May 26, 1961

Page 1



Vol. XXXIX — Ni». JS8


Cleveland Drive Sets Nev/ Record AH of Ma

ir-0|JO1K!II Bl^-'IS'

Tlie following are nirri-nt i . .Oiiirtim Jewish Phil.'tjithropii's C.":inif>;ii;;ji: Division Inltinl Gifts Mrti's division Women's IJivisloii n. & P. iTnii Children's Division Hiffh .School Division University Division ()rj:ai)iz.'ition,s Miscellaneous


]'J(iI Total To Dale . . . . . . $ 27:<t 14,810.00

5.1 .« 28.75 •J.TMSM

1.210.50 J.USQ.'X,


.$ :v.


Trustin Heads City Council Harry Trustin", President of the Jewish Federation, was formally named President of Hie City Council last Monday nif.'ht in induction ccrmonles for the city's administrative officials, Mr. Trnstin's election received the unanimous vote of tlie Council. Rabbi Myer .S. Krfrike participated In giving the oath of office.

B'nai O'rllEa Plans Seminar for Adults

I.IXilON CKNTKR DEDK'ATNI) Jerusalem-The Jewish l<e(;ioli Center's new structure near Natanya was dedicated in the presence of Israel dignitaries.

Cleveland (JTA>--The I!)61 Jewish Welfare Fund Appeal I'nded with pledges of 55,4.'U,6K0, netting an all-time record for the 'Mi years of the Jewish Coinmunity Federation, sponsor of the drive, 'i'lie total topped the previous record, set last year, of The finuri'S were rli:;clo;>eii ut a dinner paying tribute to living past chairmen of the Cleveland cainpnij;n, The list was headed hy Rabbi Hillel Silver, who led the drive in 1fi,'t5 and in six sub-secpiont year.1;. IIDIiZI, 3IKMOKIAI, ]»I,AQI'H Palis—A memorial plaque on the building where Dr. Tlieodor Ilerzl wrote some of his works which influenced the ultimate establishment of Israel was affixed here.

Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged tThe Dr. Philip Slier Home foi tlic Agod acknowledges the followiufj memorials awi donations.)


Omnlians will he among the 33 couples plarmini; to spend their Labor Day weekend at an Adult Jewish Kdiicatlon mninar study of "Judaism fur Modern Man," In Honor of »[>ori.';ored by the .Southwest Donor Sarah Kny, Mr. and Mrt. Ernut Uoga, Alon NeaB-""""**-B^t»clay ( Morrli Arkln Council of U'niil li'rith, at Lake Mrs. f/.fjirs. and Mrrtfrj. Rol>erl Kcoprr, Mot Venger ....Dlrihday, Mr*, Isudoro Chapman Okolwji, .Septcmher 1-li. Kidney A'.rs. Maurlre Olllnsky (Milwaukee, V/U.), Mr, and Mr*. Henry Rubf-n i Birthday, Louli Po;>«rny .Spcit.'olniati, chairman of I'vcnl, Mesirj. end Mmes Monf Blotcky, Robert Kooper, Julei A^, Newman, Chorle* Rosensloctc, Fred Rosensfock, said. f'uul Vcref , 75Ih weddlno cnnlv«rtary, A^r. end Mr», Jay Oiernlock Franklla, Mr. and Mrt. Paul V«r«t Two Jewish scholars, Kabhl Mfu ,, Koloh Oen J. Gcrittun (Council BfuWt) (or many yean of devoted »ervic« to (>umantl/ Pavid Polish, chairman of the Committee on I.itun:y of (he Special Contributions Central Conference of American Eilote of Davfd Sherman, Samuel Kaplan, Anonymoui, Sam Berek (Fr«nionf), Jltibbls and IJr. Marvin Fox. pro. fcsEOr of philosophy at. Ohio State Synagogue Donations University, will lead discussions.1 Dr. ond Mis, A. C, FelltTiun, A registration fee of $10 per couple must accompany applications which can he mailed to Mr. Spcifielmnii or to members of his committee: Louis Cunnr, Dr. I.eon Felhnan, Dr. A. A. Oreenbeig, Morris Hoffman, IAMIH WASHINGTON UTA)—During the 15-yenr i>eiio(l from July I, IIoriiBk-in, Mrs. Shirley Klein, 1013 to June 30, 10GO, Israel received from the United .States only Kd noE''ii, Manry .Schwartz, 'J'ed 51.000,000 in cash funds for military assistance, figures disclosed by Ilio Tntcrnadonnl Coopcratioii Administration established, No miliScnrmtl find F.nrl Siegel. tary personnel whatever was sent to Israel by the United .States, . ' HOOKS FOR MOSI.KM LANDS (he ICA report showed. Geneva -.Sixty-eight thousand Israel's closes! neighbors among the Arab countries receiveil Hebrew prayer books and text- iiiueh greater military ni'l in casli, the report indicated. Iraq got books liave been published by •5-10,100,000; Jordan received $17,000,000; and Lebanon was Riven the American Joint Distribution SH,700,000. Like Israel; noui? of these countries received any AmeriCommittee for Jewish Communi- can military personnel. Egypt and Syria are not listedns recipients of anv military aid. ties in Moslem countries.

U.S. MlBmy Aid to Israel Smcsll ' Compared io Sums Given to Arabs


Dr. Pliilip Slier, H o n o r a r y

President of the Jeuith Federation of Omaha, if n uned in the 1961 "American; Men of Medl-j cine," the thud . edition of "Who1* I m p o r t a n t in Medicine." The biography of Dr. Sher, a prominent figuic in O m a li a for more than a half century, spci 1 for itself in the citing of his many Or. »»cr civic and cultural contributions to the community, Published, by •,/ttie Institute for Research in Biography, the volume lisfs the following biographical data for Mm: Slier Philip, Physician; born October 8. 1875. Pompian, Lithuanian; son of Louis nnd Bertha (Orlinsky) Slier; educated nt Itabblnical College of Telshe, ordained Itnbbl 3B93; Baltimore University, W. D. 3902; Post-

Clradtmte studies nt New Yorlc Post-Oradiiate Medical School and Hospital, 1919; one son— D.iwd G e n e r a l Practitioner, Oimha, Nebraslxa, since 1003. Staff Member, Wise Memorial, Lord Lister, Covenant, Nicholas Scnn Hospitals. Part O w n e r , Tni'U'e and Staff Member, Poc1or«! Hospital of Omaha. Founder nnd Hon. President, City Talmud Torali; one of organizes, Federation of American Zionists, 1808; Hon. President, Omaha Zionist X)ls. Members: National Council, Joint Distribution Cow.; National Council of United Palestine Appeal. Chairman, Bureau of J e w i s h Education of Omaha. Founded, Omaha Free Loan Society. Founder and Hon. President, Jewish Community Center, past 38 years. Founder, Social .Service Commission, Exec. Member, Jewish Physicians Ad\>. Cl. Founder nnd Hon. Pres,, Federa-' tlon for Jewish Service. Delegate National P r i s o n Council, 1911. M e m b e r : IVnal B'rltb; Zionist Organization of /uuerica.

Member: Omaha Douglas County Medical Society; American Medical Society; Nebraska Medical Society, Phi Beta Epsilon. Itecipicnt, Phi Beta Epsilon's Best Citizenship Award, 1935; awarded prizes among University students in an essay contest on "Racial and Religious Mutual Respect," for past 12 years. Club: Omalia Hebrew. Special Interest: Social Service, writing. In 1947 tlie Jewish community of Omaha erected a home for elderly people, and Jiamed It in honor of Dr. Philip Slier. Founder, Union of Baccalaureate Service for Jewish Graduates of Omaha High Schools (1034); orgnnizcr of Library in Omaha Jewish Community Center (1920), Appointed by American Jewish Tercentenary Com. as one of 300 delegates in V. S. Author: Wisdom from Bible and Talmud; The Diary of Dr. Philip Sher. Editor: Gems of the Bible nnd Talmud (Omaha Jewish Press). Address: 4801 North 52nd Street, Omaha, Nebraska.

Cupy l Rule 14

Tha Jewish Community Center Announces the 1961 DAY CAMP 5EASOM

at Peony Parli Uatrs—1st Session, June VJ - June 30 2nd .Session, July 3 - July 14 Full 4 Weeks. Jiuie 19 -July H Kates -1st Session, J35.00 2nd Session, $35.00 Full 4 Wprks, SfiO.OO For further information call the Day Camp Offire, 342-l.".fl6.

Family Picnic Temple Israel will hold its annual Family Picnic, sponsored by the Men's Club, on Sunday, May 28 from 2 p. m. to G p, m. on the Temple (.'rounds. .Sidney Taren, picnic chairman, said the program would include ennra, awards, mechanical rides including those in jeeps on the "Temple Speedway."

Israelis OauSionod

In Memory of

t.\r. and Mn,»Jti!e* M. Hew/non Paul Bernstein Mr. und Mr*. Ma* Rl'iket Mrs. Helen Cowan Mrs. Maurice GUJoit.y (Milwaukee, WIs.)..«.Mn. /Aorrls Freldcn (Mother's Day Memorial) W.cun, oniJ Mmes, Reubrni H, Brcyvn, Morrli Katieman ...,...» Waur/ct Kaffeman (Loi Angeles, Cat.) M M H J , and Mmej. Reuben H. Drown, foul Veret //.r*. Rochel Levin /.'ejsrs. end M m « . Heubtm H. STOATI, Jules M. Niwtnon, t/.\n Sally M«wman Mrt. Honrroh Moskowlfr Mr. and Mr». Paul V«ret *..Mn, Jessie Roicnstock Mr*, Mayms Turn In ALromfion, (Shr«vcport, La.( t.\rt. Rebecca Temln (Mother1* Day Meniorlol) M C J U I and Mmei. Arthur A. Ohn Bon Sftefler, Paul Verft, Loul« Sommer and MKi Dea Sontmcr Harry Wefsman (Phoenix, Arir.) Mei'-rs, and Mmej //ox Hlehe», Paul Vcr«f , M i l , Roit 2wclback


i.o-uiufci roU»nt I'ulfl Bl Omaha K'ebi

2fl, 1DB1

Tel Aviv, (JTA) General Zvi Tzur, Chief of Staff of Israel's armed forces, Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, who is also Defense Minister and Shimon Peres, Deputy Defense Minister, in public npeechs, warned the Israeli population on the possibility of renewed military attacks on Ihoir country hy the United Arab Republic. Mr. Ben-Gurion : aid the recent, larj;e scale Arab military exercises were "of an aggressive nature and nothing but preparation for the days ahead." General Tzur emphasized that today's United Arab Republic army "is not the same" as that in 1956, and pointed out that 54,500,000,000 has b e e n earmarked for military build-up in F-dypt's five-year plan. Modern Equipment—A Necessity Mr. Perez in a talk, stressed "tlutt it. is essential that Israel's army be equipped with the most modern weapons and an expanded military industry.

Belli E Oraduation June 2 The Beth El Religious Schools will hold Its confirmation and graduation ceremonies, Friday, June" 2 at 8:IS p. m. at the synagogue. Confirmation follows two years In the high school department and graduation marks four years in its course of study. Conflrmcinds are: Dale Brndkey, daunlilcr of Dr. and M r i . M. H. Brodkcy, Barry Kort, ton of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Korf, Gal« Render, daughter of Mr. ond Mrs. Bert Kinder, Alan Whitman. «on of Mr. and M n . fjorman v/hllman, and Eleanor Yaoer, daughter of Pr. and Mrt. J, Lewis Gradual" era: Howard Chudacoff, ion of Mr. and M n , Irvlna Chudacoff, Francei Erman. daughter of Mr. ond M r i . Morris Erman, SlipJwn GUM, »on of Mr. and Mn. Joseph Gusi, Jamei Kagan, ion of Mr. and Mrs Georae Kaaan, Donna Kalman, dauaht»r of rAn. Samuel Kalman, Moddtnw Krlpkc, daiMhter of Rabbi and Mrs. Mvor $ Krlpke, Rosalind Noon, daughter of Mr. ond M n . F. Ralph Hood, Rene* Rlmmerman, daughter of Dr. and M n . A. G. Rimmerman • and Naomi Rothenbern. daughter of Mr. ond Wr>. Samuel Rothenberg.

Jewish Doctors Oef Casablanca (JTA)—Two Jewish doctors wiio served with the Hoyal Moroccan Army In the Congo were reported to have been personally decorated by King Hassan II in a ceremony at Moknos. T h e two physicians aro Dr. Emile Cliekoury of Casablanca and Dr. E. G. Joseph of Marralcech. They received, directly from the King, medals clllng thorn for "courage and endurance."

icn-Oeiriof] to U. S. Conference New York (XI"Ai—Israel Prims Minister David Ben-Ciurion will spend four days in New York, following his visit to Canada and prior to his return to Jerusalem. I>ui'ii]jj his stay in New York, h» expects to confer with President John F. Kennedy, and also to meet with United Nations Secretary General Da;; Hammarskjold ontl with Adiai Stevenson, head of the United .States delegation to tlie UN, Mr. Ben-CJurion's meeting with President Kennedy will probably take place on May ,'!0. President Kennedy is leaving the next day for Paris. The Israel Prime Minister, it is believed, will present to Mr. Kennedy a general view of tlie Israel Government on Middle East problem.1;, presumably with special consideration toward tlie meetings which President Kennedy is to hold with President de Gaulle of Franca and later with. .Soviet. Premier Nikita Khrushchev.

B'nal"SiiiloCite Omaha broadcasting executive, Frank P. Fogarty will receiva the annual B'nai B'nth "Americanism Citation' of Henry Monsky IjOdge No 354, Ruben Lipp e t t, 1961 award's progiam c h a i r m an, an- \ noimced. T h e citation^?will be presented^, fl,^ nt a June Gth* luncheon at the! Sheraton - FOII-T>

tenelle Hotel to Mr, Fogarty, vice-president of the Meredith Broadcasting Company and vice-president and general manager of Meredith WOW, Inc. The award is given annually "in recognition of outstanding service in community and civic affairs for the general advancement of Americanism and citizenship responsibility." Mr. Fogarty has participated in many civic, and charitable activities in Omaha and holds key posts in organizations associated with tha broadcasting industry.

15,060 Visit Scene Of Eichrnann Trial, First Five Weeks Jerusalem (JTA)—More than 15,000 persons have visited tha courtroom where Adolf Eichmann is being tried in the first five weeks of the trial. Since the departure of some of the foreign correspondents, somo 600 persons, botli Israelis and tourists, have been admitted to the court'to watch tlie proceedings daily. Nearly all members of tlie Cabinet, Jewish Agency executive members, mp3t members of Parliament and other officials liava attended some of the sessions.


Friday, May tff, 1801


Pace Two


Youth Published weekly on Friday be$;1nn!ug the lai;t uetlf In August through second neek In July by tho Jewish Pederutloo of Oniiiha, Seccno Ctass Postals Paid oi Ornaia, Nebr. AnmKU Su&icrlpticn, $4.00, Advtrtislm frofei en AppNcotlor. Publication Office— let No. :«ih ilitei. Omul'.o, HtLf« HiMIA




tlis BAM KOSENBI-UM Funeral servkvs wevc held Monday at Crosby-Kunokl inurtuury for Sam P.cwnblum, 75, of 1527 North 52 Stiv.-t, who died Saturday. Mr. Hosenblum was a loiif-jtimc Krocc-r until hpoominj; iniinJIJ;«T of Hu? Nnbrnska Conc-sMon Supply in 1913. lie was a former |)resid"iit of the Omaha Grocers Association, rliirf h;nl:er for the Variety club and member of several Masonic bodies. Survivors include wife, Sarah; eon, Howard A., I.o.s Angeles. Cal.; (laughter, Mrs. Amy I.ou Mitch, Akron, (>.; sistiT.s, Mrs. A. P. Kmidis, I.o.s Angeles, Cal., mid Mrs. M. V. IYi«\Mivm. <Jm;i-

MKS. ANNA IiKKNSTKtV fuiirral services were' held on Thursday of last, week at Helh El synagogue for Mrs. Anna Bernstein, G7, of 3M North DO Street, who died on May 15. Burial was in I'Jea^ant Hill Ccmotcry, Survived by daughter, Mrs. Harriett Wasserman, Uw AnKcles, Cal.; son, Bernstein, Omaha; six grandchildren; brothers, Israel, Harry and Sam

Hy Cy Srltrlilck VOl'TH COl'VCII, SOITHAIJ, Hill Kutler singled home the winning run in the sixth inning to gi\e Rayim a •!-.'!, victory over lionu as Youth Council Softball bepan at'Klirn'.ood Park last Similar. KntliM's liit biol:e up a tifiht pitching duel between Steve Guss and Howard Shner, A'/.t\ 1 won in a 0-3 name in chaotic innin;;s with AZA 100. CI:NTI:IC S O I T H A I X

On Sunday, May '2Mb. the JCC will (:o Bijninst the West. "L" Ii;ir Ht Adams Park, G:15 p. m. Urown, Baldwin, N. D.; sister, .Sarah, Siston, S. D. MISS. IDA ISKKSLOW J'*uneral services were held Wednesday in Lincoln, for Mrs. Ida Hreslow, fif), who died Sunday. A resident of Lincoln, slio was named Woman of Vulor at Tifereth Israel Synai;oi;ue, tlifro, in 1!C)8. She was the mother of Max Hieslow. Surviving are a daucliter, Jean, find other sons, Jake, Harry and David, nil of Lincoln, 11 firanilrhildren and 2 creat grandchildren.

(WIT TO IIADASSAII ISHAKL OltGAMZATIOV Mrs Krvln Simon, Iludassah prt.sident, will l>e presented with a contribution for the llmto'sah Medienl and \'ocation;d organizations In Israel, at a meeting'of the Youii;; Judaea croups, the Jays and Judueun Cirls, Sunday, May 28, 2 p. tn. at the Jewish Community Center. The i>rcsenlation will follow a volleyball Came between the two groups. Youtifi Judaean groups, including the Di-bs, will liold a pienic on June 11 at i! p. m. at Kontcnellc Park. XFl'Y INSTALLATION The Tomple Israel Youth Group will install officers on l'riday, May 'S> following .sabbalh services, under the cbairmanship of Karen Urodlcry and Gail Levin. IIOIIAM'K MOTHKItUAIHi'llTKIt LUNCHEON liohanue HUG will hold its annual Mother-Dausjhter luncheon, May 27 at Caniylia's Venice Inn. Installation of officers will be conducted by Mrs. Max Sacks. Chairmen are Joyce Kerer mid Dcde .Sokolof. TO VIM AM) KADIMAII A party for the Tovim and Kadimali members will be held Saturday, May 27. 0 p. m. ut Heth Israel. A film will bn shown by a member of the police department.

Amonument will be dedicated !n mi mory of Mrs. Gertrude Moskovitz Ilcrmanson, Sunday, May 2H at Pleasant Hill Cemetery at. 2:45 p. in.

f50,000 CLINIC Teheran—A new $5O,rjOO health clinic was opened here for underprivileged Jews.


A monument will be dedieaicd in memory of Mr.v. (,'epa Zorinsky, Sunday, May 'JH at Golden Hill cemetery at 2 p. in. Itelntives and friends are invited to attend. I'.abbi Groner and Cantor Kli Kacan will ofllciale at the above services. The unveilinf: of a monument in memory of Moses Krasne will be held Sunday, May 28 at 1:30 p. m. at Golden Hill Cemetery. A monument will be dedicated In memory of Mrs. Ada Marsh, Sunday, May 28 at .12:30 p. m. ut Golden Hill Cemetery.


Call Us (or Estimates


ARE YOU iUYiriG-A MEW GAH? For (he Family— Second Cor—Graduation







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Friday, Hay 20, 1801


izations INDEPENDENT WOKKMEN'S LOAN MKKTS AT CKN'J'KK The Independent Workmen's Loan Association which formerly met at the recently sold H'iml Abraham Lodge, 25th and J Streets, now will hold its mcctIIIKS lii room 30 at tlio Jewish Community Center. The organization will meet on the first and third Thursdays of each month nt. 7:30 p. m., Max Wolfson, president, .said. •


TEA FOR STllDV tillOUP MKMIIKliH The Beth El Sisterhood will hold a tea Thursday, June 1 lit 1 p. in. nt the home of Mrs. M. A. Bercovicl, 6-192 Cumlng for nil women who regularly attended the synayofiue study groups, and the members of Its choral organization. .Study Kroup leaders, Cantor Aaron I. Kdgfir, Kev. Alexander Katz, Mrs. Dorothy Kripkc and Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will be honored. The commit lee in charge, headed by Mis. Norman Pied, includes the Mines. Leon Grnetz, Al E. Swartz, Slewart Tully and Molvin • • • IIOUDAY DANCING (JMIII The Holiday Dancing club will liold a summer dance, Saturday, June 3 a l 10 p. m. Ht the Carter I.nkc Club.


SAUERKRAUT With Purchase of Hot Dogs


Potato Salad. Colo Slaw and Many Other Dtliciom Food« to Includo In Your Picnic Ballot

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Hadassah Be-Efecfs firs. Ervin R. Siition Mrs. Krvin Ii. Simon has been re-elected [ncsldent of tlic OmaIm Chapter of Hadassah. Mrs. J. Hurry Kiilakofslty Is the honorniy president. Vice-presidents will lie Mrs. Sam Katzman, exeniflvc; Mrs. Myer Rosenbaum, education; Mrs. Charles Garclz, membership; Mines'. Joseph Gtiss nnd Nathan Marcus, fund ralsinc; Mrs. Henry Appel, program and promotion, and Mrs. Hay .Simon, social. Other officers are Mrs. Natlmn Turner, treasurer; Mrs. Ira Whiteboolc, financial secretary; Mrs. I_cmi{ir<l Bernstein, recordIng secretary, and Mr.s. Manfrled Kreitstcln, corresponding secretary. Mrs. Albert Wohlner is chairman of the nominating committee.

Harold Bercovici To Wed Floridian

Shirley Levey to Be Wed in Fall

Mr. mid Mrs. Milton Cross of Cocoa Head], Fla., liave announced the lielrotlKil of their daughter, Uclte Michole to Ilar];m David Iicrcovirl, fonnor Omnium. An August 13 wedding is plamiol. Mr. i-icrcoviei, tin; son of Mr. und MIS. Juy Bcico\icl, Is a 19G0 cradiiiite of the UnUtr.sily oC Omaha nnd a member of Alpha Kp;»ilori Pi Fiatcrnily. We. Is ussociatod with tlu; missile pio'.'ram at (-'iipi> C.'iiiaveial, Fla.

Laya Edgar to Marry Cliicagoan Cantor and Mrs. Aaron I. EdBar announce the engagement of their daughter, Luyu Kdgar to Dr. Henri Frlscher of Chicago, III., son of Mr. and Mrs. Henri Sontng of Los Angeles, Cal. Miss Edgar is also a resident of Chicago. The wedding" will be held at the home of the bride's uncle, Kal)bl Maurice Pekar.slty in Chicago on June 20.

Mr. and Mrs. Manny Goldberg (innoimce the birth of a son, •Stuart Bruce on May 10. They are also the parents of a girl, Maria Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Wintner of Brooklyn, N. Y.( visitors at the Goldberg home nnd paternal grandparents, are Mr. nnd Mr.s. Morris Goldberg.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe J. Levey have announced the engagement of their daughter, Shirley Kae to Stanley Byron Salkln of Hobbs, N. M., son of Mrs. David Salkin of Shreveport, L«. Miss I.evey who has been maleIng her home i;: Dallas, Tex., attended the University of Texas ot Austin, and is a member of •Sigma Delia Tan Sorority. Mr. Salkin also attended the University of Texas and i.s affiliated with Sigma Alpha Mil Fraternity. The couple "ill be married October 8 nt. Temple Israel.

Bar and Bas Fiifzvah All friends and relatives aro Invited to atl»nd services und reception. PATH, Paul Landow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Erwiii Landow at 'J'emple I.sreal, May 2<! and 21. NANCJV ANN STEKK Nancy Ann Stern, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stein on Saturday, May 27 at 10:30 a. m. service, Beth El Synagogue. I ' H l i a i ' KAZNICK Phillip Raznlck, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Joe Uaznick, Betli Israel Synagogue, Saturday morning, May 27. KOM'.KT IIA'J'T ICONAM) IlM/AfKIN Robert Bait, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Batt and Ronald Illumkin, son of Mr, and Mrs. Louis Blumkin, Saturday, June 3, at the 10:30 a. in. service at Beth El Synagogue.

Mr. and Mrs. Byron Mtlchcr of McAllen, Tex., announce the birth of a son, Robert Dean on May 18. Their other children are Steven and Karen. Mr. Melcher Is the son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Jack Melcher and the grandson of Abe Levey. Member* of the confirmation Class at Tcmplo Israel ivlsli.1 to tliiuik everyone for the many Unloiigrnms of conKrotuliitloiis mid good wishes.

With the Home Folks News snd Impncnln^s at The Dr. Philip hlHT JnwUh Homo (or tin Agea by Duvltl Orltow, The Oi)en House for Senior Citizens on Monday, May 22 opened with a welcome by David Orkow. A program was presented by the following artists! Mr. and Mrs. Harry Duboff. Marie Melcher dramatic singing group, Bill Kellogg top choir consisting of Kathy Hyde, Jane Doxon, Billic Poulson, Jo Poulson, Kathy Durham, Kenny PJoss and Dave Johnson and the "DixieGators," consisting of Gary Riekes, Robert Guss, Joel Aresty, Gary Solref, Knnold Brockemeier und Gary Kaplan. The refreshments, baked on the premises, were served in tlio Home dining room with background music furnished by tha Dave Major Chamber Music Orchestra, provided by the Musicians Union, Local No. 70. The Men's Cliolr of Mutual and United of Omaha, presented a special concert on Wednesday evening, May 24. Mr. and Mrs. Louis l'npcrny presented flowers to the Homa this week on the occasion of Mr, Paperny's 70th birthday. WANTED TO RENT Couple w i t h 11 - year - old daughter want to rent, from July I, an unfurnished 2-bodr o o m apartment in Dundee School District. CALL 341-7428

portraits of distinction

Call 556-1317 Candid Wadding Albumi Formal Bridal Portrait! Children Our Specialty Quality Work ot 9ualltv Frlcoi

4829 Dodge Cuiromtr Parking

Order by Phone! Call 342-8482 Tele-Sales

TKJIPI-K ISRAEL Sabbath Evening Services at 8:15 p, m. Friday at Temple Israel, Itabbi Sidney II. Brooltis officiating. Saturday morning services at 11:30 n. m. ,

"Buy It Where It's Baked"


'J'hoy are: General crtninnto: Mmfis. Mormon Plre (incl Maurice Ptldman; rcfreilimcnls: //mcs. Sain Holhcnbcro, •Gilbert Aronoff and Maurice Alperin; hospitality:' tAnwi, Ted ' Suitford, Davvid Fredrlfks and Henry Slcni; uihcrs: Mrncs. Mildred GrjodMncJcr, Huljcrl ftoseriblym tirid Jock Safersteln. Hadaistjh Medical Orocinliatlon chairmen: U. & }'„ Hiss Ida Sprint), Ml;3 Rosclla Handler; Hcrj\ Group: Mmei. Ctiurlcs G^retr, Alljcrf, Fox, ). Lincoln, David Plntt; Szold Croup: Mmes. A. V. Friedman, Arthur Gresiman, J. Mlllcn Margolin, Welzniunn Group: Mmru, Mn* LasTilmky, Seymour Abronu, • Al VVcInberfl, Group1 co-or'dlnators are //imps. Mox Blllnor, Hff'iry Stern find Sam Rotltenheru Chopier Mndmidh co-ordlno(or» ([re: Mmcs. David Urodkey oncj Meyer

BKI'ir ISIIAKL Traditional Friday services, Kobolas Shalibos becin at Beth Iuracl KynaROKUo at 7:35 p. m. Sliabbos morning services at 8:4.r) n. in. Junior Congregation at 10 a. m. TUibbi Benjamin Groner will conduct the Talmud class nt 7 p. m. Sabbath Mlnclm at 7:30 p. m. followed by Sholosh Scudos nnd Mnariv at 8:25 p. m. Sunday services at 9 a. m. followed by breakfast and Rabbi's class in Bible. Sunday morning Junior Minyan nt 8:30 a. m. followed by breakfast. Dally services at 7 a. m. nnd 7:40 p. m.

and 4 Reg. 49c Jar of .


HAIMK3AII PARTY COSIMITTJ-ilOS Commit tres and \ha\r clialrrncn Jirt boin# minotim'C'd for the Hadussah Bicnk the Hank Parly to be hdrJ TtU'iiil.'iy. June' (J at. VZ:'M) p. in. at tlio Center Slroet Theater.

Page Three



B'NAI JACOB-ADAS 'YK.SIIVKON Friday, Mincha, 6 p. m, Saturday, 8:30 n. m. Mincha, 6 p. m. followe^ by Seudos. Daily services at G:40 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. BETH KISabbath eve services al Beth El Synagogue this evening nt 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and Ueth El SynnBOgue Choir will render the musical portions of the service. Traditional Sabbath morning services nt 8:30. Family Service at 30:30 a. m. Mincha-Maarlv nt 7:30 p. m. Sunday services nt 9 a. m. Services during week nt 7. a. m. and 7 p. m.

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Friday, May 88, 1001

iitlih-to onnrd wlnnern shown with Joe Patrick, K.MTV H|)orts IHrertor (U-.ll In rlfilit), Dlelf Zarliarltt, Don nelflrr, Ktuiirt Kalm, 1'atrieli, Harry Zonli and John Itulifu. Tropliln* wern presented to them at (lip f enter's Ulh Athletic "Alvaril

CAMP JAY-C-G The above camp shows the centralization ami whir, f.-irilitles available at Iliis summer's session* of resident camping. Tlio Inwrt shows the lileh accessibility of the i>lt» west of Louisville Jnst »nme 40 tnllet from downtown Omaha. To reach the Vamp, parrots, on visitors' day, will travel west on tlie Interstate to Highway 50. Traveling just pa*t Louisville those driving- will make n. rl£ht tnrn on to n new Wide graveled rond, Highway J50 nnd drive iin west to <'ninp Kltitkl, tho site of thin ycnr'K camp. Tliotn desiring to sec the new site recently purchased by tlm Omnh:i Federation, take the Kiuno route, l>ut turn oft !.">() on the Camp Harriet Flarillng ISoud, Visitors to the nciv rite are always welcome.

Ovor 400 acres to romp, ride over, campout on and utilize for progressive camping is the enthusiastic description' given by Norman Batt, Camp Chairman, In describing the terrain to ba Used this summer for resident camping, starting June 25 and running through July lf>. The three weeks of Jay-C-f,' camping for Omaha area boys and girl:; ages six through sixteen will see exciting activity on the excellent facilities offered by the site. A new modern L/xlge with a large recreation hall will be the hub of camp activities nnd branching from this central facility are picnic spot?, separate .villages of cabins for boys and girls and sports and recreational areas. Until House Adjoins 1'nol Leading the list of major recreational facilities is the large T-shaped swimming pool, large enough to allow the entire camper population and staff to swim at one time. A bathhouse and shower facilities adjoin the pool. Brook Stocked With Flsli Picnicing and cookouts will be fun, Batt commented, in the special picnic and campout aroas. The youthful anglers will be pleased to know that the camp brook is well stocked with fish and some mighty big catches are certain for the camp fishermen. A large horse corral with a riding area and pasture, bouse? the camp horses. Rtdm£ trails, endless in length, lead east to

the picturesque .site recently purchased by the Federation anil have, many point-; of interest and scenic beauty. Camp Capacity Limited Unfortunately nil of our youngsters will not lie able to benefit from r.n experience at Camp Jay-C-O, P.att noted, txa (lie camp capacity HIUEI be limited to inKuie the maximum value of the site and its facilities. There will tic six youngsters to each modern cabin with a college counselor end a junior counselor living in each unit. Parents are urged to take advantage of this summer's ramping experience by registering their children now at the Camp Office in the Center. Registrations, though limited, are still being acce.ptcd for the full season of camping or for cither, of the two ten day seasons.

mer's resident camp should feel free to call tlie Camp Office nt 342-13C6 to have their questions and concerns about camp •resiilfed.

A tie for tin" 1 lurry Trustin •trophy, -j»!vcn io the most onlKtanrlini: Jewish Ymith Council Athle.t.e of tile year, waf. :illriouncert at tlie Mtli annual Athletic Award Night, the occasion of recognition of clinnipion teams ami nihi'11PS nt ihe Jewif.h Comiiiunily Center. J'ir^t Tin I-'or the first in its liii.tnry, tlio Harry Tnistin trophy was aivanlet\ to two j'oung men, Donald Fiedler and Ilichard Z:icharia, who led Ilayim tn a "Innner rhiimpion.ship year." Stiiiirt Kulm, husky catcher for the Jay softhnll team and a member of tlie title winning Varsity basketball s.f|iiad, won tlie coveted 1.. P.urlienroad trophy as the Must outstanding Varsity athlete. Winning the .7. J. Cireftilier^ n«a:-d for Outstanding grade srliool performers were John Ituhm mid Harry V*>o\>Athletic Seiviec aivarrls went to Zaclinria, Lindy Paul, Jack Han nnd Sam Ban. Snrn Han received a large plaque in recognition for n gunrlcr center service to the Athlotic Jierwrtmonl. Mvfl Named Five new members, Al Bergman, Paul flrnssninn, Morris I-'ranklin, Sid Iludrrnian and Art Swartz, namerl to the Cejiler Athletic ll.'JI of J'arnr. were prece:i1''d with trophies by Krim

by Jim Karber, roaster of reremofiicn, the gi'oup received honors in almost (ill Youth Council sports. Singled out fur outstanding nehieverneiH were Fiedler for eaining a spot on ihe All Slate football team us n tackle, Jeff Wohlncr, who threw a no-hitter two weeks ago for Central High, against Tecli nnd Howard .Shrier, Central's state champion swimmer. A highlight of 1he evening ocenreri when the Center gynmast'.rs class, under the direction of l.M/i Fogel, put on a 15 minnti* demonsfrntion. Performing wci'e Aniie Tvlanvilz, lioiene Kraft, Carol Kraft, ShiiMn I.lnt/man mid Pat ni-r.h. Joe I'ntricl:, K.MTV tports aniiiiiiiirer. was 5:t!e.'-( Bpenlser.


'J'lic Youth Council Olympic trophy went to Iliij'im. Ck


A Camp Application Form Is attached for the convenience of parents desiring to register their children for camp by mall. Patronize Jewish Press Advertisers.

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