September 15, 1961

Page 1


SEP 1 6 1961


Vol. XL—No. 3

Second flans Postace Paid ut Oinnlia, Nefor.

15, 10BI

Single Copy 10 Ceniu Annual Rale 4 Dollars

Israel's eomftiilsor^ jUrfipkf o f Loan Flan to Finance l . n r e a t . O

Hel p for Bfumigranis A l a r m M o r o c c o Jenixalfjm, (JTA)—The Minis• t Uin^'I'J 'S

Among the "good galft" who'll be beading the annual United Ked I'Yather-Iicd Cross drlvo tills fall are (lef(/to right) Mrs. Stanley It. Kat«Iiniui, Mrs. Milton Kntelman nnd Mm. Sheldon Lincoln. The- three, who ure district rliitimirn nud section leaders for tlio campaign, uro fcliimn dlscusilng plrui'i with Charles I>. Peebler, Jr., chairman of Division IV* of the drive.

UCS Women's Group Appointments Made Sixty-seven area, section nnd district chairmen, for the annual United Itcd Feather-Ked Cross drive, were named by Division Four Chairman, Charles D. Feebler, Jr., vice-president of Bozell & Jacobs, Inc. Division Headed liy Man PtfcMer, the first mun to head the women's division, Bald liis group expects to raise $87,000. Co-chairmen are Mrs. Clifton Batchelder who will direct the woman's campaign in the residential areas nnd Mrs. Howard Afjee, head of the women's Initial gifts group. •> Section leader Section leaders headed by Mrs. Jolin Schutz, area chairman, include the Mines. Jlardln Koff, Elmer Olson, Tiiomas C. Qulnlan, Stanley It. Katelman, Sheldon Lincoln, Frank Wear, Lloyd

Prince nnd John A. Flynn. District chairmen are the Mmes. Jerry Varly, B. G. Borhmun, Scward Hart, Jerome Mahoney, Donald Douglas, Milton Kalclnian, Herbert Wintroub, EH Kagan, Melvin Tatelman, Roger McGnrKlll, Ix?e Smith nnd O. T. Nichol. .Solicitation will start October i). Goal for nil United Community Services divisions this year Is $2,047,427. POLAND INVITES JEWISH WOMAN TO GIVE RECITAL Detroit (WNS)—Tiie Polish Ministry of Culture has invited Mrs. Emma Shaver of this city to give a series of some recitals in Warsaw, Lodz nnd other Polish cities.

ferial Economic Commit tec of Israel's outgoing government voted here to raise n compulsory savinc.s lo;in of $12,^00,000 to finance proj"cta for nb;;orption of iniinicniiit.s. Tills loan will amount to 12 percent of an Israeli earner's Income above" certain, minimum levels. It is expected to go into effect October 1, and will continue in force for 18 months or until the end of the 1%2-C'J fiscal year. The plan nt first envisaged the raising of only $25,200,000, lmt# revised figures have brought thfi" total up to $'12,200,000.

Paris (WNS)--Tlie threat of "merciless sanction!;" against .Tr'w.s |jy the I.sliqlal Party in Moiticf.'o because of their alleged ties with Zionism is viewed with alurm by the Jewish community in that country. Tim I>lll€r attiicl! appeared III Al A lam, offlrlnl orf^uii of tin; Istffjlal I'arty, dominant ^overnnii-nt party. T h e nimspapc-r ciiar^cil that Mor»c<:iii Jewish (Miniiiiunity lenderH had attended a meeting of the World Jewish (iongresn In (Jcnevu wlutrc, It claimed, Jews were urged to "eomhat the coneept of nuttlotiallsm."

Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged (The Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Agrd ncknowlcrifjos the following memorials and donations.)


In Memory of

Mf. and Mrs, Paul Vcret, Louis Sommcr and M i l l Bca ,«..,,.,....,....,...,... Mrs, Nell B on j berg Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Forbes ....Sandra Freedman, Alfr*d Glass, Mrs. Joseph J. MaklpsKy Messrs. and Mines. Abo Bear, Arthur A, Conn, Morton Richards, Fred Rcsenstocfc. Max Rlckcs, Mr. William H. Bock (Fidelity & Deposit Co.), Gordon Ueols, K. J. Shlvcly (World Ins, Co.), Mrs. Merman Franklin and Kalah, Mr. ond Mrs, Nathori Horwlch and Juslln, Louis Sommcr and Miss Dea, Mr, and Mrs. Milton Yudelson and Michael * Robert H. Koopcr Mr. and Mr%. David Orkov/ and family, Mr. and • Mrs, Ma< Schffuermunn, Mr. and Mrs, Adolph Trust and Lean no • Mr, and Mrs. Melvin A. Duma

Mrs. Johanna Rosenthal ...... Mrs. Esther Swartz

In Honor of

Donor Mr, and Mrs. Philip Rotcnblait

recovery, Jack Brarmon

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

and Mrs. Arlhur A. Cohn recovery, Mrs. Alfred Mayer and Mrs. Nathan Horwlch and Justin recovery, Mrs. Albert Newman ond Mrs. Milton Yudelson recovery, Aaron Rips ond M r i . Aba Dear 50th wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. J. w. Cohen (Los Angeles, Calif.) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rosenstock, Mr, and Mrs. , Frsd Rosenstock weddino anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Jacob* Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Glllnsky and Jean (Mllwau- kce, Wis.) 70fh birthday, Mrs. Louis Poporny Mr, and Mrs. Milton Yudelson 60th birthday, Joe M. Rice Mr. ond Mrs. Arthur A. Colin 60lh birthday, Mike Rockln (Sioux City, la.) Messrs. and Mmes. Charles and Fred Roscrutock birthday, Milton Yudelson Mr. ond Mrs. Milton Yudclson....blrlh of son, Alan Harris, to Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Cooper

Synagogue Donations Mri, Bertha Her*covltr, Richard Hoberman, Abraham Levey, Mr), Rose Kramer (California), Ml*.* Hlldu Kurzwell, Mrs. Ida Ontman, Morris Passer, Mrs. John Robinson (Norfolk, Hcbr.), YoJirwU of Jotm Robinson), Mrs. Sarah Silver.

Special Contributions Sam Green be ro Eml# Mogg Mr. and Mrs, Henry Rlckos

The Jewish Youth Council will hold Its pledge-brunch activities on October 1§, It was announced by Howard Hahn, president and oon of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hahn. The current pledging, Hahn said, will follow the basic pattern of the previous year, except for a few minor modifications. Chairmen for the event ure Jerry Sluslty, son of Mr. and Mrs. Abo Slusky, and Tcrri Nogg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Leo Nocg.


Foreign Minister Colcla Meir ((tend* "Concert of Japanese Music" <t Ihc Rubin Academy of Mule, Jeruulcsu gift of Samuel Itul in, preililcnt of die AmericaIsrael Cultural Foundnliaa. The concert, i port of die Foundation'* program kf cultural inlcrtliinge, m i gtren bjr Japanese rna»lciin« on ouire muilctl Imlrumcntt, one of nkith tin, Meijr I* examining

, •

whiskey **••• calendars wheelchair and bock rest

Yom Kippur Begins Tuesday at Sunset Tuesday, Sept. 10—0:07 p. m. BETH KL, Tuesday, September ID Kol Nitlrc—6:15 p. m. Wednesday, September 20 Morning Service—8 n. m. Yizkor, Memorial Service— 10:30 a. m. Youth Services—10:30 a. m. Mincha-Neiiah S e r v i c c— 4:15 p. m. BETH ISRAEL Tuesday, September 10 Kol Nidre—G:20 p. m. Sermon—7 p. m. Wednesday, (September 20 Morning Services—8 a, m. Sermon—10 a. m. Junior Congregation—10:30 a. m. Yislcor Memorial Services— 10:30 a. m. Junior Congregation—2:30 p. m. TEMPLE ISKAEITucHduy, September 10 Evening Service—8:15 p. m. Wednesday, September 20

Service Begins—10 a. m. Children's- Service — 1:15 p. m. Memorial Service—3 p. m.

B'NAI JACOB ADAS YESHUKON Tucs<1ay, September 19 Kol Nidre—6:20 p. m. Wednesday, September 20 Morning Services—8 a. m,

Jewish Holiday Calendar Kippur Sept 20 Succot Sept. 25-26 Sliminl Atzerct Oct 2 Simliat Torah Oct. 3 Observance begins on eve of holiday.

ARGENTINA WELCOMES JEWISH REFUGEES Buenos Aires (WNS)—President Arturo Frondizi, on receiving a delegation of United Hias Service from the United States, Argentina and other Latin American countries, declared that Argentina will continue welcoming Jewish refugees settling in the country.


Chief target of the accusation was David Ainmar, secretary genera) of Hie Council of Moroccan Jewish Communities, who bluntly denied that lie attended the World Jewish Congress session in Geneva or that Moroccan Jewish communities had been represented there. The newspaper said that documents dealing wifh thine Geneva proceedings had bfcn distributer] clandestinely to Jews throughout the country. J)eclarln(j that the "danger of Zionism Is no lunger un intcriutl threat" but "tlio foremost evteriml dniiffer to this country," the newspaper wanu-d that "if tlm elc("t«d leaders of the Jewish community have, failed In tln:ir duties as Moroccan citizens and prefer to serve Zionist doetrino In Israel, this means that tlio persons they represent are deliberately and consciously hostile to national Moroccan policy." Moroeeu Is a member ol tlio Arnb League.

Direct Israel-Arab negotiations Urged New York (JTA)—The recent annual convention of the Zionist Organization of America concluded here with a resolution calling upon President Kennedy and the- United States Government to make "a full-scale effort to bring Israel nnd the Arab states into direct negotiations with the aim of averting the danger of war and opening tha way to peace and political stability in the Middle East." Resolute Policy The U.S. Government was also urged to pursue "an equivocal and resolute policy on the Middle East which will servo to deter aggression, promote the con-' structive pursuits of peace and strengthen freedom." The U.S. Government was also asked to reaffirm its commitment "to act promptly and decisively against any nation in the Middle East which attacks its neighbor" and to enforce the principle of free passage through the Suez Canal for all nations, including Israel. Bresslcr Ko-olcctcd Max Bressler of Chicago was re-elected president of the ZOA for a second term. Dr. Emanuel Neumann. and Dr. Abba Ilillel Silver wore re-elected honorary presidents of the organization. Dr. Max Nussbaum was reelected chairman of the national executive council; J a c q u e s Torczyner, associate chairman, and Dr. Morton J. Robbins, vicechairman of the council. Dr. Sidney Marks was re-elected national secretary; Charles Wolf, treasurer; Jacob Goodman and Benjamin J. 15 o f t , associate treasurers.

What Does Senior Citizen's Lounge iean to Retired? the Senior .Citizen's Lounge means opportunity for guidance in making tlio tutor years fruitful and satisfying by learning, sharing and helping. •

Lounge Open Every Monduy Jewish Community Center from 10 A. M. to 3 P. AL • • • Activities, Fun, Recreation Movies, Bible class, .' Socials for Senior Oltlrens

Page Two


Friday, September 15, IDC I


Youth Published weekly on Friday beginning tbe lai.'t iveelc la August Eecono Ciasi Polfaee Polo ol Omaio. Nebr. Annual Subscription, M.OO. Advertising P.otcs on Application. PuWIcotlon Office—101 Ho. JOIh Slretl. Omaha, llcfcr., 342-1344.



SeimueS B. Berek

Dedications The dedication of a monument In mcmoiy of Harry Kubby, will lie held Sunday, September 17 at 1:30 p.m. a t the Oak Hill Cemetery in Council Bluffs. BAIt MITZiVAH IN ISRAEL ' v Jerusalem (WNS)—Bar MitzV'ah is a landmark in the life of nil Jewish boys, but 75 American youths who observed the occasion in Israel will remember the event throughout their lives for another reason—being received by the President of Israel. The youths were confirmed in groups of fifteen at five successive ceremonies at the Veshurun Synagogue here. President Itzhnk I3rn Zvi received thorn on the eve of their departure to the U.S.

SOMMER • New and Repairs • Wiring ©Residential • Commercial

Candlclltilitlng, C:14 p. in.

T© HecacI

Beth Israel: Traditional Friday services, 6:15 p. m. Saturday, 8:45 a. m. Junior Congregation, 10 a. m. Talmud class, 5:45 p. m. Sabbath Mlncha, C:15 p. m. Maariv, 7:05 p. m. Sunday, 9 a. m. Sunday Junior Minyon nt 8:.'!0 n. 'in., followed by breakfast. Daily, 7 a. m. nnd C:20 p. m.

Samuel I. Berek of Fremont, Kebr., has been named statfl chairman of the Nebraska State Committee fur United Nations Pay, October 24, by Governor Frank 13. Morrison. lierek, serving bis ninth consecutivc •U'-nn as United Nations state chninnan, will work with mayors of f>onie 400 communities in the slate, who in turn will npixiint loeid chairmen.

Il'nul Jaeob Adas YrMiiiron: Friday Mineha, G:45 p. m. Saturday, 8:45 a. m. nnd Minchn, 7 p. m. Daily, 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. Teiniita Israel: Shabbas Sliuvali, 8:15 p. in. in chupi-I. Rabbi Sidney Broolcs, officiating.

JOSEPH JO. KtKI.IN Josefili E, Kuklin,- G5, former resident of Omaha, died In I.os A nudes, Cal., on August 29. Mr. Kuklin was one of the Founders of the Tliorpian Athletic Club— the first Jewish athletic organization in Omaha. Mr. Kuklin was honored by the Western Union Telegraph Co. for 47 years of service. He is survived by his wife, Ethel; Iliree sons, Floyd, Alien and Howard ;md two grandchildren.

Beth 1CI: Salihath 'evening sprvices, 7 p. m. Sabbath mornIns, fi:'iO a. m. Family Service, 10:30 a. in. Mineha-Maariv, 6:15 p. m. .Sunday, 8 n. m. Weekly, 7 a. m. and 7 p. m.

Sl'O CAR WASH The Synagogue Youth Organization Is starling the New Year under n new Administration with Suzie Stoler us president nnd Harry Friedman as vice-president. This first activity of the year will he a fund-rai.';in|; car wish nt Beth Israel 'Synagogue, on Sunday, September 17 from 8:30 a. m. to 11 a. in. YOUNG JIJDAEANS All girls in the sixth, seventh nnd eighth grades are invited to the Young Jtidarn.ii rally, .Sunday, September 17, at 2 p. m. nt the Jewish Community Center. Leadens of the groups include: Mrs. Melvin Solotorovslty, mid Miss Arlene Grossman, sixth graders; Mrs. Harold Welsman and Miss Frances Mint/, seventh graders and Mrs. Leo Kanter nnd Miss Ronnie' Meyer, eighth graders.

The annual Memorial Service will be held at Pleasant Hill Cemetery, .Sunday, .September 17 nt 2 p.m. Rabbi Sidney II. lirooks will officiate.

.MHS. JKANETTE AHONSOV Word has been received of the death on .September 5 of Mrs. JoamHte Aronson, CO, of Dallas, BERNIE SOMMEft Texas. Mrs. Aronson was t h e ' 453-1917 mother of Harvey Aronson of Young Couples Dance Omaha. She is also survived by "No Job loo bin or too nn)atl fur us" her husband, Arnold of Dallas, Beth Israel Sept. 23 two sisters of Okmuljjoe, OklaLicensed in Omaha The Beth Israel Yoimf; Couples' und Council Ilium homa, and throe grandchildren. Club will hold its annual dance festivities, Saturday, September 23, at 9:30 p.m. in the Synagogue •aoeseeeoeeaeeaeeaeeeeeaaaaeeaeaoaeaaaavoaeaaao AMERICA'S Wo. I social holl. e Chairmen of the affair are Mr. 100% PURE and Mrs. Milton Belzer. They are BEEF PRODUCTS being assisted by the Messrs. and o Mines. Paul Alpcrson, Gordon Klewitz and Dr. and Mrs. Irving Shapiro. 'Hie $3 per couple "donation" . only the finest tn tasto e will provide iiors D'oeuvres, pro- * Band quality from Kosher fcssional entertainment a n d g Zlon , . . made fresh daily other party surprises. Tickets B in our new, modern/ clean, may be obtained from the syna- ( £ stainless steel kitchens, unRogue office or from the Alper©dor itrict U. S. Government sons, Bolzer's and Mr. and Mrs . ? inspection. Joseph Burstein. The dance is open to the community. l




BOWLINK TO ItKGIN' The Junior R'nai ]}'i:ith HowlIng League for youncstc-rs from 10 years of ace tliroucli the eighth crade, will open the M>afion, Sunday, .Soptemlx.'r 2\ at 1 p. m. at the Ranch Bowl, Plans for the league include sponsors, shirts, Chnmiknh tournament, a parent-child tournament, free banquet nnd awards. Mrs. Ida Sacks, a councilor, 558-1802 or !5.r>8-2:',80 is accepting registrations. Other councilors tire Harold Bloom and Harry Colick. The family of Khtlicr Kaplan express their deep appreciation to friends, relatives, and orKunizntlonH for the many Ulmlnr&srs KIIDUII durlni; tlieir recent Ixiremenirnt of their beloved mother, of blessi-d memory. Mrs. Zona Colin, Mm. Toby I'inRerfih, Mrs. Clnra ]logil:in»ff, Mr. Is.uloro Z:tlin und families.

Modernizing? Expanding? ,r?'^



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Refrigerator fo Mome Mr. nnd Mrs. Loo Fox presented a three-door commercial refrigerator to the Dr. Philip Slier Jewish Home for the aged, The gift was in honor of their wedding anniversary, Nathan L. Nogg, Home Chairman, said.

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Miss Breslow Weds I,os Anj;oles, Col., will lie the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arvln I. Cohen who were muirici] Seplembe 3 ut Belli Israel In n ceremony performed Ijy I'ubbi IJetijutnfn Groner mid Cantor EH K;IJ;:IM. The bride, the former Harriette Lee IJreslow, is the daughter of Mr, rind Mrs, Max Hreslow arul the groom, (lie son of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Cohen, former Omahans, now residing in Los Angeles. Mrs. Norman Chudncoff of Canofja Park, Cal., was matron-ofhonor for her sister. Bridesmaids were Marilyn Breslow, Lincoln, ami Mrs, Siindor Bernstein, sister of the Kroom from Los Anyeles. Attending tlio groom were Sandor Hernstein, best mini; Arnold . Breslow, brother of the bride, and Morris Hlirofjo. Ushers were Normnn PJotkiri, Itentieti Kutlci1, Urucc Lreslow and Boyd IJreslow, the latter two of Lincoln. _ A dinner at the Blackstone Hotel followed tiie ceremony.

Patricia Bassman Marries Bruce Wagner of Denver Miss Patricia Yvonne Batsman, daughter of Mr. und Mrs. Harry Itassman and Bruce Lee Wagner of Denver, Colo., weic married in Vcs Moiiies, la,, September 3. Kabbig Irving WeinEiirt awl Isaac Nadoff officiated «t the ceremony at, Beth L'l Jacob SynagoL'tie. Miss Sandy Baseman served as her sister's maid-of-honor. Bridesmaids were tiie Misses Mcliniia Yourifr, IX-x Moines; Paula Kuntor, Dallas, Tex; Gwendolyn Ilyinan, Mar/itowoe, Wis. Ilobertu Iiassman, Des Moincs was junior bridesmaid. The groom, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hymun W. \V;i[;ner of Denver, had his brother, Steven Wagner, ns best man. Groomsmen were llonuhl Wolfson, Lewis HelleraLcin, botfi of Denver iind Jerry Koufc-r, Iowa City, la. Donald Bassman was junior groomsman. Ushers were Joseph Iiassman, John Smtzer and Richard H. Spcior. Following the ceremony, a reception and dinner were held at the Oes Moincs synagogue. The bride who attends (he University of Colorado at Boulder, is affiliated witii Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority. Mr. Wagner, a member of Phi Sigma'Delta fraternity and n graduate of the same university plans to begin work there on his master's detree in the fall.

Page Three Patronize Jewish Press Advec tisers.

Ermans Are Expected Back From Caribbean Today Mr. and Mrs. Miehael M. Krfell from n matching satin >nan who were married in Kansas bow. City, Mo., will lie at. home in Miss Betty Ermaii, sister of Omaha after September IS, fol- the l>ridegroom, served as maidlowinj; a trip lo Jamaica, Haiti of-honor. Bridesmaids were Judy and Puerto Kico. Tiie ceremony Kaufman, S h e r r 1 e Kaufman, U'n.s" performed September 3 in Kansas City; Pat McO'strich, Beth Shalom synai.'OKue. Grand island, Nebr., and Frances The bride, the former Eileen Ennuii. Duvid Poiler and Josepli Sue Poder, is the daughter of Krman were candlelighters. Daniel Denenbery was best Mr. and Mrs. Irving Poder ot Kansas City; Uic groom, the son man. Groomsmen were Hubert Kaufman, Sylvan Sicgler, Kansas of Mr .and Mrs. Morris Krinan. A fradilional gown of ivory City; Harold Novieoff, Lincoln satin in princess stylo was worn nnd Fred Ilert/., .St. Joseph, Mo. by the bride who carried a Royal Ushers were James Kaufman, Spencer/an ciu\c of while roses Kansas City and Milton Krman. nnd French while carnation cenA buffet iTCeption was held in tered with a white princess or- the Synagogue socini hall followchid. Her veil of silk bridal illu- ing the ceremony.

Sheltey Qreenkrg's AniiouncoiiKnt has been-made, of the e;if;a;:cment of Miss Shelley Grccnbcrg, a former Omahan now of Cleveland, O., and Honuld I.ipson, son of Mrs. Milton Llpfcon of Cleveland. Miss Grecnbert! is the dmif;liler of Mrs. Julius Kutiik, a former Oinnhnn now of Iowa City, la., and of the late Max Grecn-

Mrs. Uniro


Allen Epsteins Live in Lincoln

Tiie bride-to-be attended the State University of Iowa at Iowa City where sho was president of Stema Delta Tan Sorority. She was Kriiducitod from the Universit yof California at Berkeley. Mr. Llpson all ended Ohio University of California at Berkeley, ills law degree from Western Heserve University at Cleveland, lie Is a member Phi Kpsilon Pi, social fraternity and Tan Kpsilon, Hho, law fraternity.

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Iz "Boggy" Bogdanoff L«l Him Help You With Your Clothing Soloctiont

KUpair'icU'% Men's Clothing — Second Floor

Judith Gotten Bride Of Larry Emmer

Mr. and Mrs. Allen Gary Epstein are making their home In Mr. nivl Mrs. Larry Emmer are Lincoln, Nebr. They were married now residing In Oklahoma City, August 27 at Betii Israel .Syna- Okla., after a wedding trip to gogue with Rabbi Benjamin Colorado. The couple was married August Groner, officiating. 27 at Beth JC1 SynafiORUo with The bride, the former PegRy Ralihi Myer S. Kripite officiating. Tiie bride, the former Judith Mrs. Ilnrry Rclmimann, n mem- F.llen Rubcnslein, the daughter ber of the Beth El Sisterhood of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry fluhcnstein, Ann Cohen, daughter o£ Mr. and Braille Group, lias just completed was attended by Miss Nancy Mrs. Dan Cohen, wore n candleJiKht bouffant sheath of Peau the sayings of "Of Our Fathers," (Prike A'Vot) for a blind child Hcrzoff, maid - of - honor. Her do Sole by Murray Hamburger. A self fabric cabbage rose held In Miami, Fla, Proof-reading was bridesmaids were the Misses done by Dr. Morris Margolin, Susan Rubenstein, Gloria Ep- the bride's shoulder 1 e n R t h French illusion veil. She carried Mrs, sdiulmnnn is the only stein, Pamela Perelman and an orchid on n white Bible with Hebrew Brailllst in the city. Sharyn Bernstein. Flower girl stcphanotis, was Denlse Her/off. Mrs. Sheldon Brodsky was 92,300,000 AGREEMENT The groom, son of Mr. nnd matron of honor. Attendants Geneva (WNS)—An agreement providing $2,500,000 to in- Mrs. Harry Epstein, had Tuffy were Nancy Vendor, Mrs. Robert demnify J,100 Swiss victims of Epstein ns best man. Ushers were Epstein and Linda Emmer, the the Nazis in Germnn-occupicd Stan Sax, Stan Cohen, Don Novi- latter a sister of the groom. The attendants wore willow countries during the war, has coff and Gary Epstein. been signed by West Germany A wedding tirp to Kansas City, Rrccn sheaths topped with full and Switzerland. Mo., was taken by the Epsteins. chiffon overskirts. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. AHwrt Emmer, Oklahoma City. He chose for his attendants, Charles Fagln, Oklahoma City, an best, man; Fred Bordman, Don Grcenherg, Alan BOOK GKOUP tion chairmen will participate In L. Cohen, brother of the bride, AT COHEN KBSIDENCE reports and discussions. as groomsmen and Pavid WinThe Book Group of the Omaha troub, Arthur Novak, Jack Baker Chapter Brandeis University Na- NEW DISCUSSION fiKOPP and Carl Fagin as ushers. A discussion group for the tional Women's Committee will meet at 10 a.m., Monday Septem- study of Haslii, Gomorrah, and ber 18, at the home of Mrs. the T/ilmud is being planned.' Omaha Visitors David It. Cohen, 2003 Country Tiiose interested In becoming Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Smnll Club Ave. Mrs. N. H. Greenberg memliers of the group are invited will lead the discussion on "Bab- to call Mrs. Martin Komrnn, nnd son, Stephen, of St. Louis, 393-2489. Mo., are guests nt the home- of Wtt" by Sinclair Lewis. Mrs. Small's parents," Dr. and IIADASSAII nOABO Mrs. A. A. Steinberg. Yoimr COMMISSION The board of the Omaha ChapO&eiCFMS ELECTED Mr. nnd Mrs. Norman E. The.Omoha B'nal B'ritii Youtli ter of Hndassali will meet Mon- Chudacoff and children, LawCommission elected the following day, September 18 for a 12:30 rence Bret nnd Alyson Alayne of officers: Hnrry Colick, president; p, m. coffee nt the Crossroads CanoB-1 Park, Calif., nttendedMrs. Sam Pollak, vice-president; Auditorium. Mrs. Harold Kort is the recent wedding of Miss HarMrs. Max SncKs, secretary; Sam taking reservations'' riette Breslow nnd Arvin Cohen. Htthn, secretary; Mrs. Mrs. Chudacoff and children will Harry Sidman, publicity; Mrs. COMMUNITY HEBREW HIGH spend tiie holidays with her parents, Mi", and Mrs, Max Paul Sacks, girl's senior advisor ' SCHOOL IN-CHICAGO Chicago (WNS)—I''or the first Brcslow. nnd Harold Zcllasky, boy's sentime in its history, Jews of this ior 'advisor, city lvill have a united community HADASSAH ONfca fMIABBAT, Hebrew High School, under the AHTttVlt (JOM'STEIV UORfB joint auspices of the Associated Mr. and Mrs. Hadflsssh's f i r s t Education,', Talmud TorahS: pt Chicago nnd announce the birth of a son, Council Oncg Shabbat of the sca- the, Board o£ Jewish Education. David Jay on August 30. eon will bo the home of The school is -expected to fojlve , Grandparents aIq.: th e Mrs. 'Arthur Goldstein, nt 1 p.m., tin Enrollment of 400 to 500 nnd Mrnes. St«ve Fel(lmart William Iladuzlner. Saturday, September 16. Educa- pupils. :

Braille Project


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Center Sports , Cy Seltchicli . COUNCIL, SOFTBAIX or Adams Pnrk, beginning at 10 Rayim won Its tliirtl straight a.m. Youth Council Softball championThe first Youth Council Athship this summer by winning letic meeting was held in the eleven of twelve league en- Center Physical Education Office counters: 'Die title gives Jlayim to iron out league rules and a fast start toward the Olympic regulations. Attending; the meetprogram year of 1U61-C2. ing wore: Buddy Kpstcln, Larry A.Z.A. 1, took second place Greene, Mark Goldstrom, Sandy with a six and six mark, after hanging in contention most of Die K;t;in, Bob Stein and Cy Seitsummer season. A.Z.A. 1000, chick. Kadi team will play three finished in third and A.Z.A. 300, ^allies with the final Raines being ended in fourth place. Members of the championship held on Sunday. October 8th. team coached by Jim Farbcr are; Rayim won the tille last year. Don Fidler, Roger Friedman, riN'AI, STANDINGS Ittfil) Stephen, Jeffrey Pomernntz, W 1. Jeffrey Wolilner, Dick Zacharia, Kayim 3 0 Alan Rosa, Harry Kircsfield, Wil2 1 liam Kutler, Marshall Widman, P.onu Arnold Weitz, Ted Sanford, Jer- A.Z.A. 1 1 2 ry Lohrman. Sandy Friedman and A.Z.A. 1K0 0 3 Jeffrey Noddle. \v.ut,vi:.'<; TO VANDALS F I N A l STANDINGS W I, Tue.son <\V,NS'i- A warning of Rayim . . . 1 1 1 toil);!) iielion aj.'iiinst vandals A.Z.A. 1 6 6 operating iifiainst relii;iuiis inRonu T> 7 sliluti(7iis u as sounrlet] here ijy A.Z.A. 100 ;' 10 the Tueson polire chief ii|;ain.';t yOIJTH COUNCIL the hackfjrouml of recent swasFLAG FOOTBALL tika-Mnearini; jnciilents. Vandals Another Youth Council Fla;; painted a swastika on the wall Football campaign gets under- of Coni;r('i;alion Anshei Israel, way when.the four clubs swing one of whose stained windows -Into league uction on Sunday, Was smashed. At Tenipli! KnianuSeptember 21th, Game sites will Kl the vandals painted a swasbe determined later in the week, tika on a station WH'KOII that was but will probably be at Elmwood parked in front of the huiMini;.

U. S. Youth Leaders Have Session Wifh Ben-Gurion; Meet Israel's Newcomers


Friday, September 15, 1861


The roots of education ar« bitter, the fruits are sweet.

Uncle of

MONA LISA House of Glamour Jxnuion (\VNSt—A 22-year-old religious school teacher here, Shalom Starkes, has been arrested oil an Israeli extradition warrant charging him with complicity in the kidnnpiiif; in Israel of liis nine-year-old nephew Yosi-le Schumacher. Taken A Year Ago Young Schumacher was abducted more than n year a;;') from his parents by his elderly grandfather, Nacliman Starkos, for fear that be might not {jet a good Orlliodox upbringing In the home of his parents. Subsequently the grandfather was yentrneed to n prison term of one year for contempt of court when he refused to divulge the whereabouts of his grandchild. Some months ngo he was released under a pardon, but when he aj;ain refused to produce the boy, he was sent back to jail in Kamleh, Israel.

recent national election in Israel. She was sure, the said, that "there is a complete answer to the charge-."


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Sfiarefg Oondertms Religious Zealots Jerusalem fWNS)—- Sharp condemnation of the campaign by iiltra-relii;ioii5 zealots against the Jewish Aconcy's youth immlEratlon department was voiced here by Moshc Sharctt, chairman of the Jewish Ajjency, who declared that the record disproved the claim that the religious backgrounds and proclivities of the children involved were being ignored.

MEU Wear

AllESQM Cucfomllnp Apparof

The fact Is, Mr. Hlinrrtt said, that three-fourths of the rcTA\%^ ccntly-nrrivcil tocn-ago lnunlgnintn hod boi-n unit to Orthodox Institutions for tlu-lr education. Tho youth Immigration department, lio added, "b.-is liad under Us rhnrjjo for ninny years the London Inquiries .Some weeks ai;o It was re- MIMS and daughters of Orthodox ported that Scotland Yard was families, nnd no protest had been watching a Londoner. The Lon- voiced against the spirit or tlio don police f;aid it was opposed tono of thiJr cdnmtion In Israel." While the religious zealots 1o placing tho suspect under bail. One jiolice official said "we have were continuing their agitation, jjood information that the child representatives of the Jewish is in this country and we arc Agency conferred with religious making inquiries to locate him." spokesmen on the issue. RepreIlie detained man's lawyer, sentatives of the National ReliKsthcr Ift'i, declared she would gious Party demanded that religifight extradition and detention ous instructors be appointed for of her client without bail. She youth immigrants not only in charged that the extradition Israel but nbroad. They also mo\e was an outgrowth of a urged that representatives of political Issue resulting from the Israel's Chief Rabbinate be named to a committee that Is lo determine the type of education WAXJL TO WAI.I. the youiiK immigrants are to get. AND 1UJ1NITDKK Austria Now Accepts Otcancd la l o u r Home At the same time, Moslie Restitution Claims .Sharett was slated for an early Vienna (WNSI— Claimants to meeting with Agudah Israel • IIRPAIIUMO LAVINU • HKWINU restitution for losses suffered leaders, who have been demandDLNDINQ O CU-ANINQ ing representation on the Youth under tho Nazi rule can now file applications with the Austrian Aliynh committee which deterFund, it was announced here as mines where the youngsters arc to be sent for their education. the fund began its operations. Loan forms were made available to nil Austrian consulates RUG CLEANERS THINK FIRST OF and to the offices of representaDon Bernstein, 345-2554 tive Jewish organizations. Applications will be accepted ' until August 31, 19G2. The fund will Tht Sign of , provide payments for losses of Good Housektepingt hank accounts, securities, cash and mortgages seized by the Nazis between March 13, 1938 and May 8, 1945.


Qucstion-axid-answer session with Prlrno Minister llcn-Ourlon highlighted tho recent lour of Israel by UJA's First Voting Ix-ftdcrshlp Mission. TJJA officials, reporting Intenso intliuslasm among' the young Jewish Americans, eec dedleatcd future leadership usinred.

The gonl of science Is truth. The Koal of art is joy.

1862: America's First Jewish Military Chaplain Visits Wounded


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John Kalma PHOTOGRAPHER 817 SOUTH 36TH STREET 345-1044 During (ho Civil War the U.S. Army appointed Its first JciWsh chaplain, Itablil Jacob Frankcl of 'Philadelphia, hero pictured as ho vlslte-d wounded servicemen In a military hospital. Rabbi Frankcl, ns shown in this Illustration prepared by llio American Jewish Archives, fathered a fine tradition of Phono H2-K66 la liusrt your Wan! Ad b> service to American Jews In uniform. In later years, to conflict and In.time' of peace, Jewish chaplains Ihj Jewlsti Pro), have provided spiritual comfort and Inspiration t o oi/r men and their dependents In tho Armed find hi Veterans Administration hospitals,, Tho centennial anniversary of the founding of tho Jew- DAU,Y JEWISH NEWSPAPEBS ish chaplaincy will Jw : .launched a t the 19GZ Biennial Convention of tho .National Jewish Welfare BAR and Baa Mitzvah congratulations also for ail Jewiiili holiBoard next.April by Its Commission on J e w i s h Chaplaincy, the agency charged by the U.S. Govdays and special occasions. ernment W i t h the responsibility for recruiting:, endorsing and serving Jewish chaplain* tor (Uibranclios Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge • f tho military establishment.

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