|Lr 1 •*> I- --j'? Wv> *
7, 1061
One of the most unusual kick- will he held at the Dr. Philip off meetings in the history of Slier Home for the Aged, where tile Men's Division of the Philan- a tour of its new construction thropies Campaign, wil l>i> held will be made. Sunday, April ;>, Krnie No;:f;, Cnptiiliu of tho Men'N DIVIHIUM Men's Chairman, announced. Jiavo named tlm following workTh« fathering- will l>o held at ers to their teams. the new ramp site, 1«:; rolling —Add to Men's Kleli-Off Story . wooded ncres near I.otil»vllr, Alvin Abramson ( c a p t a i n t : Nclir., one of tin- most beautiful Lloyd Arkin, Jerome I1.'. Cohen, tracts of land ever to bo seen .Stanley K. Fcinburg, Albert IJ. anywhere, Mr. Nogg tleclarrd. He Feldmati, Sam Fried, M e 1 v i u ff<ilil tlio pluco 1A Jiittt niudc to (Jerry I Freeman, Sheldon- J. order for a camp and Hint tti Harris, Martin J. Lclir, Steven urenlo wonders ure breatlitaliliij,', J. Lustgiirten, Jack Stiss. "I want every worker to see Paul Alperson (captaini: Euthis beautiful place for himself," gene nraun, Elliott U. Brown, he stated, "and I hope everyone Dave Chorney, H a n y J. Fall:, in our division will join us Sun- Dan A. (iordman, JOniest J. Hock(Sejteil left tu right) Mmes. Donald Stern, Bernard flliiglil. day on our excursion. The camp, ster, Jerry Itubensteln. Maury L. (Stf. left to rljjht) Mnifs. Martin J-chr, Richard Fertll, Jeroino Required by the Jewish Federa- Schwartz. Radur.Dier, I.layd Arkln, Ilon.-ilrf HrodKey . . , I'slirrs. Not shown, tion, when established will not Ajon Farber (captain): Robert M n n lay l.asliimliy, Jternard friav. only be terrific for our children, Chnpman, Daniel Fogcl, .Mark hut will nerve all segments of the Gordon, Milton Katlemun, Martin community." Latter, Charles A. Monnsce, BerArrangements have been mailo nard Raskin, Milton Koscnthal, for tlm men to meet a t tho Cross- Stanley Ko.<;s, James Samuelson, roads (Shopping Ontar, 72nd nnd Ted J. Sanford, -Ramon'Somberg, A young uorrinn, fruuoiiN In her Gross, Isadora M. I.iberman, Har- JJodgo Htroots, nt 9:30 o. m. on Dr. Mehin Tutelman. Harry K. Goodbiuder (cap'own right, and daughter .of u ry l'ricsmnn, Arthur M. Ilubin, Sunday, April 0. Buses will ho prominent Israel personality, will Klliot Kubin, Max M. Steinberg ou hand to transport tho group taiiu: Harvey Aronson, Milton to tliti site whero hruneh will he Cackin, Jack Cigelnian, Richard .headline the next gathering <fl and Harry Weinberg, thu Women'K Division, Mrs. Alex- / Last Tuesday was an important served nnd n tour of tlio ground* M. Kellman, Warner Frohmun, , Barton (Ilticky) Greenberg, Walander II. T'ntnk. Women's Chair- day in the schedule of the Wom- will ha made. en's Division, when workers heard In case of rain, the meeting ter Greenberg, Joseph Radinowman, nlinoiimT.il. Slip is YOL'I iJayaii, youiif; Sab- Mrs. I. I). Fink of Minneapolis, ra, former Israel aniiy sub-lieu- Minn., national chaimxm of the tenant, ami author <)( two hunt United Jewish Appeal Women's selling novels, "Th<> Face in tlm division, speak at the Jewish Mliror," nml "Knvy the Fright- Community Center. ened." who "will IK- the guest Memorable Event speaker a t tlic anmml women's It was nlso a memorable occa"bid Meeting."- nnd iipry.^rt.]uni'.h-. sion for Mrs." Fink, wl]o isnld the eon, Wednesday,-April J'.i. at the f ir.*:t address she made on comCrossroads Auditorium, 7'Jnrl and iu;: to this country from France, Dodge- Street;;. was in Omaha some 15 years ago. .She said it was sentimentality, Invitations to Women Invitations to attend this gath- tl'.'it moved her to return for this ering haw.' been mailed to every week'!; visit. woman In the community, Mrs. Talks were tuudc at the meetFrunk said. She said she hoped liij; by Harry Trustln, Jewish everyone would take advantage Federation President; Arthur A. of the opportunity to welcome the .Colin, assistant to the General glamorous young Israeli. Campaign Chairman Samuel S. Her father is timi. JMoshn Day- Steinberg. The opening prayer on, former chief of staff of Is- was offered by Mrs. Lloyd Friedrael's army and now that coun- man, president of the Federation try's Minister of Agriculture. of Jewir.h Women's Clubs. Mrs. Third Generation Joseph Guss delivered campaign Carol Kobvnbaiuu, Stelo Gubs, b i m n Siieler, Bob Grow Mss Dayan, a third.generation instructions to the workers. Tiie Israeli, was born in l'.W in Nu- speaker was introduced by Mr*. Ilem-y AppeL The Mmes. Lazar halal, a village near Haifa. Her first visit to the United States Kaplan and Philip D. Schwartz, - in • 1950 was interrupted by news ns well as the Mmes. Guss and of the Sinai campaign. .She re- Appel are Mrs. Frank's Co-chairturned home immediately and en- men. Paul Veret, Federation 1'lxlisted in the Israeli Army six ecutive Secretary, was among the Appointments of the four top Bank—-Itnylm; Mnrlt GoldMrom months before her conscription guests of honor. posts for the 10G1 Jewish Youth —AZA No. 1; Brian Solr«f—AZA was due. At 37, she became a Council Philanthropies Campaign No. 100; Jerry Slu.sky—AZA JVo. sub-lieutenant, training rocruit.i. have been made, Stephen <~!UES, 1000; anil Itlchard Friedman—InHer first novel which won InYouth Council President, an- dependent Boys. stant acclaim, was ivrittcn before nounced. Lieutenants wll be nnnouccd brenkfast and during her long Susan Hnclcr nnd Guss, who sunn. night watc.be* us an officer. Ben !&ff, Educational Direc- were last year's eo-chlnnen, will "Miss Dayan is n credit to her tor of the Strategic Air Com- servo IM Grand Marshals for this family and her country," Mrs. mander, will speak at a U'nal ycitr's Campaign. Working with Frank declared in her enthusiasm IJ'rith Cornliusk-r these two capable yonng, people, for coming visit of the young er dinner meet-}, will lie Carol Kosenhaum and Israeli. "Khe has taken it upon i n g, Thursday,} Robert Gross, tho'lOCl co-ehalrherself to bring us the story of April 1.'! at the|. men. needed aid for newcomers to Is- Blackstone Ho-,J The Program of the Month The group already held their rael nnd distressed Jews over- tel, celebrating; series which has attracted cafirst meeting at the home of Suseas." the lodge's tliir-, san Speicr, where It wofi decided pacity audiences on every occaBoth her grandparent:!, pater- teenth anniverthat the annual rally will be held sion, will conclude Its popular nal nnd maternal, have been in- fiary. at the Sheraton-Fontenelle on season with the Omaha appeartimately bound up w i t h the April 30-.- The group hopes to ance of Marvin Lowcnthal, worldMr. Zcff who founding a n d development of reach a record goal of $1,200, Its famous historian, editor, -foreign modern Israel, nnd her mother recently returned correspondent and writer for leaders said. heads Mnskit, Israel's celebrated from Israel, has Captains representing tlio va- leading periodicals. served ns presivillage crafts Industry. 85 Years of Study rious clubs were-, nlso named. dent: of both " Zett Xoung "Murrleds" to Holier Mr. Lowentha), whose observaStationed at entrances to di- Kenosha, Wls., B'nal B'rith and They are: Naomi BothcnliorK— rect guests to the auditorium will its .Southern Wisconsin Council. Unhanue; Francco Ulfo—Ilevrah; tions are based on .35 years of Past president* of the Omaha Unite Zalltln — E d l a r ; Bonnlo travel and study, will speak at be a corps of ushers, headed by Mrs. Martin Lehr. The young lodge will be cited at the meet- Flslc—.-Independent Girls; Jon Temple Israel, on Thursday, April 20 at 8 p. m., Harry Sldwomen will bo the Mines. Donald ing. They are: man, Jewish Federation Center Harold Zellniky, Yole Richards. Harry Stern, Bernard Magic!, Riclutrd Goodblndcr, Iforman Hahn, toward Qolooilt Committee Chairman, said. Fcrtll, Jerome Roduziiier,' Lloyd Milton Cackln, Warner Frdiman. Jerold noson, Ralph Twltfl, Gerald DrnllMi, Recognized Authority An election of the Board of A r k i n , Ronald Brotlkey, Jay V/lllls Epstein, and Elliot Brawn. He is considered^ brilliant exCommissioners will be held at Lashinsky and Ecrnnrd Sax. the annual meeting of the Beth pert on interpreting'major issues Mrs. W-ank said in nddltion to WINS A\VAED Johannesburg—The Israel pa- Israel Synagogue, Sunday, April of the times r.uch as—feudalism, the last published list, the follow. Ing women have volunteered their vilion at South Africa's largest 9, at 2p.m. In the Talmud Torah. democracy, communism, petrolservices oa workers: Mines. I-ouis trade fair was cited for the sec- Reports will be given by the eum, water power, chemical riches -Arabs, Jews, Americans, chairman. Cutler, Albert Fox, S. Elmer ond successive year.
Gen. Daman's Daughter Will Address Women on April 19
Ben leff, Sp©aJk©r,
Uu|>y Hat< * 4
skl, pj'vin R. Simon, William Stone, Sidney Taren. Phil Kutler (captain): Philip Batt, Abe Bear, Morton L. Brett, Ix)uls Canar, Dean Frankel, Moa F. Kagun, Dr. Bun Kutler, RubenLippett, Hurt Render, M,-t\ R. S a c k .•;, Ted Sennott, (icrhard Spies, Marvin L. Steinberg, -Myron S. Tarnoff. Owen L. Meyerson (captain): Jack K. Duitch, Lloyd' B. Friedman, Daniel Katzman,' Morris J. IJpp, Stuart Muskin, Dona/d Nogg, Sydney S. Osten, David S. Rice, Robert Silverman, Howard Vann.
Founder Jo Address Dinner ieaSing Here Meyer L. Brown, founder and general president of the Farband Labor Zionkt Order, will address the- Omaha Chapter on Thursday, April 13 at. B:1S p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. He will speak on his experiences during a recent trip in Russia. He first went to what was then Palestine in lf)20 to investigate insurance conditions there and helped establish, jointly, by HijUulrut anil Fai-band, the largest multiple insurance, conroany in Israel—the Hasneh. He made another trip there in l!)30. Three years later he became managing director of the Judea Insurance (Continued on Page ?,.) WASHINGTON'S LETTJOK Tel Aviv—A replica of Georjra Washington's letter to the Jewish community of Newport, R. I. was presented to the ZOA House Library here.
Sioux Oily Section to Appear in Press This week we welcome our Sioux City neighbors to the Jewish Press. The Sioux City Section will appear in the Press for a period of time during the Sioux City United Jewish Appeal Campaign. Members of the Sioux City Jewish Community will receive this publication. Harry Tru&tln, Federation President Richard Goldman, Tress Committee Chairman
To Speak atTemple April 20
Annual Meeting
British, French and Russians, A J the result of his historical trains Ing, has a flair for detecting events by the shadow they cast before them and ns early as 1922, he warned against tho imminent danger of a nationalist dictatorship in Germany. At present, Mr. Lowenthal Is director at Brandeis University Library. Free Program* Tlie program is open to the public and free of charge. It is sponsored by the Center in cooperation with the following community organizations: Beth Kl synagogue, Beth Israel synagogue, B'nai B'rith's Henry Monsky I-odgc and Chapter, Cornhusker Lodge nnd Chapter; Omaha Chapter of Hadassah, Temple Israel and the Young Adult Council.
" P«g« Two
Center Sports
Friday, April 7. 1001
Jt'STIN MCWIS TO ATTKND PublJ&Iied weekly on Friday beginning tlie lai.t week In August HKBUKW UNIVEKSITV tlirougli second week lu July by the Jewish Federation <»/ Omaha. sormu.L Justin Lewis, sophomore nt Second Ciojs Poslont Poio c! Onw.M, h'tfcr. Tlie Center Varsity Softball Annual Sutiicr.'pflcrt.. tJ (;u. Advertising Kales en AppSicctkr.. A ticp Drnndeis Univcr;.ity, will spend team will play In the Omaha P l l i O i 1 0 1 i<0. ICih SlrctT, Oir.cliu. Ntcr3U<13M. Puol.colisn OXic .Editor Softball Association Clara "A" lib Junior year at Hebrew UniJLRS. FRANCES IfULN Club lcaKue a;"ain Iliis seaKon. versity in Jcuisalein in a student League pi;iy will commence* April exchange program under the iiusSUMMER •!<)« pices of the American Friends of 'SI. l'rliiccton University SdiolurThe Jay will play a 15-{?ame Hebrew University in conjunct ion bti![> Student <MII>1I.)I «"' srlu-iiulc with a roster of 15 men. with the embassy of Israel nnd need Miinmir employment, (lames will lie played on Thurs- the Jewish Apency for Israel. BtartiHK lu June. Write Kill day evenings, coach will be Cy He has IKCJI spending thp Horwleli, 'ill Witlii-rsiiooii S( itchidc. Epriiiff holiday with liis parents, Hall, I'riiueton, X. J., or call The tram boasts ihreo top pliiy- Mr. and Mrs. I.ou Lewis anil will inv home, M1-'MI~I~. trs: Lindy Paul, Hay Kirl<e and be home ucain before fjoing to Israel In July. Wayiie Sie^el. Other candidates for the team in. aro: Alan Kanecky, Howard l.ipUAH. TO WAI.I: CAIH'CI'INU Itelh I'.I AM) 1'IJIINITUHK to:i, .Monio Ilandlr-man, Al HoCleaned In X'our Home Friday at 0 a. in;, Sabb.jih Ki'iid, Cy Scitcliick, Stuart Kahn, seryire 1 P- m. Sntunlay early Ixonru'd U"oik, Howard Martin, service hu'linliiic Yi/.hor, fi:4!5 Hoy Katsl'.ee. N'onn Zcvitz, HoKKI'AlltlN'O I.AVINd • HKU'IN'Ci a. in. Ki'k'ulur service 9 a. in. Yiz- land Kahn and Steve Rosenblatt. BINDING • CI.KAMNO kor U a. in. f *,,*•' VOt TH COVSCU. OIA.MI'ICS e New and Repairs Ileth Israel Youth Oounril Olj'mpic activity Friday ev'Piiiiijr-Passover Serv- suings into action this Sunday • Wiring ait ices (Kubokis .Sh(il)hf.s), G:'J"> wirh wrestling and table tennis 0 Residential : p. in. Late evening service will tfjiimeys. RUG CLEANERS he it'surned April 14 ni 8 p. m. Wrestliiu; will l>Pi;in at 12 noon • Commercial Don Bernstein, 345-2554 Slialibos nionilnjj services 8:<15 with weii;h-in's at 11 a. m. WresCall a. in. Junior Con;:rej:«-ition at 10 tlini; (iivisions will be in 112 lbs., n. n). Saljbatl) Minclia, 6:-i5 i>. m. 120 lbs., 127 lbs., V.a lbs., 338 BERNIE SOMMER Maariv, 7:35 p. m. lbs., 1J5 lbs., 15-1 lbs., 1G5 lbs., 556-3520 A Littlt Sunday morniiii.: Passover serv- 175 lbs., and heavyweight. "Nil J»li loo Me or ices 'J a. m. Junior Oonnregaiion Dcfcmlinij' table tennis champ, too ftnnill f»r us" 10 a. in. Daily serviced 0:50 p. tn. Steve Kaplan, is expected to svicMONUMENTS J,[rH»*cil in Onmlm and 7 a. in. ft.K.sfuIy defend his title URiiin nnil (iiuncll Illuffn the Jewish Tradition Might B> this year a.s play gets undenvay VtmrIn ord«r shoutrt ho plnccd woll in the (;ymn/isiiirn lit 1:30 p. m. In adv.-inrc* of "Vohr/t-ll" KJ UIC Temple Israel Your Biggest Enemy wuric docs not have lo be hurried. .Sabbath services at Temple IsHayim, off to a fast start In Smooth V Mellow rael at 8:15 p. in. April 7. Raljlii Olympic points with titles already Wo «ro known for our oxacling Kidney H. liruoks will officiate. wrapped up in Softball, flag footHcbrow lettering and dolflil. Sermon topic, "Kellfjion in Polit- ball and baskctbal, seek to furYou may place your confidonca ical and Social Action—An In- ther their advantage against the En ui knowina each detail And tradition will bo Adhered to wtfh escapable Jewish Issue," other three clubs. utmoit caro and ilcill. Miss Ida Gitlin will direct the Tlie Youth Council Swimming choir. meet will be held ut the Jay employ no nRfrntw—hrri» you Saturday inorniiiK .service at Mvirnmini,' pool on Wednesday, vft Otr«n fxpniiHlvo rnmrnUnions tl'Mil ilirrctly with thn oun* 11:30 a. ID. for adults and reli- April 19 ht H:30 p. m. Tlie track cni )ou . , , IVo InvJto you to cornprtr*) gious KChooI. . . ', W'tj ptrtntt mi tintlmfly nollrland field meet is scheduled for Conjulf . . . Vmi aro free to malic up Conclusion of Passover serv- Tech high cchool on Sunday t»tlon your own MImJ. ices, Temple Israel at 11 a. m., morniii},'. May 7. The Softball Friday. league will open a t Elmwood Park,on Sunday, May 21,Frank Rcnna IS.N'al Jaeob-Adatj Yi-slniron PEST CONTROL SERVICES 3213-1S " p " Sf. 731-4111 Friday, Minclia, G p. in. SaturOpen Sunday 2-5 1407 Homey 341-0088 day, 8:30 a. m.\-ilinc-ha; G p. in. Slnco 1923 IN followed by Sholo.sh Scudos. All friends and rclntlven are . Daily services at 0:40 a. m. Invited to attend services anil imd G:30 p. m. reception. Susan I'urler Susan Porter, daughter of Another "First" Captain and Mrs. Elliott Porter, FOR THE FINEST... Friday nifilit, April 7 and SaturIN PHOTOGRAPHY day morning, April 8, Temple Israel. Portraits' Weddings A group of Kansas City, (Mo.) David Jucobson ' women will present "Panel of Commercial the Americans," at the Temple Itlrliard Jaoobson Isarel Inlerfaith luncheon meetDavid Jacobioiij'son of Mr.'and ing, April 11 at 1 p. m. The guest Mrs. Jack Jacobson nnd fiiclmrd panelists will be Mrs. Elliot Ja- Jacobson, son of Mr, find Mrs. You will enjoy every bito of this cobsen, Jewish faith; Mrs, Milton Walter Jacobson, Friday evening, tajty moat. .Sautes, Catholic faith; Mrs. Da- April 14 and .Saturday morning, 0 '-• *->*-? jUi£j Z vid Kulie, Bahai; Mrs. Ernest April 15 at the 10:30 a. m. servDick, Protestant faith nnd Mrs. ice. Jtmt IVrff^'t for a Earl Thomas, Negro race with Mrs. Paul Brown, moderator. Mark Chernlark Overall co-chairmen ore the Mark Cherniack, r>on of Mr. Mmes. Stanley Fisk and Louis and Mrs. Harold Chernlack_April. PHOTOGRAPHER I.ipp with Mrs. Edward Levlnson 14 and 15 at Temple Israel. SERVING OMAHA WITH OUALITY PRODUCTS FOR 40 YEARS! 817 SOUTH 36TH STREET in charge of the program and the 345-1044 Mmcs. Charles Stern and Maur- DENNIS OENE IISHEft BAKERY AND ice Greenspan, the luncheon. Dennis Gene Fisher, son of Mr. DELICATESSEN and Mrs, 'Morris Fisher, former Open Sundayi Till «:30 P.M.— 554-55*0 Omahans, «t Whittier Jewish Community Center, 145G4 East 50TH AND UNDERWOOD Hawcs St., Whittier, Cal., Sat••'*• J-''T-.'-tHr -iFf*^-*-^ ?^|,n^'-'-T urday, April 22.
By Cy Sdtthlik
Gompleio Oarpef Service
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Temple Infer-Faith Program Features .Kansas-Gily Panel
John Kalina
Qualify Meat Product*, Friendly Service
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KOSHER CHICKENS KILLED DAILY Sovo by Colling 34M977 ' Extra Lean Rolled
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CertifUd «nd approvtd by Rabbi Dr. Loon Thorn, Preild«nt, Ametlc«n Academic Rabbit Anoclotion of Naw Amiricam, and Rabbi S. Wdllun of tho OrfhOdon > Rabbit Aiiociotionjcf N«w Yotk City. :
Pncie W2-15J6 to mtcrt your V/chi W » tlio Jewish Press.
Daily JciUMi Nctcsjiapcrs BAR and Ban Ulltzvah conjjratulr.tiQ.is also / o r al] Jewish holidays and special occasions. Mrj-crs NCIVR Stand, 1502 Dodge
aSl Weinesday^for Thursday
Friday, April 7, 1901
Chanticleer Players to Appear nt Belli I I The Chanlicleer Players of Council Bluffs will prtsi'iit a rehearsal of Ihi'ir forthcoming production, "Once More With F e d ing," Apjril ] ] , 9:"0 a. in. (tt the "cup and saucer" breakfast meeting of Belli Kl Sisterhood. Members arc invited to l»'inr: readlnj; material for tin; library mid any merchandise, sfamp bonks they wish to donate The noniiiuitinj; committee will present the sisterhood slate of officers for the coming' year. Trmpli! Israel Men Temple Israel men will have "coffee with (lie Rabbi," Sunday, April !), preceding a discussion period.
Page Three i; CLASSICS HELD IN ISKAICLI FACTOKIES Jerusalem, (JTA) — Factories now conducting weekly H i b i o and plants throughout Israel are Classes.
A planning committee for Iladassah's Israeli style show and dessert luncheon, Wednesday, April 'M at the Crossroads auditorium, ha:; been named by Mrs. Meyer Ho.senbaum, over-all coordinator. They are Mines. Krvin Simon, .Sam Iv.itzinan, Dan Gordman, Harold Wcinhoff, Leonard Hernstein, Nathan Murcus, Harold Kasin, Jtolx'rt Ilosen, Stewart Kalm and Jerry Haduziner.
( •
House of Glamour Meyer Ilrown
I I I No. 50th 653-7000 4 Export Hall Styliiti Air-Conditioned Dryeri MISS MARSH and MISS JERRY Owneri
ll'li" ! '
Brown to Speak ('ornliiislii r IClrctlmi The B'nai B'rith ("'ornliusker (Continued from Page 1.) Chapter No. ]0.'!2 will hold nn Co., Ltd. and remained in that election mcctiiif; at lite T'.UickKtonr.' Hotel, Monday, April 10 nt post until 19-11. Now 8:30 p. m. Mr. Brown studied at Temple Featuring University nnd later at ValparMrs. Suviilsliy will CANTONESE aiso, specializing in social sciences Nnrrutr •'Sllile-Lcctnre" APPETIZERS Mrs. Saul Suvnlsliy of Council nnd in the field of economic;. lie Bluffs will narrate a "slide-lec- is well known as an author and ture" ot a trip to Israel and Ku- wrote tiie recently published rope at a Helh Israel Sisterhood "Through Jewish Kyes." meetinj:, April 11 after a 12::!0 p. in. luncheon. In charge, are Mrs, Arthur I'arDedications llman, program and the Mines. Max Greenfield, I. J. Kraft and MAX DAVIS Sidney CJoldberi;, luncheon. A monument will bo dedicated to the memory of Max Davis on R Sunday, April 9 nt 2:30 p. m. Mrs. Arthur Abrntns, Iladassnh at Helh Kl Cemetery. Kabbi My1 rummasc sale chairman, said or S. Kriplte will officiate. thai a store at Iflth and I.eaven•'worth Streets will receive merchandise 1-4 p. in., April 9-12-1.3. She will he assisted by Mines. Gerald I'. Oohn and David Katzinan. J'urlinml Speaker gomohg Max Kaplan of Sioux City, vice chairman of. District 7, will address Chapter 54 of Farband, Sunday, April 9 at 8:30 p. m. at Come Meet the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Milton Nearenberc will present a program of Yiddish songs Iz "Boggy" Bogdanoff and a Sholom Alelchem reading.
U t Him H.lp You Wllh Your Clothing Soloclioni
The National Council of Jewish Women will hold an open board meeting and 12:30 p. m. luncheon, Thursday, April 13, at Hilltop House,
Kilpatnclc't Mon'j Clothing — Second Floor
Births Dr. and Mrs. Harold
Oherman of Ann Arbor, Mich., announce the birth of a daughter, Michelle Sue on March 28. They will leave In July for Washington, D. C , where Dr. Oberman will be stationed at Walter Heed Hospital. Baby's grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. Isidore Oberman of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Segel of Cleveland, O. Abraham Simons Is a great grandparent. Mr. nnd Mrs. Allan Schecler of Council Bluffs are the parents of a daughter, Mardi Jo born March 14 at Clarltson Hospital. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Myron Schectcr of Detroit, Mich., who visited in the Omaha-Council Bluffs area last week, nnd Mr. and Mrs. Albert Okrcnt, Omaha. Grcat-grandparcnts ore Mr. nnd Mrs. Max Polasky of Los Angclcs, Cal. \ •' Dr. nnd'Mrs. Martin Blacker of Baltimore, Md., announce the birth of a daughter, Nancy Ellen on March 30. Grandparents tire Mr..and Mrs. David Blacker of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Kd Morris of Salina, Kans. Dr. Blacker is an nssistant resident neurosurgeon at Johns Hopkins a t Baltimore.
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See your appliance dealer-— DRY BETTER ELECTRICALLYI j Paul Ncrcnberg, nbput 55, former Omaha tailor for fliany years, died Sunday nt Montchello, Cal. Survivors: wife, Mildred; sons, ,Caro Lee and Bnrry, both of California; brothers, Sam, Phoenix, ;Ariz., Milton of Omnhn, nnd two •''grandchildren,: The funerol was Tuesday at•Monlebelio.
•*£ : ** : i -
CITY JEWISH PRESS Of filial Publication of SioiiJt City Federation
People mi Pfesos In Iho News By Bernard SJmman YEAR o r Tin, is\i; M H / VAII—The 13th year (•.•lemony Which recognizes the man in n IJOV is traced to a period far removed from the development and growth of today. I'aiX'nis tod;»y know well that the "man" is not really on his own in the 1.'!th year am! that their responsibility does not end with the traditional
. Levich Leads Women's iriefing Session Tuesday Tin- lifiil r utled Jenlsli Campaign r;in linnet ihr hlggc-t "WAC" corps in tin; Iilhtory uf the i;oiii):iii;u IVmiinn'i IMvIsIuu. Twtnt.v-thrco rciloiKrU and eighty-five captiUns have been enrolled tu solicit iiU-diirH fur tbf Woman's DRislnn, nrcording to tlie n-port Is.Hiiril hv Mrs. I);in I.cvieh, chairman of the Division. TIIIH .Women'* Army Corpi Hill loci-t fur tlirlr Inllhil general l>rlrfhi£ nt a tea nt Uip liomc of their rummandtng otflrer, 330!) Sylvlaii IViiy, Tiifiwluy, April 11. The Women's Division, biggest In number of contributors to br reached, and second biggest in fuiiiis raised, will contact over '100 prospects, m;iny of whom will come to the Women's Division luncheon, April 16. A tiiMTial effort will be nnrfe tft reach ovnr 50 women \\\io Uvo In ton'Dt in ihc Klnm City area. 3Ir«. loe Gold.ttoln nidnd by 5Ir». \VIUL-ua Slotikv of North Rlonv City, South Daiot.% plan tn tour the area tvlUiIo a DO-mlln radius nntl pay perMnnI vfsltN, cither to Induce tlip women to attend the opening luncheon nt to fttplnln til*1 needs of the campaign and obtain their pledges tlirn ami there. Tlie Women's Division colonel1; have h;id « number of preliminary meetings and have already obtained a number of increased pledrces. according to Mrs. lycvich.
This i:» Israel's I'ar Mii/.vtili year. Since 1.9-lfl, aid provided by Jews of America through the United Jewish Appeal has helped in the settlement of STIj.OOO- immigrants, and the complex ahKorptjun of two-third- of these . newcomers. But this a>d has nnt kept pace with the need.?, and tl»o responsibility will not: end until ALL the immigrants have the opportunity to build nn adequate and productive" life. ran SCHOOL OIT:STION— The American Jeuii'h committee urged conferess to deny federal nid: to private and p.'iroclii.il schools, whether Jewish, Catholic or Protestrtnt. and thus defend the Constitutional tradition of separation of church and state. SCHOOL CRISIS. AFIUOAn— Abba S-.Eban, education minister, contended that the strike' by Israel's sec-onri.irv school teacherr., in effect since March ">. was "unjustified and irresponsible." The striltim? teachers want rerojrni- 'Rockwell' Film at tion of their ov.n union, separation from primary school teach- Vets' Meeting, Wed. ers, different salary classificaThe J.wish War Veterans Po-f tions and different ratings re- No. X;7 will hold a dinner meetgarding their hiqlier qualifica- •in;r,. Wednesday. April 12, G:.'[0 tions. p. m.. at the Xonnnndy ncstauThe Knesset announced die rant. CiUi'St spealter will be Milton striking teachers would not be paid for time nwav from the Miles. <if Dra Moines, Pistrict who will show a classroom.1!, except for the tuo- ('ommantlrrr, v and-a-h.ilf week Pas'wcr vaca- niovi> o?i the activities.of Lincoln P.rH'lnvel). head of the American tion. A STUON'G ISRAKls—Peace in Xiz! Party. the Middle East depends on Israel's deterrent capacity, accord- Organizaf Isns The Mt. Sinai Sbterhood has ing to Golda. Meir. foreign minister. She told the Knesset Israel's cancr-llod their April 10 Board military, political and economic meetinp. The ne::t Board meetstrength was not only a guaran- ing will br> held May lfi. Shaarc Zion Women's i^ajpic tee for the coming of peace b<>Board will meet Monday, April tween Israel and the Arabs: It also. was a guarantee of peace 10, 1 p. m. nt the home of Mrs. Irving Lefkow. 3019 Sylvian Way. throughout the rerrion. She noted the statement, of Vice- President Lyndon Johnson Tim Klass Bar Mitzvah Tim' Klass, son of Mr. and Mrs. . in that the United States believed in the possibility of reducing the Marvin .7. ..Klasc. will observe his burden of armaments borne by Bar MitzvAii at Friday nvening countries in the Middle East. 'To- and Satui-day morning services, ward that objective," said Mrs. April 14 and 15, at the Sbnarc Meir. "Washinnton will find, a Zion Synagogue. At the Saturloyal partner in the Israel gov- day service he will read the entire Torali portion as well as ernment." POLITICS I.V ISKAEL—Ben- chant the Haftorah. Tim, who Gurion's Mapai party, hard-hit graduated from the Sioux City by the infamous I.avon affair, bc- Hebrew School in 19G0, has been. Kari unifying for the penertl elec- attending as a grariuateand spetions tn mld-Aupnist. A bifj elec- cial student. An Oneg Shabbat. will follow, tion rally wns held in Tiberias. .Speakers were Mrs. flleir and tlie Friday evenuifj service and Zalman Aranne, former minister, a lunclmon following thc^ Saturof education. Both had supported day service.- No invitations have Lavon against Ben-Gurion, but at been sent. All friends are invited, the rally, the speakers lauded the accomplishments of Ren-Gurion's regime. THE FINAL PARAGRAPHS— Representatives of a badly-riivideil Moroccan Jewish community adopted a resolution asking the government to recognize tlie Jews as a separate community, apart from tlie Moslems, although enjoyintr equal rights. Willy Brandt, mayor of West Berlin, asks Jews of the world to place their trust in a post-war Germany democracy "in which , national socialism has no longer nny political basis." 'Attorney General Paul Adams of Michigan ruled that Eible readfnjt in the public schools of ••?•
the state was a violation of both tlie state and "federal constitutions.
Strictly Kosher Jtrfef ly Frmfc Slaugtitered Daily EniiorsmI by Rnbbl Bolotnlltov anil tlie r;iou* City Knalirut. Council
By HiTliarJ Klmiuan
.^trs. Dan
"We'll make our r.nal of 5127.L<X) this year, urn} wi- will make it vvitiiout t(K) mud) difficulty." 'i'lie-i" worilB canif" out slowly, and softly, and in listeninj; to them, oil" know-that the speaker meant what he said. The;:e were the words of Harold R. Goldstein, the business nun uho, difipite a work schedule that rf;r|uiros his constant mni immi'diati? atrention, lias ass'lined tiie chairmanship of Hi" lifil T'nited Jewish campaign in the city. Mr, <<»l(Isti'lnV neecptanrp 0/ H10 IIOKIUMII at k-ailfrslilp li tlif direct result of serving hi many other caiupaljjns ov^r tlio yearn In lesser cipjieltles. These minor rrtlrm Include tlift jMftition of Iowa »t.itr> vice chairman of tlm T'^T.A. In I9W, His acceptance also is tin; direct result of mi lioin'Rt iiripr.r1nl of him::elf in relationchlp to the community: II<? feelri nn ol>lij;ation to the community, asserting that "Ihe community has the right to expect tneryone 1<> do bis or her share" in community functions. The Sioux Citv Foundtv anil
U . . , Harold- B, «iuldntcln Sioux City will successfully reach it.3 1S01 United Jewwii Campaign goal of SI27,.ri0ft, according to general chairman, Harold II. Goldstein. The goil will In- reached because it Hi a realistic appraisal of the money absolutely required from Siou^ City, and ly?cnu.w it is a reali'llr* estimate of the commuinK fu.'id-raisim; capacity this Spiiiic Sleet Budgf't Xred That Emu is what is neccs' n v to meet the budgol of the JeuKh Community O u t e r and Fedontion Social Scn'lce, to m''et. oui responsibility to more than fIft> hospifaln anr3 national. .lewiOi nvencirs, nntl to provide ST.l rj00 to ovprsons t.TJA for immigriiitreKciii1 v.'Orl'.. DIvI-dmiH All ,S«t All five major campaign di.islons are organized and ready (or action, according to Mr. Goldstein. The Advance Gifts Division, which Is being hr;a<!ed bv !\Ir. Goldstein personally, with the assistance of Uernard Linman, is due to start fcrrmallv IBroId B. Coldstein April 1.3th, but ban already lia«' a trial opening, and is running Boiler Company official was 1 fi per cent nhead of expectations. pleased to report thi.i j-car'3 dri\e The General Men's Division un- is off to a promL'iinc start. Kirly der cliaiiman William Potash is solicitations show a IS per cent scheduled to trick off with a increase in contributions. Needworkers' brunch. April 10 at the less to insert is the fact that Jewiah Community Center. Mr. should this pare continue, everj'Potash held an organization one. involved, from Mr. Golditein meeting RIarch 21, during which to the unsunc but erfsentinl worlthe recruited GH colonels and cap- er. will be overjoyed. faines. The General Men's pivlBut most Ini'wrtant of nil-— sion plans'to cover their pros- tfioux City's enltri> Jewish compecti, which are for practical munlty ivlll renp the rewards of purposes flip bulk of the Jewish a successful cnmpiilKn. In fact, community, more thoroughly Jeivs tlirouglioiit tlie world will lienefifc than over before. I7;;e of funds raised "to .transSirs. Levied—Women plant Jews from persecution to The Women';! Division under tlie welcoming arms of those that the leadership of Mrs. pan Lc- will accept them" is a basii: rea\'ich, following the example of son why tin's year's drive is BO Advance ("lifts, lias experimented important, Mr. Goldstein said. with trial prc-opnning solicitaHomes of these Jews lire in Altion, and has found that, women geria. Some are in Morocco. Othare readily pledging 10 per cent ers are in the Soviet-dominated and more over 1900 gifts. Im- coimtrie?! of Europe. portant dates In the Women's Di"It is true," admitted Mr. Goldvision calendar arc the Colonels' stein, "that there arc no life or and Captains' Tea. April 11. at death issues at the present time Mrs. l/cvich'g home, and the big as thera were In 1918 when IsWomen's luncheon, April 27. nt rael was established. But there the Jewish Community Center. a r e penuine honest needs that Mrs. Karl munt be met now for the welfare Tlie Business and Professional of the Jewish people." Women's Division under tiio Allliou^h tlie Itbn'» nlure of the chairmansliip of Mrs. Stanley money raised ROCH elsewhere, a Karl is set for its opening dinner vital £10.000 remains a t borne,to April 19 at the Jewish Commun-r provide for the operation of tlin My Center. The Area Division un-. city's unique nisi nofcworUiy der Phil Conn plans to Ret under Jewish rWfirailan. way April 2C "The Federation is tlie closest thing to me in the campaign," NFTV ••'•";• this, reporter waff told by Mr. Not a single member missed Goldstein. Tliere was ho liesitathe "KFITT Sabbath" service, tion. on tlie spealcer's part as he March 2i. Mewbcxs have been extolled tlie wonderful job the serving at all Sistorhood lunch- federation Is. ctoinij. In particular hi» cited the well-rounded youth eons.
•prom'am, the Goldirit Age club and tlic uccomnio'lutioiii offered Jews and non-Jews alike. Because of tin? carefully deliberated distribution of the funds raised, the ITifil cajnpaljm can not be classified ins nn nil-Israel drive. This h not to say that money doesn't j;o jro Israel, where 11 is so badly needed. S» ain.'i/lii;; IH Israeli proffn s s In Its 1.1 years of life U1.1t It It difficult to rero(jnl7^> that this mivniirf' IIIIA hficn Iijf;Iily on* Rvcn. that tlio o»or-aU (froutli liaft bran In spurt* which have left lurue pnckptu of nr«L Then* unmet timls Rri« a serloui threat to tlir rstnbllubnient of n truo ulahlo rroimtny In Israel, At thi;; [joint Mr. Goldstein cintioned that tlie national goal of 872,7-lO.fMO and the Sioux City t«n;et are not fij;ure;j selected at random. T V word he used to describe them \v:m "realistic" It was an .Mljcctive selected" with much thmifibt,. just like the (joals wen* dr'torminerl after hours of deliberation. . Kciteratinj* the hope of a successful campaign this year, Jlr. (ioid.sl.ein urj.red hi;; neighbors to dive their fair share. But what it n fair share? Hou- c/tn it be determined? It is recommended that Sioux Cityans follow the example of Mr. noM'.tein and malte an honest evaluation of themselves in relationship to the community as a whole, Ailinit what is needed In tlie ruinpaiini. Admit h o w many there are who must Rivo to make up the campaign. The ronfURlon of the fair share will be resolved.
New Wing of Iowa Home for Aged to Be Ready in May The Iowa Jewish Home for Aged's new residents' wing is ncarinf; completion, according to a liullctin just received from De.i Moines. Furmal opening is scheduled in May. Construction on the new winjc ticcan last l['alL The Sioux City Jewish community participated in the building fund, drive to make the enforcedIlonae possible. A'number, of applicants for admission are awaiting available space, inoludlnii some from Sioux City.
To Address gSroyps Harry Weinsaft, now a Detroit paint dealer but in 1947 ;i cr'cvv-mcmber of the orininal "ExfJduo," will he cuost speaker at the General Men's DiviiSion workers' brunch, Sunday, April 16 and the Women's Division luncheon, Monday, April 17. Ha will also address one o r more Advance (lifts parlor mecti driiiR his S'.oux City visit.