Vol. XXXIX —No. 81
yuMlculiun OHlce, 101 No. SOth UmtUia Nebratha Pliune 842-11503
l i t WAY,
21, 3DS1
***"% ^ l ) ^ " ^ ' "
g Copy IUO Annum Rate 54
On Parade for
wmmmim 11. A I', captains tirid lvorlirrn mi'l nt the Iiuiuc ot Mrs. .Tuscjili (IIIHS, (ittiiTnl Wnmcii'H IMvisInn <<>-elialriii:in, for Sunday tvu ."mil nil Intensive l'lii!iuitlir<i|iicH c:uni»:il|rii planiilug M'ssion. 1'rt'KMit « I T P (barU miv fct.indliij,' left to rl«ht>: Kaluli Franklin, Mrs. Duvid <irppnl)prp, Nylvlii r.'irilinaii, Alro. Harry Itothol/,, IZIalrip AreiiRon, WPSW, lllanlt, Kli»i1n:lli Hart, .Mrs. .Tulln Jacobs, Mrs. Aim MUZIT, Mr*, .Toner Mayer, Mrs. .Wave Bcclicr. (Kcnti-d li<ft to right):' Mrs, (,'url I-u:;m:ui ,MrH. Anne Kosliln, I.lllijin Slut/.liy, Mrs. Harry SallzIIIIUI, Mrs. I'iiilip I)., 15. & I', chairman, and Mn>. Alexander
I>. Fraiilc,General M'OIUCII'H Chairman, Mrs. diaries S. Jtoss, Mr«. Allco IIICJ-IT, Julia /idler, Mrs. Itoso Sulilk and Mrs. Sol Miroff. (Not slnnyn nre)s Uclii'.cca IScrc.ovlci, Mrs. Flu I'.rmilistrin, Mrs. Isndoro Dunsky, Mrs. Sarah IVIIniaii, Mrs. ICII/nlirtli Fried, Mrs. Morris <;insbur(j, {Jrernhcrp, Mr*. K:tm J,i>nk, KvBlyn I.rvy, Itila iioMMi, Mrs. lOthvln Itcisenhlatt, Mrs. Jennie KosonMaU, Uorolhy ItoMullial, M^rs. I'"aii Khenimri, IJclie Siegel, Mrs. Louis Soltrin, Ida Nprln^, Durulliy Woinrr, l('iiniile Wezclirian, and Mrs. Marian Vault/..
Rozanne Siporin Chairman Of New College Division
29 Youth Coundl W.0. Boys Appointed; To Hive Plays Sun. The Workmen Circle Dramatic Rally, April 30 Club will present two one-act
Miss Ro'zanno Siporin, UnlverKllty or Oinahn fcopliomoa-, will serve ns choinii.'in of the newest
division of th«\ Jewish Philanthropies Campaign. She will bond tho newly designated College Section, Sum •Steinberu, General Campaign eliairman, said.
'61 Camp Feature
"Mils Siporin, is a very capable younfT woman, whose personality and abilities will be a credit and Incentive for all tho:;e who ni-o scrvinj; with her," Mr, Stclnbenr, said. "The division is very fortunate to have Kozanne Siporin as chairman. She is very conscientious and has many fine ideas on cxeeulinrc.a'campaign iimonE tlii: colicRe youth." Opens at Tnistln Home The college drive, the first of Us kind In several years, will open its activities at an open house on the evening of May 7, (Continued on I'njje 3.)
Cap.ililc YOUIIR VVoiiuin
A newly completed pool with n largo adjacent bath iiousc is wailinj: for the first bus load of Camp Jay-C-O cmnpers who will arrive .Tune 25 for the opening session nt the 1001 loentlon just west of Louisville, Ncbr. and next to the future site recently ac<|iiirrd by the Jewish The pool, in the form of a "T" was designed to accommodate swimming and diving classics' at the Fame time. A large, bathhouse ifl equipped with private dressing rooms for boys and girls and ample showering space. Water sports and associated activities will play an important role in the 1BC1 camp program, Norman Batt, camp chairman, paid, In urging residents of tbo community to enroll their children as soon as possible to malco sure they may ur,e this wonderful facility. Reservations are being taken at Jewish Community Center camp office. For additional information call 34.2-130G and ask lor the camp headquarters. (Camp pictures at bottom of liage.)
Befit Israel Program Oiling Irene Dunne Bob Consldinc; prominent radio commentator and news columnist, will be in Omaha, Sunday, April 23 to appear on the program at Hetli Israel when Miss Irene Dunne, famous fiim star, will receive, the synagogue's annual Humanitarian Awat d. Dan Gordman, General Chairman of the event, said Mr. Considine, who just- returned from (Continued on Page 3.)
_'l'op entertainment has been obtained for Hie I'.iG! YouUi
plays with songs and readings, Sunday, April 23, at 8 p.m. at the Council Philanthropies rally, to Jewish Community Center. be held on April .'10. at the SherTickets (75 cents per person) aton-Fontenellc Hotel, at 7:.'!0 a. m. Carol Itosenbaum and Kob- may be purchased at the door becrt GIVJ.IS, drive eo-thairni(M), an- ginning a t j p. m., Morris Goodman, chairman, reported. nounced. The complete program, will be nnnuunccit after arrangements for the appearance of a prominent speaker, are definite. Preparations for the rally were made at a captain's meeting reThe Golden ARC Club "will celecently, .Stephen Guss, Grand Marshal nnd Youth Council brate its ninth birthday with an president, said, Susan Speicr, the open house, tea and anniversary other Grand Marshal, discussed program on April 24 at 1 p. m, the duties of the captains nt Unit at the Jewish Community Center. Golden AgerN Invited time. The club which Is giving the Twenty-nine high school boys have been appointed as lieutenants to represent thoir Youth Council affiliations at the drive. They are: Arnold Manvilz, Gary Parilman, Steve Boguduval, H;tr]an Itimmerman, Abe Lcbcr, A7.A No. 3; Donald Kraft, Kick Knjjle, Irvin Karl, Sheldon PurParodies for the "Three Coins" elman, AZA No. 100; Howard wiio will present musical enterIlnhn, Steve ICaplan, Richard Kp- tainment at tho "Fountains of stein, John Spitzer, Larry Gross- Fashion," Israeli style show to man, AZA No. 1000; Donald be Kh'en by the Omaha Chapter Fiedler, Uo/rer Friedman, Barry of Hadassah, are beinf; written Goldvvare, Steve Marcus, Mar-' by Mrs. Robert Gerellck, with shall Widman, I-Ioyd Koitstein, Mrs. Harry DuBoff, accompanist Ted Sanford, Arnold Weitz, Itay- and Mrs. Robert Rosen, director. im; James Kagan, i^urry Kurz, The fashions produced in IsBruce Bernstein, Jerry Frank, rael at the Hadassah sponsored Kenneth Rosen, Bruce VVintroub, Alice Seligsberg Vocational High Howard Chudacoff, Independents. (Continued on Page 3.)
Camper* In the proccs« ot legteterlng for the annual Camp about the Joys ot the put years aa shown ia,tb« stwve scene* ot camp
Members of the Business and Professional Women's Division of the Philanthropies Campaign, will hold their annual cocktail supper on Wednesday, April 2G, beginning at 5.-.'JO p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. Sppflnl Division TJiis special division composed of women in business or in professional roles as their unit title specifies, many UoUUnp; key \\asition.s of responsibility in the city, annually join forces during the campaign, to do their part for Philanthropies, Mrs. Philip D. Schwartz, chairman of the group, pointed out. She praised Uieir devotion io this community endeavor and conducted the briefing session attended Sunday by the. women (tv the photograph at. the led. Israel Stylo NIiow The evening's program will feature a fashion .show of creations designed and made by teenage students who attended Hatlsissiih's AVicc SeVigsta'g Vocational HI'KII School in Jerusalem, Mrs. Schwartz urged all members of the division to join tha women for this annual and entertaining affair. She asked that reservations be made immediate, ly by calling the Center, 312-3366. LAW
Sheldon KVMIVI \vi\l serve as I0G1-G2 editor of the Law lieview at the University of Nebraska College of Law a t Lincoln. ITo is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Krantz.
Golden Age Club's Ninth Be Celebrated
Husic, Part off Massafi Style SEiow Features
affair bus extended invitations t» similar Golden Age groups including the Parks and Recreation .Department, Senior Citizens Club, Retired Teachers, YMCA, Salvation Army, Telephone Pioneers of America, Florence Home, Wesley House, Christ Child, Dr. PWllp Sher Jewish Home for the Aged, German American Rest Home, Fontcnelle Home, I m m a n u e l Home, Lutheran Homo and St. Vincent Home. Invited also are members of the Council of Jew. ish Women and interested persons of the community. Mayor Issues rroelamalion A proclamation Issued by Mayor John Rosenblatt declaring May as Senior Citizens' Month, will' bo presented to tho gathering y Trostin, V™y Trostin City Councilman Council a ™l Jewish Federation Preside^. The program will bo opened with. Mrs ' Nathan Simon, Golden Age (Continued on Page 3.)
We. Camp Joy-C-C nglgtraUoon t«r the coming season, to jotee <« at the caoi» ofOee of the Jenfeh Community Center.
Page Two
Bar and Basil
getuial) Published weekly on lVridaj beginning !!ie lart nerU In ......... through second weelt ta July by the tlen'i*Ei trderatiuu ol Oinati.i. Second Clc-s Poilaoe Fold cl Orna.»o, t.'tlr. Annual Su&-Crlpt!on. X4.tJ'J Adicrti'ina Rales en .-*fj[jHcalion. fubl.callon Office—101 Ho. 28m StrccT. Omaha, lidr.- 342-UU.
B a r b a r a Chudtieoff, il;iuj;lilrr of Mr. and Mrs. Irviu;; C'lmilricoff won fir;>t prize in Hit- t i l > wide Kni;;liti Teinj/ rssny <:unU'st.
Siban- Waldb.'ium, il.'in};lil"'i' of Dr. and Mrs. Milton Wuldbaum, Apiil 2S and U!) at Temple; Isiacl,
<AIU)1.V\ ISIiODV Carolyn Hrud'., da-i^htfr Pr. and Mrs. Allied linidy, 'J'l'inple Israel on April '•!} ami JONATHAN IIIOKKK .loiithan lit!<•):. son of Mr. ml Mis. SHIM Jii'ii k of l'Ycni nt, N<.'br., on Saturday niomi Apiil 'J2 at Xrlli i:l .Syna|;o;
STARLIGHT 341-5222
AU tn'ftxN "ml nlallvfi tnvltid to ill Uni) t i n lei s i rcc«i»tl<in.
<'uiiiIIi-liKlitiii|; at (>:51. p. in.
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HOFFMAN'S Is Happy to Announce
TOM BRADER of 4904 Davenport As Manager of the Newest Store at 5028 Underwood
•jTMri.K ISIC.UX Friday cvcuiir,; s<Tviix-s iit Tf'inpli1"! ;i( S:15 |>. m. K.ilil)i Sidney 1!. lliwjks will ol'fici/iii". Siimon on "Hilly Graliani's R*]i!;ion." Templr Choir v.ilj l>o ciinvkil by Miss M;i Oitlin. Saturday scrvio- s for :iiliill.« rind I'.'.'lijjiu'is school at 11 :.°,0 II. in. li'N'AI JACOIS-AII.AS VDSlllltOV Friday. Miiirlw. fi p. in. Saturday, H:."i() a. in. Minrha, fi p. in. followril Ivy Sholo'.b Siuiios. Daily s<:r\ iws .'it 0:-10 :i. m. and l>:.iO p. in. Sabbath K\c M'nici's at P.oth Kl .Syii;iiT<"i:ij<' nl K p. m. Italibi My r S. Kiipke's sermon topic— "Yr are tin: ('liililrcn uf tin; Lord, Our fi<nl." Musical portions by (.'.-intor Aiirun I. lvl;;;ir ami I'.flh ]•'.[ choir. Members of the Sill i;ra'le of Tiilnnnl Torali will participate in MT'.-icr-. .Satnnlay services: traililiunal rit S:3O n.m.; family at ]0:'!0 :i. in.: MincliaMa.-iriv at (j:'15 p. in. .Sunday, 0 a. m.; during I'.eel;, 7 a. in. ami 7 p. in.
TOM Says . . . " I am inviting you to our OPEN HOUSE—APRIL 30! I am so proud to bo manager of this beautiful, new Roffman location, I want everyone to see it! Just come in and get acquainted. You don't have to buy a thing. See you on the 30th!"
Underwood 553-4428 7830 Dodgo 391-3207
ISIEAI:J, lienjamin CJroner, Cantor Eli Ka^an aiul li< th Israel choir will conduct. Friday .services—traditional iK;iliolas Shahbos) Jit'7 p.'in.; lato at H p .in. Shabbos rri'inliruj. H:-!5 a. m.; Junior (•oin;rei:ation. ]') a, m., Rabbi Oroner's Talmud class, 0:.'!0 p. m. Mincha, 7 p. m, follov.cil by Rhrjlosh Studos and Maariv at 7:!5 p. m. Sunday .services- at 9 a. m. followed, by brealifast and Rabbi's in bible; Junior Minyan, 8:30 ,T. m. followed by breakfast. Daily services at 7 a. in. ami 7:03 p. in. M>w. Daniel K:il/in:in was apIiointed Major for ilio 1001-02 Omaha Playhouse niembcrsliip ili-ivij which opens April 2.'5.
1018 Farnam
fte! Something Hood! FASTI Contains 23 Portions
sAitAii ri:ui:i..MAN JOAN SniO.V Sarah 1'i'H-linnii, d;ni:;ht<'r of Mr. and Mrs. Hob''it I'lifhiiaii and Joan Simon, daunhtr.T of .Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Simon, Salurday mnminc. April 2'.) at Beth Kl Synaijojiui".
Friday, April II, 18C1
flfffi Hie Home Folks Nfitt» Rnii fiBp t-nlti^l ut Tim Or,
riilllii Mi.-r Jf!>v Hh Home for tlie At+.J b j Muvld U
f ornliiislier I.'WIKO of R'nal Ii'ritli prescnlcd two new fifty htar Anieiicaii fln^s to I lie; Home for 1 lie Aj;ed 011 Sumlay, April 10, Curri'iit Ku'iits: Habbi Myer Kriplt<: discussed with the home residents the controversial aid to education bill, with all ils lolii;imis and constitutional ramifications. The residents are also ,debating the Kiclimanii trial, the invaslnii of Cuba and the reports of the Russian man in spare, Smlal Calendar: April 2.'{, Jewish Youth Carnival,
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JANKT HANI)I.i:.M.\N UMA I'ANKOWITZ JUDITH SISMAN Cronj) I'.as Mi(/.\.ill of .lam-t Iliindli in.'iii, dannlit'T of Mr. and Mrs. Phil llandlrinan: Hita I'av, dai:;;hf<T of Mr. and Mrs. Harry l'a.shkowitz and Judiili. Slisnrin. daiii'btci of 1 >r. and Mrs. II. S. Susnian, Friday, April '.!K at ]!.-lh r.'racl.
Might E«
Your Biggest Enemy
H O , 24TH ST.
KOSHER CHICKENS KILLED DAILY Save by Colling 341.4977 Certified end «ppiovcd by Dr. Loon Thorn. Preiidont, American Acedomlc Rabfcii Atiociation of UCH Americans, and Rabbi S. Wdllcin cl tho Orthodo. Rabbit Association of New York City.
i'ovsciu ni.rrrs JOINT HAK MITZVAH .I'iint I'ar Mil/\'ah obsiTvain-'c for Sti'Vii Civil'' I'pi'lis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron JO. 1'orlls and Michaid. fiir!;ory Callnrr, son of Mr. and Miv. David Gallm.T, on Friday. April 2.S;tl H:.'!') p. m. and Saturday, April l!'.). '.):'.',<) a. in., at K'nai Israel S\-ii:n>,oj;iii>, rouncil Uluffs.
Center Sports Ily Cy Si'ltclili'li T I A M S I-KO(fl!AM Tiic Jewish Community C'cntor Athletic Dcparlmcnt will sponsor a t'niii.s instruction program tho second j-nnsccutivo year at Dewoy Park courts, beKinnbiR Sunday, May 7 at 10 a. m. and continuinc wrckly until the end of Ain;usl. Alnn Austin, former Kansas champion and now Shr-ninidoah. la., radio announcer, will be the instructor. Those interested should call the Center Athletic Director's/offieo at ^ll'-l.'JiiG for registration, SOI TRAM., 'flic Center Varsity .Softball team held their first practice session at EInnvood Park last Thursday mid defeated another liractlcinj: team from the Omaha Softball Association !5-0. The Jay (earn will open Hie Class "A" Club league on Thursday nicht, April 27. The Youth Council foftbnll leajiun will begirt league play on .Sunday, May 21 al Klimvood, at 11 a. m. TABI.K TKNNIS TOUBNBy Steve Kaplan won the Youth Council table tennis title for the second consecutive year in leading AZA 10OO, to the Olympic pin;; pong championship. He then teamed with Sandy Kasin to win the doubles title for a clean 'fiwecp for the Uonu boys. Kaplan, a sophomore, defeated JtayIm's Dick Ziichnria In three i;ame.s, 21-18, 21-10, and 21-10. The champ, teamed with Kasin, romped past Zacharia and Jerry Ferenstein in fou rgames to coinplcle the sweep.
A monument will be dedicated to the memory of Mrs. Bloom, Sunday, April 30, at 11:30 a. m. at Beth Ilainedrosh ITagodol Cemetery. Habbi Benjamin Gronef ; and puhtor Eli Kagan -•ivHl officiate,»(j j
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Friday, April SI, 10(51
This Has Style? Yes, and Plenty!
Dr. Sher Home fo See Israel Theme Program Sunday
Page Three
Listing ofBchmann Crimes Ends; Prosecutor Lauds Underground
Jerusalem (JTA) — Attorney when he ended his stirring stateAn original croup of acts will General Gideon HauMier, combe presented by the Jewish pel nip; n nine-hour prosecution ment on the inhuman methods used by Eichmann'j) organizaYouth Council in recognition of recital of the incredible Nazi Israel's Indcpodence Day at the atrocities against the Jews wjiich tion to annihilate millions of Dr. Philip Slier Home for the left correspondents Mckcned and Jews. However, the law under Aged on Sunday, April 2',\. The spectators weeping, tol<l Adolf which Kielmiann is being tried nets, based on Israeli Music, will ];;iehmann in this session he Include: sinyinjj, InterjiriMivo Would enjoy a privilege in his provides it automatically. The dnnciiiR find instrumental music. trial which he "did not accord to prosecutor described in tearful Partlctpoting In the program fire: Ponl a .single one of his victims"—the details the torture in camps, canMeyer, Ardreit Forltti, Sieve Mfjrcus, Lymie Clicrnlocfc, Huncy f/.dkictky, Allro F-'ellriKin, nibalism, castration, surgical exright to defend himself. duel Gull Levin, Undo Cractr, 'siutn Ktilj:Inan, Barburu Chu'jncrjlf, SU5UM jlul^ky, Mr, Ilausner did not ask the periments on the living, the kill- > Mtirclcj Fotjct, crul Sherry and Carol Kfuft. Clialrman Miela Uaskin will be ov.KJcd death penally for Kichmann Ing of infants before the eyes of by Rosalind Nofjg end Murllyn Kufimun, their mothers, and oilier forms used by the Nazis to destroy the Heads Campus Div. Jews. (Continued from Pn;;e ] ) dt the residence of Harry TrusTile prosecutor told the court cou.vcn, MKI;TIN(J lIn, president of the Jewish Fed- that the former Gestapo colonel, AT JOSI.YN Members of the National Coun- eral ion. All Jewish students at- chanjed with directing (he murcil of Jewish Women's "lecture tending Ctinaha Colleges and Uni- der of (i.OOO.OOO Jews, would have ond talk" group will be conduct- versities will be personally in- his fate decided by law according to the evidence, with the ed on a tour of the Joslyti Me- viled,- Miss Siporln declared. morial Museum, April 25, -liy its "We "appreciate having Mr. burden of proof of his crimes director, Migrne Kinsman after Trustin open his home to the resting on the prosecution. The a 1 p. ni. dessert luncheon 'in the students for" this key event and judges of Israel, the Attorney General said, "will pronounce a Floral Court. Iteservations , are true and righteous judgment." necessary and may be made with Mrs. Seymour Abrnms, .ri.r>.'UiK72 or Mrs. Justin Manvitz, t'MAW.). MONA LISA
•; I
Hadassah Show (Continued fnini I\'i(;o 1) School, will he shown following n 12:,'!() p. rn. dessert luncheon on •\\V(lm?sclay, April 2(>. Barbara Hrilton, well-known television personality, will miike ii personal (ippcarance at the luncheon style show, ."Mrs, Meyer Unsenbaum, overall coordinator reported. Jludussah in defeienco to Ilia current I'liilanllirnnies Oimpalgn, is not comliictini; an advance ticket sale. However, reservations for the affair may he made in advance with Mrs. Kosi.'iibaum, also Szold group coordinator, or its president, Mrs, Sam Katzman, in addition to any member of the planning or telephone committees, Tickets (SI.50) will be available at the door.
?/ SSS
House of Glamour III
The Pioneer Wi men's Organization will hold vlieir regular luncheon meetii!-,, Tuesday, April 25 at 12:.'•!() p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. One of (lie ninny lie:uitifiilly dcHi^ncti Israeli creations 1o ho modeled on WVdnfsilay, April 2(1, In :i style show at Ixitli tin) J!;i(l:iss:ill's dessert lunelieon at 32:30 \>. in. at tin; Crossroad* Auditorlinn, 72 and bodge ;nul In I he < \<nliifj at tlm cocktail flipper of lite It. A I'. Dlvlsliiii of tin: riill.intliropies Cuiiipal);" at the Jeuisli ('ciniiiiiinity ('ruler.
Dr. A. Grecnbcrfj was elected as co-chairman of the Omaha Chapter, National Conference of Christians and Jews.
IIKTIM'X IMIJNCHKON' I'AItTV, MAV 2 A "brunclmon" party on May 2 at the Crossroads Auditorium, 72 and Podge .Streets, will lie one of the final lilclilighls of Belli El Sisterhood activity year, Plans for the party which begins iit 12 noon and continues throughout tlio afternoon, are belli;; marie by the Mines. Julius Stein, Phil Rosenblatt and Harry WiRodsky. Since there will be no advance ticket sale due to tho local Philanthropies Campaign, reservations wiH be. accepted by any of the above chairmen. Funds raised will be used to complete the redecoration of the study of Cantor Aaron i:di;ar as part of tho observance of his 2olh year at the Bynaf;ocue. Members of Hie av.isling commlllce ore Mmcs Louis Allicrls, Jacob Bcinitcln, J. J Cjfccnbern, Robert Koopcr, Marry Kochman, Dtivo Sstcln, Isidore Levlmon, Moe Vcnatr, II Aliranuon, Reuben llordy, Dave Crccnlicro, Abe Vcngcr, Jack Oromson, Sam Stclnboru, Ernest Horn, Prlnens Wln1roub, Lou Sonolow, M. A. (lercovlcl, David Cohen, Lcr,n Graclr, Irvln Levin, AJ\»ycr Kaliman, Aoron Rips, Joo Rlcn, Al V(olllncr, David Brodkcy, and M. H. Hrodkcy. •
No. BOth 553 7000 4 Expert Hail Stylisfi
Air-Condilionod Dryon MISS MARSH ond MISS JERRY Ownort
KoKannn Slpiiria
will try to justify his confidence In us by conducting a successful drive," she added. The college chairman Is the daughter of tale- l/Uau Mr. and Mrs. Louis Siporin. Louis Rich, Omaha Unlveristy RUG CLEANERS freshman, and son of Mr. nnd Mis. Gene Rich will act as host Don Bernstein, 345*2554 at the open bouse.
Golden Agers (Continued from I'age.l) Club President offering the invocation. Ivnterfalnment.
Group singing will bo "lead by There will lie a 'A p. m. snack Mrs, Leota Sliced Strong, Direcand the award of an Israeli tor of the Omaha Recreation Me/uzah given by Mrs. M. F . Chorus", Conductor of the Omaha Lcvcnson, who.Is now in Israel. Symphonic Chorus, nnd Director of the Xinmanuel Nurses Chorus. Members of tho Omaha Civic MIZKACHI IIKNKFIT Recreational Orchestra will proMiNCIIKON CAItl) I'AItTV A benefit luncheon card party vide a musical program. A panfor theMizrachi Women will be tomime play, "The Old Woman," held on Wednesday May 10, at 1 will he presented hy Mary Shass, p. m., lit the Jewish Community Clara Simpson, Esther Smith, and Mamie Sploon of the Parks and Center. Mmes. Sam F.pstein, Abraham Recreation Department. A choral Fisher and Herman Franklin are group, also from Parks and RecMr. and Mrs. Irvin Sin;;er an- the sponsors. F.veryone is urged reation. Department, will sing a selection of old favorite songs. nounce the birth of a daughter, to attend. Carolyn Suzanne on April 8 nt Arrangements for the affair Clurkson Hospital. They also are Considine to Speak are being made by the Mmes. J. 1lic: parents of a son, Scott David. (Continued from Page 1) Milton Margolin and Louis CutGrandparents are Messrs. and Israel and Germany will com- ler, Council Golden Age Group Mines. Max C. Platt and Morris ment on the Eicnmunn proceed- Chairmen and Dik Weiner, CenSinner. ings. ter Assistant Program Director. Mr. Considine, who has been Assisting nt the tea will be the mi Omaha guest on previous oc- Mmes. Bessie Behn, David Epcasions, was here when V. J. stein, Alfred Fiedler, Albert MILS. HIXKN" COWAN Sltutt,' president of Mutual of Gaer, Irving Hcrzog, Irvin KaiFuneral services were held in Omaha, was honored with a B'nal man, Justin Manvitz, Milton ResChicago, HI. last Friday for Mrs. B'riHi Award several years-rigo.1 nick, Morris Rosonstein, Arthur Helen Cowan, 75, mother or Mrs. Rubin and Nathan Simon. Harry Wise, Sr. Mrs. Cowan who Paul M. Goldstein, Omaha cap The Golden Age Club is cotiled April 12, was also survived rental firm executive, was electby her husband, a son, Irvine; of ed Nebraska Director of the Car sponsored by the National CounChicago, six grandchildren and mid Truck Renting nnd Leasing cil of Jewish Women and the four great grandchildren. Jewish Federation. Association.
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THROUGH THE YEARS Jnmes F. (,'rccn has supported t h e uctlvltlcs nmi iirocrnmii that hnvo helped Omuhii j;ruw nml ftrosper. Crei.Ti's record of clvln nnd rhurltnble work for people of all Omaha, goes back many years.
WHILE IN OFFICE JnmcH V. Green lias worked for n i l . Omaha. Service was expanded In all I>;irts of Omaha while (Jri-en win on" the Omaha .1'ubllc Library Hoard. As a former member of the Metropolitan Utilities Hoard he helped make a record uf k'jmvth ami efficiency.
DURING THE CAMPAIGN James R (;re<yi received support from all parts of oinalut . . . from people of all walks nf life. He refused to try to Kot d.'is.s clns.s . . . neighborhood ;i|,'alnsl neighborhood. l i e rccojpilzec] thi! juirt played by nil Omahans la our city's progress,
TODAY Jnmes F. flroon ran provldo the f'ltywhtu Icadcrslilif IH<O<UM1 In the Mayor's office, ills positive, forward-KOlng pruKi'um will assure jirowth and prospi-i-ily for Oiiiaha. While working' with all OmahaiiK, as Mayor lie alono will jnaku tin; (It'i-lslons, based on what l.s best for the elty.
nc omo ha
Come Meet
Iz "Boggy" Bogdanoff U» Him Help You With Your Clothing Soloctiom
Kilpafnck's Men's Clothing — Second Floor
Hervlncr Oniahn With Quality I'roductH for 40 Yearn!
3AIY SALAM8S Sinai Kosher 48 Reg. $ 1.25 Lb
Made with Finest Texas Pecans. Famous Southern Rocipo. A real troat, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CITY JEWISH PRESS OffklltJ ruMiratlon of Sioux City Federation
af's II Like1—This Role of Campaign Worker
Let n i n e enthusiasm has infected William Pota.'.b, chairman of the? General Men's iJivision, which usually follows the pattern of the Advance Gifts croup. The Women's iind B. i- P. vanre iiittn •arlor iiic-ctiii^, find Women's Divisions are also runthe Women's IHvijust prior ti nini; well ahead of last year. Moil lumhcu whirh was due tu »• deadline fur this come nltfT issu** of tho 'res'!, ( t i e <.tmpalfri total topjii < Sl'J.OOO, ol u l i l d i SI (100 p | . r c •nt' tl I i u n I M S o \ « r lOdO for the J-'ifty coldeii ngcrs from the A f i i L n 1 y, i n t i n i l e L!'1><>- Oniaiiii .lev. i.-h Community Censphere (hiir, t e n / ' il b u l b p u l o r ter and the Dr. Philip Slier Home meetings ' he uiil\ liiff n t u e will be jrnctN of the Oouncilplaced on an OIH t o i;jf M i * h i . I-V-dej-ation (io!d(.-n Af;e Club ;jnd pledge «as hi ill " n' . (if tin* the Sinux c:ily Section of Die Naneed and tt f \ ui'lf- )! o IK I tiuiial ('diineil of Jf-wisli Wumcn contributors. (•>v n day of activities, Mundav, llaiolil Go <-tf-in < Ik.i I i'i i n, May 1. 'l'lu- )Tu'":.Is v.ill allcnd ,i luiicband Born.a c I.ip.1! in ( > ( h, exprcv- d t n l h ' i i iMtr o p l i - eon at the Center and will be mism as to t h e o u i i o m e 'Ilie ITItertaitied by C a n t o r l''red Mamies ami a i;i-oup of B'nai li'jith i;ir!s. (Jthers on the pio<;iam v.ill be Itabbis Saul I. fioliitnikov, Allxrl A. (Jurd'm ;md Philip .SilvL-riitein, also Mrs. Nath.'in.C'mhlii-, pre.-idi-iit of the National Council of Jewish Women and Oscar Liltk-ficld, Kxecuti\e Director of the Jewish Federation. A 10 per :ent lead over 1!)CO i« (-(insistently >arly this week, us passed-the Siil/3 the rau rk. After two Adper cent lai
Omaha Ooiden Agors
Series on Disturbed 61i!Idren9s Traafmen!
Phil Cohn rnunitj leailci man of the j United Jewis announced Btein, Goners
^\cll 1 ncnwi comwill; erve a* chairrea Division of the Campaign, it was Harold 13, GoldChainnan.
A terifs of panel discussions on treatment facilities for disturbed children will I » held on successive Tliursdays-, April 27, May 1 ar.d May l.J, l)t>j;iimiii!; at 0:30 ;i. m. at the Jewish Community Center. The series is; sponsored by the following women*;; organize lions: league of Women Voters, PTA Council, American AsKociatioij of University Women, the Junior League and the Sioux City Wom. en's Culb. Tim meetings are open to the public.
Partial Scholarships
AZA Sweetheart To Camp, Awarded Ulock, Kicky Ginsbun: Candidates Told andDavid Andrea Shindler have been
"Eve of G> den Dreams" is the theme of th 26th annual AZA Sweetheart ) a n c r , Saturday nifiht, April 2!, at IIotelMuyfair, Sioux City. Aronita C arnie, Helene Dobrofsky, Ml icle Elsbcrff, Harrictlo Fallc, berry Levitslty and Shari Siiulkir are the Sweetheart candidates. AZA merrlbers will observe "Sweetheart labbath," F r i d a y night, April !1. at Mount Sinai Temple.
Cousin Joint JeXfry Ste •en Cohen, son of Mr. and MrsMeyer Cohen and Faye Linda -ohen, daughter of Mr. tapd . M•s. Marvin Cohen, cousins will o pserve their Eas and Bar Mitzvah n a joint ceremony at the Frid. y evening service, April 28, a t Sliaare Zion SynaRogue. A joint reception by the two famlies will follow the Friday eveni ig service. Jeffrey Sb ven will participate In the Sabb: th morning service April 29, anda Klddush will follow the serv ico. No invitations are being scr
awarded partial scliolarships to IIer/1 Cnmp by Hadassah I{egional Youth Commission for leadership, nnd nchievenient in an essay contest.
Mev/ Features Boys nnd iiirls, aged 7 to 11, and their parents, can look forwar dto a bigger, improved Day &raip program this summer, Harold Ivener, activities director of the Jewish Communty Center announced. New program features, a mature and more experienced counselor staff and improved fa c i l i t ieB are being planned • Registration for the 39G1 summer day camp eeason will be opened early in May.
817 West 7»h St.
Phono 8-«MB
'Simcl a Dinner1 A congregs ional "Simcha Dinner" to cele ate the burning of the mortgag on the home of Rabbi and 1 •s. Saul L Bolotnifcov will be leld Sunday, April 30; 6:30 p. n., at the United Orthodox Sj lagogue. There will ic no solicitation of funds,.... •:
Strictly Kosher
Strictly frcrii . Slaughtered Doily Endoreed by Rabbi Bolotnlkov and the filoux City Kushrut Council
aid Plasts In She lews
Ily Bernard 8buinaa If the prospect Iras no rlilldri-.ii of Ccntrr age, Israel's ncetl can be undcrnrored. Iirapl In l>.v no Till: MAN IN" THK GLASS nic.ins secure. Hie rebuilding of CA(<12—'Hit yeaf'vs number ona by Iknuird Slmuian JOr. (iOLDSTICIN'. lie pouuils a land nnd people, mide.rlalccn so news story, the trial of Adolf 11K; hl(lcnaiJ:» end laiuc^s an joyously nfl<"r Israel bcranio a Eichmani! unfold;; daily in Jerudoors . . . utulj-, If only piirl.Lilly roiuplelod. Ealeui.;>ers detail every What's it like to be a worker Ihi- work must go cm la that work of the event. Television in the United Jewish campaign? fcplrll of crnrrosMy nnd prldo of .lakes American viewers into the It is no bed of roses. accomplishment which lint MI- courtroom. J u s f i i s k Joe Goldstein, who ulilid thn I'nl(c<l Ji-wi'.Ii coinWhat will happen to the nvtn can b'=ick up that assertion with imlpi llirtmjjli the yearn to res- ficciised o rcrimes n;;ainst humany years of campaign ex- fiic, rcM-tlle nlid aid more tluin manity? Is 'there n punishment perience. He has contributed bis 2,700,000 Jewish Uctliji-i ,if war, eornmcMf.urate with the crime? .services since the. Kite 3'J'iO's, pcrhMiition nnd deprivation. Slany vir-«rrfj feel that If thn with time out only during the (rial, n-jjardirfis of flip kpntriirn The Var,k will nut be finished war. And most of 1he:;e years Joe fivrn t!ic n;i7i, awaUi-ns f:jient as a f.lairi unsung worker. uillil e\'(-ry Jew everywhere in the dormant j<ms<-ionr<> ol tho tlu» workl is safe and the>h ''Knocks on Doors" worlil and reminds il of (lie horMost perporr-; will admit read- Fl.-ite secure. ror t>f the csti'nnimitlon of six ily thnt it is the onlinary work(icniral MI-H'N Co-Cli:ilrni:in minimi Jrivs und the poti'iilla! er, who carries the plod;;!! eanl'i, All of Joe's c.'mipal^iiiri:; h;i:in't (I:ms<r nf iit>tl-Sf -tnltisin. tlio jwundini: .sklcwallis and knock- been us a worker. 'IV.o yean; ano trial uouid Imvc lioconijillslic*! ing on doors, wtio is the bnsis of he moved inlo the lcadordiip HH pnrjiose. a worthwhile campaign. Tnis by camp nnd was ro-elminiiiin of Indications were that the trial no rnc.-ms minimizes the impoi-- the (loneral Men's division with of Kidim.'iiin, kept in a bullettariec of capable, hard-'.vorUin,i Dr. Frank Kpstcin. Last year he proof cubicle durinc tlie leaders, but planning and run- was a member of the advisory courtroom •-,<•;.•• ions, will be a nin;j meetings always must b« committee which made pluns for drav.ii'.ul aff.-iir. 'Die jirosecution followed up by footwork . . . Ac- the cotnnmnily's f u t u r e cam- was expected to take at le;tst cording to Joe Goldstein, lenders paigns. three month.'; to present its case. and the w o r k e r s complement AN IKUAKI^AKAII CO.VWhy does be do it? 'Why dues each other in a successful camhe soil Tzdak.-di, U.I A, the Cen- Fl.ICT—For the firkt time in two pai;:n. ter, when he could be selliir; in- years the United Xalion.s security AUliou^b Joe asserts that cauisurance, the profession by which council pondered .'in iMael-Anib [lalgninj; Is not a M)ft JoJ», Ills controversy. It W«K JO 'd;m's com. cx|K'rlencj> lms also ta»;;lit him be rains his livelihood? plaint that Israel was violating "1 enjoy beiii;; of service to it Isn't B.1 huA as one rnlslit an nrmii-liee by biinj;in^ in tanks other!;," Is his answer. This anbelieve. Thiit's nliy lie advwnles and artillery- for an Independa plan uhero each sear's drlvn swer also suits Ills wife 1-Yance.s, ence driy April 20 parade. Israel became both nre always donatlirin«;« new farrs Into the corps. h;is been holdini; such p.'irndfs "After all," said Joe in his ing time and effort to Jewi.'J) for years. causes in the community. 'Ilieir R.idgerow buildinK sixth floor ofThere ::|K'eukilion Jordan's fice, "when you viirit the person, four children, Harry, B r u c e , charter; stemmed from the r e whose card you have, he knows Jacqueline and Naomi, are lvira cent reproadiment between Kin;; why you are there. He knows to a commendable Jewish spirit. Jliir-Kpln nnd Pref-ident Nnsser of New Workers Needed that the money ho gives will RO the United Arab Republic. to benefit Jews, whether here in In this year's dri\'e Joo is nut The controversy was Been aa Siotix City, in Israel or in other shirking his role; yet he honestly a te:-:t for the Kennedy adminis'needy-parts of the world." feels that others, new workers, tration. It. u a s rumored Undcrshould be ridded to the campainii Kecretary of State f:he:iter Howies "Sales Approach" .Joe advised that the wonier organization, as tod'iy's workers had told the Israeli ambafiasdor know his prospect M be can be and possibly tomorrow's leaders. that the United .States must side mined with what m i ^ h t be The trouble is, he contended, with Jordan in the case and asked termed n "sales approach," This that once a man has shown will- for cancellation of the parade. i.s good advice from a good in- ingness to work, he isn't left LACK OF ISSI.'nS—tsrat- l'a alone. He estimated that the ma- KnoKset e l e c t i o n s In August, surance salesman. If the prospect has children, jority of this ycar'B solicitors arc mndr- necessary when the coalithe relationship of funds con- the same that worked a year tion Kovci-nmoiit foundered over tributed to the operation of the ago. the Lavon affair, will find tho city's Jewish Community center 3*H: proposes a corps of ivork- various political'parties without can be stressed. It Is estimate'!, , en, half of tlicin txp<Tlenrj-.d and clear-cut Issura. A Henit party that it cosls $80 annually for lialf newomrrs. Tlie Inttor eroup lender proposed one, diiT-ct .Arabevery child who uses the facilities would bo those who might be IfHrnel peace teams without medat Hie O n t c r . afr.-ild to volunteer bcrausc ll»«y iation by a third party. A substantial portion of this don't ««»Knize thflr owu ajjlllty CONFUSION IS AI.GEKIA-— year's target of $127,500 will re- or frrl they aren't nggrcsslvo The Jews of Algeria Ehould have main at home to keep the Center ciiou^h t« meet tlio dmllcnjre. tho rii^bt to decide, themselves functioning, efficiently and cap- They i.bould l>o given n chance to whether to be citizens of France ably EO the city's youngsters li-nm and prove th'mselvra. •* or of the independent Algeria, won't "bnnj; out" somewhere else. Joe regards himself as so:n> according to Pierre Mendeswbnt of a "lone wolf," preferring P'r.'ince.s, former French premier. 1o do his campaigning alone. Ho Algerian Jewish <lel(^:ations have Hear Harry Weinsaft knocks at the doors of the rela- Insisted that the Jews bo recognized as bejonr.;in(» to the Kutively small contributors. "Exodus Crewman" "These individuals give from i-ope.-m community and ns havini; the heart," declared Joe. He ex- French citizenship. on Sooland Speaks Meanwhile, acts of violeneo plained that the little fellow's conlributfons are tlie ones that harassed tho Jews. A hand-grenmake a dent in the wallet , yet ade blast killed a teenage Jewish Program, Noon, April 23 they give because they recognize cir] nnd wounded her three comKVTV Channel the need and want to help meet panions. Jewish shops were it. KKI'-l (iFKS FROM CCJOA— An estimated 2,500 Jews havo come to the United States from Cuba, concentrating' in the Miami area, and to a lesser extent in Now York City. They found it Impossible- )o malce a living in their former trades tinder the Cast ro rejtime. OTIIKK RKI17GKES—An e s . TICKETS by air, rail tirnatcd 30,000 Jewish men, women nnd children throughout the bus and steamship world will need resettlement as©TOURS sistance this year, according to . . . domestic and JnternaHonal tho United ITias service. To handle this migration problem of © RESERVATIONS Jews from Europe, t h e Middla . . . hotel and resort East. Africa and the F a r East, a budget ol $2,319,420 has been ©CRUISES .-established. . . . . anywhere irHhc world KKNNKDV HUI'I'ORTED — NO CHARGE FOR Tlie anll-dcfainution league" of OUR SERVICES] B'nai B'rltir supiiorta tho Prest,
BSTA travel service
PHONE 8-7531 Vista Travel Service, FJfth Floor noaa or Com la mti Sw JmAm H* lot FoUer. Md faboMln
dent's program of Federal aid to education and opposition, to; cranti or loans to elementary and secondary schools outside; the public school system.