September 11, 1961: Rosh Hashanah Edition

Page 1


rutilfriitlon Office. 101 No, 201I1 Omah.i, Nolii.'iBkii, Pliou

Services for Rosh Hashanah

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Sunday, Sept. 10—i'r.'l'Z p.m. .'Monday, Sept. II—fi:'JI p.m.

Beth El Sunday, Sept. 10 I .ill i' Kvening Nerwres 8:15 Monday, Sept. II Morning .Services . . . 8:00 Voiilh .Services 10:,'!0 Mincha-Manriv Scrv. li:.'!() Tuesday, Sept. V. Morning .Service . . . . S:00 Youth .Services IU:.'tfi Mincba-Manriv Scrv.. (>:.'1O

Uy IIAIUJV TKUSTIJV President of the Jewish I'Vder.itioii

pin a.m a.m p.m

of Omaha JI r u i r ti i vi i Vj j;



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li i ' r v i ' i i •

a.m n.m p.m

Beth Israel


" . . . I'ralse him with Ihn Imri1"

Sunday, Sept. Ill Kseninf: Service li:.'IO p.m. Miuiilay, Sept. II Morning Services . . . . 7:.'!0 a.m. .Sermon 10:00 a.m. Junior Congregation , . lfl:.'!0 a.m. ]•.'veiling Services . . . . . I!:T'fI p.m. Tuesday, Sept, I'! Morning Services . . . . T:'M a.m .Sermon 10:00 a.m Junior Congregation ..10:.'J0 n.m K veiling S e n ices . . . . (i:.'!0 p.m

"Illou up the horn in fho neu* moon in tlie 11 in n apjiointed, on our snlrimi feant day.'' lS.ilms Kl/.'i

"I'r.ils IIII with the thuhrel . . . J'rai him npiin tint liiR sounding i vmlials." ISalnii l.")ll/l/j

"Also in the d.n of .yiiur Kh'duess and In your H o l e in n dayM mill in the hegiiiningi of tiiiir nionlhs. j n hhill lilotv with Hi" tiiuupets." .Niunliers 10/10

Whether il be Jewish education, or activities for the young and old, or care for lhe aged, or a program for individual welfare, or camping—all these functions are performed by the Federation for the community.

B'ncri Jacob Stllliljiv, S e p t . Ill


St'rvice . . . . (i:.'',0 .Monday, Sept. 11 Mornini; Service 7:.'!0 Kvening Scrvico 6:.'iO Tuesday, Sept. I'> Monilni; .Service 7:.'!0 Kvenini; Soivlro <i:.'U)

Through I lie .span of 58 years of its existence, (he Jewish Federation of Omaha has served as a symbol of cooperntion and unity in our community. The unique and ehamclerislic nature of our Federation is that through its various programs and activities it servos the entire .Jewish community.

p.m n.m pin a.m p.m )» .' 1 \ 1 Ur* ^

Temple Israel


Combine Forces And in unison with organized Jewish groups in Omaha, we combine our forces in our annual United Jewish Campaign, the Jewish Philanthropies, to provide Omaha's share for local, national, overseas and Israel needs.

Siiniliiy, Sept. 10 We are, therefore, proud Kveninjj Service . . . . . H:\?> p.m. of the community harmony Monday, Sept. 11 and solidarity which prevail Morning Service 10:00 a.m. " . . . And I).met anil " . . . I'raisc hi"i ullh " . . . Anil gladness of heart . . . as in Omaha. And there are Child ren'H Service* all the IIuiisii of Isthe p s n l t e r y unit when goeth \iilli ,i pipe." many more avenues for joint Kinilercartcn throiiKh rael played . . . anil liurp." Isaiah :U)/:l0 fcrade 2 ...10:00 a.m. programming which enable on thnhrels, and fort.-)0/3 Crmlo .'i through the Federation to maintain IH'llH." Cnide Ti 11:00 n.iii. the tradition and reputation Manillel Ci/H Story Hour of a " J e w i s h Community two delfi of slani|ii commcinoraling miislenl liwlnimnnJs used In nnclvnt limes were Issued by Israel— Kiii(liij;.irlcn through Geared for Service." (Jrade 2 .11:00 a.m. tln> to|> group of four In 1D55 and the trio helmv In i'.tMi. Kaeh tab heart, a hihlleal reference to theso Instruments. -(ii-mk* 3 through Interest of Voting Adults Grnde 5 ....10:00 n.m, The lay leadership on our JS'nal Israel of Council Illuffs many committees and boards Sunday, Se|>t. JO are proof that the FederaKvwilng Service G^O p.m. tion is the concern of many Monday, Sept. Jl people. We are especially Morning• Service i....7:.'{0 «,m. proud of our young adults Ilveninj; Service ....-(!:.'!() p.m. Tn«e<lny, Sept, J2 'Hie 1 !)G 1-5722 Nesv Year e<li- pearmice before distinguished au- ment music, usually with accom- who-are participating in our panying dances. community work and are Morninf; Service . . . . . 7:.'!0 a.m, tlon rif the Jewish Press honors diences. livening Service G :•'!() p.m. Jewish composers; those menInstruments to accompany mu- j) re [taring for community The festival which Is presenttioned on other piigcs are Just a ing twenty-five concerts during sic, it Is believed were7in impor- leadership, through act ua 1 t v •:;"i.:r::.r:-?i?:rr::™sv.i::-::v:;;'n very few who have received -In- the three-week program, will tant part of music in ancient sharing in our community ternational' recognition for con- close September 18. times'. labors. tributions <o the world of music. The Israel stamps shown on for Heller I:iider.stamlhi(; We hope that in the years Today, in n changing world, Kxclmnge programs, geared to the front page illustrate the type where peace is no longer taken promote better understanding of instruments believed to have "to come, the Jewish Federafor granted, where there are iron among countries, have stressed been used in ancient times. tion may grow from strength Jtosli Hashunah Sept. 11-12 curtains, political Intrigues, and music and other facets of culture. Many of the instruments men- to strength, anjl that our where the training of astronauts Famous arfisls have on invita- tioned again and again in the common heritage for comYom Kippur Sept. 20 Is no longer a figment of (he tion, taken their music to na- Bible arc also named in song to munity living — the Jewish Succot Sept. 25-2« imagination, music emerges a ray tions, other than own. the praise of God, in the last Federation — shall continue of hope. And those who have faith In (150) psalm: •Sliminl Atzeret Oct. 2 to function on a most proThe annual holiday edition of the universality of music, believe "Praise the Lord with the ductive level for the benefit Simhat Torah Oct. 3. this publication which hails Jew- It have some effect on dissolving Bound of trumpet; praise him Observance begins on eve o( ish composers and their contri- some of the barriers among peo- with psaltery and harp; praise of us all. butions to the music world, also ple on this earth. holiday. . him with the timbrel and harp. As we enter a New Year, salutes n music event in Israel Praise Him upon the light-sound- I would like to extend to the Music for Ulvlno Service f " J which is attracting thousands of Ever since mankind existed, ing cymbal." members of our community, visitors from all parts of tho music has played nn integral part 20 Instruments Kecordcd ISKAKIi, UI'ITIt VOI-TA globe. • In the daily life of oil peoples. About 20 instruments of an- on behalf of the Jewish Fed&WX PEACE TIIEATV This Is the First International Tho development of music umong cient times are recorded, but It eration Boards and Commit-

Jewish Holiday Calendar

Jerusalem (JTA)—Israel and lhe now African nation of Upper Volta signed a treaty of friendship and cooperation, Including terms tor mutual assistance, particularly In-the areas'of agriculture and Irrigation, .

Music Festival In Jerusalem which la expected to take Ha place onions the renowned music events of tho year. Some of the most outstanding personalities In tho contemporary world of music are making their ap-

the Israelites went hand In hand with that of poetry, the two being equally ancient. Music was used In very early tunes in connection with tho-divine service, and popular festivals were celebrated with slnulnjj and Instru-

Is not known how they were composed, c o n s t r u c t e d , or sounded. Nothing but the names have been handed d6wn, and there recourse rnust bo taken from other ancient countries, like Babylonia andl Assyria;

tees, our very best wishes for a Happy New Year.

May it be a Year of Joy, Satisfaction, H e a l t h and Peace for us and throughout the world. :

New Year's Edition —THE JEWISH PRESS —Itosh Hashanah 5728

Pate Two

The Music of The Synagogue Music has always been a vital factor in the cultural life of the Jewish people. The Bible contains many references which testify to the important role music plajed in the religious and social life of ancient I s r a e l We cannot heai any of the music {• 1 *' »,\ of Biblical times ;.">; * '-'\ because we ha\e ::*J* > "' no record of it - ' Musical notation , was u n k n o w n '*•' , in those days Music was ti.uismitted orally from one generation to another, from father to son, from teacher to pupil; and was silenced forever with those who were the last to sing it. Distinctive Quality But we have reason to believe that the songs of Zion had a distinctive and appealing quality. In Psalm 137 we are told of the Babylonian conquerors demanding of the Judean captives to sing for them the songs of Zion. They replied "How can we sing the Lord's song in a foreign land?" Yet we know that the Jewish exiles in Babylonia did sing their song in that foreign land and taught it to their children, so that many years later, when they returned to Jerusalem they were able to restore the musical service in the new Temple. Thus, throughout the centuries of the Diaspara the Jew carried his song with him and in whatever land he had settled he sang it and cultivated it. Moreover he also absorbed much of the musical culture of the people he lived with and blended it with his own, just as the early Christian Church had absorbed the chants of the synagogue and adapted them for its own purpose. Primarily, Music Traditional Jewish music is primarily a traditional song. Its origin lies in the chants of the synagogue: the Biblical modes which are used in the cantillation of Biblical texts, and the Prayer Modes with which the prayers of our liturgy are intoned. During the Middle Ages the Hazzanim, the cantors, introduced the rhythmic song into the synagogue. Many of the Hazzanim were also poets and would include in the service an original poem, for which they would compose their own melody or adopt a tune from popular folk music. Some of these tunes were modified and sanctified and became part of our musical tradition. However, In most Instances, only those melodies, which hod dominant Jewish motives, were retained for certain prayers and b e c a m e inseparably associated with them. These melodies come to be regarded as sacred. They were called Scarbove or Ml&slnal tunes as if they had been handed down from Mount Slnal itself. The outstanding example of this type of melody is the Kol Nidre. The musical creativity of the Renaissance period exerted a strong influence on the music of the Synagogue as it did on the music of the Church. Hazzanim were so impressed with the new music drama, the opera, that they would use operatic arias in their recitatives and imitate the operatic style. Choral singing was introduced in the Italian synagogues in the early part of the 17th century. It brought a new dimension into the music of the synagogue namely, harmony. First Musical Settings The first musical settings of our prayers in four part harmony were composed by the famous Italian Jewish musician, Solomon Rossi. His compositions, however, did not appeal to the worshippers and aroused outright opposition on the part of the rabbis. It was because his music was devoid of Jewish character. It sounded like his secular compositions in the Italian Renaissance •tyle. It was not until the 18th cen-


tury that choral singing in classical harmony and style was enthusiastically received by congregations In Central Kurope. These congregations were, ready nnd eager for u modernization of the musical service. It was brought about mainly through the works of t h r e e musically trained and g i f t e d men, who served congregations with moderate- reform tendencies. They were Solomon Sul/cr, cantor of Vienna; Louis Lewan<Iowski, choir director of Berlin; and Samuel Nambourg, cantor of Paris. These men not only preserved the traditional dements of Synagogue music by giving them artistic form but also enriched the musical service with many new settings of our prayers in modern musical form. However, to the majority of Jews in the countries of Eastern Europe these new musical settings of our liturgy were not acceptable. To them the music sounded "galehish" like the music of the church, Hamburg Reform Temple Besides the moderate reform synagogue there were also in Germany a few ultra reform congregations which favored more radical changes in the Service. The first Reform temple was established in Hamburg in 1817 and was known as the Hamburg Temple. It was a layman, Israel Jacobson by name, who was responsible for the radical reforms in lhe service adopted by that congregation. In his own service, which he started a number of years earlier, Jacobson abolished the traditional modes and melodies, since he considered these oriental and medieval elements unsuitable in a modern service. He discarded the cantor. He himself read the ritual without any chant, according to the manner of reading the Bible text and prayers in the Protestant Church. He introduced the organ, the mixed choir, and hymns in German, sung to the tunes of Christian Chorales. He engaged a church organist and Christian musicians to provide the music for the hymns and to assist in their performance. In the communities of Eastern Europe;—Poland, Russia, Rumania and Hungary—the main feature of the service was Hazzanut, the art of the cantor as he elaborates upon traditional mode and melody in musical interpretation of a prayer. Many synagogues also had four part choirs and included in their repcrtaire the works of Sulzer, Lewandowski and Nambourg, but most of the worshippers preferred the choral music of their own composers, whose style was closer to the Jewish traditional spirit, as far as the East European Jew was concerned. Outside Influences There were, indeed, three musical traditions of the synagogue song that developed through the years in the Jewish communities of Europe: namely, the SpanishPortugese or Sephardic which was strongly .Influenced by Arabic and Spanish music: the Ashkenzic,' or German, which has the unmistakable flavor of German music and the East • European, which has drawn much from Slavic music. These three traditions were transplanted to the United Stales by the Jewish immigrants who came to settle here in the past two centuries. The first Jewish settlers in the U.S. were of Spanish-Portugese stock. There were only 3,000 Jeivs here at the time of the Revolution and about 150,000 at the end of the-Civil War. The congregations which they founded all followed strictly the Sephardic tradition. It was in New York City that their first synagogue was built. They named It Shearith I6rael. It was the only synagogue in New York for 100 years, so that even Jews who ' had an Ashkenazic barckground attended the services there. They have adhered to their tradition without much change, as may be witnessed today by attending a service In the present structure of Shcarith Israel in New York.


It is an impressive and dignified service. The rabbi also serves as the cantor, chanting the ritual as would a layman in the Ashkenazic Synagogue. He Is assisted by u mule choir. The Spanish-Portugese Jews constitute but a very .small minority of the Jewish population and their numbers are dwindling. <icrmu!iK Follow Iteform Most of the Jewish immigrants in the early part of the 10th century came from Germany. But unlike the Spanish-Portugese Jews they did not adhere to the musical tradition of their fathers. They came under the influence of the Reform Movement in*Germany and gradually abandoned the old Synagogue ritual. They chose to follow the program of the ultra reform group in Germany. The first Reform Temple was established in Charlostown, S. C. in 1825. by an organization that called itself "Reform Society of Israelites." The Society adopted the Hamburg Reform Temple Service, as a model. But not all members of the community were ready to accept the radical changes. It was not until 3847 that the entire congregation, Beth Elohim, became reconciled to Reform and accepted the new ritual with the organ and the English hymns, sung to the tunes of the Church. Within a few decades thereafter, numerous Reform congregations arose throughout the country, including former orthodox congregations that turned Reform. Almost all Temples engaged church organists and church choirs since there were hardly any Jewish organists available and few cantors who were qualified or willing to sing the new music. For not only were the hymns and anthems set to Church tunes, hut also the Hebrew prayers of the abbreviated ritual were sung to music composed by the organist or adapted from the Church. There was no objection on the part of the worshippers since the traditional elements — the semiti-orlcntal modes and medieval melodies— no longer appealed to them. Complete Services The only Jewish musician whose music gained wide popularity In the Reform Synagogue was Sigmund Shlesinger. He came from Germany and settled in Mobile, Alabama, where he served the Temple as organist and choir leader for over 40 years. He composed six complete services for the Sabbath and Hoiy Days. His music is in the style of the Protestant Church plus operatic flavor. He also adapted tunes from Italian Opera. The only traditional tunes he included in the High Holiday services were the Ovos and Kol Nidre. However, toward the end of the lutli century there begins a movement for a return to Jewish traditional sources. In 1893, the two Cantors, Halscr of the Baltimore Temple and Sparger of Temple Emannel of N. Y. Collaborated on the publication of a collection of hymns, using traditional tunes. In their preface they end with au appeal "to preserve, carefully the Inherited charactcrls'tlas and originality of our (song and plant it again In the synagogue and home of our people." In the last few decades the leading reform Temples have sought out and engaged as their .music-directors competent Jewish musicians. Most of them had already achieved distinction in the music world at large. Among these are Saminsky, Binder, Freed, Jariowsky, Fromm, Chajes and VVeiner. These men have all composed new settings for the Temple services. They have drawn inspiration from our musical heritage and each one in his own way has tried to blend the traditional elements and style with modern musical values. We can hear their compositions not only in the Reform Temples but also In the Conservative Synagogues especially where they use an orgai), since most of their

Monday, September II, 1961

Published weekly on Friday beginning the lart wed; In August Seconc Class Posloae Polo ot tttbr. Annual Subscription, J4.G0, Advertising Ratei on Application. F'ubl.colion OHice—101 llo. Mlh Slice), Omolio, llebr., 3 « 1314.



Men Sang a\ Work as High Holy Days Approached Uy Cantor EU Kagaii In earlier years, when freedom of worship was practiced in most Eastern-European countries, the approach of the month of Elul was the signal for Jewish congregations to secures cantors for the holidays. Few, Full-Timo Cantors Few synagogues retained fulltime cantors'. Almost all Jewish men were capable of occupying the' pulpit and leading the prayers during the rest of the year, but few were, capable or equipped to assume the role of the Cantor. The most popular candidate for the holiday post, was the bearded Baal Tfeeloh, a strict observant, who was familiar with the Nusach," the traditional melodies. For example, there were different melodies for rendering the Kaddish prayers. Variations include Kaddish of Musaf, Kaddish of Neilah, Kaddish of Tal, "Dew" and Kaddish of Geshem, "Rain" nnd other versions. The BaalTfleeoh or Cantor who did not sing the proper traditional melody, could not only lose face but his position as well. The Man of I'rayers The Baal-Tfeeloh in that era, did not have any formal musical education, could not read notes nnd could not organize harmonized choirs, but he was a cher-

ished figure, because of his great feeling for the prayers. lie improvised and delivered his songs wilh great expression and feeling and was known us "The Man of Prayers," Now, the Cantor was a person who had a musical education, nnd usually a conservatory degree. He created choirs nnd the synagogue in which he performed his service was called the "Chorus Schul." Here, was used modern, traditional music from such composers as Sulzer, Lewundowsky, Wcintraub, Dunajewsky and Alman. The Cantor and the Baal-Tfeeloh both adopted music from recordings by Si r o t a, Kwartin, Hershman, Rosenblatt, 'Pinchilt and others. Only a few decades have passed and whnt a difference. Where is the spirit of those Elul days when the preparation of the High Holy Days hovered about and .surrounded you? Men Hummed Men sang as they worked in contemplation of the approaching High Holy Days. Wherever you went you could hear the ancient and beautiful melodies, as they drifted out to the street. The butcher, the grocer, the tailor, the shoemaker and other shopkeepers happily hummed the sacred tunes. Everyone was so close to God In those early days. Now, when the atmosphere is so charged with fear of war,- perhaps this is the time to draw closer to God because His spirit is close to us.

music Is with organ accompaniment. Revive Jewish Melody In 1932 there was issued the third Revised Edition of the Union Hymnal. It was edited by A. W. Binder musical director of the Free Synagogue in New York. It contained over 200 hymns and most of the music is by Jewish composers. In the introduction the committee on revision states: "We have sought to meet the requirements of our congregations and religious schools by providing a revision which should ring true to the Jewish spirit.. . We aimed to revive the value of Jewish melody and lean heavily on Jewish motifs." It was a reform congregation that commissioned Ernest Bloch to compose a new setting for the Sabbath morning service. He produced the "Avodath Hakodesh" Sacred Service. This work is considered as the outstanding contribution to Jewish liturgic music of this century. Not only is it in the standard repertoire of Temple and Conservative synagogue, but it may also be heard on the concert stage. It was recently performed by the N. Y. Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Leonard Bernstein with Robert Merrill as cantor and choirs of the Metropolitan Synagogue and Community Church. The record of the performance which was subsequently issued is a gem In the Library of Recorded Jewish Music. The Hebrew Union College was the first of the three major seminaries in the United Slates to establish a school for training c a n t o r s or cantor-educators. There has been a trend in the Reform Synagogue to reinstate the cantor. The School of Sacred Music, in keeping with this trend, has had no' difficulty in placing its graduates with temples either as cantors or musical directors. The leaders of the Reform Synagogue began with a rejection of pur musical h e r i t a g e . They aspired to achieve a spirit of "univcrsallsm" in their musical service. They heard instead, an

imitation of Protestant Church music or Italian opera. It is to their credit that they saw fit to bring back Into their service Jewish musical values. Thus they have made an Invaluable contribution to the advancement of the music of the synagogue. True to Tradition At the beginning of the 20th Century the orthodox congregations already outnumbered the reform congregations and continued to multiply as the mass immigration from Eastern Europe continued. The service in the orthodox synagogues remained true to the East European tradition. The Hazzanim were all immigrants nnd so were their choir leaders, who organized and trained male choirs and composed for them. Between the two World Wars n number of orthodox cangrcgations brought to the United States the most renowned cantors of Europe. Among them Yossele Rosenblatt, Hershman, Kwartin, Roitman and Pinchlk. These men often appeared on the concert stage in programs of cantorial recitatives and Jewish folk and art songs. They popularized Jewish music not only through their concert appearances but also through their phonograph records which were sold in large quantities. Eventually all the prominent cantors of Europe came to America and found positions here. A number of them published their recitatives and thus made them available to other cantors and Jewish musicians. Of the composers who wrote for the orthodox synagogue, mention should be made of J. Weisser, Leo Low, and Z. Zllberts. The latter also composed two services for the Reformed Synagogue as well as for the Conservative. Tho Conservative Synagogue In America may bo compared to the moderate Reform Synagogue of 10th Century Europe. Most conservative synagogues h a v e mixed cltolra and some also use the organ. The musical rcportalro (Continued on Pago 4.)


Monday, September 11, IDS!

Jttwft Edition—TIIK JKIVISII FRKSS — Bosh Hashanah BVS»

Page TJire«

George Gershwin 1898-1937,

George Gershwin, who wrote hundreds of popular songs before he was thirty, introduced the jazz and the blues style in symphonic music.

The "Concerto In F," or any of his serious works, does not lend itself to any typical analysis. ,

Gershwin knew how to sublimate elements of popular music in such a way that they 60 not seem alien to the concert hall or opera house.

Gershwin's gift was a natural one, that gives his music an improvisatory and some Vim es an effortless quality. He did not write by the book but knew its contents. ,

He created in his famous "Rhapsody in Blue" a remarkable concert jazz symphonic composition. He wrote the witty, orchestral fantasy, "An American in Paris."

Death claimed Gershwin in his thirty-ninth' year. The enduring significance of this man Is shown by the Gershwin Memorial Concert held annually in the Lewisohn Stadium In New YorK

The peak-of his achievement was the Negro folk opera, "Porgy and Bess," one of the greatest stage works of its kind.

City where he had appeared so frequently. The program is composed solely of Gershwin music.


Downtown \Jl~\..







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! S -it? It-.fii J.nt (ijn ! i ,

New Year's Edit lou — THE JEWISH PBFSS — ROKII Hasbanah B72S

P a j e Four

Bible Inspires

Jewish Musk (Continued from Page 2.) consists of tlie works of the European masters of the 19th Century, supplemented by the creations of American Jewish composers. For many years now, tlie Park Avenue Synagogue of New York, through the efforts of ts cantor, American-born David Putterman, has commissioned American Jewish musicians to compose new setting for the Friday Evening Service. These new works are presented every year at a Special Friday Kvening Service. Among the outstanding composers whose works have been performed in the past 20 years arc: Max Helfman, Frederick Jncolji, Jlelnrich Shalix, Leonard BernStein, Hugo Weigsal and Siegfried Landau. Likewise, Cantor Meisols of Cleveland has in recent years, performed the c o m m i s sioned works of the two eminent composers Gershon Efros and ShoJom Secunda. 13 New Sell inns This year fifteen new settings of High Holiday prayers were performed at the convention of the Cantors Assembly. They were ordered through the Special Fund for Publications of the Cantors Assembly of America. Two of the composers are recent graduates of the Cantors Institute of the Theological Seminary. These new composers will be

heard for the first time during ihe High Holiday Sei vices in many Synagogues. It was not so long ago that we had to depend upon tlie European Jewish communities to supply us with cantors, choir leaders and composers. Today there are many American-born and American trained cantors and musical directors serving in some of the leading congregations. We have enriched tlie music of the synagogue with the works of many composers In the past few decades. We are now in position to export our new music to other Jewish communities throughout the world, including Israel, for the enchantment of their musical service. ISRAEL SENDS WHEAT TO TURKEV Tel Aviv <WNS)—Responding to an appeal by the Government of Turkey, Israel has .sent that country 22,000 tons of wheat to help alleviate that nation's wheat crop failure, At the same time It was -disclosed that negotiations are under way for additional wheat .shipments to T u r k e y . Israel's .swift response to the Turkish appeal has brought official expressions of appreciation from Turkey.

The world premiere of a now bible inspired cantata was cheered at the August 2(5 opening of the three week Israel First Music Festival in Jerusalem. For mixed choir and chamber orchestra, the "Bar Mitzvah Israel" was written by Darius Milliaud, the French-American composer. The work in six parts was derived from the books of Deuteronomy and Isaiah and cast in the form of a synagogue Sabbath morning service, though not written as synagogue music . Mr. Milhaud who now makes his home in California, where he is a resident professor of music at Mills College, conducted the first performance of the cantata leading a chamber music group from the Israel Philharmonic and the Rinat Choir.

Mouday, September 11, 10G1

FIRST SYNAGOGUE IN 184 VEAKS IIISTOIty TrumbuII, Conn. (JTA)—Plans have been approved for the first synagogue and first Hebrew school in the 164-year history of this Connecticut town.

DIRECTOR OF l.SItAEL'S ANTIQUITIES DEPARTMENT Jerusalem, (JTA)—Dr. Avrtiham Biran resigned as Director of Armistice Affairs in the Israel Foreign Ministry to become Director of the Department of Antiquities.


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Monday. September 11, 1901

New Tear's Edition —T(IK JEWISH rUBSS

Haflhan-lh 87S?

Fag* FTnr

Ernest Block 1880-1959

Ernest Bloch, if has been said, was more

Of his Hebraic works, "Schelomo" is con-

than a musician. He was a symbol of twentieth

sidered one of the most popular—the portrait

century music.

of King Solomon, rich in orchestral color and passion.

-Swiss by birth, American by citizenship and long residence, Bloch often told how even as a child he was determined to be a composer.

Bloch's "Suite for Viola," winner of the 1919 Elizabeth Sprague Cooffc/ge competition, has been called the "greatest work for viola in musical literature."

A unique musical personality, his life was completely dedicated to art and the highly ethical purpose that informs his music.

Voiced in Bloch's music is the age-lonq yearning for the prophetic proclamation of the brotherhood of man.

Bloch's "Sacred Service" was the firsf

The message is profoundly human and unf-

choral-orchestral composition written for Jew-

versal. That is why Bloch's music, it is said, has

ish worship by a composer of stature.

appealed so strongly to people of all faiths.




-^ * New Year's Edition — TIIK JKWISH PltKSS —Rush nashanah 5732


Famed Artists Present Their Mysic Hoth the festival and the Cas- Competition were planned; today By Harvey W. I.aiirince als Cumpetition are jointly spon- they are a reality. In 19-18, during Israel's War (if sored by the America-Israel CulIn sponsoring the Music FesLiberation, u road was built ljy tural Foundation and the Israel (he Israeli forfes, virtually under Government Tourist Corporation. tival and Casals Competition, the the eyes of the Arabs, to open It is no secret that both parti's America-Israel Cultural Foundaa. way to Jerusalem, which has hope this Iflfil musical jubilee tion has undertaken its most imbeen cut off by tin.- enemy fur will be the first of many such pressive and imaginative effort in Isarel. Previously Its major efalmost three months. When the similar festivals. forts in the field of cultural c:-;first truokload of supplies nrTin' story of (he Festival and ehan;;e were lirinRin,'; Israel atrived iii (he oily, tlio pi/uplc u r n ; asked: "Wlial else pan we Eond (he Casals Competition began tractions lo the United States— you?" Their reply: "Send us our almost a year u^o willi it private the American tours of the Israel concert in tJie homr at Mr. and Philharmonic and the Inbal dancPhilharmonic." Mrs. David Kociicfellcr at which Under • cover of uijjht aj;d a hundred persons paid ?.100 a ers, the ;;rc:it "Land of the Bithrough enemy fire, the Israel ticket (o hear Pablo t'asalx break ble" archaeological exhibition «t Philharmonic .sped 1o .Jerusalem a si If-imposeil e\ile lo play hl» New York's Metropolitan Museand cave a concert for the b"- first American concert in 21 um and Washington's SmithsonKipfied rind music hun,'.;ry peoplo years for (he benefit of the Is- ian; and (he "foims from Israel" exhibit which toured sixteen of Jerusalem. rael musical cwnl<i. With this American museums during a two Now, thirteen yran; laler, XiS as a beginning, tbc Festival and year period. (Wls'S) Israel observes its Ear Milzv:ih year, the highways of Israel ore filled with people from all over the world attending; two distinguished musical events that will help place Israel in the forefront of the world's Rrcat music centers. On August 'iOlli, .Jerusalem was (he scene of the opening of (lie three, ive.ek I r lrst Israel Music Festival that continues until September lGtli, a series of twenty concerts In Tel-.Vvlv, Haifa, OFFICE Kin Gev and ancient Caesarea, as SUPPLIES well us Jcriisalcni, that has brought many of (lie world's greatest musical arlisls to Is313 So. 15th St. Phone 342-2000 rael to perform with the Israel riiillinnnonle Oreheslra and (he Kinat Choir. In Israel for the Festival are the legendary Pablo Casals and such noted American artists as Isaac Stern, P.udolf Serkin, Maureen Forrester, Leonard, Eugene Istomin, Budapest Strine Quartet and the celebrated Jewish composer, Darius Milhaud. To Our Many Friends and Patrons The Festival will ho immediately followed by the Pablo FROM Casals Third International Violoncello Competition which will open in Jerusalem on Septcmt>er 23rd. Over fifty of the world's leading young cellists will compete for prizes in this competi1205 DOUGLAS tion before an international jury of the world's foremost cellists MR. AND MRS. HYMIE ZORINSKY AND FAMILY that includes Casals himself.

Monday, Sriitember 11, 100L

A Very Happy New Year to You and Yours

up 5008 Bodge — 556-5008 Maple Village —391-7131 In Omeha Since 1855





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featuring 24-HOUR COFFEE COURT HAWAIIAN ROOM—Superb Cantonese Food/ Polynesian Beverages, and Dancing Delicious Steaks Designed to Fit Your Appetite Poolside Dancing Every Friday and Saturday Sunday Brunch Noon Till 8:30 P.M.



Mwntajr, September 11, 1M1

New return Edliloa—TIIK JKWISII PBKSR — nosh Hahlmnah 5788

Paps Sertm

'Music is Universal— it Belongs to Humanity*

Darius Milhaud

A towering figure In contemporary music

Milhaud's present reputation in America

is French Composer Darius Milhaud, whose

Is based on the vitality and influence of his

works have been acclaimed on both sides of

teaching. He has been a professor of compo-

the Atlantic.

sition at Mills College in California since 1940 and later founded an extension course of the

The melodic element and an easy charm

school in Paris.

give his music a characteristic imprint. Milbaud's contribution to modern musical language

The keynote of Milhaud's character is his

is "polytonality"—the simultaneous sound of

love and admiration of youth and of freshness

melodies In different tonalities—created in the

In art and in life.

desire to increase the melodic content of composition.

A prolific composer, he has written musia for every combination and in all fields of composition.

His operas Include the large-scale Christophe Colombo, Maxilmillen and Simon Bolivar. His instrumental compositions comprise six symphonies, concertos, light-hearted works and music for stage, ballet and filmi.

New V»-ar'« Edition —THE JEWISH PRESS —Bosh Hubuull tiltf

Tage Eight

49 U. S. College Sfu<Jenh to Study for One Year At the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Monday, September 11,1961

Accept Our Very Best Wishes for a Most Happy and Prosperous New Year

PEGIPLE'S PEPT. STORE Council Bluffs, Iowa

Greetings From

Omahan Justin Jjtwin, son of Sir. and Mm. Lou Lewis, (fclioun by arrow) was member of tlio university and college proup, honored at a f a r e w e l l reception given by the American Friends of the Hebrew University before sailing for Israel for one year of study under the American Student program at the University in Jerusalem. The group Included 49 students from 32 American schools. Antony those attending the New York event were the Hebrew University's new rector, Professor Ghillo Ravali (second row, fourth from left.) Others were (M'rond row from left) Michael M. Nlssclson, executive vice-president of the American organization, program eponsors; Mrs. ISarbara S. Cohen, Its services' director; Hon. David Ben-Dov, educational attache of the Israel Embassy; I'rof. Oscar I. Janowshy, (right of I'rof. Itacali), program chairman; Daniel O. Ross, board chairman of American Friends; Bernard Chorrlc-k, executive vice-president of the university's board of governors; Samuel II. JLandy and Harold I*. M^nson, national vlre-presldcnt and public relations director of the American Friends.

$25,000,000 Loan For Sodom Firm

Best Wishes for a

Happy New Year Blacks!@ne Pharmacy Irving Freedmen

36th and Farnam


"We Arc as Close to You as Your Telephone!" Have Your Doctor Call Us W e Deliver Anything, Anywhere In the City!

To Our Customers and Friends W e Wish Them a Very Happy Healthy New Year

Washington (JTA)-,Th e International Bank for Reconstruction and Development signed an agreement with the Israeli Dead Sea Works, Ltd., for a loan equivalent to $25,000,000 to help finance expansion of the company's production facilities at Sodom, the Southern end of the Dead Sea. The largest expansion, according to officials of the World B<inlc, will be In the production of potash, one of the'three basic fertilizers. The present production of about 150,000 tons a year will bo Increased to nearly C00,000 tons annually. Total costs of the expansion project in Israel will be about 570,000,000.










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for a Prosperous and Happy Year Ahead

MEAT MAiECET AND DELICATESSEM Abraham Diamond Stanley Diamond Sam Diamond



Monday. September 11, 1961

EdlUoa—TIIK JEWISH PBKSS—Bosli Hasliunah 5728

//IS music linked the east and west

Paul Ben-Haim

Paul Ben Haim, it is said, holds the historic

He began with an extensive study of oriental

distinction of writing the first real symphony

folksongs which included not only the Jewish

composed in the land of Israel.

element, but also the Yemenite and Arab. The impact upon him of the traditional home-

Fleeing from the Nazis in 1933, he settled in

land of his people, made itself felt in his music

what was then known as Palestine. In Germany,

almost immediately.

the country of his birth (1897), he had been active as a composer and pianist, following the

"The Sweet Psalmist of Israel" was cited as Mr.

Central European style trend.

Ben Haim's outstanding work in linking the music of the East and West, when he received the

This "First Symphony" of international fame,

Israel State prize in 1957.

originated with the desire to write a large work keynoting the spirit of his new homeland and

Widely performed, the music was chosen by the

its people. Many other compositions are among

International Music Council to represent Israel

the celebrated .Ben - Haim's contributions to

in the Anthology of Contemporary music re-

Israel's store of music treasures.

corded under the auspices of UNESCO.


NVw Year's Edition — TIIK JEWISH PRKSS — Kosh

Page Ten

Monday, September 11, 1061

Jerusalem —

N@w Ytcir's Greetings

by Esther Avran Su'adia's deep black eyes, like those of the other IKIVS and cirln Ktandhij,' with liim mi the star.0, were fastened upon the condurtor, vvaitiui; fur tin* beat In be^in siiiKitlK- "J'lu* nirls in Ihcir colui'ful Yemenite dresses, .tnd the boys in their ^leamin^ while shirts and khaki pants.' stood straight and proud. The cundiiclor's baton (('II, the acruidians played a few intnxliif.'tory liars, and the soinid of the spirited Israeli son^, Kol Dodi, r a n K through the hall. This was tin- opcnine, sun^ at a music rally in Hie picturesque seaport town of Aeje. Sin<;in.L,' K'Wips, orchestral {.;ni!ips and daneint; groups from many immigrant villages, much like Zavdid • where .Sa'adia livfil, were takin:; part in the rally, the H I M of its kind ever held in Israel, and many important people were in the audience. For IL'-ycai'-old Sa'adia, 'the day before thy concert was the l o n g e s t day of his life. I !•• counted the minutes until he would wX into Hie 1mek that would take hiai to Acre uheic he w ; u l i | meet other boys and Kills from Aral), I)ru/e, Moroccan Hiul other settlements. All the groups pcrlormin;,' ;it. the Acre rally were organized and sponsored by the Coniniiltee . for Musical Programs i J t immigrant settlements, HriiiKiiin music to Hie more than 101) lonely on I post iinmiRrant villages scattered through-

Morocco; thousands from Germany and Kaslern Kurope; others from India, Syria, the Soviet Union and South Africa. Kai-h of them, brought his own culture, sonic more advanced, and many In. brinniii); music to the immilike the Yemenites, less IlllKiant villages and Arah settle-, vanced, men and women who had menls, the pro^'iam helps intenot ijM'ii exposed to modern grate people of varying cultures civilization. Israel had to find and div-rsr- backgrounds into an ways to blend these betergcneoiis Israel that is becoming mme and groups. Schooling was one anmore homogeneous. swer, especially for the young. The Venieuites almosl a ]<>st And music proved to be a most tribe of Israel, the people who elliciive auxiliary, for it. reached have ;;hen us Ihe Inhal dancers 1he old as well as the young. were one of these eioups. l-"or Thruiu:h this music program, L.'OOO years, the Yemenites lived Israel's leading composers, conin exile, rooied in (heir ancient ductors, and music teachers me. traditions, oppressed but awaitbrought to hard-tfi-reacl) villages, ing Deliverance into Israel. Anil lar removed from the centers of then, one day, an airplane a bit: culture ami entertainment. The blaek bird Hint made slrane,e villagers are not only enterand frightening uoisVs came for tained, hut they participate acthem and earned them home to tively in choirs, folk in chest ras, Israel, Sa'adia was a baby at the community s i n g i n g and folk lime, but the older Yemenite (lancing. villagers siill talked alioul the The music of the Oriental Deliverance as a miracle. For runiniiinilies. rich and colorful in these deeply religious and .sensidesign, has become more and tive people recalled the words of more a part of the Israel muthe Lord to Moses when be led sical tradition, providing inspirathe Jews out of i;j;ypt : " . . . tion for Israeli composers as they and how- 1 bore you on eagles' seek to create a new and distincwin;:< and brought vou unto .Mytive musical idiom for the counseir/' try, This "miracle" was multiplied III addition, iin a in a z i n g by the thousands. The Yemenites amount of new and fresh talent were but one of Ihe many people is being uncovered in the .settlewho poured into Israel. In the ments singers, dancers, com1.1 years since Israel's lilwration, posers and instrumentalists, someimmijiraiils from more than 70 of whom are being further helped nations have come Orientals by a n o I h e r program of the from Iraq, Iran, Kurdistan, and America-Israel Cultural Foundation, its scholarships for talented young Israelis in the alls. out Israel is but one of the functions of the committee, which receives its jiiinejpal support from the America-Israel Cultural Knundal ion.

to Our Many Friends of the Jewish Faith Our Greetings and Best Wishes for the Blessings of Health, Happiness and Prosperity in the New Year

Frank Renna


Happy New Year





IltON & MGTAL CO. 1302 Webster Street





Scientists Seek Glue To Eye Disease



Today, young Sa'adia adds his voice to the void's of other young people from many lands. From here, it is an easy step for S'adia to become part of the life of Israel, blending his rich and distinct Yemenite heritage with that of the other ethnic groups, through the univeisal language of music.

Season's Greetings

3213-15 Q ST.

To Our Many Friend*

Neu York i.ITAl Two i-ecent medical studies about a blindness causing -nerve eye disease restricted largely to Fasl European Jews have failed to yield any scientific reasons as to why .lews should be the primary vie- % tims and why the heaviest impact > of the disease should be in an js area of northern Poland about g 100 miles wide. 5 Jle is wealthy who is content with his lot.

TWO SEALED INNER PACKS One for now, one (or later


j 5




933 Jewish Newspapers, Magazines Published Throughout- the World


Best Wishes for



Herb and Ruth Forbes and Family


;'50th and Underwood *«// '",!<>


II, I!n;|

New Yt*w>» Kditloa — TIIK JKWIKII PKKHH —tJosh Iluslianah 5728

Pnffe Eleven

The legacy of David... ... the royal shepherd

David and his lyre from the collection of Psalms in pictures by tho famous Israeli painter, Chaim Lifshlrz

King David has come to be the symbolic figure of the patron of music. The poetry, art and music of the modern world are truly enriched by his precious legacy of psalms. The psalms attributed to the beloved poet and musician are sung all over the world They formed the backbone of the musical service in the Holy Temple and psalm singing later became popular in all the eastern and western centers of Christianity. The psalms have Inspired m host of musical compositions throughout the ages; David playing on his lyre is a subject that has attracted the greatest sculptors and painters in the world. David's psalms and the songs of his son and successor, Solomon, are sublime examples of shepherd poetry song transmitted through legend and inferences contained in the early books o f the Bible. It was David, the second king of Israel, who created a large and united Hebrew kingdom and with his son made Jerusalem, the national and cultural kingdom of Israel.

N>w Yrar's Kdlflon— TIIE JKWI.SII PHESS —Rosh Hoshanah 8??*

Page Twelve

West Germany Loans UAR $250 Hiilion

Space for 'Kumsitz' Now At Kibbutz Espresso Cafe By BK.V O. 1KANK Tho urban .sounds of the hissing of tin espresso machine and the clatter of Turkish-coffee cups have percolated all the way up to the sunburned kibbutz farmer in Israel's far off Upper Galilee. Now, he, too, can sip exotic coffee in surroundings' similar to the best haunts on Tel Aviv's cufe-lined Di/eni,'off St. Wrought Iron Chairs Like many other co-operative settlements, his kibbutz, Kfar Blum, has picked a room-in its new Cultural Center; filled ii with wroiight-irnn chairs, formica tables and circular sofa benches; installed a French espresso machine, and, on a 10. tating system, supplied a kibbutz counterman uho-e job is to fill the orders and keep the wheezing machine in good repair. A member of the settlement can now enter a pleasantly lit room and locate a group of prople who, armed with coffee cups, are discussing national and international events. If he prefers, however, to do his own research and catch up on the latest news, he need only sit himself down in an easy chair In the cafe's up-to-date newspaper and magazine section. There he can read one of Israel's many dailies and Journals, or a recent copy of the New York Times Magazine, The Jewish Frontier, ParisMatch and the Manchester Guardian, Domino* and Choss Dominos and chess are very popular pastimes in Kfar Blum and the founders of this cafe were wise to set up small tables where chess fans can battle for pawns and rooks. Here also, as in any competitive table-gamp (situation, there is the usual kibbitzer. With coffee cup in hand, he wanders over to a table and offers choice pointers—much to the annoyance of the participants, who give him the.Israeli equivalent of the fish-eye and Continue playing. But even while these settlors are today enjoying their newlyestablished coffee house, they can recall how for many years recreational space in this sixteen-year-old pioneering rural community was at a minimum. In those days, the dining room served as the regular eating place as well as the local cinema, theatre, concert house, the General Meeting hall, and the various committees' headquarters. 'The Kuffiklatsoh Moreover, during the first years of the kibbutz, these fanners, seeking social relaxation after a hard day's work in the fields, created one of their most important institutions—the kaffeklatsch, or to use the kibbutz term, kumsitz meaning come and git. Small groups of people would get together in member's private rooms to brew some coffee or tea, listen to records, or just carry on conversation. But the Jimited space of one's room could not hold a large gathering. To meet their member's recreational needs, every kibbutz hoped to erect a large community center where they could set up a library, auditorium, lounges, and committee, game and music rooms. As the settlement developed its economy, this ambition was fulfilled and in 1954 Kfar

Hew Method Locates Brain Growths A new method of discovering and locating brain browth?, with the aid of the isotope fluorine 18, has been evolved by two Israeli scientists, Professor Inbar of the Weizmann Institute of Science's Isotope Department, and Dr. Laor of the Atomic Energy Committee.

He who seeks a faultless friend remains friendless.

Monday, September II, 1961

Blum built its Cultural Center. However, it wasn't until last year that the. kibbutz .set up the now expanded, comfortably-furnished kaffeklatsch which is open four nights a week and closed on Friday evening, the im;ht of the General Meeting and the movie ni|;ht. In addition, on one evening during the week, the eafe is turned over to the Nachnl group, the agricultural army unit training at Kfar Blum.

Bonn iJTA) A loan of a billion deulschemarks I $250,000,000) will be grunted by the Government, of West Germany to the United Arab Republic, it was announced by the JOcoiioniic Ministry. After two days of negotiations by Vice-Premier Houghadi of the UAH. and I.udwig Krhardt, West German Minister of Economic Affairs, it was decided that West Germany would finance the construction of the Euphrates dam in Syria, as well as other industrial projects in the UAR.

Happy New Year from ROLLIE ROGERS

Complete Barber Service Including Manicuring and Shoe Shining With or Without Appointment Open 8 A.M. to 6 P.M

Mon. thru Sat.




Farnam at 36th

933 Jewish Newspapers, Magazines Published Throughout the World

the Eternal Light lymbo! of a belief so profound that neither indifference nor hostility could dim it . . . EXODUS XXVII VERSE 20 And thou lhalt command the children of Israel, that they bring unto thee pure olive oil beaten for the light, to cauie a lamp to burn continually. In the Tent of meeting, without tho veil which it before the teiti« mony, Aaron end hii torn ihall let it In or* der, to burn from evening to morning before the LORD; It ihall be • statute for ever throughout their generations on the behalf of the children of Israel.

HIS LAMP, wliich has hung In synagogues all over the world since the origin of the Bible itself, is an inspiring symbol of the profound, unceasing faith of a great Tpeople and their untiring efforts toward a better tomorrow. In thirty scattered lands, this lamp of faith burns with the same Inspiration for all those on whom its light falls, be their place of assembly a synagogue of stone or a tent of goatskin. It has been so through the ages. We need look no further for a better symbol for the uncertain times today than faith like this . . . the knowledge that man, with the help of God, can solve his own problems . . . that lasting peace in the world will come to us only when the principles of charity and justice govern the actions of man. May this new year bring the answer to prayers of man of all faiths for a peaceful solution of the world's problems . . . that Rosh Hashanah will be recorded as tho beginning of a new era for man . . . that within It he will reach a greater dignity through a more complete realization of the purpose for which he was intended.

Monday, September 11, 1DS1

M e * Te»rtt Edltioa—TIIK JEW SII PRESS — Bosh flaghnnah 5728

Page Tlilrtem

"The Baldwin is in itself a magnificent' ly sensitive and brilliant


piece symphonic ensemble . . . completely satisfying to me both as pianist and conductor." Leonard Bernstein

Leonard Bernstein has captured the heart, the mind and the imagination of the world with his remarkable musicianship and his equally com-

He had never written a ballet or musical comedy b e f o r e "Fancy Free" and "On The Town." Each instantly achieved success of the first magnitude.

manding personality. Still in his early forties, he is one of the world's foremost symphony conductors and the f i r s t American to become Director of the New York Philharmonic. He had never written a composition for orchestra until his "Jeremiah Symphony," one of the most extensively performed new works of its time. It received the New York Music Critics Circle Award.

Leonard Bernstein is a distinguished pianist and teacher. As a commentator on music, he has become one of television's most popular and celebrated personalities. Scripts from his TV shows, which he wrote himself, were compiled last year into a boolc appropriately titled "The Joy of Music," and it rode high on the best seller lists for many weeks. Leonard Bernstein always chooses the Baldwin Concert Grand for his stage and TV performances.

WILLENBURG CO. PIANO 4502 leavenworth "Your Baldwin Dealer" .•'!!-11

New Year's KJltion — TIIK JEWISH PRES8 — Rosh Hacbuuh

Page Fourteen

Condolences Mrs. Sophie Alberts Juiius AltirKin Sam Altsulcr Max Arbilman Albert Bunk Mrs. Ann Becker I-iniis Helm Mrs. Pauline S. Bprgcr Mrs. Eva Herman Mrs. Anna Bernstein Paul Bernstein Joe Binstein Morris Blank Mrs. Ida Breslow William Bronstein Harry Burnstein Irving Oas.sman Mrs. Anna Chait Mrs. Uebecca Cohen Mrs. Sarah G. Cohen Samuel Bcuj. Colnic Mrs. Helen Cowan Herman Morris Dansky ''. ' Mrs. A(iel Wilinsky Ellenbogen Mrs. Sophia Kpstein Mrs. Esther Evans Max Feiwlowilz Mrs. Zena Feldrnan Hennan Forer Morris Fisher Mrs. Bessie Fishman Sam Flax Morris Fojjel Mrs. Rose Fogel Alex Frank Sandra Frecdman Mrs. Sadie Freeman Ben Friedman Max Garber Isadore Oilman Mrs. Ida Giventer Mrs. Dona Givot Mrs. Anna Gladstone Alfred Glass

William Glassenbci'H Mrs. Jean Goldberg 1 larry Goldenbcrg Mrs. Rose Goldfein Meyer Gi-eenberg Mrs. Sadie Grcenboi'K Mis. Mollie Greenfield Mrs. Til lie Grossman Sam Handler Harry D. Haykln Max Heller Mrs. Gertrude Hermanson Mrs. Martha IlesscI Max Horowitz Dr. Herman,Jalir Marcus Joffe Mrs. Sarah Johnson Percy Kalman I^ouis Kaplan Mrs. Leah "Weinstein Katelman Maurice Katlcman Meilach Katzman Sam B. Katzman Archie Kavich Max Klrshcnbaum Frank Krasne Lawrence Krasne Mrs. Rose Krasne Mrs. Fannie B. Kuh Mrs. Rochel Levin Charles Levin Charles Levenson Maritz LlbowBki Mrs. Dora Llndenbaum Morris Linsman Mrs. Corinne N. Livingston Mrs. Libby Makiesky Mrs. Ksther Malashock Mrs. Sophie Margules Charles Margulls Mrs. Jennie Marks Mrs. Sarah Marks Benjamin Martin David Milstein Herman Mirowitz

Mayer Monsky Mrs. Rachel Mortfield Mis. Hanna Moskovitz Paul Nerenberg Louis Newman Mi's. Dvoira Novoselsky Mrs. Golda Ostravich Andrew Warren Pieck B. Priesman Hennan Raphael Mrs. Sadye Remer Max Render John Robinson Mrs. Kdythe Rosenblatt Sam Rosenblum Mi's. Jessie Rosenslock Harry Reuben Harry Rubjn Aaron Rubinow Mrs. Ucssie L. Sanuielson Mrs. Molly Sandljerg Marcus Schiern Mrs. Goldie Schwartz Mrs. Ella Shapiro Maurice M. Shapiro Abraham Sherman Mrs. Gertrude Silver Mrs. Mollie Singer Jerry Siref Jacob Slosburg Ben Soshnik Mrs. Ksther Swartz Mrs. Bessie Wohlner Temin Sam Theodore Victor,. Vciner Moses A. Vender Mrs. Esther Weise Abraham Weiss Milton Wcssel Israel Wezelman Phillip Wiesmari Mrs. Fannie Winiroub Mrs. Agnes Wolsky Mi's. Zclda Yannolnek .Sidney Zneimer Mrs. Rose Zweiback


Monday, September 11, 1961

A Happy New Year * • • Stole Savings i@nk Council Bluffs, Iowa The Bank with (he Drive-In Service MEMBER F.D.I.C.



of our organization

joins m expressing the wish for a Happy New Year.

May it be a year

bright with happiness and joy for you.



933 Jewish Newspapers, Magazines Published Throughout the World


Best Wishes for a





Sincere Wishes for a Happy New Year to All of Our Friends




Five Convenient Locations Free Pick-up and Delivery

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Monday, September 11, 1901

N«tV Yeat't Edition — TI1K JKW1KII I'ltKSS— Konh Ilushanali 6722


NEW . . . Saveway power blend is a revolutionary advancement for ytvur car. Up to now only two grades of octane woro available Now Savowoy power blonds 6 octane grades . . . one of which is right for your car. For top performance and top economy use tho gasoline of tho sixties . . , Saveway power blend. ECONOMICAL ONOMICAL . . . With Savoway power blend you save up to six cents per gallo by bv buying the uiena blond inaT that'ss |UST just ngnt right for tor your car. Savoway's precision pumps pumf blond by paying blond six different octano grades. Now you can stop wasting wastina money bv Davin for octano your car can't use and you can stop loss of power due to too low an octane. Instead, pay only for tho octano you need. You save money on every octane grade from supersonic 500 regular to super 900 povyer blended over 100 octane, CONVENIENT. . . Savoway power blend is available at 5 locations . . . 24th and Martha, 19th and Burr, 72nd and Pacific, Council Bluffs at Highway 275 and I ltd St. and the Rocket Car Wash,.32nd and <?. Drive in and see for yourself what a tankful of tho right octano blond of Savoway gasoline does for your car. From compacts to tho highest compression cars on the road . . .Saveway is power blended for your car.




Hiway 275 and 11th St. 3 Miles East on South Omaha Bridge Road Across From Drive-In Thcatra


New Vrar's i:dilion — THE JEWISH I'lIESS — Eotli Uaslianah 5722

Page SivU-.n

The First

Monday, September U, 1061

Mission Gives Training Course Jerusalem (JTA)--The United States Operations Mission has allocated ?00,000 in equipment arid the services of five ixpcrts to uid throe of four schools opening next fall fur the training of Israeli hotel and tourist perji'inncj.

According to tlie Government

Tourist Corporation, the demand for trained personnel in the field has exceeded the number of firaduutes of the existing courses of study. El Al-Israel Airliner, nloii'.' requires 80 additional air .stewards and thin; is a growing demand for guides throughout Ihe country.



8TILL CO.M1.\(J—Immigration Into Israel, tlirnvint: recent upsurge, will pass thn inilliitn mark as the New Year begins. VHA officials call for (oiitlniiiiiK concert'1!! effort by American Jiivs In support (if its immigrant atisorjition aiil programs.

Uy JOSKPII MEYKKIIOFF (icucral Chairman, United Jewish Appeal Tlio Jew; iif the world are rclcbralinc; Ilashaiwh 5722 witli hoiK'liifiKv.! joy, for Ilio hmjinnini; <>f tliis new year will :-<'c Hi*'' '•'"• I l l '' liondi immigrant since Indepondoni'c D.iy entering Ilio Stale of Jsi"i"l. Nowhere will (ho joy Iv irrmior llian' in Ilio Anvric-in Jewish commiinily, v.hi-li-has conlribulod so mightily t o w a r d brintiin;; that first million to the new homeland. ( I i a l l i n ^ e After <'II:IIII-II:;ICrl.-is ; ' f l T eriiis, ch.'illi'ii1.;'! /ifl<r clirtlli i-.;;'1 m a n y of lhcui it ruiiu'jly iM'.'ii'ni'iuntal)!'1- -have b'-cn M " il nnfI met. Kiuin 71! countJ u i .iiuMiii.1 Ilio i;l"l'e, every .li"".ii'h i!i in, woman and ciiil'l who has v.anted lo, anil luiii able1 to, leave for IKI'.'I"! lias heen liflpcl t'l achieve Dial f:oal. 'ilus, the n o i t i t honi'rnmin,; In human h i s t o i j , is MI almost unlji ]ic\dhlo aci c;mph-,hment, md it began in in all Imt i i u r u l i b l e m a n n n A ' c i n t tv.o \\r i L , a£tri I s i a d ' s U i y of ImlciHiiili n t e ,

while the joun,; stale «a

• Containers © Equipment © Supplies

into Israel, they had first to be Mown to Cyprus - -a costly operation which American Jewry cladly .-mil BucecEfiilly iinderwroto. In Hie tlnee rimi a half yi.'ars from the founilini; of the State of Isi-.-iel to the on'l of V.C>1, tlie partfi'iKliip'of the UJA and thu jji'Opli.1 of Israel f.nrreerlpd in FROM brinjiin;: a totul of (!K3,0'^J immii:r:ints into the new Jcvifli nation. That U more Ilian the cn|;IIU' Jrivlhli imputation of the voii;]^' n piihlic ut its nioiucnt of liiilli. Anil, the [ie('oio;ili;Jiirieiitn of tin' past deeadr, though they • Dry Cleaning h u e involved fewer numbers of • * Hand Laundering l>™>li]p, are erjually inovinr;. For the Jews of America, through • Custom Shirt Finishing tiie UJA, contimird to reepotir] ta needs njirl to p<'ojile, rather Phone 556-1522 5007 Lcavenwortb St. th.-in'to liujiib'T.s. rJ'ln'y did riot say to me and to my co-workers: "Only ;',:',,0<V) immigrants in 1032 end 1!CJ3?" They lhoii(;Iit of .'!."!,Member ef Duncon Hines "Fifth of o Century Club" 000 lives in KiiFpcnsc, .'i3,O0O yfarriiiiTis for freedom and iiriv oiiportunily—anrl tliey kept f;ivWishing the Best1 of Everything in;; nf>neiou'-Iy, to tint O ! ' / J 0 hojif siould le fulfilled TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY Hrillc rililes THROUGHOUT THE Thru, whin o'n fello \ J c / s fctjried coniiiif; out of North Afrlc i in n stream uhich has ne\fr stopped flow IIK; since V. hen, in


New Year's Greetings Omaha Lace Laundry French Cleaner "Touch of Beauty"



New Year . . .

Phono 733-1000


) During the sacred days of the New REUNION1 IN IMtAEL—Uapiilly tearful cniltrarcs Iflcc tills Jiavo talicn place at Haifa every day for 13 years, as Israel lins recelve<l a million newcomers. UJA officials have Issued a New Year call for renewed support to meet a. recent immigration surge. £ling for its very life against in- 3035, this new salient of immigravading armies, the first boatload tion swelled the number of newcf refugees arrived from a 1C- comers to 50,000—the cliaiiKe of ropean DP camp . . . and the pace did not prevent American boatloads never (stopped coming. Jews from meeting the growing But it was not alone for the need. And, in succeeding years, emptying of the DP camps that they continued to moot challenge this great effort was made. Es- after challenge, as area after tablishing a pattern that has re- area of renewed immigration mained constant through the opened up suddenly and overyears, crisis overlapped crisis and lappingly: Hungary and Egypt, it became necessary, in 1940, to during tlie hectic later months of transport the entire Jewish pop- 103G; Poland in 1957 and 1958; ulation of Yemen, after centuries and, briefly but intensely, an <>f oppression, to Israel. Fulfilling Eastern European country in the prophecy of Isaiah that they 1959. v/puld "mount up with wings as So It has gone, year after year, eagles," this unprecedented UJA after cnrnpaiEn. Always operation—called Magic Carpet— campaign a spurt of immigration from , airlifted 45,000 people into the somewhere in the world: North Twentieth century in 1949 mid Africa, Die Near East or liurope. 3950, As one area seemed to close Transportation Costly down, another would open. The Nor was this mass airline unique, people of Israel have never falfor the very next year (1951) a ttered in their determination to eecond and more extensive one keep the gates of new life open "was-needed,,this time to trans- to all. Nor, I am proud to Bay jport 121,000 Iraqi Jews, the des- ss the milestone of tlie millionth cendants of the Jews of Babylon. immigrant Is reached, have the Because they could not be taken Jews of America faltered in tupdirectly from an Arab country plying the needed funds.

, Year Holiday we extend our greetings and best wishes in the hope that peace will reign among men.








New fear1* Edition —THE JEWISH PBESS—Bo»h Haslianab 5722

Monday, September 11, 1061



from Hymie Milder and Associcifed Skelly Dealers Allied Body

16th and Evans

Mormon Bridge ( S k e l l y ) . . . . . . . . . . 3 0 t h and McKinley

Acme Transfer Company . . . . . . . . . . . .5026 S. 24th St.

National Car and Home... . . . . . . . . 1502 Capitol Ave.

Martin's Service (Skelly)

Joe Nigro Service

. . . . . . 2 6 0 1 N. 24th St.

. . . . . . . . . I Ith and Pacific

Blackstone Terminal . . . . . . • , . ,48th and Leavenworth

O'Connor Service S t a t i o n . . . . . ...1402 N. Saddle Rd.

Capffol Garage .

Otto's Service Station..


Skelly Master Service.

202 N. 19th St.

. . . . . . .41st and "(?" Sts.

42nd and Grover

Paxton Auto S e r v i c e . . . . . . . . . . . 14th and Harney Sts.

..3701 Leavenworth

Loop Parking C o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14th and Harney Sts.

Pospichal Skelly Service... . . . . . 19th and Missouri Ave.

Pierce & Thomas. . . . . . ,102 E. Locust, Carter Lake, la.

Commodore Garage

Watawa's Service Station..

Cherry Garden Garage

D & H Skelly Service.

24th and Dodge 19th and Cass

Easy Parking Company 1415 Dodge St. 15th and Harney Sts., 1622 Howard St., 107 S. 18th St., 14th and Douglas Sts. and 14th and Farnam 18th St. Parking Fairway Auto Service Hadan Auto Service.. L & H Skelly Service Louis Illis Service.. . . Joo Kosiski..... Charles Laushman. Villone Skelly Mike Loemers S-S (Skelly) Meekj Rent-A-Car

18th and Dodge 25th and " O " Sts. .85 16 Blondo ..7th and Fort Sts. 42nd and Center Sts. .47th and " L " Sts. .8 16 Center St. 90th and Center Sts. 8702 Countryside Plaza 801 S. 16th St.

Ratner Super Service.

. . . . 3 2 2 9 S. 24th St. .428 S. 24th St.

D & H Service

. . . . . . . . . 18th and Chicago

Sandy's Skelly S e r v i c e . . . . . . . . . . . 40th and Dodge Sts. Sentinel Parking 14th and Dodge Sandy's (Skelly) 20th and Harney Wayne Hogg (Skelly) 38th and Farnam Monte White Motors, Inc.. . . . . 32nd and Leavenworth Young's Service Station....;. .27th and St. Marys Ave. Sample-Hart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18th and Burt Bill's Skelly Service 38th and Ames Haye's Skelly S e r v i c e . . . . . . . . . . 51 st and Leavenworth Jim Mulcahy Skelly Service.... .63rd and Center Glup's Skelly Station 48th and " L " Sts. Sandy's Skelly Service 80th and Dodge Beau Motors 21 st and Leavenworth



Fuel Oil


Milder Oil Company Hymie Milder — President 342-2111


Monday, September 11, 1901

New Teal's Edition —TOE JEWISH ritESS — Roth Hasftanah 6728

F*g« Eighteen

N. Y. Attorney New York (JTA)—Lawrence A. Wen, New York attorney, Jewish leader and president of the Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York became, this week, the owner of the 102etory Empire State Building in New York, fulfilling an ambition of many years' standing. Mr. VVien paid §65,000,000 for a single building. He purchased the edifico froin a corporation headed by Col. Henry Crown,

Buys Empire State Chicago industrialist, whose bid for the Empire State of $51,000,000 in 3951 topped Mr. Wien's unsuccessful offer and gave him ownership. Mr. Wien owns between 30 and 40 other largo buildings in New York and across the country. In purchasing the world's tallest building, Mr. Wien did not ncquiro title to the land on which it stands. The land was sold to ilio Prudential life Insurance Company.

Best Wishes for a Happy New Year

Claude Constable 556-1317

4829 Dodge

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May Wo Express Most Sincere Wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year to Our Many Jewish Friends and Patrons

To Our Many Friends and Patrons We Extend Our



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Mpnday, September U , l M t

New T M I » « Edition—THK JIKWIHII PKKHH — Eosli IlaHhnnah 8722




Best Wishes for a Happy New Year I;






Omaha Office Baird Building— 1704 Douglas 34 U3160

Lincoln Office Federal Securities Bjdg,, 13th & N ! Phone HE 2-7591 : r ,e

New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS — Itosh Ilathaoali B72S


Monday, September 11, 1961

Personal Greetings for Hashanah MR. nnri MRS. AI.VIN ABRAMSOX ami Family extend New Year's Greetings and Good Wishes to friends and rela1ivcs for Health, Happiness and Piosperily. Mlt. :ind MIIS. IJKNNV AI1KAMSON and Family wish tlu'ir relatives find friends a Hiippy unil Prosperous New Year. ~

B .Mit. .Hid MIIS M. A. BEKCO-

VIC'I rxiend New Year's greet ings and good wishes lo friends «nd relatives for Health, Happiness anil Prosperity, •


BETH KI. SISTERHOOD wishes all of its members and friends a year of fruitful endeavors enhanced ' toy abundant Good Health and Pence. The. members of BETH ISRAEL SISTERHOOD take this opportunity to wish everyone a Healthy, Happy and Prosperous New Year. Mrs. Alfred •Frank, President. TIIK




ETY wishes all its members nnd fi-iends :i Hiippy, Healthy mid Prosperous New Year. Mlt. mill MKS. ELI BITTNEK ami Family wish all their relatives and friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year. BNAl B'RITH CORNHUSKEIl CHAPTER NO. IO.W asks the blessings of Peace. Health and Prosperity for its friends in the community. : • * * B'NAI B'KITII COItNIIlJSKEIl LODGE NO. 17(10 sends greetings to Omaha Jewry and l>est

wishes for a Happy and Successful New Year. .

Mlt. ami MKS. SAM C.'OLK.'IC and EDIE RENEE wish their friends anil relatives, both far and near, a Happy New Year. Mlt. nnd MltS. MEYER (,'OI.NIU and son, JERKY, wish to ex- tend a Happy New Year, to all Iheir friends and rclalhcs. Mlt. nnil MICS. HAItltV COOPERMAN wish their friends and relatives both far ami near a Happy New Year. Mlt. iinil MltS. I'illLir CHANDELL take this means of expressing their best wishes for the New Year to their friends and relatives. Mlt. nnd .MKS. MAX CHOIWSK extend New Year's Greetings nnd good wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness IIml Prosperity.

We wish all our relatives and friends a Happy and Prosperoiir Xf\v Year.- MR. nnil MltS. MOItltIS FIHIOSTONE. Mlt. and MICS. IKVINC J, l-'ORBEK and their children, KAIIEN RENEE, LESLIE SI?KAN and BRUCE MITCHELL,

wish all their friends and relatives a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year. •

D MR. and MltS. OSCAR D1A'MONM.nnd sons. RICHARD und BILLY, extend New Year's greetings and good wishes lo friends nnd relatives for Health, Happiness and Pros-1 perity.

MR. nnd MRS. HAROLD EPSTEIN and their sons, PAUL, STEVEN and CARV, take this means of expressing their best wishes for the New Year to their friends and relatives.

Jill. nnd MltS. ISADOUK FORBES anil Mlt. MARSHALL FORBES extend their crectingx and good wishes to friends a n d rein lives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity. • • • MR. and MRS. ALBERT FOX extend New Year's Greetings nnd flood Wishes to friends nnd relatives for Health, Huppiti'ss nnd Prosperity. •

Mlt. nnd MRS. OSCAR FOX extend their greetings and (;ood wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity. MR. nnd MRS. ALEXANDER I). FRANK and RICHARD extend New Year's Greetings and Good Wishes to friends nnd relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity. * • « WALTER aJid BEA FRANK anil FAMILY w i s h their friends a Happy and Prosper. ous New Year.


B'NAI B'UITII HENRY MONSKV LOIHiE NO. X>4 wishes their members and friends a New Year of Health, Happiness arid Prosperity. •

Mil. ami MlfS. SAMUEL M. CLAVMAN extend warm greel.. ings nnd good wishes to friends and relatives for n Heallhy and Hap[)y New'. * * * Mil. .mini MltS. ,j. COHEN extend New Year's greetings and good wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and PinsjH'iity.

5111. JACOB I'i;i.l>MANr and Family extend New Year's <ireetin^rs and ^<>od wishes to friends and relatiws fop Health, Happiness ami Prosperity. • • * West wishes for a Happy and ProsjMTOus New Year to all officers and members of H'nal Jacob Adas Yesliuron SynaKOgiic and Jewish Federation nnd all our friends In the eotnnuinity RAItlil and MltS, N. FELUMAN.

Mlt. anil .MKS. SAM It LOOM take this means of expressing their best wishes for the New Year to their friends und relatives. BKANDEIS UNIVERSITY NATIONAL WOMEN'S COMMITEE of Omaha extend their greetings and good wishes to

all its members and friends for a Happy and Healthy New Year. Mlt. and MltS. A. II. BRODKEY nnd Family extend their greetings and good wishes to friends and relatives f o r Health, Happiness and Prosperity. RABBI and MRS. SIDNEY BROOKS, daughter, MIRIAM. and son, JOEL, extend their greetings and best wishes to the community for happiness and Health in the coming year. MR. and MRS. REUBEN If. BROWN extend New Year's greetings and good wishes to friends " - a n d relatives, for Health, Happiness and Prosperity.

MR. and MRS. SAM EPSTEIN, and LESLIK, 8432 Hickory Street, take this means of expressing their l>est wishes for the New Year to their friends - and relatives. MR. and .AIRS. WILLIAM KPKTEIN nnd family wish nil their relatives and friends a happy and healthy New Year. * » • To one and all members of EPSTEIN MOIUJAN POST NO. 200, JEWISH WAR VETERANS, extend a most sincere wish that the New Year 5722 be n Healthy, Happy nnil Prosperous and nl»ve all a I'EACEFITL VEAIt.

DR. nnd MRS. A. D, FAIER, MATT and JERKY take this means of expressing their best wishes for the New Year to their friends and relatives. FARBAND LABOR ZIONIST ORDER, BRANCH M, POALE ZION, hopes the New Year will bring penco to Israel and to the whole world.

Mil. and MRS. MORRIS J. FRANKLIN, and daughters, IIELENE HAE and RENEE MARCIA e x t e n d sincere wishes for n New Year of Health nnd Happiness to their relatives and friends. » • » MRS. HERMAN FRANKLIN und KALAII hope their relatives nnd friends will bo blessed with Health, Happiness, Prosperity nnd Peace throughout the coming year. .


Mlt. and MltS. IIAItKV (iOLDH E It (i, II E V E It L Y it n d FRANK extend their best wishes for a Healthy, Happy New Year to friends and relatives. MR. mid MltS. MORRIS (JOl.DBEIKi, Mlt. and MltS. MANNY (iOLI)IIEIt(i and children, MARLA (mil BItt'CK, extend New Year's greetings and good wishes lo friends and relatives for Henllh, Happiness and Prosperity.

MR. nnd MRS. MARTIN S. <;HEKN extend warm greetings and good wishes to friends for a Happy and Healthy New



Pit. nnd MltS. ABE (illKENBEIUi extend New Year's greetings mid good wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Proslierity, Mlt. nnd MltS. II A It T O V <;itEENBEIt<;. IIETII mill JONEI'II wish their friends and relatives a Happy and Prosperous New Year, •

Mlt. WILLIAM nnd the MISSES FANNIE nnd ROSE (iRODINSKY wish all their friends and relatives a Happy anil Prosperous New Year. •


MR. and MltS. CHARLES <il'SS nnd children, JAMES, <;ARY and ROSALIN, extend their Greetings and Good Wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness nnd Prosperity. • • * MR. and MRS. II. (il'SS and Family extend their greetings and good wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity.

H 1IADASSAII WISHES YOU . . . a good year of Health and Happiness for yourself and family. TOGETHER THROUGH HADASSAII, may we continue to rcceivo the blessings that come to those who seek after knowledge, protect our precious freedom mid servo our people and the land of Israel. MR. ami MRS. DAVE HAHN, SANDY, AVEVA nnd mother, MRS. HARRY HAHN, extend New Year's greetings and good wishes to friends nnd relatives for Henlth, Happiness nod Prosperity. • • • * MRS. BEN HANDLER wishes her friends nnd relatives everywhere a Happy New Year. • *

Mlt. and MRS. ABRAHAM B. OENDLER and FAMILY extend New Year's Greetings ana Good Wishes to Mends and I relatives for Health, I Inppi' ness and Prosperity. ••

MR. nnd MRS. MIKE FREEMAN and daughters; SALLY nnd LORI, extend New Year's Greetings and Good Wishes to friends nnd relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity. . • » • MRS. ROSE FREIDEN extends her best to all her rclutives nnd friends for a Happy nnd Prosperous New Year.

MR. and MltS. DAVID W. OIMI'LE nnd sons, LAWRENCE, JOEL and JOHN SIIEKMAN, extend New Year's greetings nnd Rood wishes to friends find relatives.


MR. and MRS. SAM HORNSTEIN take this means of wishing their friends nnd relatives a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.

FEDERATION OF J E W I S H . WOMEN'S CLUBS extend best wishes for a Happy nnd Prosperous New Year to the entire community,

MR. 1IYMAN OERBER extends New Year's Greetings end Good Wishes to frienda and relatives for Health, Happi* and Prosperity.


Monday, September 11, 1001

New Year's Edition — THE JEWISH I'KESS— Bosh Haslintuih biZ

Pap? Twi*ity-#n«

Personal Greetings for ashanah K


We wish our friends nnd relatives hoth far mid near a Happy New Voiir.- Mil. and SIKH; JOSKI'II H. ICATKLMANV

Mlt. and MKS. MAX MA(ill) mid Family lake this means of expressing their best wishes-for the New Year In their Irk nils nml relatives. * * * Mlt. and MKS. NATHAN .MARCUS

MI!. JOSEPH KIKSIIENKAI SI and Family extend their greetings and good wishes (o friends mid relatives fur Health, Happiness and Prosperity.




MltS. HEN MARTIN extends to all her friends nml relatives her heartiest wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. • • • MIZRACIII WOMEN, O in ,ih a Chapter, wishes its members mid friends a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year. #


Mlt. and MKS. KEN MORRIS wish their friends anil relatives IK>III far and neur u Happy New Year. • * • RAIIBI AND MRS. /NORMAN MUSSSIAN anil daughter Marla Beth extend their best wishes a Happy Now Year to the community.

.MIS. anil SIRS. S. ABK KLOPI'KIt and family wish nil their relative;) and friends n Happy and Prosperous Ne.w Year.

Best wishes for a Happy New Year to all friends from Mlt. nml SIRS. MARTIN HOLSI nml SONS.

N Mlt. and MKS. AL NKI'OSINICK, KONNA. DIANE mid STKVK wish their friends and relatives a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.

Mil. and MKS. LOUIS KCLAKOISKY wish their friends and relatives a very Happy New Year.


Mlt. and MRS. ItALI'll XdliH and the girls take this moans of expressing their best wishes to friends nnd relatives for » Happy New Year.

lilt, nml MKS. HEN KUTLER and CHILDREN wish their friends anil relatlvcn n very Happy anil Prosperous New Year. .

o OMAHA SECTION, NATIONAL COUNCIL OF JEWISH WO.1IEN, .extend to you and jour dear ones sincere good-wishes for a Healthy und Prosperous New Year. • • » Mlt. nnd MKS. IIV.MAN OSOI F extend New Year's Greetings und Good Wishes to friends nnd relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity.

MR. nnd MKS. SAM M. KUTLER, son, BENNETT, anil mother, MUS. EVA FOUKOV, taltc this menus of expressing their tost wishes to friends and relatives both far nnd near for Health, Happiness and Prosperity for the New Year.

JHtS. STANLEY K. (ROSE) LKVIN wishes her friends a Healthy and Happy New Year,

MR. and MKS. LOUIS PATBBNY and FAMILY extend their greetings and good wishes to friends-'und. r e l a t i v e s for Health, Happiness and ProsIiorily.

MR. and MUS. LOU LEWIS anil sons, JUSTIN nnd IIAKIIV, und MUS. ETHEL TUCKKH wish all their relatives anil friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year.













Dlt. and MISS. A. A. STKINItKKCi and SIIKLLY wish all their friends and relatives a Happy New Year. Silt. NATHAN S'l'l-:iNISi;it(; exlends Greetings and Good Wishes to friends and relatives for Health ami Happiness. SIR.



Mlt. nnd .MltS. .KMC M.'llICK extend their best wishes to their friends and relatives fora Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Mil. and SIRS. NAMi'I'X A. RICK and FAMILY extend New Year's greetings and good wishes to friends nnd relatives for Health, Happiness und Prosperity.



Year's Greetings and Good Wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity. DR. SAMUICL V.. STKRN wished his friends and relatives a Happy New Year. MR. and SIRS. IZZIK STISS and JACK STISS want, to wish friends and relatives a Happy nnd Prosperous New Year.

MR. nnd SIRS. DAVID "SONNY" RICHARDS and children, SANOKA, CORY and SCOTT, extend their best wishes for the New Year to their friends IIIKI relatives both fnr and near.

MR. and SIKS. SOL STISS and FAMILY take this means of expressing their best wishes for the New Year to their relatives and friends.

Mlt. and .MRS. IIYMIK RICHARDS extend New Year's greetings and good wishes to friends nnd r e l a t i v e s for Health, Happiness nnd. Prosperity.

TKSIPLE ISKAKL S I S T R R IIOOD wishes all its members nnd friends a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year,

MR. and SHIS, BBN L. ROSEN1, and sons, I'AUL mid HILLY extend their greetings und good wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity. MR. and MltS. CAUL HOSENHKRU and children, MAUKICK, HKLKN and STEWART, take this means of expressing their Best Wishes for the New Year to -their friends nnd relnlives. I)K. and MRS. A. S. WIIINITZ extend New Year's greetings to friends and relatives.

Mlt. and MRS. BERNARD H. SCHWARTZ and Family wish their relatives and friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year.




MU. and MRS. NATHAN 1'ITLOR- anil JOEL wish their friends and relatives n Happy ami Prosperous New Year. .

SIH. and SIKS. OAVII) SIIUKKKT and SONS, SASI.MY and •IAY, extend Now Year's Greetings and Good Wishes to friends and r e l a t i v e s for Health, Happiness and Prosperity.




MR. and SIRS. HARRY TRUSTIN and FAMILY extend their Good Wishes and Greetings for the New Year to their friends und relatives.

JIB. and MRS. I'AUL VKUET und .FAMILY extend to their friends sincere wishes for a Happy New Year.

w MR. and SIRS. OSCAR WALDV0<iKL wish their friends and relatives both far and near a Happy and Healthy New Year. •




WORKMAN'S CIRCLE LADIES AUXILIARY wish u veiy Healthy and Happy New Yeur to .all the Members. Mis. I,. Witkin, President; Mrs. S. Hinder, Secretary; Mrs. Sara Schwartz, Treasurer; Mrs. II. Riulcrman, Hospitality Chairman. •

WORKSIKN'S CIRCLE MIDWEST DISTRICT CO.MMITTKE wishes all the members from our district and their families a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.


TIIK PIONEER WOSIEN'S ORGANIZATION takes this opportunity of wishing their members and frlelids a very H a p p y New Year. •

•Mil. and SIKS. MILTON KKSNICK and FAMILY wish' their relatives and friends a Happy anil Prospeniiis Now Year,

To all our relatives in Omaha and PJattsmouth, and to alt our friends in the community, our Best Wishes nnd a Happy New Year. THE D A V I D SCmVALB FAMILY.

MR. and MRS. DAVID I'AUKEU und FAMILY wish their relatives and friends both far and near n Happy ami Prosperous New Year.

MltS. SOL LEWIS and Family extend New Year's greetings nnd good wishes to friends, anil relatives for Health, Happiness nnd Prosperity,

Silt, and MKS. KKNNKT'ntAllUZINICIt, CAROL, MAIill and STKV10N wish all their friends and relatives a Happy und Prosperous New Year.

Mlt. nnd MRS. PAUL SACKS wish their friends nnd relatives both fur and near a Happy and Prosperous New year.

We wish our friends and relatives, both fur nnd near, a Happy New Year.—MU. and MltS. MORRIS PAIULSIAN, .



Dlt. nml MltS. .1. .MILTON MAK(JOLLV extend New Year's greet ings ami good wishes to friends and r e l a t i v e s for Health, Happiness anil Prosperity.

MltS. LEONARD KLEIN exlends New Vear's greetings and i;ood wishes to friends nml relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity.

Mlt. and MRS. STANFORD LII'HKV, daughter, JANET, and eon, IMNIKL, wish all their, relatives and friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year.


STEVE, extend their greetings and good wishes for tin- New Year to their friends and relatives both far nml near.

Mil. mill MISS. SAM If LAV Kit and .sun, LINCOLN, lake this means of expressing their best wishes for tho New Year to their friends and relatives.

Mlt. nnd MRS. SOL LIROWSKI and children, .IKFFUEV und JUDY, extend New Year greetings and good wishs to friends and relatives, both far anil near, for H e a l t h , Happiness and Prosperity. •'•':'.


Wishing our friends and relatives.a Happy New Year. May eaeh new one bring added joys. Mlt. and -MKS. A. 1'OLIKOV and SONS.





DR. and SIRS. DAVID C. I'LATT and children, TOM;; 11OIKJ, LINDA nnd flARV, extend warm greetings ond : good wishes to friends nnd relatives for n-'Healthy and Happy New Year.

DR. and MRS. MAURICE B. SCHWARTZ and Family wish their relatives nnd friends,a Happy nnd Prosperous New Year. DR. nnd.MUS. IRVING SHAPIRO and FAMILY take this means of expressing their best wishes for tho New Year to their friends ond relatives.

MR. and .AIRS. ALLEN ZALKIN and MARK extend their Greetings and Good Wishes to their friends and relatives both far und near for a Happy and Prosperous-New Year. • • • MR. and -MRS. SIAKSHA.LL ZALKIN nnd children, CUERIL, BRKNDA and STEVEN, wish all their relatives and friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year. • • • MR. and MRS. BEN ZEIK and son, DAMKL, wish :air their: friends a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.

Page Twenty-two

Now Year's Kdilion — THK JKWIKII PKESS — Rush Ibuthanah 5722


Congrat ulations SONS Mr. and Mrs. James Blanker Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bo^danoff Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bushkin Mr. and Mrs. David M. Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Allan Cut leiMr, and Mrs. Jack K. Du'itch Mr. and Mr.s. Gordon Eleuitz Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Engel Mr. and Mrs. Alvin S. Kp.itein Mr. and Mrs. Irving J. Kpstcin Mr. and Mr.s. Harry J. Falk Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Freiberg Mr. and Mrs. Sol Friedman Mr. and Mr.s. Itobert Ginsbur^ Mr. and Mrs. Manny Goldberg Mr. and Mrs. Joel M. Katleman

: , .';-.• ..;.' • '•'"•.••'-.••".

M r . a n d M r s .K c v e e Calvin

Kirshenbamn Mr. and Mr.s. Marvin S. Kohll Mr. and Mrs. Alan Kohn :

. ..•.••'



Mr. and Mrs. Milton Lchr Mr. and Mrs, Irving L. Lincoln Mr. and Mrs. Harry I.utz

'••[.-. .'• -.'•••• : .


Mr. iind Mrs. Itobert K. Krasne Mr. ;iiid Mrs. Mnrtin J. I.ehr

Dr. and Mrs. Vincent •






Mr. and Mrs. Milton Marcus .•'.'•. . ; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mosltovitz Mr. and Mrs. Jack Noodell •Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Hips Mr. and Mr.s. Burton Robinson Mr. and Mrs. I^mrencc Sadofslcy Dr. and Mr.s. Itciihcn Samani Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Sax •• Mr. and Mrs. Philip SchraKer Dr. and Mrs. Irving Shapiro Mr. and Mrs. Howard Vann Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Wassennan Mr. and Mrs. Mendel Weinman Mr. and Mrs. Marshal Zalkin DAl?(iIITEHS Mr. and Mrs. William S. Abramson Mr. and Mrs. Laurence S. Albert Dr. and Mrs. Stanley S. Becker Mr. and Mrs. Gerald German Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bloch Mr. and Mrs. M. Ronald Krodkey

Gifts to Spur Agriculture In Israel Los Angeles (JTAi— A $50,000 : gift to the Jewish National Fund and three "living lecacy" con. tributions totalling $128,000 to . the Histadnit Development Cor, poration were announced here. 1 Samuel A. Fryer, of Santa Monica, a retired biochemist who ' previously contributed more than 51.000,000 to Israeli iastitutions, made the $50,000 gift to establish a Village in his name near Tel Aviv where an area would lie set aside for research in organic farming. ' The "living legacy" contributions to the Histadnit Develop. ment Foundation consists of one • contribution of $65,000 by Ben Sapkin; another of over $45,000 by Abe L. Plotkin; and a third, . of 518,000, by Mrs. Minna Sher: man. The funds will be used for : expansion of an agricultural trade school conducted in Israel by Histadrut, the Israel Federation of Labor.

Mr. and Mrs. David liursztyn (twins) Dr. and Mrs. Oscar Carp Mr. and Mrs. RolxTt Chapman Mr. and Mrs. F. Ronald Colin • Mr. and Mrs. Samuel V. Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Walter Feidman Mr. and Mrs. Albert FVldman Dr. n;id Mrs. Bennett Fishbaia Mr. and Mrs. David Gelbart Mr. and Mrs. II. Lee Cloudier Mr. and Mrs. Morton Glass Mr. and Mrs. Morris Handlenian

Crime Minister Hen Curion at ipecial brcvirw of I'.xoAui in Tel A v i / -<j>rcsic« enthusiasm for fighting qualities of Israelis depicted in movie, l.i'fl to right: Meyer W. Weiagal, I'roJm:cr Olio I'rcmingcr, the I'rima 'inister «nd Mr«. I'aulu Hen Gurion. Proceeds of Exodus in Isr«el will e<» "'•<! Weiimann Institute of Science,

. Mr. and Mrs. HIIRO Kahn


Monday, September 11, 18GI

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kahn Mr. and Mrs. Hen Kaiman Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kaiman Mr. and Mr.s. Ixroy Kalz Mr. nnd Mrs. Martin Korman Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kotzen Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Kushner Mr. and Mrs. Herman B. I.owcnstein Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Malek Mr. and Mrs. Irvint; Marcus Mr. nnd Mr.s. Joseph D. Marks Mr. and Mr.s. Jerry A. Margolin Mr. nnd Mrs. Neal T. Melden Mr. and Mrs. Myron II. Milder Mr. and Mrs. Milton A. Moskovitz Mr. and Mrs. John F. Quinn Mr. and Mrs. I^awrcnce Pollack Mr, and Mrs. William Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Sol S. Rosinsky . Mr. and Mrs. Stanley RossMr, nnd Mrs. Abnei Rubin Mr. and Mrs. Allan Scl'octeiMr. and Mrs. Irvin I. S-lmarlz Dr. and Mrs. Maurice B. Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Sclmeiderman Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Sie^el Mr. nnd Mrs. Milton Simon Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Singer Mr. and Mrs. Donald Vann Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Weiner Mr. and Mrs. Allen Weinstcin Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wolpa Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zorinsky

New Year's Greetings

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Monday, September 11, 1081

Hew Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS —Kosh Hanhanali 5722


Page Twenty-three

Monday, September U , 1961

N<-n Vrar". Kdltlon — THK JEWISH PRESS — Rosh Ilasbanak 5722

Page Twenty-four

Bar and Bas Mitzvah List liar Mitzvuli CVIebrants Jeffrey Butt Robert Batt Jonathan Bcrek Michael Berg AJan,Blank Konuld Blumltin John Brown Jack Cain Mark Cherniack Gary Davis Stephen I'alk Ruben Fcder Norman Kisrliel Ira J. Flelshcr Richard Prank Ronald Frank Floyd Frcidca '• Bruce Fricdlander Sidney Friedman Michael Gendlor Steven Goodman Alex Grossman Frederick M. Guss Gary A. Guss fiobert Hahn Ronald Hcrzoff Phillip Itkin Jon Jabenjs David Jacobson Richard Jacobson Leslie Joseph Larry Koom Marc Kraft

Alan Kulakofsky Norman D. Kurt Paul Landow Bruce A. Lew is Stephen Lewis Steven Luttbrc Jeffrey Mayprr Ira Mciberger James Milder Stephen Mulnick Stanley Ostrow Jeffrey A. Passer Charles Plotkin Jack Reichenhacli Philip Huzriielt Joel Rich l.unny Rips John M. Robinson Mark Komanik Maurice Rosenberg Maynard Rosenberg Lee Ross Thomas A. Rubin Mark Saunders Benjamin C. Shaflon Harry T. Silver Michael Silver Jerry Smith Chaim M. Traubc Raymond VVinlicrg Fred Weinci" Dale Wcinslein Frank Wintroub IlonriM Wolpa


ItllS MltZVllll

Olclirunts Ciirolyn Urody Donna Cunfield Marilyn Cohen Harriet Doljjoff Phyllis Fedman Shirley A, Feldinun ileiice Fischcl Sandra Gilinsky Mallory Cioldivare Marsha (jould Deborah Gni'dman Janet Ilandlcniiin Susan Heislcr (iail Ihinvick Debby Kaf;an Susan Kat/man Barbara Kiimnel Netta K. Kripke Nancy Lincoln Judy Meyerson Sharon Noodell Rila Pasltowilz Sarah Perelnian P'"t,'try Perimeter Susan Porter JoAnn Sclimidman Nancy Silvcnnan Joan Simon Vita A. Simon Sandra Sinyer Jill Slosburii Nancy A. Stern Judith Susman Susan Waldbaum Cheryl Weiss



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Page Twcniy-siv

Community Qtt Federafbn of Jewish V/emen's Clubs Purpose: To cooperate with the Jewish Federation of Omaha in carrying out its community-wide functions. To participate as u unit in any city-wide Jewish cause. To represent the Jewish women of Omaha in the cominunily-at,-' large. It beinj? understood thai any such effort be not pel formed on the -Sabhatli or any Jewish Holy Day, except in a case of iiii emergency. To promote inU'r-club friendliness, iunk'rMandiu;; ami k'oij'.i wili in the Jewish community. To discuss croup activities nil objectives, theivby Kainim: better understanding oi each nt TS programs. To maintain a calendar to pri ent conflict in program activities. President: Mrs. I.loyl Friedman Abrams, liurlon Dunevitz First "Vice-President: Financial Secretary: Mrs. Harry Kidman Mrs. David ISeber Second Vice-President: Kecordini; Secretary: Mrs. Dave Colin Mrs. Alan Sie:;cl' Secretary: Co no* pond in;; .Secretary : Mrs. A1K> C. I-VIlman Mrs. Harry Alloy Treasurer: Mrs. 11,'irold Aliraham:;on Historian: Lodges Mrs. Allan Schcctur Purpose: To unify all Jews in their efforts to preserve re- Sentinel: Mi's. Harry Richman *lij;ioiis. traditions, serve their community and country, safe- Guardian: Mrs. B. Greenspan guard human rights, instill greater values in our youth, Trustees: liuMmes. David Uleieher, Meilo aid Israel and scrv Potash, Yale Kaplan manily.

Henry Monsky No. 354 Oilcur Choiim Prcsidcnt: Dr: Ben Kutler Sociefy First Vice-Picsidcnt: I'urposo: Welfare of thy .sick and

I5urt Hender . Second Vice-t'rcsident: Ij)uis Sobrin Third Vice-President: Isadore Bojjdanoff Financial Secretary: Moc F . Kacaii Correspondini; Secretary: Gerliart S|iies Treasurer: Nathan Turner Warden: Ruben Epstein Guardian: Sidney Werthcim Chaplain: M. F. Ka;;ah

Cornhusker No. 1760 President: Edward M. Stein Vice-Presidcnts: Bernard .Cireenberj?, Richard Fellman, Maury' Schwartz Treasurer: Kenneth Wciner Financial Secretary: Josef Mayer Corresponding Secretary; Murray Simon Recording Secretary:. Jay Chasen Warden: MyronMaiko . Guardian: Richard Martin Chaplain: . ' , Alvi'n Abramson Trustees: Gerald Bornstien. Willis Epstein, Elliot Brown

Chapters I'urpose: Seeks to further and coordinate program of youth welfare nnd education; defends Jewish rights; engages in philanthropies, social action for Americanism, veterans' affairs, adult Jewish education program; organize aid to Israel.

Henry Monstiy No. 470 President: Mrs. Meyer Kaplan First Vice-president: Mrs. Bernard Kaiman Second Vice-President: Mrs. Bernard Goldstrom Treasurer: ' . Mrs. Sam Shyken Dues Secretary: Mrs. Frank Seknr Recording Secretary: Mrs. Nate Kaplan Corresponding Secretary: Mrs. Abe Miller Historian: Mrs. Milton Mintz Sentinel: Mrs. Abe Ginsburg Guardian: Mrs. Frank Cohen Trustees: Mmes. Jay Stoler, David EpNate Gitniclc


Frcsldc *'Mrt.'Ben- Hifkin Vice-Presidents: Mmes, James Wax, Seymour

fifonday, SrpU'iubcr I I ,

JKViv lVar'g lalitlon — TIIK JCWISII PKICSS —Rosh Ilashuiiuli 5722

family service. President: Mrs. Jake Wine First Vice-President: Mrs. Harry Sidman Second Vice-President: Mrs. Aaron I.evine Recording Secretary: Mrs. Morris White Corresponding Secretary: Mrs. Sam Freed Financial Secretary: Mrs. William Epstein Treasurer: Mrs. Charles S. Ross Federation Women: Mrs. Morris White

Million Hiller. Jerome Milder, Harry Rochniiin. Alx; Greenberj.;. Ilouard Krantz, l-:dward Green, A. <'. Fcllninn, Ajon Farber, MillanI Rosenberg Fi'deration Woman: .Mrs. Alfred S. Mayor

Zionist Order, 1'urpose: To strengthen Jewish ciltiiral life, to help the Slate of Israel financially and politically, tii participate in all movements which help to build a belter world. Honorary Chairman: .Mrs. Harry Okun Chairman: Henjainin Klaiman Vici'-T'hairman: Car! Rosenberg Poale Zion Secretary. Harry Rifkin Treasurer: I.ouis Friedman Recording Secretary: Sam liifkin Financial and CorrespondinK Secretary: .Joseph Radii owski Hospitaller: Jacob Feldmau

Orcmdeis Univ.

Busyness csnd Professional

Country Club I'residont: J. Harry Kulakofsky (Continued on I'aj;e 27.)


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New Year Greetings


iiHp: Hadassah fosters Zionist and Jewish ideals throiiRb education in America. At the same time In Israel it strives to restore health, further health education, establish medical standards, and prevent disease. Its record, as a leading health agency in 'Israel, . as the standard bearer and pace setter, remains unequaled. Honorary President: Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofslcy President: Mrs, F.rvin II. Simon Vice-Presidents: Mines. Sam Katzman, Meyer I'urjiiise: To maintain and sap- Rosenbuum, Joe Guss, Nathan ply bouks for the. library ,n Marcus, Charles Garetz, Henry Hrancleis University in Wal- Appel, Ray Simon •tham, Mass., is the sole pur- Treasurer: pose. Mrs. Nathan Turner Honorary President: Financial Secretary: Mrs. Hymali Fercr Mrs. Ira Whitebook Honorary Director: 'Recording Secretary: Mrs. M. A. Uercovici Mrs. Leonard Bernstein President: Corresponding Secretary: Mrs. Myron II. Milder Mrs. Manfred Kreltstein Vice-Presidents: Federation Women: Mmes. Sam Wolf, Charles P.oMrs. Sidney Goldberg Kcnstock, Leo Eisenstalt, Warner Frohman Treasurer: Mrs. David Fcder Financial Secretary: President: Mrs. Manfred Kreit.stciri Mrs. JulilK Board of Directors: Vice-Presidcnts: Mmes. Isadore Chapman. AlMines. David Becker, Iska fred Mayer, Sam Appleman, P.otholz

Mrs. Jennie Ilosenblatt Directors: Mines. Fannie S l i c r m a n, Charles Koss, Miss Julia Zukcr.

Treasurer: Mrs. Harry Sallzman Recording Secretary: Mrs. Abe Mozer Corresponding Secretary: Mrs. Ann Soskin Financial Secretary: Miss Myrtle Freeman Parliamentarian: Mrs. Alice Heeler Historian:


Morris Men's Clothes Mr. and Mrs. Morris Nadler Mr. and Mrs. Perry Nadler and Family

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220 So, 16tK" ' 7601 DODGE


Monday, September II, 1061

New Year's Edition — TIIK JKWIS1I MtESS — Rosli Hasl.anali 672S

1'age %, TS-nf y-fievtn

Community Organizations (Continued from Page 26.) Vicc-PreEldent: Lloyd Bank Treasurer: Milton Livingston Secretary: David Bernstein Executive Secretary: Philip J. Feldman

Jewish War Veterans Epstein-Morgan Post No. 260 I'nr|«)sc: Knfinj;os in community relations work to create a bolter understanding of and rlimnte for freedom nnd tolerance in the United States: assists needy veterans pnd their families. Commander: Iiohcrt K. Katleniiin Sr. Vice-Commnnder; A he Miller Jr. Vice-Commnnder: Marvin Kaplan Adjutant: Harold Katlemnn Quartermaster: Nathan Marcus, Chaplain: Jerome Grossman JIKIKO Advocate:

Paul Crounsc Surgeon: Dr. J. Milton Margolin Historian: Morris l*vin Sei'Keant-at-Arins: Max Belgrade .Service Officer: Jsadore Lewis Trustee: Max Kanner

Men Purpose: Seeks to rebuild Israel as a Jewish commonwealth in the spirit of traditional Judaism and to strengthen orthodox Judaism in the Diaspora. President: Rabbi M. M. Poliakoff Secretary and Treasurer: Kll Blttner

Women Purpose: Mlzrachi Women's OrKnnlzation of America Is tho Orthodox branch of the Zionist organization. In Israel, Mlzrachi Women have more thun 50 projects where filrls arc provided with homes where they are given all the necessities of life. They are provided with education, religious and secular, from grade to high school. They are also given vocational training. President: Mrs. M. M. Poliakoff Vice-Prcsidents: Mmes. Morris J. Franklin, Abe Fisher Recording Secretary: Mrs. Harry Lewis Financial and Corresponding Secretary: Mrs. Frank Sekar Treasurer and JNF Trees: Mrs. .Ben Handler JNF Box Collections: Mrs. Herman Franklin Board: Mmcs. Max Arbitman, Bessie Helm, A. Lipsman, Hyman Fried Advisor: Mrs. Benjamin Groncr Federation Women: Mrs. Ben Handler

National CrfunciB of Jewish Women Purpose: Dedicated to the wellbeing of Jews and their neighbors of all faiths, In America and in Israel. Through a program of service, of education, and of social action. Council stimulates the Individual and the community to advance the . Democratic way of life. President:., i Mrs.' Robert H. Levine

Vicc-Presldents: Mmes. Edward MalnshocU, Justin Manvitz, Herbert Meiches, Hubert Rosenblum, Stanley Slosfourg Honorary President: Mrs. Harold Farber Treasurer: Mrs. Gcnild Bernstlcn Recording Secretary: Mrs. Yale -Richards Corresponding Secretary: Mrs. David Fredrick* Financial Secretaries: Mmes. Sherman Sperling, Morris J. .Shapiro. Directors: Mmes. Irvin Kniman, Louis Katz, Edward Leviiison, Sidney .Schwartz, Harl Weiss Parliamentarian: Mrs. Lloyd Friedman Federation Women: Mrs. Louis Sogolow

Omaha Zionist

Council I'nrpoHe: Serves as the central body for all Zionist organizations or groups to help develop a climate of public opinion favorable to Israel and it* political and economic aspirations. President: Robert M. Feinbeig Vicc-Prcsident: Joseph Radinowskl Secretary: Mrs. Meyer N. Rubin Treasurer: Joseph Hornstein



Robert Sterling \CHABOD AND MF

Premiere: Mon., Oct. 2

Premiere: Tuei., Oct. 3

Premiere: Tues., Sept. 74

AH'n and Ross Itagdasarlan THE ALVIN SHOW



Prcmloro: Wed., Oct. 4

Premiere: Wed., Oct. 4

Premiere: Thuri., Oct. 5

John Derek FRONTIER CIRCUS Premiers: Thun., Oct. 5

James Philbrook THE INVESTIGATORS Premiere: Ttiun., Oct. 5

Leon Ames FATHER OF THE BRIDE Premiere: To be announced

Pioneer Women Purpose: Concerned with the development of Israel. Engaged in training and educating, men, women and children from all parts of the world to becoma productive citizens of Israel. Establishes and maintains children's nurseries, agricultural and vocational schools President: Mrs. Milton Nearenbcrg Recording Secretary; Mrs. H. Fried Corresponding Secretary: Mrs. Sam Rifkin Financial Secretary Mrs. Rose Schwartz Treasurer: Mrs. Harry Shrago Board: Mmes. S. Okun, Morris Epstein, Jake Kaplan, Sam Richman, Morris Stere-nberg, Isa(Jore Forbes. Federation Women: Mrs. Rose Schwartz

Workman Circle Purpose: Benevolent aid; allied with labor movement; educational, cultural and humanitarian activities.

Midwest District Chairman: 1-ouis Witkin Secretary: Morris Goodman Treasurer: Max Crounsc

Ladies Auxiliary Chairman: Mrs. Louis Witkin Treasurer: ' Mrs. S. Schwartz Secretary: Mrs. S. H. Binder Federation Women: Mrs. S. H. Binder


Workman's Loan

Association President: Isadore Abramson Vlcc-PrcsIdent: Philip H. Miller Treasurer: Mayer Frank Secretary: Harry Staehbcrg Board of Directors: . Nathan Belzer, Hyman Guss, Jako Kaplan, Ben Llndenbaum, Arthur Meyerson,. Milton Resnick, Harry Iilchlin

on '

Alan Young MR. .ED. Premiere: Sot.. Sept. I t


E." O. Marshal! THE DEFENDERS Premiere: Sun., Oct. I

v/ow-iv®tfianhel •



Page Twenty-eight


Youth Council Youffi Council President: Howard Ilahn Vice-Pre^ Susan Herman Secretary: Steven Marcus


Monday, September 11, 1661

New Year's Edition —THE JEWISH TRKHfi — Bosh Itashuuli

Linda Pricsrnan, M i c h e l l e Arnoff

Rayim President: Steven Marcus Vice-President: Alan Ross Secretary: Barry Goldware Treasurer: Steven Saylan Sergeant-at-Arms: David Forbes, Jeffrey Noddle Youth Council Representatives: Robert Gross, Arnold Wolf 2

President: Gary Parilman .'Vice-President: Harold Schneider .Secretary: K DKDICATEO IN .IKM'SALKM summit : Steven Bognchwal Jenisalem (JTA)—At cereTreasurer: monies attended by the city's Lany Kirke mayor, Ilistradrut leaders, mid Sergeant-al-Aims: .'; .William Ginsburi*, Harry Fried- guests from Baltimore, Md., a new community center, named man after ;ln American philanthropist Pledge Master: who contributed 5110,000 toward Ronald Kaiman, Carl C'oiien its construction, was dedicated in "thi.- suburb, Kiryal Hayovcl.

Joan Rae Marx and Terrance S. Bernstein Donna Canar and Thomas Bernstein Judith Kay Plaltner and Sheldon Bernard Brodsky Eleanor Fallienstcln and Steven C'asweU Harriet Breslow and Arvin Cohen Judith Cohen and Larry Eirancr Peggy Rubc-nstein and Allen Kpstein Barbara Adler and Robert Kpst'.'in Frances Berniee Malcolm and Harold I. Fulk Linda Ann Passer and Richard H, Fertil Barbara Unijar and Martin Lewis Field Harriet Patricia Schluff and Krrol Fislier Laya Edgar mid Dr, Henri Frischer Gail F. Shrier and Robert A, Ciiiisluirg Phyllis Ann Bernstein and Richard Stanley Gla/er Judi Ban and David Goldstein Judith Meyers and Howard D. Goldstein June Josephson and Harry Goodblnder Linda Sara Veret and Martin Stuart Green Nancy Jo Friedlander and Don W. f Jreenlierg Bonnie Jean Spiejjal and Thomas J. Nines Diane Singer and Stanley C, Kaiman Kvelyn Morris and Ben K. Kaslow Gloria Cooper and Howard Kaslow Carolyn Hae Stern and Allan Eugene Lefkow I^ora Bell Franklin and Gerald Stewart Levin Dorothy A, Browne and Sam Lcvine

Sandra Siegel and Leonard Lorkis (Carolyn Lee Schiminel and Dr. Bernard Magid Alison Cliero' and Alan G. Marer Sophie Charney and Edward Mason Harriet Rose Shapiro and Gordon Nathanson Jean Linda Goldstein and Sherman F. Ness Frieda Bennet and Arthur Novak Caryl I.ynne Waldhaum and Bernard Pcilikov Toni Kaplan and Jerry Rosen Maureen Mnrcia Kpstein and Sidney J. Rosenblatt Willis Rosenthal and Alvin Ross Suzy MarU'iie Blumenthal and Abner Rubin Shirley Rae Levey and Stanley Sail<en Rosalie Cohen and Ernie Salt/man Diane Feiluian and Dr. Stephen H, Schachner Barbara Greenberi; and Steve Seglin Beverly Seidel and Millard K. Seldin Gloria Ilelene Ostrow and Edward L. Smith Saiidra Lee Fellmau and Gerald Stein Lois Selnvarl/ and Donald Stern

Joyce ('anar and Jienjamin Cohen Swartz Judi Lewis and Norman S. Veit/er Marilyn Dvorkin and Martin L. Warren Ina Margolin and Dili Weiner ~" Malice Katleman and Mordecal Yadin Judith Ann (Joldberg and Lawrence F. Yampolsky

AZANo. 100

President Richard Kntjel Vice-President. Sherman Brodkey Secretary: Sheldon IVielman Treasurer: Carl Itiekos Sergeant-at-Arms: Marshall Kaplan. Joel Hciii Youth Council Representative: Brian Soirel

AZA No. 1000 President: Jerry Slusky Vice-President' William Kully Secretary: Richard Kpstein Treasurer: K Steven Kaplan Pledge Master: Joe Bassman Youth Council Representative: Roger Persell


The Shofar "And the Lord spoke unto Moses saying: Speak unto the children of Israel, saying:

BBG Ediar

• T"'

President: Carol Rosenbaum Vice-Prcsidents: Sandra Pnrilman, Bunny Block Corresponding Secretary: Kathy Adler Recording Secretary: Susan Makiesky Bills Treasurer: Sandy Silverbrand Dues Treasurer: Sharon Koom Pledgemaster: Irene Sabcs Youth Council Representative: . Paula Z l e g m a n , N a n c y Makiesky

In the seventh month,

in the f i r s t

day of the

month, shall be a solemn rest unto you, a memorial proclaimed with the blast of honors, a holy convocation."

The impressive shofar ceremony, so filled withe baauty and meaning, tymboliiei the deep

BBG Hevra President: Francee Rife Vice-Prcsident: Linda Graetz Corresponding Secretary: Gall Levin Recording Secretary: Susan Katzman Dues Treasurer: Toby Rcizbaum Bills Treasurer: Barbara Chudacoff Sergcant-at-Arms: Susi Brooksteln

faith, the enduring spirit of a great people. The plaintive notoi of tho ram's horn remind the worshippers of important historical events, high ideals, and tho eternal hope born of faith. It is reminiscent not only of the struggles and sufferings of tho past, but also of tha glorious promise of freedom and equality for all mankind, This faith in God's sovereignty is vitally important in today's troubled world. With G o d V help man can continue to strive for world peace, and through prayer and unceasing effort, to uphold a fundamental belief in the dignity end worth of the individual, in justice, end in mercy. Mty this new year bring to all men a renewed dedication to these worthy principles.

BBG Rohanue President: Barbara Kaplan Vice-Prcsident! Janice Siref Secretary: Joyce Render Bills Treasureri Helen Katz Dues Treasurert , Gayle Render Sergeant-at-Arms: Judy Magzamin, Marsha Cohen Pledge Masters; Linda Siref, Dorcen Kraft " Youth Councll'Reprtsentatlvcsr •

KILPATRICK-YOUNKERS 42nd and Center •.»>•

Monday, September 11, 1061

New Year's Edition — TUB JKWISII PRESS — Bosh llaithanati 6722

Tage Twenty-mtai

Ads Are Key fo Living Sfandards By KllaJm Halpeler sion of a smoker but instead preJerusalem—For a visitor In 11 sents a picture of a croup of fsisliforeign country nothing mlglit be lonablc young men and .women, to instructive about tlie standard some of Iheni in bathing suils, of living of the local population, tome in polo .shirts, lounging in its interests, way of entertainment garden elmirs. mid consumption, as a c'iince at Obviously, this is a snob-appeal on advertisement in some local paper. This being to, it might type of an ad indicating that highalso be a j;ood way to chock on class people smoke this brand. The snob-appeal is something fairly how the I s r a e l i lives by new to Israel advertising. On I he imvinK a look at what lie is beini; same page, ntnons otht.'i' ads, we offered to buy or to see or to do find two others which arc .someJn the ads of ,m average Friday what indicative of the changes of (i.e. weekend) paper. recent years:.there is one ad offerI-ot us take for example the ing a remedy against sea and air copy in a newspaper nd by n top- sickness--something apparently to ranking hotel in Jerusalem of- he in demand these days with more fering special weekend rates for and more Israelis being able to •Israelis who want to spend a few travel on vacations abroad. The smrill ads on the inside (lays in the cooler air of the capital. Itight under it is an even bi(j- pages have the. usual offers of jter ad by a high-priced filter apartments and used ears, but rigaretle named Savyon which in even here the signs of a higher itself is rather revealing: Savyon standard of living appear, .somei.s one of the hi);h-class suburban body i.s looking for a partner (with areas of Tel Aviv, recently estab- capital) to form a company manulished for the newly rich and facturing pre - fabricated h o m e swim mini; pools . . . some foreign residents. '1'he pint lire in the ad floes not The employment ads, In general, »how the usual contented expres- Indicate that many clerks, typists.


etc., are looking for bettor jobs, but there i.s a great demand for all kinds of .specialists and professionals including teachers, engineers, chemists, certified accountants, etc. On the women's pages, (here arc of course ads of f a s h i o n houses as well as ol various detergents, fruit juices, and also an ad by a L o n d o n Regent Street shop i n v i t i n g Israeli ladies lo drop in when they arrive in the Dritish capital. Just to make it easier to get there or .somewhere else in Kurope or America or Asia, the paper has numerous mis by the 12 major international airlines providing flights to "and from Israel. '/Am, the Israel Navigation Co., offers relaxation to compete with speed of the airlines and the travel agencies offer paeK.'ige-tours to the Greek Islands, to Italy or to Western Kurope—all payable partly in installments. Another new arrival nmong the commodities advertised is the new automobile. With the recent relaxation of import control (accompanied by increased customs and purchase tax) one can buy on the spot, without any formalities, any American British, French, Italian or even German car. The dealers are offering even trade-in and installment plans.

OLSON BROS. INC Robertson Q Floors Sheet Metal — Roofing Ventilating


Milton Olson


Myron Olson

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ONE-OUNCE BRAIN METER New Yuri;- A new. (me ounre iippariilus fur K'ciinliMi,' "liritin waves'' in humans find iinuniils has liccn developed ;it the Wei/.iiuinn Iustituto of Seieiioe, Kelmvolli, Israel, ("ailed a ".Siili-Miiiialuiv K I c c I r (i e iieeplialiicrapl1" (KV.Cii, it is par! of an exist inn eonventiunal system fur hrainwnvc I'lM'urdint; uliirli has hern Krt'iill.v iinpi-ovcd In scii-iitisls in the lOleetinnics ])i'p;irliiiont of the Institute. Stiiff ineinher.s etnieeiiied weie Mr. llenrylt Kisehlei-, encineer. and Profeswd" i.'pliraiin I I . Frei. (lepartinenl head. Iteseareh mid dcvelopiiH'iit of the instrument was made possible by a c'anl fjiven by the Bathshelja de H<jtlisdiild t'otindiitioii for Ihe Advanc'inent of SiMence in Israel. The liny ne«' KKC, was shown at the fourth International Conference on Medical Klectronics held recently in New York. It is actually a iiiiiiiatiiii' transmitter which is placed directly on the head of the .subject under investigation. Cats have been used us the experimental nniinals. bnl an even .smaller unit is beiiif; built for pigeons. Tin* instrument rnatiles scientists mill iiicillcal men to 'record liniln waves without iiivnlilntc the elaborate wiring nvNteiiis now um*d in conventional Instriuuent'i. Tbe lltiM-nic of coiineetliiu wires 111 tin- new Instriimenl provides Kreuter flevihlllty In the meaHurements of liraln waves. II ulso lualics it possilili- to Invcslicale the Kiiliject under nalurat eoiiditiltllK. 'I'hp main advantai;e of the inslrumcnl is its miniature .size. One of the smallest medical instruments of its kind ever produced, it can be slipped^ into a pocket arid is wholly transistorized. Us over-:iil dimensions lire one and one hull by one and one sixth by one ami one quarter inches. Professor Frel is also Ihe coinventrir of an electro-dynamic speaker of revolutionary design which is already in production.

, 1001


Nmv Year's Edition —Tllti JUU1SII J'ltKSS —Kosli Haolianali B728

Page Thirty

Best Wishes for a HAPPY NEW YEAR Office Equipment Co. Mokes Typewriter Co. Steel Files — Desks — Chairs — Safes 2550 Farnam Now on Both Sides of Farnam Srrcef

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Monday, September 11, 1001

New Year'* Edition — TIIK JKWISII PKKSS— Kosh llaslmnali 672*

Israel Production and Exports Show Significant Increases (.'liern»M%y Israel's economy continued to forge ahead during tin: past year with employment, production and «>xportK nil showing significant Increases. Wliilo overall agricultural production remained about the salnc us last year, there was ii general shift in emphasis during the year to Industrial crops. Israel's gross naiion.'il product Increased Ijy about niii'.1 percent, with Ilio industrial seelor ol the «vonomy .showing, the grealcst rise. Construe!Inn activities, liowrver, showed it slighl decrease during the year. While the number' of Israeli employed persons increased by some four percent, the balance of the production risi; was achieved Ijy an improvement in productivity outpul of ahont five percent per worker. Trade Italance Tnrhun^cil The country's trade lialani'e remained unchanged during the year, wilh n '.'."> percent rise in Hie volume of c.\|>orls offsetting n corresponding Increase in imports. The greater part of Israel's production growth was channeled into Increased consumption, which rose l>y aliout nine percent during I lie year. Israel's indilsliial pro|;ress in 5721 was marked by the rapid industrialization of new towns anil B considerable expansion in industrial exports, This growth \\;ts (sparked by an intensive campaign by the Government to promote local nnd foreign investments, both private and through the Israel IJoml drive. •100 X«;\v Enterprises The. campaign for private foreign capital investments was carried out largely by the Government Investment Center nnd its various offices in the United fitates. More than 4(10 new-enterprises were approved by the center Involving more than $100,000,000 in foreign capital. The Investment drive has ennblcd Israel to boost Its industrial exports until they now constitute 70 percent of the value of foods sold by the country abroad. 'Hie rule of increase in industrial output- in Komu cases more than double. Mineral RcNonrccH Development of Israel's mincrnl resources during the past year were highlighted by « number of significant events, Chief among

these wns a Sa5,OOO.O0O loan Kranled to the Dead Sea Works by the World Hank for expansion of the company's facilities for the production of potash anil other minerals. Current, potash production was estimated at lt>0,0l)0 tons this year with an annual y;iir of more than double predicted for the near future. Phosphate production totaled 2-10,0110 tons during Die year. Another favorable development in this area was the fact that, for tile first lime this past year, all companies under the aulhorily of the .Ministry of Development showed a profit. The assets of I he companies rose to !j>.'i'J'l., NOO.OtX), the increase rcsulling mainly from eapilal provided by company funds. Israel's fuel reserves were hoosled by the development during the year of the Zohar natural gas field discovered near the Dead Sea in 1!C>H. W h i l e Ihe boundaries of the field have not >e| been finally determined, Ihe potential gas reserves are esii. mated to equal 1,750.000 tons of fuel oil. Construction during the year of an lK-mile, six-inch gas pipeline connecting the Zohar field with Ihe Dead Sea Works in Sdom has given the company access to a cheaper furl supply. Agricultural progress during the year was marked by Ihe fact Hint, while the total cultivated area remained more or less unchanged during the year, the' area under irrigation increased by nearly ten percent. Much of the'land was shifted over to Industrial crops including peanuts, sugar beets and cotton. Citrus cultivation also increased with the area of citrus groves now lolaling more than oO.OMO acres. The major development, in Israel's transportation industry during Ihe year was the inauguration by K| Al-Israel National Airlines of non-slop jet. flights Ix'tween New York and Lyddi Airport near Tel Aviv. Tlying time has now been cut Jlo ten hours or bolter, l.JTA)

P;i£fl Thirty-

The Quest for Jewish Identity ISy Or. SnI l.lpf/in Wlial are Hie "Jewish values?" How do wi- express them ill our daily lives? I low does our position as Jews liflect our status as Americans, iind vice veisa? These are some of the questions that are being discussed in a unique experiment aimed at. probing what it means to be a Jew in Amei ica in the l!)li()'s • and at exploring the avenues, of creative Jewish continuity for the years ahead. The experiment is in the form of n series of public conferences sponsored by the American Jewish Congress through ils Commis.sion on Jewish Affairs. To these eonleretices come not only rabbis, scholars, teachers and sociologists, but Jewish laymen parents, professional men, employers and employees. Tims far, tin" discussions have exceeded all expectations, not only in attendance but in intense interest. In a discussion of meaningful survival of Jewish life in America, four conditions wore listed: 1. Commitment lo the idea of Jewish pcoplehood. '1. SI lengthening Jewish education and self-knowledge. .'!. Translating Ihe precepts of Judaism inlo action. 4. A conscious decision lo be "different." to maintain a certain amount of separaleness.

Teachers and Soil Experts ieef in Israel Teachers and engineers from many countries have been holding international meetings here. •Sixty teachers from 1(> countries participated in the .'lOlh Congress of the International Federation of Teachers' Associations at the licit Berl Workers' College near Tel Aviv. This was the first, time the group has met outside of Kurope.

Governor of Bank of Canada

No pat answers were given to lite basic and crucial questions Olliiwii (JTAi •-International of Jewish life In America today - nor were any sought. Katlier, finance expert Louis .T. Kasniinthe vigor nnd tone of the discus- sky steps into the delicate job sions demonstrated that there of governor of the Bank of Canexists within American Jewry a ada this week. Mr. Hasminsk.f, powerful will to deepen and en- now a deputy-governor of Ihe rich Jewish life, and a lively hank, succeeds James Eliott enthusiasm for discussing ways Coyne, Whose hitler feud with and means of bringing (his about. the Government propelled the As a first step and pioneering cliijsleml Central Bank into the venture, Ilii.s intellectual experi- forefront of a national sensation. ment has. we believe, broken new Mr. Kasniinsky becomes the ground in exploring the reasons first. Jewish person ever to hold for Jewish survival, analyzing the such a high office in Ihe realm uniqueness and meaning of Ihe of Cinadian finance, or in the Jewish heritage and defining Ihe entire field of the public service. significance of the Jewish experi- Nu chin ki'e.ii ban): has ever been ence for ourselves and our chil- licadc d by a Jew in Canada, nor dren, today and tomorrow. ii.'.'.s any Jew ever advanced so (WNS) fiii' in Ihe pi'blic n rvice.

A Very Happy and Prosperous New Year to You and Yours


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Happy New Year & ' C/VIllltOul/ M O R T U A R 1 ES

THE HARRY A. KOCH CO. 502 SOUTH 18TH S T . . . . 342-6611



ffirK$ Monday, September H , 1061

New Year's KUition — THE JEWISH I'KESS — Bosh ffnslisnali 07i3

Page Thirty-two

Rosh Hcishancih By Itabbt Samuel J . Fov QUESTION: Why is the prayer book used for the High Holy days called a "Machzor? AVSIVICK: The term "Machzor means "Cycle." Some trace it to the Syriac term Hudra. Originally there seems to have been a collection of prayers called '•Machzor Shel Tefillot" (which means cycle of prayers'. I t seems that originally there was a collection of special prayers for all the holidays which went through a cycle of a year's period. As time passed, and the number of prayers was increased, each holiday had enough prayers to form its own collection and thus wo have a different Machzor for every major holiday. {: Why is it customary to eat some new fruit or wear something especially new on the second night of Rosh Hashanah? ANSWKIt: In either the Kiddush, or the lighting of the candles the benediction of Shehecheyanu is made on both nights. Since this benediction is designed for a new experience occurring the first time in the year, it is understandable for the first night when man experiences a new holiday. Oil the .second night, however, it is questionable. In order to be sure that the benediction is in place, some new fruit is eaten or a new garment is worn. s'> that if the holiday itself does not call for it on the second night, the new arliclp of clothing or food would.

Ohicagoans Ask Ba&bis To Bo Teachers, Mo! 'Book Chicago (JTA)—Readers" of the Jewish Sentinel are engaged In a lively debate on the role and status of the American Rabbi. The discussion was sparked by nn editorial in the English-Jewish weekly deploring the fact that American Jews do not accord sufficient respect to the rabbi ns a man of God and spiritual leader. One reader complained that the rabbi was given the status of "hired help" but without contractual protection hired usually has. The rabbi should have a contract, this reader said, which put a limit ti> the duties expected of him and gave him protection so that he would not have to "watch The salt wafer of the ocean becames sweet in the clouds.

QUESTION: Why is the L'llh Psalm recited in some congregations on the evening of Itosh Ha.shanali and Yom Kippur? ANSWER: It is claimed that this practice was introduced by Isaac I.uri:i (the famous Ari Halcadosii) the Kabbalist. This Psalm is known as the "Coronation Psalm." It may have been introduced in line with the thinking of the Kabbalah which claims that on the High Ilolid.jys the Almighty is crowned by humanity all over again; also that He takes the throne of divine judgment to issue decrees governing the iato of the human race, ft may also be that this Psalm may allude to the creation of ih« world which is often referred to on the High Holy d.'iys. since fiosh Hashanah is ,supposed to !>e the anniversary of this creation. He is as it may, the Psalm is especially Chanted in synagogues following the .Sephardic ritual with a great deal of awe and reverence.

A Very Happy New Year to You and Yours

Accept Our Very Best Wishes for a Most Happy and Prosperou* New Year

THE Omaha's Exclusive Fabric Shop 203 SO. 15TH ST.

To Our Friends -(and..Little Friends)

AND MATERNITY SHOP In South Omaha 24th and M la Omaha 35tfi end Lcavcnwertti AT THE CROSSROADS

Jewish History Course Offered to Teachers opened a new archive center in this city. One of the cherished items in the archives Dr. Kanof declared, is the original, handwritten copy of the famous Emma Lazarus sonnet which is Inscribed at the base of the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor. The poem is on one of Miss Lazarus' autograph notebooks which have been acquired by the society.

leader ana Inform I1I3 congregation, not about Looks, but about anti-Semitism, alxmt happening* in Israel and about modern happenings.

A Happy New Year

QUESTION: Why is the greeting "I.-shanah Tovah, etc.. used only on the first night of Rosh Hashanah and not on the following morning? ANSWKIt: There is a tradition in the Talmud (Rosh Hashanah 1Gb) which claims that a righteous man is inscribed immediately in the Book of Life for the new year at the very beginning of the year, while others must wait to be tested and tried. If one is righteous, therefore, he needs no further blessing after the first night to be inscribed in the Hook of Life. Greeting our friends with the traditional greeting any time after the first night would indicate that v/e contend that they are not among the righteous. This would then be an insult instead of a blessing. Thus, the greeting is eliminated after the first night. (JTAt

New York, (JTAI—A training course for public school teachers in New York, offering a series of 15 lectures on "A History of . the Jew in American Life," will be conducted next fall by the American Jewish Historical society. Members of the society's executive council and consultants in other fields of Jewish culture, will act as lecturers. The Historical society also

the tltlo of his sermon because it may not please tho board of directors." This reader noted, however, that " I expect a rabbi t o bo a



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Monday, September 11, 1001

Rabbi Benjamin Oroner Beth Israel

Synagogue When he enters his Synagogue en the High Holidays, the overage worshipper probably concentrates bis religious thinking In n sphere that Includes primarily him and his loved ones. If he Is philosophically Inclined, )ie may even broaden the circle €>f his religious feeling to include the entire House of Israel. Hafelrally, however, I lie most effective way of approaching Jtosli Husluinuh and Vom lilppur IH to view thrni IIH solemn <!uy« (luring whlcli nil the people of tlio world—Jew and (icntllf— fctund In judgment Iwforc the Almighty. As we offer our penitential prayers, we should think of the great f;rief and havoc that has already been visited twice upon the world during the last four jind one half decades. Current events are even now focusing on the emergence of a third castastrophe. If the tragedy of it world holocaust Is repeated in our time, we may no longer be privileged to offer prayers—cither for ourselves or for the rest of the world. In the meanwhile, we should crowd our Synagogue!;—at all times—to pray for peace, who knows how long this privilege of praying will be available for us?


Uew Xearti Edition — THE JEWISH PRESS — Bouh Hashaiiali 0722 But If we cannot change our world In A moment, we can conge ourselves In little more than a moment. Our High Holidays call us to repentance—to change and the desire to change for tho better. And In our Holy Season wo ar« not so much concerned with tlio larger world around IIH hut with ilio vastne-ss of the Inner world of our own eplrlt and mind. We may think as widely as deeply and as hopefully as we dare. There arc no bounds to wisdom, faith and hone. So the beginning of our repentance—our desire for change of heart and mind—should not IK; tile nature of our world but our place In it. Humility ond pride nt one and the same time stir within us. We may take pride in the HmitlcEs stir;tch of our po-

tential; we are made small by the thought of how little we havo accomplished. But whatever our personal asteKsment, we know that "The earth i.s the lord's and the fullness thereof." And now to worship God and to give thanks for our- blessing of life nnd to be&ccch life and health and peace in the year ahead are all to make us more mindful of our personal duty to live the kind of life with which we ask God in our prayers

Fage Tlilrty-tlire*

nnd our land let us pray together its we ask for blessing together: I3orcchenu Kulanu K'echod b'or

Best Wishes for a


tO ))1(\SS US.

In these troublesome times C'hazak v'ematz—let us be strong and courageous. In building our inner resources and faith—Shuvu V'nai Adam—let us and all mankind change our inner ways and return to God and His Law. In our families, our community

HOSPE PIANO CO. HENRY fc PUSCH. PRES. Two Convenient' Locations 2415 M St. 1512 Douglas St. 731-5338 342-5588



Judge Patrick W . Lynch

Advertising and Public Relations James Lipsey 311 So. 15th St.

Beth £1 Synagogue It is completely unnecessary to eay that we live in a world of changing values. Our mld-twentleth century culture has con. tinned at an accelerated pace tho series of changes In economic and "social relationships set In motion by the great revolutions of tho centuries • immediately passed, revolutions political, Industrial, scientific and Intellectual. Ideas find values which ivera tarred In tho medieval world nrouHn no cnthiihlatm In our duy. Tho world In as much eluinged In Idean and outlook as It Is changed In tho things we eat and wear, • tho homes wo live In, the conveniences wo enjoy, and, horribly, tho ways In which wo can kill each other. Seeking spiritual moorings In such a world demands constant effort, indeed constant self-discipline. Jews can find an approach to the world and to hu« Jnnn life in their own tradition, an approach which Is old but ever new, ancient but over vital. But it requires the discipline ©f attention and concern to enjoy this approach and make it one's own. " . The fall Holy Days arc a reminder of our heritage and its sano and perceptive understanding of the world. Let Jews Keel; out tho message of Judaism through the Synagogue! Let Jews drink deep from the fountain of Jewish understanding ond wisdom 1 And let us help to achieve tho goal of divine rule among those who people the earth! May the New Year bring peaco and fulfillment to all of us, to our brother in the land of Israel, to the whole Houso of Israel wherever they may be, and to all God's children everywhere.

Rabbi Sidney Brooks Temple Israel It would seem to any reasonable man that with the trend of current world events so clearly discernible as they are, we must accept tho fact that for some generations to come we are most likely to live in a world of conflict. It is folly to reduce tho causes of BO vast a tragedy to any single error. Our lives are tho composite of many Ideas. We aro the recipients of great traditions of learning and faith that havo ;; raised men's moral and ethical i lives. We are also heirs to unbelievably stupid narrowness and V hatred that again and again taken tho loll of. human life and

panecha—"With the light Of Thy face, O Lord, do Thou bless us all as one."


Millard Rosenberg OMAHA

Phone 342-8448

Monday, September 11, Mfll

New Year'* Edition — TIIK JEWISH FBRSS — Itosli HwliMteli 578*

Page Thirty-four

Synagogues Beth El President: Morris C Fellinan Vice-Presidents: Y;ile Caoi.sdiner. Krncst Wintroub, Morlcy Zijmrsky Treasurer: Joseph llornslrin Sccretiiry: Ilurton Grecnljci'K Board of Directors: Sheldon Bernsiein, A r t h u r Colin, Harry DuHolf, Hobci t l'"einl)erK, Joel Hclfmiin, Stan Linsey, Ernie NORB, Dr. lien Kutler, Ik'it Itender, Yale Itichards, Kay Simon. Nathan TuiiK/r, Sam Wolf, K. M. Zalkin. Jack Green, Owen Meycrson, Mines. Sidney Hollis, Morris (.'. Kcllinrm. Dave C.'ohn

Sisterhood I'uriiosc: To promote in every way the' welfare of the congregation and its religious schools; stress ethical and religious practices in everyday living; foster a sense of communal responsibility on the part of its members. President: Mrs. Kidney Hullis Vice-Presidents: Mines. Albert Ilimmerman. Ration Grcenberg, Ralph Xogg. William Itmluziner Corrcsi>oii(linii Secretary: •Mrs. Sol Parsow Financial Secretaries: Mmes. tiniest Wintniuh, Max Qittncr Pwecordinf! Secretary: Mrs. Hen Slutzky Treasurer: Mrs. Ira Wliilehook Auditor: Mrs. Meyer Rubin Parliamentarian: Mrs. David Brodkey Directors: Mmes. Isidor I.evinson, Xathan NoRg, Julius Stein, Sam lian, Jack Kaufman, Alan Woltson Consultant: Mrs. Myer S. Kripke Past President: Mrs. Morris C. Fellman Federation Women: Mrs. Meyer Rosenbaum


Corresponding Secretary: Maivin L. Gilinsky

Federation Women: Mrs. Julius Katzman

Young Couples Club Presidents: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Buisti/in Vice-Presidents: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Alpcrsou Treasurers: Mr. and Airs, .ferry Lehman Recording Secretaries: Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cliasen Corresponding Secretaries: Mr. and Mis. K'lliot Brourr

P-TA President: Dr. licimett t'jshbain Viee-Presidenls: Mmes. M.'iKin Teppcr, lSernard Weiss Treasurer: Sirs. Philip I.ubtmiu Recording Secretary: Mrs. Sam Sliyken

B'na! Jacob Adas Yeshuron President: Eli Uittner Vice-President: lien Limlenbaum Treasurer: Harry Richliii • Directors: Joe Adler, llyman Guss, Jake Kaplan, Nnthan I-erman, Jlyman Tiefi-nbrunner




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Temple Israel


Open Monday, Thursday, Friday Evenings

President: I.azar Kaplan Vice-President: Millard Krasne .Secretary: (Continued on Page 35.)

To AH Our Friends and Patrons


A Very Happy New Year May you and youn be blessed with hoalth and happiness and may (his year bring you all you desire for a richer, fuller life.

Wishes Everyone

Borsheifti's Jewelry Co. A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR 1619 No. 24th St.

Men's Club

346-2916, 342-0736

A Very Happy NEW YEAR

President: Owen L. Meycrson Vice-Prcsidents: Irving Pomeranlz, Stuart 'fully Secretary: Jen-y Freeman Treasurer: Herbert Kotzcn

Omaha, Nebraska

324 So. 16th St.



Are Pleased to Extend

Beth Israel President: Henry Appel Vice-President: Ernest Hochsler Treasurer: Alfred Frank Financial Secretary: Joseph Burstein Recording Secretary: Dr. Bennett Fishbain Commissioners: Irvim,' Epstein, Sam Hahn, Maurice Katelman, Martin Kolm, George Schapiro, Harold Zelinsky, Dr. Haskell Morris, Mrs. Harry Sidman, Mrs. Max Fromltln

Sisterhood Purpose: To foster and further the highest ideals of orthodox Judaism: and to promote closer fellowship among its members. To encourage religious, social and educational activities. President: Mrs. Alfred Frank First Vice-President: Mrs. Harold Zclinsky Second Vice-Prcsident: Mrs. George Schapiro Third Vice-President:; Mrs. II. S. Susman Treasurer: Mrs. Sidney Katelman Recording Secretary: Mrs. Harry Sidman Corresponding Secretaries: Mmes, David II. Lewis, Lcroy t . Canfield Financial Secretaries: Mmes. Sam Rosenstein, William Poster Directors: Mmes. Sidney Goldberg, Sam Katzman, Henry Appel

Mr. and Mrs. Jo* Fiihel


1501 No. 33rd St.

Their Cordial Greetings


and Best Wishes to All


on the Occasion of the 5722 Holiday



333 South 20Hi Street •345-4024

933 Jewish Newspapers, Magazines Published Throughout the World

'Monday, Hcpt«mbpr U, 1001

New Year's Edition — TIDE JEWIS11 PRESS — Busli Ihmliauali 6728


I I: m if 4

(A TAI.Mt'DIC TAKAULK) Two Kliips wore once seen to be sailing near land. One was i;pc<'(lily coiin; forth from the harbor, while tlie other was slowly moving Into the harbor. KVeryono war; lustily cheering the outgoing uliiji, (jivini! It n hearty (ii.'iiil-riff. liut the incoming .'.hip was scarcely noticed. A wise man was looking at the two ships mid he .said: "I'ejoic<¥ not over the .ship that is setting out to sea, for you know not what destiny awaits It, what storms tt may encounter, what dancers it. may have to undergo. Rejoice


rather over the ship that liri.y reached port safely mid brought hack all its passengers in peace." It i:; the way of tin.1 world, that when a human being is horn, all rejoice, but when he dies, all torrow. Rather oupht the O'lpo.sitn to he the case. No one ran tell what trouble.-; await the child on its journiy into manhood. Hut when man hns lived and (lies in peace, all should rejoice, seeinj; that h" has completed his journey and is departing this world with the imperishable crown of a good name. (Standard'Kentwe Service)

i F V

li Ifii M.i/ atf your fondeif wiifies l i m n trite , . . for you and your Oear ones and for all of I'.rarl.

1'ago Tliirty-flve

$2,5000,000 Gift For Northwestern

(Continued from Page 34.) Millard Speicr Treasurer: Warner Frohman 1'ast I'rcsident: Harold P. Father Hoard Members: Lloyd Hank, David K. Heber, Paul Blotchy, Jay Cherniack, Ajon Farbcr, Abe Kntelman, M. M. KmpinsUy, Arthur Kulal'.ofaky, I. M. Llberman, Louis LIJIJV, Morris Lipp, Edward Maldeslcy, Jack W, Marer, (Jalvin Newman, Alfred Sophir, Howard Vann, Mrs. Kohert Colm, Mi',-;. I. M. I.iberman

Chicago (JTA))—The three sons of Col. Henry Crown, chairman of the board of the Empire State I3uilding Corporation, have fiiven Northwestern University more than $2,500,000 for the con-

struction of a new administration building. The gift by John, I/istcr and Robert Crown will facilitate the - construction of a building to house the university's executive and business offices.


CHAPEL Randall H. Bigsby

Earl H. Burket

Wishing You a

Sisterhood l'urpow: Organize activities of the Sisterhood, cultural, rclij;loVi3, social and fund-raisini;. President: Mrs. Itobt'rt Colin First Vice-IYesident: Mis. I. M. J.iberman .Second Vice-1 'resident: Mrs. Morris Kirshenhaiim 'J'hird Vice-President: Mrs, Lazar Kaplan I''o'.irtli Vlcc-I're.sident: Mrs. David E. Hcbcr C'orrespondiiiK Secretary: Mrs, Maurice Aresty Recordinf; Secretary: Mrs. Nathan Novak

New Year's Greetings to Our Many Friends

DUCK Secretary:


.S."5. 1«MI, S.S. Zion sail from New York'etrry third weefc...S.S. "JhciKliir llcr/l nml S.S. Jerusalem (in season) oil from Mediterranean p"'i« v-cckty, • Completely air-conditioned • Stabilizer-equipped for imooth tailing • Strictly kfnlitr food • Cheerful atmosphere of Israel

Mrs. K Leo Kof;g Treasurer: Mrs. Lloyd Friedman Auditor: Mrs. JIUlard Krasne Parliamentarian: Mrs. Kdward Levinson Kcdcrntion Women: Mrs. Paul C>rr>siirnan

.: mmn tsitJiai sairriKG co., IKS. ,42 mmxi, m mi <t 1.1 DI 4-7600









' .



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Men's Club Prrsidenl: I. M. IJbcrninn Vice-I'resldentfl: V.. Robert Newman, Bernard Ruben, Stanley Katelman, Ben Zeff, Marlon Sombcrp, Marvin Taxman Treasurer: Sidney Taren Secretary: Sydney S. KKSIO.VIt(;iI ON HAY FICVEK Chicasio, (JTA)—Dr. Robert Coldfarb, a scientist ut the Chicago Medical School, has succeeded in isolating a protein from rarjvveed pollen which tests Indicate is the afjent that causes the nllerj;ic reaction in hay-fever sufferers. Ho outlined his discovery In a paper presented to the International Congress on Biochemistry.

NEW YEAR GREETINGS from Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bassman and Family Mr and Mrs. Isaac DIoogoff and Family

RODNEY W . ENGDAHL, Vice-Preildenf

"If Engdahl Docs If, It's Dane Right" 614-16.18-20 No. 18th



Schimmel Prepared Food — a Midwestern Tradition

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Monday, Srptcmber 11, 1901

New lVar's Edition — THK JKWISII PRESS — Kosh irashanali 6728

ge Thirty-six

Two-Way Cultural Path Between Israel, U.S. HAPPY NEW YEAR

.1 I



Tlie 100 mini Israel I'liitlianiicmic Orchestra (includliit; five wonirn) arrives In tin- I'nitrtl States for a sewn week tour under tins auspices of HID Amerlca-Israi-I Cultural Foundation in ivlilrh tlie.v played lirfure 150,001) in thirty-two ronrcrts In tuenty-flve communities. By Henry W, Levy Tlic Israel Philharmonic Orclie.stra visits the United Stales for a seven week.tour of 25 cities and such great American artists as Isaac Stem, Itmloll Serliin, Maureen Forrester, I . t o n n r d Rose, Eugene Istomiii and the Budapest String Quartet joins Pablo Casals in Israel this summer for the three week first Israel Music Festival. Leonard Itarnslrlu, Eugenia Onnandy and C'liarU's .Minicli go to Israel to conduct tli« Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, and such Israel artists an Mula Urn-Halm, Mosiie <iat and (irandpa Slialom Moskoivitv* Ncnd their paintings here for exhibit. All -this is just a part of the continuing two way program of cultural exchange between Israel nnd. the United States sponsored between the America-Israel Cultural Foundation, whose president is Sarm:r'l Kubin. Mr. rcubin believes—and carefully documents Ids thesis— "that cultural exchange may be London (JTA)--A total of KJ3 Jeivjsli newspapers and magazines are currently being published throughout the world with 332* in Israel and (>0t in tiie rest of the world according to a survey published by the cultural department of the World Jewish Congress. The .survey disclosed that 'M.I, percent of the 9.'i.'5 papers are published in English, 2fi.f> percent in Hebrew and Ki.4 percent in Yiddish. The edition includes data on editors, editorial boards, principal contributors and circulations of most of the 933 periodicals listed.

the Instrument that the world can use to break through tlio modern tower of Rabel that exists in the world today." "And no one thing," lie said, "can he more helpful in breaking down the barriers of hate that the arts. They, too, are communication. They know no such boundaries except Ignorance, no tyranny except the struggle for perfection, no language except beauty, no armaments except genius," The Inbal Dancers have been presented to thousands; composer Paul Ben llaim was brought to lecture at universities and musical groups anil artists have exhibited their work through the foundation. Now in this country Is Mula Hen Ifaln), it heroic figure in the Israel Army during the. Wiir of Liberation, who paints oils and gouaches that been described as "poetic." He paints Israeli Kccnra with Its people and nnlrnals;

sometimes lie takes Biblical subjects. Also in this, country, is 25year-old Foundation scholarship winner, Moshe Gat, after completing three yens of studying in Mexico. Fourteen of his drawings and woodcuts are now part of the permanent collection in Mexico's famous Museum of Modern Art. Still another Israeli artist displayed in the United States this past year is the 70-year-old "Grandpa Shalom" of Safed. A former Galilean watchmaker, Shaloln Moskoivitz only recently became a serious artist after years of coloring toys for children. Now, his primitives are likened to the work of Grandma Moses. This deeply orthodox Israeli didn't come to New York for his exhibition; lie didn't want to fly. But he was seen in a special telecast by the prize-winning "Camera Three" program of the CBS network. (Standard Feature Service)


87th and Pacific







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Yankton, S.D.

New Year's Edition —THE JEWISH PBESS —Itosb Hashanah 8722

Monday, September 11, 1901

(IsraiTs entry Into the "rocket <inb" Iius focused new ciiipliiisW •HI tlio advanced: research programs under way at IVclinion-Israel Institute, of Teohnolouy, tlio only unlverslty-Icvel Institution In Israel devoted to the engineering sciences. About ten ycnrs nRi), Oenernl Yaaoov Dor). Is* riiel'g first Chief of Stuff mid for many years roiniiinndrr of tlio Hiigaim)! heforo statehood, nsnuiiicd tlio presidency of the Technlon.) Jn the past five years, \vp provided homes in our country for Jews from every corner of tlio World, many of them coming from lands whose civilization is centuries behind the times. In this inspiring and formidable social cauldron, the Teclmion with its program of technological education, stands out as a fortress

By General Yaocov Dorl of scientific objectivity, rising above conflicting political trends and diverse national backgrounds and cultures, and providing the basis for national integration. Our student body and our faculty embrace men and women of every political belief and of widely divergent origins whoso common denominator Is academic detachment. All familiar with the nodal climate, of present day Israel will appreciate that this Is ii(> mean achievement. It is our proud conviction that tile example we hnve beeji setting in our institution in Haifa is having a salutary effect upon all Israel. Many must be judged by what he Is and by his capacities for accomplishment. There is no other yardstick. All other issues are extraneous, Irrelevant, and immaterial. The basic scicn-



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Page Thirty-seven

holiday wishes from— dorqthy, mil ton and mkhael yudelson

May 5722 (icn. Yaucov Dorl tific values, precision, objectivity, absolute standards—are as valid In relation to life ns they are lo laboratory problems. Hence, In training Israel's young scientists, engineers, nnd technicians, wo are also training future citizens who can shed the prejudices of the past, and liberate themselves from the fog and confusion of contemporary politics. It Is my firm belief that If mnnlilnd Is lint to destroy Itself by means of Its Inventions and ne.lentiric advances, It must Increasingly loolt to men of science and technology for leadership In tlio social fields. Education generally transforms men and women into selfless, conscientious laboratory workers and devout searchers after truth in the fields of science and also prepares them for the realistic handling of man's relationship lo his fellowmen. These principles are our guidebook at the Technlon.

Bring Peace and Happiness


Ed Carlson Yale Trustin

2300 Block No. 18th St.

Heartiest Wishes for the NEW YEAR from


SHUKERTS MEATS Our Very Best Wishes for a New Year Rich in the Blessing of Good Health, Peace and Happiness

Shanah Tozah Producing a better and happier way of life is our business. Good insurance gives us peace of mind for better living day by day. W e always appreciate an opportunity to discuss your insurance problems with you.

SEASON'S GREETINGS Grace-Mayer Insurance Agency 341-6500 ALFRED S. MAYER

W. L Masterman & Co.



» •




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1409 Harney

3200 Dodge Street


Monday, September II,


New Tear's Edition—THE JEWISH PBESS—Botfi


Restaurant and Cocktail Lounge FAMOUS FOR U. S. CHOICE STEAKS AND AFTER THEATER SNACKS 1413 Douglas Street Opes 24 Hour*

NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION: The Jewish Federation Library ulfers :i weallb «f information and pleasure in its records bunks and films Oil music. Alaecabcas" are lint a few of tlin records from the collection of liiblically inspired music -Shortly before the middle of the 18lh century, the JIassidic tion Today the Jewish people en- movement was formed in Gulicia, By Ili'llc Zcff Joy a happier existence, and its and throiinh their music the IlasI'VdrraUon I.llirnry Din-dor music no longer is confined only sidim displayed their love for God When Jcwjbli music mi to the memory of a few. in ecstatic singing and duncing. more tlian a fniRilo recollection Ilussidism generated a renewal The Jewish Federation Library of a traditional lime pas,<ci down of the souls of a i>eople who needfrom futhcr to son and from can- offer* a u'rulth of musical In- ed u measure of brightness to hplratlon, information and sheer tor to student, it was still a mo- pleasure in Its records, books and Illumine the darkness of their tivating force in Ilie life of the lilrns.'Tracing Jewish history In lives. And so today, in 'the LiJew. From the time of KiiiK Da- niiislr from Biblical times to the brary, we have records of tradivid, the folk music, the Ii(urf;icr>l lirrsrnt, records serve as a Unit to tional Hassidic dances and excitmusic and love SOIIJ;S of every tint past and u tip to the present ing renditions of joyous choral period of Jewish history added and future. Kuhmiu's delicate arrangements offered by the joy and release to a people bur- "ISibllral Sonatas," Haydn's "Tlio Modzitzcr group, the Vclvel Pasdened with sorrow and persecu- Creation" and Handel's "JUIIIIH ternak Chorus and many others. la tlio late littli century thr Jewish Nationalist movement In .Knssln brgan, and it was then that Jewish historians and writers began colleetinc Yiddish folk hiiii(,'H. I'ainous writers such as IVretz, Sholom Alelehem, <ioldfuden and Kllalium Zunser transberibed old solids mid added their own Interpretations until the Multiple Listing — Realtors traditional folk material became Interwoven with the personal inHarriet Frank Leonard Gould vention of the writer*. Today the Dorothy Anderson Mary Kibbee Library offers these Hones interCliff Christiansen Mary Malloy preted In the Inimitable styles of Theodore Blltcl, Martha SchlamBess Gould Donna Nekonchuk me, Sldor Belarkisy, ICiith Ktibln, Bill McVicker Frank Shaughnessy the. Barry ulsters and many other contemporary folk Hlngen. The Douglas Company Formerly at The first half of the 20th cen918 Rediclc Tower, It Now Located at tury produced many brilliant Jewish composers, ranging in 6620 BLONDO musical media from the fresh Tel. 551-9175 new classicist, Darius Milhaud, to George Gershwin, whose popular melodies touched the heart and imagination of every American. Cantors have been the interpreters of the Jewish fulth for countless generations. The names of the. first cantors ere lost in history, but with the advent of the phonograph in the, middle 1890's the first cantorlnl records pat down for posterity the beautiful liturgical music of great May We Wish You the Blessing singers such us Josef Itosenblatt. Following In Ids footsteps, other great cantors who assumed staof Continued Health and ture In the, field of liturgical music were Shalom Knlz, Joseph Shllhliy, Samuel Malavsky, SamProsperity in the Coming Year uel Kwartln, David Kusevitsky and other notables. Tim Jewish Federation library presents a wealth of cantorlal music by these ami other Illustrious names, and in this season of the High Holy Days, I.osh Hashanu music and the beautiful Kol >'ldrc music is especially timely. In the waltc of traditional liturgical music, Ernest Bloch's "Sacred Service," as presented by Leonard Bernstein and the New York Philharmonic Orchestra, with Itobert Merrill as canBernia Conway Phil McCarthy tor, represents a modern interpretation which is no less thrill675 NO. 50TH 551-2442 ing than its older and more traditional counterparts. < i Since the founding of the State (Continued on Pirge 39.) j|

"More /Music af Home.'"

Music a Motivating Force In Lives of Jewish People

HEADQUARTERS FOR HI-FI OMAHA'S HOUSE OF HI-FI * Record and Tape Systemi * All Component! * Kits and Contolei * Installation * Consultation

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Best Wishes for a Happy New Year

To All Our Friends—•



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Besf Wishes to Our Many Friends and Customers THB


Edward A, Rosen

Morvin Rosenberg Sidney Novak


Julius Novak

Elmer Novak

Arthur Novak

Nathan Novak

William Novak

Serving Omaha's Motorists for Over 23 Years Complete Service for Every Gar 933 Jewish Newspapers, Magazines PaUished Throughout the Worid

New Year's Edition —THE JEWISH PRKSS — Bosh Ilatlunah 6722

Monday, September 11, 1061

Famous Painting Will Remain in England Ixindon, UKA)—A fjift of $280,000 from a foundation set up by a lirilish Jewish philanthropist assured that a famous Goya painting will remain in Britain. The paliilinB—n portrait of the first Dulse of Wellington --was purchased last June by Chillies B. Wriijhtman (if New York, who paid $392,000 for it til an auction. When the painting was sold to the American, some Conservative members of Parliament meed withholding of the ex|x>rt license needed for shipping the painting

from Britain. Mr. VVrightman then offered to tell the portrait to the British National Gallery for the price he paid for it, but the nailery did not have enough money to buy it. At this point, the Isaac Wolfson Foundation .stepped in with its offer and I he British Government promised to put up the remaining money.

Expert fo Aid Training Program United Nations, N.Y. I J T A ) ~ A.C. Ahrahamson, associate professor of social work at the University of Washington at Seattle, has been assigned by the United Nations to assist Israel in the establishment of an inservice and on-the-job training program for all levels of social welfare In Israel, It was announced here by the United Nations Technical Assistance program. POLITICK, KKLKJIOIJS FKKK New York fJTA)—The National Conference of Christians iinrl Jews announced plans for a four-year program, financed by a $.'125,600 Ford Foundation grant, to raise the general level of public discussion and understanding among religious groups differing on public issues.



Fairmont Foods Company


With a Sound of Horns!

(Continued from Pace 38. ) of Israel, a whole new and exciting field of music has Ix'en developed. With the merging of many cultures and ninny peoples In a new land, Israel has evolved a unique and individual music in both classical and popular veins. Among the classicists are Paul Bcn-llayim, Marc I^avry and Alexander Boscovich, whose records are available at the Library, .Some of the best Israeli folk music originated in the Kibbutz, and these folk songs are interpreted by many popular singers in Israel today. The records of Shoshana Damari, Yaffa Ynrkoni, Ilillel and Avlva and the duos of Jton and Nama and the Dudaim .•ire among the many popular Israeli artists represented on the Jewish F e d e r a t i o n Library shelves. I*«"rlinps less known but no less Important in the growing, field of children's music, both In Hebrew mid Yiddish, us well as ICIIKIISII. As tin-. musical twig in bent, so dues it grow, and with Jewish music written especially for tlio enjoyment nnd unilerHtfUKlIng of the Jewish child, a feeling of love nntl rritpeitt for Ills ancient heritage will certainly he fostered when Jewish music Is played In the home. Unfamiliar to many Library visitors are the musical films which convey not only the beauty of sound but the visual interpretation which enhances the music. These films are available to Interested groups for the presentation of unusual musical programs. Moving from the, realm of tlic nudio-vlsiial to the printed page, the Library offers a wide selection of books on tlio history of Jewish music, personalities In music, nnd collections of music. and lyrics. Anthologies of Yiddish folk music, Israeli folk tongs nnd children's songs offer a complete cross-secllon of Jewish music for Individuals or group singing and playing. While the heart of the Jewish Library is made up of books on every aspect of Jewish life and history, no less Important is the musical core of the Library. To fill the Jewish home with Jewish music, the Jewish Federation Library offere almost a thousand records for your enjoymenf. The librarian is always happy to assist you in your selection.

A little hoy, BOM of an American (il stationed in Japan, Is shown the sliofar by the Jewish Army chaplain. In many other remote ureas of the world where U.S. troops nro. on duty, similar preparations for the New Year nre in progress. Key role Is played by the National Jewish Welfare Hoard, which recruit!), endorses and serves Jewish chaplains In all branches of the U.S. military service, and which ships religious supplies, literature ami kosher fowls for Jewish holiday observances throughout tlio year.

To Our Many Friends A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR Burton Robinson

Branch Manager

Member* New York Stock Exchange Midwest Stock Exchange American Stock Exchange DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO PRINCIPAL MARKETS IN THB UNITED STATES AND CANADA


720 FARNAM BLDG. Between 16th and 17th on Farnam

Our Best Wishes for a

1209 Jackson



Rof/man's House of Delicacies

New Year's Greetings and J|


H. O. PS

Music is an International' language in which one soul converses with the other.

R. M. Fttxpatrick

Page Thirty-nine

Tom Brader

Norman Roffman

Best Wishes

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Underwood Village 5028 Underwood


9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Monday thru Friday Sunday 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. Closed Saturday

Page Forty

Missing Library Never Found; Taken by Nazis

The Uy Eugene Grossman "The Citizens of the 1'niied between a mini and his Maker, by Just, honorable, and benefiStates of America," wrote Gcorgu and requires more than human cent maxims." Washington to Newport Jewry dttiibiites to pronounce which of Henry was sure that his colin 1790, "have a right to applaud the numeious toots prevailing in leagues could not "sir nnythiii!; themselves for having given to the world Is most acceptable to in Ibis religion to deprive him of mankind examples of an enlarged the Deity. If a man fulfills the his seal in this House." lie had and liberal policy, it policy duties of that religion which his never concerned himself with the worthy of imitation." education or his conscience has religious beliefs of his fellow Yet, as the year 1WMI dawned, pointed to him us the true one, citi/ens. nor sought "lo make fievcn of the original l.'i stales lio person . . . in this our land converts" to his uwn faith, nor still denied their Jewish citi/ens of liberty lias n richl to arrai|;n ever excluded any man from his full political rights. him at the bar of imy inquisi- "esteem or fl ienship" on religious Courageous Champion tion." Henry trusted ,as he said, grounds, "The same charity, Historical documents in the that religious conformity could therefore," he declared, "it Is not files of Hit' American-Jewish no longer be compelled by force. unreasonable to expect will be Archives in Cincinnati disclose He contended: "Wlm ;u>n.ii|; us extended to myself, because in the dramatic story of Jacob feels liimself so exulted above tils all tilings Ihal relate to the slate Henry, a wealthy Jewish land- felloui iis to liuve a Tight lo anil to the duties of civil life, I owner, who was elected lo the dictate to them their mode of am bound by Hie same obligaNorth Carolina legislature an tions with my fellow-citizens." belief? SliuII tills free country election that exploded the conItetaliiH Hi1* Scat »ct an cvaniplc of persecution, tradiction between liberal policies Influenced or not by his elofind restrictive laws into public which e\en the returning; reason controversy. It was Henry's of .enslaved ]'airo|H> would not quence, tho House permitted Henry to retain his seat. The courageous championship of re- Mltllllit to",*'' dilemma was resolved by a religions tolerance that helped lay He said: "Nolhinc is more markable constitutional inters u c c e s s f u l l y , the ideological easily 'demonstrated than that groundwork lor the elimination the conduct alone is the subject pretation which held that iionof discriminatory laws. of human laws, anil that man Prolestants. while constitutional-. ought to suffer civil disqualifica- Jy denied executive or judicial Constitution of 1771! The old North Carolina Con- tion for wluil he does and not for office, did not violate the state stitution, adopted in 177(1. piously what he thinks . . . Tin; religion constitution by serving as legisslated "that all men ha\e a I profess Inculcates every duty lators. Non-Piolestants c o u l d natural and inalienable i j:-i11 lo which man owes to his fellow- make the laws; they could not •worship Almighty find according nien; it enjoins . . . the practice Interpret or execute them! North Carolina continued to to the dictates of their own con- of every virtue, and the detestascience," hut it went on stating tion of every vice; it teaches withhold full righls from Cathothat "no person, who shall deny ilM adherents to hope for the lics until IS;;.") and from Jews . . , the truth of the Protestant favor of Heaven exactly in pro- until 1KCH. .Standard Feature Syndicate religion, or the divine authority portion as their lives are directed of the Old or New Testaments . , . shall he capable of holding any office . . . in the civil department within the state." The North.Carolina electorate proceedd in 17KI lo bestow the governorship on Thomas liurkc. a Catholic, and in 1S0H anil 1SO!I the \OICIN of Carleret County SPECIALIZING IN CHINESE AND chose Jacob Henry, the son of a Bavarian immigrant, to repreAMERICAN FOODS sent them in the lower chamber, the House of Commons. Scat Clinllengril ORDERS TO TAKE OUT His first term passed without challenge, but Jacob Henry had 341-3433 315 So. 16th St. 341-3437 not served a month of his second term when, on iJce.T), Hugh C. 41 Year*—Omaha's Oldest Chinese Restaurant Mills, representing Ilockingham County, rose without warning to complain that "a certain Jacob Henry, a member of this House, denies the divine authority of the Greetings and Best Wishes for a Now Testament, and refused to take the oath prescribed by law Happy and Prosperous New Year for his qualification.'in violation of the constitution of Hie slate." Mills moved that Henry "is not entitled to a seat in this Assembly, and that I lie same he vacated." The next day. while the House Studcbaicer and Mercedes Bern was debating the Mills resolution, Henry took counsel with SINCE 1918 two prominent jurists, William (Jaston, a Catholic member of 3141 FARNAM ST. the House, ami Judge John I.ouis Taylor of N o r t h Carolina's Superior Court. Gaston, who later became Chief Justice of North Carolina's Supreme Court, as n Catholic had cause to fear for Ms own seal if the Mills resolution were passed. Extraordinary Letter He and his brother-in-law Judge Taylor, later to he elected the first Chief Justice of the


State Supreme Court, carefully consulted with their Jewish associate and frotn their deliberations emerged an extraordinary letter, signed by Henry, but, "thought by some to bear Taylor's Ktamp. "Religion," Henry insisted In the letter, "is surely a question

Monday, September II, l!M5l

New Years Edition—Till? JKWIKII PKKSH— Itosli Hanlmnali 6723


Home (.ITAi- The West German Government lias nsireed fo pay the Italian Jewish community Sl,12.~>,000 in compensation for the 110 pounds of gold and the 7(>,(t0(J-vohmie library which the Nazi occupation milhorities exacted from the Jews of Home in October 101,'i, hi return for a pledge by the Nazis guaranteeing their safely. The Nazis later broke their pledge, when thousands of Koine's Jews were

dejKjrted to death camps. Most of the gold was re{>ortedly found in Silesia nl the end of the Second World War. 'Hi* missing library, which included priceless manuscripts and volumes dating to the l.'dh century, has inner been loenlcd. All the letters of the Hebrew alphabet are contained in versa Y.\ of Chapter III of the Book of Kslher.

1 's

40 Years of Service Ai w» mark tha new year, w« not* the 40th Anniversary of Boieil & Jacobs and wa pledge another 40 yean of faithful civic iervict fo ihm community whi'h hat always bean to kind to ut. V/# boliev* civic tetvice fi a fandiman of good advertising and public relation*. Ancj « i it hat in the past, it will bn in the future , , , at Boiolt & Jacob) t»rvei its clients it will terve the people, the indutfry and ths institutions of Omaha.

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Member American Association of Advertising Agencies


WHOLESALE Cigars - Cigarettes - Tobacco - Candy Fountain Supplies and Specialties Operators of Cigarette and Candy Vending Machines 2121 IZARD ST.


TO OUR JEWISH FRIENDS AND PATRONS We Extend Our Very Best Wishes for a Happy New Year

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