USBRASKA J 1 A U VI. Lincoln,
Vol. XXXIX—Nu. •!•!
I'utiMi'atibii wttice. Hi) Ni, v-'nii Oni.«lui Wl.tal.kn l>l,..he MV-l.'K*
Parenfs Ask for It
.HIM' 7, J fKJ I
Site to Be fsicftsilecl nuci iem
' Day Sunday Specially conducted K .Suiiday, 1'areiil's Day vis..,,, to (!ump ,lay-("-C wilt not tmirs will Vie jjiven to interestei 1 The Jewish Community Center bounded em ..icn simply onl.v luivc (IK (i/)|iortuiiify to see visitors to (he new site to be children, program their yoiui|.:.sl(;rs partiripalin;: ill developed (his- summer. The site, i'K Ij h r o n e l i ]:> (vtnnot he lound willijii city Day Camp lias exp-nded its Ifilil limits. Neither do homes in fani)iiti|; nctivitios hut. will also 1N5 acres of Mrioded, lilliy a n l season fun week.-; li/-y(m<t tin? Calls i'rom Spirent* be able as well to visit (lie new Mrmy phone rails tirj:iii;j ."I ,Miburli:ui developments with neat site recently purchased by the scenic land, is adjacent to the. normal schedule in order to fill uell-k'pl lawns. f.;;trdeiii. fitriiithe needs of a camp-minded com- longer day rarnpini; r;ear-:on, haw (ui'e, and elaborate harhequc.'i I'V'deratiou, said Norman I'att, pj'e.sent Camp now in operabeen received tram parents (»( • • . • • • • I " ' ' ••••;'„ eauip ehainnan, who v'-ill be <>u lion. munity. campers a'; (hey pr.'ii: rd the out - i;ivc children 1lie freedom they 2-4:80 I>, HI. hand ^vilh meiiiber.s of bis cci'ineed to physical exercise ;md T'lrnt Time .door facilities provided by the Visitinj; hours are bclween the creative dramatic piny." mittee. The dr eisjon, the ln-,t of j|.i ('enter at I'eony I'ark. hours ol 2 and 4.\!0'p. m. with, 1 luinl to hi made in t h " history II is the eventual j;nal of tlur special horse and of the Center Day Camp, wa.'j Federation, Mr. V( n.-t said, to mts^y. r l d c « . announced by Paul Veret, Jewish .iii;.ini/e .'iinl conduct .a Day lirin;;in;; visitor* (*:>inp l'roj;r;im that will run for Federation Kxenit\\e !>iivctor. linto camp, from As of July 4, The (bird session as the extra eii'.bt weeks to arcnn inmdale the n l'arkint; I, o t . "period will In' called, will !iej;iii increasing demand of the cniuThe following are current reports from divisions -in the Those di-ivinx \o on Monday, July 17 and cul- muuily. lie add"d "that with the I'.n'il Omaha .lewish Philanthropies Caniiiaiffn: the (.'amp go out Division JiWU Total minate on Friday, July •.:>). Keni;;- rapid j'rowth of liay Campini; the n e w Inter* tration for this additional period interest, in (ini'iba ami ajtiund To " , s t a Ve l.i> State . Will bc4;in immediately, raicnl:; the nation, the Koderation realInitial Cifls ll'iyhway K0, turn Men';; r>iVistfJll tart' invited to call Ke;;se I'.lanlt 1/es that Day Camp is not a 19,0fl8.(X) ]M1 and d r i v e Women's UK ision . . . . nt the ('enter (.'amp Office, ,11:.'- place, it is a u ay of livini; that 5.ri,0M.25 stimulate;, mjntl and body, enpast S\rt'inp;fiel(X li. * 1'. Unit 3,030.00 J.'Slifi. The .season opened July I'J Way l<» camp ami Louisville' to Children's Division . . . . 1,878^0 with its regular four v.cel:. two riches lite, and buihb; the habits of happy, e<io|h'ralive livin,','." llif-fli .School Division Stale Spur J50. Turninj,' right I'nivrrsily Division •• •113;00 on 150 drivers will note tho si^vs "Children Need Kmim." 2.S17.50 .directing them to Camp Jay-C-C ('••liter Chairman, Harry Sid3,175.00 near .South Rend, Neb. Special siian, staled, "Children need . Ctiiiles nil (!»• \;iil(> \vc;V) i;i'!ivel<;fl iriom to run and constructive Total $4:',fi,79G.T(t i-oad will ilirecl traffic to the New York City • A strongly outlet;; for relcasini; their unpresent and new campinrc sites. worded letter in the New York •post from Kepren-ntnthy Seylnour Halponi, i\cw Vorl; City, who registered ;:harp protest at The (irecent camp, with a caTx'int; barred hy Saudi .Arabia pacity enrollment, oilers modem from vi.r;itin,f; the American air iac.iliUe.s plus a weWlrn'mod and haw at Miahran. hif.h eompeti'tit staff under pro] h'lrnil, \\'"\"S A pi(>i»i:;id hy directors of 1lie l>elroit .leuish Washington. fWN.Si A 1.'. .S. fessional supervision. •IrHi lAellldell ('oiiiinunity Centei' to permit use uf its health facilities on .Saturdays Immii77iJion .spokesnian disclosed l>ui'ii\K the \YM& w t t ' t Ahe The Slate Uepai inieiil adinil- hrouillH a sharp difpulo nmoiiu I'lctiiiit Jewry this week. iiifi'. Nicolas Kirhmann, U.'i-yoarteij lhat Aiiierieaii J r u s are exThe ("enter \\,-is first opened on Saturdays to m.'ilto cultural ac- old son of Adolph Iviehm.'nm, de- cainjiers have thrilled In "Competition Pays" in which the Redcluded from I.iliahr.an. 1 .andin;; tivities available for children, despite strong opposition then. facilities att the airport are be- The decision to alluiv u:,t> of health facilit-ic; pnivolced n incelin,1: of parted "voluntarily" f r o m the coats reversed history in defeatinf; used commercially by .Saudi Oillinilox and ("(iii.vervative rahhis with Icnilinj; layinru and n'round United States after a 25-day ing the Mjimtemcn, nefivilies like Kwiintnin/;, horsehaclc r i d i n g . stay. Arabia under a 10 year agree- of sermoiv: n';ainst the decision in Dcl.ioit syna/ronues. ment with the United Slates. The .spokesman said thai Nico- United Nations Night, College-* Abe Kasle, ii l)f:trull orthodox Irsader, said (here was no merit V)ays, nature lore, campcraf t, art* It was intimated by tin- Main in aii^nneiits of renter official:; that the center was autonomous, :is- las Kichman left via Miami in- nnd crafts and other Kjiecial cabdepartment that it cannot risk V. serlin;; (hat. (lie lletioil Jewish Welfare Federation miiflo dp the ternational airport ami it Was in mass activities. . : center's annual deficit. A.sidc from that Hi'CTlnenl, hi? said, there was presumed that he was now back »S. oil interests for the sake of This sc'asM^s T'esiderrt camping the issue of Jewish public institutions rrt;[«'ctiu(; (he Sabbath, "(lie in Argentina. His: anti-Semitic individuals. r fouudatioiial institution in Jewish life." and pro-Nazi statements; made in program ends on July l. >. . V financed by Ail I'mths bchrdf of his father, frcnerated. In ii;.-i letter, Air. Jfapern told widi^pre.'id protests. lie had arthe state department he wasinrived with Hie Uatf'd intention of dijmant to le.irn that he could New . York- Agreements were rcmaininj; here for a Ion;; time onot land in .Saudi Arbia even to write and seek support in the si(jnr.'(l here by tlic^llilton Hotel United Slates for his father. to c)innj;e aircraft on his lour of Jerusalem (.ITA tIsrael's in." Asia and Africa, made «t his i;roup for the oiH-ration of n new own expense, lie stated "Am I dustrial production rose, during luxury hotel for tourists in Tel Tel Aviv- -A warntiiR on tha the first (iiiarler of 1'Hil, by l.'l to imdci'ylaiiil that a member of j»r;ivity o! UIP SUUHVMIIJ prevail-, Aviv. It runs n hotel in Cairo. 1 1 Conk're, ;. * is to be denied access per cent over last year, while in^ along (he Israeli-Syrian hot-, to u base that flies the Stan; and tin- country's employment in inJl is understood tltat the comder wiis piven to Ci^neral C!arl .Stripe;:,, to development proj- dustry went up by ei^Iil per cent, pany is prepared to ftive up its Tel Aviv (WNS) -Israel's elec- Von Horn, Chief ,of the Xlnitcxl ects financed hy Americans i>f all <i|K>rati«iis in the United Arab tion campaign fora new Knesset Nations Truce Supervision Or1'inhiis Sapir, Minister of Comfaith:;." Republic because "f the lack of will be enlivened by the entry of ganization in a conference by merce and industry, reported. tourism there, find to concen- four new lists - a Yemenite list, Mrs. (iolda Meir, Israel's l^oreign Mr. Sapir said, there will he trate its Middle Kast enterprises a SepViardic list atiil two more Minister. $30,000,000 Export tio difficulty in findinr; employ- in Tel Aviv nriii Istanbul. Arab Iht.s. . Tlie meelinK followed the preJerusalem. (.ITA)- Israel h a i ment for the inerc.'isin;; number One Arab list consists of one sentation of a nnle by Iprael to • just Klctifd its lari;e;;t single for- of immigrants now arrivint,' in name-- Da^ud Klutri of Na7.avo.th, Uio 13. N. Security Council, comeign trade uworinent, calling for Israel. Accordint; to the plans, U.S. LiJerature at who aniKiunecd he wa.'i unem- plaininfT of the repeated armed tin? export of $:iO,000,000 worth he stated, 15,000 to 20,000 more Tel AvJv Unfversify ployed and declined to tell where violation!; by Syria of the Ann- . of potash, ap,p;re<:ntui[; 8(10,000 workers can be absorbed in Ishe i;ot the 5,000 pound dex>osit [slice demarcation lines. tons, The pact was entered with raeli industry alone hy the end T H . AVIV t./TAi The Amer- required for filing II list, fie also Israel state peace na its northican Kmbnssy in Israel has ilo"a I''ar Hasten i" country. of next year. nated JL'S.OW). to Tel Aviv Uni- hroiif,'lit the money entirely in eastern border mi^lit well be <MIvej'sity, for the rstnhlishment of small bills, nivinj; election com- (luni^ereri if tile sporadic shouting; n eha.tr in American literature. initlce officials a Husy hour of into Israel territory dirt mil rcaie. The chair will later become part countin;;. The election will be 'leneral Von Horn, who was held August 15. of a department of KUKHKII lanaccompanied ti5' his political ad[ uni^e nntl llteniUire. visor, is lejiorted to have In— . formed the foreign niinister that the Syrians nlh'ihuled the recent, tnuv violations Ao initiative hy local commanders rather than to orders from n i:ovrrnnienl source. Krankfurt (JTA)—A Rroitp of WnshinRton (WNSi - - W»I- non-Jewish victims of N.17.1 ficrtvo r t h Brivbotir, nfty-Uvo-year- s c c u t i o n announced establishold career diplomut, has been ment of a fund for the planting named liy President Kennedy as of n forest in Israel in honor of United, Stales Ambassador to Is- Dr. I [enrich Grtulor, the Protestant bishop who testified for the Mainz (WN.S.l- -Nearly (10 per . lacl. Mr. Barbour entered the For- prosecution In t h e Jerusalem cent of all Jewish marriages in ri|;n Service in 1930 tifter ci-ad- trial of Adolf Kiehniann. The for- West Gevmivuy since IMS luivo uation from tlarvanl.XJniversity. est, to he planted near Jerusa- f>ccn mixed, according to a study He is a native of Massachusetts. lem, will mafic Itcv. Gruber's 70lh inndc' at. Mainz ITni\-crdi(y hy Vr. Hurry Maor of Tel Aviv. Tha Presently deputy chief of tho birthday. Hev. Gruber is credited with study also showed Hint of 1,166 mission in London, ha served for Pablo Casals (left) and Isaac Storn (rifjiit) nro amonfi; the <ll»jnany years in Italy, Greece and savlnc the lives of thousands of children ^oi-n In West German h muslclonii wlio aro Rchcdalcd to (tppcnr a t the 22 concert First Music Fo?tlvnl which will open In Jerusalem on August yulgaria. In 1011 lio was as- Nazi victims until liis arrest by Jewish communities between 1951 ZQth and contlnuo through September I8th aodrr tlio sjiouiorslilp sighed t o Cairo anil later t o the Gestapo duving the Second and 1958, only 71 had two Jewish parents. ol tho AinArJca-Iurar.1 Cultuml World War.
3; \
Saudi Arabia O&ns Oase
Sabbath Use of Center
Eichmann'sSm leaves 0.1
Mrs. Meir Warns UN Border Violations Might HuH Peace
Ssrael SndissSry Absorbs Iiuraigraofs
ikvj Heefson Lists Entered in Israel
Israel Tree Fond To Honor
Jews Intermarry In West Germany
Page Two
%l)t feitnsfj Published neelily on Irlda.y l)t-|;lnnhi(.' the Im-t ueeU ID August
OFF THE R E C O R D S mhffl8 |l0RIQFo|ks
ircc;ic Cluu Hc'>;c:;;t t ' a a cl Om'i.io tiebr. Armuo* SuUscrfpncn. V4.GO Aa-.triismp f-:cit; en Appi'.culn-'-. - Publ-ccllon Orlice—101 (Jo. tfjlfi S h i ' J Oni'jf.o. l-'tbr.. ^ Kii.
Friday, July 7, 1861
li.V .Vatliiin Zlpriii
K<n*t ftnd li:ip[ifiiflifts Bt 'I'tif tit* IMillip Sii.p Jewish Hum* f<ir Hi* ^Kcd by Oavid Orl«o\v.
than-not t h e purpose of tlie !,e)-Ksilpli - ISIank w a s host (o 10 ii.on w:is not so much to remind of o u r K-adcnls last w e ( k a t t h e At lliis lime of ihc yeiiC, w l i m (lie coni;re;-a!ion of it.s religious showinj; of "I;.M«1IIS" at t h e A d • o u r ilieolo;:ical institutions t u r n duties as iu hrin;' iiome .s.ime i' 1 - miral T h e a t e r . <;UI lieu' \(tuu;; i)H'U for til11 r;ib- ii'MOM", lliill'.'il n r Ctllic.'ll le.ssiin. Mr. mill M r s . 1'iiul Vcret j;ave l.inic iiaslurc, 1 often ponder m y I l k listeners in Ih'ise days w n ' is Kiddusii on S a t u r d a y in h o n o r c.wi wrestlini; uiiii the anci.-ls. jiioiis people who had n e v e r of t h e m a r r i a c e of (heir d a u g h My faiher, a s piou; a elii'siii an strayed from paih a n d fount. ter, I.imla Sara to M a i t i n .S. could ln> fiiun<l on both side of Toflay, under chancin;; eircum- fireeii. ihc ocean, wantfrl this, his fir.si••.l.'un-e!, and in a world of |,res-.A Iilddush will I in civen this horn sun, io l»i a (e.n'hcr a n d in;; currents, t h e riibbi'i, functions Satuiilay in memory of Mrs. R e p r e a c h e r in Israel. So anxious transcend t h e ivli;.-.ious a r e n a . becca Teinin liy h e r d a u g h t e r . K, 7:10 j>. m . was lie about that pa!h fur u;e Tlie rahbi today je|»re:;enls i h e M a y in e Teniin Abrainson of Ihiii he was c-vcii 'A'illini: to inaki: n i - j n isit.\i;i. synthe-Js b-twei-n the J e w a n d .Shiesejiorl, I,a. Traditional F r i d a y scrviiv s u l i i l appeared .•in Inconiprchen- his einironinenl. l i e \K i h e veNew resident: Frieda Kichlin, (Kolx)l.-i)! Slinbljos) at 7:.'iO p. in. .siblcj ruinpmmise - t h a t I e n t e r hicle liarmoni/.inj; ibe daiiy fi)USliahlKis .services bej:in nt 8:15 the Scheehlei' Seminary, ns i h e flect:; with Jewish |i ; re a n d law/ a. m. Junior Congregation at 10 .Ie^^i^h Theoioj'icai Seminar;.' v.as and tradition. He is t h e pillar a. in,. Rabbi Benjamin Crraicr known at the time among; t h e /if'ainsi. alienation nnd assimilawill conduct tlie TiilmucI class at J e w s of m y KaM Side. In the e n d tion. H e is Ihe force that impels I resisted j»"!'stI;I--iorj and did n u t to Jewishness by example, by 7:15 p. m. Sabbath Minclm id become a rabbi, thous'li I ; r n Mire 7:15 p. m. followed by Shakix deuions'ration nnd by ( : di!catioii. Suedos anil Maariv nt 8:-)0 p. m. if father were alive lie v.oi))d d e Wear .Now J a m v.underint: w h e t h e r .Sunday. mrirnini; services at 9 ih'Mt a t least in Die fact that his m y father's juil-.:menl did n o t olilesl son has so often turned t o ALLESQW a. ni. nnd will be followed by really fire vail in tlie end. H o w ' CijrJomlinf preachment. breakfast f.harp really is t h e demarcation The rnblil In Ihe Jewish com- between writing ami picaohitii:? Pally services at 7 a. m. and munities of this country is not at 7:50 p.-in: ! WN'S I
A Word for the Rabbis
W a l t h a m , M a s s, (VVNfO-A dormitory building Uiv 1-0 Mud e n t s w a s dedicated a! Jij'andeis University.
"Buy It Where
It's Baked!"
o o o o A Sensational Offer!
J • •
So Attractive! So Handy!
only a r e l i g i o u s and spiritual leader, but also the center and guide of social life and its expression. -. In the old. dayKj. and In the Countries most of us stem from, the rabbi's functions were clr: v cumscrilied by a modus vivendi I 5 K T I I E l / .•••.'•';',•• • v - - ••'. ' •' • Sabbath eve services at Deth that was so Jewish that there El SyhaKOBUc at. T. p. m. Sab- ivas.no need' for him to i;o beIwtli morning nt: 9:30. The yond his rabbinical duties. True • Mincba-MaariV will begin a t 7:45 enoiiKh, there were times when the rabbi turned preacher, usint.: .Sunday morninc services''., at 9 his pulpit to c.hasti.M" and to warn a. m. Scrvicf's dttrinK the week and to caution, but more ofien nt 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. TKMP1J3. ISHAEL Sabbath services wil] be held In the Chapel of Temple Israel at 7:30 p. m. Rabbi Sidney H. JJrooks Will officiate and will deliver a brief- message. -
A Treosure of on Imparted
• J
^ jb
'DnljMd I t ' Many Uses to Enhance Your Table
o A
Only With purchase of I doien of our Delicious Roll*. Bread or Sweet . , . direct from (he
2 Kosher Zion 9 Baby Salamis o 2 Lb.
• • : • . ' • • • .
• . .
SA\I)i:.\ J'KKKDMAN Serviees were held Monday at Hith I.'l SynanoHUi' for Siindra Kiloen Vivi linian. ]i), daui;hter of Mr. and Mrs. Irvine 1". Kivoilinan, Glil Nnrih l'"ilty-.sey(;iitli Street, who died Sunday. She had been ill seven years. Survivors include her parents, brritln-rs, Marvin and .Saufoid, anil .siKter.Mailynr. IIIT falher is ravin'i1 of tlie Blade-stone Pharmacy. Burial was in Golden Hill C'tiietery.
Reg. $1.25 a l b .
Offers Effective Only Thru July 12 •
Serving Omaha With Quality for 40 Yeait
WOW-TV A documentary written nnd produced by WOW Newsman I^ii Zajieek, JurK'Oy on. 'he Atlas Missile u ill be p r e s e n t e d .on \Vf)W-TV, .Sunday, July 9, X/.'/) to 4 p. m.
AND DELICATESSEN Open Sundayi 556-5560
50th and-Undcrwood
©•®@@©©ooooo . This Week's "SPECIALS
cated to Israel will rise to .'!.•) percent, compared to t h e p r e vious- 14 percent.
Tender and Tasfy, Lb. .
Monument Co. Scb
YES! You Can Dry Out
(Scbby) Pulvctcnte
25 Yoori' Expericnco Wilh Jewish Lettering «nd Memorial* 221!
Euy O'Kay Air Drictfe Today
So. Ctfi
—'- "~i--f
wi , h 2 5
WAU •!'•> ll'AU. C A M » rtiit.MT <J*l«n€d In Your Home
25-Lb. Refill ..S2.25 50-Lb. Refill ,..$3.50
IlKI-TTTIMI • lll:rAlltl.NO I^VIMI • M;W»N«) llr.MII.NO • CIXANIN'O
Free Delivery Omsha .in{/ Vicinity.
Safe- Wo an a RUG CLEANERS Don Bernstein, 345-2554
407 Haracy
Old Testament in Modern Spanish llneims Aii'e.s (JTA)—A new translation of the Old Testament, in modern Spanish, was issued here. The. two-volume edition, beautifully printed and bound, contains' a Iranslation of the Old Testament by Prof. I.eon Dujovne nnd Mfinnses and Moses Konslantinovsky. An importmit feature of the new edition is the transliteration of Hebrew names and place-iKtines, The only Old Testament, translation by a Jew available here is one made 150 years aj.;o and written in archaic style. There are .several other Spanish translations, but both are very old and stem from Christian sources. .Mrs. Lottie <iarl»'r and Sirs. Sain Diamond ulsli to thank relatives and friends for flie niiiny kimliiPvse.N and courtesies (\temlcd to them and for the many mesHa^fs of condolence received on the passinjf of Slav It. Garber, husband and father.
Israel to Del Less U.S. Food Surpluses
Ktiriftrnl servii-vs were li'-ld J e r u s a l e m I J T A I - I s r a e l will Mnnday ;i( the Jewish Kiin<:r«l r e c e i \ c somev.hat Ie^^ in AmeriHume for- Mrs. fioWa CJstrovich, can agricultural .'iurpluse.-i (his 7.'I. of :').•', N. Xi1h St. yr-ir, compared with tlm i,-ist 12Surviviiif; nrt; hu.slKmil, I.eo; m o n t h period, b u t 1he terms will Mill. Phil; i!;»ui;liter%, Mrs. Ar- be belter. thur Abrajns, ^Iis. .Sam Man- T h e li'Cl allocations for UnitviV/.. Mrs. IUIIK'1'I I'Jmnirniinn, ed S t a l e s agricultural surpluses :.ll of Omaha, and ninu ^raml- to Israel will ninount to .f:.'0.00O,ehildr'-n. (XiQ tlijs year us compared to Mrs. O.strovii'h tiI• •• J early Mon- S20,000,(Xt(J in. l'Hil. I Tow ever, it day. Iliiria! was in Heih llam>>- was reported t h a t the.proportion drosh Ila^odol Om<-Jery. of r o u n t e r p m l funds to tie allo-
A90In We Offer
o o
sins, fjoi.n.v o'stitovrcif
Supply limited
Forb.ei' O*em.
i BlOcdfllbm
ff for the Grill
Per Lb.
Boneless Well Trimmed
Per . . . . .Lb.
Diamond's Famous Truly Per Delicious . . Lb. Diamond's Brisker
Drown and Servo
Frcih Lean Choico
ROLLED A Real Trear, Lb,
Live Poultry Killed
V/ondcrful for Outdoor Coofcing
V/holcsalc-Koshcr Open Sunday Fresh Bread
Pfcg. cf 6
Harry's Kosher
1018 Fcrncm
We Deliver... " W o Ship Anywhere"
Qf. Jer
Save by Celling
341-4977 1314 North 24th Street
Eftecllve Thru Ibandaf
'* V
Friday, July 7, J90I
Aliyah for Women Cornhuskers Plan In N.Y. Synagogue July 23 Picnic New York ( W N S I — O I I P of tho
Miss Ilitrltara Jto'i^*
Dinner Given for Engaged Couple Honored at a dinner -lust-Saturday tiir.lil. »(. the ShoratonKon I entile Hotel were .Miss 7tai--g bara Un.-is auti Michael 1'1,-itt, whose: encasement was recently n n n o u 11 c P d. Hosts were the Messrs. ami Minos. S. Kohert KIIKS and Mux C. Platt, parents of the couple. Tlii? couple will l>e. married Septcmher 24 at Hctli Kl Synu-
Dr. Steinbergs Have St. Louis Guests fJucsts at. tin: h'Min: of l"H\ and Mr:;, A. A. Steinhe.ru are their son-in-law anil daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Small of St. Louis, Mo. With Urn Smalls nro their ri;;ht-ni<mlhK-old Fon, Stephen. Tiny were also joined earlier in tin; week by Mrs. Harry Marx of Lincoln, uraiidmoilicr "f Mrs. Small.
BOV-SCOIJT CKIUSB II. Kol)t;rt Milder lias IKHMI I;Clerted fis om.' of only ,'U) Hoy Scouts throughout ihe.country 1o leave. July U on a five-week rniisi? to F.urope. While there he v/ill tour Spain and Italy. II. Ilohrrt who !s an Kat'lfi Scout, recently received n bronze palm and 1 he Scout L!fej;ii:inl Award which Is tin.' highest ranlthiK nwiniinhii; honor offered hy the lioy Scout;; of America. IJI-I.i; I'AICTY All hii:li schoolers arc Invited to attend the study croup and focial, bi-'iiifj planned by Bi-f.u chapters of. II.S.Y. on Sunday, July.H'i, u t ' 2 p. in. at Both Kl HKfilON'AI, CHAIK.MAV Stephen Honuchwal was .selected «s regional membership chairman for the "Cornbelt HeF.ion h'/.K Association" a t . the recent Leadership Training Institute at Ames, la. AZA I I)AN( ••!•: Marvin Kirkc and H a r o l d Schneider will serve as cliairnii'ii fop A'/.A. No. J's 2HI.li Annual Sweetheart Dance, .September 'I, ut the l:lacl<stonc Hotel. Olflcr tliairmcti ore Larry Ktf>.p, Mfirldi) Rlinfiicrmon, Mcve INwch-vnl, UnrrV Kti't* Murk GotthWcm, Hvi'^cl Kuj/.un, MeWirt E(^' itctn, Go»l«n Luicrson, mxl Mtfcc MtiMin. Tficy of« being u',''l:-f*'U tjy Poimy Kut* niun. Abe LetJer, Jeff MmaM, Cai I C<jti'pn, 5!evo Kcrr, Uofhan Ainster, M i n Sinin<»n» Oruco poslcr, Illll GfriLbunj, (lorry .Vlil'-'lsky, Hnrry Friedman, Wfjvln CoM^n C/MU Joel I.ekhook, Pri'.l prnid^nt Arnold OIPSlo« and prr^)c)cnh Oury rnrllnum, pus! dance chcilrtneM, nro lunlor rjdvhcrs.
John. Spitzer Heads 10-City Youth Group .Tohn Spitzer was elected president of tho Western su!i-rf;;ion <it tlic- Missouri Valley Federation of Trundc Youth at n Juno convention in St. Joseph, Mo. '(en c i t i e s ' a r e repre.sent'Kl In th<i Krou|). The Omaha youth also will fevvc Cs one of the three \icapresidents for the regions conipiisini; MOVFTY. HO 1»"the son
ot Mr. and Mrs. George S
lnrncAt ami must influential Conservative synri);oi;iif!i in Ihi- United Stales - the Park Avenue Synueo:rui_> of New Yurk-'-aiinuunet'il that it had decided to extend in Women tin) pnvili>:;e of i/.•echini/ im aliyah. Josejih If. Katz, chairman of tlic coiucre^ation's hoard uf trustees, said the action was a new effort .by 1hi.* consignation ti) Icei'ji .TiidiiKm Ijotli traditional nnd "(,-rowinj; with niodeinity." He noted thai women in the svuUKOi',w. worship toiii'ther witli men and surve on the hoard of trustees. This privilege is ue\cr accorded to women ill Orthodox synagogues. Kefomi Jews ill/ not practii't? the custom for either men or women,
Members of Cornhiisker I.od;;o No. 17i(> and Chaiilcr <if B'naL li'ritli will liold their a n n u a l picnic at (lie Kontincllc P a r k P a vilion on July Z'J, .'i:.'10 p. in.-7:30 !'• I " .
Fntertainmriil. will include ,". falhcr-.'.oii baseball contest and i;anies for Ihe children, lee cream and pop will be furnished. Mrs. IJarhara iJimevilz and Maiiry• L, Sebu-artz are in charge of arranccmciits for thu event.
lowans Visiting Here
'i'he lioth }HViir] Sistorhooii will liolii ;i sutinin'r. ho;ifd IIH'OUDK UII July VA in tin? .syn.'t^o^uo social hall, Mrs. Alfred 1'Ynulc, prcsid'.'iit, will 1>^ liMsif-ss ;il an 11:110 a. in. l)j'iim:h. Itrporis will bo jtfvrn by the
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kusenlici'i: of J)es Moines, la., are visitin:: Mr. and Mrs. I. .1. Forbes, son-in-law and daughter, of Mrs. Koseiilieri: and her parent:;, Mr. mul Mrs, William (Simple.. .Mrs, Jiosenberi: is the former Mrs. M»x Feiwlowitz of Omaha.
Wr% Mole tltrtj, boku talr; Mra, Hnrry Sicliium, HtmukKnh cuiuilo',; Mr?. Stun K«)/nuifii (iGitor; Mrs. Charles f Ornifiii, (|lft Miop; Mri. tluitifin KtipWm, ii-ileihi>oif i f i v U:p tu(j[j]y; Mrn'.-i, tAuK Frontfcln tjiui imni Herman, '.ptckil ronlrifjijtionr.; f/.rs. lam Kopltin, (jtlfnirilitrNhve juppNc-i; Mis. Sidoc/ Gold'mrq, \wont met1! in'; (trrofifjemmts; Mrs. Don Cfjticn, U»oknii:nUi»y; Mir,. !'.<j(!nrp Vluwttt, cxiUiwktr; M-is. Arthur f'orIlinon, rhorni uroup unt} Mrs. Haitian itmhcrt. Civil [Jc(cii!f>.
Jewish Book Council flakes Literary Aviards New York (JTA)—Four cash awards for the best .lewisli books puhli.shed in l!HiO in fiction, poetry and juvenile field were made here at the annual meetinj; of tin; Jewish I'.ook '"oimcil of. the National Jewish Welfare Hoard. Kdwnrd f,. Wallmit of Norvviilk, Conn., received the S'jriO Harry and Kthel Uaroff Memorial fiction award for his novel, "Tlu> Human Season." The Harry and Florence K<ivner Memorial poctr yawards, of S100 fach, went to I Jr. Kphraim K. I.isitsky of New Orleans, for his volume- nf Hebrew poetry, "K'mo llayon Uad" I As the )Jay Wanes), published in Tel Aviv; and to Joseph Rubinstein of New York, for Ins Yiddish work, "Mej;illath Itussland." KcjjinaTor, of I'oui;hkcejisip, New York, won tho Isaac ,Sii'H<:l Memorial nward of
Mrs. Shapiro Elected To District Board 6 Mrs. S t a n i c y Shapiro, past president of Henry Moiisky Chapter of U'nai ITrith, was elected to the women's T)istrict No. 0 hoard of the organization (it its convention last week in CIIIIMSJO,. III. : New York f\VNS) Y e s l i i v a University finished nmont; the top ten in the 21st annual William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition conducted by the Mathematical Association of America,
SL'.IO for I'.KiO's hest Jewish jilvenilfi work in ]>;n-);lisli iniblished in the lUiited States, nitillcil "Discovoriin; Israel."
Toraii SeroHs Taken To Israel From ArabHeld Jerusalem Jerusalem, ( J T A ) - A nmnhei* of Torah s c r o l l s which were Inautfht here hy ,'i tourist, from 1he Jordaniiin-held Old City of Jerusalem wen; deposited it! licit Kidut I House of Testimony) on Mount Zion at ceremonies marking the Kith aiuilvm-sai-y of tho capture hy the Arab I-oj;ion of the Old City. The tourist, whose name was Hut disclosed, visited an Arab resident in the old city, who had hidden tiie scrolls for several rabbis before the Jewish i|uarfer of the city fell to the Arab LcKion durinK the 1!M8 War of Liberation. Ho packed them in a suitcase and brought them to Israel via Cyprus.
Educational TV Study for Israel 'I'd Aviv - Television experts, Dr. Henry Cassiror, UNKSCO television de|)artment chief and Albert Ducknanton, Australian broadcast inK Commission General Manager, are in Israel to study tho possibilities of Introducing educational t e l e v i s i o n there.
Mew Yortx F New York (WNS'l-The Tili;cest single undcrtakiii!; in the h i s t o r y of voluntary welfare groups— a plan to raise and spend $102,105,000 for medical nnd Kucial services of the affiliated ti[;cncies'of the New York Federation of Jewish rhilanthri)[iie.s— was announced by federation officials this week. • ,'1'IKI fuiidn ant 1<I hi) raised over ji three year period for use. for iiiiire tlnin 100 projects »f Hr.iv ciiiislrnctioii, li i! w liomcs mul iKisjiitiilH for tlus IIKCII, mid rcimvufimi of many present Institutions. More than 558,000,000 was allocated for hospital and medical care expansion 518,150,000 for ac.ed care; $8,556,000 on family welfare, child care and vocational jjnldancc programs; $15,000,000 for community centers nnd religious education and nearly 52,000,000 for camps. The blCRest allocation gcof;rtiphlcal]y-5:!9,000,000-uoc.s to
tho p r o g T n m in Manhattan. Queens, Us population swollen, by
Abramson Heads Loan Association I;..'idore Aliram.'.oil was elected president of the Omaha Workmen's I^Dftn Association ut. its. annual nir-eliu;; at the Jewish ('onimnijity Center. Other officers are I'hiHip H. Miller, vici'-iiri'sideiit; M a y e r I'Vank, treasurer; Harry Slaenlter;r, stX'i'i-tHi'y, Hen Lnidenhuum, Ilyman <iu^s, Jacob Kaplan, MilIon Itesijick, Harry liichlin, lien Klaiman.•Arthur Me'.erson, and Nathan iVIzcr will servo on the hoard of directors. nurin;; tin- summer hiisincsM inei'liiiKs will he h e l d oil the seeeond and fourth .Mondays of ihe mullUi.
MONA LISA House oi Glamour I I I fJo BOtli
553 7000
6 Export Holi Stylist!
d Owners
Patronize Jewish Press Advertisers.
Announce Birth Mr. and .Mrs. Jfuce Kahn announce (he hirth of a daughter, Ti.-ri Sup, bom .Inly M at. C'larkmii Hospital. They also have a daughter, .Marjiie Ann. (Inimlpareiits art- Mr. and Mrs. Kdward liailloff of University City, .Mo., and Mr. and Mrs, I'.dward Kiilm. C,U,(F<I!!MA VACATION' .Jack Saylan is spending a twoweek vacation in California with his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. .luck lirown of Van Nuys, and son Maynavil Kaylim of l.os Ani;eles. Mrs. Saj Ian and their Kr','iiiililatij;iiter, Carol Jean Sherman who arrived earlier in California, will return to Omaha wilh Mr. Saylan.
drive the car you really want
Mr. ami Mrn . Martin S. <)rcr.n ivKli to thank their l-ti Of friends fur t h e K<iod wishes on the or •;mlim .if lliil r w i nl ii arrl.ifji . Mrs. (ill i n Is 1 ic. former Llnfhi VlTft.
with a loan center
Stop in at the Loan Center, 16th and Farnam . . . or tell your dealer you want a Loan Center Auto Loan and he'll make the arrangements.
FIRST UWUl KMK OF m m Membff Frdifjl Oepcut hutir,ct
the exodus to suburbia, will Kct 5^1,(XJO.OOO. Brooklyn is to receive 516,000,000, tho Bronx 513,000,000. A total of. 57,000,000 will i;o to Ktaleu Island, West cheater, Long Island anil other places.
O New and Repairs O Wiring O Residential 0 Commercial Call
SOMMEU 556-3520 "No Job loo hljr <ir too nuiaU for o«" I.lcfnnfd In Oiwnlia und Council 111u Ha
Friday, July 1, 1661
Weita Top Youth Council Gov/lcr Car) A
11. -I
II ilia \ Ii .1, I till Ik d 1(1 1 t o un \ f i i ' ill ('(1 t o m e o n ,.11 u . lightening e o n \eiiatio'i \i!,'ili h e l w d h> lil vwtii
one of the 1 J'1 crs of a in wlj cmi'nient s t j t o on that continent Hud the African loadei "Many counts tes offer us t ii v I r | help, and insist Alpi rt that then Kile motue is to i\t'iid a in lpinu hand where aid Is ne ded \W> are skeptical of such ofius, thiie is no altruism in mti m ilional affairs " "Hlien ue nsk lsr.u-1 iihj JOII offer iiMilntnnce MIII tell us franl.ly that >ou irmit our friendship You say JOII n:int to prove to us that J on ar<> di serving uf HUI II friendship. You sa\ that tiiiln you help us ,and JOII Imjie tint in case nf need no nill help MIII. This tie understand; tills Is rmkon.ible, and this ne IIKe." On this realistic U isis Israel s relation1! have Brown with mole than a score of countries in Africa and Southeast Asn Yi t doubt!< ate bometmii'S expressed as to whether our efforts (n this direction are worth the tune, effort and nimpouer winch we devote to them 'ihe Afrjran States continue to maintain close relations w 1th Navex. they Msrnctimes subscribe to collwtive for etBlJ policy st'iti merits uhich are critical of Israt 1 W h a t w e m u s t lie.ir In mliul It ( h a t o u r r e l a t i o n s u i t l i tin s e c o m i t r i . s a r e n o r m il n l i t m n s W e a r c n o t Inn In 1 ; t h i i r •-• > 111— I l i n j rmi.'iln f r o - ii(;iiils H u t I h e o n .i r n n t l m n t u i i . n Muhil N a s s e r Is Ktill thr s t r u n g n u n a n d t i n ir n u n Int. n - . I s d n i i i . thllt tlie> r. in i li mi "II.nl t. rni-> U l t h h i m T o i \ | i f i t IIIN \ f r n m kt.ite <I>riiotl% t o fl.iut 1-;;\|>( a s u p i s t i l re of U s fri. inKlii|. In I s r a e l i s r v t r e m e l t n.iKe I n t h e Kcner il j i e » i n i ' !••' .1 e n j o y s a f a w n a b l e fxi.it inn (i .spite t h e <iifiHiun.il piilitu-.il r e s e r v a t i o n s 1-or o n e thimj, <••<•
ore more welcome in the new)\ eraancrp'ited coiiijtiic; than anv of the great powers There is no fear of Israel. \W »ie not a colonial power .and it is obvious. that u e have no Imperialist or expansionist ambitions Indeed, In the wake of rh«> Uichrrmin trial, Israeli* are emorginc in a new light m Afr<can i >••* :i>. a people who had Imn liaipeally treated hv the /-'MKIIK in powo ns the Afi.ca'i', h,"d he.'ii m tin cnloninl < l a, ,and .V .1 people w ho " mist th' 1 ;-1 i a I slrunjli fl powei-i and "t up in ind pi nd nt
state, e u n .•<s th<*> li.ive IIDIH' They s. o rn I> ra' 1 a p odn< I nf (ireum. cincn-i v. ln< h they rvui understand in view of rrVir own history
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J e n y Colrnc wns the drfiii.sue star of the t'.itmp, mid in ide nev eral fine rumiiUK c.ilflu s Allen Siecal and Wnjne Su'i;al also came up with tunu
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Linih i ' iui o|n in d thi si^th hv <!i iMh,' ,i li e on bills and u u . d to third on Al in Ku:n < k\ s •iiiik" to uplit lioth iiirui'"i<i l i o n d iiilnut'i liitd wln'ii h'ud-
In II"' lei ill i i n s s th.it It u-is |ire|i,-irril l o eiipiffe r\]>rrls hi flufli'liN of I'OinoiiiliH, si nt Isdi-, soelul mill roiiiimmnl or^;iul/.:iliittmjj J t n y LVIIIIK d u n i ,i doution for i\ orK In Africa. It was ble to <int.'Ifield Mu ut K ilm difficult lo find Milluhh* |MTh(niIK I: m the sr\r-nth h> u dkuif; 4 ucl to flit tin jidsts <iffi*ri'<l, Witli one out, lie •t<ik> si'mnd and v.ilh lv\o do wi w n l to j h t . H l <'|1 L O p l 1 > V l l U * t U l l l l l l l l ^ thhd on rin iiroi l l i , , < m i the tin l.uj;< IIIUIIIHIS of lndiviiluiil Jay cuukln t s<iun/< li\in in AfncniK,. in iny nt tht'in m e brought lo Is.i.it'1 where they ure put clirouv'i hpenal hcliooLs mid ionises I V i l n p s the m o i e inipoiLint ti tuning is thnt provided in their (ivwi lands Outxlnndinf; is the kind of help civen t)> the Technloii, Israel Inutilule of Td'hnolofij
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Orid.il Portraftj
Candid Wedding CALL
John Kalina 817 So. 36th
Despite demands on ill. IIL;I-
domie hUiff at home, the Teclinion ILLS granted leave of abif n.so
to lejdmt; faculty member* who Inn 1 cone to Afuca to oii;ain/,e d' \ » t i m i i i / e the whole pro|i<iin nf ti i hrioluB'cal ind c n ," ri'*' nrif (d'ieiM»n uhich n n y .II the lorif run m ilci it rK;lllbli> In tt"1 m v ' ' i t ' s to Mand un tin i (iv -I fi et < i n ,i' rh' '|'i i h 'i II l I1 , ;il iv il i , mil u mli m 1 1 • i <i> ' i i 'I tin rlc < Imion ••I '(
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USE YOUR all summer long... your kitchen will r^
Mil i in > i' h ; n l - . ' I'( in nf Mil In II i il ( oil! i nf 1 HI uic< r m • i ^dl"• M> hi h. id '! Ihe IMi -i>r in inf 'ii |i lUiniiit ,it
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with a flam el ess
1 '••• 1 1 l i l Mt , |,f MoilKI',1,1 I 1l)( il.' ^.'inu [ - i t m « ) II t h o Knrmi.'<i T c c l i i r c i f (ViJIirci- in Chain A d i i i.i in T ( , u n J'laninrn; t o t h e &:<>»( i nrnuH nf K a s t ••rn N i r e n i, .*d\i'ur in I n i n n c c r i i i i ' O f i l o . ' V t o thi o \ t r n i i f r i ' 4)f fluliu.i e t r W f in isl not f - |K «r m i . » >i-f finin this [im,"i irn Oui n ' l . i t i o n s v i t l i lli(".(> coitutm-h is fr.tnlt, OIK>II . i l j o v r - l x n r d 'I hi j i n . i ' . u r e tlwn iii-wlv w<m md'^pi riilenee a n d w o u l d he f|ilick li> r e s e n t a n y f i l l i n g tli.il S'niifor.e is t i > i n c t o ' irilliiinri ' I h n n In 011 d e n l i n r s VMth I n ' r i .itnl thrii l f , i ( ' f n v i Iwive fiiiiv t o M i t i n 111 p i e f 1 ( 1} \u (.111 <• tl "\ .111 n o I j ; i w n In In [.01 i i ' > 01 tin '1'iublc t.il): u l i ' d i 14 11'.ip • up),i i m s t K a l l y l l i O . i n . i dip'oiu i \ W e m n 1 ider Hit 111 IIOIII t fi 11 nd .mil liope. w e >.hall •.•"! aluti;^ 'veil, t o t h e i n u i n il m l ' 11 ' I s of e teh
An elcttiic taii^c is fljuide^i . so it nerds no outside air (at combustion. The oven ol an ctrclnc raiiRC is Emulated—not iusl on (our lidCJ but on all six!
The heat itav/i inside your electric ovrn where it brloiiRs . . . •tail so well that \our oven only M-.CS ruiirnt onc-fniiitli of thr titns >ou'rc bal.inR or rOiistniR! This complete insulation means better l;al.iiiR trsulis— bccau'.o ol the uniform oven temperature. It means a much av)l<*r kitchen brcause the hfat doesn't escape into the room. Mcani economy, loo . . . the average OPI'D f.irniU (oofs tliu efficient electric way (or only $1 30 a month
Your kitchen
sctffers In Isr.-jrl v.!io Bllll nc«J help to make tlirtr farrni sctf-suffU rlcnt econojnii-ally. Tliey need iv.iter, liirstocli, (arni inarhlnery, roads, electrincatien nnd farm buildings. They niwit bo helped through the 1'nll.ed JenKIi l BUISCO HE-l-UP'CTKD Dublin (JTA>—TtoLcrt £n;co, 3CI1M io inert yout Warn At In who becama Dublir/a fu'.t Jev,iti Prs-J. lih Lord Major in IStiG, woa NIJWSPAFEKS again elected to thai office by 0 22-21 vote of the City Council. EAII and Has 'Iltzvah congratuHe spoke In Omaha a t a Jewish lations also for all Jewish holiPhilanthropies weetJna several days and special occasions. years ago. Meyers N«ws Stand, VX/2 Dodgo
keeps cool because an electric oven is insulated on all 6 sides