May 5, 1961

Page 1

Vol. XXXIX — No. SS

I'uiiilculkm urtice. 1U1 Wu amti Omaliu Nciu'ti&uti Plume 84*J-I.*MJO

if? P> \0?

Sen/or Citizens' Monlh Proclaimed Here hy Jewish Federation Serves fhe Aged

A Proclamation

WIIEHKAS Omaha has greatly benefited from the contributions A complete program of services of it;; .Senior Citizens toward the to the .Senior Citizens of Hie enrichment of Its Jewish Community is sponsored soda), spiritual a n d economic by t h c Jewish * , life; ami . f ' e d c r a tion of" Omaha, H a r r y W II K It K A S national Interest /Trustln, I ' r c s i 1 lins greatly indent, stnted to- creased ronceniday, In conneclnB the welfare tion w i t h the und well being of den lor Citizens our older t:l' Month held nazens; and >. tionally during WHEIIKAS'*"tlic in on t h of there is on in- Ko»<-»MaU May. oreasingly larger number of per"Thesi; include sons helped mainly through the Mr. Trustin said, Ha«TJ' "such activities as health, hous- advancement Of medical science ing, recreation, education, and to continue to share bolh the ndwelfare. All departments of the vantafce.i nnd tlie problems of Federation are nctive in provid- our society; ami WIIKItKAK the attention and ing a variety of service's to the aging and the need and arc con- Interest of.all persons of every tributing to the health and wel- /ige within this cnmmuWty is fare of the aged in the commu- sought in order to honor and to better serve our older citizens, nity." Special medical help for aged and help them live satisfying is furnished hy the Bikur Cliolim lives and that all may pmfit from Society. The (Council of Jewish their prcsccncc: NOW, TIIKRF.FORK, I, JOHN' Women help in nn occupational therapy program nt the Aired ROSENBLATT, Mayor of the 3 lorne, and are co-sponsors of tlie City of Oniahn, do hereby proGolden Age Club, now in its claim the month of May, TORI SKNIOK (IITIZIONS MONTH jiinth year of existence, and in the Senior Citizens Lounge, now in Omaha, nnd respectfully invite in its second year of operation. the attention of all our citizens In addition, all women's organ- to this observance. Done at City Hall. Omaha, Neizations in the community, under the Federation. of Jewish Wom- braska, tliis twentieth day of en's Clubs, sponsor special days May, 10G1. JOHN nO.SKNBI.ATT, at the Home for Aped throughMayor out the year.



<siffs From D r . PfisSfp Two gifts have been received in Omaha from the Dr. Philip Slier Endowment Fund through David Shi'r of New York, trustee. A check for $500 was designated for the Dr. Philip Slier Home for the Aged "in sacred memory of my beloved wife, Rebecca Saxe .Slier." The Other, was a f'ift of $200, made to the Jewish Federation "for holding and conducting 'Oneg Sabbath's for Jewish boys and girls, nt least three times each year, this grant being intended to cover the expense of having a cultural program and refreshments." David Slier Is the son of Dr. Philip Slier who resides at the Home for Aged bearing his name.

ir,0 Ulalifc I'u a! Omaha


Maturity, ability nnd experience characterize the personnel s e l e c t e d to supervise Camp J a y - C - O ' s IKIJI.,— i- "

' ••>

and girls, ages C' . ; through I'l, Nor-'^ " * man Batf. stated* J J f this week in an-W'J % ~* nouncing the ap-' ' , p o i n t mcnts'> *. Starting June 25, ,' * *~ i the three-week ' s . ;» resident camp ID- ^1 ,' f~\ cafed on u pie-*-** '* " / \ t u r e s q u e site! *' j ; j near Louis v 111 c*~* *-•• • ""--3 I u u will have an all college cabin counseling staff. I'oslc.i, Director Directing the L'2nd session of Camp Jay-C-C, Batt. stated, will be ShermiU) Poska, while acting ns assistant to the Director will be Dik Weiner of the Center Staff. Fayna Manvitz, a grade school teacher and a specialist In last, summer's camp, will supervise the Girls' Village while Dave Belzer, a graduate student, nt the University of Nebraska School of Social Work, will head boy's activities. Omniums Bill Katzman, a University of Oklahoma collegiate and Stanley Zwerling, now attending Columbia, will be in charge of boy's groups. Girl's Leaders Leading girl's groups will be Lenl Wine, a student teacher at Omaha University; Vickl Baumstein, Sioux City, now attending Momingskle College; Elizabeth Kllenbogen, a sophomore at Chicago University and K l i s s a

Bikur CftoSinTs Traditional Tea

Monday, Center

Henry Appel Elected

yinjfie Cl>py 10c Annual find- I*

Posko Director

Joe Patrick, KMTV Sports Director, will he the guest speaker at the l-llli annual "A<,vurd Night" to be held » ' ' at the Jewish ' ' / ^ • ' < ! Community Cen- \ tilf^"^ ( ter auditorium on ' * ' Wednesday eve- t nlng, May 11 at J* *J&t 7:M0 p. m. <' * One hundtedfifty Center athlefes nnd championship t e a m s will r e c e I v e awards to cul minate tlie 19G0- 'ooVntrlrU 61 program year. Approximately '100 people are expected to be on hand. Patrick is a graduate of Drako University, Des Moincs, la., where he was an outstanding football player. lie played guard on Drake's team that went to Tel Aviv (JTAJ—A United Israeli fighters approached. The the Tangerine Bowl. Considered Arab Republic MlG-17 jet fight- next morning two more MIGs one of the finest sportscasters in The traditional May tea honorer was shot down near the Sinai crossed over nnd were intercept- the'Midwest, the rugged ex-gridborder in the first air clash in ed. After a brief battle, one of the iron performer lias lived in Oma- ing great-grandmothers, grandmothers, mothers and daughters, MIGs was shot down and the five months. ha for five years. Inaugurated many years ago, by The spokesman said that four pilot was seen parachuting and Tiie Center gymnastics class members of Bllcur Cliolim, has MIG Jets were seen crossing the landing on the border, presumabwill present a ten-minute demon- been marked on the community bonier Into Israel air space In ly escaping to safety. stration under the direction of calendar for Monday, May 8, at central Sinai nnd turned back Israeli fighters, on their re- Danny Fogel, former University 2 p. m. at the Jewish CommunIn the direction of Egypt when turn to the base, snlel parts of of Nebraska gymnastics star. ity Center auditorium. the wrecked MIG were seen a Also on the agenda Is a picture A program will he presented hy few hundred feet from the bor- display of the current year's ac- Mmes. Morey I.andman, Harry 101 der inside Egyptian territory. tivity. I.obel, Max Levino with Yiddish The last prior air clash ocFive new members will be se- songs by Jacqueline and Barbara curred last Oct. 19 when Israel lected Into the Jewish Commun- Landman and Peggy Lobel. Mrs. Dr. Morris Margolin was hon- reported a UAH' MIG was dam- ity Center Athletic "Hall of J. J. Brown of Council Bluffs, ored following an address he aged over the central Ncgcv. Fame' 'and four Service Awards will.-give a recitation. made this week at a Lion's Club will be presented. Highlighting Mmes. Dave Wine and John meeting at the Sheratoi\-Fonthe program will be the presen- Zorinslty, special events chairtenelle Hotel. tations of the J. J. Greenberg, men, said gifts will be made to Dr. Margolin who continued to Henry Appel, prominent com- Harry Trustin and Les Burken- the oldest and youngest, persons practice medicine und retain an munity leader, Is the newly-elect- road Awards for the year's most in attendance. All members and Interest In 'community activities, ed president of Beth Israel Syna- outstanding players. friends are invited to attend. despite his loss of sight In lfMG, gogue. •poke on "Understanding t h e Mr. Appcl announced the folMoroccan Jews to Operate Ov/n Schools Blind." He was praised for his lowing officers will serve with nctive role by Dr. Donald Wil- him during the ensuing year; Casablanca UTA)—To con- OSE here, compose the memberson, club program chairman, and Ernest Hochstor, vice-president; form with n new legal ruling by ship of the new' association. President Henry R. Roosc, nnd Alfred Franlc, treasurer; Dr. Ben- the Government affecting priv- Since the new ruling went into was presented with a Braille nett Fishbain, recording secre- ate schools, a Moroccan Associa- effect, depriving of legal status Watch by living Marcus, jewelry tary; JOP Burstein, financial sec- tion of Alliance Israelite was esthe schools maintained by the firm manager. tablished here to operate the Alliance Israelite Universelle, the retary. Members of the Hoard of Dr. Margolin has served on Commissioners who also assumed, Jewish schools previously conthe Executive Board of the Jew- officer are Irving Epstein, Mrs, ducted In this country by Al- necessity has arisen for formation of a legal body consisting ish Foundation in addition to his Fromkln, Sam Halm, Maurice liance Israelite Universelle of entirely of Moroccan Jews to many years of service as chair- Kalelman, Martin Kolm, Dr. Purls. man of its Bureau of Jewish Edu- Haskell Morris, George Schapiro, Six leaders of the Moroccan take responsibility for the Jewish cation, and also the Family Serv- Mrs. Harry SIdman, and-Harold Jewish community, headed by schools originally established hy ice Department, the Paris body. Ze.linsky. Raphael 15en-Arrosch, director of

Cited by Lions


Lantly, a student at the Universify of Illinois at Urbana. Assisting the counseling staff will be Marilyn Katzman and eight other program 'assistant* and specialists, Batt stated. Specialists have also been hired for swimming, and arts and crafts, in addition to a nurse for the infirmary. •Well-Tiralniid Staff Baft stated that parents can feel confident that a competent stuff of experienced and well trained counselors will supervise their children in a healthy and fulfilled summer of. camping. He pointed out that registrations, as of this date, exceed enrollment for a similar period last year, with parents being enthusiastic to register their youngsters early for the new camp program. Registrations, though limilefl to 80 each for the two 10-day sessions, are still being accepted at the Camp Office, 3'l~'-13fiG, in the Center for either period' or for the full three weeks of camping.

Bluffs Federation \o Honor Bin J.Gershun A testimonial dinner, Sunday, May 7, will honor Ben J. Gcrshmi, prominent Council Bluffs, la., resident, for his leadership in the Jewish Federation and his efforts In the United J e w i s h Appeal Drives in his community. Dinner Sundjvy The dinner to Mr. Gershun be given by the Council Bluff* Jewish Federation at 6:30 p. m. at the Club G4, will also be. the kick-off for its 1961 UJA campaign, it was announced by Harold Flnkel, General Chairman. Mr. Gershun headed both th» Council Bluffs Jewish Federation' and the UJA Campaign for 12 years and served as president of the Jewish Community Center, the past four years. In Bluffs 49 Vears He was a resident of Council TOufts (or 40 years and previously lived in Schuyler, Nehr., for I'l years after serving In World I. lie is a memhor of the American Legion, the 40 and 8, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Chamber of Commerce, Elks Club, Kiwanis and was a past master of the Masonic Excelsior Lodge. Both Mr. Gershun nnd his wife who headed IsraeVltonii activities since 1054, fulfilled a long-time dream when they visited Israel In iflHR as members of a B'm« B'rith survey committee. Upon their return, Mr. Gorshun made several talks on his observations and findings. Tlie Gershuns are Hie parents of Mrs. Leonard Goldstein of Omaha and Mr. Theodore L. Gershun of Seattle, Wash. Although semi-retired, Mr. Gershun is president of the Gerehvm Depa'vtment store in Council Bluffs. Si Lee is the Council Bluffs Federation president and Mrs. Jerry Passer, tlie Women's Division head.

recent arrivals, and 30,000 new immigrantsin1961


Page Two

'Learn Too LittleToo Late'-Speaker Tells Campaigners C'niiillelljjlitliif,' iit 7:0l» p . in . BKTii


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Sabbath evenin;; services at Ik-tli Kl .Syn,-);:o;;ue will lic^in at 8:15 p. in. Rabbi Mycr S. Kripke will ilelivi1!' the sermon. Canlor Aaron I. Kd;;nr aiul Iho Heth 101 Synaj{oi,'in' Clioir will render the mtiMcal portions of the service. Traditional service will hi;f;in at S:.':0 a. in., the Family Service, at 30:30 a. in. Mineha-Manriv Seniecs are liclii at 7 [>. in. •Sunday ni'iminj; sen'ices will bc;:in at !) a. In. Sen ices during Hie week are hfld at 7 a. in. and 7 p. In.

Patronize Jewish Press Advertisers.

IS. anil I'. Supper Mrs. Kriplio s|<nl;e at the eoc:klail .suiipcr ..f t l v Women's Uii.siiifss and Professional Division of the Philanthropies, at the Jewish Community (.'enter. She entreated the women to raise flu ir pledges ill order that flic- many nei ds, nationally, in Israel anil overseas and loeally, may he met. The speaker is Hie wife of Kablii Myer S. Kripke, ol Belli Kl Syna[;o;;ue.

Mrs. Sdmnrtz Tresliles Pivsidin^' at the event was liiibbl IVnjaniiii ("iionor, Can- Mrs. Philip D. Schwartz, Disision tor Kli Ka;;an anil the Uelh Is- Ciiairmen who presented the folrael Choir will conduct the Into lowiut; honored quests to the asFriday service's at 8 p. m, Tia- fieinhly: Mis, .Sntnu"] Kalzni'in, ilitionnl Friday services iKobo- ll'dO Women's Chairman; Mrs. liis Shabbusi br;;in at 7:10 p. in. •Alexander I). Frank, 10(11 CrnShabbns niornin;; services bcj;in eral Women's liivision; who at H:4't u. in. Junior ('on;;ri';;a- spoke, the lalter's co-ehairmi'n, tinn .it ]() a. rn. Kablii Groner Mines'. Henry AppH, Josejih fluss will cnndncl the Talmud class and J.azer Kaplan and .Tewish at (i:-J0 p. in. Sabbath .Minclia Federation I.'xeeufive Director at 7:15 p. in. followed by Sholusli Paul Vevet. She also ilitrodiicoil Scudiw and .Maariv at X p. in. h< r captains, the Mines. Alien •Sunday inorniii!; .services be- He'jo.'r ;ind Josef May<'r. who ;;in at '.I a. in. followed by brealc- wore thf! l!W;il H, und P. CoiaM and Kabbi's cla;s in Bible. Chairmen; Clinrles Itoss, Fan Sunday mornin;: Junior .Minyan Sherman ami Ihe Misses .Sylvia Parilmah. Slut/.Icy aiid Julia followed by breakfast stalls at H.'.V) a. in. Oaily servicis at 7 Zuker. a. m. and 7:20 p. in. Mrs. Schwartz expre.sscil her apiueei/itiiin to Miss Kalah TEMPli; ISKA10L FranlUin. Women's Campaign Iiabbi Sidney II. Uroolis will .St-eretary, f<ir the many services officiate at. regular Friday eve- and nssislancc e.xlinded to the nin:i .ser\ ices at 8:15 p. in. a t Division. Temple Israel. His sermon will Omaha women modeled tlrr-wi lx! "Where 'Heresy' Leads." creations designed l>y Israel Temple Choir directed by Miss teenagers In a style show narIda Gitlin. rated by Mrs. Katzinan. Mrs. Saturday Mornin},' Sejviccs for .Mayer offered the invocation. .Adults and I!e!i;;ious School at M;TII ISUAI:I>

K'NAI JACOB-ADAS VES1H ItON' Friday, Jlinchn, C p. in. Saturday, 8:30 a. in. Minchn, 6 p. in. followed by Sholosh Seudos. Uaily services a t t>:10 a. m. and C:30 p. ill.

AND DELICATESSEN Open Sundays 556-5560 Prlrn Kffectlio Only Tliru lVr<Inr*day


In an address ilealint; with thf • needs that must IK; met by the Philanthropies Campaign, Mrs. Mycr S. Ki ipke, outstanding Hjieaker and autlior, iiointed out that ED often "we learn to little, ton late; oilnTivisn we mi;;ht have aefed differently in world crises, if 1 hey had l<een foreseen."

TEMPLE SCHOOL. ItEGISTKATION Registration for the 19C1-G2 Religious .School will take place at Temple Israel, May G-7-13 and 14. ISKAEI, FASHIONS I;EACH AIJSTKAIJA.

Israel—Israeli fashion fabrics are to he sold in Australia.



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ed Heelilj 011 Triilaj {jpsinnliiK tttu lart »cch lr> August tliruuiih bt'eoiiU ueuli In July by the Jewish ( edcralion «t Omalia. Second Class Pojtono Pold ol Oma.10, Ncbr. Ani.uul bub:cripllcn, H.W. Advertising Rafc-s on Appllcalfc"".. Publ.cuiisn Oltlce—101 No. join slrttl. Omaha, llcbr,. 3«136«.


The Jewish youth C o u n c i l raised approximately SHOO in cash at their annual Philanthropies rally held at the .Shernloh-Fontenelle last Sunday nisht. In addition to this, the. unpaid pledges will help to near our coal of $1,200-and n special effort will be made by the captains and lieutenants to contact all those who have not plod cod yet, said the Grand Marshals Susie Spcl^r and Steve Guss, and Co-chairmen Carol Kosurbaum rind Ron Gross. They nlso hope, and are confident that each Youth will make a generous pledge when called upon it was stated. The Grand Marshals and Cochairmen announced that the rally was attended by over 300 Youth, and praised '.he program. In individual club pledges, Kohanue Ki'lf topped the other clubs with their pledge of $100. Itayim boys ran n close second with the sum of $75. It is anticipated that with the payment of all unpaid pledges, and the cooperation of all those who hnve not pledged up to date, the Youth Council will be able to top their 51,200 goal, the youth leaders declared.


IICI.I.OUSIIIP AWAKDED Milton Gross was awarded a I-"e]low.shl[) at Iowa State Univcri s taki IS llis --'' J1U^L^'' " "

1'II.D decree. He is the liusbnurl <>< " " ' former Kvelyu U-vey of Omahn. Do your Ktiopiiiiu; i » ' h e Jewish Press.

Wioite .S42-I3W to inter! vour Worn Ao \t Urn JtwiMi Press

IMILV JICWISH NKW.srAl'KltS JJAIt and liaH Mlf/.v:ili congratulations also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyer? No ivs Stand, 1502 Dodj;r

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Youth Gounci! Bally Raises $819 Cash




















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With the Home Folks CHUCK HOAST * .">>HT» and happening* at The Or.

fulllp .Slier .lnvl»li Home for tb* AKedbJ Oat Id OrUow.

OJamoiid'i Fomoui

Monday, May 1: The -Council of Jewish Women sponsored a number of our residents in the grand bus tour of Sioux City. Tuesday, May 2: Shopping tour. Wednesday, May 3; Rabbi Benjamin Groner was our rabbinical visitor this week. Thursday, Slay 4: Admissions board meeting. Friday, May 6: D o w n t o w n movie day. Saturday, May G: Oneg Shab-

Beit Brand



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Mother-Daughter Teacher Is Fined Brunch at Temple In Italy for Betuarks Temple Tsrai'l Sisterhood will Abut Textbook . hold a Mother-Children bnmeli


Miss Rubenstein And fiance Pick August 27 Date • ttlr. and Mrs. Jerry nnjiouncc tho cni;ai;ement of their daughter, l'eticy Kllen to Allen Gary Epstein, Bon of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kpstein. Both Miss Hubcnstcin, a freshman and her fiance, a junior, attend the University of Nebraska at Lincoln, Mr. Epstein Is affiliated with Sigma Alpha Mu, social fraternity and Plil Mu Alpha, music fraternity. : An August 27 wedding is being planned.

on Sunday, May 7 at VH:'AO p. in. Florence (JTAj—An secondary schoolteacher at Temple TsrncJ. \vasi;iven a one-month suspended Slie^ilwrs sentence and lined S.'i2ri after .she Sjx'akrrs will be JMIS. Harry uas found cuilty in a lilwl action Wise, grandmother; Mis. KfKvaid filed by the publishers of a textAfaklcsky, mother, and Carol Alt- book jslic had charged was "apolsulcr, daughter. Tlicir topic will oj;eliq" toward fascism. be "My role in today's world." Tin; schoolteacher, Ada DellaPaula Mai;zamin, vocalist; fore, a former partisan and vicFreddie Weiner, ventriloquist, and tim of fascist persecution (iur'uif: Dixie-CJators, a combo consisting the .Second World VVnr, had adof Joel Aresty, Itonnlil Hroclte- dressed a letter to the publisher mcir,. Ilofxrt Guss, Gary Kap- of n textbook used in her school, lan, Gary Kicltes and Gary Soir- complnlniiif; that the book supplied a distorted interpretation cf will entertain the g of fascism which might appear to students as an apology' for Mntcrj. Norman Lincoln and dictatorship forbidden by postDavid Bleielier are in clmi'Ke of war Italian law. She also requestthe affair with Mmi«. Maynard ed a revision of the misleading Gj'cnnbci'K and William Kaiman, chapters. The publisher then filed ht'.'idiiifT tho luncheon committee. a libel suit against the teacher. Other chairmen of the event In deciding on the case, the an.1 Mmcs. Morton Soiref, program; limps. IT. Greenberj;, K. court ruled that the textbook Ro:;en; decorations; Mines. Ben dill not contain an apology for Maczamin, Philip Malkin, table fascism. The teacher announced fiettlnfi; Mmcs. Morris IJpp and that she would appeal (lie ruling to a liiRher court. Jacob Hess, telephone.

Barton H. Greenberg, Insurance Counselor

EFFICIENCY IN GOVERNMENT . . . through using the knowledge and ability of all Omahans. Through increased opportunity for training for police, fire and other city departments. Through relieving Omaha's policemen of routine paperwork. PROGRESS FOR OMAHA . . . by providing needed services and facilities now on a pay-as-you-go basis. Two new swimming pools immediately through lease purchase . . . expanded school playground recreation program . . . acquiring undeveloped land for future parks.

Announcsi Thaf

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Among the seniors honored rccenlly by the University of Nebraska for scholastic achievement in tho College of Dentistry was Bernard J. Turkel, son of Dr. and Mrs. Sam I,. Tiirkcl. Twice] who received the C. V. Mosby A w a r d , will be graduated in June. New Y o r k - A 52,000,000 gift was made In New York to be used toward the construction of a 30-story research center at Yeshiva University's Albert Einstein. College of Medicine.

ECONOMY IN GOVERNMENT . . . through a total study of city finances. This study will uncover whoro money can be saved . . . wilt make money available to meet many pressing needs without increasing tho fax burden,

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PROSPERITY FOR OMAHA . . . by continuing the city-wide effort to promote industrial growth. By using nationwide contacts to encourage, industry to locate in Omaha. By respecting the part played by all Omahans in building prosperity.

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Page Four



Friday, May B, 19C1


Corralcd horses waiting to be fed.

Camp colt being taught to follow.


Girls groom their own horses.




oirls lined up for camp parade and rodeo.


For Boys and Girls 6 through 14


June 25 through July 15

mmmsmm Getting ready to saddle up.

Campers may bo registered for either of the two ten-day sessions or for the full season of camping. Further information end details are available by writing or call the Camp Offict at 3421366.

It •I f Horses given camper's personal care.

REGISTER FOR GAMP JAY-C-C N O W Deaths JUIJCS ALTAIAN Funeral s e r v i c e s w.-re held Wednesday niorainK at Beth Kl tSyiiTj'iKUc for Julius Altman, pioneir grocer and resident of OniHh.'i, who died Tuesday morning. Mr, Allmnn, a charter member of Bstli Kl; had Iwsn ill for ' fuM'r.iJ months. Burial .vas in 13' tli Kl Cemetery. Ifc is.'survived hy. his wife. Ruth. l.\vi» sons, /^harios and Al, Omaha; one daughter, Mrs. Mar<-/'l'a Shapiro, Kl Pa.':o, To:ais; aivl two. sistera. Mrs. ; i;icv/'ity and Mrs.' Hose Burstein, Mil*. .itiNKS 'WOLSKY Fuitsrnl services were h e 1 d Wwlnrsday at the Jewish Funeral lion e for Mrs. Ajnes Wolsky, 77, <K Sioux City, who died Monday. Burial was in Beth Hagodol Cemetery. .Si'rviviinj are daughter, Mrs. Joe Shiilldn,, Sioux City,-la;,1.anil son, Milton Wolslcy and two grandchildren..-' MISS. ilANNA'-MOSKOWITZ Funaral services were held Monday at Crosby-KurioM mortunry, for-Mrs. Hanna Moskovitz, S7, of 4fi50 Dodge Street, who diP'l Sunday, :_ Sun. iving .-u-e sons, Milton/Max and" I.oo P.; daughters, Miss

Bar and Bas H i All frlrmls and relative* are Invited to attend services and rwcptlon.

Tlie Has Mitzvah of Jill Slosburg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Slosburg, will be celebrated at Temple Israel May x 5 mid 6.

• .


DONNA CANFIELD SANDHA GIUNMKV C'HUBYL WICIS.S , The group Has Mitzvah of Donna Cnnfield, daughter,of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Canfield; Sandra Gilinsky, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilinsky; and Cheryl Weiss, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Weiss, will be celebrated on Friday, May 12 at Beth Israel Synagogue. , >•'STEVIIN* GOODMAN ,. Steven Goodman, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Goodman,, will observe his Bar Mitzvah on Saturday morning, May Gth at Beth "El Synagogue. Sylvia and Mrs. Nellie Adlcr, all of Omaha; brother, Dave MarkOH-itz, Denver, Colo. Burial was In Pleasant Hill Cemetery.

Digging Unearths Bronze eind Ivory Jerusalem, (JTA) — What 5s proWably the richest collection of bronze and ivory articles from the Chalcolithic p e r i o d dating back to 5,000 years ago, has been discovered in the Dead Sea caves by the Hebrew expedition headed by Pi'ofessor Ylgael Yadin. When the first items in the find were discovered, it was believed, that .they were-part of a booty captured from Roman legions by the forces of Bar Kochbn because numerous articles bore the engraving of an eagle, a typical Roman symbol. As more items were unearthed, however, it was established that they predated the Bronze Age nnd indicated that the Clialcolithlc period had a much higher level of culture than wr^s formerly believed. Meanwhile, parts of 41 scrolls ••md'papyri dating'to the later Bar, Kocjiba period, have -already been brought to . enisalerii where'tliey are being opened, by university 'experts.' T h e . were among the items discovered by the expedition in the vicinity of' the Dead Sea. Prof. Yadln reported that Prof. Biberkraut, n Hebrew University e x p e r t on opening ancient s o oils, had Managed to'ofKn one oC tlie scrolls whirli Is written clearly In Hebrew Iplter*.

Campus SDT ELECTION Nancy Grossman of Burlington, la., was made president of Sigma Delta Tau sorority at the Univcristy of Nebraska at: Lincoln. , '.''•.-..•• . '. • Other newly-elected officers nre Muriel Lelchook, Sioux City, la., vice-president, social chairman and pledge trainer; Estelle Wcbman, Superior, £Jeb., secretary; Linda' Kiilly, HastjngS,; Nebr., historian and Bonnie KukIin, Lincoln, Ncbr., treasurer..



In the Jewish' Tradition

Vour order Bhould be placed well In advance of "Yahivnlt" so the work docs not have to bo hurried. W» tit linown for our txacting Htbraw leftiring «nd detail. You may plan your confidence in ui Itnowina each detail and tradition will b» adhered to with utmost care and ikill. IVe employ no BCen(»— here you aavfl these expeimlve commlsslona n*.,fou d«nl directly with the owners . . , We Invite jrau to compare . . . Wo permit no untimely unlicltatlon-... You are freo to make up your own Blind.

John Kalina PHOTOGRAPHER 817 SOUTH 36TH STREET 345-1044

Omaha Monument Frank Renno 3 2 ; M { " 9 " St. . 73M1I1 - Open Sunday 2-5 Sine* I f 2 1


Friday, May 8, 1061

<'Tf;rt TO INSTALL OFI-'H'KICS Mrs. Max Sacks will conduct; the installation of officers of IVnal B'rilh Oortihuusker Chapter No. 1032, May H at tlic Sheraton-Fontenelle Holt1) at 8:30 p. m. A social hour ;iml entertainnient by the? "Upsta^ci's" will follow. Reservations are bem;; taken by Mrs. Harry Grcenberj::, •USti-UM, nn.l-Mrs. Paul Kilkin, 45.ri-18!«. UI'STAOKItS I'KKI'OIt.M Tile newly organized "Uptascers," a theatrical croup, will entertain at tin' Veterans Hospital in Lincoln on May 7. Mrs. Milton Loss is director of 1 he Ki'oup. FKLLMAX TO SI'EAK AT COKMItrSKKK .MKICTING Richard Fellman will speak at the 7 p. m. dinner meetin;; of Coruhuskcr Lodpe of H'nai B'rilh, Wednesday, May 10 at the Kaneh Howl. Mr. Kellmari's subject will l)p "One Month of the Kiehmann Trial—Its Kffeet on the Conscience of tho World." A social.hour will precede the dinner. Reservations can he madeby calling Alvin Abramson, .'i'.tlS(i9:i; .Sid .Spelclman, 550-8975; and Maury Schwartz, 553-7421.


Pace Flv»

Beth El to Honor Mrs. Elewitz to Mrs. Aaron Edgar Install Officers Mrs, Isadore Kleu'ilz will ofAt May 9th Event ficiate at the inslallation of of-

MIZKAt'llI BIONEI-'IT IJ'KCIIKON, MAV 10. Mrs. Julie Ivlfar, wife of Can- ficers at the Beth Israel SisterA benefit luncheon and card tor Aaron J. Kd;;ar will receive hood luncheon meeting, Tuesday parly oil behalf of the Mizrachi the "(,'bayo Oloin" award of the May !(, at I2:,'!0 p. m. in (he syiiaWomen's Organization will Lie Torah Fund in recognition of her • f;o;:ue social hall. held on Wednesday, May 10, at devotion to tho synagogue, n( the Mrs. Alfred Frank was re1 p. in. at. I lie Jewish Commu- • May 9 Molhcr-IJmij;h(ei' Iunch- eled ed president of lielh Israel Sisterhood. O t h e r officers are nity. Center. eon-nieetin;; of the Ilet.h K'l Sis- Mines, Harold Zelinsky, Geoif;e Anyone of the hostesses may terhooil at VA:'.V) p. in. Presenta- Schajiiro, Mrs. If, S. Susmun, lie called for reservations, Mrs. tion will l>e by the Mines. Morion v i c f - p r u s i d e n l s ; Mrs. Sidney Sam Kpslein, 3'.H-0117; Mrs. It i e h a r d s and 1'hil Gereliek, Katelman, treasurer, Mrs. Albert, Sorkin, Recording s e .: r e U r y, Abraham Fisher, 558-0170, or Torah Fund cbairnicn. Mines. Williaiy Poster, Sam lios.Mrs. Herman Franklin, ,'Mti-5245. All sisterhood members are in- enslein, f I n a n.c i a I secretaries; The Mizrachi Children's. Vil- vited to brin;.; their mothers and Mines. David \V. Louis, LeRoy lai;o project will receive all pro- adult dmiKhlers. Gifts will bo (' a n f i e I d, corresponding secrereeds taken in from this affair. presented to f:real-j;ranr|inotliers taries. Kvcryone is invited to at lend. of the confirmed I ion, wlio as sisDirectors are Mines. H e n r y terhood quests will occupy a speAppel, Sam Katzman, and Sidney cial table of distinction. NFTV STI;I>V siossioy .Sisterhood o f f i c e r s for the (Jolclheri;. AND IHN'NICK, MAY 7 A socir.l !i"iir will follow. Baby The season's final study ses- cominf; yvnv, will be ejected, and sitting service will be provided. sion and dinner of. the Temple then installed in a ceremony to Israel'youth };roup will lie held lie conducted by Rabbi Myer ,S. VOIWJ JIJDAKA (JKOIJI'S on Sunday, May 7 at Temple KripUe. All, Youutif Judaea croups will Israel. Maury .Schwartz, Temple A brief report, "Have Gavel, Kducalion Director, will lead the Will Preside," will be ^iven by meet. at. the Jewish Community discussion. Mrs. Morris C. Fellnirui, oul^oinK Center on Sunday, May 7 at 2 ]'. i n . Mrs. George Spitzer and Mrs. sisterhood president, Mrs. Irving Schneiilerman, eirDavid Meyers will host the dinWOICM) C'ONUUESS MAItKS ner, to be in tho newly decorated eli! coordinator, and the follow- 35TII AN'NIVKKSAKV in;; circle chairmen I he Mines, youth lounge. All hijjh school New York (JTAj—The World students may attend by makini; Morris Krman, A. V. Friedman, reservations with Mr. Schwartz Milton Marcolin, F l o y d Perl- Jewish Congress will mark its meter, Bernard .Seii;Ier, Stanley ^.Ttli 'anniversary this August at Sili-Oi)(J Silverman and Nut ban Veitzer, with a global meeting of key with their units, are in charge, of Jewish leaders in Geneva, (he luncheon arrangements. city 'hi-which it was founded. POI.ITtr-Al, ADVinrriSK.MKNT


Mrs. S.Oarrop Wfns District Bowl Office Mrs. .Sam Garrop was elected sergeant-at-arms of District No. 0 U'nai li'rilh Women's Bowlini; Association at its Chicago, III. meeting in April following (he annual district bowling tournament. The local women's B'nai B'rith league- which ended the haw-ling season April IK, will have a banquet. May 10 at Ganglia's Venice Inn. Mrs. Max Frank is chairman of the nominating committee, which will propose a slate for an election to be held on that occasion. .Season team winners and captains were: first place. Bob KvaiiL Uniforms, Helen Tarnoff; second place, Angies Be.auly Salon, Kvie Temin; hi;;h team series, Robert's Dairy, Shirley Hoffman and high team game, Borsheini Jewelry, Ksthcr Stoler.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert II. Ginsburg- of Lincoln, announce the birth of a son, Philip Martin, on April 20. . . •• Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ily Shrier and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ginsburg, Greal-grandparents are Mrs. M. Blank and Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Stoler. POLITICAL ADVEimSKMKNT



II)Li: niMICKANT ( IIILDItCV dckpiT.itelj need more sehoi/ls and tr.ilnlrip; pnigraniH in Israel. Aloro than ,18,(100 immigritiit lioys nnd girls urgently require. K>>l<Iaiieo and Krliol.irNliljt allotments to permit tliini to receive Keeondary and nnivernlty cdiiciitlons. They are only part of the Immigrants of recent years In Israel who need special help to become fully adsorbed in Israel who need Rpeelal help to become, ahborliej rltizeim of their new land, with the help of the United Jewish Appeal. por.rnc'A i. A MVKRTISKMBNT


You will be doing yourself and the city of Omaha a'great service by re-electing Harry Trustin to the City Council. His long record as a civic leader proves he'has always been fair and aggressive in all matters affecting the best interests of our city. Harry Trustin, a professional engineer is president of the Porter-Trustin Co., and has been in business, in Omaha, for 40 continuous years. Listed Below Are Many of Harry Trustln'i Achievements of Civic Leadership Throughout the Years:


Commander Omaha Post No. I American Legion • Director, arid 50-Year Member, of the



Past' Projident, Croighfon Univeriify Alumni

• • Omaha Sanitation Commission, 6 Yoari; Chairman, '."

2 Yoari



• ' ' !;

r - i / ' i

® Omaha Human Relations Board, 2 Years .


° Past President, Omaha, Nebraska and Midwest Pharmaceutical Associations • In Business as Druggist, 24th and Farnam, 24 Years

By Wends of Leonard H. Power*

Director of the Urban League President of Professional Men's Association Chairman of Douglas County Cancer . Research Fund Raising Drive Leader in Boy Scouting for 39 Years—Holds "Silver Beaver" Award, Scouting's Highest Honor City and State President, Reserve Officers Association and I960 "Minute Man of the Year"

Vice-Chairman, Armed Services Committee—Chamber of Commerce President of the Nebraska League of Municipalities Director of Chamber of Commerce Member of the City Council of Omaha for Many Years Vice-President of the Omaha Charter Convention Omaha City Engineer Member of " Q " Street Merchants Association

Harry Trustin's Long Record of Service Proves He Has Always Worked for the Best Interests of the City!


*t V -

Pace Six



Friday, May 8, 1001


Kluiznick's Role—

United Nations, N. Y.—At exactly 6:02 a. m. OH a Saturday the spring session of the General Assembly came to a close. It had been an arduous, all-night meeting. At stake were u number of issues of vast importance to tinworld. Certainly not the least of these issues was the fate of the United Nations itself.'The U. N hung in the balance on whether or not the Assembly would vote the $100,000,000 needed by Secretary-General Dag IlainmarskjoM •to conduct the U. N. operations in the C o n (,' o. The Russians, backed by many other members, many of these non-Communist. were against, Riving Daj; that $100 million. The issue had been foujjht ovei in the Assembly's Budget and Administrative Committee; it had been debated hotly at an earlier plenary meeting of the Assembly; finally, nt dawn that^.Saturday, the item came to a vote again. Everybody—probably even the Russians t h e m s e l v e s — breathed si^hs of relief when the necessary two-thirds vote had been cast," npprovin,1? the Congo budget by a vote of 51-10 (with 23 abstentions). The United Nntions had won out. Behind the I". N.'s flglit for its life was the United States delegation. And generalissimo on this Issue—from the fight in the committee until final victory In the plenary—was one member of the U n t t o d States delegation, Philip M. Klutznick. Mr. K l u t z n i c k h" I hardly enough time to rest from those battles when, on Monday, the XJ. N. Economic and Social Council convened for its .'Jlst session. At the very opening meeting, Foss Shanahan, a New Zealander, was nominated for the presidency of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOCi. Usually, the president, of.. ECOSOC is e l e c t e d by acclamation:• This time, a contest developed. Jordan had nominated' a Moslem, Abdul Rahman Pazhwak, for the ECOSOC presidency. The principal U. N. representative to ECOSOC.'Mr. ICliitzninl;, had another fight on his hands. But when the vote was taken, the U. S. backed New Zealander had won the ECOSOC presidency by the handsome vote of 11-7. These Tare only two instances of what/n lull.'time"-delegate to the United States has to do. Recently, a Chicanoan who knows of Mr. Klutznick's many activities expressed gratification that "Klutznick got a deserved honor" by receiving President John F. Kennedy's appointment to the . permanent V. S. delegations at the United Nations. The implication was that the post, was an h o n o r a r y one. Certainly, the K l u t z n i c k appointment: was a great honor. But it is not merely "honorable" if the term is used . as denoting a sinecure. Mr. Klutznick, -53, a former Omalian, h e a d e d the Philanthropies Campaign here in 1935 and held many prominent roles of leadership in the. communit y. ECOSOC is one of the six major organs of the United Nations —along with the General ,' m bly, Security Council, Trusteeship Council, International Court of Justice and le Secretariat. Under ECOSOC's aegis are all of the vast networks of economic and social affairs of concern to the United Nations, including all of the Specialized Agencies euch us the World Health Organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization, the United Nations Educational, Scientific anil> Cultural Organization, the World Bank, the United Nations Childrens Fund and many other agencies concerned with the general w e l f a r e of peoples and atates. All of these weighty matters are now Mr. Klutznick's direct responsibilities here. At 9 o'clock every morning, Mr. Klutznick reaches his desk

A monument will be dedicated to the memory of Sidney Zneiiner, Sunday, May 7, at 'J:'M p. in. (it Both El Cemetery, K'lbbi Slyer Kripko will officiate. All friends are Invited,

riilllp M. Klu/nlrU at the headquarters of the United Nations Mission at 2 Parl: Avenue. By 10:30 he is at the United Nations. Prior to and afler sessions, there are delegation conferences to hammer out policy, Washington directives to di;;est and discuss, "social" events of a d i p l o m a t i c nature to attend, where a delegate meets with and talks with dozens of representatives from many of the other 98 member-slates of the United Nations. A delegate's job is a fulltime job—plus. Am e r I r a n Jews niiu'liave known of Mr. Kliitzalrk for years ai national president of U'nnl Ii'rith, an head of Il'nal H'rlth's International Council and, more recently, e r s t w h i l e General Chairman of the United Jewish Appeal (ho resigned from all of hl» philanthropic and J e w i s h community posts to take the V. N. appointment) are aware of tlm background of this latest power-house brought into AmorIra's foreign affairs. Koine, however, overlook the fact that Mr. Khit/.nlck In no newcomer either to V. S. Government service or to the United Notions. Mr. Klutznick has served in various important posts under four Presidents, He was a Commissioner of the Federal Public Housing Authority under appointment, by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. He was reappointed to that post by President Harry S. Truman. President Dwight D. Eisenhower' appointed him as a member of the United States delegation to the 12th United Nations General Assembly in 1957. And now, he is one of President Kennedy's appointees here, as one of the prime members of the Adlai Stevenson team. -When the General Assembly opened its spring session last March, the newspapers carried leading stories about conferences between Mr. Stevenson and Russia's F o r e i g n Minister Andrei G-romyko, as the U. S. delegation tried to cut down the Assembly agenda by eliminating many cold war items. What the newspapers did not tell was this: The job of trying to cut the cold war down to size was not only Mr. Stevenson's—it was a task undertaken by the entire U. S. delegation, including Mr. Klutznick. While, quite properly at the moment, the headlines went to Mr. Stevenson, other l e a d i n g American delegates, like Mr. Klutznick, were negotiating along the same lines with Europeans and Asians, Africans and Latin Americans, members of the British Commonwealth and members of 'the French Community, the Arab bloc and the Communist bloc, etc., etc. Mr. Klutznick lost many a night's sleep, swallowed innumerable cups of tea, gulped many a iuncheon and stared at many a chicken dinner during the course of those vilal negotiations. The official biography issued by Uie United States Mission here s t a t e s : "Mr. Klutznick brings to this position a wide

experience in public and private b u s i n e s s and administration." The biography m e n t i o n s Mr. Klutznick's suburban and shopping-area development outside Chicago; his work as the sparkplug in planning the construction of Ashdod, the new Israeli industrial contor and deep-water port; Ills' service under four United .States Presidents. U'hnt th« "lilo" does not unil ran not indicate Is tho heavy burden he carries here at the Tnlteil Nations—and Ids success as a diplomat and prime negotiator on belialf of his Government. Tho vot« on tlio <'onj;o (Midget and tlie election of the ECOSOC President for 1001 arc. only two of tho outstanding arlilwemcnts recorded here most recently by this one member of tho United States delegation who li so ivcllIcnown to the Jewish communities here and abroad. (JTA)

© © O O

Mew and Repairs Wiring Residential Commercial Call


CICMRTKItY WKSCltEATIO.V Chicago (WNS) — Fourteen tombstones were broken and desecrated at the Waldheim Cemetery by anti-Semitic hoodlums who painted swastikas and antiJewish slogans. Forest Park police ordered a search for the vandals who recently Imve been desecrating Jewish cemeteries. Aiumnsi Mi-\r

Eisenhower Accepts Israel's Invitation Jerusalem, (,1TA) —F o r m e r United States President Owight. D. Kisenhower has accepted an imitation to visit Israel, extended by President Izhalc Ben-Zvi. Mr. Kisenhower said he would come to Israel d'.iring a tour of tin? Young Teacher Wishes to Tutor Children 1st tluij Slli Grado Starting Juno 14 ia Sspfombar, In Omaha. Contact Mri. Steve Rtdler, 92? South Btooki, Madiion, Wii. POLITICAL

i MKW'


Vote for Economy, Efficiency, Progress Vofo for fit© Best 7 for City Council |x| Harry. Trustin [X] Virgil V. Sharpe [X] Leonard H. Powers [X] William R. Bill Milner [X] H..F. Fred Jseobberger ,Jr. A. Ernie Adams

"No Job too bljf or too small for ua"


Uorn»M In Omaha and Council Bluffs

Elnor Vlrcn, Chairman

1619 NO. 24TH STREET


Choice Standing

ROAST* 5* Heavy Native

Selected Yearling Lb. . . . . Choice Lean

Sfeer Tongue Lb 4fc Ready for tho Grill




Friday, May 5, 1881.



Page Seven

Junior Bowling Banquet May 7

Eilaf Will Be Home of For

The annual awards ijnnrpicf. of the Junior Ji'nai B'rith Howling tills remaining I hick, very f>:tlty liy Llialiu Salpeter' Meanwhile, the Ministry of De- League will be held Sunday, May .'.'riiwilem — While Jerusalem, fluid brine. Tin- slciim U puni|ied velopment and the Fairbanks- 7 at 1 [). m. at the Ilaneli Bowl Tot Aviv ami lint rust of HIP coun- out through one pipe,' the leo Whitney Corporation have signed wilh Bruce Iloljerman, president try weni shivering in an iinse.'i- crystals through the oilier wlilli! an agreement under which de- of the league, and son of Mr. and tonul cold s|ii'll la April, four Ilin hriin- Is pumped haiU to Ilic S'lliuation equipment according I" Mis. Barney Ilobermnn, presida the Zareliin process for the West- ing. planeload* of dlsliii|;iiklird guests sea. In Iho next step, tlrlandfd luidi'r I lii! lila/.Ing him of Kt c a m mid I lie pure lee are ern hemisphere will he iiiiiiiuA'bowling ball will be given to Kilat to attend Um April ground- brought itgafii together mid tlieir fuclured by Fairbanks-Whitney the bowler who raised his averbrraldni; rercmony fur Mm MM* Interaction restills In pure water. in America while for the rest of age the most since December 18, The Fairbanks-Whitney Cor- tlie world in Israel by a new comWaler desalination plant to bo in addition to oilier awards to built on Hi" principle of Ihn poration, which is a partner with pany in which the Israel Govern- sponsors, teams and individuals Zarcliin desalination process. Tim I lie Ministry of 1 Jcvelopmcnl in ment will hold (10 percent and in both (he boys and girls diviKllnt plant Kill consist of four developing tlie process, claims Fairbanks-Whitney 40 percent of sion. Trophies will be presented nulls cadi producing liO.dlift gal- that the cost of 3,000 callous of the shares. to the winners of I he "Parentlon* of swecf wafer from tint desalinated waler, under the / a r The (JO.OOO liallon unit, four of Child" Tournament held last SunBen and Hills Kilat Is to lie Hie chill process will ciwt one dollar. which are behin built in Kilat, day. firxt ' major lowu In 11u> world The next cheapest method costs will be one (>C (he I wo standard f.eague sponsors, members and WliOMt population will gel a emi- $1.75. Ono dollar [ier .1,000 pill- types lo be manufactured on the tldrrnhlo portion of Its clrlnliliig ions is, of course, still very, ex- assembly line. Tlie buyer will be parents who have not yet made pensive. However, the developers able ti) connect as many units as reservations for the b a n q u e t water from flio « . Huvvi'vcr, 111o main purpose? of of the process maintain thai, he needs, just as biiltery cells are should call league Counselors, the Kilal plant, In Die words of steady Improvement Is possible connected to produce the re- Mrs. Max Sacks, 558-18U2 or the noted Hritisli scientist, Sir on a key part of I lie system (pre- quired s t r p n ;; I h of electricily. 558-Z180, Harold Bloom, .1-11-3742 Bon Loekspeiser who heads the? sumably the pumps to ensure Israel's hopes are I"' :h and the or Harry Coliclt, 733-15'M. .Scientific Advisory Comicil of the higher ceilings to maintain the first answers should be in within Isrncl Ministry of Development, v a c u u m ) . Consequently, they a year. Should it prove a success, MONA LISA is not so much to produce water hope lo reduce (he costs liy 10 not only I he map of I he Necov House of Glamour us "to produce prices." The pr'x» to 15 cents per 1,000 j;alions each but. of enormous desert ureas in 553 7000 of the desalinated waler is the year unlil they reach Die '10 Africa, Asia and Australia, will III No. 50th key question of any desalination cent-, l e v e l where desalinated become in the near future, ^raill6 Expert Halt Stylist* 1911 l-arnom waler becomes economical even process. The idea itself is as oM eries and orchards, just as is Air-Conditionod Dryert us navigation: if you ''oil seu- in such places as certain parts of .said in the so often quoted Jiible. MISS MARSH and MISS JERRY Patiom/e Jewish Picss Adverwator and r.iteh Hie steam, tin; New Jersey and I/mi; Island. Owner! UTA I tisers. salt remains in the put, and the eooled-off s f e a in w ill lie pure water. There are other ways to take out the sail by chemical processes, However, any large f.cile use of evaporation or chemical processes is economically unC'J Sellchleh (omoha fensihlo because the energy reAlan Austin, radio announcer, i|liircd for the operation is exTlie Cciiler Varsity Softball ami former .Stale Champ of Kantremely expensive. teams' oj>eiiiii!; fjame ai;rdnst. the sas, is instructini' the classes. The beauty of the Zarchin pro- •S|ioi'tsninii.s Club was postponed cess is that il creates "closed last week due to cold weather. voirm COI;NCH- HOWMNO Come Meet I'nyim moved into first place system" in which, nfter the ini- The J.C.C opened their campaign last, week by a half of ft point tial input of energy, only a min- in the Omaha Sof I hall Associaimum amount of enemy Is re- tion ('las; "A" Club leai;ue last over A.Z.A. 100 "H." Arnie Weiss quired for maintenance uf the Jil<;lit a;:ai/isl. (fie Deacon team of JIayim is (lie bowler of tlie Lot Him Help You With week. He had n series hi|;h of closed s y s t e m . Uasieally the ut Upland Pnrl:. Your Clothing Solocfiom Hi; and individual high game Xarchin process is founded on flio Youth Council Softball activity Kilpatrlck'j Mon'i Clothing — Second Floor principle that the lioilini; ]>oint j;els underway with league Kami's of VJ'X of the: water depends un the pros- ut Elmwo'jd Park on Sunday, Due to'the Youth Council truck 1'OT.ITTCAr. IVIMTICAT. AnVRHTrSKMKNT sure: 'mountaineers know (hat May 21. A.Z.A. No. 1 will open niul field meet, this Sunday at on liit;h peaks water boils well against A.Z.A. 100 and Komi will Tech .high, the bowling league below 1M2 degrees Fahrenheit. take on defending champions, will lake next Sunday (iff mid Thus, a near-vacuum ehnmlicr is Itayim. resume on May 14. created where water boils at four YOUTH COIINOII, TJCACK decrees. In this process, part of The Youth Council Olympic the sea water becomes desalinated steam; this takes away a lot activity takes on its final athletic Ilarluii il. Noodle who was rer of heat from the reinainini; fluid event for the current pro;-, ram cently discharged from military sea water and as a result part year this Sunday when they run service, has become associated of it freezes. Ice, lilte steam is off the annual track and field with Bnrton Gr'ccnljerg, Insurpure water without any salt or meet at Tech hifili school .nt 10 ance Counselor. n. in, other chemicals. A.Z.A. 1 won the meet last year Thus, tlin sen Hitter h nelnally The o p e n i n g of Roffmnn's divided Into three part*: (lie nnlt- and will try to defend the title, House of Delicacies nt. 5028 Unhowever, Rnyim Is expected to lcwn Ktcsini, HID Hnlt-less lea and derwood was announced by Norcontinue its domination in Youth innn Itoffinun, p r e s i d e n t , and Council sports'with, nnother team Tom IJrader, miinnger. victory. Kvcnts In the meet will be Howard Viinn was named Renthe GO yard dash. 100 yard dash, em! chairman of the 1961 United 220 yard clash, MO yard dash, Cerebral Palsy Drive, He also Is 880 yard dash, mile run, shotput, u vice-president of the Omaha This young man has the legal baseball throw, broad Jump, mile J u n i o r Chamber of Commerce relay and 4-10 yard relay. and past president of the NeTENNIS braska Epilepsy League, end business background for Registration, Is still open for Murvln Trcllcr, associated with tennis classes which be^iu nt the Dewey Pnrk Courts this Sun- Gerelick's M o t o r s , Inc., was Good Government. The h i g h ' day, May 7. The classes will be awarded the Distinguished Salesheld each Sunday until school man's Award of the Omnha Kales Kxecutives Association. begins In the fall. esteem in which his colleagues

Iz "Boggy" Bogdanoff

Omahans in News


Cornhusker Lodge

hold him speaks for his'honesty

B'noT B'rith

end integrity. Practicing Attor-

Spring Dance

ney—Certified Public Account-

Sheraton-Fontenelle Ballroom, Saturday, May 6

thru JULY 4th 3—RACES DAILY—8

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Donation, $10

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PRESS Official I'uhlli-iitluu of Sioux City Fwlnratlun

Drive in Final Stretch;

People and Plaess In the lews By Bernard Sliuniaij By Milliard Nluuuun "I ACCrSN"— all the trouble spots in tho world today, Cuba, Algeria, I.ans .'uul the Congo, Jerusalem remained tin- center of attention as Hie Eichmann trial unfolded for all thr1 world to jud(;c. "I stand h e ]• i' l^fore you. Judges of Israel, ami I accuse Kichmajin," wtT<' the opening words of Atloniey Cii'neral (Gideon Hausner. "I do not - stnnd alone. With me, at this moment are six million prosecutors who cannot stand up to point an accusing finger at this ;;lr';s dork and cry out: "J'accure!" «( the man who sits there. l''or their ashes have been piled up in mounds al -Auschwitz ami in the fields (if Trcblinlta. or spilled into the rivers of Poland, anil their graves are scattered throughout the length and breadth of Kuropo. Their blood cries in heaven, but but their voice? ennot be heard. Thus, it is my duty to speak for

them." Kichmaiui pleaded "not unity" to all 15 counts of the indictment against him. He lias attempted to portray himself as a minor cog in the nazi machine, a petty bureaucrat obediently following orders of his superiors.

ATUocmrcs NO H o A x— Gov. Orva] Paubus of Arkansas lambasted the National States' Rights party for its defense of Eichmann. He said the party's newspaper. T h e ThuGderboldt, was "ridiculous" in terming the trial "a giant propaganda hoax." He related first hand experience with nazi atrocities while serving in the United .States 35th infantrv division during world war 2. HEADING OP BIBM-1- Florida's Dade county circuit court ruled after a long drawn-out trial that daily reading of the Bible and the Ixjrd's Prayer in the public schools of Miami does not Violate the principle of separation of church and state. However, the court ruled that the public schools must excuse pupils on request from the readings and recitations. The ruling also ordered the schools to discontinue t h e presentation of Christmas and Kastcr plays and to stop showing religious movies, RELIGION IN TROl/BI.K— All three brandies of Judaism, orthodox, conservative and reform, according to a New York Times survey, "will probably have to increase their recruiting efforts" for students for the rabbinate. Jewish groups, the paper said, accepted the shortage of rabbis as a continuing fact due to the increase in the number of synagogues and temples resulting from the post-war upsurge of religious feeling. But the survey cautioned that "the popular interest in religion may dissipate' before it can be captured and transformed i n t o meaningful gains for other faiths." ;. The Rabbinical C o u n c i l of America offered a possible means of strengthening r e l i g i o n — a "Torah Corps" of rabbis, scholars and lay leaders to work in isolated communities in the United States and South America. ; A UViSG LANGUAGE—Label A. Katz, B'nai H'rllli president, criticized the Jewish community for "choking its cultural growth with faltering efforts to learn the Hebrew language" with instruction a few hours weekly. A living language needs living contacts, he said, calling for large-scale student exchange programs with Israel. QUESTION OF (JEN'OCJDK—

I'.ilil marks a new milestone in tin1 United Jewish Campaign It will be the first year that an airplane, is pressed into service to" campaign for Jewish Welfare funds. Seated at the controls of the plane is Phil Cohn, well-known .Sioux Cityan who has this j e i r enthusiastically accepted the role of chairman of the Area Division. Six Yearn of Flylnif Phil, nn unpretentious individual who at mid-thirty has proven his business capabilities, flies his own Heechcraft Konan?.a from Sioux City to as far west as Montana. There are six years of flying behind him, adding up io more than 1.000 hours In the "wild blue yonder," to qurito a familiar cliche. The interviewer found Phil contemplating a two-day business l'lill Colin flight, which would add approximately 2.MX) miles to his air isolated and appreciate a visit (ravel;;. How does Phil feel about flying and about his plane? "It's from fellow Jews." He 'also added that prospect my right arm," was the hhfhly for prospect they nre ns generous descriptive answer. and charitable, if not more, than How does Phil feel about the Jewish big-city residents. This United Jewish Campaign? He Is Phil's first experience In a unhesitatingly recognizes the chairmanship role In the U..I.C*. need of a successful campaign, and he wants experienced workand the importance of full-hcart- ers to help him. He named Hared support by every Jewish indi- ry Rich, who was Area chairman vidual. some years ayo, as his assistant. Reich Kveryono Scone of this conversation was Phil, and one or more of his the Cohn Wholesale flroccry Co., volunteer captains, arc scheduled with the owner leaning back In to climb aboard his four-seater his chair, fret propped up comnext week and head for the cam- fortably on n pulled-out desk paign territory, which includes drawer. Phi], naturally, is a pipe Northwest Iowa communities ns smoker. far off as Spencer and Denlson. He likes to probe human naand .South Dakota towns as far ture, and he talked on many subwest as Chamberlain. Hopping jects not all dealing with business from town to town they will cov- or fund-raising. Needless to reer between ,'iO and 40 communi- port, telephone calls interrupted. ties and make persona) calls on One was n reminder from his 40 or more local Jewish business wife, Alice, that it was family find professional men. "They feel swim night at the Y. The Colin family was going. Aim for 10% Iiu*niuv* He eventually returned sincerely to the subject of thr camprtign. His Area division is aiming to get • The Shaare Zion Women's ah increase of 10 per cent from League will hold an Open Board all contributors, nnd hopes to meeting Monday, May 8, 1 p. m., reach a few new contributors In at the Synagogue. A sitter will remote locations. Ho is serious about the needs, both local and be provided. overseas. He believes that every Tile Mount Sinai Sisterhood Jew who will benefit from the Board will meet Monday, May campaign, and that Includes evei-y Jew in Sioux City as well as 8, 1:.'!() p. m., at the Temple. the surrounding area. And they The Hebrew Women's Associa- in turn join the writer in wishing tion will hold a luncheon meet- Phil Cohn o "happy landing".on itHT, Tuesday, May 9, 1 p. n%, at hi.s flights. the Jewish Community Center.

Women's Organizations

The Rrandeis. University National Women's Committee will hold a dessert-coffee meeting, Thursday, May 11, 1:15 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Wallace Rosen. thai, 4319 Country Club Blvd. Rabbi Albert A. Gordon will review "The Last of the Just" by Andre Swarz-Mart.

Nursery School Round-up May 24

The Council-Federation Nursci-y School will hold Spring roundup' Wednesday, May 24, 2 to 4 p. in. at the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Marvin Cohen, chairman, and other members of the Nursery School board will lie on The Shaare Zion Women's hand. The Nursery. School will acLeague annual Bake Sale will be held all day Friday, May 19, at . cept for enrollment children who have reached their third birththe Boulevard Food Store. day by September 1, 1951. ParHadassah will hold its installa- ents are urged to bring children tion of officers at a luncheon,. viitti them to let them become Tuesday, May IG.-l p. m., at the acquaintedWith the school rooms Jewish Community Center. Mrs, •find the teachers. Information about registration Hyman Jlivin will also appear on the program and talk a.bout her can be obtained from Mrs. Phil Colin, registration chairman, or recent visit to Israel. by calling the Federation office. the A.J.C. urged Secretary of


The American Jewish Congress State Dean Rusk to take the lead NFTV PRESIDENT Gail Goldheim was e l e c t e d urged the United States "senate in asking senate confirmation. to ratify the international conTIIK FINAL PARAGRAPHS— president of NFTY; Tonic Corey, vention on genocide, outlawing President Kennedy was urged by vice president, Martene Bolstein, mass-murder. America must "join the Rabbinical Council of Amer- Secretary, Barbara Potash, corin the international pledge that ica to set up a special fact-find- responding secretary, M a r t h a degradation and honor of this ing commission for the middle S h a p i r o , treasurer, and Steve kind perpetrated by the nuzi re- east, ivith the goal of permanent Kalin, sergcant-at-arms, gime may never again be per- peace between Israel and the USV is due to "hold'elections mitted on this earth," was how .Arabs May 7, and ISBG, May 9.

The United Jewish Campaign entered its final weeks firmly holding on to the lead it tool; on at the campaign's beginning. 3Mil figures are still 5 per cent to ]0 per cent ahead of l'JIiO. The Advinuc Gifts division It 80 per ffnt completed, chairman llurold (Solstctn reports, and tho General Men's, the Women's and the II. nrid P.Wumrn UTC all almost «qiially twar tlie finish ninrlt. Tlirt Area division, an re-

ported elsewhere on this page, In iH-giiiniug now, uml 1» Introdtielrifj Komethlng new untl novel In I'.S. JeuKh iimd-ralxlits, nlrlionie solicitation by private plnne. Chairman floldxtein and cochairman licrnaid IJpman look hopefully to a near-record in speedy completion of a Sioux City United Jewish campaign.

Golden Age Club boy c®mps«f Th« (iamicll-Frdrrntlnn fiolden .*"£(• Club lias been chartered, ns mi affiliate of the^enlor Oltir.on» of America) n new national organization, founded to promote tlii- welfare of older citizen*. Tlip Sioux Otly Council-Federation fhapfrr h the urconil In (lift S(a(o nf Iowa nnil tlie IHIIIi In the nation. The memlx-rship charter was formally presented to the Club by Oscar T.ittloffeld, Kxccutlve Director of the Jewish Federation, at Ihe combined banquet of the Sioux City and Omaha Golden Age clul)3, Monday, May 1, at the Jewish Community Center. Mr. Uttleficld pointed out that this national affiliation means a new significance for older citizens and retired persons of all flues. Through the Senior Citizens of America, the individual older citizen improves his status and strength in the community. Members are encouraged to learn how to ppealt publicly, to lead, io learn parliamentary practice and citizenship In general. They are encouraged to know and keep up their knowledge of law, government and medical advancement. "Youth liar] has its day," Mr. Littlefield stated, "today the emphasis Is on ogc." Mrs. Nathan Goldis, president of the Sioux City Section of the National Council of Jewish Women, welcomed the combined groups, and Rabbis fiolotnikov, Gordon and Silvcrstein spoke briefly.

Five Scholarships To Camp Institute Five Sioux City college students will attend Brandeis Camp Institute, Californa, on Jewish Community Center scholarships this-summer: Ed Chosen, Allan Cohen, Eotty Klaus, Barbara Kline and Marjoric Robinson.

Unveiling The monument of the late Mrs. Sarah I-an-iowlch will be unveiled Sunday, May 7, 3:30 p. m. at Jit. Carmel Cemetery.

Alfred Illrshoren, c h i l d development specialist at the Hoard of Education, has joined the staff of the Jewish • ommunity Center Day Cnnp as nvustniit to HM-OM Ivener. Mr. Ilirehoren is an experienced group worker ns well ns psychologist and education worker. Camp Man-Gi-Nah will enroll hoys and girls aged 7 to 11 tor a three-week s e s s i o n bejjiimiiijf June 19 or July 10, or for a full six week period. Activities will include sports, swimming, crafts, music, drarri'itics, outside and in»iile phyyicnl activities. P.egistrntion will begin May 15, al the Jewish Community Center.

BARMITZVAH Barton I^evich, son of Mr. mid Mrs.-Irving I-evich, will observe his Bar Mitzvah at Sabbath Services, Friday evening and Saturday morning. May 5 and 6, at the Shaaro Zion Synagogue. Luncheon will follow the Saturday morning sen-ice. A reception will be held at the Synagogue Saturday evening from 8:30 to 10:30. Friends and relatives are Invited. Mark Hownrd Elsbcrg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry, will observe his liar Mitzvah at Friday evening and Saturday momIng services. May 12 and 1?, nt the United Orthodox Synagogue, At the Friday evening Maariv service, Mark will chant tho KirJdush and on Saturday morninn, nt !) a. m., he will chant his Moftir. Luncheon will follow the Saturday niorninK service. No Invitations are being sent. Michael Potash, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Potash, will observe Ills Bar Mitzvah nt Friday evening services, May 19 at Mount Sinai Temple. A reception will follow the service. No Invitations are being cent. Stephen A. Kuplan, eon of Dr.

and Mrs. David Kaplan will observe his Bar Mitzvah at the Saturday morning service, March 20 at the United Orthodox Synagogue. A Klddush will follow the service. No invitations are being

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