N2BKASKA STATii HISj'ORXCAL, ^OCifcTl. , Lincoln, Nebraska '
Vol. XXXIX — Nil. U
t'ui.|ltutii,n ejfjice. IUJ Nu noifi Oni'inu NrMuMiti Plump Xli--lW.fi
rur.O Ljlua;. f't-Miij'it*1 Orrmtui Uvhi
SHiJilt <..oliv We /MIPIIMI loifi Si
*€§MfisB Modern sMci Sbcs'dedi \£ Karh year, tin- highlight nil- henroad Award, most ouli .,<•;;! facilities thai have spacious T-shaped .swimming pool 'which campers can romp nnd ever been avail.'djle to Camp is expected to attract everyone hike. rninating the Jewi'.h Commun- ing varsity al'ilefe. Joe Patrick, .sports director of Jay-C-C youngsters is the de- for recreation and instruction. ity Center Athletic Department An all college cabin counseling scription given hy Jewish Fed"Award ]\*jp)il," which close:; the KM'l'V will be the guc;;t speaker A large, new bathhouse with a staff will direct this summer's in a program that will see 125 eration Camp Chairman Norman statistical records of tin- proISatt in picturing the buildings colored ple.xi-glass roof which program of activities with speathletes receive nwards. gram y«!."(i", hinges on flu' "Most admits bright splashes of light, cial emplifisis being placed on the Two new features will be add- and terrain of th's summer's resOutstanding Player" awards. ed to this year's "Award Night" ident camp site. Uatt stated that has sufficient hot water for dai- health and safety of the camper Begins nl 7:30 |.. in. pr<n,'iain. Dan Kogol and liis gyni- nil cabins -are modern an<l sit- ly showers for all campers. The population. Over 20 well-organtialed iiloni; .shaded hillsides with hoys and girls will enjoy tho ized and professionally instructed The event, tho Mlii annual n.'istic's class will'put on a short comfortable iiecommodniinii for wholesome and well prepared activities are offered at camp. one in the Iiihloiv of tli«» Center demonstration and a display of eight youngsters in each one. meals .served family style a I. Athletic Pcpartnu nt will !«• held picture;, of the current year's ac- Several cabins' have indoor fireKurlher information and deround tables in the dining room tivities will be shown. Wednesday, M.i> liKday, M.rjC" - f T ™ places while others are divided of the main lodge. The same tails on the camp and its program 17 at. 7:30 p. till \ V I'svrber In "V.mcr.v" Into separate rooms for privacy, structure also accommodates a may he Jmd by calling file Camp in tin he Ccntei /* Jim 1'arber, Kayim's Coach (lamp OiieiiH .June ?S, trading post, office, two recrea- office at ,'M:;-i.':fi(i. Auditorium. nnd a member of Ihe Center AlhThe camp for boy.-, nnd girls, tion nresis; nnd craft shop. lctic Coinmit tees will be Master r.ix-1'1 years of nge will be in Announcement Cool.outs, Ilikbi),', Fishing of Ceremonies. More than 400. session from June 27> through of the four indiperrons are expected lo utteud July hi, Ileglslrations are now Other camp facilities include vidual awards set the fcstiutles. A social hour will being made at the cunning office picnic ureas, outdoor stoves in up by t It v c c New York f.TTAI- -Seven thouconclude the evening, ftveryoiie of the Jewish Community Center, front, of each cabin, endless hillprominent rivir in the community is Invited to for either of thr> two fen-day se>- ing trails, a small stream for ca- sand Jewish •Immigrants are'exleaders to honor nttend. nons and a brook for tempting pect oil to arrive in the United athletes most ilefi'Miis or for the full season of States this year, it was. antcrvinr, of such camping, nounced hy Lester Gins burg, outrecognition, file The camp, adjacent to Ihe site Two Swiss Chalets, away from going president of the Ncv; York always l o o k e d recently purchased'!))' 'he Fedthe. main cnntiniH area, can be Association for New Ani(-ricans. fonvard to by participants in the u.veil for "wilderness" camping eration for its future camping varied athletic programs of tin? Mr. Oinsbiirg, in describing the for older youngsters nnd th<> sensons, is locnfed four niM"s Center, irvin Yaffe, 1-Vderation west of Txiuisvlllc, Nchr. Only Jewish immigrant entering the Athletic Committee cltairmnii, forty 'minutes- from downtown United .States at this time;, said spi-l. Omaha on claw A roads, it of- he represented "a new kind of JteKlKtration.'i for summer Vheir selection is marie by a fers over 400 acres of land over newcomer; he is more skilled, more confident, more realistic KWimniiiiK sessions at the Jewspecial commit ti <• consisting of find better equipped to adjust ish Conimuiilly Center will Athletic (Vmunittee members unfiuiclcly to American life than his open Monday moniiiij:. May der Air. Yaffe's direction. Itecord'i pre.tlHCKr.K0f of ten ywirs ivso." in. of nil players Hie long studied, lie Nevertheless, Mr. Cinshurg notA special award, the first of Classes will stnrl ai 8 a. m. said, before the winners are ed, "the present new arrival, as ifs kind ever to be bestowed upon nnd me scheduled throughchosen. A Mother's Pay program will with the newcomers before him, nn Omaha member, will be given out the day, until 5 p. w. .Annual Citations be presented at the Dr. Philip still needs help to translate hope by the Dm ilia A[>plicanls are tu"i;ed to ivf,Slier Jewish Home for the Aged into the actualities of home and The aimu.'il citations ;<ve l;nt>\". n Chapter of Muister early in order to have on Sunday, May 14, at 2 p. m. safety, job and self-support, inns the J. J . (Jreenbci-i: A\:,-ird, raclii Women lo their choice of classes. by the Business and Professional dependence and a new way of most improved filli und (ilh grade Mrs. II e r JH .i n life." Organization of Iladassah. player. J. J. Oreenlxri; Award, I''i'aiil:lin. it ^ .is most outstanding Ttli and SHi fi n u o II n e ed h> A three generation family grade player, Ilany Tmslin Mrs. Matthew group consisting of Mrs. Dania Award, most .'outstanding Youth I'oliakoff, pirsiI,"vine, her daughters, Mrs. HarC'oiineil player and l,es [.. liurdent. l-lcil Lobe! and Mrs. Pauline \. I.andman and her granddaughThe pivu Ml i _ ^ i . A fiO-star American fl.'i',', was ' ters, Peggy l.obcl, Jacqueline nnd New York UTAl The rule tion will b^ m if It [ liarbara Landman will present presented to the Jewish Comwhich the late I'lofessor Albert Wednesday, M n | a musical program. Mrs. l.obcl munity Cenler.nl. the feisons Kinstein played in heljiini: Hie 17 at 1 p. m al will be the accompanist. last meeting of tho Federation of the Jewish < 'omMr*. rr.uiUliii United States uin \Vorl<l Wur Mother's Day gifts will be dis- Jewish Women's Clubs hy Mrs. miinity Cm lei .d. a Mothei and Jf and In bringing the Nazi riv Abe Hear on behnlf of herself of Daughter Tea being planned by tributed .among the residents the home and refreshment.1; will and Mr. Hear. Mrs, Kidney Hullis Was elected i;ime to an end was 'emphasized Mi/.v:\chi members. be served, president- of Tleth Kl Sisterhood here at n dinner ntlcmleii hy Mrs. IJoyd Kriodnum, presiThe Motlinr-in-Tsrael citation, at the mother-daughter luncheon friends of the Albert Kiuslein US Ihe award is luioun. will he The committee in charge in- dent, gave the annual report of College of Medicine, yoshiva nieetiiif:, Tuesday. Mrs. Ifollis received by Mrs. Fivinldin, n vet- cludes Miss Julia Zulicr and the the organization and announced was presented a president's phi University, by Adlal K. Steven- eran member, and Jewish -Na- Mines. Alice Ileeger. David I'ecl;- that the next meeting will be son, head of the U.S. delegation hy Hie out-going president, Mi's. held in .September. tional Kurid chairman for Miz- el- and Julius Newman. Morris C. ('oilman who also re- to the United Nations.' rachi for many years. Currently Kmphasizim; thai Professor ceived a past-president's pin. Einstein's original calculations she Is also Mir group's! vice-presiOilier officers elected were on mass and enen;y helped lo dent. A nJft from the local chapMillie.';. A. <.'•. JUiiiiiKMinnn, Harton pave Ac way for the atomic ter was given to a Mi/.rachi projlireenlierg, Itnlph Nogg, and Wil- bomb, Ambassador Stevenson re- ect: in Israel in honor of Mrs. 1 liam Haduziner, vice-presidents; minded the audience that it was Franklin nnd her devotion to the Mines. Krnrsl Wintroiibj Max Dr. Kinstein who wrote to Presi- group ideals. Washington (JTA^- President Ilabih Bourguiba of Tunisia, apJl i 11 n c r, financial secretaries; dent Koosevell nt the bcRinhmi; Mrs. Alexander P. Frank, Mrs. Sol I'arsow, corresponding of the war ndvisinj,' him that the prominent community leader and pearing before tho National Press Club, said in commenting on Israel secretary; Mrs. ricn.Slu'tzlty, re- Germans were considering such women's chairman of the JflGl that the best basis for human progress was to put aside religious and cording s e c r e t a r y; Mis. Ira a weapon. Tho "Manhattan Proj- Jewish -PhiIanthropirs Campaign, racial distinctions. In rcplyHo.a question on Israel, the Tunisian President said he Whitebook, t r e a s u r e r ; Mnf. ect" sprang from ProfcsKor Kin- will be the guest speaker. All Meyer Rubin, auditor and Mrs. stein's initiative, Mr. Stevenson members and their daughter.*] are though humanity was progressing to a point where men "will know each other and discover they are all the same" regardless of race or JJavid Brodkey, parliamentarian. stressed. invited to the tea. religion. lie said such human progress was "flic main point " •'Mines Isidore Levinsort, Nathan The Mizrae.hi Women conducts; The Tunisian President rejected Nasser's leadership of the Arab Mr. Stevenson recalled tliat, IN'ORI;, Julius Stein will' serve as extensive social service, child world, accusing the United Arab Republic of "machinations'' against directors for 1961-63 and those for a time, after World War I, care, and vocational education Tunisia. lie said "the Tunisian people have only laughter when we who will carry over in th.it ca- "when nil Europe'* govcnimonU programs In Israel In an environ- listen to Cairo propaganda." lie emphasized that he followed a policy pacity for the lDtil-iy term prc were more or lest civilized mul ment of tinihtional he considered in the best interest of his own country," Tunisia. jMmca Jack Kaufman, Alan W.ilf- •loniocrntle," Klnstcln eoiuljlnert niipport for the I.eafuc of Nu5011 and Sam Ban. tlnnil with n panilonnte plen for Mrs. Aaron Edgar was present- tolal • dlfinriii.'itnent. "Ittit Mieli 1 ed the "Chay'i- Olorn" award by »va» lib dinvn-to-enrtli »af.-"ll.> Ihe .Sisterhood in recognition of (lint, on tlie day tliut Hitler looli lier "love for and dovotion to over iKiwcr In <>emismy, lie synagogue." 'Hie 1> r e s e ntaiion nhaiiiloned pacifism, :ind fwn was made by Mrs, 1'hil 'Jerelick NliiicKed Ills followers by nrKhiK nild Mrn. Morion ttichards. re-iiriiiament to resist a f;o\crnmcut ivlileli, lip «mv nt mice, tmd put llself nutslde the bounili of civlll7cd Kflclely," flic V.S. htiiteslii.in declared. "Professor Klnstcln warned . Jerusalem (WMS) — JMartin his supporters to beware of the Bormann, Hitler's deputy and rapturous offers of Comnwnlst one of lh« most elusive Nazi war baekiiiK," Mr, Stevenson concriminals, was in,Ari;t'ntiiia when tinued. Adolf Eiclimnnn was seized, hut F lie sltippod to Hrazll as toon ns he 3,500 NEWCOSIEKS .. .-tr:.'. ,;• licard of Eiclunann's capture, It TO ISKAEI,, Al'KII* , . . . Story above. . ' . . - . was dlscofccd hero by Dr. GreJerusalem (WNS) —Some 3,400 YOUNG CAMPERS TAKE ADVANTAGE OF BEST PERIOD. gario TopolcvsUy, former Am- Immi-granls orrived Jn Israel In bassador from Argentina, new the month of April tts compared A (Tlliiipso of sleeping accommodations In cabins la tho Girls' village (on left) and boys' vlUaft retired from the service. (on right) a t the 1061 Camp site. with 1,300 In April of 1960.
U.S. Expects 7,0110 Jewish
ISegfsfratSoii for Canter Swlmfning
Begins on londay
Efizrachi Woman Will G'Se Mrs. Franks af Tea B. H P.'Women Plan
Program for Home ,
Bold El Sisterhood Elects Mrs. Sidney Hollis New President
Stressed in Tcslk
Center Otven 50 Star hy Aba Bears
Tunisian Leader Rejects Nasser's 'Machinations
Hitler's Deputy
Page '
Friday, May 12, I»61 WINS PIANO HONOR Majorie Siref, was one of clEht piano students of Prof. Hans Baer among tho hir;h rating winners in the 1901 National Biennial Piano Recording Competition Festival sponsored by the National Guild.
Published vreeldy on Friday beginning tiie lact wcclt In August through second week la July by the Jewish l^ederatloa of Omaha. Second Class Postage Paid at Omo.io, Ncbr. Annual Subscription, S4.00. Advertising Kates on Appllcctlcs. Publication office—10) Ho. 20th Street, Omcha, UiDr., SA2-MU.
Nursery School Being Organized
Phono MM3M 1o Insert your Wont Ad l( lh« Jewish Press.
A nursery school class for three-year-olds to be held at Temple Israel from 0 a. m. to 11:30 a, in. Tuesdays and Thursdays, durinr; the next .school year is being organized. Teachers for tlKM'roup, which will be limited to 10 children, are Mrs. Martin Jlnyliin and Mrs. Donald Cohen. J'arcnts interested are asked-to contact Mrs. Nathan Novak, 3917G10 or Mis. F. Ronald Colin, ."jyi-5120. All names must be in by June 1.
DAILY JEWISH NEWSPAPERS BAR nnd Bus Mitzvuh congratulations also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers Neivs Stand, 1502 Dodge
© 0 O O
New end Repairs Wiring Residential Commercial Sob (Subby) Pulvercnto
2B Years' Expcrlenco WHh Jewish Lettering and Memorial*
BERNIE SOMMER 556-3520 "No Joli too bin or tou fcrnalt fur ufj"
"Fashions on Uroadwny," ;m 01 ifinal musical !.l!it and stylo ;how will be proscntcd by the National Council of Jewish Women at the organization's last meeting of tho feasoii, followinj; a 12:30 p. m. luncheon, Mines. Norman UcnenberK and .Stanford
553-4428 9 A . M . to 10 P.M. DAILY WON. THRU SAT. 7830 DODGE 391-3207
Baked Fresh Daily
HARD R O L L S POPPY SEED ROLLS •8900000000 Fresh
BAGELS Thursday and Sunday at Underwood Store Thursday and Saturday at Dodgo Sh Store
Delicious Whole Cooked Corned
!> I J E l > Reg. $2.40 Lb. Value... NOW, @<O>{» Sliced Free of Charge Young Spring
For tho Grill
• •'•• For putek-Meals
LUNCHEON STEAKS P&sg of 4 ,' Net Weight 1 I.b.
Whole Fryers, Over 2 Lbs. Average • : •• .
$ 1 2 5 •'
• ; * r ? Each
' '
Prices Good All Week—No Limitations
*•- t.
<am!l<Ii|,'Iitin(: at 7:13 p. m. JVNAt JACOH-ADAS
vi:siirno.v Fiiday. Minchn, f> p. rn. Saturday, K:'!0 a. in. Milirha, (i |). in. followed by Sholciih Seudos. Daily services at G:-50 :t. in. nnd G:'iO p. m. BETH EL Sabbath services at Belli Kl Synap,oj;uc will be^in at 8:15 p. in. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron I, Edgar and the Beth El .SynnKOfiie Choir "ill render the musical portions of the service. Traditional Sabbnth morniiiR services will begin at 8:30 a. m. The family service will begin at 10:30 n. m, The Wincha-Maariv Services at 7:15 p. m. Sunday services are held at 9 n. m. Weekly services nt 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. A mother-children's service will he held at Beth El Saturday at 30:30 a. m. in recognition of Mother's Day. The Mother's Choir, the Senior and Junior Talmud Torah choirs will participate in the services. Post-Enr Milzvah members of the c-if'Iith ijrade class and members of the High School of Jewish Studies will take part in the service as well as mothers of the congregation. Following the services tiie Beth El Sisterhood will be hostesses at Kiddush. The Beth El Men's Club Breakfast scheduled for Sunday morning, May 14 has been cancelled. BETH ISRAEL Rabbi Benjamin Groncr. Cantor Eli Kagan and the Beth Israel Choir will conduct the late Friday services at 8 p. m. Traditional -Friday services. (Kobplas Shabbos) begin at 7:15 p.m. Shabhos morning services at 8:45 a. m. Junior Congregation at 30 a. m. Itabbi Groner will conduct tho Talmud class at G:45 p. m. Sabbath Mincha at 7:20 p. m. followed by Sholosh Seudos nnd Maariv ot 8:10 p. m. Sunday morning services begin at 9 a. m. followed by breakfast and Rabbi's class in bible. Sunday morning Junior IWnyan followed by breakfast starts a t 8:30 n. m. Daily services at 7 a m, and 7:30 p. m." ISItAEL. Hebrew School graduation tcrvices will be held Kuclay evening.
Luncheon-Style Show Will ose
Now 2 Locations
Mrs. William riiiKIc rehearsing unilrr direrllon «if .'Mrs. William I'ogol for Council Program.
2211 So. Slfi
T.lipnscd in Oni.ilm and Council Hindu
"A Sfgn of Good
Call Us lor Estimates
I.ipsey, program of the monthco-chaiimen, said. The event will be held Tuesday, May 16, at the Highland Country Club. Narrator of the style show will be Mrs. .Stanford-Lipsey. The models, who will wear clothes furnished by Kilpatricit'.s, are the •Mmrs. Sanford Brophy, Gerald Colin, Leo Eisenstatt, Harvey Korer, Yale Gotsdiner, Coleman (im-nhnrg, .Sheldon Lincoln, N. Julian Hips, Sol Kosinsky, Arnold Stern and Donald Stern. Appearing in the musical skit are the Mines. Norman Dencnberg. William Kinkle, Orvel Mil<Ier, Donald Nogg, Donald Rico SWIFT- LUXURIOUS* LIVEUJ and Alliert Kimmerman, accomSAILING: panied by Mrs. Russel Blonvnf t i n HIM York n t t | third witk: tlial. The production was written I S . IsntlindSS.Zictt.lteppinj by the Mmes. Denenbrr^ and t n route iit Madeira »nti Greece I.ipsey and directed by Mrs. Wilf u n Mtditminun pert) i liam Kogel. SS, T h l d H l t Mis. Philip Sehwart/ will offer the openint; prayer and Mrs. Edward Levinson will install incoming officers. Mrs. Ernest Priesman. overall qp program chairman, is in charge jmcoth sailing of the stage crew, props and Tcrrmtirg, strictly lioiher tuitirje dressing models. The Mines. Irvinj; Malashoek and Donald Nogg de-signed set decorations. P.csorvations are required and may be made with the Mmes. Phill Laser, 553-5212; Alvin Epstein, .r>.r>6.!)MG or Joseph ColdWare, 55G-7315.
Green Pack
MAX'S DBLLS ^ .i°.r:
Sorry W e Ran Out Last Week I Yccrling
Sliced or Piece, lb
Pickled or Fresh Steer
E , fra
Spec.a. Value. Lb
Rolled or Pressed
CORNED IEEF Lb. Best Drcmd Lorgo
. . . . . . $1.10 „
ADLER'S Brown 'a Servo
to Pkg. of 6 Beef Quarters, Lb.
29C Wholesale Cur Ribs, Lb. . . . . Cc 1A). for Ttocctming
VriccR TJfectix'fi Tlirauch Thurfidny
Cell Monday Thru Friday for Your Delivery
Friday, May 12, 1901
Phyllis Bernstein Becomes Bride of Richard S. Glazer Miss Phyllis .Ann Bernstein, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Bernstein became the bride of Jtiehard Stanley Glazer, BOH of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Glazer of Fort Dodce, la., Tuesday, May 9 nt a G:;iO p. m. ceremony at Beth K] synagogue with Rabbi Myer ,S. Kripke and Cantor Aaron Kdfciir officiatinfi. The
bride's KOWII was
)ported silk organza and pean de i;oie, with an Klizabctlian bodice mid .scalloped neckline. Her imported Knglish illusion three-tier circular veil was fashioned with a. disk of net pompons and or>;anza petals. She carried a cascaded hand bouquet of pure '.\hitc orchids and stoplwnolis. Mrs. Richard I-ewin, of Sioux Falls, S. D., sister of the cioom, was matron of honor. Bildcs-
ri. ICIdiurd Stanley (Sliizer maids were Mrs. Michael Lazor, Lincoln, Nebr,, and the Misses Judi Ban and Linda Kavich. They wore cocktail lenittli EOWIIS of Florentine Jace and .silk organza. Julie .Ann Bernstein and Karon Alcxnnder, cousins of (he bride, were the flower (;h'ls.
0 ©
THIS SUiDAY By Request . . -
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Tlie best man was Hiuce I'jorn.slein, brother of tlie bride. Groomsmen were Robert Kisher, Hi'ooldine. Mass., Joel T r o s c h , Madison, Wis., and Richard Lewin. Ushers were Peter Wolf, St. 1'nul, Minn.; Mark .Schimmel and Pel or Urodkey. A reception and dinner at the Highland Country Club followed the ceremony. The couple are spending their honeymoon ;:t Las Vegas,' Nov. and will be at home at 431'North V.) street aftr-r May 14. The bride is the cranddaughfer of the Messrs. and Mrnes. Jacob Bernstein and Michael KrasiK.1 and the f;room, tlie cranrl.Kon of Mrs. Dora Robinson of' Dos Moines, la, C.'difornians. at the wedding were Mrs. Frank Krnsne, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Katskee, Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. Mayer Gordon, Kncino; Dr. and Mrs, Alex Miller, San Raphael; Mrs, Snm Margolin, Bollywood. Iowans were Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Glazer, Mason City; Mrs. Ben Glazer, Mrs. Harry Shulkin, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Glazer, Sioux City; Mr. and Mrs. Sidney llaase, Fort Dodge; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Glazer, Miss Ann Robinson, Des Moines. Amonp; the other piests were Mr. and Mrs. Max Glazer, Chicago, 111.; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pesses nnd Mr. and Mrs. I. Pesses, Rock Island, 111.; Mr. nnd Mrs, A. Bader, Minot, N. D.; Mr. and Mrs. II. AV. Krasne, Kansas City, Mo., and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Codden, St. Paul, Minn.
Joyce Conor amin Sworfz Married at Befh El Beth El Synagogue was the scene of the May 7 weddin;; of Miss Joyce Anne Canur and Benjamin Cohen Swartz of IX\S Moines, la. The ceremony was performed by Rabbi Myer S. Kripke and C a n t o r Aaron I. Kdfc'ar. A dinner followed at the Slieraton-Fontenello Hotel. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Canar, the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mote Swartz of Des Moines, In. The bride chose a gown of white bouquet taffeta, V e n i c e lace and .satin. The princess lines rose to a snug bodice with portrait neckline and three quarter sleeves. The bouquet was n. prayer book with a white orchid, stephanolis and streamers. The matron of honor, Mrs. Thomas Bernstein, sister of the bride, wore a ballerina frock of cotillion blue pure silk organza. Mrs. Matthew Bucksbaum of nettendorf, In., sister of the Kroom, Miss Maureen Zevitz and Miss Ellen dinar, bridesmaids were identically gowned and carried while arm baskets with white, light blue and y e l l o w sprinj; flowers and streamers. Alan Stern of Des Moines was best inan. U s h e r s were Mr. Biif-'ksbauni, Harold Falk of Sioilx
Mrs. San] W. Fellman, announces the engagement of her daughter, Dianne Joyce Fellmaii to Stephen If, Schnchncr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Schachner of Brooklyn, N. Y. Miss Fellman attended the University of Arizona, was an exchange student at the Universitc of Geneve, Geneva, Switzerland and is now enrolled nt Creighton University. She will be graduated in June. She is a member of Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority. Her fiance will graduate from Creighton University School of Medicine in June nnd will intern at the Long Island Jewish Hospital in New York. Mr. Schachncr is a member of Phi Rho Sigma medical fraternity. An August ]3 wedding Is planned,
"}/jt Ye f *iC v
MONA LISA House of Glamour I I I No. 50th E53-70O0 6 Expert Hair Styliiti Air-Conditioned Dryert MISS MARSH and MISS JERRY
Mrs. IScnjanihi Swart/, City, ],-i., Dr. John \V. Patterson, Jr, of Des Moines, Mr. Bernstein nnd Richard Zevitz. The mother of the bride wore a pure silk Iris blue peau de suie sheath with m a t c h i n g accessories. The bridegroom's mother wore a .silk chiffon sheath dress of f.;rndiin(ilig .ihades of pink. Followinc a trip to Miami, Fin., the couple will make their lionn! at 3011 49th .St. Des Moines.
Candid Wedding
J^al-e- l/L/atj
John Kalina 817 So. 36th
RUG CLEANERS Don Bernstein, 34S-25S4
CLAUDE CONSTAiLE portraits of distinction
Call 556-1317 Candid Wedding Albums Formal Bridal Portraits Childron Our Specialty Quality Work at Ogallry Price]
4829 Dodge Customai Parking ^
Leesi Lishsier on Leon Lishnor, professor of music at the University of Nebraska, nt Lincoln .will present a musical program on May 28, at the annual Belli El congregational dinner at the synagogue. Mr. Lishner has starred on Eoardway, appeared on the concert stage and nationnl television In addition to making records for major recording companies. He lias siniK with the New York City Opera Co., Lyric Opera of Chicago, NBC Opera Co., Havana Opera Co., Montreal Opera Guild and the Philadelphia Opera Co? Tlie role of Napoleon in the NBC TV national production of Prokofiev's opera, 'War and Peace," was awarded to Mr. Lishner. Itabbi Myer S. Kripke will serve ns toastmastcr for the evening. Reservations should be accompanied by a check and sent to the reservation chairmen, Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Guss. A Bit down" dinner will be served a t 6 p. m.
ADMISSION 75c (Including Sfatt and Fcdtrol Tox)
Except Mon,. Mny?<) & July 3: fKiliBhlRdteif.sn liiurs 3;30 P.M.
For money power tomorrow, open your account today where your savings earn 3% interest... at the convenient Savings Center in the First National.
FrMny, May 12, I8C1
BarandBas Aliizvali ' C'BNTKK SOKfiSAJ.I. TEAM Rain and coM weather continue 10 I'lacuo 111*> Center Softball Teams opening r;um<-.s as tin? fir ; t two leapie tilts in the (Mass "A" Club league \veiv poslpoiK d, AiMirr; to the wealiH-r IVOCP,-the canceled K>'i'"f'S wen- rc-schoduU'ii and they tou wpre raim >! out. resulting in postponed (faim-.s of originally postponed camr'-. However, the Jay athletes trifil again last nir.I.'l whr-n thry Mere scheduled to o|>cn against the KiURhts or Columbus, 6'>~, ;<t 9:1.5 nt P.oyd I'arh. Thl- J.C.C.. team nho will play tnmorro'A' ni;;lrt, Saturday, ?>I:iy 13. HRain.'-t the Deacons at Upland l'nrl:, 8:30 p. m. The Jay t<;im i.; wlirduled for their tliint le.-icue rnromiler n;;:iinsi the \\'c*t "I," Knr on Thursday. May IS at Ad-sms Park. Game timi' is Cciri p. m. Anxious to <,'ct st.'irteti, the Jewish Community (""liter t>".aii will field thrrfof the finest players in th<' city in pitcher Hay Kil'Uc, first baKcinan W.iyne Hiep'il and Shortstop I.iixly I'aid. Tlic Jay v.'ill n\:n feature a thiity-crght-ye.v-old vcloran of tn-my years servieo in Korni 7>vitz, who can still cover n Icit of territory. Morrie Jliincllrm.'in. Alan I!oprad, Stuart Kalni and Iz-on.-nd Wollc arc other vett-rniis of proven ability in the toiifh (.'lass "A" club league, which is the second strongest lcaptif in 1 incity. There are over ,''.50 trams In Omaha, and tli" Jay team is one of the feu- Class "A" squads in the city. Other players on tin* .squad are, Alan Konpcky, Howard I.ipton. Cy Seltchiel:, Jerry f'olnic. Hoy Katskee. IloloncI Kahn. Sieve I!oscnl)l;it( and (Vil Kirshpn. TKNNIK O u t e r tennis classes j;ef underway this .Sunday, May !•!, when the class meets ui the Center rcymnasuun. at '.i:r,0 a. m. The
ela:;s will meet every .Sunday at the Dewey Park Courts at It) ;i. MI.
Alan Austin, formr-r Kansa.; .State Champion, is instructing. There I:; lots of room for more f-nrollnn-nt. Itewstei' now by ealliin; the Physical Krliication oftiee at ai'J-l.'UK.
vorni corxen, TK.\(:ii AMI I'U.U) Ilain not only iiiterff red with the Jay roftball team, but niana';ecl to halt the •.rheiliiled Youlii C'uinieil track and Held mrct at Tech hi[;h scliou'l last .Sunday, May 7.
Students So Gonduet Graduation Services .Studets uill I'ond'.iCt Helireiv School Rradiintion services l'ridny at SrlTi p. in. at Temple Israel. 'I'll" craduatis nre Carolyn llroily, .lohn }Jro«n, Atari; <!h'iniaci:. .'o'liiii (,'ohn, .'<> Kran"'.'.'". (tolni. I.inda Kisrnstatt. Randy Kii'v-1, I.ynnr- IVltnnn, Jlnlloiy fioUKvaie, Alan Knl;vkof;:l;y, I.ce Ito.'s. Kii':aji Hanford, I.nnny Rip1'. JU\ Slnstntrt:. •'••iclcie f'ain. Steven Cottlieb, John Katelmnn, I'.'.ul I.aiuiinv. Arthur- Latter. Nancy Lincoln, Snran Pot;ter. iM.'in I'rieMii'in. Nunev S'lverman. Ktevi'ii SoUoloff, l'ied Vi"'.'irp('r and •Sii;;.ui Waldhaiim. I.r-zar Kanlan, roinji ejvitioii pro:-U!"iit. will preroni the diploma?. A reception v.-ill follow the serviced 'Vhr Tfinple v. ill hold its confirmation service. May 20 at S'IJ.I P. in. f'oiifinnands are I'.'Mty Ann Krody, Karry Ira Coldware. SUB Ann Herman, Sand'.T Jay Ka'in, f,:iv,yt nee ,f. Kavieh. Willi.-im l)avid Kully, Su'-au Until MaUic:>l;y, Tcrri I.ynn Korj,'. AIe:< Frank «irkov.-, M.-irk Leslie I'latt.r.cr, Ilarlan William I'rie::ni;tn, Sandra Joy Richards'. Stephen J-'r.-inlc. lin Saylan. John Henry .Spit/'r, f'he.ster Lloyd Stoler. HII/JUIIK" ICthel .Sutin. Kdi'.'ard M. Trollcr and I'.'iuln ("lay Ziejynaii.
JIADASSAII MKKTINUS Tlie Education Council of lln- , N < : r . BHITH dassiili will hold an One;; .ShahMr. and Mrs. Koh-rl I.. Chipbat on Saturday. May. 13, at 1 man announce the-birth of their p. in., nt the home of Mrs. Meyer first child. Cynthia Mnr>l on May l:oM'iibauin. Tlie Omaha Chap- H. ter hoard .will nv-et at a noon Grandpavfiil-; a r t Mr. and Mrs. dessert liiiicli'-on on Monday, .May Isadnre ('lir^intan, (tniatui nnd 15, at the liome of Mrs. Albert Mr. and Mi>. Herman I). Karlnn Wolilnor. of OeiiVi.'r. f'ol". Mrs. Sam Kitf/man will enThe liaby arrived on the birthtertain the Szold Group iKial'd at days of her1 internal grandmotha 12 o'clock brunch at her homo er, and that of her uncle. I.awon Thursday, May 18, The IXcr/.l rcnee Chopman. and Weizroann Group boards will also m w i on Thursday at 12:.'iO Diabetes Association dessert luncheons, the former at the home of Mrs. Ray Simon, who Meets May 17 Center will be assisted by Mme?. Jack The annual mcciin;,' of the Ni'Dultch and Manfred Kroitstein, brnska Dialiotes Association Inc., rind the latter at the homo of will he held May 17. at 7:.'{() at Mrs. Seymour Abratns, whose the Jewish Community O u t e r . co-hostcss will be Mrs. If. I/te Dr. Kelly M. West of the UniGcndler.. versity of Oklahoma School of * • * Medicine, will speak xin "n.c.eent MUK. FICJKVS, GITiST Developments in Tests for DiaOF IIKANDKIS BOAKD. betes" following a business sesOmaha Chapter Brandeis Uni- sion and election. versity Nntionnl Women's Committee will hold the last board OMAHA vismm ' meeting of this season, WednesDr. Alyce Bezman of San Franday, May 17, 10 a. m., a t the Hill cisco, Oil., was a recent visitor Top House. It will be followed at the home of her parenl.s, Mr. by luncheon at 12 noon honoring and Mrs. Dan Bezman. She also the finest speaker, Mrs. Sam G. attended n medical convention in Picktis of Sioux City. Atlantic City. Mrs. Pielats is a past president of the Siotix City, l a . Chapter, u national board member, ami serves on the National Chap- A. A. Z ter Service Committee. A. A. Zusmnn, 90, former 6maReservations are beinK taken ha coal and feed dealer, died by Mmes. M. A. Bercovici. 551- Thursday, May 4 in Lone Beach, 5492; R. H. Brown, .551-3381 and Calif. Burial was May 5, in IXJUK Ted Newman, 551-7215. Beach. Mr. Susman lived in Omaha nearly 50 years before moving to California eight years ago. RABBI OR0NKFI TO TAMCSurvivors include a son, J o TO Brcrn isiiAKi. OBpor 1 Rahbi Benjamin Groner will soph, Santa Ana, Cal.; daughters, discuss "Treasures of Jewkh I-.lt- Mrs. Esther Broscow, ItoSsrnoor, crature" at the monthly meeting Ca).; Mrs. Goldie Albert, Lalceof the Beth El Israel Sisterhood wood, Cal.; Mrs. Martha Harris, study group, Monday, May 15. Paris B'rance; ten grandchildren Mrs. David II. Lewis, 1820 N. Including Mrs, Stuart Kahn anil 53, will be hostess at the 1 p. m. Steven Dloogofl, JOmaha, and three great-grandchildren. affair.
Ilobrrt I'VU'dia.'iu iintl Mar\ln Klrkf, ro-rli.ilrmoit "f A7.X No. 1 %vcnk-*-inl *»bse.rvaiicr, display orfTanl/.-'itloir* rliurtcr.
AZA Celebration Begins May 12 A'/.A No. 1 will conclude a week-end observance of its .'!7lh iinmml Founder's Day with an award nijjhl at the SbearlonI'ontcncllc hotel, Sunday at fi j). m., Marvin Kirke mid Itoliert Friedman, co-ch.-iirinen in rJiarno, reported. The M.'hedu!>; for the wch-end alfo includes mass attendance at l'.eth Israel Kynacosvic on Friday (;vciiinjr, a seinl-fonnal danre at, the hotel on Saturday, an 11 a. m. Sunday baseball tiarnc competinj; with Kohanne, to he follov.ed by a comniunity drrvicc project.
All friends nnd relative1* are InvlUil to ult-mt services anil rreejjtliin. DONNA < A M l i ; i , l ) SAM1UA (ill.lNKKY CHK.IEVI. WKISS The croup lias Mit/.vnh of Donna Canf ield, dawf.hUT r>( Mr. ui«! Mrs. I.elt'jy Oanfield; .Sandra Cilinsky, datirthter of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Gilinsky and Cheryl Weiss, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Weiss will he celebrated tonight at lifth Israel SynarTocue.
Wifli f!s@ M m Folks N o u » mul liU|i|i£'iHn£h ii( I h r Dr. I'liilln Mi,-I .IrivKli lli.nir (nr tlio .1cill tit Davlil (irliiiiv
Mr. and .Mrs. !.<•« Vox have diwiatod an air conditioner for use in the Home syi»a!;oKue. ltabhl Jlyi-r S. ICripI.e. was our rahbinical visitor this wee);. The lovely llmvrrb at the Utiine this week were voccivvd hm\ U\c following:: Belli Israel Si;,t«rhood on the fieci.-ion of their Mi^tlier-Dauchter hanqiiej, DKItltV KAtiAN* Mr. and Mrs. Allen Zalkin mi SI 'HAS HlOISIJ'Ilt the occasion of the Bar Mil/vah SIIAUON NOOHKIJ, uf Steve Cnoilman. l'*r(nn thy <'an.'ir-Suartz preThe ijroup Has Mit/vah of Dehhy Kacnii. d;ni|»htpr of Cantor riuptial dinner. Mrmorlul heri'icc.s are heitii; and Mrs. Kli Kaftan; Susan Ilei;ler. dauchtor of Mr. and Mrs. lien held this month in the Home Ilriiiler, (ind Sharon Noodell. .syn;i':<>;;iic for the followiiifj, the daughter of Mr. find Mrs. Hen annivcrsury of whose death falls Noodell will lie celebrated on durin;; this period: Sivan 1, (May Friday. May 10 at Beth Israel 10) I s r a e l 1Sadofsky.' Dora Chait; Sivan I- <M.-iy 271 JoSyi!.ir,o|.;uc KPlili C.oUKviwe, Sivnn 14, (M»y 29) Kara WeiivUein, Morris'l"urMARK SAI-MIKIIK Air. find Mrs. Keith Saunder:* ner nnri Joseph liush; Sivan lit, (June 'M- Malcia flro.ss. nnnounce the I!ar Mitzvah of (Joining IJvcnts: Sundaj', May their son, Mark .Saundcrs, t/ti 1 Saturday morning. May 'Hi a t I !, a Mother's Day parly under the aiispiceK of the B I\JK| P Heth I'.'l Synae;o,';iie. llanassah, I'.niii: i iMi:ni.AM)i;it NTKVKN" MITTBWi I.tittbei: nnnounce the Dnr MitzMr. and Mrs. Morion Krinl- vah of their son, Steven LutOwi:,. lander announce the Bar Mitz- on Stttiday morning, May Ul at vah of their son, Bruce, Fried- the Nhavuoth Services nl I5eth lander and Mr. and Mrs..
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