April 28, 1961

Page 1


Vol. XXXIX — No. 82

fubticutibri urricc, iO] NO. jtuid Omiihs Nclirusicn J'liono 8<T.M:inti


accono ^ » " h ^ u ^ g ?


Single copy 10c Annual Rale S4

Batt Urges Parents Register Campers ".Sign up for Camp Jay-C-C now," is the su(jf,cstion given by Ciimp Jay-C-C Committee Chairman, Norman Batt, to parents interested in camping for their youngsters this summer. Increased Interest Butt,- in describing tills year's camping program whose theme is "Camping Fun In 'Cl," commented tliat the early heavy registration for camp this summer, shows the increased interest and enthusiasm in the camp for hoys and girls aces. G to II. Hecau.se of tiie limited capacity of the new ami modern site located near Louisville, Nebr., tlio hiring of an nil college cabin counseling staff, plus the unlimited facilities of the site for swimming, horseback riding and out-door camping activities, the unusual heavy advance in enrollment has been developed, the Gimp Chairman continued. I"llmln:ito Disappointment. Parents planning to send their children to Camp Jay-C-C should enroll their youngsters now, Batt stated 'to eliminate possible dis-

appointments Inter whet V1 trntion.s have to b« clo-scd. Enrollment is still open for either of the two ten-day sessions or for the full season of camping that runs from June i!o through July 15. Further Information and details on Camp mid its program of aetivities are available by calling the Camp Office at 342(See Camp Plclurcs on Page 3)


An increase of 0.3 per cent in nil divisions of the 19G1 Philanthropies campaign is reported by Samuel R. Steinberg. General Chairman of the Campaign, as of last Tuesday, April 23, "This Increase is most encouracini;, and we earnestly hope that we will maintain this rate. The need for funds Is great, and we believe that Omaha Jewry will respond with its usual generosity." Summarizing the needs of tho campaign, and the urgency of bringing it to a successful conclusion, Mr. Steinberg Issued the following statement to the campaign workers and the community. "Tills 19G1 Campaign calls for United Nations, N. Y., (JTA)— the generous suupport- of every The Aral) bloc's only.drive to put member of the Omaha Jcwuli tliroiiRli (in anti-Israel resolution Community, so that Jews everyat thU year's General Assembly where may live in freedom, digfailed. Two clauses of a resolu- nity, security." tion aimed at establishment of In Omaliiv United N a t i o n s custodianship Funds raised in this campaign over property allegedly left-in Israel by Oio Arab refugees were are vital for the continued operdefeated in the Assembly's clos- ation of Omaha health, welfare, ing day, (ailing to get the needed education and group work agencies, which arc serving practicaltwo-thirds majority. ly all members of the communOne of the clauses was voted ity. down by 44 votes in favor, 38 In USA egalnst with 12 abstentions; the Through this campaign we second clause was defeated by a raise funds for Defense •Agenvote of 41 in favor, 35 against cies which combat antl-semitlc and 15 abstentions. and antl-democratlc forces in the The United States delegation United States. led the fight for the defeat of the We make funds available to anti-Israel moves, and was sup- National Hospitals which care for ported by other Western powers, Omaha residents, and nurse them Latin Americans and the repre- back to health and life. sentatives of those new African Israel and Overseas states that belong to tne French 600,000 men, women and chilCommunity. 1'rancis T. P, Plimp- dren, in 24 foreign lands, are aston, deputy chairman, of the- sisted through our funds. American delegation, told the We help the gallant people of Assembly that the Arab drive Israel to speed up the absorption for p r o p e r t y custodianship in of 315,000 out of the 1,000,000 Israel amounted to "shortsighted immigrants and refugees who 1 '".'cal manipulation." have come to Israel since 1918. 60,000 men, women and children still live in shabby shantytowns—(ma-aburot) waiting to be placed in decent housing. 500 farming settlements still Casablanca, (JTA) — Twenty lack tho tools to become selfJews allegedly trying to emi- supporting after years of patient grate to Israel were arrested by waiting and hoping. A net of national agencies In Moroccan police, April 15, at Melilla, in Northern Morocco, education, health, and welfare according to a report printed are supported through the Philhere by Al Atom, the newspaper. anthropies Campaign. Omaha Jewry—man, woman, The paper demanded that the Government take "severe mea- and child—must make the kind sures to punish the guilty," and of response which will cnablo us thjjt Morocco p r o s e c u t e "the to raise the minimum amount leaders of Zionism." Al Alain also needed this year. $550,000 Btnted that the leader of the arTo reach this amount, new rested group of Jews had esstandards In giving must be escaped arrest. tablished. Make your gift generous and ISRAEL NOW HAS sufficient to meet Omaha's share 120,000 PHONES Israel—Israel has become one and Omaha's needs. of the 45 countries In the world with more than'100,000 tele- POLICEMEN VOLUNTEER phones, though Its population is TEACHING niSBREW Israel—Nearly 100 policemen only, a little over two million. Tho current number Is reported at hayo spent their after duty hours 120,000 compared to 18,000 In as volunteer Hebrew teachers sine* 1958, 1918. "

Lose 'Sastoilianship in Israel' Issue in UN

Moroccans Arrest 20 For Escape Attempt

Sunday Night

Fume entered tho life, of Url Marcnov, shown clasping gun In uliovo picture, after an Intervlow at his post on tlio Israel-Egyptian honlcr l>y world-known commentator, Edward It. Morrow.

msm (r,fift to right) Frances Rife, Mark Goldstrom, Jorry Sluslry, Richard Frtadmnn, Jonathan Dnnk, Hklp Solref, Bonnie Flsii, IJnda ZuIIilii, Naomi Rothenbcrg—•Youtli Council Philanthropies Campaign Captains,

One of the largest groups of women ever to attend the overall dessert luncheon meeting of their Philanthropies Campaign Division, kept their annual date last week. Nearly 700 packed the Crossroads Auditorium to hear Yael Dayan, young Israeli Sabra who came to tell them why there Is an urgent need for their contributions In Israel now even more than ever. Responsibility Accepted For one thing, Miss Dayan, a well-established author and former Israel army lieutenant, declared her country accepted the responsibility of Immigrants, but their absorption into tlio country is far from complete and stressed that there is a big Job yet to be done.' "There are 40,000 living in shanties today and tho number is Increasing everyday," she pointed out. "We peed help to give these people homos and Jobs."

Miss Dayan said that if nothing is done, Israel will bo just another country In the Mid-East, but if help is forthcoming, she added, "we will build, and do this Job together." ' Honorary Admiral Harry Trustin, Jewish Federation president, presented the young speaker with a certificate malting her "an honorary admiral in the Nebraska navy." Mrs. Alexander D. F r a n k , general Women's Chairman Introduced the following: Samuel S. Steinberg, Over-all Campaign Chairmen; Mrs. Lloyd Friedman, President of the Federation o! tho Jewish Women's Clubs; Mrs. Sam L. Katzman, 19G0 Women's Division Chairman; the Moves. Henry Appel, Joseph Guss, Lazar Kaplan and Mrs. Philip D. Schwartz, co-chairmen of the 1961 Women's Division and Paul Veret, Jewish Federation Executive Director. Mrs. Hubert Sommer and Mrs. .,'.,• (Continued, on Page,7.)

Some 400 high school student* are expected to attend the High .School Philanthropies Rally, Sundiy, April 30 at 7:30 p. m. at the Shcraton-Fontcnclle Hotel Ballroom, Carol Rosenbaum and Bob Gross, High School Division Co-chairmen, announced. "With the close and loyal cooperation of Club Captains, Lieutenants and Youth Council members, we expect this Annual Rally to bo the biggest and best ever held," they said. Famous Israeli Oui'st The Rural of honor at this rally will, be Uri Marenov, • >oiing Israeli, who won international fame through an interview with Kdward H. Morrow, worldfamous commentator, Uri Marenov, a "sabra," a native-born Israeli, at the age of 17, helped found Nahal Oz, a military kibbutz Just J500 yards from the Egyptian border, across the Gaza Strip. It was there that Kdward R. Morrow Intcreview him, while young Marenov was on guard duty on the village watch tower. Young Marenov is now attending the School of Veterinary Medicine In Ames, la., where ho was sent by the Israel Go\'crnment to complete his studies, following his participation In tho Sinai Campaign. Unusual Entertainment As part of the program, unusual entertainment will bo presented by an outstanding entertainer of the middlewest. The co-chairmen said this promise* to be a most pleasant surprise of the evening. The evening will conclude with a medley of requested tunes by the "Sabras." Many hours of time have spent in preparing for this event, by co-chairmen Carol Roscnbaum and Bob Gross and their Grand Marshals Susan Spefer and Steve Guss, who said they anticipate record attendance. They reported that if the entire Youth Council participates, their goal of $1,200 will be reached.

Golden Agers to Visit Sioux City A. 50 member delegation ot Golden Agers will travel to Sioux City, la., on Monday, May 1 to be the guests of its Council-Federation Golden Age Club and the Sioux City Section of the Council of Jewish Women. They will be entertained at a luncheon and program featuring a number of community leaders at the Sioux City Jewish Community Center. The Omahans will medt Monday at 9 a. m. at the Jewish Community Center where they will board a chartered bus which will also return them by 6 p. m. The round-trip fare Is $3.25. Reservations should bo made immediately with Mrs. J.. Louis Mar-' golin, 553-4668; Mrs. Louis Cutler, 455-7143 or Mrs. Wota Simon, 345-3915. AWARDS jdO TO MOSLEMS Casablanca (WNf)—Although three Jewish studentr emerged os the top contestants in a test to determine fitness for studying electronics in France, not a single one of them was so honored Instead the reward went to Moslems ranking fourth, fifth and sixth In the contest



Page Two

Published weekly on Friday beginning the lact wceh In August througb second week In July by the Jewish Federation of Omaha, Second CI055 Pcstone Polo ot Omuia Mcbr. Annual Subscription, 14.00. Advertising Rales on Application. PuDI,cation Olfict—101 tlo. SOIh Slrctl, Omaha tictir., J421344.


Bar and Has ftiilzvah All friends and relatives are

New* and happenings at The Or. Invited to utt'.-nd bervlttis and Flillfp Sher Jewmli lluine for the reception. Aged l>; |) a vld UrUow.

Mr. arid Mrs. Milton lioscmhul gave a Kidilu.sh in memory of Mr. Rosonthal's father, Jacob KosenIhal. Rabbi David Kerb of Coinicil Bluffs was our rabbinical \isitor last week. Several of our residents nttended the ninth birthday ot the Golden Ago Club a; (lie JCC this week. The Council of JcwKli Women once again took our folks for automobile rides. Coming Events: May ], a large group of our residents will.be guests of the Council of Jewish Women on a trip to Sioux City, Iowa,


The rroup Has Mitzvah of Janet Handleman, .daii'ilitcr of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Handleman; Rita Paskowilz,' daupliter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry P-isltowitz; Jtlditli Susnian, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. II. S. Susman will be celebrated tonight a t Iieth Israel Synagogue. JOAN* SIMON*. SAKAII I'EICEL-MAN Joan Simon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart .Simon will obterve tier Has Mitzviih, and Sarah I'erlcmnn, daughter of Mr. and Mis. Robert Perlein.'in, will observe her Has Mitzvah at Hetli El Sytiaeogue on Saturday morning, April 29.

ON DEAN'S LIST Gerry Goldstroin, son of J.Ir. and'"Mrs. Bernard L. Goldstrom was named to the Dean's List at the University of Omaha, He Is a freshman.

"A Sign of Good Housekeeping"

(The Dr. Philip Sher Home for the lowing memorials and donations.)

acknowledges the fol-

In Memory of

Messrs. und A/mcs. Arthur A. Cohn, Harry Truitin, Jack Dfamson. Leon Graeti, Puul Vrrct, Rtubtn H. Brown, Harl WeKs and Mrs. Poul Bernstein , .Paul flernilem Messrs. und //.me:. RtuUn M. drown, t.'.ax Rlckcs • Mrt, Bt55fe Wohlner Teniin Mr, ond Mrs. I'c-ul Vtrtt • Mrs. H. Grccri Louil Summer ana M»n Cea Sommer r,.,,,.,, • M r i . Adclo V/llln^ky Ellrrihogcn Mr. and fAn. Trcd Kurtuntin r Aarcn Rubtrio^v Messrs. and Mines, Arthur A. Cohn, Nathan U, tlo jQ //.rs. Rose ZwcibocK //.eisrs. and Mnies. /Ferris tenon, Arlhur A. Cohn, Natlion L. UGQUI Louis Sornmcr end Wiss Bca Eoniincr OnioMo Livestock Traders Kxchcnue ". ( ....Wrs. Jessie Roscnitock Av^r, end Mrs. f.aUion 1-, tioyi ,. Mrs. Sciroti Ccticfl Jce Mur(jj!cs ... Mrs. Sophie Mctrgulcs


In Honor of

Mcscrs, ond Mines. Trcd Kurlzmcn, (lorry Bresicw (Lincoln, tiebr.A recovery, /Ars. A. J. 5olomnn (Los Anodes, Collf ) t/.r. ond Mr*. Wax Rlckcs , birthday, Mrs Nallum I rJo»g The L::d, y , DocJltw d Fred ond Dove DrortKey f a am iml i i e sl . i£ 0e ! hs birthday, Abo H DrocJl-tw r/.r. ond M r i . Wililon Vudelwu blrihda/, Som Epstein blihd S E t i Mrs. Nathan PiHor , ..Qratlludc for recovery cf Nathan Pjtlor

Special Contributions

Call Us (or Estimates



B 6 0

poisover wines and liquors were received frcni lh« toUii*/'nn: Wcitrj. Jacob //entfr:lsr,n, Paul nloJckv, Yale Oin'tjurp, Jomt-s iaitiutlion, Itatlcre V/clncr, r.\(i< V/inifuub (Ccliloiniu), If.r. olid Mrs. Mork Sobc)

Synagogue Donations Mr. end Mrs. Boris Korncy, In honor of o'eot Qrand'.on, Thomas Klrsch Som Pester, In honor of (ircat-orcal-grumJson, Thornos Klrscli //if. and Mrs. Cert MlnMn, tn honor of (jranddausi'i'cr, Luson Ltc Adciison 1,'rs J Slcgol (Cornell Drum l a )

Herb's Famoui ( Barbecue Ribs Spocial, • Only Sunday, April 30 I at Forbes, Jutr 90c Lb.



Split-level BRICK—well eorpolod. Separate dining room, stunning The unveiling of a monument FIREPLACE — 3 bedroomi, I V, for Mrs. Ksther Garfinkle will l>e bath!, charming PANELED TV held Sunday, April 30 at l l a . m. ROOM In baiomcnt. Screened back nt Beth Jlamedrosh • Hagodol porch. Prico $21 ,"?50—Call ROSE 553-2190 — O f f i c e , 556Cemetery with fiabbi lienjamin HOLDS, 5008.

TEMPLR ISKAKIi "The Tenth Man"—Can Love Fill the Place of Reason and Truth, Is the sermon topic on which Itabbi Sidney II. Brooks will preach at Friday services at Temple-Israel at 8:15 p. m. Miss Ida Gitlin will direct the Temple Choir for the musical portions of the service. Saturday mornlnj» services for Adults and Religious School at 11:30 a. m. . B'NAI JACOB-ADAS yESHURON" Friday, Mincha, C p. m.. Saturday, 8:30 a. m. Mincha, 6 p. m. followed by Sholosh Seudos, Daily services at 6:10 a. m. and G:30 p. m.


Mrs. Phillip CrancfcH \vunt-» to cxprrs.s her appreciation and llumks for the cards, flowers • and rcnicinbianct's from friends and relatives during her recent slay In the hospital, '

Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged

SI SAN WAI.DBAliM 0:58 p. 111. The Has Mitzvah of Susan Waldbaurn, daughter of Dr. and BETH ISItAKL Halibi licnjamin Groncr, CiinMrs. Milton Waldbaum, will be celebrated April 28 and 29 at tor Eli Kagan nnd the Beth Israel Choir will concliicl the late Temple Israel. Friday services at 8 p. m. Traditional Friday services (Kobolils JILL SLOSMJKft The Bas Mitzvah of Jill SIos- Slmbbos) begin at 7 p. m. burg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Shabbos morning services beHarold Slosburg, will be cele- gin at 8:45 a. m. Junior Congrebrated at Temple Israel May 5 gation at 10 a. m. Habbi Groricr will conduct the Talmud class at and 6. G:.'i0 p. m. Sabbath Mincha at 7 p. m. followed by Kholosh Seudos' STEVEN GOODMAN and Maariv at 7:55 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Goodman Sunday morniri}; services begin announce the Bur Mitzvah of a t 9 a. m. followed by breakfast their son, Steven on Saturday and Rabbi's class In bible. Sunday morning, May 6th at Beth El morning Junior Minyan followed Synagogue. by breakfast starts at 8:30 a. tn. Daily services at 7 a. m. and 7:15 p. m.

: Timaftr good treating

Friday, April 28, 19G1



With the Home Folks


BETH EL Sabbath Eve Services at 8:15 p. m. at Beth El Synagogue. The traditional Sabbath Morning Services will bej;in a t 8:30. The Family Service will begin at 10:30. The Mincha-Maariv services will begin a t 7 p. m. Sunday morning services are at 9 a. m. Services during the week are held at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m.

Groner and Cantor Eli Kngnn, officiating. All friends and relatives arc invited.


A monument will be dedicated to the memory of Mrs. Anne IJlumentltal Mason, Sunday, April DO at 1 p. m. at Golden Hill Cemetery. Habbi Benjamin Groner will officiate.


n p Dodge


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in-IN Mr. and Mrs. Milton Simon announce the birth of n daunhtcr, Karen I.eo on April 1 at Clarkson Hospital. They are also the parents of Kathy Ann and Steven Richard— Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ijouis Simon, Brooklyn. N. Y. and Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Kohn.

Harold Abrahamson Mario Failla


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Friday, April 28, 1881

Pa.g« Tlire*

C&mp Jay-C

•Enroll Now

'Die many acUvllir* nt C.inip Jay-C'-O inrliulr u croivnlnj; of n ffuern nnd presentation of lionors. Many other exciting programs opfwul to tlio cuiupcni.

Tlio entranclni; woodrd area of tlio 10GI camp near Louisville mortti tlin happy giutt of cauipcni nat> a nutritious and ivcll Imlariocd ruea] near one of tlin many beautiful pic (urn wludous In tlio Mala

ilk "T~* -r


Camp Jay«C»C ..




A popular cnnip pet In tlio Camp Zoo 1» a friendly Iamb Mho 1* attached to the boy* find K'rli.


—Rates— , Omahans Noii-Itcsidenls

First period, June 25-July 5

ill -•

rr ".-r



?/~?T:«*\' -.

5 7100'

5 85.00

Second period, July 5-July 15


• •. • 85.00

Full session, June 25-July 15



Ecglster Your Child Today

Xlio dayclapnirnt of an affection for animals is evident liore us'tliese young camper* prepare their bor*cs for a riding lemon. .





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Page Four

Friday, April 28, 1061

English Find Teasher Anfi-Semiiis Picket

Parade of Israel Achievements In Place of Military Strength. Special Israel Correspondent Haifa—Without any reference •whatsoever fo the rs:;olution of the Security Council on Isiael's IndepenccDay parade m Jerusalem, tliis observer again in 1961, as last yi.ir must record hi-, regret at '.he undue e m p h a s i s which continues to be p 1 a c c d year after ye 'i, on the milit.il> aspects of tin* parade. The tanks, the half-tracks, the heavy and light artillery, the row tipon row of marching men—all these, which make of Independencc Day a 'mighty demonstration-of Israel's strength and power—are to my mind foreign to ..the'spirit'which .should prevail on this day. There was a time when we had to prove, to ourselvM -ml 1<> others, that we, were powerful enough to resist uttaek and to deter aggression. The proof In no longer required. True, wo must he dtrong and nfi must remain utrong, lint Independence Day uliould not he the oeeasion for Israel to flex Its inuseles. • Rather should this be the day on which we parade before our people and all the world those achievements in which I s r a e l takes pride. The p r o c e s s i o n through the streets of our cities should be Israel's manner of proclaiming,.!" manner dramatic: On this anniversary of independence nnd the.; establishment of our state, we take stock of that which we have accomplished. In these things we are stronjj; in these things we find justification of the struggle for independence; in these things we seek to show that-a nation lives for ends which have value, and that military might is not on end in itself. One section of the parade could portray growth and progress in tcience and technology. A couple of thousand 'students from the Technion, I s r a e l Institute of Technology,.would serve to portray most dramatically what Israel is doing in the fields of civil, mechanical and chemical engineering; a r c h i t e c t u r e and town planning; mining,' metallurgy nnd mechanics; aeronautical engineering and electronics —in short, a vivid, living demonstration of a vital area of national achievement. 1 Another.section.of the parade would be devoted to developments In agriculture. The marching men and women would carry pitchforks and rakes instead of rifles and machine guns. Tho.cmphasis would be on ploughshares, not on swords. Surely this Is in the best Jewish.-tradition. A motorcade of g a i l y decorated farm machinery of all kinds might not rumble as much as Sherman tanks, but it would serve to accent an Israel with a new set of values. A section of physicians, nurses, sanitation workers, medical students and laboratory assistants would point up the great advances Israel has made In man's fight against disease. Industry, education, social wel-


London C.1TA)—With parents, 15y Nathan Zlprln teachers nnd school officials oxpressing views vanning from protests to embarrassment, the City of Coventry showed considerable At this lime of the year, with advent, of spring, many people exdti'iiunt, bavin;; discovered begin to have a far-away look in their eyes. It is plain to see Hint that a Coventry school teacher they are preoccupied with some distinctive project of vast dimenis one of the national organizers sions raid sure enough, at the week-end, we see them rising rather for the neo fascist, anti-Semitic • early in the morning. We might Hunk for a moment that, like good Jews, they me going to their ritual ablution or their early rnorninf; British National parly. prayers, but soon enough we hear rumblings in the attics and presentTlie. tcuclier, Colin Jordan, was ly they come down instead with a. variety of paraphernalia—even the one of eight niiti-Srinites fined inexpert eye can identify as fishing rods. Hack In thu ancient days of Israel, there Is evidence (lint tbo In u London eotirt for part lrl|m.lews were iiiiieh of si lislier folk, but after (IUK destruction of tlio tlon In an niiti-seiuitle. demon- state we, just ntu "gefilte fish." Now In Israel, the fisher folk liuvo stration. Heven other member* been reborn "gain, If we may use tlint redeimdaney. The other d:i>, of the Urltish National parly bad the. Israeli papers carried u story of a record haul by Israeli Ketl been arrested with Jordan, siml Sen fishing fleet uf seventy tons uiul It is expected tlicy will ftoon fined, after picketing a Warsaw bo bringing In fortnightly lmuls of one hundred tons. Ghetto eoimneinorative service The story of the development of fisheries in Israel is a romance held liere at the IMIKTM Tlieii- of industry and, oddly enough, it begins with fiefilte fish. The Jewish Ire. The pleltets displayed llan- haluzim who went to Krotz Israel "back in the thirties were of course ners of n violently Mill-Semitic delighted to be back in (he land of their forefathers, but come Friday night, when they sat down to their Sabbath meal, they would recall nature. nostalgically the "gcfilte feh" they ate in the old country. A parents' group in Coventry This went on for some tinio until 1933, when some of the settlers has demanded Jordan's dismissal in the valley of Jcr/rcel decided to do something about it. Gefilto from the school system,., and the fish Is usually made of a variety of carp, but the waters around Coventry School Board has ap- Israel had no carp, and no "immigrant" carp were brought in and pointed a special subcommittee small ponds dug to cultivate them. From that began the spread of to probe the charges against the the artificial cultivation of fish in Israel ponds, now covering thouman. The Coventry Teachers As- sands of dunams. Now wharves tor fishing boats have been creeled sociation issued a statement to- at Caesarea and Eilat and at Sdot Yam there Is n training school for day, declaring^ It is "ready fo young fishermen. jump in" if it is found that JorThe Israelis have, indeed, become fishermen, again— hut tha dan introduces anti-Semitism into story of the revival, it should be remembered;, begins with gefilte fish. a classroom. The Coventry superinteiifdent of schools raid today the board is "embarrassed" by Jordan's activities and Is watchNow ing his work carefully. Featuring

Tfie Romance of GefillG F i s f i . . .

fare, literature, all would come in for their share of the spotlight. Proper planning, artistic skills and ingenious presentation could transform each section of the Independence Day parade into a novel, gripping, appealing display. And instead of unveiling a new weapon, Israel could use the occasion to reveal a new . breakthrough in man's b a 111 e against the desert, poverty or disease. Surely tills would bn a parado wlileh would command world attention, If only because of Its novelty. It would serve us an cxumple to the nations. It would pluce tlio eni[ilinsis wlicro It properly belongs when a people observes Its iiiitlor.nl fete. And if reminder were required that all which has been accomplished must l>e defended by armed might if necessary, well, the parade could begin—and close— with a single, mighty armed tank at each end. Such symbolism, serving as .a kind of framework for the larger picture, would lose none of its significance. Merely because other nations parade their soldiers on Independence Day is no reason why Israel must do likewise. Let us not l>c afraid to break with precedents such as these, and to strike out boldly ill the setting of new and better world precedents. In Israel's 14th Independence Day parade in ]f)62, let there be a glittering and imaginative procession ot festive floats, manned by the country's scientists, teachers, writers, -students, nurses, farmers--and children,

Israel Exhibits Arms Progress Jerusalem C1TA)—Three hundred thousand spectators watched as Israel marked Its 13th anniversary with a parade of more than '1,000 soldiers and 2,'i mobile units assembled to demonstrate Israel's continuing progress in nrmor and artillery capability. The 40-minute parado of military might include the first display of medium Centurion tanks and 105-mm self-propelled guns .mounted on half-tracks, the latter a device developed by Israeli engineers. Two arms of Israel's miltary forces—Its jet-equipped air force and its navy—were represented symbolically by specially dressed marchers in the parade. The navy could not be represented in a land march and the air force was deliberately absent because the location of new Jerusalem nnd the Israeli-Jordan demarcation line nearby make it impossible for fast-moving jets to maneuver without a risk o£ being over Jordanian air space.

Ford Foundation Grant to Technion


Haifa (OTA)—The Ford Foundation has granted 521,000 to the Technion-lKiael Institute of Technology tor a special research project on the problem of ventilation in housing in warm climates. Barueh Givoni, n research engineer in the Technion's buildimj research station, has been appointed to head the project, which is expected to last two years. A special wind tunnel will be constructed to produce winds nnd air currents to simulate actual conditions.

iuseums Interested In Jewish Art Items Cincinnati (WNS)—American museum.1; are showing mounting interest in Jewish art, it was disclosed here by Dr. Joseph Gutmann, Curator of the Jewish Museum of Hebrew Union CollegeJewish Institute of Religion. The upsurge of interest is so keen, Dr. Gutmann said, that the Jewish Museum's traveling collection of ceremonial art treasures, assembled from many countries nnd many centuries, has been booked through May of 39G3.

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FrlJay, April 28, 1001

Qfiizations RETII E l , KISTKKHOGU IIOAIU) TO MAKB l'I,ANS Sisterliood inoinbfr.s will meet for a. 9:30 a. in. board nieeiinK, Thursijny, Mny "1 »t the Moth Kl synagogue1 social hall. 'After a brief coffee- period^ pliins will b'i completed for ilelo^at.f.s aHuwlIng tho May 10, 17, and ]8 blanch meeting in Mason City, In. Final reports will be; made ;<s well as arrangements for the tnothcrdauchtcr luncheon mi Tuesday, May 'J. • * « COI;SIMS CI,I;II The Cousins .Club will mod on .Wednesday, Muy 3 t u r n •12:30 p . m . luncheon nt the Hill Hotel. • • * YOUNG COUt'MvS MKKT APRIL 30, a 1*. M. The Beth Israel Youni; Couples Club will hold their nomi-iinntuil business meethiK .Sunday, April 30, at the symifiogiii" toclal hail, at 8 p. m. • « « COCN'CIL IIOWMNG ENDING SEASON The Council Howling lenguo w i l l wind up Its season on May 10 with a howling banquet at tho Highland Club. Those who have "subbed" nnd would like to attend arc asked to call Mrs. Norjmnn DeiicnberK or Mrs. Don nice, • • • BKTII KI> IWHJNCHKON' BEGINS AT N'OON The brunchcori - card p a r t y sponsored by Beth El Sisterhood will begin nt noon on Tuesday, Mny 2 nt the Crossroads auditorium with serving continuing until 1:15 p. m. A snack bar will be set up for sweets and coffee at 3 p. m. according to the cochairmen of the affair, Mines. Julius Stein, Harry WiRodsky and Phil JlosenWatt. Members of tlie Council of Trustees ore serving as members of the sponsoring committee, al-

Fifly-Four Qhildreis On Mother-Daughter Program, Beth Israel

HeHmans, Ohafrmen For Belli Ei Dinner

Registration This Sunday at Temple A roundup of children eligible to enter ItcligJous school kindergarten in the fall will he held nt Temple Israel at 11 a. m., Sunday, April 30. Tin; children will be entertained by Freddie Weim.T and his "dummy, Jerry," and will learn religious school songs in the Social Hall, while parents meet with Habbi S i d n e y H. Brooks, Maury I... .Schwartz, Religious School Director, and the kindergarten teachers, Mrs. Edward Makiesky and Mrs. Robert Levine. The meeting with tlie parents will consist of n brief explanation of tho roll of the kindergarten in the religious school program. Any parents who have not received notification of the meeting are urged to phone the religious sciiool office to register their child.

Plight of Jews Under Nazis Worse Than in Middle Ages

M/nes, Gabriel Bergman and Irving Buben<ur are laklno reicrvollons. learning Contributed Children participating Include Judy LlbowThe American Jewish scholar Ikl, Q«th Drawn. Majorls Armler, Cynthia Epileln, Annie Rlchlmon, Honey Rollman, turned the cdurt room Into a U«Dce Zolkln, Slldla Mtirko. Stcplmnlo Morris, Fyllsn Falk, Denlse Herioff, And/ college classroom as he recited Koltlmon, bora Doth Kqlimon, Mtloi!/ tlie history ot European Jewry, Oulrlo. Dlaiw Marrit, -Beth Melcht!, Llnila Zcl[nsky, Phyllli Fcdman, Sandy Schopiro, showing that, despite oppressions Michelle Arnoff, Jonls Melchcj. Ellen Zcllnand persecutions over the cen$K/«. Sutan Orooksleln, Roberia Meycrscn, • Judy Rolner, Morilyn Koplan, Annetlo Charturies, the Jewish communities i»y. 5uiy stoler. Oenita Srhwarlr, Borbara FhhbQln, Karen in Europe had made vast contriChorncy, Judy Susman, Oebtjle Meyerson, Hence Friedman, Suion Helsler, Helen Co- butions to learning In nil fields hen, Barbara Belicr, Janle Klnhenbaum, until "the Nazi movement set Oebra Klrihenbaum, Pamela Malhan, Carol the clock back." Sue Roznjck, Janet Doguchv/al, Oebra Cockln, Susan Katiman, Marilyn Cohcnv Professor Baron stigmatized Susan Bermnn, Shorl Adltr, Judy Meyerson, V/endy Alloy. .. Gtnlne GCHlne Rudermon, RUdCrmOfl, Sandy Sand/ *t,_ j^n^l t.nir\mn na n axrdnVn # h n f Feldrnan, Hal Criornti1 and Arlene O«ndie [



Scho'ar Testifies

Overnight Destruction "Nohting like this had hapfifty-four children will per- pened even In the Middle Ages," form a t the annual m o t h e r - said Dr. Salo W. Baron, profesdaughter banquet of the Beth; sor of Jewish History at ColumIsrael sisterhood at the syna- bia University. He emphasized gogue s o c i a l hall Wednesday, that the Nazis wiped out "overMay 3, nt G:30 p. m. night" the achievements of full Lisa Shapiro, daughter of Mr. emancipation reached by the and Mm. Morris Shapiro, and Jews in Europe as a result of Carol Sherman, daughter of Mr. 200 years of struggle for equal and Mrs, Leo Sherman, are nar- rights. rators of "Holidnys In Music", Unfolding a map of Europe, nn original skit written by Mrs. Shapiro, general chairman of the and tracing the march of nazism affair. Mrs. Sherman nnd Mrs. from 1038 on, over various EuErnest Ilochster are co-chairmen. ropean countries, Dr. Baron Soloists for tlie • musical por- showed where Jews were masstion of the program will bo murdered in cold blood. He told Mines. Hytnan Lubm-n and John the court that, if not for the Quinn. Marjoric Sircf, daughter holocaust, there would have been of Mr. and Mrs, William Siref is 20,000,000 Jews today throughout accompanist fdr the program. the world, with slightly more than halt of them living In EuCommlltce chairmen Incluclo Mrs. B. Gilbert Arotioff, program; Mri. I, J, Krall rope. In Poland alone,* where end Mri. Max Greenfield, borlqutt; Mrs. CD kaaart or»d M n . H. S. Suiman, decorathere are now only about 30,000 lloflf; Mrs. Maurice Melclics, sloge mono* per. Others cislsllng ore Mmes. David Jews, there were 3,300,000 before Ha*tn, Leo Meycrson. Nathan Oslrow, Marthe Nazis started sending Jews itioil Katt, Elliott Drown, Morris Appcl, Henry Appcl, MorrU Poputhwal, Julluj to the gas chambers, he said. • Gernsfeln, oelrnar Klein, and Hainan Bern.


$1,000,000 Italsed For United Jtwisli AUIIMII New York (JTA)—A total of by the United Jewish Appeal of more than $1,000,000 was raised Greater New York and the Jewthfs week at a dinner sponsored ish Welfare Board.

Reservations for the party may bo made with any of the three co-chairmen or with the office.

Jerusalem (JTA)—An American expert in Jewish history, testifying as a witness at the trial of Adolf Kichmann, the Nazi loader charged with directing the annihilation of fi,000,000 Jews in Europe, this week, told the court that the Nazi atrocities against Jews were unprecedented in all of civilized history.

M f „

Page Five

""ie annual congregational din.-.>• of the Jit.'lh-Kl .Synagogue will lie held Sunday, May 2fj at G p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Ilclfman, chairmen for the evening, arc .planning a musical program featuring a well-known g u e s t artist.

The annual Beth Kl Sisterhood Snbhiilh will bo held Friday, April 28, at 8:15 p, in. Services will bo conducted by sisterliood members with Mrs. Morris C. l-'cllman, oiifgoin;; president., delivering the sermon. Tho organization's choral group will be directed by Cantor Aaron I. Kdgac Mrs. I'Vllm.'m and the oilier retiring officers, will he honored a t u reception in the social hall, following thu service. Mrs. Norman Whitman Is chairman for the evening and Mrs. Max Ltishinsky Is In charge of the reception. Members of the sisterhood board nnd the council of trustees will provide the baked delicacies.



though the entire membership of the lii-'tli Kl Sisterhood is invited to make up tables and bring their friends. This project is being stionsorod in order to complete the rcdeciiration of the .study of Cantor A.'irou Kdgar iiv honor o£ his Ujth anniversary year.

Women Conduct Beth El Sabbath



THROUGH THE YEARS James F. Greon has supported the activitios and programs that havo helped Omaha grow and prosper. Green's record of civic end charitable work for peoplo of all Omaha goes back many years. WHILE IN OFFICE James F. Green has worked for all Omaha. Service was expanded in all parts of Omaha white Green was on tho Omaha Public Library Board. As a former membor of the Metropolitan Utilities Board he helped make a record of growth and efficiency. DURING THE CAMPAIGN James F. Groen received support from all parts of Omaha . . . from people of all walks of fife. Ho refused to try to set class against class . . . neighborhood against neighborhood. Ho recognized tho part played by all Omahans in our city's progress. TODAY James F. Green can provide the city-wide leadership needed in the Mayor's office. His positive, forwardgoing program will assure growth and prosperity for Omaha. While working with all Omahans, as Mayor he alone will mako tho decisions, based on what is best for the city.

made anti-Semitism the official policy of a Government based on the new thesis of racial and biological anti-Semitism. "The Nuremberg Laws of 1935 introduced new elements, turning back the clock of history," he said. "The Crystal Night destruction of Jewish property and synagogues In 1938 was conducted by the official Nazi apparatus itself. Even In the Middle Ages, Jews could retain some sort of order, could enjoy some rights, even if those rights were restricted. But under the Nazi;regime, the Jews became a classless society."

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at criom^y, ond Ariene Gtnifier. t h e Nazi regime a s a system m a t


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Page Six



Friday, April 28, 10CI

Honors fo Center Athletes May 15 . Cy Seltciileli . KAYIM WINS sumed after a week's lay-off, In SWIMMING MEET a close battle with AZA 1 "A", Rayim continued lo dominate Kayim's Stuart .Smith threw four 1'outli Council athletics by easily straight strikes to load, his team winning the Youth Council Swim- to a narrow nine pin victory. Smith had high fame with 189 ming meet, hole) in the Center and hiRli series with 510, was pool last week. Although Rayim swept unchal- named bowler of the week. \V, I,. lenged to the meet championship, Standing!! 10 2 Karl Luefschuetz of AZA 100, Rayim "A" 10 2 was the most outstanding swim- AZA 100 "U" 8 i pier in the meet, chalking up 21 AZA 1 "A" 8 4 points as he tools first place in Ilomi "A" 7 5 the 40 yard butterfly, tlie GO yard Ilonu "15" 3 9 Independent medley, and the 40 AZA 100 "A" AZA 1 "B" 1 11 yard freestyle. 1 11 Final team totals were: Rayim Rayim "15" 'Xoi> rive 62 points; AZA 100, 20 points; 103 AZA 1000, 4 points, and AZA 1, Arnie Weitz Stuart Smith 1H7 no points. Howard Multiick. 15G Individual uinntrs were: 155 Karl Luctschuctz-AZA 100, Mike Sherman 151 40 yard butterfly, CO yard medley, Mel Kpstein 40'yard freestyle; Dick Zacharia, TKNNIS The Jewish Community Center Don Fiedler, Bill ICutler, Dave Forbes, 80 yard relay; Dick Za- Athletic Department are now acCharia, • 40 yard ba.«!tctstroke; cepting enrollments for the 1961 Bill Kutler, 40 yard brcastroke; tennis program, scheduled to beNeil Miller, underwater swim gin on Sunday, Way 7 at the and Jerry Lohrman, diving, all of Dewey Park courts. Alan Austin, former State champ of Kansas, Rayim. The final Olympic Youth Coun- will instruct the classes. Veterans cil Activity for the program year and beginners of all ages, both will be the Track and Field, meet boys and girls are Invited to join at Tech high school on Sunday the sessions. Enroll by calling the Athletic morning, May 7. Office at 342-13G6. SHOTS IN TIIK UAUK . . . The Center Varsity Softball Kid Kuderman, one of the nil team made their 19G1 debut in time great JCC swimming stars league play when they met the many years ago, now in Europe Sportsman Club team at Upland on business . . . Former JCC AthField, 9:15 p. m. The Center team letic Director, Sherman1 -Poslta, will play a 15 game schedule in elected treasurer of the Omaha the Omaha Softball Association Sotfball Association . , . Don class "A".club league. Fiedler, Central's All State footThe batting order and starting ball guard may play for Arizona line-up for the JCC team are as University next year . ." . Mike follows: Denenberg, Center wrestling inPaul—ss structor, to graduate Medical Bogard—3b school in June . . . Rayim's fine Slegal—lb athlete, Steve Guxs, also an outKahn—C standing debater with the CenKirke—p tral high team . . . Wayne Siegal lipton or Katskce—rf ,. recently a papa of the baby girl Zevitz or Colnic^lf * . . . Steve Lustgarten, coach of Handleman—2b the R. C. Cola team in the CenKonecky or Wolk—cf ter Varsity cage 'league, now a Other players expected to see lawyer . . . Dudley Moore, coach action are, Cal Kirshen, Roland of the LaSalle College basketball Kahn and Cy Seitchick. Steve team in Philadelphia will coach Rosenblatt and Howard Martin the United States Maccabiah baswin join the team after June 1. ketball team in Israel this sumYOUTH COUNCIL BOWLING mer . . . Lee Grossman, former Rayim "A" and AZA 100 "B", JCC Athletic Director, was one moved into a first place tie in of the judges at ringside for the the Youth Council bowlinft league Hay Robinson-Gene Fullmer fight last week as league action re- in California last winter . , v Lcs

Preparations are in full swing the community will tie chosen in for the 14th annual Award Night the near f u t u r e to be guest at tiie Jewish Community Center speaker. auditorium on Wednesday, May 17 ai 7:30 p. m. when more than 150 athletes and championship Einstein Name on teams will be honored. A crowd West Germany Stamp of -10t) peibons are expected to Bonn (JTA)—A stamp bearing attend the ceremonies. the image of Albert Einstein, Features of thy evening will be who was driven from Germany the "Most Outstanding Player" by the Nazis, will be one of a new awards given to persons who ex- issue of West German postage celled during the current athletic stamps In June, the Bonn Post program year, and include the Office announced. Les I.. Burkenroad Award for the Outstanding Varsity Athlete; tho Patronize the Jewish Press Harry Trustin award for the out- Advertisers. standing Youth Council athlete and the J. J. Greeribcrg awards for the1 outstanding grade school players. Other highlights will be tlio selection of five new members of the Center Hall of Fame and ]' four service awards. New additions to the Award Night proceedings this year will be a gymncstics demonstration by Dan Fogel and his class, and a picture display of the current FOR year's activities. Bridal Portrait* A prominent athletic figure in AND

White Sox Donate Tickets t© Drive Chicago, III.—Thirly-flve thousand ticUuls .were donated by the Chicago White Sox, to the Combined Jewish Appeal for three names here with Cleveland, Juno 19-20-21. The general admission tickets, valued at $52,500, are to be distributed to Chicago area workers in the CJVs campaign \o raise seven million dollars for foreign, national and local needs.

Condid Wedding

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5IAUKICE KATLEMAN Funeral Bervices were held Sunday in Ixts Angeles, Cal., for Maurice Katleman, 72, a parkinn company executive, who died April 20 of a'ncart condition. A former Oniahan, he moved to Los Angeles about 30 years ano. Mr. Katleman, a well-known conununity leader, was a past president of the Jewish Home for the Aged in Los Angeles. Surviving are wife, Rose, a former Omahan also; son, Beldon, Los Angeles; a brother, Carl Katleman of Bevely Hills and three grandchildren. Morris Katleman, a cousin, returned to Omaha tins week after attending the funeral in Los An* gcles. JIBS. ROSE 8C1IWAUTZ Joe Radinowskl received word of the death, April 22, of his sister, Mrs. Rose Schwartz, 74, of Camden, N. J. after a six-year illness. Surviving ore three sons. Burkenroad vacationing In California and, Hawaii . , . Henry Rlekes, recently 111, Is back with tlio volleyball group' playing again.


John Kalina 817 So, 36th



"No Jab too tils « iou small for u«" I.lcrmrd tn Omaha and Council Illufft POLITICAL ADVEKTISKMENT

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Thousands of Jewish youngsters la ?5 countries get cars anil a clianco at a decent life through the programs of the Joint Distribution Committee, one of the agencies supported through the Omaha Philanthropies Campaign. (Top left) refugee youngster get regular medlcfll plieeloips In Pnrl* health Center whllo bis family wait to emigrate; (top right) new clothes Issued to students; (bottom left) orphanago children, learning to play to flute and (bottom left) three-year-did TB jlallent getting bis medlcino In an Israel hospital.

141?: Farnam St.

Open.Mon. and.-Thais; .'hi 8:30

I'riday, April 28, 1001


FadsOTC!Figures Reveal By J'. Nilmr A pamphlet published not Ions DUO by tho Institute of Jewish A(lairs of tho World Jewish Congress mid called "Tho Jewish Communities of tho World" contains figures and general information on Jewish communities everywlicie, their demography, political anil organizational status, education and press. The facts and fi^uri'S that it docs contain arc full of interest for those wlio know bow to read them, if only for some of the oddities of Jewish lil'o in various countries that these facts and figures reveal. Islam ICmhraci'd The countries which contain no Jews whatsover are Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Yemen, all three Arab-countries who still maintain tin Implacable hostility toward the •State of Israel. Yemen originally contained about 50,000 Jews, but nil but a few hundred of them emigrated to Israel after tho establishment of the Jewish state. The Yemen i;ov<.-rmncnl itself hastened the process of Jewish emigration by the threat of expulsion and the few Jews who wanted to remain there had to embrace Islam In order to be able to stay on. No Jens in Iceland These are the medieval, fanatical, anti-Jewish Arab lands who refuse to harbor Jews within their borders. But there is another country, a very progressive, West European country, ulbeit a small one, which also seems to contain no Jews whatsoever, since the pamphlet doesn't even list it. This Is Icclaml,.j]ow an independent country which was once upon a time a colony of Denmark. Iceland has no doubt been a temporary residence for many American Jewish servicemen, since the United States has an air base there, find probably many American Jewish tourists have during the years paid a visit to this large island in the Atlantic that nlmost reaches to the Arctic Circle. Cut isn't there a single Jew. Jsh permanent resident in Iceland? Apparently not. And If such Is the case, we don't know the exact reason for It—whether it's because the Government won't admit Jews or because Jews themselves don't care to settle there. 300 Left In China Two small countries in the heart of Asia are also not listed and we may assume that they contain no Jews; they arc Nepal and Bhutan, wedged in the Himalaya Mountains between India and China and nmonj; the most backward countries In the world. The Jewish population of China itself, which has the largest population of any country In the world, has as a result of the Communist take-over of, China dwindled from about 30,000 at the beginning of World War II to about 300 now. In Ceylon too, a country with many millions of people, there are only about 10 Jews left and the tormer synaKogue In Colombo, the Ccylonese capital and metropolis, has been turned Into a tea house. Formosa (Taiwan), which for a time served ns a temporary haven for Jews from the mainland of China, by now has only a few Jews left, without any communal or other organization. No Ordained Rabbis'Then (here Is the oddity of Jewish communities, mostly small to be sure but lf.rger than some others who do maintain rabbis, who for one reason or another remain rabbiless. The largest of these communities which has "no ordained rabbis," Is that of Iran (Persia), the classical land of Esther and Mordecal, whose present .Jewish population numbers about 75,000 to 85,000. Most of the Jews of Iran nrfi among the poorest Jews in tlw world. Yet they do maintain synagogues, but have no rabbis to lead them. Day'School. In-Tripoli ; Other Jewish commurilf les which have no rabbi, though their size would indicate that they are able to support one, arc Spain, with about 3,000 Jews, Portugal; with 1,500, Paraguay with 1,500, Costa Tiled" With.about 300 families and IJoliva with about 4,000. The King-

dom of Libya in North Africa has about 4,300 Jews (all Sephradim): the Jews there even have a Day School in the city of Tripoli, besides several synagogues, u Talmud Toi'uh and a chazan—but no rabbi. Norway is another country for which no rabbi is listed in the pamphlet, though il contains almost a thousand Jew;: with two synagogue!; and one Jewish afternoon school. Why all these countries should be bereft of a spiritual leader we can only surmise, though in the ease of Spain il is almost certain that the restrictions placed by the Franco-Government upon the open practice of non-Catholic religions 1s tho reason for it. Perhaps the biggest surprise in tills regard, the absence of rabbis, is the large Jewish community of Argentina with its 450,000 Jews. Though it is true that Buenos Aires with its 280,000 Jews has many rabbis, we are told that outside the capital the remaining 170,000 Jews of Argentina do not have a single spiritual leader, and that Includes such Jewish communities as that of Kossario (some 15,000), Cordoba (over 8,000), and Santa Vc (over 4,000). These facts and figures would seem to Indicate that Jewish religious life in Argentina is far Weaker than In other Jewish communities of comparable size. Kngland has tho name number of Jews as that of Argentina—-150,000 (the London and Uucnos Aires Jewish populations too nro about equal). Yet there are many rabbis In small Jewish communities all over Great Britain. IltirnoH Aires—Trukli Culture Yet as regards Jewish education the Jewish community of Argentina seems to come off much better than that of England. The Buenos Aires Jewish Community pays subventions to a network of 56 Jewish primary schools with a total enrollment of about 10,000; about 35 to 40 percent of all Jewish children of school age attend Jewish schools in Buenos Aires. In England there arc at present 38 Jewish primary (including kindergarten) and secondary schools with a total enrollment of about 7,000 pupils, about one in every eight Jewish children of school age, though there are in addition a number of Jewish Sunday schools and Ycshlvolh and a certain number of Jewish children nre given some Instruction 'iy youth movements. Yiddish culture too—Yiddish newspapers, magazines, book publishing houses—is incomparably stronger in Argentina than in England, where Yiddish culture has been In gradual decline during the past two generations. So here art two Important Jewish communities in the world today, one emphasizing secular JewIshness, tho other Jewish religiosity. In one important aspect, however, the two communities are similar. Both are among tho best-organlzed Jewish communities In the world, Argentina Jewry through Its "Daia" and British Jewry through its Board of Deputies. These all-embracing Jewish organizations are able to present a united Jewish front to the world, something which American Jewry has not yet achieved. (WNS)


Page Seven

Youth EDIAK KCSTAKY WEEK-KND Kdiur B'nai B'rith girls will hold their annual "Ecstasy" week-end April 28-30 when they will participate in the different phases of their organization nctivitie.s .such as service, fellowship, Jewish heritage, citizenship, creativity and recreation. Their schedule Includes Friday night .services at Temple Israel; Saturday, Maypole Party for children at Creche Home in the morning; luncheon, at noon, followed by political campaigning and a party in the evening. Sunday's calendar is marked for attendance at the Dundee Presbyterian church, a car parade and bicycling in the afternoon and their presence at the Youth Philanthropies Drive, Sunday night at the Fontenelle Hotel. Sandy Parilman and Suzy Sutin are in charge of the event and Nancy Makiesky and Jan Meiches are serving us publicity chairmen.

Jewish Governor Of Virgin Islands VVashingtoiff(JTA)—• The Senate approved by voice vote the nominal ion of Ralph Paiewonsky as Governor of the Virgin Islands. Ho is the third Jewish Governor of the Islands. The new Governor's family first arrived in the Virgin Islands from Russia in ]870 and started a .small dry goods store. The new Governor was born in Saint Thomas, one of the Islands, 53 years ago and received part of his education In Brooklyn and at New York University. The family controls a distillery which makes half of the famous Virgin Islands rum, motion picture theatres, stores and extensive real estate holdings.

700 Women Attend (Continued from Page 1.) Ernest A. Nogs headed a unit of hostesses, all past chairmen of former drives. Mrs. Martin Lehr was chairman of a group of young women who served as ushers. The singing was led by Mrs. Alfred Frank with Mrs. Harry DuBoff at the organ. Decorations were arranged by Mrs. Daniel Katzman and her committee and Mrs, Harry Fercnslein and Mrs. Morris Brick their group wore In charge of the refreshments. ailtliKiN, NON-JKWISH STUDENTS ICNKOIXKI) Jerusalem — Thirty-nine foreign, non-Jewish students, from 22 countries in Europe, Africa and Asia, are now studying at the Hebrew University, here.

Cornhusker Lodge B'nai B'rith

Spring Dance

NFTV ELECTION'S The following were elected officers of the Temple Israel Youth Group: president, Neena Beber; vice-prcs., Larry Mayer; secretary, Andrea Raskin; treasurer, Richard Spiegelmun; sgt. at arms, Ted Sanford; chaplain, John Spitzer. Heading committees are John Spitzer, religious; Nancy Makiesky, publicity; Karen Brodkey and Gall Levin, social; Gail Brodkey, cultural; Linda Grnetz and Joel Blelcher, projects and community services.

Sheraton-Fonfenelle Ballroom, Saturday, May 6 FIRST AWARD Fly United Air Lines to the Fabulous Flamingo Hotel, Las Vegas FOR TWO Plus 100 Silver Dollars OTHER SPECIAL GIFTS

Receives Award New York—Dr. Nuhum Goldmann, World Zionist Organization president, will receive the first annual Louis D. Brandels Award of the American Zionist Council on May 24.

9 P.M. to 12:30 A . M . Don Kavitch Orchestra

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y 16,500 Jews in Lithuanian Capital New York (JTA)—Vilna, capital of Soviet Lithuania, a flourishing center of Hebrew learning before the war, now has only 1C.500 Jews loft out of a pre-war . population of .200,000, and one shabby synagogue. Few of the 10,500 were survivors, many of them coming from other places, It wris reported In- the New York Times. • •" • :. About 100"boys; become Bar .Mitzvfdi each year although Soviet regulations forbid religious Instruction by all religious groups In Lithuania, the Times' story read.. The, J059 census listed Lithuanians ns malting up n third of the population and Jews about 'seven percent, •• • <


Choice, Cut to Your Order






PRESS Official 1'ubllwitlon of Sioux City Federation

Let Your Conscience Guide Your Giving, Belief of Bill Potash load lins increased in recent years, the result of the flight of Bill Potash, chaiunan of the Jews from Hungary, Poland and general men's d i - r — T - —< »-j the Soviet union, and the movevision of the 19G1 j ment of some indigent Jewish United J e w i t. h | ' ^ j families from several North AfriCampaign, is em-| \ can countries. phatically oppos>-t»^ I In addition, many survivors of cd to high pres-| !> Hitlcrism, between the ages of sure campaigning 40 and 50, who at the end of the I n s t e a d , he war seemed eble to forge ahead prefers that conon their own, are now showing tributors "let ', ' I' the delayed effects of their hartheir conscience rowing experiences in physical be their guide " and emotional breakdowns. ToAt iiis Tnday, they require assistance S t a t e Produce Potash which they did not need a few Company office on n recent rainy • years ago. afternoon, he explained these beMr. Potash Ls no newcomer to liefs—the beliefs which are the the United Jewish Campaign, alprinciples that all the workers though this is his first year as a in his division follow. division chairman. NV«MI IS Known "The men know that the necrl Wlndiip l>.v May 7 to help Jews throughout the The genera! men's division was world exists," he said. "Conse- set into motion when 16 selected quently, there has been no resis- colonels gathered at the Potash tance to giving to the campaign. home a month ago to choose capThe key question is 'how tains and divide up the pledge much?'" cards. A Sunday brunch a week ".Each individual has to answer ago attended by colonels and that question for himself. "After captains marked the formal openall'," Mr. Potash continued, "no ing of the general .men's drive. one really knows how big the The drive itself should wind up other person's pocketbook is." by May 7. • Ratings Are Guide "Will the campaign be-a.sucThis is not blind faith but a tested rule for 9 out of 10 con- cess?" Mr. Potash was asked. The answer was quick. "It has tributors. Only one out of ten, Mr. Potash believes, measures to be," lie said. "It Is a tremendhis contribution by what the oth- ous job, but Sioux City has a treer fellow thinks he should give. mendous community spirit." By Bernard Shuman


All contributors have been rated by a fair rating committee, but these ratings arc -a guide to the contributor, not a demand to be put on him. Mr. Potash, native of Texas, but a true Sioux Cityan today, reiterated that Jews bore know that the need is there. The need is the hunger of SSO.iiOO Jews throughout the world for a chance to be free and live decently. Quite naturally, the bulk of them are not in Israel, but that does not lessen the plight of Jews living today in Algeria, western Europe, Poland or Latin America. European Jews In Europe, for example, thousands of Jews depend on the support of the Joint- Distribution Committee of the UJA. The case-

Shari Shulkin Heads Campaign Division

SOCIAL NOTES The announcement of the engagement of Miss Sarah Dawes, of New York, to Richard Bailln, soli of Mr. Harry Ballin, has been made.

"However," Goldstein cautioned, "It is not a bij; lead. Now more than ever we cannot afford to relax our efforts." Tho General Men's Division and Women's Division are maintaining a lead of over 10 per cent, and the Advance Gifts, 7 per cent, over 10C0. The campaign is due to wind up with all but a few delayed pledges in, by May 35.

of Features A varied and Interesting program, including humorous readings, community singlne and variety acts, will be presented to the Joint Golden Age party of the Sioux City and Omaha Golden Age Clubs, which will be held Monday, May 1, a t the Sioux City Jewish Community Center. The full program includes Invocation, Rabbi Philip Silverstein; welcome to out-of-town visitors, Mrs. Nathan Goldls, president of National Council of Jewish Women; brief remarks, Oscar Littlefield, Executive Director of the Jewish Federation; songs, Cantor Fred Mannes, Shaare Zion Synagogue; community singing; readings from "Love and Knishes," "Only in America," and others, Mrs. Louis S. Goldberg; variety acts, B'nal B'rith Girls; Benediction, Rabbi Saul L. Bolotnikov. The program will begin with lunch at 12 o'clock. The luncheon and the program are sponsored by the Sioux City Section of the National Council of Jewish Women.

Baron vo Speak

Council Plans Open Board Meeting May 2 National Council of Jewish Women will hold an Open Board meeting and dessert-coffee Tuesday, May 2, 1 p. m., at the home of Mrs..Irivin Wade, 4420 Country Club Blvd. Mrs. Nathan Goldis will give a first-hand report on the Council project In Israel. .This will be the last scheduled meeting of the season.

YOUTH NEWS By KAV COKENMAN CONGRATULATIONS to Aronita C'harnle, AZA Sweetheart of AZA! Youth Council The Council elected Shari Shulkin campaign Youth Division chairman. AZA With the Sweetheart Dance out of the way AZA is returning to normalcy and is planning a series of study groups. The Chapter is financing its Mizruchi Women "Daughter in Israel" program by n White Elephant Sale and other selling projects. Barb Lowe, with Fred Lelchook representing AZA, will be cochairmen of BBYO week end, scheduled for May 20-28.

NITV The chapter is busy three days a week working on the Cancer Fund Drive. USY Dcanna Holdowsky and Sarilye Fish have been elected co-chairmen of a Progressive Dinner to be held May 13.

Falek Zolf. Yiddish Writer, Educator Dies Falek Zolf, aged 64, writer and principal of the Perctz FolkSchool of Winnipeg, died April 9 in Rochester, Minn. A frequent visitor to Sioux City, Mr. Falek appeared at the Jewish Community Center nnd also at the Council Federation Golden Age Club, in 1956, in>a program of reading from Ws own writings. lie was the father of Mrs. Jack Schwartz of this city. VOLUNTEERS HEAI> GKOCP ACTIVITIES Group activities of the Sioux City Jewish Community Center are led mainly by volunteer*. There are five volunteers for every paid staff member hi youth and children's clubs, and adult and golden-age activities. Volunteer leaders are carefully recruited and trained, and work under close supervision.

ISTA travel service TICKETS by air. rail bus and steamship ©TOURS . . . domestic and international

Shaore Zion

REFRIGERATORS IN ISRAEL Fifty-four per cent of all Israeli families now own refrigerators, two-thirds have gas stoves and half, have electric hot water supplies.

Three Quarters of the Advance Gifts :m<X General Men's cards have l>eeti completed, as this issue of the PRESS goes to the printer, find the campaign turns into the final stretch. The Increase.'! with which the campaign started have been maintained throughout nil divisions, and chairman Harold Goldstein has expressed the fervent hope that the drive will finish up on the same triumphant note that has carried it to this point.

Alfred Mendel of Krcfeld, Germany, -was a visitor for several weeks in the home of his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mendel. • * * BAIt MITZVAII A. II. Baron will be the princlBarton Jay Levich, son of Mr. . pal speaker at the "Simcha Dinand Mrs. Irving Levich, will ob- ner," Sunday, April 30, at the serve his Bar Mitzvah at Friday United Orthdox Synagogue, celeevening and Saturday morning brating the burning of the mortSabbath Services, May 5 and 6, gage on the home of Rabbi and at Shaare Zion Synagogue. Mrs. Saul I. Bolotnikov. Friends and relatives are InBarry Levich and Hannah Menvited to attend a luncheon fol- del will entertain with an imlowing the Saturday morning promptu performance of Yiddish, service, also a reception at the Israeli and popular songs. S y n a g o g u e Saturday evening, Dinner will start at 6 p. m. 8:30 to 11 p. m.

Shari Shulkin, Central High School senior and first vice-presiMonuments to the late Mrs. dent of Franklin Delano Roose- Rebecca Cohen and Miss Judith velt B'nai B'rith Girls, has been Colien will be unveiled Sunday, April 30, 1 p. m., at the Graceelected chairman • land Cemetery. of the U n i t e d ! Jewish Campaignj Youth Division by! The monument of the late Mrs. the Jewish Youth! Gertrude Shiloff will be unveiled Sunday, April 30, 2 p. m., at the Council. jH Mt. C a m e l (Floyd) Cemetery. Shari will be aided by an assistant chairman, The monument of the late Mrs. for each h i g h Sarah Bergen will be unveiled Sunday, April 30, 3 p. m., at the s c h o o l ye'ar. Floyd Cemetery. There will also be an a s s i s t a n t chairman for col- Shari Slralldn lege students., and an assistant chairman to solicit elementary 'THE BEST KOSHER MEAT and junior high students. SOLD ANYWHERE" Tho Youth Division campaign In 1960 raised over $200. Shari 817 Woit 7th Sr, PfioB* 8-6640 hopes tcr.-tgp this tola! by a sub8tantisJ";itnargin. >. j The Shaare Zion Bible Study Group will meet Sunday, April 30, 8:15 p. m., at the home of Vr, and Mrs. Ben Sacks, 2300 Jackson Street.

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fly Bernard Shuiutm THIS J3TII ANNIVERSARY— A parade marking Israel's Bar Mitzvah year was held in Jerusalem despite the request of the United Nations security council to cancel the event. Israel maintained the parade was not "an aggressive act" and did not endanger the peace. The rebuke to Israel stemmed from the Jordanian complaint that the general armistice agreement was being violated by the heavy military equipment u;;ed in the parade. A United States suggestion to hold the parade in another city to insure tranyuility on the Jordan - Israel frontier was disregarded by Israel. However, Israel did revise the parade route to eliminate streets from which the procession would be visible to the " Jordanians. The Kennedy administration's stand on. Jordan's complaint t<J the U.N. was to sponsor -an Amendment which put the responsibility for maintenance of the peace equally on Jordan and Israel. In so doing, the U.K. risked, and incurred, the wrath of the Arab states who wauled Israel branded as an aggressor. V.H. 'HOT I'OTATO'— The Arab states revived the Arab refugee question in the U.N., seeking the establishment of an agency to safeguard Arab property in Israel and the repatriation of Arab refugees by Israel or their compensation. Francis T. Plimpton, the American representative in the U.N., told the Arabs no resolution creating a U.N, custodian In Israel was needed. The reaction was immediate, with the U.S. Inbcleci by the Arabs as a Zionist tool and a despoiler of the Arab refugees. As expected, the Arabs were backed by the Soviet, and the U.S. was supported by the United Kingdom in the controversy. ANOTHER ANNIVERSARY—. An observance was held in Jewish c o m m u n i t i e s throughout the world to r e c a l l the Warsaw Ghetto revolt 18 years ago. President Kennedy described tho event as an "epic act of courage" which had "rightfully" become a symbol of the endurance of man's hope under the most ruinous of circumstances.'' While the event was actually a day of mourning for Jewry, tho occasion "should also be a day of extreme and Justified pride. The six million men, women and children who perished have become the symbol of true heroism." The stone and concrete "Tent of Remembrance" erected by the Yad Vashem near Jerusalem was dedicated in somber ceremonies. Dr. Mordechal Nurock, once tho chief rabbi of Latvia whose entire family was slaughtered by the Nazis, kindled the eternal light. Tho observance was of special Blgnlficance.because of tho Eichmann- trial, bjoing brought to jus*'•"•*-' r -'In a Jewish court In THE IMMIGRATION QUESTION—President Kennedy was urged by the New York Fedora, tion of Reform Synagogues to reform the immigration laws. The federation's social action confer* ence aimed a t a better immigration policy, one in keeping "with our nation's democratic concepts of equality and mercy." THIS SCHOOL QUESTION— The National Council of Young Israel, the central agency of a group of orthodox synagoguei, adopted a position opposed to the president, and asked for federal aid for parochial schools. I t wa» qualified, however, with the pro* vision that such aid did not Involve the principle of separation of church and state.


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