July 14, 1961

Page 1

NEBRASKA STATiS Hi.S"rUi Lincoln-, Nub

Vol. XXXIX—No. 43

Of Met. IU1 Uu. tin





"We are pleased with our c a i ) i | ) a i ( ; n performance to dale," Steinberg noted. "Kill wo nni.st not. overlook the

/ / 10c


('on(riliulions" "I'lir


link Meet! Housing, Schooling

,S t p i n b e r # .said, Hie sloi-y of Ihe . . . tliey will determine just how high our campaign total will go, and ---us a ruKull.—how much help our {ifjoiH'ios will be able to gi\'e tliis year to the IhouKMiifls of people nct'clinj; aid. Anxious for Completion "We arc very finxious lo fitierossftilly eoniplete this


Refuses "to Alter Definition of Jew 11 '~'

Nmv York, l.I'i'Ai J!cpri".''ii. lalivi's ill' .Jcvusli (i|-;;;uii/.-il.i(iii'i on five continents will nssiMiibln ill (Irnewi ml Ait:;n-.l Kj-17 in a work! roijfi.'i-i-iicr.' of Jcwi.-:h organization;; 1o roir.ldiT major problems ruiiironl in;; Iho Jewish people.

S*'-( i iil f«r tin* tliuu<<.iiiiW iKHisliif; ii (lf<.[iciut?l> •if |iiiml[;iant clillilrifi mid tliclr jiarritts who now live in Isrn<-1'« hlianty tcmns—tlii.i niii'iiliiiiol. I\Inr'' WIKIIII faclllllrs ninsl tin niiiiln mail.'ilili' t» thc.'id clillilrcii. rl'l»> fainillcs of tin- ina'nh.'inil must Im Iicl|)(i| l>y tlic X'liitri) ,)cuIsli Appeal ivliirh rrr-rlvrs Its Niiplmrt from fli<« Jcivlslt l'liiliiiitlirojiU's of Oin.ili.'i.


(•rniij'is to .Atlrnil


Organizations comprisinc Ih" ooiifci-i'iii'i' iii''lii'l<-' the-American

Jfi-iiKatem 1WNKI • DnrliiR tlte 1,-i'it tw» ycaiv! the Anvirlcim fJovcjrninelil, vliieh has now miiioiinecd oflid.'illv that it is I»Tmittim; (he stile of meU-oroloBlcal l'ddvcts to tlif United Aral) UPjiulilic. ha.i repeatedly lefuxod to prnnit the siiln of the saint type of rocket to Israel. <irayo Concern In Israel Anlcriciiii willni(I"ess to sill i-or;kets to the United Arnb Hepublic k vitwcl in.Israel with i;rave cnneeri), .since Israel';; re<iuo:;t for sm:h rodtots was reJnsed nnd since the Soviets refused to sell these rockets to the IJAH. It is feared hi Wnsliitifiton that this decision of tlie Anicrican t'overninent'may indicate a trond to court the good will of 1'rcsidcnt Nasser, even at the expense of npsettln/; the procarions balance of arms In the Middle East. It i;; alao feared that this move may lead to Soviet reconsideration to sell rockets to : Na.xser. KhnvM-II I-uiincliInc At the weekly session of the

Ilio dc Janeiro, IJTAi • i'fofcs.snr .Sih(?ir,'i fiuena, audior of a Poi1u/;i.'No-KuiKiKi^r Mf:JiodJ djo iirmnry which (k'liiKh!i tlie words ".lew," ".S_\ nui'pi'jw'' nnd rjllici" ti'nn.'i affefjtiiii! ,/fv.s ami Jndai.Mii in offr'ii.'a'vi;, rafisl terms, lias rcfusi'd tu allrr Ihiisc ilcfinilionx, nll.hdi.iKli o n l f i n i lo do HO l*y i'l t'sidc/il Janifj dt> S a h o QuridioH nt 1'iiazil. Several montJis aj^o, J'r'-sidfiit Qn.-idios ordered thai the iiclioiil Oittionnry, tiif Klaiulurd lexicon us'id hj Ivia/ilian .scliouls he rcvi.si-it lo flimiiiHie "all del'inilions offensi\re lo nations, races or i-<'li|'ii>tu:." I'rofr.s.-ior IJin•!!(). a u'eJI-known Ii)illolo(;i!it, has .vuhmitlcd a "revised'' verKitm of hit il'u'tiowivy, pliininatinj: definitions found offensive by Je.siiiJ.s, Nt'jjroes and

The nnxl edition of the Jewish Press will lie Issued August 25 in accordance witli tlie summer publication schedule.

Laslcow Named


In Memory of

In Honor of

Mr«. Btn Handltr • Mcsin and fAmts Poul Blolck/, Leo Mltder, nrn«»l A. ilooo. Harry Truilln, I. H. Vthtfi M n J e t J. oretnbero , M n . JDO ortenben, Mr. ond Mr«. I. II. Wtlnor Mr. ond Mri. llonion I . NooS .

r«covcnr, M n . Ida Koplon ,, , ,,,,., recovery, Hvrr.ro Mlldtr recovery, MOB Venacr fom weddlnu onnlmrsory Mr. anrt W n , Simon S i c l r t a o iMcrlon, Pa.)

Synagogue Donations Sam Fish, Mrs Ron Freld'n, Mr», D«n Hnbermdn, /.In. Ido Rai'nberp, Mr«. Mav-mo Tcmm Abromson (Shrtvcporl, Lo.l.ln momory of h«r mottitr P.tlxKxO Teniln, LO"1« ana Morton L. Deotn In rftmory of molrwr, Minnie a. Deaen.

Special Contributions Ra/pli ulonk, tt«afi» tlcl-dj iw


A river cruise picnic for Ihtf f-Iiildcn Am* ("lull will lie hponsorcd liy (lie Omaha Section of fin1 National (..'oiineil of Women, Monday, Au:;usl :M from noon toll p. in. on ll)c Kiver lielle. Traiisiiorlation will be provided from Hie Jeuisli f'oninninity Center at 11 a. m. The coinmitlee in churge of tho cruise includes the Minos. Louis Culler, Hubeit Jj'vine, ,Iuslin Manvilz, J. Milton Margolin and We I a Simon. Mrs, Margolin, D534(jfifi, or Mrs. Culler, 455-7143 may be called for reservations. The Golden jV;e ('lull if cosponsored liy the National Council »f Jewish Women and tlia Jewish Federation.

Swedish-Israel Trade Increases

Dr.. Philip Sher Home for the Aged Donor

Cruise August 14

Next issue of Jewish Press on August 25


Mesirj. onrf Mmei. Arthur A. Cohn, Po"l Verel, _ , , , , ' , . C,..J M I H Ota Scmnitr, U u n Sommer, Mn. Loonord Klein Sanarq Freedman Mr. ond Mr>. Reuben II, Brovm • M « Klrslionbcium Jolin K l t k " • Jomci L«vey (Lincoln, Ncbr.)

drive before llio summer vacation KOii.soii gels into full swing. To accomplish this, however, we inusl. liave an all-out fiiic'il pu.sh by our .solicitors. We urge every worker lo wrap up his campaign job very ((uiclcly by visiting »H of the remaining contributors assigned to him and securing Ihose vary important iniTeiiBNl gifts," Steinberg concluded.

Panamanians, hut insiKtod on n>tiiiniiiK tin* terms offensive to the Jewish profile.

Israi-1 CabiiiL't 1'ivmic'i- Il.ivlil Stockholm, 13'1'Ai- -Israel ex}leri.Gnri(in stated that Israel ports to .Sweden rose from 27,. , ,, ,i fire it|I( w t o U A U lnt(; (lcti lo 000.000 Itrona, 55,^30,000 in 1959 ; . . , , t o :!R,600.00O kronn In lPfiO, licI-ocliCl o n J u l y cdebrJ " "" '" - •cordiiifr to fif;ures released here. tion of the anniversary of .Swcillsli exports to Israel inKitypf.i revolution. That this is (•rca^cd (lnrini; the same period . t n e jcaimn, j,e said, Israel pulili- from 2fi,R00,O0O kronn ($4,4.'iO,OOOt to .'M.SOO.OfM) krona (?G,r i z o ( | j t 3 I n i l I l c h i n R . o f (he Sl.avitt750,0001. n ;i u.ce, .a,,loa,,, ) n th(, !lst . . . »»mcro.w scientific experiments e T1C(I o l l t wl >^ *><"•" «" »™utdisclosure. <In Wiishini'ton, Senator KenWashington, fJTA) — Israel's neth B. Ivcatlm; of New York Indicated in a message to iiee- launchlnn of a lmilti-Btnce sounilvctary of State Dean Husk tlmt ing rocket was termed this week achievement" and the sale of rockets by the United a "wonderful 1 .Stahu to the United Arab I'.e- n tribute to Israeli scientific propublic may lie questioned in the gress liy a spokesman for the coniinu Senate debate on the V. S. National Aeronautics and Vorci/in Aid 13(11 nnd anti-bias .Space Agency. amendments to that measure. "Based on tho past bellirrerent record of the UAH, I have serious Jerusalem .— Tlie executive reservations about how these council of Israel's Port Authorirockets mny be used," .Senator ty, elected the former Ciiief of Keatlnij told tlie Secretary of Staff, Brigadier Hnim I,askaw, State.) aa dircetor-fjoiieral. The Authority, the fii-jt public corporation licre, will take over the operatio.i anil development of port facilities- of nil Israel's principal (The Dr. Philip Slier Home for tile Afjed acknowledges the following memorials and donations.)


The Center Health Club will he closed for renovation and repairs from Monday, July 17 through Sunday, July 30. TIio H e a l t h Club will reopen on Monday, July 31, r?orman BuclnvaUI, Health Club Director, announced.



Geneva to Sesne Of WorW Conference

Casablanca, fJ'I'A)- •The Moroccan Ministry of Justice h;:3 decided to nominate a new rabbinical jud/;c in Ajiadir In order to encourage th<; return to that city of hundreds of Jewish families who wore forced to leave when the city was leveled in. tin. earthquake lust year. A small Jewish 'community has already teen re-established there. In ifcnbat, meanwhile, the appointirrent was announced of Jo Ahana, as Chief of Cabinet for the Ministry of Commerce. nnd Industry. M. Ghana had previously occupied tliis post for two' years nnd was dismissed. Moroccan right-wing newspapers today criticized the appointment of a Jeiv to the Ministry, describing Commerce Ministry Joundy aa "pro-Jewish."

ut cimtihit Nfiu


\«"P\ prospeots «!i> id be enntaeleil for rrifis lo 1 ' h i J a n i li r o p i e s drivr."

iirilntioii job as quickly as

Kvort l'M-ry ICfforfAll leadon; of the important I'hilanflirojilV.s' Drive, lie.nlivl by (lOiicr."! (';tmpai;;u Chairman .Samuel S. .Steinberg, joined in uiyjur, campaign workers to exert every effort to wind up tin* .so-

Jewish ('on;rre.s;;, U'ljni Ii'rilh, Jioard of Deputies of Dritish .Tews, Canadian ('ou^ross, Cun.'U'il Ilojirowntntif rle;; Juifr; tlo France ICIXIV), IMI.A, Hie Ariconlinv Jewish representative optimization. Kxecutlve Council of Australian Jewry, Jewish h n li o r Omimittce, .South African Jewish Hoard of Deputies and. the World Jewish (!(in;;rcsB, 'Hie J e w i s h Altency u'ill ho represented at the conference by observers.


.jV ,'."\V'


Tile provisional (ij;(.ii(l.i of tin meeting includes a ri-purt (in u world nieotiui; on Jewish cduo'i1ion in 1!)li'J; a study of the im}mct of-tlif J'Jii.-fiiii.'iiiil trial on public opinion in various ureas, a di.scciKiiiin of tli" situation oC Jews in Ifussia, .'mil iti North Africa, problem;'. <>f runwi'ii that will arise In the Kith Central Assembly Iliis autumn, fimj recent devolnpjm-nt.'i of 'lit; Arab refugee problem.


U :.o.y'

Tl.io HKil !'lil!an(Jiro|)ics Campaign took .mother l<mjc .stride tow.'inl .SIKTCMS this week fis Ilie (olal of nk'd^i'S and fon1i"il»ififiiis moved p<'tsl mark. the


AW, OUTS.TV AWARD Atlantic City (J'i'A)—The national "School Bell. Award" for nn outstanding educational television program was presented here to the Anti-Defamation l-eagup of B'rrni B'rlth for a full hour dramatic program, broadcast last. January by CBS-TV. INSTITIiTK FOR MOIJ«!UI,An BIOLOGY Israel—-An Institute for molecular biology mid an International student training 1 and.research center will be Incorporated into the development program of \he Welzmann Institute of Science.

In the interest of members of the community who annually extend Rosh Ilashanuli greetings through the special pages in th« holiday issue of the Jewish Press, a coupon and suggestions aro made available cm JIURC S. Holiday greetings through th» Jewish Press has loiig been a tradition for families and organizations in the area. Everyone i» urged to fill in the coupon, clip ami mail it to the Jewish Press. The greeting panes will.have an early closing deadline. (See 3).

Reminder: Start Bazaar Articles A call hns gone out to the women in the community to start preparing handmade articles for the Federation of Jewish Women's Club's booth nt the Children's Memorial Hospital Bazaar. The event is scheduled for Monday, October 30. Many handmade articles— aprons, knitted wear, art objects and similar items are needed for the booth representing the Federation Women, IV was announced by the Mmes. Hubert Somnier and Arthur H. Goldstein, co-chairmen. "The success of the booth In the past, was made possible, by the attractive handwork Given by otir women, and we are locMnj; forward to the products of their skill and Generosity again," Mrs, Sommer declared. For f u r t h e h information, call Mrs. Sohuner, 553-5051, or Mrs. Goldstein, 391-0G85.



Page Two


Friday, July U, 1MI



• l.aun mid <>MnI«-n Sprlty « Insert li.pcllint I'ool t fietnlriiltt

Published weekly on Friday beginning the la it we«b in August iecono Clns3 POjtcqe Polo ai Oma.in Nct;r. Armuai Subscription, S4.C0 A-J-.trllslna holes on Applicuticr.. PubUatlon Office—10) liu. iOili Oiretl Omaha rlier.. 'M\M




.•••6QOOOGOOO T:.'17 p. h i .

'Buy Ir Where

o 0 o e o o o © o o & o

© 0

Mi- n 1 Mi Hoi ind K.ihn iinii"itn''e the huth of a d.'iu^htei. Lisa Kay on June IS. They have, other children, Helen Kiriiberly and I!rei Morris. flrandpni'ent.s are .Mr. ;md Mrs. I!' n K.ihn.

It's Baked!"

Mr .and Mrs. J.ouis Slutzky of Cheyenne, Wyoming, •'innounei! the hinh of a .son, Aaron I'hilip on July 'J. '1'liey are rtlso the. parTradilion:d l M ' i d a y HTViri S enis of dale and Gerry. Okijbulas Shalilxisl at 7:,'l(> p. m . (Irandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Shabboi nioniin:; I'.i'rvice.s at Morris Nnvirk, ('he>ei]iie and 8:-35 a. in, Jimioi 1 ('oni'ii.';s'iiion alMrs. Harry Sliil/ky. r

My Fomily Loves Raisin Bread!

Mr. /ind Mr.<. Itwrnlil Colin ;mJIOUIKV the l)irth of a daughter, fjnviljM J;me, oil Juno 1,'! ;it Clarkson Hospital. They nre uho tin- p.-ireiiLs of a son, Hilly. (jrandparpijtK are Mrs. A. K. Oilinsky and Mr. und Mrs. Dave Cohn. : . :

A Surprise Treat-!

o RAISIN BREAD © o & fj

Made Wilh Plump/Moitt.


ftdijlni , . . t o t s of 'Em to Taste in Every Bite!



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o o 0

o o o



Kosher Sinai



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A 9 * i n Due +a *he Terrific Reipcnsc V/fr-n Lait A d v i r f l s e d «t Thii Price

Offers Effective Only Thru July 19

Our S p . c i a U Will \[,p. :ir A £ a l n In flip \ > x t jsnfirt of Hie .Iruixh i-r<><> un A u e u s t '•!."» , . . In tlir Mdintlmi', Wnti'li Our Windou Ann«Hin<-«-mrritfi for Our MVililv I-Vuturcv

Serving Omaha Wilh Qualify for 40 Yean


50th and Underwood

Mr(»n|{s wUl ftffii:i;i(i.' and v.iil iii> livcr a brief rni'.vs;i;;e.


0 With the Home Folks



o o

I'lilllp Slur 4<>vl«li llumr AL'*'U hy Ouviil (frliuu Our

Si-nlitr rlti/.ciiH

for d m ntti'n'.U'd

"Spartanis" at the J^und(-e 'J'huatn; tlii.s v,i.-"l:. >'eiv Ifi-sidcnls: Mrs. Jennie .Si.'hlan^er, Mrs. I'.ir.e ,Sin<-lioff.

\va, la., with Mr. and .MJ-S. Hen


o Out-of-Tovvn Guests © Bar Ullzmli o Attend \ i,"iti.,r's f \aj'ious otlier o eilir-.s arrivedr oinmOmaha to attend 0 (he I'.ar Mitzvali of Maynard Jiarry i'.osi'nbei); on July .S at the o Ueth Jsi'a' ! ,Syna^r>^ue.

Wo employ no flgcnfl . . , dcro you »nvo oxpfintiyo commijsioni at you deal directly v/ilfi tho ownori , . . Wa invito you to compflro . . . W o . permit no unlimoly solicit at ion . . . you flro freo to tnalu up your own mind, ell memorial* plflinly prfcecf, sot comploto.

Factorv ^ bhp\ay "<?'" St. ot 32nd, 731-4111 Open Sunday, 2 to 5 "Builders and Designers of Fine Memorial*" Since 1923


AMERICA'S tlo. I WO% PURE BEEF pnooucrs

Si:;e|. parents of Iir. Si;;il. On the Kind's return tn C.'ilifurnia, Pr. Siijel uill liejjin a ilu-ep-ye.-ir residency at the I'n'.sny Comity General Hospital.

Mr. nml Mrs. lOrle Miiry and chjldreii, Hho.'ida. Sue ami WilJiam l.c-lie of <,'hici!;i), III. )i;i\e returned homo afler spendin;,' tlieir vacation with Mr. and Airs, 1 Max Katz and Clara l.ep Kiitz, (iucsts at Hie home of his parMrs. Marx is the daughter of ents, Mr. and Mrs. Monroe fiosen- the Omahans. b"n', are his (;randii,firents, .Mr. and Mrs. Aaron floseiilx.-rif, and Mrs. Helen I'L-kdW and son, lion- Dedication Service A monument will be dedii;.'ded aid, all of Tii-oiiklyii.-N. V. Other out-of-town vi.sitids were to the memory of Mrs. Clara Mr, and Mrs. Karl Kaplan and SchiiitzItT, •Siinilny, Aui^UKt 0 at son, Itichurd, McUiehen, X. J.; 10::;0 a. in. at Golden Hill CcnioMrs. Art W'ciner and .sons, Barry tery. Itahhl IJenjninin fiioner of and iloliert, San Antonio, Tex.; lieth Israel' .Syiiii;yi;;iie will ofLeonard Weincr, Bei-\vyii, ill.; ficiate. Mr, and Mrs. Tiurton Slierre and dauchter, Phyllis, and Mrs, A. Confer Day Campers Shefre, C'hii'aeo, HI.; Mr, and Hoys and (jirls who attcinled Mrs. Yale Kully and children, the second session of tho Jewish Arlene and I/JIJIS, and Mrs. O l i a Community Center Day Camp Kully, nil of IIar,tinj.;s, Nebr. are;

_ i . only the finest In tostc o o n d quality from Kosher ° Zion . , , made fresh daily O In our new, modern/ clean, ^stainless (feel kitchen j , vnOder strict U, S. Government inspection.



y f"

a o o o





o o o o o o o © o o o o ©

Patronize Our Advertisers


Tl Delicious Whole Cooked Tongues

Julie Ccrmfeln. Kathy Cohn, Jqno CutItr, Joan Culler, Curolyn Culler, Julie Molprln, Sarugall Kalm,on, lif/ Hcndtr, Belli Slcnbero, Donu Swiikay, Sinon V/einer, Caryn G«!l Weislnger, Jouef 2l|)Urjky, Suzle Oucliwold, Caren I.«e Chcrney, Polly Ann Churn?)-,, Wlrlorn Frank, Deth GrcenL*crfl, Coil CTttnliery, Geti/ Lou Kali, Kolhy Klrshcnlnum, Solly Hugo, Kalliy Sptrllng, Amy Tolelrncn, Rebtccu Orowrsilnn rtnd Dlant Zlpurti-y. Coys enrolled ore, Lorry ficrjulelrt, Joel firooks, Gory Cofien, Sfevle TJenenbero, Haitian relrimon, Dovld Oflndler, John Goldman, Jeff Nc/rnujn, /.'.Ike -Staenijerg, Jeff Svri'.koy, Tr.rnniy laxmari, f:"rlc Welntr, Mark flctmonl, Cory Dcmwt, Dovld Don, Horrt Den, Alan Frledmon, Ouvld Gross, Greo->ry Keholrn, Jeffrey Ubrowskl, //lire U\pi, Dcnn^t Kcdicic, Michael Still. Barry Sell*. Ktllh V/oi;ntr, Stuart Oiopmon, Slevcn Clsenb^ry. Jolinn/ Klalowlcr, Ollly Foycl, liou K«|j|on, Scol! Lusloorlen, Mark Greenljerrj, f/.ork Talrlrnon, Miclioel Rolcntjlfm ond Dann/ LIp;ty.

R«ady-to-Eaf . . . Our Own Famous Recip« No Charge for Slicing

1 Lb. Ground Beef or 1 Lb. Ground Beef Parties With Every I0-Lb. Purchase of Either Sliukcrt't Patty Offer Expires Aug. 1 Redeem your coupon now.


DAILV JICHISH BAR ami lias Milzvuli conrrratu-j lations nko for nil Jewish holl- f days and special occasions, j Moyers News Stand, l.ri02 Dod«f I For Sale CTJOSE TO IIETII ISRAEL Synafiogiio and Uatrlwn Scliool

1010 Fcrnam-

Open Ztir.icY • We Deliver . . . - •: Fr«h Breed "V^e Ship Anywhere" , COME IN—COMPARE—EVERT^AY THRIFTY PHICES




Dktrll.utcl l.y




JC19 N. Jltli St., Mmstlin, .NelirrnUa

o o o o o e o o o o








Market I 551-5554



Well Trimmed

Per Lb.

Ever-Tender Per Lb.


Diamond's Famous Taste (he Difference . .

Per Lb.

Vita Brand 32-oz. Jar ...



Per Lb.


Rolled or Pressed Pdone 347-136A to Instrt your Wont Ao if th« Jcwltli Prc-.i,


V/o cro fcno «vn for our cxaqfinq Hebrew 1 e i f t r! n flrid dcfA tl, ioloc+ your monument from i ft g*.1 it ifock of up-io-dafo m cmon« U In the mldwfif, sec what you bu/.

Omaha Visitors Dr. and Mrs. \i>rmun Sir^el of I'YeMiu, f'al. and their infant daughter, Ilebra l.ynm' are spiiidin:; a nionth at the home of Mr, ;>nd Mrs. Munis K|isl''jn. Airs. Sii.'.'l is the daughter of the l.'psteins. They will al:;fi vi.'it in Oltuin-


Monumcnis in the Jewish Tradition

10 a. IU. il;il>' >i f i r o n r r wiJl c'onrluct the T a l m u d cla-s lit 7; 1 T> p. in. S a h b a l h .Minclia at 7:15 p. in. follnwod b y Slialus .Scijdos and Maariv nl S:1O p. in. Suiitiay innrimi:: ;,rrvir<.'-; ln";in at '.) a. in. fnlluu-i-il hy bri-.ik. fast and Kahili's class in Hiblc. Daily scrvirfs in 7 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. On Sunday, .July 'J.'inl, » i ; will (il)M'n« tin- F a s t of Hie '.Mi of Av.

David liiyan is the nmnc clioson for"the son born to Mr. and Mrs. Joel M. KatleiiKin on May .'!!, at Clarkson Hospital. Grand-. 'JYinple I s r a r l will bf. lir-ld parents are Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sal)b.ith !,orvjcrs 1 Kn;.;el of Ork-bult, la, and Mrs. In the ("liajH ) of T e m p l e Isr.-n'l at 7:30 p. in. Kablji Siiim'-y if. David Kat Ionian.





Loaf % IS

Delicious Togsted, Too

•< B





.Sabbath (He t c r v i c s »i Hi'tli VA Syii;ii:u;;m; a t 7 p. m. S;i\>bath iiiornin;; lit '.):'.'(]. ' J ' I M ; MiiiflKi-Maari'. 1 «i)l l)i-j.;in n l 7:'!5 1>. m. .Sunday nioniin:; >"i\ icrs a t 9 u. in, 'Sf-rvici:s ilnrih;: the \\ tM'k nl 7 a. in, and 7 ji. n\.

Members of Aleph Z;idil{ No. 1 .'elected six cirls as sv.xelheart candidates for their annual dance, September 2 at the Ulac-kstonc )If)1el. 'J'lic i;liis are I/iis fjreeii)>ers. Ilarbara Kaplan, Sherry Kraft, Terry Milder, Sandy Paril"in.'in lind Fiancee Kile. The tnoup received n certificate of appreciation from thp K:i-ter Se.il Foundation for their p.-utinpatitin in Hie or;rntii/ati'in'n fund apjieul. Tlie hoys have alM> aided in the appials of the Iw-art fund, mother's march ami multiple sclerosis under the dirtriion of t'liairnicn Harry Kort 1407 Horncy liml Abe Jj-her. -

Attractive 3-bedroom home. New ,_as furnace and hot water heater. Carpeted. Drnjifs. IUMBtinably priced. By Owner.'Call! 553-2553.

Reel Lean


Delicious Braised ,, . Lb.


Per For the Grill . . . . Lb. YOUR MEAT DOLLAR IS WORTH MORE AT DIAMOND'S Effective Thru TfmrHiay


1 rlilay, July )i, Jfl(il

Miss Katleman Plans An October Wedding M -. I ' • v i < I K a t I f in a n t i n j . n ' i i i ' i i i)if> eiifji't'cmeut of h e r

il i'i 'lid r, .iiinirc Ann, t o Philip I!. Wayne, «M.JII of Mr. and Miy. I .iv. ] •-• i- c Wayne of Albu'jUi'njiu?,

N V. Tin' r (niiilc is plrtuuiu;- ;itl O'.'lolii r IWIMIIIC;.

M r s Katle-inuit ntti.-ii'lrd tlio I ' n i u i M i y of-Wisconsin ;cf M.idiHIII »ml is at. |>rc.r,i-nt u s t u d e n t id Ilif University of New Mt'xico. I Iff fkuici' alli'ii'li'il tin; l/iiiw.TBity of \"f \v Mfx!f!'j,

Rabbi Brooks Iianioi To Advisory Group knlilil .Sidney H. Brooks of Tinifile f-iacl, has been named u mi'iiilji i- rA the Alumni Ovcr.'cois i/.ilidiial ciiininitlcc, an n<I\lv>iy |;intij>, established by tilt! Jl< hirw I nion rf'ollocc-.Icwisli Instituto of KHi<:ioii. Kabbi Brooks Mill M'Mr as re;^i'jn;il lv-pnwnlntiu> fur Nebraska and Imvn. '1'lie wininittei' will hold Its firsl uu'ct.in ; in ('inciimati Juno J-4.

MONA LISA House of Glamouf lit

No. 50th 553-7000 6 Export Halt Slylilt) Air-Conditionod Dryers MISS MARSH and MISS JERRY Owner*

Page Three


Now Featuring

Paris" ilaiu:e at: the Kynri|;ojjuc social hall, Saturday, July 20 from f):,'i0 j). in. to ]L':.'10 a. in. 'J'lio affair is free for all paid-up members. MOIMUIJ', July 17 at the (,'II«.EMr. (inil Mrs. Millon Tii'lzcr, road.'j auditorium. J'lannin;; will overall chairuii.ii, and Mr. HIKI lx' i.'ompleleil for the style show, Mrs, ,)oe Jlursti'iii, ro-chahmeii, "American Youth in Israeli Fash- will 1>« assisted by Mr. ami Mrs. ion," and luncheon mi August 'JH Gordon Klewitz mid Dr. mid Mrs. u(. thy CroKsroad.'; auditoriuui. Irvine .Shapiiii.

All-Day Mc-etlnp; Tlio Omaha (-hajitcr of Hada;;nali will liolil nn ;d!-day SIHIIIIUT board mcolini;, ijc^Jiiniii;; at 10 n. m. uiiii i»i:h!<liii;; luncheon on

Ilrandiii Study Oirniip 'J'IH; htudy ):I'(>III> of Iirandci-S

University Woim.'ii's I'oiuniiUeo will meet Thursday, July 21) at the liniix: of .Mrs. Dave .Slcin, 481!) rhiciii^ii Slreet, nl 10 a. m. jMrs. N. II. Green lien; will lead tin1 (lisuussion on the book "Lord ,!ini" by Joseiih (.'oni'iid.


Nome aceirtents are nearly 'I.'i times as riumei'iius a.s thow? oc('H)iii);: ' " imluMiial nlaces.


"Styles fur IJVIMI;"

"Htjlcs for I.ivinj;" tlio second Anunnl Jewish Holm: Tour sjoincoroil liy Ihe Hutli J';i .Syna;;o);ue .Sistei'lidod will he held oil Tuesday, October 2'\. (leneral eo-r.-liair- • men will be Mines. Morris C. I'Vllniiiii and .loel Ifelfman.

First Class Hotel Accommodations At Reasonable Rates

• * • *

Tilts Heth Israel Younj; Coii|ilcs'Club will iiresent nn'")l!v(MiiiiK ill

75 Modem (looms Swimming Pool Private Parking Food Facilities


SOUTH and L Streets Omaha, Nebraska Phone 733-400O

EriTS H ])

Specializing in Undervalued Securities

Roffie Rogers


Complete Barber Service Including Manicuring and Shoe Shining

Special Situations

With or Without Appointment Open 0 A.M. to 4 P.M — Mon. thru Sot. .

PODESTA&-CO. Members New Yorli Slock Exchange and Other Principal Eichongci





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1801 FARNAM 346-4555

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Modernizing? Expanding? '

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tef Him Help You With Your Clothing Solectiom

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Kilpatrick't Men'* Clothing — Second Floor


talie I the vacation you A\ ! really wantj^ \VJ

Call 451-5373 455-8792 or 455-9534 Serving Omaha 40 Year*

Extend Your New Year's GreeHngs {'.

to All Your Friendt «nd ReUtivss thru th«

Jewish Press

with a loan center


GreoHngi will bo publ'ifrod fn ftio - . Roih Hasfianah Editio«-*-$3 pBp'grfletirig .y


SUGGESTIONS 1. Mr. "id Mri. with thofr friandt and r«tative», both I«r end ncor, a Hoppy Mow Ytor, 2. Mr. and Mr>. • and family wl»h lh«ir rolativot and friendi « Happy and Proiporoui N«w Year.

Roaring surf, quiet river, mirror lake, rushing trout stream. • . . whatever your dream s p o t . . . . it's yours i for vacation fun-when you stop first for a pleasant visit at the Loan Center. '


JEWISH PRESS. 101 NO. 20TH ST. Omaho, Nobraslia


Encloied find $3.00 for which pleats lntert N o . . . . . New Ycir't Grtoting Card in your Roth Hashanah Edition.

FIRST RATIQMti BA1KK OF OMAHA flrtintt vi FIIKIB • 0BI4*. ti




Just a short diitsnee from th« Omahi Stock Y W j

I'llnis at Z i>. in. Films, many on Israel, arc n 2 J). rn, feature ot the Oolden AKL1 Lounge i>roi;ranis eaeli Monday. The film showings are open to ull iiiftiiliors of the (Jcimmunily,



ADDR CITY Roth Hothonch — September If-12


'THE ir.WUifl

Pago Four


Friday, July li, lOfil


<;AMIS!.IN<; oi'i'osr.u A S I I M > KAISIXU JIICANS

> S. l l c l i l c l ; Tie tit 1-iftli The J. (.'. C. Varily .Sn£tl):ill team lost th'-ir 7th came in u n starts by dropninc :t G-2 <!<x.Li;;i><n to the S p o r t s m a n Club lust ThwRday cnciiin;;'. The wiliJiciT; iii"/)l:i.' a ~-2 tic in the 5Ui innim; ami Hun lin>!;c the Kamf" open i:i the scvcuiii frame with a tlin.'C'-ruii rally. Behind 2-d. in the hottnm of .the third, the Jay ti>,| the i.;;mi'-' with tvvn runs. Morrie llamlk'inaii douhlt'd to ru:ht and went to third on a hunt f in;;lo by Allen Sie;;;d. A wild pitch and a .single To ("C'IIUT hy Satniv' Hiohhy accounted fur bolh niiis. J.C.C. Pool si Konecly jb W. Scifiel 1b tolnic i( Kahn c Wolk rt Handleman 3i> A. Siegal rf «;oier rf Brcpiiy p SPORTSMAN CLUB PfuncJs I'll Mortmei i r itrv0Km ct Metro y H Szcliga c McAncirt ,vs 3a HomiHcn t( llouilon 11> McElligalt p



cd ti rill 1 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 3 1 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 3 1 0 1 I 0 ,. 1 0 0 1 I 1 Ob h rt>l .'2 ] 1 . 4 7 2 3 2 0 4 1 0 . 1 0 1 . 3 0 0 3 0 0 1 1 0 2 1 1

Youth t'mmul scifMull A Vfki.il L m n i U mi won n \icUm. KM) ii t Mm<!i>

•• ,

DVT A. '/.. A. 1 in n It v.'iix i'.ayim's .'.i>.Ui straight v.in without a defeat. The J*<•"• -• was tin- Ktvond for A. /.. A. 1. A. 7.. A. 300 appeared a cinch to Co]) their first Hifth.ill fii-iovy in U'.o year* when ih<-y led Ilium 13-11) in the lnitlo!)i of tin' ri-vr-nlh. Mill with two oiit.s and nobody mi haw. i'.umi s c r e d four runs for a 1!-Kl decision.

Iurunc-ilia l.aUe, N. Y.--A n--.olulion (il'iMfilnr; hiii|;o and other ioniifs of j;.irnhlifij; us fund-raisini; device;, fur !;yiin[",op,ues was adiiptrd hwv hy tli.- Kutiruial Fi'deratidn of Je','. ir.h Hen's Club:, :u its .'"Jiiil annual cuuvehtion. 4(1.(100 AT IN'STITCTK New York (J'I'A.i ..l!|.war.l of •iOdOO persons athiiiicd locini'i-i. and s.wii[!o:;i:t roiiducted dMriiii; tin- l:ist Wiisi.ii hy Hie llotv.l Institute.


L. 0 '1


Rn.-im A?A 1

•• t> *







0 ' 7


S h o t s in t h e D a r k Krad K p s t e i i V w r l o r two M i a i j d i t w e e k s in S u n d a y aft'Mliu.in ' I V tc<?iia(;<? tiowlini' . . . J l i d : Z a c l w r i a l o I'liiv^r.-'ily of ]'( n n ^ l w i n U I ' h i l l d i l p l i i I n< \ t fill D o n I'lcdli I t o I niM'i ) i y of A t i / o n i <*n fuofh i'l M I I O I J I • h i p A i m ViiMin C f i i t e i t< n u n in t a u t o r , nuv. \ \ u \ V r a d i o li li— M^-ion *mn »tinr < i ( i n t t i l ' l n ' - i c a l } d u r d t i f t n di j) ii tn * lit HI i\ i p o n MU h u \ i m ; c l i c> t<u > < n u i ' l o i n l i ( » l p t n l ii 1 >(. a - ,il u f i r l s 1. "li M lioul ho ' hn ' l( i 'lie l t / i y jiii uiiui'M* of Y o u t h Council h o \ h n ; t i t l t l i t S u n d 13

New York (WNS)—The hoard of directors of the VVeizmami Institute of Science approved a 10year biiildiiii; nnd cxjiausion jiro[;rani for the institute. The first iv-w unit will lie the UHman lnstituli-" of l i f e .Sciences for mok1cular hioln^y f;tudy.

Service *<1 Wftf.l t ..Mci'i'llMt AMI 1 I KM-j'I'lil' ClruttcO in Y"Ut Ituinr

© © O O

Ue\'i and Repairs Wiring Residential Cemmcrcia!


BEflNlE SOMMER 453-1917

HI II|-MN(( « fi

Mr. and Sir*. I>ik Welner Wish to tliank flirir frh'iidi for tlu\ !iH-ss;i£**s of ^ood wishes on tlin occasion of tli(mlr rrccnt limrri:i|;(5. Mrs. W'ohirr U tlibfonnrr Inn <Ii'anni' Mar-


S4- Way

"Nn Job |«,o Ms or too Ktiinll tttr VH" (viid

RUG CLEANERS Qon Bernstein, 345-2554

JM'K IS DARK AM) MtfcAKY lor this f.itnlh vt lniiiilCr.'mt« In Iirarl «lio jnnst U\a to^cUirr In one room In our of Inrftol'd Immigrant shant} to«ii"<—tl»> %o-call(d ina'ith.irot, lur la<U tit a real home. Tim luted Isr io\ Appeal, a iiirmbf>r affonry of tlio I <ilt<-d JoHlsh Appcil, nm<,t h d p ma'abjrot (iHollcrt and otlier Ill-housed persons and ;u »< 01111 rs obt iln real liunirs.

Civil War Exhibit Shows Jewish Life Washington, <JTA>—Dr. Uertram Kbrn of Philadelphia, a noted Jewish historian, declared here that the Civil War was "one of the crucial experiences in the development of American Jewish life." He said that when the war began about two-thirds of the Nation's 1G0.OOQ Jews were immigrants of the previous decade. " B a r e l y come to these bhores, hardly adjusted to the new life, they were rapidly Ainericanized in the pressure-cooker of the fratricidal c o n f l i c t , " Dr. Korn stated at the opening here of a E'nai B'Hth exhibit, "American Jewry and the Civil War." The exhibit, containing several hundred rare items, depicts the outstanding Jewish soldiers and statesmen who played historic


I \

•Coek»«ili • Steak'Dinntr • Enteriilnmant by L«on Liihor, Yiddltli—

) | \ !

nr^mUoM CM. Bert n<-na*r, 55ii-03U

Gerhard Spl«, MS-0918 TicUt.: $I.TS (Hour '

Omahan's Poetry Is Written on New York An arrangement of poems on Kew Yorlt City was written in that city by i<5-ynar-old Siirnh Milder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I.eo Milder. It is on sale in a hook store. The p 0 e t r y was composed while visiting the author's artist 1> r o t h e r, Jay Milder, who sketched the illustrations. Mis* Milder won a prize for one of her poems' while a student a t Central High School.

Have you tried Direct Distance Dialing yet? FAST, CONVENIENT tONG PISTANCE CAUING in yours to enjoy with Direct Distance Dialing. Just a few spins of thn dial nnd you'ro talking to friends or relatives in faraway cities. Easy to do, too—just dial the area code for the city you wish to reach (codes for all areaB are listed in your DDD booklet); then dial the number of your party in the distant city. Vac instance—to call RO 7-8900 in San Francisco, juwt dial:

415 • • • BO 7-8900

Son fronckco Ar»a Coda

1 \": I

ITS AS SIMPLE AS THAT! A friendly chat by long distance is always pleasant—call today by DDD and enjoy a double thrill! MIllARO AND PANtUOM TEUPHONG CUSTOMEEUt To reach any DDD number, first dial 112, then the are* code and the distant number. For instance, to call RO 7-8900 in San Francisco from. MUlard or Paplllioni dial:

112 • • • 415 . . . • RO7-8900



I 1 */O/l71 {• I

Tclsphona Number

To coll Council Bluffs from Omaha, merely dial the telephone .' jnumber. To call Omaha from Council BVuffg, dial " 1 " and tlio number. • ",'.• To reach points in Eastern Nebraska (area code 402) just dial the telephone number.

I A FOR THE FINEST. . %{ IN PHOTOGRAPHY ||) Poriraiu i \ Wodding» f" Commercial

Biccksfone Hotel

lireell iong« Ru<(ii» Storn—J»w!th Cornsi/

role;; in the atru^f;!e and Jewish loaders who had close .relationships with I, i n c o 1 n, 'Jefferson • Uavis, IA'C and Grant.


(An operator will then ask you what number you aro calling from—for billing purposes,) To reach Omaha numbers, continua to dial 115, followed by tbo Omaha number.





f \ rMOIOeKAPHEK M ( 817 SOUTH 36TH STREET i J ".". 345-1044



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