June 23, 1961

Page 1



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Vol. X X X I X — N o . JO

ytiMfi urrue, ioj No. ".i'j N|.1H(I!.R« I'lione a-tii-K



ill WAY,


1'liU UluM fuMugf: HiilO

23, 1'IGl

ol Omulia Nt'lil

jjt M AiitiUisi Kali

Jay-C-C ers Center Sunday Morning The f.'iuiili.ir n'fr.'iiii of the camp Konij, "v.e'ie ii]> »1 (':im|> "Jay-C-C, lli»' i: ;i in p "f our 'dreams," will haw ii-ul ini'nnhi),; to over HO campers (liis Sunday who will ho ainun;: 1hf<s<» launchln|< the season ;it the Federation sponsoi-od resident camping for boys niiii Kill;, a;;o:; six throu':h sixteen. !* ji. m. IJuw Loading Krout the }o:idin:; of buses in flu; CenU'r'h p;n!;in:: I'll on Dod;;i' .Street at !i u, in. iinlii the lime thoy return II days or thiee weeks, depending on time spent ol c;unj>. the campers will be introduced to II'-W and ivliolisome outdoor activities under•the supervision of nwiture counselor.1;. • Campers stnrtin;; tin; second session will lcav<* Omaha, Wednesday, July ~i while parents will lie-nllou'cd to visit tin' rimi[) U>calcil near Louisville on Sunday, "July 9 from 2 p. ID. to <I:,'iO JI. m. Those ilrivinj: to tho ramp from Omaha fake flit" Inl.er;;lule towards Lincoln to .Stale Highway .50.. Driving ninth Hiy. tuniiiu.; '.left on this road i and diivin;.; just a few miles past Louisville, visitors will make a ri;:lit hand turn on to a wide and well traveled :new. State Spur 150. This road is' taken to f'nmii Kilaki, tlie sile of thi:> season':; camp and adjacent to the -site recently purchasi'd by llin Federation for its 19P.2 home. Informal (^ithcrliii; Thun;d;iy «.'V>.'!iin:; pareni:; and eamperv; wen1 introduced to the Camp Staff at a :.prria.l infi>riiial Ret-together al the ('enter Information on this season's program and activities uas .supplied. The -<]ucstions liicluilr.il "what is the camp's mailing address'.'" The .answer Camp Jay-C-C at Smith Bend, Neb. Ton, parent'; and rel-

Ope Second

ative.'-, were ur;;cd to write rciuilarly and o f t e n . The Gamp'1, phone number, Louisville 'U."i(i, was tin* reply to another common tjiif tit ion, while specific note was made (hat campers' ba|Xa;;e will bo loaded ix'luecn (S p. m. and H p. in. in the ("enter's parking lot, the day before departure. Another question answered nt Hie miHitin:; involved tin* openings left fur tin; second session of the. f-;ea:;on. A few openings (in exist, but parents desiring to send their rliildren to eamp must act iiumcdi,'! lely as eapaeily should he reached he-fore (he middle ot next week. Counselors' Orientation In addition to the final plau'< bt'iiu; wade for safe transportation and care of the camper, the 25-meinber camp staff h.e> been undci'(.*oinK an intennive pro(jratii of instruction. All persminfl parl[cipato in Hie program and .slndy of new skills ami learnini; of sound supervisory techniques, Duriiif; the cunpin;; season, the t;t:iff y.i supervi:;.-(l hy |)iofessi(inal liro'ili wcii'kCM-s while mi in-scrvice-lrainiii;; i i n i c r a m is rn.iintaliT'il lo Iceep niunselors up on new Idea:; iiixl li'chniijues. 'i'hi! filf'.t week's rainpi'i.'T pro);i'.'iin includes special openini; camp fires ivplete with Inilian cercmonie:;, treasure liunts, campin;: trip;;, trail trips, political cimpnii;:r; iiml election | i n c a n i 5 , |ilns the regular .idivitiis like I'I'IK and crafts, .swiiimiiii).: and caiuperaft. A regular camp newsj'aper will keep parenis of camper:; informed of 1bo pro:.',ri'inis and their child's participation-while at camp: Tho.H' desh'ini: further information on tills season's resident, campinrj program are invited td call the Camp Office al .'M2-1 .'',6C>.

Available for

•".•-',Registration fnr the second .ses- hi:; assistant, Hllecn Weiss; Judy sion of the Jewish Community .Skinner, waterfront director, PaCenter Day Camp which opened tricia Werve, her assistant, and '. Monday ot peony Park is movinj; Marc licmsanin, arts and crafts director. ot a fast pace, the camp office Tho senior counselor staff will reported. The second ]>eriod will consist of Virginia. Wolff, PCBCT beirln Monday, .Inly .'! and cim- Iliibenstcin, C a r o l Roxonbaum, - elude the season's uclivities on Heverly Jones, Mark I'lattner, Dalitt Vilensky, Ken Lasv, Sari Friday, July 14. Tlie opening of Die camping Union and Sandra Ririlman. J u n I o r counselors are Kllen season was accompanied by the •announcement of official s t a f f Zclinslty, Judy Sherman, I.inda members by Harry sidman, C'cn- .Simons, Betty Brody, Bob Gould, L a r r y Uatt mid Mel Epstein. ter Chairman. Camp driver is Ed Trailer and his CJamp Fcrson'ael Hssislant Is llaymond Hmiganim. Cnmp personnel beaded by Sey- Addio .Seal;' again is the Camp mour Seitclilck, director includes eouli. Cull 3-K-1SC0 Knrollmenl for tlie second session may be made by callinr; Miss Hesse Blank, camp secretary, at the Center, .'M2-3:iCG. ' Tel Aviv (JTA) -•- With tho Children enrolled at eamp for Knesset (Parliament* adjourned, the first .session are Janet Gemland general elections scheduled ler, Beth (jrcenberc. Karen Alexfor August 15, Israel's political ander, (iail Grecnber;;, lletsy Lou parties opened tlieir election cam- Katz, Kathy S p e r l i n g , Kathy p a t ( j n this weekend, although Kir.ihenbaum, Joan Summer, Patroost parties have not yet an- ty Ann Charney, Marcin Mandell, nounced their lists of candidates. Nancy Milder, Sally Noj'f;, Jnnie Tlie usual election campaign Ttunrncrmaii, Amy T a t e 1 in a n, flreworlci were already creatinf! Nancy Sunimer, Stizie Buchwald, considerable excitement. P r i m e Caren J.ee ClinrneJ'. Terry ManMinister David Ben«Gurion, ns dell nnd Miriam Frank. leader ot the dominant Mapai O t h e r O enrolled are David . Party, was beiiif; accused atsomo 'Grow;, Ivconard Ilochstcr, Stuart of the rallies of havlni? under- Chapman, David pon, . S t e v e n taken his recent trip to.the West Gerdiclc, jvlarlc Kliannan, Todd for "Mapalpollllcal propaganda" Muiivitz, Alan Friedman, Mark purposes. Mr. Ben-Gurion, on tho Belmont, Brian I.iberman, Miko other hand, told a closed meet- Wpa, Honnct RodteU, Barry Belb, ing of poeti ntid other writers Joel .Stern, John Tully, Keith that ho found foreigners "JJCO Warner, Jliimiy Welnsteln, Greginoro light in Israel, while our ory Keliolm, N n t li a n Feldman, own press and ^xltlnEa see only Eruce Forben, Michael Sellz, Jeffrey Lilwwskl and Barry Von. the black side."

n Eleelioii Hailies

A VJI'AV of OIIK ol tlin rooms In the newly conipk-.tttil Milder Nurslni; Unit lit tho l>r. l'lillii> Slier tot tlie Aged.

iHI@§ne possible care, ;md in this The completion of Hie Mild.-r Niir:-:in;T Unit at the i>r. Sh.-r way the Hume will :(:rve our Jev.i di Ifoiiie for A;:':d wa;; an- eriinmimily more effectively ii'iiinced this week hy Harry 'I'ru.'j'Jiect'nt reporls ?;iio\\' Iliaf JJctin, .lewi:;li l'\:derati'iii Presiilenl. l>r;i::l.;v rani;:; fifth in the number This .'ilriiclure, v.liit'ii add:; six of its elderly, citizens. Almost 1 room:; lo the Home, was made out. of 10 is (',;") years or older, and possible*, thnnir.h a j'.encroi'is i;if t tlie number is constantly mctei',i;ivcn by Mr. and Mrs. Ilymie In;;. This has made necessary the Wilder. It will be used for spe- development of additional facilcial care of Home residents who ities to provide for the anticipated neeil specialized mirsiiij; and med- increased number of residents at Urn Home. ical attention. . ' Special Can) (Serve AM NeeitM "This additional unit marks . .-"It is also in. line, with it lonj; important progress in the Dr. ranee development program of Slier Home for Aged," Nathan U .Mho Home, vviiich will now be able NO;;K, Chairman, and Arthur A. to serve the various needs ot ita Cohn, Co-ehalnnan of the Home present and future resldonts. The stttted; These six extra rooms will Ifomc will thus have several faenable the Home to provide Uie cilities,, each designed to provide

Philanthropies Scoreboard A» of Juno 20, 19C1 The followinc are current reports from divisions in the 3901Omaha Jewisli Philanthropies Campaign:•: '• : ;- ••.•••..•, Division

'. '•••'•'..•.

: • • •'•',••'"•

Initial (Jifts ..........................'•..,...^-%


W G l T o t a l



Men's Division . ; . . . . . . . i-... * . . . ; . . . . . 17,758.00 Women's Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . > . . . . ; . . . . . 55,586.20 n . & P . Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,990.00 Children's Division . . . . . . . . . v . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . 1,863.50 . HlBh School Division . . . . . . . . . . . . « . . . . . " . , . % . . . . . . '; 1,290.95 University Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113.00 Organizations ...............;...:.....< 2,317.50 Miacellfineous • 175.00 Total



$ '129,417.20

Soviet Press Attacks Jews Paris (JTA) — A new and ous people;." The letters claim stepped-up c a m p a i g n of anti- that the economic conditions are Semitism anil attti-IiirnoH prupa- such that "the poor become poorCanda ha;! been launched in the er, while the rich Ret richer." Soviet Union, accordini; to ar- Some of the purported l e t t e r ticles culled here today from the writers nsk the editors to delete controlled Communist press. The their naincn for fear their idenarticles have appeared In Pravda tity "would endancor our families Ukrainy, organ of the Communist in Israel." Party of the Ukraine; in Sovictskuya Kconomicheskaya CJazcttn, and in the leading Soviet newspaiiorij in Moldavia, Latvia mid White Kussia. It u s s 1 a n .Tews are being aiJerusalem (J'l'Ai — Walworth tack«(l--by name ami address-— Earbotir, tho new United States as beliifr "parasitical nnd non- Ambassador to Israel, called on Soclalist elr-mcnta in tho Soviet Premier 13avid Ben-Gurion for an community," "acquaintance meeting." AmbasLetters ore beliifj printed from widor Burbour, who presented his. "readers," accusing Israel of us- letters of credence to president ing Its security cervices of "es- Izliak Boit-7.lv last week, laudeil pionaf.'C" and of "carrying out Israel's aClilcvemcnU during tho widespread reprisals against v<M"l- past 13 years.

(lie necessary and specialized cara for I he a/{ed. Not .Vn Institution "The Dr. VbUip Sher Home thus i;; not merely an institution for the aj;t'd," they emphasized, "but rather an onlarjjed residence where elderly folks, live together, e^ch one leceiving Ih personal type of care and attention required, it.will be able to serve, in separate facilities, bollv the well-aged, who need the comfort nnd caie the Home provides, as well as Uie sick, and chrome casea who require medical attention und nursing, This is a real service to our- community." licKldcnlN Benefit Commenting on these new de\elopmcnts at tho Home, pav'd Orkow, H o m o SuperJnten(leii>, stressed the element of servica and mobility, "With this now addition manj of our problems will bo solved, for the benefit, of the residents, who will now be sibte to receive the care they require," Mr. Oikow described the rooms as being servieedhlo an<.\ pvoperiy furnished. lincli room Includes a: Hi-Loo bed, the latest development for nutiiiiK purposes; and ovor-bed table for oatinp, reading and writiiif,'; a dresser; a night table and comfortable arm-chair. Kach room is equipped with automatic pushbuttons to reach the Nursiiifi .Station for attention and service ar»\ is appropviavrty decorated. Complete privacy Is assured thus nwkinR for adiUtum;i\ coxwfort and rest.

on June 26 Monday, June. 2C has been declared Johnny Rosenblatt Day at the Municipal Stadium by the • Omaha lioflRCrs on the evevmis they are scheduled to play Denver. The event, which boRins at 7 p. m., will iionor fonner Mayor Rosenblatt, prominent O m a h a civic leader, who was Instrumental in the building of the stadium. Mr. Rosenblatt will be honored for his services as mayor and for his efforts in behalf of the Stadium nnd Airierlcan Associntian baseball In Omaha.


Page Two

I'ubliKlied weekly on Frlilaj IJCKIIHIIIIU the tail wech In August through second ivei* in Julj by the JUHIHII Fcifcrutiuii ul Ouialia. i e t e n c Class Postoqe Puio c l uimj.io. Neb* Aniiuai s u D i a l p t l c a W W>. *iii.cil!:.inn Ra:ee op Anpncoli^r,. Putjl.catlon Unite—101 N'J i j i b STrtcf Oiiiahu. tlfcbr.. i ^ i 126fl.


Religbiss Services ( iiullilijilin.; T II |> in

id ni

riitlifi Stifr Jpuifth Hume for Itie si i


; s

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iimj; .it 7 p bath

With the Home Folks NCHI mid hippeolnEt at Tiir l>r




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l i t 111 T I

HI t i n s

M i \ n e

Aecil by David Orkow.


u l i t i )ii i) S i l j <it" 8


the Tuinily M u m - ,\t 10 W Minch.i-M i i m lit 7 15 p in Siuid i> suvices at U a m Services dm me tlie wick at 7 a m atnl 7 p. in. Birrii ISKU.L

Traditiomil Friday s e r v i c e s (Kobol is Sh thins) <it 7 10 p m Shahbos moinm,' sirwces <it 8 45 ii in Junior C uni'ic,; ilion <it 10 a in liiljln lit nj mini dioner will conduct tli< 1 ihiiud cli--s at 7 15 p m Sihbilii Mmfh i at 7 45 p in Wlovu d h> Shaliis Kiifdos anil M i lrn .it H 10 i» m Sund i\ ITIO-II'M; v a n PS .it 9

a rti Colin1 e l li\ hualtfast and Rabbi's (1 iss in Hiljle Daily sir\iLi-> .it 7 a m anil at 7:55 p. m. TEMPLE IMtM.L 'Sabbath Kerviws will bo held, in the Cli ipel nl 7 10 p in at Temple IsiafI Oiiplnin J^dwaicl Ulenbouen tiinuitly st.ilioned nl SAO headqu u ters, will dchwr the urainn

To Indianapolis D i a n d M i s HI i m c Y R j f f m m and d n i n h l f i M i n i 1 liso h u e l e f t foi hull in i[> ills 1'id v l i i ' i e D r . Hoffm.'Ui w i l l i n t e r n ;it. M a r i o n O i i i n t \ f . o i i il II I->I il il 1)1 I i o f f M in w h o \ i' i i l l i d il I n n " H fru n tin - i h I n I il i in' ()' Ml' 1 111 ( ll V ' •.! Ill I 1 r l e c f i \ i il tl ' '-i n i MI is i n i l

The H.ij; l)aj party was a hll^e surcesi I'astncs wt'ie by Mis S.ii all SjKor A blrUidiy cake was lwked by Llndi Oikow for her did The cnlertilnntent was truly jiiMfrssion.il Mfsa Alexandia Hunt, William Cjnffilli nnd Joel Mos'cr of the Studio Theatre jircsonted scseral numCantoi IJi KaKan, Joe IVicland Bonj.imin Klaiman loumkd out the inoKrain Memorial services will be held this month in the Home sjmw KOfue for the following, the anmveisiiiy of whose drith falls during the month of Tammu/: Tiimmu/ J7, (July 1) — Hen Milder, Tammiiz 18, (Jul> 'i.)— Ixtuis S I^ehowif/; J'.unmu/ 27, (July 11) — Sam Josrph.son, Tammuz L'9, (July 1 i)~ Molhe Tully

Justin Lewis to Study in Israel .Instill I f « K ton of Mr and Mrs Lou Lewis, will lea\e Omah i, Tiine 2K tnr a jeai s study at the lit hirw I'liniisily in Jeiusaluii Puni l < iib.nkation, he will utkril a (lirei d IV orientation mi ft in,; at the Jewish Dirolivicil '-rmm uv in \'<'\, Yolk He is one of fuui si lilciiti fi mi Hi.null is I in. i in tli

IIKI ii i > uf fifn fm u

I lull l'


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YES! You Can Dry Out


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' 1 , 1 S t l | l ( ,'

I I 1] i Ii i n ( Ii mi Ii in uf In-, (i u n i l


Ponteus Pitafe's Nome on Stone

Free Delivery Omaha and Vicinity

407 Homey





O.New end Repeirs O Wiring O Residence! O Commcrciol BERNIE SOMMER 556-3520 "No


M r i n - i . i In ()iimh» mill < diinrll Hlurm


his U ir Mitzvah ^itmdi> niorn-

Plan to Give a Big Lift to Your Meals

IIIR, June 21, fll Hfth 11 S J I U -


(joijue, at the 10 30 a in s m i t e KOIJbUT II11IN I'he Har Mit/\ah of Itolteit Hahn, win of Mr and Mis 'Virin in Hahn will be eelehi.ittd S lluidi>, July ] , at Beth I i.ul S


Mi ml M i s Williun l ' l i l n i d son i i n u o n n r e t h e l i l i t h of t h e i r f i




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Ono-Holf Barbecued



f ] 7830 Dodge

n •

9 A.M. to 10 P.M. MONDAY Jitru FRIDAY 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. SATURDAY


5028 UNDERW4

in I

Mi-. I Sloln Mr

Mid Mis

9 A.M. to 9 P.M. MONDAY THRU FP.IDAY 0 A.M. to 8 P.M. SUNDAY IUSI ph Swln n )n


of Kails is C'M> MD .iiiiioiliKi tin' birth, June 10, of n daiu:hliT, Amy Joy 'Iliev .nt also i n p u t s of anotliei d.iiif,ht(.i, Su1 m M in Great KrJI1<)PJIt>'i|<i ' ' r o 'Mi *. A Katsltre and Jli mil Mi^ I d ^f.ison of f)in ill i ind II I'dof In, Knnsis City, Mo


4415 CUMING Same Fine Quality, Lower Prices

Diamond's Famous


i: "-% -"$V


4 Icaura ID Your llon


Redeem Your Valuable Gccf Patty ond Luncheon Stcok Coupon Ask ct Shukcrts If You Have Not Received If In the Mail

Don Bernstein, 345-2554

Truly Delicious, Per Lb Pictdcd

Cerned I

Per Lb.

Rolled or Pressed

;E# © E O T

Horry's Kosher Poultry Mcrfior Wholesale—Kosher

Killed Daily V/E:

1018 Fornam


Piico Effective Only Saturday and Sunday

Average Weight 5 to 0 Lbs.



£S ?•:....;

i.AVISO • si:\viN(; IIINDI.NM • CUaMN




Pickled or Fresh


» .


Thli l> w^lo^ you liovo bc«n yiaUimj for!




(mi fiin:tll for llh"

2211 So. Stfi


For Your Family ! Good Eating Pleasure Dcliciou'.


ji.l. tmi

Mrs. M M JalKins, «i)l IIIJMKO



p | | iecfric

25 Vcars' Experienco With Jewish Lefforing and Memorial!

JO\ T JAIJKMS Jon Jahenis, son of Mr. and

If in il. ill HfA) 'ill'" fnfjnivrxl iianii? of'lhi! Human Procir H'Ji of Jmlc i, Pontius I'll ite, v is found on i1 st m> ]0 imlrs snuili of Ilrfifi it w is levelled lien' 1 hi', is 1ho f i s t tiirf til it Simon R c n ( (• I' thr i MPI y HI f Ii it id i( tl f \ id* ii' i h i s bi f u chuMVi by Mi ind M M M I'OII discovered of the Roman who oraid Urodkey for Ihoir ila?if;iilcr dered the crucifixion of Jesus born May 31. Christ. Thi-' only previous eviGraiiilparfiils are Mr. ami Mrs. dence of Pil:iti;'s fxisI'Mire was known through the Christian Gos- Alfred Gl.nl'.lein, Oklalioina C.!ily, . pels find the writiii;;s uf llie'Jew- Olcla. ami Mr. nnd Mrs. David Urodkey. fln.'.'it-cr.'iiidiniitlicr:! are ish historian, Joscjihus Flavins. Mrs. 15. Clfi'lstoin, Oltl.-ihoma City Tln> stoiK', .'II. by 2!) inches, was and MI-B. S. Madel, St. Louis, Mo. found in ;ir f'iK'.saia, tho Kotn.'wi capital of Judeu. in tlif- ruins <jf a li'inriu ainphil.hea.tor, by a I'ni'.''I'sity of .Milan I'liThrtcIo^ical fxpc-dition.

25-Lb. Refill ...52.25 50-Lb. Refill ...S3.50


Seb (Subby) fulvcrt-iiia

All frlttiuls nnd ri'latlvis are Invited to attend wjrviwii uud

i 1 i l ' i ii tl i

the futui-f, rising linmii:ratlon fii:im-.H inij,'lil ni;il:e it. impossililu for tin; ,Ic«is.h Agency in I.srac-1 to provide even tin.' ino'.f clrmcntary M'rvitr.s for nirw nrrivals in

Bar Mifzvah


"j I K I I I \ S ' I I I I 11 11 I > I I 111

Dennis Paul Lewis, ton of Mr. anil Mrs. Harry Ix'wis graduated this m o n t h fitiin I'ratt High .School.


New York UXA) -• Allocations totaling more than STO.OtjO.OOO for Immigration a n d rihabiiit-ition programs in Israel, for the fiscal year I!l(!l-(i2, wore ni>provc-ii liy the board of directors of the Jewish Aj,\nc\ for Isi n I In-, i i Jor bdipfiLiaiy of the I niul Jewish A|ii>e il Tlipfi'iil it i announced, will IK- II id f i ti n porUtion, leception ah < i[ih> n, housing, .le/iKiiltur.il M ith unit the eaie and t n i n i n / of >cnitli Institutions of hifjui l'unniK mid r e v n c h , debt b e n x e mid d(ht liquidation. Or Isador Luhin, the Aicm\ s consultant for proclaim m Israel, warned, tft it unless additional funds, alxnc the nlloeitrd $19,000,000 were forthcoming in

p II t i l 111 I I p (I I U l l

u i i

Friday, June 23, lOfll

Jewish Ag $39,000,000




EaV Fresh Today, end


Feel Bctfcr Tomorrow



Come in—Compare—Everyday Thrifty Prices

Per Lb.

YOUR MEAT DOLLAR IS WORTH MORE AT DIAMOND'S Prices Effective 'Jliruiiah Thiirmlity

Open Sunday

1314 No. 24th Sr. 341-4977

Call Monday Thru Friday for Your Delivery


Friday, Junn 23, 1801


Baltimore Will Be Home of The Lawrence Yampolskys Miss Judith Aim <'• o1 d \> <• r ',', <laii(;li(<>r of .Mr. end Mrs. Jack ('•, Epstein hecaino thf Iniilt of Lawrence t'i'Cd YaiiijioW'.y, ••on of Mr, und Mrs. Goor{;i- Yjimpnlsky of Hillside, N. .1. on Situidiy i<e-

lulled (i! IVrm ]/An;;<' liifi* and li'iii'imi Pc;iu. Mis.s I!i-oii'la Davidson, Lincoln, Kill, scrvi.'d us m.-iid-df-lioiiur. ]',i'i(lo:.in.'ilds IVCIV .Mk.s .Munlyii Znniw, Sf, .IdM'pli, Mo. and Miss Ail'i)i> Kp.vli'-in. .Iiinlnr liriik'S]]] mK Wi.'ii' Oirwlyii Sl.'ick, .SI. Ji; i iih ;md Sli;iM)ii Bcniii'iii. Alaul i u i Nelson, St. ,lo:;"p!i, v.-.'is i l t m t T j;ir]. All ivoi'c inad'hin:; r l n s i i of liiiquni.se' silk or;;;ui/a o>M- tufrclii. 'Jin 1 groom's falhfi' .si'i^cd as Ins lirsl inan. I!slK-r.s wcci? JJni"t• >xi J ri.'iteiu, I!, i (.• li a I'd l!]islrin, Oinili.i; J)r. III'IUMI. Vampolsl.y,

Mrs. I.nurcnro Vumpolsliy (;, June M at thf ShoiiitiniFontciifllc Hold. K.ibtii Mjion JIi'jrT of St. Jo" nph, »Mi< jir — i formed th'1 (t'lriunny. A lcn'ption (ind ilinncr fullownl. T))'- In 16V \u)ii> a j'imn »J.i IJH il In tin- boll Mlliimi ttc ;nnt f,i",h-

e* o do 60 o 00 o o o o


1'oit HI'.'IKI;, N. (1 and Paul "S'.impolslcy, IIillKid(.'. Aflirn weddin,'; trip ihc couple v.ill rcsidf In Jtiilthnore, Mil., wild c Ml'. ^rainp'»lf;ky is fiirollcd in th« Hchool of Ui'iili.stry nl Ilio t'lilvorsily uf Maryland. Oiit-of-tinvii ciii'.sls wfi'i1 Hie Messrs, ainl Mni^s. M;ii-\'in NclMiii, Fled Kllis, I. It. Slack, .lack Ziinm', Miss Uairii'l. Siually, .faki; liordon rind Iho Mines'. Aljo Kinliender, MI-J-'T 'ioi'don, .1. ^^. Zidi'll ,-iiul linhcrt Sinally, all of SI. Josfpli; Mi'-'^rs, and Mines. Hill Itaviilsoii, Ilailey iiavidsmi, ,S(um-t Goldlicij;, lA-t: Hill, Jui.- Kaufman, .J. .J. Marx, I'eny Sinlnii, ]\Inri'ix Zolat, Sain Zolat, 1)1-. and Mis. J,. K. Marx, ^^nll's. J Tarry (!oldlii-i;j, and J.'ik'1 I^avidsdii and the Messrs, [,. I-:. (InMlicri,', Palmer Ctjldbcrj: ;,IKI Harold .Nnvii-ul f. f'oiniji;; from other dtics were Mr, and Mrs, Kduard Jill'kin, .ler.-cy Cily, .V. J.; Mrs. Sadie (jilinan, iNenark", ,\. -.I.; Mr. and Mrs. .Sidney Kpstr-in, lies Moines, la. and Mr. and Mrs. Alan Sacks, Kansas City, Mo.

amzatioRS I'.KA.MH'XS MJNrilKON JIKM'I'IN*; \vi;i)M:si>.\v Klci:ti<in and iii.slall.-iiion of, Officers for lOlil-lU! will he licld at, the final niectin:; of this (cason by Ilin Omaha Chapter Drahdeis University N a I. i o n ;i 1 Women's (.'onunittce on \Vi.vdtH\sday, June UH, follouin;f a li!:.'!0 luncheon at, file Highland ('miiiliy (.'lub. rX'If'Cate."; who at.tc-iuli.Ml thf) Mational Conference at. Waltham, Mas:,., jMiiics, .Myron M i l d e r , Charles Kosenstock anil llyniun Feror will report on hifililiKhts of the coin'cntldu proecedinys. lieservations are bein^' talcon liy the Mines. Hen Shapiro, .'M2'2UKi\ Jack Uiviinsoii. \V.) 1-2732 and llyinan Fercr, 55.'i-J 455.

1 quart jar of flckhman

D5LL PICKLES Reg. 59c Voluo With Eoch Combined Purchase of



HOT DOGS, 1-Lb, Pltg.

AT KAKTM.-VX HOMU 'J'lio hook i;roup of the Omaha Chapler Hrandeis University National Women's Committee will meet rtt TO a.m., 'J'hmrsiiay, June 'J'.l, id Iliohrinif! of Mrs. Nathan Kartman, 71R No. 5H .st. Mrs, N. If. Croenbei'i: uill lead Ihe discussion on "The Portrait of a Lady" liy Henry James.

Buy If Where It's Bcked"

L Mi:::ri\<; OF WOKK.MHN'S LOAN Offii.'crs will be elected at the annual nieetini; of the Omaha Workmen's f, o a n Association, Monday, Juno "20 at. 8 p. in. at the Jewish Community Center. A financial report will he presented. A social hour will follow the meet mi;.


o o o

Ea. With Butter Cream Icing and potted With Sliced Almondi . . . a tuicioui Dcuorl for Any Occaiion. , , . ,'\

G ©

Sorving Omolia V/ith Quality for 40 Yean


AND DELICATESSEN Open Sunday! 5S6-5560



Soda! Events Honor ifss 'Adler, Fiance

Abe Beers Will Have Ouf-of-Town Guesfs

Mr. and Mr;:. Sa.m Kpsteiii ' u l l honor th'-ir son, Hnhc-rt lOpslein unrj hi1-, fiaiiece. Miss Jjariinra Adler, d.'M);'h!er oJ Mr, ;oid Mrs. A r l i i u r Aiiler, ;<1 a i'i'e-nu[)!iai dinner ill the Highland countly Chili, Sat in day e \ <• n i n \\. Karlier S a t u r d a y tin- elidi » ill

]{• .ehe.'-lfr, N. Y. and Air. and .M "s. i ) a \ i d )',i..;;r : ml children, PI ilijj and J.inda I I th of Jies.M fines, la., will an- \i' in Oaiaii.'i







liuielicnll \vj\]l



Mr. ,'inrj Mrs. Myron Hear of

1I1 '• wei-lwnd. 'n,,. vill l,e{.;u.--sl:i (.!' Mr. ;ind .Mi">. Al •e Jiear, par• •ill.1; o! M^J'OII .'?nd I.




ii I ill Mines, flany linehnian and Sam Sw:u'l/. as hosls. i-'rjitny eieIiin;:, ATI-K. Abe Sl:lar, ('.r.-iiidinulher of Ihe liride tu-lie and IHT aunt and uncle, Mr. and T'di'.s. J.oiiis Jfurwi!/. ullj enli-ilain al a barliccije at tile cliib, Ifinvanl Kooprr '.vho will be Mr. Kpslrin's liesi man and the ushers, Martin .So|,liir, Arnold .loffi-, Allan Konnan, Jerry Itosen, Micliael (Vmar, Siuart. Mnrwil/, Ronald Wulpa, "Michael . Hakaii, nil of Omaha and J fa ml (I N*in ieoff of I.incoJn, v^'ill enleriain. l.a.st v.eel;-end'.s social events for Ml'. KjiMein and his hride-tobi; included dinn'-rs (,'iven by the Messrs. mill Alines. J. M. l.iberniaii and Harry Altsiiler, Saturday nii:h(, mid on Sunday by the Messrs. and Mines. Arthur flirt'ii, Norman lioi'dv and (..'liarles (iendler. Mrs. Adler ;;ave a trousseau tea for her dau;:liter un Tuesday iifternoou and Wednesday eveninic's hosts were Mr. and .Mrs. J. M. Tretiak. Out of town |.;uesls here for (lie wcildinj; are Mr. and Mrs. Morris Adler, crandpru'enls of Miss A d l e r , the Messrs. and .Mines. lien Fineman, At Sla\sky, Dr. and Mrs. ,fules Could, Mrs. .!•;. M. Cassell, nil of I.os An;;eles, Cal,; Sidney Adler, Oakland, ('ah; Mr. and Mrs, liuben Gareliolc and All's. Martin (larelick and family of Lon;.; Island, N. Y.; Mr, and Mrs. Marl in l'Viye and Sydney, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Grossman, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry liirenswcli.; from Chicago, HI.; Mr. and Mrs. Jm'ilf: Ciissinan from j'"i'(;e[«jrl, JI!.; -Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kaufman, Mr. and Airs. Al Finkel, David Widmaii from Kansas City, Mo.; Mr. and Airs. Philip Kavieh from Columbus, Neb.; Air. and Mrs. Abe N'ovieoff, Lincoln, Nob,; Air. and Airs. Al. G. Robinson and Tfarbara, and Air, mid Mrs. Abe Koljinson of Drs Moines, fa.

ALLESOiM ','ur.fontlino Apparel

House of Glamour III

No. EOili C53-7OO0 6 Doport Hoil Styliifi Air-Conditioned Dryorj MISS 1/A.IiSH and MISS JERRY

K19 FARMAM ST. I'ationi/.o Jewish Press Advertisers.


Join in the Festivities on

OSENBLATT DAY" Honoring our

Johnny Rosen-

blatt, former mayor, civic leader and long - time devotee of :;


: :


:• ' .;.-,.

MONDAY, JUNE 26, at ? P.M. Omaha Municipal Stadium See''




OMAHA DODGERS Vs. Added Attraction Popular Omaha Songstress

. Admission $1^25 ' "";.•''. v TMi Ad U Jointly Sponiorod by HENRr MONSKY Lodge No. 345 end CORNHUSKER Lodgo No. 1760 of B'NAI B'RITH. All Lodgo Mombcrs Aro Urged to Bo im Hand foftlie Outstanding Event of tho .i? f l r

Just call Tele-Sales



cool, casual, carefree

CULOTTES! •woist ilx« 24-30. 32-38 '


Tho noweat fashion fabric, thick 'n thin woven cotton cord . . . ihe mostpopular casual design in years . ,'•'."• gay, carofroo culottes! Wear them for shopping, recreation, putforing around tho house. Colors: dark green or black only. BUDGET STORE SPORTSWEAR D O W N T O W N A N D THE CROSSROADS '


Candid Wedding

50th end Underwood


"Eoy If Where tt> 6oSed"


CAM. "

John Kaiind So. 36th







Page Four

Christian Clergymen in Israel Differ on EichmannPmiisbment New y e n : H I \ --i* < ' Tl rael'i 1" au ' * C I i • < '• i , men ha.e f\r r i J '' approval of I' c v . I ' l *•> i dlingthe tn .1 of \ i ,V I < i. I i but are (Imiicd or in n>i n > < I punishment if the ;>«« v «i c. i i inal ii found guilt}, ;I< ioul,ni' t > a survey by the Anti IV fen it > League of B'nm K run AH MX clergymen ngrmi witli Israel's handling of the c a n Their answer) to the question concerning 1'ichninnn's puiuusliinent, if found guilty. idUKod fro n the suggestion that he be i>« euled to the opinion that tic lx.1 turned o\er to Germany for rv trial, after being gnwi s Itfo sentence here.

Center Sports fl.t

n m r coNsrcrm i- i.o«.x I OK JAYS IN SOFTBALL, The Jewish Comniunilj O n t o Softball teain droppi-d their fifth in a row in tlip rlcus "A" club league last Thursday by keing a 6-0 game to Ihe KniybK of Columbus, 652, at Adams IVrit Alan Koneck>. a newcomei m class "A" pitching cuclfs hulled <Ifccti\ely, penniitmj; only four hits The gamf" was tight all the •way with Ihp score 2 0 puns uilo the final inning J.C.C.. ob h rbl Konecky, p 2 1 0 Colnlc, :b 3 0 0 W Sltgol 1b 3 0 0 AOMid cl 3 1 D S, Kohn. si 3 0 0 Wolk, c 3 0 0 A Sitjol Jb 3 1 0 Slokr If 3 0 0 SelKhlck, rf I 0 0

K.C. 451 obtirbl fAcMIMon, i l i ' i 1 G Ml Wi n ef 4 0 0 B;ttL II 3 0 0 THHcrd p 2 10 Stvi'cl, 2h ? 0 0 Prtblr, .10 3 0 0 O Swrrt c 2 1 3 B :«w»t « 1 o 0 Ysger, 1S> 2 1 *

TfOLTII VOX NCII- S R.ayim t Inlkul up a bi(' u Jjst Sujirl i\ in iln * i n ; A 7.

], 14-11 10 " i i ( i! to i !i ,> 'i rl 1 position of f i I ii 11 "i ti ( Yolltll ( (»,'!' I 1 | C t I TOO xl

Park A i \ t h c lnj ,> Ii .1 i» >1 > Rame, s iv \ / A 1 IA tiJi b « ' . Irom a-i 1 l-'J di f.cit t i a « ' nine Tuns m the but ion of tl,i fift'i lo tie it up Bill G w b j r i ; hit n liomp run with tlio Kiwi ]o irli rl to bp.irk the rally In the other Iwi rup pii'v.mritnr-, Tlonu scored heavily in <!«• suclh Inning for a 12-7, come from behind \jptory o\cr A Z A 100,

'tin t.

ICi -,

' l iilliui j l

V . i l l l >!•• I

i II s 1 .1 I < J i i



-ijnit KIII

t.f U P - i . «




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n I.I d u l l


Ihi U< i hr I < it ' J Ii 'I \, d i i l i m i'i < t I ' I I it p(i t ( II H I uttun dT 1 M M I il i i I r i d It' it 1 tin r e ! i i, it'i i ' i t < II Ii, ilium t o I it liiu urn i \ i i JI t t>i lirliij; Lini I.. tli< tM,.l "( J u s l m tin Isriw1 I I\I j i m i i ' i ' I In JIi \ . 'Imil (iilismi, i.f M \ n I n u s M< inurl il I ' I I sliMi ri in I Inui Ii - m l it vt.ts ii ililfn lit |.;u!ili HI l o r I s r i t l If m i i r \ Is • Innwi i ii lini urn, In . i s . i r t i i l this m i l ' |>n w r i t itriviini' fruin i l i u i j t i ^ t t u J i u f s j j \n (,JI!M ;iilfj Ii in ( \ i n e t ful. O n lti'- utlx r ' i i m l t h i s m i \ brill); a r t u i r i ; ' ' *<I u n l i i i i s i

nguftist thfrn " Cannon I In h U m mi Anil MII in, oml AbMjt }AU


Friday, Juno 23, 1061

Hadassah Starts Workshop June 29 J'i

Omahn Cii-ijiter of ll.-iInvited its

•viow ln-


l,c:;inninr; Jtiiif '."'. K c i - ' •ill In.' h f l d (»/i (.•on.',f'cuti'.e '•avs fi'inii <<:i:> -a. m . to , i 1 ] i i i. in. M I'uir Willa Cutlicr

East* Nigerian Leader On Tour of Israel Jerusalem (JTA i — 'J'he cunrtit ttinr of. i'Uist. Ki>;<Tian l'lvmli-.r lioltor Mii.-lK.-l OUpura in ]::r,i>;] inelii'k', (i,';ri':iil;ural .'cMlrnii'iit:,, viic.-iti'mal ti.'li'j-.il'.; ianl dcvcNip-


ill "




library. Morris M. Kranlilin, re1 vicr.-prrsident, will l<ad m .titulc v.'hii.'h will inrliulu



V ' I I I i 1

t i t

1 I I 1 I I I I I I i I U ) t i f 1st (I n » i )

^ CDS Jitlil V.TH'lt; jlfij1.-: cliViT-


-i.il taoet:> til lladri:-1:,all's niiil and lufal projr-cls. i nbers may rejjisler by (•all"lrs. Harold I'lJit'limm 55GSittor fi?nict> tind irausporM H>ii poojfi' will be available.

Ml MOIUA1, IN I^iudoti, (JTA )•—Thp fii-Bt J«wi Ji war memorial 3n tius country vtus uniejlcd and consecrated on the lawn in fropt of thp Willesdai Jewish Cerneteiy.

worlsers liicludins foroa of lar;ic\\

\ ( -chn\c\i\DS. ._

JACOB JACOBS Teiloiisg Bry Ptcr ^t 'crv'^o ALTEP^tOHS FOR nC I AtJO V/OMCN r 3 0566 KJ1 Ua 23.'D 5T

CLAUDE COMS1*** porfraifs of distinction

Call 556-1317 Candid Wedding Albumi Format Bridal Portratti Children Our Specialty

S-v Wort

at QsalttY Tttoei

f, of Ibe I'.OIIMII Citlmlic

Doiinition Plnnd) on Mount Zion, both lliom lit tjchuiiiin dcienpd the most severe penalty, hut r-otiKht .some otiwr Bulutiuq Arr|ibibhop <1 c o r g e liakim. Gietk C.IUKJIIC lii<-bri|> of Northern 1sroei, suKK(>sU)d that Kldunann be f^\en a bfi" sentence »n<J Ihen «.nt back to Gormanj' "wiicnp he out-lit to be put on Inal and Oieie

Youth IiJITI UV r U O M U l S C O N S t K Mtrabprs of Kelh Isiael >ouih groups w h o will r e t u r n fiom Camp Moslia\ali, Wild nii«c, Wis on Sdndiiy, accompan.ed by Saini«J .Slone. youth ,if t m t i c s ( h i r i t or will be h i imp Biinainow, L i r rv Uluo'ii, N n l U l o o m. Si' i UivikMp.ri,


II u

md ("fiimor I'.iPhud iJii'iiond I' ii Is i <v\i I n n I i ' u 1 < il i '•Jon i n 1 • • h ' ' J i n n ild 1 (i 1 Sjil n \ i'.a'i1 l ' i ' i i I I i i d in i n «jl u l i - , ('•lu'i • All * L i i n ui M " u v \ i l.i;>iin . i i n u i f Ki lit, U I I I C P l ' o l t >' i * l i ( h M ] S l , u , S u / i c S ' o l r r J i i ' l Al ill S u m m

A Z t ^ O . 1 l.\.\X fn i\t vv i>f[io(ii> circled b> AZA No 1 are Oavy I'anlmaii, jiresidrnl, II.iiolil.ScluieidPi, \icc-picsidrnl, SIPVP Iloguolnval, M?rietar>. 1-nrry Ivulcp, lrpasuier, Hill fiiiisburj- mid llarry Knwlman, YOUTH COUNCIL STANDINCS Scii'Panls-at-arms: Call Cohen Wonn toil Rpylm 33 0 and R'liuiy Iiiuawn, plcdgcinastA Z A I 1 1 Ronu . . . : . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . .. 5 J cis; J'.idiy Jlaum ami Ar]e N.ichA Z A 100 0 i Games lor Sunday June 25ili at rim- inin, cditoii, A r u l e Manvil/, teood Park: i li.ipl.iin 11 0. m.—A, Z.. A - Vs. Rohu 11 o m—A Z A 100 v j Ra/lm

SHOTS IN THh DAKIi . . . I'onu buslcplhall coach Joiry Bertnan, a proud pip i of J'L b.iljj girl, Ivy Aim . - Jiff WUWIK r of Ravnn, i'u tfd 'i >-rjrjt on Hie AH City 1; 'fljill u tin Tiii" smooth soulhpaw who rucontly galtiwl f a m e | j \ lmrlin • .i i.n h i t t e r for ('< n t i a l l i v l i U I D J I . ill e n r o l l a t low i I ' m rj it> in t fall I I P is f >[ir lc 1 t.j |,i A u>v c a n d i d U P for tli.> H iv ki • p 1.1 cball t e a m Ji'ff r o . n ' M i l r t o N o i t l i H P . i e i n I i i i \ ( i ity .

Dedications A inoniim''it will \r drdu >tnl in ntm<j*> of TJ;ix IIoroAit/, Sunday, June V.'i at Mwmt -Sinai f m i c l p n a t " I i in I ' l l i b i V m j i n i n i d u i i i , " ' i d 1! ililn r< it Ii i n I c l ' I m u •. ill '>;,!(, it<.

Direct Distance Dialing puts 65,000,000 telephones at your fingertips

Lindy Paul movod into a 'm-x horn" Ji»:,n !U» cnb'-tt to 1/f JionorPd at Uio ( u_. Sti'l.'ia iri Monday, June Lul'i . All M.itc giidnoii ar'1, J>j-i l'i" d'f r n IJ l^e pla>ui'; for tn« ("urnh'""lif i . j t the Lnivt'isitj <,f Nilna'-ia ni <t

Imajinp dialing a few numbers and almost immediately hearing the voico of a friend or relative in a distant city! Tiiat'a the kind of fust, convenient telephone serv'ux you'll enjoy Etartinff Sundny. nirecl DiHt.uico Dialing is wonderfully simple. To make ntation-toetation calls throughout the United Statea and Canada, you Jvwt dial nn area code (listed inyoiirDDD booklet), followed by your party's number in the distant city. For instance, U> call HO 6-5120 in Philadelpliia, just dial:

fall . . . Hie I' 1 IK IIIJPIJ tv u,.

were gradu itr-tl fio n the "Iprlipal school at the Uni\emty o? J,'c braska; tlicy v ill leave tins week lor California to Intern for one year . , . J.ddie Levenwn \.zs jnlssej at Vollcjball la-1 week . , . lei Burkenioad b i d . fit>-n a EI\•week vacation In Hawaii . . Cy Seitchick engat'pd . . . Ilcr.'.nxd Ijpton fimshe> hi? f,rct 3 car vt Medical school . . . Mil'C Sadowsky graduates from tlie Wentv/orth Military scl.ool.

215 • • • HO 6-5120 Plilloc'olphla A'»a Cod*

To call Council Bluffs from Omalis, merely dial the telephone number, 'fo call Omaha from Council Bluffa, dial " 1 " and the number. To readi points in Kattern Nebraska

Q Ph«» K2-13W to iniar! vow Wort Ad V, :fh» Jewish pres».

DAILY JEWISH NEWSJATERS BAH ana Bas Mltivali congratuI latlons also for nil Jewish holldaya and special occaaiona. litm Stimd, 1502 Doi^e


(Area ("ode 402) just dial tlie telopiiono nanibcr. Your DDI) booklet tella tho wholo fnocinatini; aLory of thia new, easier v'ay of making long distance cullfl. 13» aure to read it through and save it a» you'll be ready to enjoy Direct Diat.'ince Dialing when it ectmes to Omaha on Sunday! MILIARD AND PAPIUION TEtEPHONE CUSTOA/IERS:

To reach any H D D number, first dial 112, then ihe area codo fliid the distant number. For instance, to call 110 C-fim in l'liiJadclphia from Millurd <>r 1'apiUion, dial". 112 • • • 215 • • • . H O 6 - 5 1 2 0

(An operator will then nakyou wliat number you ate callinft from—tar hilling purpose).) To Teach Omaha numbers, continue to di/U 11G, followed by too Omaha nutnber-


1914 Firnaffl


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