August 25, 1961

Page 1



I'ubllcatlon o/fice, Jld No. i:um Omaha NctirMdkn Phime 3 « i K a




23, ISfil

'«uf<K '• Philip Slier Home for the Aged ^ap°S

'ho Dr. Philip Slier Home for the Accd acknowledges tlie folmemorials and donations.)

Donor Jerusalem UTAH—Tile Government of Tunisia announced that it wns severing postal communications with Israel. The announcement took tlie Ministry of Posts here by surprise. Government officials arc now inquiring into tin? full implications of the Tunisian action. While Israel and Tunisia have never had diplomatic relations,

flame Buddy Epstein Yoatii Ooniidi Head Of Athletic Program .Buddy Kpstein, Central Hif;h school senior, was a p p o i n t e d chainnfin of the Jewish Youth Council m i l l e t - - "

tic |iroi;ram.




Up is an out- * Elandin;; perform- J ~ ; r r i n Youth Coun- __ ' oil athletics rind •* <•"has received n r •** • .'* • o;;nltion in !.everal xport.s. Last year he niadf the Youth Council allstar tcuns in l n s ketbal! and flan football and was Uuilily the wresllin;; champion in tlie 120 pound division in the Council's wrestling tourney. lie is the son of Mr. ;ind Alre. Jack Kpatciii.

Ifadassali §0 Present Israel ftade Fashions

both countries have had uninterrupted p o s t a l connections since Tunisia acquired independence from Freneli rule in 19H7. Itecendy. h o w e v e r , Tunisia joined the Arab Postal Union. The latest development is believed to he another attempt by Tunisia to i:;iin greater goodwill from the Niissor rec'unu in tin; United Arab Kepublic.

In ctiltin(; its postal relations with Israel, Tunisia emulated ncighborini; Morocco which complied with the Arab league blockade and severed postal nnd telegraphic communications with the Jewish .State, deprivinc Jewish families in Morocco of tlie possibility ot maintaining cimtael with their relatives in Israel.

Cantor "for Temple Israel O'inlor Manfred I'\ Kultner of .Tohnstoun, Pa., has been named by Temple Israel OK director oC music and a member of tlie rehjjious school staff He w i l l assume', I his new duties in November, I,a/ai Kaplan T e i n p i e ' Ono-Slxlli of Ali-xnndrlii p r e s i d e n t : , an-, The family had filed a claim nounced. fur $3;!,600,000 for the property, Cantor Kuttmr, known as Smuuha Island, eom- who tins been canprisin;; one-sixth of Alexandria. tor of T e m p I e The district had been built up by P. e t h '/, i o n in Joseph Smouha, n Manclicstcr J o h n slown forCantor ICuttiicr businessinan, tvlio ivent to Kgyi't fifteen years, also served in the on a mission for the British Gov- Teli);ious school, Hebrew departernment mid remained 1o create ment, and was active in youth a fortune on land reclaimed by and music activities. lie served draining two lakes, as musical director and conductor f>0 to Hcni-rit of the Johnstown symphony orKilis Smouh.-i filed the claim for chestra and founded the Johnshimself and 13 relatives hut about town youth orchestra ami symT>0 members of the family will phony chorus. lie hold certification from the benefit from the award. It vv;is brought out at the hearing that Hebrew Union College School of tho late King Fuad iiad Given the Sacred Music and is a member ot title of "Simoulia City" to the the executive board of American property, which includes a racinf: Conference of Cantors. His basic eour«;e, n village, dwellings, of- education was received in Gerfices and motion picture theaters. many where lift was musical diThe funds for the award to the rector of the clu't'f synagogue in .Smouha family came from an Frankfort agreement under which the NasCantor Kuttner, 4!>, who came ser rcfiune agreed to pay $75,- to this country in l'J.'JS, is mar600,000 for natioiwlizcd British ried and has two children, Daniel property. 13, and Naomi, 11.

London (JTA I - - The lirilish Foreign Compensation CJornini.1;sion, nfter a five-day liearin;:, awarded $S,fi!)H,24<l to the Srniiuha family for tho holdings eslablisbcd by tlie family in K;:ypt which was expnipriated by Nasser during the 11)56 Suez crisis.


Newly designed fashions by students at the Alice Selifisljerj; Vocational llifih School in Israel, will be presented at a style show and luncheon by the Omaha Chapter of IladaKtxih on Monilny, August '18 at 12:.'!0 p. m. ut the Crossroads. Mrs. Ted SanCoid, general chairman, said that children's fashions will be shown, also. Miss Jean Sullivan, radio and Detroit (JTA)—-Jewish, voters lots and expected the majority of teelvlsiou personality, v.ill be them to be used by-Jewish voters. the commentator. The program in this city, as well as throughout A new bill in Illinois now perwill also Include music by a. Michigan, will be able to cast mits voters to cast absentee balteenage comto, consistinf; ot their -votes by absentee ballots, lots in elections fallinc on reHoward Cltudacoff, Arnold Kell- •whenmunicipal elections and De- ligious holidays observed by those man, Steve Marcus and Miss troit primary elections take place, voters. Bunny Hlock. A talk on her re- next September 12, the second cent tour of the Israel school day of Kosh Ilashanah. Deadline Notice! The .State election code has will be made by Miss Nnomi AH material for Uio nwet lour been amended to permit the use llothenberg, of absentee ballots for rcasoru; of l&sues mimt roach tho offlco of Cholfrnen for Hie tvenl ore Mrnes. Norinon Coin, Sfanlcy Sllvcrmcn, Dovlii Ro. religious holiday observance. John ' tlie Jewlsli l'reas on Thursdays monlk, Henry Appcl, Harold Kort and A. .Smith, acting director ot the «f tlie-wcoICB preceding publicaAaron Marcus, Teen-ooo models v/lll Inchidtt Sandra n a n city Election Committee, Kaid lie tion. This Is necessary because man, Bunny Block, Sujon Brodkey, Carolyn Dolooff, Frances Hrmnn, Lourle Freeman,. has prepared 30,000 absentee bal(if (lie Intervening lioIldajK.

Absentee Ballots OnRoshHashanah

Sally Freeman, Halllo Gereflck, 5u:an Gflln. •ky, Annotxl Orccfr, flancy Kat7, Marilyn Kafimon, Unto Lleb, Dcone tlntimon, Sara MUder, Terry Milder, Rosolyn (Joao, Judy Pollack, - Renco Rlmtrmon, Carol Rojenbaum, fjooml RnlJienbcra, Deanna Shoplro. f'liyllls Shapiro/ Deae £ol:olof, Bonnie Tarnoff, Jud/ vcrct, Judy V/oillncr, Mary Yaoer, Linda Zolkin und Mourccn Zovlli.


In Memory of

Mr. and Mrs. Reuben H. Brown Mrs. Morlc Armbrust tAr. and tAra. MeJvln Ourns and foinlly trwlng Cas'-mann ^FttcporA, \\\.} Messrs, and Mmes. Arih'ir A. Colin, Deon Frankcl, Merriiaii Goldstein, William A Levey, Crncst A, UQQV, Max Rlckcs, Payl Vcrct, Millar) Yudeizon, tAr, Alan UOQQ .., , Mrs. Anna Chalf Mrs. Leonard Klein, Mow Broiliers Co. . . . . . , - , . . , * . Atfred Glas» iM. and Mrs. Witlfon Yudelson , Ben Goldman (New York City) tAr, and Mr*. Crnctt A. Near] and family..... Francis Lewis (Beverly Hills, Calif.) Mr. and Mrs, Dave Colin < OarJon Mllfard Messrs. and Mines, Fred ICurljrnan, Joe LCVIIILIIY, Paul SurcnKy, Mi« UellY Horwich, Miss HorrM Harwich, tAri. SlcIIa Rcblnson Mrs. Golda Ostravlcft Messrs. and Mmpn. RcuLvcn H. Drown, Arlliur A. Cohn, Moe Katlcman, Paul Veret Mrj. Esflier Swortt Messrs, and Mines. Arthur A. Co!tn, William A, Levey, Crneiit A. tloni* Haitian L, UO'JQ, Max Riches, Philip M, RoiunWatf, Cfiarlns Roicnsfock, Tred (loscnsfack, Potil Vercl, Milfon Yudclson, Mrs. Ben Handler, Louis Sarmner orid Miss Cca Sommer Moses Vcnger Mr. and Mft. M. Ka-pltisky Victor Vclncr (Uastlno%r Ucbt.) Mr. und Mni. Mox ftleV.cs ••... Harry Welsnian


In Honor of

Mr. und Mrs. Mllion Yudtlson #».... , <•* recovery, Clarence Beroman Mr, and Mrs, Ernest A. Hogg , recovery, Mrs. Hyman Fcrtr* Messrs. and Mmrs. Crnesl A. tiogg, Pout Veret recovery, Mrs. Isldor Levlnson Mr. end Mrj. Max Rlckes recovery, Mrs. Alex Markowltz (Tulsa, Okla.) Mr, and Mrs. Dave Colin recovery, Aaron Rip* tAtr,'.n. and Mmcs. Jack nromson, Arthur A. Cohn, Leon Groct*« Harry Trustln recovery, Phillip H. Rosenblatt Mrs. J. Slegcl (Council Bluffs, la.).....recovery, Robbf D. Rublnjky (San Francisco, Calff.) Mr. and Mrs, Philip H. RosciiblaU rec-twery, Som Sa^rmon Mr. and Mrs, Dave Colin ,....10lh wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Meyer Mr. oncl Mrs. Max Rlckcs 6OII1 blrlhday, David Blacker Messrs. and Mm«. Charles RotLcnsfock, Tied Rosenstock, Mr. Gave Hoscnslock 65\h birthday, Morris Jacob* Mrs. J. Slcad (Council Bhitfs, la.) birth of a orandson, Mr. and Mrs. I, Karz (San Francisco, Calif.) Mr, and Mrs. MIMon Yudefson your good fortune, William J. Fogcl, tllen Goldstein, Lee Slcart

Synagogue Donations Mrs. Mrs. fArs. Mo. Mrs.

Morris Brellfekfl (Tulja, OKIa.) J. Slcgcl (Council Bluffs, la.) Fannb Faoot (North Hollywood. Coin.) Dorolliy Koilmcr (Lincoln, f.'cbr.) Scirali Silver

Columbia to Tackle Arab Refugee Plan New York (JTA)--Columbia University announced that V>r. Don Peretz, writer and lecturer on tlie Miildic Kast, would undertake a study of means to settle nuri rehabilitate Palestine Arab Pr. Peretz will work under a crant to the University from the Rockefeller Foundation and an additional nrant of $2,500 for travel costs from tlie American Friends'of tlie Middle East. The Columbia announcement asserted that the aim of the study was to make detailed proposals for returning and sctUiin; some of the Arabs in Israel, settling tlie 'rest of them In neighboring countries and compensating all Arabs wlio lost property.

memory of Morris and Molllc Turnffr Yolizclt of M. Sommlt and Mrs, B. Bclahaa

Savings Program in Israel To Help lewcomars

Tol Aviv (JTA)—Adolf JCichmnnn said he was "greatly surprised" by the "fair and decent treatment" ho received In his four-month Ion,? trial in Jcrsualem, according to the chief of his clef cues, Dr. Itohert SeVvatius.

Jerusalem (JTA)—The first of several fiscal measures to mobil- "T to $56,000, $&1,000,000 l o moot the needs of the interfrration programs for new immigrants is being stutUecl lor early implementation here by the Government Treasury. The initial . step in that program would be the launching of the compulsory savincs plan from which, it is estimated, 525,200,000 would be raised. The Fourth Knesset empowered the Treasury to float a compulsory loan, but the Parliament's finance committee must approve the actual plan. The project is being studied and the Treasury would exempt families earning less than $M0 a month. Those with incomes above that amount would be forced to save 0 per cent to 12 per cent of their income. I-onn bonds issued against these savings would be linked to the country's cost-ot-iiving index. The bonds would be redeemable within 10 years, and would bear interest of 4 per cent.

Jerusalem (JTA)—Israel's new Knesset, the fifth since the establishment of the State in 1918, is expected to be convened here on Monday, September 4. That will ho the date for the official convocation o£ tho new Parliament, resulting from tlie recent elections, if the final vote tabulation—including the ballots cast by servicemen and women In Israel's Army — are completed. Should a hitch develop in the linal counting, the Knesset may not meet until after the forthcoming Jewish High Holy Days. In any event, the opening meeting of the Knesset will bo largely

ceremonial. Members of the Parliament will take their oaths. After that; President Izhak Bcn-Zvl will call on the party receiving the largest number of votes to form a Government. That means that Premier David Ben-Gurion, as head of Mapai, will once more be given an opportunity to form, Israel's next Government. , ' Tlie Knesset's only other business, at the opening session, will bo the election of the Speaker. It is believed that tlie Speaker of tho last Knesset, Kaddish Luz, oj Mapal, will ho elected unanimously to head the House again.

Eichmann Admits Fair And Decent Treatment

Ticltcts arc now available.

New or changed addresses of Omahans in the Armed Korces nre needed by the Jewish Presi in order to iceep its Jistinr; of servicemen up-to-date. Families ; ore invited to report sxny such Information so that every person In tho service from this community, nuiy receive tho publication. ! Tills will also assist tlie Fed' cration of Jewish Women'/; Clubs i In preparation of Hosh Haahanah j Kreetings to all Omalians in the i Armed Forces. Mra. J^ouls KulaIcofsky i3 chairman of this project for Uio women's orcanizatton.

SlieiieTi Hafi (third from left), an Israeli Arab from the town ot Kfor Yasif. proudly ^hows Iiis family the Master of hnwa Jcgrre lie received at.the 31bt graduation exercises of tho Hebrew University of Jcrulaleni. Tim Hebrew University conferred 9U degrees—!lio l o r ^ t n b In any «ingle year—in the fctda of medicine, denlistry, pharmacy, turc, *cicnce, social icicncfi, law, education and L u i U


Page Two


Friday, August 25, 1001

Bar and Bas iitzvaii Published weekly on Friday beginJtilnu the lart \\~U In August Second Class Postooe Palo 01 Oma.ia. Nebr.

All friends nnd relatives a r e invited to attend services and reception.

Annual Subscription, M.00. Advtrtlslna Rales en Appllcallcn.

Publication Otfice—101 Ho, SOlh Street, Omoha, llebr., 342-1:44.




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j , C:1'J p.m. TK.MI'I.K ISRAEL' Sabbalh services will be held in the Chapel of -Temple Israel at 7:.''.O p.m. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks will officiate and deliver a brief message. liETII EL Sabbath services at Beth HI Synagogue this cvenii)!.; at 7 p.m. Sabbath morning .services at 0:30. Minclia-Manriv service at G:45 ]>.rn. Sunday morning services at 9 a.m. .Services during the week at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Slielioth cervices at Uclli El at midnight, Saturday, September 'J. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth El Synagogue Choir will lender tile musical portions of the service, llabbi Myer S. Kripkc will give the sormonette. Belli El Sisterhood will serve i\t a Coffee Hour at 11 p.m. preceding the Slichoth service. BETH ISItAEL Traditional Friday evening services (Kobolas Shabbos) at 6:45 p.m. Shabbos morning services at 8:45 a.m. Junior Congregation at 10 a.m. Rabbi Groner will conduct the Talmud clafs at G:45 p.m. Sabbath Mincha at 7 p.m. followed by Shalus Seudos and Manriv at 7:D0 p.m. Sunday morning services at 9 a.m. followed by breakfast and Rabbi's class in bible. Daily services at 7 a.m. and at 7 p.m. The Beth Israel Talmud Torah will open on Tuesday, September 5. Sunday school classes will Mart on Sunday. September 17. Registrations are being taken now at the synagogue office, 556-6288 or by calling Samuel Stone, 551-2627. B'NAI JACOB ADAS YKSIICKON* Friday Minehn at fi.:45 p.m. Saturday, 8:45 a.m .and Mincha at 7 p.m. Daily services at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.

Jewish Holiday Calendar P.osh Hashanah Sept. 31-12 Yom Kippur Sept. 20 Succot Sept. 25-26 Shmini Atzeret Oct. 2 Simhat Torah Oct. 3. Observance begins on eve of holiday.

USDA Government Inspected

TRAClITENBJ\It<» Mr. and Mrs. Morton Trachtcnbarg announce the Ba:; Mitzvah of their daughter, Janet Traehtenbarij, at Beth Kl Synagoguo, Saturday morning, September 9, at the 10:30 service.

2,000 AT MEDICAL MEETING IN ISRAEL Jerusalem (JTA)—More than 2,000 physicians, including 200 from l'j foreign countries, attended sessions of the Fifth World Conference of Physicians, here.

$16,950 WAVER home, has birr rooms, 1an<f<-m wniKe, wulkuut basement.

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MICHAEL BKIlfi The Bar Mitzvah of Michael Berg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Berg will be celebrated on Labor Day, Monday, September 4 at Beth Israel Synagogue at 9 a.m.

BETH ISRAEL 3-Bcilroom (2 Down), (1 Up ]Gx30) Alr-Condltloncd


KL'HEV HCOKK The Bar Mitzvah of Hubert Feder, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Feder will be celebrated Saturday, August 20 at Beth Israel Synagogue at 8:45 a.m. SIDNEY FKIEWMAN The Bar Mitzvah of Sidney Friedman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Friedman will be celebrated Saturday, September 2 at Beth Israel Synagogue a t 8:45 a.m.

Across the Street From—


2211 So. Clh

Memorial Services The nnnual memorial services at Belli El Cemetery, 81th and "L," Streets, will be held at 2 p. m. on Sunday, August 27. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke and Cantor Aaron I. Edgar will officiate. Annual memorial services will take place Sunday, Sept. 3 at Golden Hill Cemetery at 11 a. m. nnd at Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Cemetery at 2 p. m. Rabbi Benjamin Groner and Cantor Kli Kagan will officiate.




Choice Chuck

Truly Delicious, Check This Price ZBT ELECTS OFFICERS Newly elected officers of the Zcta Beta Tau fraternity, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, are Ronald Simons, president; Thomas Platt, vice-president; James Guss, secretary and Michael Katz, treasurer. Their parents are Mr. and Mrs. Ben Simons, Dr. and Mrs. David C. Platt; Mr. and Mrs.' Charles Guss and the Rev. Alexander Katz, respectively.

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'Friday, August 25, 1961



Steven Segfsns Spending Honeymoon in Colorado Colorado was Use destination of Mr. and Mrs. Steven Gary Sefjlin, following their maiTKij;e .Sunday afternoon at lietti Kl Synaconue. KabW Myer S. Kriplce iiiid Cantor Aaron A. Kdijar 'J'lio bride is the former Miss Barbara Aim Grcciiljerg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .Samuel M. (JreOnberj; and Sir. .Sej;lin is the fon of Mr. and Mi's. Nathan •Sej;liii. Mrs. Colenwn Grec-nberfj, sister-in-law of the bride, was niutron of honor. Bridesmaids ueie Mrs. AJIan Lcfkow, Iowa City, la.; Miss Marjorie Klman, IMs Moincs, la.; the Misses Connie KHis, Betty Kltman and .Sii'.in •Soj;]in, the latter, si&ter of the bridegroom. Oilcmaii Grctnb('r>; was best man for his sister's bridegroom. Ushers were Allan Brown, KanMis City, Mo., Harvey Perlman, yorjc, Nebr.; Justin Grc'enberi;, Michael Plat t, Charles Noble, Marshall Bernstein, John .Sehimjneland Philip and Joseph Greenberg, the latter two, brothers of the bride. The ScKlins flan to make their home in Lincoln.

Omaha Visitors Miss Marilyn Slavin of Forest Hills, N. Y., will arrive August 2G for a visit with her brotherin-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Merle B. Potash and family. Miss Slavin attends Klmira Collejje, Klmir.i, N. Y. « • • Mr. and Mrs. William II. Wolfr?on and children, Iuiverne, Donna and Louis have returned to their home in St. Petersburg, Kla., after .spending a month with Mrs. Wolfson's parents, Mr, and Mrs. .Sam Wiesman. • » • Summer guests at the home of. Mr. and Mrs, Abe Meyers were Mr. and Mrs. Hurt Sberre and daughter, Phyllis, Mrs. Alice Sherre, all of Chicago, III., Mrs. Art Weiner and sons, Barry and Kobbie of San Antonio, Tex. •


On their way home to Dublin, Ireland are Mr. and Mrs. Jack Marcus after visiting at the homo of n brother and his Wife, Mr, and Mrs. Rubin Marcus. A third brother, Simon Marcus, Kansas City, Mo., died August 1G.

Houston Is Residence • Of Howard Goldstein Mr. nnd Mrs., Howard David Goldstein arc residing at 3838 Glen Arbor, Houston, Tex., following a wedding trip to Acapulco and Mexico City. They were married August 1 in Houston, Mr. Goldstein is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Goldstein of Omaha and his bride, the former Judith Ann Meyers, is the daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Dean M. Meyers of Houston;

i s O&-

Susan Slieriimn





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Fiancee December Hife

Mrs. Steven Scglln

At the recent Leadership Training Institute in Ames, la., Janice Siref was elected editor of the Cornbelt Heyion. Kathy Adler was selected as regional fellowship chairman. A delegation composed of Larry Mayer, Andrea KasMn, John •Spitzer, Richard .Spiejjlman, Karen lirodlcey, Joel Hlcither, Temple Israel NFTY members, are attending a ten-day Missouri Valley lU'Kionul Session at Camp Schwaydcr, Idaho SprinRs, Colo. Maury L. Schwartz, youth group advisor, nccompanied 1he group and Is Bcrving as a member of the camp faculty. ITon-a BUG has named the following girls as committee chairmen for the 1961-62 term: Annette Charney, citizenship; Elllc Yager, community service; Susie Slutzlty, creativity; Linda Gelfand, fellowship; Birdie Stone, Jewish Heritage, Diane Halpcrin, recreation and Barbara Herzog, fund raising.

Dr. and Mrs. Louis Cohen of Little Kocli, Ark,, anii'iunee the rng.-igement of her daughter, Miss Susan Shennnn to Martin .Sophir, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sophir. The couple plans to be married December 30. Mr. Sophir is a graduate of the University of Nebraska where he was a member of the Innocents .Society, president of the Interfraternity Council, and president of Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity.

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1'IONKKK WOMKN MKKT The Pioneer Women will hold a luncheon meeting Tuesday, August 29 at 32:30 p. m, at the Jewish Community Center.

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Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schneider and children, Stuart and Karen of University City, Mo., were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Millon Soskln and family ond Mrs. Anna M. Soskin. •

'Die family of Alfred ulsMrs to thank their relafives and friinds for tlu-lr thoti^litfiilrK'ss and many win of kindiics.*. during tl.ilr bentavfinent.

•i f ;.

Page Three

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Page Four

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Duitch anjiounce the birth of a son, Jonathan Saul on July 20 at the Methodist Hospital. They are also the parents of Pavid Mathias and Deborah Kachael. Grandparents are Mrs. Mathias Levenson, Omalia and Mr. and Mrs. Melvitf Duitch of Spokane, Wash. Great-Grandmother is Mrs. Saul Katz of B'nai Ural:, Israel.

U. S. Firm to Employ Israelis in Africa



Poland Invites Israeli Actors

New York (JTA)—The establishment of offices in Israel to Ttl Aviv (JTA)—Three Ishandle Important mechanical en- raeli actors left here for Poland gineering and construction con- to give readings of works by tracts throughout Africa, was Sholem Aleichem, by invitation announced here by Jack Schcch- of the Polish Ministry of Culture. tcr, president of the J. E. Schec- They are Slunuel Kodenxki, ter Corporation of Long Island Shmuel Segal and Kliynhu GoldCity, New York, a major Ameri- berg. can firm specializing in air conThe well-known actors are the ditioning, ventilation, sanitation, first Israeli artists to visit PoMr. and Mrs. Alvin Fellimn land since Israel's statehood. of San Jose, Ca!., announce the electric power distribution and They will give performances at birth of a daughter, Susanne Beth allied mechanical contracting for the Ida Kaminska Theatre Auon July 15, industry. ditorium, in Warsaw, and in Ixxlz, Krakow and other Polish Grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. In Key 1'usti Louis Fellman of 'Omaha and Upon his return from a fiw- centers. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Noskin of week trip to Israel and several Brooklyn, C'al. African nation.1;, Mr. Schechter E X A M S ON OTIIEK T H A N ON' JKtVISII HOLIDAY 1 Rabbi and Mrs. Norman Mn, )- stated that his company, to/ietlur Montreal (WNKi—Jewish stuman announced the birth of their with industrial contracting in- dents withinu to take collect enfirst child, Maria P.eth, on July terests in Israel, would employ trance exam.1) at McGill Univer26. Tlie Mussmans formerly of Israeli personnel in key man- sity will be offered the opporChicago, 111., arc now rcsidin;: agerial and supervisory positions tunity to take test."; on n day othIn Omaha where Itabbi Mussman and utilize some Israeli-made er than Saturday, when the tests is Director of Kducation at Hetli products in carrying out a num- are generally administered. El Synagogue. ber of major mechanical conGrandparents of the baby arc tracts his firm had obtained in ITALIAN* 1-IlK.UIKIl AIDS Mrs. Reva Sclioichet and Mr. ami JEWISH TUHMCATION Mrs. Maurice '/.. Mussman, all Nigeria and Ghana. Home, f JTA)—The office of the of Chicago, Mr, Sdicchtpr said that bis Premier has allocated funds to aid in the publication of "Israel," . Mr. and Mrs. .Morton Glass company was in the proems of a monthly maj;azino on Jewish have given the name of obtaining similar contracts in culture. .Such funds nr*e allocated Michelle to their daughter born Cither African state:; and that the b? the Government only to puhlicaJuly 28. They are also the par- same policy of using Israeli tions "of a liirii cultural value." ents of a son, Jeffrey. skilled labor and technicians Mrs. Joseph Thomas of JX's would be followed there. Patronize Jewish Press Advertisers. Moines, la., and Mrs. Alfred ISKSTOKATKKV OF OI.II Glass of Omaha are the •grand- JEWISH CKMKTEIiy mothers. IjOndoii (JTA)—The fV.cclm.loA daughter, Sarah Jane was vak Government lias granted a born to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin lions special subsidy to the Prague of West Hartford, Conn., on July Jewish community for restoration 18. Mr. Ross is a former Oma- of the old Jewish cemetery. The han. The family will make their former ItPgin;i Palace Hotel at home in New York City after Mnrienb.'id in northern Huhcrm.i will bo converted into a home for September 1. aged Jews. , Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Abe Kosentnal of Sedalia, Mo., and Mrs. Charles I'.oss. Mrs. M. G. Cohen is a great-grandmother. For Sale

Smallest Families Preferred, Survey Princeton, N. J. (JTA)—All American religious groups arc participating in a postwar population boom but Jewish families want the least number of cliildren, a population study reported. Dr. Philip G. Sagi, Princeton University sociologist, said the findings indicated that the religion of an American family Has a better predictor of the couple'3 attitude toward planned parenthood and desire for children than socio-economic status. Family size is also related directly to the degree to which the family is religious, according to the findings. Very religious Catholics want four or five children and Protestants want three. Jewish families, however, want no more than two children.

Equipment lor Israel Protection Program Washington (JTA)--The Atomic Energy Commission announced that radiological p r o t e c t i o n equipment for Israel would be included in $80,000 worth of apparatus to be supplied to Israel, Argentina, and Brazil through the International Atomic Energy Agency of the United Nations. : Israel will receive one mobile unit and two stationary monitoring stations as part of its radiological protection program. It would pormit routine monitoring of the area surrounding the "swimming pool" type research reactor located near P.ehovoth for radioactivity. ISRAEL JOINS MUSEUM INTERNATIONAL

Israel—Israel has been admitted as a member of the International Council of Museums. Membership will entitle Israel to participate In international art competitions, including the coveted Guggenheim award for plastic arts.

Friday, August 25, 1961 NEW COMMUNITY CENTKR DEDICATED IN LYONS' Lyons, (JTA)—A new community center to serve the historic Jewish community of Lyons, was dedicated here. The construction of the center, the largest of more than GO similar institutions built In Kurope during the pant six yeara, received financial and t e c h n i c a l assistance from the A m e r i c a n Joint Distribution Committee, the Conference on Jewish Medical Claims Against Germany and Fonds Sociale Juifs Unifie, the major French Jewish social welfare agency.


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