Lincoln, U
un orricrj. 101 N». 2Ui i, ctiMii'l'.u. 1'liiinc :M2-i:u.<i
Vol. XXXIX—No. S'J
OMAHA, . NK.HKAKUA, VUIDAY, J l ' N K ' 1 0 ,
Joy-C-C Has Opensn^ A c a p a c i t y ourultmr-nt for Camp ,li\y-C-C ir; cxpciMi-il, slated Slicrmiin ]'u;l;;i, < Vnnj> Director, tliis week. With tin.1 d<ttin;;of ONschools for the summer, IniTeawd rcfj'ififralion.s (Miitiiiuu to conic in to the camp of fire. Mr. commented that Camp J;iy-(.'-(.', the olilfiit resident camp in tho <>m;ih;i a m i will \u> home to over 80 youngsters for tin's season's three week session. "There an' still a f w o[ji'iiin;;s rpnininiiii; for cilhrr of the two ten day KWii^ii:;, or for the fuil .Benson of camp," Mr. I'o.'ka said. .'Parents should r c i : i r. t c r their youiijistors iimnrdialcly to avoid JJ <JS s I b 1 c disappointment when there is no lonj;er sjiac.1 at camp to accommodate tlu-ir children. Tiie fee for each ppi-Wl of camping is $75 while tin- full season tuition is 51-10 for Omaha residents. Staff Stiirtf Training Tilt1 opening of the onijiiii}; season will )><.• preceded by an intensive full-five-day pl'U C.'lUip orieiUniion anil tiviiriini; program for Ilic camp staff. Dunn); their training, connBelors receive uiii-ulatiou to the ciunp ohjfciivo and cuals.-'and participate in a thorouch mid comprehensive p r o g r a m of jn(ilnictiuri in all phases of c;uii|> livinj; and activities. Particular eniphasi.'; is j;iven to the Imporliince of health and safety of the O'i]U|j(-r;i while cotmi.ilins; teehjii(ji/e:-, and .specific skills are reviewed to easy the traii'-itiuii into working in a e.'impiiij; .situation (Hire a;;ain. 'i'Jii.'; .season's r » ' i ; u l n r cabin CiMinseliui; staff are nil i-o]lc;.;e or Ciailiuite stuilenl:; and avera;;c better than thivo years each of counseling with over four year:; of <'.\-pericncy as fMnipe-r.i. Tin-1 cabin counsnliiif; staff, » u p p I em e n t o d hy usststanls of hij»h school ;ipfi and a staff of pni;;rani qnd netivi.ty Kppcialisls. form' the team tlial will work effectively to provide oiir yuiiiij;r,t<-i-;; with im onlsliindiiiK summer of riunpin;; fun, Mr. Poska commented.
I'arciit-i I'.'ii'i'iits and i im i> j t p o r i ti n
y;UI ^ ' ' V^
. . . . i-.ent.fii) K u i ler, c i v i c l e n d er, hn!> Viecn e l e c t e d jire.'iiili'nl of tla> H ' n a i IJ'rifli J l e n r y Mon c ;l:y I o r l ' ( f>>r t h f ( o n i n u ; v « a r (>lh< i o f f i ' e i s ( l ( i t( (1 ,u c T.i'it I!( ndi i, I.OIUI . S o h u n a n d J l i o i ' d moff, VJC e [ i n i d e n t s , M i'.
Dr. Jtcnton KuUer
(.'amp Ojii'iii The official openinc of the tlJfii. Cam)) Jay-C-C will follow the jnc.'tiii); on Sunday inorninn us buses will load a t the Jewish Community Ccntor at U u. m. for the first session of camp. I'arcntsi still considering a sunimor camp c.iperionee for (heir c h i Id r e n should contact the (.'ami) office at the Center, .'ML'-l.'Miti, iinnio'liately as i.viniiK'r openings are 'liminishlnf; and little time remains before camp Ix-i-i'ms. TJie ?;ecoiul session of the camp will li''i;iu on July j . Camp Committed Thf! Camp commit lee under tlio cliainnanship of Norman Halt Includes Messrs, and Mrare, Nornian IVitt, Krlwnrd T). HrodlU'y, ll'ilph CfKiper, .lack Duilch, I.oui1; Jc;;:, Saoi I.. ICat/man, ami liicliacil Wintroiih; IJI-J;. and Jlnies. A he ('. Fellmau and .Sam W'einnii'iii; Jud!;e anil Mr:;, Douakl Ilrodlrey, nnd Mrs. David l''orluau. <;iXM.Y.NS I'AVOR J ' i ; \ ' . M / l ' l ' I'OIt DICHMANN" All'-nbach (WN'S) A p p r o x l fn'itcly •'•"> irercent. of t h e jicoplu in CerliKiny ai1'- in favor of j;i\'iu.'r the d e a t h p e n a l t y t o Adolph lilcliniaiin If h e is couvicteil in Israel. Capital p u n i s h m e n t lias been abolished ;n W e s t G e r m a n y .
AS OF JUNE 13, IPfll The following are current reports from divisions In the 3001 Omaha Jewish Philanthropies Campaign: Division Initial Gifts Men's Division Women's Division B. & P. Unit Children's Division High School Division University Division Organizations Miscellaneous
• - . - • • • • •
1961 Total
To Date ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . ' . $ 342,255.00 •17,400.00 54,791.75 2,917.00 1,320.50 1,288.93 11.100 '2,217.50 17").00 :
tjincit U)|ij lUcArmuui Unit- H
ul Omnfiu
utter Hecrfs Seinfe Bcay Cmws Starts
year's) resident ..t""iT. staff at <i rp'jcial nu.'ctinf,' Thuniday, June '.'.'.I at V:.'!0 p. in. lit the Jewish f'unmin/lity CC-HUT'S Auditorium. At this niwtin:;, the staff will hrt introduced and all phusc:! <>f the program will In' explained nnd specific question?; of tho.:e present unstt'creil. Tins informal Hireling is also open to the public for tlio.e who nii.'ilil. hf; inlurc.'.lcd in cendini; tlieii1 diiidi'tiu 10 f;mip in future fieasous or to intro'Uice camp lo children WIKI micht he nppreheni;iip about a campinj; expfriencc.
. . - • ' • • . • • •
$ 422,511.70
lv«i; in, s.pcretai7, Gerhart Spies, correspondinfj secretary; Nathan Turner, treasurer; linden IOpstein, warden, and Sid W'erlhc'ini, [,'uardian. M. V. Kn/;un is OMlfioiiifj president.
Tile Jewish Community Center I!iay C a m p (;et» imdei'way on Monday, June JO at Peony Park a? final preparations an 1 hi'in;,' made for two, two week sessions of wholesome ucti'.ily fur youngsters. It was announced hy ifarry Siilnian, tlonter chairman, that Seymour Scitchiclc, Director of Athletics will be camp director and Mrs. .linn Weiss, Vouth Council Director, will be Assistant Camp Director. Knroll Now Registration is coming In ruplilly and should bo c o m [> 1 e t e (I soon, There is still time to enroll. Camp Secretary, Bcsi* Blank, is hundlinf,' the registration. Knroll
Omahans in Israel Help Move into Medical Center
by calliui: the Jewish Community Center, .'M2-1300. I'rc-Srliiiol Oiinip The Center is also holding a pre-Nchool camp this summer at Peony Park, under the dirse.Uon of Airs. .Solomon lirown.stein. Miss Mary IJeth Meyers will be her assistant. Registration j,s also available for the pre-school division hy callinc Hiss Blank. Trulniiilf I-eaders Guest lecturers at Die training session were Solomon Brownstcin, Federation Family Service Director nnd Sherman Poska, Camp Jay-C-C Director. Buses will provide transportation for the campers. The buses will pick up the youngsters at four different points and transport them to the Peony Park camp site. At 4 p. m. the buses will return the campers to the original point of pickup. All buses . will be supervised by members o{ the Camp staff. ' • Camp Slogan . "Your Child Is Our Most Important Concern" is the camp sloKan this year. Activities will be geared to Hie. campers abilities anil-interest. Included in the activities will be swimming, arts, crafts, athletics, camricruH, niwsic and-staging, j;ronp games, journalism, unit activities, dramatics, camping, danciiijT, bikini; and trips.
Mmes A. D. Fran!:, M o r r i s . Crossman and M. V. IjCvenson, now vlsiflnfj in Israel, particiNriva find li.iiinrntriK* a! Thp l»r. I'lilllo S l u t ,lr-»isli Hi,mi' fur t h a pated in the "Operation Moving AKcil liv Unvlil Orkmv. Day," when patients anil staff members were moved from JeruA Mac Day tea parly was salem into the new Jlada.ssah f;iveii at the Home with the Coun- Medical Center in Kin Karem. cil of Jewish Women's .Senior The new Medical ('enter is the Citizejjs Club of Omaha as hon- largest, and modern in the ored quests. Middle Kast. Kubbi Myi-r .'''• Kripke was our r rabbinical \isitor this \|. eek. -Mr. David Urkow attended the Governor's traffic safely conference this vvec-k. Klovvcra at. the Home (lit;; week (The Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged acknowledges the folw r o received from the Henry lovvinjj liieinorials and donations.) . Monsky lod::>> of B'nai IS'rifh and In Memory of the llonald Ilcraog- Bar Mitz- Donor K\r, nnd Airs. Works lorln < „.;„ ^.BefioBendlx t vah. fAn. Helen liolkcr, (Los Ao'jcln. Calif.J «...;...-..Abraham BolKer, Mrs. Sarah • . . . ; . •-• mi*xr Hurry-ttMifejr' • A I-'ather's Day party will he Messrs. ond'Wm«s, rretJ Kwrirition, Paul Surfnky, . Paul VrrMt, Mftlo.i Yij(Jcl'.on, Mrs.• Stella Robinson. .. ' ' . , ' t:ivenHiis Sunday, June 18th, at Mrs. Herman FrunUin, (fit? MJS'.M Koloh Franklin, , . ..: 2 V. SI. hy the Ti'nal li'rith CornOollo Horvvich, Murricff Horv/ich . . . . . . . . . M r i . Ida BresloW Mr, at\(\ Mrs. Max Fjtckcs . . . . . , . ; . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M a y e r Greenbera JuiKlicr Lodge 1032. Messrs. and f,\mo5. Arlltur A, Conn* Crnost A, ' •, ' ' \ .
Vlfifli (he Home Folks
Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged
TerrF Nogg Rayim Dream Girl It.-iyim Fraternity, an affiliate of tho Jewish Youth Council, held its tenth annual formal dinner dance Tuc.scJny evening at tho irifihland Country Club. Installed as officers were Steve Marcus, president; Al Ross, vicepresident; Barry Cioldwarc, secretary; Stcvo Saylan, treasurer; David Forbes and Jeff Noddle, first and second .scrfieant-at-urma respectively; and Boh Gross and Arnio Weitz, Youth Council representative and alternate respectively. . Jliss Tcrrl NoCiT, ilaiiRhtcr of Mr, and Mrs. 10. Leo Not'):, was announced as the Kayim Dream Girl of 33G1-CZ AI Iloss was chairman of the formal affair.
Nofio, Paul Vcrct, Alllton rudelson, Anlla M. • •"••' . .'•, pfjrer, Leo Sloan, Pobrrl Sloan . . , . . . . . * . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . * > > . . M a x Klrshenbqum Mr$, Sarah Kay, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Noofl . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . > . S o l Lesser Mr. and Mrs. Paul VcrrJ ..-• - . . - . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . Mr*. Joieph J . Mokfesky Messrs. and Mmer. Jack ..Grarmon, Arthur A, . . .-•••: Cohn, Leon Graeli, Clydfi Milks, Harry TrusDn, .. •••' • King Bco's Club (Denver, Colo.), U. S. Naval ' •••••.,.- ' -' Rcservo Officer's Recording Activity . . . , , . . , . » . . . . M r s . Hannah Moskowlfz Messrs. and Mmes. Sam Alpcrson, Jack Bramsony Arthur A. Coin, Leon Crticli, Mnrks Lorlg, Samuel , . . '.•'.. t. Rothcnbcro, Harry Trur.tln, Paul Vertt . . . . < , . , . , . . . , * . , . , . , , . . . . . . . . . . S a m Rosenblum Mr, nnrl Mrs. Fred Roietistdck .....Robert Slnper; (Denver, Colo.) Mr. and Mrs, Ernest A. Noon ...,..;, ..William Singer, (DuSols, Pa.) Mrs. LIIJIJV LiJ3fnartcr|*-Mr. urrd Mrs. Max RICKPI ..Mrf.Eslhflr"Simon, (Roshlno, N. Y.) Messrs. nnd Mmes. Dean Franl-.el, Pmest A. .. Hosin. Mew ftlpkcir Milton Vutlcison, Mr.-Alan'Hogg .........Harry Welmon Air. and Mrs. Juke Wlno .....Keva Win*
In Honor of
Mr, nnd Mrs,• Mlltoi Yudclson .......' . . , , , , , . . . . . . . . r t c o v c r v . Jacob bcrnstdn Morris C, Ktrshcnbaum ».,...rflcovary, Sam Cohen, (Scot|$bluff, Nebr.) Alcsirs. and nd Mmcs. Arltiur A. Cofm, Dave F dc , tJotlian tJtl L. L Hong, H Harry H Slrt Slrtman, Samuel \Ua\t. Poul Vcrof, Milton Yudelson .; . . » . ; ..". recovtry, Hymle Milder Messrs. and MmeJ. Harry Harry Brcilow, (Lincoln, . Hebrll, Fred F r d Kurtimon Kurtimo ..; ..,,., recovery, Philip Wlesman Mr. one) Mrs. M l l l o i YudHson recovery, Mrs, Rae Wlntroub fAr. and Mrs, Moe Vender * anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Swarti Mr .and Mrs. Abo Goldstein* Mr. • . . . and Mrs. Loult Somberg • birthday, Mrs, A, I, Kay -
Special Contributions Mr. and Mrs. Harry Du Ooff
..printed stationery
Synagogue Donations Dr C. I. '.Mnd'cr, (Yo.iHo'i, So. Dole.)
• Volirrclt of father, Joseph Shlndler.
Don Dntoi—Firnt Period: Jiuio 19-June 30. Second period: July 3-Jnly 1J, *-Full Kcaulon: Juno la-July 14.-' Slto—Peony Parlf. • Rates—$35.00 for two wet'lm; 500.00 for four-week*. Transportation: Campers will ho picked up a t four locations—Jewish Community Center, Iletli El, Iictli Israel and Xcmplo Israel rick-up a t 0 o. in. Return, 1:30 p. in. Uoys and GlrlV 0-12.
Hulf Bays, Monday through Frldoy Dates and rates BUWO as rcsular Day Cainp..
Tranxportatlon: picked up with rccrular C»nipcrs. Iteturned to homo at noon..
•Da(«.i—First 1'orloil, Juno ZSiIuly 5
Enrollment In Jewish FederaSecond Period, July 5-July JB tion camps—the Day Camp, and Full Session, Juno ?5-JuIy J5. Camp Jay-C-C is proceeding nt a Silo—Camp Kitnld, 30 miles from Oinulm. rapid pace, Paul Vcret, FederaKatCH—One Period, 515.00 (nrOmuhiuis; $fl5.00 lor non-T tion E x e c u t i v e Director, anl^ill .Session, Juno 25-Jnly 15, ?110."00 for Oinalmns; nounced. The camps are nearly 51GO.0O for non-rcsidfints. filled. Parents nre urged to regAge—Boyo nnd GlrlH, C to 10. ister their children without lielay to /ivoid disappointments. cardlnR the Camps, contact Miss nil Camps ore available. For adCampers are. registered In tha Besso Blank, Camp Registrar, a t ditional information on scholarorder In which applications ara the Jewish Community Center, ships, contact Solomon Brownstein, Federation Family Servtet received. •3-12-13CG. . For further Information roFull or partial scliolurshlps tor Director at tho Center.
ijs .^
Page Two
P u b l i s h e d i i c d J } o n I r i i l . v b i u ' i t i i l i i ) ; flic N i t ni'ih In A u g u s t h r o u g h hCLUiid u i i li i n J u l « i n ( l i t J i » M i E i d< i . i f i ' j u o f O n u l i ' a i m C .. I t c 1.1 v 11 >• Ir Annyot li^o crit en 1* t If ' ~( P u o l L o t i o n O n <c— L I .. J f j i - i 4
JACOB JACOBS Pry C k a r inn
Prompt Scrvico ALTERATIONS FOR MEN AND W O M E N 553-0566 1401 No. 23RD ST.
HAJU. TO IUII I tld'l n \ G AM) 1 [ J1MII I.I CleunfiJ lit lour Hume
TEMPLE JSKAM. Sabbath son ices wil be held in the Chapel of Temple Isiacl nt 7 '<0 p m Chaplnm Edward Ellenbocen will officiate and will <ii h\er a bucf menage.
Safe Way RUG CLEANERS Don Bernstein, 345-2554
SOMMER Electric • New and Repairs • Wiring • Residential ©Commercial BERNIE
BKTII t.U Sabbath S e n ices, beginning toand contlnuinR through the r, will be held at 7 p. m. 'Hie traditional Sabbath rnomlng s r i u c r s will be held a t 8 30 and the family service will be held at 10.10 The Minehn-Mnanv S e i \ lci-s will be held nt 7 45 p m, Sunday mornim; s o m e s be);in at 9 n in Hnd the MI sices (Hiuni; the \\erk are held at 7 n. in. ami 7 p. in.
Sisterhood Plans Coffee Hour
Urnmeil l» Omaha and Cumuli Bluffs
Mr* 1'lnllp lllr-.di l i l n i n r d t o O n l i i .iflii ,i. Miotil/i s w . i t i o r i at llol '-iniiii •,, A i k Dr. Hi'iilon Ifiilli r was fleeted a ute-j>i( siilent of Hit? U n u h a Lioiii C tub
Mrs. Ifjnlan I>if r v. is «!• < led vicc-preMdrnt at the u n n n .i 1 meeliiif; of the Tii.milt is l ' n i \ u s Ity rs' Wumen s Coimiitli-o held lerendy in Waltluiii, f l i ' s . Mrs. Mjron Mildir, 5'ie-ulcnl of the Omnhu Committee and Mi's. Oimlcs Iloseiibtoclc also attended. Mtnit Naomi It o t li e n b o r u, daughter of Mr. nnd Mis..S J. Holhenbcig, will tour Israel this summer She pl<ins to enter the Univenity of Mumrsola in the fall,
159 Sauth Wotor Market, Chicago 8, Illinois
JON' JAISKNIS Mr. ;inil M r s . M . M . Jjib-nia onnouneo the IJ.-ii- Mit/v;ih of tht'ir son, J o n Jnln-iii;;, on .Snturday m o n i l i i " Juu<: HI, nt. il»s 10:.1() service nt l!..lh ] . | Synafe'Ofc'UC
Otnnha nnd K/ i. inity
J* u r i t
Introducing Our Nev/
I'M 14 s Atlvcr*
Wide Vjtritfy of
Imporfed end Amefican
1 ' l l l i r (1 f u ' l l I t l i j l l u 1
5»_ t '
at. Our
.( 1 " i l l
The Omaha ChajitT •>[ >li/rachi Women will held lli'-ii1 annual clonoi' luticliPon on Weiln<*iday, June 21, at 1 o'rli«.'k,nt lln1 Jewish Cpnumurity CCIIHT. Ue*.eiTations may be made by callin;: Mrs. Ku<h AcUernian, cliainnan, 31C-2788. Cantor Kli Kng:m will reiuler song selections. Mrs. lien Handier will present donor pins to the following members: Mines. Sam Kpstein, Abe Fisher, Herman Franklin, Morris J» Franklin, Georc.e Kaplan, Frank Sekar and Mnry Zalk. The pins are in recognition of their work and for raisin;.; special funds during1 the past year. Mmes. I l a n y Jjewi.i and .Morris J. Franklin are in charge of the program.
Harry's Kosher Poultry NlatUot
7830 DODGE 9 A . M . to 10 P.M. MONDAY thru FRIDAY
» A . M . to 10 P.M.
o A . M . to 1 P.M. M O N D A Y thru FRIDAY
7 A . M . t o 7 P.M. SUNDAY
vfe 4415 CUMING
551-5554 Diamond's Famous
Killed Daily
Dlntrlhutril liy
Eat Fresh Today, ond
Feel Better Tomorrov*
24th St.. Otnnlm, Nchrunlia
Klo|>hen 1,<, r.on of M r . diiit Mrs. l.r.'Onrml I.t-wi:;, v.'ill oh.--,crvu Ill's l i a r .Milzvah on .S.'.'liiiiiriy m',i!".iin;', .i'.m<> 17 n t t h e Vi:S.) Br.-vucc ,'jt Uctli l-.l '-;yi);!!;o;'u.,'.
f l i c I ' . l l b i t l d P o i l i - / " I I 11 rttlni: w i l l b o h t I d o n M u n i i \ , J i i n c 1 8 , i t 'J 10 ]> i n , i l t)i(> I r • i l l {'Oiiuii'iintv ( d i l n " I i i ' , ' I "Iri>
* Swimming Fo&l Ghcmicals
r.\ltH\M» MKLl'INr. SI M)AY
piT-ccilim; t h o f M ' i ' u t i v e boanj jnt<-tin;.; 1o I" 1 licld <in J u n e 19,
L&?:•• ?r.C8Qcrs
All frfi-ods mid relatives are luvltcd to utt>;ii(] gervlws mid
ALLAN M H U . M . I , SUSHNJU Tlio H;ir Mitzv.-jli uf All.-m :,Iii!iael So?hnik, soil <d .Mr, ;m<I Mr'.. J.ult S.ijlan and Carol Slicminn .no in Joseph .S'i'-hnik, f u n u r r l y nf <):ni'.I.os Ani.ohs \ifcitins M'S S ly- li.'i, will In! hi'lii ;ii 'J'ilirctli l:r;n-l in Lincoln at IIsc F r i lan's cliildnn, Mi nnd Mi* J.icl; .S,VII;II;(JL'U'-', 1 Crown and fjmily mid M . ^ m r d ' day, Jiini. i'.'t !.cr\icc ;il 8 JI, m . Saylan They pi m lu ictuiii .ibout mid Su'.unliiy, .luiii." 2) m i\\cv, a t 10 n. in. Atr;ast J.
be honored ;;nfi.'-ts. .Mf-."nb':is a i c urged to a t l d i ' l .
Mis. Siilnry Kalk-man, 7ol5 Cnss Strict. Mrs. Alfred Frank, president announced that plans for th'-1 cornin;; SisterhofHl year will be
"No jaft t'ltt btR ur tuu sro&U for uv"
:S n i ( \ I t n l i s ( ' i 1 (i i i f M r . MM<! " l i Ji J J i i / •-. \ i i l k i v a 11 , I I) , ll I 1 ' I M (•!• u Hi i i ' • 1 .> 1 i l » ; 1 I u ' 1 , 1 1 I ' ' m i •> I I ' I \ l l i i ' i r f i i i i < i • ^ , i l y i l n'.il. * i> I i 11 I 1 i i C i i i ' i a l H i <i I \ •• i i n i l \ i n 1 i i u l ^ i U ( I n I ! ) • I I ' H) I f f / M l l l . l in ll,.' fill
A rnffre hour ims ber-n planned by tlif? licih Israel .Sisterhood ul !'.!:'•'•() p. rii. at the homo of
Friday, June 10, 19G1
U^in at 7 M
p. in.
Mi M>os mominc seruers be(iii ai 8 13 (i in. Junior CongioI ition at 10 p m. Sabbath Minclia <it 7 -15 p ni followed by Shuloih Seudos and Maanv at 6 1(1 p m .Suml.iy morning "iprvicos becm at <J a in. followed by breakf.iv.1 and Ilnbbi'i class in Bible. Daily services at 7 a m and 7 50 p m
Complete Garpef Service
< .mile lljitini;, 'Al p in. Itl I I I H.H VI Ili HI I 1 m i j s r n l c f i • IMI'H 'US -.lnl)lwsi
._,J1,W~W.«&iW«^ JS*r#*-
Omahans in News Bar and Bas MHzvah
getoisfj fjreso
..\^-..... - - \
Open Sunday
Taste t!io Difference
Fully Cooked Ready-to-Eat
PhMIS 3*3-U« lo IrlKri your Wonl Ao l> Uio Jswlsu Press.
DAILV JEWISH NEIVSl'Al'EKS UAR nml IJas Mlttvah consiratulations also for all Jewish holidays and speciaf occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodfje
Lb. Ho extra charge for dicing
IUi<J*'''m Tour Valuable Coupon oh Shulcrrt'a (/round l\f:rt I'uttlctt or I.unchRoii StvultB
Come in—Compare—Everyday
Delicious Chorcool Broiled
Thrifty Prices
.SHOW IJ U S I N E S S ILLUS'J'KATED! Urand jiev.% wonderful magazine on-the market. Charter subscnption rate—?4 for Vi Issues plus annual Review nnd Preview Edition. Call Klsie Iloruicb, 531-3'jD7 or 34101CS. !~ NUIUSING CARE Nurslnr; in your home day or night -Mrs. Eetly Hirsdi, 0-12 No. 47 St. Call 553-1138. • plah. Jonae--BOU like new, only $17.50, 329 So. 70 Ave.
GanclcK B«cf
V/ondcrful Carfacqucd Frcih Dressed
HEWS,A. r'.f!r'?:...; 55c
Rolled or Prcstt'd
CORNED BEEFu,........,..........'..$1.10 Vita Barrel IB^*B#B f£€?
Green Pock, Z-oj. Jcr, tach
I'rlfM Kffccttvo Tlirougli Ttiuri,il<iy
Call Monday Thru Friday for Your
Friday, June 16, 1001
Ina Margolin, A. Richard Weiner Wed af Beth El • Miss
d a u g h t e r o f D r . ;iinl M i ; . J . .Milton of
il><: I n u i i ;
A . U i c l j n i d W'l'iin'r i n a
© @ ©
o o o o o o o
Order or cotno in for Q our ipocially decoratod £->, Dad's cflko . . . tho kind i ; mon go for. . . with rich ^ wholesome flavor and a O fendor, moist froshnosi to plcaso everyone.
© with tho purchase
Mr» A, Itiili.ird Wi-iiur
Births Mr. and Mrs. Krvco Kirslx'nb.'inm ;ire the pan.-nls of a son, ToJd Mieliiicl, born June A. The Kir.slipnbaums hnvc another sun, CraiR Allen. (ii'iiiidp.'irents nrp J[r. find Mrs. Josepli Vavrina, WoodsUle, N. Y. and Abe KirKhenbaum. Dr. and Mrs. Hcntictt. Fislibain nniioiii)''(.1 the birth of a daughter, .Susan Kny on ,Inne H. They are nlsti llir> parents of liarhara and Kennelli. (tj'anflparfints arc ^Irs. Pcnrl I^evinson and Airs. Prarl tioreliclc.
And to Make Dad's Day Complete, Take Homo
Kosher Sinai 48
Serving Omelia Qualify for 40 Y«or«
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JIM 4th
(IrduJing Stall ond ftdtrol Tox)
EXCEPT TUESDAY, JULY 4TH BAKERY AND DELICATESSEN Open Sunday! 556-5560 SOth and Underwood "Buy It Where It's Bated"
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The bude is llin flau, liter of lr nnd Mi < Aaion I'pstdn and thp jrioom, tho son of Mr. and Mi',. L'dttin Hosenbl ttt. After .i veildinf t u p the touMis Wajne Siefje!, sister of the ]))<• will iciili' in I,onr; Island, Is V., v IK ri1 tin1 ('loom udl m- bride, was m a I. r o n-of-h o n o r. lern at. HIP l.onr; Island Jewish liudrsmaids ueie the Missts Mais.ha Rosrnbl.itt, s i s t e r of the Hospital. bndcfioom; In«i Goldstein nnd Arlene GrosBman. Campus M n r v 1 n Abramson was liest Jerry (ioliKtiom was elootiMl \ire-preiidi nt ol Pin JU.i Si^nia, man Uhheis uoie Wayne Sjf'ijel, ficjlininu honoiaiy, at the Uni» Lee Simon and Lariy Batt. M.u shall Alitahatus and Claud\eislty of Om.dia. He is the son of Mr. and Mis. Beinaid Gold- la Cohen sened as eandlelifjIitcLs. The ceremony was followed by stroni. n dinner and dance at the Beth Isiacl Synfifjocue After a wedMiss Hat net lli<".l'iw, of Mr. iiiul Mis. Max Hieslovv, ding tiip to Las Vefjas, Nevada, Ki'iid>ialed Sunday from the Ne- Mr. n)id Mis Rosenblatt will make their home al 4r>12 Bi braska School nf A
SYQ Delegates Go to Wisconsin IX'le;;aios o[ KnOmiah and Tovim, SYO will leave June VI for Camp Mosbnva in Wild Hose, Wisconsin. They m e :
Laury Bloom, Mfll Bloom, Flolne Dlnlamowf Suil Brookstcin, Ltndu Clplnko, Harold • Connor, Wlchard * Diamond, Randy Endelman, Lorry Feder, Norman Flschel, Don Fox, Sidney Frortk, Harry Friedman, GUidy* Groncr, Alex Groumon, Worllvn Kcirjlurt, Jennine Kraft, Bruce Poster, Michael Silver, Suil» Stoler and Allan Susman
MONA LISA House of Glamour I I I No. 50th 553-7000 b Expert H&U Siylisti
Air-Conditionod Dryeri MISS MARSH and MISS JERRY Ownen Patroni/e Our Advertisers
Any back-yard chef will tell you
Only ELECTRIC cooking gives FLAMELESS broiling • grilling . . . barbecuing
Dad'j Doy Cafco i i tho wonderful Bob Crosby Q G Record,
S ml
Dr. nnd Mrs. it. Ncal Sclmel<li.-nn.iii nre "jKirents of a KOU, Nathan .Sc>ll born .June !J at IT. S5.'. N a v a l Ifospilal, Ueaufort, So. (.Jarolinn. They have u daughter, Monti Lynn. After Aii;;us(: I. Ihry will make their home in Dallas, Texas wlit've Dr. Kehuoiik'mian will shirt hin practice. Grandparents are Mrs. Mano Schoenbrini of Tj'lor, Texas and Mr. nnd Mrs, Irvinj: Sclmcldorrnan, Great cramlmotlier is Mrs. K. Kvssclman,
o o o o o o of. a
"Tribute to Ded"
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(l\n Kdlm
Epstein-Rosenblatt Wed At Beth Israel Synagogue
Ml.'i.'l I f II f l l ''IK I'( lllll 111 \\ 'i in ild-of-lionoi f(ji hei , i ' t( i .
Mr.' and MI-H. M:II-SII:I11 Ziilliirt
miiioinicf the lilrlli of .their first KOII, SU'Veii fiobfrl. on June 4 (it ('laikson Hospital. They lia\(! two ilaiiHlilers, C'lieril Lynn and Jii-en(la Klnitie. (;raiid|iaretits arc I.ouis Itcnier Of Kansas Cily and Mr. and Mrs. Allen /Call'.in. Mr. mid Mrs. J'.cri Sutiii of K;ui':-;ts (.'ity, J>i"e j^rcat
A iron Kd,
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Tho Krwiin la the t-r.n of Mr.
iJi mile o i All
nnd M r s . Kilivanl W U I K T <if V i l -
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Miss d iu[,'liln
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B e t h Kl yyii;if:<i;;ue. 'J'li'; r . ' i e m o n y \v;is c<»rnltn:tf-d hy Ilabbi M y e r K. Kripl'.e nml tin." '.;nniui's uncle, Kahbi lf;;ii;ih Uuck<i\ :.l;y of Is'i'iv J I a w n , C.'uiin,
" Mrs. Waller W. Knisc of Klj;in, 111., \v;is nialroii-nf-iicmor for her sister. Jlriil'T.mriM:-, v.fro Deborah Berber, Detroit, Mich., nnd the Misses Sally Kay Miirkovitz nnil I'iiyua Mnuvit;. AUeiuiins? the yywnn wore iiis brother, Howard of Villi.wi, HH best man; Jerry Wcincr, Dos Moinos, la., Alan dayman, Itidianapolis, Iml., nnd th<: bride's brother, J e r r y Margolin, nil jiroomsmon. Ushers wore Michael Hej'u'fr, Detroit, .^oyitiour Kcltchick, Phillip Harroii, Hermail•'Barron, Michael Miirkovilz. Following n reception fit. the Town House, the couple loft for o trip to I-iiUe Tnliw, Calif., mid Iteiio, Nov. On their return they will lie at 00]'.)Charles Street.
Dianne Feflman Weds Or. S. II
Page Fhree
Don't M!n th« $15,000 Ak-Sar-Btn Handicap July 4th
• C
Ever watch an expert prepare a steak? He -waits until the charcoal is }»ray and radiates even heat before he puts the steak on the grill. Outdoors or indoors, it takes radiant, glowing heat—not flames—to broil steaks, hamburgers, or chicken to perfection. That's why cooking experts, amateur and professional, choose electric cooking over old-fash' loned flame-type methods. They'll tell you "it's the nearest thing to the radiant ^lov! of charcoal." ,| Makes a lot of sense, doesn't it?
Page Four
Friday, Jtin» JO, 19(11
Omaha Visitors . Cj
Jay Team Loses Fourth Straight The Gooufellov/s Invke lix>.-.<-> for six rum In the final two innings and went on to defeat the J. C C. Varsity Softball team 6-0, In a cl:;c3 "A" d"b Icafpie game at ILIILCGC!,. E':eiJ last Thursday e\enmz. Jim Brooks linuter! the Jny to Just one hit, a single by Howard J/ipton In the first inning. Since Joining the team, Upton is hitting 400. losing pitcher, Morrie llandleman. was throwing a shut-out for five innings before the roof caved in during the sixth and seventh frame*. Sandy Bropwy joined the team after a two-year lay-oil and FOR THE FINEST... IN PHOTOGRAPHY Portrait! Weddings Commercial
looked RO(KI on the p i t c h i n g mound in a brii-f al>i>earani:e in llie seventh hinlne. Good defensive plays by Wayne kiegai," Stuart Kann, IJndy I'aul aud'ljpton he.ppd tr> kMip ' the Ci<io<ifelI&HS st-orf lera for Uv; (irst five innings. i. c. c. H RBI Pal, u HwnUxnon, p uroptiy. p S'raol, ib Llplon, If Colnlc, 30 Wolfc c S K l Kadn, t* Kahn, rf Knnrckif, 2b Katjkm, cf A. Sieflat. tf
3 0 J rt
AB 4 )
Cusirmlin? First Class Hotel Accommodafionj Af Reasonable Rafei
Now Featuring
iV.o Oivt^Vii Stock Y
• " • •
13 ?3
• I »
1 O U TH jnd L Streets Orruha, Nobratk* Phone 733-4000
0 0 0
Vouth CouarU SoltbaU Due to a Youth Council trainins program in Des Moines, all leflRue gatnei were cancelled last Sunday at Klmwood Park. The Katn^s will be rnat^f t") after tho regular season or part of a double-header. An intcre'i.tinj; race is shaping up betwrcn d«Cendmg champions, Rayiin, and A. 7.. A. t, led by hard-hitting Amie Manvitz. w.
Rajlm A Z. A 1 Knn ,..
2 7 I.
Z A. 100 0 Gurries for Sunday, June IS at Eml Purk 11 a m. A Z A. v i . Raylm I I a. m. Hum Vk. A . Z. A. Ida.
75 Modern Roomi Swimming foot Privaro Parking Toad Facilities
H RBI I 0 » 0
Miller, c . " " " " " " ' • . . . . . . . * Lollon, 26 * V. Groy, cj * Brooln, f>
J • 2 7 •
6««dH(1owi Douglos. If KM, lb
0 0
:::•::::: I
John Katinct PHOTOGRAPHER 817 SOUTH 36TH STREET 345.1044
0 0
Mr. and Mrs. I.'.'on Wintroub and dau;;httT Uiaue Iwve returned tu J A ) Aii;:t]fs a f t e r £^>cndins tlv.'ir vacution with their parents. Messrs. and Mines. A. Cemil'T and William Wintroub.
u 0 0 J 1
ARE YOU BUYING A NEW GAR? For the Fomtly —- Second Car — Graduation
fom a h a
Come Meet
Iz "Boggy" Bogdanoff L«» Him Help You With Your .Clothing Selection;
OmaJia telephone
Kck's Men't Clothing — Second Floor
For money power tomorrow, open your account today where your savings earn 3% interest... at the convenient Savings Center in tbo Fiist National.
H T H AN? PA'fMM • MEMSCfl fTOtft/L OCPOJir I f C
I t tells you all about the wonderful new service—Direct Distance Dialing —coming to Omaha on Sunday, Juno 25th. Imagine—juat by dialing a 3-digit area code, followed by the number you're calling, you'll be able to reach friends, relatives, business contacta throughout the United Statc3 and Canadal For instance, to call UL 3-1212 in Los Angeles, juat dial: 2 1 3 • • • UL 3-1212 Lot Angeles ' Telophoim Area Codo Number To call Council Bluffs from Omaha, merely dial the telephone number. To call Omalia from Council Bluffo, dial "I" and tho number. To reach points in. Eastern Nebraelia, just dial the telephone number. Bo sure to read your ODD booWcfc and save it for future refeieaco. Th
you'll bo ready to start enjoying tha raatcblefis convenience of Direct Distance Dialing when it goes into effect in Omaha on Juno 25th. rAH-LARD A N D PAP1LUON TELEPHONE CUSTOMERS: To reach any DDD number., first dial 112, then tho area code and the distant number. For instance, to call UL 3-1212 in Lo 3 Angeles from MUlard or PapUlion, dial:
213 \JL 3-1212 (An operator will then ask you. what number you arc calling from —for billing purposes.) To reach Omaha numbers, continue to dial 115, followed by tho Omaha number.