarfeti i recovery, Dr. S ' \ y Rubin Mrl. Ben Hunriler . . — >r«covcry, Mrs. Horry 5Iut;ky, Mw9 Venacr Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Kruplnsky recovfry, Milton Kut* IV/lcMlta Falls. Texas) Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. riDgg * *.. recovery. Oicnr Sutln, Mrs. Joseph Kay Mr ond Mrs. Jack Bromson ........recovery, Mrs. Clara Wlntroub Mr, ant] Mrs, Reuben Drown David Orkow ffr. and Mrs. Ernest A. H003 35th wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Hyml« Milder Mr, ond Mrs. Norman Korney *...* ..naming of tnelr grandson

Synagogue Donations Mr. ond Mrs. Morton Degen of Mrs. Minnie D. Deaen Ben Sntjplro . . . . . . . Yahnelt ol Jacob jfiop'ro Messrs, and Mmes. Morton Vttur, Arlhur Roslnsky, David Shi'kert, Mrs. Ruth Cohen, David Flihman, Sam Flih, Rlcfiard Hoberrnan

Special Contribufions ^ *

HtV ^ ^


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Mr, ond M n , Halhon Martin

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a vaporlrer gtven In hono> of their 50th wedding onnlversar/


Slight Increase in Israel Immigration Israel — Government sources here, reported a slight increase In immigration during 1960, with 23,64'J newcomers compared with 2.'t,015 in 1959. Total Immigration since establishment of Israel In 1*18 was listed n? 990,000, including tourists, who 'later «ettled permanently, . .

Slnijie Annum

lite i- S4


Mm. I. I). I'ink of .MlnneiipulU, iMidti., nrwly-cl^ctr'd national cliiilriuan <if tin* I'nlti'd Jotvisli .\j>jxal't> Wiinii'ii'x Divlslmi and fiirnier J''TCIIC1I Uiirtimi- licroini',

will ndilrisH Worlirrs of thn I'lill:nitliro])lcs WIIMHTI'S Division


n 13:80 p. in. Passover d e s e r t llillchoi-n, I'lii'SdaV, April I nt thu Jowlwh ('onmniiiity CcnU'r.

Mrs. Alcxnmlci' 1). Frank, Women's General Chairman, snid Mrs. Kin It (ippivueil at a Women's Division meelinc in Omaha with Mrs. Franklin D. liousevelt, wife of 1h<> late Prcsidont, in March, 1'Jlfi, (he yenr, Mrs. David Cohn, headed the women's unit. ClilMrrn Jtcsiiicd She was then Mrs. Paillette Oppert, whose story ns a former leader of the French under(')oiind rliiriiif: Hie Hitler era and as director of children's aid in France, revealed her rescue of many Jewish children and her own personal valor and sorrow.

Youth Council Starts Sun. Bowling League Thirty-two lilgli school boys initiated a Jewish Youth Council , last Sunday, a<!t!ii!K a new pliase of uelivity to the Physical F. d u c a t ion department p r o jjnini at the Jewish Community Outer. Urnci Kpslein was named commissioner of the which will o p e r a t e each „,.„,, I p ( | U i n Sunday until July 2. Team totals and .standinss will count In the overall Youth Council Olympic activity. The first weolt's bowlin!' scores, although not counting for league play, will count for team and individual averages. Mike Green, roiled the high Kame with ]!).'! and series with !>ir>. AZA No. 1000 tool; high team score. Team rosters are Ro'/lm: Arnl. ' Weltx, Stove Guss, Stuart Smith, Barry Klrcsfeld, Ed Treller, Paul Goldpnbera, Terry Goldenbora and Gerald Ferensteln. A.2.A. 1000: Buddy Epstein, Jerry Slusky, Bob Welnsleln, Mike Sherman, Sandy Kosln, Sleva Kaplan, Barry Fradkln and Howard Kahn. A.Z.A. 1: Gary Parllman, Jaff Simon, Hfjrlan Rlmmerman, Mfil Epstein, Larry Klrke, Bill Glnsbura, Marv Klrke and Jerry Stevens. A.Z.A. 100: Marshall Kaplan, Juslln Mulnlck, Mickey socki, Mlko Green, Rick Ensef, Shelley Pcrelmon, John Srnllti and Don Kraft.

Mrs. Izadore Elcwitz was named master of ceremonies of the ninth annual Beth Israel Citation Dinner on Sunday, April 2,1, honoring Miss Irene Dunne, actress of screen and stage fame. In announcing the appointment, Dan Gordman, general chairman, said that Is the first time a woman will occupy that role. Mrs. Elewitz is a past president of the Beth Israel sisterhood, member of the synagogue board of commissioners, and has been active In every phase of synagogue activity. The following additional appointments were revealed by cochairman Ernest Hochster: Robbl D«n]amln Groner, adWsor; Mrs Henry Appel, banquet; Arthur Gould arid John Kolm, arrangements; Robbl M. Polio koff, purchasing; M n . Rose Garrop, decorations) . Maurice Kofimon, selection; Sam Hahn, reservations; Gugtn* Broun, ushers; Harold 2etlniky, traffic . control; Dr/ Ben< n«!t Fllliboln, (heckroom, gnd iomutt 3lon», Audio and pftoloaraahy, "' * . ' ' •,

r.a CJluui. f slufio FuiO ul Omaha Nrhr


Fashions Designed by Israel Teen-Agers Styles desiitncJ and executed by students n't the Alice L. Se-. ligsberg Vocational High School in Jerusalem, will make their first appearance here at a Iladasaah fashion BIIOW, Wednesday, April" i!6. They will be shown following a 1 p. m. dessert luncheon in the new Crossroads auditorium, Mrs. Myer Itosenbaum, program and promotion chairman, said.

MARCH 31, 1001

MTH. I. I). Kinit

Her first husband, the Maquis Lieut. Yves Oppert, with whom she "served witli distinction" in the underground was captured and killed in 1941. She kept on with rescue of Jewish children and at the end of the war worked with the Joint Distribution Committee, to care for them and Three Yahrzelt plaques wer« help transport many to Israel. installed this week on the synagogue memorial tablets at tha Wed Prominent Mlnni'iotan In 1951, she became the wife Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for of Israel D. Fink, Minneapolis, the Aged, Nathan I.. Nogg, Home Minn., businessman, a member committee chairman, announced. The plaques were presented in of the UJA National Campaign Cabinet and a past president of memory of Morris Linsman by the Minneapolis Jewish Federa- the Compeer Club and in memory of Elizabeth and Isadore tion. Pearlman by the William PearlEarlier in 1919, as a UJA rep- man estate. . resentative, the former French Arrangements for the placeunderground worker, participated ment of such names on the mein the historic "Operation Magic morial tablets may be made at Carpet" airlift of 45,000 Jews the office of the Jewish Federafrom Yemin to Israel. tion at the Jewish Community Center or with David Orkow, Understand* Necd» Omahans will quickly recog- home superintendent. nize the unusual qualities of the woman who will be their guest on Tuseday, Mrs. Frank declared. She praised Mrs. Fink, whose May tills holiday of froflactivities and leadership, reflect doin bring peacp mid Iinppln»i* to nil mankind.

Plaques Placed af Home

Passover Greetings

Ancient Synagogue On Surinam Stamp

Paramaribo, Surinam (JTA)— The Government of Surinam, at this capital of the newly autonomous state which until recently was known as Dutch Guiana, announced thnt; on April 1, it i3 issuing a new postage stamp to honor the Neve Shalom SynaKOgue, the house of worship of the oldest Jewish settlement In all of the Americas. The Jewish settlement of Surinam was established in 1B32, 22 years before the first Jewish refugees from Brazil set foot at New Amsterdam, later known as New Yoik. The synagogue was founded in 183G. The postage stamp honoring the 12oth anniversary of Neve Shalom bears a line drawing of the synagogue. Printed in yellow, blue, red and black, the stamp is of a 25-cent denomination. It was designed by a Dutch artist'liere, and printed in Holland.

Passover Tea for Folks af Home Mizrachi Women will entertain residents of the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged at a Passover tea, Monday, April 3 at 2 ,p m. at the Home. DRAMATIC CLUB ANNUAL SHOW The Dramatic group of tha Workmen's Circle will present iU annual show, April 23 at the Jewish Community Center, Two one-act plays, songs and readings will be given under the direction of Louis Witkin.

Work Three Years

Jerusalem — T h e consonantal . setting of an entirely new edition of the Bible was completed recently after three year3 of work. Hitherto, all Hebrew editions Of the Bible have been copies of the Letteris and Ginzburff editions, and for hundreds of years it has not been reset. Now Type Geneva—A shipment of 117 The present edition used newly tons of matzos was sent to 10 European countries for 42,000 designed type, modeled on ancient needy Jews, Other Passover fare varieties of Hebrew lettering, but distributed by the Joint Distribu- has a modern beauty. The Bible was completed during tion Committee included 67,000 pounds of matzo meal, some 2,000. f ia special pe^emony when the last pounds of cooking fais and 3.2Q0E s24 words of Chronfcles were s|et; ' . ; .by several distinguished Israeli!.. of Ritual wine.

Supply 42,000 ieedy Jews With iafzos

, • Mn, Ixadoro

her dedication in helping the : UJA cause. Workers Urged to Attend Mrs. Frank urges every worker in the Women's Division to hear this leader who during the dangerous underground days in France, little dreamed that someday, she would direct 1he most famous women's unit of a fundlaislng orgnniaztion in the world which for the record sponsored those very rescue activities. Planning the program with Mrs. Frank are her co-chairmen, the Mmes. Henry Appel, Joseph Guss and Lazar Kaplan. Mrs. Lloyd Friedman, president of the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs, will offer the o p e n i n g prayer. Mrs. Daniel Kntzman, assisted by Mmes. Howard Kaplan, Harold Cooperman and Donald Nogg are "doinj;" the decorations. The Passover dessert lunch, eon is being arranged by the Mmes. Harry Ferenstein and Morris Brick.

~J.~u^m.-J. t a u t

Page Two

...iJi 7 i

t *


Friday, March 81. 1361

l.'eKa and ltspp«n!i)?a et The Dr. Philip thr-r Jewish Home for tlit Atrca bj UavliS Ofkow.

wecSUy on Friday beginning the last week fn Angus! through second week la July by tlio Jewish Federation ol OmaJia.

YiUirzeit: Memorial s e r v i c e s ore being held this montli for the 25 Yean' Experience f o l l o w i n g , the anniversary of whose death falls during this pe.Editor With Jewiih Cowlleligltttng t t 0:23 p. rn. riod: LeHoring end Memorials Eeth Israel NIsan IS, (April 1) — Yenta Friday Passover services, 6:30 Somit and Dr. Manuel Grodln341-2452 p. m. No late service. Saturday, Bl<y; Nisan 17, {April 3)—Morris 2211 So. Cth 8:45 a. m., Junior Congregation, NOCB: Nisan 18, (April 4)—Mor10 a. in. Mincha, 0:30 p. m.; ris Gross and Niran 21, (April 7) Maariv, 7:30 p. m. Sunday, 9 —Tema Bush. PRODI/CTS a. m.; Junior Congregation, 10 The Passover HoliilayB will be a. m. Dally, 6:40 p. in. and 7 a. m. celebrated at the Dr. Philip Sher SmiCTLY KOSHSt Jewish Home for the Aged In Temple Israel true Orthodox fashion. The SedFriday, evening Sabljath ami crlm will be under the direction W&IX TO WAIX CAtlPETINa Passover services, 5:30 p. m. In of David Orkow, home superinAND I UliMXUHi; Cleaned In ¥our Homo chapel; Saturday, 11 a. m. Ot^r JO Different 100% tendent and Sam Poster, Gabal of our Synagogue. Pure Beef Products Il'Nal Jacob-Adas Ycshuron FlTTINa ItEPAIIUKO • rrankfurUr« * CerBad Eesf I.AVINU O fU.UINd Friday, Mincha, 6 p. m. SaturBINDING • CLCANINQ ^ Paifretnl B Knackwurs} NEW POST ron AUNON day, 8:30 a. m. Minclia, 6 p. m. A Peppered Beef * Salami Jerusalem (JTA) — Michael followed by Sholosh Scudos. * LIvar Sauteso * Daily services at ,,0:30 a. m. Arnon, counselor at the Israel Embassy In Washington and head and C:15 p. m. of Israel's Information Services In the United States, has been Beth El EIUG CLGANERS Passover cervices, Friday, G appointed director of the Inforp. m.; Saturday, 9 a. m. and G mation Department of the For- Dors Ocmsfcin, 345-2554 p. m.; Sunday, 9 a. m. and 6:30 eign Ministry. .p m.

S#csn3 C.zit Pctto;» Paid cl OrosSw, fitir. Annual Subscription, ftO9. A£v4rtis'ji3 Raits en Application. Pvbllcetlcn OHics-101 No. MIS E!re«. Omcfca. Kebr.



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FAIRACRES RANCH-TYPE HOME CLOSE TO TEMPLE ISRAEL A spacious alr-condltloncd Hunch Home located on one of Omaha'8 prettiest streets, Houhljerry Hoad. Living noom with Fireplace. Private and Separate Dining noom with door to rear screened Porch Icadlns to larse Patio. Fully carpeted, hufro Kitchen with handy Utility Itoom adjoining, 3 gracious Bedrooms with, 2 Baths. Large Easement with Recreation Room ana Full Bath. Possession, April 15th. For an exclusive homo In this exclusive area, call THE MAN FROM MAENNER. Mr. Kaufman S91-535fi or Mr. Cook 393-3702. Shown by appointment only.

foAll A Choice Selection of Tempting 7830 Dodgo Beverly Hills Plaza 391-3207

AJon Forber has received on honorary life membership in the Omaha Chamber of Commerce for obtaining the equivalent of 50 new Senior memberships in the organization ns part of his president's club activity. Dltfrlbutod by

1619 Ho. 24th Jr. J46-29H Omaha, K«br.



1018 Fantcim

Quality Moaf Products, Friendly Service and Popular Pricei

We Take This Opportunity To Express Our Wishes for a Most Joyous Passover Holiday

To All CLOSED SUNDAY, APRIL Z tint Delivery Date, Wednesday, April 5 . Keep Watching This Space for


Fancy Foods Delicatessen Plenty of Froo Parking

lo Spark Your Holiday Monu«

Watch for Opening (About May 1) of Hoffman's Mrs. Abraham Koclunan, a resident of Omaha since 1904 and her sister, Miss Sarah Ncmscr, left for Pittsburgh, Pa., where gOCOCOaOOOQQQOCQOaOOQOOOOQOOOOQOOCQOQOQOODQOGQQC they will make their home. o



Holiday Greetings

Edward Shafton, secretary of the Qiildrcns Hospital board of trustees, was given a surprise honorary membership in the allwoman Friends of Chlldrcns, the only man to be BO honored. Mrs. Ernest A. Nogg is treasurer of the group's board.

Spacious and Gracious



Otnahans in News

Norman Ilalm will become president of the merged American Propane Gas Co. and Butane Gas Corp. Mr. Hahn previously headed the former organization.

o a


o o o

| To the Community!

o MRS. FANNIE WINTROUB a Funeral services were held Wednesday at tfeth El Synagogue Bakery and for Mrs. Fannie Wintroub, 82, of Delicatessen Los Angeles, Cal., who died March 26 in St. Louis, Mo, She was a former resident of Omaha. Burial was in Beth El Cemetery. Surviving aro her husband, Max, Los Angeles; sons, Phlneas Our Store Will Bo Closed and Louis, Omaha; William, Kangas City, Mo.; Murray, Lo« AnSunday, April 2 and Friday April 7 geles; daughters, Mrs. Louis Krawitz, St. Louis; Mrs. Milton Otherwise, Will Be Open as Usual FranWe, New York City; Mrs. Mark Rayrrion, Boston; brothers, Complete Line of Passover Products Available Phil Batt, Omaha; Harry Bait, Chicago, 111; sister, Mrs. Bessie 556-5560 BOTH AND UNDERWOOD Spiegal, Fort Worth, Tex,, nine grandchildren and nine greatgrandchildren.

Herb and Ruth Forbes

Paris (JTA)—A new Israeli freighter, 13,600-ton "Nurit," built by the Societe des Forges Et Chontlers for the All Seas Israeli Shipping Company, will enter service in May,

For a Most Enjoyable Passover To Our Many Friends and Patrons

Smooth 'n' Mellow

Closed Sunday, April 2 for Passover

Wo,Who bring ffia fha Elghf your way, wish you Sfco floppies? of holidays'. BUY PASSOVER PEPSI BY THE CARTON TODAY—-AT THE SAMEPRICS


Certified by Rabbi M. felrfraan

Meat Market and Delicatessen I%ev. ~*^r* oDiamond •Stanley. 551-5554

4415 Cuming St.



Friday, March 81, 1001


Mork J. Brodkey Wins State Math Contest Mark Jeffrey Brodkcy led the field of twenty-seven hundred Nebraskans with a score of 8750 points in the fourth State High

School Mathematics Championchip. He is a student a t Central High, whose team ranfced first in the contest.

f GREETINGS Matzo Ball Soup and Matzos Featured Daily on Menu


Miss Lewis Weds Norman Veitzer


Joodi Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lewis and Norman Veitzer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Veitzer were married Wednesday, March 29 at Temple Israel. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks and Rabbi Myer S. Kripke, the latter of Beth El officiated. A dinner for the Immediate family was held at the Blackstone. Attendants were the bride's sister, Mrs. Michael Lazer, os matron-of-honor and the groom's brother, Irving Veitzer, as best man.



Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zorinsky announce they are the parents of a (laughter, Susan. The baby has two brothers, Barry Jay and Jeffrey Mark. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. David Rottmnn, Denver, Colo., and Mr. and Mrs. Hymie Zorinsky. Mr. and Mrs. David Gelbart announce the birth of a daughter, Tamara Ann on March 21. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Simon Gelbart and Mrs. Sadie Janger.


Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Goldstein announce the birth of their first child, Lawrence Jay K, on March 17 in Cincinnati, O. Grandparents are Messrs. and Mmes. Julius Barron and Arthur H, Goldstein.

for the


Stephen Appel, student at the Universit yof Iowa, at Ames, is ependinc the Passover holiday with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Henry Appel.

Wo havo Passover butter, sour cream, and milfe — Koshor for Passover—under personal supervision of Rabbi Nathan Feldman.

Marlene Friedman has elected president of the Sigma Delta Tau Sorority nt the University of Missouri at Columbia. She also was one of seven finalists vying for the title of campus queen. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Friedman.

At Your Door or Favorite Storo

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1409 Fornom









Be Sure Co Vote April 4

® 19 Years Experience Ik City Council @ Jewish Federation President © CsSy Carter Committee Vtce-President

Page Four


Friday, March 3J, JDO1

TKESS Jerusalem, ( J T A ) — F l f f u r e s show that 1J.75G persons toured Israel during the first two months

of this year, compared with a total of 9,800 for the same period in 19G0.

1701 Ho. 55fh St.

Vote for:

Noar Beth Israel and Harriion. Baautiful all-brick ranch. Centrally air-conditioned. 3 bedrooms, I Vi bathi. Another ihower and half-bath in basement. Lovoly panolod roc room with built-in bar. Carpeted. Boautifully landscaped lawn. To see, call SALLY VENGER, 551-9320, or 5518779. Office, 341-1200.


V m o i l r l T I I I T tal>le Is si't U|i li> MiiingstrrH nt i J e w i s h < u m m u n S n ( r u l e r . ( Mrtiriillon of J e u Kh l i o J I i l m i .UKI f < s t i \ i N a r c i m p o r t - i n t a s j i e i t t of J i ' u l i l i ( oiiiniiinitv ( e i i l e r i nfllll iti-il u l l h ( h o Jnwisli Welfare Hoard.

Fred Brcdkeys Spsnd Holiday in Israel Mr. anil Mrs. Krocl ]Jn«lki>y are in Isr.-tol for Passover, on the first lap nf a trip overseas. They cxpoei to speti'i imrt of Hie holiday vvitli a cousin. Ed\v;tr<l Fred, a randier near Haifa anil a former rwsidont of Waco, 'JVx. Thev will also HOI? rolatives • in

MONA LISA House o+ Glamour III No SOI)553 700C 6 Eiptrl H»il StylilH

Air-Conditioned Dryeri MISS MARSH and MISS JERRY Ownirl .



Specialising in Undervalued Securities

Nancy and Enid Vender, .students at the University of Oklahoma, at Norman, are .sjwiidinj; the sprint; holiday with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Abe VenKer. Enid and Judy Friedman. also a student at the University, were named to the Dean's list there. Miss Friedman is the Ruest of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Herman Friedman.

All friends and relatives are Invited l» ntl"ntl licrvlces mid reception Michael (ieiidli'r Michael G'-ndler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Irvinj; f!t>ndl"r on Tni-sday, April 4 at V a. in. at. Jieth Isi'.'l"1! Synagogue. Sn**an PorltT Siisan I'orter, (Inuj.'hti'r of C;iptnin and Mrs. Klliott I'orter, will he celebrated April 7 and 8 at Temple Israel.


portraits of distinction

Call 556-1317 Candid Wedding Albums Formal Bridal Portrait! Children Our Spocialty 1.

Quality' Work at Quality Pr!ce»







Orhsr Two Constructions Almoir Read/ of 40th and Chorlel 9

Past Proiidont, Croighton University Alumni Association


Omaha Sanitation Commission, 6 Yoars; C'lairman, • 2 Years


Omaha Human Rotations Board, 2 Years


Past Presidont, Omaha, Nebraska and Midwest Pharmaceutical Associations

Passover Greetings to Our Friends Cliff Christianson Harriot Frank Bess Gould

- Passover

Sholdon Steronborg Jim Lawronco Stan Sherman Leonard Gould












For More Information Calf

Best Wishes


• In Businoss as Druggist, 24th and Farnam, 24 Years

Endorsed by Good Government Association 1U% Ad Purchased by loonaid H. POWERS for d r y Council Commlttc* Chorlrs W. Loeman, Chairman; Arthur J. Menial, Treasurer

lime for a Change!

ExecutWo Committee , Milton R. Abrahams Cornle Collins John Dolehanf Izader* Elewlti O»org. Blllerbeck


Phil Rln 3 le William E. Sholnholrt Dr. Robert J- Soronssn John E. Vail

1314 NO 24TH ST

Harold Crawford

Dr. Robort J. Fitzijlbbortf


Dr. Lawreitc* DonahM . Alfred A. Fiedler Wm. t. tWynn) Fttigerald William P. Garrey Georg* Johntaa t. 1. tdene) McArdle George Horthoute. Jr. David H. Padenea Or. A. • . Plrtman

Dr. John Hartlggn W. Wallace Keenan James W. Murphy Frank R. Novak Charles Pierca Lylff Asmdo Wllllan f. Schallman

So*t by Calling 341-4977 Csrlitiad «nd approved by Rabbi Dr. Leon Thorn President, American Acacfamic Rabbis Association of Now Americans and Rabbi S Wt'lcin o> the Orthodox Rabbis Association of Now Yorli City

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phone 44}.rM lo msen your Wflni Ao i * « Jjwith Prmi

OOUMOIL GOf^lTTEE Jerr/ Kasssft, Chairman .

f .;

£MaMj^MiMMsiiMaii£jMui 1'Ol.lT!CA1. 7

1 P.M. to 6 P.M.

For Sale by Builder 1475 Sq. Ft. Home 6046 Hamilton

482» Dodae Cusromti Parklna


1801 FARNAM 346-4555

John Kalina

Attorney and Veteran of World War II


MombenNiw Tort Stock Eiefiang* and Other Principal {(changes

Very Happy




3 bedrooms, doublo closofs with light. Bath and a half. Disposal In kitchen. Another toilet and shower in basemont. Attached garage — Walkout basement.


for a


Bar and Has iifzvafi

Friinoe wliiuh is IncluiJeil in tlit'ir itinerary :ili>nj; with A u s t r i a , Italy and (irecce. I?tiriti;» tlif? trip they will relcl>ritt<? their thirtictii wmidinj; anniversary. On th? return, they will stop in I'ryn Mnwr, Pa. for the May 1'iay ci.'rcmfiiiii'S at V>ryn Mawr CoIIcce where their daughter, Charlotte is a Bludent. Thoy will' he joined fur the event by their son. Dr. Herald }>rodl(ey, now ititernini; n't a St. Louis, Mo. hospital.

Special Situations




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