& & *
the Time
- . ; *
1'uliluutu.r. mrirr. It)) No Omuhu N'rlimiltu I'lm
Cboct fViod Dolifcd I ) Nil Saaion—Junn ZS-July 15 I ) lit Soition—lune 25-July 5 ( ) 2nd S»«ion—July 5-July IS Checfe Encloiftd for $
*M0 75 75
$160 85 S5
Tin1 Jewir.li Community O m e r Day Camp will be hold this summer at Peony Park, beginning on .(vino 10 and lasting imtll July 12, under the direction of Rcy-
Address . « . . . . . • . . . . * . • • • . . • • • « • * . . . Fil CM «nd M«iHa C«mp Offica, 101 North 20th, Omirii. Hebf.
All College Supervision .Supervi.sini; the campers and their activities is an all college (XMiaselinr: staff supplemented hy iiiipervir.ory mifl administrative personnel. A camp doctor, Marty Ifayltin, and a registered nui>o al.c;o ttill be in permanent rec.idoncp at the camp diirlnj; the seaton. With the camp openinj; within The council rcmpfirc is only tv. o short weola, parents aid one of the numy oiitstiuidini; pro- urt'.ed to it'gistor their children 1 grams to Interest ami stimulate* immrdiately to avoid possihlo dl. ;the campers, ai;« Kix to !C <lur- Dppiiinlinpnts and to insure a ini: the three week encampment, place at camp while allowing for adi<(|uate (ireparation of their Norman Butt, .('amp Chairman, . children for the ntrnpUic oxperirevealed. The agenda nh;o in- enci'. cludes pioneer flections, all tamp Urglstrr Now! carnival, .costume days. Sabbath Hc^iatrntion is still available observance, water follies, chuck for either of the («-6 ten day seswagon dinner:;, trail tops on sions or for the full sen.son of horseback and theme parties, cnnipinir. r u e ('rcatlvo Ability Parents drairinR further parSupplementing tlie regular ar- ticulars on tile camp and,its protivities like arts ami crafts, gram aro requested to will the where nil campers create Horns Camp Office at the Jewish Comfrom wood, leather, j;imp, metal munity Center. 342-.13G6. and clay, and campcrafl, where A registration form for camp the campers learn wooilsnianshlp to facilitate the registration of and the ability to live in and ap- campers is attached below. precinte tlio out-of-doors, are camp activities of music, dancinjf, horseback riding, dramatic.-, nature lore, fishing and swimmlni;, Morris C. Fellman was elected Oiliur activities include sinRinK, Kl>orts ami cames, nature hike::, president of the Beth Kl Synacoolant: and jcmrnalu;m. gogue at a recent board meeting. All Campers receive basic inOther officers announced are struction in campcraft, swimminft Yale Gotsdiner,.Ernest Wintroub and nrta and crafts and acloct and Morley Zipuraky, vice presiother activities that they are indents; Joseph- Hornstein, treasterested in participating. Tho lirat-hnit of tlio IiirK" tom-tom It hearil, tlio flame* leap hlffh on tti« lilp rouncll fire, t»v«-nty Indian dancer* of tlio Alinmo.Society perform as nrivly arrived camper* tltrlll to thn opening fMllvttli-s, Sunday, Juno 25. Tile Almnio Society In a. h]><:cliil Boy Srout tri>tijn> trained In Indian dnnrlnc.
Members ami friends are urj;ed to attend the annual fund-rai.siiiir luncheon nnd card party to \M jjiven this year on Monday, June V.'. at 1 ii. rn. at the Jewish Community Center by Bilair Cholim. Mrs. Jnltc \Vine, president, said, in addition to the many projects aided by the organization. Us service program now include:! the state mental hospital at HastiiiGs, Nebr. Members' plan two or three visits a year to the institution and will send remembrances nnd TPfts to inmates on Lpccial occasions, she added. Friends and membei'S of the organization are be.lni; contacted by Mrs. Harry Sidman, ticket sales rhairmnn, who reported that if anyone has been overlooked, tickets (at $1) will ho available at the door. Mrs. Sldmah, r>.r>1 -3nr>0 and Mrs. Wine, fiSl-GGGO may be calleil for IVEWvatiuiiK. Mrs. Cecil' I/.enstatt is luncheon chnirman. ("Jue.';t.s are Invited to form tlieir own card groups and brine tlieir own cards and mail JonrifT sets or join the free binr.o. A partial list.of luncheon hoste:-ses include the Mmes, Louis Siporin, John Zorinslty, Aaron Irvine, Sam Freed, Ki-unlt Comlsiir, Paul ICat/.mim, Clmrlrs Ross,. Allan Znlltin, J;>i;e Wine, William l^pstein, Harry Sidman, Dave Wine and A. I.ipsman.
Beth ES Elects Morris urer and Barton Greenherp, secretary. Klccted to the board for twoyear terms were; Arthur Colin, n K r r y puBoff, Morris Fellman, noticrt Felnberc, Barton Greenberp;, Joel Hclfman, Yale Iliclinrds and Sam Wolf.
"Stamp Corner*" Amoiifj the new stamps to be Issued on June 11 by'the Israel Ministry of Posts are three colorful and pictorial airmail:;. This set is an addition to the ordinal nirmnil series of three attractive landscapes introduced In 10G1. The new Items include a beautifully balanced desfen in orance nnd black which highlights a towe r olid boat at Aklto; a sweeping panorama of Haifa with this thriving city neon in a view from Mount Cattnel, the famous biblical premonitory, in Unlit blue and blade The third f;tamp shows the Ancient Synagogue at Capernaum, featuring n close-tip of the entrance way and tlie imposing pillars of the historic Temple, It lppears in corilrnstlDE pale green Hid blade.
Arrangements <° receive the ;tamP3 can foe made at the Jewsh Community Center.
mour Heitchick, Center I>hysi<:al Kducatinii Director. I'rp-.Sehool Camp It was also announcud by Harry Sidman, Center Chairmrm, tlKit arrangpments include a preKdiool camp for children, four and five years old at the samo site and on the same flutes, directed by Mrs. Solomon Hrownstejn. 'Die regular tiny camp will' lie (or children ar;es six through twelve. Both groups will have special areas in I'eony I'ark for the base of their operations. The Hay Cnmp staff will consist of experienced and certified touchers and college students. Upper el.is:; high school.student.:) will also net as counselors. In general, the cnmp staff will he considerably oldor and more experienced than last year. 9 u. in. to I p. in. The regular Pay (Jamp will run five days pw week from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. with the pre-school division opcratinc just In tlie morning. Transportation will be provided for tlio campeifi into I'eony Park. liases will pick the boyx and nirlw »P at four localities. They are: the Jewish Community Center, Beth Israel, Heth Kl, anil Temjile Israel. When the campin|; day is over, tlie buses will trans|»ort' the children back to those spots.
Jerusalem fWNS)—The Government oWsvacl announced that it was planninir a survey by experts in Jewish relinious law; with a view to findinc means to handle the problem of the i»rowinn numbers of workers, who are forced to work on the Sabbath because of the Krowinp, utilization in the country of modern machinery. Under Israeli law, work on tlie Sabbath is not permitted except through special permission by a ministerial committee. Such permits, are granted only for security reasons, or in cases where factories are unable to interrupt work or in instances where plants must operate under an untleviatin^ temperature for effective and constant production.
National Camp S Minimum standards of our cnmp are the standards of the American Camping Association for Day Camps. The entire staff is under the supervision of professional Center staff. Day campers are served delicious wholesome lunches daily. A refreshing snadc is also served nt 3 p. m. Dietary Itws i\Y« oV liorvo.d and services are held each 1-VIday. .Some Of the activities at the camp will Include swimming, art* and crafts, athletics, campcraft, music and sinrriiK, group games, journalism, unit activities, nature lore, dramatics, camping1, dancing, hikin/;, trips and cookouts. All programs and activities are geared to the ability of the camper. Tlie camp slogan this year is, "Your child is our most important concern." During inclement weather the program will lie transferred to the Jewish Community Center building at 20th and Podge. Tlie Jewish Community O.YVUT expects Hay Camp lo enjoy a banner year this summer, licgist rat Ion is now on. For further information and registration, contact the Jewish Community Center "at 101 N. 20th Street. Telephone is ?A2-1?.GG.
iizraclai Schedules Two Special Events Although the Mizrachi Women p,roup wU\ not hold any regular meetings until fall, it has two special events scheduled during; (fune. The organization will sponsor a benefit luncheon and card party at I p. m. Wednesday, June 14 at. the Jewish Community (Center. Proceeds will he used to support Israel orphanages. The Mmes. Frank SeUnr and George Kaplan will he hostesses, and the former may be called for reservations. A donor luncheon ulso will be given by the organization Wednesday, June 21 at 1 p. m. at the Center. . . '
MHMOAN 1'I.ANH $5,009,000 rr-ANi I N ixnAvj. Jerusalem (JTM A $£,000,000 woolens plant in fsrael will be built in Kiryat Gat by Israel Pollock, a Chilean industrialist.
(Wo arc Indebted to the. (ilirifl- meetings which Mr. rien-Gurion tlnn Science Monitor 'or Its very held with official ami'other visfine ,ftine S article, reprinted bc- itors in "New York of a, Ms',h but secondary level. Among his callloiv.) David Hcn-CJurion, Prime Min- . ers were Mrs. Franklin p . Rooseister of Israel, 13 making some- velt, Ambassador Adlai K. Stevthing of a Kranil tour. First he enson, Governor Nelson P. Itoclcstopped in Ottawa and was re- cfeller, rind f o r m e r President ceived by Canada's Prime Min- Harry S. Truman. There were meetings also with ister John Cl. DiefcnlMltra. Then ho was visited at his New York the heads of the World Zionist hotel suite by President Kennedy Organization, the American Zionon the latter's way to Europe. irtt Council, the Jewish A-Rfcucy From there he has hopped to I/on- and other groups. In this and in don and Paris for meetings with tlie absence of certain non-Zi&ni.st Prime Minister Macmillau and groups there was implicit some difference of views on matters President <le Gaulle.' Meetings with heads of slate such as tho .importance of m i are, of course, of top importance; crntion |o Israel and the rt-laand they signify the extent to tion of Arocrkuii Jews Vo .that which Israel figures in problems state! However, the main effect of tho Middle Knst nnd of the of the ]3en-Gurion visit is to world with which the major cap- record the respect awl esteer>\ in which the Israeli leader is held itals hlive to deal. But Uiere seems a considerable by Jews and Gentiles alike in the : significance, too. In some of the Atlantic community.
mm •
Page Two
Ufa Je Published ueekl; on Friday beginning the tat t week In August through second ueeti In July by the Jewish I'ederatioD of Omaha,.
Season Arrives for Golfege graduations
Bar and Bas iifzvah All friends and relative* are Invited l<> utt^nd services and reee|ilion.
LEVENSON'S "A Siys t f Good Housekeepin
The season <•( c(il!e;;<> graduations has a r r i v e d with many members of "immunity, reoeiv- liO.NAI.D HIJIZOIT fi'.iin educational ili. Editor in:; de;;rii-v lionald Heizuff, ion of Mr. and StitlllioU!-1. J»ii;;. Martin Heizoff, .Saturday Ainon<: i)io>e who will ,"r;wJu- morning' at JJ''tli Israel Syn.'iiile Sunrl.-'y from th': <''olle;;c of Medieme of the I'nivemtv of •Ncbra.-lta. v.ill be Marshall Dentnberi;, Michael I>-lienber,';, La'.vJiaibaia Jvimmil, dattglitcr of SERVING HOME AND M-III-I; Alan Kpstein, Ijlaine lioffhe ailuVi], will lead to the flouer- nvin, Jii-n Ifubin and Lawrence. A. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirnme], on INDUSTRY SINCE 1920 1 liig i.f the Middle Last and bring Call Us (or Estimates .Seh'Aart/. I'ernaid Tuiicel will Saturday inoniin;; ut the 1O:.''O baeli to our area Itie status It oc- receive his-de/n-e in dentistry in scr\ico at lii ; lh J:^l .SNiiaj.;o(;ue. rupled in aneli'iil limes.." "Israel," Lincoln, June 10. Graduates ol' the University of said the Prime .Mlnkter, "filers a PEST COIiTROL SERVICES Omuha jurju'led the folio1.1, in;;: Stephen Leu is, .^on of ,^Tr. and H07 Horn;, 341-00CD sretirity situation of a uni'juo Lowell .1. Hauiner, Edwin ISereharaeti'r and that, regretfully, covici, .Ste])hen Jay (,'oheu, Sid- Mrs. Leonard ]j'\\is, Saturday, June 17 at the- 10:,'i0 s.-rvice at nothing lias oreiirrfd in reeent ney J. I'.oseiiblaM, Jerry .Siir;«T, Belli 1'JI .Syna!;oi;ue. N a n c y Jo Kiiedlander, l).-n:i times to nialie it possible for us Lawman, .Eleanor Joan Ilesnick, Patronize Jewish I'ie>s Adierto relax our vigilance." JCaye Ann Turner, and Linda tisers. Mr. Foinbei-g said if was unof- Kara Verel. ficially mentioned that a ]fi century boo!; writ ten In Latin by an ancestor of Mis. Kennedy's side of (he family, was presented to NCVVB tnul ha[)pcnfnc« «( The |)r. the I'niicd Slates president, by Philir* O Hew and Repairs S.hrr ,1,-wlsh Homo for ll.e VVAJX TO 5VAI.I. DMtVKTWU AM) HillSITUIIK Mr. Iien-(;nrion in a New York Ajj"C(J by David Oriiovv. © Wiring CIiMtnod d> Vaur llauie conference following the PhilaO Resident FGS Tin? theme nf (lie annual meetdelphia visit and just before lib UKFITTIN'fi o Ki;PAIttINQ In;; of the National ("onferenee of return to Israel. O Commercial I.AVINti a SMVI.Mi Jewish Communal .Service held in iNIMNa CI.UA.NINfJ Seated at the table with (he Boston, was "Society in Chan;;eFeinberKS was Colonel Yehuda Kelationships Between (generaPrehar, chief security office, trav- tions" with stress on the fareling with Mi'. Ben-Curion's par- reaching social changes (aUinj; 556-3520 ty, jilace. Omaha is ri(;hl in line with "No Jrjfo tor> hit; or toy nmull for UH" the thinkin;: of the conference as shown at the Federation ineetini; TJffrmrd In Omaha arid Council Illufffl of last March V2, when new vistas Don Bernstein, 345-2554 for Omaha Jewry were discits'ird. In reference to Ule. eure. of thrj Chicago, (JTA)---The Chicago ai;ed, the conference stated that Hoard of Ilabbis, re[iresentinf; all we are coming hack to the beJewish reli;;ious j;i'oups", declared ginning of the circle and we must For the Fcmily — Second Car —Graduation it was unalterably opposed to once attain consider the care of the legalization of bin^o in Il- Hie "well" n^eil. Omaha has anlinois. The board said that "the ticipated this step with the buildASK FOR undoubtedly w o r t h y purposes in;; of our new addition to the served by the proceeds" could not Home, the Cherniaek-Chapman 1 , CHEVROLET L justify "the means that are at. jiavillion opening this summer. CORVAIR best ((iieslionable and nl worst Flowers at the Home this week morally reprehensible." have come from the OstrowSEE IlOo£L-fi\lfc0UMl.i H O l i K WVI* LAST T o u c h i n x on argunients by .Sniith wedding and the Blumkin IJECRASKA'S LEADING CHEVROLET DEALER .supporters of bihi;o an n means of and Halt Bar Mitzvah celebraraising funds for c h u r c h 'md tion observance. 2019 FADNAM STREET OMAHA. NEBRASKA 345-3020 .syna^or'ue activities," the ))oard KabbI Sidney Ilrooks was our said Hint "noble aims and desir- rabbinical visitor this week. able pui'iKj'.es" could (.;et adeSam Poster was one of the quate support when they were panelists of senior cilizens at the adequately.interpreted and com- Omaha .Safety Council meeting municaled "without r e s o r t to at the Castle Hotel on Tuesday, methods that are bound to dis- June G. David Orkow, Home sufigure the rums and purposes perintendent, is a member of the themselves." . Council. X«»v residents: .Sam Z c v l t z , OMAHA'S LEADING The rabbis cited the "recent .shabby and shameful experience Mrs. Bertha Herscovitz. In Memorl.'ini: Meyer Greenin New York City resulting directly from the legalization of berg. A special Kiilclush was given hy 551-5554 4415 bingo" and added that "racketeers and hoodlums" moved in- the liatt and I.ilumkin families on to make religious, fraternal and the occasion of the Bar Mitzvah Diamond's Famous philanthropic organizations "their celebration of their children. dupes."
Scccnc Clc:,i foslcoe Fuio cKOmaaa, Ntbr. AnfiUGI Sut>3Cr!p!lcn. S4.C'j. Advcrfl^na Uu'.es o:> Al^iicnii^:;. Puttl.catlGn CMIice—101 No. VOiti Sired. Omaha, tkLr., 'Ji't \V.,b.
Friday, June 0, 1901
Of Treitien Da\id lion (intinn u is [n jivd as 'u man of tn men<io>is MJ.KII,'
by Kobert M. Funb' r;: who ju t returi)''u from an eastern trip including Philadel- / phia where he 1 met the Israr! '*<'"' .statesman 'a ml » heard him ml'"••' dress the recent t o n t h nnniveisary celebration of Israel Bonds. "I wa.s proud to meet Mr. Urn G ti i'i o II," Mt. Fcinhen,', Midwest Rej'.ional Spe. cial .Sales Chairman for Israel ' Bonds, .stated, "riiid to hear him talk, as did .Mrs. Feinbertr. who was with.mi.1," "I recall beiru; parlieulariy impressed with his remarks on ^oil .'reclamation when he asserted . that • then; will he a lime when not one dunam of land in Israel will bo left uneullivatrd." Mr. ISen fiurlon in his speech had prophesied that "tlie future will brill); pia<e anil rnnpi ration between Israel mill lur Arab neighbors, a relationship, wldeli
Religious Schools Announce Awards Awards were presented at the. June! - sabbath ,servii**-.s at. Beth El SynflKOKUP to students of the religious schools by Jack Green, school 'hoard '.-hairtnan. '• The Dr. Philip Slier Edueationa] Foundation awards went to JiaiTy Kort, <!ayle 1 lender, Frances Erman. J'.oKalind Now; and Madeline Kripke. Their parents am'Messrs. ami Mines. Harold Kort, Bert Render, Morris . Erman, F . Ralph Nn^ir and Rabbi and Mrs! Myor S. Kriplce. Floyd Freiden, son of Mr. and Mrs. .William Freiden ;md Nettn Kripke, daughter of Rabbi and Mrs. Kripke received the Zlotl.-i a n d - Sam Kpstein Memorial nwarcl. Their names also were inscribed on the Talmud Torah Honor Roll. Camp Iler/.l scholarships went to David Dinner, Sally .Simon and Alan Whitman, children of the Messrs. and Mmes. Max Bit tner, .Stuart Simon and Norman Whitman. Camp lUmah scholarships were given to Joel Kpstein, Marsha Fellman, Barbara Koseman, Jon. Whitman and Neta Kriplce. Their parents are Messrs. and Mines. Lawrence Kpstein, Morris C. Ft-Il• man, Arnold Roseman, Norman Whitman and Itabbi and Mrs. Kripke.
With Ibe Home Folks
Gompfefe Sarpef
Qfiicago Rnhbh Figlif Legalized Bingo
W1 : ,
A Fall Itevue will he sponsored by B'nai fi'rith Cornhu.sker Chapter. B'nai IVrith women and their husbands interested in participating are invited to call ' Mrs. •Seymour Abrams, 553-G872 or Mrs. lied Scmiett, 551-3074. . •
.MAX KIKSIIKYIIAKM Funeral s e r v i c e s were held May 3t at the Jewish Funeral Home for Max Kirshenbauin, 72, who died May 30; Burial was in Mt. .Sinai Cemetery. A retired grocer, lie lived ut 3019 Lincoln Blvd. .SuH'ivors are his wife, Rebecca, son, Morris, Omaha; daughters, Mrs. Herbert Jubelirer, Milwaukee, Wis. and Joe Krieglcr, Van Nuys, C7al., brothers, Joseph and Abe, Omaha and nine grandchildren.
Taste the Difference Young, Tender
Young, Fresh
Dedications Full Lb. Pkg.
FATHER'S DAY, June 18 "ShukorJ's Patio" Steak Pkg. Malee* a Hearty Gift for the He-Man.
f-or Indoors or Outdoors Shuktrt's
A monument will be dedicated In memory of Mrs. Kmily Swicblman Sunday, June U , at 11 a. in. at Mt. Sinai Cemetery. Habbi Myer S. Kripke will conduct the service.
Tender Yearling B Blf15t!5 P»ece or Sliced,
L I ¥ EEC PerLb. ........
Ground Bee? Panics end Luncheon Steaks
1-Lb. Carton
Redeem Your V«lu«bU Coupon
Rolled or Pressed
Check This Price. .Each35C
S«b (Sgbby) Pulvorcoto .
Wholesale—Kosher 1018 Fomam 346-5050
Come in—Compere—Everyday Thrifty Prices
25 Years' Experience
Frlc«» Effective Through Tliuwdoy
With Jowish Loitering end Memorials
Call Monday Thru Friday
2211 So. Gth
for Your Delivery
+* * * * V r
Friday, June 9, 1961
Ex-Omahan Honored Captain Hota't 14- Ilaykin, former Omahan, lias ticvii eik'd for meritorious tervicc at Aberdeen I'rovini; G l'« u tt(I s, Maryland where iic- is now MuUonri], l!o will no .".riit to ^Irnn.Jiy in the fall ftii'l will be iu:<'om[)a!)i(f! !>y his wife nnil tlin'i; boils. Captain Ifayluil is the f;raivifou of Mrs.-ilowjili Ifciykin.
Herbert Forties Have Guest. From Florida Mr. am! Mrs. Herbi.'rt ForlK-.<> have ai .their i;uesf, Mrs. Myer I.inda of Hollywood, Fin. Mrs. Linda, tx former Oniahan, is the mother of Mrs. Forbes.
Omaha Visitors Mr, Mid Mrs. Donald Knlin of Culver City, Cal. are sricmiin); throe weeks in Omah.'i vjsitjii;; relative;; anil friends. They will be. the house p;uf<J<i of their nephew nml niece, Air. mid Mrs. Norman Whittnan. Mrs. Kahn, si former Omahan, is a sister of Mrs. Vela Cohen.
JACOB JACOBS Tailoring Dry Clc-onlng Prompt Service ALTERATIONS FOR MEN AND WOMEN 553-0566 )40I Ho. 33RD ST.
oooooooooooo 0 O © LOOK © WHAT'S HERE!
o ©
Get Acquainted S 1 ! .Now lerved hot, d«ity, in our own freihly bdked* buns, direct from our new hot dog cooker.
And Talc. Home Ih. Mott Marvcloui Kotncr
m e m
You Havo Ever Taitod Ntwly Featured «t
© © © © © ©
© ©
© Chicken M© ©
Mtde by Herb from fiii own famoui barbflcu* rocipc. IT can't b« boat! - Pr!e*i. Effective Onl/ Through Juno 14
Wedding on Sunday Our.'.',ts tiie arrisinj; from many titio:; for the June \l \vi <!din£ Of Miss Ii;;i Jeanni1 .Mai'nolin, (la'ijjbfrr (jf Dr. and Mrs. J. Milton Marfjolin find A. IViclianl Wciiier, <;on of Mr. nnii Mrs. Kilv.'i'.nj Wiiiit.-r of Villis<\'i, I;i. Tho cereiiMiiy v.'ill lj<; lielil nt I'.-'Ui Hi ,Syii;!i;of:'i". Mr. and Mrs. Abo Lewis of Brooklyn, N. Y., Ihc bride'.s Craiiiiparenis, ninl Habhi Isai.ili anii Mrs. llfK'Uovsky of Ni:\v Haven, OJIIM., will bp ninoni; tin; i;ue,'.ts from the K:tsl. Ciliforliinns will be tlif Mini's, Aaron Feiiibl.-itt (j.ii'l William lientl.it, ntitl the latler's win, ICcjun'lli l^os Atiijflcs. lowans in aiinnilanco, will include .1. Daskowsky, .Sioux City; Dr. and Mrs. Hans Krviiliel and Allan of Clarimla; Mr. and Mrs. Allan dayman, Marshall Goldliery and l'ete Justjn, Iowa City; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Pappus, Mis. I)t;nc:y Urown, l-'rcd Hookey, Jim lieckennaip, Hill Ilcymaii, and Mark Levinksy. Nebraskaiis to be (jue^ts at Hie woddinir will bo. Ann McJCvoy, Hastings; Max Mo/or, Messrs. tttid Mines. Robert Clinsliuri:, Leonard Mozer, Marvin J-'cltl, Davo Jireslow, Si lCominsky, all of Lincoln. The •wcddiiiK guests will also Include Mrs. Walter W. Kmse, Klgin, 111.; Mr.'aiul Mrs, Jon B«;rf;or and children, Detroit, Mich.; Mr. nml Mrs. Jack Mirvi.ss, Athens, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Ahncr Margolin, Mihviutlur, Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. Holioit Kadfonl, Lakowood, Colo.; Mr. and Mrs, Ed Cutler, Denver, Colo.; Mr. nnd Mrs. Allan Cutler, Winiiemucca, K'ev.: I)r, and Mrs. William Kandt'l, Clinton, Oklalmma nnd the Messrs. nnd Mines. Harry Schere and James Watts of Kansas City, Mo.
o o c c o o o o o o © Oornhusker to Hold
Sinai Kosher 48
© 4&
Guests Arriving for ^argolln-Wesner
installation Dinner
Oornliii.slr.nr f.oilf;f, Ji'nal H'rith will hold an Installation dinner, Wednesday, June 14 at the Old English Inn., nt 87th'and Pacific streets at 7 p.' m. Dr. Alw Groonbcrg, prominnnt B'nni B'riili leader,. will conduct tlio ceremonies. 1 Intsalled will bo Edward Klein, president; Fiernard Groenberff, Richard F P 11 m a r», Maury Schwartz, vice-presidents; Kenneth Weincr, treasurer; Jo;;ef Mayer, Murry Simon, Jny Cliast-n, secretaries; Myron Marko, warden; Hlchard Martin, Guardian; Alvin Abratn.son .chaplain; Gerald Hornstion, Willis I'.'pstein, Elliot Brown, trustees. Lodge members should call AIvln Abramson, 391-OG03; Sidney .SpelRlman, 556-8075, find Maury Schwartz, 553-7421 for dinner reservations.
Californians to Visit Mr. and Mrs. Hernie Gordon nnd sons, Mark and Donald of Northrldjjo, Cal., will arrive Sunday for a visit at the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Sam Meycreon in Council Bluffs.
© © ©
Open y 554-5560
60th and Underwood
Mr, and Mrs. Jerome Washerman iiiuiotineo ilie birth of their seeunil son, Andrew Keott on May 'JK at Cl.'ukson Ilospilal. Their other rhildrrn are Ilelcno JJebi'a and Miehn:.1! Lnui1;. Crandparenfc; are tlio Messrs. mid Mines. David IMavh and Max A. ^V.'is'ii.'i'iiiaii.
Oklahoma Mothers' OEtifj E(eds Omafians
MONA USA House of Glamour III
No. 50th
'I'hree Omahans were elected 6 Export Holi Stylist* officers of (he Mothers' Club of Air-Conditioned Dryer* the Uiiivcrslly of Oklahoma MISS MARSH end MISS JERRY Cliaplec of Pi Lainbda I'lii during Owner* the recent parents' weekend. They arc Mrs. Abe .Slu.sky, newly elected president; Mrs. ]•;.' 1 .Co Koi;j;, tieasurer and Mrs. •Sam Katzin.'ui, .secretary.
Mi", and Mrs. .Tej-j'y lii'rnijui minoiiiiee (he birlh til a daughter, Ami Ivy on May 'Jfi. (Jrandjiareiit'i are Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Aniistmn;:, Onau.i, la, and Joe Herman.
Stevenson (Foundation For Jewish Learning New York (.J'i'A)—Former Senator Herbert II. Lehman announced at a dinner In honor of Adlai Stevenson, sponsored by 1hi> Jewish Theological .S(>miiKiiy df America, that the f;uosls had established a Kl,500,000 StevenHon l;'uundnlion as an adjunct of the Lehman Institute of Kthics of the .Seminai'y. Mr. .Stevenson, United Slates Ambassador to the United Nations, was told that, the Foundation was launched in response to Ills frequently mentioned desire to see a non-i;overnmejital undertaking which would search for ondurinft values to overcome frictions ainoiifj nations. Kadi of the cucsls contributed n $L.'."i,000 s c h o l a r s h i p to (he Foundation.
Klutzniclc Book on 'No Easy Answers1
New York f\VNS)—Publication of "No Easy Answers" by Philip Khitzniek, U.S. representative of the United Nations Kconomic nnd Social Council ,has been announced.
No trial in Iiihlory liai Leen covered a« carefully (and m candidly) as iho trial of Adolf Kichmami. Now Tli« Saturday Evening Post (Vi(;-i behind tho headlines nnd Jty-linen—• nnd examines tin; truo nieaning of tlie Kiuha iiiiimi trial. You'll learn liow tli<; trial has iif" fected the liuoming blato of Israel (and llic lioom» ing Btate of Germany). How the trial may dra> matically change, tho coiiruo of history. Why many Jews nro actually willing to free J'jicliniann. And why Eichntanu may not he the man Israel really WMIIH! Itead "Tho
Meaning of iho Kichiiiaim T r i a l " in t i n t week's Po6t. 1 «AB*Iit.f"
B'nai B'riHi Gives To 'Tractors' Fund Washington (JTA)—Pi-esldent Label A. Katz of B'nai B'rith made known in a letter to Mrs. Klcanor llooscvelt that the Jewish organization was contribut.lti!; 52,000 to the "Ti'ae.tors-For-Frcedotn" drive to save Cuban prisoners of the Caslro regime.
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Nursery School
portraits of distinction
He);istrntion is now open.for the fall semester of the Roth Israel Nursery School nt the synaEOKUO office, 556-0288, The last youthful class was graduated Wednesday.
Omahan to Join Class Reunion
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Page Four
Friday, Juno 0, 1SCI
Witnesses f estif Vi
::;ii p. in.
TEMPLE ISKAi;i> Sabbath services will bo held In the^Cluipcl of Temple Israel nt 7:30 p. m. Rabbi Sidney II. Broolcs will officiate and will deliver a brief message. BOTH EL Betli Kl men will conduct the All Men's Sabbath and'installation of sy]iafrnr,u<> officers at Friday services,. June 9, .'it 8:15 p. m. Dr.Melvin Tati-krian will be guest cantor and an all male choir will taJce part under the . direction of Cantor Aaron I. Kdgar. Memlwrs will be Morion Brett, l l a r r t OuEoff. JutV DulHch, Joseph Uarnu'^ln, AI»-x Katr Jcck Llob, Donold Hoge, MUM Rirnrr, ltlwfn Koffntom, Jerorn* VVat^n tt.on. Richnrd Wintroue, Sam Wclf oral O n . A. G. Rtmnwrmon and Melvln Tflleliwin. Wlirj Rwn*r I j Oenerql choirmnn Icr ln» e.'ciNnt!,
Jerusalem IJT.VI Tbe Adolf Kieinnaim trial, be|:un April 11, enters what is (•.'.perti-d to be the last v.vi-l; of the prosecution's presentation of Us ease ;u:ainst the ex-Gestapo colonel, rb:iry,'d with direi'tin;; the annihilation of C.OCIO/IOO IJuropeaii Jens under the Nazi reiri'ne. Ktcliinann on Stain! So far, f>.') sessions have be, n held by the court, 83 witnesses have testified, anil marly t,.''•'") documents have been entered as evidence-—all l»rc: enled by tbe prosecution. I*.»r. Iinhcrt He.rvatiuK, chief of Kichmaim'3 counsel, has stated repeatedly that tin! nc-
Funds Deposite Swiss Baribs
Following the service, a rcceptlon, sponsored by P,eth Kl SisI^nilon, <.1TA) - A 15-year-old terhood, will bo hold in the social hall in honor of Rabbi ami Mrs. dispute between the Jewish AgenNorman Mtissman. K/ibbi Muss- cy and Swiss bankin;; and lej;nl man is Director of Munition for '. interests, involviiiit vast million'! of Swiss francs deposited secretthe Beth El religions fchools. Rabbi Myer S. Kriphe will con- ly in Swiss banks hy Ktiropean Jews 'who were later murdered duct the installation. . Traditional Sabbath morning by tbe Nazis, is expected to reneh services at 8:30 a: m. Family a new sta"f* soon, nccordinj; to a service at 10:30 a. m. Mineha- report from. I'ern in the London Maeriv at 7:30 p. m. Sunday press. Jewish source/;, .iccordiri;: to service nt 0 a. m. liest of week the report, claim that the sums at 7 a. rn. and 7 p. in. involved reach "hundreds of millions" of Swiss francs. According BKTH ISRAKITraditional Friday services to the liern r e p o r t , however, (Kabolas Sliahbos at 7:30 p. rn. these claims are "exasperated" Shabbos moniinjr cervices at 8:'in and al'o without value, since the a. m. Junior congregation at 10 banks do not I.'now which of if! a. ra.. P-abbi Benjamin Groncr clients may be ap-nts for Jewhh On the other hand, will conduct -Talmud Gins.1; at depositor;;. say,1; tin1 report, another figure, 7:15 p. m. Sabbath Mincba at 7:45 p. m. followed by Sholnsh of Jft.WKt.dfiO frnncs, is "probahly Seudos and Maariv nt H:.'-!5 p. in. Sunday niorniur; services nt '.( a."m; followed, tjy;-breakfast and Kabbi's Bible class* Sunday Junior Miman r.t 8:.'J.() a. m. followed by breakfast. Services rest, of wee!:. 7 a. in. ami T.f'O p. in.
K I l I M U H fiKANT I'OIl UAllV <iITM('K (Jarry ('itnicl:, sopliomore student in the medical school of the University of Chicago, has received a fiiOO resrfareh frrant from the American C'aucer Society, lie will continue research on the effect of bacterial endotoxins on tumor growth. Mr. and Mrs. Natium flitnick are liii jiarcntr..
ARK IMTIAITIX Cliortor membr.'iY. of the ''Diversity ' of Omaha ('h.'spter • t;psilon Omicron of Alpha Kpsilun IM, men's social fniternity were initiated Sunday r.icht. They are Harold Kahcndiire, Justin Ran, Sheldon Cohen, Steve iJ'oui'otf, Jerry fJoldstroin. I!oy Katslcee, I/>uis Kieh, L ' d w a r d Schneider. Jerry Srrhwarlz, Paul .Shylcen, Arnold Wcintraub am! Michael Shiifcftrt. Their larenta are the Mefjsr.4;. ;i)id Mme;;. I/iin1 ]',abe.mliire. Sam I!:in, Hermnn ^VjJien, 1. DIoo;^off. B e r n a r d Cioldstrom, ,Sheff ICatKl:ee, f'rnn PJch, N a t h a n Schneider, Sam Schwartz, Samuel S h u It en, I. Wolntrauh and Mrs. Mary Shukert. Fraterniiy officers are Dloofroff, mafiter; Sclnvarfcc,1 lieutenant master; Opldstrnm, scribe; Schneider, "exchequer, Katskee, ientincl and Justin Ban, member at .lanre. Dr. C. II. Keppel is faculty advisor.
i:ir too !i»-.v."
AsKs I'^ir U'jHirt
The Suj::s Minister of Ju.tii'r1 will he handed n new bill, direcliriK all hank-., imuntnee coai|);mier, lawyers and agents for private lK:noj& to report coniid e n t i a ) I y to the (Jovernment about all foreign a.s:;ets left, unclaimed in their hands. The dWvinn force behind the plan, ::ayu the report, is.Kran i/,ior, KuroI«-:in financial direj'for for the Jewish Agency. fallfd on I'reei^.'lellt One of Mr. '..'tor's iir;;iinieiilv, reporleiily, is that a precedent was e.'itahlished hy the .Swiss government in 1!MO, when it ordered confidential reports filed about all financial holdings of Germans and Austrian.';. That move enabled the identification of assets belonrjn:; to "•.V/.i v. ar criminals. '«,«, it is said, Mr. I.aor vvi 1J calim the 1WG order is ;v precedent, niakinc I>o:;sible the registration of ;is.lets left by Jews who had been murdered hy the Nazis.
eusid himself will ia!:e the witness stand alter the prosecution's det.'iilinn of '"' ( ' a -- r ' i ; 5 i been completed. Attorney Gor.eral (iUWon llaustier, headinr; tin" prosecution, is expected to !>• i;in shnv.in;; a r.<— ries of films captured by Allied armies, brinirinjf out details about, some of the Nazi aefivific:; at Auschwitz and other death factories. ] »r. Servntiur; mid Kii'hiiiniin himself have already h<vn sho\'.'n the:.!- motion picture doi'u-
Klt.1NDi:r.S BOOK UKOVr MJ:i7r.S AT IIKOII.ANI) 'Die liook Group of the Omaha Chapter Branded t'niversity National Women'.1; C'oiumittee will meet on Tuesday, June 13, 10 a. in., at the Highland Country n u b . Mrs. I'Ved I'.osens;toel: will W. tio::U.':;:-. Mrs. N. II. f'reenheiT: will lead the discussion of Tolstoy's Anna Karcnina. SDT Al.r.M r TO IIIJ HOSTl-iSS Mrs. I-:ddie (,'orellek, n e w l y clecti'il president of the Omaha Chapter of Si<;ma Delta Tan alumnae, will be hostess «t n 1 p. in. dessert luncheon on June J-l at iier home. Other;; elected are: Mm. Marvin Kohl, vice president; Mrs. Maurice (Jrecnspan, Mrs. Mclvin \Vei."!s, secretaries; Mi-s. Keyniour Abranis, treasurer; Mrs. Willis Kpstein, t e l e p h o n e chairman; Mrs. H a r o l d .'•.'oval:, publicity chairman fall Mrs. Kp:.tfiii, 'V.i?.-22V.> Mr.-i. ("orr-lir!;, .~>r. I-H:'.X! Ivr reservations. *
1'IO.VEHR WOMK.VS JtlllTIIUAV TAKTV A birthday party for.cicmb;-r.i will be a feature of the Pioneer Women's final luncheon meetini; of the .'e:u;on, 'nie.sday, June 13 at the Je-.vi.'h Oomtiinnity <Jei)t«:r at 12:30 p. m. S[»ccial quests will' be honored. Mrs. Snm N o v n k , program chainnan is in charge of arrangements. MRS. NKH'irA.V TO
I'.STVRTMS B. t I'. Mrs. Julius Newman, president of the Business and Professional Women of Hadassah will hold a picnic party at her residence, •Sunday, June 11 at 2 p. m. A board and a regular meeting will be on tin: agenda, also. Mrs. Charles lW::s will report on the Missouri Valley Regional conference at Waterloo, la. which she attended in May.
I:IJ.KN noj,r>KTi:i.v. <il KKN o r S)'OHTS Kllen f!oldsteiii was named Quc-n of SjKirts at Central Ilir.h'r, aimunl O CUib ttnll. She is the riau/:hter nf Mr. and Mrs. Herman Goldstein. NITY MI'.MnKUH TO Kf*Mltri''i: INSTITUTES Temple ItTacl'i: Youth Group will lie repre;;i-nted at Ni-TY institutes this summer. The first, the Western Con. ciavftte, June !>-tl nt St. Jocoiih, Mo., will be attended by Keena Helier, (Jail Ilrodkey, Karen P.rodlcey. I.ynn Clicriiiaclc, (.'ail l^vin, Iiin-y Mayer, Richard Kpeifrelmarm, John Spitzer and James Khrier. Neena aim will ln> present at the National Iniititute at Great, r.nrrinnton, Mass., and Ted Sanford will represent Omaha at a nieetinj; in Zlonsville, Ind.
vovsu .irnAJ'A I'ICNH: The three Yo\uu: Judaean ClutiK will hold a picnic at I/'outenelle Park, Sunday, June 11, at 1 j>. in. Kvpiyone is a.sl:ed to brinrr sandiviche.s. The i-cst of the refreshments will be furiii.'-:heil. KDI.1U INSXAI.I.ATfO.V Kdiar's final bariouet and insrtallntion of officers were held June 7 at the Ih';;hluiid (.'oiintry Club. Xew officers arc Carol nosenhautii, preLidcnt; Sandra. I'urilman, Susan "Bunny" Block, Irene Sabcs, vice-presidents; K a t l i y Adler, Susie MaJcierky, secretaries; Sandra Silvcrbrand, Sherri Koorn, t r e a s u r e r s ; Linda Hiekes, historian; Paula Zie,';man, youth Council representative and "Sunr.y MalsJesky, alternate and Nancy Her/off, reporter.
New York (WNS)—A group of rabbis of the Center of European Rabbis in America has Issued an appeal to the governments of a number of East European countries to restore Jewish cemeteries Which were •<"«itroyed .by the Nazis.
ljM'iitar'ies, put on film by th(," Nazis. Action nf Soviet* Another line of documetilary eviilence likely to be developed by the prosecution may fhov/ what Soviet authorities did, or failed u> do, in cimucction v;itli tin" "trucks" for lives" deal propiW'd by Kirhjnann to leaders of Hun;;arirai Jewry. Testimony, tbiif. far, has shown that rome liritish nffici.'ils had fnistratoil sonie eff(,i(:; to pay the Nazis whitemr.rt trucks for ixu-ini.ssio!i to let a million Jews escape death. One member of the fhvejiull'e tribunal, Jiif.tie.- Binynmiii Ifalevl, ha;; aski'd the pro.;ccutinn to re-e.vamiiie the records of that proposed deal, to show how the P.u:;sians rraclei] to that proposal. As the prosecution came near the. end of itr, rn::i\ Israelis showed considerable interest in seme of ilw documents presented by Mr. Hausner la.st week., tlmwinc the role played durinf; the Nnzi regime by the former (hand Mufti of Jerusalem. Hole of Grand .Mufti The Mufti document;:, captured by flu- Allies In Austria in W i , show that the wartime religions lender of the Moslems had ur"''fl Hitler's Foreir;:i Minislr-r, Joachim von Kibbcntrop, to do all he could tu frustrate Allied negotiations «ith Jlu!|;aria, Rumania and Iliuifjary. whom the Allies v.ai)trd to rrf'i'mit Jei'.s to emigrate. The ('rnnil Mufti was i;hov/n al.so to have written to the Rumanian and Umnarinn i;overnnif'nts, uriTiiifT them to forbid Jewish emitrration to I'nliv.-tine and to send them instead "under orEtronjr, cneri;etii' i;,inrd" (o Ka/i camps in I'olaml.
WINS MUZI5 I'OIt JIISTOWCAL KSSAY Israel's tievv aviation liottl l» at Savyon, a short distance Uom lyddu airport. Israel's lncumo from tourism ivns $22,000,000 during 19G0, and a snljstanilul Increaso Is anticipated durlnp 106L Tha number of tourists, now In oxcres'-of 100,000 per year, require* ad. ditlonnl hotel facilities, built wllli Israel Bond aW.
Richard Kaslow, Central High Ecnior, was awarded first placo in the annual Grcatt-r Omaha Jlistorical S o c l e t y competition for his essay, "The Joslyns of Omaha."
JAV TI:AM I.OSMS A«;AIN The JCC soflball team lost thfir third slralrjht ('.•line last Saturday e.venini: to the Sportsman Club :i-:!, at Jioyd l'arli. Three Youth Council hlfjh LCIIOOI Ixiys mail' their debut into the touch class "A" li>ai;u'! iilid each turned in creditable performance.1.:. Th* jiUiyi'i's, \M.VI> ! lick /.aeharia, I'.udily l'!p'itcin and Jeff Wohliier. The Ccnler mm-rl only two rims- in the o|H'iiiiii; frame ulien Alan K'onciicy and Wayne Sie|;yl tin;:IiHl and both scored on a low! liipi" lo ri|;ht f'u'lil by Howard Upton. F'tj:j|
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< 'nines for Sunday, June 11
A7.A I vs. AZA 100 Komi vs. Ilayim TOi iii e o r N c n . ISOWLINO i:ayim be;;an to pull away in Yoiilh Council hoiviin;; last Sunday a.s A'/A I "A" continued to be their chief competition. Mel Kpstcin made the bi(; news ihi'; week t\s he rolled n i~iew hi;!Vi in the leai'ue. lie howled a '.'A5 ijauie and a serie;; lri;h of \>1:t) STANDINGS ••/.•'
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VOl III «:OI N( II. SOI'IKAIX Kayira ami A'/,\ 1 remained in a tie for first place in the Youth Council softliall race as each club chalked up victories at Khmvood 1'ark last Sunday. Alter blovvln;; a bij; lead in the e.'.rlv iijnni/'s, Hayim held on to defeat A7.A 100' ll'-'J. A7.A I, also blew a larc,0- U-sid Imt held on lo jqueeze past Honu D-X. l»'iL,t Week's Ilayjiji victory over t\'/.A 1, was protested because of the use of an illegal but which produced two rims and made for the margin of victory. The Center Athletic Committee ruled tin.' protest valid and the (jame will he replayed at a later date.
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Woylid AJ-A. 1 A./.A. 1PP A / A. KO .
Omahans in News N* NAAIKI* Harvey A. Hoffman has lieen vnu'-pri-sident and incrciiandisin;; director of Hiichunan'I'homa.'j Inc., advertisini; aj;ency. I'offman, who has tieeu assocUited with the anency tiince May, lft'l!) war, formerly with the U.S. Treasury department.
Hir.r.i;u r.i.iArvi.it Kichnrd Hiller was elected president of the Hoy SCout Coveri'd Wai:"" Council at the or5;aiiizatioii's annual dinner. S l i p Id o n A. Itcmstem wo* elected treasurer of Ilie Douglas.. (Vjunty Cliapler of the Nebraska Socir-ty for Crip/>ied Childj'cn and Ailull''. Hich.'trd Kinstein, vice-president of. Iirrmdeis ami Sons, wa« rc-eltcted president of the Omaha Hotter Business B u r e a u . Amojif! tho;e servinij as directors are Ixiuis Hiller and Stanley Kruiii. WINS MKDAI•Stockholm I WNS) A Jewish Nolic-1 Prize winner who baa made outstanding contriiiulions to the peaceful utilization of atomic energy, Pr. George d« Ileve.sy, has been awarded by th» Dnnish' Knsineerlni; Society Its annual Niels Bohr Medal. Dr. Hcvney is' Profesror • of Organic Chemistry nl Hie UniversUy ol .St'K'l'.hoJm. Santiago Chill—Jacobo Schuiilcolin, only Jewish member in tho Chilean Parliament, was chosen provisional president of tile low-: er house by newly elfcteij deputies.