Vol. XXXIX—No. 45
F u w i L u i i w i o i m - e . im Uu. a i t n Omutib NcluubKu I'lionr M'M
BKI-JC. I, 1061
at Omutia N«lir
Resolution of Wie Executive Commiftee of the Jewish Federation ©f Omaha, Nebs*. The Executive Committee of the Jewish federation of Omaha, Nebraska, takes note of the untimely death on August 2(>, 10C1, of ftobcrt II. Ko'ipor; and we recall with fond memory that Robert II. Kooper gave more thrill forty years of devoted, consecrated and sincere public service to the Jewish community of Oniiihti; tii.'tt he cave of himself unselfishly to the work of thin Federation in numerous capacities, upon important and major committees and was a Past President of this federation. His influence for tfo-o'l was felt in (he community of Omaha, for he gave of himself to ninny other Worthwhile cause.'! and institutions. His Judgment and advice was sought l>y many, and hi:* hij;h position in the business world was recognized, for ho was known as a man of honesty, responsibility and integrity. It is therefore proper we officially take- cognizance of the loss to this community m the passing of Robert II. Kooper, and that we express our frelhj;;'; to his beloved wife, Dorothy Koopor, his son, Hoivnrd Koojier, and the members of his family. "NOW, Tlir:f:i:i'OIU<;, HIC IT Iti:S<».V10I>: 'Hint the Kxeeutive Committee of the Jewish Federation of Omaha express its profound rei:"'l and sorrow in tho passim:: of Robert If. Kooper, and nolinowled>;e that his loss will be-strongly felt by our entire community, but ue •••hall always remember his nood works for tin? benefit and betterment of his fellowmen, for whom lie had a deep feelirij; of brotherhood. UK IT FCKTIIKJl KKSOIA'KD: That this Resolution lie spread upon the records of Ihis Federation as a perpetual memorial to his work and the life of Robert H. Kooper, and UK IT FUKTIIKK RESOLVED; Tliat a certified copy be sent to his beloved wife, son and family." IN WITNKSS IinUKOF, we have signed this llesolution this 20th day of August, 1901. JKWISII FKDKIJATION OF OMAHA Hurry Truslln, President J«adoro Chapman, Secretary
Volunteers Offer To Guard Yeshiva Ix>s Angeles (JTA) -Two Los Angeles residents, angered by reports of continued vandalism at the Torath Einet Young Israel Academy on the west side, Volunteered to join with others in mounting a guard at the institution to halt the vandalism, thievery and threats; to which the school and its pupils have been subject. Ilabbi Judah Issacson said that over a lone period, windows In the school had been broken and the walls defaced. Recently, he said, the school had been entered into, books torn and s t r e w n around and equipment stolen.
pany, Inc., was actively identified with Jewish community and civic affairs most of his lifetime. :
COlA.V.ilW INOLFDNS IIW1UEW Los Angeles (,TTA>—Courses in elementary and intermediate modern Hebrew will be included in tile curriculum of Los Angeles City College during the coming term. Each course will meet five times weekly and carry four college credits per semester. The courses will cover the reading, writing and essentials of Hebrew grammar and the geography, customs and culture of Israel.
Expression of Sympathy From The United Communify Services Mr. Harry Trustin, President Jewish Federation of Oinnhii Omaha, Nebraska
August 29, 1961 • ,
Dear Mr. Trustin: The recent.death of Robert H, Kroner is n profound lass to our community. Mr. Kooper's long record of service to your organization, and to ours, was evidence of his genuine concern for his fellow man. Hta works of mercy and understanding will long be a memorial to his name. On behalf of our Board of Directors, may I express sincercst condolences. Very truly yours, RICHARD W. WALKER, President United Community Serviucs
Epstein Collection Presented to Israel
232 New York (WNS>—The Joint Distribution Committee in 19G0 Bided 232,M0 men, women and children in "5 countries spanning five continents, It was disclosed in the 1960 Annual Report of J D C s activities by Moses A. Lcavitt, executive vice-chairman. Almost half of Iho total aided, 107,000, were in Moslem countries, principally Morocco, over 6#,000 were in Israel and nearly 52,000 in Europe. At the same time the report ehowed an increase of close to 20,000 in the number of pcoplo helped over last year, and an Increase In expenditures close to $700,000. Total expenditures for tho year were 528,225,710 obtained chiefly from the campaigns of the United Jewish Appeal.
Edinburgh (JTA)—The original plasters of almost all tiie great works of sculpture by the late Sir Jacob Epstein were given of Art by his widow, Lady Epstein. Included in the Gift were more than 200 pieces including such famous works as "Mother and Child," "The Visitation" and the busts of Sir Winston Churchill, Albert Einstein and Chrum Weiztnann. The announcement was made by Billy Kose, the American impresario, who is chairman of the Museum's Fine Arts Committee. This was the second coup by Mr. Rose on behalf of the museum. Previously, he announced that Jacques LIpchitz, another famed scupltor, hnd Riven 300 of his
Movie Projector
A 16 tnllimetor sound movie projector was presented to tlie Dr. Philip Slier Jewish Home for In an Introduction to the re- the aged by Mr. and Mrs, Meyer port, Edward M. M. Warburg, Colnic and Mr. and Mrs. Max JDC chairman, observes that Belgrade in memory of Sam Colthoso who have guided and sup-. nlc. ported JDCs efforts have "acNathan L, Nogg, Home Chaircomplished a ' spiritual impcra* man, In announcing this gift stattlve: a belief that when a man ed that It will bo used In mainhears of suffering and need, ho taining a regular movie program must net; that when he hears a for tlie residents of the Homo as cry for help, lie must answer." part of its recreational facilities.
lie served as a mcmbci* of the Board of Directors of the Jewish Federation of Omaha more llian 25 ..ears, lie gave much of his time and efforts whenever called upon and was deeply Interested in the affairs of the Jewish Federation. Mr. Kooper was also a past president of Beth El Synagogue, Highland' Country Club, B'nai B'rith Lodge No. 354, and Building Managers Association. Surviving are his wife, Dorothy, son, Howard, and three sisters, Mrs. M o r r i s Katleman, Omaha; Mrs. Jack Hose, Chicago nnd Mrs. Murray Lipton, New York.
Koliert II. Kooper, Cl, a past president of the Jewish Federation of Omaha, died last Saturday. • August 20 in a !ncnl hosJiil'nl. Funeral services were h e l d .Sunday at the Heth El .Synagogue. u.'is in the Heth Kl Cemetery, Mr. Kooper, president of the realty firm! the IT. A. Wolf Cbm-
original plasters to tlie museum. Lady Epstein, wlio was with Sir. Rose spoke about the gift and said: "My heart tells me that this Is what Sir Jacob would have wanted." The plasters will be placed in a special Epstein Pavilion for which the AmericaIsrael Cultural Foundation in New York will raise $420,000. The museum, which is known in Israel as the Bezalel Museum, is still under construction on a 40 acre hill in Jerusalem. It will contain forty-eight galleries, built of stone and glass, and a fivoacre garden site for sculpture, designed by Ifiamu Noguchi, the Japanese-American sculptor and landscape designer.
Trustin fays Tribute to M e r l fi. Kooper Our Jewish community nnd the citizens of Omnha have sustained a great loss in the passing of our beloved friend, Kobert (Bob) Kooper, His record in Jewish affairs of our city as one of our great leadel's is as follows: President of Jewish Federation 1958, 1959 Vice-President of Jewish Federation 1955, 195G, 1957 Treasurer of Jewish Federation 1953, 1954 Secretary of Jewish Federation 1952 General Chairman, Jewish Philanthropies 1954 Initial Gift Chairman, Jewish Philanthropies... 1953 Budget Chairman 1957 l i e served as Center Site Chairman, Federation. Property Chairman, and he was a member of the Board of Directors of our Jewish Federation for more than twenty-five years. Tlie recent committee on which he gave unstintingly of his time and personal efforts, was the new Camp Site at Louisville. His advice on this latest 'important undertaking of our community was invaluable to that Committee. His life iu the whole community of Omaha was a master-piece in every walk of life, and his name will be revered by all of us throughout the years. HAIIRY TltUSTIN, President Jewish Federation of Omaha.
UN Asked to Aid Lifting Mai! Ban
File on Mm Victims In Vienna Office
Jerusalem (JTA)—United Nations Secretary G e n e r a l Dag Hammarskjold was asked by the Tunisian Immigrants Association of Israel, to help restore postal communications between Israel and Tunisia. Tunisia s e v e r e d postal communications with Isracl on the grounds that the Arab Postal Union forbids mail contact between member states and Israel. In a cable to Mr. Hammarskjold, the association termed the Tunisian move '-'inhuman and contrary to international law" and snid the suspension of postal communications had b"r o u g h t "distress" to thousands of former Tunisian Jews now living in Israel by interrupting contact between families.
. Vienna (JTA)—A documentation center for gathering, filing and indexing of information and data about the fate of more than 160,000 Austrian Jews killed or deported during World War II by the Nazi regime will be opened here according to an announcement by the Federal Organization of Austrian Jewish Communities. Tlie center will be headed by Simon Wiesenthal, one of the men known to have been active in the long search for Adolf Kichmann, the Gestapo specialist in the annihilation of Jews who was finally captured in Argentina and brought to trial in Israel. It is known that about 60,000 of Austria's Jews were murdered during the Nazi regime. One hundred thousand more emigrated, but e x a c t documentation about the fate of these emigres has not yet been organlzd.
Federation Women to Meet Thursday at Friedman Home A dessert luncheon will open tho fall season for members of the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs, at the home of Its president, Mrs. Lloyd Friedman, 3008 North 67th Street, Thursday, September 7 a t 12:30 p. m.. The program will Include discussion of plans for the comingclub season and announcement of, the chairmen of the various committees. The presidents and representatives of the thirteen organizations belonging to tho club as
well as the committee chairmen are urged to attend the meeting by Mrs. Friedman. Officers s e r v i n g with Mrs. Friedman nre: Mines. Harry Sidman, and Dave Cohn, vice-presidents respectively, and Mrs. Abe C. Fellman, secretary. Deadline- Notlro! All material for tho next tlirco issues must reach Hie of lieu of tli« .Tcui.ili Press on Thursdays of the wreliw preceding pnbliistlon. Tills Is urcpssjiry becuuso of tho intervening holidays.
Jewish Holiday Calendar Rnsh IIaj.ha.nah Sept. 11-12 Yom Ivippur Sept. 20 Succot Sept. 25-26 Shmini Atzerct Oct. 2 Simhat Torah Oct, 3. Observance begins on eve a& holiday.
Page Two
Wiffi ffto Published ueclily on Friday bc^uiulng tho lai.t week in August Scccna Class Poslgcte Palo oJ Omato. l.cbr. Annual Sobscrlpflen, S4.&G. Adverililiia Ralea en Application. Putl.catlon Office-101 No. SOIh Street, Omaha, itibi., 34J1366.
All friends and relatives aro Invited to attend services aud roctption.
Friday; September 1, 1061
Sunday Liquor at
Folks Religious Events
Neid nnd hupiicnliiK* at Tlie Dr. I'lillip Slier Jnu-hli Hume for (lie Aged by Uavid Orliow.
With (he Folks M Iloine, News and H.-ippoiiincs ;i( the Dr. Philip Slier Homo for 1 tit; Ai:<,'!l, Ijj' Da\itl Oiliow.
Toronto (.1TA)—The Liquor License Board announced revision of 1 lie liquor License Act lo permit the bci'viiifj of liquor on a .Sunday in a religious institution of a denomination that docs not observe Sunday as its •Sabbath. U n d e r Ihe amended regulation, liquor may be served in these institutions at religious fund ions, includiui; weddings and confirmations. Tlie amendment, eliminates previous question as to ihe legality of serving liquor at Sunday weddincs and confirmations in Ontdiao .syn.iKoru's
ALLESON Cufilomlino Apparel
The Cmlaliy C'oivboy of Iho Bar-.S ranch ciitortuliicd our residents this wed; dmmjtli the NJDST.V i-'K 1419 FARNAM ST. The Bar Mitzvah of Sidney courtesy of (he Bo/.ell nnd Jacobs Friedman, .soil of Mr. and Mrs. ridviM'tiMim nj;ency. Patronize Jewish I'rcss AdverAlbert Friedman will be celeF i l n i H of the norihvwslfrn tisers. brated Saturday, Sept. 2, at Helh Unitod States and C":iriad;j were Israel Synagogue at 8:45 a. in. j-.hown by Jlr. Wralhorspoon. B'NAI JACOU ADAS Kloncrs at the Home this week Friday Mineha at G?15 p. in. MICtfAKI, HKItO were received from Mr. and Mrs. Saturday, 8:45 a. m. and Mincha 'Hie Bar Mitzvah of Michael Jerry Kubenstein from tlie woilat 7 p. in. Daily services at 7 Berg, sou of Mr. and Mrs. Na- dinc of their daughter I'e;;yy, to 6. in, and 7 p, in. iiian Bert; will be celebrated on Allan Gary Kpstfin. I.alxir Day, Monday, September Yuhrzeil |il:u|ui'» honoring IlyISUAFX Sabbath services will be held •J at Be I h Israel Synagogue at mie Cohiic and Sam C'olnic have been installed on the Memorial In the Chapel of Temple Israel at fl a. m. Tablets at. the Home. 7:30 p. in. Rabbi Sidney 11. SoIonNM Hro\vns(4'in j;ave ft Brooks will officiate and delher Kiddusli in honor of (lie liiilh of the mes.s:ii;e. a niece, Tube Kulh lirownstein. B i n ii i x N(iv resldenls lit the Home: Subbath tenices at B.ih 1:1 The Both Israel Nursery school Abraham Kvnen, S I a n 1 e y S. Synapo^up this e\ening at 7 p. in. will re-opfii Wcdnosjay, Scptem- Marks, Frederick K. BodenbelinSabbath morning services at l):.'!0. lier 6, Mrs. Ifcnry Appcl, cliair- '•r, Mrs. l{oro Smehoff, Sol Spar, Minchn-Mfinriv .service at G:45 nian, said there is still time ?o Mrs. Jennie p. m. enroll pro-M-lux;! children. For Sunday morning rtrvieos at 9 a. m. .Services during the week at further inforniation, parents may No Jewish Registrant call Mrs. Appoi at OS-'J-fiG-'lS or For Bible Contest 7 a. in, and 7 p. in. Slichoth services at Beth El the synagoiiue office, 55(J-C288. Rio He Janeiro (JTA)—Fortyat midnijrht, Saturday, SeptemThe fall session of Tcmjile Is- three Catholic and Protestant ber 2. Cantor Aaron 1. K<lj.;ar will racl school will hejjin Wcdncsiiay contests—but not a single Jew render I he musical portions of and Thursday, .Si'j)temhcr U and — registered here for the comthe s e r v i c e. Rabbi Myer S. 7 with Mrs. Martin Ilnykin as petition to determine who will Kripke «il! give the sermonette. school,diroclor1 and Mrs. Donald represent Brazil in the Interna/Belli El Sisterhood will serve Cohen, her assistant. Four-year- tional Bible Contest to be held at T Coffee Hour at 11 p. m. pre- olds wi!! meet on Monday, Wed- in Israel .later this year. The "Mom, you prepare tlie rest of the meal and I'll bring Mother's ceding the Slichoth service. nesday and Fridays. Classes for local competition is being sponAll Whitcfish Cefilte Fish. You know, darling, Mother's packs three-year-olds will he held on sored by Ambassador Y o s e f real wholesome, homemade flavor right into the jar. Yes, Mora, Tuesday, and Thursdays. BETH 'ISRAEL Tclioa of Israel. we'll spend a wonderful Holiday together." KOSHER @ PAREVE Traditional F r i d a y evening services (Koboias Shabhos) at 6:45 p. m. Sliabbos morning services at The unveiling of the monument Hebrew Tombstone, 8:45 a. m. Junior 'CunjjrPKiition for Mrs. Sadie Saxc Freeman 1,200 Years Old at 10 a. in. Rabbi Benjamin will take place Sunday, SeptemLondon (JTA) ~ A Jewish Groner will conduct the Talmud ber 1 p. m. at Beth El Cemeclass nt Cy.'.f) p. m. Sabbath Min- tery. All friends and relatives are tombstone dating back to the eighth century has been discha at 6:45 p. in. followed by invited. covered In China, according to a Shalus Sudos and Maariv at Write for free Gefillc Flth recipe folder: "Delicious Daily Dlnine." 7:45 p. m. The family of Mrs. E s t h e r report in the W a r s a w FolkFROM THE SPOTLESS KITCHCNS'OF MOTHER'S FOOD PRODUCTS. INC., PEPT./M.HEWABK 5, N.JL Sunday morning services be- will dedicate a monument stimtne. The directorate of the fiin at 9 a. m. followed by break- in her memory on Monday, Sep- historical museum in Peking sent fast and Rabbi's class in Bible. tember 4 at 11 a. m. at Golden n copy of the inscription on the Daily services at 7 a. in. and Hill Cemetery. Rabbi Benjamin tombstone—which is in Hebrew —to archaeologists in Israel. nt 6:50 p. m. Groner will officiate.
Nursery SshooEs Will Open Fall Sessions
Memorial Services Monuments in the Jewish Tradition We are known for our exacting Hebrow (offering and dofail, soloct your monument from the iargcit stock of up-to-date memorial* in fho midwest,
lee what you buy.
Wo employ no ogcnfi . . . hers you save oxpomivo commissions as you deal cKrocfly with tho owners , . . Wo invite you td compare . . . We permit no untimely solicitation . , . you aro free to matte up your own mind, all memorials plainly priced, set complete.
Omaha Mdnumenf Company "9"
Memorial services will be held Sunday, September 3 at Golden Hill Cemetery nt 11 a. in. and at Beth Hamedrosh HaRoiloI, 2 p. m., it was announced by William Milder, president.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Manny Simon wish to flinnU friends nnd relatives for the contribution* given In Mr. Simon's name und for tlie cards anil flowers received during his recent Illness.
Factory & Display St. at 32nd, 731-4111 Open Sunday. 2 to S "Builders and Designers of Fine Memorials" Since 1923
Holiday Special
Per Lb
Truly Delicious, Check This Price
Especially for Your Holiday Pleasure
ROCK CORNISH HENS. Real Delicacy, Ea. $1.19 DUCKS, Per Lb. . . . ............. 69c All Poultry Sold at Shuberts Is USDA Government Inspected for Your Protection
Phono -M2-1WS to Insert your Warrt M t> tho Jewish Prcty
Lb. Per $ | 10
Open Labor Day Until 12 Noon
Open Labor Day Until 1 P.M.
By the Piece
"No Job too* biff of too small (or a s " IJusnscd In Omaha and Council Bluffs
Our Own Famous Recipe, CHOICE PICKLED BRISKETS, Lb..
Taste the Per Difference, Lb.
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1018 Fcreasn
Open Sunday We Deliver . . . FreiN Bread" "We Ship Anywhere" COME IN—COMPARE—EVERYDAY THRIFTY PRICES
BAB and Boa Mitzvah congratulations 'also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions, Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodgo
NEW YEAR CARDS, Pock of 10, Each . . PUCE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR BOSH HASHANAH end YOM KIPPUR Price* Effective Thru Thurtday i
Your Moot Dollar Is Worth More a t Diamond's
Friday, September 1, 1901
Judith Ban Marries Alan Goldsfein af Beth El Miss Judith R o x u n n e Han, daughter of Mr: uml Mrs. .Inclc Joseph Han, became the bride of Alan David Gold.stHn in a ratinony, August JO, performed by Uitbbi Myer S. Kripke at Beth Kl Syii;ii;o;:iic. The tfrooin is the (.on of Mr. and Mrs. Arllnir Goldstein. Tii(! bride wore a i;o\vn of Annis Sillc w i I li re-embroidered Aluncon lace and a bouffant illusion veil draped to n Swedish ciown of Aurora crystals and JM'M'ls. Her nintron-of-hoiior was Mrs. Robert V. Goldstein, Cincinnati, O. Bridesmaids were (.lie Misses Kay Goldstein, Rocliclle Sommi.'i' mid Mrs. Richard Glazer, all of Omaha, Attending llic urnom was Robert Goldstein, best man. Michael, Gerald Sherman, Lawrence Herman were croomsmen. Ushers were Arnold Jian, Thomas Platt, Lee Malt, Justin Jlavitz, till or Onialia, (ind Allan Cohen, Dcver]y Jlills, (,'al. A dinner was held at the filacicfilonu Hotel after ceremony, Tin; couple are making their home; in Omaha following a trip to Las Vej;a.s, Nev., and Los Angeles, Cal.
Delegation to Attend Meeting in Lincoln An Omaha delegation will attend the annual conference of the Workmen's Circle Midwest District 'at the Lincoln Hotel, Lincoln, Nebr., Sunday and Monday, September .'i-4. The Omalians will leave from the Labor Lyceum in a chartered bus at 8:15 a. m. Sunday. Attendance at the meeting is expected also from Dcs Moini'S, In., Sioux City, la. and Denver, Colo. Sessions will bcRin Sunday nt 10 «. m. and close with a 1 p. m. luncheon on Monday. A bnnquct will be held Sunday at 0 p. in. •restrict officers are L. Witlun, chairman; Morris Goodman, secretary nnd Max Crotinse, treasurer.
AROUND TIIK WOULD IN 80 MINUTES Around the world in 80 minutes will be the theme for Beth. Israel Sisterhood's first fall meeting, Tuesday, September 5 at 32:30 p. m. at the synagogue. Mines. IT. S. Susman and Delniei" Klein are in charge of the program. Baby sitting service Avlll oe available.
Mm. Alan (iolilste.hi
Young Couples Flan September 23Dance Tlie Young Coupler/ club of Beth Israel are planning a dance at the Synagogue Saturday, September Z\ nt 9:30 p. in.. Those In charge are Mr. nnd Mrs. Milton Uelzer, chairmen, anil their committee composed of Dr. and Mrs, Irving Shapiro, Messrs. and Mmes. Paul Alpcrsoii and Cordon Elowitz. Tickets may be obtained through the synagogue, from the Alpersons, Belzers or Mr. nnd Mrs. Joe Burnstien. The affair, C53 per couple donation) is open to the couumtn-
i a n y Guests Arrives
AZA Sweetheart Will Be Named Six girls "ill vie for the title of AZA No. 1 .Sweetheart Saturday, September 2 at the organization's tuenly-eichth dance, at the Blarkstone Hotel. The candidates include Sandy Parilman, Terry Milder, Sherry Kraft, Lois CJrcenberij, llarbiira Kaplan and Fiances ilift*. Festivities will bo held from I) p. m. to midnight. Tickets will be available'-at the door.
Mr. and Mis. Steven Lustgarten announce the bnth of a son, Michael Bruce on August ](i at Clarkson Hospital. They are (lie parents of two other children, Howard Scott, and Jill Mali'inh. Mrs. Helen Goldstein and Mrs. Ben LuslgarU'n are the grandmothers of tlie baby. A daughter, Miriam Lois was born to Mr. and Mrs. Max firaliat, August, (i. The baby's Bisters are Dorothy. Judith and Diane Susan. Mrs. David Ciramtt of Los Angeles, Cal. is the grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. Martin V,, Kornian announce the birlh of a daughter, Shorn Lynn on July 17. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Menasha Kohtbart, Oak Park, Mich, and Mr. and Mrs. Morry Korman, Detroit, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Katz have Riven the name of Susan Elaine to their daughter, born July 11. Their other children are Allen and Michelle Helene. Grandparents are Messrs. nnd Mines. Milton Nearenberg and Dave Kalz. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon A. l:!lewilz announce the birth of a son, Marc Adler on July 3 at Clarkson Hospital. They are also the parents of a son, Jay, Grandparents are the Messrs. nnd Mines. Albert Oruch and Isadora Elewitz.
Pago Tlire*
Ylddisfi Publication Qmahans in News Louis Jess of the Commodore iakes Bow In flyssia Hotel, was elected president of
Loiiflon (JTA)—The first Yidd i s h-lnnjjuafie publication perniilted in the Soviet Union since H'J'IS, with the exception of a newspaper In Uirobidjan, made its iij)]>earaiu:e in Moscow, .
the Hotel Association of Omaha. !Wr. and Mrs. Abe Bear have returned to Omaha after spending a couple of weeks in tlie Los Angeles, Calif., area with relatives.
The publication, k n o w n as ,S o v i a t i s h Heimlnnd, (Soviet Miss Sandra Nviirenberg is reI'lnmeland) is a literary magazine which will a p p e a r every two turning home this Friday after months under (he editorship of visiting her brother and sisterAaron VergeJis, a poet, lie said in-law, Dr. and Mrs. S i d n e y H!i,000 copies had been printed Nearenbcrg of New Hyde Park, of the first: edition of which dis- Long Island. tributors in Kiev and Vilna had already ordered 400 each. The MONA LISA editor .said the paper would be House of Glamour distributed in most Kussian cities 553-7000 where there is a Yiddish-speaking I I I No. EOili 6 Export Hair Stylists population. Air-Conditioned Dryers It; was Ki'iicrully lii'Iimed that MISS MARSH and MISS JERRY lint hulk uf lli<> distribution wnulil Ownon lie outside the Soviet Union, in Isriii-1 and clseivheri!, BO as to hn|)i'CHs upon (IKS world (tic fact that llio Soviet Union "encouriigi's" Jcuisili t'liltiirn. According to descriptions received here the first issue? of "Sovii'l.isli Ifeinilnnd" appeared to contain a mixture of the customary Soviet propaganda found in the Soviet press and a smattering of material considered by the Communists to he of particular interest to Yiddish readers. Mr. Vergelis said ho would print a .serialization of a previously unAND published novel by Sliolcm Aleicheni "found in forgotten arCandid Wedding chives." Hn said there would also ', CALL be poems by Yiddish poets, Yiddish literary criticism and an article about Jewish literature in Birobidjan. > 817 So. 36th 345-1044 There have been no Yiddish newspapers or magazines in the Soviet Union, except for the small paper in Birobidjan, since Premier S t a l i n liquidated Jewish culture executing many Jewish writers, in 1948-1949.
; John Kalina
in XJio fiiinlly of Alfred Glass ivldhcs to tlmnk their relaArriving this week for (he Bar tives and friends for their Mitzvnh celebration of Sidney thought fulness and ninny acts Friedman son of Mr. and Mrs. of kindness during- tlielr beAlbert Friedman on September reavement. 2 are the following out-of-town Mr. and Mrs. Harold Falk of quests: Messrs. nnd Mmes. Harry Sioux City, la. announce the Mednick, Jack Kngan, Toronto, birth of a son, Joel Alan on Au- ' Can.; Mrs, Goldie Seidman, New gust 6. Mrs. Falk is n former t Modernizing? Expanding?York City; Mrs. Abe Kainian and Omahan. < N a r d a Nerenberg, Milwaukee, Grandparents are Mr. nnd Mis Wls.; Messrs. and Mines. Ben Bernard Diamond of Omaha and Ohilds, Sam Chapman, Mrs. Wll\ Coll Max Fnlk of Sioux City. Gieitinn Stern and children, Chicago, Crnndparenls are Mr. and Mis I \AND SONS 111.; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kaiman Joe Adlcr, Omaha and Mr. nnd i and son, Paul, Sioux City, la.; Electrical Mrs. Jack Diamond, Chicago, III. Messrs, and Mines. Ixrw Korn Contracton and Nathan Kaiman, Des Moines, Mr. nnd Mrs. Louis ITurwIlz of ">--< for la.; Mr. and Mrs. Corporal CoDes Moines, la. have clvon the ' hen, Rockport, Mo.; the Mmes. Speedy Dependable Service name of JoLynn to their daught- ' Robert Kainian and Louis Kai,er, horn August 18. They also ' Commercial man, Glcnwood, la. have a son, Kdward. Mrs. IIiu- i Residential witz is. the former Marilyn Kice, i Industrial daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. S<im Rice. Paternal grandmother is Call 451-5373 Mrs. Benjamin Ilurwitz of Des Moines. 455-8792 or 455-9534
Study of Jewish Contributions
ASSISTANT TKAMIKUS TO SIKICT SKIT. 5 Sao Paulo, Brazil CJTA)-—Dr. Tlie first meeting of the Assistant Teachers of Temple Is- Mareio Porto, Sao Paulo State rnel will take place on Tuesday, Secretary, appealed to Jewish September 5, nt 4 p. m. The leaders here to institute a study course will be taught by Rabbi of the social, cultural and ecoSidney H. Brooks and Muury L. nomic contributions of the Jews Schwartz. All high school stu- to Brazilian civilization since the settlement of the country. Dr. dents may attend the training Porto said Hint, if such a study sessions by phoning Mr. Schwartz •wore curried out, it would be a t 5.r)6-C5.'iG. published nnd distributed by tlie "A NIGHT IN LAS VKGAS'! PAKTV, OCTOI1EK 14 Plans ore being made for "A Night in Las Vegas" party by the Cornhufikcr Chapter of B'nal B'rith Women on October 14, at the Ranch Bowl. The affair will Jncludd n midnight supper, entertainment nnd gnmes and will be open to the public.
Patronize the Advertisers.
Serving Omaha 40 Years
Literary Contest Works in Spanish On Jewish Theme
Buenos" Aires (JTA) —' Two prizes for the best unpublished Spanish-language works on Jewish themes—amouiitlnE to 50,000 COUSINS CLUB pesos for ihe best work of ficThe Cousins Club will meet a t tion or history nnd 30,000 pesos the Regent' Hotel Wednesday, for the best children's novel or September 6. Those unable to nt- biographical novel are being of>tcnd, arc asked to call Mrs, fered by the Editorial Israel Itichard Wright, 342-3132. publishing house here on the oc-r caslon of Its 25th anniversary HOLIDAY DANCING CLUB next year. To be eligible, manu. The Holiday D a n c I ii g • Club scripts must.uerpresented to the, will hold a dance, Saturday, Sep- publishers before Nov. 30. Tlie tember' 9 nt the Castle Hotel winning manuscript will be publishcd.- • . , : . j )0. p, ni, la 1 8. m. ,
NOW your savings will earn interest every day- , from day of deposit to day of withdrawal!
The Omaha National Bank MtDibfrFr4traID«p«lit imurmuaCorportllon '
Two locations to serve you: MAIM BANK •• 17th and Fomam Street DRIVE IN • WALK IN BANK - 17th Street between Fornam and Dowlas
P»KB Four . ,\Wi
Food for Rosh Hashcmah
Ftfaccabiah Oames Draw 800 Athletes
Friday, Septxwiber 1, 1961
Yeshiva Youths Raid Camp
Tel Aviv (JTA) -About 100 o! tcen-ngers was sont, prior to yeshiva youth belonging to the tho Orthodox Pinovecz Ytshlva, ullra-zealous "Torah Camp" of in Biicl Brak, while others had or (hop the Iner, the onion, the By Mildred Grosbrrj; Ilellin the ultra-Orthodox Agudat Is- already been prepared for onfat in which it was cooked, and rael Party raided Kamut Haduii- rollniciit in schools conducted by [ Author, "The Juivlsh Cook" two of the ei.:cs until very fine. sali, uti immigrant-youth distrithe Hnbad hrnnrli of the Hnssldie The eve of Hashnnah, the Add salt and pepper to lusle, and bution center near Haifa, and spiritual Jewish New Year, ushers just enough additional chicken fat claimed they had "rescued" .')0 movement. in the High Holy Pays is a time to make a smooth paste. Chill. teen-age immigrants who, alof soul-searching ami solemnity, Chop the remaining ej;g fine and legedly, were bein;: brought up THINK FIRST OF it is also one of hope, with the sprinkle over the liver. This "irreligiously" by the center. joyous aspect of the holiday em- amount serves 5 or G as an apThe raiders rolled into the phasized by festive meals, Tradi- petizer. camp in trucks, and summoned tional dishes which have come HOCK COUNISH HENS KN The Sinn of For the first time, the Mac- the teen-age residents to leave to be associated with all occaGood Housekeeping,! CASSEItOI.E with them. cabiah Games will he held under sions of rejoicing, and special 5 Ruck C'orui.sli lieita the a u s p i c e s of the Olympic The claim that 30 of the teenfoods symbolic of the faith and Any desired dressing Committee which i;nvc the event agers had gone away with the hope with which this holiday are IJ cup rlilrkrn fut an Olympic standing. Most of raiders was made in Jerusalem celebrated. 1/ifi teaspoon garlic powder Die athletes will be housed in by Kabbi Menahem Porush, n It is customary to serve honey Salt anil pepper to taste Maccabiah Village, built on the member of Parliament. Camp ofcake and to place dishes of honey '_, cup <lili Ian soup pattern of the Olympic Village. ficials denied that any of the on the table as an expression of V! Kiiiall stuffed grfen olive* The village was officially opened youths left voluntarily with the the wish for a "swret" year, and 1/3 rup dry white wine August '•':> in the presence of to serve a fruil \vhieh hay not 1 -l-oz. r-tu hutton mushrooms, Pierre (lildesgamer, chairman of raiders. "Religious people will not be quiet," Rabbi Porush said, yet been eaten that season. Condrained. SERVING HOME AMD the Maccabi World Union. "until every religious boy or girl cord grapes or apples, both of Stuff the hens and fasten with INDUSTRY SINCE 1921 The Maccabiah is scheduled to fjetj; a religious education in Iswhich are now coming into sea- pins or string. Brown the birds Call Us lot Estimates rael." leaders of the raiding son, are frequently used. Many In the fat until golden, then place clo::e September 5. party charged that the teenfamilies dip pieces of apple into them side by side in a laiy.e, agers from the Ramat Hadassah the honey and recite a special deep roastin); pan with a cover. Hadassah Adopts distribution center "are being prayer for a happy year, To the fat in tin- pan add all the PEST CONTROL SERVICES .sent to settlements where pigs Poultry, especially roast, chick- remainin;; ingredients. Brine to a $9,888,500 Budget are raised, and are encouraged to H07 Harnoy 341-0088 en, is the traditional festive merit boil and pour over the hens. CovDenver (WNSj- -The four-day for the main course. In true keep- er the pan tightly, and bake at forty-seventh annual .convention apostasy." Moshe Kol, head of the Jewing with this tradition, but just .'IHO decrees F. about one hour, of Iladassah concluded here with different enough to add even until the hens are tender. Turn adoption of a budget of $9,H88,500 ish Agency Youth Aliyah departmore of a holiday air to the them over when half-cuoked. Al- for the organization's activities ment, denied the charges. He said feast, are the rather new Hod: low one whole hen for each adult, in Israel and the United States, that no children with religious Cornish hens, which are also iiml H half for each child's l>or- and the re-election of Mrs. Sieg- background would be or nre l>e- © Open Labor Day ** available for kosher use. The tion. fried Kramarsky of New York ini; turned, over to non-religious settlements or institutions. On © W:w:7& Q hens, round, meaty, are delicious to the presidency. HONICr C'AKK the contrary, he said, one group Q when well-seasoned and spread 3|j cup* sifted all-piirpow flour Look at Thoso ^J •with chicken fat. then roasted 1 t<-asp«Mm baking jK>w<!er CHIEF KAMI! OF uncovered. They are even better I teaspoon baking soda TiJKKEY NAMED Israel- -A rapid method for dewhen cooked in a casserole. 1 tea-spoon ground cinnamon Istanbul (JTA)—Mabbi David termining the quantity of uranAnother special food for IJosh 1 teaspoon ground ginger Asset) was chosen this week from ium in ore samples has been reIlashnnah is carrots, which are . \\ teaspoon ground allaplrc among six candidates to become ported by a ;tl-year-o!d scientist served as a symbol of the wish Vz l^a-spoon ground cloves a Chief Rabbi of the Turkish at the Nahal Rubin atomic refor prosperity. If chicken is the 4 eggs separated actor, Dr. Sa'ndia Amiel. Jewish community. main dish, a carrot tzimnian J cup sugar © IMPORTED ITALIAN BAGEL AND LOX TRAY would be a suitable accomplish- 1/3 cup vegetable oil ment. With the Rock Cornish 1 II). homy A Regular $6 Value ISRAEL FOREIGN MINISTER ATTENDS © hens, no sauce is needed for the I cup ginger ale. carrots. © JAPANESE CONCERT AT RUBIN ACADEMY .Sift together the flour, bakMKNTI FOK ROSH IIASIIANAII ing sodn, and spices. Beat the Now Challas Dislios of Iioney e(;K yolks, sugar, and oil until Corncoril fjrapos or apples light and thick. Beat in the honwith <ny ( 5 Purchais. C « Chopped Uver Carrot* ey. Add the flour mixture alterramie Trayi hand paintod in Chlrkcn soup with ri™ nately with the ginger ale, about colon to complement any Soast Chicken or IttKk Cornish one-fourth at a time. Beat the array of dolieacioi lervad. hens en casserole e;;g whites stiff and fold into Doiigns, artfully carved be> ! Lui'kshon (Noodle) Huge! the batter. Pour into a wellforo firing for unuiual efSalad of lettuce, tomato, and facts. graised 10-inch tube pan, and | frozen artichoke hearti bake at 350 degrees F. about C> 1 Itollsh dish of sweet pickle, minutes, until the top is a rich spiced crabapplcs, and waterdeep brown, nnd. a cake tester Mar-Parv, Reg. 45c mcllon rind plrklo inserted in the center comes out Fresh fruit cup Honey cake dry. Invert on a rack, then inBlack coffee or tea vert at once on another rack to ® cool with the top up. This make, CHOPPED MVEK ® 1 lb. broiled poultry, calf's, or a very large, high cake. (JTA) © baby !>oef Uver 3 hard-boiled, eggs DltOITKI) FROM About ',< nip'chicken fat PENSION ROLLS "Buy It Where 1 finely dicwl, medium-large onHannover (JTA)—The former ion It's Baked" staff chief of the Nazi storm Salt and taste © troops, Wilhelm Schepmann, toRemove all membranes from day was ordered dropped from Holiday Features the liver. Slowly cook the onion the pension rolls in a decision in three tablespoons' of the fat here by the Ixiwer Saxony AdForeign Minister G'olcla Mcir attends "Concert of Japanese Music* at (he Rubin © HONEY CAKE until soft, but not browned. Grind ministrative Court. Acadrmy of Mnsic, Jerusalem, gift of Samuel Ilubin, president of (lie America* ItracI Cultural Foundation. The concert, i part of the Foundation's program SPONGE CAKE of cultural interchange, was given by Japanese musicians on native miuica! © instruments, one of which Mn, Meir U examining. COFFEE CAKE Tel Aviv (J'J'A)—A continuous iitream of airplanes arrived In Israel this week, bringing more than 800 Jewish athletes to participate in the sixth Maccabiah International Games here. More than '26 countries are represented at the sports fete, the largest contingent c o m i n g from the United States with more than l.''.() sportsmen and officials.
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CHALLAH in the Traditional Style for Holiday TabU
Take Homo Gcfilte Fish
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Newest and Most Complete Line Cards for Friends and Every Member of the Family BRAILLE WATCHES FOR THE BLIM) Mr- Ihrrv l i l r r r . n?l,i. president. Women'* League For Israel, ehowi L's.,J L !!..!..,, !„•«,! U J , In New York, shipment of Braille watches the it bringing to Israel whrre Che women's service group maintain! five liomei for young people in kcr •»tis»,
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